Chapter 2, Lesson 1: Heat, Temperature, and Conduction: Key Concepts
Chapter 2, Lesson 1: Heat, Temperature, and Conduction: Key Concepts
Chapter 2, Lesson 1: Heat, Temperature, and Conduction: Key Concepts
Key Concepts
Adding energy (heating) atoms and molecules increases their motion, resulting in an
increase in temperature.
Removing energy (cooling) atoms and molecules decreases their motion, resulting in a
decrease in temperature.
Energy can be added or removed from a substance through a process called conduction.
In conduction, faster-moving molecules contact slower-moving molecules and transfer
energy to them.
During conduction the slower-moving molecules speed up and the faster-moving
molecules slow down.
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of a
Heat is the transfer of energy from a substance at a higher temperature to a substance
at a lower temperature.
Some materials are better conductors of heat than others.
Students will do an activity in which heat is transferred from hot water to metal washers and then
from hot metal washers to water. Students will view a molecular animation to better understand
the process of conduction at the molecular level. Students will also draw their own model of the
process of conduction.
Students will be able to describe and draw a model, on the molecular level, showing how energy
is transferred from one substance to another through conduction.
The activity sheet will serve as the Evaluate component of each 5-E lesson plan. The activity
sheets are formative assessments of student progress and understanding. A more formal summa-
tive assessment is included at the end of each chapter.
Make sure you and your students wear properly fitting goggles. Use caution when handling hot
1. Discuss what happens when a spoon is placed in a hot liquid like soup or hot
Ask students:
Did you ever put a metal spoon in hot soup or hot chocolate and then touch
the spoon to your mouth? What do you think might be happening, between the
molecules in the soup and the atoms in the spoon, to make the spoon get hot?
Its not necessary for students to answer these questions completely at this time. It is
more important that they begin to think that something is going on at the molecular
level that causes one substance to be able to make another hotter.
2. Have students explore what happens when room-temperature
metal is placed in hot water.
If you cannot get the materials for all groups to do this activity, you can do
the activity as a demonstration or show students the videos:
Question to investigate
Why does the temperature of an object change when it is
placed in hot water?
Teacher preparation
Use a string to tie 5 or 6 metal washers together as shown. Each group of students
will need two sets of washers, each tied with a string.
Hang one set of washers for each group in hot water on a hot plate or in water in a
coffee maker so that the washers can get hot. These washers will need to remain hot
until the second half of the activity.
The other set should be left at room-temperature and may be distributed to students
along with the materials for the activity.
Immediately before the activity, pour about 30 milliliters (2 tablespoons) of hot
water (about 50 C) into a Styrofoam cup for each group. Be sure to pour one cup
of hot water for you to use as a control.
Tell students that they are going to see if the temperature of hot water changes as a result
of placing room-temperature metal washers in the water. The only way to tell if the wash-
ers cause the temperature to change is to have a cup of hot water without washers. Explain
that you will have this cup of hot water, which will be the control.
You will need to place your thermometer in the cup of hot water at the same time the
students do. Have students record the initial temperature of the control in their charts on
the activity sheet, along with the initial temperature of their own cup of hot water. The
temperature of the two samples should be about the same.
1. Place a thermometer in your cup to measure the
initial temperature of the water. Record the tem-
perature of the water in the Before column in the
chart on the activity sheet. Be sure to also record
the initial temperature of the water in the control
2. Use another thermometer to measure the tempera-
ture of the washers. Record this in the Before
5. Remove the washers from the water. Then take and record the temperature of the
washers in the After column.
6. Empty the cup in a waste container or sink.
Expected results
The temperature of the water will decrease a bit and the temperature of the washers will
increase a bit. The amount of temperature decrease and increase is really not that impor-
tant. What is important is that there is a temperature decrease in the water and a tempera-
ture increase in the washers.
