Important Information: Operator's Manual D11 DC11 DI11
Important Information: Operator's Manual D11 DC11 DI11
Important Information: Operator's Manual D11 DC11 DI11
When working on the engine, for example adjusting drive belts, oil change or adjusting the clutch,
it is important not to start the engine. The engine may be damaged and there is
For this reason, always secure the starting device or disconnect a battery cable
before working on the engine.
This is especially important if the engine has a remote starter or automatic starting.
This warning symbol and text is reproduced beside those maintenance points where it is
especially important to consider the risk of injury.
Operators Manual
D11 DC11 DI11
Industrial engine
opm96-11a en 1 588 293
Engine number
Start-up date
Engine type
Engine type and variant are indicated on the engine type plate
Scania CV AB
Industrial and Marine Engines
S-151 87 Sdertlje
Certification plate
DI 11 71 A 31 S
D Supercharged diesel engine (with turbo)
DC like D but with air-cooled charge air cooler
DI like D but with fluid-cooled charge air cooler
A For general industrial use
Variant 01-99
Governor type
D Electronically controlled auxiliary governor
S RSV, all-speed and single-speed governor
T RQ, single-speed governor
16 11 12 9 7 4 14
3 5 13 6
The drawings illustrate a common type of DI 11 engine.
Your engine may have other equipment not shown here.
19. Checking temperature monitor (see page 30). Block the starter device
when working on the engine.
20. Checking oil pressure monitor (see page 31). If the engine starts out of
21. Checking stop feature (see page 31). control, there is a
22. Checking v-belt tension (see page 33). SERIOUS RISK OF
The Scania tachometer is divided into different coloured sections as follows.
3. Engines with battery master switch: Cut the power using the battery The power must not be cut
master switch. (Does not apply to emergency power back-up units).
until the engine has stopped.
4. Set the control switch to 0. (Does not apply to emergency power back-
up units).
Emergency stop
The stop solenoid linkage system has a knob marked STOP. Pull the link-
age system to the stop position using this knob if it is not possible to stop the
engine using the stop solenoid.
Every year
1200 h
2400 h
4800 h
400 h
200 h
400 h
1. Checking oil level l l
2. Oil change l1 l
3. Cleaning the lubrication oil cleaner l1 l
4. Changing the turbo filter l1 l
5. Checking coolant level l
6. Checking coolant l l4 l
7. Cleaning cooling system l1 l
AIR CLEANER, page 24
8. Test reading low pressure indicator l
9. Cleaning coarse cleaner l1 l
10. Cleaning or changing filter insert l3 l
11. Changing safety cartridge l l
FUEL SYSTEM, page 26
12. Checking fuel level l l
13. Changing main filter l1 l
14. Checking injectors l l
15. Checking electrolyte level in batteries l l2 l
16. Checking charge state of batteries l l2 l
17. Cleaning batteries l2 l
18. Checking level monitor l l l
19. Checking temperature monitor l l l
20. Checking oil pressure monitor l l l
21. Checking stop function l l l
22. Checking v-belts l l l
23. Look for leakage. Remedy as necessary l
24. Checking/adjusting valve clearance l l
25. Changing (or cleaning) valve for closed crankcase l
SAE 20W-30
SAE 30
SAE 40
SAE 50
SAE 5W-30
SAE 10W-30
SAE 15W-40
The oil may be hot.
Wear protective gloves 1 dm3 = 1 litre
and eye protection
15 (or 20)
30 30
Open the bowl with care.
The oil may be hot.
- Lift out the rotor and slacken the nut for the rotor cover three turns.
- Gently tap the nut using your hand or a plastic hammer so that the rotor
bowl becomes detached from the bottom plate.
- Scrape away deposits from the inside of the rotor bowl. If there are no
deposits, this shows that the cleaner is not working.
- If the deposits are thicker than 20 mm: Clean more often.
- Place the O-ring in position in the rotor bowl. This must not be
Change if necessary.
