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First Published November, 2008


Reprinted : June, 2009

Reprinted : July, 2011

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Page No.
Personnel of the Highways Specifications & Standards Committee (i)

Foreword (iii)

1. hitroduction ,

2. Definitions 6

3. Types and Causes of Defects 13

4. Assessing Maintenance Needs 25

5. Methods for Repairing Concrete Pavements 46

6. Crack Sealing and Joint Resealing 57

7. Crack Stitching (Cross-Stitching) 67

8. Partial Depth Repair 70

9. Full Depth Repair 79

10. Slab Stabihsation 84

1 1 . Special Techniques for Rehabilitation of Rigid Pavements 87

12. Repair Materials 100

13. Tools and Plant 109

14. Planning the Maintenance Operations 112

15. Arrangements for Traffic and Safety 118

Appendix A - List of References 119

Appendix B - Concrete Mix Characteristics for EOT Projects 122

Appendix C - Photographs Illustrating Common Types of Defects 1 24

and Suggested Typical Repair Techniques as per the
Distress Severity

Appendix D - Treatment and Upgrading of Eroded Soft Earthen 133


Appendix E - Details ofMu-Meter& British Pendulum Tester 137



(28" March, 2008)

1. Sinha, V.K. Addl. Director General, Ministry of Shipping, Road

(Convenor) Transport & Highways (MoSRT&H)/
'i Secretary General, IRC

2. Singh, Nirmalj it Member (Tech.), National Highways Authority

(Co-Convenor) of India (NHAI), New Delhi

3. Sharma Arun Kumar Chief Engineer (R) S&R, MoSRT&H

(Member- Secretary) New Delhi


4. Ahluwalia, H.S Chief Engineer, MoSRT&H, New Delhi

5. Bahadur, A.R Chief Engineer, MoSRT&H, New Delhi

6. Basu, S.B. Chief Engineer, MoSRT&H, New Delhi

7. Chandrasekhar, Dr. B.P. Director (Tech.), National Rural Road Development

Agency (NRRDA), New Delhi

8. Datta, RK. Executive Director, Consulting Engg. Services(l)

Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

9. Deshpande, D.B. Vice-President, MSRDC, Mumbai

10. Dhingra, Dr. S.L. Professor, Transportation System, IIT Mumbai
a. Gupta, D.R DG (RD) (Retd.), MoSRT&H, New Delhi
12. Gupta, K.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.), Haryana PWD
13. Jain, N.S. Chief Engineer MoSRT&H, New Delhi

14. Jain, R.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.) Haryana PWD, Sonepat

15. Jain, Dr. S.S. Professor & Coordinator, Centre of Transportation

Engg., IIT Roorkee, Roorkee

16. Kadiyali, Dr. L.R. Chief Executive, L.R. Kadiyali & Associate, New Delhi
17. Kandaswamy, C. Chief Engineer, MoSRT&H, New Delhi

18. Krishna, Prabhat Chief Engineer (Retd.), MoSRT&H, New Delhi

19. Kukreti, B.P. Chief General, Manager, NHAI, New Delhi

20. Kumar, Anil Chief Engineer, (Retd.), RCD, Ranchi


21 . Kumar, Kamlesh Chief Engineer, MoSRT&H, New Delhi

22. Liansanga Engineer-in-Chief & Secretary, PWD Mizoram, Aizwal

23. Mina, H.L. Secretary to the Govt, of Rajasthan, PWD, Jaipur

24. Mo mill, S.S. Member, Maharashtra Public Service Commission, Mumbai

25. Nanda, Dr. P. K. Director, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi

26. Rathore, S.S. Principal Secretary (Water Resource) to the Govt, of

Gurjarat, Gandhinagar

27. Reddy, Dr. T.S. Sr. Vice President, NMSEZ Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

28. Sachdev, V.K. Chief Engineer (Retd.), MoSRT&H, New Delhi

29. Sastry, G.V.N. Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Andhra Pradesh PWD,


30. Sharma, S.C. DG (RD) & AS, MoRT&H (Retd.), New Delhi
31. Sharma, Dr. V.M Consultant, AIMIL, New Delhi

32. Shukla, R.S. Ex-Scientist, Central Road Research Institue, New Delhi

33. Smha,A.V. Chief General Manager, NHAI, New Delhi

34. Srivastava, H. K. Director (Projects), NRRDA, New Delhi

35. Velayudhan, T.R Addl. DGBR, Directorate General Border Road, New Delhi

Ex-Officio Members

1. President, IRC (Mina, H.L.)

2. Director General (Sharan, G.), MoSRT&H, New Delhi

(Road Development)

3.. Secretary General (Sinha, V.K.), Indian Roads Congress

Corresponding Members

1. Borge,V.B. (Past-President, IRC), Secretary (Roads),

Maharashtra PWD, Mumbai
2. Justo, C.E.G. Dr. Emeritus Fellow, Banglore University, Banglore

3. Khattar, M.D. Executive Director, Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd., Mumbai

4. Merani, N.V. Principal Secretary, Maharashtra PWD (Retd.), Mumbai


The Rigid Pavement (H-3 ) Committee of tlie IRC was reconstituted in January, 2006 with
the following personnel

Sinha, V.K. Convenor

Jain, R.K. ...... Co-Convenor
Kumar, Satander Member-Secretary


Basu, S.B. Kumar, Pushp

ChahalH.S. Pandey, Dr. B.B.
Chaudhary, S.K. Phull.Y.R.
Gautam, Ashutosh Prasad, Bageshwar
Gautam, Sadashiv Rajawat, V.K.
Gupta, Akhil Kumar Seehra,Dr. S.S.
Jain, A. K. Sharan, G.
JaimM.K. Sharma, R.N.
Kadiyali, Dr. L.R. Singh, Prabhash
Kamat, S.V. Singh,R.R
Kumar, Ashok Wason, R.C.

Ex-officio Members

President, IRC (Mina, H.L.)

Director General (RD) (Sharan, G.)
Secretary General, IRC (Sinha, V.K.)

Corresponding Members

Justo, Dr. C.E.G. Reddy,B.B.

Ram, B.N. Shroff, A. V
Reddi, S.A. Thombare, Vishal

The Rigid Pavement (H-3) Committee during its meeting held on 9"' May, 2006, expressed
the urgent need to bring out guidelines on maintenance and repair of rigid pavements in view of the
large scale ongoing construction of rigid pavements in the country. It was felt that, at present,
there is no comprehensive guideline to tackle the emerging repair problems of cement concrete



pavements in the country. It was further feh that the existing IRC Codes have become outdated in
the present day context and need to be suitably amalgamated with the proposed Guidelines. Mr.
Noel Boniface (Team Leader, (Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Package III A & III C, Allahabad)
and Mr. Ashutosh Gautam, General Manager (Technical), NHAI and Project Director, PIU, Kanpur,
Package II A, II B and II C were entrusted with the responsibility of preparing the initial draft,
based on their experience in constructing and repairing of the World Bank funded National Highways
Development Project (NHDP) on NH-2. The main essence of this docujnent evolves around the 5
level distress systems given in Table 4,4 and 4.5 which have been adopted from various maintenance

reporting systems used by road and airport pavement maintenance agencies around the world.

This draft was discussed by Rigid Pavement Committee in its 5"' meeting held on 8"' October,
2007 wherein it was decided to constitute a Sub-Group comprising following members to examine
the draft and to suggest modifications and improvements:

V.K. Sinha
R.K. Jain
Noel Boniface (Special Invitee)
Ashutosh Gautam - - -

Satander Kumar '

The personnel of Sub-group worked on the document and the modified draft document
was discussed at length during the 6* meeting of Rigid Pavement Committee held on 19"' January,
2008. In view of the comments received from members during the meeting, the draft document
was further modified by Shri V.K. Sinha, Secretary General, IRC & Convenor, H-3 Committee
and Shri R.K. Jain, Co-Convenor, H-3 Committee after consulting International literature and
some members of the Committee to ensure that the document became comprehensive. The finalized
draft document was approved by the H-3 Committee in its 7"' meeting held on 24"' March, 2008.
The modified draft document was, thereafter, placed before the Highways Specifications and
Standards (HSS) Committee oir28* March, 2008 and the same was approved by the HSS
Committee subject to incorporation of comments of the micmbers of HSS Committee. The revised
draft document incorporating the comments of the HSS Committee, was presented by Shri V.K.
Sinha along with S/Shii R.K. Jain, Ashutosh Gautam and Satander Kumar before the 185"' Council
Meeting held on 11"' April. 2008 at Aizawl (Mizoram). The draft document, after detailed
discussions, was approved by the Council for printing as one of the Special Publications of IRC.

For preparing this document, literature published by organizations like FHWA, NCHP,
BIS, H.S. Milden Hall and GSD Northcott has been consulted. Indian Roads Congress
acknowledges with thanks. The kind permission given by American Concrete Pavement Association
(ACPA) to use some of their Figures and Tables in the text of this document. These adaptations,
wherever used have been appropriately referred. The IRC also thanks other organizations, whose
literature has been referred for bringing out this document. The IRC committee also acknowledges
the help rendered by Shri Rajesh Madan of M/s IRC ON and the hard work done by the Members
of the sub-group and the IRC Secretariat in bringing out this document in its present shape.



1.1. Concrete Pavements also known as Rigid Pavements have a relatively long service
life, provided these are properly designed, constructed and maintained. With mega projects like
National Highway Development Project (NHDP) and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(PMGSY) the pace of concrete pavement construction has increased recently. This is, because
concrete pavements are known to perform better with minimum maintenance. The concrete
pavements can serve upto its design service life and even beyond, if timely repairs are undertaken.
Load transfer mechanism of the concrete pavement is through beam action and accordingly the
concrete pavements are expected to perform relatively better than flexible pavements on weak
sub-grades, as these can bridge small soft or settled areas of sub-grades. Design of concrete
pavements is fundamentally governed by the flexural strength instead of compressive strength.

1 .2. Concrete as a material for pavements gets its strength by effectively resisting loads

due to its flexural strength and the pavement can gain a further about 1 0% strength over its life.
The design and construction of rigid pavements is covered in the following IRC publications:

IRC : 1 5 - "Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Construction of Concrete

IRC 43 - "Recommended Practice for Tools, Equipment and Appliances for Concrete

Pavement Construction"
IRC 44 - "Guidelines for Cement Concrete Mix Design for Pavements"

IRC: 57 - "Recommended Practice for Sealing of joints in Concrete Pavements"

(First Revision)

IRC: 58 - "Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways"
IRC: SP: 1 7 "Recommendations about Overlays on Cement Concrete Pavements"
IRC SP 76 "Tentative Guidelines for Conventional, Thin and Ultra Tliin Whitetopping"
: :

MoRT&H - "Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision)"

References for further information on rigid pavements are shown in Appendix A:

1.3. The provisions of IRC:77-1979 which deals with "Tentative Guidelines for Repair

of Concrete Pavements using Synthetic Resins" are already incorporated in these guidelines. IRC:
77-1979, therefore, stands withdrawn.

1.4. The Figs 1.1 to 1.3 depict broad arrangements of three main types of concrete
pavement i.e. Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP), Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
(JRCP) and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP). Fig. 1.4 depicts a typical
cross-section of rigid pavement. These Figures are given to facilitate better appreciation of the
different types of rigid pavements and associated distresses.


4.2 to 5.0 m 4.2 to 5,0 m

Longitudinal Joint
Transverse Joints (with tiebars)
(With/without dowels)

Fig. 1.1. Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP)

Longitudinal Reinforcement, Discontinued at each

Joint (0.15 to 0.3%) (Deformed Bars)

(Normally not provided)

7.5 to 30.0 m

Longitudinal Joint
Transverse Joints (with tiebars)
(with dowels)

Fig. 1.2. Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (JRCP)


fl [

Typical Crack Spacing
(0.9 to 2.5 m)
Continuous Longitudinal
Reinforcement Longitudinal Joint
(Deformed Bars) (with tiebars)

(0.65 to 1.2%)

Fig, 1,3. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP)





Camber not Shown



Dowel bars across transverse Joints not shown for clarity

Fig. 1.4. Rigid Pavement Typical Cross-section

1.5. The concrete pavement slab expands with the rise in temperature
and contracts
with fall in temperature. Concrete shrinks as it cures. Concrete slabs accordingly curl and warp
due to the temperature and moisture gradients. This expansion and contraction is resisted by the
mass of the concrete slab. The natural responses due to the above, causes concrete pavement to
crack at fairly regular intervals. Keeping this in mind, contraction joints are provided at designed/
designated intervals to take care of the expected cracking. Contraction joints are thus provided to
ensure that cracking in concrete slabs do not take place at other locations except at the contraction
joint locations. It is presumed that if contraction joints are properly located, designed and
constructed, cracks at other locations will nomially not take place. However, uncontrolled (random)
cracks in the concrete pavement do take place at undesignated locations due to various factors
including deficiencies like inappropriate selection of materials, lack of timely and adequate curing,
too delayed/too early sawing of the joints, construction deficiencies etc. Faulting, Scaling, Loss of
texture etc. are other types of distresses which are normally encountered in concrete pavements.
These distresses are mainly due to improper flinctioning ofjoints, settlement of sub-grade, loosening
of tie bars and improper construction workmanship.

1.6. Cracks are not uncommon to concrete construction and, therefore, minor shallow
cracks need not be viewed as a serious problem. Many cracks can be restored easily to a condition
that will serve for the design life of the pavement, hi some cases, no repair may be required, while
in otherssome preventive repairs like reseating, retexturing will be sufficient. Only deep structural
cracks are a matter of serious concern for which repair methods are available. These guidelines
apart from suggesting various repair techniques are also aimed to offset the impression that the
repairs of the concrete pavements are something impossible and therefore, their construction should
be avoided.


1.7. Scope

1.7.1. The rate of deterioration of concrete pavement

All pavements deteriorate with time.
is comparatively much slower than the flexible pavement. The concrete pavements are therefore

expected to have a longer service life. Fig. 1.5 indicates the typical treatment which may be
considered with the age of pavement. In the case of concrete pavements, some distresses at a few
isolated locations, however, do take place immediately after or during an early stage after completion.

If these isolated distresses are rectified well in time, then longer life of the concrete pavement is

assured without much need of detailed periodic maintenance/rehabilitation. Preservation of concrete

pavements can be broadly classified into three categories :

(i) Concrete Pavement Restoration (CPR) Techniques - Repair and maintenance

operations without any overlay.

(ii) Rehabilitation - Strengthening involving overlay options.

(iii) Reconstruction - Undertaken after the end of service life or due to severe distresses
in longer stretches due to faulty design/construction.


o Bonded Concrete Overlay

Unbonded Concrete Overlay

o Reconstruction
Min. Acceptable Rating

Age or Traffic

Fig. 1.5.Maintenance Strategy of Ageing Pavements with level of Deterioration

(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association,
Copyright, 2008)

1.7.2. The actual treatment required to be given to concrete pavement will depend on the
deterioration characteristics and also on the extent of deterioration. Fig. 1.5 shows different

methods that can be applied to arrest further deterioration due to distress and ageing effect. They
range from isolated repairs undertaken by way of Concrete Pavement Restoration (CPR) technique
to overlays and fmaly to reconstruction.

1 .7.3. With proper design, construction and maintenance, a concrete pavement is expected
to give a useful service life of more than 30 years without any significant rehabilitation/reconstruction.
Concrete Pavement Repairs/maintenance involves a series of engineering techniques which are
used to repair the isolated areas of distress. Broadly such repairs theoretically do not enhance the
structural capacity beyond the designed life of a concrete pavement, hi reality such repairs, however,
do extend the service life of the pavement. Timely repair by adopting CPR techniques is quite cost
effective and helps to avoid costly rehabilitation/reconstruction later on.

1.7.4. There could be situations, where one or more repair techniques may be required to
be used together to mitigate distresses. In some cases, where more than one repair technique is
required to rectify the defects/distresses, these will be executed in a proper sequence to ensure the
effectiveness of such repairs. Repair and maintenance strategies suggested in these guidelines are
basically intended for old pavements. In case of new construction for which the defect liability

period is not yet over, the relevant contractual clauses will prevail notwithstanding the recommndation
made in these guidelines. In case of newly constmcted pavement, these guidelines may be referred
subject to the provisions of contractual clauses (Refer Para 5.3). Guidance may be taken for the
preparation of the contract clauses for new construction for which defect liability period is not yet
over.These guidelines address the need for cost effectiveness and consideration of lane closure
problems encountered during the operation phase which should normally occur much after the
construction phase. The present guidelines are primarily focussed on repair/maintenance of the
concrete pavements through CPR techniques.
1.8. This document has 15 Chapters dealing with the different aspects of survey,
identification of distresses and repair methodologies. Besides this, there are 5 Appendices.
Appendix-A provides a long list of References of specialist literature which may be referred for
further information. Appendix-B gives typical characteristics of a new concrete type, namely.
Earlier Opening to Traffic (EOT) concrete as adopted in some of the projects in USA. EOT
concrete is an emerging material and is being used recently to reduce the lane closure period. By
adopting EOT concrete it has been possible in USA to open such repaired stretches to traffic in 6
to 24 hours after the repair. The Teclmology, however, is not yet fully proven and therefore details
furnished in Appendix-B is just informative and indicative. Appendix-C is significant and should
be referred by the reader before reading the Guidelines because it gives a general perception about
the different types of distresses, about the degree of severity of distresses and about likely treatment
to be provided. Appendix-D gives suggestive treatment for eroded earthen shoulders which is a
common distress observed on our Highways. Appendix-E gives details of Mu-meter and British
Pendulum Tester.



2.1. General

The main types of maintenance required in respect of cement concrete pavements are as

(a) Routine Maintenance: It embraces the proactive work items which are required to
be carried out in a consistent scheduled (almost regular) basis around the year, such
as monitoring the condition of the pavement, keeping the pavement and joints clean
and free of stones and debris, restoring damaged and eroded shoulders and other
such road side activities which can be generally managed in a day or so in one particular

(b) Programmed Maintenance: It covers the reactive spot/incidental repairs such as

filling of popouts/potholes with specified materials and other generally planned
activities such as resealing the defective joint sealant, cross-stitching, partial depth
repairs, full depth repairs and diamond grinding to remove faults in the rigid pavement.

(c) Rehabilitation and Strengthening: It refers to major restoration or upgrading of

the pavement like diamond grooving for restoring surface texture, slab stabilisation,
reconstruction or application of an overlay to rectify structural inadequacy in the
pavement over lengths typically in the range of 1 km or more and thus to extend the
serviceable life of the pavement.

(d) Emergency Repairs: It covers responding to complaints or emergencies.

The repairs are usually performed by skilled (sometimes specialist) labour engaged
on a periodic and planned basis.

2.2. Terms and Definitions

Different terminology used in these guidelines will be read in accordance with the following

Blowup or Buckling Compressive failure in which there is either upward movement of both or
one slab ( >4 mm) or shattering of one or both slabs at a joint or a crack.

Bump Local areas at a higher level than the pavement profile.

Composite Pavement A pavement consisting of flexible over rigid or rigid over flexible.


Corner Break Diagonal full depth crack that intersects the corner joints at less than a
half width of the panel.


Corner Crack Cracking that extends diagonally across corners (generally within 600
mm of the corner).

Crack along Joint Initial phase of spalling, crack intersects the joint at an angle and travels
parallel to it.

Crow Foot or Y Deep shrinkage cracks (more than 25 mm) resulting from excess of water
Shaped Cracks or water basins on the top surface of the slab.

Crazing (Fine Shallow fine alligator cracking or cracking in all directions that results
Alligator Cracking) from inappropriate surface finishing and may develop into ravelling.

Diagonal Crack Linear crack that extends diagonally across the slab.

Durability "D" Family of closely spaced, crescent shaped fine cracks that initiate at slab
Cracks corner/joints/cracked corners and run close and parallel to slab edges
and may result from chemically reactive aggregates and differential
expansion of large aggregates. Cracked areas are usually darker in colour.
"D" cracking generally starts at the slab bottom and moves upward.
Fine/Hairline Cracks Shallow surface cracks which have an unspalled width of less than
0.2 mm at the surface of the slab.
Longitudinal Cracks Linear cracks running approximately parallel to the pavement centre line.

Map/Aligator Cracks forming a rectangular (map) or irregular polygonal pattern (like

Cracking an alligator skin). .^orr -

Narrow Crack A crack which has an unspalled width of up to 0.5 mm at the surface of
the slab.

Multiple Cracks Multiple comiecting cracks which are not in a straight line.

Medium Crack A crack which has an unspalled width of between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm.
Parallel Cracks Usually fine cracks forming a family, more or less parallel to one another.

Plastic Shrinkage Family of regularly spaced, parallel, shallow cracks in the pavement
Cracks surface resulting from plastic shrinkage during the early age of the concrete
(24-48 hour) in hot/windy conditions and/or inadequate curing. These do
not normally extend to the edges of the slab.

Reflection Crack A crack in an overlay which occurs over a crack or a joint in the underlay.
Transverse Cracks Linear cracks running at approximately right angles to the pavement centre


Wide Cracking A crack which has an unspalled width exceeding 1 .5 mm at the surface of
the slab.

Working Crack Transverse crack extending fiill width of slab with depth (d) greater than
half the slab depth (D/2) which artificially create joint location.

Curling - Curling is pavement slab from its proper plane caused by

distortion of the
differential expansion or contraction resulting from a difference in
temperature between the top and bottom of slab. Fig. 2.1 illustrates
distortion of pavement slab under different temperature gradients.



Slab displacement for positive gradient

Warmer at top (positive gradient)

Slab displacement tor negative gradient DEPTH

Cooler at top (negative gradient)

Fig. 2.1. Distortion of Pavement Slab under Different Temperature Gradients

Damaged Surface Hardened surface deeply abraded or otherwise damaged following

accident, or by vehicle tracks or metal wheels.

Depression Localised section at a lower level to the normal pavement profile. This
usually happens due to inadequate care at the time of laying.

Diamond Grinding Method that uses a series of diamond tipped saw blades gang-mounted
(cutting) on a shaft for correcting irregular surfaces in concrete pavement that are
commonly caused by faulting, curling and warping of slabs. This is also
applied to the pavement surface to restore skid resistance.

Divided/Broken/ Cracks in different directions dividing a slab in a number of pieces. Such

Shattered Slab cracks may intersect and may also converge in a point. In case of shattered
slab the pieces are not less than four in number.

Dowel Bar Retrofit Method for providing /restoring load transfer under the wheel paths in an
old undoweled or doweled pavement or transversely cracked concrete
slabs by installing dowels into slots cut into the pavement surface so as to
extend the service life of the pavement slab.

Dowel Socketing The widening of the dowel hole, which leads to loss of load transfer.


Drop Off Settlement between traffic lane and bituminous/soft shoulder following
erosion or wear or secondary compaction of shoulder by traffic. The
shoulder is at a lower level than the concrete pavement.

Faulting (or Stepping) Difference in elevation across joints or cracks, creating a step of 4 mm or
more in the pavement profile and may be transverse or longitudinal (positive
or negative).

Foreign Matter Foreign incompressibles like aggregates usually impregnated in the joint/
joint sealant that may initiate spalling or locking of transverse joints.
Full Depth Repair Repair involving the replacement of part or whole slab to the fall depth of
the slab.

Functional Characteristics of the pavement which are important to users, including

Characteristics safety and riding comfort.

Heave Localised failure where an upward bulge took place.

Impressions Impressions that maybe associated with depressions left in fresh concrete,
by movement of animals/vehicles/bicycles.

International Representation of the pavements longitudinal surface profile/riding quality

Roughness Index expressed in units of "m/km".

Intervention Level/ Maximum permissible tolerance level at which a defect is to be promptly

Standard scheduled for rectification.


Longitudinal Joint Sawn or formed joint parallel to the centreline intended to relieve stresses
due to warping. Usually placed between lanes.

Transverse Joint Sawn or formed joint normally placed at regular intervals at right angles
to the centre line intended to act as a contraction/construction joint.

Construction Joint Full depth butt joints placed wherever construction operations require to
prevent a cold joint forming. Usually when paving operations stop for
more than 1/2 hour or at the end of a day's paving.
Contraction Joint Sawn or formed joint normally placed at regular intervals intended to
relieve tensile stress in the concrete and to so prevent formation of irregular
cracks in the slabs.

Expansion Joint Butt joint with space into which the pavement can expand. These joints
have normally compressible fibre board/synthetic board and are doweled.

Loss of Fine Fine aggregate loss around the coarse aggregates that show a rounded
Aggregate/Exposed polished surface.
and Polished Coarse


Loss of Surface Level of surface texture is a measure of smoothness of concrete pavement

Texture surface. With time the texture gets smoothened due to abrasion.
Smoothening of surface texture is measured by following three methods:
(i) Sand Patch Method (ii) British Pendulum Tester, (iii) Mu-Meter

Manhole or Inlet Cracking and/or faulting following restrained thermal movements around
Failure a manhole or inlet.


Bonded Overlay A thin concrete overlay in direct contact and adhering to the existing
concrete which provides increase in the pavement structure. Used to
correct fimctional or structural deficiencies.

Unbonded Overlay A thick concrete layer on the top of an existing concrete pavement uses a
separation interlayer to separate the new from old/existing concrete.
Whitetopping A rehabilitation technique associated with asphalt pavements comprising
a thin concrete overlay placed directly over and bonded with the existing
asphalt surface. Not applicable to concrete pavements. For more details,
refer IRC:SP:76-2008.

Partial Depth Repair Replacement of damaged concrete after vertical saw cuts are made in a
regular rectangular shape in the upper 1 /3"' depth of the slab.

Patching Removal and replacement of an area of pavement with new material.

Pavement Lock-up The inability of the joint or crack to open and close with temperature

Performance The performance standard defines the minimum level at which of the facility
Standard is to be maintained and operated for the safe passage of traffic.

Popout (Small Hole) Small hole left in the pavement surface by oversized particles of soft
aggregates, clay lumps or other soft/foreign materials getting mixed in the
concrete rising to the top and breaks loose under traffic: normally 25 mm
to 1 00 mm diameter and 1 0 mm to 50 mm deep.
Polished Surface Surface that has become flat and polished following the wearing away of
(Glazing) the mortar over coarse monomineral or soft aggregates.

Pothole Large hole in the pavement surface generally larger than 1 50 mm (diameter)
X 50 mm (deep) resulting from loss of pavement material under traffic.
Punchout Partial area of a slab broken out by several cracks particular to
continuously reinforced concrete slabs.

