Preloading and PVD For GI PDF
Preloading and PVD For GI PDF
Preloading and PVD For GI PDF
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The Changi East Reclamation Project in Singapore com- Le projet Changi East Reclamation a` Singapour porte sur
prises land reclamation in foreshore conditions. As the la rehabilitation de terrain dans les conditions destran.
foreshore area was underlain by a thick layer of soft Comme la zone destran repose sur une couche epaisse
marine clay, a high magnitude of primary and secondary dargile marine molle, un tassement des consolidations
consolidation settlement was expected, owing to fill and primaire et secondaire de grande amplitude etait presume,
future live load. An average fill thickness of 10 m was en raison de remplissage et de charge utile future. On
predicted to contribute to a magnitude of settlement great- estimait quune epaisseur de remplissage de 10 m pourrait
er than 2 m over a period of several decades. In order to contribuer a` une amplitude de tassement de plus de 2 m
minimise this expected future settlement, it was necessary sur une periode de plusieurs decennies. Afin de minimiser
to accelerate the consolidation process to complete the letendue du tassement prevue, il etait necessaire dacce-
majority of the settlement during construction stage. A lerer le processus de consolidation pour que la majorite du
combination of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) with tassement se termine pendant la phase de construction. Ce
preloading ground improvement was successfully applied projet combine avec succe`s lutilisation de drains verticaux
in this project. The technique comprises the installation of prefabriques (DVP) avec amelioration des sols par prechar-
prefabricated vertical drains and the subsequent place- gement. Le technique adoptee consiste a` installer des
ment of surcharge to accelerate the consolidation of the drains verticaux prefabriques puis a` placer une surcharge
underlying marine clay. This paper discusses the theories pour accelerer la consolidation de la couche dargile
of radial drainage and the preloading technique, and marine sous-jacente. Cet article presente une discussion
considerations and design methodologies for the ground sur les theories de drainage radial et la technique de
treatment of marine clay with prefabricated vertical drains prechargement, ainsi que des considerations et des meth-
in such foreshore land reclamation projects. In addition, odologies de conception geotechnique pour la consolida-
predictions of magnitude, time rate of settlement and tion de largile marine dans le cadre dun tel projet de
performance assessment of prefabricated vertical drains rehabilitation de terrain dans les conditions dun estran. Il
are also discussed. The design predictions at a case study examine egalement les predictions concernant lamplitude
site were compared with the field instrumentation results et le taux de tassement en fonction du temps, et les
in order to verify the design approach used. It is found performances des drains verticaux prefabriques. Les previ-
that PVDs with preloading are the most effective method sions de conception sur un site detude de cas sont
for improving soft clay under land reclamation, based on comparees avec les resultats dexperimentation de terrain
the soil conditions present at the case study site. afin de verifier ladequation de lapproche technique
utilisee. En conclusion, la methode de PVD avec prechar-
gement se montre la plus efficace pour ameliorer largile
molle dans le cadre de rehabilitation de terrain, lorsque
Keywords : land reclamation; prefabricated vertical lon se base sur les conditions de sol presentes sur le site
drains; preloading; soft clay; soil improvement detude de cas.
Notation Cv n
coefficient of consolidation for vertical flow for layer n
diameter of equivalent soil cylinder
Ch coefficient of consolidation for horizontal flow ds diameter of smeared zone
Ckv permeability change index dw equivalent diameter of drain
Cv coefficient of consolidation for vertical flow e0 natural void ratio
Cvi assumed average value for coefficient of consolidation for F (n) drain spacing ratio function
vertical flow Fs (n) drain spacing ratio function with smear effect
H91 equivalent thickness of layer 1
Hdri equivalent drainage length
H9Ti total equivalent thickness of all layers
(GI 5238) Paper received 24 March 2005; last revised 6 October 2005;
kh horizontal hydraulic conductivity of soil
accepted 21 July 2006
kr coefficient of permeability of remoulded soil well resistance required in order to eliminate future settlement caused by
coefficient fill and future loads. The marine clay characteristics are
kw coefficient of longitudinal permeability of drain briefly described in the next section. For further details see
n drain spacing ratio Bo et al. (1998a, 2003), Arulrajah et al. (2004a, 2004b) and
s smear zone ratio Arulrajah (2005).
