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Thursday, March 16, 2017 Vol. 52, No. 43 Verona, WI Hometown USA ConnectVerona.com $1
Going public
entirely in Spanish.
Meetings allow Voters will decide on
for detailed the spring ballot wheth-
er the district can borrow
conversations more than $180 million
for a new high school,
SCOTT GIRARD athletic fields, a pool,
Unified Newspaper Group renovations and new
operating expenses. The
However the April 4 referendum is split into
referendum turns out, three questions: the high
Verona Area School Dis- school building with an
trict officials hope voters auditorium and prac-
feel theyre making a tice fields; a new pool
fully informed decision and competition athletic
when they mark yes or fields; and an ongoing
no. operating question that
Id rather have people would be needed begin-
vote no and do so in an ning in 2020.
informed way than won- The two public ses-
Rendering courtesy DOnofrio Kottke Associates der what theyre voting sions this week followed
An aerial view of the project looking south shows strategically placed bumpouts to facilitate pedestrian crossings, colored for, VASD superinten- a pair of smaller events
concrete, additional seating areas and more decorations. It will cost a few parking spaces, however. dent Dean Gorrell told last week at which two
Verona Press
And Fitness
105 N. Main St., Verona Raffles, Door Prizes
MainStreetDentists.com and Refreshments!
a King Midas (Asiah Doyle) is delighted to
find that the gods granted his wish and that
Myrrha (Natalie Long) escapes the wrath of
her father after he tries to strangle her, and
everything he touches turns to gold. she later melts into the pool.
taining 24 units, something wanted to see a workforce estimated the project would age.
three alders took a heavy component in the plans,
Forward Development
add up to about $30 mil-
lion to the tax increment
A lot of people who talk
about affordable housing, if
Served !
stand against Monday.
While they were outnum- Group seemed unprepared and would require around they know what it really is,
bered in a 5-3 vote approv- for the show of solidarity. $3 million to $7 million they would not support it,
ing the projects general The three votes against the in TIF assistance, num- he said.
development plan (GDP), GDP present no real threat bers he said city staff were Nonetheless, Doyle
they clearly made an to the plans proceeding to aware of but hadnt gotten argued, the citys compre-
impression, with developers completion but perhaps a formal application for. hensive plan calls for it and
still holding an animated put its prospects of getting He actually broke down provides examples. And
discussion some 15 minutes as much as $7 million in those expense ranges into that part of the citys plan Contact us or stop in for a
later outside the council tax-increment financing in environmental remediation clearly is at odds with some FREE consultation.
chambers. the next several weeks at (under $1 million to about recent decisions.
Ald. Luke Diaz (Dist. 3) risk. $3 million) and financial The majority of apart-
Developer representa- assistance somewhere in m e n t s bu i l t i n Ve r o n a 190 Paoli St. (Hwy 69 South & 18/151)
started the avalanche that
tive Ron Henshue stumbled the neighborhood of 3-to-5 over the past several years 608-845-9700
took over the discussion
right from the beginning. over an explanation of what million dollars. have been aimed at Epic
ClearyBuilding.com 800-373-5550
He acknowledged that he the company was prepared He offset the remedia-
loves the idea of getting rid to do to assist current apart- tion numbers with expected
of the old, abandoned truck ment residents when they brownfield grants covering
stop and that the whole are forced to leave. about one-third of the costs.
corridor is ripe for devel- We can take that respon- Ald. Evan Touchett (D-4)
opment, but he could not, sibility on as a develop- tried to point out that the
90th Birthday
from a moral perspective er, he said. We have not TIF component would
vote for it. developed that plan, and we allow the council to accept
The idea of using TIF can develop that and bring the GDP without reserva-
incentives to push people that to you. We will make tions because all it locks
out of their houses does not sure that we will do that. in is the projects densi-
sit right with me, he said. He was put on the spot in ty and general layout, and
He was quickly joined a different way a few min- alders would get an oppor-
utes later, when Ald. Mac tunity to object to the citys
a legacy of caring
independent assisted
memory care
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4 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press
Opinion ConnectVerona.com
Community Voices
savings accounts
debate and welcomes letters to the the writers full name, address,
editor, provided they comply with and phone number so that the
our guidelines. Political endorse- paper may confirm authorship.
ments and other election letters Unsigned or anonymous letters
must be submitted about two will not be printed. The editorial
weeks before the relevant election. staff of Unified Newspaper Group lot of attention has been company begins covering costs. deductible in the year made (or
For the upcoming spring election reserves the right to edit letters for paid recently to the health A copay is often expressed in the pre-tax if made via an employer
on April 4, general election letters length, clarity and appropriate- care system in our country, form of a percentage and represents plan), the balance grows without
need to be submitted by March 20 ness. with sometimes extreme emotions a shared financial responsibility incurring taxes, and if the money is
and will be printed by March 23. This policy will be printed from on all sides of the issue. between the insured and the insur- withdrawn for a qualified medical
Letters will be printed as space time to time in an abbreviated Some advocates are looking ance company once the deductible expense it comes out tax-free.
allows. Other special rules apply form here and will be posted in its for a complete overhaul, while has been met. The list of medical expenses that
during election season. entirety on our websites. others want to keep parts of our Generally speaking, the higher can qualify for tax-free withdraw-
current system in-force and focus the deductible and/or copay that al from an HSA is extensive and
on amending it to try and make a plan has, the lower the monthly includes things like doctors visits
improvements. premium will be. and prescription drugs but also
While it HSAs were designed to help more extended care, like dental
remains to be people pay for current and future expenses and eye glasses. And
Thursday, March 16, 2017 Vol. 52, No. 43 seen how the healthcare costs. To qualify, you perhaps best of all you can take a
health care sys- must have a high-deductible health tax-free distribution from an HSA
USPS No. 658-320 tem will change, plan, which in 2017 means at plan to pay for most medical insur-
Periodical Postage Paid, Verona, WI and additional offices.
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, we do know least $1,300 annually for single ance policies, including Medicare
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc. having health coverage (with an out-of- pock- and Medicare supplement premi-
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to insurance is et maximum, including copays, ums.
The Verona Press, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593. very important of $6,550) or $2,600 for family Even some long-term care insur-
Office Location: 133 Enterprise Drive, Verona, WI 53593 and for many coverage (with an out-of-pocket ance premiums qualify. For more
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Arndt
it is quite expen- maximum of $13,100). You also details on qualified expenses, take a
Phone: 608-845-9559 FAX: 608-845-9550 sive. cannot be covered by another type look at IRS Publication 502.
e-mail: veronapress@wcinet.com For individuals who do not have of health insurance, be on Medicare Like most retirement accounts,
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892 employer-provided health insur- or be claimed as a dependent on money withdrawn from an HSA for
ConnectVerona.com ance and do not qualify for govern- someones tax return to make con- a non-qualified expense is subject
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.
ment subsidies, the cost of cover- tributions. to income tax and a 20 percent fed-
age is a significant issue that has to If you qualify to contribute in eral penalty. The federal penalty is
General Manager Circulation be looked at each year, especially 2017, you can set up an HSA waived, however, if you are over 65
Carolyn Schultz as rates continue to increase. As a account and contribute as much as when the withdrawal occurs.
Lee Borkowski small-business owner myself, I can $3,400 if you have an individual Establishing and funding
lborkowski@wcinet.com ungcirculation@wcinet.com
attest to the issue, as the cost I pay health insurance plan or $6,750 if an HSA in conjunction with a
Sales Manager News for health insurance for my family you have a family plan. If you are high-deductible health insurance
Kathy Neumeister Jim Ferolie has more than doubled in the past over 55 and able to contribute, you plan can be a great way to redirect
veronapress@wcinet.com six years. can add up to an additional $1,000. a portion of your health care costs
Sports One way people often try to HSAs can be set up and funded away from insurance premiums
Advertising moderate the cost of their health either individually or in conjunc- and into an account that you can
Jeremy Jones
Donna Larson insurance is by taking on more of tion with an employer as long as control and use in the future.
veronasales@wcinet.com the initial financial risk in the form the guidelines are met.
