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An alkaloid is a type of plant-derived organic compound. Alkaloids are generally composed of oxygen, hydrogen,
carbon, and nitrogen. Some alkaloids are considered toxic, but others are often used medicinally. Alkaloids one might encount er
in everyday life include caffeine, the drugs atropine and quinine, and the deadly nightshade plant. Alkaloids are relatively rare in
plants. They have what's considered to be a complex chemical structure, and they always contain a nitrogen molecule. An
alkaloid may also contain molecules of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. Though their effects vary from medicinal to poisonous, all
alkaloids cause a physiological effect on the human body. Some alkaloids, such as the ergot alkaloid, can be toxic and even
deadly. Cocaine and caffeine are two plant-based alkaloids believed to be toxic in their effects. A class of alkaloids known as the
tropane alkaloids is historically famous for their use as poisons. The alkaloid atropine belongs in this class. It is typically derived
from the plant atropa belladonna or deadly nightshade. Many alkaloids can be used for medical purposes. Atropine, believed to
have been used historically as a poison, is now sometimes used to stimulate the central nervous system and dilate the pupils of the
eyes. Scopolamine, an alkaloid of the same class, is often used to treat motion sickness. Quinine, one of 31 alkaloid chemical
compounds found in the plant cinchona succirubra, has antimalarial properties. Quinine is still used as a treatment of choice for
malaria. Some alkaloids, such as the morphine alkaloids, can have narcotic effects. These alkaloids are typically derived from the
opium poppy. Morphine alkaloids may be some of the oldest drugs in the world. Their use was first recorded in Sumeria circa
3500 B.C. Morphine alkaloids were often used to induce drowsiness in laudanum preparations from the 1830s onward, even
though they were believed to be addictive. Today, morphine alkaloids are still sometimes used in medicine as an analgesic, or
pain reliever. Vincristine, an alkaloid believed to have been first isolated from catharanthus roseus in the 1950s, is now used to
treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and childhood leukemia. Vinblastine, also isolated from the same plant, is believed to be an
effective treatment for Hodgkin's disease.
Properties of Alkaloids attributed from their extremely complex and varied
The properties of alkaloids may be grouped chemical structures. However, it has been observed that the
together in two categories, namely: free alkaloid bases as such are invariably found to be fairly
(a) Physical properties soluble in organic solvents, such as: either, chloroform,
(b) Chemical properties. relatively non-polar solvents (hexane, benzene, petroleum
These two categories shall now be discussed ether), immiscible solvent, lower alcohols (methanol,
individually in the sections that follows: ethanol) but they are either practically insoluble or very
sparingly soluble in water.
1.Physical Properties Interestingly, the alkaloidal salts are almost freely
A comprehensive knowledge of the solubility of soluble in water, relatively less soluble in alcohol and
complete range of alkaloids and their corresponding salts is mostly either insoluble or sparingly soluble in organic
of utmost pharmaceutical importance because of their solvents:
extremely specific and potent pharmacological actions. [17,19] Examples Atropine sulphate and morphine
It is pertinent to mention here that in general the hydrochloride are much more soluble in water than their
solubilities of different alkaloids and their respective salts corresponding bases i.e., atropine and morphine.
usually exhibit considerable variation, which may be However, there are a few exceptions to the above stated
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2. Chemical Properties
The chemical properties of the alkaloids are so
broadly spread out, therefore, they shall be treated
individually under the following heads, namely. Degree of Basicity: The degree of basicity of
the alkaloids mostly depends upon the prevailing influence
[A] N-in the Molecule Besides, the other normal caused due to the electrostatic status of the N-atom present
elements e.g., carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, the alkaloids must in the alkaloid molecule, for instance, the number of N-atom
essentially contain at least one N-atom. The number of N- present in the alkaloid, whether the N-atom is located in the
atoms vary from the bear minimum one in a ring or in the side-chain, the presence of alkyl group (e.g.,
molecule e.g., cocaine, to even five in a methyl) to the N-atom etc.
