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Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association

2400 Latigo Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone:(805) 604-2000 Fax:(805) 604-2005

This manual has been developed by the Automatic Transmission

Rebuilders Association (ATRA) Technical Department to be used by quali-
fied transmission technicians in conjunction with ATRAs technical semi-
nars. Since the circumstances of its use are beyond ATRAs control, ATRA
assumes no liability for the use of such information or any damages in-
curred through its use and application. Nothing contained in this manual
is to be considered contractual or providing some form of warranty on the
part of ATRA. No part of this program should be construed as recommending
any procedure which is contrary to any vehicle manufacturers recommen-
dations. ATRA recommends only qualified transmission technicians per-
form the procedures in this manual.
This manual contains copyrighted material belonging to ATRA. No part of
this manual may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means
graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
electronic or information storage and retrieval without express written
permission from the ATRA Board of Directors.
Public exhibition or use of this material for group training or as part of a
school curriculum, without express written permission from the ATRA
Board of Directors is strictly forbidden.
ATRA and the ATRA logo are registered trademarks of the Automatic Trans-
mission Rebuilders Association.
Portions of materials contained herein have been reprinted with permis-
sion of General Motors Corporation, Service Technology Group.
2000 ATRA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Program Contents
General Motors .................................................... 1
Ford ................................................................... 65
Chrysler ........................................................... 125
Imports ............................................................ 173
Isuzu ........................................................... 173
Mazda .......................................................... 193
Mercedes ..................................................... 222
Mitsubishi ................................................... 233
Nissan ......................................................... 246
Subaru ........................................................ 248
Computer Reprogramming ............................... 253
Reference ......................................................... 260

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


ATRA Technical Department

Dennis Madden, Technical Director
Mike Baird
Weldon Barnett
Bill Brayton
Larry Frash
Steve Garrett
Evelyn Marlow
Cliff McCormick
Randall Schroeder
David Skora
Lance Wiggins
Glenn Troub, Director of Online Services
Irvin Gers, Online Services

Thank you for attending the 2000 ATRA seminar. The people
behind the scenes, putting programs like this together dont
always get the recognition they deserve for the effort they put
forth. Producing a seminar program of this type requires
months of hard work. I would like to thank everyone who had a
part in producing this program. I would like to offer a special
thanks to the following persons for spending a lot of evenings
and weekends making sure we produced the best information
Larry Frash, who spent hours ferreting-out many of the facts
used in this manual, as well as the initial copywriting and
Evelyn Marlow, who took great pains to make sure our line art
was as clean as possible, against sometimes overwhelming odds.
Cliff McCormick, whose skill with our digital camera provided
us with a crisp and unique collection of images.
Steve Garrett, who was instrumental in collecting the very
latest information for our GM section.
Steve Bodofsky, who designed and laid out our manual, created
the slide show, and provided much of the editing for this program.
Dennis Madden
Technical Director

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


General Motors Contents

4L60E 4T60, 4T60E
Neutral Safety Switch Replacement .......2 Intermittent No 4th and
Possibly No TCC; Possible DTC
New-Design Pressure Switch Assembly;
31, 91, E91 or P0705 ......................... 44
Code P1810 ..........................................3
Binds on the 12 Shift ........................ 46
P1870 Sets Regularly or Intermittently .4
New TCC Orifice ...................................6 4T60E/4T65E
Intermittent Delayed Engagement
No 2nd, 4th and Reverse ....................... 10
or Neutral while Driving ...................... 47
Possible No Shifts or Codes P0740,
Reverse Reaction Drum Breaking........ 48
P0753, P0758, P0785, P1860 ............. 12
Turbine Speed Sensor Failure ............. 49
No Reverse / Slips in Reverse ............. 15
Second Gear Starts ............................. 50
Possible P0756, 23 Shift
Solenoid Performance ......................... 16 199395 Cadillacs ATF Indicator Reset54
Second Gear Starts ............................. 18 Delayed or No Engine Braking
In D3, D2, or L ................................... 55
Lube Problems; Parts Interchange ...... 19
Front Lube Circuit ........................... 19 GM Front Wheel Drive
VSS Harness Repair Kit ...................... 56
Center Lube Circuit ......................... 24
Rear Lube Circuit ............................ 31 Saturn TAAT
Air Check Locations ............................ 57
Valve Body ......................................... 58
Slips in 4th; No 4th; Slips in 3rd and 4th;
No 3rd or 4th; Possible DTC P0730........ 36 Harsh Reverse .................................... 60
Intermittent Loss of TCC ..................... 38 Solenoid Harness Kit .......................... 61
Slips in Reverse at Heavy Throttle; Pressure Testing ................................. 62
Possible Burnt Reverse Clutches......... 40 Second Design Shift Solenoids ............ 64
Second Gear Starts ............................. 41
1st Gear Only ...................................... 42
No Movement Forward or Reverse;
Possible Noise that Follows RPM ......... 43

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Neutral Safety Switch Replacement
Very often, the harnesses for the neutral safety switch are melted to the point that you
cant remove them without damaging the harness, switch, or both. The switch, and both
harness connectors are available separately.
Pay attention to the color and position of the existing wires before cutting them; the
replacement harness connectors arent color-coded.
The GM part numbers are:
12450016 ........................... Neutral Safety Switch
15305887 ........................... Large Connector
15305925 ........................... Small Connector

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


New-Design Pressure Switch Assembly;
Code P1810
A diagnostic trouble code P1810 refers to a problem with the pressure switch assembly.
This can be caused by debris shorting out the switch contacts. GM has introduced a
new-design switch assembly that has a plastic shield, to protect the switch contacts
from exposure to debris.
The GM part number for the new switch assembly is 24215111.

Original Design

Updated PSA

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


P1870 Sets Regularly or Intermittently
Diagnostic trouble code P1870 (Transmission Component Slipping) is a very common
problem on the 4L60E. It sets on all vehicles, and can be difficult to diagnose as its
often intermittent. P1870 will set if:
TCC is commanded on
TCC duty cycle is at maximum
TCC slip RPM is greater than 130 for longer than 7 seconds
DTCs P0122, P0123, P0502, PO503, P0711, P0712, P0713, P0740, P0753, P0758,
P1810, P1860 arent set.
VSS is between 30 and 70 MPH (48112 KPH)
Speed ratio (engine speed divided by output speed, also known as N/V ratio on
some scan tools) is between 0.69 and 0.88
D4 range is selected
TP is between 9% and 35%
TFT is between 68 F and 266 F (20 130 C)
The computer reacts to code P1870 by:
Raising line pressure to maximum
Freezing shift adapts
Inhibiting TCC
Any type of slip in 4th gear may lead to code P1870. This means a problem with the 34
clutch, 24 band or the forward clutch could cause this code. So P1870 isnt just related
to the TCC or TCC operation. Other causes for code P1870 include:
Clutch or servo sealing problems (seals, bushings, shafts, pistons)
Friction material damage or improper stacking
TCC or its feed circuit is leaking
Solenoid problems (hydraulic leakage and low current flow)
TCC pressure regulator valve side-loading in the bore, causing it to stick intermit-
tently. This results in low TCC apply pressure.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


P1870 Sets Regularly or Intermittently (cont)
To isolate the cause of the P1870 DTC:
Use a scan tool to check whether the TCC slip values are consistent while driving at a
steady throttle with the TCC applied. Apply and release the converter several times and
check the slip RPM. Slip RPM at steady throttle should range between 10 to +30 for
non-Electronically Controlled Capacity Clutch (EC3) torque converter applications and
10 to +60 on EC3 applications.
Watch the slip RPM each time the TCC applies. After the first time the TCC slips too
much, pay attention to how often it occurs on each subsequent apply. If theres too
much slip on every apply, inspect the TCC hydraulic system for leaks (all TCC seal rings,
gaskets, bushings, solenoids, converter. Replace the damaged or faulty components).
If the slip isnt consistent with every TCC apply, check the TCC pressure regulator valve
in the valve body for side-loading.

TCC Pressure

This is a very common problem and very often the valve body bore is worn, allowing the
valve to cock in the bore. This reduces the amount of TCC apply pressure, resulting in
excessive TCC slip. If a possible side loading occurs, replace the valve body or install a
TCC pressure regulator valve kit readily available from many aftermarket companies.
GM no longer produces new valve bodies as service parts: All valve bodies are now ser-
viced as remanufactured valve bodies only.
If no damage is present and you are confident a TCC pressure regulator valve side load-
ing isnt present, replace the TCC PWM solenoid.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4L60E; 1997-on
New TCC Orifice
The 1997-and-later stator supports use a new design orifice for TCC solenoid feed. This
new orifice consists of a metal housing with a plastic insert.