Assistant Editor of higher deductibles and copays. HSAs can be established with Trisha Arndt, CFP, is President
Scott Girard Health savings accounts (HSAs) many banks and investment firms of Wealth Strategies of Wisconsin
Diane Beaman
ungreporter@wcinet.com can be paired with plans like this to and can offer the ability to invest Ltd, 901 Kimball Lane, Suite 1400,
Reporters give people a tax advantaged way the balance in options ranging from Verona, WI 53593, 608-848-2400.
Inside Sales Samantha Christian, Bill Livick, to set money aside for potential money markets to mutual funds. Securities and Advisory Services
Kate Froehlich Anthony Iozzo, Amber Levenhagen, medical costs like a deductible or The contributions roll over year to offered through Commonwealth
katharine.froehlich@wcinet.com Scott De Laruelle, Kate Newton copay. year if not used and can accumulate Financial Network, member FIN-
A deductible is the amount of for long-term use. RA/SIPC, a Registered Investment
Unified Newspaper Group, a division of money that the insured is personal- If used correctly, HSAs can Adviser.
Woodward Communications,Inc. ly responsible for paying for health provide a triple tax benefit. Con-
A dynamic, employee-owned media company care expenses before the insurance tributions to an HSA plan are tax
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
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ConnectVerona.com March 16, 2017 The Verona Press
USRWA to hold annual meeting Sunday Professional Tax Preparation
Archaeologist is Call now to schedule an appointment with an experienced tax professional.
Associations prevailing Where: Delphi Room on
goals is to educate the the Epic Systems cam- (608) 845-8787 | 351 Prairie Heights Drive | Verona, WI 53593
community on the rich pus, 1979 Milky Way www.Baker-Launder.com
history of the river and Info: Wade Moder at
surrounding area, and usrwa@usrwa.org or
that mission will be
at the forefront of the
o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n n u a l
meeting Sunday.
FAMILY Movie Night
The meeting, which between 12,000 and 10,000
runs from 12:30-3p.m. years ago, and the rich
March 19 in the Delphi and diverse landscape they
Room on the Epic campus, left behind in the Upper
will feature a History Sugar River Watershed has
of the Sugar River attracted people to the area
keynote address at 2p.m. ever since, the release said.
by archaeologist Paul The meeting will also
Reckner of the Wisconsin include an annual review of
Historical Society-Museum the organizations activities
Archaeology Program. at 1p.m., followed by a
Reckner will discuss presentation of the Candle
some of the initial results on the Water award to
of an archaeological survey Angie Lucas and the Lucas Photo by N. Meinholz
he and his team conducted family. According to a A archaeological dig conducted last year along State Hwy.
last year of the State recent USRWA newsletter, 69 between Verona and Belleville will be the focal point of
Hwy. 69 corridor between Lucas has worked the keynote speech during the Upper Sugar River Watershed Bring your friends and family
Verona and Belleville that tirelessly to help plan Associations annual meeting Sunday. Paul Reckner of the and enjoy a FREE movie.
uncovered evidence of and organize the groups Wisconsin Historical Society-Museum Archaeology Program
will discuss some of the initial results of the survey and what West Madison Bible Church
(the watersheds) deep flagship fundraiser, Robs
h i s t o r y, f r o m t h e fi r s t Sugar River Ramble, they reveal about the areas history. 2920 Hwy. M North, Verona, WI 53593
Paleo-Indian hunting which is named for her late Friday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m.
bands to early 19th-century husband. The event will p r ov i d e d b y Tu va l u Company. adno=512650-01
homesteaders, according return for its third year on Coffeehouse and Gallery. For information, visit
to a USRWA news release. June 4. USRWA also plans to usrwa.org/annualmeeting
Researchers estimate The annual meeting is hold a volunteer workday or contact Wade Moder at
the Verona and Montrose open to the public and on March 25, and will host usrwa@usrwa.org.
townships have been parking will be located the second installment of
populated by humans in the Tent Lot across its Conversations About Contact Kate Newton at
since the glaciers receded from the Delphi Room. Conservation series April kate.newton@wcinet.com.
Refreshments will be 5 at Wisconsin Brewing
this weekend, thanks to activities, crafts or games 845-4400. Saturday, March 18
the efforts of the Verona geared toward kids ages Firearms, ammo, knives
Where: VAHS gym, 300 optics & much, much more
Area High School Student 3-12, including ring toss, Kate Newton Richard St.
Council. flag matching, and races,
Cost: $5 per child
Admission $6 ~ 14 & Under Free
Various sports teams and according to a flier for the
student-run organizations carnival. Info: 845-4400
BOB & ROCCO For more info call 608.752.6677 or
SHOW visit www.BobAndRocco.com
of Stougghton
n High Schooll
or by calling (608) 417-4212
Tickets available at www.vapas.org, State Bank of Cross Plains-Verona, Capitol Bank-Verona or call (608) 848-2787 OB-47698-17
6 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press ConnectVerona.com
Coming up Churches
All Saints Lutheran Church Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m., St. Andrew,
Lions food drive library. The class will be led by Huma perform authentic Scandinavian dances. 2951 Chapel Valley Rd., Fitchburg Verona
Siddiqui, cookbook author and found- Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for (608) 276-7729 Daily Mass, Tuesday-Saturday: 8
The Verona Lions Club will host a er of White Jasmine, and will include students 18 and under, and are available allsaints-madison.org a.m., St. Andrew, Verona
food drive to benefit BPNN from 9a.m. demonstrations for tandoori meatballs, at vapas.org, the State Bank of Cross Pastor Rich Johnson
to 1p.m. Saturday, March 18, at Miller Sunday: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. St. James Lutheran Church
cumin basmati rice and a salad. Registra- Plains-Verona, Capitol Bank-Verona or ELCA
and Sons, 210 S. Main St. tion is required and limited to 30. by calling 848-2787. The Church in Fitchburg 427 S. Main St., Verona
As shoppers enter the store, a Lions For information, call 845-7180. 2833 Raritan Rd., Fitchburg (608) 845-6922
member will hand them a list of food Mindfulness workshop (608) 271-2811 stjamesverona.org
and non-food items needed by the pan- Family fort night Families can take a mindfulness work-
livelifetogether.com Pastors Kurt M. Billings and Peter
Sunday: 8 & 10:45 a.m. Narum
try. Collections boxes will be located Families can set up a fort, eat walking shop together from 6-6:45p.m. Tuesday, Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon-
near the store exit, and cash donations smores and crawl in for an evening of March 21, at the library. Fitchburg Memorial UCC day, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8
will also be accepted. reading together from 6:30-8p.m. Satur- Each family will make a small clear
5705 Lacy Rd., Fitchburg a.m.-noon Wednesday
For information, contact Jim Fletcher day, March 18, at the library. (608) 273-1008 Saturday Worship: 5 p.m.
mind jar to take home. The workshop is memorialucc.org Sunday Worship: 8:30 and 10:45
at 845-6067. Some sheets and clips will be provid- geared toward kids ages 5-11 and adults, Pastor Phil Haslanger a.m.
Sunday: 8:15 and 10 a.m.
NHS book sale ed. Families are welcome to bring their and registration is required. Salem United Church of Christ
own sheets or lightweight blankets for For information or to register, call Good Shephard Lutheran 502 Mark Dr., Verona
Verona Area High School students in building their fort in the childrens area. 845-7180. Church ECLA (608) 845-7315
the National Honor Society will host a For information, call 845-7180. (608) 271-6633 salemchurchverona.org
book sale to raise money for students in County job fair Central: Raymond Road & Whitney Rev. Dr. Mark E. Yurs, Pastor
Laura Kolden, Associate in Min-
Tanzania from 9a.m. to 6p.m. Saturday, VAPAS show Free transportation to the Dane Coun-
Way, Madison
Sunday: 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. istry
March 18, and 8a.m. to 4p.m. Monday, The Verona Area Performing Arts ty Job Fair is available by taking a Bad- West: Corner of Hwy. PD & Nine Sunday School: 9 a.m.