Note: Eventually two objects at different temperatures that are Read more about
in contact will come to the same temperature. In the activity, the energy and tempera-
ture in the additional
washers and water will most likely be different temperatures. For
teacher background
the purposes of this activity, the washers and water are only in section at the end of
contact for a short time, so most likely will not come to the same this lesson.
Pour about 30 milliliters of room-temperature water into the control cup. Place a ther-
mometer in the cup and tell students the temperature of the water.
1. Pour about 30 milliliters of room-temperature water into your Styrofoam cup.
2. Place a thermometer into the water and record its temperature in the Before col-
umn in the chart on the activity sheet. Be sure to also record the initial temperature of
the water in the control cup.
3. Remove the washers from the hot water where they have been heating and quickly
use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the washers. Record this in the
Before column on your activity sheet.
4. With the thermometer still in the water, hold the string and lower the hot metal wash-
ers all the way into the water.
5. Observe any change in the temperature of the water. Leave the washers in the water
until the temperature stops changing. Record the temperature of the water in your
cup in the After column in the chart below. Also record the temperature of the water
in the control cup.
6. Remove the washers from the water. Take and record the temperature of the washers.
Expected results
The temperature of the water increases and the temperature of the washers decreases.
4. Discuss student observations and what may have caused the temperature of
the metal washers and water to change.
Ask students:
How did the temperature of the washers and water change in both parts of the
Based on their data, students should realize that the temperature of both the wash-
ers and water changed.
Knowing what you do about heating and cooling atoms and molecules, why do
you think the temperature changed?
If necessary, guide students thinking about why the temperature of each changed
by asking them which were probably moving faster, the atoms in the metal washers
or the molecules in the water. Tell students that the molecular model animation you
will show next will show them why the temperature of both changed.
5. Show two animations to help students understand how
energy is transferred from one substance to another.
Show the molecular model animation Heated Spoon.
Point out to students that the water molecules in the hot water are moving faster than the
atoms in the spoon. The water molecules strike the atoms of the spoon and transfer some
of their energy to these atoms. This is how the energy from the water is transferred to
the spoon. This increases the motion of the atoms in the spoon. Since the motion of the
atoms in the spoon increases, the temperature of the spoon increases.
It is not easy to notice, but when the fast-moving water molecules hit the spoon and speed
up the atoms in the spoon, the water molecules slow down a little. So when energy is
Explain to students that when fast-moving atoms or molecules hit slower-moving atoms
or molecules and increase their speed, energy is transferred. The energy that is transferred
is called heat. This energy transfer process is called conduction.
Ask students:
Describe how the process of conduction caused the temperature of the wash-
ers and water to change in the activity.
What is conduction?
Conduction occurs when two substances at different temperatures are in contact.
Energy is always transferred from the substance with the higher temperature to the
one at lower temperature. As energy is transferred from the hotter substance to the
colder one, the colder substance gets warmer and the hotter substance gets cooler.
Eventually the two substances become the same temperature.
Students tend to understand heating but often have a misconception about how things
are cooled. Just like heating a substance, cooling a substance also works by conduction.
But instead of focusing on the slower-moving molecules speeding up, you focus on the
faster-moving molecules slowing down. The faster-moving atoms or molecules of the
hotter substance contact slower-moving atoms or molecules of the cooler substance. The
faster-moving atoms and molecules transfer some of their energy to the slower-moving
atoms and molecules. The atoms and molecules of the hotter substance slow down, and its
temperature decreases. An object or substance cant get colder by adding coldness to it.
Something can only get colder by having its atoms and molecules transfer their energy to
something that is colder.
Tell students to add motion lines to the After illustration and add
descriptive words like warmer or cooler to describe the change in temperature of the
water and the spoon.
Note: After pressing Start, the simulation works best if you cycle through all the buttons
before using it for instruction with students..
After cycling through the Cold, Medium, and Hot buttons, choose Medium
to begin the discussion with students. Tell students that this simulation shows the
relationship between energy, molecular motion, and temperature.