The early design orifice

was a simple cup plug.

Early Design TCC Orifice

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4L60E; 1997-on
New TCC Orifice (continued)

The new design orifice is a


Late Design TCC Orifice

Under severe overheating conditions, the plastic insert can melt, clogging the orifice.
Currently, the orifice isnt serviced separately, which gives you two choices:
1. You can replace the stator support with an earlier PWM support.
2. You can replace the orifice with an orificed cup plug. The cup plug used in earlier
supports is too small for the bore, but you can use a larger plug. To do this you first
need to enlarge the existing hole.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4L60E; 1997-on
New TCC Orifice (continued)

Use a " drill to enlarge

the existing hole.

Use part number

8628864 for the
new orifice.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4L60E; 1997-on
New TCC Orifice (continued)

Drive the new orificed plug into the newly drilled hole, just below flush.
IM P O R T A N T The orifice in the new plug is too small. Always enlarge it to 0.028".

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


No 2nd, 4th and Reverse
Many 1997-99 4L60Es may lose reverse, 2nd and 4th gears. This is caused by a change
in the manufacturing process for the sun gear reaction shell. During production, the
radius of the area attaching the splines on the shell to the shell housing was reduced.
This leads to a fatigue failure of the shell.

This is how the sun shell

looks when it strips out

Heres how the sun

shell should look

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


No 2nd, 4th and Reverse (continued)
GM increased the radius of this area for added strength. To repair this condition, replace
the shell. The part number for the updated shell is the same as the old shell. Whats
more, GM didnt purge the faulty parts from inventory, so you may not get the updated
part when you order it.
The best way to tell if your part is the updated one is by checking the ID stamped inside
the shell. The ID consists of a letter and three numbers. If your shell begins with the
letters A or B, you have the old-style shell. The updated shells begin with the letter W.
The GM part number for the sun gear shell is 8683439.

The W tells you this

is the updated sun shell

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Possible No Shifts or
Codes P0740, P0753, P0758, P0785, P1860
4L60E/4L80E transmissions may exhibit any or all of these trouble codes and driveabil-
ity problems:
P0740 TCC Solenoid Electrical Fault
P0753 12 Solenoid Electrical Fault
P0758 23 Solenoid Electrical Fault
P0785 32 Solenoid Electrical Fault
P1860 TCC PWM Solenoid Electrical Fault
4L80E applications fail to shift, or will drop into second gear intermittently. The
customer may complain that the vehicle is going to neutral at higher road speeds.
4L60Es fail to shift and may drop or stay in 3rd gear when the shift lever is in the
OD position.
Any or all of these codes
may set: P0758, P0785,
P1860, P0753, P0740. If
the problem is intermit-
tent, the system may not
set a code.
This problem is caused by a poor
crimp on one of the terminals for
circuit 1020.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Possible No Shifts or Codes P0740, P0753,
P0758, P0785, P1860 (continued)
Generally the crimp concern is cavity A2 at the bulkhead connector or (C100) on later
model applications at connector C2, pins F2 or E2 of the UBEC (Underhood Bussed
Electrical Center, used on many trucks.

Circuit 1020

Bulkhead Connector (C100)


2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Possible No Shifts or Codes P0740, P0753,
P0758, P0785, P1860 (continued)
On VCM applications, if a code sets for only one or two solenoids or circuits, inspect the
weatherpack seal at the VCM. You may find the seal is mispositioned, allowing water
into the VCM connector. This may cause severe corrosion, which can degrade solenoid
performance and cause codes to set. If corrosion is present, the VCM and the female
terminals may require replacement.
The ignition switch is also a common source of any or all of these problems. This holds
true for the redesigned, 3-contact ignition switches used on the S-10s.
To isolate this as a possible source of the problem, monitor pin voltage on circuit 1020
when the condition occurs. If the voltage drops below battery voltage, inspect the pins
listed or the ignition switch for possible problems. If you find an open in the UBEC,
youll have to replace it, as it is cant be disassembled and reassembled effectively.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


No Reverse / Slips in Reverse
No reverse or a slip in reverse after a rebuild can be caused by installing a replacement
boost valve bushing that doesnt match the original valve.
Some late-model pumps use a smaller boost valve than earlier models. Installing a
smaller, late-model boost valve in a larger, early replacement bushing creates a large
leak in the reverse apply circuit.
For now, the late-model valves and bushings arent available separately, so if you have a
smaller valve that needs replacement, youll have to replace the valve-and-bushing as-
sembly with the early set. These early design components are available separately.
Early Valve 8680549
Early Bushing 8682856

0.855" 0.830"

Early Valve Late Valve

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Possible P0756, 23 Shift Solenoid Performance
Some 4L80E transmissions may intermittently set a P0756 code, which indicates perfor-
mance problem in the 23 shift solenoid.
The parameters for setting a P0756 are:
No TPS, VSS, TCC, PSM, or shift solenoid codes are set in memory
VSS greater than 5 MPH
TPS angle 1520% and steady
MAP value is steady between 0105 kPa
Calculated engine torque is between 5450 ft-lbs
Engine speed is above 450 RPM
Transmission fluid temperature is between 68F and 266F
The PCM/VCM commands a specific gear and then calculates a range other than
the desired ratio has been achieved. The computer monitors N/V ratio (speed
ratio; engine speed divided by transmission output speed) and determines the
shift didnt occur. If the speed ratio doesnt drop more than 0.3 when the com-
puter commands the shift to 3rd, and the condition exists longer than 1.5 seconds,
the computer will set the code.

P0756 may set if an electrical problem exists, even if

an electrical code for the solenoid or circuit (P0758)
doesnt set. This may occur if the wiring for the sole-
noid (CKT 1223) is severely damaged but not fully

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Possible P0756, 23 Shift Solenoid Perf. (cont)
If theres resistance in the wiring, such as corrosion or a bad connection, current flow
through the solenoid will be very low. Low current flow through the solenoid will cause
the solenoid to fail hydraulically when the computer energizes it. If the 2-3 solenoid fails
to hold pressure, the ratio will be incorrect.
The typical cause for this code is the wiring is incorrectly routed. The harness is de-
signed to be routed over the top of the transmission bell housing. In many cases the
harness is incorrectly positioned, allowing it to wedge between the fuel lines and the
body. This results in severe damage to the wiring harness, as the pinch weld on the
body wears through the conduit and wiring insulation.

1. Engine Harness
2. Heated Oxygen Sensor
1 Connectors
3. Vehicle Speed Sensor
4. Transmission Connector
5. Park/Neutral Position Switch
6. Transmission Input Speed
2 Sensor

If code P0756 is set, inspect the harness, and repair as necessary. If theres no damage
to the harness, other possible causes include:
faulty 23 shift solenoid
sticking 23 shift valve
loss of line pressure feed to the direct clutch
faulty/damaged direct clutch
insufficient feed to the solenoid

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Second Gear Starts
A second gear start complaint (that often goes away when you step on the gas) is often
caused by poor shift solenoid A pressure. This can be caused by a leaking shift solenoid
or poor feed to the shift solenoid.
One of the often overlooked areas for this leak is the O-ring on the #11 checkball cap-
sule bushing. This bushing is located at the end of the 34 shift valve bore, and serves
as a seal for solenoid A pressure. Always replace this O-ring during a rebuild or valve
body service.

Always replace this O-ring during

a rebuild or valve body service.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange
In 1997, General Motors altered the lube circuit of the 4L80E. The 1991-through-96
models had two lube circuits, both originating from the return cooler line. The front lube
circuit started at the return cooler line, went up to the pump, then flowed toward the
rear, providing lubrication for the overdrive section. The rear lube, also originating from
the return cooler line, flowed from the output shaft, forward. This circuit lubed every-
thing from the output shaft-to-case bushing to the forward clutch hub.
In 1997, GM broke the lube circuit into three separate sections, each with its own lube
source. Front lube now has its own circuit. Rather than using cooler return oil, front
lube is provided by a new circuit that uses converter charge oil. Another new circuit is
for the rear lube. This new circuit uses oil from the actuator feed limit circuit, and only
lubes the case bushing.
Cooler return oil is now solely responsible for lubricating the main gear train; but rather
than the oil flowing from the rear all the way to the forward clutch hub, it now flows
from the center support, then flows both forward and rearward.
In this section well look at all three lube circuits, and compare the earlier components
with the revised parts used in the 1997-and-later units. But before we compare these
components, you must be aware of the differences in the cases. The later case has a
cooler return line that enters the center of the case, rather than at the front. Obviously,
the early and late cases are not interchangeable.

