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OpenFOAM step by step tutorial

Technical Report December 2016


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1 author:

Victor Pozzobon
Ecole Centrale Paris


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Microalgae Lagragian tracking in photobioreactor View project

OpenFOAM Tutoring View project

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OpenFOAM tutorial

OpenFOAM tutorial
Discover it, tame it, use it

by Victor Pozzobon

26th December 2016 Version 1.03


This offering is not approved or endorsed by

OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the
OpenFOAM software and owner of the
OPENFOAM and OpenCFD trade marks.

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 2


This tutorial is a brief introduction to

This document is a step by step guide
It was done to be used on its own, there should
be no need for a presenter (myself)
It was designed for OpenFOAM 3.0.1 and
validated with 16.06+ version (changes may
appear in superior versions)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 3


OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation And

Manipulation) is a versatile equations solver
Why do I use OpenFOAM ?
- free
- powerful
- opensource
- allows a lot of freedom
- no GUI (helps to focus on the equations)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 4

How to use this tutorial

Almost every command will passed through the

terminal. For example, when you see:
gedit system/controlDict
you type it in the terminal
As OpenFOAM has no GUI, we will modify files.
For example, when you see this kind of picture:
modify the file so that
its content is the same
before you save it

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 5

Battle plan

Ex. 1: Cavity Ex. 6: Tubular reactor

- getting started - solver modifying (1/2)
Ex. 2: Square tube Ex. 7: Tubular reactor
- mesh manipulation - solver modifying (2/2)
- steady state
Ex. 8: Heating pipe
Ex. 3: 1D beam - custom boundary
- 1D problem condition
- transient
Ex. 9: Cake backing
Ex. 4: 2D flat plate - field affectation
- 2D problem
Ex. 10: Tank filling
Ex. 5: 2D pipe - importing a mesh
- axisymmetric problem - run in parallel
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 6
Ex. 1: Cavity - Objectives

Accessing your work directory

Accessing OpenFOAM tutorials
Understanding case architecture
Running your first OpenFOAM case
Postprocessing with ParaFoam (Paraview with
OpenFOAM reader module): data modifying,
line date / point data extraction

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 7

Ex. 1: Cavity - Run

To access your directory type in a terminal:

To get the full path type:
You will see:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 8

Ex. 1: Cavity - Tutorials

To copy official tutorials to your run:

cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS Tutorials
Go to the case directory:
cd Tutorials/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity/cavity

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 9

Ex. 1: Cavity - Architecture
Case directory
Initial conditions directory
Pressure / Velocity initial conditions

Mesh directory

Physical properties values

Solving parameters directory
Mesh instructions

Parameters file
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 10
Ex. 1: Cavity Run the case

Once in 'cavity' directory, create the mesh:

Call the solver:
(you can note that the solver created several
directories e.g. '0.1'. These directories contain
data for a given time)
Watch the results:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 11

Ex. 1: Cavity Postprocessing

Data analysis pipeline

Load the case

Load geometric fields

Load the fields

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 12
Ex. 1: Cavity Postprocessing

Plotted Observation tools

Plot Rescale
legend legend Time


26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 13

Ex. 1: Cavity Postprocessing

Make it look shinier:

Filters / Alphabetical / Cell data to point data
Calculate something:
Filters / Common / Calculator OR
Extract profiles:
Filters / Data Analysis / Plot Over Line
Extract histories:
Filters / Data Analysis / Plot Selection Over Time

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 14

Battle plan

From Ex. 2 to Ex. 5, we are going to learn how

to use existing solvers in different
We are going to set 3D, 2D planar, 2D
axisymmetrical and 1D cases
We are going to explore postprocessor basic

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 15

Ex. 2: Square tube - Objectives

Creating your own case

Creating a mesh
Specifying initial / boundary conditions
Specifying physical properties values
Solving a steady state problem
Postprocessing with ParaFoam: integrating
variable / checking mass conservation

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 16

Ex. 2: Square tube Case setup

Solving steady state incompressible

Navier-Stokes equation, in a fourth of a square

dU p 2

+ U . U = + U

2 cm 20 cm

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 17

Ex. 2: Square tube A new case

Go to your 'run' directory:

Copy an existing case:
cp -r
$FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/ Ex2
Move to the case directory:
cd Ex2
Open the mesh file:
gedit system/blockMeshDict