March 20, Tuesday, March 21, and Fri- Series will host its first afternoon concert ger Bus from the library at 10:30a.m., Mound Road, Verona Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m.
day, March 24, in the VAHS Performing featuring the all-male Grieg Chorus of Sunday: 9 & 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Fellowship Hour: 11:30 a.m.
noon and 2:30p.m. Wednesday, March
Arts Center Studios, 300 Richard St. The Madison and the Stoughton Norwegian 22. The fair runs from noon to 5p.m. at Damascus Road Church West Springdale Lutheran Church
sale will include books of varying genres Dancers at 2p.m. Sunday, March 19, at the Alliant Energy Center and will host The Verona Senior Center ECLA
for readers of all ages. the VAHS Performing Arts Center, 300 approximately 150 employers with up 108 Paoli St., Verona 2752 Town Hall Rd. (off Hwy ID),
For information, call 845-4400. (608) 819-6451 Mount Horeb
Richard St. The Edvard Grieg Chorus to 5,000 jobs available. Admission is info@damascusroadchurch.com, (608) 437-3493
Cooking class will perform Norwegian, patriotic, spir- free, and transportation registration is not damascusroadonline.org springdalelutheran.org
itual and Broadway music. The Stough- required, but encouraged. Drop-off times Pastor Justin Burge Pastor Jeff Jacobs
Explore the flavors of Pakistan ton Norwegian Dancers are a group of Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday: 8:45 a.m. with communion
are scheduled for 2 and 5p.m.
during a cooking class from 11a.m. to Stoughton High School students who For information, visit scwijobs.com. Memorial Baptist Church Sugar River United Methodist
12:30p.m. Saturday, March 18, at the 201 S. Main St., Verona Church
(608) 845-7125 415 W. Verona Ave., Verona
MBCverona.org (608) 845-5855
Community calendar Lead Pastor Jeremy Scott
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
Pastor Gary Holmes
Thursday, March 16 Performing Arts Center Studios, 300 VAHS PAC, 300 Richard St., vapas. Redeemer Bible Fellowship 9 & 10:30 a.m. contemporary
5-7 p.m., Artists reception for VASD Richard St., 845-4400 org 130 N. Franklin St., Verona worship.
(608)848-1836 Sunday School available during
K-12 artists, VAHS Sugar River Art 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Pakistani Monday, March 20 redeemerbiblefellowship.org worship. Refreshments and fellow-
Gallery, 300 Richard St., verona.k12. Cooking Class with Huma Siddiqui Pastor Dwight R. Wise ship are between services.
(registration required), library, 845- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., VAHS NHS book
wi.us sale, VAHS PAC Studios, 300 Rich-
Sunday: 10 a.m. family worship
7180 West Madison Bible Church
6-7 p.m., Evening Caregiver Sup- ard St., 845-4400 Resurrection Lutheran Church 2920 Hwy. M, Verona
port Group (repeats first and third 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., VAHS Carnival WELS (608) 845-9518
($5 per child), VAHS gym, 300 Rich- 6:30-8:30 p.m., Adult Coloring Club,
Thursdays; refreshments 5:30-6 library, 845-7180
6705 Wesner Rd., Verona www.wmbiblechurch.org
p.m.), senior center, 845-7471 ard St., vahs.verona.k12.wi.us (608) 848-4965 Pastor Dan Kukasky Jr.
rlcverona.org Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m.
6:30 p.m., Trinity Irish Dancers per- 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Prairie Kitchen Tuesday, March 21 Pastor Nathan Strutz and Assistant Sunday School: 10:45 a.m.
formance, library, 845-7180 free meal, BPNN, bpnn.org 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., VAHS NHS book Pastor Benjamin Phelps
sale, VAHS Performing Arts Center
1:30-3 p.m., Read to a Dog (ages 5 Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Zwingli United Church of
Friday, March 17 Studios, 300 Richard St., 845-4400
and up; registration required), library, Sunday: 9 a.m. Christ
11:45 a.m., March birthday and Hwy. 92 & G, Mount Vernon
845-7180 6-6:45 p.m., Mindfulness for Fam- St. Christopher Catholic Parish (608) 832-6677
anniversary party (reservations ilies class (ages 5-11; registration
required), senior center, 845-7471 6:30-8 p.m., Family Fort Night, St. Andrew Church Pastor Brad Brookins
required), library, 845-7180 301 N. Main St., Verona Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
library, 845-7180
4:30-7 p.m., Corned Beef Dinner 6:30-7:30 p.m., Staying Vital sup-
St. William Church
($12), American Legion, 207 Legion 7 p.m., Acoustic Collective, Tuvalu 1371 Hwy. PB, Paoli Zwingli United Church of
port group (registration requested; (608) 845-6613 Christ
St., 845-7898 Sunday, March 19 repeats every third Tuesday), senior stchristopherverona.com Hwy. 69 & PB, Paoli
7 p.m., Irish music with Casey and 12:30-3 p.m., USRWA annual center, 845-7471 Fr. William Vernon, pastor (608)845-5641
Greg, Tuvalu Saturday: 5 p.m., St. Andrew, Rev. Sara Thiessen
meeting, Epic Systems Delphi Room, 6-8 p.m., Downtown streetscape Verona Sunday: 9:30 a.m. family worship
Saturday, March 18 usrwa@usrwa.org public information meeting, Verona Sunday: 7:30 a.m., St. William,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Verona Lions Club 1-2:15 p.m., Chop Chop Cooking
City Center, 848-6801
food drive, Miller and Sons, 210 S. Club (registration required), BPNN,
bpnn.org/cooking-classes Thursday, March 23
Main St., 845-6067 9-11 a.m., FoodShare Employment
9 a.m. to 6 p.m., VAHS National 2 p.m., VAPAS presents the Grieg
Chorus and Stoughton Norwegian and Training Outreach, library, 216-
Honor Society book sale, VAHS 7640 Making Space for God in Your Life
Dancers ($10 adult, $5 students),
Outreach: Different dynamic at smaller events, larger ones and even house calls
Continued from page 1 more directly with district really was a lot of nuanced No matter how much
officials and consultants at questions about the details you do that (outreach),
Stier Christensen, who different stations set up of the plan. there will always be people
attended both, expressed a to focus on different top- But some attendees at who are confused because
sentiment similar to Gor- ics like finance and school the larger meetings said they heard one thing from
rells during a follow-up functionality. they wished the district a community member and
conversation Monday. That allowed for more had offered a group ques- something else from anoth-
Whatever conclusion conversations like Sti - tion-and-answer time so er, Roberts said. We just
they reach about the ques- er Christensen and fellow people with similar ques- hope that when people have
tion and how theyll vote, board member Noah Rob- tions could have gotten those concerns they do
it was really encouraging erts had at the coffee events them answered or had reach out, because a lot of
to hear theyre absolutely the week before. Both said someone elses question times those questions can
going to vote, Stier Chris- they liked that dynamic. spark one of their own. be answered.
tensen said. I want every- I really enjoy being able Roberts said whatever
one to vote, however they to sit down with people and format the outreach is in, Contact Scott Girard at
feel we should go. actually being able to go hes found its valuable to ungreporter@wcinet.com
At Monday nights meet- into detail with their ques- ensure the correct informa- and follow him on Twitter
ing, that feeling was mixed, Photo by Scott Girard
tions, Roberts said. It tion is out there. @sgirard9.
based on conversations Verona Area School District superintendent Dean Gorrell
the Press had with seven explains the tax impact of the April 4 referendums to an
attendees. Three of those with removable and virtually invisible
audience of about 20 at the Fitchburg Public Library March Invisalign braces or Fast Braces
said they were solidly in the 13.
yes camp and had been short-term orthodontic treatment
before the meeting. The Its all for facilities, Haight pointed out that
other four said they were
still undecided.
