Volume 48, Issue 12, March 24, 2017

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But LGBT advocates object litigation about its impact and its application right
to nominees record in When Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) asked the
Hobby Lobby case nominee about his views on LGBT people, Gorsuch
seemed irritated and responded, What about
them? and as Durbin sought to clarify, the nominee
By CHRIS JOHNSON retorted, Theyre people.
cjohnson@washblade.com Asked by Durbin to point to a statement or
decision favorable to LGBT people, Gorsuch
Amid opposition from LGBT rights supporters oered his judicial philosophy that all individuals
to the conrmation of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. are entitled to equal treatment under the law.
Supreme Court, President Trumps nominee Ive tried to treat each case and each person
referred to same-sex marriage as settled law, as a person, not a this kind of person, not a that
but was otherwise relatively tight-lipped about his kind of person a person, Gorsuch said. Equal
views during his conrmation hearings. justice under law is a radical promise in the history
Grilled by members of the Senate Judiciary of mankind.
Committee about his judicial philosophy, U.S. Durbin pressed Gorsuch to clarify whether that
Circuit Judge Gorsuch on Tuesday maintained applies to sexual orientation, prompting Gorsuch
equal justice under the law words enshrined to invoke the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision in
at the top of the Supreme Court building was favor of same-sex marriage.
a radical idea, but one hed uphold, when asked The Supreme Court of the United States has
about application of the law to LGBT people. held that single-sex marriage is protected by the
Pressed by Sen. Al Franken about marriage Constitution, Gorsuch said, using single-sex
Judge NEIL GORSUCH described marriage as settled law this
week. equality specically, Gorsuch replied, It is
WASHINGTON BLADE PHOTO BY MICHAEL KEY absolutely settled law, but added, theres ongoing CONTINUES ON PAGE 14

Democrat questions presidents Leading the fact-nding resistance into questions than Doberman, his partisanship disguised by a thick
over Russian interference in the election is Rep. Adam fur of intense preparation, modulated locution and
commitment to human rights Schi, whose 28th District includes West Hollywood. gentle accusations.
A former federal prosecutor, Schi is the ranking To which Schi replied on Twitter: Prefer to think
By KAREN OCAMB Democratic chair of the House Permanent Select of myself as a Churchillian bulldog, but Ill accept
Committee on Intelligence. labradoodle from the @nytimes.
Since Donald Trumps election last November, After the March 20 hearing during which Schi Comey might really consider Schi more of a well-
more and more U.S. citizens and foreign leaders have and his colleagues questioned FBI Director James trained pit bull. Schis lawyerly probing got Comey
expressed deep concern over what appears to be the Comey and Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of to admit that the FBI had no evidence to back up
deliberate dissolution of governmental institutions the National Security Agency, the New York Times Trumps claim that former President Obama wire-
and constitutional laws, ethics and values, once a wrote: As attack dogs go, Representative Adam B. tapped Trump Tower and that Trumps repeated
beacon to the world. Schi, Democrat of California, is more labradoodle CONTINUES ON PAGE 15


Gay hostage reects HHS seeks to dump Grand Central marks

on Hana siege of LGBT elders from quarter century serving
D.C. 40 years ago. U.S. health survey. Baltimore community.


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0 4 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 LO CA L N E W S

Gay hostage recalls 1977 Hana siege on D.C.

Billy Clamp held in
building now used
as HRC headquarters


Billy Pat Clamp is one of 149 people

taken hostage in three buildings in
Washington, D.C. on March 9, 1977, by
a dozen members of a fringe Muslim
group called the Hanas in an incident
that many consider the rst major act of
domestic terrorism in the United States.
Clamp, who was 36 at the time, was
working in his oce as a bookkeeper at BILLY CLAMP was held hostage in the Bnai
the international Jewish human rights Brith building in 1977.
organization Bnai Briths headquarters WASHINGTON BLADE ARCHIVE PHOTO

building on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.,

when members of the Hana group
stormed the building. They were armed
with shotguns and machetes. recalled his response came out in an a 24-year-old reporter for WHUR Radio, long prison terms.
They herded Clamp and about 100 almost serene way. Maurice Williams, who covered the D.C. In his negotiations with Cullinane,
other employees into a large room under I thought to myself it went through government beat, seconds after Williams Khaalis demanded that authorities
construction on the buildings top oor, my mind very quickly that I know who I unknowingly walked into the area where deliver the convicted men to him at the
tied their hands, and forced them to lie am, he told the Blade. He cant tell me the gunmen were. Bnai Brith building and threatened to cut
face down on a concrete oor, according who I am. If Im going to be killed I want Also shot and seriously wounded was o the heads of hostages if authorities
to accounts by Clamp and others. to be who I am. I looked over at him and then-D.C. Council member Marion Barry, failed to comply with his demand.
Clamp was unable to attend a 40th I said, Yes I am. I remember that very who was hit with a shotgun pellet that Cullinane credited help he received
anniversary commemoration in D.C. two well, Clamp recalls. struck one inch from his heart. Barry from the ambassadors from Egypt and
weeks ago of what has become known The gunman, holding the tube of lipstick, recovered from his gunshot wound and Iran, whose citizens were among the
as the Hana siege. But he spoke to the next asked him, Do you use this? Clamp won election as mayor one year later. hostages at the Islamic Center. He said
Washington Blade last week about his recalls. Yes I do, he remembers saying. At the 40th anniversary the ambassadors helped him reach a
own harrowing experience when one of Clamp later told his colleagues he used commemoration held at the building carefully negotiated agreement in which
the gunmen determined he was gay after the lipstick to brighten his cheeks and where Williams, Barry, and the security Khaalis directed his gunmen to release
searching his pockets and discovering a never used it on his lips. Conscious about guard were shot, which is now called the all of the hostages in exchange for him to
tube of lipstick. his appearance, he said he liked the idea Wilson Building, then-D.C. Police Chief be allowed to remain free at home while
His latest Blade interview came just of going to work with rosy cheeks. But at Maurice Cullinane told of how he engaged awaiting trial. He was later convicted
under 40 years after he talked to the the time he determined this explanation with the Hana leader in a dialogue by on charges of armed kidnapping and
Blade a month following the incident, would have made little or no dierence to phone for close to 40 hours before a conspiracy. Cullinane said Khaalis died in
which led to a story about his experience the gunman interrogating him. negotiated agreement was reached. prison in 2003.
as a gay hostage published in the April And then all hell broke loose, Clamp The hostages were released, with most Clamp, 76, who now lives in Rehoboth
1977 edition of the Blade. said. He took me and he threw me up unharmed. Some, like Clamp, had been Beach, told the Blade in the 1977 interview
What happened is my hands were against the wall. And my head was against roughed up but not seriously injured. that the gunman who had been roughing
tied behind my back, Clamp said in the the wall. My hands were tied behind my Cullinane, former U.S. Attorney for D.C. him up was replaced by another gunman
Blade interview last week. And there was back. And he took a rie and hit my legs Earl Silbert, and Assistant U.S. Attorney who untied Clamps hands and allowed
a lady standing there who worked at Bnai so I was on a slant. at the time Mark Touhey recounted the him to use the bathroom. As he was being
Brith. The womens hands were not tied. Meanwhile, within an hour of their motive behind the Hana siege. They untied Clamp said he asked whether the
And he asked me what do you have in takeover of the Bnai Brith building, noted that the Hana leader, Hamaas rst gunman was going to come back and
your pockets? Clamp recalled one of the other armed members of the Hana Abdul Khaalis, sought to get revenge for hurt him.
gunmen asking him. group seized control of the Islamic Center an incident that took place four years He wont hurt you, Clamp quoted
I said money and keys. And he asked on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. along earlier in which members of his family, the second gunman as saying. Were
the woman to go into my pockets and she Embassy Row, where they took about a including his 9-day-old grandson, were only teasing you. Everybodys born to be
pulled out money and keys, said Clamp. dozen people hostage. murdered in his home while he was dierent and to be what they want to be,
Then he said whats in the next pocket? A third two-man contingent, in what someplace else by members of a rival Clamp recalled being told.
She was very, very nervous and she pulled authorities now determined was a well sect of U.S. Muslims. In 2002, the Human Rights Campaign,
out a tube of lipstick, Clamp recounted. thought out plan, stormed into the Authorities said the murders took the nations largest LGBT political
And he said, Lipstick! He screamed District Building on Pennsylvania Avenue, place a short time after Khaalis began advocacy group, bought the Bnai Brith
it out and he said are you a faggot? And N.W., where they planned to take hostage speaking out against a leader of the building after Bnai Brith moved to
the lady said no Im not, terried that the then-D.C. Mayor Walter Washington. Nation of Islam organization. Cullinane another building nearby. After completing
gunman was talking to her, Clamp said. As they entered the 5th oor of the said several men from Philadelphia were a renovation project, HRC in 2003 moved
Im not talking to you Im talking to building they shot a security guard who arrested and convicted for the murders. into the building, which became its
him, Clamp quoted the gunman as saying. had approached to investigate what was But over the next four years, according to national headquarters.
With everyone else in the room happening. He later died after suering Cullinane, Khaalis became obsessed with HRC was honored to carry on the civil
seeming to turn their heads in horror a fatal heart attack while in the hospital. extracting revenge on the men convicted rights tradition in Bnai Briths former home,
to watch what was happening, Clamp One of the gunmen next shot to death for the murders, who were then serving a statement on the HRC website says.
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0 6 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 LO CA L N E W S

Trans woman murdered in Baltimore As a guest speaker on March 13 at a meeting of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club,
Newsham discussed his rationale for bringing back Parson to the liaison units and
bringing the units under his oce.
A transgender woman, who was not yet identied as the Blade went to press, I thought that was really important for us as a police department to do, to send that
was fatally shot in the 2400 block of Guilford Avenue Wednesday morning. At message, he said. MPD is going to continue to strive to be inclusive and to be diverse
approximately 4:15 a.m., ocers responded to that location for a shooting. and to work with some of our vulnerable and underserved communities.
According to Baltimore Police, upon arrival, ocers located a 38-year-old LOU CHIBBARO JR.
transgender female who was suering from a gunshot wound to the stomach.
The victim was transported to Johns Hopkins Hospital where she was pronounced
dead a short time later. Plea deal for Comet Pizza gunman set for Friday
Homicide detectives were notied and are investigating the shooting.
Witnesses reported hearing someone yelling for help and then hearing Details of a plea bargain agreement oered by prosecutors in January to the North
gunshots. Immediately after hearing the shots, witnesses reported seeing two Carolina man arrested in December for entering D.C.s gay-owned Comet Ping Pong
unknown black males running and getting into a dark colored vehicle that drove pizza restaurant with an assault rie are expected to be disclosed at a hearing in U.S.
away at a high rate of speed. District Court on Friday, March 24.
Detectives are asking anyone with information to call 410-396-2100, text a tip District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson scheduled the plea hearing for Edgar
to 443-902-4824, or call Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7LOCKUP. Maddison Welch, 29, who told D.C. police he stormed into the restaurant on a busy
Visit washingtonblade.com for updates on this story. Sunday afternoon to investigate whether a child sex ring linked to Hillary Clinton had
STEVE CHARING been operating there.
Police said he surrendered peacefully after determining there were no signs of a child
sex ring that he learned about from reading what authorities say were fake news stories
posted online.
According to police, he red his rie at least three times inside the restaurant to break
D.C. launches all gender bathroom pilot program open the lock on a door after frightened customers and employees ed the premises
when they saw him enter with the rie strapped over his shoulder.
He has been charged with multiple federal and D.C. gun-related oenses in connection
The D.C. government on March 16 opened its rst two all gender bathrooms in the with the Comet Pizza case.
Reeves Center municipal building as part of a pilot program to assess the usefulness of Comet Ping Pong, which is owned by gay businessman James Alefantis, became
such bathrooms in city government buildings. the target of harassing phone calls and death threats after the fake stories linking it
According to Sheila Alexander-Reid, director of the Mayors Oce of LGBTQ Aairs, her to a pedophile ring were posted on social media outlets and viewed by hundreds of
oce along with the D.C. Department of General Services, and the D.C. Oce of Human thousands of people across the country.
Rights plan to arrange for additional all gender bathrooms in other city buildings. The Prosecutors announced they had oered Welch a plea deal during a court hearing in
Department of General Services manages and maintains D.C. government buildings. January. But prosecutors and Welchs defense attorney declined at that time to disclose
This is a step toward making sure that all transgender and gender nonconforming the terms of the oer, which was not entered into the public court records.
people have access to a restroom of their choice, Alexander-Reid said. Fridays plea hearing was scheduled to be held at 9:30 a.m. at U.S. District Court in
She said the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, which is located in the Reeves D.C.
Center at 14th and U Street, N.W., informed her oce that some transgender and LOU CHIBBARO JR.
gender nonconforming people who visit the D.C. Center were uncomfortable using the
existing bathrooms at the Reeves Center.
It is our hope that every D.C. government building with six or more public restrooms Arthur J. Kusinski dies at 76
will go ahead and designate at least one restroom an all-gender restroom, said D.C.
Center Executive Director David Mariner in a statement on the Centers website. Arthur J. Kusinski died at
The D.C. Centers rst oor suite of oces doesnt have its own restroom and its his Washington home on Jan.
employees and visitors must use the public restrooms in the Reeves Center building. 23 from chronic Lymphocytic
Monica Palacio, director of the Oce of Human Rights, has said that under the D.C. leukemia, according to his friend,
Human Rights Act, transgender people are free to use the public restroom of their choice. Donald Mahr. He was 76.
But Alexander-Reid said many gender nonconforming people still feel uncomfortable Kusinski was born July 30, 1940
using a mens or womens restroom and prefer an all gender facility or a gender in Utica, N.Y., and graduated
neutral, single occupancy restroom. from Hamilton College in 1962
LOU CHIBBARO JR. and Columbia Law School in
1965. He was a long-time federal
employee beginning as a lawyer
GLAA backs Newsham for D.C. police chief at the Treasury Department and
retiring as chief ethics ocer at
The Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance is calling on the D.C. City Council to conrm the Resolution Trust Corporation
Mayor Muriel Bowsers nomination of Peter Newsham as the citys police chief. in 1992.
In remarks prepared to be delivered Friday, March 24, at a conrmation roundtable During the 1980s, Kusinski,
hearing of the Councils Judiciary Committee, GLAAs immediate past president, Rick who was gay, was an active
Rosendall, called Newsham an experienced and level-headed police ocial who has volunteer at the Whitman-Walker
been supportive of the LGBT community. Clinic (now Whitman-Walker
We are pleased to endorse the conrmation of Peter Newsham as Chief of the Health). After retirement, he
Metropolitan Police Department, Rosendall said in a statement. In our experience and traveled extensively visiting six ARTHUR J. KUSINSKI
that of others who have spoken to us, Chief Newsham has been accessible, responsive, continents. For many years he
and forthright in his dealings with members of the LGBTQ community. was a guide at the U.S. Supreme
Bowser named Newsham, an attorney who joined the MPD in 1989, as interim chief Court and the Kennedy Center.
last September after then Police Chief Cathy Lanier resigned to take a job as head of He is survived by a brother, Ronald, and Ronalds wife Melanie, of Palatine, Ill.; two
security for the National Football League. In February, Bowser announced she was nieces, Natasha and Rachel; and a nephew, Gerrett. He had many friends in Washington
nominating Newsham as permanent chief after her oce completed a national search and New York.
for Laniers successor. A memorial service will be held at the Friends Meeting House at 2111 Florida Ave.,
Rosendall and other LGBT activists have praised Newsham for appointing Acting Lt. N.W., on Sunday, March 26 at 2:30 p.m. In lieu of owers, memorial contributions may
Brett Parson, the former head of the police LGBT Liaison Unit, to oversee all of the police be made to the Friends Meeting House or Human Rights Campaign.
liaison units, which Newsham transferred into the Executive Oce of the Chief of Police. JOEY DiGUGLIELMO
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0 8 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 LO CA L N E W S