St settlement at time t
Sult ultimate settlement
Tr time factor for consolidation by horizontal drainage
Tv time factor for consolidation by vertical drainage
t time in years Ground condition
Ur average degree of consolidation with respect to radial flow
Uv average degree of consolidation with respect to vertical flow The area is underlain by two layers of highly compressible
Uvr average degree of consolidation with respect to both vertical marine clay known locally as upper and lower marine clay.
and radial flows These two layers are separated by a thin intermediate layer
of desiccated lower marine clay. The upper marine clay is
usually about 10 m thick, and the thickness of the lower
marine clay can be as much as 30 m. The intermediate clay
Introduction layer is usually about 12 m thick. The lower marine clay is
underlain by an old alluvium silty sand layer. The upper
The site for the study is located in the Changi East marine clay has a moisture content of 6080%, whereas that
Reclamation project in the Republic of Singapore (Fig. 1). of the lower marine clay is 4060%. The intermediate layer
The project comprises land reclamation and ground im- has a low moisture content, of 2030%. Both the upper and
provement works to allow for the future expansion of lower marine clay layers are highly plastic, with plasticity
Changi International Airport, comprising the runway, taxi- indices ranging between 40% and 60%. Both layers are
ways, turn-offs and associated airport facilities. The area is lightly consolidated, with compression indices ranging be-
located on the foreshore, east of Singapore, with seabed tween 0.6 and 1. The upper marine clay layer has a low
elevation varying from 2 mCD to 8 mCD. (mCD stands coefficient of consolidation of 0.50.6 m2 /year, whereas that
for metres chart datum; mean sea level is +1.6 mCD.) of the lower marine clay is 0.81.5 m2 /year.
Vertical drains were designed for installation in the project The permeability of Singapore marine clay ranges between
site at the platform level of +4 mCD at 1.5 m square spacing. 1010 and 109 m/s due to vertical flow and 109 m/s due to
A surcharge placement 6 m in height (+10 mCD) was horizontal flow. The permeability anisotropy is about 2.
designed to be carried out. The area is underlain by a thick Permeability is generally reduced with a decrease in void
layer of Singapore marine clay, which is highly compressible ratio. The permeability change index (Ckv ) is 0.3 of the
and has low permeability. Soil improvement work is natural void ratio e0 . Further details of the characteristics of
Country Club EX
AI Singapore Changi Airport
Preloading and prefabricated vertical drains for foreshore land reclamation
Location 3 LAB. kv
Location 1 LAB kh
Location 3 LAB kh
Soft ground can be improved by several methods, one of 10
the simplest of which is preloading. However, preloading
generally provides an average degree of consolidation rather
Depth: m
M. W. Bo et al.
method of preloading in combination with prefabricated t1 t2
vertical drains is well accepted by practising engineers.
90% Degree of consolidation
with 100 kPa load
The use of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) with
preloading was considered the most feasible method, and
was used in this project. The objective of the technique is to Degree of consolidation
with 130 kPa load
accelerate the rate of consolidation and to minimise future
settlement of the treated area under future dead and live
loads. The soil improvement works are carried out in such a
way that a specified degree of primary consolidation is Fig. 4. Concept of effectiveness in application of surcharge
attained within the desired time frame by improving the soil
drainage system. The primary use of PVDs is to accelerate
consolidation to greatly decrease the duration of the con-
solidation process caused by an embankment built over soft pression can be minimised only by preloading the soil
soils. This will ensure that the final construction can be beyond its expected future load, because secondary com-
completed in a reasonable time and with minimal post- pression decreases with effective stress.
construction settlement. Preloading increases the effective
stress and reduces the compressibility of weak ground by
forcing soft soils to consolidate. By doing so, the consolida- Prediction of settlement
tion process also improves the strength of in situ soft soils.
Settlement was predicted using laboratory results from
samples collected from offshore investigation boreholes. The
Design of prefabricated vertical drains compression parameters and stress history were carefully
The main variables of the design process are the surcharge obtained from the results of primary consolidation tests
magnitude, the spacing of vertical drains, the duration of carried out on the undisturbed piston samples. The moisture
preloading, the degree of consolidation, and the coefficient content and void ratio of soils, which are important
of consolidation for horizontal flow (Ch ). Conventional parameters for predicting the magnitude of settlement, are
methods (Terzaghi, 1925; Carrillo, 1942) were used to predict obtained after the necessary salt correction. Because of the
the magnitude and time rate of consolidation settlement. salt content in the marine deposit, both the moisture content
and the void ratio determined by oven-drying in the
laboratory are underestimated values (Bo et al., 1998b, 2003;
Design of surcharge level Bo and Choa, 2004). This shifts the curve of void ratio
The aim of the surcharge placement works is to preload against log of effective stress to the left, and underestimates
the foundation soil to attain an effective stress that exceeds the yield stress. The magnitude of settlement was calculated
the pressure due to the design load. Determination of on several subdivided layers in order to be able to predict
surcharge level is dependent upon the expected settlement the ultimate settlement accurately. The use of an insufficient
and the future load. In a reclamation project where future number of subdivisions leads to underestimation of the
loading is not required, surcharge is still required to ultimate settlement (Bo and Choa, 2004). The reduction of
compensate for future settlement due to the fill load. A more load due to submergence of the fill below groundwater
acceptable way of surcharging for such a project is to place a level, and lowering of the groundwater level after stabilisa-
thickness equivalent to a multiplier of the predicted settle- tion, were also taken into considered in the additional load.
ment to compensate for the shortfall resulting from the
remaining degree of consolidation (Bo and Choa, 2004).