Front Lube Circuit

Front lube is provided through a new circuit that comes from converter charge. This is
provided by a slot created in the stator support. Both the pump and stator support were
changed to provide for this circuit. Early and late pump assemblies arent interchange-
able. However, the late pump will work in an early unit. Also, GM has replacement
pumps and stator supports that look very similar to the later parts. Make sure you know
what youre using before you install the parts.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Front Lube Circuit (continued)
The pump for the 4L80E was changed in 1997 as part of a lube modification. In addition,
GM came out with a new pump assembly to replace the early (1991 96) pump assembly.
This replacement uses the same stator support castings as the late stator support, so
never use the casting numbers to identify which stator support youre using.
The difference is in the bathtub: The late stator support is drilled; the early replacement
Any pump body will work in an early transmission, but it must be bolted to the early-
design stator support. Never swap the stator supports between early and late transmis-
sions. Never use an early pump body or stator support in a late transmission.

1991 96 (Early) Stator Support

The large single channel indicates

this is an early-design stator support.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
1991 96 Replacement Stator Support
The bathtub in the replacement
stator support isnt drilled. Never
use this support in a 1997-or-later

1997 on (Late) Stator Support

The bathtub in the late stator
support is drilled. Never use this
support in a 1991 96 case.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
1991 96 Pump Body

Never use this pump body

with the late stator support
and transmission case.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
1991 96 Replacement and
1997 on Pump Body

This pump body will work

with both early and late
stator supports.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Center Lube Circuit
Center lube comes from the cooler return line. It enters the case, directly to the center
support. It flows both forward to the forward clutch hub, and rearward to the front of
the output shaft.

Cooler Return
Line Fitting

Here are the parts that were changed, and how they affect the lube circuit:

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Center Support
The center support has a new port that allows oil from the cooler return line to enter the
support. Obviously, the early and late supports arent interchangeable.

1991 1996


Cooler Return Passage

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Center Support Bushing
The obvious difference between the early and late bushings is their height. However,
interchanging these bushings will reduce or completely block off lube flow to all
sections on the gear train.

1991 1996

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Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Sun Gear Tube
The sun gear tube now has a wider groove, which takes oil from the center support and
feeds it to the intermediate roller clutch.

1991 1996


C A U T IO N The early tube uses solid bushings; the late tube uses grooved bushings.
Using solid bushings in the late tube will cut off lube oil to the forward clutch

hub and the rear ring gear.

1991 1996 1997-On

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Sun Gear
The late-design sun gear has four lube slots, versus the earlier gear, which had two. At
first it seems as though this difference is negligible; however, when you compare how

the two gears match up with the sun gear tube you can see that the tube completely
cuts off oil flow between the tube and gear. These gears are not interchangeable.

1991 1996 1997-On

Notice the tube cuts off all flow

through the slots on the early
gear; the slots remain open on
the late assembly.
1991 1996 1997-On
2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Rear Ring Gear Shaft
The early shaft is hollow. It allows oil to flow from the output shaft to the forward clutch
hub. The late shaft is solid. Using the solid shaft in an early unit will starve the forward

clutch hub, center support bushing and intermediate roller clutch. Never interchange
these shafts.

1991 1996


Hollow Solid

1991 1996 1997-On

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Rear Ring Gear
The late rear ring gear has four lube slots that allow oil to flow to the bushing in the
output shaft. Using the early gear will starve this bushing. Also, the front bearing for
this ring gear has notches in it that allows for oil to flow to the notches in the gear. The
late bearing will work on all models. The early bearing will only work on early models.

1991 1996 1997-On

1991 1996 1997-On
2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Rear Lube Circuit
Rear lube comes from the actuator feed limit circuit. It flows from the valve body,
through a tube, to the case bushing.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Output Shaft
The output shaft has a feed hole for gear train lube. The late shaft is solid. Using the late
shaft on an early unit will starve the entire gear train of oil. Using the early shaft on a
late unit will connect the center and rear lube circuits. These shafts arent interchange-

1991 1996 1997-On

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Case, Valve Body and Separator Plates
The case, valve body and separator plate were also changed. The case and valve body
changes are obvious; the separator plate change is somewhat subtle.
These plates are not interchangeable. Interchanging these plates will completely starve
some gear train components.

Early Case with Large

Opening for Lube Tube

Late Case with Small

Opening for Lube Tube

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Case, Valve Body and Separator Plates (continued)

Early Design with the

Large Lube Tube

Late Design with the

Small Lube Tube

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Lube Problems; Parts Interchange (continued)
Case, Valve Body and Separator Plates (continued)
You can create a serious mismatch by using the late separator plate with the early valve
body and case.
The late separator plate and valve body are notched in the front, exposing a cavity in the
case. On the late case, that cavity is void; it serves no purpose. On the early case, that
cavity is cooler return, which provides gear train lube oil.
Using the late separator plate with an early valve body and case will dump lube oil into
the sump, and starve the gear train.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Slips in 4th; No 4th; Slips in 3rd and 4th;
No 3rd or 4th; Possible DTC P0730
Some 4T40E/4T45E transaxles may experience one of the following problems:
Slips in 4th or no 4th
Slips in 3rd and 4th or no 3rd or 4th
Possible code P0730 set in memory
To diagnose this problem, monitor gear ratio on your scan tool. Typically youll notice an
incorrect gear ratio in 4th gear. You should notice this problem in 4th gear before the
transaxle develops a ratio error problem in 3rd gear. This is because the torque to the
clutches is nearly 100% in 4th but drops to around 60% in 3rd gear.
If the problem has been going on for a while, youll see incorrect ratios for 3rd and 4th
gears. The correct ratio in 3rd gear is between 0.91:1 and 1.07:1, while 4th gear ratio
should remain between 0.61:1 and 0.72:1.
The most common causes for this problem are:
Direct clutch piston seal delamination
Pressure Control Solenoid (PCS)
To identify the possible causes, check the
line pressure and compare your pressure
readings to the amperage commands in the
tables. If line pressure is incorrect, either the
pressure control solenoid failed, theres a valve
body problem, or the computer isnt providing the
proper signal.

Nominal Line
Pressure Range
50 160 PSI 345
58 186 PSI 400

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Slips in 4th; No 4th; Slips in 3rd and 4th;
No 3rd or 4th; Possible DTC P0730 (continued)
Pressure Control Solenoid
Current (Amps) Line Pressure (PSI)
0.00 152 160
0.10 149 151
0.30 141 143
0.50 124 127
0.60 111 115
0.70 97 101
0.80 81 84
0.90 64 67
0.95 56 58
1.00 50 51
1.05 50

1.10 50

If line pressure readings are within specifications,

inspect the direct clutch piston for possible seal
delamination. If chunks of the seal are missing
or if cracks are developing in the seal rubber,
the seal is delaminating. The seal used in the
direct clutch is a molded design; that is, the
piston and seal are a one-piece assembly.
An upgraded molded piston has been released.
You can identify the new piston by the part num-
ber molded into the rubber of the seal. Updated
pistons have number 24205044 molded into the

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Intermittent Loss of TCC
Some 4T40Es may lose TCC until you cycle the ignition off
and on. This condition may also set DTC P1887. Diagno-
sis using the service manual may lead you to replacing
the TCC release switch. The TCC release switch has
created this problem, especially on early model units.
The TCC release switch is part of the Pressure Switch
Assembly (PSA) and is serviced by replacing the PSA.