Fitchburg resident David
nothing for staff, aides,
general instruction, Haight
told the Press.
every $1 million theyre
spending on this could
pay for teachers and aides
you can have
Haight explained that while
he had no problem with
the tax increase 79 cents
He added that with a
lack of certainty about
what school funding from
instead. But, he acknowl-
edged, after a long conver-
sation with school board
straight teeth by
per $1,000 of property val-
ue between the two capital
questions for schools,
the state could look like in
future years, its an expen-
sive project that could tie
president Dennis Beres he
felt better about it.
The outreach meetings
the spring thaw
he was concerned about the districts hands if they included a 30-minute pre-
whether a new building was have to ask for more operat- sentation before attendees
the best use of that money. ing funds. had the opportunity to talk
Anaisha Verma
points to all of
the different
moons surround-
ing earth, which
illustrated the
moons orbit.
Photos by Scott Girard
5'x10' $38 Month
10'x10' $60 Month
On the Web
10'x15' $65 Month See more photos from the CKCS
10'x20' $80 Month science fair:
10'x25' $90 Month
At Cleary Building Corp.
190 S. Paoli St., Verona WI
(608) 845-9700
Sidney Moore, third grade, See photos of all of the winners
school New Century School and their artwork:
Katie Karnosky, junior, Vero-
Home Sweet
Alexander Janowski, kin- ConnectVerona.com
na Area High School
dergarten, Glacier Edge Ele-
Hannah Wildenborg, junior, mentary School
Verona Area High School Kirstin Poppen, eighth
Alexandra Sasha Henes, grade, Savanna Oaks Middle ko, eighth grade, Badger
fifth grade, Verona Area Inter- School Ridge Middle School
national School Kemba Hamoonga, kinder- Symone Edwards, first
grade, Country View Ele-
Arwen Marse, fourth grade,
Sugar Creek Elementary
garten, Stoner Prairie Elemen-
tary School mentary School
Angelique Stepanenkov,
Samantha Grotsky, second Choice Award senior, Verona Area High
grade, Core Knowledge Char- School
Tatiana Tanya Pred-
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mount of closing costs, prepaid interest and escrow reserves. This includes if the
credit is combined with a seller closing cost credit. First mortgages only (offer does not apply tto second mortgages or home equity lines of credit). The credit will be applied
at the time of the loan closing and will be reflected on the closing disclosure. Not valid with any
ny other offers
offers. **#1
#1 mortgage lender based on number of mortgages recorded
Art teacher Carrie Punzel shows off a baby polar bear sculpture by Verona Area High School with Dane County register of deeds.
senior Angelique Stepanenkov, which was one of three Superintendents Choice award winners. adno=504843-01
10 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press ConnectVerona.com
Aging Masters
pilot program seeks
to empower
Benefits of growing
Page 11
Assessing your
driving abilities
Page 12
Bring a companion
Photo by Amber Levenhagen
Miki Mott, Becky Losby, Sandy Hanson and Allene Olson discuss current events in the community room at Prairie Oaks on Friday, March 10.
to appointments
On the move
Case manager on wheels brings center to seniors
Joint replacement
rehab takes time
Page 13
Empowering seniors
Pilot program connects
seniors, important issues Find out more
SCOTT DE LARUELLE Spots are available for the next Aging Mastery program at the Fitchburg
Unified Newspaper Group Senior Center that starts March 22 (people can sign up after that date).
Helping seniors to make needed For information, contact Fitchburg Senior Center director Jill McHone at
changes as they face the many issues 270-4291 or Jill.McHone@fitchburgwi.gov, or Oregon Senior Center direc-
of aging is all part of a new pilot pro- tor Alison Koelsch at 835-5801 or akoelsch@vil.oregon.wi.us.
gram at senior centers in Fitchburg
Photo by Metro News Service
and Oregon.
Older people typically have less negativity and higher self-es- The Aging Mastery program, run
teem. by the National Council on Aging, empowers them to make small little of 10 weeks, McHone said the first
aims empower seniors by being them changes and maintain those chang- rounds of the program averaged
Some benefits of together to talk hear and talk about es as they move through aging pro- around 15 participants.
topics important to them as they age. cess, McHone said. The program They were really successful,
Several senior centers in Minnesota incorporates a lot of evidence-based she said. Were so lucky to be near
and Wisconsin are piloting the pro- information and we get speakers Madison, where we can pull speakers
growing older
gram, and the Fitchburg and Oregon for each topic, to incorporate some of from UW and really get some credi-
centers have teamed up to provide that information and present that to ble speakers to present this informa-
courses for two years, said Fitchburg the participants. tion.
For this two-year pilot program,
Senior Center director Jill McHone. Better together the class costs $25 to take, with the
Many people are quick to their ages. Discounts are We felt we would be more suc-
cessful if we drew a larger audience McHone said the program has NCA grant covering the remain-
think of growing older in available through an array received really good feedback ing $75 per participant. That will
a negative light. Although of venues if one speaks rather than competed against each
other, so it's worked out really well, from participants so far, including change if the program were to con-
there certainly are some up. Seniors also can enjoy some aspects she hadnt considered tinue, though, McHone said, and she
side effects of aging that travel perks, with slashed she said. Last spring, Fitchburg
kicked off the first Aging Mastery before. is looking for sponsors to help offset
one may wish to avoid, prices on resorts, plane We really found it brought new those future costs.
people may find that the tickets and more. program Oregon did the fall, and the
our new spring program starts here people in and people really enjoyed Maybe we would look toward
benefits of growing older Reasoning and prob- the camaraderie of the class, because medical providers or other business-
outweigh the negatives. lem-solving skills: Brain March 22.
The 10-week course covers a wide they met new people they had time es to sponsor one or two people to
Seniors are a rapidly scans reveal that older to discuss some of the ups and down take the class, she said.
growing segment of the adults are more likely to range of topics, including exercise,
sleep, healthy eating and hydration, they are going through with the aging While the program is only current-
population. In the United use both hemispheres of process, she said. That camara- ly offered around the area in Fitch-
States, the Administration their brains simultaneously financial fitness, medication manage-
ment, advance planning, healthy rela- derie was a big surprise to me - that burg and Oregon, McHone said peo-
on Aging states that the - something called bilater- was one of the main things people ple are welcome to come from any
older population persons alization. This can sharpen tionships, fall prevention and com-
munity engagement. Students are enjoyed, being with this group every community. She noted that Madison
65 years or older num- reasoning skills. single week, talking about their will start a similar program in the
bered 46.2 million in 2014. For example, in a Uni- given weekly homework assign-
ments to help them retain what they homework, and what they are expe- fall, but anyone wanting a similar
With so many people liv- versity of Illinois study, riencing relating to the topic being program in their community should
ing longer, its time to cel- older air traffic controllers learn.
It's a series of issues that older presented. contact their senior center director
ebrate the perks of getting excelled at their cogni- Despite the big commitment and ask about hosting an Aging Mas-
older rather than the draw- tively taxing jobs, despite adults face as they age, and it really
tery program.
backs. Here are some great some losses in short-term
benefits to growing old. memory and visual spatial
Higher self-esteem: processing. Older control-
The insecurities of youth
give way as one ages, and
older people have less neg-
lers proved to be experts at
navigating, juggling multi-
ple aircrafts simultaneous-
Sugar Creek Senior Apartments
ativity and higher self-es- ly and avoiding collisions.
teem. A University of Basel
study of people ranging in
Less stress: As people
grow older, they are able
Where Veronas most active seniors live
ages from 18 to 89 found to differentiate their needs
that regardless of demo- from wants and focus on
Fill Your Days With Great Friends
graphic and social sta - more important goals.
