Malay Basin
Malay Basin
Malay Basin
Michele G. Bishop1
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S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American
Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and
does not imply endorsements by the U. S. government.
Consultant, Wyoming PG-783, contracted to U. S. Geological Survey, Denver,
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Exploration History
Oligocene-Miocene Laustrine TPS 370301
Miocene-Coaly Strata Total Petroleum System 370302
Oligocene-Miocene Lacustrine Total Petroleum System
Miocene-Coaly Strata Total Petroleum System
Oligocene-Miocene Lacustrine Total Petroleum System
Miocene-Coaly Strata Total Petroleum System
Oligocene-Miocene Lacustrine Total Petroleum System
Miocene-Coaly Strata Total Petroleum System
Figure 1. Index map of Malay Basin Province, Malaysia.
Figure 2. Simplified structure of the Malay Basin province.
Figure 3. Simplified comparisons of stratigraphy from different areas in the
Malay Basin province.
Figure 4.Events chart for the Malay Province Basin.
This report was prepared as part of the World Energy Project of the U.S.
Geological Survey.For this project, the world was divided into 8 regions and 937
geologic provinces, which were then ranked according to the discovered oil and
gas volumes within each (Klett and others, 1997, U. S. Geological Survey World
Energy Assessment Team, 2000).Then, 76 "priority" provinces (exclusive of the
U.S. and chosen for their high ranking) and 26 "boutique" provinces (exclusive
of the U.S. and chosen for their anticipated petroleum richness or special
regional economic importance) were selected for appraisal of oil and gas
resources.The petroleum geology of these priority and boutique provinces is
described in this series of reports.
The purpose of the World Energy Project is to assess the quantities of oil, gas,
and natural gas liquids that have the potential to be added to reserves within
the next 30 years.These volumes either reside in undiscovered fields whose
sizes exceed the stated minimum-field-size cutoff value for the assessment unit
(variable, but must be at least 1 million barrels of oil equivalent) or occur as
reserve growth of fields already discovered.
The total petroleum system constitutes the basic geologic unit of the oil and gas
assessment.The total petroleum system includes all genetically related
petroleum that occurs in shows and accumulations (discovered and
undiscovered) that (1) has been generated by a pod or by closely related pods
of mature source rock, and (2) exists within a limited mappable geologic space,
along with the other essential mappable geologic elements (reservoir, seal, and
overburden rocks) that control the fundamental processes of generation,
expulsion, migration, entrapment, and preservation of petroleum.The minimum
petroleum system is that part of a total petroleum system encompassing
discovered shows and accumulations along with the geologic space in which the
various essential elements have been proved by these discoveries.
A numeric code identifies each region, province, total petroleum system, and
assessment unit; these codes are uniform throughout the project and will
identify the same type of entity in any of the publications.The code is as
The codes for the regions and provinces are listed in Klett and others, 1997 and
U. S. Geological Survey World Energy Assessment Team, 2000
Oil and gas reserves quoted in this report are derived from Petroconsultants
Petroleum Exploration and Production database (Petroconsultants, 1996) and
other area reports from Petroconsultants, Inc., unless otherwise noted.
Fields, for the purpose of this report, include producing fields, discoveries
(suspended and abandoned) and shows as defined by Petroconsultants (1996)
and may consist of a single well with no production.
Figure(s) in this report that show boundaries of the total petroleum system(s),
assessment units, and pods of active source rocks were compiled using
geographic information system (GIS) software.Political boundaries and
cartographic representations were taken, with permission, from Environmental
Systems Research Institute's ArcWorld 1:3 million digital coverage (1992), have
no political significance, and are displayed for general reference only.Oil and gas
field centerpoints, shown on this (these) figure(s), are reproduced, with
permission, from Petroconsultants, 1996.
The offshore Malay Basin province is a Tertiary oil and gas province
composed of a complex of half grabens that were filled by lacustrine shales and
continental clastics.These deposits were overlain by clastics of a large delta
system that covered the basin.Delta progradation was interupted by
transgressions of the South China Sea to the southeast, which finally flooded
the basin to form the Gulf of Thailand.Oil and gas from the Oligocene to
Miocene lacustrine shales and Miocene deltaic coals is trapped primarily in
anticlines formed by inversion of the half grabens during the late
Miocene.Hydrocarbon reserves that have been discovered amount to 12 billion
barrels of oil equivalent.The U.S. Geological Survey assessment of the
estimated quantities of conventional oil, gas and condensate that have the
potential to be added to reserves by the year 2025 for this province is 6.3
billion barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE) (U. S. Geological Survey World Energy
Assessment Team, 2000).
Exploration History
Marine influence increased during the Miocene as the South China Sea
generally transgressed the region from southeast to northwest (Leo,
1997).Regional sources of clastics were located at topographic highs to the
northwest, west and east.A major fluvial system entered the region from near
the present location of Bangkok, Thailand, and is called the paleo-Chao Praya
river system (Leo, 1997).The course of this paleo-river system flowed south
during Oligocene and Miocene time, along the Pattani Trough and then
southeast along the Malay Basin trend.It formed a large delta complex from
about present day latitude 102E to the shoreline of the contemporary South
China Sea, approximately 106
E (Leo, 1997).The delta front and shoreline were perpendicular to the trend of
the Malay Basin so that the southern end of the basin might be receiving marine
shoreline deposits contemporaneous with fluvial deposits at the northern
end.Facies of the paleo-Chao Praya system comprise many of the reservoir
rocks and coal and coaly shale source rocks.