Pumping Ejection of fine grained material and water from underneath the pavement
through joints, cracks or pavement edge caused by the passage of traffic
rolling over the slab.


Ravelling Loss of fine aggregates and hardened cement paste/laitance from the
surface through abrasion that may or may not have been previously

Rehabilitation Structural enhancement that extends the service life of an existing pavement
and/or improve its load carrying capacity.

Roughness Term used for describing the unevenness/riding quality of the pavement
as a whole. It is different from texturing for skid resistance.

Scaling Peeling off the upper part of slab surface (5 mm to 1 5 mm) following
crazing or improper surface finishing.

Sealant: A material that is applied as a liquid that has adhesive and cohesive
properties after curing used to seal, joints and cracks against the entrance
or passage of water and or other debris.

Hardening Overdue replacement of sealant that got hardened by oxidation or action

(Oxidation) of of UV rays.
Compression Seals/

Lack (Absence) of Either sealant was not provided or was lost.


Loss of Bond to Sealant is no more adhering to slab edges, (walls of groove) allows ingress
Slab Edges of water and debris.

Overbanding Overfilling of crack or joint so that a thin layer of sealant spreads onto the
pavement surface.

Stripping/extrusion Stripping/pulling out of portions of sealant, loss of bond from the walls
of Sealants of joint groove.

Separation Existing joint or crack widens; contact and friction of both sections is


Slab The hardened concrete within the jointed area (Transverse and
Longitudinal), typically 4.2 m - 5.0 m (long) x One Lane (wide).
Terminal Slab Last slab before the deck slab or approach slab (IRC: 1 5).

Transition Slab Last slab which is laid in steps and partly overlaid with flexible pavement
(IRC: 15).

Shattered Slab Cracking in all directions at interface with the longitudinal or transverse

Spalling Cracking and breaking off or chipping off the upper corner of the joint or
crack, that may extend to a certain lateral distance.


Deep Spalling Multiple cracking and breaking away of concrete adjacent to the joint,
often semi-circular in plan and emanating down to the centre of the slab
and some times deeper.

Shallow Spalling The breaking or eroding away of concrete within the depth of the joint

Spalling of joints Cracking, breaking, chipping or fraying of slab edges within 300 mm from
(Transverse/ the face of the transverse/longitudinal j oint.


Cross-Stitching Straight normally 1 2 mm dia. high yield strength deformed bars placed in
holes drilled diagonally alternating across a crack (30 approx.) at a
predetermined spacing and the holes refilled with epoxy resin.

Stapling U-shaped normally 1 6 mm dia high yield strength deformed bars placed
horizontally in slots cut 25 mm 30 mm wide into the slab and the slot

refilled with high performance/high strength cement mortar/epoxy mortar.

Structural Structural adequacy of the pavement in relation to its ability to carry future

Characteristics traffic.

Surface Evenness The roughness of pavement surface is commonly designated as Unevenness

Index Value and is expressed in surface roughness and is measured by
Bump Integrator (BI). This is expressed in mm/km. Permissible limits
shall be as prescribed in IRC:SP:16-2004 in units of "mm/km".

Warping The distortion or displacement of the pavement from its proper plane
caused by external forces such as moisture stresses (other than loads and



3.1. Distress Identification

A site condition survey once a year, preferably in the beginning of monsoon season should
be undertaken to assess the existing pavement condition and to identify the pavement distresses.
Such site condition surveys should aim at two objectives:-

(i) To determine the root cause of pavement's distress.

(ii) To track the rate of progression of the distress leading to pavement deteriorations.

Repair techniques discussed in these guidelines, except those of full depth repair, may not
be effective, if the rate of pavement deterioration is relatively fast, hi case of a fast rate of
deterioration particularly in continuous long stretches, the rehabilitation options may be considered
along with repair option and appropriate decision taken as per specific site condition. Determining
the root cause of failure, if possible, helps in identifying the appropriate repair tecliniques/strategies
including the combinations thereof The Chapter-4 describes in detail the different types of distress
identification/ assessment surveys. It is important to record both the severity and extent of each
distress during condition survey undertaken. In case, it is felt that non-destructive and/or destructive

testing are required to assess the structural problems, as the same are not adequately determined
through visual inspections, then such testing should be undertaken subsequently.

3.2. Distress Types

Distresses in concrete pavements are either structural or functional. Structural distresses

primarily affect the pavement's ability to carry traffic load. Functional distresses mainly affect the
riding quality and safety of the traffic.

3.2.1. Structural distresses

All cracks are not structural cracks. Any uncontrolled/random crack like longitudinal,
transverse, diagonal, intersecting cracks that extends through the depth of the slab (> D/2, where
'D' is depth of PQC slab) is to be considered as a structural crack. Structural cracking is often
caused due to excessive loading, long joint spacing, shallow or late sawing of joints, restraint at

base or edge, due to joint lock-up, inadequate thickness, material related problems etc. Use of
proper construction techniques and traffic load control can reduce/avoid such structural cracks.
Often reasons for structural cracking could be pumping of fines from the sub-grade or the sub-
base, excessive warping of the slab, subsidence of utility trench, excessive temperature stresses
and moisture content. Structural cracks unless repaired effectively reduce the load carrying capacity
of the pavement and adversely impact the designed service life of the pavement.


3.2.2. Functional distress

These distresses do not necessarily reduce the load carrying capacity of the
pavements but

affect the riding quality, and safety. Roughness, loss of

surface texture or any other surface related

defects, problems like faulting, scaling, ravelling and

popouts etc. fall under this category.

3.3. Common Defects and Distresses in Concrete Pavements

3.3.1. Manifestation of distress in cement concrete pavements may be classified in the

form of: . Cracking :

(a) Plastic shrinkage cracks

(b) Crow Foot or "Y" shaped cracks

(c) Edge cracks

(d) Corner cracks/breaks
(e) Transverse cracks
(f) Longitudinal cracks

(g) Diagonal cracks

Durability "D" cracking
(i) Punchouts Surface defects:

(a) Pop-outs/Small holes

(b) Animal/Wheel impressions
(c) Scaling
(d) Ravelling
(e) Deep abrasion/scooping of surface (following accident)
(f) Polished aggregates/glazing/smooth surface Joint defects:

(a) Spalling

(b) Sealant failure and/or loss

(c) Fauking at joints

(d) Separation at joints Other miscellaneous defects:

(a) Blowups
(b) Pumping
(c) Patch Deterioration
(d) Drop off


The broad causes for common type of defects are given in Table 3.1.

3.4. Causes of Common Distresses

3.4.1. Timing of sawing the joints: Timing is very critical. Determination of appropriate timing of sawing requires

experience and is also a site specific decision. It depends upon factors like, ambient temperature,
wind velocity, relative humidity, type of aggregates used and rate of strength gain etc. International literature suggests that there is a time range during which the activity

of sawing should be completed. This time range is known as sawing window. Fig. 3.1 depicts this
sawing window. Experienced saw operators rely on their judgement and to some extent on scratch
test to decide as to whether the concrete is ready for sawing. Concrete surface can be scratched
with a nail or knife blade to examine how deep the impression is formed. As the surface hardens,
the scratch depth decreases. In general, if the scratch removes the texture, sawing should not be
undertaken as it will be a case of too early sawing. An experienced crew can always fme-tune the
optimum sawing timing. Sawing to appropriate depth is very important and shallow depth sawing
will lead to random cracking. The appropriate sawing depth is between l/4th to l/3rd of PQC

Too Early: Too Late:

Raveling Sawing Window Cracking

a> Restraint Stress Equals

Concrete Strength

o Minimum Strength to Avert
o Excessive Saw Cut

Time of Sawing

Sawing Window
Fig. 3.1
(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement
Association, Copyright, 2008)

Too early sawing leads to unacceptable ravelling (see Fig. 3.2) and too late sawing leads
to uncontrolled/random full depth cracking. Uncontrolled/random full depth longitudinal cracking
often occurs due to too late sawing. An early entry dry saw, if applied to a depth of 0.2 times the
thickness of the PQC or 25 mm will avoid random Sawing should not be initiated when
the compressive strength of the concrete is less than 2 MPa and should be completed before it


attains the compressive strength of 7 MPa. These figures are indicative only. The actual timing will
depend upon ambient temperature, wind velocity, aggregate types, humidity etc. Another way is
to saw alternate panels to begin with. This will help to complete the sawing operation within the
sawing window range. The left out panels should be sawed subsequently. It should be ensured
that these alternate panels are not left unsawed inadvertently.

A. Unacceptable Ravelling Sawed too early

B. Moderate Ravelling Sawed early in window

C. No Ravelling - Sawed later in window

up of Different Degrees of Ravelling Caused by Joint

Fig. 3.2. Close
Sawing (ACPA)
(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association,
Copyright, 2008) Understanding the causes of pavement distress is essential for providing appropriate
effective repair and developing maintenance strategies. Contraction joints are provided in the
concrete pavement to control the formation of uncontrolled cracks in the concrete pavement. But
early uncontrolled cracks do occur for a variety of reasons. It is therefore important to identify the
correct causes so that appropriate cost effective method for rectification is selected. Plastic shrinkage cracking: It is important not to confuse cracks arising due to
restraint of the concrete at early age due to misaligned dowel bars, improper joint spacing and
timing ofjoint cutting with plastic shiuiikage cracks. Plastic slii-inl<:age cracks are tight, about 0.3m
to 0.6 m long formed in parallel groups perpendicular to the direction of the wind, at the time of
paving. Plastic shrinkage cracking is a result of rapid drying at the pavement surface. The cracks
nomially extend down to a depth of about 20 mm - 30 mm. Adequate curing measures are necessary
to prevent their occurrence. Experience has shown that these cracks rarely influence the overall
performance of the pavement, therefore a nominal repair as described in Chapter 5 is normally
sufficient. Drying shrinkage cracking: Wider/deeper cracking is usually attributable to

the drying shrinlcage and restraint developed in the concrete due to inadequate joint spacing, improper


saw cutting or misalignment of dowel bars. The optimum spacing of joints in a jointed concrete
pavement depends on the slab thickness, sub-base stiffness and concrete strength. ACPA
recommends a maximum joint spacing of 21 times depth of the PQC slab for concrete pavement
constructed over dry lean concrete (DLC)/stabilised sub-base. Other agencies recommend even
closer joint spacing, so as to maintain the ratio of slab length to the radius of relative stiffness less
than 5. The equation 3.1 gives radius of relative stiffness. Pavement with long transverse joint
spacing may otherwise develop full panel width deep cracks due to tensile stresses developed due
to temperature curling.

(Ref: 1RC:58) Eq(3.1)

/ = Radius of relative stiffness, cm
E = Modulus of elasticity of concrete, kg/cm-
h = Thiclmess concrete, slab, cm
\i = Poisson's ratio
k = Modulus of sub-grade reaction, kg/cm-^

Where, it is necessary to repair/replace the sub-base, a separation membrane or two coats

of a wax based bond breaker, shall be applied on top of the new DLC layer before reconstruction

of the Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC).

Misaligned dowel bars: If the saw timing and saw cut depth are found adequate,
cracking could still occur due to the misalignment of dowel bars. The misalignment of dowels can
induce a crack away from a transverse joint, if the dowels physically lock two slabs together and
restrain their contraction.

3.4.2. Traffic loading and environmental influences

The concrete pavement is further exposed to traffic loading and environmental influences,

namely temperature and moisture which can have the following effects :- Traffic related distress causes are the most widespread and frequent. They usually
act in combination with climatic causes.

Axle loads are responsible for fatigue and impact failure of the materials of different
pavement layers including the pavement slab. They also originate structural cracking
both shallow and full depth and vertical differential movements of the concrete slabs
or faulting as well as lateral slab movement.

Wear by traffic tires results in loss of texture and consequential functional distress of
the pavement surface

IRC:SP:83-2008 Temperature related distress of concrete slabs results from temperature variations
and gradients along the slab thickness.

Thermal expansion or contraction is resisted by friction of the underlying layer and by

the adjoining slabs and compressive/tensile stress builds up during expansion/contraction
that may originate cracking.
Temperature gradients also initiate slab curling and loss of uniform subbase support,
which may lead to cracking including scructural cracking.

3.4.3. Moisture decreases the bearing capacity of underlying layers, facilitates abrasion

and internal erosion. Surface water ingress in the pavement structure shall be prevented by properly
sealed joints and by timely sealing of cracks. However sealing materials deteriorate with time and
therefore a properly designed and operational pavement sub-surface drainage shall be provided so
that any percolating water does not remain entrapped within the pavement. If these conditions are

not fulfilled and water is trapped in or between the pavement layers it will be subjected to high
pressure and may be expelled under passing traffic loads carrying fme materials (pumping) in
suspension that result from internal erosion of the pavement materials.

3.4.4. Run-off water may carrying with it foreign incompressible materials ingress in joints
and cracks.

3.4.5. Repair cannot be durable if distress causes are not found and eliminated. One type
of distress can possibly result from several different causes. Less relevant causes need to be
eliminated to focus on the main cause/causes. Caieful observations and follow-ups are required to
discard certain causes which are not relevant to identify the correct ones. Mapping and rating of
the distress type may be done adequately, wherever required for this purpose.

some cases it may happen that distress causes cannot be satisfactorily investigated
3.4.6. In
until the pavement is excavated before carrying out the repair. The necessary excavation should be
done at such locations, wherever considered appropriate.

3.5. Diagnosis of Defects

Causes of construction defects can be related to workmanship and work methods

as described above, as well as equipment operating condition and adjustment and the properties
of the materials. ^.

Unexpected changes in climatic conditions (temperature, moisture, wind) may also

originate defects and distress, when appropriate preventive action is not taken.

3.5.3. Construction records and diaries of line supervisors and managers should contain
the most important/useful information to identify causes of defects. For example: ambient
temperature, speed /direction of wind at the time of paving, time ofjoint saw cutting, inconsistencies
in delivery and/or placing of the concrete, malfunctions of the equipment etc.


3.6. Diagnosis of Functional Defects and Distresses

3.6.1. Functional Performance of the pavement refers to characteristics of the pavement

that are important to users. These characteristics primarily include safety (as measured by skid
resistance testing by the British Pendulum or Mu-meter Test or texture depth as measured by the
Sand Patch test) and riding comfort (as measured by profilograph or bump integrator and in some
situations also by noise measurements).

3.6.2. Surface Functional distress results from wearing of the pavement surface materials
by traffic tyres and heavy abrasion from vehicle parts during breakdown/accident. Their causes
can therefore be found in the volume of traffic, in tangential efforts applied by the tyres, like braking
efforts and in the capability of the pavement surface materials to withstand such efforts with minimum
wear under the prevailing weather conditions.

3.7. Diagnosis of Structural Defects and Distresses

3.7.1. Stmctural performance refers to the structural adequacy of the pavement in relation
to its ability to carry future traffic. Structural adequacy can be determined by performing distress
surveys like deflection testing, nondestructive testing, and materials testing.

Table 3.1 gives the details regarding the

3.8. common type of defects in the concrete
pavements and their possible causes.

Table 3.1. Types of Defects and Causes

S.No. Class and Type of Defects CommonCauses


(a) Plastic Shrinkage Cracks i. Drying shrinkage stresses in surface

Traffic Direction ii. Poor curing
iii. Hot windy conditions
iv. Excessive water at surface (bleeding)

Wind Direction
(b) Longitudinal Cracks
i. Excessive drying shrinkage stresses
ii. Inadequate depth of joint or late joint sawing
iii. Excessive joint spacing
iv. Sudden/abrupt thermal and moisture gradient
V. Down hill paving; cracks perpendicular to the
direction of super elevation


S.No. Class and Type of Defects Common Causes

VI. Channalised or static heavy loading, viz. truck parking

vii. Loss of sub-grade support, for instance poorly
compacted sub grade
Vlll. Settlement of embankment which leads to subsequent
settlement of slabs
IX. Different sub-base/sub-grade types having different
modulus of elasticity and or moisture regime across the
width of the cross-section
"Vibrator trails" caused by malfunctioning or improper
adjustment of vibrators on the paving machine

(c) Transverse Cracks Tensile stresses in concrete are more than tensile
strength of concrete

XT XT n. Excessive drying shrinkage stresses

iii. Inadequate depth and/or late initial joint groove
IV- Excessive joint spacing or length /width ratio of slab
more than 1 .5 or length of unreinforced slab exceeds
normal range 4.5-6.1 m.
v. Misaligned, corroded, locked, burred on ends dowel bars
vi. Crack at the end of the dowel bars; or locking of dowel
vii. Delays or interruption of concrete placing for more than
30 minutes
viii. Excessive overloading
ix. Sudden/abrupt thermal and moisture gradient stress
X Excessive sub base restraint
xi. Settlement/poor sub-base support at localized area
xii. Incorrect location of transverse joints at/over cross
drainage structure/utility duct

(d) Diagonal Crack Excessive drying shrinkage stresses

Excessive thermal and moisture gradient stresses
Excessive joint spacing
Unstable sub-grade or loss of sub-base support
(settlement of utility trench, etc.)
V. Excessive over loading
vi. Frost action

(e) Corner Breaks The same as diagonal cracks /

i. Poor load transfer

ii. Dowel bar restraint
V. Curling, thin slabs are particularly susceptible to this


Class and Type of Defects \^uuiiuuii causes

(f) Aligator (Map) Cracking i. Coarse aggregate expansion

ii. Chemically reactive aggregate
iii. Weak concrete
1 . .

iv. Improper curing

1 , A.

(g) Crazing (Fine/Shallow i. Over finishing of surface

Cradling) ii. Over vibration of concrete
iii. Too rich mix with poor curing and the concrete was not
XT XT air entrained
iv. Poor curing

(h) Multiple Structural Cracks i. Lack of sub-grade support

ii. Excessive over loading
XT XT iii. Weak concrete
iv. End of service life

2. Surface Defects
(a) Ravelling, Scaling i. Segregation at surface
ii. Crazing or fine alligator cracks
iii. Frost
iv. Unsound or dirty aggregates
f; '
1 " ,
V. Weak concrete (too much water, too much fine aggregate)
vi. Inappropriate curing
vii. Excessive Abrasion

(b) Popout (Small Hole), Pothole i. Loss of contaminated or non durable concrete pockets
at surface
XT ii. Lack of homogeneity, uniformity and consistency of the
iii. Loss of aggregate from concrete surface: thermal
O expansion, freeze-thaw
0 iv. Inadequate compaction


S.No. Class and Type of Defects Common Causes

(c) Loss of Surface Texture, i. Movement of construction traffic at an early age

Polished Surface/Glazing/ ii. Wear and tear under high volumes of traffic particularly
Smooth Surface under wet or uncleaned surface
iii. Poor texturing during construction
iv. Soft and monomineral aggregates
V. Frequent braking and turning sections
vi. Non durable concrete

Joint Defects

(a) Joint Separation i. Insufficient or incorrect tie bar installation in

longitudinal joints
ii. Shoulder movement
iii. Downhill slipping of slabs on a steep gradient/super
iv. Slippage of tie-bars at sharp curves
v. High Embankment/black cotton soil

(b) Joint Seal Defects Hardening (oxidation) or softening by ultra violet

u. Stripping of joint sealant
iii. Extrusion of joint sealant: overfilled groove, lack of
incompressible caulking strip in bottom of groove,
incorrect groove dimensions
IV. Adhesion failure/loss of bond between walls of groove
and sealant due to: inadequate preparation of groove,
inadequate priming, inappropriate sealing material, semi-
set/inadequately cured "cold" concrete, moisture in

groove; slurry generated due to widening of groove

sticking to the walls of groove
V. Pressing of small stones and other incompressible matter
into the sealant
VI Embrittlement of joint sealant or cohesion failure due to
inappropriate sealing material, incorrect groove
dimensions, lack of bond breaking strip beneath the seal
vn. Inadequate or no tooling to remove air bubbles
viii. Inadequate curing before opening to traffic
ix. Lack or absence of sealant
X Weed growth in the joints

(c) Spalling at Cracks or Joints i. Ingress of stones and other incompressible material into
ii. Dynamic traffic loads at slab ends, mechanical damage
iii. Weak concrete, poorly compacted or non durable,
particularly at construction joints
iv. Failure or defects of dowel load transfer system


S.No. Class and Type of Defects Common Causes

V. Joints intersection
vi. Slab overstressing
vii. Spalling at longitudinal joints may be due to faulty
construction or cutting of joints, creating slithering or
settlement of one lane

(d) Faulting (or stepping) in i. Along transversejoints or cracks: build up of material

Cracks or Joints under the approach slab or slab piece; ingress of water

^ 1
M ^ n.

internal erosion
Warpmg or curlmg
temperature gradients
Along longitudinal
and pumping
tollowmg either moisture or

joints: settlement of sub-grade or

shoulder drop off caused by heavy traffic
iv. Differential settlement/ support due to inadequate
foundation / or growth of tree roots
V. Reduction in/or lack of load transfer due to separation
of slabs

4. Deformation

(a) Depression i. Differential settlement or consolidation of substrate;

ii. Settlement or consolidation of natural ground:
rnmnrp';'^ ib p1 '^nils npat norkpt*?
iii. Development of construction defects such as
insufficient compaction in the foundation layers

(b) Heave i. Non stablised expansive soils

ii. Upward movement of a slab following material build up
under the slab
iii. Upward thrust/pressure caused by moisture stresses

(c) Bump

A local construction defects that may have different

- b>

1 1

(d) Blow up or Buckling i. Accumulation of incompressible material in the joints

ii. Excessive expansion resulting from combined adverse
f thermal and moisture conditions
iii. Wrong spacing of joints

(e) Dropoff (Lan e to Shoulder) i. Wear and tear from stray and parked vehicles
ii. Poor quality of shoulder material i.e. not suited for the
i .
iii. Settlement of shoulder
iv. Erosion of unpaved shoulder due to surface run-off in

rainy season


S.No. Class and Type of Defects Common Causes

(f) Erosion/Undermining i. Poor maintenance

ii. Inadequate drainage/water interception provisions
particularly in super elevated sections

5. Inadequate Drainage

(a) Pumping i. Ingress of water through cracks and damaged joints

ii. Poor or inoperational/choked sub drainage

(b) Ponding i. Wrong cross-section design

ii. Blockage of inlets and or outlets in chute drains and
collection pits

(c) Punchout (applicable to

CRCP only) i. Localised poor concrete
ii. Loss of foundation support
iii. Poor drainage at edge with paved shoulder



4.1. General

4.1.1.The evaluation of the exiting pavement condition is the most important part of the
process of assessing the maintenance needs. The maintenance strategy will be determined according
to the level of deterioration (refer Para 1 .7T and Fig. 1.5). The characterization of the condition

of the existing pavement largely deteiTnines the types of treatments to be considered. Characterization
includes the types of distress, width and depth of crack/defect, percentage area affected; joint
defects etc. (refer Table 4.5). Different evaluation tests and procedures are available for a complete
and comprehensive evaluation of the existing pavement condition.

. The maintenance needs should be assessed every year as part of the planning of the
road maintenance program. It is recommended that an overall assessment of the maintenance
needs be done on the basis of condition surveys which can take various forms such as:

(a) visual rating

(b) profile/faulting/roughness measurements, by profilograph and bump integrator (BI)
(c) deflection tests; by Falling Weight Deflectometer (F WD)
(d) friction/skid resistance tests by sand patch, British Pendulum and Mu-meter
(e) drainage condition survey

4.1.3. Additional testing and measurement will be required to collect specific data particular
to the needs identified during the overall condition survey based on repair/rehabilitation alternatives
to be considered in the maintenance program. For example, concrete material evaluation, base/
sub-base and sub-grade testing and drainage condition surveys. The frequency of such additional
testing will depend on the age and extent of damage recorded in the overall condition survey. A
review of the project records including plans, specifications, construction quality assurance/quality
control records and general inspection notes will be helpful.

4.2. Pavement Evaluation Procedure

4.2.1. Road agencies around the world have developed a range of procedures for
evaluation of the concrete pavements in their countries. US Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) has developed 17 numbers standard procedures as given in Table 4.1. Some of the
commonly used procedures are indicated below:

(a) Visual Condition Surveys - Either manual or video/photographic-based procedures

can be followed. Specific comnlentaries are provided to address special features
related to PCC pavement distresses.


(i) Visual rating is a simple method of inspecting the pavement surface for detecting
and assessing the type and severity of the damage. In most instances, road
inspections address all aspects of road condition, including the condition of
shoulders, road drainage, road furniture etc., as well as the condition of the

(ii) Visual condition survey may be conducted from a vehicle driving over the
pavement or a manual survey conducted by walking or riding in cycle rickshaw
along representative sections. Automated survey equipment are available and
may be developed for the purpose.

(iii) Whilst there are various methods of visual rating adopted by different agencies
the world over, an essential requirement is to inspect the concrete pavement on
a regular basis and record the various maintenance needs kilometer- wise all

along the length of the road in standard formats. Proformae 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and
4.4 are placed at the end of this Chapter. These proformas are suggestive/
indicative in nature and could be suitably modified in field as per project specific


(iv) Although slow and labour intensive, the manual condition survey is the most
reliable. The best method to record location and extent of distress types in a
manual survey is graphical (map) and tabular format. Typical examples for
guidance provided are in Proforma 4. 1 and Proforma 4.2 respectively. The
different types of distress shall be rated and their degrees of severity noted in the
forms at the places where they occur. The details may be further summarized in
the standard format recommended as in Proforma 4.3.

(v) Any type of distress or defect may be located at a certain pavement section and
at a certain distance from the centre line. may extend in length
The same distress
between two sections across the transverse or longitudinal joints. It may extend
laterally to the whole width of the carriageway or only to certain strips or areas.

Such extension of distress should be carefully noted to study the extent of such

(vi) The location and extent of the defect/distressed area are recorded as observed
at the surface. Since internally deteriorated concrete below the surface can have
larger extension than superficial observations may show, before marking the area
to be repaired it is important to test the surrounding slab areas.

(vii) The actual extension of deteriorated concrete can be detennined by "sounding",

which is done by striking the surface with a rod or a hammer or by dragging a
chain along the surface. This will produce a metallic ring on sound concrete and
a dull/hollow sound on deteriorated concrete.

(b) Deflection Testing - This testing is an important part of any pavement evaluation
plan. Key aspects are addressed such as the time of testing for PCC pavements,



especially for joint and crack testing, for load transfer efficiency (LTE) and void
detection. , .