molecule e.g., ergotamine. It has been observed that these Another factor, which establishes the degree of
N-atoms are normally present as a part of the heterocyclic basicity of an alkaloid, is the presence of pri-, sec-, tert-,
ring in the alkaloid molecule e.g., quinine, reserpine, or quaternary N-atom or atoms in it. In fact, such apparent
strychnine, vinblastine and yohimbine; whereas there are differences in the degree of basicity arising from the various
certain alkaloids that contain the N-atom in the aliphatic structural features, are eventually reflected by the different
side chain e.g., ephedrine, mescaline.Invariably, the dissociation constant values (i.e., pKa values) with regard to
alkaloids contain the N-atom in the tertiary-amine various alkaloids as stated below.
form (R3 N) e.g.,morphine, reserpine; lesser in
the secondary-amine form (R2 NH) e.g., ephedrine; and very Chemistry of Alkaloids
rarely in the primary-amine form (RNH2 ) e.g., nor-pseudo-
ephedrine. Furthermore, whenever N-atom occurs either in
the tertiary- or secondary-form, it essentially constitutes as
an integral part of the ringsystem, precisely the heterocyclic
ring system.
Noticeably, the tertiary N-atoms wherein only two
of the bonds are involved in a ring, the methyl moiety is
usually found as the third component, for instance: N-
methyl group inmorphine, cocaine, colchicine, dextro
methorphan, codeine, physostigmine, vinblastine,
vindesine etc. Hence, methyl moiety seems to be the
only alkyl group that has been found to be substituted on
the N-atom.
However, in some very specific cases, the N-atom
occurs in the quaternary ammonium
form (R4 N+.X) e.g., tubocurarine chloride. Nevertheless,
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Iodine = 1.3 g
[D] Precipitation by Specific Reagents A good number Potassium = 2.0 g
of alkaloids obtained from various plant sources invariably Distilled water to make = 100.00 ml
give a distinct precipitate with certain specific reagents to an
extent as small as one microgram. Based on these (iii) Krauts Reagent (Modified Dragendorffs Reagent or
observations, these alkaloid-precipitating reagents are Potassium Bismuth Iodide):
sometimes employed for either detecting the presence or Bismuth Nitrate = 8.0 g
absence of alkaloids in: Nitric Acid = 20.0 ml
(i) Crude extracts or plant materials Potassium Iodide = 27.2 g
(ii) Ascertaining whether a specific extraction procedure has Distilled water to make = 100.00 ml
exhausted completely the alkaloidal contents or not.
However, a negative test i.e., the absence of (iv) Marmes Reagent (Potassium-Cadmium Iodide
precipitation, may infer that the alkaloids are absent. It is Reagent):
pertinent to mention here that a positive test may not always Cadmium Iodide = 10.0 g
indicate the presence of alkaloids, but may also be due to Potassium Iodide = 20.0 g
the presence of other plant constituents, such as: purines, Distilled water to make = 100.00 ml
proteins, betaines and ammonium salts etc. Therefore, it is
always desired to rule out the possibility of a false-test by (v) Scheiblers Reagent (Phosphotungstic Acid Reagent):
alkalifying the acidic solution with dilute ammonium Sodium Tungstate = 20.0 g
hydroxide and subsequently extracting the liberated alkaloid Disodium Phosphate = 70.0 g
with chloroform. The residue thus obtained, after the Distilled water to make = 100.00 ml
removal of the solvent (chloroform), is tested with Note: Acidify with nitric acid to litmus paper.
the alkaloid-precipitating reagents. Now, if the test is
positive, the presence of an alkaloid is almost confirmed. (vi) Hagers Reagent:
A saturated solution of Picric Acid.
Microcrystalline precipitates of alkaloids
Alkaloids, alike other amines, usually form double (vii) Sonnenscheins Reagent (Phosphomolybdic Acid): A
salts with salts of heavy metals, such as, gold (Au), mercury 1% (w/v) solution of phosphomolybdic acid in ethanol.