Generally, 90% degree of consolidation is specified. This is Determination of coefficients of consolidation
because it takes far longer to complete the final 10% than the The consolidation process with PVDs involves consolida-
first 90%. In this case, a multiplier of 1.1 times the predicted tion due to both vertical flow (Cv ) and horizontal flow (Ch ),
settlement is adopted to compensate for the shortfall result- although the former is relatively less important. Since the
ing from the 10% residual consolidation settlement. Where quaternary marine formation has been deposited under
future loading is required, a preload magnitude equivalent quiet marine conditions, there is generally no significant
to the future load and 1.1 times the expected settlement with stratification, though lamination and foliation may be pre-
fill and surcharge load is advised. (That is, 100% of 1 m sent at some locations. Hence the degree of anisotropy for
settlement is 1.0 m whereas 90% of 1.1 m settlement is hydraulic flow is considered to be low. Several in situ
0.99 m. Therefore this contributes the same magnitude of dissipation tests using cone penetrometer, dilatometer and
settlement.) In some cases, even with the closest practicable self-boring pressuremeter were carried out to determine the
spacing of PVDs, it may be difficult to reduce the consolida- coefficient of consolidation due to horizontal flow and the
tion time to the desired duration. In such cases, an horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the marine clay. Specia-
alternative method is to increase the preloading magnitude lised consolidation tests using a hydraulic Rowe cell have
to 2030% higher than the net future load and aim for a also been carried out to obtain the laboratory values. Details
lower degree of consolidation. This concept is illustrated in of the hydraulic conductivity and consolidation properties of
Fig. 4. the Singapore marine clay at Changi have been discussed by
It is known that improvement with PVDs can eliminate Bo et al. (1998b) and Chu et al. (2002). It has been reported
primary consolidation settlement. However, secondary com- that the ratio Ch /Cv for Singapore marine clay is as low as
Preloading and prefabricated vertical drains for foreshore land reclamation
1.5. However, it is common practice for vertical drain where de is the diameter of the equivalent soil cylinder.
installation in marine clays to assume a Ch value of twice Cv
1:128 3 spacing (square pattern)
(i.e. Ch 2Cv ), because there could have been some de (8)
1:05 3 spacing (triangular pattern)
lamination and foliation in the marine clay formation. Cv of
the marine clay was also determined from the laboratory Onoue (1988) suggested the simplified formula given
consolidation tests. The design prediction analysis was below for the average degree of consolidation with respect
carried out for various Ch /Cv ratios. to radial flow, Ur . The equation uses the Yoshikuni and
Nakanodo (1974) well resistance coefficient L, defined later.
Time: months
where kh /kr is assumed to be 2; s is the smear zone ratio 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
ds /dw ; and ds is the diameter of the smeared zone. 0
Ch 5 2 Cv
10 Ch 5 3 Cv
Ch 5 4 Cv
Degree of consolidation, U: %
Predictions of magnitude and time rate of 40
settlement with PVDs
Land was reclaimed 1 m above high tide level to +4 mCD
by hydraulic filling. PVDs were installed at +4 mCD level.
70 Surcharge
After installation of the PVDs, surcharge was placed to period 5 20 months
+10 mCD by hydraulic filling. Fig. 5 shows the design 80
construction sequence at the case study area (vertical drain
The increase in groundwater level after placement of the 100
surcharge over the area is expected, owing to a high
infiltration rate and the volume of water released from the Fig. 7. Design curves for vertical drain area
underlying soil during consolidation.