Pressure Switch

Another possibility is an open or short in the TCC release switch circuit on the PSA. To
isolate this problem, use a scan tool and monitor the position of the TCC release switch.
With the key on, engine off, monitor the TCC release pressure data. TCC release
pressure should indicate NO when monitoring with key on, engine off. If it indi-
cates YES, check the harness for a possible open circuit, wiring damage, or weak
terminal pin tension before replacing the switch.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Intermittent Loss of TCC (continued)
Start the engine and monitor the switch status. If the TCC release switch data
displays NO, check the switch wiring for a short to ground. If the wiring is okay,
replace the switch. If the switch has already been replaced for this condition,
check for a hydraulic problem (gasket, debris) that could prevent pressure from
dropping at the switch when the TCC turns off.
The GM part number for the pressure switch assembly is 24200495.
P r e s s u r e S w itc h
A s s e m b ly

S ig n a l A S ig n a l A

P R N D 4

S ig n a l B S ig n a l B


S ig n a l C S ig n a l C

D 2 1

R e le a s e R e le a s e
T C C R e le a s e S w itc h
N C ; O p e n s w h e n
T C C is R e le a s e d

Pi n Function
N A 1-2 Solenoid

D R B 2-3 Solenoid
C Pressure Control Solenoid (High)
D Pressure Control Solenoid (Low)
V E B+ Supply for Shift Solenoids and PWM Solenoid
C L TFT (High)
M TFT (Low)
B U N Pressure Switch Assembly Signal A
P Pressure Switch Assembly Signal B
T R Pressure Switch Assembly Signal C
A S Input Speed Sensor (High)
M T PWM Solenoid

E L U TCC Release Switch

V Input Speed Sensor (Low)

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Slips in Reverse at Heavy Throttle;
Possible Burnt Reverse Clutches
Some 4T40E transaxles may slip in reverse, at mid to high throttle openings. The slip
may seem worse when the transaxle is cold. This condition is most common on J-body
vehicles (Sunfire, Caviler), though it does occur in other applications.
Check line pressure and the Pressure Control Solenoid (PCS) commanded status before
disassembling the unit. If line pressure the PCS commanded and actual amperage read-
ings are correct, check the orifice in the reverse input clutch center retainer and seal
assembly. Make sure it isnt plugged, incorrectly sized, or missing. The orifice should be
about 0.055" in diameter.
A problem at this orifice will prevent the reverse clutch from applying all the way, which
can lead to slipping and cause the clutches to fail. The slip is caused by a reduced
clutch clamping load as the outer diameter of the piston isnt being supplied with
enough pressure. The GM part number for the retainer and seal assembly is 24205041.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Second Gear Starts
A second gear start complaint (that often goes away when you step on the gas) is often
caused by poor shift solenoid A pressure. This can be caused by a leaking shift solenoid
or poor feed to the shift solenoid.
One of the often overlooked areas for this leak is the O-ring on the 34 shift valve plug.
Always replace this O-ring during a rebuild or valve body service.

A leak at this O-ring can
cause 2nd gear starts.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


1st Gear Only
A common problem on 97-and-later 4T40E/4T45E applications is a lack of 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and reverse gears. This is caused by a broken weld on the reaction sun gear and shell
assembly. Typically the friction weld attaching the sun gear to the shell breaks, allowing
the sun gear to turn free of the shell. To repair, replace the shell with an updated ver-
sion. The GM part number for the revised shell is 24204471.

Look for the shell

to break here.

D IA G N O S T IC T IP Heres an easy way to confirm whether the shell is broken:

Remove the pan, and then remove intermediate/4th servo assembly.
Take the unit out of park.
Use a long screwdriver or rod to push up on the band, locking the shell in
If the shell is broken, youll be able to turn both drive wheels backward at the
same time. If the shell is okay, the drive wheels will lock when you try to turn
them both backward at the same time. However, both wheels will turn for-
ward, regardless of the condition of the shell.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


No Movement Forward or Reverse;
Possible Noise that Follows RPM
This resembles the problem faced several years ago on the 3T40: Generally the customer
comes out one morning, puts the car into gear, and it wont move forward or backward.
In many instances, the transaxle may exhibit a grinding/rattling type noise.
This problem is usually caused by a shattered or broken pump rotor, caused by one of
these conditions:
an improper heat-treating process during manufacturing.
the spacer on the pump drive shaft came apart and got into the pump rotor.
To repair this problem, clean the unit thoroughly and install a new
pump assembly. Both of these failures have been addressed in the
service pumps available.

IM P O R T A N T Another cause for a broken shaft or rotor is high line pressure always
check line pressure before delivering the vehicle.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Intermittent No 4th and Possibly No TCC;
Possible DTC 31, 91, E91 or P0705
Some applications may experience an intermittent loss of TCC and possibly 4th gear;
code 31, 91, E91, P0705 may be stored in memory, depending on the year and model of
the vehicle. These codes indicate a misadjusted Transmission Range (TR) switch.
On many applications, no code will set; codes arent available for TR switch failures on
some vehicles. In that case the computer will inhibit 4th gear as long as it believes the
shifter is in D range instead of OD. The PCM programming is designed to inhibit TCC
when the code sets. Most shops wont be able to duplicate this condition.

TR Switch

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Intermittent No 4th and Possibly No TCC;
Possible DTC 31, 91, E91 or P0705 (continued)
This intermittent problem can be due to a misadjusted TR switch; but it may occur if the
driver rests his hand on the shift lever. To identify the source of the problem, monitor
the TR switch scan data while applying slight pressure to the shift lever. The correct
scan data display for OD range is: A = HI, B = LO, C = LO, P = HI
On Cadillacs, the values may be listed as binary code values where a HI is represented
by 1, and low is 0.
If the scan data indicates LO/LO/LO/LO, adjust the sensor and recheck the scan val-
ues. If the scan values remain LO/LO/LO/LO, inspect the wiring. If you dont find any
problems in the wiring, replace the TR switch.
T R S w itc h
4 -W a y C o n n e c to r
P R N D 3 2 1 In p u t A
A 1 2 V o lts
In p u t B
B 1 2 V o lts
In p u t C
C 1 2 V o lts
In p u t P
D 1 2 V o lts

7 -W a y C o n n e c to r

Transmission Range Sw itch

R an g e A B C P
4-Way Connector Lo Hi Hi Lo
Reverse Lo Lo Hi Hi
Neutral Hi Lo Hi Lo
D4 Hi Lo Lo Hi
D3 Lo Lo Lo Lo
D2 Lo Hi Lo Hi
Low Hi Hi Lo Lo

7-Way Connector

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4T60, 4T60E
Binds on the 12 Shift
A bindup during the 12 shift, which then goes away in 3rd and 4th is caused by a 3rd
clutch that is applied all the time, or applies anytime the input clutch is applied. This
can be caused by cross leaks, such as the input clutch drum sealing rings in the driven
sprocket support, or any number of areas in the valve body or channel casting.
One of the more common causes is a mismatch between the type of input clutch piston
and 3rd clutch piston used. If you use 10-plate 3rd clutch components with an input clutch
piston designed for 8-clutch 3rd clutch components, the input clutch piston will interfere
with the 3rd clutches, causing the 3rd clutch to apply anytime the input clutch is applied.
Use the illustrations below to identify the parts. Always make sure that the 3rd clutch
rotates freely when you air check the input clutch.
103 mm (4.055") 95.1 mm (3.744")

3rd Clutch

20.1 mm (0.791") 14 mm (0.551")

Input Clutch
Piston 27.6 mm
(1.087") 33.95 mm

Clutch Stacked Properly Clutch Stacked Improperly

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Intermittent Delayed Engagement
or Neutral while Driving
Some 4T60Es and 4T65Es may experience a delayed engagement when you first place
the shift lever into gear. This complaint is similar to having a rolled input clutch seal (a
common cause of delayed engagement on these applications).
In addition, the transaxle may seem to go into neutral while driving. This problem may
be caused by a broken pump priming spring or springs. This allows oil pressure to inter-
mittently drop to minimum pressure, allowing the clutch or band to release.
Testing this problem can be difficult. Before you tear into the trans to check the spring,
always check any external components that could be responsible. Make sure the modu-
lator valve moves freely in the bore, and the modulator is in good shape. If youre work-
ing on a 4T65E, verify the computer signal for line rise. The easiest way to check it is
with a scan tool.
If the primary springs are broken, replace them. The GM part numbers for the springs are:
Inner Spring 8646251
Outer Spring 8646189

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Reverse Reaction Drum Breaking
The original 2nd clutch and reverse reaction drums had splines with
25 sides; these drums had a tendency to strip. GM has released
new-design 2nd clutch and reverse reaction drums with 10
sides on the splines. A kit is available with both parts.
The GM part number for the kit is 24213402.