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 18

Ex. 2: Square tube A new mesh

A fourth of a square tube with symmetry plane

Points have to be prescribed in order to bluid a
mesh (consider doing a sketch) 5 6 x

Wall 2
7 1
Inlet Outlet
0 3
26th December 2016 plane Pozzobon Victor 19
Ex. 2: Square tube A new mesh

Beware, the
points are to be Scaling
prescribed in factor
order not to
back cross a line Block division
Do (0 4 7 3) along axis
locations Division grading
4 7

0 3 Points needed to
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor build a block 20
Ex. 2: Square tube A new mesh
Avoid (0 3 4 7) name
4 7


0 3 Point sequence
delimiting the
Inlet Outlet

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 21

Ex. 2: Square tube A new mesh

Compile your mesh:

Check its quality:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 22

Ex. 2: Square tube Turbulence
model and parameters
Choose the turbulence
model. In this case, there
is no turbulence:
gedit constant/turbulenceProperties
Because we disabled the
turbulence, there will
be no need to specify:
epsilon, k, nut and nuTilda
rm 0/epsilon 0/k 0/nut 0/nuTilda
0/f 0/omega 0/v2

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 23

Ex. 2: Square tube IC / BC

Open initial / boundary conditions files in the

'0' directory:
gedit 0/p
gedit 0/U
Physical field

Physical field unit

[ kg m s K mol A Cd]
Initial condition

Boundary condition
on 'inlet' patch
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 24
Ex. 2: Square tube IC / BC, p

Open initial / boundary

conditions for the pressure

Field type, here


26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 25

Ex. 2: Square tube IC / BC, U

Open initial / boundary

conditions for the velocity

Field type, here


26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 26

Ex. 2: Square tube Setting values

Open transportProperties
file, this is where physical
properties value (e.g.
viscosity) are specified:
gedit constant/transportProperties

Property name
Property dimension
[ kg m s K mol A Cd]
Property value
Subdictionaries for some viscosity laws,
can be removed in our case
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 27
Ex. 2: Square tube Control values

Open case control file:

gedit system/controlDict

Erase the functions and

End time = maximum

number of iteration

Constant time step

equals to 1

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 28

Ex. 2: Square tube Control values

In steady state, the maximum number of

iteration is prescribed using endTime. Yet, there
is no variation in time. It is a trick, nothing

Data are extracted every

5 iterations

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 29

Ex. 2: Square tube Run the case

The mesh has already been built, so let's run

the case:
(it should converge in about 20 iterations)
Have a look at the results:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 30

Ex. 2: Square tube Postprocessing

Check mass conservation:

Filters / Common / Slice
Filters / Data Analysis / Integrate Variables
Check velocity profile:
Filters / Data Analysis / Plot Over Line

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 31

Ex. 3: 1D beam - Objectives

Setting a 1D case
Solving a transient problem
Postprocessing with ParaFOAM: importing
variables (other than p and U)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 32

Ex. 3: 1D beam Case setup

Solving transient heat conduction in a 1D beam

dT 2
= T
dt Symmetry

Hot side Cold side

20 cm

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 33

Ex. 3: 1D beam Case creation

Reach 'run' directory:

Copy an existing heat transfer case:
cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/basic/laplacianFoam/flange Ex3
cd Ex3
Clean the case directory:
rm Allclean Allrun flange.ans
Copy Ex2 mesh:
cp ../Ex2/system/blockMeshDict system/.

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 34

Ex. 3: 1D beam Modifying mesh

Modify file:
gedit system/blockMeshDict
Build mesh:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 35

Ex. 3: 1D beam IC / BC

Modify temperature file:

gedit 0/T

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 36

Ex. 3: 1D beam Diffusivity

Modify transport property file:

gedit constant/transportProperties

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 37

Ex. 3: 1D beam Control value

Modify control dictionary:

gedit system/controlDict
Run the case:
Postprocess the case:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 38

Ex. 3: 1D beam Postprocessing

Check T, as a 'Volume field' when loading data

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 39

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate - Objectives

Setting a 2D case
Building a 2 block mesh
Changing convergence criterion
Postprocessing with ParaFoam: plotting

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 40

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Case setup

Solving incompressible air flow above a flat

plate, in steady state

dU p 2

+ U . U = + U
30 cm

20 cm

20 cm
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 41
Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Case creation

Reach 'run' directory:

Copy an existing case:
cp -r Ex2 Ex4
cd Ex4
Clean the case directory:
foamListTimes -rm
(this command removes time/iteration folders
except the 0 folder)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 42

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Mesh

We will create a mesh made of two blocks.

