2016 Rules Seabased PDF
2016 Rules Seabased PDF
2016 Rules Seabased PDF
Statement of Policy
1. To uphold the dignity and fundamental human rights of Filipino seafarers navigating
foreign seas, and promote full employment and equality of employment
opportunities for all;
2. To protect every Filipino seafarer desiring to work overseas by securing the best
possible terms and conditions of employment;
6. To pursue, with the active participation of the private sector, the creation of an
environment conducive to an overseas employment program that maximizes
opportunities for employment generation, facilitation, enhancement and
8. To disseminate and allow free flow of information which will properly prepare
individuals for making informed and intelligent decisions about overseas
employment, and will inform Filipino seafarers of their rights and obligations, as well
as instruct and guide them on how to assert their rights, and to provide them the
available mechanisms to assert such rights;
9. To establish an adequate shared government information system on overseas
employment, using computer databases that are linked electronically to allow
verification and free flow of data exchanges;
10. To provide an effective gender-sensitive mechanism that can adequately protect and
safeguard the rights and interests of Filipino seafarers;
11. To recognize the participation of the private sector in the recruitment and placement
of Filipino seafarers to serve national development objectives;
12. To monitor and regulate private sector participation in the recruitment and
placement of Filipino seafarers;
14. To protect and promote the welfare of the Filipino seafarers, in partnership with
other government agencies, licensed manning agencies, non-government
organizations, unions, seafarers associations, stakeholders and other duly
recognized similar entities, in a spirit of mutual trust and respect.
Definition of Terms
For purposes of these Rules, the following terms are defined as follows:
4. Allottee refers to any person named or designated by the seafarer to be the recipient
of his/her remittances in the Philippines, in accordance with Article 22 of the Labor Code.
6. Beneficiary refers to the person/s to whom death compensation and other benefits of
the seafarers under the employment contract are due and payable in accordance with
the rules of succession under the Civil Code of the Philippines, as amended.
7. Claims refers to: (a) valid contractual claims for compensation or benefits arising from
an employer-employee relationship or valid contractual claims for any personal injury,
illness or death at levels provided within the terms and conditions of employment of
seafarers, which are within the jurisdiction of NLRC; or (b) refers to any claims arising
from recruitment violations within the jurisdiction of POEA.
8. Contracted seafarer refers to a Filipino seafarer whose employment contract has been
processed by the POEA for overseas deployment.
9. Cruise Ship Personnel refers to seafarers engaged as part of the hotel crew onboard a
passenger ship.
11. Derogatory record refers to the resolution on the finding probable cause by the
Department of Justice for illegal recruitment, falsification, swindling/estafa, or for other
related crimes or offenses, or a licensed manning agency whose license had been
cancelled or revoked by the POEA, including its proprietors, partners or officers,
directors, and employees responsible for the commission of the crime or offense. This
includes a certification from the NBI that a person has derogatory record.
13. Documentary cost refers to the cost of all statutory requirements to be shouldered by
the applicant Filipino seafarer for overseas employment.
16. Fisher refers to any person employed or engaged in any capacity or carrying out an
occupation on board any fishing vessel, including persons working on board who are
paid on the basis of a share of the catch but excluding pilots, naval personnel, other
persons in the permanent service of a government, shore-based persons carrying out
work aboard a fishing vessel, and fisheries observers (check).
17. Head or manage a licensed manning agency refers to any of the following acts:
a. Controlling and supervising the operations of the licensed manning agency or any
branch thereof; or
b. Exercising the authority to hire or fire employees and to lay down and execute
management policies of the licensed manning agency or branch thereof.
18. Jobs fair authority refers to the authority issued by the Administration which allows
licensed manning agencies to conduct recruitment activities outside their registered
addresses during jobs fairs.
19. Jobs Fair refers to an employment facilitation activity for licensed manning agencies
to conduct recruitment activities in a venue outside of their registered business
20. Joint and Several Liability refers to the nature of liability of the principal/employer
and the licensed manning agency, for any and all claims arising out of the
implementation of the employment contract involving seafarers. It shall likewise refer to
the nature of liability of partners, or officers and directors with the partnership or
corporation over claims arising from employer-employee relationship.
21. LAC refers to the Labor Assistance Center of the POEA located at international
airports and other exit points.
22. LOA refers to the letter of authority issued by the Administration authorizing an
accredited principal/employer or its representative/s to participate in the screening,
interview and selection of applicants for their crew orders, in places outside the
registered business address of the licensed manning agency as indicated in the special
recruitment authority.
23. License refers to the document issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or
his/her duly authorized representative authorizing a person, partnership or corporation
to operate a licensed manning agency.
24. Licensed Manning Agency refers to a person, partnership or corporation duly licensed
by the Secretary or his/her duly authorized representative to engage in the recruitment
and placement of Filipino seafarers for a ship plying international waters and for related
maritime activities.
25. Manning Agreement refers to a written agreement entered into by and between a
principal/employer and a licensed manning agency defining their respective rights,
obligations and responsibilities in the recruitment and placement of seafarers.
26. Manning Agency Fee refers to the amount charged by a licensed manning agency to
its principal/employer as payment for actual services rendered in relation to the
recruitment and placement of seafarers.
29. New Principal refers to a principal/employer which has never been accredited with
any licensed manning agency; provided, that its new ship must not have been enrolled
with any licensed manning agency. The principal/employer and its ship shall likewise not
have directly hired Filipino seafarers.
32. OEC refers to the overseas employment certificate which serves as a travel exit
33. Overseas Employment refers to the engagement of a Filipino seafarer on board a ship
navigating foreign waters other than a government ship used for military or non-
commercial purposes, or on an installation located offshore or on the high seas under a
government-approved standard employment contract.
37. Philippine Overseas Shipping Enterprise refers to any entity registered and duly
authorized to engage in overseas shipping activities, among others, under the laws of
the Philippines.
40. Provisional License refers to a license issued to a new manning agency with a non-
extendible period of two (2) years within which the new licensee shall comply with its
undertaking to deploy fifty (50) seafarers to the new principal and ship/s.
41. Recruitment and Placement refers to any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting,
transporting, utilizing, hiring, or procuring seafarers, and includes referrals, contract
services, promising or advertising for overseas maritime employment, whether for profit
or not.
42. Seafarer refers to any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity
on board a ship.
43. SEC refers to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
44. Ship means a ship other than one which navigates exclusively in inland waters or
waters within, or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations
45. Shipowner refers to the owner of the ship or another organization or person, such as
the manager, agent or bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the
operation of the ship from the owner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has
agreed to take over the duties and responsibilities imposed on a shipowner in
accordance with the MLC, 2006 regardless of whether any other organization or persons
fulfill part or certain duties or responsibilities on behalf of the shipowner.
46. Special Recruitment Authority refers to the authority granted to a licensed manning
agency to conduct recruitment outside its registered business address.
47. TESDA refers to the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.
48. Underage Seafarer refers to one who is below eighteen (18) years or below the
minimum age requirement for overseas employment as determined by the POEA
Governing Board.
49. Verification refers to the act performed by the POLO that involves reviewing and
verifying the manning documents of the principal/employer, to establish the existence
of the principal/employer and its capability to hire seafarers.
Private Sector Participation in the Overseas Employment Program
SECTION 1. Participation of the Private Sector. The private sector shall participate in the
recruitment of Filipino seafarers for overseas employment, in accordance with these Rules
and any subsequent guidelines that may be issued by the POEA Governing Board and the
SECTION 2. Who may participate; Required Capitalization. Any Filipino citizen acting as a
sole proprietor or a partnership, or a corporation at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the
authorized and voting capital stock of which is owned and controlled by Filipino citizens,
may engage in the business of recruitment and placement of Filipino seafarers.
The sole proprietor or the partnership shall have a minimum capitalization of Five Million
Pesos (PhP5,000,000.00); and a minimum paid-up capital of Five Million Pesos
(PhP5,000,000.00) in case of a corporation.
Those with existing licenses shall, within four (4) years from effectivity hereof, increase their
capitalization or paid-up capital, as the case may be, to Five Million Pesos (PhP5,000,000.00)
at the rate of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP750,000.00) every year.
SECTION 3. Who are Disqualified. The following persons and entities are disqualified to
participate or engage in the recruitment and placement of seafarers for overseas
c. The applicant is presently an incorporator, director or key officer of at least five (5)
licensed manning agencies;
d. Corporations and partnerships, where any of its officers, members of the board or
partners is also an officer, member of the board or partner of a corporation or
partnership engaged in the business of a travel agency;
f. Sole proprietors, partners or officers and members of the board with derogatory
records, such as, but not limited to the following:
g. Any official or employee of the DOLE, POEA, OWWA, DFA, DOJ, DOH, BI, IC, NLRC,
TESDA, CFO, NBI, PNP, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), MARINA,
international airport authorities, and other government agencies directly involved
in the implementation of RA 8042, as amended, and/or any of his/her relatives
within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Issuance of License
A. Business Name Certificate issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), in the
case of a single proprietorship; or a certified copy of the Articles of Partnership or
Articles of Incorporation duly registered with the SEC, in the case of a partnership or
ii. Duly filed Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the last two (2) years of the
proprietor, partners, members of the Board of Directors and major
stockholders of a corporation and official receipts showing payment of
income tax; and
E. Valid clearances from the NBI and the Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch of the
Administration for the proprietor, partners, and all members of the board of directors of
the applicant agency.
If a member of the board is a foreign national, the following shall be required: a duly
authenticated police clearance from his/her country of origin, and an affidavit declaring
no criminal conviction or no pending criminal case for illegal recruitment or a crime
involving moral turpitude.
F. A duly notarized undertaking by the sole proprietor, the managing partner, or the
president of the corporation, stating that the applicant shall:
1. Select and deploy only medically fit and technically qualified recruits;
2. Assume full and complete responsibility for all claims and liabilities which may
arise in connection with the use of the license;
3. Assume joint and several liability with the employer/shipowner/principal for all
claims and liabilities which may arise in connection with the implementation of
the contract, including but not limited to unpaid wages, death and disability
compensation and repatriation;
4. Guarantee compliance with existing labor and social legislation of the Philippines
and applicable regulations of the Flag State and international organizations such
as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labour
Organization (ILO);
5. Assume full and complete responsibility for all valid, legal and authorized acts of
its officers, employees and representatives done in connection with recruitment
and placement;
6. Negotiate for the best terms and conditions of employment for its seafarers;
7. Inform the seafarers of their rights and duties and disclose the full terms and
conditions of employment under their contracts of employment and articles of
agreement prior to and in the process of engagement;
10. Ensure that the ship and the crew are adequately insured by the Protection and
Indemnity Club or similar insurance, inclusive of the compulsory insurance
required under RA 8042, as amended, through the submission of a Certificate of
11. Ensure that the contracts of employment are in accordance with the standard
employment contract and other applicable laws, regulations and collective
bargaining agreements;
12. Guarantee that there is no officer or employee of the licensed manning agency
related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to any official or
employee of any government agency engaged, directly or indirectly, in the
implementation of RA 8042, as amended;
13. Adhere to ethical standards as prescribed in the Code of Conduct for Ethical
Recruitment, as endorsed by the recruitment industry associations and the
14. Repatriate deployed seafarers and their personal belongings when the need
arises or reimburse expenses of repatriation advanced by OWWA; and
15. Deploy at least fifty (50) seafarers to a new principal and its ship/s within two (2)
years from the issuance of its license.