(Hg) and platinum (Pt). The resulting double salts are found (viii) Bertrands Reagent (Silicotungstic Acid):
to be possessing characteristic microcrystalline structures. It A 1% (w/v) solution of silicotungstic acid in distilled water.
has been observed that under controlled and specific
experimental parameters viz., profile of mixing and (ix) Reineckate salt solution:
gradual evaporation, a drop of an alkaloidal solution Ammonium Reineckate = 1.0 g
reacting with a drop of an appropriate NH4 [Cr. (NH3 )2 (SCN)4
alkaloidalprecipitating reagent, such as: chloroplatinic acid Hydroxylamine HCl = 0.3 g
(H2 PtCl6 ) or chlorauric acid (HAu . Cl4 ), on a microscopic- Ethanol = 100.00 ml
glass slide, gives rise to microcrystalline products having Note: Filter and store in a refrigerator.
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[E] Colour Reactions with Specific Reagents Broadly In general, are not very stable. They normally
speaking the colour reactions of the alkaloids are rather undergo degradation or decomposition on being exposed to
unspecific; however, they are certainly very sensitive so air, light, moisture and heat, besides chemical reagents. A
much so that even alkaloids present in microgram quantities few typical examples of alkaloids vis-a-vis their stability are
invariably afford immediate and instant response. The stated below, namely:
ultimate development of a characteristic colour reaction is (i) Ergotamine gets destroyed by prolonged treatment
solely dependent upon either the dehydration or the with alkali, whereas strychnine can stand such vigorous
oxidation of the alkaloid. Generally, a large number of these action.
reagents essentially consist of concentrated sulphuric acid (ii) An aqueous solution of alkaloids undergo rapid
along with certain specific added compounds, such as, decomposition or degradation as compared to their solid
sulphomolybdic acid, formaldehyde, sulphovanadic acid, forms.
potassium arsenate, hydrogen peroxide, and selenious acid. (iii) Storage of alkaloids in pure form or their dry
A number of such specific reagents shall be described in the extracts is usually done in a vacuum desiccator over a
section that follows: dehydrating agent e.g., phosphorous pentoxide (P2 O5 ) or
calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) anhydrous for their better stability.
(a) Froehds reagent: Dissolve 5 mg of molybdic acid or (iv) During the course of extraction
sodium molybdate in 5 ml of pure concentrated H2 SO4 . of alkaloids followed by isolation, the solvent is preferably
Note: The reagent should be freshly prepared before use. removed effectively by distillation under vacuum** (or
(b) Erdmanns reagent: A mixture of 10 drops of reduced atmospheric pressure) or by subjecting it to
concentrates HNO3 , and 100 ml of water are added to 20 ml evaporation in a Rotary Thin-Film Evaporator under
of pure concentrated H2 SO4 . vacuum so that the desired product is not exposed to
(c) Marquis reagent: A mixture of 2-3 drops of excessive heat, thus avoiding decomposition.
formaldehyde solution (40%) with 3 ml of concentrated (v) Alkaloids, are stored in amber-coloured glass
H2 SO4 . bottles preferably in a vacuum desiccator.
(d) Mandalins reagent: Dissolve 1 g of finely powdered
ammonium vanadate in 200 g of pure conc. H2 SO4 .[27] [G] Acid salts of Alkaloids A plethora of alkaloids are
(e) Meckes Reagent: Dissolve 1 g of selenious acid in 200 strongly alkaline in nature and most of them form well-
g of pure concentrated H2 SO4 . defined salts. However, in certain instances the basicity of
(f ) Modified Dragendroffs reagent: Dissolve 1.6 g of analkaloid is quite weak and feeble, and hence the
bismuth subnitrate in 60 ml of 20% glacial acetic acid, add formation of the corresponding salts with either acetic or
to it 5 ml of 40% aqueous solution of KI, 5ml of glacial other weak acids is practically insignificant and rare. The
acetic acid and make up the volume to 100 ml of water. salts formed with stronger acids e.g., HCl, H2 SO4 etc., get
(g) Rosenthalers reagent: Dissolve 1 g of potassium decomposed in the presence of water to liberate the free
arsenates in 100 g of pure concentrated H2 SO4 . base and the acid. It has been observed that only a few of
(h) Schaers reagent: Mix carefully 1 volume of pure 30% the alkaloids form carbonates, and cons equently either the
H2 O2 with 10 volumes of concentrated H2 SO4 . alkali carbonates or the alkali hydrogen carbonates are
Note: The reagent is always prepared afresh, before use. invariably used to liberate them from the aqueous solutions
Interestingly, there are some instances where in the of their corresponding salts.
