Vitug Reviewer PDF
Vitug Reviewer PDF
Vitug Reviewer PDF
Commissioner vs. Algue, Inc. (158 SCRA 9) Taxation may exceptionally be delegated under the following
Taxation is the indispensable and inevitable price for civilized well-settled limitations:
society; without taxes, the government would be paralyzed. The delegation shall not contravene any constitutional
provision or the inherent limitations of taxation;
Mun. of Makati vs CA (190 SCRA 206) The delegation is effected either by the Constitution or
Revenues derived from taxes are intended primarily to finance the by validly enacted legislative measures or statue; and
government and its activities and are thus exempt from execution. The delegated levy power, except when the delegation
is by an express provision of the Constitution itself,
B. Principles of a Sound Tax System
should only be in favor of the local legislative body of
the local or municipal government concerned.
1. Fiscal Adequacy
The power of taxation may be delegated to local governments
The sources (proceeds) of tax revenue should coincide with
in respect of matters of local concern.
and approximate the needs of government expenditures.
In delegating authority, the State is not limited to the exact
2. Theoretical Justice
measure of the power which is exercised by itself. When it is
said that the taxing power may be delegated to municipalities
The tax system should be fair to the average taxpayer and
and the like, it is meant that there may be delegated such
based upon his ability to pay.
measure of power to impose and collect taxes as the
legislature may deem expedient. Thus, municipalities may be
3. Administrative Feasibility
permitted to tax subjects, which for reasons of public policy the
State has not deemed wise to tax for general proposes (Pepsi
The tax system should be capable of being properly and
Cola vs. Mun. of Tanauan 69 SCRA 460).
efficiently administered by the government and enforced with
the least inconvenience to the taxpayer.
The assessment and collection of taxes duly levied are
executive or administrative functions, and these aspects of
C. Scope and Limitation of Taxation
taxation are not covered by the non-delegation rule.
3.) Taxation is territorial.
Taxation may be exercised only within the territorial
jurisdiction of the taxing authority (determination of place
Plenary of taxation or tax situs).
Supreme Poll Taxes residence of the taxpayer
Property Taxes where the property is situated
1.) Taxation must be for a Public purpose o Where the privilege is exercised
The proceeds of the tax must be used: o Where the taxpayer is a national
o for the support of the State or o Where he has residence
o some recognized objects of government or
directly to promote the welfare of the community. 4.) Taxation is subject to international comity.
The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if the
motive which impelled the legislature to impose the tax The Philippine Constitution, indeed, has expressly
was to favor one industry over another. adopted the generally accepted principles of international
It is inherent in the power to tax that a state be free to law as part of the law of the land.
select the subject of taxation, and it has been repeatedly Principle of sovereign equality among states
held that inequities which result from a singling out of Principle of their freedom from suit without their
one particular class for taxation or exemption infringes no consent, that limit the authority of a government
constitutional limitation. to effectively impose taxes on a sovereign state
Taxation has been made the implement of the states and its instrumentalities, as well as on its
police power. property held, and activities undertaken, in that
2.) Taxation is inherently legislative
The constitutional injunction against deprivation of property
It is also legislative in character and a legislative without due process of law may not be passed over under
prerogative. (NAPOCOR vs Albay) guise of the taxing powers, except when the taking of the
These powers are not inherent in, but merely delegated by property is in the lawful exercise of the taxing power, as when:
constitutional mandate or by law to, local governments. The tax is for public purpose
The rule on uniformity of taxation is observed
Either the person or property taxed is within the 7) All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively
jurisdiction of the government levying the tax in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or
In the assessment and collection of certain kinds of taxes, concur with amendments
notice and opportunity for hearing are provided It is the bill, not the law that must originate from House; bill
Therefore, the due process clause can be said to be the may undergo extensive changes in Senate
constitutional basis for these inherent limitations. Rationale: members of House are more sensitive to local
6) Congress shall evolve a progressive system of taxation 18) Tax exemption of all revenues and assets of
(Art VI, Sec 28, par 1) (a) proprietary or cooperative educational institutions
As resources of the taxpayer becomes higher, his tax rate (b) subject to limitations provided by law
likewise increases (ex. Income tax) (Art XIV, Sec 4(3))
Constitution does not prohibit regressive taxes; this is a
19) Tax exemption of grants, endowments, donations or
directive upon Congress, not a justiciable right.