H. List of all officials and personnel involved in recruitment and placement, together with
their appointment, signed bio-data and two (2) copies of their passport-size pictures, as
well as their clearances from the NBI and their individual affidavits declaring that they
have no conviction or pending criminal case for illegal recruitment or case involving
moral turpitude;
K. Four-year business plan detailing financial, market and operational viability, including
projected income and a risk management plan.
SECTION 5. Payment of Filing Fee. Upon receipt of the complete requirements for
application, the Administration shall require payment of a non-refundable filing fee of
Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (PhP25,000.00) and submission of proof of payment thereof.
SECTION 6. Panel Interview. The proprietor, partners and members of the Board of
Directors, including the major stockholders, shall undergo a panel interview to ascertain
their qualifications and fulfillment of the requirements under Rules I and II, Part II of these
SECTION 7. Decision on the Application. The Administration shall notify the applicant in
writing of the decision on the application within three (3) working days after the panel
SECTION 8. Grounds for Denial of Application. An application for license shall be denied
when the applicant fails to satisfy any of the requirements or gives any false information or
a. A lease contract for an office space measuring at least one hundred (100) square
meters, or proof of building ownership that will be used as an office or an
identified portion thereof measuring at least 100 square meters;
b. An office layout providing and clearly delineating adequate spaces that will serve
as a receiving area, interview room, administrative and finance area,
conference/training room, and an executive office;
i. Office furniture such as tables and chairs for the president, other officers
and employees, as well as similar furniture for the receiving area,
interview room and conference/training room;
iii. Office equipment, which at the minimum, shall include two (2)
computers, computer printer and scanner, photocopying machine, fax
machine, landline telephone, internet connection, and multi-media
equipment (i.e. LCD projector, and other similar audio-visual equipment).
f. An escrow agreement with a bank authorized by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
to handle trust accounts, with deposit in the amount of One Million Pesos
The escrow deposit shall answer for all valid and legal claims arising from contracts
of employment and violations of the conditions for the grant and use of the license,
including fines imposed by the Administration. The escrow shall likewise guarantee
compliance with prescribed recruitment procedures, rules and regulations,
appropriate terms and conditions of employment, and relevant issuances of the
The escrow deposit shall not be sourced from the capitalization requirement.
SECTION 10. Assessment Prior to Issuance of License. The Administration shall assess the
applicants compliance with paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the preceding section. The Labor
Laws Compliance Officer (LLCO) shall determine the size of the office space and the
existence of the facilities and equipment as shown in the applicants floor plan and
inventory of equipment.
The assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Rule III of these
SECTION 11. Issuance and Validity of a Provisional License. Within five (5) working days
from satisfaction of the post-qualification requirements, the Administration shall issue a
provisional license which shall be valid within a non-extendible period of two (2) years from
date of issuance.
Section 12. Prohibition. The agency granted with a provisional license will not be allowed
to accredit an old principal/employer and/or enroll an old ship during the validity of the
provisional license.
Section. 13. Deployment per Position. In the counting of the required deployment of fifty
(50) seafarers to new ship/s during the provisional license, only the initial number of
deployed seafarer per position in the new ship/s shall be considered.
SECTION 14. Application for Upgrading of Provisional License to a Regular License. Upon
application, a provisional license may be upgraded to a regular license at any time during its
validity upon compliance with the condition of minimum deployment of fifty (50) seafarers
to its new principal/s and new ship/s, and upon submission of the following:
b. Updated bank certificate stating an escrow deposit of One Million Pesos
SECTION 15. Validity of a regular license. The regular license shall be valid up to the full
term of four (4) years from the date of issuance of the provisional license.
The application for upgrading of the license shall be filed within three (3) months before the
expiration of its provisional license.
SECTION 16. Renewal of License. A licensed manning agency should submit an application
for the renewal of its license within three (3) months before the expiration of its license. The
application shall be supported by the following documents:
Provided, that, if during the renewal, the applicant has pending recruitment
violation case/s before the Administration, an additional escrow deposit shall be
required in accordance with the following schedule:
In no case shall the total escrow deposit exceed Two Million Pesos
Provided, further, that, if in the succeeding renewal, the licensed manning
agency has no pending case, the Administration shall allow the withdrawal of the
additional escrow deposit.
c. Duly filed latest audited financial statements and income tax returns of the
licensed manning agency. In case the equity of the licensed manning agency is
below the minimum capitalization requirement, it shall be given thirty (30) days
from release of the renewed license to submit a SEC certification on capital
infusion; otherwise, the license shall be suspended until it has complied with
such a requirement;
d. Clearances from the NBI and the Anti-Illegal Recruitment Branch for sole
proprietor, partners, members of the board of directors, officers, and personnel;
The Administration shall only accept applications together with the complete documentary
requirements for evaluation. Within three days from receipt of such letter of application,
the Administration shall inform in writing any deficiency or lack of requirements for
compliance by the licensed manning agency based on the checklist for renewal of license.
No application shall be accepted after the date of expiration of the license.
SECTION 17. Action on Renewal of License. The Administration shall evaluate the
application within five (5) working days from receipt of such application. The license remains
valid until the application shall have been finally acted upon.
SECTION 18. Maintenance of Escrow Deposit. A licensed manning agency shall maintain
at all times its escrow deposit of no less than One Million Pesos (PhP1,000,000.00). In case
the licensed manning agency is required an additional escrow pursuant to Section 16, it shall
maintain the escrow deposit of One Million Pesos (PhP1,000,000.00) plus the additional
In case the escrow deposit has been garnished, the Administration shall serve the licensed
manning agency a Notice to Replenish its Escrow Deposit within fifteen (15) days from
receipt thereof. Failure to comply with such notice will result in the suspension of the
license of the manning agency. Within the same fifteen (15) day period, the licensed
manning agency shall explain why it should not be suspended for such failure to comply.
SECTION 19. Monitoring Compliance with Conditions for the Issuance of the License. The
Administration shall monitor the compliance of licensed manning agencies with the
conditions for the issuance of license, recruitment laws, rules and regulations on the use of
license, and general labor standards and occupational safety and health standards in
coordination with the DOLE Regional Office.
The Administration shall suspend or revoke the license of a manning agency for failure to
maintain the required qualifications or conditions for the issuance of a license as provided in
this Rule.
SECTION 20. Release of Deposit in Escrow. The deposit in escrow of a licensed manning
agency that voluntarily surrenders its license or has not renewed its license shall be released
upon submission of the following:
SECTION 21. Derogatory Record after Issuance/Renewal of License. The license of a single
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation shall be suspended, until cleared by the
Administration, should any derogatory record as provided in Section 3 herein be found to
exist against the single proprietor or any or all of the partners, as the case may be.
SECTION 23. Revocation of License of Sole Proprietorship. The license of the sole
proprietorship shall automatically be revoked upon the death of the sole proprietor. The
next-in-rank officer of the agency shall, within ten (10) days, report such death to the
Administration. Failure to report shall automatically include such next-in-rank officer in the
list of persons with derogatory record.
SECTION 24. Revocation of License of a Partnership Due to Death or Withdrawal of Partner.
The license of a partnership shall be automatically revoked upon the death or withdrawal
of a partner which materially interrupts the course of business or results in the actual
dissolution of the partnership. The surviving partner/s shall, within ten (10) days, report
such death or withdrawal to the Administration. Failure to report shall automatically include
the surviving partner/s in the list of persons with derogatory record.
The upgraded licensed manning agencies, the surviving corporation, or the new corporation,
as the case may be, shall inform the Administration of such changes within thirty (30) days
from confirmation by SEC of such upgrading, merger or consolidation.
a. Letter of appointment containing duties and responsibilities duly accepted by
the appointee;
b. NBI and AIRB clearances; and
c. Bio-data and two (2) recent passport size pictures.
SECTION 29. Transfer of Business Address. A licensed manning agency may transfer its
business address upon submission of the following:
The Administration shall acknowledge such transfer after an assessment of compliance with
space, office layout and equipment requirements has been conducted.
The licensed manning agency shall publish a notice to the public of the new business
address in a newspaper of general circulation within thirty (30) days from such transfer. The
proof of publication shall be provided to the Administration within five (5) days from
SECTION 30. Establishment of a Branch. A licensed manning agency may request for an
authority to establish a branch, specifying the location, area and personnel of the branch.
In case of a corporation, a board resolution or Secretarys Certificate authorizing the
establishment of a branch shall be submitted. The request shall be subject to evaluation,
taking into account the track record of the agency.
SECTION 31. Additional Office Space. A licensed manning agency shall report to the
Administration the acquisition of additional office space. The additional office space shall be
adjacent to the registered main office or within the same building, provided, that, it is
properly identified and covered by a duly notarized lease contract.
Overseas Employment and Labor Laws Compliance System
SECTION 32. Assessment of Agencies and Labor Laws Compliance. The Administration, in
coordination with DOLE, shall assess, validate and monitor compliance of licensed manning
agencies with these Rules and applicable labor laws and social legislation.
An Assessment shall refer to the process of evaluating compliance with these Rules, labor
laws and social legislation, undertaken by qualified Labor Laws Compliance Officers (LLCOs)
using a prescribed checklist in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Rules on
Labor Laws Compliance System (LLCS) issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment
through Department Order No. 131-13. The Assessment shall include matters relating to the
maintenance of requirements on capitalization/equity, office space, equipment, facilities,
and postings.
The Assessment shall be conducted prior to the following: issuance of a license (post
qualification assessment), upgrading of provisional license to a regular license, issuance of
branch authority, renewal of license and branch authority, and transfer of office. The
Assessment shall also be conducted once every two (2) years after renewal of license.
SECTION 34. Issuance of Authority to Assess. The Licensing and Regulations Office (LRO)
Director or his/her authorized representative shall issue the Authority to Assess, indicating
the names of the LLCO or POEA personnel, the applicant and its registered address, the
purpose of the assessment and the validity period of the authority.
SECTION 35. Conduct and Report of Assessment. The LLCO/POEA personnel shall proceed
to the establishment and present the authority to the applicant agency. A responsible
representative of the applicant shall receive and sign a copy of the authority. The
assessment shall be conducted in the presence of such a representative.
The assessment report shall be forwarded to the Licensing Branch of the Administration.