Modify file: gedit system/blockMeshDict

Inlet Outlet

Block 1
Down Plate
Block 2
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 43
Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Creating mesh

Create the two blocks

blockMesh will
merge them

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 44

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Creating mesh

Set the faces

Build mesh:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 45

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate IC / BC

Modify velocity file:

gedit 0/U

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 46

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate IC / BC

Modify pressure file:

gedit 0/p

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 47

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Viscosity

Modify the kinematic viscosity:

gedit constant/transportProperties

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 48

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Convergence

Modify pressure / velocity convergence criteria:

gedit system/fvSolution
In this case, there are a
lot of options. Some
solvers are much

Solved type and
field options
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 49
Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Convergence

Simulations can be stopped automatically once

residues values have been reached
For 2D cases, the unsolved
component of the velocity
vector prevents the solver from
reaching the tolerance most of
time. Therefore, a number of
iterations has to be

Residues values
set for convergence
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 50
Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Run the case

The mesh has already been built

The controlDict has not changed from Ex2. The solver
will run for 100 iterations. It is enough to get the
residues below 10-6
gedit system/controlDict
Run the case:
Have a look at the results:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 51

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Postprocessing

Lower the first scene opacity:

'Click on the filter' / Display / Styling / Opacity
Plot the streamline from the inlet:
Filters / Common / Stream Tracer
Set streamlines' sources as a line, not a point:
'Click on stream tracer' / Properties / Seeds / Seed type =>
High resolution line source
Set the line you want using the coordinates

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 52

Ex. 4: 2D flat plate Postprocessing

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 53

Ex. 5: 2D pipe - Objectives

Creating a 2D axisymmetrical mesh

Nothing fancy ...

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 54

Ex. 5: 2D pipe Case setup

Solving incompressible flow in a 2D

axisymmetrical pipe, in steady state

dU p 2

+ U . U = + U
dt 10 cm

1 cm

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 55

Ex. 5: 2D pipe Case creation

Reach 'run' directory:

Copy an existing case:
cp -r Ex2 Ex5
Go to the new case directory:
cd Ex5
Clean the case directory:
foamListTimes -rm

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 56

Ex. 5: 2D pipe Mesh

Modify file: gedit system/blockMeshDict


Front and
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 57
Ex. 5: 2D pipe Block creation

Draw a wegde,
with a 5 angle
(twice 2.5)
Points 1, 2 and 3 are
not used to build the cos(2.5)
geometry. OpenFOAM
uses them to define sin(2.5)
x, y and z directions :
- point 0 to point 1 = x
- point 1 to point 2 = y
- point 0 to point 4 = z
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 58
Ex. 5: 2D pipe Patches creation

In order to do things
by the book, create
two 'wedge' patches
(here, 'front' and
It would have worked
with only one, but
checkMesh would have
returned an error

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 59

Ex. 5: 2D pipe IC / BC p

Set pressure boundary /

initial conditions:
gedit 0/p

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 60

Ex. 5: 2D pipe IC / BC U

Set veolicty boundary /

initial conditions:
gedit 0/U

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 61

Ex. 5: 2D pipe Run the case

(As usual now) The mesh has already been built,

the controlDict has not changed from Ex2. As for
Ex4, we have to set the desired number of
gedit system/controlDict
So let's run the case:
Have a look at the results:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 62

Ex. 5: 2D pipe Postprocessing

E.g. check velocity profile

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 63

Battle plan

We have used two different builtin solvers

(icoFoam, simpleFoam and laplacianFoam)
We have set cases in 3D, 2D planar, 2D
axisymmetrical and 1D configurations
We have learnt how to process data with
Paraview (paraFoam)
We are going to learn how to solve our own
equations and set fancy cases

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 64

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Objectives

Create our own solver

Use basic operators
Create the associated case

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 65

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Case setup

1D tubular reactor with heterogeneous catalysis

on porous media without chemical reaction in
steady state / hydrodynamics only

.U =
U p 2 p=0

Inlet Outlet

100 cm
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 66
Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
directory creation
Reach 'run' directory:
Create a solver directory:
mkdir solvers
Copy an existing solver:
cp -r $FOAM_APP/solvers/basic/laplacianFoam solvers/.
Rename the solver directory:
mv solvers/laplacianFoam solvers/tubeFoam