intensity of the colour so produced is in linear Alkaloids, in general, containing either one or
proportion under standardized experimental parameters. more than one N-atom usually behave as monoacidic
Therefore, such specific colour reactions may be used bases; and, therefore, form only one series of salts with
exclusively for the quantitative determination of certain acids as designated by BA (where: B = base; and A =
groups of alkaloids, such as: acid). It is pertinent to mention here that quinine in
(i) For Ergot Alkaloids: particular and the cinchona alkaloids in general are an
The blue colour produced by the ergot alkaloids with exception to the earlier concept and found to behave
the Van Urk Reagent (or Ehrlich Reagent) i.e., para- as diacidic bases. Besides, a number of alkaloids to behave
dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 65% H2 SO4 , is employed as monoacidic bases, even though they contain two N-atoms
for the quantitative estimation of ergot alkaloids. in their molecule. It is worthwhile to mention here that the
basicities of the alkaloids is of utmost importance with
(ii) For Belladona Alkaloids: regard to their quantitative volumetric estimation.
The violet colour caused by the belladona alkaloids with In common practice the salts of alkaloids are
fuming HNO3 and alcoholic KOH solution is employed for prepared by using cold and dilute solutions of the mineral
their assay. acid specifically, e.g., morphine hydrochloride, atropine
sulphate, quinine sulphate, ephedrine hydrochloride etc. It
[F] Stability of Alkaloids Alkaloids, may be pointed out that the use of concentrated mineral
acids, or heating an alkaloid even with a dilute acid under
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pressure may ultimately lead to profound changes in them. [I] Pharmacological Activity:
Noticeably, the concentrated mineral acids invariably give The alkaloids exhibit a wide-spectrum and complete
rise to characteristic colour changes, that are usually used as diversity of complex structures which ultimately is
a means of identification and characterization of the responsible for their extra ordinary broad-range of
alkaloids. In addition to the complete decomposition pharmacological activities covering both the cardio-vascular
of alkaloids by strong acids to result the various colour and central nervous system. It has been observed beyond
changes, the chemical changes caused by the mineral acids any reasonable doubt that most alkaloids usually exert
on them may be categorized into threedifferent types, certain specific and definite pharmacological action.
namely: Moreover, a small quantity of an alkaloid (0.11.0 mg) may
(a) Dehydration: Dehydration of alkaloids give rise to bring about a marked and pronounced pharmacological
either anhydro- or apo-alkaloids, such as: action on various organs and tissues both of animal and
Apomorphine obtained from Morphine human origin. However, the potency of an individual
Apoatropine obtained from Atropine alkaloid varies from one another widely and profusely.A
(b) Demethoxylation: The removal or elimination of the few typical pharmacological actions of some alkaloids are
methoxyl groups from the alkaloids by treatment with either stated below showing their broadspectrum of activities,
concentrated HCl or HI to produce methyl chloride (CH3Cl) namely:
or methyl iodide (CH3 I) while giving rise to the
corresponding hydroxy base. The methoxyl group (s) are
present in a variety of alkaloids, for instance: codeine,
quinine, narcotine andpapaverine.
(c) Hydrolysis: A good number of naturally occurring
alkaloids are obtained asesters. They easily undergo
hydrolysis on being heated with either alkalies or mineral
acids thereby resulting into the formation of the
corresponding acids along with respective alcohols or
phenols of the alkaloids.