Comings & Goings

Chavez wins Latino GLBT History Project award


The Comings & Goings column is about sharing the professional successes of our commu-
nity. We want to recognize those landing new jobs, new clients for their business, joining
boards of organizations and other achievements. Please share your successes with us at

Congratulations to LGBT Congressional Sta MARK A. PROCOPIO is the new leader of Free State Justice.
Associations Yesenia Chavez who received
the Latino GLBT History Projects Mujeres en el
Movimiento Award.
The Latino GLBT History Project is a non-prot,
volunteer-led organization whose mission is to FreeState Justice
names new leadership
investigate, collect, preserve and educate the public
about the history, culture, heritage, arts, social and
rich contributions of the Latino GLBT community
in metropolitan Washington, D.C. Mujeres en el
Movimiento is an annual event coordinated by LHPs YESENIA CHAVEZ
Womens committee to recognize and celebrate
Procopio assumes role Kents work at FreeState Justice began
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Latina activists of executive director on March 20. Her experience includes
who have made signicant contributions to empower litigating complex cases on behalf of
and increase the visibility of LGBT Latinas and Latinos. victims of terrorism and civil rights
Todd Sloves, president of the LGBT Congressional By STEVE CHARING abuses. Kent previously volunteered
Sta Association said, Were so proud of Yesenia for with FreeState Justice and co-authored
this well-deserved recognition. In her time serving FreeState Justice announced an amicus brief on behalf of a national
on our board she has worked hard to expand our new leaders in two key roles at the transgender advocacy organization in
organizations diversity and served as a mentor to organization on March 20. Mark A. the Conover case last year, an appeal
numerous junior LGBT sta of color. Procopio will become the organizations brought by FreeState that led Marylands
On receiving the award, Chavez said, Im grateful RANDY DOWNS executive director and Jennifer L. Kent will highest court to arm the parental rights
to the Latino GLBT History Project for selecting PHOTO COURTESY OF DOWNS lead FreeStates legal and policy advocacy of LGBTQ non-biological parents.
me as a recipient of this distinguished honor. As vice president of the LGBT eorts as managing attorney. Im honored to ght for LGBTQ
Congressional Sta Association and organizer of Latinas in the House, I have They replaced Patrick A. Paschall and Marylanders across the state, said
strived to build a pipeline for queer and women staers on the Hill. I am honored Jer Welter, respectively, who left the Kent in a statement. In the face of the
to work on behalf of my community and to push for space for LGBT people and organization earlier in the year to pursue attacks on the LGBTQ community at the
Latinas on the Hill. other careers. federal level, our team will continue to
Chavez has taken a leading role in organizing events focused on creating a safe Baltimore-based FreeState Justice work tirelessly to ensure that our state
space for women and queer people of color, including an annual Galentines is Marylands statewide legal services protections are enforced and policies
Day breakfast, regular Queer People of Color (QPOC) and womens events, and and policy advocacy organization that are inclusive here in Maryland. I am
various guest speaker events. represents the LGBTQ population. eager to lead those eorts as FreeStates
Chavez currently works in the Oce of Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) as Procopio, whose position is eective Managing Attorney.
a legislative assistant. She has worked for the Harris County Democratic Party March 27, comes to FreeState Justice Jessica P. Weber, president of FreeState
Houston, and for Amigos de las Amricas Perez Zeledn, Costa Rica as Associate from a career in development and Justices board of directors, said, All of
Project Director and Project Supervisor. She holds a bachelors in Political management for local educational us at FreeState Justice are very excited
Science and Liberal Studies from the University of Houston. institutions in Baltimore. Most recently, about the leadership, experience, and
Congratulations also to Randy Downs, on his appointment to the Advisory Procopio served as Interim Director passion these two new leaders bring to
Committee for the Mayors Oce of LGBTQ Aairs. Randy is also an Advisory of Operations for KIPP Baltimore the organization. Marks outstanding
Neighborhood Commissioner on ANC 2B05. where he led fundraising, community experience and track record of success
Downs, a native of rural Missouri, started advocating for social and organizing, advocacy, marketing, and in development and management,
environmental causes at a young age. Through his early work as a community communications for the Baltimore-based combined with his background working
organizer he successfully helped elect progressive candidates across the state charter school network. with Baltimore City youth from low-
and advanced initiatives to strengthen labor standards and campaign nance I am humbled and eager to continue income backgrounds, will be a great asset
rules, improve safety and healthcare, and lift up young and working families. FreeState Justices work in ensuring that to LGBTQ Marylanders as he takes the
He moved to D.C. in 2011 to join the Sierra Club where he is currently a every member of the LGBTQ community in helm of this organization at such a critical
campaign representative. In his role, Downs has trained thousands of community Maryland can live authentically, with safety time in our history.
organizers across the country, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and dignity, Procopio told the Blade. Weber also highlighted the importance
successfully ghting to build grassroots support for policies to combat climate Our priority is to continue to answer of bringing on a seasoned managing
change and protect the health of our communities. Three years ago Randy was the incredible demand for legal services in attorney. Jennifer has spent years
diagnosed with cancer and as he tells it, I fought my way to remission using the the LGBTQ community. We have to listen advocating for individuals who have
same motivation and focus I use in my advocacy. to our clients needs and partner with local suered grave injustices, she said.
Downs lives in Dupont Circle with his longtime partner Dylan and volunteers at organizations to best meet those needs. We are thrilled that she is bringing her
many organizations including Whitman-Walker Health, the Smith Cancer Center With so much uncertainty at present, we great skill and depth of experience to
for Healing and the Arts, and the DC Center for the LGBT Community.He earned must focus on shoring up our local laws to FreeState Justice where she will enhance
his bachelors from Southeast MO State University where he graduated cum laude. insulate from federal policies that target our ability to ght tenaciously on behalf
our community, like those seen against LGBTQ Marylanders most at risk of
transgender students, he said. discrimination.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 0 9

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1 0 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 NATIONAL NEWS

HHS seeks to dump LGBT elders from U.S. health survey

Trump administration research and communications at the
Center for American Progress, said in
questions reliability a statement the proposed roll back
of sample makes it impossible to know whether
the Department of Health and Human
By CHRIS JOHNSON Services is equitably serving LGBT people
cjohnson@washblade.com in need.
Without the information provided
LGBT advocacy groups are opposing the in these surveys, we cant ensure that
Trump administrations announced plans LGBT seniors have equal access to
to remove questions seeking to identify important government services or that
gay, lesbian and bisexual elders in a U.S. LGBT people with disabilities have equal
health survey, saying the move represents a access to independent living services
systematic plan to undermine LGBT progress. that empower them to live full and self-
Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders determined lives, Durso said. We cant
announced Monday the launch of a ensure that the administration is fullling
campaign to oppose the Department its duty to eliminate the barriers that shut
of Health & Human Services proposed vulnerable LGBT people out of the safety
elimination of the questions from the net. By walking back data collection on
National Survey of Older Americans Act LGBT populations, this administration
HHS is seeking to eliminate a question for LGBT elders in a health survey.
Participants, or NSOAAP. The survey is is saying that they would rather erase
intended to evaluate the eectiveness of disparities than end them.
programs funded by the Older Americans plans to remove the sexual-orientation government that includes rule changes. No question in the survey ever
Act, such as services for home-delivered questions from the NSOAAP shortly LGBT elders or questions on U.S. addressed transgender status. Even
meals, homemaker services and the after the conrmation of Tom Price as surveys are nowhere explicitly found in during the Obama years, the U.S.
National Family Caregiver Support Program. secretary of health and human services. the notice. Instead, the notice provides government never included a question
Michael Adams, CEO of SAGE, said As a U.S. lawmaker, Price had an anti- a link to descriptions of previous surveys in its surveys seeking to identify the
in a statement the proposed change LGBT record, including support for a U.S. and a link to a proposed draft of the transgender population in the United
jeopardizes assurances LGBT elders will constitutional amendment banning same- 2017 survey, incorrectly saying there will States, citing diculty in asking the
receive benets under those programs. sex marriage nationwide and opposition to no change to the new survey. But a questions and being assured of responses.
Caring about our LGBT elders means hate crimes protections legislation, Dont look at the survey reveals a change: The The absence of those questions was
making sure they have access to publicly Ask, Dont Tell repeal and a version of the elimination of a question on whether a source of frustration at the National
funded senior services, which can be literally Employment Non-Discrimination Act. In respondents identify as lesbian, gay or Center for Transgender Equality, which
life-saving, Adams said. Now, it appears 2013, Price participated in an event call bisexual, which had been included in collected its own information on the
that the Trump administration wants to hosted by Tea Party Unity and said a caller each annual survey since 2014. transgender population in its 2015 U.S.
make believe LGBT older people dont was absolutely right about potentially According to the notice, federal Transgender Survey.
exist, by erasing them from this critically negative health and scal impacts of agencies are required under the Kelly Mack, an HHS spokesperson, said
important survey. We insist that this measures promoting LGBT rights. Paperwork Reduction Act to allow 60 days in response to the criticism the question
decision be reversed and that the federal The declaration that HHS was for a public comment period on changes on sexual orientation was included in
government commit to serving all elders in considering eliminating the notices in the collection of information and those previous surveys as part of a trial eort,
need, including those who are LGBT. was published March 13 in the Federal are due May 12. but is now being eliminated because it
The Trump administration announced Register, the daily journal of the U.S. Laura Durso, vice president for LGBT didnt yield sucient information.

LGBT juror non-discrimination bill reintroduced

Prohibits rejection of jurors sexual orientation and gender identity. Legal observers have pointed out that for the 9th Circuit in Northern California ruled
Two days later, Sens. Jeanne Shaheen during the jury selection process in trials in 2014 that its unconstitutional for a potential
based on orientation, (D-N.H.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) attorneys for plaintis in civil cases and juror to be excluded solely because of his or
gender identity jointly introduced the Senate version of prosecutors in criminal cases as well as her sexual orientation. But that ruling covers
the same bill but which bears a dierent attorneys for defendants have an opportunity only the seven western states and Hawaii that
name, the Jury Access for Capable to strike or disqualify a limited number of are in the 9th Circuit.
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. Citizens and Equality in Service Selection, potential jurors without providing a reason. Supporters of the Juror Non-
lchibbaro@washblade.com or ACCESS, Act of 2017. Although the Supreme Court has ruled Discrimination Act and the Jury ACCESS
Both bills state that their intent is to that using such challenges to exclude Act say the legislation is needed to extend
LGBT supportive members of the U.S. prohibit the exclusion of individuals from jurors based on their race or gender is the 9th Circuit ruling nationwide.
House and Senate last week reintroduced service on a federal jury on account of unconstitutional, the high court ruling Aaron Hunter, a spokesperson for
legislation that would prohibit discrimination sexual orientation or gender identity. did not apply to sexual orientation or Davis, said Davis and other House
against LGBT people in the process of selecting As of early this week, three other gender identity. A federal law expanded supporters of the legislation are hopeful
jurors for trials in the nations federal courts. senators signed on as co-sponsors, Sens. the Supreme Court ruling by banning that it will gain traction in the current
In the House on March 13, Rep. Susan Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Patty Murray discrimination in the selection of jurors 115th Congress even though it has never
Davis (D-Calif.) introduced the Juror Non- (D-Wash.), and Ed Markey (D-Mass.). based on race, religion, sex, national origin, made it out of committee since it was
Discrimination Act of 2017, which calls Sixteen House members 14 and economic status but also did not cover rst introduced in 2012. The 2017 version
for amending an existing law that bans Democrats and two Republicans signed sexual orientation or gender identity. of the legislation has been referred
discrimination against prospective jurors on as co-sponsors of the House version of Meanwhile, in a development hailed by to the Republican controlled Judiciary
on the basis of race and sex to cover the bill as of early this week. LGBT rights attorneys, the U.S. Court of Appeals Committees in the House and Senate.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 1 1

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1 2 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 I N T E RN A T I O N A L N E W S

State Dept. defends anti-LGBT activists appointment

The State Department on Monday once again defended the decision to appoint a
representative of an organization that strongly opposes LGBT and intersex rights to the
U.S. delegation to an annual U.N. womens conference.
The United States does seek to include individuals from civil society organizations with
diverse viewpoints and allow them to observe the U.N. in action during the Commission
on the Status of Women, acting spokesperson Mark Toner told the Washington Blade
during his daily press brieng.
The State Department last week announced Center for Family and Human Rights
Executive Vice President Lisa Correnti and Heritage Foundation Associate for Social
Issues at the U.N. Grace Melton is among the members of the U.S. delegation to the
conference that is scheduled to end on March 24.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated C-FAM as a hate group, noting its
strong opposition to LGBT and intersex rights.
The Human Rights Campaign, the Council for Global Equality, Human Rights First and
OutRight Action International have urged Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to rescind the
appointments. C-FAM President Austin Ruse on March 15 described OutRight Action
International as a radical homosexual group that has started a global campaign to
have Lisa (Correnti) removed from the U.S. delegation in a fundraising letter it sent to
its supporters.
This radical group charges that C-FAM is a hate group because we do not accept the
homosexual agenda, wrote Ruse.
OutRight Action International has accused C-FAM of violating federal ethics laws with
its fundraising appeal.
OutRight Action International Executive Director Jessica Stern on March 17 asked
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley to remove Correnti from the delegation and
KENDRA STEFANI JORDANY is a transgender woman from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, ban C-FAM from the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women while their fundraising
who is running for a seat in the Central American Parliament. practices are under investigation.
PHOTO COURTESY OF KENDRA STEFANI JORDANY The question we are asking now is: Is it ethical for a civil society representative to
directly prot from the appointment to a U.S. government delegation, or is this a conict
of interest, asked Stern in her letter to Haley.