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 67

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
cleaning up
Move to solver directory:
cd solvers/tubeFoam
Clean the directory:
rm write.H
Rename the file:
mv laplacianFoam.C tubeFoam.C

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 68

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
Modify compilation file:
gedit Make/files
You can specify compilation options:
gedit Make/options
(None need to be applied here)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 69

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
modification / createFields.H
Modify createFields.H to
create the new fields:
gedit createFields.H

Pressure field
(scalar field)

Velocity field
(vector field)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 70

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
modification / createFields.H
Modify createFields.H to
read the physical
gedit createFields.H

Physical property
called 'Mu'

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 71

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
modification / tubeFoam.C
Modify tubeFoam.C
to specify the
equations that will
be solved:
gedit tubeFoam.C
Time loop
Correction loop
(not mandatory)

Solved equations
(implicit '=0')

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 72

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
Clean the directory and compile:
wclean; wmake
If you get an error, here is what to do:
1. Read the expection message
2. Get error file and line number

Error file
and line number

3. Take care of it

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 73

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Case
Now that the solver has been compiled, let's
create the case we are going to solve. Since it
is a 1D case, copy Ex3 (1D thermal beam) case
cp -r Ex3 Ex6
Go to the case directory, clean it:
cd Ex6
foamListTimes -rm

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 74

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Mesh
Create the mesh:
gedit system

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 75

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor IC / BC

Build the mesh:

Create IC / BC files:
mv 0/T 0/p
cp 0/p 0/U
gedit 0/p 0/U

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 76

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor IC / BC
Pressure field Velocity field
(scalar field) (vector field)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 77

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Physical
Modify physical properties file:
gedit constant/transportProperties

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 78

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Numerical
Modify numerical schemes in order to specify a
steady state resolution:
gedit system/fvSchemes

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 79

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Solver
Modify solver parameters:
gedit system/fvSolution
Specify tolerance on pressure equation
as single iteration stopping criterion

Number of correction
iteration (used for non
orthogonal meshes)

Specify tolerance on pressure equation

as simulation stopping criterion

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 80

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Control
Modify solver parameters:
gedit system/controlDict
In this case, the solver is
only calculating a Laplacian
operator, Thus, a 10-6 residue
is reached quite fast
(2 iterations)

Changing it is not

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 81

Ex. 6: Tubular reactor Run it

Let's run the case:

Process it:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 82

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Objectives

Create our own solver with more complex

Use common operators
Evolving a case

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 83

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Case setup

1D tubular reactor with chemical reaction, in

transient state A +B=C
dA 2
=v AB
+ .( U A)= D A
dB 2
=0 2
+ .( U B)=D B .U p=0
dC =
U p

+ .( U C)=D C + Symmetry
dt planes
Inlet Outlet

100 cm
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 84
Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
directory creation
Reach 'run' directory:
Move to solver directory:
cd solvers
Copy the existing solver:
cp -r tubeFoam tubeChemFoam
Move to and clean the directory:
cd tubeChemFoam

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 85

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
Rename the file:
mv tubeFoam.C tubeChemFoam.C
Modify compilation file:
gedit Make/files

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 86

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
modification / createFields.H
Modify createFields.H to create the species fields:
gedit createFields.H

Defined in
the source
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor code 87
Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
modification / createFields.H
Modify createFields.H to
read the physical
gedit createFields.H

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 88

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
modification / tubeChemFoam.C
to add species fields:
gedit tubeChemFoam.C

Interpolates the
velocity field on the
mesh in order to
later calculate the
divergence operator

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 89

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
compilation / Case creation
Clean the directory and compile:
wclean; wmake
Move to cases directory:
Copy Ex6 directory:
cp -r Ex6 Ex7
Move to the case directory:
cd Ex7

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 90

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Case
Clean the directory:
foamListTimes -rm
Build the mesh:

Modify physical
gedit constant/transportPropeties

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 91

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor IC / BC

Create file for the species fields: A field

cp 0/p 0/A
cp 0/p 0/B
cp 0/p 0/C
Keep the existing files
for pressure and velocity
Modify species files:
gedit 0/A
gedit 0/B
gedit 0/C
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 92
Ex. 7: Tubular reactor IC / BC
B field C field

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 93

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Numerical
Set numerical schemes:
gedit system/fvSchemes