(c) Roughness Surveys - This is to be done as per IRC:SP: 16-2004. Research has
established that pavements constructed initially with low rougliness level have relatively
longer life. There are three methods to assess roughness of the surface as suggested

(i) Sand Patch Method: As per IRC: 1 5-2002, the value should be between 0.65
mm to 1 .25 mm.
(ii) Measurement by British Pendulum Test: The value of Skid Resistance
Number as per Transport Research Laboratory (TRL, Road Note No. 27), the
_ . BPN value should be between 45-55 (as per British Pendulum Test) in normal
conditions. (Refer Appendix-E for more details about the British Pendulum Test).

(iii) Measurement by Mu - Meter: Appendix-E gives the acceptable values for

Skid Number at different traffic (vehicle) speeds varying from 50 kmph to 1 1
kmph. (Refer Appendix-E for more details about Mu-Meter)

(d) Faulting Surveys - The faulting ofjoint/crack is normally measured with a millimeter
scale. However, advance equipment like Georgia Faultmeter if, available may also
used for measuring joint/crack faulting.

(e) Core Testing - The guidelines refers to standardized testing procedures by the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Core samples may be used for strength testing,
and modulus of elasticity testing. Petrographic as well as durability (materials related
distress) testing may also be carried with the core samples.

(f) Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Testing - Guidelines that address ground GPR
techniques relative to PCC pavement applications may also be referred.

(g) Slab Curvature Measurement -Curling/warping may be determined using the

dipstick or by measuring slab deformation (deflections) at slab corners and at other
locations using LVDTs or dial gauges. Such testing may be needed in some cases to
determine, if premature failure conditions (cracking, etc) are due to excessive slab
curling and warping. \ .

(li) Steel Corrosion Testing - The guidelines address procedures to identify the state
and rate of corrosion of the reinforcing bars at wide cracks and longitudinal joints in
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP) and Jointed Reinforced
Concrete Pavements (JRCP) over time, these measurements provide an indication of
the extent of corrosion damage.

(i) Drainage Surveys - Drainage evaluation needs to be included as part of overall

pavement evaluation, so as to assess any potential future problems caused by moisture


and run-off especially where the average rainfall exceeds 500 mm per year. The
moisture may penetrate the pavement through cracks or transverse/ longitudinal joint
due to delamination or oozing out of sealant from the walls of the groove. The condition
and effectiveness of side drainage also require recording, particularly, before the
monsoon period. The presence of rain cuts, piping and erosion of shoulders should
also be recorded. Drainage condition survey data form is given in Proforma 4.4.

Table 4.1 List of Procedures for Pavement Evaluation

Procedure No. Title

Overall Pavement Evaluation

TP-1 Visual Condition Survey

TP-2 Deflection Testing

TP-3 Profile Survey

TP-4 Faulting Survey

TP-5 Slab curvature Measurement

TP-6 GPR Survey

[P-7 Friction Testing

TP-8 Noise Measurement

Concrete Material Evaluation

TP-9 Core Compressive Strength Testing

TP- 10 Core Split Tensile strength Testing

TP-ll Core Modulus of Elasticity Testing

TP- 12 Core Petrographic Examination

TP- 13 Material Related Distress Evaluation

Base/Sub/Base and Subgrade Testing

TP- 14 Base/Sub-base and Subgrade Material Characterisation

TP-1 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing

Drainage Condition Survey

TP- 16 Overall Drainage Survey

TP- 17 Corrosion Testing

(Source: Report No. FHWA-Ol-C-00080)


4.3. Function Evaluation

4.3.1. The functional performance of a

pavement refers to characteristics of the pavement
which are important to the users, including safety (as measured by cleanliness and friction testing)
and riding comfort (as measured by profile testing and noise measurements).

4.3.2. The measurement of irregularities (roughness) in the road surface can be used to
indicate in physical terms the existing condition of the road and its likely deterioration with time. It

is thus a very useful tool in the hands of a rnaintenance engineer. It is good practice to take roughness
measurements on the entire network of concrete roads in the country, at least once every three
years and to maintain the permanent record of the same.

4.3.3. Moving protllographs or laser devises; are often used to measure the depth of
road surface. Standards related to profile measurement and data analysis have
iiTCgularities in the
been developed by ASTM under ASTM E 950 and ASTM E 1364. The indigenous response type
fifth bump integrator (BI) which measures suspension deflections (originally developed by
TRRL in the UK) towed over the road surface (preferably in the wheel path) at a steady speed of
32+/- 1 km/hour has been generally used in this country to evaluate the roughness in terms of mm/
km. A brief description of the above equipment and procedures for calibration are given in the
IRC publication "Guidelines for Surface Evenness of Highway Pavements", IRC:SP: 1 6-2004.

4.3.4. The roughness of a pavement commonly reported in terms of an unevenness


index as measured by the bump integrator. The maximum permissible roughness values (expressed
in "mm/km") recommended by IRC :SP: 16-2004 for the roads with different types of surfaces are
given in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Recommended Roughness Values for Roads in India*

(Ref 1.11- Table 3, IRC:SP: 6-2004)

Wearing Surface Condition of Road Surface


Good Average Poor

BI mm/km IRIm/km BI mm/km IRI m/km BI mm/km IRI m/km

Bituminous <2000 2.8 2000-3000 2.8-4.0 >3000 >4.0

Concrete (BC)

Cement <2200 3.0 2200-3000 3.0-4.0 >3000 >4.0

Concrete (CC)

* It is possible and desirable to construct roads with roughness level lower than above with the use of modern
equipment and construction practices supported with adequate logistics commensurate with the capacity of
paver etc.


4.3.5. Two methods of reporting the roughness are commonly followed. One is based on
the bump integrator (BI) in mm/km as described above and the other is based on the International
Roughness Index (IRI) in m/km. Table 4.3 gives the conversion values between BI and IRL

Table 4.3 Conversion BI mm/km to IRI m/km Recommended Roughness

Values for Roads
(IRC:SP: 16-2004)

IRI (n-i/kin) 1.0 1.2 1.4 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0

BI (m in/km) 630 770 920 1370 1760 2160 3000

Note: BI in mm/km = 630 x (IRI in m/km)'

4.4. Structural Evaloation

4.4.1. The structural performance of the pavement refers to its ability to carry future
traffic. -

4.4.2. There are a number of means of assessing stmctural capacity by measuring deflection
and curvature of the pavement under heavy axle load.

4.4.3. Deflection based non destructive testing methods such as FWD are generally
preferred as destructive testing is cumbersome, time consuming and costly.

4.4.4. There are cases when pavement in long continuous stretch is badly damaged and
distressed. In all such cases, it may be considered desirable that pavement in such condition be
opened up and each layer is tested to identify the exact cause of failure/distress. The Falling
Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is a very quick and accurate method for assessing residual life of the
pavement, and also for overlay design. The FWD is attached to a 4 wheeled vehicle, and results
recorded directly on to computer disc, for later analyses.

4.5. Measurement and Degree of Severity of Defects

4.5.1. The severity of any type of distress can be evaluated by the measurement of one or
two parameters that best characterise that type of distress.

(a) Deformation in the pavement may be due to faulting, drop-off shoulder, heaving, blow
up etc. Deformation is measured in terms of level difference in mm by using a straight
edge and a graduated wedge or tape.

(b) Individual cracks can be evaluated by measuring their width in mm. This can be done
by inserting metal strips of standard gauge thickness or by optical microscope. Refer
Figs. 4.1 (a), (b) and Measurement of crack length and its variation with time is

also important. Cracks that run across one or more slabs are particularly severe and


result from concrete tensile failure. The maximum crack width shall be recorded as
representative of at least 50% of its length.

Microscope for
Fig. 4.1 (a) Optical diagram of Optical
Fig. 4.1 (b) Line
Measuring Width of Crack Microscope over a Crack

Fig. 4.1 (c) Measuring Width of Crack with

Optical Microscope

(c) Multiple and hair cracks can be evaluated by measuring the total length of cracks in
mm/m- within a square frame with 1 m long sides.
(d) For cracks, it is also very important to know their depth, because full depth cracks
(>D/2) allow ingress of water and undermine the strength of the slab and the pavement.
On hand some kinds of shallow cracks, such as shrinkage cracks do not
the other
need to be repaired if they are isolated and short. The crack depth can be determined
in cores bored from the pavement or by ultra-sonic pulse velocity measurements across
the crack. The depth as determined by ultra sonic method is about 60 to 70% of the
actual depth as determined by the codes method.

(e) Surface loss (ravelling and scaling) can be evaluated by its percentage of damaged
area and its maximum depth.

(f) Joint spalling can be evaluated by measuring its width in mm. Refer Figs 4.2 (a) &
(b). The maximum spalling width shall be recorded

. '




Longitudinal Joint l^^^l

isverse > < Transverse
Joint CONCRETE r Joint.


' '

Fig. 4.2 (a) Measurement of Spalling at a Crack

Spalling <0.1 m
Distress Width

Grades ^ Joint
Transverse Transverse Transverse
Joint. Joint Joint.

" ;

Low Severity 2 :

L < 0.6m, no lost material \

Moderate Severity ; 3 ^ (
L<25%, w<40mm ^
f Moderate Severity

\ L
> 25%,
. High Severity 5 1

L > 25%, loss of material

w< 80 nrri
V 1
1 \


Fig. 4.2 (b) Measurement of Spalling at a Joints

(g) Individual popouts and potholes can be evaluated by measuring their diameters and
depths. Multiple popouts can be evaluated by their number per square metre.

(h) Surface wearing can be evaluated by its area density as a percentage and the textural
depth (sand patch test) or skid resistance of the worn surface.

(i) Patching can be evaluated as the percentage area patched to the total area of the slab.

4.6. Distress Rating System

4.6.1. The routine survey and recording of the surface condition and rating of severity of
defects is important for assessing the maintenance strategy. The airports authorities use such a


system and several roads authorities around the world use similar ratings systems. Some defme
three degrees of severity (low, medium and high), some and others ten degrees.
five degrees
5-level distress rating system is recommended in these guidelines. This is given in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4. Five Level Distress Rating System

Distress Rating Slab Condition Severity (Defects)


0 Excellent Not Discernable

1 Very Good Minor

2 Good/ Average Moderate

3 Fair Major

4 Poor Extreme

5 Very Poor Unsafe / Unserviceable

4.6.2. Type of repair can be appropriately decided from the distress rating as per details
of Table 4.5. The techniques for repair can be selected from Tables 5.1 and 5.2. The guidance as
to the materials suitable for repair is given in Chapter 12. The materials selected should provide the

desired performance and durability of 6 to 8 years minimum. Concrete mix proportion characteristics
as used in some projects in USA are given in Appendix-B for Early Opening to Traffic (EOT)
concrete mixes. These may be tried in case of emergency repairs.

4.6.3. The severity level of the defects and distress develop during the contract defect
liability period (usually specified as the first year after substantial completion) should generally not
exceed degree 2. More time is necessary for distress development under traffic loading, climatic
influences and/or unattended maintenance to reach degrees of severity 3 and 4. If degree of severity
level 3 was exceeded during the defect liability period of the construction contract, this would
probably have to be explained by relevant design and construction shortcomings and rectified
under the terms of the contract.

4.6.4. Distresses with degree of severity of 5 (like wide cracks with spalling and/or scaling)
exceeding 50% area and/or faulting exceeding 12mm or broken slabs exhibiting rocking effect may
be considered for slab replacement or reconstruction, as the case may be.

4.7. Monitoring Performance: Performance or serviceability of the new roads or the

roads after repair shall be assessed as per Para 4.2.




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Cntrati N...
(Project ^
(Form Km to Kin)

Defects Observed During Joint Inpection Conducted on:


Left /RigtSide (strike out)

Field Notes: H/Shoulder Lett Lane Right Lane

surface shrinkage cracks,

Joint \ \
< 1 mm ^ 96*776.5
(Imm/SR 2) seal with low c
viscosity epoxy resin
7^ CO

W \

spalling in wheel path

Joint 96*795

Joint 96*835
shallow shrinkage crack 1mm

-f 40cm

Joint 97*158
se sealant lost/missing

! surface crazing
Se. seal shrinkage cracks i

ft; (lmm/SR2) !

\ shrinkage cracV.
with low viscosity epoxy resin


seal with low viscosity epoxy 40cm

resin 1
. .. 20cm
90cm ^ 40cm

Other Comments:

1. AW kerbs and hard shoulder to Signed by: Accepted by:

, ,
, , , ^ . For the Engineer For the Contractor
be cleaned of debris , stones etc

: 'c?-:Date: Date:
2. Centre line marking for
defective, breaking up

^Sample for guidance from an executed project road

SR: Severity Rating



-a o o
-a T3O -a o
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on on on on on on

12.09,06 03.09.06 10.09.06 02.08,06 07,09.06 Rectified

Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified
Rectified Rectified



Shrinkage Shrinkage
Shrinkage Shrinkage

a Q Shrinkage/Slumping


mm mm mm mm mm
Scaling >15%
<40 <40 <20 <10 <80 <5

m m o
d c


/07/05 /07/05
!/06/05 ;/06/05

i/06/05 i/06/05
*/ ) /
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> -a 3
E o ri r
u*i C t/)
d C C
U ^ 5 C

r 1

! ft; J ^ 0:1

z z z z

/09/04 /09/04 706/05 .09.04
;. 3
>n T3
r 1 rj

o m 35,600

^ and

Bar Bar Bar Bar > Total

o c Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit

L Total

if of
o E u Dowel Dowel Dowel Dowel 'Reconstruct

Route, Out

a is

f~ 1 in
2 CO

"o JS

Near Middle Near Near

& Fault
Longitudinal Longitudinal
Transverse Joint Transverse Transverse Joint Transverse Joint Crack

3 to
2'Q Crack Crack Crack
o -a
o c

21.06,03 30.06.03 15.07.03 31,12.04 12.01.4 13.01.04 15.07.04

.S c
QJ :/)




B - 5; Right

S ? C!
211.220 211.585 212.386 223.723 223.982 220.453

Z rl

CO 2:
m 2;


Sheet 2 O
4L632 O
41 a
40.831 o
40.590 CO

40 355
U {-
Cm Q 40

39 Z
38.814 CO z
38.294 z >-

38 2 >-

37.690 o
37.618 O
37 o
36.814 o
36.489 o

36.472 CS
36.382 o
36.364 o
36.049 u
S It
36 u
35.743 - o
"3 35.559 o
35 o
34.222 o
33.609 o
aB 33.3485 o
33 D
32.914 - u
32.770 o
u 32.689 cs
3 32.654 CO
C 32.633
o 32
T3 o
C 31.484
O 31.466
U 31.4495 o
31 o
30.691 cs
30.350 z a.

30 z Cu

z >^
29 o

c (%)
0 Poor

<u giadieQt. BULKING,


s (km)


(Y/N) Good.

SECTION Crossfall

Shoulder Ditch



(m), Side

s -a

leht LOSS
Rieid Soft

3 S ai o " a a.-a!>td^wzH

: :


Contract No:
(Name of Contract)
(Limits of Contract)


Section / Part - Main Carriageway
Left / Right Side (strike out)

Joint Inspection Conducted on :

By :

Designation :


1. Side Drainage (visual)

Depth to roadside ditch (mm) :

Condition of roadside ditch satisfactory/poor :

Type of drainage system present :

0 = none; 1 = open kuchcha drain; 2 = open pakka drain; 3 = covered drain

Distance to discharge point (m)


2. Sealant/Lane/Shoulder Joint Integrity (Severity Rating : Reference Table 4.5)

Sealant Type (Circle) None - HP - PS - SI -UR - Preformed - Other
HP = Hot poured PS = ; PolysuljDhide ; SI = Silicone ; UR = Urethene
Paved shoulders (Circle) Traffic lanes (Circle)

Sealant condition (SR) 0-1-2-3-4-5 0-1 -2-3-4-5

Shoulder condition (SR) 0-1-2-3-4-5 0-1 -2-3-4-5
SR = Severity rating (see Table 4.4)

3. Condition of Vegetation on Embankment Cut Not Cut

4. SUMMARY -Overall Assessment of the quality of Drainage

Poor drainage
Fair drainage

Good drainage

Very good drainage

5. OTHER OBSERVATION REMARKS (with sketches, if required)

(Adopted from Protocol TP-16, Repair and Rehabilitation of" Concrete pavements
Part II Guidelines for Condition Assessment and Evaluation, Report No: FWHA-Ol-C-000802004, 2004)



5.1. Types of Repair Techniques

Repair techniques can be broadly classified into two categories:

(i) Preventive Techniques

(ii) Corrective Techniques

Preventive techniques are pro-active techniques/activities. These are aimed to slow down
or prevent the occurrence of the distress so as to ensure a longer service life of the pavement.
Joint and crack resealing are the most commonly applied preventive repair techniques. Full depth
repairs are examples of corrective repair activities. There are a number of corrective activities/
which perform both the fiinction of corrective as well as preventive repair activities.
repair techniques
Diamond grinding, grooving, slab stabilisation, cross-stitching, retrofitting of dowel bars/edge drains
and retexturing are some of the activities of the repair techniques which act both as corrective and
preventive repair activities.

5.2. Concrete Pavement Restoration Techniques

5.2.1. Concrete Pavement in real situations suffers from one distress or many times with a
combination of distresses. There are different techniques to tackle individual distresses. More
often, a combination of repair techniques is required to be applied as indicated in Fig. 5. 1 . Preventive \

techniques in many situations may help the pavement to perform for many years but may not
provide a very long-term solution.

5.2.2. Budgetary resources will sometime dictate whether one should go for preventive
repair activities to be followed by corrective repair activities or directly to corrective repair activities.
The later option will also be dictated by the degree of the severity of distress and urgency of repair.
For example, in case of full depth/ deep transverse cracks, resealing can be done early, so that
further ingress of water into the pavement is prevented. It can run for some years. Later on to
restore the structural integrity of pavement, appropriate corrective repair activities like dowel bar
retrofit or full depth repair may be undertaken.

5.2.3. Different activities have to follow a defined sequence. Full depth repairs, dowel
bar retrofit or cross-stitching activities must precede the diamond grinding, grooving and resealing
of joints. ACPA has suggested a model sequencing pattern which may be considered as a guide in
this respect. This sequence is given in Fig. 5.1. All locations may not require every repair technique
procedure or a combination of procedures. Individual technique/procedure may suffice in many


Pavement Slab Stabilisation

Partial- Depth Retrofit Edge

Repair Drains

Full - Depth Dowel - Bar

Repair Retrofit


Diamond Tied PCC

Grooving Grinding Shoulders

Joint and
Crack Resealing

Fig. 5.1. Sequence of Concrete Pavement Restoration Techniques (CPR)

(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association
(ACPA) Copyriglit, 2008)

5.2.4. The selection and application of a particular repair technique at the proper time is
essential for good performance of the concrete pavement. The actual selection of the particular
repair technique shall depend on the following:

(1) Type and extent of severity of distress/damage

(2) Causes of distresses to develop

(3 ) Bearing capacity of subbase and subgrade. Where insufficient bearing capacity is the
cause of the distress the subgrade and / or subbase should also be strengthened and/
or stabilized

(4) Volume of traffic and traffic diversion conditions during the work, repair methods that
require short work and curing times shall be preferred

(5) Possible reuse of salvaged materials

(6) Responsibility for payment, i.e. repair obligation of the construction agency under
defect liability provisions of the contract or payment by the operating agency after
defect liability period or handing over whichever is later.


5.3. Timing of Distress Repair

5.3.1. New construction The acceptance criteria for new construction shall be governed by IRC: 15-2002
"Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Construction of Concrete Roads'". The
acceptance criteria prescribed for cracked concrete slabs in Clause 9.22.7 (IRC: 1 5) is in line with
the MoRT&H Specification Clause 602.9.9.4 which states that "The Contractor shall be liable at
his expense to replace any concrete damaged as a result of incomplete curing or cracked on a line

other than that of a joint". As already stated before, the repair of new concrete pavement, within
the defect liability period, shall be governed by the relevant Clauses of the contract. In case where
the contract clauses do not provide any specific acceptance criteria for new construction then for
such cases it is recommended that acceptance criteria should be that all distresses of low severity
(2 or less) vide Tables 4.4 and 4.5 shall be accepted with minor repair as per the discretion of the
Engineer-in-Charge. In case severity is of 4 and 5, it should not be accepted. These could be
rectified by reconstruction or by full depth repair, depending upon the extent and severity of damage.
For severity 3, the client may apply its discretion depending upon the nature/type of distress. It
may, however, be kept in mind that some short term repairs like partial depth repairs etc. are likely
to last 6-8 years only and should be avoid in case of new construction.

5.3.2. Old construction For concrete roads in operation, the cost of repair and lane closure are two
important considerations in deciding the type of repair to be undertaken. Pavements have their
defined service life. Repairs are intended only to ensure that concrete pavements perform till

designed service life. The strategies for repair of older pavements could -be thus different than
those of new pavements. Decision is based on a trade-off between the "cost" of repair and the
"remaining'"' life of the pavement. Road Authorities may decide suitably. Alternative repair strategies for existing pavements are given in the last two columns
of Table 4.5. The type of repair to be undertaken, priiPxarily depends upon whether distress is of a
structural nature or of non-structural nature. For these guidelines all cracks/distresses are non-
structural in nature, when "d < D/T\ where "d" is the depth of crack or distress and "D" is the
thickness of the slab (PQC). Preventive repair activity in cases, where d < D/2 are recommended.
When "d > D/2" i.e. depth of crack/distress ismore than half the thickness of the slab, such
cracks/distresses are structural in nature. The repair methods recommended are corrective in
nature where d > D/2. As already stated before, the repair and maintenance strategies to be
followed may involve either short term measure or long term measure or a combination of both,
with time spacing to suit the specific condition of distress, availability of fund etc.

5.4. Distress to be Repaired

5.4.1. Visible distressed areas should be repaired according to the standards specified in the
contract (if applicable) or as per the Tables 4.4 and 4.5 whichever sets the more stringent condition.
5.4.2.Generally distress types of low severity (2 or less) may be left with minor repair.
Structural distress with severity 4 and 5 as per Table 4.5 shall receive priority repair, to minimise
further damage to the pavement structure with time, to avoid costly repairs/reconstruction. In


such cases, short term repairs may precede the long term repair as per Table 4.5 to avoid damage
extension due to dlay in long term repair.

5.4.3. Some types of distress like depressions, heave, single crack, ravelling, loss of
surface texture will only need repair for degrees of severity of 3 or more. Working cracks will be
treated with dowel retrofit or with full depth repair depending on degree of severity. Full depth
repair are to be undertaken in case of extreme severity.

5.4.4. Single, shallow fme/hair cracks do not require repair. Fine plastic shrinkage cracks
are believed to be self healing (autogenous). Fine interconnecting cracks (crazing) should be
considered as surface distress and repaired with low viscosity epoxy resins as shown in Figs. 5.2
and 5.3 before propagating further and developing ravelling.

Fig. 5.2 Plastic Shrinkage Cracks Fig. 5.3 Close Up view of Epoxy Sealing
Repaired with Low Viscosity Epoxy

5.4.5. Full depth cracks and damaged joints shall be sealed without delay to minimise
ingress of water/incompressibles into the pavement structure. This should be followed with dowel
retrofit or full depth repair.

5.4.6. Full depth repair is recommended, if weak concrete is identified or suspected or

the pavement had multiple type of distresses such as cracking, ravelling, large pop-outs/potholes
and compression failure as blowups etc. Slab areas surrounding the visible distressed area should
be sound when struck by a hammer and all areas sounding dull/hollow shall be included in the
repair boundries. Weak concrete may extend to neighbouring slabs, and such slabs should also be

5.4.7. Repair priority should be given to full depth cracks across one or more slabs. The
repair of this type of structural distress developing after trafficking for some period often requires
sub-grade stabilisation. Repair of full depth transverse cracks always requires new dowel bars to
be placed and one new joint constructed as shown in Fig. 5.4. The large cracked slab is thus
replaced by two smaller slabs with lower curl and warping stresses.

5.4.8 The purpose of joint sealants to prevent ingress of water and incompressible foreign
materials. The condition of joint sealant should be watched at regular interval, particularly, before
the on-set of monsoon. This should be replaced, when it is worn out, lost adhesion from the
groove walls of the joints, hardened badly (oxidised) and has become brittle, has oozed out


a) Full Depth Repair with Drilled-in Dowel b) Full Depth Repair with Grouted Tie Bar
Bars (with two new construction joints) & Dowel Bars Assembly (with one new
contraction joint)

Fig. 5.4 Full Depth Repair

5.5. Repair Methodology

5.5.1. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 list a range of techniques and applications for repairing and
restoring the integrity bf the concrete pavement slab.

Table 5.1. Concrete Pavement Repair Techniques (Preventive Activities)

.v-s (Ref: AGFA Concrete Pavement Restoration Guide)

S.No. Repair Technique Application

1. Crack and Joint resealing Used tominimize infiltration of water and incompressible material into
with flexible sealant joint system
2_ Crack sealing with Used to seal shallow fine to medium width cracks and prevent concrete
epoxy resin breaking out at spalls.

3. Crack cross stitching Used to repair low and medium severity longitudinal cracks.
4. Partial depth repairs i. Used to repair joint and crack deterioration and surface distress.
ii. Used to repair popouts and potholes.

Table 5.2. Concrete Pavement Repair Techniques (Corrective Activities)*

(Ref: AGFA Concrete Pavement Restoration Guide)

S.No. Repair Technique Application

1. Full depth Repairs Used to repair full depth cracks and joint deterioration. Used to repair
punchouts (CRCP)
2. Slab stabilisation A specialized technique used to alleviate pumping
3. Dowel bar retrofit A specialized technique used to restore load transfer at joints and cracks
4. Slab lifting or jacking A specialized technique used to raise sunken slabs by lifting or pressure
grouting beneath the panel.
5. Diamond grinding A specialized technique used to extend serviceability, improve ride and
skid resistance

6. Diamond Grooving A specialized technique used to reduce wet weather accidents and
prevent hydroplaning
* Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association, Copyright, 2008


5.6. Prerequisite Activities for All Types of Repairs

5.6.1. General

All repair techniques discussed in the guidelines will start with the following preparatory

( 1 ) Marking out the areas to be repaired.

