Sustainable Intensification: What Is Its Role in Climate Smart Agriculture?
Sustainable Intensification: What Is Its Role in Climate Smart Agriculture?
Sustainable Intensification: What Is Its Role in Climate Smart Agriculture?
The sustainable intensification (SI) approach and climate- be added to the global population by 2050 [1]. In
smart agriculture (CSA) are highly complementary. SI is an addition, food consumption patterns are changing as
essential means of adapting to climate change, also resulting in the average person in the world gets richer and consumes
lower emissions per unit of output. With its emphasis on more food and more meat. There is increased competition
improving risk management, information flows and local for land, water, energy, and other inputs into food pro-
institutions to support adaptive capacity, CSA provides the duction. Climate change poses additional challenges to
foundations for incentivizing and enabling intensification. But agriculture, particularly in developing countries. At the
adaptation requires going beyond a narrow intensification lens same time, many current farming practices damage the
to include diversified farming systems, local adaptation environment and are a major source (1929%) of anthro-
planning, building responsive governance systems, enhancing pogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [2].
leadership skills, and building asset diversity. While SI and CSA
are crucial for global food and nutritional security, they are only While some see sustainable intensification (SI) as too
part of a multi-pronged approach, that includes reducing narrowly focused on production, or even as a contradiction
consumption and waste, building social safety nets, facilitating in terms altogether, Garnett et al. [3] make it clear that the
trade, and enhancing diets. approach should be broadly conceived. They argue that the
SI approach entails increasing food production from existing
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food
farmland in ways that have lower environmental impact and
Security (CCAFS), c/o University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 21, which do not undermine our capacity to continue producing
Frederiksberg C DK-1958, Denmark food in the future. Food demand needs to be met from
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Apartado Aereo 6713, Cali, existing agricultural land, since opening up new land for
3 agriculture carries major environmental costs. Intensifica-
CCAFS, International Livestock Research Institute, PO Box 30709,
Nairobi, Kenya tion, without the sustainability focus, has led to numerous
CCAFS, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid problems around the globe [4]. SI does not mean business-
Tropics, Bamako BP 320, Bamako, Mali as-usual food production and marginal improvements in
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, PO Box 7878, Upper sustainability, but rather a radical rethinking of food systems
Naguru, Kampala, Uganda
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Viale
not only to reduce environmental impacts but also to
delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome 00153, Italy enhance animal welfare and human nutrition and support
rural economies and sustainable development [3].
Corresponding author: Campbell, Bruce M. (
Climate smart agriculture (CSA) is another approach that
has recently achieved much prominence, given the adap-
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2014, 8:3943 tation and mitigation challenges facing humanity [1]. CSA
This review comes from a themed issue on Sustainability governance is defined by three objectives: firstly, increasing agricultural
and transformation productivity to support increased incomes, food security
Edited by Paul C Struik and Thom W Kuyper and development; secondly, increasing adaptive capacity at
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial multiple levels (from farm to nation); and thirdly, decreas-
Received 13 March 2014; Accepted 14 July 2014
ing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon sinks.
Since the relative priority of each objective varies across
Available online 9th August 2014
locations, with for example greater emphasis on pro- ductivity and adaptive capacity in low-input smallholder
1877-3435/# 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an farming systems in least developed countries, an essential
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creative- element of CSA is identifying potential synergies and trade- offs between objectives [5]. CSA integrates climate change
into the planning and implementation of sustainable agri-
culture and informs priority-setting.
Agriculture faces some stiff challenges ahead. It has to Here we examine the degree to which the SI and CSA
address the fact that almost one billion people go to bed approaches are complementary, and the degree to which
hungry every day, while more than two billion people will they contribute to global food and nutritional security.