A trans lawmaker in Honduras? To us, this seems very much like a conict of interest, and we urge you, as head
of the delegation and ambassador to the U.N., to please remove C-FAM from the U.S.
delegation to the Commission on Status of Women, added Stern.
An activist in Honduras would become the rst openly transgender candidate Toner on Monday did not specically respond to the Blades question about OutRight
elected in the country if she were to win a seat in the Central American Parliament. Action Internationals allegation.
Kendra Stefani Jordany, who is a member of the Liberty and Refoundation He said Correnti and Melton can attend formal commission meetings and side
(LIBRE) party from the city of San Pedro Sula, nished 18 among the list of 20 events.
candidates for the Central American Parliament who received enough votes in Theyre not, however, authorized to negotiate or speak on behalf of the United
the March 12 primary to qualify for the general election. States, he added.
Jordany is the rst openly trans person to ever win a primary election in MICHAEL K. LAVERS
Its an immense historical achievement, she told the Blade on March 17
during an interview from San Pedro Sula. Trump budget slashes State Dept., USAID
The Central American Parliament, which is part of the System of Central
American Integration, promotes human rights and political stability in the region. The budget blueprint that President Trump released last week would cut the budgets
Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican of the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development by 28
Republic are members of the Guatemala City-based body. percent.
Honduras general elections are scheduled to take place on Nov. 26. Jordany The proposed budget requests a total of $37.6 billion for the State Department and
told the Blade that she will hopefully be among the Central American Parliament USAID.
candidates who remain on the ballot. It seeks $25.6 billion in base funding for the two agencies, which is $10.1 billion less
Jordany, 28, began her advocacy more than a decade ago when she was 16. than they received in scal year 2017. The proposed budget also requests an additional
She is currently studying journalism in San Pedro Sula. Jordany is also planning $12 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations funding for extraordinary costs
to travel to the Dominican Republic next week in order to attend a conference associated with wars in countries that include Afghanistan and Iraq.
the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute is co-organizing. Trump writes in the blueprints introduction that the $54 billion in proposed cuts in
Violence and discrimination based on gender identity remain commonplace non-defense spending includes deep cuts to foreign aid. The proposed budget does
in Honduras. San Pedro Sula, which is located in the northwest corner of the not specically say whether the White House plans to cut or eliminate funding of State
country, ranks as one of the worlds most violent cities that is not in a war zone Department or USAID initiatives or programs that promote LGBT and intersex rights
because of street gangs and drug trackers and Honduras Military Police that abroad.
target them. It is time to prioritize the security and well-being of Americans and to ask the rest of
Ren Martnez, a prominent San Pedro Sula-based activist who was a member the world to step up and pay its fair share, says Trump in the blueprints introduction.
of President Juan Orlando Hernndezs ruling National Party, was killed in June The proposed budget provides sucient resources to maintain current commitments
2016. A trans activist in San Pedro Sula with whom the Blade spoke last month and all current patient levels on HIV/AIDS treatment under the Presidents Emergency
said she has survived two assassination attempts over the last year. Plan for AIDS Relief. It also meets U.S. commitments to the Global Fund for AIDS,
Jordany told the Blade she has not received any threats because of her Tuberculosis and Malaria.
campaign or activism. She also said she would work on non-LGBT and intersex The proposed budget would reduce funding for the State Departments Educational
issues if elected. and Cultural Exchange Programs and redirect it to sustaining the agship Fulbright
We must build alliances, said Jordany. Program. It also calls for a $650 million reduction in funding to the World Bank and
MICHAEL K. LAVERS other international development banks over three years.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 1 3

1 4 MA RCH 2 4 , 2 017 NATIONAL NEWS

Gorsuch tight-lipped, but says marriage is settled law

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 01 original intent of enacting statutes before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week
ruling on them, a practice criticized as declaring their opposition to the nominee
marriage terminology commonly citedin a means to deny justice to minority and urging rigorous questioning during
Europe, but rarely in the United States, to groups, including LGBT people. The late the conrmation process.
refer to marriage equality. U.S. Associate Justice Antonin Scalia Although Gorsuch has never ruled on the
Durbin brought up LGBT people in the advocated that judicial viewpoint in his issue of same-sex marriage, the nominee
context of questioning of John Finnis, dissents to major gay rights cases, such wrote a scathing piece in 2005 for the
whom Gorsuch identied as a mentor as the U.S. Supreme Court decision in National Review titled Liberals & Lawsuits
during his time at Oxford University. A favor of same-sex marriage. excoriating the progressive movement for
conservative one-time law professor, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) sought seeking advancements in the courts. Two
Finnis delivered a deposition in the clarication from Gorsuch on originalism, years after the Massachusetts Supreme
early 90s in favor of Colorados anti-gay referencing, among other rulings, the Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage,
Amendment 2, a law that prohibited 1996 Virginia Military Institute decision, the article identies marriage equality as
cities from enacting non-discrimination which determined the states exclusion an issue that should be settled outside the
ordinances based on sexual orientation. of women from the school violated judicial system.
The Supreme Court struck down the law the right to equal protection under the When asked by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
in the 1996 Romer v. Evans decision. 14th Amendment. Scalia, in his dissent, to respond to criticism over the op-ed,
Referencing a passage in which Finnis wrote the decision was creating a new the nominee said he believes the courts,
compared same-sex relationships to Constitution, not keeping to the original in fact, are a very important place for the
bestiality and said antipathy toward LGBT meaning of the U.S. Constitution. vindication of civil rights, but in many cases
people is based not just on religious Asked by Klobuchar whether the ruling they arent appropriate for change.
reasons, but societal views, Durbin asked was based on the original meaning of the I can report to you, having lived longer,
Gorsuch whether he was aware of his Constitution, Gorsuch kept his views to as I did report to you in 2005 that the
mentors statements. himself and said, The majority in that case problem lies on both sides of the aisle,
I know he testied in the Romer case, argued that it was. Gorsuch repeated that I see lots of people who resort to
Gorsuch said. I cant specically recall the his view the concept of equal protection the court more quickly than perhaps they
specics of his testimony or that he gave under the law is quite signicant. should, Gorsuch said.
a deposition. When the Minnesota Democrat asked Much of the discontent over Gorsuch
When Durbin sought more information In an exchange with Sen. AL FRANKEN, Neil Gorsuch whether hed apply that approach is also related to his 11th Circuit decision
Gorsuch conceded the issue of same-sex
from Gorsuch on the impact Finnis had marriage is settled law. to minority groups, such as women, LGBT in the Hobby Lobby case, when he ruled
on his views, Gorsuch referred to rulings WASHINGTON BLADE FILE PHOTO BY MICHAEL KEY people and racial minorities, Gorsuch the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
he made on the bench as a member of replied, A good judge applies the law aords religious freedom protections
the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of without respect to persons. Thats part of to not just people, but corporations, and
I think the best evidence is what Ive same-sex marriage nationwide and asked my judicial oath. the business chain could refuse health
written, Gorsuch said. Ive written or Gorsuch how his views have changed since Seemingly unsatised with the response, insurance to female employees that
joined over 6 million words as a federal 2004, the nominee remain tight-lipped. Klobuchar pressed Gorsuch further, covered contraception. Gorsuch joined a
appellate judge. Ive written a couple of My personal views, if were to begin prompting him to reply, I dont take similar decision against the Obamacare
books. Ive been a lawyer and a judge for speaking about my personal views on this account of the person before me. Everyone contraception mandate in the Little
25 or 30 years, and I guess Id ask you, subject, which every American has views is equal under the eyes of the law. Sisters of the Poor case.
respectfully, to look at my credentials and on, would send a misleading signal to the The reluctance of Gorsuch to oer At a time when many businesses and
my record. American people, Gorsuch said. his views during the conrmation individuals are asserting civil rights laws
In another exchange with Franken, The Minnesota Democrat sought to process is typical of nominees seeking prohibiting anti-LGBT discrimination
Gorsuch conceded the issue of same- move on to another topic as Gorsuch said conrmation to the Supreme Court. As unfairly penalize their religious beliefs,
sex marriage is settled law, but he wanted to nish his thought about not other nominees have done in the past, some LGBT rights supporters fearGorsuch
acknowledged subsequent litigation is being able to disclose personal view, but Gorsuch said disclosure of personal could apply that religious freedom
ongoing on its impact and kept his cards Franken said, Youve given a version of views or the appropriateness of a reasoning in those cases to institute carve-
close to his vest on his personal views. this answer before. I understand. particular decision would suggest a bias outs for anti-LGBT discrimination.
Referencing Gorsuchs help with former The issue of marriage equality came on those issues if they came to him after Under questioning from Durbin,
President George W. Bushs 2004 re- up later in the hearing when Sen. winningconrmation. Gorsuch walked through his reasoning
election campaign in Ohio as a member Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) brought it up Other decisions on which Gorsuch had in the Hobby Lobby case, maintaining
of Lawyers for Bush, Franken noted when asking Gorsuch about his views no comment included the Roe v. Wade his ruling is based on the belief the
that was the year the state had an anti- on whether the Constitution protects decision, the Heller decision arming the U.S. government could make other
gay amendment on the ballot and asked intimate and personal choices. Gorsuch Second Amendment right to own a rearm accommodations for employees seeking
the nominee whether same-sex marriage again declined to express his personal in D.C. and the Citizens United case allowing contraception other than employer-
should be subjectedto popular vote. views, but underscored the importance unlimited contributions from corporations based health coverage.
Senator, I dont recall any involvement of the Obergefell decision as precedent. and unions to political campaigns. Does the government have a
in that issue during that campaign, Obergefell is a precedent of the United On rare occasions during the hearing, compelling interest in the ACA in providing
Gorsuch said. I remember going to Ohio. States Supreme Court, Gorsuch said. It Gorsuch was more direct. Referencing contraceptive care? The Supreme Court
When Franken asked the nominee if he entitles persons to engage in single-sex Trumps pledge to appoint only justices of the United States said, We assume yes.
wasaware of the marriage issue in 2004, marriage. Thats a right that the Supreme whod overturn a womans right to have We take that as given, Gorsuch said. The
Gorusch replied, Certainly, I was aware Court has recognized. It is a precedent of an abortion, Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) question becomes is it narrow tailored to
about it. the United States Supreme Court entitled asked Gorsuch if he made any private require the Green family to provide it. The
Pressed further by Franken for his views, to all the deference to precedence of the commitments to Trump to overturn Roe answer there the Supreme Court reached
Gorsuch added, Any revelation about my United States Supreme Court, and thats v. Wade, but the nominee replied he in precedent binding on us now, and we
personal views about this matter would quite a lot. didnt and was not asked to do so. reached in anticipation, is no, that wasnt
indicate to people how I might rule as a Much of the concern over Gorsuch I would have walked out the door, as strictly tailored as it could be because
judge. Mistakenly, but it might, and I have concerns his subscription to the judicial Gorsuch said. Thats not what judges do. the government had provided dierent
to be concerned about that. philosophy of originalism in which A group of 21 LGBT organizations led accommodations to churches and to
When Franken pointed out the U.S. jurists seek to determine lawmakers by Lamdba Legal signed a joint letter to other religious entities.

N A T IO NA L NEW S MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 1 5

Schiff leading the resistance to Trump in Congress


lies about surveillance were damaging

relations with the countrys allies.
Additionally, Comey conceded that, in
addition to the Russian hacking of the
election, the Trump campaigns possible
collusion with Russian ocials is under
federal investigation.
Is it possible that all of these events
and reports are completely unrelated and
nothing more than an entirely unhappy
coincidence? Schi asked. Yes, it is
possible. But it is also possible, maybe
more than possible, that they are not
coincidental, not disconnected and not
unrelated and that the Russians use the
same techniques to corrupt U.S. persons
that they employed in Europe and
elsewhere. We simply dont know, not yet.
And we owe it to the country to nd out.
These are not just rhetorical ourishes
so Schi can get a sound bite on MSNBC
or CNN. Hes the real deal, checking in
with his constituents when no cameras
are around. And he knows many of his There is an absolute sense of alarm at how
constituents are terried of Trump. this administration is conducting itself, said
There is an absolute sense of alarm Rep. ADAM SCHIFF.
at how this administration is conducting
itself and whether the president of the
United States, who makes repeated false
statements, can be believed in times ago, he continued, this was an issue I
of national crisis. I think its a very deep raised with some parliamentarians who
concern for members of both parties, were pursuing legislation modeled after
Schi told the Los Angeles Blade in a bills in the Russian Duma to discriminate
phone interview March 17. against the LGBT community. So these
Believe me, I understand it and I feel eorts are going on. I think the Kremlin
that acutely, he said. The day after the considers it a wedge issue they can use
election, I went to the LGBT Center in to wedge people away from the United
the district.[H]undreds of people were States but also cause internal conict
deeply worried about what this new within Eastern European societies in
administration would mean. Youve now hopes of weakening them.
seen that Center defaced with hateful While Schi says there must be a
grati. Youre seeing a rise in anti- strong pushback, especially among
Semitism around the country and hate members of Congress with their
in many forms. Youre seeing members counterparts in Europe, support from the
of Congress like Steve King express white State Department and the White House is
nationalist sentiments that would be uncertain.
unthinkable at other times. And I think its Two words I have yet to hear in
alarming to millions of Americans. combination from the president are
Schi has also discussed LGBT rights when human and rights. And if hes not going
he travels to foreign countries, including the to talk about human rights at all and
Baltics. He is keenly aware of attempts by the make it clear to authoritarian and other
American religious right to create alliances governments around the world that
with conservative foreign governments thats not a priority for the United States
based on anti-LGBT sentiment. any more, Schi said, then what hope
I think this is really part of a do we have for the White House to be
propaganda campaign that has many advocating for a policy that LGBT rights
centers of gravity, Schi said. But one are also human rights?
of the most prominent is coming out of Still, there is hope. Ive been urging
Moscow and this is a line that the Kremlin people to pick one or two issues that
is pushing as part of its nativist agenda they really care about and to nd out
that the West is decadent, that it doesnt how they can make a dierence in Rep. Adam Schi has emerged as a leading critic of PRESIDENT TRUMPs administration.
observe family or conservative values. those, Schi said. They can be LGBT
This is something the Russians are trying issues or climate change or concerns
to use in Eastern Europe and in the Baltics over voter disenfranchisement in contribute to resisting the ill-thought- out where each individual can have
as a way of developing support for pro- minority communities. Figure out how out and discriminatory policies of the the most value. But there are lots of
Russian parties. you can use your skills as a layperson, administration. We each can make a opportunities and the country deeply
When I was in the Baltics a year or two as a lawyer, as a teacher, as a writer to dierence and the challenge is to gure needs it right now.