(2) Making the temporary working area safe for the workmen from the passing traffic by
temporary barricading, signage etc.

(3) Dismantling the affected areas and disposing of the broken concrete in an appropriate

(4) Any other activities as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

5.6.2. Marking areas to be repaired


The following activities shall be undertaken for appropriately marking out the area to be i

repaired. |

(a) The total distressed and surrounding areas (to be repaired) are marked on the pavement j

in rectangular form with sides parallel and peipendicular to the centre line after sounding I

with a hand hammer, ensuring not less than 50 mm cutting beyond unsound concrete. '

Rectangular areas simplify saw cutting and concrete removal.

(b) All full depth repairs shall be made the full width of a lane to achieve stable patches i

and provide adequate room in the pit for dowel hole drill rigs and compaction j

equipment. '

(c) The area to be repaired for a full depth transverse crack shall be a transverse strip.
The width will depend on the crack alignment. Odd shaped slabs (L/B > 1.5 and )

mismatched slabs shall be reinforced with 1 0 mm dia bars placed at depth of 75 mm

from the top and 200 mm C/C both ways.

(d) If the transverse crack is close to a joint (< 1 500 mm from the joint) one of the sides
of the area to be repaired shall be the nearest joint itself

(e) The newly cut joint faces shall be scabbled with a chisel or sand blasted to create
roughness for better bond between old and new concrete.

(f) Partial depth repairs are usually smaller than 1 m-. For partial depth repairs if the
distance between patches is smaller than 300 mm, the patches are combined in a

single large patch.

(g) When two different areas to be repaired or patches are close to each other the repair
may be faster and cheaper if the adjacent areas are combined in a large patch.


(h) The combining adjacent full-depth patches depend on slab thickness and
criteria for

the patch in case of (partial width repair) or lane in case of (full-width repair) width.

5.6.3. Layout for a Repair of Wide Full Width Cracks (d >D/2)/Full Depth Repair

The following activities shall be undertaken:

(a) The layout recommended for repair of full width transverse cracks depends on the
location of the crack with respect to the joints and free edges as shown in Fig. 5.5.

(b) Transverse cracks extending full width of the panel or continuous longitudinal cracks
intersecting with formed or sawn joints are not acceptable in new construction i.e.
before "Taking Over" from the contractor by the client as per IRC: 1 5 and MoRT&H
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. However, these may be provided with tie
or dowel bars as part of a short temi maintenance strategy after "Taking Over". Dowel
bars shall be used in such conditions where widening of the crack may occur.

(c) For cracks at a distance of more than 1.5 m from the next transverse joint, slots for
retrofitting of dowel bars shall be cut and the dowel bars placed at distances of 250 -
300 mm before the crack is widened and sealed. This is a stop gap arrangement. The
permanent treatment would be to make a full slab replacement or cutting out the
affected part of slab by full depth cutting. Holes are made for tie bars and additional
contraction joint is made by providing dowel bars (See Fig. 5.5).

(d) For cracks located at short distances from joints (ie. at less than 1 .5 m) the strip of
slab between the crack and the joint shall be cut to a regular rectangular shape and
removed. The condition of the existing dowel bars shall be checked and new holes
for new tie bars shall be drilled in the opposite sawn cut face. These shall be thoroughly
cleaned with compressed jet air and filled with a thick epoxy. The tie bar shall be
inserted by hammer imparting light thuds at the head of the tie bar so that the epoxy
oozes out insuring complete bond between the circular wall of the hole and ribbed
surface of the tie bars. The epoxy shall be allowed to cure for a minimum period of
four hour.

(e) If the slab displays two or more than two ftill width cracks complete slab reconstruction
shall be considered or repair may be carried out as per the advice of Engineer-in-

(f) The concrete faces with tie bars shall be scabbled/sandblasted to give a rough key to
the new concrete. The pit shall be filled with the approved concrete mix, compacted
and textured match the surrounding slabs. Before concreting the bottom and sides
of the pit are kept wet for few hours (not less than 4 hours). The condition of surface
should be Saturated Surface Dry (SSD). Some agencies use cement: sand 1 1 slurry :

with w/c ratio not more than 0.62 to coat the sides and bottom of pit(the slurry
should not be allowed to dry). While pouring fresh concrete, it shall be placed in
central portion of the pit first and then worked towards edges ensuring complete
vibrations including in the comers.



Transverse Joint Longitudinal Joint


1 '

f /

1 1

Transverse Transverse Transverse Transverse Multiple

Crack Crack Crack Crack Crack
Near Joint Near Middle Near Joint Near Middle Any location
Full width Full width Part width Part width

f 1 5m min. >v\i n.5

1 5m
Repair ^ Replace Repair Repair Replace
Full Depth Full Depth Full Depth Full Depth Full Depth
Width 1 .5m Whole Panel Width 1.5m Width 1 5m Whole Panel
Ref: Figure 9, Ref: Para 5.6.1(b) Ref: Para 5.6.1(c) Ref: Para 5 7.1(d) Ref: Para 5 7.1(e)
RCC Yes - RCC No - RCC Yes - RCC-No RCC-No

Fig. 5.5. Recommended Layout for Transverse Cracks Repairs - Plan View

5.6.4. Layout for Repair of Deep Longitudinal Cracks

The layout recommended for repair of deep longitudinal cracks again depends on the location
of the crack with respect to the joints and free edges as per Fig. 5.6. Stitching or partial depth
patching may be tried depending on the severity of the defect and behaviour of the repair under
traffic. Continuous longitudinal cracks intersecting with formed or sawn joints are again not

acceptable in new construction and all the slabs affected should be replaced prior to "Taking
Over" or repair may be carried out as per advice of Engineer-in-Charge.

5.7. Cutting and Removing Debris

(a) Saw cutting and chipping are the operations required to remove the unsound concrete
within the marked area and leaving a rectangular patch pit of uniform depth.

(b) The sidewalls of the pit to be cut are usually specified as vertical and the vertical
sections of the pit are rectangular.

(c) Special care shall be taken not to damage the adjoining panels when chipping concrete
for full-depth patches. For this purpose chipping of the slab concrete shall only take
place after making a cut at a distance of 50 mm into the sound panels. Within this area
additional saw cuts may be made to expedite removal of slab pieces as per Fig. 5.7.

After the concrete inside the delineated area has been chipped and removed the
remaining strip between cuts and joints can be safely removed.


Transverse Joint Longitudinal Joint

Symptom Symptom
Single Longitudinal Crack Two or more Longitltudinal

intersecting with multiple joints Cracks intersecting with joint


For 0.3<w<3.0 mm A) Stitch and Seal, Ref: Chapter 7 For w< 0.5mm A)Seal

r 1.0m rninimum

For 3.0<w<12 mm B) Partial Depth Repair with/without Stapling. Ref: Chapter 8 B) Not Applicable
LONG TERM Strategy for d>D/2

C) Whole Slab Replacement Ref: Chapter 9 C) Whole Slab Replacement

Fig. 5.6. Recommended Layout for Transverse Cracks Repairs - Plan View

(a) Saw cutting (b) Breaking Out by Jack Hammer

after making two parallel saw cuts

Fig. 5.7. Saw Cut and Break Procedure Illustrated



(d) If the repair extends up to the slab joint insert a piece of oiled shuttering ply in the
adjacent joint(s) to avoid percolation of patching material in the joint.

5.8. Saw Cutting and Lifting Procedure for Full Depth Repair and Whole Slab

It comprises of the following procedure :-

(a) The marked area is sawn with diamond blade saw in pieces or whole according to
availability of crane or other machinery to lift and remove slab pieces as shown in
Fig. 5.8.

(b) The remaining pieces of slab left over tie bars and dowel bars is broken in such a way
that the concrete in the adjacent good slab is not damaged.

(c) Lifting the whole piece of concrete imparts no damage to the sub-base and is readily
done. This method requires less labour than breaking the concrete before removing.
Different types of equipment can be used to lift the slab or slab portion by means of a
chain connected to lift pins: torque claw attachments for front-end loaders, forklift

devices and vertical bridges.

(a) Saw and Break Procedure (b) Saw and Lift Procedure

Fig 5.8. Saw Cut and Lift Procedure Illustrated

5.9. Work Safety and Traffic Diversion

(a) Before the repair work is carried out, the proper traffic diversion shall be planned and
implemented in consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge having full regard to the
statutory and contractual provisions for safety.

(b) All signals required for traffic diversion and work safety shall be brought to the site

and placed at appropriate sections and distances.


(c) When the work is finished and curing completed all debris and traffic control
measures shall be removed and normal traffic conditions restored (For details refer
Chapter 15).

5.10. Disposal of Dismantled Materials

The concrete dismantled during partial depth repair/ full depth repair/ grinding and grooving
etc. shall be suitably disposed oif as provided in the contract. These guidelines, however, recommend

the following steps for the disposal of dismantled materials:

(a) the concrete should be broken to sizes not greater than 0.02 cum and stacked neatly
in the ROW (Right of Way) for later reuse or till it is finally disposed off as per

(b) The chunks should be sorted into range of sizes, with larger chunks (less than 0.02
cum in size) broken further by hand or put in the crusher to break them into smaller
size particles so they can be reused as an aggregate for non structural purpose. For
example it can be:

(i) Used in GSB by mixing 20% - 25% of the broken particles (75 mm down) with
new material if required after satisfying necessary laboratory tests for the layer

(ii) Mixed with gravel/moorum mixture for protecting the earthen shoulder after
satisfying necessary laboratory tests.

(iii) Used in the Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) or foundation levelling course (M- 1 0)
after satisfying necessary laboratory tests.

(iv) Used for the mechanical stabilisation of weak soils after satisfying necessary
laboratory tests.

(c) Any unused material maybe auctioned or disposed off according to the environmental
rules and instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge.




6.1. General

6.1.1. This is a frequently applied preventive repair technique normally used as a part of
periodic maintenance. If the edges of the crack are severely broken (spalled) the slab should be
cut 30 mm deep on both sides of the crack at a distance of 10-12 mm each side. The concrete is

removed between the cuts and the crack is filled with a fine epoxy resin mortar then clean and
apply prime coat of epoxy resin on the sides as well as on the bottom of the patch after the cuts
have dried as shown in Fig. 6.1 (b). Crack widening and sealing follows the same work procedure
as joint grooving and resealing.

6.1.2. Different methods to seal and patch cracks are illustrated in Fig. 6.1 and are briefly
described below:

(a) Gravity Application of Low Viscosity Epoxy Eesin cracked area is first cleaned

by blasting with air. Alow viscosity, free flowing, fast curing epoxy resin can be
applied from a plastic beaker or from end of a nail by gravity into cracks 0.5 mm - 5
mm wide to secure broken concrete pieces together to prevent it from breaking out.
Epoxy resin to be used should be with viscosity in range 300 centipoise @ 20C- 1 1

centipoise @ 30C. See Fig 6.1 (a).

(b) Epoxy Resin Injection: Resin injection can be used to make structural repair of
deep cracks, particularly corner breaks, by following the method described in
MoRT&H Specification. The resin is injected at high pressure in previously bored
holes along the crack. The resin fills the crack and sometimes the interface of the slab
with the sub-base if the pressure is maintained for a long period. The broken slab is
thus secured together and better supported by the sub-base. See Figs 6.1 (b) and
6.1 (c). Care has to be taken not to fill the adjoining construction joints resin.

(c) Retaining as a "Working Crack" with Elastomeric Sealant: Suitable as a short

term measure at cracks which do not display faulting and rocking under the traffic
load. Route along the crack to provide a uniform groove and apply an elastomeric
sealant. The life expectancy will generally depend on the volume of the traffic and the
condition of the sub-base.

of cracks or joints should be avoided as the residue will be struck by the

6.1.3. Overfilling
tyres of the vehicle which often leads to uproot of entire sealant.

Crack sealing between unfied/asphalt shoulder

6.1.4. shall be filled with a mixture of
emulsion rejuvenator and topped off with sand.


6.1.5. Low viscosity epoxy shall also be poured along the boundaries of the patch thus
repaired with epoxy/epoxy mortar/epoxy concrete. Dry fine sand shall be spread over these.
Different methods to seal/cracks is given in Fig. 6.1.

Clean affected area

Pouring Low Viscosity Epoxy Resin

a) Treatment of Shallow Spalling at Joints by Gravity Sealing with low viscosity epoxy

b) Routing Groove in Plastic Shrinkage Crack and c) Sealing wide Cracks by Epoxy Injection
Sealing with Epoxy Mortar (1:3)

Fig 6.1. Treatment of Cracks with Epoxy Resin Formulations


6.2. Joint Resealing

6.2.1.Over time all types of joint sealants suffer distress. They lose flexibility, bond to the
walls of the joint groove and may crack. The sealant may be subject to very harsh conditions.
Accordingly the material selected for joint sealing, shall be capable of:

(i) Withstanding horizontal extension and compression and vertical shear;

(ii) Withstanding climate effects such as weathering by UV rays in some sealants, extreme
temperatures and moisture;

(iii) Resisting penetration by stones and sand at temperatures:

(iv) Maintaining strong bond to concrete side walls at specified temperatures.

6.2.2. Joints shall be resealed as necessary to minimise both infiltration of runoff water
in the pavement structure and ingress of incompressible material in the joint groove as shown in
Figs. 6.2 & 6.3.

The commonly used sealant materials apphcable specifications, the design extension,
shape factor and relative price are listed in Table 12.6 of Chapter 12. For maintenance work the
same type of sealant shall be used and preferably from the same manufacturer if performing well.
The manufacturers specifications shall be consulted to check the required maximum allowable
service extension that the sealant material can sustain without damage and if a primer is required to
improve the bond between sealant and concrete.

6.2.4. The joint groove dimensions should be selected after determination of the expected
joint movement resulting from temperature changes. The shape factor is defined as the ratio of
depth to width of sealant in the joint groove. Too narrow grooves may originate extension failure of
the sealant or loss of bond with the groove walls. Manufacturers of silicone sealants recommend a
minimum thickness of 6 mm and a maximum thickness of 13 mm because wider joints are prone to

18 23:83

Fig. 6.2. Joint Resealing


6.2.5. The groove saw cut depth must provide for the sealant depth, the compressed
backer rod thickness, the depth that the sealant surface is to be recessed and extra depth to
account for variability of the saw depth as shown in Fig. 6.3.

Groove 8-10 mm
Initial Initial Groove 6-8 mm Pre-Formed Joint
Widen to 9 -12 mm Widen to 7 -10 mm 20 - 25 mm
< >
3+/-1 mm 3+/-1 mm 3+/-1 mm

SAW CUT SEAUVNT 10-13 mm 8-10 mml 20 mm ''^


Initial DEBONDING TAPE 1-2 mm
sawn joint 3-5mm

Contraction Joint Longitudinal Joint Expansion Joint

(Recessed) (Recessed) (Recessed)

Shape Factor 2 : 1 Shape Factor 2 : 1 Shape Factor 1 :1

(Shape Factor Shall be 1:1 or 2:1 - Check with Manufacturer's Instructions)

Fig. 6.3. Typical Detail of Field Moulded Joint Sealants (Source: Fig. 4 IRC:57-2006)

6.2.6.The service life of joints depends on the care taken to prepare the joint and install
the sealant. The service life of joint seals also varies with the type of sealant. Atypical hot-pour
sealant provides an average of 3 to 5 years of life after proper installation. Some low-modulus or
PVC and coal tars can perform well past 8 years. Polysulphide sealants perform well for up to 5
to 7 years according to experience on the National Highway Development Project (NHDP) to
date. Silicone sealants perform well for periods exceeding 8 to 10 years. In Australia and the
USA, where pavements are well maintained in good/clean condition, silicone seals have given
good performance up to 20 years. Compression seals may provide service for periods often
exceeding 1 5 years and sometimes 20 years in access controlled highways in developed countries.
Further study of the issues of adhesion, temperature, UV radiation and presentive themedy against
theft is required in India. But the most important condition is that the joint be clean and dry when
reapplying the sealant (adhesive in case of compression seals). Also, some materials are unsuitable
for bonding to fresh concrete and so technical advice should be sought from sealant manufacturers
regarding the recommended minimum concrete age at the time of installation.

6.2.7. Joints sealants should be replaced periodically when they are defective or reach
the end of their service and do not prevent ingress of water any more. Simply pouring new

latter. The old joint material shall be removed, the joint

sealant in the old joint will not restore the
groove cleaned and the new joint material properly placed. This work must be performed under
dry conditions and preferably scheduled in the warmer months of the year.


6.2.8. When the joints are spaUed compression seals should not be used before its proper
repair because they would tend to twist or move up and down in the joint at locations where the
joint walls are not vertical and unifonnly smooth.

6.^.9. The sealant is applied after insertion of a backer rod in the groove. Backer rod
keeps off the fluid sealant from sinking in the groove and bonding to the bottom of the groove.
They shall be flexible, compressible, undergo no shrinkage, repel water and not react with the
sealant. The rod diameter should be at least 25% larger than the joint width.

6.3. Method for Repairing the Flexible Joint Sealant

(1) Select the material and method of applying the liquid sealant, taking necessary
approval from the Engineer-in-Charge.

(2) Materials from the compression joints can be removed manually without leaving much
material on the groove walls. Materials from the other types of joints can be also
pulled by hand after cutting by running a knife blade along the faces of the wall or
rumiing a saw cutting machine with worn/used blades or by ploughing. Most sealants
can be very effectively removed by ploughing (raking). A small joint plough (small
tractor pulling a hard steel cutter/rake slightly narrower than the joint width) can remove
the old sealant material without causing damage to the joint edges. V-shaped plough/
rakes should not be used. Rectangular plough/rakes cause very little damage to the
joint faces. The plougli/rake should pass at least twice cleaning one joint face during
the first pass and the other joint face during the second pass. Ploughing should remove
at least 95% of the old sealant material.
(3) Joint materials are removed and disposed properly. Some materials may require
hazardous or specialised waste disposal methods.

(4) Width of groove and shape of the groove is improved for the new material as per
provision of IRC-57. The groove shall be shaped by sawing with a diamond blade.
This is an efficient method for ensuring complete removal of old sealant. Reshaping
the old groove may be required for improving or modifying the shape factor and can
be done by cutting with dry or wet diamond blades. In many cases blades are ganged
side by side on the blade arbour with a metal spacer to allow the saw to reface both
joints to a uniform width in one pass. However, some sticky sealants such as PVC
and coal tar can clog the diamond blade. The refacing of the groove shall be kept to
an absolute minimum in order to keep the joint groove from becoming too wide,
which may lead to risk of extra damage and spalling at the joint.

(5) Edges of the joint groove are chamfered to improve the durability of the sealant
and the profile. Minor spalls along the joint faces do not inhibit performance of most
sealants but some patching may be needed for larger spalls. These shall be patched
before proceeding with groove cleaning.


(6) The groove faces of the joint are cleaned thoroughly. This is the most important
task of joint sealing. Groove faces require a thorough cleaning to ensure sealant
adhesion and long terni good performance. Dirt, dust or traces of the old joint material
shall not remain on the joint faces after cleaning. Joints wider than 1 0 mm are easy to
clean. Cleaning of narrow joints of 6 mm width or less is very difficult and shall be
carefully performed.

Note: Using chemical solvents for cleaning is not allowed because they can leave
contaminants in the pores of the joint faces that will inhibit bonding of the new sealant.
Proper cleaning combining mechanical action with water flushing is required.

(7) The saw sluny and any cleaning chemical residues shall be washed away immediately
after sawing in a single direction.

(8) The groove faces are sandblasted one by one when the joint is dry. The sandblast
isdone by holding nozzle close to the surface at an angle with the top of the face.-
Sandblast removes residues of the old sealant and provides surface texture to improve
sealant adhesion. Alternatively when compression seals are to be used the sidewalls
may be prepared by grinding or wire brushing.

(9) The joint and pavement surface is air blasted to remove any remaining sand and
dust, ensuring the compressor is blasting clean air without oil contamination prior to
air blasting. If not, an oil and moisture fiUer is required or the insertion of oil in the air

by the compressor shall be discontinued.

(10) The surrounding pavement is kept clean by use of a vacuum sweeper or broom.
(11) The compressible backer rod is installed to give the correct shape and depth to
the sealant. The backer rod material shall be compatible with the liquid sealant and
have a diameter about 25% larger than the groove width. Backer rods shall be forced
into the groove joint uniformly to the desired depth. Many methods have been used
including poking in with a screwdriver that may damage the surface of the rod and
automated equipment. The best tool is the steel roller with two lateral wheels supported
by the pavement surface and a central insertion wheel that can be changed to match
different depths. Good practice is to roll the insertion wheel over the backer rod
twice in opposite directions.

(12) Groove sidewalls are checked that these are free of dust and dirt before pumping
the sealant. The joint should be cleaned again if any traces of contamination are

(13) The primer is applied to the dry side walls of the groove according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer. The durability of priming depends on climatic

(14) Installation requirements are different for each type of sealant. Recommendations
from the concerned/selected manufacturer should be followed. Manufacturers also



provide mobile equipment to melt and pump the hot sealant into pavement joints and
also to apply cold applied sealant material.

(15) The liquid joint sealant is installed at the proper temperature recommended by
the manufacturer. When the sealant is at the right temperature about 250 ml ( 1/4 litre)
of cold sealant should be discarded from the pumping unit hoses and nozzle before
installation begins. The nozzle shall be introduced in the groove to fill the sealant from
bottom and reduce chances of trapping air. Instead of pushing the nozzle, the operator
shalldraw it towards himself to achieve a more uniform cross section and less voids.
The groove shall not be filled to the top, The sealant surface shall be recessed 3 +
1 mm from the pavement surface. Tool the sealant with a wooden spatula after 1

minutes and then apply more sealant, if needed.

Note: The nozzle shall be sized to match the groove width and no moisture should be
allowed in the latter. ^
(16) Low-modulus silicone searants are not self-levelling and require tooling within 10
minutes of installation before they begin to "break /cure" and form a skin. A tool or a
backer rod strip is drawn over the fresh sealant to force it in contact with the sidewalls
at the top of the groove and produce a concave shape.

(17) Moist grooves shall be previously first dried to avoid boiling of water in contact with
the liquid sealant which may inhibit adherence.

(1 8) When transverse joints are sealed with silicone and longitudinal joints are sealed with
hot-pour sealants, silicone shall be applied first because it is viscous and will only
slightly penetrate the longitudinal joints.

(19) Finally check sealant adhesion to the sidewalls by pushing down a knife blade along
the groove sidewalls.

(20) Check the curing of silicone sealant after 2 to 3 weeks by removing a small 50 mm
long specimen of sealant and stretching about 50% for 1 0 seconds. A fairly fast and
uniform relaxation of the specimen indicates adequate curing. Slow rebound and
curling indicates differential curing. To take advantage of good adherence of the
silicone material to itself use the same brand of sealant to repair the gap from which
the sealant specimen was cut.

6.4. Compression Seals

6.4.1. Defects in compression seals generally comprises: \

(a) failure of the bond with the groove walls

(b) pulling out/theft by vandals


6.4.2. Reinstatement of compression seals comprises of the following:-

( 1 ) The joint side walls are inspected for ravelling, spalling and other irregularities that

could reduce the seal's lateral pressure and originate seal extrusion or popping out
from the joint. Repair damaged sections before installation of the compression seal.

(2) Any burrs along the sawed joint are removed by dragging a blunt, pointed tool along
sawed joints. This removes sharp edges which if left untreated may make the seal
installation difficult. A mechanised wire brush can also be used for this purpose. This
type of operation shall be done only where needed and before cleaning the groove.

(3) Lubricant/adhesive is applied to the seal edges and/or groove sidewalls.

(4) The compression seal as shown in Fig. 6.4 (a) is installed taking care not to stretch
the seal more than 2-3% during installation. Stretching by more than 5% could be
detrimental and later on may cause sealant to break into pieces. Special attention
shall also be paid to avoid twisting and nicking in addition to stretching. To monitor
sealant stretching lay a length of sealant parallel to the joint and cut a piece of seal with
the same length. The piece of seal is extracted and its length is measured after relaxation,
stretch in percent is calculated.

(5) Improper adhesive may cause failure of compression seal as shown in Fig. 6.4 (b).

a) Typical cross-section of Compression Seal b) Loosening of Compression seal

Fig. 6.4. Compression Seals

6.4.3. The Fig. 6.5 (a) shows that the liquid sealant has failed in adhesion and is missing
in parts. This gap gets filled up with refuse, dust, aggregates and all other filthy materials. If
movement is restricted or materials enter the joints, excessive stress develop, resulting in
development of defects and plying of traffic further enhance the problem. Due to these unfilled
open joints, potholes may start developing leading to the spalling of the transverse joints and
cracks at joints. Figs 6.5 (b) and 6.5 (c) show sand blasting the groove walls and subsequent
clearing with compressed air jet. Fig. 6.6 shows further pictures in sequence of the method for
repair of joint sealants.



c) Compressed Air used to clean

Fig. 6.5. Preparation for Reinstatement of PQC Joint Sealants

b) Placing the backing rod

a) Air cleaning

Fig. 6.6. Priming and Reinstallation of PQC Joint Sealant




7.1. General

7.1.1. Crack stitching with inclined tie bars (cross-stitching) or U-bars (staphng) may be
used for cracks in reasonably good condition in order to arrest movement of slabs and slab pieces.
Stitching maintains aggregate interlock, prevents the crack from vertical and horizontal movement
or widening and provides added reinforcement and strength. Table 4.5 shall be referred to for
selecting suitable cases for this type of repair.

7.1.2. Cross-stitching serves the same purpose as tie bars and bent tie bars (stapling) but
requires less surface disruption than do installing tie bars.

7.1.3. Cross-Stitching shall not be used as an altemative for treating cracks that are severely
deteriorated/spalled or there is movement of broken parts. It is normally used for the treatment of
narrow longitudinal and diagonal cracks which do not display spalling or other types of distress.
Full depth transverse cracks which have assumed the role of an adjacent joint should not be
stitched. Stitching will not allow joint movement (open and closure), so a new crack is likely to
develop near a stitched working crack or the concrete will spall over the reinforcing bars and along
dowel bar retrofit, full depth repair or whole slab replacement should be
the crack. In such cases
used depending on alignment and position of the crack.

7.2. Methodology for Cross-Stitching

The cross-stitching procedure is illustrated in Fig. 7.1. The same is as follows:

(1 ) Preliminary vertical holes (diameter 0 = 45 mm), 3 0 mm deep are drilled in an alternating

pattern at 500 mm - 750 mm spacing apart, where the inclined hole starts to facilitate
its drilling.