Original Drum with 25 Splines Updated Drum with 10 Splines

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Turbine Speed Sensor Failure
Its a good idea to replace the turbine speed sensor on every 4T80 rebuild. But dont be
surprised to find the wires on the replacement sensor are out of position. Always check
to make sure that the sensor wires are indexed into locations A and C.
The GM part number for the replacement sensor is 24209654.

Incorrect Correct

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Second Gear Starts
A second gear start (that usually goes away when you step on the gas) is often caused by
poor pressure at shift solenoid A. This can be caused a leaking shift solenoid, or poor
feed to the solenoid. Early solenoids were designed to hold the pressure control solenoid
feed screen in place. The force of the
screen pushing against the solenoid
had a tendency to break the solenoids. If
you have the early setup, replace them
with the upgrade kit.

The later solenoid setup used a separate bracket to hold the screen in place.
The GM part number for the solenoid update kit is 24211355.
If you already have the later solenoid setup, the GM part number for the solenoids is
The GM part number for the screen is 8680389.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Second Gear Starts (continued)
Another source for solenoid A leaks is the 34 shift valve plug. The 34 shift valve plug
has an O-ring that seals solenoid A pressure. Replace this O-ring on every rebuild.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Second Gear Starts (continued)
Another measure you can take to correct second gear starts is to enlarge the feed orifice
for solenoid A to 0.035".
C A U T IO N This isnt a rebuild procedure; only modify the plate if the other repairs dont
fix the problem.


2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Second Gear Starts (continued)
A simple cause of a second gear start complaint is having the traction control disabled.
Cadillac programs a second gear start whenever the traction control is off. Cycle the
traction control switch and look for the words Traction Ready. If you see this, the trac-
tion control system is functioning properly, and isnt the cause of your second gear

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


199395 Cadillacs ATF Indicator Reset
1993-and-later Cadillacs have an ATF Life telltale that shows when the transmission
should be serviced. This usually sets at about 100,000 miles. The actual display will
vary from model to model; however, the key (and problem) is the display has a message
that you seemingly cant get rid of.
For 1993 through 1995 models you can reset the ATF life through the self-diagnostic
functions in the instrument panel. To do so, follow these
1. Key on, engine off.
2. Press the OFF and WARMER buttons simultaneously
on the climate control panel. Allow the display to

show if there are any codes before continuing.
3. When the display shows PCM? press the HIGH fan
button. The display will ask which function you want,
beginning with PCM DATA. Press the LOW fan button
to select different functions. Continue pressing the
LOW fan button until you see PCM OVERRIDE on the
4. Press the HIGH fan button. You should see PS00 in
the display.
5. Use the HIGH fan button again, to scroll through the
parameters (e.g. PS01, PS02 etc.) until you get to
6. Look at the Climate Control Panels Temperature
display. The number in the display indicates ATF
7. Use the WARMER button to raise ATF life. The display only has two digits. When it
reaches 100, itll display .
8. Turn the ignition off; the ATF Life is reset.
For 1996-and-later vehicles, youll need a scan tool to reset the ATF Life indicator.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Delayed or No Engine Braking In D3, D2, or L
A loss of engine braking can occur if the forward clutch piston inner skirt is too high.
These pistons restrict oil flow to the overrun piston, either delaying or preventing engine
braking in any forward manual ranges. GM has a revised forward piston that is ma-
chined down on the inner skirt to allow for better flow to the overrun piston.
The GM part number for the revised piston is 24213271.
This kit also includes the overrun piston.

This inner skirt was

machined down

Forward and Coast

Clutch Housing

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GM Front Wheel Drive

VSS Harness Repair Kit
The VSS harness connector will often crack or break while disconnecting the harness
during transmission removal. Never reuse a broken harness connector; replace it with a
new harness connector.
The GM part number for the harness kit is 12101899.
The kit contains the harness (with wires) and two crimp connectors.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Saturn TAAT
Air Check Locations

2nd Apply

3rd Apply

1st Apply
1st Oil Pressure to Servo

Rev Pressure from Servo to 2nd

Clutch for Clutch Apply in Rev
Reverse Pressure to Servo

4th Apply

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Saturn TAAT
Valve Body



2nd TCC 4th

White Pink

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Saturn TAAT
Valve Body (continued)

Clutch Priority

Line Pressure
Regulator Valve

3rd Clutch O-Rings

Exhaust Valve

Limit Valve

Limit Valve

TCC Enable

Manual Valve

Actuator Feed
Mode Valve

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Saturn TAAT
Harsh Reverse
A harsh reverse condition is often caused by a worn out pressure regulator bore. Saturn
offers a kit that includes the valve body half (with regulator valve) and gaskets.
The Saturn part number for the kit is 21005813.
When the pressure regulator bore wears out, line pressure will go higher than com-
manded. To verify line pressure, follow the procedures on page 62.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Saturn TAAT
Solenoid Harness Kit
Poor connections at the solenoid harness connector can cause many problems including
wrong gear starts and harsh shifts. In some cases no DTCs will set.
Saturn offers a solenoid harness connector repair kit for replacing this connector. The
Saturn part number for the kit is 12116563.
Always stager the splices about " apart, beginning with the first splice, which you
should start about 1" from the connector.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Saturn TAAT
Pressure Testing
Normal line pressure in park ranges from a minimum of 5872 PSI at an idle to a maxi-
mum of 175-245 PSI. There are two methods you can use to check line pressure: The
first is the easiest and is for checking minimum and maximum pressures. Heres how:
Connect a pressure gauge to the line pressure port.

Line Pressure

With the engine idling and the transmission in park you should have between 58
and 72 PSI.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Saturn TAAT
Pressure Testing (continued)
Remove the line pressure solenoid fuse, located in the fuse block in the engine


When you remove the fuse, line pressure should rise to between 175 and 245 PSI. You
may need to raise engine RPM a bit to achieve maximum pressure.
The second method for checking line pressure is by commanding pressure rise with a
scan tool and verifying the results with a pressure gauge. Begin this test by connecting
your scan tool to the diagnostic connector. Dont start the engine yet.
Scroll through the menu until you get to Special Tests.
Select Line Pressure.
The scan tool will
prompt you to start
Command Line Pressure Gauge Readings Should Be:
the engine.
kP a PSI kP a PSI
Select Run.
396 57 400 500 58 72
The test will begin. All 498 72 425 550 61 80
functions are automatic. 600 87 500 675 72 98
The test will set the en-
702 102 600 800 87 116
gine to 1500 RPM. It will
804 117 700 925 101 134
then command line pres-
906 131 800 1050 116 152
sure from 396 kPa to
1008 146 900 1175 130 170
1518 kPa, in 100 kPa
1110 161 1000 1300 145 188
increments. As it does,
verify that line pressure 1212 175 1100 1400 159 203
rises on your pressure 1314 191 1200 1500 174 218
gauge. Use the chart to 1416 205 1300 1650 188 240
convert kPa to PSI. 1518 220 1500 1850 218 268
2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Saturn TAAT
Second Design Shift Solenoids
Beginning with 1997 models, Saturn began using a second design solenoid for the 2nd/
Reverse, 3rd and 4th clutch. The second design solenoid has a screen on the feed side and
is less likely to fail mechanically.
You can use the second design sole-
noid for all past models, but never
use it for the TCC or pressure
solenoid locations. For those
locations, continue using the
first design solenoid.
The Saturn part numbers for
these solenoids are:
First Design 21002509
Second Design 21003289

First Design Second Design

2nd Clutch

3rd Clutch

4th Clutch

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Ford Contents
4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E A4LD
Application ......................................... 66 Light Throttle 23 Flare .................... 105
4R44E and 4R55E Clutch New Design Center Support .............. 108
and Band Application ......................... 67 AODE and 4R70W
4R44E and 4R55E Solenoid Operation .. 67 New 23 Accumulator Piston ............ 109
5R55E Clutch and Band Application... 68 AX4N
5R55E Solenoid Application ................ 68 Checkball and Check Valve Locations . 110
Valve Locations; Right Side ................. 69 Cracked Case; ATF Leaks ................. 112
Valve Locations; Left Side ................... 70 AX4S
Checkball and Small Part Locations .... 71 1991 Valve Body Interchange ........... 113
Mainline and EPC Pressure Testing .... 72
Delayed Reverse ................................. 73
Uncontrollable High Line Pressure .... 114
Delayed Forward Engagement ............ 74
No Forward ...................................... 116
23 Flare (4R44E, 4R55E);
No Reverse ....................................... 117
34 Flare (5R55E) ............................... 75
Lube Orifice ........................................ 76
Checkball Locations ......................... 118
OD Drum Sensor ................................ 78
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) .......... 80
VSS Harness Repair Kit .................... 123
4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E ....................... 81
Solenoid Circuit Failure Codes ............ 81
Ratio Errors ....................................... 86
TCC-Related Codes ............................. 89
Temperature Sensor Codes ................. 92
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Codes... 93
Mass Airflow (MAF) Sensor Codes ....... 93
Diagnostic Code P0756
Solenoid B Performance or Stuck Off .. 94
Electrical Checks ................................ 95
Turbine Sensor Adjustment .............. 102
Directional Friction Installation ........ 104