The arguments are supported by a selection of case much as CSA can support SI, the reverse is also often
studies. required: farmers will not be adopting practices for cli-
mate change adaptation that may not yield improved
Climate change adaptation returns on investments in the short term. SI, like CSA,
Climate change will have significant and generally nega- has a focus on diversification (exploiting complementa-
tive impacts on agriculture and growth prospects in the rities between crops, across crop-livestock systems and in
lower latitudes [2,6,7]. Since 1980, climate change is terms of risk management), Diversification is a crucial
estimated to have reduced global yields of maize and part of building adaptive capacity.
wheat by 3.8 and 5.5%, respectively, relative to a counter-
factual without rainfall and temperature trends [8]. By Climate change mitigation
2050, climate-related increases in water stress are Food systems contribute significantly to global warming
expected to affect land areas twice the size of those areas and are responsible for 1929% of global emissions, the
that will experience decreased water stress [9]. Increased bulk of which come directly from agricultural production
climate variability in the coming decades will increase the activities (i.e. N2O and CH4) and indirectly from land
frequency and severity of floods and droughts, and will cover change driven by agriculture (CO2) [2].
increase production risks for both croppers and livestock
keepers and reduce their coping ability [10]. Climate Given the need to increase production in many develop-
change poses a threat to food access for both rural and ing countries, agricultures GHG emissions are likely to
urban populations, by reducing agricultural incomes, increase, largely due to continuing expansion in livestock
increasing risk and disrupting markets [11]. Resource- production, fertilizer use and land cover change [4].
poor producers, landless and marginalized ethnic groups However, the SI approach, with its focus on improving
are at particular risk. Negative impacts can be ameliorated efficiency of production, is crucial to the mitigation
through adaptation, ranging from relatively minor objective of CSA: achieving lower N2O and CH4 emis-
changes in production practices to major, transformative sions per unit of output. SI on existing agricultural land is
shifts in farming and food systems. also a major potential source of mitigation by reducing
land cover change, particularly of carbon-rich forest and
One of the three components of CSA is building adaptive wetlands [12]. While less intensive, lower yielding pro-
capacity, so that farmers, service providers to farmers duction may generate local environmental benefits, this
and key institutions have the ability to respond effec- strategy may require that land is cleared elsewhere to
tively to longer-term climate change as well as being able compensate for locally lower yields, leading to greater
to manage the risks associated with increased climate environmental impacts overall. Globally, total crop
variability. Actions to build adaptive capacity are diverse, yields mostly cereal and oil crops increased by
but an important component entails building ecosystem 135% between 1961 and 2005 while the area of cropland
services in agricultural systems that enhance resilience, increased by only 27% [13] (though degree of cropland
through soil, water and plant nutrient management, as expansion varies significantly amongst regions). How-
well as improved on-farm water storage and irrigation, ever, increased efficiencies due to intensification can
access to crop varieties that are more tolerant of heat, increase incentives for expansion [14,15]. Intensification
droughts, floods and salinity, diversification of farm enter- therefore needs to be combined with policies and price
prises (including mixed crop and tree systems), and incentives to strengthen its impacts on land sparing [16].
building the capacity of institutions to enhance collective Past efforts to protect forests suggest that managing the
action, disseminate knowledge and undertake local forest-farm interface depends on a mix of measures:
adaptation planning [4]. Climate information services institutions related to land tenure, zoning of land,
and information related to planting dates, pest and dis- forest governance and enforcement of forest boundaries
ease control, and water availability are crucial. Managing are critical [12,17]. Besides good governance, forest
risk may also include enhancing social safety nets and protection also requires attractive agricultural livelihood
providing agricultural insurance. options to prevent farmers from encroaching and degrad-
ing the forest [18].
Several of these actions at the heart of CSA are forms of
sustainable intensification; others such as building institu- This discussion illustrates that for achieving the mitiga-
tional capacity and information dissemination are key to tion objective of CSA, we need to go far beyond the
support widespread sustainable intensification. Sustain- simple goal of intensifying agriculture. Both the SI and
able intensification also links to adaptation through its CSA concepts recognise this reality. They pay particular
effects on farm incomes. Any practices that improve farm attention to analysing trade-offs of different options, in
incomes allow farming households to build up their assets this case the trade-offs between intensification in one part
that can be used in times of stress (e.g. an essential of the landscape (or globe) (which may increase emissions
element of adaptive capacity) or that can put households of and its likely impacts on land sparing or land cover
on a different development trajectory altogether. As change in other parts of the landscape. SI and CSA could
involve either land sparing or land sharing. Trade-off adaptation and food availability outcomes. A specific
analyses would involve understanding which is more case of how intensification can be achieved is given next.