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Another school of thought classifies alkaloids in (d) Taxonomic Classification:- This particular
the following four heads, namely: classification essentially deals with theTaxon i.e.,
(a) Biosynthetic Classification In this particular instance the taxonomic category. The most common taxa are the
the significance solely lies to the precursor from which the genus, subgenus, species, subspecies, and variety.
alkaloids in question are produced in the plant Therefore, the taxonomic classification encompasses the
biosynthetically. Therefore, it is quite convenient and also plethora of alkaloids exclusively based on their respective
logical to group together all alkaloids having been derived distribution in a variety of Plant Families, sometimes also
from the same precursor but possessing different taxonomic referred to as the Natural order. A few typical examples of
distribution and pharmacological activities. plant families and the various species associated with them
Examples:- are stated below, namely:
(i) Indole alkaloids derived from tryptophan. (i) Cannabinaceous Alkaloids:
(ii) Piperidine alkaloids derived from lysine. e.g., Cannabis sativa Linn., (Hemp, Marijuana).
(iii) Pyrrolidine alkaloids derived from ornithine. (ii) Rubiaceous Alkaloids:
(iv)Phenylethylamine alkaloids derived from tyrosine. e.g., Cinchona Sp. (Quinine)
(v) Imidazole alkaloids derived from histidine. Mitragyna speciosa Korth (Katum, Kratum, Kutum)
Pausinystalia johimbe (K. Schum) (Yohimbe).
(b) Chemical Classification:- It is probably the most (iii) Solanaceous Alkaloids:
widely accepted and common mode of classification e.g., Atropa belladona L., (Deadly Nightshade, Belladona)
of alkaloids for which the main criterion is the presence of Brunfelsia uniflorus (Pohl) D. Don (Manaca, Manacan)
the basic heterocyclic nucleus (i.e., the chemical entity). Capsicum annuumL., (Sweet Peppers, Paprika)
Examples Datura candida (Pers.) Saff. (Borrachero, Floripondio)
1. Pyrrolidine alkaloids e.g., Hygrine Duboisia myoporoides R. Br. (Corkwood Tree, Pituri)
2. Piperidine alkaloids e.g., Lobeline Hyoscyamus niger L. (Henbane, Henblain, Jusquaime)
3. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids e.g., Senecionine Mandragora officinarum L. (Mandrake, Loveapple)
4. Tropane alkaloids e.g., Atropine Nicotiana glauca R. Grah. (Tree Tobacco)
5. Quinoline alkaloids e.g., Quinine Seopolia carniolica Jacq. (Scopolia)
6. Isoquinoline alkaloids e.g., Morphine Solanum dulcamara L.(Bittersweet, Bitter Nightshade,
7. Aporphine alkaloids e.g., Boldine Felonwood)
8. Indole alkaloids e.g., Ergometrine Withania somniferum (L.) Dunal (Ashwagandha), etc.
9. Imidazole alkaloids e.g., Pilocarpine Invariably, they are grouped together according to
10. Diazocin alkaloids e.g., Lupanine the name of the genus wherein they belong to, such as: coca,
11. Purine alkaloids e.g., Caffeine cinchona, ephedra.Some phytochemists have even gone a
12. Steroidal alkaloids e.g., Solanidine step further and classified the alkaloidsbased on
13. Amino alkaloids e.g., Ephedrine their chemotaxonomic classification.In the recent past,
14. Diterpene alkaloids e.g., Aconitine. the alkaloids have been divided into two major categories
(c) Pharmacological Classification:-The alkaloids exhibit based on the analogy that one containing a non-heterocyclic
a broad range of very specific pharmacological nucleus, while the other having theheterocyclic nucleus.
characteristics. Perhaps this might also be used as a strong
basis for the general classification of the wide-spectrum of
alkaloids derived from the plant kingdom, such as:
analgesics, cardio-vascular drugs, CNS-stimulants and
depressants, dilation of pupil of eye, mydriatics,
anticholinergics, sympathomimetics, antimalarials,
purgatives, and the like. However, such a classification is
not quite common and broadly known.