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

The 4R44E and the 4R55E are almost identical; the difference between them is in the
load capacity: The 4R55E is stronger than the 4R44E.
Even though the 5R55E is a 5-speed automatic, it is mechanically the same as its 4-
speed cousins, the 4R44E and the 4R55E. The difference is in the way the computer
commands the upshifts. By commanding the overdrive band on while the transmission
is in 1st gear, the 5R55E develops a 1.86:1 ratio. This falls between 1st gear (2.47:1) and
2nd gear (1.47:1). Heres how it works:
1st gear is still 1st gear. However, rather than applying the intermediate band for 2nd gear,
the OD band applies for 2nd. Its actually an overdriven 1st gear. For 3rd gear the unit
releases the OD band and applies the intermediate band. Applying the direct clutch puts
the unit into 4th gear. Finally the OD band reapplies to put the transmission into 5th
Confused? Thats okay: As long as you remember the extra gear falls between 1st and 2nd
gear, the 5R55E will be a lot easier to diagnose.
Because these units look very similar and the computer is what decides whether its a
4 speed or 5 speed, use the vehicle application chart to verify which unit youre working on.

Transmission Application
Explorer and
Year and Engine Ranger Aerostar Mountaineer
2.3L, 3.0L 4R44E
4.0L 4R55E 4R55E
2.3L, 3.0L 4R44E 4R44E
4.0L 4R55E 4R55E 4R55E
2.3L, 3.0L 4R44E 4R44E
4.0L 5R55E 5R55E 5R55E
2.5L, 3.0L 4R44E
4.0L 5R55E 5R55E

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

4R44E and 4R55E Clutch and Band Application
Forw ard Direct Intermediate Overdrive C o ast Low/Reverse Overdrive Gear
Gear Clutch Drum B an d B an d Clutch B an d Sprag Low Sprag Ratios
Reverse 2.10:1
Drive; 4th F/W F/W 0.75:1
Enabled 3rd F/W 1.00:1
2nd F/W 1.47:1
1 st 2.47:1
Drive; 3rd F/W 1.00:1
Overdrive nd
Disabled 2 F/W 1.47:1
1 2.47:1
Manual 2 F/W 1.47:1
Manual 1 2.47:1

= Applied F/W = Freewheeling

4R44E and 4R55E Solenoid Operation

Solenoid Operation: 4R44E / 4R55E
Selector Gear Shift Shift Shift Coast Clutch Engine
Position R an g e Solenoid 1 Solenoid 2 Solenoid 3 Solenoid Braking
Park/Neutral P/N On Off Off Off No
Reverse R On Off Off Off Yes
Drive; 4 th
Off Off On Off Yes
Overdrive rd
Enabled 3 Off Off Off Off No
2nd On On Off Off No
1 st On Off Off Off No
Drive; 3 rd
Off Off Off On Yes
Disabled 2nd On On Off On Yes
1 st On Off Off On No
Manual 2 2 On On Off Off Yes
Low 1 st On Off Off Off Yes

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

5R55E Clutch and Band Application
Forw ard Direct Intermed Overdrive 1997 1998-on Low/Rev Overdrive Low
Gear Clutch Drum B an d B an d C o ast C l C o ast C l B an d Sprag Sprag Gear Ratio
Reverse 2.10:1
Drive; 5th F/W F/W 0.75:1
Overdrive th
Enabled 4 F/W 1.00:1
3 F/W 1.47:1
2 F/W F/W 1.86:1
1 2.47:1
Drive; 4th F/W 1.00:1
Disabled 3rd F/W 1.47:1
2 F/W F/W 1.86:1
1 2.47:1
Manual 2 F/W F/W 1.86:1
Low 2.47:1

= Applied F/W = Freewheeling

5R55E Solenoid Application

Solenoid Operation: 5R55E
1997 Only 1998-On
Selector Gear Shift Shift Shift Coast Clutch Engine Coast Clutch Engine
Position R an g e Solenoid 1 Solenoid 2 Solenoid 3 Solenoid Braking Solenoid Braking
Park/Neutral P/N On Off Off Off No Off No
Reverse R On Off Off On Yes On Yes
Drive; 5th Off Off On Off Yes Off Yes
Enabled 4th Off Off Off Off No Off No
3 On On Off Off No Off No
2 On Off On Off No Off No
1 On Off Off Off No Off No
Drive; 4 th
Off Off Off On Yes On Yes
Overdrive rd
Disabled 3 On On Off Off No On Yes
2 On Off On Off No Off No
1 On Off Off Off No Off No
Manual 2 2 On Off Off On Yes On Yes
Low 1 On Off Off On Yes On Yes

Differences between 1997 and later models highlighted by dark band.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Valve Locations; Right Side
Forward Modulator Valve
Manual Valve

EPV Boost Valve

Mainline Regulator Valve

Boost Valve

Forward Engagement
Control Valve
32 Valve
*43 Valve

Manual Low Valve

32 Valve
*43 Valve

SS3 Cooler Pressure

Limit Valve
34 Shift Valve
*12 and 45 Shift Valve Plug

Thermostat Bypass Valve

* 5R55E Only

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Valve Locations; Left Side
Reverse Modulator Valve

12 Shift Valve
23 Shift Valve *23 Shift Valve
*34 Shift Valve
EPC Solenoid

Plug SS2
Valve Solenoid
Coast Regulator Coast Clutch Solenoid
Clutch Valve

TCC Solenoid
Converter Clutch Valve

* 5R55E Only

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Checkball and Small Part Locations
EPC Limit Extension Housing
Relief Valve Lube Orifice
EPC Limit
Circuit Screen

Checkball C
Checkball A

Checkball E Checkball B

Converter Pressure
Relief Valve

Item Description Function

1 Checkball A Allows checkball C to receive pressure in reverse, manual 2
and manual low
2 Checkball B Orifices the apply oil to the direct clutch in reverse only

3 Checkball C Allows the 3-4 shift valve to be controlled by SS1 or Checkball

A pressures (reverse, manual 2 or manual low)
4 Checkball E Low/reverse checkball

5 Converter Relief Valve Limits the maximum converter charge pressure

6 EPC Relief Valve Limits the maximum EPC pressure

7 Extension Housing Lube Orifice Limits the amount of lube oil sent to the rear bushing

8 EPC Screen Filters EPC oil

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Mainline and EPC Pressure Testing

Mainline Pressure

EPC Pressure

Mainline Pressure (PSI) EPC Pressure (PSI)

Transmission Gear Range Idle WOT Idle WOT
4R44E OD, 2, L 75100 225260 2030 110135
2.3L, 2.5L
Rev 115145 280350 3545 110135
4R44E 3.0L OD, 2, L 105135 225260 3040 110135
Rev 150180 280350 4555 110135
4R55E 4.0L OD, 2, L 85100 225260 2535 110135
Rev 95160 280350 5565 110135
5R55E 4.0L OD, 2, L 80115 225260 2535 110135
Rev 135165 280350 5565 110135
5R55E 4.0L OD, 2, L 95125 225260 4050 110135
Rev 100130 280350 5565 110135

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Delayed Reverse
Like the A4LD, delayed reverse engagements are common in the 4R44E, 4R55E and
5R55E. And just like the A4LD, there are ways to correct the problem. Here are the most
common causes for a delayed reverse:
1) Low line pressure.
2) Excessive low/reverse band clearance.
3) Excessive direct clutch clearance. Direct clutch clearance should be between
0.008" 0.010" per friction.
4) Leaks in the reverse apply circuit, such as direct drum piston seals, direct drum to
center support seal rings, intermediate servo, low/reverse servo seals.
If all of these items are okay and youre still experiencing a delayed reverse engagement,
try blocking the reverse modulator valve.