(2) Alternate inclined holes (0=16 mm) about 30 to 40 from the slab surface normal
to the line of the crack are drilled; the length of the holes shall be = 1 .7 times slab
thickness. The holes should be spaced as above and alternate from each side
for (1)

of the crack. Whilst a 500 spacing is generally recommended, a 750 spacing is mm

adequate for light traffic and lightly loaded inner highway lanes. For heavy traffic and
outer lanes, a spacing of 500 mm C.T.C. is preferred. The dimensions and spacing
also depend on the slab thickness in a similar manner as dowel bars.

(3) The holes are cleaned thoroughly using oil-free compressed air;

(4) The hole is filled with epoxy resin in enough quantity for the bar to be completely
coated when inserted in the hole;


SIDE VIEW For d < D /2 , as confirmed by Core Cutting. See Note 1

Chase 10mm groove along the

crack and seal with
line of the (step 1) Preliminary Vertical Hole
low viscosity epoxy resin 45mm dia@ mm
500 - 750 spacing
in alternating Panels

(Step 2) Drill Inclined holes

(step3) Clean out thoroughly

thickness (step 5) 12 mm dia

gh Yield Deformed Reinforcing bar

This method of repair shall only be accepted where discrete

cracks are demonstrated by core cutting to be less than 50% of
thickness PQC and written approval is provided by the Engineer.
Epoxy Resin as per manufacturer's recommendations shall be

Sketch illustrative and not to scale.


Fig 7.1. Typical Arrangement for Cross-stitching with 12 mm. dia Straight bar

(5) A high yield deformed reinforcing bar (0=12 mm) is placed conforming with IS:
1786 in every hole.

(6) A groove shall be made along the line of cracks displaying spalling and filled with a
low viscosity resin or fme epoxy mortar as appropriate as per Para 6.1.1.

7.3. Methodology for Stapling

The "stapling" procedure illustrated in Fig. 7.2 is as follows:

Step 1 Mark the position of vertical holes of dia 30 mm at a distance of 228 mm from
the crack at a spacing of 600 mm centre to centre
Step 2 Drill the holes 30 mm dia to a maximum depth of D/2
Step 3 Cut the slit of 30 mm widths of a depth of 50 mm less than D/2
Step 4 Remove debris and clean the holes and slit
Step 5 Roughen the sides of holes and slits by sand blasting/sand paper



Step 6 Insen tor steel bars <

Fe 415 (Fig. 7.3 i

Step " Fill the hole and slit with epoxy 1
1 :3-epoxy:sand upto 10 i
mm abQ^"e the
top surface of steel bar
S tep S Abo\'e this le\^el, nonshrinkable concrete or any other equivalent material may
be filled up to the top level of PQC
S tep 9 Fill the sides of the groove with low viscosity epoxy.

Fig. 7.2. Drilling the Inclined Holes with Angle Template

SIDE (sLnitablie fc-" re ca r C'f cingltjdinal arad^ t mraid.e 1Sni of slab only)

Drii 30 mm dia vertical holes at
flie ends of the planned sSote


5C Tii-n 1 ..J-,.

^Mgf moitar bed ami sunound

i 6 swv. oils hiish Y/&ic DBfonr/ec
Reirmrcinig Bars: mm rxo
BoC^om of PQC


Fig 7.3. Typical Arrangement Stapling with 16 mm dia Tie bar



8,1. General

Partial depth patches are acceptable for most surface distress types at joints, cracks, and
mid slab locations that are within the upper third of the slab. The most common distress type
requiring partial-depth repair is spalling as shown in Fig. 8.1, but partial depth repair can also be

used for restoring small areas like popouts and potholes as shown in Fig. 8.2. Table 4.5 shall be
referred to for selecting suitable cases for this type of repair.

For severe, shallow and surface defects, spalling is typically a random and localised distress.
Surface spalls create a rough ride and can accelerate development of further distress. Partial
depth patches replace unsound concrete to restore surface evenness and arrest further deterioration.
They also provide proper edges for resealing joints and sealing cracks.

Joint edge spalls mostly result from poor workmanship (compaction and or finishing) whilst
starting the next days work at a construction joint, penetration of incompressible materials in the
joint groove and slab curling and warping. Partial depth patching can only repair spalls in the upper
third of the slab, when load transfer devices are in good condition.

ij liij'i

a) Shallow Spalling at the Joint b) Spalling 2nd Day Concrete

Fig. 8.1. Typical Spalling at Joints


a) Popout b) Potholes

Fig. 8.2. Popouts and Potholes



Each patch usually covers an area less than

Partial-depth patches are usually very small.
1 m^. They are often only 60 mm to 75 mm deep depending on the patch material used. The area

to be repaired shall extend 50 mm beyond the spall limits and be at least 1 00 mm x 250 mm (in
plan) X depth. The depth is normally 65 mm deep minimum (+15 mm) for epoxy mortar/polymer
concrete type repair or 40 mm deep (+/- 1 0 mm) for elastomeric concrete (See Fig. 8.3). Shallower
patches have a tendency to break up and breakout under traffic (See Fig. 8.6). Small steel studs
cut from reinforcing bar may be drilled and epoxied into place in an approximate grid pattern ( 1 00
mm X 1 00 mm) to provide an extra key effect similar as shown for the treatment of popouts as
shown in Fig. 8.5.


a) Shallow Spalling/Corner crack b) Deep Spalling Along Joint

1) Airblast / Clean 1) Saw cut boundaries to depth 65mm min.

2) Gravity seal with 2) Remove damaged concrete and Clean
low viscosity
3) Scabble faces of saw cuts
4) Prime and place epoxy mortar repair

65 mm
min. Y

a) Seal with low viscosity Epoxy (Ref: Para 6.1 .2(a)) b) Partial Depth Repair (Ref: Para 8.1


Fig. 8.3. Repair of Shallow Cracking and Spalling Near the Joints


8.2. Methodology for Partial Depth Repairs

Partial depth repair comprises of the following tasks:

(i) The area to be treated is marked following the guidelines set out in Para 5.6.

(ii) The materials and procedure are selected for patcliing in consultation with the Engineer-

(iii) The upper 50 mm of the concrete (or deeper if the spall is wide but not deeper than
one third of the slab thickness) is saw cut parallel to the joint. The patch shall not
expose any dowel bar or reinforcement. If a dowel bar or reinforcement is exposed
the surrounding concrete shall be completely removed to at least 25 below the mm
bar or wire as shown in Fig. 8.3 for typical layouts.

(iv) The upper/unsound concrete layer between the joint and saw cut is chipped out; by
manual or mechanical chipping.

(v) Loose material is removed from the pit of the patch and clean the repair area.

(vi) The pit surface is cleaned eliminating all dust and exposing the concrete grain texture:
(a) check the air blown by the compressor for oil and moisture with the help of a
cloth; (b) sandblast the surface to remove dirt, oil, residual unsound concrete and
laitance and to improve texture; (c) airblast the surface to complete cleaning;
(d) check the prepared surface for cleanliness by rubbing across with the hand or a
cloth; if the pit is not immediately patched, cleaning operations shall be repeated.

(vii) The patch pit is checked for unsound concrete before starting the patch. If unsound
concrete is detected it should be removed and the pit cleaned again by airblasting.

(viii) During spall repair, the existing joint groove shall be protected against leaking of fresh
resin or cement mortar that could build bridges between the two slabs. If non- flexible

patch material is used an oiled piece of plyboard should be placed to form a bond
breaker plate in the adjacent joint(s) to avoid penetration of patching material in the
joint. The bond breaker plate should be inserted 25 mm deeper than the patch and
should have the same upper level as the slab. Laterally the plate should extend 75 mm
on both sides of the patching hole. The bond breaker plate should be slightly thicker
than the joint opening and be slightly compressed after installation. Latex caulking
can be used to seal any gaps between the bond breaker plate and the joint opening.

(ix) The bonding agent is mixed carefully according to the manufacturer's instructions. A
small (Jiffy) mixer with 20 litres capacity may be used to mix the two components
during the specified time.

(x) The clean surface of the patch hole is coated with the bonding agent (water cement
by the manufacturer) for a certain time before the patching
slurry, resin, etc. as specified

mix is brought. The bonding agent should not be allowed to collect in pockets and it
should be at the appropriate consistency (sticky) when the patching operation starts.


(xi) The patching mix is prepared using a small drum or paddle-type mixers with capacity
of about 0.2 ml A small Jiffy mixer may be used for smaller patches. Aggregates and
binder may be previously weighed and bagged. Mixing times and proportions are
strictly observe. Too long mixing will reduce the short time that is available to patch.

(xii) The patch materials are placed by slightly overfilling the pit to allow for volume reduction
during compaction/ screeding. Aggregate mixes shall be placed with a shovel, because
dumping from buckets or wheelbarrows causes segregation. Cementitious mixes shall
be vibrated to release entrapped air. The vibrator shall be held at 1 5 - 30 from the
vertical and lifted up and down until the whole patch is covered. It should not be
moved horizontally in the patch. Some patches may be too small for the use of internal
vibrating needles and vibrating screeds. Rodding and tamping or cutting with a trowel
or other small hand tool is acceptable.

(xiii) Some polymer mixes including epoxy mixes which have high heat of hydration, should
in certain adverse conditions, be placed in several 38 mm to 50 mm thick lifts with
waiting times between lifts as reconmiended by manufacturers.

(xiv) Proprietary patch materials shall be cured as recommended by the manufacturers.

Some require some type of moist curing whereas others need application of specific
curing compounds and a few others may be air-cured.

8.3. Partial Depth Repair Using Epoxy Mortar Formulation

Partial depth repair using epoxy mortar formulation should be carried out according to the
following steps:

(i) Surface Preparation:

Firstly the affected portions are firstly made free of all loose and unsound materials.
The surface is kept clean and dry at proper temperature. Care is taken that moisture
does not through capillary action at the interface of resin and concrete during
application and curing period. There are following three cases of surface preparation
depending upon the distress type.

Case I - When Concrete is be Cut to a Depth: For removal of unsound concrete


and loose concrete, chisel and hammer manually or pneumatically can be adopted. If
possible, the sides may be given a slight slant to that of the base of the groove, so
formed is somewhat wider than the top to ensure better keying for the repair work. If
a joint cutting machine is available, 1 0 - 20 mm mm
deep peripheral cuts at the top
can be made initially.

Case II - When Cutting in Depth is not Required: Those surfaces or areas which
are sound and do not require concrete removal in depth, are thoroughly cleaned to


remove oil, dirt, aspiialt, mortar droppings, weak laitance etc. Light chiseling (upto a
depth of 1 mm) is beneficial even where extraneous matter are not present at the

surface. If neither chiseling nor sand blasting can be adopted, the cleaned surface
may be treated with dilute hydro-chloric acid @ 4 kg/ 10 sq. m. in two applications.
Sand blasting and chiseling are, however, to be preferred over acid treatment.

Case lO - When Shallow Fine Cracks are to be Repaired: For repair of shallow
fme cracks or cracks with no edge spalling, no surface preparation beyond cleaning
the strip of concrete on either side of the crack is needed. In case of wider, spalled
cracks, all foreign matter including joint sealing compound used to seal them are fully
removed from in and around the cracks with the help of rakers and chisels. Any
unsound concrete around the crack is also chiseled out or grouted or cut out with the
small diameter concrete saw. The prepared notch should be at least 3 mm to 4 mm

(ii) Cleaning Before the Repair: The prepared surface, recess or groove may be blasted
with compressed air to clean it thoroughly and made dry before the repair application.

(iii) Application of Tack Coat/Cement Slurry: All resin repairs commence with the
application of a tack coat on the prepared concrete surface formulation which is

selected for use in the resin mortar/resin concrete for the repairs. Normally one coat
of tack coat for horizontal surface, and two coat application for vertical faces may be
applied. The approximate amount required is 3.2 kg/10 sq.m. for epoxy resin

8.4. Methodology for Repairing Popouts

This procedure as illustrated in Fig. 8,4 excludes saw cutting the boundaries of the patch
and is typically required for treatment of popouts/potholes and spalling.

The procedure is as follows:

(i) Chipping starts in the middle of the patch and progresses to the borders. The chisel
point shall be directed towards the inside of the patch at about 45. Hand tools or a
light electric chiselling machine of weight 6.8 kg maximum with spade bit may be

(ii) Drill and epoxy grout in stud.

(iii) Prime with low viscosity epoxy on bottom and vertical sides.

(iv) Fill the patch with epoxy mortar (1 :3).



Chisel to sound concrete giving

Pop-Out / Pot hole in PQC near vertical rectangular shape.

Patch with Epoxy Mortar

See Notes Below

Drill & fix 12mm dia HYSD Stud with epoxy grout

Provide 1 No. Stud for each 10 cm x 10 cm plan area


1) Depth 5 cm
2) HYSD Studs to be provided with 15 mm cover
3) High Early Strength Non-Shrink Grout/Mortar
material may only be considered after conducting
trial of product (s) proposed by the Contractor.


330 mm TYP - Bottom PQC


Fig. 8.4. Methodology for Repairing Popouts

This procedure has the following advantages

(a) The rough vertical edge promotes bonding.

(b) There are no saw overcuts.
(c) Fewer steps and smaller crew than for the saw and chip procedure.
(d) Spalling is controlled by using the 6.8 kg jackhammer.
(e) May be faster than the saw and chip procedure if mechanical tools are used.
(f) A saw is only needed for joint sawing.


1) Marking out the Popout lor Chiselling 2) Chiselling to Sound Concrete in Rectangular Pattern

3) Popout Ready for Epoxy Repair

4) Repaired Popout

Fig. 8.5. Photographs Illustrating Repair of Popouts

This procedure has the following disadvantages:

(a) Sound concrete may be damaged by heavy hammers.

(b) Jackhammers can cause feathered edges.

8.5. Potential Problems with Large Partial Depth Repairs (PDR)

Partial depth repairs are generally susceptible to failure over a period of time. The causes
of failure of partial depth patches can be design, material or construction related failure of a large
epoxy patch and cementitous patch.

( 1 ) Design-related causes of large partial depth patch failures are the following:

(a) Exclusion of some deteriorated concrete from the repaired area.

(b) Incompatible climate conditions materials or procedures.
(c) Thermal incompatibility between repair mixes and the slab concrete.


(d) Climatic conditions during the service life that are beyond capability of repair
(e) Inadequate cure time after the repair.
(f) Inadequate opening time after the repair.
(g) Incompatibility between joint bond breaker and sealant material.

(2) Construction-related causes of shallow partial-depth patch failures are the following:

(a) Failure to square the hole.

(b) Deteriorated materials not completely removed.
(c) Inadequate cleaning, namely laitance (sawing slurry) adhering to surlace.
(d) Lack ofbond (poor surface coating or inappropriate surface condition). -

(e) Failure to re-establish the joint (compression failure).

(f) Variability of repair material.

(g) Insufficient compaction of fresh patch mixture.

Full depth repair is the recommended choice during the construction stage for minimising
risk of dealing with this type of failure after 2-3 years traffic or less.

Epoxy mortar is susceptible to brittleness over a period of time when exposed in large
areas to UV or direct sunlight. Epoxy mortar may be modified by adding at-least 5% poly-sulphide
polymer in the epoxy resin. Such formulation will improve the life of the mortar by giving some
flexibility and improving UV resistance. Epoxy mortar supplied packed in correct proportions are

recommended. But still care has to be taken not to mix too much material at a time otherwise there
will be un-necessarily waste.

8.6. Problem Associated with Longitudinal Tining

Tining is the preferred method for texturing fresh concrete. It is generally provided
transversely. Longitudinal tining is new to India and has been adopted in few projects under
NHDP on trial basis. Certain adverse observations have come to notice after passing of traffic
over a relatively short period of time (less than 4 months). The edges get abraded in the wheel path
and shallow spalling develops at irregular interval along the pavement. This affects the surface
evenness and riding quality. (Refer Fig. 8.7). In Indian condition, with heavy rainfall and high
proportion of slow moving vehicles transverse tining may be preferred, even though these are little
more noisy and little less aesthetic.


2) Epoxy Repair of Spalled Joint without saw cutting. Failure at

1 ) EpoxyJ Repair
ol Large Potiioles in a e .^u a edges
' >^
severely cracked Slab. Further deterioration
and additional Cracks developed
(a) Photograph Illustrating Failures of Partial Depth Epoxy Repairs

i - .


. 1 * : .
1 a) Preparation for Cementitious 1 b) The Completed Patch after 6 1 c) The Condition after 20
Partial Depth Repair (Oct'05) months (Mar'06) months (Aug'07)
(b) Failures of Partial Depth Cementitious Repairs

Fig. 8.6. Typical Failures of Partial Depth Repairs (Para: 8.5)

Fig. 8.7. Abrasion in the Wheel Paths (Longitudinal Tining)




9.L General

This the uhimate repair treatment. Table 4.5 shall be referred to for selecting suitable

cases for this type of repair. If this treatment does not succeed an overlay is to be used either alone
or along with full depth repair. The procedures to be followed for whole slab replacement are
broadly similar to depth repair as described in this Chapter. Full depth repair may be considered

as the preferred repair option in the following situations.

(i) Partial depth repair has failed

(ii) The cross- stitched longitudinal joint has again failed
(iii) The crack which was less than D/2 has propagated more than D/2 or full depth and
the slabs across the crack are rocking
(iv) The slab has shattered and can no longer support the load of traffic
(v) The spalling along the joint or crack is more than 50% depth of slab thickness
(vi) The corner break is down to full depth
(vii) Failure of pavement due to dowel bar locking and serious cracks along the joint have
(viii) Blow-up at expansion joint.

Full-depth repair entails removing and replacing at least a portion of a slab down upto the
bottom of the concrete. Full-depth repair improves pavement surface evenness and structural
integrity and extends the pavement service life. The most common problem that requires full-depth
repair is full-width cracking near the joints and joint deterioration. This includes blow-up and any
cracking, breaking, or spalling of slab edges on either side of a transverse or longitudinal joint.
Often, spalling takes place on the bottom of the concrete slab and may not be visible from the
surface. Spalls that extend 75 mm to 150 mm from the joint are an indication that additional
spalling could exist below and would require full-depth patching (Refer Fig. 9.1).

Full-depth repair is also necessary to repair any deep corner breaks or any slabs with
more than one intersecting full depth crack. The latter may result from lack of uniform support or
The minimum dimension of full depth repair in longitudinal or transverse
inadequate structural strength.
direction should be 1 .5 m. Some of the details of Figs. 5.5 to 5.8 may also be referred in this
context. For multiple comer breaks or slabs with intersecting cracks, their size may correspond to
the area of an entire slab. Before full-depth patching the sub-base and separation layer shall be
reinstated as required, (Fig. 9.2).

9.3.2. Replacement of a portion of a slab comprises the following tasks:

(i) The area to be treated is marked according to the guidelines in para 5.6 and 5.7 in
Chapter 5


(ii) The materials and procedure are selected for patcliing in consultation with the Engineer-
in-Charge The patch mixes for full-depth repairs often use ordinary or rapid hardening
Portland cement as per the need and also proprietary cement that gain strength early
(Appendix B). A job mix design shall be tested in the laboratory with a target slump
of 20 - 40 mm. To decrease the water-cement ratio a water-reducing admixture may
be required for Grade 43 or Grade 53 cement (IRC:44-2008 may be referred for mix

(iii) The portion to be replaced is cut out and removed. The perimeter of the area to be
repaired shall be cut with a concrete saw to the specified depth. Transverse perimeter
cuts are firstmade around the boundary of the repair down to about a quarter ( /4 ) 1

to a third (1/3) of the slab thickness. Separate full depth cuts are then made for
removal of the slab (See Fig. 9.1). The concrete between the two cuts provides a
buffer to prevent undercut spalling and allows chipping for exposing the steel dowel/
tie bar reinforcement. Always cut toward the shoulder so that any shear force
developed from the compression of the slabs get concentrated and relieved in the
paved shoulder portion.

(iv) The advantages of sawing patch boundaries include the folio wing:

(a) The saw leaves vertical edge faces

(b) During breaking, the patch area is sawed boundaries and the
isolated within the
risk of damage of the adjacent slab areas is therefore minimised
(c) Spalling of adjacent slab areas is also minimised
(d) Breaking, chipping and removing debris within the sawed boundary is usually
easier and faster
(e) After sawing the lane may be reopened to traffic for two days before proceeding
with the repair work

(v) The disadvantages of sawing patch boundaries include the following:

(a) More workers are required than for other procedures

(b) Water used to cool the saw- wheel saturates the repair area and drying time may
delay the
(c) Saw overcuts beyond the corners of the patch result in weak areas that shall
require to be cleaned and sealed
(d) Saw polished vertical patch boundaries provides poor bonding. This is alleviated
by manual chiselling or by means of light jackhammers

(vi) Holes are drilled for dowel bars or tie bars in the edge walls of the remaining slab
portion. Rather than single hand-held drills, it is enough space for
better to provide
using dowel-drilling rigs with wheels to properly control alignment and wandering.
Both standard pneumatic or hydraulic percussion drills are acceptable. They drill a



50-75 mm


SAW < D/2)


1.5 m MIN.
1 1





Fig. 9.1. Buffer Cuts for Protecting Repair Perimeters from Undercut Spalling
(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Copyright, 2008;

hole in about 30 seconds. Electric pneumatic rotary drills take three to four times
longer. The hole shall be 2 mm bigger than bar diameter for epoxy anchor material or
6 mm bigger than the bar diameter for cement based anchor material.
(vii) The dowel hole is cleaned carefully by means of a nozzle and compressed air. Prior
to this operation ensure that the compressor is not blowing oil and moisture
contaminated air by blowing into a piece of dry cloth.

(viii) The epoxy anchoring material is fed to the back of the hole before inserting the dowel/
tie bars. This ensures that the anchoring material will flow forward along the entire
dowel/tie embedment length during insertion and decreases the likelihood of leaving
voids between the dowel and concrete.

(ix) Reinforcement is fixed in top of the repair when the length to width ratio of the patch
exceeds 1 .5 so as to control any cracking on account of the shape factor. ( 1 0 mm dia


high yield deformed bar @ 200 mm c/c in both directions). The reinforcement shall be
placed about 75 mm below the top surface.
(x) Concrete poured in the pit from ready mix or batch trucks, or site mixed for small

jobs in small mixers. Evenly distribute and compact the mix by penetration of a vertical
vibrator. Special care is important to compact concrete in the corners, along the
patch perimeter and around the dowel bars.

(xi) Strike off and finish the concrete surface with a vibrating screed or manual screed
depending upon the size of work. Hand fmishing should be minimum as it will leave
undulations in the surface.

(xii) A wire brush/tyned texture is applied to get surface texture to match the existing

(xiii) Suitable curing conditions are provided immediately by means of a liquid membrane
curing compound.

(xiv) Laboratory tests shall be performed in advance to determine the appropriate mix
proportions and establish the time required to achieve the minimum compressive strength
required to open to traffic. The minimum compressive strength of repairs before
opening to traffic should not be less than 32 MPa.

(xv) The methods for placement and curing the concrete shall take into consideration the
weather, seasonal and other enviromnental factors.

(xvi) Fig. 9.2 gives further details about the Full Depth Repair (FDR).

9.3.3.Replacement of a whole slab comprises of essentially the same process except that
after removal of damaged slabs it is important to check the causes of damage that could be poor
drainage or lack of support. Before reconstruction the sub-drainage system and the sub-base shall
be repaired as appropriate and the interface reinstated. This repair procedure for replacement of
a whole slab is otherwise the same as that of full depth repair described in this Chapter. New
dowel and tie bars shall also be retrofitted, if required (Fig. 11.1).

9.3.4. Whole slab replacement requires fixing tie bars along the longitudinal joint. Drill
holes to suit 1 6 dia deformed reinforcing bars with embedment length appropriate to the anchor
material. Hand held drills are acceptable because alignment is not critical.


300 mm c-c
TYP spacing

= ^
20 mm dia HYSD TIE BARS 1
300mmc/c \*c=:i * / 300 mm c/c

EZ3^ __i


Retain existing Dovl Bar in Transverse Joint

, .

, .Drill,&.EpOX!(vNeW.TIe Bar ...,,....] (Retain existing Tie Bar in Long Joint)

... .20 Dia.HYSD'750 long @ 300 c/c, at Transyerse jpints
(16 Dia HysD-750 fong @ -300 c/C; at Longitudinai jeints)
330 mm TYP Bottom t^Qg
''' '[ Replace with PQC (IVl-40 Min.) 7^
DLC Remove loose material and fill any depressions with concrete NOTE: 10 dia HYDS rebar
required where L:/ B > 1 .5

Fig. 9.2. Full Depth Repair of Cement Concrete Pavement

a) Secondary cracking due to release of stresses b) Saw blade jammed in the saw cut. This problem
in adjoining slabs initiated by the saw cutting. can be prevented by placing metallic wedges
progressively along the saw cut to transfer stresses
to the adjoining slabs.

Fig 9.3. Problems to be Avoided During Full Depth Saw Cutting



10.1. General

10.2.1. Slab stabilisation refers to the method for raising sunken slabs by pressure grouting
under the slab after boring vertical holes for pressure injection of the sometimes slurry. It is also
called undersealing or sub-sealing. It is most often performed at areas where pumping or loss of
support has occurred The most common materials are cement and fly-ash grouts or polyurethane

mixture etc. selected according to the fluidity, durability and cost.

10.2.2. Several common destructive forces cause voids under concrete pavements. Heavy
traffic loads induce the highest slab deflections near transverse joints and working cracks away
from transverse. Deflections may cause erosion, consolidation, with the resultant loss of the sub-
base or sub-grade support. Without support underneath the slab, load stresses in the concrete
increase and may cause other problems, such as faulting, corner breaks, and cracking. The voids
usually occur near cracks, joints, or along the pavement edge, and are often not more than 3 mm to
4 mm deep. The grout fills pavement slab or sub-base layer and
these voids beneath the concrete
displaces free water. Transverse joint faulting and presence of water at or near joints and cracks
on the traffic lane or shoulder are good indications of pumping and voids. Corner breaks and
shoulder drop off are further indicators of voids under the slabs.

10.2.3. Slab stabilisation is intended to fill the voids beneath the slab. Slab Stabilisation
requires an effective method for locating the voids. This may be done by the following evaluation
methods, but each has its limitations.