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 94

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Solver
Add solvers:
gedit system/fvSolution
Due to the use of the
divergence, we need to
use asymmetric solvers
for the species fields

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 95

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Control
Add solvers:
gedit system/controlDict
Run the case:
Process it:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 96

Ex. 7: Tubular reactor Nice pics

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 97

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Objectives

Modify an existing solver

Create a variating boundary condition
Evolve a case

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 98

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Case setup

Solving incompressible flow in a 2D

axisymmetrical pipe with heat transfer , in
steady state
10 cm

1 cm

dU p 2

+ U . U = + U
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 99
Ex. 8: Heating pipe Case setup

Solving incompressible flow in a 2D

axisymmetrical pipe with heat transfer, in
steady state
dT T = .(k T )
Cp + Cp . U

T inlet = 20 C

T surrounding = 80 C
k T . n =h(T T sur )
26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 100
Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
Reach 'run' directory:
Move to solver directory:
cd solvers

Copy simpleFoam:
cp -r $FOAM_APP/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam .
mv simpleFoam simpleThermFoam
Move to the new solver directory:
cd simpleThermFoam

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 101

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
creation / modification
Clean the directory:
rm -r porousSimpleFoam/ SRFSimpleFoam/ simpleFoam.dep
Clean the directory:
Rename simpleFoam:
mv simpleFoam.C simpleThermFoam.C
Change compilation file:
gedit Make/files

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 102

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
modification / createFields.H
Add temperature field
and related physical
properties to createFields.H:
gedit createFields.H

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 103

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
modification / createFields.H
Carry on ...

Loading turbulence
model (we do not
use it in this case)

Add temperature

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 104

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
modification / createFields.H
Carry on ...


Loading physical values

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 105

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
modification / simpleThermFoam.C
Modify solver to add temperature equation:
gedit simpleThermFoam.C

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 106

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver
compilation / boundary condition
Clean the directory and compile:
wclean; wmake
Move to cases directory:
Create a directory to store boundary condition:
mkdir boundaryConditions
Move to this directory:
cd boundaryConditions

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 107

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Create
boundary condition
Copy an existing boundary condition:
cp -r
alTemperature convectiveHeatFlux
Move to the convectiveHeatFlux directory and
clean it (if need be):
cd convectiveHeatFlux
rm totalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField.dep

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 108

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition
Renane the boundary condition files:
mv totalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField.C
mv totalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField.H

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 109

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Compilation
Create Make folder:
mkdir Make
Create rule files:
gedit Make/files Make/options



26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 110

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .H file
Modify convectiveHeatFluxFvPatchScalarField.H:
gedit convectiveHeatFluxFvPatchScalarField.H

Replace all totalTemperature occurences by
convectiveHeatFlux (consider using ctrl + H)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 111

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .H file

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 112

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .H file

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 113

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .C file
Modify convectiveHeatFluxFvPatchScalarField.C:
gedit convectiveHeatFluxFvPatchScalarField.C

Replace all totalTemperature occurences by
convectiveHeatFlux (consider using ctrl + H)
Change scalar affection to a gradient
Set thermal gradient equation

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 114

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .C file

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 115

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .C file

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 116

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .C file

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 117

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Modify
boundary condition .C file

Compile the boundary condition:

wclean; wmake OR wclean; wmake libso

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 118

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Create case
Move to cases directory:
Copy Ex5 directory:
cp -r Ex5 Ex8
Move to the case directory:
cd Ex8

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 119

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Create case
Clean the case directory:
foamListTimes -rm
Modify physical properties:
gedit constant/transportPropeties

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 120

Ex. 8: Heating pipe IC / BC

Create temperature field:

cp 0/p 0/T
Edit the field:
gedit 0/T

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 121

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Solver

Pick a solver for the temperature field:

gedit system/fvSolution
Deliberately high to
prevent the problem
with the unsolved
component of the
velocity field (cf. Ex 4)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 122

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Schemes

Choose numerical scheme for temperature

gedit system/fvSchemes
Keep the default
Laplacian scheme

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 123

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Specify library
Modify controlDict to specify
the use of convectiveHeatFlux
boundary condition:
gedit system/controlDict
1000 iterations maximum
should be enough
(mine converged after
402 iterations)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 124

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Run the case

Create the mesh:

Run the case:
Open paraFoam:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 125

Ex. 8: Heating pipe Process the
Have a look at the temperature field:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 126