FREE 16 M A R C H 24, 2017 BA LT I MO RE N E W S

Estimates! Bonded
Insured Maryland LGBT Chamber fundraiser on tap
SERVICES LLC AdNet, a 27-year-old, LGBT-owned
stang company based in Catonsville,

Md., will host a fundraiser on April 26 for
the edgling Maryland LGBT Chamber
of Commerce. The Chamber is set to
launch in mid-June to coincide with
Baltimore Pride.
Twice a year, my company, AdNet,
puts on this event to showcase a non-
prot organization as a fundraiser
and opportunity for networking in
Baltimore City, Betsy Cerulo, the
companys CEO and board president
of the Maryland LGBT Chamber,
told the Blade. We also take the
opportunity to showcase several
artists work as part of the silent BETSY CERULO serves as board president
of the Maryland LGBT Chamber of
auction. Commerce.

Call Today!
Cerulo started to hold the events PHOTO COURTESY OF CERULO
250 OFF in Baltimore City one year after the
unrest as a way to bring people back
any project over $1000 into the city. Given this is the year the Maryland LGBT Chamber is ocially
Ask for details! launched, my company chose the Chamber as our non-prot to showcase.
AdNet is certied by the national Chamber. It opens up the doors for business,
PAINT, FLOORS AND MORE SINCE 1964. Cerulo told the Baltimore Sun. Corporations are now wanting to have as part of
their procurement spend, they want to allot a certain amount of money to LGBT-
We Accept: LGBTQ friendly certied companies. It denitely gives me an added advantage when Im looking
to do business with corporations. That helps me get in the door.
The Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce is being formed in an eort to
empower and promote LGBT business owners and professionals in the Maryland
marketplace. Its goal is to ocially launch on June 14, 2017, aiming to grow to
500 individuals and businesses.
The fundraiser, themed Art, Wine and All That Jazz, will take place between
5:30-8 p.m. at the newly renovated Center Stage, 700 North Calvert St. in Baltimore.
There will be music, food and a silent auction with artwork from local artists.

Iron Crow unveils new season

Iron Crow Theatre, Baltimores only professional queer theater company,
announced its new season line-up on March 19 at a reception at the Motor
House in Baltimores arts and entertainment district.
In addressing a crowd of more than 100, Sean Elias, Iron Crow Theatres Artistic
Director and CEO, touted the growth of the company and the fact the four shows
from the current season garnered 32 award nominations.
For the upcoming season, dubbed the Season of Identity, Iron Crow will
present: The Cradle Will Rock, Rocky Horror Show, The Goodies, Cloud 9,
Corpus Christi, and The Laramie Project. There will also be an educational
tour geared to middle school students called Queer?!
The 17/18 Season of Identity explores who we are as individuals, as people,
and as a nation, revealing the possibility, uidity and oppression we all encounter
in the construction of who I am and who we are, said Elias, in a statement prior
to the event.

Hopkins holds identity-based meet-ups

To create more opportunities for people to share their identities in a safe and
friendly environment, Johns Hopkins University is oering meet-ups for LGBTQ
students. These meet-ups are intended only for people who have that particular
identity. Allies of these communities are encouraged to respect the need to have
a closed event.
Currently, meet-ups have been established for the following: Roots (for LGBTQ
people of color); Transgender and Genderqueer; Asexual Spectrum (including
asexual, demisexual, gray-A, and similar identities); LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual
Violence; LGBTQA People of Faith; and LGBTQ International Students.
If interested in attending any of these meet-ups, emaillgbtq@jhu.edu.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 1 7

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Betty Mallon

18 M A R C H 24, 2017 H E A LT H N E W S
Set New Goals for Spring
Lebanon plans LGBT sexual health week

LONDON Lebanon is hosting itsrst-ever LGBT sexual health week and will
focus on the marginalization of the community, Gay Star News, a U.K. outlet, reports.
The Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health (LebMASH) will run the
health week, which will focus on how the marginalization of the LGBTI community
aects mental health.
In a series of videos the health campaign tackles the myriad of issues LGBT
people face living in Lebanon.
One of the videos features Dr. Fadi (no rst name given), a sexual health specialist.
As a doctor, my mission includes raising awareness and not just treatment.
But Im unable to fulll my duties when it comes to the sexual health of (LGBT)
people and this worries me, he said in the video.
Fadi explained a lot of LGBT people avoid going to doctors for fear of
mistreatment and discrimination.
Although Lebanon is one the most progressive countries in the Middle
East regarding LGBT issues, it is still taboo. Article 534 of the Lebanese Penal
Codeprohibits having sexual relations that are contradicting the laws of nature.
But in January, Lebanon came one step closer to decriminalizing
homosexuality. A judge ruled that, homosexuality is a personal choice, not a
punishable oense.
The ruling referenced Article 183: An act undertaken in exercise of a right
without abuse shall not be regarded as an oense.
Which means if youre exercising your freedoms and not hurting anyone,
Join our Personal Training Program theres no crime, Gay Star News reports.
Where Functionality & Strength Meet Technology
1150 18th Street, NW Calif. strategizes against health care overhaul
Washington, D.C.
www.benchgym.com SAN FRANCISCO Health care experts say the prognosis is not good for
California creating a single-payer health care system this year, even as fears grow
over the impact of Republican federal lawmakers plans to gut the Aordable
Care Act, the Bay Area Reporter reports.
Gay state Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and lesbian state Sen. Toni Atkins
(D-San Diego) last month introduced their Californians for a Healthy California
Act (Senate Bill 562), which is backed by the California Nurses Association, to
jumpstart the process of creating a universal health care system that would
cover all 39 million Californians, including the estimated 3 million undocumented
immigrants living in the state.
They have yet to release a more detailed plan for how the state would achieve
that goal but have pledged to do so in the weeks ahead, the Reporter article notes.
Access to aordable and quality health care is not only critical, it should be a
right for everyone in California, Atkins said, according to the Bay Area Reporter.
In light of threats to the Aordable Care Act, its important that we look at all
options to maintain and expand access to health care. The Healthy California Act
is an essential part of that conversation.
Past attempts to do so have failed in California, such as when voters rejected a
statewide ballot initiative in 1994. And out former lawmakers have seen opposition
from insurance companies and other special interests sink their past legislation.
Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger twice vetoed bills carried by lesbian
former state Senator Sheila Kuehl, now a Los Angeles county supervisor. And
gay former state Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) saw his 2012 bill to establish
aG P R O O F health care system pass out of the Senate only to die in the
ISSUE DATE: 02.10.2017 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: BRIAN PITTS (bpitts@washblade.com) Assembly, the Reporter notes.
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of

Conversion therapy voted down in Tampa

proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
NS the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
GN responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
EVISIONS can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, TAMPA, Fla. Local LGBT members celebrated a major win Thursday in the
SIONS or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred Tampa City Council, ABC Action News reports.
By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the
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Council members unanimously voted to ban mental health professionals
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertisers breach of any of the foregoing representations payment and insertion schedule.
and warranties.

from using gay conversion therapy.

Supporters of the ban dressed in purple.
Under the ordinance, anyone caught providing conversion therapy to a minor
would be ned up to a $1,000. Repeat oenders would face a ne up to $5,000,
ABC reports.
Dozens shared their stories of personal trauma under the practice. At least
one opponent also spoke before council. Those providing strictly religious
counseling like clergymen are exempt from the ban under the rst amendment.
A second reading of the ordinance takes place next month, ABC Action News reports.
202.319.8541 www.lgbtc.com Se habla espanol
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2 0 MA RCH 2 4 , 2 017 VIEWPOINT

PO Box 53352
Washington DC 20009

The battle for America

Brown Na Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
lbrown@washblade.com ext. 8075
They had no right to vote on their neigh- munities. It sounds almost benign to let KEVIN NAFF
Our vital shared ground is bors marital choices. We who fought for people go o and do their own thing, like kna@washblade.com ext. 8088
under brutal assault marriage equality were not telling them Henry David Thoreau. But what if we re- FEATURES EDITOR
what to preach or whose wedding to con- place Christianist orthodoxy with Islamist joeyd@washblade.com ext. 8081
secrate. We were ghting for legal equal- orthodoxy? Would Christianist bullies SR. NEWS REPORTER
ity in the secular realm. tolerate Shariah-avored Waldens? No. LOU CHIBBARO JR.
Trumpists who treat all Muslims as ter- We cannot expect peace to result from lchibbaro@washblade.com ext. 8079
rorists (while ignoring acts of domestic enclaves of obscurantism springing up CHRIS JOHNSON
terror by members of groups like Army of across the country like an American ver- cjohnson@washblade.com ext. 8083
God) are not defending against Shariah sion of Israeli settlements in the Occupied REPORTER & INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR
law; they are seeking supremacy for their Territory. Imagine seeing a thousand Sci- MICHAEL K. LAVERS
own faith. Women ghting for healthcare entology compounds bloom.
choice do not try to control mens bod- Drehers vision is a short leap from a MARIAH COOPER
RICHARD J. ROSENDALL is a writer and activist. ies as men have done to them, except real-life version of the social thriller cre- PHOTO EDITOR
Reach him at rrosendall@starpower.net. as satire. There has been no rash of hate ated by director Jordan Peele in his witty MICHAEL KEY
crimes by gay men and trans women lm Get Out.Perhaps its dangers could mkey@washblade.com
against straight men. be mitigated by apps that warn people PETER ROSENSTEIN, MARK LEE,
I feel these days like an unwilling pas- The current wave of intolerance is by away from certain areas. But America is a LATEEFAH WILLIAMS, KATE CLINTON,
senger in a speeding car driven by a people ghting against the loss of unmer- republic. Just as Lincoln said we could not KATHI WOLFE, RICHARD J. ROSENDALL,
drunk. We cannot survive four years of ited privilege. Scan the mainstream news. endure half slave and half free, we cannot MAXIMILLIAN SYCAMORE
this breakneck Trumpian recklessness. Whose churches are torched? Whose endure as a patchwork quilt where some AZERCREATIVE.COM
Somethings going to blow, says novel- cemeteries are desecrated? Whose places deny secular freedoms. The Bill of SALES & ADMINISTRATION
ist Salman Rushdie. He fears a Kent State, children are bullied? What grati is as Rights is not optional. DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING
where an antiwar protester in 1970 was frightening as a swastika? This is not a Budgets have consequences. Decimat- STEPHEN RUTGERS
srutgers@washblade.com ext. 8077
killed by the Ohio National Guard. I fear zero-sum game of white versus black, gay ing the State Department will make dead- SR. ACCT. EXECUTIVE
both that and a new war. versus straight, or Christian versus hea- ly miscalculations more likely. Slashing BRIAN PITTS
But the driver is not drunk. He is crazy. then. Those are false binaries. Resisting health funding, like that for the Epidemi- bpitts@washblade.com ext. 8089
He is attacking what makes our diverse Trump is properly a ght for E pluribus ology and Laboratory Capacity Program, ACCT. EXECUTIVE
population a nation. I am not talking unum: Out of many, we are one. will make us more vulnerable to pandem-
spath@washblade.com ext. 8078
about mere rhetoric. That framing im- Conservative Rod Dreher, who thinks ics. Rolling back environmental protec- JOE HICKLING
plies both sides are equally at fault. Christianity is under assault by gay peo- tions will poison our air, water and land. jhickling@washblade.com ext. 8094
When a group of anti-gay ministers a ple and the sexual revolution, proposes Taking away healthcare, home heating CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION
decade ago fought eorts to enact civil what he dubs the Benedict Option, after assistance and Meals on Wheels from the PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH
prockstroh@washblade.com ext. 8092
marriage equality in D.C., they portrayed the father of the monastic movement: most vulnerable will kill more Americans NATIONAL ADVERTISING
themselves as victims. That was false. creating self-isolated orthodox com- than ISIS ever could. Cutting foreign hu- RIVENDELL MEDIA
manitarian assistance as famine looms 212-242-6863; sales@rivendellmedia.com
will starve children and destroy goodwill. For distribution, contact Lynne Brown at 202-747-2077,
E DIT OR IA L C A R T OON Americas Founders concluded the Dec- ext. 8075. Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
All material in the Washington Blade is protected by federal copyright law
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other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sa- ton Blade. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers
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The Founders are long gone. It is our DC 20009. The Washington Blade is published weekly, on Friday, by
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greatness is rooted in the pluralism under at Washington, D.C., and additional mailing oces. Editorial positions
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attack. Trumps mayhem will bring a back- notes as determined by the papers editors. Other opinions are those
lash. When it comes, we must choose rec- of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
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Send submissions by e-mail to kna@washblade.com.
rebuilding to do. Our vital shared ground,
our republic, will remain at stake.

Copyright 2017 by Richard J.

Rosendall. All rights reserved.