SECTION 37. Issuance of Authority to Assess. The LRO Director or his/her duly authorized
representative shall issue the authority to assess to its duly authorized LLCOs, indicating the
names of the LLCOs, the licensed manning agency to be assessed, the purpose of the
assessment and the validity period of the authority.
The LRO Director or his/her duly authorized representative may also request the DOLE
Regional Director for the conduct of assessment of licensed manning agencies, including
their branches.
SECTION 38. Conduct and Report of Assessment. The LLCO shall proceed to the
establishment and present the authority to the licensed manning agency. A responsible
representative of the manning agency shall receive and sign a copy of the authority. The
assessment shall be conducted in his/her presence, including a representative designated by
the rank-and-file employees at the time of assessment.
The assessment shall proceed based on the Assessment Checklist contained in Annex A
SECTION 39. Issuance of Notice of Results. The LLCO shall issue the Notice of Results
indicating compliance or deficiencies with POEA rules, labor laws and social legislation. The
licensed manning agency representative shall acknowledge such results.
SECTION 40. Report of Assessment. The LLCO shall endorse the results of assessment
relating to overseas employment to the LRO Director, or to the DOLE Regional Director for
general labor standards and occupational safety and health standards.
SECTION 41. Issuance of Certificate of Compliance. Licensed manning agencies that have
complied with overseas employment rules and regulations shall, within five (5) days from
such compliance, be issued a Certificate of Compliance with a validity period of two (2) years
by the POEA Administrator.
Certificate of Compliance with general labor standards and occupational safety and health
standards shall be issued by the DOLE Regional Director that has territorial jurisdiction over
the establishment.
The Certificate of Compliance issued to a licensed manning agency shall cover branch offices
that have been included in the renewal of license.
SECTION 42. Compliance with Deficiencies. In case of non-compliance, the LLCO shall
issue a Notice of Results, together with the accomplished assessment checklist indicating
the deficiencies. The agency shall comply with the deficiencies or findings in accordance
with the following:
compliance for verification. Failure to comply shall cause the imposition
of suspension of documentary processing, until compliance.
b. For failure to maintain the required minimum office space, the licensed
manning agency shall submit proof of compliance within thirty (30) days
from assessment. Failure to comply shall cause the imposition of
suspension of documentary processing, until compliance.
In case of deficiencies on general labor standards and occupation safety and health
standards, the DOLE shall have jurisdiction over the agencys compliance in accordance with
the Rules on LLCS.
Licensing of Philippine Overseas Shipping Enterprise
a. Articles of Incorporation;
b. Certificate of Accreditation by the MARINA;
c. Certified true copy of certificate of ship registry issued by MARINA; and
d. Proof of payment of a non-refundable filing fee of Ten Thousand Pesos
SECTION 45. Payment of Fees. Upon approval of the application, the Philippine Overseas
Shipping Enterprise shall:
SECTION 46. Action Upon the Application. The Administration shall issue a special license
to the Philippine Overseas Shipping Enterprise within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of
application, provided, all the requirements are met by the applicant. Only applications with
complete supporting documents shall be deemed filed.
SECTION 47. Validity Period of Special License. The special license shall be valid for four
(4) years from date of issuance; Provided, there is a valid MARINA certificate of
accreditation, unless the special license is terminated, suspended, cancelled or revoked by
the Secretary or his/her duly authorized representative.
SECTION 48. Requisites for Renewal. Upon expiration of the license, the Philippine
Overseas Shipping Enterprise shall submit a written application together with the following
SECTION 49. Prohibition on Collection of Placement Fees from Seafarers. The POSE shall
not collect any fee from their hired seafarers, unless otherwise provided by law.
Fees and Contributions and Other Cost
2. Processing Fees - All processing fees required for deployment such as pre-
employment medical examination in the principals/employers designated
clinic, POEA and OWWA fees, visas, principals/employers flag State ship
requirements, principals/employers required trainings and other
SECTION 51. Utilization and Accounting of Maritime Welfare Fund. Contributions to the
OWWA Welfare Fund by the seafarers shall be used to address welfare concerns of
contributing seafarers and must be accounted for separately from the General Fund of
OWWA. A report of receipts and disbursements shall be published annually in a newspaper
of general circulation and be made available to contributing seafarers, licensed manning
agencies and shipowners.
SECTION 52. Prohibition on Charging and Collecting of Other Fees. No other charges in
whatever form, manner or purpose, shall be imposed on and be paid by the seafarer, unless
otherwise provided by law.
Recruitment Outside Registered Office
SECTION 53. Special Recruitment Activity. A licensed manning agency may conduct
recruitment activities outside its registered address by securing a Special Recruitment
Authority prior to the conduct of the recruitment.
SECTION 54. Requirements for the Issuance of Special Recruitment Authority. A Special
Recruitment Authority (SRA) may be issued upon submission of the following requirements:
a. Letter request from the licensed manning agency stating the exact date
and venue of the special recruitment activity, as well as the name/s of the
designated representative/s;
b. List of accredited principal/employer;
c. Proof of notice to the local government unit through the Public
Employment Service Office (PESO); and
d. An undertaking that the agency shall take full responsibility for the acts of
its representative officers and employees, and/or the employer or his/her
authorized representative.
SECTION 55. Filing of Application. An application for issuance of SRA shall be filed at least
three (3) days prior to the date of the activity with any of the following POEA offices:
SECTION 56. Validity of SRA. The SRA shall be valid for the date and venue as indicated,
unless extended, modified or revoked by the Administration for violation of the conditions
for its issuance.
SECTION 57. Letter of Authority (LOA). The licensed manning agency shall notify the
Administration of the participation of an accredited principal/employer or its
registered/authorized representative in a recruitment activity within its registered office
within three (3) days prior to the activity. If the accredited principal/employer or its
registered authorized representative shall participate in a recruitment activity outside its
registered office, the application for LOA shall be filed at least three (3) days prior to the
date of the activity.
SECTION 59. Terminal Reports. A terminal report shall be submitted to the POEA office
which issued the SRA within ten (10) days, and a Progress Deployment Report within ninety
(90) days after the activity. No subsequent SRA shall be issued until the licensed manning
agency has submitted the required reports.
SECTION 60. Participation in Jobs Fair. A licensed manning agency may participate in a
jobs fair and conduct recruitment activities based on POEA-accredited principal/employer
and enrolled ships, provided, that, a corresponding DOLE permit has been issued to the
organizer of the jobs fair. Prior written notification which includes a list of authorized
representatives who will be participating in the jobs fair, including the venue, date, and list
of principal/employer, shall be submitted to the Administration for monitoring and
If the jobs fair is being organized by the PESO, no such permit shall be required, except for
the prior notification requirement as mentioned above.
SECTION 61. Cancellation of SRA/LOA. The Administration reserves the right to cancel the
SRA/LOA for violation of the conditions set therein.
Advertisement for Overseas Job Vacancies
SECTION 63. Advertisement of Job Vacancies. Licensed manning agencies may advertise
job vacancies of accredited principal/employer without prior approval from the
Administration and within the validity of its accreditation. The advertisement shall indicate
the following information:
SECTION 64. Advertisement for Manpower Pooling. Licensed manning agencies may
advertise for manpower pooling, subject to prior approval of the Administration and
compliance with the following conditions:
Medical Examination
SECTION 67. Standard of Medical Examination. The licensed manning agency shall
ensure that the medical examination conducted is in accordance with prescribed and
acceptable international standards, and the requirements of the principal/employer.
Departure and Arrival of Seafarers
SECTION 69. Departure of Seafarers. The POEA through the Labor Assistance Center
(LAC) shall monitor all departing seafarers at the international airports and other exit points
in the country to ensure that they are properly documented before proceeding to their
assigned ship.
SECTION 70. POEA Clearance For Special Cases In Lieu of OEC Issuance. The POEA shall
issue special clearances for travel abroad for Philippine Registered Ships conduction
manned by locally employed seafarers. Likewise it shall cover seafarers who will undergo
orientation and such other analogous circumstances, as a requirement prior to their
employment. A guideline shall be issued by the Administration for the implementation of
this section.
SECTION 71. Arrival of Seafarers. The LAC shall support OWWA and other government
agencies in providing assistance to arriving seafarers, particularly those who are in distress.
Legal Assistance and Enforcement Measures
SECTION 72. Acts Constituting Illegal Recruitment. Illegal Recruitment shall mean any act
of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, utilizing, hiring or procuring seafarers and
includes referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for employment abroad,
whether for profit or not, when undertaken by a non-licensee or non-holder of authority;
provided, that any such non-licensee or non-holder who, in any manner, offer or promises
for a fee employment abroad to two or more persons shall be deemed so engaged.
It shall likewise include the following prohibited acts committed by any person whether or
not a holder of a license or authority:
b. To furnish or publish any false notice or information or document in relation to
recruitment or employment;
c. To give any false notice, testimony, information or document or commit any act
of misrepresentation for the purpose of securing a license or authority under the
Labor Code;
d. To give any false notice, testimony, information or document or commit any act
of misrepresentation for the purpose of documenting hired seafarers with the
POEA, which include the act of reprocessing seafarers through a crew request
that pertains to non-existent work, or work with a different ship whether or not
accredited with the POEA;
m. To fail to actually deploy a contracted seafarer without valid reason as
determined by the Administration;
SECTION 74. Anti-Illegal Recruitment Programs. The Administration shall adopt policies
and procedures, prepare and implement programs toward the eradication of illegal
recruitment activities such as, but not limited to the following:
c. Special operations such as surveillance of persons and entities suspected to be
engaged in illegal recruitment; and
Whenever necessary, the Administration shall coordinate with other appropriate entities in
the implementation of said programs.
SECTION 75. Legal Assistance. The Administration shall provide free legal assistance to
victims of illegal recruitment, trafficking in persons committed by means of, or in the guise
of recruitment for overseas employment and related cases including but not limited to, legal
advice, assistance in the preparation of complaints and supporting documents, institution of
criminal actions and whenever necessary, provide counseling during preliminary
investigations and hearings.
SECTION 76. Receiving Complaints for Illegal Recruitment. Victims of illegal recruitment,
trafficking in persons committed by means of, or in the guise of recruitment for overseas
employment and related cases may file with the Administration a report or complaint in
writing and under oath for assistance purposes.
In regions outside the National Capital Region, complaints and reports involving illegal
recruitment and trafficking in persons committed by means of, or in the guise of
recruitment for overseas employment may be filed with the appropriate Regional Office of
the Administration or the Department. The complaints and reports received by the
Department shall be endorsed to the POEA for proper evaluation.
SECTION 77. Action on the Complaint/Report. Where the complaint/report alleges that
illegal recruitment activities and trafficking in persons committed by means of, or in the
guise of recruitment for overseas employment are on-going, and such activities are
confirmed in the preliminary examination of the complainants and the witnesses or through
the conduct of surveillance, the Director of the Licensing and Regulation Office (Director-
LRO) shall recommend to the Administrator the issuance of a Closure Order.