Ex. 9: Cake baking Objectives

Modify an existing solver

Set a field that depend on another field
Set custom field
Use an existing case as initial condition
We are going to simulate the backing of a cake:
- heating up with chocolate melting (20 min, 180C)
- cooling down with chocolate solidification (1 hour)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 127

Ex. 9: Cake baking Case setup

2D cake backing, with chocolate phase change

dT 1 dC dLC
Cp = .(k T )+Q Q= ( ) H
dt 2 dt dt
Ea 1
dC RT Ea T T surrounding = 180 C
= A 1 e C + A2 e LC 2

dt k T . n =h(T T sur )
d LC
Ea T
=A 2 e LC + A 1 e RT C


26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 128
Ex. 9: Cake baking Solver
directory creation
Reach 'run' directory:
Move to solver directory:
cd solvers
Copy the existing solver:
cp -r tubeFoam cakeFoam
Move to and clean the directory:
cd cakeFoam

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 129

Ex. 9: Cake baking Set
compilation rules
Rename tubeFoam:
mv tubeFoam.C cakeFoam.C
Change compilation file:
gedit Make/files

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 130

Ex. 9: Cake baking Modiy
Modify fields and physical properties:
gedit createFields.H

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 131

Ex. 9: Cake baking Modiy

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 132

Ex. 9: Cake baking Modify the
Rename tubeFoam:
gedit cakeFoam.C

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 133

Ex. 9: Cake baking Compile the
solver / create case
Compile the solver:
wclean; wmake
Move to 'run':
Create the case directory:
cp -r Ex4 Ex9
Move to the case directory:
cd Ex9

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 134

Ex. 9: Cake baking Prepare case

Clean the case:

foamListTimes -rm
rm 0/U
Create fields files:
cp 0/p 0/C
cp 0/p 0/LC
mv 0/p 0/T

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 135

Ex. 9: Cake baking Create mesh

Boundary name and location:



Down Right

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 136

Ex. 9: Cake baking Create mesh

Modify the mesh:

gedit system/blochMeshDict

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 137

Ex. 9: Cake baking IC / BC

Modify the mesh:

gedit 0/T

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 138

Ex. 9: Cake baking IC / BC

Modify the mesh:

gedit 0/C

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 139

Ex. 9: Cake baking IC / BC

Modify the mesh:

gedit 0/LC

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 140

Ex. 9: Cake baking Chocolate

We have to specify the position of every

chocolate chip. In this case, only three pieces
will be set. First, copy an existing dictionary:
k/system/setFieldsDict system/.

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 141

Ex. 9: Cake baking Chocolate

Set the chips location

and shape:
gedit system/setFieldsDict

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 142

Ex. 9: Cake baking Set properties
for the heating phase
Set the physical properties for the heating
Chocolate solidification parameter are set to 0:
gedit constant/transportProperties

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 143

Ex. 9: Cake baking Set properties
for the heating phase
Set the case to transient
and specify solver features:
gedit system/fvSchemes
gedit system/fvSolution

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 144

Ex. 9: Cake baking Set control
The heating phase
lasts 20 min (1800 s):
gedit system/controlDict

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 145

Ex. 9: Cake baking Run the case

Create the mesh:

Set chocolate field:
Solve the case:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 146

Ex. 9: Cake baking Modify the
Now that the heating phase has been run,
modify physical properties value:
gedit constant/transportProperties
This time, chocolate melting is disabled and
chocolate solidification is enabled

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 147

Ex. 9: Cake baking Reset control
The cooling phase
lasts 60 min (3600 s):
gedit system/controlDict

The last iteration will be

used as initialization

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 148

Ex. 9: Cake baking Rerun the
Solve the last part of the case:
Process the case:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 149

Ex. 9: Cake baking Process the

Temperature during the

Chocolate chips cooldown

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 150

Ex. 10: Tank filling - Objectives

This case is really basic. Its purpose is only to

discuss topics that were left uncovered
Import a mesh created with an external tool
Run a case in parallel
Exporting an animation

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 151

Ex. 10: Tank filling Case setup

Transient filling of a tank. Initially, it is full of air,

then, we are going to fill it using the two phases
flow solver interFoam
Air outlet

Water inlet

Tank walls

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 152

Ex. 10: Tank filling A new case

Go to your 'run' directory:

Copy 'damBreak':
cp -r
Break/damBreak/ Ex10
Move to the case directory:
cd Ex10

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 153

Ex. 10: Tank filling Importing the

The mesh is called 'Tank.unv'. It was drawn using
salome. It should have already been provided to
you, if this is not the case, you can find it here:
Move the mesh file to the case directory:
mv 'somewhere'/Tank.unv Ex10/.
Import the mesh:
ideasUnvToFoam Tank.unv

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 154

Ex. 10: Tank filling Importing the
There is no need to build the mesh using
blockMesh, is has already been done when
importing it. Yet, it has to be resized: atmosphere
transformPoints -scale '(0.001 0.001 0.001)'
You can check the
mesh using paraFoam: inlet

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 155

Ex. 10: Tank filling IC / BC

Modify velocity
boundary conditions
according to the case
gedit 0/U

Negative because of
axis orientation

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 156

Ex. 10: Tank filling IC / BC

Modify the pressure

boundary conditions:
gedit 0/p_rgh

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 157

Ex. 10: Tank filling IC / BC

Copy the water phase file:

cp 0/ 0/alpha.water

Keep the '.org' file. It is used as a backup in
case you would have modified the initial
condition using setFields

To prevent any problem, move the '.org' file to
the case root
mv 0/ .

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 158

Ex. 10: Tank filling IC / BC

Modify the water

boundary conditions:
gedit 0/alpha.water

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 159

Ex. 10: Tank filling Setting gravity

Modify gravity orientation, so that the tank will

be vertical:
gedit constant/g

Negative because of
axis orientation

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 160

Ex. 10: Tank filling Running
OpenFOAM runs in parallel using a decomposition of
mesh and fields. You can specify the cut yourself or ask
scotch to do it for you (our call here). As a good rule of
thumb, each processor should at least have 30000 cells
to compute, if you want to see an increase in
computational speed.
Copy the decomposition dictionary from an existing case:
bstacle/system/decomposeParDict system/.

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 161

Ex. 10: Tank filling Running
Modify the decomposition dictionary:
gedit system/decomposeParDict
Once it is done, decompose the case:

Number of processors
that are going to be

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 162

Ex. 10: Tank filling Control values

Open case control file:

gedit system/controlDict
The tank takes about 40s to
fill up, which represented a
cpu time of 2 days for me.
So set endTime according to
your liking. I would advice
0.30s. It still requires
30 minutes to run

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 163

Ex. 10: Tank filling Control values

Note that interFoam uses an

adaptive time step

Maximum Courant

Maximum time step

(in second)

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 164

Ex. 10: Tank filling Run the case

The mesh has already been built. The case has

been split between processors, so let's run the
mpirun -np 2 interFoam

Number of processors
you want to use (has to
be in agreement with

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 165

Ex. 10: Tank filling Post
processing the case
The case can then be processed. First, create a
new directory to store the pictures that we will
use to build the animation:
mkdir Extraction
Then launch the post processor:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 166

Ex. 10: Tank filling Postprocessing

Load all the fields, then set opacity of the base

filter to 0.1:
Ex10.OpenFOAM / Style / Opacity

Add a contour filter, on alpha.water field, with a
threshold of 0.1:
Filters / Common / Contour
Change the background color to white:
Edit / View Settings ... / Choose color

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 167

Ex. 10: Tank filling Postprocessing

Set the camera angle to your liking by using the

mouse or the 'Adjust Camera' tool:

Adjust Camera

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 168

Ex. 10: Tank filling Postprocessing

Save the individual picture:

File / Save Animation ...
Click 'Save Animation' on the prompted form
(the settings do not matter here)
Pick 'Extraction' folder and choose a name for
the pictures (I chose 'Water')

Now paraFoam is filling 'Extraction' directory with
frames of the animation

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 169

Ex. 10: Tank filling Postprocessing

Close paraFoam and go 'Extraction' folder:

cd Extraction
Create your .gif file:
convert -delay 10 -loop 0 Water.*.png Your.gif

Time between two

frames in milliseconds

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 170

It's over

This tutorial is over, thank you for your attention

I hope you enjoyed it
It was just a brief and partial overview of
OpenFOAM possibilities
Please feel free to contact me:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 171

The extra mile

The open source software, I use to draw and

mesh complex geometries:
Another open source software which can be
used to process high volume results:
Where I ask for help:
CFD Online:

26th December 2016 Pozzobon Victor 172

It's over

Again, thank you for your attention.

26th December 2016

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Pozzobon Victor 173

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