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the shower, or on and off the toilet safely. Therapists like to see patients walking
Most patients use a walker following with confidence and taking stairs in a nor-
surgery to help steady themselves with mal, reciprocal fashion without hesitation
their new joint. After they are more com- or relying on railings. Before discharge
fortable with walking, they will transition from therapy, therapists also want to be
to a cane after 1-2 weeks. certain a person is not at a fall risk and can
A common mistake is to stop using assis- carry out the next progression of a home
tive devices too soon, which ends up with exercise program independently.
the patient limping. This should be avoid-
ed, so under proper rehabilitation, patients Julie Lombardo, PT, DPT, OCS, WCS,
relearn a normal walking pattern and feel is CEO of Verona-based Capitol Physi-
steady while they are working on increas- cal Therapy, which also has locations in
ing their endurance. Mount Horeb, Madison and Sun Prairie. Skaalen is located in a quiet residential neighborhood.
Once the patient is able to move about The beautiful campus offers walking paths and
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14 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press
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16 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press
Young at Heart ConnectVerona.com
Trade Winds al vacuum cleaners. Certain autonomous Whether downsizing to a smaller home
vacuums employ sensors to detect dirty or simply downsizing a lifestyle, seniors
spots on the floor, and these vacuums can may find that living smaller is akin to liv-
Tradewinds Assisted Living
even be programmed to clean the home ing simpler.
12 suites that provide care for residents that do not require
while residents are out of the house. Empty nesters may find they no longer
2 staff members for physical assistance and transfers.
need several bedrooms in their homes, and
Upgrade bathrooms moving into smaller homes can reduce
303 S. Jefferson St., Verona, WI Tasks associated with personal hygiene their daily workloads while also clear-
also tend to be taken for granted until they ing out clutter that can make performing
(608) 845-6465 become difficult. But a few simple bath- everyday chores more difficult. Men and
fourwindsmanor.com room alterations can help seniors safely women accustomed to hustle and bustle
navigate the bathrooms in their homes so may also find that cutting back on profes-
they can maintain their personal hygiene sional and/or personal commitments gives
without fear of injury. them more energy for everyday activities
Delicious produce, deli, meat, bakery and more! Grab bars can be installed on shower while enriching the commitments they
walls so seniors can safely get in and out continue to maintain.
of their showers and bathtubs. Such bars
are both effective and inexpensive, and Metro News Service
some do not even require any drilling to
with a Smile is Natural at...
Girls basketball
Youth hockey
Schaefer to be honored Saturday by Verona Youth Hockey
JEREMY JONES objective. Hes had to be a mentor, coach
Sports editor Whats next Schaefer coached his second-
oldest son, along with future
and father. He has the level of
passion it takes and understands
Bob Schaefer will be honored Bob Schaefer will be coaching the Southwest Eagles U18 hockey UW-Madison national champi- what having these opportunities
by the Verona Youth Hockey on and National Hockey League will provide being involved
Association at its annual Par- team at the WAHA state tournament in McFarland this weekend. Stanley Cup winner Adam Bur- and supported and part of a com-
ents Night Out The team plays at 8a.m. on Friday and either noon or 2p.m. Satur- ish and his sister Nikki (who munity.
event March 18 also won a national title at UW) Schaefer now focuses primari-
at Grays Tied day, depending on if they win or lose their first game. on a summer league team before ly on the U18 team a program
House. they left to join the Madison offered for student/athletes who
Just dont Capitols. dont have hockey at the schools
expect the long- His oldest son skated on a they attend or didnt make their
time coach and Bob is very humble, Verona two years before Verona Youth team with Jack Skille, who went high school team.
board member Youth Hockey president Jamie Hockey (known as the South- on to play at UW-Madison and With his children having long
to say too much Schaefer Stebbeds said. We had to chat west Eagles until three years was eventually drafted by the since graduated, the past eight
about it. about even doing this, but I think ago), had its own rink and was Blackhawks seventh overall in years coaching have been a dif-
I dont need there is value in what Bob has renting ice time at the Dane the 2005 NHL Entry Draft. And ferent kind of family affair for
to be honored, said Schaefer given back to the community County Arena. his third son play with Universi- Schaefer, whose wife Laurie has
who has been a coach and board and honoring that. Schaefer coached all three of ty of Minnesota recruit and NHL managed the team.
member for the past 25 years. I Schaefer, who was coaching in his sons and finally his daughter, player Phil Kessel. I try to make as many games
certainly didnt do this for me. Dodgeville and had children in who hung up her skates in 2010, Bob has seen it all over the as I can, and its great to watch
Starting out coaching his kids, the Pecatonica School district, all the way up the ranks of the past 20-plus years from kids them, Stebbeds said. Both Bob
Schaefers life has intersected saw an opportunity to move to Verona youth hockey program. t h a t d i d n t m a ke t h e i r h i g h and Laurie do a fantastic job of
with players of every age and Verona two-and-a-half decades Coaching is a lot more fun school team and thought it was running the program as a family,
ability, including a couple of ago and never looked back. when its not your kids, he said. the end of the road, to bad situ- and everyone on that team is a
future NHL players. He began coaching his kids It lets you focus solely on your ations at home, Stebbeds said. family member to them.
18 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press ConnectVerona.com
Girls bb: Bainbridge earns a third-team spot Luehring: UW-Green Bay recruit is a first-
Continued from page 17
team all-conference selection
guard) rounded out the list for
the Wildcats with an honor- Continued from page 17
able mention. Standing out at Verona
Luehring finished with 384 happened, Luehring said
points while missing several she was scared but was able Alex Luehring helped the Verona Area High School
games due to an injured ankle. to get through it by remem- team win a state championship as a junior, but she
She finished with 19.2 points b e r i n g t h e l a t e E b o ny also helped the Wildcats share two Big Eight titles and
per game and 2.7 assists per Nettles-Bey and how she win two regional titles.
game. battled through adversity Luehring also reached 1,000 career points this sea-
Alex was a matchup night- while going to chemother- son, finishing with 1,180.
mare being able to post and apy and radiation therapy
shoot deep threes, head coach and still playing when she
Angie Murphy said. could. Here are the point breakdowns for all four years:
Bainbridge led the Wildcats I just thought about Freshman: 138
with four assists per game and (Nettles-Bey) so much on Sophomore: 289
also scored 10 points and had the days I would be frus-
four rebounds per game. trated or sad about not play- Junior: 369
Bainbridge will be one of ing. I just thought about her Senior: 384
the senior leaders next season. and how she handled her
Chandler really came into situation, Luehring said.
her own this year and showed My injury was nothing help her teammates as a in.
she can be an offensive force compared to what she was coach. During the Parker At the freshmen, JV and
for us next year, as well, going through. I think that game she wanted to play, varsity level, all the girls
Murphy said. really helped me to open but instead helped during are really good friends, so
Mitchell collected eight my eyes and realize, Wow. warmups and helped keep it was really easy for me
points and two assists per I am very lucky to play this the girls motivated before to step into that leadership
game and also led Verona with sport, and I cant take it for they were able to get the role because I had really
two steals per game. granted. win in overtime. good relationships with
Sisi was the quickest play- That was really import- Luehring was able to some of the younger girls,
er in the Big Eight with a ant for me to be able to think about herself and Luehring said. When the
motor that didnt quit, Mur- put it in perspective and what she could do better. girls came up to the varsity
phy said. She made it hard to not feel bad about myself, She was also able to see her team, they already under-
press us because of her ability instead thinking about what teammates play and give stood what was going on.
to handle pressure. else can I do to help the them advice, and as her Luehring is now pre-
There were co-coaches team. trainer cleared her for cer- paring to play basketball
of the Year Madison East During her recovery and tain drills, Luehring didnt for UW-Green Bay, but
head coach James Adams and File photo by Anthony Iozzo rehabilitation, Luehring hesitate to help, whether it she said it has been hard
Sun Prairie head coach John Senior Sisi Mitchell was named as an honorable mention was able to see a new per- be a passing drill or some- to close the chapter in her
Olson. to the All-Big Eight Conference team this season. spective on the sport and thing else. Verona career. It was real-
When I wasnt having a ly hard during the region-
good game or wasnt feel- al final, when 10 seconds
ing well or had pain in my remained and she knew the
ankle, they were the first season was about to end.