The Administration, after evaluation and proper determination that sufficient evidence
exists for illegal recruitment, trafficking in persons committed by means of, or in the guise of
recruitment for overseas employment and other related cases, shall endorse the case to the
proper Prosecution Office for the conduct of preliminary investigation.
SECTION 78. Surveillance. The Administrator and/or the designated official in the DOLE
Regional Offices may, on his own initiative, conduct surveillance on the alleged illegal
recruitment activities and trafficking in persons committed by means of, or in the guise of
recruitment for overseas employment.
Within two (2) days from the termination of surveillance, a report supported by an affidavit,
shall be submitted to the Director-LRO or the DOLE Regional Director concerned, as the case
may be.
SECTION 79. Issuance of Closure Order. The Secretary or the Administrator or the DOLE
Regional Director of the appropriate Regional Office outside the National Capital Region, or
their duly authorized representatives, may conduct an ex-parte preliminary examination to
determine whether the activities of a non-licensee constitute a danger to national security
and public order or will lead to further exploitation of job seekers. For this purpose, they
may examine personally the complainants and/or their witnesses in the form of searching
questions and answers and shall take their testimony under oath. The testimony of the
complainants and/or witnesses shall be reduced in writing and signed by them.
SECTION 80. Implementation of Closure Order. Closure order shall be served upon the
offender or the person in charge of the establishment subject thereof. The closure shall be
effected by sealing and padlocking the establishment and posting a notice of such closure in
bold letters in a conspicuous place in the premises of the establishment. Whenever
necessary, the assistance and support of the appropriate law enforcement agencies may be
requested for this purpose.
The Secretary, the Administrator or the DOLE Regional Director concerned shall recommend
the immediate cancellation/ revocation of the business license or permit to the local
government unit where such establishment operates.
Section 81. Effect of Closure Order. All officers and responsible employees of the entity
responsible for the illegal recruitment activity shall be ordered included in the list of persons
with derogatory records as provided in Section 3, and will be disqualified from participating
in the overseas employment program of the government.
SECTION 83. Institution of Criminal Action. The Secretary, the Administrator or the DOLE
Regional Director concerned, or their duly authorized representatives or any aggrieved
person, may initiate the corresponding criminal action with the appropriate office.
Where a complaint is filed with the Administration and the same is proper for preliminary
investigation, it shall endorse the corresponding complaint and supporting documents to
the proper Prosecution Office.
SECTION 84. Who May File a Motion to Re-open Establishment. The motion to re-open
may be filed only by the following:
a. The owner of the building or his/her duly authorized representative;
b. The building administrator or his/her duly authorized representative;
c. The person or entity against whom the closure order was issued and
implemented or the duly authorized representative; or
d. Any other person or entity legitimately operating within the premises
closed/padlocked and whose operations/activities are distinct from the
recruitment activities of the person/entity subject of the closure order.
SECTION 85. Grounds For Re-Opening The Establishment. An establishment which has
been closed may be re-opened on the following grounds:
SECTION 86. Motion to Lift A Closure Order. A Motion to Lift a Closure Order which has
already been implemented may be entertained only when it is verified and filed by the
person or entity against whom the closure order was issued or its duly authorized
representatives, with the LRO or the DOLE Regional Director within ten (10) calendar days
from the date of implementation thereof.
The Motion shall clearly state the grounds upon which it is based, attaching thereto the
documents in support thereof. A Motion to Lift which does not comply with the
requirements herein set forth shall be denied.
SECTION 87. Grounds For Lifting A Closure Order. The lifting of the Closure Order may be
granted when the person/entity has proven that it is not involved in the illegal recruitment
activities, whether directly or indirectly.
The lifting of the Closure Order shall include the removal of the entity and the names of the
persons from the list of persons with derogatory record. The lifting of the Closure Order is,
however, without prejudice to filing of criminal action with the appropriate office against
any other person alleged to have conducted illegal recruitment activities that led to the
issuance of the Closure Order.
SECTION 88. Appeal. The Order of the Administrator denying the Motion to Lift a Closure
Order or Motion to Re-open may be appealed to the Secretary within ten (10) days from the
service or receipt thereof.
Any motion filed on the denial of a Motion to Lift shall be treated as an appeal.
SECTION 90. Prohibition on the Use and Establishment or Space Subject of a Closure Order.
The establishment or space subject of an existing Closure Order shall not be used for any
purpose. Violation of this Section shall be dealt with accordingly.
Authentication/Verification/Attestation of Documents and Accreditation of
Principal/Employer and Enrollment of Ship
SECTION 93. Attestation by the Administration. The manning agreement and special
power attorney may be signed by the authorized officials of both the hiring company and its
local manning agency in the presence of any official authorized by the Administration for
attestation, in lieu of verification or authentication of employment documents.
a. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) or any other equivalent document issued by the
principal or employer, specifically authorizing the licensed manning agency to
recruit for and in its behalf;
c. Valid business license or registration certificate indicating the line of business of
the principal/employer or equivalent document or proof of existence of business
validated or certified by the issuing authority in the host country; and
Parties to the manning agreement are the duly authorized representative of the manning
agency and the direct principal/employer of the seafarers to be recruited.
Principal/employer shall enroll at least one (1) ship through their licensed manning agencies
during the process of accreditation.
c. List of ships together with the individual certificates of vessel registry (CVR) or an
equivalent document.
Dollars (US$10,000.00). The escrow deposit shall primarily answer for the
settlement of all valid and legal claims and satisfaction of all judgment awards
arising from violations of contracts of employment.
SECTION 97. Enrollment of Ship under the Principal/Employer. The licensed manning
agency of an accredited principal shall enroll the ship. The following shall be submitted:
1. CVR indicating the ships particulars such as: present and former names, if any,
flag registry, date built, place built, IMO number, gross/net tonnage and
deadweight, engine type and horsepower, ships dimension;
more than four (4) years, unless sooner revoked or cancelled by the Administration on any
of the following grounds:
Subject to substantial compliance with the above requirements, the Administration may
issue a provisional accreditation for a period of ninety (90) days.
The expiration of the licensed manning agencys license shall not cause the automatic
expiration or cancellation of the accreditation until the renewal of the license. In case the
license is not renewed after sixty (60) days from expiration, the accreditation of its
principal/employer shall be automatically cancelled.
Non-renewal of the accreditation after a period of one (1) year from expiration shall cause
delisting from the roster of accredited principals/employers.
by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) and in any other situations as may allowed by
the Administration.
SECTION 102. Enrollment of Ship. A ship shall be enrolled to only one (1)
principal/employer and licensed manning agency except in cases involving special
types/operations of ship.
For this purpose, any accreditation within six (6) months immediately following its
cancellation by the principal/employer shall be deemed a transfer of accreditation, in which
case, an assumption of responsibility of the principal/employer shall be required.
In case of failure of conciliation, the aggrieved party may file a complaint with the
Adjudication Office in accordance with the procedures prescribed by these Rules.
SECTION 105. Transfer of Ship Due to Sale or Change of Management. In case of sale of
ship or change of management necessarily involving a change in principal/employer, the
licensed manning agency of the new principal automatically assumes full and complete
responsibility over the seafarer originally recruited and deployed by the previous licensed
manning agency, if the seafarer opts to sign an employment contract with the new principal.
Otherwise, the licensed manning agency which originally recruited and deployed the
seafarer shall retain full and complete responsibility over the contractual obligations of the
original principal.
Accreditation of Philippine Overseas Shipping Enterprise with Philippine Flagship
SECTION 106. Requirements for Accreditation of POSE with Philippine Flagship. The
Philippine Overseas Shipping Enterprise with Philippine flagship shall submit the following
documents for accreditation:
A. Owned tonnage:
1. Letter request of the ship owner with the inclusion of the following information:
3. Valid special permit granted to the ship to engage in the overseas trade;
1. Letter request of the charterer with the inclusion of the following information:
i. That the company is the bareboat charterer of the ship for enrollment;
ii. Former name of the enterprise (if any);
iii. Ex-name of the ship (if any).
1. Letter request of the manning agency with the inclusion of the following
2. Notarized manning agreement and special power of attorney between the
enlisted shipping enterprise and licensed manning agency;
4. Crew request from the shipping enterprise addressed to the manning agency;
7. Additional requirements:
i. Owned tonnage:
- Valid special permit granted to the ship to engage in the overseas trade
Documentation of Seafarer
SECTION 108. Documentary Requirements for Processing. The following documents shall
be submitted for processing and documentation of seafarer:
a. Request for processing using the prescribed form of the Administration indicating
the name, position and salary of seafarer, contract duration and the name of the
principal/employer and ship;
b. Four (4) copies of the standard employment contract for seafarer, one (1) copy for
POEA, one (1) copy for the seafarer, one (1) copy for the manning agency, one (1)
copy for the principal/employer to be kept on-board during the employment
c. Seafarer Information Sheet;
The licensed manning agency shall provide a copy of the duly processed POEA-approved
standard employment contract to its hired seafarer unless otherwise provided by law or
SECTION 109. Payment of Processing Fees. The required processing fees shall be paid to
the Administration by the license manning agency upon approval of the request for
SECTION 110. Issuance of OEC. An OEC shall be issued only upon compliance with the
documentary requirements for processing, and payment of processing and other
government-prescribed fees.
SECTION 111. Validity of OEC and Period to Deploy. An OEC shall be valid for sixty (60)
days from date of issuance, within which period the licensed manning agency shall deploy
its contracted seafarer.
If the deployment of the seafarer does not materialize due to his/her fault, the licensed
manning agency may initiate a disciplinary action against the seafarer. In no case shall the
licensed manning agency withhold or deny the return of the seafarers documents upon
SECTION 113. In-House Processing Facility. The Administration shall require all licensed
manning agencies to have an in-house processing facility for the issuance of travel exit
clearance of their contracted seafarer scheduled for deployment. The licensed manning
agencies shall comply with the documentary and reportorial requirements.
It shall be the responsibility of licensed manning agencies to ensure that they will not deploy
a watchlisted seafarer nor will they deploy the seafarer to a watchlisted principal/employer.
In the same manner, the licensed manning agencies shall ensure that the seafarer has no
valid and existing contract with another licensed manning agency.
The licensed manning agencies shall be subject to regular audit and/or inspection by the
Administration to ensure compliance with the prescribed guidelines on the in-house
processing facility and shall be required to submit to the Administration a monthly report on
OEC utilization.
The Administration reserves the right to suspend in-house processing by a licensed manning
agency, should there be an established case of violation of this section.
Deployment of Seafarer
SECTION 114. Deployment of Seafarer. The Administration shall allow the deployment of
seafarers only to the following: ships navigating the foreign seas, or installations located
offshore or on high-seas, whose owners/employers are compliant with international laws
and standards that protect the rights of seafarers.