V I E W PO I N T MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 2 1

Adding Elizabeth Bishop to our LGBT literary team

people have never known real sadists at
Recognizing contributions Art is needed in our time as never before. Check rst hand, she wrote.
of lesbian poet out the new Bishop bio A Miracle for Breakfast Methfessel was some 30 years younger
than Bishop. I hope I die rst, Bishop
and Bishops dazzling poetry. wrote to her fearing that the younger
woman would leave the relationship.
Its easy to wonder why Bishops poetry
ian lover Lota (Maria Carlota de Macedo century. Its time to claim Bishop, though is so restrained about sexuality or to carp
Soares). Bishops been on a U.S. postage she wasnt open about her sexuality in her at her refusal to have her work published
stamp. A new biography Elizabeth Bishop: lifetime, as part of our LGBT literary team. in a womens poetry anthology. But this is
A Miracle for Breakfast by Megan Mar- Marshalls bio illuminates both Bishops forgetting what it was like to be gay dur-
shall sheds new light on the poets life. story and what it was like to be a queer au- ing Bishops time. From 1952-1973, the
KATHI WOLFE, a writer and poet, is a regular Bishop, who lived from 1911 to 1979, thor in the mid-century cultural landscape. American Psychiatric Association charac-
contributor to the Blade. received many awards from a Pulitzer Marshall was a student of Bishops at terized homosexuality as a mental illness.
Prize to a National Book Award. From Harvard in the 1970s. She draws on pre- LGBT authors were among those target-
Though I love poetry, few poems are al- 1949-1950, she was the consultant in po- viously unknown letters from Bishop ed by McCarthyism in the 1950s. Bishop
ways in my head. Yet, One Art, the witty, etry to the Library of Congress (the post most notably to her psychiatrist and to contributed regularly to The New Yorker.
but heartbreakingly sad poem by Eliza- is now called poet laureate). Yet, she was Alice Methfessel, her lover during the last But in her day, the magazine didnt pub-
beth Bishop (with its repeating line the as well known for her love of privacy as years of her life. lish poems with a queer perspective.
art of losing isnt hard to master) is part for the many honors bestowed on her. Its Bishop, who was born in a small Nova Yet, Bishop wasnt a wilting lily. She
of my DNA. hard to imagine that shed be pleased to Scotia town, endured many hardships. By and Adrienne Rich liked each other. Ive
Im far from alone. While Bishop was have more of her personal life revealed. the time she was ve, her father had died always considered myself a strong femi-
alive, only 100 of her poems were pub- She famously said that she believed in and her mother had been permanently nist, she told The Paris Review. In her
lished. Yet few poets, queer or hetero closets, closets, closets. committed to a mental institution. Bishop later years, Bishop chafed at being de-
(Bishop was lesbian) are so beloved or fa- If only, I (and the rest of her acionados) felt like shed been kidnapped, when she scribed as looking like a grandmother.
mous, even outside of poetry circles. Her could respect her wishes and not want to was sent to live with relatives in Worces- Theyd never say an older man looked like
work was set to music by composers Ned know more about her personal life and ter, Mass. After developing asthma, she a grandfather, she told interviewers.
Rorem and Elliott Carter. Michael Sledges how she went about making art. I dont went to live with her aunts and her Uncle Art is needed in our time as never be-
2010 novel, The More I Owe You and hanker after intimate details of Bishops George outside Boston. In 1947, Bishop fore. Check out the new Bishop bio A
the 2013 movie Reaching for the Moon love life or want to put her in a box as a wrote to her psychiatrist about how her Miracle for Breakfast and Bishops daz-
are about her relationship with her Brazil- lesbian or woman poet. Yet, its the 21st uncle had abused her. Maybe lots of zling poetry.


Trump budget will cause suffering, death

ing a budget blueprint that will foist these ter in school and get jobs. We have no proof The Republican Party is no longer the
The party of Lincoln is things on the neediest our young, the thats helping. So since these programs Party of Lincoln, Eisenhower or even Ronald
now the party of Bannon disabled, the poor and the elderly. show no results according to Mulvaney he Reagan. It is now the party of Trump, Ban-
When introducing this budget blueprint goes on to tell people, we wont spend your non, Ryan, Mulvaney and a host of other
and defending it, Mulvaney said, We can hard-earned tax money on them and that alt-right individuals either elected by the Tea
cut Meals on Wheels and after-school is about as compassionate as you can get. Party or brought into the White House and
nutrition programs because those pro- Only in Trumps alternate universe would al- federal agencies by Trump. Their vision for
grams arent showing any results. To all lowing children and seniors to go hungry be America is a nation with a withered heart
those poor seniors who voted for Trump considered compassionate. Even during the and faltering global economy. It is a vision
or stayed home and didnt vote you now worst of George W. Bushs compassionate for an America that no longer leads the free
see the result of your actions and know conservatism we didnt see this. world nor is a haven for those who are dis-
instead of paying for a meal for you the In addition, the proposed cuts to the criminated against and persecuted in other
PETER ROSENSTEIN is a D.C.-based LGBT rights United States might build a new battle- Environmental Protection Agency and countries around the world. It is no longer
and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly
for the Blade. ship instead. Problem is you may not live Housing and Urban Development make the America where those who arrive by ship
long enough to see it when you consider it harder for cities to ensure aordable in New York harbor see the Statue of Liberty
Donald Trump is trying to prove what Trump is also trying to make your health- housing for people in need and the popu- for the rst time and read on it the words
we already know: If you feed seniors less care unaordable. lation as a whole will be breathing dirtier of the poem by Emma Lazarus, Give me
you save money; if you let them die you Mulvaney went on to talk about chil- air and drinking potentially less pure wa- your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses
save money on healthcare; if you cut drens nutrition programs saying, Theyre ter. These cuts will lead to worse health yearning to breathe free, The wretched re-
funds for education and child nutrition supposed to help kids who dont get fed at outcomes for families and a poorer edu- fuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the
programs you save money; and if you cut home get fed so they do better in school. cation for children. homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp
funding and access to the arts, peoples Guess what? Theres no evidence theyre If the proposed replacement of the ACA, beside the golden door!
souls die but you save money. actually doing that. Theres no evidence fully supported by Trump, and currently If we arent vigilant and resist, the
In the alternate universe of the Trump theyre helping results, helping kids do bet- working its way through Congress were to Trump administration will replace those
administration we have a president and ter in school, which is what when we took pass, the CBO estimates it will leave 14 mil- words with a large sign reading Keep
a Director of the Oce of Management your money from you to say, were going to lion more people without health insurance out! Here we only care about the wealthy
and Budget Mick Mulvaney who intend spend them on after-school programs, we next year. Added together all these budget and those white people who can fend for
to double down on these truths produc- justied it by saying these kids will do bet- cuts have the makings of an epic crisis. themselves.
2 2 MA RCH 2 4 , 2 017 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M













AUG 4 AUG 12 SEP 14 + 15



Grand Central owner

hes overcome many
hurdles to keep the
business running since
it opened 25 years ago.


A Grand Central party in 2014. The club has been a central hub of Baltimore gay life since 1991.


A Grand occasion

RJ Ladd recalls the summer of 2001 at Grand Central, situated at the intersection Those changes paid o. The place opened on Sept. 12, 1991.
Central Station, the former name of Grand of Charles and Eager streets in the Mount was hopping and became the place to On Feb. 5, 2003, Davis purchased the
Central. It was during Tia-Oke when drag Vernon gayborhood, will host a special be, Davis says. There were a lot of fun adjacent north building at 1003 North
performer, Tia (Chambers), drunk, hosted event on Saturday, March 25. There will memories back then. Charles St. where the former Stagecoach
karaoke, attempted to walk down the steps be free cover all night and giveaways At the time, Davis used to drive down bar existed, and reconstruction was
and fell at on her face. We helped her up, every hour as well as other surprises. Eager Street en route to his home in the undertaken, adding a double bar disco
not a hair out of place, and she didnt miss a Owner Don Davis, a well-known and Canton neighborhood. He noticed that with state-of-the-art dance oor, sound
beat. She kept going as if it didnt happen. outspoken gure in Baltimores LGBT a historic row house at 1001 N. Charles and lighting systems, and an additional
That amusing anecdote could serve community, waxes nostalgic about the Street was for sale. upstairs lounge and restaurant.
obliquely as a metaphor for Grand Central era when gay bars were at their zenith. I always liked the building and In keeping with the major
Nightclubs 25-year history. Though the club Prior to owning Grand Central, he and the location and decided to look at it improvements and new facilities, the
never stumbled, it has had to overcome partner Rick Morgenthaler had opened throughout, Davis says. I contacted two club was renamed Grand Central and the
a number of challenges competition, the Allegro, also in Mount Vernon, in of my friends and asked if they would be expanded complex opened May 29, 2003.
property damage, declining interest in gay November 1986. After a slow start, interested in being an investor with no Diagonally across the corner was the
bars to remain a vital part of Baltimores they modied the piano bar format by say in the business. They both agreed. iconic Club Hippo, for years the largest
LGBT culture and social life. instituting country and western parties, The property was purchased in July
To mark 25 years in the community, mens nights and ladies nights. 1991. After renovations, the doors CONTINUES ON PAGE 38

2 4 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 Q U E E RY : 2 0 Q U E ST I O N S F O R CH A D KO RA T I CH


How long have you been out and who If your life were a book, what would
was the hardest person to tell? the title be?
I came out to myself in the summer of A Series of Fortunate Events
1992 when I was at Walter Reed as a
nurse cadet. One Saturday afternoon, I If science discovered a way to change
took the Metro into the city, got out at sexual orientation, what would you
Dupont Circle and just started walking. I do?
eventually ended up on 17th Street and I would question the validity of the
saw a bar with a Pride ag hanging in the science.
window. It took me about 20 minutes of
pacing back and forth in front of it, but I What do you believe in beyond the
nally welled up the courage and walked physical world?
into JR.s and ordered a drink. Two years Im an atheist. I believe in natures
later, living in suburban Maryland with awesome power and the beauty of this
Matthew, I did one of the hardest things amazing planet. I also believe we cant
in my life and came out to my mother possibly be the only intelligent life in the
over the phone. universe.

Whos your LGBT hero? Whats your advice for LGBT
By JOEY DiGULIELMO Hard question, but the many individuals movement leaders?
joeyd@washblade.com I cared for in the era of HAART (highly I would encourage them to be a
active antiretroviral therapy). Words recurring presence in the oces of
D.C.s Dierent Drummers celebrates the work of LGBT composers at its cant fully describe the admiration I have elected ocials from conservative rural
spring concert this weekend. for their strength and perseverance. areas.
Glitter & Be GAY! will be held on Saturday, March 25 at the Church of the
Epiphany (1317 G St., N.W.) at 7 p.m. featuring compositions by Aaron Copland, Whats Washingtons best nightspot, What would you walk across hot coals
Leonard Bernstein, Cole Porter, Julie Giroux, Jennifer Higdon and more. Ruby past or present? for?
Corado will narrate a piece called Lincoln Portrait, which features excerpts I had the best times in the 90s at To protect those I love.
from the Gettysburg Address. Tickets are $20 and are available at dcdd.org. Trumpets and Badlands. I miss those
Chad Koratich is the Drummers saxophone section leader and has been days. Today, Bear Happy Hour at Town is What LGBT stereotype annoys you
with the ensemble since 2003. Hes been in the marching band, the Sax in the the place to be. most?
City sax quartet and also on the Drummers board. It enrages me that there are people
The folks in DCDD are amazing people and we love coming together every Describe your dream wedding. today who still believe being LGBT is
week with our friends to make wonderful music, says the 45-year-old Rices I had it last June. My husband and I perversion.
Landing, Pa., native. got married in the garden in front of
Koratich came to Washington 24 years ago and returned in 1999 after a our home during our annual wine and Whats your favorite LGBT movie?
three-year stint in the Army. He lives in the U Street/Shaw area with Matthew cheese party surrounded by friends. Id like to have a more profound answer
Ruest, his husband of nearly a year and partner of 22 years, and their two pit for this but yeah, Priscilla. It came out
bull-mix dogs, Roxy and Brandy. What non-LGBT issue are you most around the same time I was coming out.
Koratich is retired and enjoys music and cooking in his free time. passionate about?
It incenses me that we still do not have Whats the most overrated social
universal health care coverage in this custom?
country. Saying god bless you when someone
What historical outcome would you
change? What trophy or prize do you most
Without a doubt, the 2016 election. covet?
In a dierent life I would be a Tony
Whats been the most memorable pop Award-winning Broadway performer.
culture moment of your lifetime?
Going to New York City and seeing my What do you wish youd known at 18?
rst musical on Broadway, Thoroughly That I really did possess the courage to
Modern Millie. be 100 percent me.

On what do you insist? Why Washington?
Kindness I rst fell in love with D.C. on vacation
when I was 6 years old and visited
What was your last Facebook post or several more times growing up. When
Tweet? the occasion came to choose my rst
I reposted a video of Trae Crowder, duty assignment in the Army, D.C. was
202.747.2077 the Liberal Redneck, talking about
the obvious choice. One of the best
choices Ive ever made. I love this city.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 2 5

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2 6 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 F I LM


JOHN G. YOUNG will be in Washington tonight for a screening of his lm, BWOY.

Double header
Mourning dad cruises for gay sex online in BWOY

For its oerings this month, Reel meeting each other, that chatting online admits that the explosive material and Fae Richards (Lisa Marie Bronson), a
Armations Xtra oers something old and can create intimate connections. the invasive use of technology can cause black actress from the 1930s reduced to
something new, two bold lms that deal Young says he was also struck by the some anxiety for audience members. playing maids and mammies and billed
in moving and thoughtful ways with the idea that people deal with grief in many Theres a way that the lm makes only as The Watermelon Woman.
intersection of race, class and sexuality. dierent ways and that one of the ways people a little uncomfortable, he says. Since the Watermelon Woman never
Something new is the erotic drama is nding a distraction. If that distraction Thats the tension when you deal with really existed, much of the lms sly
BWOY by award-winning writer/ is a person, it lls so many voids. It has ethnicity and sexuality and compulsion humor comes from the fake archival
director John G. Young. Young describes excitement, it has newness, its exotic. and lots of dirty words and you feel like footage shot by Zoe Leonard (and later
the movie as a psychological thriller For Brad, his virtual connection with youre intruding on this very private released in an exhibition called The Fae
about a man dealing with his grief Yenny meets those needs. conversation. Richards Archive). There are also the
following the death of his son and how Young made the connection with star Luckily, the director and actor Jimmy delightful cameo appearances by such
he spins out of control. It screens tonight Anthony Rapp through social media. One Brooks will be on hand to discuss the LGBT luminaries as David Rako, Sarah
(Friday, March 24) at HRC Headquarters. of the lms producers was a Facebook lm and address those issues with the Shulman, Camille Paglia, Toshi Reagon and
The man is Dr. Brad Connor, played by friend of Rapps and sent him an IM. Rapp D.C. audience. The screening of BWOY Cheryl Clarke, as well as an appearance
Anthony Rapp (Rent). In his mourning, responded, Young sent him a script, and starts at 7 p.m. and will be followed from Dunyes own mother, Irene.
Brad starts cruising men online. He ends the two men were soon discussing the by a question-and-answer session and Dunye is currently working on turning
up chatting with Yenny (Jimmy Brooks), lm over dinner after a performance of reception. her award-winning 2016 short Black
a poor young black man from Jamaica. the musical If/Then. Something old is The Watermelon Is Blue, a powerful exploration of the
Tension mounts as he withdraws from According to Young, Rapp was very Woman, Cheryl Dunyes explosive 1996 discrimination faced by black trans men,
his wife Marcia (DeAdre Aziza) and starts interested in the unusual role. comedy, the rst feature lm directed by into a full-length lm. Series creator
making mistakes at work. He liked the story and knew it would a black lesbian. Shown in a beautifully Ava DuVernay has also announced that
Young, whose rst lm Parallel Sons give him something challenging and very restored print, the movie tracks the Dunye will be part of the all-female
took the 1995 Sundance Film Festival by dierent to do. He was interested in personal and professional challenges directing team for season two of Queen
storm, says that the idea for the lm playing a character that broke from the faced by a video store clerk and aspiring Sugar on OWN.
came from a couple of places. I have a expectations audiences have of him. He lmmaker (played by Dunye).
tendency to get disparate ideas and get plays a darker character who makes some Personally, Cheryl is interested REEL AFFIRMATIONS XTRA
curious about what would happen if they very bad choices. He doesnt always tell in dating a white woman (played by BWOY/The Watermelon Woman
Friday, March 24
were combined. the truth and becomes a little unhinged lmmaker Guinevere Turner), despite the 7 p.m.
In this case, Young says, I was interested by the end of the lm. disapproval of her best friend, Tamara Human Rights Campaign Headquarters
in the idea that relationships could Young reports that the initial reception (Valerie Walker). Professionally, Cheryl 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W.
form without people actually physically for the lm has been strong, but he wants to make a documentary about reelarmations.org
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 2 7

Some musical works are universally loved.