(i) Visual inspection: This method has several deficiences especially when evaluating
effectiveness of stabiliastion.
(ii) Deflection measurement by FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer).
(iii) Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).

The principle requirements in selection of materials are strength and ability to flow
into or expand to fill the very small voids and water channels. The main advantage of polyurethane
grouts are the tensile strength and fast cure time. But usually pozzolana-cement grouts are preferred
due to availability and cost effectiveness.

10.2.5. A typical pozzolana cement grout uses one part cement to three parts pozzolana.
Quantity of water is typically in the range of 1 .5 to 3 parts by weight of mix. Tests shall be conducted
thoroughly, i.e. 1 , 3 and 7 day compressive strength, flow cone times and initial set times. Engineers
use the flow cone during the concrete mix design process to determine the quantity of water
required. The Contractor shall check the grout consitency twice each day using the flow cone
(ASTM C 939).
- .
' .


10.3, Pressure Grouting

It comprises the following tasks:

(i) The repair materials and procedure are selected.

(ii) Holes are drilled for grout injection using pneumatic or hydraulic rotary percussion
drill on a 1 m
square grid over the whole area of voids to be filled under the slab; drill
depth = slab thickness + 20 mm, drill vertical hole 0 = 30 mm
mm as appropriate - 50
to best use the available equipment, distance to joints and cracks = 0.5 m to .0 m. 1

(iii) Compressed air is blown to remove water etc under the slab for the grout injection.
The work sequence should be across and along the slab going downwards crossfalls
and longitudinal gradients.

(iv) Grout is injected in each hole at a pressure of 0.35 N/mm-^ working m sequence
across and along the slabs, until the void accept no more grout or grout flows up
through an adjacent hole or the slab begins to rise. A short pressure surge up to
2.0 MPa may be necessary to clear debris from the grout hole for 2-3 seconds only.

(v) For early and fast flow of grout and to minimuse air beneath the PQC two holes are
drilled, vacuum pump may be used by sucking air from second hole.
(vi) Excess grout upon completion removed from the pavement surface. If resin grout

was used that cannot be removed the slab surface may be blinded with fme hard

(vii) Injection holes are cleaned and filled with cement or resin mortar.

(viii) Traffic is opened only after the minimum appropriate curing time.

10.4. Vacuum Grouting

Vacuum grouting comprises of the following tasks:

(i) Holes are drilled for grout injection on a 1 m square grid over the whole area of voids
to be filled under the slab.

(ii) The holes are temporarily plugged and the slab surface is swept to clean all debris.

(iii) Vacuum channels are placed in position.

(iv) Transparent flexible plastic sheet is placed over the area to be grouted on top of the
vacuum channels.

(v) The perimeter of the plastic sheet is sealed. The vacuum injection holes are sealed to

prevent ingress of air.

(vi) Vacuum is applied and any water from the void beneath the slab is drawn off
(Fig. 10.1).


(vii) With the vacuum apphed puncture the plastic sheet at the injection holes and pour
grout in each hole in the working sequence. The hole is plugged as soon as grout
begins to be drawn up.

(viii) Upon completion excess grout shall be removed from the pavement surface.
(ix) Vacuum injection holes are cleaned and filled with cement or resin mortar,

(ix) The traffic is opened after the minimum appropriate curing time.

Slab supported as
Memberane to necessary
Holes drilled through
seal surface
slab at about 1m. centres
hole temporarily plugged

rout drawn
towards vacuum outlet Joint Void beneath slab

Fig. 10.1. Vacuum Grouting with Epoxy or other Repair Material




11.1. Repair for Load Transfer Failure (Retrofit of Dowel Bars)

11.1.1. New dowel shall be placed at cracks where displacements occur and at joints if
the existing bars aredamaged (misaligned, bent or corroded dowels, dowel socketing or dowel
slot widening, pavement lock-up). At least three bars in every wheel track at 300-375 mm
spacing (Fig. 11.1(a) shall be installed as per procedure given below. For existing dowel bars,
there can be two ways of retrofitting. no cracks along the existing dowel bars, the
If there are
retrofit slots can be cut out in the land space between the existing bars and new bars be installed.
However, if the existing bars are corroded or surrounding concrete is cracked, the retrofit slot be
cut out encompassing the damaged bar. This tantamounts to replacement of dowels by retrofit.
The spacing is 300-375 mm. This repair method re-establishes load transfer across the joint or
crack, while at the same time allowing longitudinal movement. Poor load transfer may originate
faulting, subbase damage, corner breaks, or spalling. Fig. 11.1 shows this type of repair for load
transfer failure.

Edge of Slab

32 dia Dowel Bars

X 450 long

3-4 per wheel path

@ 300-375 c/c

Slot 500 long x 50 wide

Longitudinal Joint

Edge of Slab

All dimensions are in mm

Layout of Dowel Bars
a) Plan

Fig. 11.1. Retrofit Dowel Bars


of slab

Joint or Crack


b) Side View

.<**. - - . ,

c) Pavement after Cutting Sli)ts lor Dowel Bar Retrofit d) PQC after Repair

Fig. 11.1. Retrofit Dowel Bars

11.1.2. The work procedure for retro-fitting dowel bars consists of following steps:

(i) The repair materials are selected

(ii) The slot to be cut is marked parallel to the centre line of the pavement with a length
of about 800 - 900 mm ensuring half length on either side of crack/joint.
(iii) Vertical holes (40 mm diameter) are drilled at the ends of the planned slot to such a
depth that the dowel bar centre line will be in the middle of the slab thickness.

(iv) The slot sides are cut and the bottom sides are levelled between the holes drilled at
each end. Diamond-saw slot cutting is the most reliable and proven method.
Diamond-saw slot cutting machines can make multiple cuts to form the edges of
three (one wheel path) or six (two wheel paths) slots. The saw operator aligns the
head before the joint or crack then plunges into the concrete and advances across
the joint or crack. The plunging and moving back and forth across the joint or
crack creates a flat bottom at the required depth.


The jack hammer may be placed either at the end of the fm or downed along the
bottom or along the side of the slot to break the fm. The fm may be removed easily
in two or three big pieces. The fins can also be removed manually with the help of
hammer and chisel. The small projections at the bottom of slot be broadly flattened
with small jack hammer or manually with hand hammer and chisel. The slots are
cut parallel to the centre line of the pavement. The slots are 50 mm to 65 mm wide
and slightly deeper than half the slab depth so as to ensure that
dowel is at mid
depth of slaD. The outside wheel path dowel between 300 to 375 mm from
is mm
the pavement edge and the inside wheel path dowels shall be 450 to 600 mm mm
inside the centre line of the pavement. The spacing between the dowels may be
between 300 mm
to 375 mm
centre to centre.

Joints and transverse cracks with a load transfer of less than 40% shall be retrofitted
with dowels prior to diamond grinding. The total deflection of slabs shall also be
checked to ensure that it is less than 0.8 mm. If the deflection is greater than
0.8 mm the slabs should be stabilised prior to diamond grinding. Local spot grinding
is not recommended and is otherwise going to be very expensive for just mobilising
the machine.

The slot/pits are cleaned carefully and dried out done by sand
if moist. This is

blasting followed by air blasting. The slot is checked by wiping a hand along the
slot walls and bottom. Laitance or dust adhering to the hand would indicate that
further cleaning is necessary.

The crack or joint is caulked at the bottom and sides of the slot to keep patching
material from entering the crack or joint and build bridges across the crack or joint.

The dowel is covered with debonding agent such as form oil or grease to allow
slide movement within the hardened patch. No oil or grease shall fall onto any of
the slot surfaces because it would not allow the patching material to bond to the
slot and could cause the patch to fail. Placing a sleeve over the dowel is not
recommended because inherent looseness could cause the dowel to socket and

The dowel prepared with non-metallic expansion end caps, a plastic foam or

filler board joint reformer in the middle and non-metallic chairs. Retrofitting dowels

are the same pavement with a few modifications. Dowels

as those used in the
mostly used are round mild steel bars not less than 450 mm long. Depending on the
slab thickness, the dowel diameter is 32 mm to 36 mm. (Ref: IRC:58). Before
applying form oil or grease the dowels should be epoxy coated over the entire
surface including the ends to prevent corrosion and joint lock-up.

A resin coat is applied to the slot walls and a resin mortar layer to the slot bottom
before placing the dowel horizontally, if the patching mix is resin mortar.

The dowels in the slots are inserted so that the chair legs are in the saw-cut kerfs at


the bottom of the slot, hi this position, the dowel will be aligned in the pavement
middle line, parallel to the pavement surface. The joint reformer should be over the
joint or crack with half-length dowel on each side. The legs and sides of the chairs

should be smug against the slot walls to keep the dowel from moving during
placement ofthe patch material. ,


(xii) The slot is filled with resin or fast track concrete mortar which attains minimum
compressive strength of 1 0 MPa within 3 hours. Compact with a spud vibrator
around the dowel without hitting it.

The patch mix shall have themial properties similar to concrete and have little or no shiinkage.
It shall set and develop strength quickly to allow traffic as soon as possible (32 MPa minimum).

Compressive Strength : 40 MPa (minimum) after 28 days (IS:5 1 6)

Bond (Shear) Strength : 7 MPa (minimum) after 28 days i

(xiii) A curing compound is applied.

(xiv) The road can be opened to traffic when the patch material has gained strength of
atleast 32 MPa. The pavement is then finished with diamond grinding.

11.1,3. The method of placing retrofit tie bars across longitudinal cracks is similar to the
above, except spacing shall be 450-600 mm depending on thickness of slab.
11.2. Slab Lifting or Jacking

11.2.1. This repair method consists of raising sunken slabs to the level of adjacent slabs by
lifting or pressure grouting beneath the panel.

1L2.2. The first method comprises the following tasks:

(i) A full depth saw cut is made along longitudinal joint(s) to separate the slabs to be
raised from the adjacent panels

(ii) Holes suitably sized are drilled lifting into the slab at positions to fit the lifting frame
(iii) The hydraulically operated lifting irames are positioned transversely with lifting bolts
centred over the lifting holes

(iv) Threaded female sleeves are fixed into the lifting holes with resin grout or mortar
(v) The lifting bolts are screwed into the threaded sleeves
(vi) A level r-eference datum across the slab to be raised, is established.
(vii) The slab is raised to the required level slowly by operating hydraulic jacks at each
comer of the lifting frame
(viii) The void is filled beneath the slab with fast hardening cement grout

(ix) Traffic is opened only after the minimum required curing period


11.3. Reinstate the Evenness and Skid Resistance (Diamond Grinding)

11.3. 1 . Removing bumps and reprofiling the

surface of concrete pavements by means of
diamond grinding improves the surface evenness and decreases the severity of dynamic or impact
loads from heavy vehicles. Impact loads occur as trucks bounce vertically on their suspension
system while travelling across bumps or dips in the road surface. Greater vehicle bounce increases
tensile stresses in the slabs and consequently decreases the life of the pavement.

11.3.2. Diamond grinding also smoothes out rougliness from warped or curled slabs and
faulted slabs and removes patching unevemiess.

11.3.3. Diamond grinding removes a thin layer of concrete trom the surface of the pavement.
It is performed in the longitudinal direction with specially designed self propelled equipment that
uses gang-mounted diamond saw blades on a shaft or arbor to cut through bumps and irregularities
in the concrete.The width of the shaft (cutting head) is typically in the range of 900 - 1200 mm.
Spacing of the blades is based on the hardness of the aggregate in the existing concrete. Fig. 11.2
shows different steps of diamond grinding.

per meter

d) Range of Groove Sizes

Fig. 11.2. Diamond Grinding

(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA)
Copyright, 2008)


11.3.4. In essence, the function of diamond grinding equipment is similar to that of a

common wood plane. The saw blades shave off the fault or bump and the rear wheels follow
behind in the smoothened path.

Diamond grinding equipment is used for spot connection of bumps and irregularities
exceeding the acceptance limits in new construction and is also used to remove bumps from old
pavements with roughness problems. The equipment may be smaller for new pavement bump
grinding. This is a less costly procedure than laying a bituminous overlay and can be executed more
rapidly when the machine is available locally. It should extend the service life of concrete pavements
in fair to good condition by 8 to 10 years.

11.3.6. Cutting bumps by diamond grinding comprises the following tasks:

(i) The bump is contoured on the slab surface by means of a straight edge
(ii) The area is marked with coloured chalk
(iii) Bump cutting is proceeded in the most appropriate longitudinal direction checking
the depth cut with the straight edge until the bump is removed
(iv) Saw slurry and debris are removed from the slab surface, by washing with water

(v) Slab surface is retextured

11.3.7. Diamond grinding may remove a thin layer of slab and slightly decrease the slab
thickness. However, the benefit of getting an even surface and decreasing dynamic loads more
than offsets the slight thickness reduction and positively affects structural perfomiance and service
life. Table 11.1 may be reffered for limiting values after diamond grinding.

Table 11.1. Limiting Values after Diamond Grinding

(^Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association
(ACPA) Copyright, 2008)


Index ADT> 10,000 10,000 > ADT > 3,000 ADT < 3000

1. IRI (m/km)* 2.5 3.0 3.5

2. BI (miTi/km) 1800 2200 2560

J. General Expressways, National and State Other Important

Application Airport Runways Highways Roads

11.4. Diamond Grooving

11.4.1. Grooving generally provides the best treatment against aqua-planing on high speed
expressways. It is like grinding cut with diamond impregnated blades or cylinder rings as shown in
Fig. 11.2 except the grooves which are usually cut in a transverse direction, are a little deeper
(3 - 6 mm) and set further apart. Typically 3 - 6 mm deep x 3 - 4 mm wide with a distance of

92 '


20 mm to 25 mm between centre lines. Grooving is intended to help water expulsion under tyres.
This treatment shall be considered on pavements that have exhibited a significant number of wet
weather accidents (usually on curves or at junctions). (Refer Fig. 11.2).

11.4.2. The arbor/head width can be substantially larger considering the larger spacing
between the blades. Longitudinal grooves produce less noise than transverse grooves, however,
they help raising water spray trails of splash. In Indian conditions with high rainfall and slow moving
vehicles transverse grooves should be preferred.

11.4.3. Surface grooving comprises the following tasks:

(i) All joints shall be effectively sealed against ingress of sawing slurry

(ii) Sawing slurry is prevented from entering surface water drains

(iii) The surface is textured by sawing randomly spaced grooves 3 mm wide by at least
4 mm deep
(iv) Deposits of slurry are flushed and removed from the pavement surface

11.4.4. Grooves shall not be cut within 150 mm of the outside edge of the slab and
longitudinal j oint(s)

11.5. Milling Procedure

11.5.1. only recommended as a procedure for the preparation/treatment of a

Milling is

concrete surface for receiving a bonded overlay. Standard milling machines with 300 or 450 mm
mm wide cutting heads have proven efficient and economical particularly when used for large
areas, such as full lane-width repairs.

The milling operation results

11.5.2. in a rounded pit. The borders shall be made vertical
by sawing or jack hammering or chiselling.

11.5.3. The advantages of the mill procedure include the following:

(i) It is efficient and economic for large areas

(ii) It leaves a rough surface that promotes bonding of the patch

11.5.4. This procedure has the following disadvantages:

(i) For repair areas shorter than 0.09 m^ the smallest milling head results in a patch
larger than needed

(ii) Milling may cause spalling of border edges


(iii) The edges perpendicular to the milling operation (and traffic direction) are

rounded. These edges shall be made vertical by chiselling or cutting

11.5.5. When cold-miUing is used, a secondary cleaning should follow to ensure the removal
of dust and particulate material from the milling operation. Secondary cleaning can be done with
sand blasting, water blasting, sweeping or air blowing equipment. This should be accomplished
immediately prior to applying the bonding grout.

Milling procedure and finish are shown in Fig. 11.3.

(a) Milling Machine. (b) Finish produced after milling

Fig. 11.3. Milling Procedure

(Published by permission of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Copyright, 2008)

11.5.6. Shot blasting is performed by a self contained mechanical unit that will cause no
dust or particulate problems. The machine is capable of removing all surface contaminants, except
some difficulty is encountered in removal of asphalt concrete or asphalt cement. The machine will
throw abrasive metal shot at the surface in a contained cleaning head. The particulate matter and
dust created by the operation is also picked up and discharged. The average depth of removal for
this equipment is about 3 mm. Care shall be taken when using shot blasting equipment, that the
shot does not penetrate the joint. It is recommended that a backer rod be installed in all open
transverse joint grooves prior to the shot blasting operation to avoid penetration of shot that could
eventually cause compression failures. Depending on the efficiency of the vacuum attachment
availableon the equipment, secondary cleaning may not be necessary after this procedure, but it is

highly recommended.

11.6. Concrete Overlays

11.6.1. General:

If the existing rigid pavement is structurally weak based on the prevailing traffic or the
wearing surface needs improvements in riding quahty an overlay over rigid pavements is generally
laid as per IRC:SP: 17 "Recommendations About Overlays on Cement Concrete Pavements". There



are the following main types of overlay: ..; , ... , ^ , , i

(i) Partiallybonded rigid overlay over cement concrete slab
(ii) Un-bonded rigid overlay over cement concrete slab '

(iii) Fully bonded rigid overlay over cement concrete slab " '

(iv) Cement concrete overlay over bituminous pavements, as per IRC:SP:76

(v) Bituminous overlay over cement concrete slab, as per IRC SP : : 1

Family of concrete overlays are given in Fig. 11.4.


Existing Pavement Existing Pavement

Concrete Asphalt

Bonded Un bonded Conventional Ultra -Thin


Concrete Concrete / Wh itetopping W hitetopping

Overlay Oyerjay y* Overlay Overlay^

The Scope of This Guideline IRC:SP:76

Fig. 11.4. Shows the Family of Overlay Concrete

bonded overlay: For partially bonded overlay, the concrete pavement

11. 6. .2. Partially
should be cleaned of any loose or extraneous matter, given a detergent wash 1 kg/10 sq.m. @
along with scrubbing with wire brush to remove oily and greasy materials. Subsequently the whole
surface is flushed with water to remove all traces of the solution and other dust particles. Partially

bonded overlay over rigid pavement is designed as per the formula given below, with matching the
joints in top PQC with those in existing PQC layer:

h 1
C h'1.4M/1.4
4) (Eq. 11.1*)

\ = thickness of concrete overlay, cm
h^ = thickness required for thb monolithic slab needed for the r.j^ ,

projected traffic as per IRC: 58, cni ,

h^ = thickness of existing concrete pavement, cm ' r

C = pavement condition factor, as per Table 11.2.



Typical Application of Partially Bonded Overlays are: for the treatment of "slightly cracked"
concrete pavement.

Table 11.2. Pavement Condition Factor as per Different Categories of Distress

SNo. Length of Crackin m Category Condition

per 1 0 sq.m. Factor, C

1. 0 - 1 Sound 1.00

2_ Exceeding 1-2.5 Slightly cracked 1.00


J. Exceeding 2.5- 5.5 Fairly cracked 0.75

4, Exceeding 5.5 -8.5 Moderately cracked 0.55

5 Exceeding 8.5 - 1 2.0 Badly cracked 0.35

6, Exceeding 12.0 Very badly cracked 0.25

* Further guidance may be taken from IRC:SP; 1

11.6.3. Un-bonded overlay: Generally consists of a thick concrete layer (125 mm or

greater)on top of an existing concrete pavement. Uses a separation interlayer to separate the new
and existing concrete surface as per Fig. 11.5. At least 100 bituminous separation layer of mm
bituminous macadam or (leveling course grading) may be adopted.

thick concrete overlay (125 mm or greater)

separation interlayer
separating new overlay
and existing concrete

existing concrete

Fig. 11.5. Unbonded Concrete Overlay

The optimum thickness separation interlayer prevents distress reflecting into the overlay as
shown in Fig. 11.6.

Typical applications of Unbonded Concrete Overlays are:

(a) for treatment of the pavements having little or no structural life remaining
(b) pavements displaying extensive and severe durability distress
(c) medium to heavily trafficked roads
(d) treatment for pavements over very weak or wet subgrade

For an unbonded overlay, rocking slabs shall be rectified, exposed sub base properly
compacted and gap may be filled with coated bituminous macadam having 2.5% - 3% binder
content or grouted with bitumen at the rate of 30 kg per 1 0 sq m. Cracks are properly cleaned and
sealed properly with bituminous materials.



-Fault " Keys" into Overlay

Thin Interlayer

Old Pavanent

-Smooth Slip Plane

overlay can move i

without interacting Overlav


with the underlying i

pavement Old Pavemejit

Thick Interlayer (not less

than 100 mm)

Fig. 11.6. Effects of Separation Inter Layer Thickness

An un-bonded overlay over rigid pavement is designed as per the formula given below:
1\ = (h; - C lv)'/2 (Eqll.2*)
* Further guidance may be taken from IRC SP : : 1

= Overlay thickness, cm
hm = Thickn ess of monolithic slab, cm
h = Thickness of existing PQC
C = Condition factor

11.6.4. Fully bonded overlay: Generally consists of a concrete layer ( 1 50 or more) mm

on top of an existing concrete surface. Specific steps are taken to bond the new concrete overlay
to existing concrete as shown in Fig. 11.7.

thin concrete overlay (15(1 mm or greater) east directly on treated surface

existing (old) concrete

Specific steps are taken to bond the new concrete overlay
to the existing concrete.

Fig. 11.7. Bonded Concrete Overlay

Bonded overlays are suitable over sound uncracked concrete pavement.

Typical applications for a bonded overlay are:

(a) to correct surface problems relating to wear or loss of skid resistance

(b) to repair damage caused by chemical spills

(c) to improve load carrying capacity


Bonded overlays need to be used with great caution, as they are not suitable over moderately
or badly distressed pavements or over concrete with reactive aggregate problems or over poor
subgrade. ; -u^ ,K^:-,,-Mv.r. i

All treatments for the preparation of the existing slabs as specified for partially bonded
overlay are also applicable to fully bonded overlays. Besides this, all bond-preventing materials
such as joint sealing compound, bituminous materials used for repair, paint marking, greasy and
oily marks etc. should be meticulously removed. Where ever necessary, light chiseling to scarify
the surface for effective bond and to remove loose materials at the surface may be done. This
treatment should be followed by acid etching @ 4 kg/1 0 sq.m in two applications. The surface is

finally flushed with water to remove all traces of acids. On the saturated surface dry slabs, bonded
rigid overlay should be laid immediately after applying a thin layer (about 1 mm) of 1 : 1 cement
sand paste/slurry as bonding medium. Shot blasting the existing surface without using grouts
reportedly gives the best results (Ref: Research University of Texas, USA). For more details
separate guidelines be referred. It has been the experience that fully bonded overlays with passage
of time end up with partial bond. Fully bonded over lay may be designed as per the formula given
below: .

h = (h^ - h) :/;^.P.M..Mlo..^^r,j'M.n: . (Eq.11.3*)

* Further guidance may be taken from IRC: SP: 17 = ^r^/

-...nilM i

11.6.5. Additional precautions for concrete overlays: - ;

(1 ) In high rainfall areas, particularlywhere the drainage is not satisfactory and/or on

pavement carrying very heavy traffic of more than 1 500 commercial vehicles per day,
mild steel reinforcement at the rate of 3 kg/sq.m should be provided in fully bonded
and partially bonded overlays. Mild steel reinforcement mesh 3-6 kg/sq.m may @
also be provided in overlay across cracks in existing pavement.

(2) Mild may be provided. A mild steel bar mesh, extending

steel shear pegs, if required,

500 mm on either side of the crack distressed portion may also be embedded at mid-
depth in the concrete overlay. Joints in the overlay may be matched with those in the
existing pavement both in type and Ibcation. Extra care may be taken to ensure that
all edges and corners of the concrete slabs are fully coated with the cement slurry.
This is particularly important as these regions are more susceptible to warping as well
as initial differential drying shrinkage stresses and failure of bond in bonded concrete.

(3) Efforts shall be made to minimize evaporation of water from the top surface either by
sprinkling water after 10-12 hours of laying concrete slabs and also by providing
tentage at lower height with one end closed for avoiding wind tunnel effect to minimize
plastic slirinkage. Addition of 0.2% fibres reduces the width of cracks if any, in case
of concrete overlays. Casting of slabs from 1 am to 4 am in the early morning, may


develop shrinkage cracks due to high warping stresses, if proper precaution regarding
the covering of the PQC slabs with proper arrangements are not taken. These cracks
which are noticed after 24 hours of laying slabs, shall be immediately filled with dry
silica fume powder, fly ash and cement using small quantity of water by application

with brush. This type of treatment may be used mm.

for cracks of width less than 6
These pavements after repair shall be covered with wet jute sheet (with minimum

11.7. Rehabilitation of Soft Earthen Shoulders O n jithvi l . ^irnabqj > H ; \


11.7.1. Shoulders should provide lateral support to the edges of the pavement, be of
sufficient width and strength to support the parking of heavy vehicles under all weather conditions,
shed off water, be durable and protect the lateral sub-drainage to the pavement below. Soft soil
shoulders cannot comply with such requirements, d u ^ jj? j.; /lu ^jqrjA .vU^U^o-on c: t'^;:?:/^

11.7.2. However on many of the National and State highway projects the earthen shoulders
are constructed using fine soils which comply with the specifications for sub-grade but are easily
eroded and worn away by heavy vehicles parking. The protection of lower side shoulder of super
elevated portion requires special treatment or stabilisation to withstand the cumulative run-off from
both carriageways.

11.7.3.A report recommending the turfmg or upgrading of the soft earthen shoulders is
provided in Appendix D for the information of designers and maintenance engineers. Tlii-ee options
are given, 1) turfing, 2) using a trafficable soil gravel mixture and 3 ) brick on edge.



12.1. General

12.1.1. Repair materials should have short setting time and develop strength fast enough
to allow reopening of the lanes to traffic. In high traffic corridors the sections to be repaired can
only be closed to traffic for a few hours. Lane closure of 6 to 24 hours is considered optimum. In
USA, Early Opening to Traffic (EOT) rehabilitation strategy is being used these days by many
StateDOTs. Portland Cement Concrete used in these applications is expected to become strong
enough to cany traffic within 6 to 24 hours after placement. Rigorous requirements for mix design
and strength are stipulated for EOT concrete apphcations. The uses of such concretes are bound
to increase in future because with increasing traffic levels, only limited duration lane closure for
repair is Appendix-B gives some of the locations with relevant details from USA where
EOT concretes have been used. This type of concrete is just emerging and durabihty related issues
of such concretes are not fully settled. A more cautious approach is recommended to be followed
in India. .