1. Morphine as Narcotic analgesic
2. Quinine as Antimalarial
3. Strychnine as Reflex excitability
4. Lobeline as Respiratory stimulant
5. Boldine as Choleretics and laxatives
6. Aconitine as Neuralgia
7. Pilocarpine as Antiglaucoma agent and miotic
8. Ergonovine as Oxytocic
9. Ephedrine as Bronchodilator
(i) Narceine as Analgesic (narcotic) and antitussive.
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It is, however, pertinent to mention at this juncture (ii) Most of the alkaloid-containing plants, several alkaloids
that the enormous volume of authentic information having closely related chemical structures are normally
accumulated so far with regard to the isolation present, such as: the cinchona alkaloids consist of more than
of alkaloids from a variety of plant species and their twentyfive alkaloids. There is hardly any known plant
subsequent characterization by the help of latest analytical source that contains only one alkaloid exclusively,
techniques they may be classified as follows:
A. Alkaloids derived from Amination Reactions (iii) Separation of each individual alkaloid from the mixture
1. Acetate-derived Alkaloids of alkaloids obtained from a particular plant source
2. Phenylalanine-derived Alkaloids (e.g., cinchona bark) using latest separation techniques, for
3. Terpenoid Alkaloids instance, preparative high-performances liquid
4. Steroidal Alkaloids chromatography, (HPLC) column chromatography, by the
help of chromatotron, and high-performance thin-layer
B. Alkaloids derived from Anthranilic Acid chromatography (HPTLC).Nevertheless, the general
1. Quinazoline Alkaloids methods of isolation of alkaloids largely depend upon
2. Quinoline Alkaloids several vital factors, for instance:
3. Acridine Alkaloids
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solvent is comparatively less than the chlorinated solvents (b) Stas-Otto Process:- The Stas-Otto process essentially
e.g., chloroform. consists of treating the powdered and sieved drug substance
2. The extraction of total alkaloids with alcohol is highly with 9095% (v/v) ethanol, previously acidified with
recommended because of its maximum efficiency and tartaric acid. The proportion of crude drug to solvent should
economical viability. be maintained as 1 Kg to 1 L. The alcohol is distilled off
under vacuum and the resulting aqueous residue is treated
[B] Extraction with Water-Immiscible Solvents In reality, with petroleum-ether (60-80C) to remove the fatty
the most widely used water-immiscible solvents for the components completely. If any alkaloid is removed by the
extraction of alkaloids are: chloroform, diethyl ether petroleum ether, it must be recovered by treating it with
(solvent ether) and isopropyl ether. However, a few other dilute mineral acid. Thus, the resulting aqueous extract is
specific organic solvents, namely: ethylene chloride, carbon mixed with the main bulk of aqueous extract. The combined
tetrachloride and benzene* may be employed with an aqueous extract is filtered and evaporated to dryness
evident advantage for certain specific alkaloids. preferably in aRotary Thin-Film Evaporator under vacuum.
Interestingly, chloroform is regarded as the choicest water- The residue is extracted with absolute ethanol thereby
immiscible solvent for a broad-spectrum of alkaloids dissolving the total alkaloids.