Beethovens Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op 125, is among them.
Also known as the Choral Symphony, Beethovens Ninth is consid-
ered by many to be the greatest symphony ever composed. From
its fragile opening strains to the magnificent finale, Ode to Joy, it is also
timeless: a celebration of universal brotherhood and its triumph
over darkness.

Join us on Sunday, March 26, as Maestro Glenn Quader conducts this

uplifting masterpiece, featuring more than 200 musicians and singers
from the Piedmont Symphony Orchestra, The Reston Chorale, American
University Chorus and internationally acclaimed soloists from Maryland
Lyric Opera.
Beethovens Ninth Symphony
Sunday, March 26, 2017, 3 pm - Hylton Performing Arts Center
10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas, VA

28 MA R C H 24, 2017 O U T & A BO U T



W/ GANAVYA AND SHILPA RAY Bowersox has matinee show at Rams Head
RED BARAAT Crystal Bowersox appears at Rams Head On Stage (33 West St., Annapolis,
FESTIVAL OF COLORS Md.) for a matinee show on Saturday, April 1 at 1 p.m.
W/ DJ AYES COLD AND THE KOMINAS The singer/songwriter was the third runner-up on the ninth season of
American Idol. Since appearing on the show she has released two studio
TUES, MARCH 28 albums, Farmers Daughter in 2010, and All That For This in 2013. Bowersox
CHUCK PROPHET came out as bisexual in 2013. She will be joined by country singer Jack Ingram.
& THE MISSION EXPRESS Tickets are $35. Doors open at noon. For more information, visit

Drag Race alums
reunite for Shady Tour
THE HAMILTON LIVE AND WPA PRESENT Murray & Peter present HatersRoast:
THE KNIGHTS The Shady Tour, featuring RuPauls Drag
& CHRISTINA COURTIN Race alumni, at the Warner Theatre (513
W/ HOLLY BOWLING: 13th St., N.W.) on Saturday, April 1 at 8 p.m.
A PART OF THE 2017 SHIFT FESTIVAL Bob the Drag Queen, Ginger Minj, Phi
OF AMERICAN ORCHESTRAS Phi OHara, Darienne Lake, Alaska, Kim
Chi, Jinkx Monsoon and Acid Betty will
make appearances. The queens will roast
RODNEY CROWELL each other in this evening of unscripted
W/ SCOTT MILLER comedy. Tickets range from $20-50.
SUN, APRIL 2 For more information, visit dragfans.com.
THURS, APRIL 6 Beer fest is April 1-2
The Cherry Blossom Wine and Beer
Festival is at Yards Park (1300 First St.,
MIPSO W/ DAN MILLS S.E.) on April 1-2.
There are two sessions on Saturday
from 1-4 p.m. and another from 6-9 p.m.
On Sunday the festival is from 1-4 p.m.
MON, APRIL 10 General admission tickets range from
LAGUNITAS BREWERY PRESENTS $40-49. It includes unlimited pours of
Urban Arias presents Lucy
LOW CUT CONNIE W/ SKRIBE beer, cider and wine spritzers, 10 tokens
for wine, beer and cider tastings and
TUES, APRIL 11 Urban Arias, a local opera company, presents Lucy at the Atlas Performing entry into the rst round of Boozy Bingo.
OMMEGANG BREWERY PRESENTS Arts Center (1333 H St., N.E.) in the Paul Sprenger Theatre on April 1-2 and April The Wine Lovers Package includes all of
THE FELICE BROTHERS 7-8. the above plus four bottles of wine to
Lucy is a one-man opera about the true story of psychotherapist Maurice take home. There will be food trucks on
Temerlin (seen here) who adopts a chimpanzee named Lucy. Andrew Wilkowske site. DJ Julian Rivera spins tracks for the
stars as Maurice. Robert Wood conducts and Erik Pearson directs. General day and there will be live music from Je
admission tickets are $35. Student and senior tickets are $32. from Accounting.
For a complete list of showtimes and to purchase tickets, visit atlasarts.org. For details, visit cherryblossom

T HE ATE R M A R C H 24, 2017 29

Song & Dance
by damian Woetzel
PHOTO BY DJ COREY PHOTOGRAPHY Artistic forms brilliantly collide
YAKIMA RICH and EMILY WHITWORTH in Dry Land. in damian Woetzels DEMO.
Broadway World

Teen dramedy Dry Land is prospective new coach. There she meets
college freshman Victor (charmingly
well-acted character study played by Christian Montgomery)
who also knows Amy from home and
By PATRICK FOLLIARD interestingly sheds some light on her
complex psyche.
Weve heard a lot about what goes Dry Land is 90 minutes of scenes of
on in boys locker rooms. But with Ruby varying intensity and length interrupted
Rae Spiegels remarkable play Dry Land by blackouts. The cast is terric. Director
making its area premiere at Forum Amber Paige McGinnis pulls no punches.
Theatre in Silver Spring, were invited into It moves seamlessly from laugh-out-loud
the less frequently explored space where funny to horric, almost hard to watch.
the girls shower and change. Following a very graphically staged
Swim team practice is over, and two happening in the locker room, the janitor
girls still in swimsuits are alone in the (out actor Matty Griths) casually mops
girls locker room at a Florida high school. up (in real time) bloody detritus smeared
Amy (Emily Whitworth) repeatedly orders across the tiled oor.
teammate Ester (Yakima Rich) to punch And while Dry Land is partly political
her in the gut. Ester obediently complies. and makes a great case for further
At rst it seems some bravado or rite funding Planned Parenthood, its not

Photo by Erin Baiano

of passage thing, but soon it becomes just about reproductive rights. Its a
clear that Amy is desperate to end an compelling exploration of growing up and
unwanted pregnancy. the diculties involved in relationships
The teams star swimmer, Ester is a that are forged along the way. Kate Davis, Michelle Dorrance, and Bill Irwin
transfer student from another school Part of Forums #NastyWomenRep,
where she had an intensely emotional Dry Land runs in repertory with Monica
relationship with a hideously tough Byrnes What Every Girl Should Know, a featuring special guests
coach. Shes guarded, sensitive and a little 90-minute play directed by Jenna Duncan
nave. Outgoing Amy enlists friendless that follows four teen girls in a New York Tyler Angle, Kurt Crowley, Kate Davis,
Ester precisely to help with her problem, reformatory circa 1914. Together the
Michelle Dorrance, Bill Irwin, Chris Jackson,
but as they explore various methods of girls explore their sexuality and share the
self-induced abortion, a close friendship disturbing events that led each of them Tiler Peck, Matthew Rushing,
develops. They share laughs and secrets to be locked up. They adopt birth control
including Amys aspiration to be a writer activist Margaret Sanger as their secret Dancers from Paul Taylor Dance Company, and more!
like Herman Melville. But the business at patron saint and construct a fantasy
hand is never far from their thoughts.
This new friendship with Ester leads
world where they travel the world, take
lovers and obliterate enemies. April 3 | Eisenhower theater
Amy to feel uncomfortably exposed Though set 100 years apart, both
prompting her mean girl side to takeover plays involve a womans right to control
and accuse Ester of being in love with her body and explore the characters
her. To worsen the blow, Amy makes the complexities in a meaningful way, tICKEtS ON SALE NOW!
claim in front of a third girl, the innitely
supercial Reba (Thais Menendez). Ester
interestingly juxtaposing whats changed
and what hasnt over the years.
KENNEdy-CENtEr.Org | (202) 467-4600
distances herself from Amy for a time. Tickets also available at the Box Office.
The majority of the play unfolds in the #NASTYWOMENREP Groups call (202) 416-8400.
locker room realistically rendered with What Every Girl Should Know/Dry Land For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540.
Through April 15
worn benches, tiles and battered lockers Forum Theatre
by Paige Hathaway. But Ester gets away 8641 Colesville Road, Silver Spring
for a while. Seeking a college scholarship, $33-38 New Artistic Initiatives are funded in honor of Linda and Kenneth Pollin.
she goes to Florida State to swim for a Forum-theatre.org

3 0 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 MU SI C

Turning back time?

Chers new MGM mini-residency lifts heavily from previous tours

A Cher concert is always a fun evening adorning her long blond tresses. During
out, but her current engagement Classic her Vegas show, she emerges on a boat
Cher at the MGM National Harbor, which gliding across the stage, but since the
she teased by saying she planned to make stage is smaller at the MGM, she had to
it her best show ever, is, sadly, far from it. change her entrance.
In fairness, to call the show Classic Another costume change followed with a
implies shes not reinventing the wheel video of her talking about her love of Elvis
this time, yet there are so many rehashed before her band played a long intro as
segments, costumes and set pieces from she entered from stage right in jeans and
her last two tours, to call it a new anything a zipped jacket sporting curly blond hair
is a stretch. The expectation bar is pretty singing Walking In Memphis, which had
high, too, considering what weve seen the audience up cheering and singing along.
her do on her 2002-2005 Farewell Tour It was a nice surprise considering it wasnt a
and the 2014 Dressed to Kill Tour, both big hit when she released it in the mid-90s.
larger-than-life productions that were Thankfully instead of running o for
each high points in her 50-year career. another change, she followed the Marc
This time, instead of criss-crossing the Cohn cover with her Betty Everett cover
states on a lengthy tour, the legendary The Shoop Shoop. She normally has
diva is doing two residency shows one a lot of fun with this on past tours, but
in Las Vegas at the Park Theater at the she just seemed disinterested this time
Monte Carlo (which opened last month) and the energy was lacking. Oddly two
and in Oxon Hill, Md., at the Theater at CHERs new Classic Cher show at the MGM National Harbor features all the spectacle and camp background singers emerged for this
MGM National Harbor, where she opened youd expect. number, to join Cher and her six-piece
last Friday, March 17. Classic Cher is band. Who knows where theyd been
her rst time performing concerts in hiding heretofore.
two years. She plays MGM through this All or Nothing, with an India-inspired set a complete feather headdress belting out The band got a moment to shine as
weekend then returns in late August. Full completely lifted from her 2002 Farewell Half Breed before disappearing again. they played her hit Bang Bang before
details at mgmnationalharbor.com. Tour. Dancers donned the same outts By now the proceedings felt choppy and Cher entered center stage singing I
Cheers erupted as the house lights went as then, the Gayatri Mantra interlude disjointed. The costumes recycled or Found Someone decked out in a sheer
down and images of Cher over the years chant was used complete with the same not are great, but why go to the trouble black outt with knee-high boots and
ashed on the video screens leading up giant mechanical elephant and Cher of donning them if youre just going to leather jacket. The crowd went wild as
to the moment the purple curtains parted emerging from it in a similar outt. This zip through a perfunctory, two-minute she moved across the stage belting out
and there was the 70-year-old diva perched time though, the energy wasnt there and excerpt of a song? the rock classic before launching into her
above the stage in an Egyptian-inspired outt her voice was overpowered by the band Last time out, Cher sang You Havent signature hit If I Could Turn Back Time.
and huge black afro belting out her 2013 hit during much of it. Seen the Last of Me from her movie In other tours, there was a big lead up to
Womans World as she was lowered onto As quick as she got the crowd up on Burlesque always prefacing it with a it and she really got into it, but this time it
the stage revealing a peek-a-boo number their feet, they were back down as a disclaimer that it was a tough song to sing felt like she just wanted to get through it.
that left little to the imagination. montage of her years with Sonny played and it would be whatever it would be. This Without any goodbyes, she left the stage
She strutted among her warrior-clad on the giant video screen above the time, its played on a video. The dancers as the curtains closed.
background dancers while belting out the stage. She emerged in a colorful hippie- then perform and Cher emerges as Tess After a few minutes, they opened up
next song, Strong Enough, from her 98 inspired outt complete with fur vest and (her character in the movie) and sings to a rave-style dance routine complete
comeback album Believe. So far she was long black wig harkening back to her early the innitely less satisfying Welcome to with lasers as a remix of Chers biggest
in ne form. Yes, the opening numbers days as she sang The Beat Goes On. Burlesque. A handy way, perhaps, to tip hit Believe played. Cher started singing
were lifted from her 2014 Dressed To She performed her rst solo hit next, her hat to that lm in a less vocally taxing Believe but didnt emerge until a bit into
Kill Tour but Cher has always been one the Dylan cover, All I Really Want To Do, way, but it felt unmemorable and the it (missed cue maybe?) and when she
to stick to a somewhat standard set list but seemed like she just wanted to get crowd seemed unimpressed. did, she just seemed like she just wanted
over the years and yes, it seemed during it over with before doing a virtual duet Next up was yet another video the concert to end. The energy that she
the opening number a backing track was with Sonny for I Got You Babe. Before performance/costume change for Lie To usually has for it was gone and it felt like
used to give her a fuller eect, but her live the duet, she said it took her a while to do Me, from her last album Closer to the just another song to get through. Once
voice was there albeit a bit faint. this and during her rst Farewell Tour she Truth. I would have much rather heard she nished, she put the mic down, waved
She promised a new opening wasnt ready before joking, First farewell her sing it live and it would have been a goodbye to each side of the audience and
monologue and we got it it just made tour? Who wouldve thought Id be alive nice stylistic break in the show. Instead was gone. No goodbyes, no thank yous,
little sense as Cher shared two unrelated for more farewell tours? The crowed it melted into a disco-inspired interlude done. Cher had left the building.
stories, one about turning 40, another loved the duet and it turned into a major leading up to Cher coming out in a sparkly Since the second leg of the Dressed
about her rst appearance on David singalong moment across the room. ensemble performing a brief version of to Kill Tour in 2014 was canceled due
Letterman. Nothing about the show, no Circus barkers and dancers performed 79s Take Me Home before running o to health issues, I was especially eager
welcome, just these random-feeling tales. an interlude before Cher came out stage yet again. to see Cher again. No doubt its a fun
She ended with, Im now 70. Instead of performing her classic hit, Gypsies A montage of clips from the various night out for casual fans and the visual
showing my ass, I think I should be in an Tramps and Thieves followed by a snippet lms she was in was shown on the screen spectacle shes known for is there. But to
old folks home. She joked before leaving of Dark Lady. As quickly as she had as well as her Academy Award win, which charge $109-255 (and up) for a show this
the stage, I just wanna ask you one thing. everyone up on their feet, she was gone drew cheers, before Cher entered from rehashed and disjointed is a bit much.
Whats your granny doing tonight? and dancers lled the gap with a Native stage left singing After All in a sheer
Next up was another Believe-era hit, American dance as the diva emerged in gold gown with what looked like a halo CONTINUES AT WASHINGTONBLADE.COM
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 3 1