educational purposes
1) Specific tax imposed and based on a physical unit of
B. Indirect measurement, as by head, number, weight, length or volume
Ex. Tax on distilled spirits, fermented liquors, cigars
Freedom of religion
Activities simply and purely for propagation of faith are 2) Ad Valorem - tax of a fixed proportion of the value of property
exempt (e.g. sale of bibles and religious articles by non- with respect to which the tax is assessed; requires intervention of
stock, non-profit organization at minimal profit). assessor.
Tax is unconstitutional if it operates as a prior restraint on Ex. Real estate tax, excise tax on cars, nonessential
exercise of religion Goods
Income even of religious organizations from any activity
conducted for profit or from any of their property, real or D. As to purpose
personal, regardless of disposition of such income, is 1) General, fiscal or revenue - imposed for the general purpose of
taxable supporting the government
Ex. Income tax, percentage tax
Freedom of press/expression
Tax that operates as a prior restraint invalid. 2) Special or regulatory - imposed for a special purpose, to
If fee is only for purpose of defraying cost of registration achieve some social or economic objectives
and not for exercise of privilege, no violation. Ex. Protective tariffs or customs duties on imported goods intended
Mandatory Character of Constitutional Provision to protect local industries
The established rule is that constitutional provisions are to be
considered as mandatory unless by express provision or by E. As to authority imposing the tax
necessary implication. 1) National - imposed by the national government
A directory provision is generally intended merely for Ex. National internal revenue taxes, custom duties
expediency or convenience such that to have it enforced
strictly may cause more harm than by disregarding it. 2) Municipal or local - imposed by the municipal corporations or
In case of statutory enactments, those dealing on the aspects local governments
of levy and compliance are generally treated as mandatory Ex. Real estate tax, occupation tax
and those that are intended merely for administrative
feasibility as directory. F. As to graduation of rate (Three systems of taxation)
RULES ON TAX AMNESTY 2) CREDIT METHOD the tax paid in the state of source is
1) Tax amnesty credited against the tax levied in the state of residence
(a) like tax exemption, never favored nor presumed
(b) construed strictly against the taxpayer (must show POWER TO TAX INVOLVES THE POWER TO DESTROY
complete compliance with the law) The doctrine seeks to describe the consequential nature of
taxation and its resulting implications to wit:
2) Government not estopped from questioning the tax liability even (a) The power to tax must be exercised with caution to
if amnesty tax payments were already received minimize injury to the proprietary rights of a taxpayer
Reason: Erroneous application and enforcement of the law by (b) If the tax is lawful and not violative of any of the inherent
public officers do not block subsequent correct application of the and constitutional limitations, the fact alone that it may
statute. The government is never estopped by mistakes or errors of destroy an activity or object of taxation will not entirely
its agents. permit the courts to afford any relief
Basis: Lifeblood Theory (c) A subject or object that may not be destroyed by the
taxing authority may not not likewise be taxed
3) Defense of Tax amnesty, like insanity, is a personal defense. Thus, a tax may not be imposed on the exercise of a fundamental
Reason: Relates to the circumstances of a particular accused and right since to otherwise permit it would amount to destroying that
not the character of the acts charged in the information fundamental right.
Exists if any of the elements for Direct taxation is not present
No constitutional prohibition on double taxation. However,
where there is direct duplicate taxation then there may be
violation of the constitutional precepts of equal protection
and uniformity in taxation.