Para 1 2.3 of the guidelines briefly gives some details for such fast track concretes. Specialist
literature like NCHRP report 540 ''Guidelines for Early-Opening-to Traffic Portland Cement
Concrete for Pavement Rehabilitation" may be referred to, if interested.

12.1.2. Repair materials may be classified under three general types:-

(a) Cementitous - Generally comprising of a Portland cement, gypsum or magnesium

phosphate specially formulated to provide opening times of 2 - 8 hours or 20 - 24
hours (Ref NCHRP Report 540).

(b) Polymer based - Generally comprising of an epoxy, methyl methacrylate, polyester-

styrene or polyurethane based resin mixed with aggregates and a catalyst (hardener)
formulated to provide opening times 6-8 hours.

(c) Bituminous - Comprising of a bituminous binder and aggregate mix, these materials
are generally considered for making a temporary patch only.

12.1.3. The polymer based resins are preferably used for small areas and volumes of
repair. An exception is patching of dowel slots where cement mortar is preferred to match the
thermal properties of the surrounding concrete. The rapid setting cement based materials are used
for larger areas and volumes to minimise differential thermal behaviour and minimise costs.

12.1.4. The minimum strength to allow traffic is 32 MPa (1 50 mm cube compressive

strength). ; .


Note: It is necessary to remind that the several publications by FWHA and ACPA (USA)
mentioned in Appendix- A report compressive strengths according to ASTM C 39 which tests
cylinders (150 mm dia x 300 mm) whereas in India the standard method for determining and
reporting the compressive strength (IS:5 1 6) uses cubes ( 1 50mm). The target cube compressive
strength = cylinder compressive strengtli/0.80. (Cylinder having length: diameter ratio = 2).

12.1.5. The repair materials shall be designed and tested in the laboratory and tested on
the road so to conform to the manufacturers specifications.

12.1.6. The Table 12.1 gives a guide to the selection of suitable patcliing material according
to the size and depth of patch contemplated.

Table 12.1. Guideline for Selection of Type of Product for Repair of Common Defects in
Concrete Pavements

S.No. Type of Defect Extent of Damage Type of Product

Maximum Surface Minimum Recommended
Area Depth for Trial

1. Full Depth Repair All Full Depth Conventional Cement

Concrete with additives

2. Small Popouts <0.12m2 30 mm Epoxy Mortar


3. Spalled Joints, <0.12m% 65 mm Epoxy Mortar

Scaling Longest Dimension (1:3)

not Exceeding 600 mm

75 mm Epoxy Concrete

4. Large Spalled > 0.1 2 m-, or 30 mm Elastomeric

Areas, Scaling Longest Dimension Concrete
Exceeding 600 mm
>0.5m^ 100 mm Polymer Moditled
Cementitious Concrete

5. Corner Breaks <0.12m^ 30 mm Epoxy Mortar

>0.12m^ 65 mm Elastomeric Concrete /

Epoxy Mortar

Note: Approval should be based on the Engineer's assessment of the trial performed on the first defect treated
of each kind.

12.2. Cement Mortars for Patching

The cement patch mixes often use 1S:269, IS: 1489, IS:8112 or IS: 12269 type
Portland cement and also proprietary cement that gain strength very quickly. To decrease the


water-cement ratio a water reducing admixture may be required for 43/53 Grade Cement. Fast-
track concrete mixes usually contain type cement IS 8 1 1 2 or IS : : 1 2269, with accelerators to shorten
the concrete setting time.

12.2.2. shows information on rapid-setting hydraulic binders or cementitious

The Table 12.2
materials that are currently used for patching concrete pavements. Such binders often contain
chloride accelerators that may cause corrosion of dowel bars. Some polymer modified cement
concrete mixes may reach a compressive strength of about 28 MPa within time as given in the
Table 12.2.

Table 12.2. Typical Time to Achieve Compressive Strength 28 MPa

S. No. Material Category Hours

1, Certain gypsum and magnesium based cements 2-4

2. Sulfo-aluminate cements 2-4

J. Polymer modified methacrylate >

r ^ v;i ; ; ,

4. Polymer urethane 1-2

5. 43 Grade(IS:81 12)or53 Grade (IS: 12269) -cement with non 4-6

chloride accelerating admixture

6. 43 Grade (1S:81 12) or 53 Grade (IS: 12269) = cement with water 12-24

reducing admixture '

12.2.3. Some of the rapid-setting hydraulic binders are proprietary materials and in this
case careful attention should be paid to manufacturers specifications. They should also be selected
to match the climatic conditions that are expected during the repair work.

12.3. Fast-Track Concrete for Large Patching \

12.3.1. Fast-track concrete or high early strength concrete is essential for full-depth patching
when early opening to traffic is required. ]

12.3.2. High early compressive strength concrete (20 - 25 MPa in 24 hours) is usually
obtained using Grade 43 or 53 high-early strength cement, high cement content (350 600 kg/m^), -

lower water-cement ratios (0.3 to 0.45 by weight), well graded aggregates, extra cement and
chemical accelerators. Super-plasticisers are also used to make the concrete mixture more workable
during placement. Fly ash, silica fume and ground granulated blast furnace slag are sometimes
used in the mix to partially replace some of the Grade 43 or 53 cement.

12.3.3. Aggregate gradation uniformity will improve concrete strength, workability, and
long-term durability. Intennediate size aggregates fill voids typically occupied by less dense cement

paste and thereby optimise concrete density.

'I i


12.3.4. Calcium chloride (CaCl,) should not be added as an accelerator under any

12.3.5. Insulating blankets (or other insulation measures) can also be used in the first 24
hours to help strength gain by retaining the heat of hydration. Caution shall be taken, though, to
avoid thermal shock when the blankets are taken off. Thermal shock may cause premature cracking
of the concrete.

12.4. Elastomeric Concrete for Patching

12.4.1. Elastomeric concrete is a polyurethane based material designed to develop early

high strength and easy bonding to a variety of materials. It comprises of a modified binder, fine
aggregate and glass fibre. It hardens very quickly. It is relatively more expensive than normal
epoxy mortar formulations but offers saving in the depth of the patch. Refer Table 12.3.

Table 12.3. Physical and Performance Properties of Elastomeric Concrete

Property Minimum Requirement ASTM Test Method

Gel time, minutes 5 minimum

Tensile Strength, (MPa) 10 ininimum D638

Elongation at break, % 200 min D638
Hardness Type D diirometer, points 90 +/- 3 D2240
Tensile strength, (MPa) 4.1 D4I2 (mod)

Elongation at break (Ultimate), % 25 min D 4 12 (mod)

Hardness Type D durometer, points 50 Shore D max D2240

Compression defection properties

stress (MPa), 5% deflection 5.5 min/8.7 max D695
resilience, 5% deflection 70 min D 695 (mod)

Impact ball drop @ 29, no cracking > 13.5


Adhesion to concrete (MPa) D 3029 (mod)

Dry Bond 2.4 minimum
Wet Bond 1 .4 minimum

12.5. Resin Mortars for Patching

12.5.1. Commonly used resin binders are epoxy, urethane and methacrylate polymers.
Resin binders should be selected for the climatic conditions that are expected during application


12.5.2. The various components of resin system must be kept in tightly closed containers..
Smoking may not be allowed in the vicinity of the resins. After expiry of shelf-life, material shall not
be used without rechecking its quality through laboratory tests. The following handling practice for
resin materials and mixes is required:

(a) Working in a well-ventilated area (in case of laboratory tests)

(b) Storing the resin materials below eye level
(c) Using disposable containers, equipment and gloves, wherever feasible
( d) Using safety goggles when handling resin compounds
(e) Temperature of mix shall not be more than 60"C.

12.53. There is no solvent material for removing set resin-formulations. However unset/
partial set resin from containers may be cleaned by:

(a) Mixture ofequal proportions ofethyl alcohol and benzene

(b) Mixture ofequal proportions ofethyl alcohol and toluene
(c) Toluene
(d) Benzene
(e ) Ethyl alcohol v

(f) Local soap/detergent

12.5.4. hi addition to these guidelines, manufacturers recommendations for mixing, patching

and curing should be strictly followed.

12.5.5. Fine or coarse aggregates depending on the application may be used in the
epoxy resin formulation. The grading of fine aggregate, which is mainly used for repair is given in
Table 12.4. Size of coarse aggregate is maximum 25 mm. Fine sand passing 1.18 mm sieve of
FM 1.0 is used.

Table 12.4. Recommended Grading or Sand for Resin-Sand Mortars

Sieve Size Fine Sand Medium Sand

% Passing % Passing
4.76 mm 100 100

2.36 mm 100 100

1.18mm 100 100

600 micron 95-100 50-60


300 micron 90-100 20-30

1 50 micron 5-20 20-30

For better skid resistance hard silica, crushed stone, alumina, silicon carbide, slag etc 2 mm to 600
micron size may be used.


12.5.6. In epoxy formulations with tertiary amine as liardener, the quantity of the tertiary
amine is limited between 4 gm - 10 gm per 00 gm epoxy resin for temperature range 40C to

1 0C. In resin mortars, generally one part by weight of resin formulation is mixed with 3-5 parts by
weight of medium to fme sand. In case of epoxy resin concrete using larger maximum size of
aggregate, the proportion of aggregate may be as high as eight (8) parts to one (1 j part of resin
fomiulation by weight.

12.5.7.The quantity to be mixed at a time should normally not exceed 2 kg because of the
short pot life of the resins. The cement concrete temperature may be at least 1 5"C and preferably
about 25"C, prior to application of the synthetic resin. Under cool weather conditions, electric
heaters, for lighting 1000 Watt electric bulbs may be used in such a manner that the surface
temperature stays below 40C during the hardening period.

12.5.8. In general the compound is not heated beyond 60C or cooled below 1 5C. After
applying the first tack coat on the bottom as well as sides of the prepared pit groove, the sides of
the pit groove are given a second coat of resin formulation. Special care is required along the
edges and at corners which are more prone to be left uncoated. For small sized work, a 20 mm
hair brush may be used. Before the tack coat loses its tackiness, resin-sand mortar or concrete,
depending on the depth of the patch, is placed in the grooved recess with the help of a trowel. For
patches thicker than 20 mm, the sand is combined with a coarse aggregate having maximum size
not greater than one -third the thickness of the patch. If the patch is deeper than 50 mm, it is built
up more layers to reduce heat build up and subsequent thermal contraction. Full compaction
in two or

is ensured by rodding. A light layer of the dry sand should be spread over the finished patch. After

application, the resin patch is kept at a temperature of 30"C - 40"C to accelerate curing by infrared

The use of polyester resins as bonding media between old and new concrete is
generally ruled out on account of their high susceptibility to moisture. Table 12.5 gives the typical
formulations and properties.

12.6. Bituminous Materials for Patching

12.6.1. The use of bituminous mixes is very exceptional. Experience with bituminous
binders for patching concrete slabs not satisfactory and they are generally not recommended

except for use as a temporary patch in emergency conditions when other more suitable materials
are not available at site. . ,

12.7. Joint Sealants and Backer Rods

12.7.1. The following section shall also be read in conjunction with Chapter 6.


Table 12.5. Typical Values of Different Properties of Resin Formulations and Mortar

S.No. Property Epoxy


1. Coefficient of thermal expansion 10*' cm /"C 23-25
2. Viscosity, c' poise at 27C 4,000-

J. Linear shrinkage, max. % 0.1

4. Specific gravity, Min. 1.05

Max. 1.20

5. Pot life, minutes

Varies with accelerator used, at

25"C 90 minutes
30C 60 minutes
35C 45 minutes

6. Storage life At least 12 months


1. Moisture susceptibility Slightly susceptible

2. Compressive strength 1:3 to 1:6 with fine and 350-1000

medium sand, kg / cm- (at 2 days age)

J. Tensile strength with fine sand ( 1 :3 to 1 :4), kg/cm- 80-100

(at 2 days age)

4. Flexural strength with fine sand (1 :3 to 1 :4), kg/cm- 400-500

(at 7 days age)

5. Bond strength both with fine and medium sand (1 :3 to 1 :6), kg/cm- 25-45
(at 2 days age)

12.7.2. Joint sealants can be divided into two broad categories:

(1) Liquid (Field moulded) sealants which are poured or gunned into the joint

(2) Preformed factory moulded seals which are compressed into the fresh concrete or
hardened joint

12.7.3. The field moulded sealants may be cold or hot poured and further categorised
under the following three types:

(1 ) Thermoplastics, Hot Applied: Usually black in colour and include materials such as
asphalts, rubber asphalts, coal tars and rubber tars

(2) Thermoplastics, Cold Applied Include acrylics and vinyls as basic material

(3) Thermosetting, Chemically-Curing Compounds : Usually one or two component

systems and include polysulphide, silicone and polyurethane and epoxy based


12.7.4. There are many liquid joint sealant materials available in India, but each has its

distinct characteristics, such as:

(h) vv jvciu'iii L y/ ^ciow yJi. iJlcl^dllCllL

(c) curing time

(d) adhesiveness
(e) cohesiveness
(f) resistance to softening and flow

(g) flexibility

(h) elasticity

(i) resistance to aging and weathering, and resistance to weathering

The Table 12.6 summarises the specification and relative costs of commonly used
types of cold - and hot poured liquid (field moulded) sealants. This table also shows the design
extension, or the extension that the installed sealant can withstand without being damaged and the
shape factor. Further description and guidance is provided in Appendix-C and IRC:57.

Table 12.6. Various Specifications for Sealant Materials

(Ref 1.12, Table and 1RC:57) 1

Sealant Applicable Specification Design Shape Factor Relative Cost

Material Extension (Depth/Width) (Ref: CRRI)

PVC/Coal Tar ASTMD3406 10% -20% 1 : 1 3.0

Rubberised IS: 1834 ASTMD 1190 1.25:1 3.5


Polymeric AASHTOM 173 1:1

Asphalt Based ASTMD 3405 Overbanding

AASHTOM 301 15% -20% Recommended 3.5

ASTMD 6690

Polysulphide BS:5212 Fed SS-S-200E

IS:11433 10% -25% 1.25:1 4
(Part-1) 1985 AASHTOM 282
Silicone ASTMD 5893 30% - 50% 1:1 7
Polyurethane BS:5212 Fed SS-S-200 E 10% -20% 6

Found in IRC/ ASTM D 13 1

NHAI Documents ASTM D 3583

Aprimer shall be used according to the sealant manufacturer's recommendations

for improving the adhesion between the sealing compound and old concrete.


12.7.7.A variety of backing rods and tapes are available in the market conforming to
different specifications. Backer rods manufactured from material conforming to ASTM D 5249
Standard Specification for backer material for use with Cold and Hot Applied Joint Sealants in
PCC pavements is recommended. Backer rods shall be oversized (by 25%) relative to the joint
width so to provide firm resistance when applyin<^ the sealant, and also to present percolation of
sealant in the crack underneath.

12.7.8. For all materials, the manufacturers recommendations should be carefully considered
and followed. Field adhesion tests to the joint substrate performed in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations with their technical representative present is recommended.
WaiTanties against adhesion and cohesive failure should be considered whilst preparing the contract

1 2.7.9. Preformed compression seals are made from neoprene rubber and have an internal
web structure so that the material remains compressed in the joint. The joint seal shall conform to
ASTM D 2628 with the properties as given in Table 12.7 (IRC:57).

Tabic 12.7. Requirements tor Preformed Compression Seals

S.No. Description Requirements ASTM Test

1. Tensile Strength, niin. 13.8 Mpa D412
2 Elongation at break min. 250% D412
3. Hardness, Type A durometer 55 +/- 5 points D2240
4. Oven aging, 70 h at IOOC Tensile strength loss 20 % max D573
5. Elongation loss 20 % max
6. Hardness Change Type A durometer 0 to +1 0 points D471
7. Oil Swell, ASTM Oil 3, 70 h at 100C weight Change 45 % max D1149
8. Ozone resistance 20% strain, 300 pphm in air, 70 h No cracks D2240
at 40C
9. Low temperature stiffening, 7 days at -lO^C Hardness 0 to + 1 5 points
Change type A durometer
10. Low temperature recovery, 22h at % deflection
- 1 O^'C, 50 88% min D2628
11. Low temperature recovery, 22h at -29C, 50 % deflection 83 % min D2628
12. High temperature recovery, 70h at 100C, 50 % deflection 85% min D2628
13. Compression, deflection, at 80 % of normal width (min) 613 N/m D2628

12.8. New Materials

New concret'^ repair materials based on chemical formulations have surfaced in the local
market in India. These are proprietary items. Proprietary firms are advocating an effective and
fast result, particularly in the area of minor crack repairs. The present guidelines do not make any
recommendations about the same. Highway Agencies may consider using them on selective basis
after being satisfied about them and reporting about their performance to IRC for evaluation and
wider publication after acceptance.



13.1. General

13.1.1. A list of equipment that will be generally needed for various types of repair work
on cement concrete pavements is given below. In addition, it may be necessary to have mobile
units located at key places so that the repair work may be centralised and handled expeditiously.
For this purpose, a truck wherein a small hand operated drum/jiffy mixer, vibratory tamping
equipment, and some small essential tools are provided, can be very useful.

13.2. List of Tools and Equipment for Different Types of Repair

13.2.1. For joint resealing*

(i) Plough for removing old sealant

(ii) Wire Brushes
(iii) Sand blasting equipment, air compressor with in-line filters to trap oil and water,
hoses, 6 mm venturi- type tube
(iv) Broom and/or power vacuum
(v) Backer rod installation tool/roller wheel
(vi) Sealant applicator equipment (and mixing head for two component systems)
(vii) Pail mixer
(viii) Plastic measuring beakers
(ix) Masking Tape
(x) Trowels
(xi) Personal safety equipment (ie: gloves, masks, safety vest first air box etc.)

13.2.2. For crack repair and cross-stitching

(i) Random crack saw ( 1 30mm dia diamond blades)

(ii) Vertical spindle router (belt drive)

(iii) Single headed scabbling tool or router (crack cutter)

(iv) Template
(v) Small portable generator
(vi) Portable air compressor Min. 71 litres/sec at 0.55 N/mm^
(vii) Rotary impact hammer drill
(viii) Trowels and floats

(ix) Personal safety equipment (gloves, masks, safety vest first air box etc.)


13.2.3. For spall repair

w Concrete saw (170 mm to 250 mm dia diamond blades for large patches, 130 dia
for small patches)

(ii) 170 to 250 Portable air compressor Min. 7 1 litres/sec at 0.55 N/mm^
(iii) Electric chisel

(iv) Club Hammer (4 kg)

(v) Cold Chisels
(vi) Pail mixer, hand held or paddle wheel
(vii) Mixing pails, small
(viii) Plastic measuring beakers
(ix) Masking Tape
(X) Hand tools, shovel, trowels, tampers and screeds

(xi) Personal safety equipment (i.e. gloves, masks, safety vest etc.)

13.2.4. For partial/full depth and whole slab replacement repairs

(i) 50-60 H.P. diesel or petrol mobile concrete saws (smaller machine may be suitable
for limestone aggregate concrete)

(ii) 750 - 1000 mm dia. Diamond saw blades for full depth repair and 300 - 450 mm
dia Diamond saw blades suitable for partial depth cutting, (Fig. 13.1).

(iii) Portable air compressor min 1 1 8 litres/sec at 0.55 N/mm and concrete breaking
tools /jack hammer (14 kg)
(iv) Heavy duty wire cutters or boh croppers

(a) 450 mm Dia Saw suitable for Partial Depth Repair (b) 1000 mm Dia Saw suitable for Full Depth Repai

Fig. 13.1. Different Size Saws for Cutting Concrete

Equipment and tools as per 1RC:43


(V) Small portable generator

(vi) Rotary drill
(vii) Club hammer (4 to 6 kg)

(viii) Cold chisels

(ix) DriUing jig or frame
(X) Welding equipment (for continoulsy reinforced slabs)

(xi) Frame for holding dowel bars in position until resin mortar hardens (jointed slabs)

(Xllj r OKer viDraiort^s )

(xiii) Vibrating finishing beam (for leveling surface uniformly)

(xiv) Wire Tyne (for surface texturing)

(xv) Trowels, floats and arising tool

13.3. Saw Blade Selection

13.3.1 . The saw blade for cutting concrete must be compatible with the output and speed
saw, concrete strength and application.



14.1. General Objectives

14.1.1. The general principles and objectives of highway maintenance as it particularly

concerns the preservation of concrete pavements is dealt with in this section.

14.1.2. Concrete pavements generally deteriorate gradually in life (5 - 25 years) and

deteriorate quicker as they approach the effective service life (30 - 40 years). Refer Fig. 1.5 in
Chapter 1 Spot repairs and restoration of isolated parts are performed to prevent or slow the

overall deterioration of the concrete pavement.

14.1.3. The whole pavement structure beyond the effective

deterioration can affect the
service life and therefore also affect the safety and comfort of the user and the maintenance costs.
Earlier intervention to restore its condition before there is significant drop in pavement quality
should be the objective of the maintenance strategy. The maintenance and repair of concrete
roads is therefore as essential as that of any other concrete structure.

14.2. Organisation and Management

14.2.1 . The maintenance of Highway Pavements generally embraces all the activities
illustrated in Fig. 14.1.





V . J

Material , ::
f \

Review Levels
Review Activities ^ )
Deficiency Surveys


Expenditure Reports "Adhoc Reports Equipment Reports Inventory Reports

Fig. 14.1. Schematic Diagram or Maintenance Management System


Maintenance of a road requires proper supervision of skilled workmen who are

adequately trained in various aspects of maintenance. The supervisory staff, generally known as
junior engineers in this country, is therefore to be given training in various aspects of cement concrete
pavemeni work. They should be conversant with the specifications for various types of repair
works, the choice of repair, the quality control measures needed to achieve good workmanship,
use and upkeep of equipment and tools and- safety measures to be adopted during the maintenance

14.2.3. Planning and scheduling of the maintenance operations should be given due
importance. The annual renewal programme should be drawn up well in advance keeping in view
the condition of the surface, prescribed renewal cycle and any improvement work carried out
recently or scheduled to be taken up in the near future. It is useful for easy comprehension to
depict the renewal programme on bar chart indicating the renewals carried out in the last eight
years. The budgeting for maintenance expenditure should also be done well in advance and the
allocation of resources to the different operations of maintenance should be finalised simultaneously.
This would facilitate the field engineer to plan and implement his programme effectively.

14.3. Periodical Monitoring

14.3.1. The Table 14.1 lists the types of formal inspections and surveys with recommended

Table 14.1. Types and Frequency of Inspections

S.No. Type of Maintenance Inspection Recommended Frequency

1. Project Preparation Survey Performed by (or on behalf of) the Client for drawing up
the scope of work for the maintenance Contract.

2. Initial Condition Survey (Contract) Within 28 days of taking over or signing the maintenance
Contract (whichever is applicable)
J. Safety Inspections Not less than once a week on National and State
Highways, and fortnightly on all other roads

4. Intervention Inspection Once a week, and on at least one occasion accompanied

by Deputy Collector and DSP for controlling
encroachments etc.

5. Bridges, Culverts and Drains Inspection On a regular basis, according to availability of qualified
inspectors but not exceeding six (6) months. Note: NHAI
guidelines specify three (3)_months

6. Night Inspections Periods not exceeding six months.

7. Annual inspections Highway pavement condition report including

settlements, deflections and roughnesscondition of
facilities such as bus shelters, buildings at Toll Plaza etc.

8. Completion Condition Survey (Contract) Not later than 21 days prior to the Completion Date of
the Contract



14.3.2. The pavement shall be periodically monitored since new distress may appear and
existing distress propagate further.

14.4. Distress Identification and Classification

14.4.1. By early detection, classification and repair of defects in their initial stages the
rapid deterioration of the pavement and its joints can be prevented.

14.4.2. The first step to planning a maintenance operation is the evaluation of the existing
pavement in terms of its physical condition and both its functional and structural capacity. For this
purpose, condition surveys should be undertaken for the visual assessment of the pavement, which
would cover not only the type but also the magnitude of the distress and its location. Apart from
visual surveys, pavement surface evaluation based on riding quality (i.e. road roughness) and skid
resistance should also form the basis for taking maintenance decisions.

14.4.3. Necessary infonnation about the routine maintenance needs will be readily available
as the maintenance staff are expected to be continuously in touch with the physical condition of the
road. However, for deciding periodic treatments and long term maintenance strategies, condition

surveys carried out at a fixed frequency are a must. Keeping this in view, it is desirable that at least
two condition surveys are conducted on each stretch of road every year, one before and the other
after the monsoon i.e. the same frequency as with flexible pavements. Generally the condition
surveys are carried out on foot because cracking and joint problems may not be discernible from
a vehicle even if travelling at a slow speed. The data collected should be recorded methodically
kilometer wise. It is desirable that these visual surveys are carried out by an experienced engineer
at a responsible level. See Chapter 4 Proforma 4.3

14.4.4.Based on the condition evaluation, the causes for the various defects observed
should be examined in detail as discussed in Chapter 4 and a decision taken whether to initiate a
particular maintenance activity, defer the same or to go in for more detailed investigations to
determine the treatment/rehabilitation needs precisely. Where distress on the pavement has reached
the stage of pot holing, spalling and/or the slabs are rocking under traffic which affects the smooth
operation of traffic, it should be rectified straightway. For other defects like cracking, ravelling
etc., the optimal strategy should be determined having regard to the various factors involved including
the finances available and a decision taken whether to go in for temporary measures like sealing/
resurfacing or to strengthen/reconstruct the pavement. If the latter appears necessary, further
investigations about structural deficiencies shall be taken up as mentioned in Para 4.4. In other
words the planning of the various maintenance operations should be correlated and looked upon
as a total system rather than each activity being considered in isolation. There can be sometimes
more than one strategy to address a distress problem.

14.4.5. Once the overall maintenance plan has been drawn up, attention should be given
to the proper organisation management of the whole programme including deployment of various
resources, i.e. men, materials and equipment, in an efficient manner. For each maintenance activity
the work at site should be carefully controlled so that the optimum output and quality are achieved.