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3 2 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 A RT S & CU LT U RE

This Week in the Arts provided by CultureCapital.com

The Second City: Were All in This kreegermuseum.org.
Room Together. Thru Mar 26. The Library of Congress. World War I:
Barns. wolftrap.org. American Artists View the Great War.
Thru May 5. Mapping a Growing
DANCE Nation: From Independence to
Statehood. Thru Sep 1. loc.gov.
Hamburg Ballet. Mar 28-Apr 2. National Geographic. @NatGeo: The
Kennedy Center. kennedy-center.org. Most Popular Instagram Photos. Thru
EL Squad in Concert. Mar 26. Joy of Apr 30. Earth Explorers. Thru Sep 10.
Motion. Arena Stage. joyofmotion.org. nglive.org.
Daniel Burkholder & Danceworks National Museum of Women in the
Performance Company. Mar 25-Mar Arts. Border Crossing: Jami Porter
26. Dance Place. danceplace.org. Lara. Thru May 14. New Ground: The
Southwest of Maria Martinez and
Environmental Film Festivalin the Nations Capital
Thru Mar 26. Environmental Film Festival. Various Locations.
MUSIC Laura Gilpin. Thru May 14. nmwa.org.
National Portrait Gallery. Double
dce.org. Maya Beiser. Mar 30. AMP. Take: Daguerreian Portrait Pairs. Thru
The last weekend of the 2017 Festival focuses its lens on a planet in transition, ampbystrathmore.com. Jun 4. Lincolns Contemporaries. Thru
exploring what has happened over the past 25 years and what lies ahead. Alaska Sesquicentennial: Sewards May 19. npg.si.edu.
Most screenings include discussion with lmmakers, environmental experts, Day. Mar 30. National Archives.
and cultural leaders, and many are free. See CultureCapital.com for complete
schedule of lms, including Naledi, which tells the true story of a baby elephant
Virginia Opera: Turandot. Mar 25-
born into a rescue camp in the Botswana wilderness. Mar 26. GMU Center for the Arts. cfa. The Art League. March Open Exhibit.
gmu.edu. Thru Apr 2. Netted: Morphological
One Woman Sex & The City Don Pasquale. Thru Mar 26. In Series State of Our Urban Space. Thru Apr 2.
Mar 24. AMP by Strathmore. at GALA Hispanic Theatre. inseries.org. theartleague.org.
ampbystrathmore.com. NSO Pops: Sophisticated Ladies: 100 gallery Neptune & Brown. Tim Doud.
Whirling dervish Kerry Ipema (PostSecret: The Show) channels Carrie, Charlotte, Years of Ella & Company. Mar 24-Mar Thru Apr 1. galleryneptunebrown.com.
Samantha, and Miranda as they brunch, banter, argue, and swoon over men 25. Boulder Philharmonic. Mar 28. Glen Echo Park. New Fiber Arts
and Manolos. There will be puns, cosmopolitans, and audience participation - North Carolina Symphony. Mar 29. Instructors. Thru Apr 1. Sara Dittrich.
this send-up will have you in stitches! Kennedy Center. kennedy-center.org. Thru Apr 2. glenechopark.org.
Arditti Quartet & Eliot Fisk, guitar. Goethe-Institut. Games and Politics
Pike St. Mar 24. Library of Congress. loc.gov. (Spiele und Politik). Thru Mar 29.
Mar 29-Apr 23. Woolly Mammoth. Parker Quartet. Mar 26. Arianna goethe.de.
woollymammoth.net. Zukerman, soprano. Mar 29. National Hill Center. The Hill Rags Art and the
On the Lower East Side, a mother works hard to keep the electricity owing for her Gallery of Art. nga.gov. City: A Column by Jim Magner. Thru
daughters respirator while a hurricane looms nearby. As she prepares for disaster, The Four Seasons of Vivaldi and Apr 30. hillcenterdc.org.
a vibrant host of characters bring new meaning to the phrase it takes a village. Piazzolla. Mar 25. National Chamber ISAAG. Interior Gardens - A Collection
Ensemble. Rosslyn Spectrum. of Poems (Bolivia). Thru Mar 27.
Capital Cheers: A DC Brew Tour: All-Day Tour nationalchamberensemble.org. idbstaassociationartgallery.org.
Mar 24. The Smithsonian Associates. Meet at Mayower Hotel. Avi Avital & Omer Avital. Mar Korean Cultural Center DC. Making It
smithsonianassociates.org. 25. Washington Performing Arts New: Perspectives on Korean Heritage
From a beer makers Gilded Age mansion to the warehouse-district breweries at Sixth & I. JCT Trio. Mar 24. in Art. Thru Mar 27. koreaculturedc.org.
that produce todays hottest artisan labels, join local historian Garrett Peck Washington Performing Arts at UDC. Studio 3700. Modern Makers, Modern
as he covers the spots that trace Washingtons long tradition of making (and washingtonperformingarts.org. Quilts. Thru Mar 27. arlingtonarts.org.
drinking) the golden thirst-quencher. Annapolis Symphony Orchestra. Mar Waverly Street Gallery. Somerset
26. Strathmore. strathmore.org. Artists Exhibition. Thru Apr 8.
PHOTO COURTESY OF ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL University & Community Band waverlystreetgallery.com.
Concert. Mar 29. Music and Film. Mar Zenith Gallery. Rejuvenate with Art:
30. The Clarice. theclarice.umd.edu. Celebrating 39 Years. Thru Apr 29.
tenThing. Mar 24. Jordan Smith. zenithgallery.com.
THEATRE Someone Like You, Ali? Thru Mar Mar 28. Noam Pikelny. Mar 29. Glen

Mrs. Miller Does Her Thing. Thru Mar

24. Sundance Institute: Creative
Tensions: HOME. Mar 25. Sulayman
Phillips of Toad the Wet Sprocket.
Mar 30. The Barns. wolftrap.org.
26. Midwestern Gothic. Thru Apr 30. Al Bassam: Petrol Station. Mar 24- NCBF: Orchid Exhibit Installation. Mar 24.
Signature Theatre. signature-theatre.org.
Three Sisters. Thru Apr 23. No
Mar 26. Peter Brooks Battleeld. Mar
29-Apr 2. Shear Madness. Thru Jun 11.
MUSEUMS Documentary Nearly Equal Yayoi Kusama:
I Adore Myself (2008). Mar 26. National
Sisters. Thru Apr 23. Studio Theatre. Kennedy Center. kennedy-center.org. National Archives. Amending Cherry Blossom Festival. Hirshhorn
studiotheatre.org. Catch Me: A Magic Duel. Mar America. Thru Sep 4. Museum and Sculpture Garden.
Ragtime. Thru May 20. Fords Theatre. 25. Catch Me! Mayower Hotel. archivesfoundation.org. nationalcherryblossomfestival.org.
fords.org. catchmeshow.com. National Gallery of Art. The Woodner Silent Architecture: Connecting
Baby Boom en el Paraso (Baby Fickle: A Fancy French Farce. Collections: Master Drawings from Contemporary and Classic. Mar 28. District
Boom in Paradise). Mar 25-Mar 26. Thru Mar 26. Olney Theatre Center. Seven Centuries. Thru Jul 16. The Architecture Center. aiadac.com.
GALA Hispanic Theatre. inseries.org. olneytheatre.org. Urban Scene: 19201950. Thru Aug 6. History Happy Hour: Cocktails in
Parade. Thru Apr 8. Keegan Theatre. Back to Methuselah: As Far As nga.gov. Cuba. Mar 25. National Archives.
keegantheatre.com. Thought Can Reach. Thru Apr 16. Kreeger Museum. RE-VISION: Looking archivesfoundation.org.
Sundance Institute: Theater by Washington Stage Guild. Undercroft anew at the art of Philip Johnson and The Forest: America in the 1830s. Mar
Palestinians: Where Can I Find Theatre. stageguild.org. the design of The Kreeger. Thru Jul 29. 26-May 7. National Gallery of Art. nga.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 3 3



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3 4 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 SP O RT I N I N D . C.


HARRISON BROWNE with the National Womens Hockey Leagues Isobel Cup.

My way
National Womens Hockey League player goes out in style

Last October, Harrison Browne from professional hockey at the end of select four more players which included factor in my decision. I was just living the
announced publicly that he is this season. yourself. What did that mean to you? dream of being a professional athlete for
transgender. It was the beginning of his The Washington Blade caught up with BROWNE: That was huge. I scored a few years after college. I dont make
second season as a professional hockey Browne on the eve of last Sundays league two goals in the game with one on enough money to justify staying any
player in the National Womens Hockey championships in which the Bualo Brianne McLaughlin, the goaltender from longer.
League and with the announcement, Beauts took on the Boston Pride.The my team. She hugged me afterwards.
he became the rst openly transgender night following the interview, the Bualo The support that has come from my BLADE: You mentioned that you were
athlete in professional American team Beauts knocked o the heavily favored teammates, the coaches, the league and comfortable for the rst time this past
sports. Boston Pride, 3-2, to win the National the fans has been incredible. I had the year. How did that help set you up for
Roughly two months later, the league Womens Hockey Leagues Isobel Cup. third highest selling jersey this season your future?
announced its policy on participation Browne can add champion to his list of and the response from social media has BROWNE: I have been living in a
of transgender athletes which includes accomplishments. been mostly positive. I have had so many gender bubble this past year and it has
eligibility guidelines to ensure a fair and people tell me that I am brave and that I been both a blessing and a curse. People
level playing eld for all players. WASHINGTON BLADE: What emotions have helped them in their own lives. have tried to use the correct pronoun and
While Browne had begun his transition are you feeling heading into your nal I have been given a taste of what it is like
socially, the medical transition would game as a professional hockey player? BLADE: Were you happy with your to be gendered properly. I dont know
have to wait while he was under contract HARRISON BROWNE: It hasnt really stats on the ice this season? what to expect going forward.
with the league. hit me yet. I am just focused on playing BROWNE: This season was the rst time
Brownes career started at 9 years old my best game. It was great beating New I felt comfortable both on and o the ice. BLADE: What are your next steps?
in Oakville, Ontario through a childhood York to make it to the championships My stats were good but they didnt really BROWNE: My lease is up on my
friend who was part of a hockey family. He and we have some unnished business stand out because the League has gotten apartment in Bualo in April and I will
would go on to represent Team Canada with Boston as we lost to them in the a lot deeper. The NWHL was stacked this be looking for work in Chicago which is
in 2011 and start his collegiate career at championship game last year. Im sure year. where my girlfriend lives. My degree is
Mercyhurst before transferring to the the emotions will set in when that nal in international business management
University of Maine for his remaining buzzer goes o. BLADE: Is your medical transition the but I would like to work in sports in some
college eligibility. He signed on as left main reason for your retirement from capacity. There will also be hormone
wing with the league team, the Bualo BLADE: Last month was the league professional hockey? therapy and surgery coming soon. I
Beauts, in 2015. All-Star Game in which players were BROWNE: When I signed in 2015 I have been cruising on autopilot and
Two weeks ago, at age 23, Harrison selected through a fantasy draft and then always I gured I would play for two or postponing this for many years and I am
Browne announced that he would retire over 20,000 votes were cast by fans to three years, so transitioning wasnt a ready to move forward with my true self.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 3 5

3 6 M A RCH 2 4 , 2 017 CA LE N D A R

E-mail calendar items to calendars@washblade. M. Rimpo in Gallery B and Scribbles:

com two weeks prior to your event. Space is lim- An Urban Art Series by Lisa Tureson
ited so priority is given to LGBT-specic events in Gallery C. D.C. violinist Jean Leinster
or those with LGBT participants. Recurring
events must be re-submitted each time. performs. Admission is free. For more
information, visit touchstonegallery.com.