present in the plant kingdom and extracts them with varying (c) Kippenbergers Process:- In Kippenbergers process
degrees of ease. the powdered and sieved plant substance is first and
foremost digested with solution of tannin (100 g) in glycerol
[C] Extraction with Water The crude drug is subjected to (500 g) at a constant temperature of 40C for a duration of
extraction with water previously acidified with dilute 48 hours. The resulting mixture is further heated to 50C so
solution of HCl, H2 SO4 or CH3 COOH, which is as to help in the complete coagnlation of proteinous
subsequently rendered alkaline, preferably with dilute substances, cooled to ambient temperature and finally
NH4 OH solution and finally extracted with a water- filtered. The resulting filtrate is thoroughly shaken with
immiscible solvent as stated in [B] above. petroleum ether to get rid of faulty materials (oils, fats and
Undoubtedly, water being an excellent and waxes), and the last traces of petroleum ether is removed
absolutely inexpensive polar solvent for the extraction of from the extract by heating either on a water-bath (electric)
alkaloids, but if offers an enormous volume of or exposure to Infra-Red Lamp. The fat-free crude plant
disadvantages because it carries along with it a large extract is subsequently acidified and shaken with
number of other plant components, for instance: sugar, chloroform, successively to remove the bulk of the
pigments (e.g., chlorophylls), starches, tannins, proteins alkaloids, namely, atropine, codeine, colchicine, narcotine,
etc., which ultimately puts across a collosal waste of time, nicotine, papaverine, spartenine and thebaine.
energy and chemicals. Hence, its usage has been resulting to The resulting residual extract may still contain
a bear minimum level. narceine, curarine and morphine. However, narceine and
In general, the alkaloids may be extracted by any morphine may be isolated by passing freshly generated CO2
of the following three well-defined and widely accepted directly into extract so as to convert the alkali hydroxide
processes, namely: into their corresponding carbonate, which is then ultimately
subjected to solvent extraction using a mixture of alcohol
(a) Soxhlet Extraction Process and chloroform. Finally, the third alkaloid, curarine, may be
(b) Stas-Otto Process extracted by agitation with a mixture of equal volumes of
(c) Kippenbergers Process. ether and chloroform.
All these three processes shall now be discussed However, a combination of Kippenbergers
briefly in the sections that follows: process and Stas-Otto process by its application to the final
(a) Soxhlet Extraction Process:- The soxhlet assembly is a alcoholic extract obtained by the latter process is found to
continuous extractor which is generally suitable for the give better separation of alkaloids.
extraction of alkaloids from powdered plant materials with
the help of organic solvents. In this instance, the powdered Purification of Alkaloid
drug is usually moistened with dilute ammonia solution and The main bulk of the crude alkaloidal extract is invariably
then packed loosely in the thimble of the Soxhlet apparatus; subjected to further purification by means of either anyone
and the organic solvent affords a deep penetration of the or combination of the following methods:
moist drug thereby allowing the greatest possible extraction (a) Extraction with Acid Solution The extraction of
of the alkaloids from the exposed surfaces of the cells and the alkaloid from the bulk of the crude alkaloid solution in
tissues of the crude drug. Once, the extraction is ascertained immiscible organic solvent is invariably carried out by
to have completed, the solvent is filtered and evaporated in shaking with an acid solution. In usual practice, the use of
a Rotary Thin-Film Evaporator and the residue is treated HCl is restricted when chloroform remains as the solvent
further for the isolation of individual alkaloids. because of the fact that quite a few alkaloidal
hydrochlorides are distinctly soluble in the latter. However,
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dilute H2 SO4 is always preferred over HCl for general use in may be further extracted for its final recovery with an
the extraction of alkaloids. Subsequently, the acid solution appropriate organic solvent, such as: chloroform.
is rendered alkaline with dilute NH4OH solution to liberate (c) The purification of alkaloids may also be accomplished
the alkaloids which is then extracted with an organic by the formation of its crystallised alkaloidal salt by the
solvent. The solvent is removed under reduced pressure and addition of an appropriate mineral or organic acid, such as:
the traces of moisture is removed with anhydrous sodium hydrochloric, hydrobromic, perchloric, sulphuric, oxalic and
sulphate. tartaric acids.