RELATIONSHIPS ARENT BUILT ON ones to pick me up, she But the one thing that
said. It was a favor to them has helped her through
when I talked to them at it all were the memories
practice and engaged with she made during her four
them on what was going on years on varsity, whether
BANKS ARE BUILT ON in certain drills.
But that new type of
it was being a part of the
first state championship in
City of Verona In brief treat it as a responsibility. General Store, which is taking over
I just hope that we dont see a the Francois Oil Citgo on Prairie
trend, he said. Oaks Drive. The Caseys also was
lights accepted
least three alders were unavailable discussion. year contract with Local 311, the
to attend that week, which is spring One was for the bar and restau- firefighters union.
break in Verona schools. rant in the Hyatt Place hotel, which The deal runs through 2019 and
Mayor Jon Hochkammer is expected to open in May. Typical- features three pay raises, 4, 3 and
Avenue and West End Cir- ly, Hyatt Places have a small bars 2 percent respectively, as well as
All expected to be cle. That would be the main
acknowledged that he misses some
meetings because of his day job and with limited food marketed toward adding longevity pay and two addi-
done this summer entrance to a new high there are unavoidable conflicts at guests, rather than a larger audience. tional holidays that are paid at time-
school if next months ref- times, but he warned the council to The other was for a Caseys and-a-half.
JIM FEROLIE erendum passes, and devel-
Verona Press editor opers are planning to add
as it is fixing a problem, at Email Verona Press FABRICATION CRANE SERVICE STEEL PROCESSING
the corner of West Verona editor Jim Ferolie at 414 3rd Street, Palmyra
www.1866GetAPro.com adno=512516-01
20 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press ConnectVerona.com
Shutdown: New stoplights will be operational during summertime closure of Main Street
Continued from page 1
last Thursday.
Its an aggressive sched-
ule. We want to minimize
disruptions, he told them.
Sometimes, he said,
that will mean long days
for construction crews. It
certainly has factored into
the cost of the roughly $2
million project, which will
stop all on-street parking
from April 3 until Septem-
ber and will permanently
eliminate a few parking
Among the accommoda-
tions are an official detour
that nobody will actually
want to use and a new park- The terrace and streetlamps
ing lot that many people on Railroad Street are a good
havent even yet noticed. indication of what the rest of
Jacobson and contracted the project will look like.
planners will discuss those
and other details of the Millers, Tuvalu and Home-
project from 6-8p.m. at town Junction will become
the March 21 information southbound traffic lanes.
session. The open house Images courtesy City of Verona
Sidewalks on the east These roads wont be official detours, but theyre more appropriate ones the city is recommending.
will feature several maps side will be torn up, though
and will start with a formal pedestrian access will
Growing and waiting
We understand its
remain available to every
business, even if might be Main Street shutdown
a disruption, Jacobson on a wooden board across
told the Press. But at Project area: Verona Avenue to Valley View Street
a hole. All side streets will In most respects, the streetscape plan is almost
the end, its going to be a be open, even though there Scope: New pavement, terraces, seating, bumpouts, new identical to what was designed in 2014 and 2015,
diversified, aesthetically will be terrace work on sev- signals at Paoli Street and Whalen Road intersections with the intention of starting in 2015 and being done
pleasing improved business eral of them. Timeline: April 3 to September in 2016. At the time, it was intended to be a quick
development revitaliz- The few businesses with update to show Verona was serious about investing
ing the downtown for the On-street parking closed: April 3 to September
vehicular access off Main in its downtown.
businesses that have been Street will retain at least Road shifted: April 3 to mid-June Whats changed and caused the delay is the
promised. one access point at all Road closed: Mid-June to early August scope of improvements to the underlying infrastruc-
April-June: shifted times. ture.
Utility lines inspected in 2015 had to be replaced,
While the road will June-August: closed The road will close from promised. and when city officials inspected Main Street infra-
only be closed for about All businesses and homes the southern edge of the That partial access will structure in 2016, it became clear that entire section
one-third of the total proj- will also keep at least one Verona Mart gas station at expand to businesses of the street wouldnt last much longer. That meant
ect time, there will be no access point when traffic is the corner of Verona Ave- between the bike trail and either tearing up all the terrace work in three or four
on-street parking through- shut off in mid-June. nue to the bike trail. It will Railroad Street within four years or delaying a year and replacing it all at once.
out any of the project. Depending on weather also cut off the turn lane weeks of the start. That That made the combined project much more
Parking lanes will either be and other factors, Phase 3 from West Verona Avenue, will be whats considered expensive than originally planned, but contractor
worked on or used as traffic could start as early as June including the Park Bank substantial completion of bids for Phases 2 and 3 came in nearly $400,000
lanes the entire time. 12, the day after the Verona entrance, to replace con- the southern leg of the proj- lower than anticipated at $1.8 million. That puts
The first phase (actually Area High School gradua- crete with asphalt. ect, but no access will be the total for both phases at around $2.4 million.
called Phase 2 because tion. Its required to finish A local traffic only sign allowed from South Main
will be posted at the corner onto Church Avenue. Jim Ferolie
the project started with by Aug. 18, which means
the Hometown Junction it likely would have to start of Paoli Street, allowing Detours
memorial) will include the by the first week in July. limited access to business-
extended curb areas variety of plans to help
entire east side of the street. In any case, the contractor es such as Verona Vision During the project, the designed to decrease the prepare for the closure.
That will allow traffic to must give a two-week noti- Care and Verona Family city will post detour signs, travel distance for pedestri- The most notable, per-
shift to the west side, where fication of the date so the Dental. At least one access but it wont make much
ans and make walking safer haps, is the addition of
parking lanes in front of the city can inform residents point will be available to sense to anyone from Vero- and the colored concrete stoplights at Paoli Street
former World of Variety, and businesses. them at all times, Jacobson na.
designating crosswalks and and further south at Wha-
Because Main Street is a terraces. len Road, along with the
county trunk highway, the But the new feel thats previously installed medi-
official detour must provide been visible at the Home- an north of Whalen. All are
R OD DIO room
That eliminates the use of the rest of the street. That and confusion when the
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Q. Why is my pet so itchy? Q. Is It Time for Some Financial Spring Cleaning?
A. Allergy season is fast approaching and our pets can suffer just as we can. We all likely know A. Winter is just about over. This year, in addition to tidying up around your home, why
someone with hay fever. Many pets suffer from some degree of sensitivity to airborne or food aller- not do some financial spring cleaning? For starters, consider getting rid of clutter in your
gens as well. Possible causes of itching are, parasites (fleas, ticks etc), airborne pollens, dust mites, portfolio. If you own investments that no longer meet your needs, you may want to replace
food allergies and skin infections to name a few. If your pet is scratching or chewing at his/her skin them with others that can better help you make progress toward your goals. Also, just as
excessively, he/she should be examined by your veterinarian straight away. We will first perform a you prepare your home for a rainy day by keeping your gutters and downspouts in good
thorough physical exam to rule out skin infections and external parasites. We will also discuss whether
shape, youll want to protect your financial goals by maintaining adequate life and disability
the signs are seasonal or not and discuss food and treats. Mild cases of allergic skin disease may be
controlled with topical therapy or antihistamines. More severe cases may require antibiotics to control insurance. And, similar to how you might put all your lawn and garden equipment in one
Brian Hoelscher
D.V.M. skin infections in addition to antihistamines or steroids. It is wise to perform allergy testing to help Brendon Diers, AAMS place, you might want to consolidate your investment accounts with one provider. You could
pinpoint the cause of the itching. This can be an expensive endeavor but is worth the cost if we can gain Financial Advisor save on paperwork and fees, and youll find it easier to follow one centralized investment
control of the allergic reactions. We will typically institute a food trial as food allergies are very difficult to test for. Food allergies strategy. This spring, when youre cleaning your physical surroundings, take some time to
can manifest as skin irritation, hair loss, poor hair coat and sometimes gastrointestinal upset. As Spring approaches, watch for the also tidy up your financial environment. You may be pleased with the results.
early signs of seasonal allergies and notify us immediately so we can gain control before more severe lesions develop.