Tell students that anything that has mass and is moving, no matter how big or small, has a
certain amount of energy, called kinetic energy. The temperature of a substance gives you
information about the kinetic energy of its molecules. The faster the molecules of a sub-
stance move, the higher the kinetic energy, and the higher the temperature. The slower the
molecules move, the lower the kinetic energy, and the lower the temperature. But at any
temperature, the molecules dont all move at the same speed so temperature is actually a
measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance.
These ideas apply to solids, liquids, and gases. The little balls in the simulation
represent molecules and change color to help visualize their speed and kinetic
energy. The slow ones are blue, the faster ones are purple or pink, and the fastest are
red. Explain also that individual molecules change speed based on their collisions
with other molecules. Molecules transfer their kinetic energy to other molecules
through conduction. When a fast-moving molecule hits a slower-moving molecule,
the slower molecule speeds up (and turns more red) and the faster molecule slows
down (and turns more blue).
Explain that at any temperature, most of the molecules are moving at about the
same speed and have about the same kinetic energy, but there are always some that
are moving slower and some that are moving faster. The temperature is actually a
combination, or average, of the kinetic energy of the molecules. If you could place a
thermometer in this simulation, it would be struck by molecules going at different
speeds so it would register the average kinetic energy of the molecules.
Ask students:
What do you notice about the molecules as energy is added?
As energy is added, more molecules are moving faster. There are more pink and red
molecules but there are still some slower-moving blue ones..
To remove energy, start with Hot and then press Medium and then Cold.
Ask students:
What do you notice about the molecules as energy is removed?
As energy is removed, more molecules are moving slower. There are more purple
and blue molecules, but a few still change to pink.
9. Have students try one or more extensions and use conduction to explain
these common phenomena.
Compare the actual temperature and how the temperature feels for different objects
in the room.
Ask students:
Touch the metal part of your chair or desk leg and then touch the cover of a text-
book. Do these surfaces feel like they are the same or a different temperature?
They should feel different.
Why does the metal feel colder even though it is the same temperature as the
Tell students that even though the metal feels colder, the metal and the cardboard
are actually the same temperature. If students dont believe this, they can use a ther-
mometer to take the temperature of metal and cardboard in the room. After being in
the same room with the same air temperature, both surfaces should be at the same
Show the animation Conducting Energy to help answer the question about why metal
feels colder than cardboard.
Tell students to watch the motion of the molecules in the metal, cardboard, and in the
Like the metal, the molecules in your finger are moving faster than the molecules in the
room-temperature cardboard. Energy is transferred from your finger to the surface of the
cardboard. But because cardboard is a poor conductor, the energy is not easily transferred
away from the surface through the cardboard. The molecules in your skin move at about
the same speed. Because your finger does not lose much energy to the cardboard, your
finger stays warm.
Compare the actual temperature and how the temperature feels for water and air.
Have students use two thermometers to compare the temperature of room-temperature
water and the temperature of the air. They should be about the same.
Ask students:
Put your finger in room-temperature water and another finger in the air.
Do the water and the air feel like they are the same or a different temperature?
The finger in the water should feel colder.
Why does the water feel cooler even though it is the same temperature as the
Remind students that even though the water feels colder, the water and the air are
actually about the same temperature. Students should realize that water is better
than air at conducting energy. As energy is drawn more rapidly away from your
finger, your skin feels colder.
Consider why cups of cold and hot water both come to room-temperature.
Have students think about and explain the following situation:
Lets say that you put a cup of cold water in one room and a cup of hot water in
another room. Both rooms are at the same room-temperature. Why does the
cold water get warmer and the hot water get cooler?
In both cases, energy will move from an area of higher temperature to an area of
lower temperature. So, the energy from room-temperature air will move into the
cold water, which warms the water. And the energy from the hot water will move
into the cooler air, which cools the water.