14.5. Performance Standards for Maintenance

14.5.1. The general objective of road maintenance is to provide a clear and smooth ride
so traffic may pass safely and comfortably. The performance standards define the level at which
the facility is to be maintained.

14.5.2. Maintenance standards should consider the following:

(a) Traffic data (volumes and axle loadings)

(b) Surface texture
(c) Drainage condition
id) Cracking
(e) Shoulder drop-off
(f) Slab warp

(g) Spallmg
(h) Slab settlement, faulting
(i) Heave or distortion
(j) Settlements at bridge approaches
(k) Sub-base failure
(1) Joint separation

(m) Joint sealing

(n) The need to minimise traffic disruptions

14.5.3. The basis of maintenance standards set out in this Guideline are based on the
following fundamentals:

(a) Pavement surface - The pavement surface shall be kept thoroughly clean as part
of the routine maintenance program at a minimum frequency of twice a year in rural
stretchesand four times a year in the habited/built up stretches so to protect the
concrete surface from accelerated abrasion and to prevent stones lodging in and
damaging joints.

Stones and other debris on the carriageway are a safety hazard (causing broken
windshields and swerving of vehicles to avoid larger debris) and damage the
pavement surface. Soil and other debris accumulated beside kerbs and chute drains
in median and beside barrier kerbs etc. prevents free drainage of water increasing
the risk of damage under traffic.


Job Description Criteria Extent Location/ Treatment/ Type of

(% sub-section length) Side Action Maintenance

Pavement (a) Minimum twice a year, All Sweep, wash Routine

cleaning or b) When exceeding 25% and dispose
(sweeping) in any 20 m long stretch.
removal of (b) When accumulation prevents the All Remove and Urgent i.e.

litter rubbish free drainage of water from the dispose Within 2

and other pavements, kerbs and channels. off site. days of
debris detection

(b) Cracks - Individual cracks 3 mm wide and any other areas with extensive finer
cracking shall be repaired before the rainy season to prevent infiltration of water
into the foundation layers.

(c) Settlement, Heave, Distortion, Faulting - Correction of surface irregularities

shall be scheduled when the surface deviation reaches 38 mm in a length of 2.5 m
or when the riding quality is objectionable ( > 4000 mm/Km). This type of defect
otherwise results in poor riding quality and extra loading on the slabs which_,
accelerates pavement deterioration. Diamond grinding shall be applied when the
level difference between two slabs across a joint or cut becomes more than 4 mm.

Regular inspection below approach slabs at bridges is also very necessary to detect
signs of voids under the slabs and/or springyness/pumping. Settlement of approach
slab is otherwise likely to occur. Early detection and filling of voids can often prevent
slab settlement.

(d) Spalling - Transverse spalling exceeding 1 00 mm in the direction of travel and

more than 6 mm deep or other similar type defects which induce extra loading
on the slabs and adversely affect comfort shall be repaired.

(e) Joint Separation - Separation between the concrete slabs exceeding 3 mm shall
be filled to prevent infiltration of water into the foundation layers. Similarly
separation/erosion occumng between the interface of concrete pavement and paved/
unpaved shoulder should also be filled up/repaired promptly to prevent runoff further

eroding and eventually undermining the edge of the concrete pavement.

14.6. Training

14.6.1. The MoRT&H Specifications for Road and Bridges specifies the importance of
building in quality assurance into the planning and execution of all the works including the pavement


QUOTE "The Contractor shall ensure that all the actions are taken to build in quality
assurance in the planning and execution of the works. The quality assurance shall cover all

stages of work such as setting-out selection of materials, selection of equipment and plant,
deployment of personnel and supervisory staff, quality control testing, etc.
END OF QUOTE (Ref: Clause 105.3).

14.6.2. Training is an integral part of Quality Assurance. The Contractor should get his
staff trained for the following tlirough Seminars and Training workshops:

(i) Durable concrete pavement mix design (for partial/full depth replacement and full

panel replacement)
(ii) For pavement evaluation and identification of distress/ severity rating
(iii) For cleaning ofjoints
(iv) For priming of joint groove and installation of sealants
(v) Marking of repair boundaries, hacking out distressed concrete and refilling of
concrete and epoxy concrete/quick setting cementations materials

The training of staff should therefore form an essential part of the execution of any
maintenance strategy. The owner of the pavement should make it mandatory to make provision in
the contract/document for training of Contractors' staff so that the diagnosis of the cause and
quality of the repair job is assured.



15.1. Traffic Control

15.1.1. Since maintenance operations involve considerable hardship, inconvenience and

hazard to traffic and also hazards to maintenance workmen, all possible precautions should be
taken to make safe arrangements for traffic. These include erection of barriers, signs, red flags and
lights including flickering caution lights. Efforts should be made to confine work in half the pavement
width at a time, leaving the other half for use by the Where this is not possible, diversion

roads may have to be constructed or the traffic diverted to some other alternative routes. The
maintenance operation itself can be conveniently confined to a small length at a time, say 30 m.

15.1.2. IVaffic diversion shall be planned and implemented in accordance with the
recommendations ofIRC:SP:55 "Guidelines on Safety in Road Construction Zones". The lettering

shall be legible from a speeding vehicle at 100 m. Traffic signs should be of no less than 900 mm x
600 mm in case of rectangular signs and 900 mm in case of circular and triangular signs.
15.1.3. The traffic shall be clearly warned sufficiently in advance. The appropriate warning
sign to be used is the ''Man at work" sign, as per IRC:67 ''Code of Practice for Road Signs". If half
the road width alone is "Nan-ow Road Ahead" sign should also be displayed.
available for traific, the
If closure extends into the night or several days, the signs shall be retro-reflective by an approved

manufacturer. During night in urban stretches, (and where practical in rural stretches) there should
be adequate lighting with a red lantern/red reflectors. Adequate ward and watch shall be provided
to prevent stealing of all the traffic control devices

15.2. Safe Working Environment

15.2,1. The safety of the worker shall also be addressed in the program. Job instructions
shall include safety items that should be addressed while undertaking repairs. These should include:

(a) Use of high visibility clothing

(b) Correct lifting techniques
(c) Understanding hazardous materials used and correct mixing and application )

(d) Moving vehicles outside the site

(e) Correct use and handling of plant

(f) Awareness of underground and or overhead cables and utility services

(g) Availabi lity and general awareness of First Aid Kits




A.l. List of IRC Publications and Indian Standards

(1.1) IRC:61-1976, " Tentative Guidelines for Construction of Cement Concrete Pavements in
Hot Weather"

(1.2) IRC :77- 1979, 'Tentative Guidelines for Repair of Concrete Pavement Using Synthetic

(1.3) IRC: 84- 1983, " Code of Practice for Curing Cement Concrete pavements"

(1.4) IRC SP: : 1 7- 1 997, "Guidelines for the Overlay Design (Composite Pavement Construction)"

(1 .5) IRC Special Publication, 2001, "Report of the Committee on Norms for maintenance of
Roads in India

IRC:67-2001, " Code of Practice for Road Signs"


(1.7) IRC:SP:55- 2001 " Guidelines on Safety in Road Construction Zones"

(1.8) IRC: 1 5-2002, "Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Construction of Concrete
Roads (Third Revision)

(1.9) IRC: 5 8-2002, "Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways"
(Second Revision)

(1.10) IRC:SP: 16-2004, "Guidelinesfor Surface Evenness of Highway Pavements"

(1.11) IRC:57-2006, "Recommended Practice for Sealing of Joints in Concrete Pavements"

(First Revision)

(1.12) IRC:43-1 972, "Recommended Practice for Tools, Equipment and Appliances for Concrete
Pavement Construction"

(1.13) IS: 11433 (Part 1) 1985: Specification for One Part Gun-Grade Polysulphide Based Joint

(1.14) Methods of Test for Strength of Concrete

IS :5 16
Where, IRC = Indian Roads Congress
IS = Bureau of Indian Standards

A.2. List of AASHTO, British and ASTM Standards

(2.1) AASHTO M 173, Concrete Joint Sealer, Hot Poured Elastic Type
(2.2) AASHTO M 282, Joint Sealant, Hot poured, Elastomeric Type


(2.3) AASHTO M 301 Joint Sealant, Hot poured for Concrete and Asphalt pavements

(2.4) ASTM C 39, Compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens

(2.5) ASTM C 150, Portland Cement
(2.6) ASTM D 1190 Concretejoint sealer, Hot Applied Elastic Type
(2.7) ASTM E 274, Skid Resistance ofPaved Surface Using Full Scale Tire
(2.8) ASTM E 950, Measuring Longitudinal Profile with an Accelerometer
(2.9) ASTM E 364, Measuring Road Roughness by Static Level Method

(2.10) ASTM D 3405, Joint Sealants, Hot Applied for Concrete

(2.11) ASTM D 3406, Joint Sealants, Hot Applied Electrometric Type for Portland Cement

(2.12) ASTM D-3575, Flexible Cellular Materials (For Sealant Backing Rods) made from Olefin

(2. 1 3) ASTM D 5893, Cold Applied Single Component Chemically Curing Silicone
(2. 1 4) ASTM D 6690 (part Joint and crack sealant, Hot Applied, for Concrete and Asphalt
I ),


(2.15) BS:52 12 (part 2), Cold Cured Joint Sealants for Concrete Pavements

(2.16) BS:7542 Method of Test for Curing Compound for Concrete

(2.17) AASTHO-AGC-ARTBATask Force-36 'The Use and State -of-The-Practice of Fiber
Reinforced Concrete"

Where, AASHTO = American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials

ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials

A.3. List of Other References

(3.1) Aerodrome Design Manual (DoC 9 1 5 7- AN/90 1 ) Part 3 - Pavements Second Edition

(3.2) H. S. Mildenhall, G. D. S. Northcott, Department of Transport, Cement and Concrete

Association, 1 986, A Manual for the Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Roads, London,
(3.3) Committee of State Road Authorities, Pretoria, SouthAfrica, 1990, Standard Nomenclature
and Methods for Describing the Condition of Jointed Concrete Pavements, Technical
Recommendations for Highways, Draft TRHl 9: 989

(3 .4) Mohamed Y. Shahin, 994, Pavement Management for Airports, Roads and Parking Lots,

Chapman & Hall, New York, London

(3.5) Gerald F. Voigt, 2000, Specification Synthesis and Recommendation for Repairing


Uncontrolled Cracks that Occur during Concrete Pavement Construction, American

Pavement Concrete Association (ACPA)

(3.6) US Federal Highway Administration, Report No.FHWA-01-00080 "Repair and

Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements", Sept 2004

(3.7) US Federal Highway Administration, Technical Brief No. FHWA-IF-06-005 " Concrete
Pavement Rehabilitation and Preservation Treatments", November 2005

(3.8) US Federal Highway Administration, Concrete pavement Rehabilitation Guide for Diamond
Grinding, May 2006

A.4. List of ACPA Standa;-ds

(4.1) TB018P "Slab Stabilization Guidelitips for Concrete Pavements"

(4.2) TBO02.02P " Guidelines for Full Depth Repair"

(4.3) TB008.01P "Diamond Grinding and Concrete Pavement Restoration"

(4.4) TB020.02P "The Concrete Pavement Restoration Guide"
(4.5) TB016.01P "Early Cracking of Concrete Pavement Causes and Repairs"
Where ACPA = American Concrete Pavement Association


Year Place Mixture Proportions Compressive Flexural Notes
Strength Strength
(ASTM) (MPa)
converted to
Cube strength
different age

1990 Northampton Cement (type I, ASTM): 445 kg/cu.m 18 hour: 32 28 days: Opened to

County, W/C : 0.42 24 hour:36 5.6 traffic after

Virginia, Coarse aggregate: 1113 kg/cu.m 7 days: 50 58 hour;

USA Fine aggregate: 620 kg/cu.m 28 days: 60 traffic

Max. aggregate size: 25 mm amount of

Water reducer: AASHTO 240
M194 equivalent
Air entrained: 5.5 % single axle
load per day


1991 Dallas Cement: 298 kg/cu.m 28 days: 34 28 days:

County, Fly ash: 56 kg/cu.m 4.7
Iowa, USA Coarse aggregates: 914 kg/cu.m
Fine aggregate: 933 kg/cu.m
Water reducer: 2.6 ml/kg
Air entrained: 0.56 ml/kg

1991 Louisville Cement (type I, ASTM): 475kg/cu.m 18 hour: 34 Waste

Kentucky, W/C : 0.33 disposal
USA Coarse aggregate: 1067 kg/cu.m facility: 90
Natural sand : 948 kg/cu.m trucks per
Water reducer: (ASTM C-494): day; opened
l.lkg/lOOkg to traffic after
Air entrained: 4 to 6% 37 hour
Polypropylene fibres: 1 .78 kg/cu.m

1994 Gerogetown Cement(type I): 475 kg/cu.m 24 hour: 31 - Stretch

Kentucky, W/C 0.32
: Intersection
USA 60% - 40% ratio of coarse aggregate
and natural sand
water reducer:0.98 ml/1 00 kg
Air entrained: 5.5 %
1994 State Route Cement: 340 kg/cu.m Opening to
21, Iowa, W/C : 0.43 traffic after
USA Coarse aggregate: 986 kg/cu.m 5-7 days
Fine aggregate: 809 kg/cu.m
Air entrained: 6 %
Synthetic fibers: 1.36 kg/cu.m

* EOT - Early Opening to Traffic Concrete.



Year Place Mixture Proportions Compressive Flexural Notes

Strength Strength
(ASTM) (MPa)
converted to
Cube strength
different age

1995 Leawood Cement (type I): 363 kg/ 24 hour: 26 Opened to

Kansa, W/C : 0.37 traffic after

USA Coarse aggregate: 1026kg/cu.m 24 hour;

Fine aggregate: 798 kg/cu.m mixed traffic
Max. aggregate size: 25 mm of 25,000
Air entrained: 6.5% vehicles
Synthetic fibers: 1.36 kg/cu.m per day

1995 Tennessee & Cement: 474 kg/cmW/C : 0.35 24 hour: 43

Dekalb Co., Coarse aggregate: 1008 kg/cu.m (achieved) -

GA, USA Fine aggregate: 730 kg/cu.m

Synthetic fibers: 1.36 kg/cu.m

1995 Lexington, Cement (type I): 475 kg/cu.m 24 hour: 30 24 hour:

Kentucky, Coarse aggregate: 1067 kg/cu.m 36 hour: 42 5.236
USA Natural sand: 948 kg/cu.m 48 hour: 44 hour:
Max. aggregate size: 25 mm 7 days: 56 5.828
Water reducer: (ASTM C-494, 28 days:64 days:7.
type F): 0.98 ml/ 100 kg
Air entrained: 5 %
Synthetic fibers: 1 .36 kg/cu.m




(Width of Repair 1 .5m minimum)

Note: example illustrated caused by Blowup

Severity Rating 5

Photo 1) - Blowup and Transverse Cracking Recommended Treatment As Above

One Corner Break



(1.5m minimum)

Note: Severity Rating 4

is illustrated in example

Photo 2) - Deep Corner Break Recommended Treatment as Above


See Para & Figure 5.1

Note: Severity Rating 2

is illustrated in example

Photo 3) - Shallow Corner Break Recommended Treatment as Above


Severity Rating 3 or more


Note: The condition of the slabs illustrated

here treated with Cross-Stitching deteriorated
further under traffic after monitoring for 6
months .

All cracked slabs were finally replaced in total

(whole full depth) during the DLP.

Severity Rating <

' See Figure 5.1 (Para )

Photo 4) - Longitudinal Crack Recommended Treatment As Above.


Note: Severity Rating 3

is illustrated in example.

Photo 5) - Multiple Connecting Cracks Recommended Treatment As Above



Note: Severity Rating 2

is illustrated in example

Photo 6) - Discrete Plastic Shrinkage Cracks Recommended Treatment As Above



(Width = 1 .5m, Minimum)

Note: Severity Rating 4

is illustrated in example

Photo 7 a) - Transverse Crack Near Joint Recommended Treatment As Above


For New Construction (DLP)
For Old Concrete Panels
Note: Severity Rating 4
is illustrated in example

Photo 7 b) - Transverse Crack Near Middle ( l/3rd) Recommended Treatment As Above




Note: Example illustrated is treatment on 50 year

old concrete slabs constructed (Oct/1952) in
medium trafficked urban environment.

Photo 8) Working Crack Recommended Short Term Measure



(CBR > 30, PI in range 3-12)

When Dropoff in any 100m stretch

> 40 mm ForNH/SH
> 70 mm For Other Roads

See Table 4.4

Photo 9 - Drop Off Recommended Treatment

Seventy ratmg < 2


Severity Rating > 3

X XXX 65 mm with 20 mm Drill
\J J ' t jt Holes
li.Xill VV XLXl 1111 IX J-j'l i3

for "Key"

Photo 10) - Impressions Early Traffic Recommended Treatment


Crackmg and/or taultmg caused by

restrained thermic movements around or
settlement below a manhole or inlet.
Severity Rating >4



yu. Mori MumMa^ ^

Photo 11) Manhole / Inlet Cracking Failure Recommended Treatment



See Figure 5.1

Note: Severity Rating 3

is illustrated in example

Photo 12) -Pop Out

Recommended Treatment As Above

Water trapped under edge of CRCP at
Matching point with Paved Shoulder causing
cracking and punching out under heavy traffic



Recommended Treatment As Above

Severity Rating <4


Severity Rating 5 or more


For New Construction (DLP)


Trial For Old Construction

Note: Severity Rating 5

is illustrated in example
Photo 14) - Ravelling
(lose of laitance/fine aggregates in surface)
Recommended Treatment



Severity Rating < 2


Severity Rating 3 or more


Note: Severity Rating 3

is illustrated in example

Photo 15) - Scaling

Recommended Treatment

Cause of adhesion failure : loss of sealant

bond/adhesion to sides caused by separation
of slabs.

Severity rating <2


Severity Rating > 3


Note: Example illustrated is Severity Rating 4 at a

Longitudinal Joint
Photo 16) Joint Sealant Failure
Recommended Treatment


Note: Severity Rating 4
is illustrated in example (> 60 x 10 cm)

Maximum Minimum Patch

Surface Depth Material

<0.5m- 30 mm Elastomeric

>0.5m2 100 mm Epoxy


Photo 17) - Shallow Spalling at Joint Recommended Treatment


Cause: Misalignment of dowel bars.

Inadequate compaction and/or
Compression Failure



Photo 18) Deep Spalling at Joints Recommended Treatment

Cause Inadequate compaction and Finishing


2nd Days concrete versus 1st Days concrete.

Deficiencies vide:
- Levelling
- Finishing
- Compaction

FULL DEPTH REPAIR ( 1 .5m minimum)


Photo 20) - Cracking and Scaling at

Construction Joint Recommended Treatment


WIDTH 100mm x 65mm DEEP)

Photo 21) - Expansion Joint Damage Recommended Treatment


Severity Rating 5

Photo 22) Shattered Slabs Recommended Treatment


With Reinforcement added in Top
(as precaution against reflective cracking)

DLC only requires replacement if in a

shattered state.

Photo 23) Cracking of DLC Below PQC Recommended Treatment

Cause: Adhesion Failure and/or Vandalism



Photo 23) Compressive Seal - Loosening Recommended Treatment


The unsound area will be marked with

colored marker after sounding with hand held
hammer. It will Saw Cut with light weight
Concrete Saw cutter. The chisel will also be used
to cut & take out the debris. The pit will be air
cleaned and filled with epoxy concrete/ FCC
depending upon depth of spall.

Photo 24) Spalling along the Joint Recommended treatment

Full Depth repair after removing unsound and

cracked concrete.

Recommended treatment

Photo 25) Shallow Corner Break

Fill the Pit with Epoxy Concrete/ Quick

Setting Cementitious Material depending upon
the depth of the cut

Recommended treatment

Photo 26) Pit Cut out for Partial Depth Repair

Deepen & Widen the Pit and repair with quick

setting Cementitious Material

Recommended treatment

Photo 27) Partial Depth Repair Failure




The narrow soft earthen shoulders typically observed on State and National Highway projects
are an important design shortcoming.

The MoRT&H Clause 305.2. 1 provides for a mixture of moorum, and gravel but the

designers generally keep the specification for the earthen shoulder the same as for sub-grade
material as in the case illustrated below which specifies a material satisfying the design CBR of 6%.

Photograph 1 - Erosion, Wear and Tear of Soft Earthen Shoulder.

Trucks Preferring to Park on Outer Lane

Shoulders should however provide lateral support to the edges of the pavement, be of
sufficient width and strength to support the parking of heavy vehicles under all weather conditions,
shed off water, be durable and protect the lateral sub-drainage to the pavement below. Soft soil
shoulders cannot comply with such requirements.

Soft shoulders are easily eroded. After erosion they do not provide comfortable walk for
pedestrians, cannot provide a margin for error to avoid accidents nor be used by vehicles for
parking.The erosion of shoulders is both superficial and internal and such erosion seriously
undermines the embankments if left untreated which is often the case in rural areas.


Erosion is often more severe at the interface of paved to unpaved shoulder. Transverse
erosion/gullying of shoulders can develop by piping and often be concealed by poor control of

The severity of soft shoulder's erosion will increase after every rainy season and a situation
will be created where the edges of the flexible (and the rigid) pavement will be seriously undermined
by lack of lateral support. (Photograph 2).

Photograph 2 - Complete Erosion and Undermining of Rigid Pavement has Commenced

Proper treatment can be provided by turfing, brick on edge or from soil aggregate mixture.

Turfing the shoulder and whole side slope may prove satisfactory under certain climatic
conditions as illustrated in the Photograph 3,

Photograph 3 - Turfing on Shoulder and Side Slope



Alternatively, soil aggregate mixtures may be procured from

(1) borrow areas and mixed together so to comply with the specification recommended
in the Table below,


(2) salvaged pavement sub-base and base materials recovered from the old (2-lane)
pavement during the upgrading/widening to 4/6-lanes screened to discard oversized
material (75%) and mixed together with a local moorum (25%) so to generally comply
with a close graded GSB (Grading 1) material. PI in the range 3 - 12%. (Photograph 4).

Photograph 4 - Construction of Hard Shoulder with Recycled Sub-Base/Base Material

Recovered from Existing Highway Mixed with Local Red Moorum (CBR>30)

It is further recommended that where the condition of existing soft shoulders is poor and
unsatisfactory, the top20 cm be replaced by hard granular shoulders with CBR > 30 as above as
part of the engineering improvements proposed for the short term operations and maintenance
Recommended specification for special surface course gravel suitable for a trafficable
unpaved shoulder are based on the materials described in the Technical Paper by NB. Lai and



Table D.l. Typical SpeciHcation for a Trafficable Surface Course Gravel*

Grading Grading 1 - (% passing) Grading 2 - ( % passing)

Suitable for mixture of
cfilvfiopH hficp/ciihwhficp

(75 % ) and moorum (25 %

I yjyj

53 80-100

100 55-90
19 97 - 100
Q '^
35 - 65

4.75 41-71 25 -55

2.36 20-40
0.425 12-28 10-25
0.075 9-16 3-10
Soaked CBR >30 >30
PI in the range 3-12 according to the climatic conditions

Alternatively, brick-on-edge paving complying with local State PWD specifications will
provide a more durable but slightly more expensive solution. (Photograph 5).

Photograph 5 - Construction of Brick on Edge (Paved Shoulder)


1. Technical Paper by N.B. Lai and S.C.Sharma as published by Indian Roads Congress "International Seminar
on Innovations in Construction and Maintenance of Flexible Pavements, Agra 2-4 September 2006", Pages
4-21 to 4-36.




Mu-Meter: It is a battery-powered equipment used as a continuous friction measuring

and reporting system, mainly designed for testing road surfaces airport runways and taxiways.
Features like fully shock absorbed suspension, aerodynamic fairings; and low centre of gravity
ensure that the laterally loaded wheels remain in firm contact with the road surface at all times,
even at high speeds.

This equipment consists of a small three-wheeled trailer (weight 254 kg) incorporating
electronic measuring systems which operate in conjuctions with a computer carried in the chosen
towing vehicle. The trailer unit comprises of a triangular frame on which two friction measuring
wheels are mounted as shown in Fig. 1. The built-in recorder of Mu-meter is shown in Fig. 2. The
rear wheel which drives the recorder also measures the distance. It measures the sideway coefficient
of friction generated between the test surface and the smooth tread tyres operating at 7.5 degrees
angle to the directions of travel under the wet condition. The speed of measurement for normal
recording is 64 km/hr. In Mu-meter, the force required to slide the tyre is divided by the wheel

Fig. 1. Mu-Meter Equipment

Fig. 2. Recorder of Mu-Meter Data


load and multiplied by 100 to calculate the skid number. The skid resistance numbers for various
traffic speeds are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1 Skid Resistance No. at different Speeds of Vehicles

Minimum SN Traffic Speed (km/h)

36 50

33 65

32 80

31 95

31 110

Ref: ICPI (Inter-locking Concrete Pavement Institute) Spec. No. 13 1998 (Revised 2004), USA

British Pendulum Tester: The British pendulum test is a common procedure for laboratory
as well as fieldmeasurement of the low-speed friction of a road surface material. It is widely
suggested that the measured low-speed friction is largely governed by the surface microtexture of
the road material, and many researchers and practitioners have considered the friction measurements
made by the British pendulum test to be an indirect form of measurement of available microtexture
of the road material. The test results demonstrated that the low-speed friction measurements by
the British pendulum tester (as shown in Fig. 3) were significantly affected by test surface
macrotexture. British pendulum test may not produce a correct assessment of the skid resistance
of the true road surface. The value measured by the tester is expressed in terms of British Pendulum
Number (BPN). British Pendulum Tester gives higher skid resistance rating than dynamic tyre and
trailer test. British Pendulum Number rating between 45 and 55 indicates a satisfactory surface in

only favourable weather and vehicle conditions. Rating of 55 or greater indicates generally
acceptable skid resistance (SN) in all conditions. BPN 65 and above rating indicates a good to
excellent skid resistance in all conditions. The BPN measurements are taken on wet surface.
These days, Digital British Pendulum Tester (as shown in Fig. 4) for measuring skid resistance of
the surface is also available.

Fig. 3, Analog British Pendulum Tester ^ig. 4. Digital British Penduluna Tester

(The Official amendments to this document would be published by
the IRC in its periodical, 'Indian Highways' which shall be
considered as effective and as part of the code/guidelines/manual,
etc. from the date specified therein)

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