Mipham Sherab Raltri Verses PDF
Mipham Sherab Raltri Verses PDF
Mipham Sherab Raltri Verses PDF
by Mipham
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Mipham - Sherab Raltri - Verses
L1: [1. First overall part.]
\ (The Title
\ The Meaning of the subject
\ The profound and vast meaning
\ How the title express this)
L1: [2. Second overall part: the main text that teaches what the title denotes.]
L2: [2.1 The ancillary parts of the composition that are good in the beginning]
L3: [2.1.1. The expression of offering:]
\ The Doctrine never possesses any kind of confusion.
\ It has completely abandoned any kind of error.
\ It is mind without any doubt about the three meanings.
\ Let us bow to the treasure of Manjushri's knowledge.
L3: [2.2.2. The promise to compose the text]
\ Its vastness and profundity are hard to realize,
\ As for the amrita of the Sugata teachings,
\ For whomever wishes to experience it,
\ May this light of understanding be completely granted.
L2: [2.2 How the topic of composition is good in the middle]
L3: [2.2.1. The subject to be analysed: the two truths]
\ The Buddhas taught the Dharma
\ In terms of 117 the two truths,
\ The relative truth of the world
\ As well as the absolute truth.
L3: [2.2.2. The meaning of the composition that is good in the middle]
L4: [ The short teaching of the two correct reasonings:]
\ With regard to the natures of these same two truths,
\ If we enter into the non-erroneous mind of certainty,
\ The good eye of the two immaculate pramanas
\ Is the excellent view that is to be established.
L4: [ The extensive teaching of analysis by the four correct reasonings.]
L5: [ First, the three first correct reasonings are explained together:]
L6: [ First The general teaching of appearance as interdependent origination:]
\ Thus, regarding these appearances
\ The pattern of their arising is interdependence
\ Therefore, something that is not dependent
\ Like a lotus in the sky will not appear
L6: [ The explanation of the particularizations of the correct reasonings
of 1) essence, 2) cause, and 3) effect.]
L7: [i) The correct reasonings of dependence of the fruition on the cause and productive action,]
L8: [a. The main subject:]
\ If all the assembly of causes is there,
\ Their productive action produces the fruition.
\ However many individual fruitions there may be,
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\ By the power of relations what is to be established,
\ In fruition will be established, and its nature, the reason,
\ Will be a reason such that by non-observation
\ Or that whose conception is contradictory with that,
\ That which is to be refuted, has been refuted.
\ Thus the three reasons will be purified.
L9: [Third how to make inferences]
L10: [First, classifications of how to make inferences in terms of what is to be analyzed:]
\ All that truly appears
\ Is therefore primordial equality, and
\ By continua that are pure, since purity is seen,
\ One abides in possession of the nature in purity.
\ In dependence on things there is sure to be arising.
\ In dependence on non-things there is sure to be imputation.
\ Therefore things and non-things, are by nature emptiness.
\ The actual natural state is the basis of emptiness;
\ And since it is not something different from emptiness,
\ Inseparable appearance/ emptiness is inexpressible.
\ It has to be apprehended by personal experience. 394
L10: [Second, how to make inferences in terms of the manner of establishing:]
\ As many aspects of assertion as there may be
\ May all be summarized under "has" and "is."
\ As many aspects of negation as there may be
\ May all be summarized under "has not" and "is not."
L10: [Third, how to make inferences in terms of the manner of engagement:]
\ Depending on pramana, after classification
\ Of assertions and denials has been properly ascertained,
\ Then moreover, in accord with correct reasoning,
\ Establishments and refutations are expounded.
\ As for refutation, there are three classifications,
\ These are reasons established by asserting one's own thesis,403
\ Those depending on proclamations of another,
\ And refutation that states the consequence of a position.
L8: [Second, within the divisions of apparent refutation,]
L9: [First, The actual presentation of apparent refutation]
L10: [First, Conventional pramana:]
\ The way that things appear within the conventional
\ Does not coincide, with the way things really are.
\ There are two pramanas of all the conventional.
\ These depend on the impure seeing of this side
\ And pure vision, as with the human and deva eye.
\ These two are distinguished in essence, cause, fruition, and action.
\ The mind that is not deceived about temporary objects
\ Arises from having properly grasped its appropriate object.
\ Clearing exaggeration from objects perceived on this side,
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L5: [ Second, the action of the kayas and wisdoms, the four reliances]
L6: [First, the general teaching:]
\ Those in whom this vast profound good eye of prajna
\ Has opened are the children of the Sugata.
\ From these beings who are of great intelligence 432
\ The path on which they go ought to be well discerned.
\ This is the way of the sutra and the mantra vehicles,
\ Which is so hard to attain within the diversions of time,
\ Therefore let us not make it into something fruitless.