Block this valve in

toward the valve body

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Delayed Forward Engagement
To improve forward engagement, remove the spring from

the engagement control valve.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

23 Flare (4R44E, 4R55E); 34 Flare (5R55E)
A 23 flare on a 4R44E or 4R55E (or a 34 flare on the 5R55E) is often caused by low
line pressure. The problem isnt that the computer doesnt vary line pressure, or that
theres an underlying valve body problem. Its simply the computer doesnt command
line pressure high enough to make a proper shift.
If the intermediate servo is in good shape, and you do get line pressure variation during
throttle changes, try adjusting the pressure control solenoid adjustment screw clock-
wise, of a turn.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Lube Orifice
The removable lube orifice shown here is used to limit the amount of lube oil supplied to
the extension housing. Since this circuit receives mainline pressure directly, modifying
the orifice or leaving it out will affect line pressure.
Never modify or omit this orifice. If the puck is missing you can use an A4LD valve body
puck. Make sure the hole through the center is 0.025".

Extension Housing
Lube Orifice

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Lube Orifice (continued)
Some valve bodies dont have a pocket for a removable orifice. In these valve bodies, the
0.025" orifice is located in the separator plate.
IM P O R T A N T All valve bodies must have an orifice of one type or the other.

If this orifice is 0.025"
in diameter, the lube orifice
puck isnt necessary.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

OD Drum Sensor
Although every 9798 5R55E was equipped with a fully functional OD drum sensor,
Ford not only states that the computer was never programmed to use the signal, but
also suggests disabling the sensor.
OD Drum Sensor

Exciter Ring

To disable the OD drum sensor properly, simply splice the two wires together that go to
the sensor. This will prevent stray signals from confusing the computer.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

OD Drum Sensor (continued)
In some cases, the exciter ring can
become damaged, causing noises
during operation.

The best way to prevent these noises

is to remove the exciter ring during
every rebuild.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
There are many ways to approach trouble codes. Some technicians prefer to diagnose
the system completely, while others simply want a list of possibilities to throw parts at
the problem. Both of these extremes have their benefits and drawbacks. The true techni-
cian knows which approach to choose for a successful diagnosis.
In this section weve tried to offer enough information to aid everyones approach, in-
cluding a brief definition of most codes associated with the 4R44E family, common
causes, quick fix suggestions, and some computer strategies that happen due to cer-
tain codes. By strategies, we mean functions that the computer is programmed to
change in the event of a trouble code.
Understanding these strategy changes can be useful for diagnosis, or at least offer an
explanation when the transmission does something really strange. Very little is pub-
lished about specific code strategies and even less is given to us by the manufacturer.
The code strategies listed in this section are only some we know exist.
Among the first things you should check on a vehicle with electrical codes are the power
and grounds supplied to the computer. Poor values in these two circuits can be the root
cause of many electrical trouble codes. To keep from repeating this throughout the sec-
tion, well assumed youve already checked these circuits and are known to be good. You
must include these in your testing, whether we mention it or not.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Solenoid Circuit Failure Codes
P0743, 652: TCC solenoid open or shorted circuit.
P0750, 621: SS1 open or shorted circuit.
P0755, 622: SS2 open or shorted circuit.
P0760, 641: SS3 open or shorted circuit.
P0765, P1754, 643: SS4 open or shorted circuit.
P1746, P1747, 624: EPC solenoid open or shorted circuit.

How the Codes Set:

The computer constantly monitors
current flow through each solenoid.
If the current goes out of normal
range, the computer will set the
corresponding code.

Possible Causes:
1) Bad wire or poor connections
2) Bad solenoid
3) Bad computer

Common Causes:
1) Bad connections or wiring
2) Bad solenoid

The Quick Fix:

1) Clean and tighten related connections.
2) Replace the wire that connects the related solenoid to the computer.
3) Replace the solenoid.
D IA G N O S T IC T IP Try these suggestions one at a time. The order is simply our suggestion
based on simplicity, cost or frequent helpline calls. There is no reason to
follow this order.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Solenoid Circuit Failure Codes (continued)
When the EPC solenoid sets a solenoid circuit code, the computer turns the EPC sole-
noid off, causing high line pressure and hard shifts.
When the TCC solenoid sets a solenoid circuit code, the computer turns the TCC sole-
noid off, disabling lockup.
When a shift solenoid circuit code sets, the computer shuts the failed solenoid off. The
following charts show the changes in shift patterns due to these strategies.

4R44E / 4R55E Shift Strategies

SS1 Alw ays Off SS3 Alw ays Off
Actual Gear Range Actual Gear Range
Gear Gear
Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L
1 st 3rd 2nd *1st 1 st 1 st 2nd 1 st
2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd
th th th rd
4 4 4 3
* With SS1 always off, the L/R band isnt applied in manual low.

SS2 Alw ays Off SS4 Alw ays Off

Actual Gear Range Actual Gear Range
Gear Gear
Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L
1 st 1 st 2nd 1 st 1 st 1 st 2nd 1 st
2nd 1 st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd
4th 4th 4th 4th
SS4 always off causes no engine braking.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Solenoid Circuit Failure Codes (continued)
5R55E Shift Strategies
SS1 Alw ays Off SS3 Alw ays Off
Actual Gear Range Actual Gear Range
Gear Gear
Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L
1 st 4th 3rd 3rd 1 st 1 st 3rd 1 st
2nd 5th * 2nd 1 st 3rd
3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd
4th 4th 4th 4th
th th th th
5 5 5 4
* Overdriven 2nd gear; 1.10:1 ratio.

SS2 Alw ays Off SS4 Alw ays Off

Actual Gear Range Actual Gear Range
Gear Gear
Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L Commanded OD Manual 2 Manual L
1 st 1 st 3rd 1 st 1 st 1 st 3rd 1 st
2nd 2nd * 2nd 2nd *
3rd 1 st 3rd 3rd
4th 4th 4th 4th
5th 5th 5th 5th
* Overdriven 2nd gear; 1.10:1 ratio. * Overdriven 2nd gear; 1.10:1 ratio.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Solenoid Circuit Failure Codes (continued)
Diagnostic Suggestions
Heres some useful data you can use to test each solenoid circuit for problems. Perform
these tests at the computer connector with the computer disconnected.
1) Use the specifications chart for computer pin ID and resistance values. Check resis-
tance between the positive and negative terminals for each solenoid. They should fall
between the specs listed.
2) Check resistance between the negative terminal and chassis ground. The readings for all
solenoids should read infinity (no continuity). This is testing the circuit for shorts to

Solenoid All Except 95 Explorer 95 Explorer Resistance (Ohms)

All Solenoids (+) Pins 71, 97 P i n 37, 57
EPC () P i n 81 P i n 38 3.1 5.7
TCC () P i n 54 P i n 53 8.9 16.0
CCS () P i n 28 P i n 28 22.0 48.0
SS1 () P i n 27 P i n 51 22.0 48.0
SS2 () Pi n 1 P i n 52 22.0 48.0
SS3 () P i n 53 P i n 55 22.0 48.0

C A U T IO N Always perform these tests with the computer disconnected.

Because the computer monitors the amperage through each of the solenoid circuits, its
able to identify an open or shorted circuit quickly and accurately. The computer is also
programmed to shut the solenoid circuit off to save the computer from possible damage.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Solenoid Circuit Failure Codes (continued)
Diagnostic Suggestions (continued)
Amperage testing is much more accurate than resistance testing. Always use amperage
testing to verify resistance testing.
3) To perform an amperage test, use a jumper to connect B+ to the positive solenoid
feed terminal at the computer connector. Ground the solenoid negative wire to chas-
sis ground through an ammeter. Use the following equation to calculate the expected
amperage, or simply use the chart.
Volts Resistance = Amperage

Calculated Amperage
Solenoid Resistance
EPC Solenoid TCC Solenoid Shift Solenoids
Voltage 3.1 Ohms 5.7 Ohms 8.9 Ohms 16 Ohms 22 Ohms 48 Ohms
12.5 Volts 4.03 2.19 1.40 0.78 0.57 0.26
13.0 Volts 4.19 2.28 1.46 0.81 0.59 0.27
13.5 Volts 4.35 2.37 1.52 0.84 0.61 0.28
14.0 Volts 4.52 2.46 1.57 0.88 0.64 0.29
14.5 Volts 4.68 2.54 1.63 0.91 0.66 0.30
15.0 Volts 4.84 2.63 1.69 0.94 0.68 0.31

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Ratio Errors
P0731, 645 1st Gear Ratio Error
P0732, 646 2nd Gear Ratio Error
P0733, 647 3rd Gear Ratio Error
P0734, 648 4th Gear Ratio Error
P0735 5th Gear Ratio Error

Possible Related Codes

P1714, P0751, P1751 SS1 Functional Failure
P1715, P0756, P1756 SS2 Functional Failure
P1716, P0761, P1761 SS3 Functional Failure
P1717 SS4 Malfunction
P1762 SS3/SS4/OD Band Servo Failure

How the Codes Set

The computer constantly monitors the actual gear ratio by calculating the output speed
and the engine RPM or the turbine speed sensor. When it sees a ratio that differs from
the ratio it commanded, the computer sets the trouble code that represents the failure.