Formulation of Standard Employment Contracts
SECTION 116. Freedom to Stipulate. Parties to the individual employment contract are
allowed to stipulate and mutually agree to other terms and conditions over and above the
minimum standards; provided, that the stipulations are mutually beneficial to both parties
and are not contrary to law, public policy and morals.
SECTION 117. Disclosure of Terms and Conditions of Employment. The licensed manning
agency and the seafarer shall fully disclose all relevant information in relation to the
recruitment and employment of the seafarer.
Jurisdiction and Venue
SECTION 118. Jurisdiction. The Administration shall exercise original and exclusive
jurisdiction to hear and decide all cases which are administrative in character, involving or
arising out of violations of recruitment rules and regulations, including refund of fees
collected from the seafarer and violations of the conditions for the issuance of the license to
recruit the seafarer.
The Administration shall likewise exercise original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and
decide disciplinary action cases against the seafarer and the principal/employer that are
administrative in character, excluding money claims.
Conciliation of Complaints
In case of money claims, the same will also be conciliated in accordance with the Single
Entry Approach (SEnA). The failure to arrive at a settlement shall cause the endorsement of
the complaint to the appropriate office. In cases falling under Section 123 (A), (9) and (10)
herein, the settlement shall be for the return of the full amount excessively/illegally
SECTION 120. Conciliation Proceedings. Within five (5) days upon receipt of the
complaint, the Administration shall notify the respondent and schedule a conference
between the parties to discuss the possibility of arriving at an amicable settlement.
Where an amicable settlement is reached, the Administration shall approve the same and
the settlement shall be final and binding upon the parties.
Where efforts for amicable settlement fail, the conciliation proceedings shall be terminated
and the complaint shall be referred to the appropriate office immediately.
Failure of any party to comply with the terms of the approved settlement despite the lapse
of thirty (30) days from the issuance of the Writ shall warrant suspension of the non-
complying party and participation in the overseas employment program, until compliance
with or satisfaction of the approved settlement.
Classification of Offenses and Schedule of Penalties
1. Attempting to deploy or deploying a seafarer who is below 18 years old or below the
minimum age requirement for overseas employment.
6. Transfer or change of ownership, directly or indirectly, of a single proprietorship
licensed to engage in overseas employment.
10. Collecting any amount as payment for processing, or documentation costs not
prescribed by the rules, or an amount greater than the actual documentation costs,
as covered by official receipts issued by entities where payments were made.
B. The following are less serious offenses with their corresponding penalties:
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
4. Engaging in recruitment activities in places other than that specified in the license
without previous authorization from the Administration.
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
The penalty shall include the release of the salaries or remittances being claimed.
7. Allowing persons who are otherwise disqualified from participating in the overseas
employment program under existing laws, rules and regulations to participate in the
management and operation of the agency.
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
The penalty shall include the carry the accessory penalty of immediate refund of
expenses incurred by the seafarer.
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
11. Impose a compulsory and exclusive arrangement whereby a seafarer is required to
avail of a loan from a specifically designated institution, entity, or person.
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
12. Granting a loan to a seafarer with interest exceeding eight percent (8%) per annum
which will be used for payment of legal and allowable fees and making the seafarer
issue, either personally or through a guarantor or accommodation party, post-dated
checks in relation to the said loan.
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
13. Refuse to condone or renegotiate a loan incurred by the seafarer after the latters
employment contract has been prematurely terminated through no fault of his/her
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
15. Failure to submit reports on serious incidents involving piracy, death, missing
seafarer, serious illness and injury requiring repatriation.
1st Offense Suspension of License (Two Months to Six Months)
2nd Offense Suspension of License (Six Months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One year and One day to Two years)
4th Offense Cancellation of License
C. The following are light offenses with their corresponding penalties:
1. For the owner, partner, or officer/s of any licensed manning agency to become an
officer or member of the Board of any corporation or partnership engaged directly or
indirectly in the management of a travel agency.
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
4. Failure to actually deploy a contracted seafarer within the prescribed period without
valid reason.
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3 Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4 Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
6. Disregard of orders, notices and other legal processes issued by the Administration.
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
8. Violation of other pertinent provisions of the Code and other relevant laws, rules and
regulations, guidelines and other issuances on recruitment and placement of
seafarer for overseas employment and the protection of their welfare.
1st Offense Reprimand
2nd Offense Fine of PhP20,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension of License (One month to Three months)
4th Offense onwards Suspension of License (Three months to Six months)
Money claims arising from recruitment violation may be awarded in addition to the
administrative penalties imposed.
SECTION 124. Imposition of Fines. In lieu of the penalty of suspension of license, the
Administration may impose the penalty of fine which shall be computed at Fifty Thousand
Pesos (P50,000.00) for every month of suspension.
SECTION 125. Penalty for Cases Involving Five or More Workers. The penalty of
cancellation of license shall be imposed upon a respondent found liable for committing an
offense, regardless of the number or nature of charges, against five (5) or more workers in a
single case. This provision shall not apply to consolidated cases unless there are five (5) or
more complainants in any of the consolidated cases.
SECTION 126. Motion for Reconsideration. A motion for reconsideration shall be treated
as an appeal.
Disciplinary Action against Principal/Employer
6. Passing on or deducting from a seafarers salary the payment of the cost of insurance
fees, premium, or other insurance related charges as provided under the compulsory
insurance coverage.
1. Default on its contractual obligations to the seafarer and/or to its manning agent.
1st Offense Fine of Php50,000.00
2nd Offense Fine of Php100,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months to One year)
4th Offense Permanent Disqualification and delisting from the roster of
accredited principals/employers
1st Offense Fine of Php50,000.00
2nd Offense Fine of Php100,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months to One year)
4th Offense Permanent Disqualification and delisting from the roster of
accredited principals/employers
1st Offense Fine of Php50,000.00
2nd Offense Fine of Php100,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months to One year)
4th Offense Permanent Disqualification and delisting from the roster of
accredited principals/employers
1st Offense Fine of Php50,000.00
2nd Offense Fine of Php100,000.00
3rd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months to One year)
4th Offense Permanent Disqualification and delisting from the roster of
accredited principals/employers
SECTION 128. Grounds for Disciplinary Action and their Penalties. Commission by a
seafarer of any of the offenses enumerated below or of similar offenses shall be a ground
for disciplinary action for which the corresponding penalty shall be imposed:
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
Program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
Program (One year and one day to Two years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
2. Unjustified refusal to join ship after all employment and travel documents have been
duly approved by the appropriate government agencies.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year and one day to Two years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
1. Smuggling or violation of any customs rules and regulations of the Philippines and of
foreign ports.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
b. Possession or use of prohibited drugs, narcotics and other contraband.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
f. Misdeclaration of or failing to declare articles leading to their seizure but the ship
is not implicated.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
j. Any other violation which implicates the ship.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
2. Desertion
1st Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
Overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
Employment program (Two years to Three years)
2nd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
Overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
4. Leaving the ship without permission from responsible officers during or outside
working hours.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
5. Entrusting to others assigned duties without authority of department head.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
7. Insubordination
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
Employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
c. Assaulting a superior officer/other persons on business with the ship without the
use of deadly weapon.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
d. Assaulting a superior officer/other persons on business with the ship with the
use of deadly weapon.
1st Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
8. Drunkenness
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
9. Creating trouble outside the ships premises that would unjustly implicate the ship.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
10. Gambling
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
f. Gross negligence and failure to observe proper storage and cargo handling
procedures resulting in delay of ships and/or damage to cargo.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
g. Failure to observe and comply with the regulation on non-baggage shipment and
acceptance of parcels on board.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program(One year and one day to Two
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
i. Being left behind by the ship in a foreign port without justifiable reason.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
k. Immorality so as to cast aspersion on the good name of the ship and the
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year and one day to Three
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
Employment program (One year to Two Years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
12. Incompetence and inefficiency of a seafarer.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months to One year)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
13. Inciting mutiny or malicious destruction of ships property or any activity which will
hamper the efficient operation of the ship.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
15. Any activity which tends to destroy the harmonious relationship of the company.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
a. Grave abuse of authority (with the use of deadly weapon) resulting in harm or
injury to subordinate.
1st Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
b. Grave abuse of authority (without the use of deadly weapon) resulting in harm or
injury to subordinate.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two Years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (One year to Two Years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas
employment program (Two years and one day to Three
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the
overseas employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two Years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
18. Gross negligence resulting in damage, loss, spoilage or deterioration of the ships
stocks and property.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two Years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
19. Connivance with or coddling of a stowaway.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Two Years)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two years and one day to Three years)
3rdOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
20. Wilfully making a false statement, report, certification or document for personal gain
or with intent to mislead or defraud the company or the authorities.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
21. Any other case as to cast aspersion on the good name of the company and the ship.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
23. Failure to observe the drug and alcohol policy of the company.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
24. Embezzlement of monies and/or properties of a fellow worker entrusted for delivery
to kin or relatives in the Philippines.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program(One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
25. Failure to refund the cost of his/her repatriation advanced by the principal/employer
or licensed manning agency where termination of employment was due to his/her
own fault as determined by a Labor Arbiter.
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (One year to Three years)
2ndOffense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program
1st Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Two months to Six months)
2nd Offense Suspension from participation in the overseas employment
program (Six months and One day to One year)
3rd Offense Permanent Disqualification from participation in the overseas
employment program.
Filing of Complaints and Venue Of Action
SECTION 129. Who May File. An aggrieved person may file a complaint in writing and
under oath for violation of laws, rules and regulations or other issuances relating to
overseas employment.
For this purpose, an aggrieved person is one who is prejudiced by the commission of a
violation as enumerated in the immediately preceding Rule.
The Administration may, on its own initiative, conduct proceedings based on reports of
violation of these Rules and other issuances on overseas employment, subject to
preliminary evaluation. The report should state clearly the facts constituting the offense,
attaching all available evidence relative thereto. The report shall be investigated by the
Adjudication Office or the POEA regional center/extension units.
SECTION 130.On-Site Complaints for Violation of the POEA Rules and Regulations. The
procedures under Department Order No. 87-08 and/or Manual of Operations of the POLO
shall be observed for on-site complaints on violation/s of the POEA rules and regulations.
The complaint shall be in affidavit form and subscribed and sworn before a consular official
of the Philippine Embassy. It shall be accompanied by available supporting documents and a
Certification of Non-Forum Shopping and Certificate of Failure to Conciliate.
The verified complaint shall be filed with the POLO that has jurisdiction over the worksite of
the complainant. The POLO shall endorse to the Administration the complaint filed on-site,
together with the available supporting documents, for investigation.
SECTION 131. Contents of the Complaint. All complaints must contain the following:
The complaint shall be under oath and must be accompanied by the following:
a. Supporting documents;
b. Certificate of failure to conciliate; and
c. Certificate of non-forum shopping.
SECTION 132. Docket and Assignment of Cases. Complaints duly received and cases
initiated by the Administration shall be docketed and raffled for investigation and hearing.