This article was written by Edward Jones for the use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Brendon Diers, AAMS, Financial Advisor
www.caringcenter.com adno=509154-01
If you would like to join our Ask a Professional page, contact Donna Larson at 608-845-9559 to find out how!
22 March 16, 2017 The Verona Press
Obituaries ConnectVerona.com
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ration. es it with updated language to regulate NOTICE February 13, 2017 Common Council 2017-108, Senior Center, Library and
2. Alternate 1: Wesner Lane Im- permitted uses: target practice and gun The City of Verona Plan Commission meeting. Motion carried 7-0. Old Library parking lots. Construction
2017 ROADWAY provements (approx. 315 LF) includes: sighting. Penalties for violations are pre- 6. Mayors Business: is scheduled for late summer and early
will hold Public Hearings on April 3, 2017
IMPROVEMENTS adding 3 inches of milling to the center scribed in Chapter 16. Hunting and pest at City Hall, 111 Lincoln Street, at 6:30 * Steve Steinhoff, Deputy Director, fall of 2017. The cost is not to exceed
TOWN OF VERONA 16 of pavement and pulverizing the en- control are permitted uses as allowed by PM for the following planning and zoning and Sean Higgins, Planner with CARPC, $33,500. Motion carried 7-0.
tire roadway, grading, two lifts of asphalt Wisconsin Statutes and the Wisconsin matters: presented an update and overview of the (3) Discussion and Possible Action
DANE COUNTY, WI pavement, adding 3.25 inches of millings Department of Natural Resources regu- Capital Area Regional Planning Commis- Re: A Professional Services Contract
The Town of Verona will ONLY re- 1) Zoning map amendment to zone
to the 1 foot wide shoulder and resto- lations. This Ordinance does not apply approximately 3.601 acres of land to Pub- sion (CARPC), and introduced the Com- with AECOM for Design Services Re-
ceive and accept bids through Quest- ration. to the maintenance and use of lawfully missions A Greater Madison Vision garding Pedestrian and Bike Improve-
lic Institutional (PI). The property to be
CDN.com via the online electronic bid The BIDDING DOCUMENTS may established and duly supervised rifle zoned PI is located in part of the south- initiative ments. Motion by Touchett, seconded
service (QuestvBid) for the construction be examined at the offices of MSA Pro- or pistol range or shooting gallery ap- west quarter of the northeast quarter of 7. Administrators Report: None by Diaz, to approve a Professional Ser-
of 2017 Roadway Improvements until fessional Services, Inc., Madison, Wis- proved by the Town Board. The full text 8. Engineers Report: vices Contract with AECOM for design
Section 16, part of the northwest quarter
March 24, 2017 at 1:00 PM. All bids will consin; the Town of Verona; Wisconsin. of Ordinance 2017-02 may be obtained at of the northeast quarter of Section 21, * Traffic signal designs for Old CTH services regarding pedestrian and bike
be downloaded and publicly read aloud Planholders list will be updated interac- the Town of Verona office located at 7669 Township 6 North, Range 8 East. The PB & Whalen, South Main Street & Paoli, improvements. This project includes a
at MSA Professional Services, Inc., 2901 tively on our web address at http://www. County Highway PD, Verona, Wisconsin parcel is identified as parcel number and West Verona Avenue & West End Cir- bike loop sign template; intersection im-
International Lane, Suite 300, Madison, msa-ps.com under Bidding. or on the Town website: http://www.town. 286/0608-164-9275-2. cle have been officially advertised in the provements along CTH M; sidewalk and
WI 53704 at that time. Copies of the BIDDING DOCUMENTS verona.wi.us/. For additional information, 2) Zoning map amendment to rezone Verona Press and online, with bid open- culvert modifications on Locust Drive
The work for which bids are asked are available at www.questcdn.com. You please contact Town Clerk/ Treasurer ing scheduled for March 9, 2017 at 1:00 and Bruce Street; and CTH M sidewalks
includes the following: approximately 1.72 acres of land from
may download the digital plan docu- John Wright at (608) 807-4466. Rural Agricultural (RA) to Neighborhood p.m. DPW Jacobson will be conducting at Whalen to Locust Drive, Locust Drive
A. Project A: DeMarco Trail ments for $30 by inputting Quest eBid- Published: March 16, 2017 Public Information Meetings for these to Carnes Driveway, and Carnes Island.
Residential (NR). The properties to be
1. Base Bid: DeMarco Trail Improve- Doc #4909331 on the websites Project WNAXLP rezoned are located at 2760 North Nine projects, including traffic routing infor- The contract is not to exceed $150,800.
ments (approx. 970 LF) includes: adding
3 inches of millings to the center 18 feet
Search page. Please contact QuestCDN. Mound Road and are identified as par- mation. Motion carried 7-0.
com at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn. *** cel numbers 286/0608-093-9641-2 and 9. Committee Reports: (4) Discussion and Possible Action
of pavement and pulverizing the entire com for assistance in free membership A. Finance Committee Re: A Drainage Easement on Lot 15, 16
roadway, grading, two lifts of asphalt registration, downloading, and working
TOWN OF VERONA BOARD 286/0608-093-9561-2.
(1) Discussion and Possible Action and 17 of Industrial Plat No. 2 that is
pavement, adding 3.25 inches of millings ADOPTS CHAPTER 16 3) Zoning Ordinance text amend-
with the digital project information. ment to modify Section 13-2-5(c) of the Re: Payment of Bills. Motion by McGil- Located along S. Nine Mound Road at
to the 1 foot wide shoulder, sanitary man- No proposal will be accepted unless OF A PARTIAL CODE OF vray, seconded by Linder, to approve Pure Sweet Honey Farms, Inc. Motion by
Citys Floodplain Zoning Ordinance relat-
hole adjustments and restoration. accompanied by a certified check or bid ORDINANCES ing to Flood Insurance Study (FIS) maps the payment of bills in the amount of Touchett, seconded by Diaz, to approve
B. Project B: Hillside Heights bond equal to at least 5% of the amount $435,280.77. Motion carried 7-0. a permanent drainage easement on Lots
1. Base Bid: Hillside Heights Im- Please take notice that the Town of and create Sections 13-2-5(d) and 13-2-
provements (approx. 425 LF) includes
bid, payable to the OWNER as a guaran- Verona Board adopted a chapter to the 5(d)(1) relating to Official Maps Based on B. Parks, Recreation and Forestry 15, 16 and 17 of Industrial Plat No. 2 lo-
tee that, if the bid is accepted, the bidder existing partial code of ordinances enti- Other Studies. Commission cated along S. Nine Mound Road at Pure
adding 3 inches of millings to the cen- will execute and file the proper contract tled, Town of Verona Code of Ordinanc- Interested persons may comment (1) Discussion and Possible Action Sweet Honey Farms, Inc. This easement
ter 18 feet of pavement and pulverizing and bond within 15 days after the award Re: A Professional Services Agreement is to protect the local drainage between
the entire roadway, grading, two lifts of es at their regular Board meeting held on these planning and zoning matters
of the contract. BIDDER is required to on March 7, 2017. This chapter pertains during the public hearings at the April with MSA for Cathedral Point Park Shel- each lot. This is not a city maintained
asphalt pavement, a portion of concrete deliver the original certified check or bid to the following topics: Chapter 16 enti- 3rd Plan Commission meeting. The Plan ter and Parking Lot. Motion by Reekie, easement. Motion carried 7-0.