beneficial for which objective and in what context; and
exploring policy and market mechanisms that enhance (3) Livestock diet intensification through agroforestry. Rumi-
sharing or sparing initiatives [3]. nant diets that are higher in quality result in reduced
methane output per unit of milk and meat as well as in
CSA case studies showing the role of higher meat and milk productivity. One way in which
sustainable intensification livestock production can be intensified is through feeding
Adaptation and mitigation can be generated through the leaves of trees such as Leucaena leucocephala, which is
various means: enhancing soil quality generates vital widely grown in the tropics. Adding even a small amount
regulating services of buffering, filtering and moderating of Leucaena leaves to dairy cattle can treble milk yield per
the hydrological cycle; improving soil biodiversity; and day, quadruple weight gain per day, thereby increasing
regulating the carbon, oxygen and plant nutrient cycles, farm income considerably, and reduce the amount of
enhancing resilience to drought and flooding, and carbon methane produced per kg of meat and milk by factors
sequestration, for example. These are all components of of 2 and 4, respectively [24]. At the same time, the use of
SI. Below we briefly present four examples of CSA. agroforestry trees can increase carbon sequestration [25].
Widespread adoption of this option has substantial miti-
(1) Banana-coffee intercropping. Climate change will gation potential, because intensified diets would con-
particularly affect Arabica coffee [19], which is grown at siderably reduce the number of ruminants needed to
higher altitudes where temperatures are lower. Rising satisfy future demand for milk and meat.
temperatures not only affect crop physiology but also
increases pest and disease pressure [20]. Coffee pro- (4) Stone bunds and zapits in the Sahel. Constructing stone
duction rapidly spread across the world in the 1950s bunds along contours is an effective way to harvest water
and many public authorities have since promoted high- and decrease runoff erosion. When combined with other
input monocropping systems for smallholders. However, land management techniques such as za pits (shallow
research in East Arica reveals that banana intercropping bowls filled with compost or manure in which crops are
can increase plot revenue by more than 50% [21]. in both planted), yield of millet or sorghum can double as com-
unfertilized and fertilized conditions. Coffee is a shade- pared with unimproved land and reach more than 1 t per
tolerant understory tree. Bananas not only provide shade ha [26,27]. Improved land management often leads to
but also reduce incidence of coffee leaf rust [22]. Further- increased tree cover and improved soil fertility and
more, banana intercropping can contribute to mitigation ground water levels. This allows farmers to grow veg-
through storing an additional 1530 t of carbon per ha in etables on small plots near wells, thus increasing both
the soil. their income and diet diversity. The use of stone bunds
can thus lead to nutritional benefits, while also allowing
(2) Livestock systems intensification. The sustainable intensi- farmers to cope with changing weather (adaptation to
fication of livestock production systems could contribute wetter or drier climates). Soil fertility is often improved as
enormously to both adaptation and mitigation. These a result of more manure being applied, and increased
systems are highly variable, spatially as well as pro- tree cover contributes further mitigation benefits. Thus
ductivity-wise and efficiency-wise. A global economic this technique is a climate smart form of sustainable
modelling study [23] investigated changes driven by intensification.
economic incentives resulting from shifts in demand
and relative factor prices between now and 2030 and As such examples show, sustainable intensification is a
their effects on the relative distribution of large ruminant cornerstone of CSA, as increased resource use efficiency
animals between rangeland and mixed crop-livestock contributes to both adaptation and mitigation via effects
systems within the same agro-ecological zone. Tran- on farm incomes and reduced emissions per unit product
sitions toward more efficient, intensified systems would [28]. While SI is but a small part of the adaptation agenda,
result in considerable meat and milk productivity gains CSA elements such as crop and livestock insurance and
both per ha and per kg DM of feed up to 30% depend- use of climate information can all facilitate SI uptake.
ing on the region and similar increases in household Intensification, without the focus on sustainability, is not
income. Such changes would also decrease emissions by necessarily compatible with CSA (e.g. it could drive up
736 Mt CO2 equiv y 1 (nearly 10% of all agricultural GHG emissions in absolute terms and per unit of output)
emissions), mainly through the emissions avoided by but there are no trade-offs between CSA and SI. Both SI
not converting 162 Mha of natural land. Transitions and CSA are key components of a multi-pronged
may be hampered by constraints such as inadequate approach to achieving sustainable food and nutritional
access to markets and credit, but supporting shifts to security, along with other actions such as reducing over-
more productive systems in appropriate areas has con- consumption, reducing food waste, enhancing diets, and
siderable potential for delivering desirable mitigation, adhering to acceptable standards of animal welfare [3].
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