SECTION 133. Venue. Any complaint against a licensed manning agency arising out of a
recruitment violation or violation of the conditions of the license, or complaint against a
seafarer or a principal/employer for disciplinary action may be filed with the Adjudication
Office, or with the POEA Regional Centers/Extension Units having jurisdiction over the place
where the complainant was recruited or resides, at the option of the complainant. The
Office where the complaint was first filed shall take cognizance of the case.
SECTION 134. Change of Venue. A complaint filed before the Adjudication Office may be
transferred to the POEA Regional Center/Extension Unit before the respondent files the
Answer, upon motion/request of either party and on meritorious grounds, subject to the
approval by the Administration.
SECTION 135. Referral to the POEA Regional Center/Extension Unit for Reception of
Documentary Evidence. The Adjudication Office may, upon request of the parties, refer
to the POEA Regional Center/Extension Unit the reception of documentary evidence. The
Regional Center/Extension Unit shall endorse the received evidence to the Adjudication
Office for inclusion in the case record.
Action Upon Complaint/Report
SECTION 136. Issuance and Service of Show Cause Order/Summons and Filing of Answer.
Upon receipt of the duly docketed complaint/report, the Administration shall issue a Show
Cause Order/Summons directing the respondent to file a verified Answer and not a motion
to dismiss within ten (10) calendar days from receipt, attaching proof that a copy was sent
to the complainant. The Show Cause Order/Summons including a copy of the
complaint/report and its supporting documents shall be served upon the respondent.
SECTION 137. Failure to File Answer. In case the respondent licensed manning agency
fails to file an Answer, the assigned Overseas Employment Adjudicator (OEA) shall proceed
with the investigation/hearing of the case.
An Answer filed out of time shall not be admitted except on meritorious grounds and upon
In case the respondent principal/employer or the seafarer fails to file the required Answer,
the case shall be archived and the respondent shall be temporarily disqualified from
participating in the overseas employment program until the respondent files an Answer.
SECTION 138. Motion for Extension. Only one motion for extension of time to file Answer
shall be allowed. The OEA, upon receipt of such motion may, upon meritorious grounds,
grant a non-extendible period of ten (10) calendar days. However, if the allegations in the
complaint/report refer to facts or circumstances which occurred abroad, thereby making it
necessary to verify with the concerned principal/employer, a longer period not exceeding
fifteen (15) days may be granted. A ruling on the motion made by the OEA shall be entered
into the minutes, or sent by personal service or by registered mail.
SECTION 139. Proof and Completeness of Service. The contents of the return shall be
proof of the facts stated therein. Service by registered mail or through courier is complete
upon receipt by the addressee or agent, but if the addressee fails to claim the mail from the
postmaster, service shall take effect a day after the date of the last notice. Service made at
the last known address shall be sufficient in case the office of the licensed manning agency
is closed and no notice of change of address or cessation of operation has been filed.
Personal service made in any registered office or officer or personnel of the licensed
manning agency shall likewise be sufficient. For this purpose, in case the office of the
licensed manning agency is closed and no notice of change of address or cessation of
operation has been filed, service to the last known address shall be deemed completed.
SECTION 140. Nature of Proceedings. The proceedings shall comply with the
requirements of due process without strictly adhering to the technical rules of procedure
and evidence applicable to judicial proceedings. The OEA may avail himself of all reasonable
means to ascertain the facts of the case.
SECTION 141. Preliminary Hearing. The OEA may conduct a preliminary hearing with
due notice to the parties, for the purpose of:
SECTION 142. Non-Appearance of Parties. The OEA shall schedule a maximum of two (2)
hearings. If the complainant fails to appear in all of the scheduled hearings despite notice,
the complaint shall be dismissed without prejudice to the re-filing of the complaint within
the prescriptive period.
If the respondent fails to appear in all of the scheduled hearings despite notice, the
complaint shall be resolved based on the evidence on record.
Non-appearance of both parties in all scheduled hearings will result in outright dismissal of
the complaint without prejudice. If the case is re-filed and dismissed again due to non-
appearance of the complainant, the dismissal shall already be with prejudice.
SECTION 143. Clarificatory Questions. At any stage of the proceedings and before the
case is submitted for resolution, the OEA may ask clarificatory questions to the parties or
their witnesses to further elicit relevant facts or information.
The OEA may set a hearing where the parties shall be given an opportunity to be present
but without right to examine or cross-examine. If the parties so desire, they may submit
questions to the OEA who may ask the parties or witnesses concerned.
The process server who personally served the Order to appear/produce documents, notice
of order, resolution or decision shall submit his/her return within five (5) calendar days from
the date of his/her service thereof, stating legibly in the return his/her name, the mode of
service, the name of the other person to whom it was served and the date of receipt. If no
service was effected, the serving officer shall state the reason. The return shall form part of
the records of the case.
SECTION 145. Failure or Refusal to Obey Order to Appear/to Produce Documents. The
failure of the officers or employers of the licensed manning agency to comply with an Order
to appear/to produce documents without justifiable reason shall be deemed a waiver of
their right to present evidence, and the case shall be decided in accordance with available
evidence and without prejudice to the filing of a case for non-compliance.
SECTION 146. Summary Judgment. Should the OEA, on its own, may render a summary
judgment if the pleadings, and supporting affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as
to any material fact and that a party is entitled to a judgment under this Rules and as a
matter of law. Any party may also, at any time after the answer has been served, move with
supporting affidavits for a summary judgment in his favor upon all or any part thereof.
SECTION 149. Resolution of the Case. The OEA shall submit his/her findings and
recommendations in the form of a draft Order within six (6) months from the date of filing
of the complaint. The Administrator shall render a decision within two (2) months from
receipt of the findings and recommendations.
a. There exist reasonable grounds to believe that the continued operation of the
licensed manning agency will lead to further violation or exploitation of seafarer
being recruited or will adversely affect friendly relations with any country or will
prejudice national interest; and
b. The evidence of guilt is strong that there is a case for violation of the pertinent
provisions of the Labor Code, its implementing rules and regulations, and POEA
Rules and Regulations pertaining to serious or less serious offenses as described in
these Rules or any issuance of the Administration.
A) After submission of the Answer in accordance with Section 136 or after the lapse of the
period within which to file an Answer and after the conduct of a hearing, the Administrator
may issue an Order of Preventive Suspension in accordance with Section 151.
B) The Administration may, upon docketing of a recruitment violation case and without
prior notice and hearing, issue an Order of Preventive Suspension when the seafarer is a
minor at the time of deployment.
On the other hand, the Administration may, upon docketing of the case against a
principal/employer, issue an Order of Preventive Suspension in the following instances:
a. When there are five (5) or more complainants and the nature of the
offense involves serious or less serious offense;
b. When the worker involved is an underage seafarer;
c. When the seafarer dies or suffers severe physical/psychological
maltreatment or sexual abuse in the course of the employment; or
d. When recommended by the embassy/POLO supported by a detailed
report and sworn statement of the seafarer.
The Administrator shall render a decision within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of
the Order of Preventive Suspension. Otherwise, the suspension shall be deemed lifted
without prejudice to the outcome of the investigation.
SECTION 155. Imposition of Fines. In lieu of the penalty of suspension of license of the
manning agency, the Administration may impose the penalty of fine which shall be
computed at Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP50,000.00) for every month of suspension.
a. First offender;
b. Admission of guilt and voluntary restitution, where applicable;
c. Good faith;
d. Exemplary performance;
e. Habitual offender;
f. Prejudice to the seafarer;
g. Gross negligence; or
h. Other analogous circumstances.
The party must invoke in the complaint or Answer/Explanation the existence of any of the
above enumerated circumstances. However, when the imposable penalty is cancellation of
license, the attendant circumstances shall not be applied.
SECTION 157. Imposition of Penalty. When applicable, the imposition of the penalty may
be made in accordance with the following:
a. The minimum of the penalty shall be imposed where only mitigating and no
aggravating circumstances are present.
b. The medium of the penalty shall be imposed where no mitigating and
aggravating circumstances are present.
c. The maximum of the penalty shall be imposed where only aggravating and no
mitigating circumstances are present.
d. Where aggravating and mitigating circumstances are present, paragraph (a) shall
be applied where there are more mitigating circumstances present; paragraph
(b) shall be applied when the circumstances equally offset each other; and
paragraph (c) shall be applied where there are more aggravating circumstances.
SECTION 158. Penalty When a Case Involves Five or More Seafarers. The penalty of
cancellation of license shall be imposed upon a respondent licensed manning agency found
liable for committing a less serious or light offense against five (5) or more seafarers in a
single case.
SECTION 160. Motion for Reconsideration. A motion for reconsideration shall be treated
as an appeal.
Disqualification of Principal/Employer and Seafarer
SECTION 161. Failure To File The Required Answer. In accordance with Section 137, a
respondent principal/employer or a seafarer subject of a pending complaint for disciplinary
action who fails to submit to the jurisdiction of the POEA shall be disqualified from
participating in the overseas employment program until the respondent files an Answer.
For this purpose, any party shall furnish the Administration certified true copies of the Order
stating the judgment award and the sheriffs return indicating the failure of the
principal/employer to fully satisfy the final and executory judgment against it.
SECTION 164. Temporary Disqualification of Principal/Employer and Seafarer. A
principal/employer who refused to honor the medical result of a DOH-accredited medical
clinic shall be temporarily disqualified to participate in the overseas employment program.
A seafarer against whom a Warrant of Arrest or a Hold Departure Order was issued by a
competent authority shall be disqualified to participate in the overseas employment
program, unless cleared by the Administration.
The respondent may file a Motion for Clemency in lieu of an appeal. The filing of a Motion
for Clemency shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal, or the automatic withdrawal
of a pending appeal.
SECTION 167. Grant of Clemency to a Seafarer. The Administration may, upon motion,
grant clemency to a seafarer who is penalized with the penalty of disqualification from
participation in the overseas employment program, provided, that any of the following
conditions exists:
has been included in the list of persons with derogatory record, provided, that the following
conditions are met:
a. the manning agency has only one (1) case involving not more than ten (10)
seafarers for which the license has been cancelled as certified by the
Adjudication Office;
b. the Officer or Director must prove that he/she did not participate in the
commission of the charged violation;
c. proof of the full satisfaction of the awards on the case, if any;
d. the complainant/s had condoned the acts of the manning agency;
e. the partner, officer, or director has not participated in the overseas
employment program for at least four (4) years from the time of
cancellation of license;
f. submission of NBI clearance; and
g. proof of publication in a newspaper of general circulation of the movants
intent to apply for re-admission to the overseas employment program.
The grant of clemency under this section may be availed of only once.
SECTION 169. Jurisdiction. The Office of the DOLE Secretary shall have exclusive
jurisdiction to act on appeals from the Orders of the Administration.
