Slcs/Semester Grade Reflections
Slcs/Semester Grade Reflections
Slcs/Semester Grade Reflections
On a scale
from 1 to 5,
how would you
rate yourself in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
each area?
(1= very low,
5= very high)
Aside from earning a higher grade, my academic S.M.A.R.T. goal for the 5th
report in _my Dance_ class is _to work with different people during projects. In my
dance class I have over 20 students in the class. I usually work with my small groups
but in big group projects I want to work with other groups. Learning to collaborate with
other people is a great skill for the work force.
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Plan:
What can I do if I get
What steps will I have What challenges or
stuck or need help?
to take to reach my obstacles can I expect Who can help me meet
What strategies can I
to face when working my goal?
goal? use to overcome these
toward this goal?
When assigned a I will not work with I need to know that not Miss Grace can help
project chose a other people. everyone is a dancer push me to other
different group. and people work at groups.
different paces.
My goal in Dance for the fall semester of this school year was to pass the class with an A. Overall, I was
successful in reaching this goal because of strengths regarding my participation as well as effective use of
resources of practicing. I succeeded primarily because of time management skills because I would make
sure to write the steps in my notebook and also check with the instructor. Additionally, I have sometimes
made positive choices during class time such as asking clarifying questions. Although I succeeded with
study skills this year, I do not struggle with engaging in the class. I often dress up for the class and
participate when told to. Aside from earning a higher grade, my academic S.M.A.R.T. goal for the 5th
progress report in __my Dance_ class is _to work with different people during projects. In my dance class I
have over 20 students in the class. I usually work with my small groups but in big group projects I want to
work with other groups. My hope for the future is that I will be able to work with other people. I know that this
a very important skill to learn for future endeavors working with other adults.