Operational test
The rotor turns very quickly and should continue to rotate when the engine
has stopped.
- Stop the engine when it is warm.
- Listen for the whirring from the rotor or feel whether the cleaner hous-
ing is vibrating.
The rotor normally rotates 30 - 60 seconds after the engine has stopped.
If not: Dismantle and check.
5. Daily:
- Open the expansion tank cap and check coolant level.
- Correct level: (Scania plastic expansion tank).
Open the cover carefully.
- Cold engine: The coolant level should be level with the lower edge water and steam can
of the filler neck.
spray out.
- Warm engine:The coolant level should be about 25 mm above the
lower edge of the filler hole.
- Other types of expansion tank according to the installers instructions. Always top up using pre-
- Top up coolant as necessary, see point 6. mixed coolant.
Checking glycol content ! WARNING
If there is a danger of freezing, use only glycol as protection against corrosion Ethylene glycol is
in the coolant.
toxic if ingested.
- Cooling systems with glycol must contain at least 30% glycol by vol-
ume to offer sufficient protection against corrosion. Avoid contact with the skin.
- 30% glycol by volume provides anti-freeze protection down to -18 C.
If more protection is required, see the table on the next page for calculat-
ing the necessary amount of glycol.
We recommend only nitrite-free glycol anti-freeze with the following sup- The coolant should be mixed
plier designations: before it is poured into the
BASF G48 or BASF D542 cooling system.
- Always top up the anti-freeze if the content drops below 30% by vol- Never top up with only water
ume. A glycol content above 60% by volume will not improve the pro- or only glycol.
tection against corrosion.
- The table below shows the temperature at which ice starts to form. The
engine freezes and breaks at significantly lower temperatures, see graph. The recommended glycols
- Ice forming in the coolant often causes malfunction without any risk of must not be mixed with glycol
damage. The engine must not be loaded hard when ice is forming. which has nitrite-based anti-
Note! The coolant should be changed when the cooling system is corrosive.
cleaned: Every 4,800 hours or at least every 5th year. This could cause sludging and
Important! If a coolant filter is used in the cooling system, it must not reduced cooling capacity.
contain an inhibitor.
% Glycol by
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Cooling
Ice slush starts capacity, dm3
-7 -10 -14 -18 -24 -30 -38 -40
to form at C
5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 30
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 40
8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 50
9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 60
11 14 18 21 25 28 32 35 70
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 80
14 18 23 27 32 36 41 45 90
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100
Glycol dm3
(litres) 17 22 28 33 39 44 50 55 110
18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 120
20 26 33 39 46 52 59 65 130
21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 140
23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 150
24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 160
26 34 43 51 60 68 77 85 170
27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 180
29 38 48 57 67 76 86 95 190
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200
Changing coolant
1. Remove the filler cap from the expansion tank.
2. The coolant is drained at two points:
- the lowest point of the engine block, see drawing
- the lowest point of the cooling system.
3. Close the valves.
4. Fill coolant through the expansion tank filler hole.
Mix coolant as described on page 19.
Removing deposits
- If possible, run the engine until it is warm and then drain the cooling
- Remove the thermostats.
- Fill the system with clean, hot water mixed with one of the commer-
cially available radiator cleaners based on sulphamin acid and contain-
ing dispersing agents. Follow the manufacturers instructions for mix
ratios and cleaning times.
- Run the engine for the for the specified time and then drain the cooling
- Fill the system again with hot water and run the engine for about 20 or
30 minutes.
- Drain the water from the system.
- Refit the thermostats.
- Fill the system with coolant as described in the specifications on
page 19.
1 2 3
1. Delivery pipes
2. Cap nut
3. Washer
4. Cone
5. Connector on injector or
injection pump
60 134 13.5 4
90 51.2 4.3 3
100 38.5 3 3
Important! Stop solenoids with a timer module may be activated for start
and stop a maximum of 3 times per minute. Otherwise, the
timer module may be damaged and the stop feature cease.