SECTION 170. Period to Appeal. The party aggrieved by a decision of the Administration
may appeal the same to the office of the DOLE Secretary within fifteen (15) calendar days
from receipt of a copy of the decision. Failure of the aggrieved party to perfect the appeal
within the reglementary period shall render the decision of the Administration final and
The Docket and Enforcement Division shall not accept an appeal that is filed beyond the
reglementary period of appeal.
SECTION 171. Entry of Judgment. The Administration shall issue an entry of judgment
upon failure to file an appeal within the reglementary period.
SECTION 172. Requirements for Appeal. The appealing party shall file a Notice of Appeal
and an Appeal Memorandum with the Docket and Enforcement Division of the
It shall clearly point out the errors of law and/or fact in the decision appealed from and shall
be verified.
In case a fine and/or monetary award is imposed against the appealing party, the appealing
party shall also file with the Administration a supersedeas bond in the amount of such fine
and/or monetary award. The supersedeas bond shall be in cash, or in a surety bond
acceptable to the Administration, and shall be valid until the case is finally resolved.
To be acceptable, the following documents shall be attached to the surety bond submitted:
In case any of the above requirements is not complied within the period provided above,
the appeal shall not be given due course and Entry of Judgment shall be issued by the
Administration in accordance with the Rules of Court.
SECTION 173. Transmittal of the Records of the Case on Appeal. Within five (5) days from
receipt of the appeal seasonably filed with the corresponding requirements, the Docket and
Enforcement Division of the Administration shall transmit the entire records of the case to
the Office of the Secretary.
SECTION 174. Stay of Execution. The Order of the Administration shall be stayed during
the pendency of the appeal except:
a. when the penalty imposed is suspension of license for twelve (12) months
or more;
b. when the penalty imposed is cancellation of license; or
c. when the penalty imposed is permanent disqualification against the
SECTION 175. Period to Resolve the Appeal. An Appeal from the Order of the
Administration shall be resolved by the Office of the Secretary within sixty (60) calendar
days from receipt of the transmittal of the entire records of the case.
Execution of Decisions
SECTION 176. Issuance of Writ of Execution. Unless otherwise provided in these Rules,
after the Order has become final and executory, the Administration, upon motion or on its
own initiative, shall issue a writ of execution requiring the Enforcement Officer to enforce a
monetary award and/or fine imposed in the decision.
SECTION 177. Issuance, Form and Contents of a Writ of Execution. The writ of execution
must be issued in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, requiring the Enforcement
Officer to execute the Orders of the Administrator or the Office of the Secretary or his/her
duly authorized representative, as the case may be.
The writ of execution must contain the dispositive portion of the Order or decision sought to
be executed. It must require the Enforcement Officer to serve the writ upon the losing party
or upon any other person required by law to obey the same before proceeding to satisfy the
Execution shall proceed against the assets of the losing manning agency in the following
a. supersedeas bond;
b. escrow deposit;
c. personal property; and
d. real property.
A writ of execution shall not be necessary for the enforcement of Orders in the following
a. For the return of travel and other related documents. A copy of the Order
served upon the losing party or upon any other person required by law to
obey such Order is sufficient; and
b. Where the agency had earlier posted a cash bond in relation to an appeal.
Certified copies of the final and executory Order and official receipt of the
cash bond shall be sufficient basis for the preparation of the voucher for
the release of the amount to be refunded, or for the
confiscation/forfeiture of the amount equivalent to the fine.
The writ of execution shall be valid and effective for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from
issuance thereof.
SECTION 178. Motion to Cancel/Quash Writ of Execution. Within five (5) days from
receipt of a copy of Writ of Execution, the judgment debtor may file a Motion to
Cancel/Quash the Writ of Execution on meritorious ground. The filing of such motion shall
not stay the execution of the writ, unless a cash or surety bond is posted equivalent to the
judgment award and/or fine which shall answer for the same in the event that the motion is
An Order denying a Motion to Quash the Writ of Execution is final and no further motions of
similar nature shall be entertained.
SECTION 180. Garnishment. By virtue of the Writ of Execution, the enforcement officer
shall issue a notice of garnishment to the person/entity having in possession or control of
any property belonging to the licensed manning agency, directing said person/entity not to
deliver, transfer or otherwise dispose of such property except to the above-mentioned
enforcement officer.
In cases where several writs of execution are issued against the same licensed manning
agency, satisfaction of the claims of seafarer against the escrow deposit shall be on a "first
come, first serve" basis, irrespective of the date of filing of the case or date of the decision
or date of the writ of execution; Provided, that where the Orders of garnishment are served
simultaneously, the escrow deposit shall be given pro-rated among the claimants.
For fine imposed against a cancelled/delisted manning agency, its escrow deposit shall be
subject to garnishment.
SECTION 181. Return of Writ of Execution. The Enforcement Officer implementing the
writ of execution shall submit his/her return immediately upon the satisfaction of the
judgment award. However, regardless of the outcome of implementation, the enforcement
officer shall submit the return not later than sixty (60) calendar days from date of issuance
thereof. The return shall state the mode of service, the name of the person served and the
date of receipt. The return shall also indicate legibly the full name of the officer who served
the writ. The return shall form part of the records of the case.
Miscellaneous Provisions
SECTION 182. Records of Proceedings. The records of all proceedings before the OEA,
which must be chronologically arranged and appropriately paginated, shall be summarized
in writing by the OEA, including the substance of the evidence presented. The minutes of
proceedings shall be signed by the parties and shall form part of the records. In case the
parties refuse to sign, the refusal and reason/s given must be indicated by the OEA in the
Section 183. Appearances. A party may appear personally in his/her own behalf or
through a duly authorized representative.
A lawyer appearing for a party shall indicate in his/her pleadings and motions, attorneys roll
number, PTR number, IBP number for the current year, valid Mandatory Continuing Legal
Education Compliance and complete address.
Appearances shall be made in writing with proof of authority to represent. The complete
name and office address of counsel/representative of either party shall be made part of the
record and the adverse party or his/her counsel/representative shall be properly notified.
Any change in the address of counsel/representative shall likewise be put on record with
notice served upon the adverse party or counsel/representative.
Any change or withdrawal of counsel/representative shall be made in accordance with the
Rules of Court.
SECTION 184. Action on Motions. Within the period required to file an Answer, the OEA
shall have the authority to rule on motions for extension of time to file pleadings, resetting
and other similar motions, which may be done in writing or orally during the
SECTION 185. Consolidation of Cases. Where there are two (2) or more cases pending
before different OEA, involving the same respondent/s and issues, the case which was filed
last may, upon written motion and with notice to all parties, be consolidated with the first
to avoid unnecessary cost or delay. Such cases shall be handled by the OEA to whom the
first case was assigned/raffled.
SECTION 186. Discovery of Another Offense. When in the course of investigation, another
offense is discovered, the Administration may issue the necessary supplemental Show Cause
Order or Summons or inform the respondent of the additional offense discovered during the
investigation and enter the same in the minutes. The Administration shall allow the
respondent the requisite period within which to file an Answer to the supplemental show
cause Order or summons.
SECTION 187. Discovery of Another Respondent. When in the course of the investigation,
another licensed manning agency, principal/employer or seafarer is found to have
committed an offense related to the subject of the investigation, the OEA shall
automatically implead said licensed manning agency, principal/employer or seafarer in the
pending case. For this purpose, a Show Cause Order or Summons shall be issued to the
licensed manning agency, principal/employer or seafarer in accordance with these Rules.
SECTION 188. Who May Issue Orders. The Administrator shall issue Orders of suspension
of documentary processing, preventive suspension, suspension, cancellation or revocation
of license, or dismissal of the case, lifting of penalties, and all other Orders as may be
SECTION 189. Prescription. All cases enumerated in these Rules shall be barred if not
commenced or filed with the Administration within three (3) years after such cause of action
SECTION 190. Applicability of the Rules of Court. The Revised Rules of Court of the
Philippines shall, whenever practicable, supplement these Rules in similar or analogous
character in proceedings brought before the Administration.
Assistance to Seafarer
SECTION 191. Responsibility to Seafarer. The Administration shall ensure that the
seafarer is amply protected, and that his/her interest, well-being and welfare is promoted.
Licensed manning agencies shall be responsible for the faithful compliance by their
principal/employer of all obligations under the employment contract.
SECTION 192. Request for Assistance. The Administration may take cognizance of any
request for assistance from the seafarer or his/her family on matters relating to overseas
employment, or may refer them to the proper government agencies or the licensed
manning agencies concerned, for appropriate action.
SECTION 193. Monitoring of Deployed Seafarer and Submission of Reports. The licensed
manning agency shall monitor the status or condition of its deployed seafarer and submit a
corresponding quarterly report to the Administration. It shall likewise immediately act on
complaints or problems brought to its attention and submit corresponding reports to the
In case of significant incidents regarding the status and condition of seafarer, the licensed
manning agency shall submit a report regarding the same to the Welfare and Employment
Office of the Administration within five (5) working days from the occurrence of the
SECTION 194. Reporting of Erring Principal/Employer. The licensed manning agency shall
report to the Administration any information that comes to the knowledge of the agency,
with respect to any violation of these Rules by their principal/employer. The matter shall be
referred to the Adjudication Office or LRO for appropriate action.
SECTION 196. Welfare Programs and Activities. The Administration shall support and
coordinate with other institutions on projects and activities that will enhance the welfare
and promote the interests of seafarers and their families, including those that will facilitate
the psychosocial and economic reintegration of a seafarer who has decided to return home
A) In case a request for repatriation is filed by a seafarer at the POLO, the Labor Attach
and/or Welfare Officer shall evaluate the request. Should there be a need for the immediate
repatriation of the seafarer, the Labor Attach shall notify the principal/employer about the
request for repatriation. If the principal/employer fails or refuses to provide for the ticket or
costs thereof, the Labor Attach shall notify the OWWA and the POEA simultaneously of
such need to repatriate.
In case the request is received or filed at the POEA, the POEA shall immediately notify the
principal/employer, the licensed manning agency, and the POLO, of such request.
B) The POEA shall immediately issue a notice requiring the licensed manning agency to
provide, within forty eight (48) hours from such notice, the plane ticket or the prepaid ticket
advice (PTA) to the POLO or Philippine Embassy. The licensed manning agency shall notify
the POEA of such compliance, which shall then inform OWWA of the action of the licensed
manning agency.
If the licensed manning agency fails to provide the ticket or PTA within forty-eight (48) hours
from receipt of the notice, the Administration shall suspend the documentary processing of
the licensed manning agency or impose such other sanctions as it may deem necessary.
C) In case the repatriation of the seafarer is dependent upon the issuance of an exit
visa/clearance, the principal/employer shall have fifteen (15) days from notice to secure
such exit visa. The licensed manning agency which recruited and/or deployed said seafarer
shall exert earnest efforts in coordinating with the principal/employer to ensure the
issuance of said visa.