The predictions were made in advance of the field
installation of PVDs and the surcharge placement works by
applying Terzaghi (1925) and Carrillo (1942). Curves were Performance monitoring and
plotted for various Ch /Cv ratios. For the design predictions, assessment
the coefficient due to horizontal flow, Ch , was assumed to be
twice that of Cv : that is, Ch 1 and 2 m2 /year for the upper In order to monitor the performance of ground improve-
and lower marine clay respectively. Figs 6 and 7 show ment and to validate the efficiency of the prefabricated
predicted curves for settlement and degree of consolidation vertical drain system several geotechnical instruments were
generated from the design of vertical drains with preloading installed to monitor the degree of consolidation, both in the
for the vertical drain area. area with PVDs and in the area without PVDs, as a control
area. Settlement gauges, including deep settlement gauges,
were installed at the top of each sublayer, whereas piezo-
meters were installed at the centre of each compressible
12 layer in order to monitor the settlement and pore pressure
Surcharge period 5 0 months Surcharge period 5 20 months
dissipation. Details of the arrangement of the instruments
10 are shown in Fig. 8.
Settlement and pore pressure were monitored at close
intervals in the first three months, and at wider intervals
Elevation: mCD
Install vertical
6 drains
during the later part of monitoring. Typical monitoring data
are shown, together with the construction stages, in Fig. 9.
The degree of consolidation in terms of pore pressure was
Assumed groundwater level
2 also determined from the isochrones of the pore pressure
dissipation data, as shown in Fig. 9.
0 The more accurate ultimate settlements were predicted
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Time: months using the field settlement results by applying the Asaoka
(1978) and hyperbolic methods (Tan, 1993). Fig. 10 presents
24 the results of the analysis by applying these methods, from
which the degree of consolidation in terms of settlement was
Fig. 5. Design construction sequence at vertical drain location A2S-6 determined. Both methods can predict the ultimate settle-
ment more accurately when the degree of consolidation
becomes greater than 60%.
Time: months
The Asaoka method generally plots the settlement at time
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 t against the settlement at time t 1 with the same scales on
C h 5 2 Cv the x and y axes. When the settlement at time t is equal to
02 C h 5 3 Cv
04 C h 5 4 Cv
that at time t 1, it is considered that the ultimate
06 settlement has been achieved. This can be predicted by
08 determining the intercept of the plotted trend line with a 458
line by extrapolating.
Settlement: m
Preloading and prefabricated vertical drains for foreshore land reclamation
2410 DS 093
2630 PP 076
2744 PP 20
Upper marine clay
21080 DS 106 2950 PP 077
21144 PP 21
21444 DS 012 21270 PP 078
21480 DS 107
21724 DS 013 21594 PP 22
21944 DS 014
21844 PP 23 21740 PP 079
22200 DS 108
22244 PP 59 Intermediate 22244 PP 080
stiff clay
22874 DS 015 22644 PP 24 22710 DS 109
22750 PP 081
Old alluvium
Deep settlement gauges
12 Vertical A2S-6
Borehole PB- Instrument 10 mCD
Fill elevation: m CD
Very soft
Submerged additional load
marine clay
991m CD 4
10 with some 10
sea shell
DS-106 0 04 08 12 16 2 24
109m CD
DS-107 Time: Yr
15 148m CD A2S-6: Construction sequence 15
Elevation: m CD
DS-108 PP-076
20 20m CD 25 PP-077
15 m 15 m drains PP-080
Soft marine 229m CD
20 PP-081
m CD
Fig. 9. Instrument monitoring data at vertical drain area: (a) construction sequence; (b) time against piezometric level; (c) excess pore pressure against time;
(d) settlement
the design predictions are found to be in good agreement applying the hyperbolic method and 80.0% using piezometer
with that of the field instrumentation results. The degree of data.
consolidation, based on the ultimate settlement predicted by In order to be able to assess the improvement of soil in
applying the Terzaghi theory, is found to be in good terms of effective stress gain and strength gain, post-
agreement with that determined from the field instrumenta- improvement borehole and in situ tests were carried out in
tion data. both the soil improvement area and the control area when
For the vertical drain area, a degree of consolidation of the geotechnical instruments indicated that the required
83.3% was obtained based on the design predicted ultimate degree of consolidation had been achieved. Post-improve-
settlement as compared with 80.1% based on that predicted ment tests were carried out more or less at the same location
applying the Asaoka method, 80.0% based on that predicted where, prior to reclamation, borehole and in situ tests were
