chuẩn khóa bơm
chuẩn khóa bơm
chuẩn khóa bơm
Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 326-336
A WDM-PON has been considered as an ultimate solution for access networks. However, there
were many technical and practical issues for commercial deployment. These issues were solved with
wavelength locked F-P LD and the WDM-PONs employing this optical source were commercialized.
These WDM-PON systems have been deployed in Korea, Europe, and US. We reviewed wavelength
locking technology and WDM-PON achievements.
When we inject spectrum sliced broadband light into an F-P LD, the multimode output is changed
to a quasi single mode. Then, we can use the single mode light for WDM signal transmission. The
broad spectral gain of the semiconductor gain medium enables a color-free operation of WDM-PON,
i.e., an identical ONT can be used for each user. The wavelength locking properties depend on
many parameters, especially alignment of injection wavelength to a lasing mode, passband profile
of AWG and front facet reflectivity of F-P LD. However, these dependencies can be reduced by
proper design of the laser and the injection bandwidth. Thus, WDM-PON systems have been achieved
with color-free operation.
OCIS codes : (060.0060) Fiber optics and optical communications; (060.4230) Multiplexing;
(060.4250) Networks; (060.4510) Optical communications
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WDM-PON Based on Wavelength Locked Fabry-Perot LDs - Chang-Hee Lee et al. 327
dents. There would be no issues regarding quality of that can remain locked to a DWDM wavelength grid
service (QoS) or privacy since no optical signals are over temperature ranges experienced at the passive node
shared with anyone else connected to the PON. An location [6]. It is also projected that these athermal
additional feature of the WDM architecture is its ability AWGs will have costs similar to optical power splitters
to localize any fault or optical loss in the fiber plant since each will use the same planar lightwave circuit
by using a single wavelength-tunable OTDR located at (PLC) technology, and the major costs are in the
the CO [5]. This could yield large operational and main- packaging which will be similar for each device.
tenance savings compared to PONs that use power Another issue is the concern of using wavelength-
splitters since it is very difficult to isolate problems in specific sources such as distributed feedback (DFB)
the fiber plant past the position of the RN. lasers in a WDM-PON system. If DFB lasers were used,
In this paper, we review the WDM-PON based on these lasers would require thermo-electric coolers (TEC)
wavelength locked F-P LD. In section II, we describe to stabilize their wavelengths that would result in
main principles and technologies of the wavelength relatively expensive packaging. Also, this scheme would
locking. Then, we describe research and development require a different or colored transceiver for each user,
activities in section III. The summary is presented in resulting in high costs for inventory management and
section IV. maintenance. To address these issues, much effort has
been done on trying to develop low-cost sources that
II. WDM-PON BASED WAVELENGTH are color-free or wavelength independent so that all
LOCKED F-P LD subscribers can have identical optical network termi-
nations (ONTs). Some of these approaches are listed
A. Wavelength locked F-P LD in Table 1. It may also be possible to provide color-free
Although a WDM-PON has many technical advantages, operation by using relatively expensive wavelength
there have been several issues that have prevented it tunable lasers if prior information of the channel wave-
from being a suitable solution for access applications. length is known [7].
One issue has been related to the wavelength stability One promising approach has recently been proposed
of the AWG located at the passive RN. Until recently, that enables color-free and identical transmitters by
AWG required temperature control to keep their optical using an automatic wavelength-locking scheme [8]-[10].
channels locked to a wavelength grid. This would have This scheme relies on providing an optical seeding signal
required electric power at the RN that would be unaccep- generated at the optical line termination (OLT) that
table for a PON solution. Technology advances have can be used to wavelength-lock the identical optical
allowed the recent commercialization of athermal AWGs transmitters located at each remote ONT. The
- Wavelength
Tunable laser Needed at ONT Direct ~ 2.5 Gb/s Yes 40 nm
source LED No Direct ~ 100 Mb/s Yes > 50 nm
at ONT Broadband - High slicing loss.
SLD No Direct < 1 Gb/s Yes > 50 nm
light: ASE - Dispersion limit for
from Doped > 1 Gb/s
No External > 10 Gb/s Yes 30 nm
Array of Needed at OLT External 2.5 Gb/s Yes Unlimited
modulator - Back reflection penalty
specific RSOA Needed at OLT Direct ~ 1 Gb/s Yes > 50 nm -Two feeder fibers
laser at - Needs optical amplifier
OLT Needed at OLT for EM
F-P LD Direct ~ 2.5 Gb/s Yes 50 nm
and ONT
from External - High power seed light
No External > 10 Gb/s Yes 30 ~ 50 nm
OLT modulator - Dispersion limit for
Broadband (Limited by > 1 Gb/s
light at OLT RSOA No Direct ~ 1 Gb/s Yes broadband - Needs optical amplifier
light at OLT) for EM
F-P LD No Direct ~ 2.5 Gb/s Yes
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