In the middle to late Miocene, the West Natuna area was uplifted and became a
major source of clastics transported northwest into the basin (Hutchison,
1996).The Khmer Trough remained in a continental fluvial depositional setting
until the very late Miocene (Akihiko and others, 1997).Middle to upper Miocene
rocks were deposited in deltaic to shallow marine settings and include coals and
coaly shales.Tjia and Liew (1996) describe a maximum flooding surface (Fig. 3)
that acts as a regional seal.Strata of the overlying middle Miocene H Group
through upper Miocene D Group were deposited during alternating marine
transgressions and regressions (Tjia and Liew, 1996).The transgressions formed
several regional seals for the coal and coaly shale source rocks and reservoir
rocks of this interval (McCaffrey and others, 1998).Non-deposition and erosion
occurred at the southeast margin at Pulani-1, and to the north and southwest
(Ngah and others, 1996).
Generally transgressive deposits continued across most of the Malay Basin from
late Miocene to Pleistocene (Tjia and Liew, 1996).Most of the province was
exposed to erosion during the Pleistocene lowstands and channels were cut
across the basin (Tjia, 1994).
The coal and coaly shale source rocks have Pr/Ph up to 8, high oleanane,
and abundant resinous compounds (Creaney and others, 1994).These source
rocks can be compared to the mangrove swamp deposits that are rich source
rocks of paralic, delta plain, bay and esturine origins in other basins of
Southeast Asia (Todd and others, 1997).
Mid- to late Miocene transpression created anticlines that are the most
important hydrocarbon traps in the province.These anticlines occur parallel to
the faulted half grabens and involve sediments deposited in the thickest portion
of the half graben (Fig. 2) (Ngah and others, 1996, Tjia and Liew, 1996, Tjia,
1994).Anticlines account for 68% of the discovered recoverable reserves in the
province (Petroconsultants, 1996).Traps described as fault block and normal
fault contain 29% of the discovered reserves (Petroconsultants,
1996).Approximately 58% of the fields listed by Petroconsultants (1996) are
described as anticlines with 38% of the total fields either fault block or normal
fault traps.
Post-Miocene movement on north to south oriented faults (Tjia, 1994)
could have created migration paths for mixing of oils of the Oligocene-Miocene
Lacustrine TPS with oils of the Miocene-Coaly Strata TPS.This faulting could
have breached Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene traps, where generation and
migration began in Middle Miocene, and provided remigration routes for
previously trapped hydrocarbons.
Trap type plays an important role in the volume and type of reserves that
have been discovered in each petroleum system in the province.Approximately
48% of the volume of estimated reserves of recoverable oil equivalent that
occur in anticline traps are found in the Oligocene-Miocene Lacustrine TPS, 64%
of the fault-block and faulted traps, and 98% of the stratigraphic traps
(Petroconsultants, 1996).
The oldest producing reservoir rocks are upper Oligocene, M and L group,
fluvial sandstones (Fig. 3) (Ngah, and others, 1996, Tjia and Liew, 1996, and
Tjia 1994).These are generally coarse- to medium-grained sandstones with
porosity of 10% to 27 % and permeability averaging 400 mD (Petroconsultants,
1996).These groups account for approximately 6% of the discovered estimated
recoverable reserves of oil, gas, and condensate from lacustrine sources in the
province (Petroconsultants, 1996, McCaffrey and others, 1998, Creaney and
others, 1994).
The K Group is interpreted to be of late Oligocene to early Miocene age
(Ngah, and others, 1996, Tjia and Liew, 1996, and Tjia 1994).The reservoir
rocks in this group are mostly fluvial sandstone with porosity of 10-30% and
permeability of up to 3000 mD (Petroconsultants, 1996).There is some
secondary porosity development from solution of feldspars at the south end of
the basin due to uplift and exposure of the K Group during deposition of the J
Group (Chu Yun Shing, 1992).Cements of quartz and authigenic clays are
common (Chu Yun Shing, 1992).This group accounts for approximately 16% of
the reserves of oil, gas, and condensate from lacustrine sources
(Petroconsultants, 1996, McCaffrey and others, 1998, Creaney and others,
1994).Production from the Bongkot Field in Thai waters is from Malay II/III
fluvial channel sandstones (Leo, 1997).These K Group equivalents were
deposited by a large delta prograding from the north.These strata sometimes
directly overlie Oligocene lacustrine shales (Leo, 1997).
There are effective local and regional shale seals in the Malay Basin as
well as sealing faults.Intraformational seals of overbank and transgressive
shales seal individual channel sandstones and marine shales encase some
nearshore marine sandstones (Ramli, 1986).The regional marine shale
associated with a maximum flooding surface between groups I and H seals
reservoirs older than I and may separate the two petroleum systems (Fig. 3)
(McCaffrey and others, 1998; Tjia and Liew, 1996).Transgressive marine shales
in the Miocene-Coaly Strata TPS, like the one between groups H and F, are also
effective seals where present primarily in the eastern part of the basin
(McCaffrey and others, 1998).
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