D) When the repatriation is dependent upon the issuance of an exit visa and the
principal/employer fails to secure the exit visa within a period of fifteen (15) days from
receipt of the POEA notice, the Administration shall suspend the principal/employer from
participating in the overseas employment program. In the same manner, where the licensed
manning agency, despite issuing the PTA for the repatriation of the seafarer, does not exert
earnest efforts in coordinating with the principal/employer to ensure the issuance of said
visa, the Administration shall suspend the documentary processing of the licensed manning
E) Upon request, the Administrator may issue an Order lifting the suspension of
documentary processing only upon compliance with the directive for which the Order of
suspension of documentary processing was issued.
F) When those primarily responsible for the repatriation fail to fulfill their obligations, the
Administration shall notify OWWA to advance the costs of repatriation with right of
reimbursement against the licensed manning agency or principal/employer. The OWWA
shall notify the POEA of the arrival of the repatriated seafarer. It shall likewise notify the
agency that has the obligation to repatriate the seafarer and demand payment, within
fifteen (15) days from notice, of the costs it has advanced for the repatriation of the
seafarer, including legal interest in case of default.
In case the licensed manning agency fails to reimburse the OWWA, the latter may
recommend to the POEA the imposition of suspension of documentary processing. The
POEA will direct the licensed manning agency to settle its obligation with the OWWA within
ten (10) days from notice. Non-compliance with the directive of the POEA shall result in the
suspension of documentary processing.
The suspension of documentary processing imposed against the licensed manning agency
and the principal/employer shall be lifted by the Administration only upon clearance by the
SECTION 199. Prohibition Against Performance Bonds And Deposits. The licensed
manning agency shall not require any bond or cash deposit from the seafarer to guarantee
performance under the contract or for the seafarers repatriation.
SECTION 200. Emergency repatriation. The OWWA, in coordination with DFA, and in
appropriate situations, with international agencies, shall undertake the repatriation of
seafarers in cases of war, epidemic, disasters or calamities, natural or man-made, and other
similar events, without prejudice to reimbursement by the responsible principal/employer
or licensed manning agency within sixty (60) days from notice. In such cases, the POEA shall
simultaneously identify and give notice to the licensed manning agencies concerned, copy
furnished the corresponding insurance companies.
High Risk Zones and War Risk Areas
SECTION 202. Declaration of High Risk Zones and War Risk Areas. In order to protect
seafarers in high risk zones and from the hazards of war or war-like operations, the
Administration shall, pursuant to prior declaration by the competent authorities, declare
specific areas, territorial waters or portions of the high seas as high risk zones or war risk
SECTION 203. Premium Pay and Additional Insurance Coverage. Seafarers sailing through
areas declared by the Administration as high risk zones or war-risk areas shall be entitled to
premium pay or its equivalent and war risk insurance coverage, the form of which shall be
determined by the Administration.
Comprehensive and Integrated Public Education Program
Toward this end, the Administration shall resort to modes of information and dissemination
campaigns, such as the conduct of PEOS in the form of community/mass-based PEOS or
PEOS online. Attendance to the PEOS shall be mandatory for all applicants for maritime
employment. The PEOS shall cover all stages of employment.
SECTION 206. Partnerships With Stakeholders. The Administration shall maintain and
strengthen its partnership with local government units, other government agencies, private
sector and civil society organizations advocating the rights and welfare of seafarer, for the
purpose of dissemination of information on all aspects of overseas employment, including
the conduct of information and education campaigns on anti-illegal recruitment and anti-
trafficking in persons.
SECTION 207. Agency Education Program. The Administration shall provide Pre-Licensing
Orientation Seminars and a Continuing Agency Education Program for the officers and
personnel of licensed manning agencies.
For this purpose, the Administration may charge reasonable fees to defray expenses to be
incurred for such programs.
SECTION 209. Training for POEA Personnel. In order to be more effective resource
persons and educators, the Administration shall endeavor to update POEA personnel on
developments on the local and global labor markets, and promote their participation in
conferences and missions concerning migration issues.
Registration of Seafarers
SECTION 210. Registration of Seafarers. The Administration shall establish and maintain a
national seafarer registry in support of the overseas employment program. For this purpose,
it shall adopt a system of registration of seafarers according to skills, occupation or such
classification as it may deem expedient and effective.
SECTION 212. Disqualification. A seafarer applicant may be disqualified from the registry
on account of any of the following:
c. Other grounds provided under Part V, Rule V, disciplinary action against seafarers, of
these Rules;
Seafarer Research and Development
SECTION 213. Research Studies. The Administration, in coordination with other entities,
shall conduct periodic research and studies on labor supply, especially as it relates to the
monitoring of the supply of seafarers vis--vis the demand for them in international
SECTION 215. Training Programs and Standards. The Administration shall coordinate
with private entities, government agencies and employers concerned in the formulation of
training programs and standards.
Code of Discipline For Filipino Seafarers
SECTION 216. Obligations of Filipino Seafarers. It is the duty of all seafarers to conduct
themselves in the most professional, responsible and ethical manner in the performance of
their duties and fulfill the following obligations:
1) To assist and cooperate with other contract seafarers working on the same
ship; and
2) To refrain from degrading a colleague in order to get a position or rank or from
putting a fellow seafarer in a bad light before his/her colleagues or supervisors.
1) To uphold the ideals of the Republic of the Philippines and to defend it, if
2) To abide by the rules and regulations aimed at promoting the seafarers
interest and enhancing national gains; and
3) To be the ambassador of goodwill, projecting only the good in the Filipino and
restrain from tarnishing the Filipino image abroad.
Agency Awards
SECTION 217. Three-Tiered Award System for Licensed Manning Agencies. The
Administration shall confer awards to licensed manning agencies in recognition of their
consistent excellent performance in providing decent and remunerative employment to
seafarers, maintaining professionalism and upholding ethical recruitment practices.
The licensed manning agencies qualified for the awards shall be evaluated based on the
following criteria:
c. Industry Leadership (for Award of Excellence/ Presidential Award) refers to the
agencys pioneering achievement in the entry to new or emerging markets
(entirely new country and new market), expansion of market opportunities for
Filipino seafarers, membership in industry associations or occupy position of
leadership in industry associations, and participation in the development and
formulation of policies on overseas employment program.
a. Top Performer Award, the first level award which is given to a manning agency
that has been actively operating for at least four years and has passed the criteria
and threshold for the said award, which shall be conferred once every two (2)
b. Award of Excellence, the second level award given to a manning agency which
has received the Top Performer Award for three (3) times, which shall be
conferred once every two (2) years;
c. Presidential Award, the highest level award given to a manning agency which has
received the Award of Excellence for three (3) times, which shall be conferred
once every six (6) years.
A. Presidential Awardees
1. Extension of license validity for three (3) full terms, effective upon
expiration of license, subject to the corresponding license fee and escrow
2. Exemption in the submission of requirements for the following
applications/ requests upon notice:
b. Change of officers/personnel.
Except for item no. 1, all licensed manning agencies previously conferred with Presidential
Award of Excellence shall continue to enjoy the above incentives and privileges.
B. Awardees of Excellence
1. Extension of license validity for two (2) full terms, effective upon expiration of
license, subject to the corresponding license fee and adjustment of bonds;
a. Licensing concerns
i. Renewal of license
ii. Establishment of branch office and additional office
iii. Transfer of business address
iv. Change of officers/personnel
v. Letter of authority to principal/employer representatives
b. Registration/Accreditation concerns
Except for item no. 1, the previous recipients of the Award of Excellence shall continue to
enjoy the above incentives and privileges.
Further, the Presidential Awardees and Awardees of Excellence shall also enjoy the
following incentives:
1. Exemption from Philippine Embassy/POLO authentication/verification of
employment documents of principal/employer;
4. Publication of list of awardees in the POEA website, with links to their respective
websites; and
C. Top Performers
1. Extension of license validity for one (1) full term, effective upon expiration of
license, subject to the payment of corresponding license fees, adjustment of
bonds and post submission of evaluation of documentary requirements; and
2. Publication of list of awardees in the POEA website, with links to their respective
All other incentives shall be valid until a new set of awardees has been selected. Such
incentives shall be revoked in case of suspension or cancellation of license of an awardee.
SECTION 219. Other Incentives and System of Recognition. The Administration shall,
other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, continue to recognize exemplary
performance of licensed manning agencies and develop an incentive scheme to reward
those that practice ethical recruitment standards, including the development of a white
list of agencies and other similar schemes. It shall also continually review the awards
system and its incentives, for the purpose of enhancing the system, taking into
consideration developments in migration policies and practices and trends in the global
labor market, and affording the participation of various stakeholders in the process.
Employers Awards
SECTION 220. Two-Level Award System for Principal/Employer. The Administration shall
confer every four (4) years a two-level award to deserving international companies and
individuals who have been major providers of decent and quality employment to Filipino
seafarers and who have significantly contributed to their development as well as the
protection and promotion of their well-being, as follows:
B. PRESIDENTIAL AWARD OF DISTINCTION The award shall be conferred once
every six (6) years by the President of the Philippines to principal/employer who,
based on safe, fair and ethical recruitment, have continuously hired Filipino
seafarers during the past four (4) years and has been a Ministerial Awardee for
three (3) consecutive times.
SECTION 221. Criteria for Ministerial Award. The following shall be the criteria for the
Ministerial Award:
1. Demonstrated preference and active hiring of seafarers within the last four (4)
2. Provision of superior terms and conditions of work that will enhance the
productivity of seafarers;
3. Compliance with Philippine laws, rules and regulations on the recruitment and
employment of seafarers;
SECTION 222. Qualification for Presidential Award. A recipient of the Ministerial Award
may qualify for Presidential Award on the basis of the following criteria:
SECTION 223. Incentives for the Ministerial Awardees Ministerial awardees shall have
the following incentives:
SECTION 224. Incentives for the Presidential Awardees In addition to the incentives
provided in immediately preceding section, Presidential Awardees shall enjoy the following
General and Miscellaneous Provisions
SECTION 226. Construction. These Rules shall be liberally construed to carry out the
objectives of the Constitution, the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended, and the laws
pertaining to overseas employment, and to assist the parties in obtaining just, expeditious
and inexpensive settlement of disputes.
All doubts in the implementation or interpretation of these Rules shall be resolved in favor
of labor.
SECTION 227. Amendments. Governing Board Resolutions amending any part of these
Rules shall be deemed incorporated herein.
SECTION 228. Separability Clause. The provisions of these Rules and Regulations are
declared to be separable and if any provision or the application thereof is held invalid or
unconstitutional, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected.
SECTION 229. Repealing Clause. All policies, issuances, rules and regulations inconsistent
with these Rules are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 230. Effectivity. These Rules shall take effect fifteen (15) days from publication
in a newspaper of general circulation and from filing with the Office of the National
Administrative Registry of the University of the Philippines Law Center.