The D.C. Center (2000 14th St., N.W..)
Reel Armations presents a hosts coee drop-in hours this morning
screening of BWOY at Human Rights from 10 a.m.-noon for the senior LGBT
Campaign (1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W.) community. Older LGBT adults can
tonight at 7 p.m. There will be a post-lm come and enjoy complimentary coee
discussion and catered reception with and conversation with other community
the lms director John G. Young and co- members. For more information, visit
star Jimmy Brooks. Rayceen Pendarvis thedccenter.org.
hosts the screening. General admission Us Helping Us (3636 Georgia Ave.,
tickets are $12. VIP tickets are $25 and N.W.) holds a support group for gay black
include one complimentary cocktail, men to discuss topics that aect them,
beer or wine and the catered reception. share perspectives and have meaningful
For more details, visit thedccenter.org/ conversations. For details, visit uhupil.org.
JR.s Bar (1519 17th St., N.W.) hosts TUESDAY, MARCH 28
a viewing party for the season
nine premiere of RuPauls Drag Hanks Oyster Bar (1624 Q St., N.W.)
Race tonight from 8-9 p.m. For more hosts Ginlandia today through Saturday,
information, visit facebook.com/jrsbardc. April 1. There will be more than 35
Monday Night Skating, an LGBT roller dierent gins available to try at the bar
skating group, hosts a fundraiser night with gin ights sold all night and a gin-
at the D.C. Eagle (3701 Benning Rd., centric cocktail menu. Admission is free.
N.E.) tonight at 9 p.m. There will be drink For more information, visit facebook.
specials and a rae. Money raised will com/hanksoysterbar.
benet the groups Pride Parade entry Republic (6939 Laurel Ave., Takoma
fee and will fund the groups youth Park, Md.) hosts Alegre Happy Hour, an
meetings. For details, visit facebook.com/ LGBT happy hour, this evening from
mondaynightskating. 5-7 p.m. For more information, visit
Jaywalking Productions presents republictakoma.com.
The Feel Good, a dance party for the Genderqueer D.C. holds a discussion
LGBT community and allies, at Ten group at the D.C. Center (13181 U St.,
Tigers Parlour (3813 Georgia Ave., N.W.) N.W.) at 7 p.m. tonight. The group is for
tonight from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. DJ Lady Ryan anyone who identies outside of the
plays music. Asha Santee and Awesome IMAGE COURTESY OF TOUCHSTONE GALLERY gender binary as bigender, agender,
Rita host. For more information, visit genderuid or any label outside of
Lanterns by April M. Rimpo is part of a current exhibit at Touchstone Gallery.
facebook.com/jaywalkingproductions. cisgender. For more information, visit
Hexwork, a witchy burlesque and thedccenter.org.
variety show, performs A Spellbinding Leather 2016 Ash Duncan will make an D.C. Progressive Dinner presents
Burlesk Revue at the Bier Baron Tavern appearance. DJ Mike Grabenstein plays SMYAL for Spring, a benet for SMYAL, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29
(1523 22nd St., N.W.) tonight at 9 p.m. tracks. Cover is $10. Proceeds benet Mr. at Hawthorne (1336 U St., N.W.) today
Performers include Mab Just Mab, Jim Dandy, Mayhem Leather Bear contests. For more from 1-4 p.m. The benet raises money The Lambda Bridge Club meets
Nona Narcisse, Dainty Dandridge and Doe information, visit dceagle.com. for LGBT youth in the D.C. metro area. tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Dignity Center
Bardot. Danny Cavalier hosts. Doors open CTRL celebrates its fth anniversary There will be music, rae prizes and (721 8th St., S.E.) for duplicate bridge. No
at 8 p.m. General admission tickets are $15 with a party at Town (2009 8th St., drink specials. Tickets are $25. For more reservations required and new comers
and includes a rae ticket. VIP tickets are $25 N.W.) tonight from 11 p.m.-4 a.m. DJ information, visit facebook.com/smyal. welcome. If you need a partner, call 703-
and include Hexwork merchandise, reserved Devon Trotter, DJ Je Prior and DJ Adam 407-6540.
front row seating and a rae ticket. Tickets Koussari-Amin are scheduled. There will SUNDAY, MARCH 26 SMYAL hosts an open mic night today
are $20 day of show. For more details, visit also be a ashing photo booth. For more from 5-7 p.m. Gay youth can come to
facebook.com/stayhexy. details, visit facebook.com/ctrldc. PotterCon USA, a Harry Potter talk openly about the issues they face
Gamma D.C., a support group for men D.C.s Dierent Drummers presents convention, is at the Fillmore (8656 with their sexual orientation or gender
in mixed-orientation relationships, meets Glitter and be Gay: Concert Exploring Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, Md.) today identity. For more information, visit
at Luther Place Memorial Church (1226 LGBT Composers at the Church of the from 2-8 p.m. There will be a live sorting smyal.org.
Vermont Ave., N.W.) tonight from 7:30- Epiphany (1317 G St., N.W.) tonight at 7 ceremony, a costume contest and trivia.
9:30 p.m. The group is for men who are p.m. The ensemble will honor the works There will also be an In Memoriam THURSDAY, MARCH 30
attracted to men but are currently, or were of Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, for characters who died in the series.
at one point, in relationships with women. Ronald Fallas, Julie Giroux, Jennifer Participating in activities will earn points Iona Senior Services (4125 Albemarle
Meeting locations are in private residences. Higdon, Elton John and more. Tickets are for guests to use at the House Cup table St., N.W.) presents LGBTQ Women: Take
For more information about the group and $20. For more information, visit dcdd.org. for prizes. Tickets are $15.50. For more Charge of Your Aging, a seminar for
location, visit gammaindc.org. Fantom Comics (2010 P St., N.W.) details, visit llmoresilverspring.com. older LGBT women, today from 5-7 p.m.
hosts its queer book club to discuss Touchstone Gallery (901 New York Online registration is $60 and at-the-
SATURDAY, MARCH 25 Husbands by Brad Bell and Jane Ave., N.W.) hosts an encore reception door registration is $75. The seminar will
Espenson today at 2 p.m. Husbands for its current exhibits today from 2-4 explore topics such as senior housing,
The D.C. Eagle (3701 Benning Rd., is about a newly married couple set in p.m. Exhibits on display include the long-term care options and legal, nancial
N.E.) hosts Meat Market, a leather alternate universes. For details, visit Touchstone Gallery Member show in and health changes associated with aging.
party, tonight at 9 p.m. Mr. Mayhem facebook.com/fantomcomics. Gallery A, Common Threads by April For details, visit iona.org/lgbtq-women.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 3 7

I love wandering through

Smithsonian museums, eating
on H Street with friends, and going
to shows at Howard Theatre.

Im a
transgender woman
and Im part of DC.

Please treat me the way any

woman would want to be treated:
with courtesy and respect.
Discrimination based on gender identity and
expression is illegal in the District of Columbia.
If you think youve been the target of
discrimination, visit www.ohr.dc.gov
or call (202) 727-4559.



Show your support! Spread word of the #TransRespect

campaign by photographing this ad and sharing on Twitter.

3 8 MA RCH 2 4 , 2 017 A RT S & E N T E RT A I N ME N T

Wide spectrum of patrons nd home at Grand Central

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23 hosted numerous themed events Says DJ Kuhmeleon who used to work atmosphere. In addition, Grand Central has
including red, black and white parties, all at Grand Central, Being so far away from always been supportive of my charity work.
dance bar in the state. Within a couple of well attended. Karaoke nights have been the crowd in that DJ-in-the-sky, I love Historically, Grand Central has been a
blocks were other well-established bars, a popular feature as well as jazz, fashion hearing the crowd singing every song so welcome place for patrons of all gender,
the Drinkery and Leons. Grand Central shows and REHAB Saturdays. loud that it actually rises above the music identity and sexual orientations with a
was the new kid on the block. Wendy Fox, co-owner of S.H.E. itself and I can hear them perfectly. variety of oerings including dance, jazz,
To eectively compete, Davis had to Productions, which has put on events like However, increasing acceptance of karaoke, leather and a vibrant bar scene,
broaden the market and create special REHAB at Grand Central for eight years, LGBT people that allows for comfortably says Bob Glock, general manager of the
events. Billing Grand Central as an says, We are happy to be inclusive of patronizing straight establishments as nearby Hotel Brexton. It has been a
alternative nightclub, Davis encouraged everyone, and the club has always been well as the onset of dating apps have major draw to not only the Mount Vernon
straight people to patronize the bar. gracious and open to our ideas, themes contributed to a decline in gay bars. This community, but to Baltimore generally for
I was always grateful for everyones and fundraisers. concerns Davis. those outside of the city looking for a safe
business, whether you were straight or gay, An employee for nearly ve years, Over the past 30 years, I have seen and sophisticated alternative bar scene.
Davis says. As long as everyone could accept Nicole West says, Don Davis has always about 29 gay bars and clubs close, says Brian Gaither, co-founder of Pride
the gay culture, they were welcomed. been encouraging and appreciative, the Davis, 66, who now resides most of the Foundation of Maryland, acknowledges
Grand Central had been beset by a couple customers always kind and the other sta year in Florida. that Grand Central is a landmark
of odd events. In June 2008, just a week after is like family. Notwithstanding that trend, community institution.
workers had repaired a storm-damaged The upstairs loft has been used for a members see the value of Grand Central. Over the years its provided a safe
roof on the north building, a re broke out variety of purposes including receptions, a I remember 15 years ago, I had the space for our community and has been
causing damage to the upper oor. lesbian-oriented space called Sapphos for a courage to step into a gay bar for the rst time a major supporter of LGBT events and
Five years later, a car, which was being short time, and it had also been a venue for and Grand Central welcomed me with open organizations, Gaither says. We are
pursued by transit police, crashed into a leather-related events after the Baltimore arms, says photographer Robert Mercer, grateful for all they have done.
pick-up truck in front of the bar spilling its Eagle (now re-opened) had closed in 2012. Jr. It was like home and the community As for himself, Davis is appreciative of
cargo of white paint all over the exterior and The restaurant no longer exists. embraced me without judgment. the support Baltimore has given to Grand
leaving a mess inside the pub. The eects of The dance club with its two bars is a Adds Brian Dolbow, an advocate for the Central.
that incident led to additional renovations. popular attraction. The Hippos closing homeless, Grand Central was the rst Without good sta and the support
Each time Grand Central bounced back. in 2015 left Grand Central as the leading bar I visited when I moved to Baltimore in over the 25 years it would have not been
Through the years, Grand Central dance venue in Mount Vernon. 2003. I immediately loved the welcoming possible, he says. Thank you, Baltimore.







A D V I CE M A R C H 24, 2017 39

Injured hubby is not us out of obligation or guilt, rather than

freely and gladly?
working, depressed Yes, its true that when we wed, we
make a vow to stay together no matter
what. Still, we really dont know what
were committing to until the curveballs
start to hit.
Thats why we should have the freedom
to decide that a given curveball is more
than we want to deal with and that a
relationship no longer works for us.
MICHAEL RADKOWSKY, Psy.D. is a licensed However, we should also do our best
psychologist who works with gay individuals to honor commitments that we make.
and couples in D.C. He can be found online
at personalgrowthzone.com. All identifying Contrary to what many of us hope, being
information has been changed for reasons happily married requires hard work at
of condentiality. Have a question? Send it to
Michael@personalgrowthzone.com. times. So before you decide that your
desire to have a life unencumbered by
your husbands limitations outweighs
MICHAEL, your interest in being with him, here are
My husband has limited mobility as a some points to consider.
result of being injured a few years ago. Have you let George know how you
Many of the things we enjoyed together feel about your marriage? If not, why? Are
(travel, hiking, going out on the town) you scared of having a tough, possibly
are a lot more dicult to do now. Also, hurtful conversation? Staying silent, and
George isnt working, which makes him then leaving without honestly explaining
somewhat depressed all the time and a yourself and giving George an opportunity
lot less dynamic. to address your unhappiness, would
Much of the responsibility of running certainly be far more hurtful than telling
our household has shifted to me. Im in him how disappointed you are.
my mid-30s and this is not how I want to If you have spoken to George, does he
spend the rest of my life. agree with your assessment of his mood?
I know when we married we pledged Has he taken any steps toward nding
to be together in sickness and in health. ways to feel better and be more active?
Well, heres the sickness part and Im If not, does he understand how seriously
realizing I dont want 40 to 50 more years you are contemplating leaving him? Have
of this. you made that clear?
I feel coldhearted to say that my I dont know what is possible for George
husband has become a burden, but there and I dont want to be presumptuous, but
you have it. He does get disability and if he were to make a move toward climbing
has some nancial resources, so he could out of his depression and lethargy and if
denitely pay for assistance with things he were to get some outside assistance
he needs help with. And Id also be very so that you were not as burdened as you
glad to be in his life as a supportive friend, currently are, would you have any interest
but not as his husband any longer. in staying in this marriage?
Im feeling guilty because he came Regarding your guilt over Georges
out to his right-wing family when our loneliness: I think youre feeling
relationship got serious and they cut him responsible for what is actually not your
o. So he wouldnt have them to turn to. responsibility. Georges family made the
And because he doesnt really have close decision to cut him o; that was not your
friends, I think hed be pretty isolated. call. And it is Georges job to be developing
Is it terrible of me to be contemplating additional meaningful connections and
leaving? sources of support.
Do you agree that I am on to something
MICHAEL REPLIES: here? Then before you call it quits, you
No, I dont think youre terrible for and George would be wise to gure out
contemplating leaving. what each of you should be responsible
People should be married because they for in your marriage. If you were less
want to be, not because they feel stuck. burdened, and if he were making more of
Marriage shouldnt be a trap without an eort to be in charge of his own life,
an exit. Who among us would want to perhaps you would decide that you have
be married to someone who stays with a husband worth keeping.

4 0 MA RCH 2 4 , 2 017 P H O T O S BY CH RI S J E N N I N G S

Freddies Beach Bar & Grill in Arlington, Va. held Ladies Night with the DC Gurly Show on Sunday, March 19.
W A SH I N GTO NB LAD E.C OM MA RCH 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 4 1

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Attorneys that are OUTthinking |OUTspoken |OUTdoing

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Who should be in charge if you cant be?

Plan ahead and choose imagined in these roles. and trustees of any type of trust, especial- request. In my experience most people
executors carefully For tasks that involve financial manage- ly where the money is to be managed and are flattered to be asked even if they later
ment and require organizational skills, distributed over a long period of time. decide not to serve. However, the worst
I recommend that you focus on people On the other hand, some roles are thing that can happen is a surprise call
By LAWRENCE S. JACOBS whom you know to be financially savvy. more people-focused, such as healthcare from a hospital seeking an urgent medi-
This seems obvious, but Ive learned that agents and guardians who are respon- cal decision from a person who is learn-
Choosing the people to whom you want many clients dont approach it that way. sible for raising kids (but not necessarily ing for the first time that your life may be
to assign responsibility in case the worst They tell me that have already named for managing their money). In this arena, in their hands.
happens is a stumbling block that keeps a particular relative or plan to do so. empathy, support, caring and familiarity Of course, I have only scratched the
many of us from creating estate planning Upon closer examination, its not unusual with the healthcare system are the traits surface of these issues here. Please feel
documents, such as wills, trusts and pow- to learn that that candidate has been in you should look for more than manage- free to contact me by phone at 240-778-
ers of attorney. Who should my executor bankruptcy or is a shopaholic. If thats ment skills. A person who is already a 2330 or 703-536-0220 if you need more
be? Who could manage money for kids the case, I always urge the client to think caregiver will likely be able to assume specific guidance on any of these topics.
who will be my heirs? Who would I trust again. Instead, for financial roles, I like to this role for you. Perhaps thats someone
to make medical or financial decisions for suggest a relative or friend this person who is a healthcare professional such as (This column is not intended to provide legal
advice, but only general guidance that may or
me in an emergency? Who would be will- does not have to be related to youwho a nurse or a staff member at NIH, but it may not be applicable to your specific situa-
ing to raise my kids if neither of us was is very organized. Maybe he has tracked could just as well be someone who has tion.)
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