Introduction To Proteus PDF
Introduction To Proteus PDF
Introduction To Proteus PDF
Introduction to Proteus
Prepeared by Eng.Enas Jaara
Figure 2
Figure 3
From the Library menu select Pick Device/Symbol see Figure 4 or Left click on the letter P above the
Object Selector as shown in Figure 5 to launch the Library Browser or Press the 'P' button on the
keyboard. The Library Browser will now appear over the Editing Window see Figure 6.
Figure 4
Pick device
Figure 5
Type ' PIC16F877A ' in the Key words field and double click on the result to place
the PIC16F877A into the Object Selector.
Type ' PIC16F877A ' in the Key words field and double click on the result to place the PIC16F877A in to
the Object Selector. Do the same for the LEDs, Buttons, Crystal oscillator, capacitors, 7 SEG-COM-
Cathode, Resistors.
Once you have selected all components into the design close the Library Browser and left click once on
any component in the Object Selector
(This should highlight your selection and a preview of the component will appear in the Overview
Window at the top right of the screen see Figure 7). Now left click on the Editing Window to place the
component on the schematic - repeat the process to all components on the schematic.
Preview of the
Figure 7
Figure 8
It is necessary to specify which file the processor is to run. In our example this will be
filename.hex (the hex file produced from MPASM subsequent to assembling filename.asm).
To attach this file to the processor, right click on the schematic part for the PIC and then left click on the
part. This will bring up the Edit Component dialogue form which contains a field for Program File. If it is
not already specified as filename.hex either enter the path to the file manually or browse to the location
of the file via the button to the right of the field. Once you have specified the hex file to be run press
ok to exit the dialogue form.
We have now attached the source file to the design .
Figure 9
In order to simulate the circuit point the mouse over the Play Button on the animation panel at the
bottom right of the screen see Figure 10 and click left. The status bar should appear with the time that the
animation has been active for.