M. W. Bo et al.
Very soft 0 05 10 15 20 25
marine clay Time: years
210 with some DS2106 (a)
2109 mCD
DS2107 Time: years
215 Soft silty 0 05 10 15 20 25
2148 mCD 000
clay DS2110
050 DS2109
Settlement: m
Firm silty clay DS2107
Elevation: mCD
DS2108 DS2106
220 150
220 mCD 200
250 SP295
Soft marine 300
clay (b)
2271 mCD
Clayey sand 2000 DS2109
235 2341 mCD
35 35 35 35
DS293 DS2106 DS2107 30
30 30 30 DS2108
Settlement at t: m
Settlement at t: m
Settlement at t: m
Settlement at t: m
25 25 25 25
20 20 20 20
15 15 15 15
10 10 10 10
05 05 05 05
0 0 0 0
0 05101520253035 0 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 05 10 15 20 25 30 35
Settlement at (t 2 1): m Settlement at (t 2 1): m Settlement at (t 2 1): m Settlement at (t 2 1): m
Date of surcharge: 30 Dec 1994
Date of analysis: 16 Sep 1996
Fig. 10. Ultimate settlement prediction by hyperbolic and Asaoka methods at vertical drain location (A2S-6): (a) construction sequence; (b) settlement
against time; (c) hyperbolic method; (d) Asaoka method
Table 1. Comparison between design (Ch 2Cv ) and Asaoka, hyperbolic and piezometer methods at vertical drain area, 20 months after surcharge
carried out. Note that, in the figures, PB39 is the reference tion tests, self-boring pressuremeter tests and dilatometer
borehole for the vertical drain area (A2S-6) and was bored tests. Collected samples were tested for physical strength,
prior to reclamation, whereas PB-87 is the reference borehole consolidation characteristics, and preconsolidation pressure
for the same area (A2S-6), bored out after reclamation and measurements.
ground improvement. The locations of these boreholes are Figure 11 presents a comparison of the undrained shear
shown in Fig. 8. strengths prior to and after ground improvement based on
Post-improvement in situ tests consist of boring and various in situ test methods and laboratory tests in the case
undisturbed sampling, field vane shear tests, cone penetra- study area. Fig. 12 presents the degree of consolidation
Preloading and prefabricated vertical drains for foreshore land reclamation
After soil improvement Field vane: Cone penetraton test: Self boring Dilatometer:
Prior to reclamation pressure/meter: kN/m2
with vertical drain kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2
PB-39 (Seabed 329 m CD) 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Fine to medium
5 sand
PB-87 (671 m CD)
Very soft
marine clay
with some Soft to firm
10 sea shell marine clay
Firm to stiff
15 Soft silty clay marine clay
Elevation: m CD
marine clay
Soft marine
Soft to firm
30 silty clay
Firm to stiff
with traces of
marine clay
organic matters
Clayey silty sand Date of Surcharge:
35 Silty sand Silty sand 30th Dec 1994
Dense silty sand Dense silty sand
Dense clayey Dense clayey Date of Assessment Test: Date of Assessment Test Date of Assessment Test Date of Assessment Test
sand sand
40 4 Jun 1996 6th Aug 1996 9th Nov 1996 12th Nov 1996
Fig. 11. Comparisons of pre- and post-improvement shear strengths from various in situ tests at vertical drain location
interpreted from instrument monitoring data and in situ different magnitudes (Bo et al., 1997). Different preconsolida-
tests for various sub-layers in the vertical drain area. Details tion pressures also result from variation in the scale used in
of the methods for determining undrained shear strength, the elog p9 curve, even when the same method is applied
effective stress gain, degree of consolidation and overconso- (Mikasa, 1995). These effects are discussed in detail in Bo et
lidation ratio from laboratory and in situ tests have been al. (2003) and Bo and Choa (2004).
discussed by Bo et al. (1997, 1998, 2003) and Bo and Choa
(2004), and are not repeated here.
However, the preconsolidation pressure and undrained Conclusions
shear strength from laboratory tests were found to be
underestimated, owing to limitations on the test results. It is This paper discusses briefly the various theories of radial
well accepted that the determination of preconsolidation and vertical drainage, considerations and design method-
pressure is affected by the duration of loading, rate of ologies for the ground treatment of marine clay with
loading, rate of strain and temperature applied during the prefabricated vertical drains in an offshore reclamation
test (Leroueil et al., 1985). The effect of salt content on the e project. The design approach used has been verified and
log p9 curve has also been explained in an earlier section. It substantiated in comparison with field instrumentation and
has also been reported that the preconsolidation pressure in situ tests results at a case study site. The results of the
determined by applying different methods gives slightly design predictions are found to be in good agreement with
Borehole PB-39 Instrument Piezometer Deep settlement gauge Deep settlement gauge CPT holding
(Hyperbolic) (Asaoka)
E.L. (m CD)
Seabed 329 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
Fine to medium DS-93
5 sand 41 m CD 5
Very soft 692 m CD
marine clay PP-77
10 with some 991 m CD 10
sea shell DS-106
fragments 109 m CD
15 Soft silty clay 148 m CD 15
Elevation: m CD
Fig. 12. Comparison of degree of consolidation from different instruments at vertical drain area
M. W. Bo et al.
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