Important! The stop solenoid must not be activated more than 3 times per
minute as the timer module can be damaged.
Important! The stop solenoid must not be activated more than 3 times per
minute as the timer module can be damaged.
22. Every 200 hours:
Correctly tensioned drive belts should be possible to depress
about 10 mm with a force of 35-50 N (depending on the
free length of the belt) when pressing on one belt.
Change worn or damaged belts.
1. Detach the securing screws.
2. Set the correct tension using the adjusting screw.
Do not over-tighten the belts.
A small amount of leakage from the overflow holes when running in the
engine is normal. (Seals and O-rings are fitted lubricated with soap or
This leakage normally stops after a time.
If there is a large amount of leakage - contact your nearest Scania
1 1 1 1 1 1
No. 6 cyl No. 1 cyl
On silumin casings readings can be
taken either from the top or from
underneath, depending on which
flywheel is used.
The cover not being used is covered
with a seal and an instruction
On cast iron casings readings can
be taken from either the top or FLYWHEEL
from the side (60o) according to
Covers for reading the accessibility. Intake valve
on flywheel casing Exhaust valve
Preservative fuel
- Use diesel fuel oil mixed with Lubrizol 560A or equivalent.
- Mix 1 cm3 (ml) Lubrizol 560A in 10 dm3 (l) fuel.
Contains aromatic hydrocarbons
Use extractors where there is a risk of vapour build-up.
Wear eye protection and protective gloves when handling. Do not use contaminated clothing.
In case of contact with eyes: Rinse with a gentle stream of water (at least 15 minutes).
Seek medical attention.
In case of contact with skin: Wash with soap and water
In case of inhalation: Fresh air, rest and keep warm
Flammable: Fire class 2A. Flash point + 27.
In case of fire: Extinguish using carbon dioxide, powder or foam
Storage: In well sealed vessel in dry, cool place. Keep out of reach of children.
- Drain the preservative oil from the engine. New engine oil can be filled
directly or when taking out of storage.
- Drain the coolant if the engine is not to be stored with a full cooling sys-
tem. Plug and tape over all coolant connections (if the cooling system is
not completely assembled).
- Air cleaner: Clean and change the filter insert.
Date . . . . . . . . . . . .
Must not be started or cranked.
Remove the batteries for maintenance charging in the charging station. (Does
not apply to batteries which, according to the manufacturer, are maintenance-
free). The same applies even for short periods of disuse, even if the engine is
not stored as above.
After the preparations, the engine should be stored in a dry, warm environ-
ment (room temperature).
Important! The engine must be cranked with the injectors removed so that
excess preservative oil can be forced out of the cylinders.
Max. oil pressure
(warm engine at speed above 800 rpm) bar (kp/cm2)
Normal oil pressure
(warm engine at operating speed) bar (kp/cm2)
Min. oil pressure
(warm engine 800 rpm) bar (kp/cm2)
Oil capacity, see page 15
Number of thermostats 2
Thermostat, opening temperature C 79
Coolant temperature:
system with atmospheric pressure C 70 - 93
system with positive pressure C 70 - about 100
Capacity including radiator, engine and expansion tank
and for DSI11 including charge air cooler
with 0.75 m2 radiator dm3 (litres) 53 55 -
with 1.00 m radiator dm3 (litres) 58 58 60
System voltage V 24
Alternator, current A 65 or 90
Starter motor power kW (hp) 6.6 or 6.7 (9.0 or 9.1)
Monitors, alarm values:
oil pressure monitor bar (kp/cm2) 0.7 0.15
temperature monitor C Stamped on monitor hexagon
Property Requirement
Viscosity at 40 C 2.0 - 4.5 mm2/s (cSt)
flash point 56 C
Drain fuel tank, drain fuel filter, clean the pre-filter and change
fuel filter regularly.
Glycol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Injectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Long-term storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Low pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Lubrication oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Lubrication oil pressure monitor . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Lubrication oil system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14