\ Those of brilliant intelligence who have the four reasonings,
\ Never abandon 433 others. By this discrimination,
\ The four reliances will certainly be produced.
\ If we do not have an attitude like this,
\ It is like a blind man leaning on his staff.
\ Due to opinion and words, and easy understanding,
\ We will misunderstand the four reliances.
L6: [Second, the four reliances,]
L7: [The first [reliance] is RELYING ON THE DHARMA, NOT THE INDIVIDUAL:]
\ Therefore, do not rely on individuals.
\ It is the holy Dharma that we should rely upon.
\ One is liberated by the speaking, not the speaker,
\ Of the true path established by proper reasoning.
\ If it has been properly taught by anyone,
\ It will do its job whoever the speaker may be.
\ The Sugata himself by his power of taming
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L5: [ Third, the explanation of the eight great treasures of confidence in the fruition:]
\ Thus contemplating the way of the dharma of the two truths,
\ Using the skillful means of the four reliances,
\ The action of which is taught as the four correct reasonings;
\ From this undefiled 483 cause, by the deep wisdom of fruition,
\ If the phenomena of experience blossom forth;
\ One is set free by the eight great treasures of confidence.
\ That bring about this expansion into the space of insight.
\ Traditions that were formerly heard and contemplated,
\ Not forgotten, then become the treasure of memory.
\ The meaning of these, as profound as it is extensive,
\ Is then completely revealed as the treasure of intellect.
\ All the meanings of the sutras and the tantras
\ Are entered into as the treasure of realization.
\ All the details of the teachings we have heard
\ Never forgotten become the treasure of retention.
\ Explaining things properly to all sentient beings
\ Is the satisfaction-producing treasure of confidence.
\ As for the precious treasury of holy Dharma,
\ Completely guarded, this becomes the Dharma treasure.
\ The continuous families comprising the three jewels
\ Not cut off, are the treasury of bodhicitta.
\ In the unborn equality of the nature itself,
\ Attaining patience manifests as the treasure of practice.
\ These are inseparable and inexhaustible.
\ Those who attain the eight-fold power of the treasures of confidence,
\ As praised by the victorious ones and all their sons,
\ Over the three worlds they are empowered as lords.
L3: [2.2.3. Third, the teaching of the fruition of analyzing in this way:]
\ To gain pramana is the teaching of the Buddha.
\ If true authentic pramana has fully been established,
\ Through the certainty produced by the path of pramana,
\ By the teaching of pramana, we see the truth of fruition.
L2: [2.3 Finally, there are the two sections of the meaning of entering into the merit of this,]
L3: [2.3.1. First, the manner of composition:]
\ As a result of vision that is completely pure
\ One will reach the ultimate goal, the great compassion.
\ The Sugata said, after this path had been taught by him,
\ "As for the taste of amrita of that which I attained
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\ By interdependent arising, the essence of knowables,
\ Having the great vase of well-described analysis
\ Of the two pramanas, in the ocean of excellent teaching,
\ With the analysis of the two conventional pramanas,
\ Their insight flashing 490 auspiciously like the golden fish,
\ The nine-fold lineage precepts, coiled to the right,
\ May the dharma conch of the four reliances pleasantly sound.
\ From the pure and equal wisdom of the net of miracles,
\ Eight treasures of confidence gather into a knot of eternity,
\ The completely certain meaning of the sutras and tantras
\ May this victory banner the Sword of Prajna fly in samsara.
\ Within the vast and extensive ocean of all dharmas,
\ May those who want to sever at once the hundred nets,
\ The snares of non-realization, wrong realization, and doubt,
\ Grasp this thought-arisen razor-sharp Sword of Prajna.
\ Thus while staying in the great place of Varanasi,
\ In the Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies,
\ Being well-supplied with the needed Tibetan texts,
\ Since this is my own tradition, to benefit some new minds
\ By the kind teacher Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
\ Quickly written, by the guru's oral dictation,
\ With ornamentation by learned treatises of pramana,
\ He followed the early translation, a knower of ancient haughtiness
\ The supreme instructions of prajna, he arranged in the boldest style 491
\ I, by intellect, as narrow as the eye of a needle,
\ For the sake of good explanation as extensive as the sky
\ By the supreme and spotless merit of doing this
\ Having illuminated the thick darkness within all beings,
\ May they attain the ultimate level of omniscience,
\ Great prajna whose vision is the suchness of knowables.
\ Here within the extent of the limits of Jambudvipa,
\ The rain-clouds of the true view are gathering.
\ May rains of the benefits of loving-kindness fall,
\ May there be the perfect auspiciousness of the new young sun.
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