(d) Various known separation techniques, namely: partition,
(i) To avoid the formation of stubborn and troublesome ion-exchange andcolumn chromatography are invariably
emulsions a solution of gumtragacanth is often added to the used for the purification of a host of alkaloids.
aqueous-phase. In case, it still persists the two phases may Besides, various physical parameters like: specific
be got separated by centrifugation, and rotation, melting point, solubility are frequently used as a
(ii) To discard the presence of foreign interfering extractive definite criteria of ascertaining the purity of alkaloids.
components present in plant substances, such as: pigments,
resins, waxes, oils and fats, the use of a 2.5-5% (w/v) Fractionation of Crude Alkaloids
solution of lead acetate is made to the alkaloidal extract It has been observed largely that most of the
which precipitates them effectively. The excess of lead alkaloid-bearing plant materials usually contain a mixture of
present in the filtrate is removed by either passing H2 S gas closely-related alkaloids. Therefore, it has become almost
through the Kipps Apparatus or by adding sodium necessary to carry out an effective fractionation of crude
phosphate. alkaloids from the extract or solution of total crude
(b) Precipitation of Alkaloid with Precipitating alkaloids.
Reagent The usual precipitation of the alkaloid as a However, the traditional and orthodox methods of
complex compound is accomplished by the addition of a separation are not only difficult but also tedious and
suitable precipitating reagent. The resulting alkaloidal cumbersome. The commonly employed techniques of
complex is further purified by filtration, recrystallization separation that were found to the reliable and dependable
and ultimately decomposed to obtain the desired free may be short-listed as follows:
alkaloid(s). (i) Fractional crystallization Fractional distillation
(ii) Derivatization with low solubility products .
Example The latest methods employed for the separation
(i) Tannic-acid Complex: It is normally decomposed by of alkaloids are the preparative high performance liquid
treatment with freshly prepared Pb(OH)2 or Pb(CO3 )2 . chromatography (HPLC), high performance thin-layer
(ii) Precipitates obtained with HgCl2 , AuCl3 , PtCl4 , chromatography (HPTLC), chromatotron, counter-current
Mayers Reagent: These precipitates are decomposed by distribution and other chromatographic techniques including
passing a stream of H2 S gas through its suspension. column chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography.
(iii) Precipitates with Double Salts: The double salt Following are some of the typical situations whereby the
obtained with Dragendorffs Regent is quickly boiled with mixture of alkaloids may be separated effectively, such as:
5% (w/v) BaCO3 solution. (a) A larger section of the alkaloids are easily soluble in
(iv) Precipitates with Nitrogenous Acids: The precipitates chloroform and relatively less soluble in other organic
obtained with nitrogenous acids like picric acid and solvents. In general, the order of solubility is as stated
picrolonic acid are normally decomposed by treatment with below chloroform > acetone > ethanol > methanol > ethyl
either NH4 OH or NaOH. acetate > ether > n-hexane. Keeping in view the above
solubility profile of alkaloids in organic solvents, if one of
the alkaloids is much less soluble in ethanol than
chloroform, the fractional crystallization of this alkaloid is
possible. In this particular instance the chloroform-fraction
is concentrated to an appropriate level, and hot ethanol
added in small proportions at intervals. Thus, upon cooling
the alkaloid, which is less soluble in ethanol, separates out
(b) In case, the fractional crystallization of the mixture of
(v) Reineckate Complex: The complex obtained from
closely related alkaloids become tedious and ineffective,
alkaloid with Reinecke Salt, NH4 [Cr(NH3)2 (SCN)4 ], is one may try to form their respective salts, and then carry out
normally decomposed by treating its solution in a mixture of the separation indicated above.
acetone and water (1:1) with a silver sulphate solution. It is (c) The various acids, namely: HCl, HBr, HI, HClO4 ,
pertinent to mention here that thefree liberated HNO3 , C2 H2 O4 , and C6 H3 N3 O7 , may either be employed in
alkaloid from the complexes stated above, (i) through (v), aqueous or methanolic solution. Thus, from the resulting
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methanolic solution, the salts of the respective alkaloids (d) In certain other specific instances, the salts of the
may be precipitated by the addition of ether. The respective oxalates, picrates and perchlorates may be
precipitated crude alkaloidal salts may be further precipitated from their solutions in acetone, by the addition
recrystallized from hot acetone containing a small of ethyl acetate.
proportion of methanol.
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