curb and gutter, adding 3.25 inches of bond within the 72 hours of bid opening seconded by McGilvray, to approve a (5) Discussion and Possible Action
millings to the 1 foot wide shoulder, tled Enforcement and Penalties. Chap- Commission will make recommendations
to MSA Professional Services, Inc., Attn: ter 16 establishes the citation method for for these matters, which will then be re- Professional Services Agreement with Re: An Agreement for Sanitary Sewer
sanitary manhole adjustments and res-
Kevin Lord, 2901 International Lane, the enforcement of Town ordinances and viewed by the Common Council for final MSA for the Cathedral Point park shel- Flow Monitoring Services. Motion by
Suite 300, Madison, WI 53704. The certi- to authorize certain Town officials to is- decisions on Monday, April 10th. ter and parking lot. This agreement is Touchett, seconded by Diaz, to approve
2. Alternate 1: Hillside Heights Im- fied check or bid bond will be returned sue citations for violations of ordinances Contact Adam Sayre, Director of for MSA to provide site design, building an agreement with Mulcahy Shaw Water
provements (approx. 1035 LF) includes to the bidder as soon as the contract is directly related to their official responsi- Planning and Development, at 608-848- plans and specifications, bidding ser- to obtain real time flow data in the san-
removing of the existing asphalt and signed, and if after 15 days the bidder vices and construction administration for itary sewer system to determine areas
bilities. The Chapter also includes penal- 9941 for more information on these items
some base material, grading, base resto- shall fail to do so, the certified check or ty provisions and a schedule of deposits or to receive copies of the submittals. the new park shelter to be constructed of inflow and infiltration problems in the
ration, two lifts of asphalt pavement, por- bid bond shall be forfeited to the OWNER this summer. Motion carried 7-0. system. The data will be used to design
tions of concrete curb and gutter, culvert for various ordinance violations. The full Ellen Clark,
as liquidated damages. text of Chapter 16 may be obtained at the City Clerk (2) Discussion Re: Update on Pool/ upgrades to the sewer system under the
work, adding 3.25 inches of millings to No bidder may withdraw his bid Water Facility Planning and Design. Sanitary Sewer Collection Master Plan
the 1 foot wide shoulder, sanitary man- Town of Verona office located at 7669 Published: March 16 and 23, 2017
within 60 days after the actual date of the County Highway PD, Verona, Wisconsin WNAXLP Discussion included keeping this item update. Monitoring will be conducted in
hole adjustments and restoration. opening thereof. before the council to avoid missing the April and May. Contract will not exceed
C. Project C: Horseshoe Bend Road or on the Town website: http://www.town.
OWNER reserves the right to waive verona.wi.us/. For additional information, *** construction season, improvements to $41,856. Motion carried 7-0.
1. Base Bid: Horseshoe Bend Road any informalities or to reject any or all Firemans Park beach, building/funding 10. New Business.
Improvements (approx. 1300 LF) in- please contact Town Clerk/ Treasurer CITY OF VERONA
bids. a pool jointly with the school, and wait- A. Discussion and Possible Action
cludes: filling and grading along the Published by the authority of the
John Wright at (608) 807-4466.
MINUTES ing until after the April 4th school district Re: Approval of Operator Licenses.
edge of the existing roadway shoulders Published: March 16, 2017
Town of Verona. COMMON COUNCIL referendum to decide on how to move No operator licenses were present-
in specific locations to provide a safer CONSULTING ENGINEER:
forward with the pool project. ed.
shoulder area. MSA Professional Services, Inc. FEBRUARY 27, 2017 C. Public Works/Sewer & Water 11. Announcements:
D. Project D: Range Trail ***
1. Base Bid: Range Trail Improve-
2901 International Lane, Suite 300 VERONA CITY HALL Committee * Alderperson Reekie announced
Madison, WI 53704 NOTICE OF 1. Mayor Hochkammer called the (1) Discussion and Possible Action that the Badger Prairie Needs Network
ments (approx. 2200 LF) includes: filling Kevin Lord, P.E. Re: A Professional Services Proposal needs servers for some of their dates in
and grading along the edge of the exist- ABSENTEE VOTING meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
1 (608) 242-6617 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2. Pledge of Allegiance for Construction Inspection Services April, May and June.
ing roadway shoulders and providing Published: March 9 and 16, 2017 3. Roll call: Alderpersons Diaz, Regarding the Downtown Streetscape * Clerk Clark announced extended
ditching to provide a safer shoulder area. special voting deputies from the Town
WNAXLP of Verona will conduct absentee voting Linder, McGilvray, Reekie, Stewart, Stiner Project. Motion by Touchett, seconded hours for in-person absentee voting for
2. Alternate 1: Range Trail Improve- and Touchett present. Alderperson Doyle by Diaz, to award a Professional Services the April 4th Spring Election and school
ments (approx. 130 LF) includes: extend- at the Badger Prairie Health Care Center,
*** 1100 E. Verona Avenue Verona, WI 53593 absent and excused. Also present: City Agreement to perform Construction district referendum: Saturday, March
ing an existing culvert and filling and Administrator Mikorski, Planning and De- Inspection Services regarding Project 25th: 9 a.m. 4 p.m. at the Verona Public
grading an existing ditch area to provide TOWN OF VERONA BOARD on Thursday - March 23, 2017 at 9:30 AM
2015-104 Streetscape Phase II and III to Library Monday, March 27th Thursday,
for the Spring Election to be held April 4, velopment Director Sayre, Public Works
for a flatter ditch area along the pave- ADOPTS FIREARMS Director Jacobson, City Engineer Mont- SEH in the amount of $121,800, contin- March 30th: 8 a.m. 7 p.m. at City Hall
ment pull off for the mail area. 2017.
E. Project E: Wesner Lane
DISCHARGE ORDINANCE DONE in the Town of Verona pas, and City Clerk Clark. gent upon approval of the city attorney. 12. Adjournment:
Please take notice that the Town This 10th day of March 2017. 4. Public Comment: Motion carried 7-0. Motion by Reekie, seconded by Diaz,
1. Base Bid: Wesner Lane Im- Board of Verona enacted Ordinance * Alderperson Stiner spoke in sup- (2) Discussion and Possible Action to adjourn at 8:04 p.m. Motion carried 7-0.
provements (approx. 55 LF) includes: Tammy Dresser
2017-02, regulating Firearms Discharge, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer port of updating and enhancing Fire- Re: A Professional Services Contract Ellen Clark
constructing a T turnaround, adding at their regular meeting held on March mans Park with AECOM for Design Services Regard- City Clerk
3 inches of millings to the center 16 of Town of Verona
7, 2017. A Public Hearing was held on Published: March 16, 2017 5. Approval of Minutes from the Feb- ing the Senior Center, Library and Old Published: March 16, 2017
pavement and pulverizing the entire the matter on February 7, 2017. The Or- ruary 13, 2017 Common Council Meeting: Library Parking Lots. Motion by Touchett, WNAXLP
roadway, grading, two lifts of asphalt WNAXLP
dinance repeals the existing Firearms Motion by Reekie, seconded by seconded by Diaz, to approve a Profes-
pavement, adding 3.25 inches of millings Discharge Ordinance 69-03 and replac- Stewart, to approve the minutes of the sional Services Contract with AECOM ***
to the 1 foot wide shoulder and resto- ***
for design services regarding Project
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