False Codes
False codes can be set by false signals from the transmission range sensor. For example:
If the transmission range sensor signals OD range, but youre actually in manual low,
the computer will expect to see an upshift.

Possible Causes
1) Internal components (see component failure chart for more detail)
2) Hydraulically bad shift solenoids
3) Sticky valves
4) Bad transmission range sensor

Common Causes
1) Low line pressure or poor line rise
2) Bad servos
3) Internal components

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Ratio Errors (continued)
The Quick Fix
For ratio errors there really is no quick fix. If you decide to throw parts at it, new OD
and intermediate servos are a must. The rest is up to you. If you want to do it properly,
follow the diagnostic suggestions.

Diagnostic Suggestions
Determine whether youre reading a false code or a real ratio error.
1) Drive the vehicle on the road until the code resets. Does the transmission have the
gear in question?
2) Drive the vehicle on the rack with no load to see if the code sets.

Results w hen Code Sets

Road Test Rack Test Probable Cause
Missing Gear Missing Gear Bad Solenoids; Sticky Valves; Internal Components
Missing Gear Has Gear Internal Components
Slips in Gear Has Gear Internal Components
Gear Feels Fine No Code Sets Internal Components
Gear Feels Fine Has Gear False Code

This chart is based on logic. For example, if you had a 4R44E setting a code P0734 (4th
gear ratio error), it could be a control problem (sticky 34 shift valve or a bad SS3), an
internal component (bad OD servo or a bad OD band) or it could be a false code (range
sensor or even a computer).
If it is missing or slipping in gear, it cant be a false code.
If it has the gear at fault but slips it cant be a control problem or a false code.
If it sets the code on the rack, its very likely its a false code, because on the rack
theres no load.
Use the chart as a guide only.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Ratio Errors (continued)
Component Failure Chart
This chart will help identify the major components that can cause each ratio code.

C ode 4R 44E / 4R 55E 5R 55E

P 0731, 645 Low Sprag; Forward Clutch Low Sprag; Forward Clutch
P 0732, 646 Intermediate Band Overdrive Band
P 0733, 647 Direct Clutch Intermediate Band
P 0734, 648 Overdrive Band Direct Clutch
P 0735 N/A Overdrive Band

Many things can set ratio codes. This chart only displays the major ones.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

TCC-Related Codes
P1740, P1743 TCC Stuck On, TCC Never Applied
P0741, P1744, 628 TCC Slip

How the Codes Set

P1740: The computer either sees no TCC apply when commanded or it sees TCC when
it isnt commanded.
P1743: The computer detects lockup when it isnt being commanded.
P0741, P1744, 628: The computer sees an RPM drop indicating the converter is trying
to lock up but its slipping.

Possible Causes
1) Teflon seal ring on stator support
2) Pump volume problem
3) Bad TCC solenoid
4) Bad torque converter

Common Causes
1) Teflon seal ring on stator support
2) Pump volume problems

The Quick Fix

Try replacing the TCC solenoid.

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

TCC-Related Codes (continued)
1) If the code comes back and the transmission is still in the vehicle, check cooler flow.
Remove the cooler return line: At normal operating temperature, cooler flow should
be at least 1 quart in 20 seconds, in drive, at idle.
2) Check line pressure. If cooler flow
is less than 1 quart in 20
seconds and line pressure is
normal, try enlarging the
converter feed hole to 0.060".

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TCC-Related Codes (continued)
Diagnostics (continued)

3) If the code continues to set with good cooler flow and a new TCC solenoid, the prob-
lem is probably either the torque converter or the teflon ring on the stator support.
Make sure the teflon ring is a butt-cut style and not a scarf cut. The
Ford part number for this oil control ring is F77Z-7L323-AA.

Early, Scarf-Cut Ring Late, Butt-Cut Ring

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Temperature Sensor Codes
P0112, 112 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Grounded
P0113, 113 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Open
P0114, 114 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Out of Range
Possible Causes:
Bad sensor
Bad wiring
Strategies: Either high or low EPC pressure (hard or soft shifts)

P0117, 117 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Grounded

P0118, 118 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Open
P1116, 116 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Out of Range
Possible Causes:
Bad sensor
Bad wiring
Strategies: No lockup

P0712, 638Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) Sensor Grounded

P0713, 637Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) Sensor Open
P1711, 636Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) Sensor Out of Range
P1783, 657Transmission Fluid Temperature is Too High
Possible Causes:
Bad sensor
Bad wiring
Strategies: High EPC pressure (hard shifts)

Degrees C Degrees F Sensor Resistance Signal Voltage

0 20 32 68 100.0k 37.0k 3.90 3.10
21 40 69 104 37.0k 16.0k 3.10 2.20
41 70 105 158 16.0k 5.0k 2.20 1.00
71 90 159 194 5.0k 2.7k 1.00 0.61
91 110 195 230 2.7k 1.5k 0.61 0.36
111 130 231 266 1.5k 0.8k 0.36 0.22
131 150 267 302 800 540 0.22 0.10

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Codes
P0121 P0123, P1120, P1121,
P1124, P1125, 122 125, 167 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Signal Error
Possible Causes:
Throttle Opening Approx. Voltage
Bad sensor Idle 0.50
Bad wiring 1/8 0.95
Various Strategies 1/4 1.44
1) High EPC pressure 3/8 1.90
2) Abnormal shift scheduling 1/2 2.37
3) TCC cycling 5/8 2.84
4) No TCC 3/4 3.31
7/8 3.78
WOT 4.24

Mass Airflow (MAF) Sensor Codes

P0102, P0103, P1100,
P1101, 157 159, 184, 185 Mass Airflow (MAF) Sensor Signal Error
Possible Causes:
Bad sensor
Bad wiring
Various Strategies
1) High EPC pressure, harsh shifts
2) Low EPC pressure, soft shifts
3) Abnormal shift scheduling
4) Incorrect TCC engagement scheduling

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4R44E, 4R55E, and 5R55E

Diagnostic Code P0756
Solenoid B Performance or Stuck Off
DTC P0756 sets when the computer commands the intermediate servo on and doesnt
see a ratio change.
Before you jump into electrical testing or replace shift solenoid 2 (P0756 is a generic
code for solenoid B. In this application the solenoid is referred to as SS2), first check to
see if the intermediate band is broken. The best way to check for a broken band is to see
if you can turn the band adjustment bolt in, until its almost flush. If so, replace the

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks
1995 Explorer 4.0L VIN-X

6 0 5 1 5 0 4 1

4 0 3 1 3 0 2 1

2 0 1 1 1 0 1

Computer Connector

Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value

1 Keep-Alive Power (KAPWR) DC Volts Always Battery Voltage
2 Brake On-Off Switch (BOO) DC Volts Brake Released <0.10 Volts
Brake Applied Battery Voltage
3 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS+) AC Frequency 30 MPH 65 Hz
55 MPH 125 Hz
4 Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) DC Frequency Idle 21 31 Hz
5 Turbine Speed Sensor (TSS) AC Frequency 880910 RPM 118 122 Hz
22002275 RPM 295 310 Hz
6 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
7 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) DC Voltage 86 F 2.62 Volts
230 F 0.36 Volts
8 Fuel Pump Monitor (FPM) DC Voltage Pump Off <0.10 Volts
Pump On Battery Voltage
9 Mass Airflow Sensor Ground (MAF) DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
10 A/C Cycling Clutch Switch DC Voltage A/C Off <0.10 Volts
A/C On Battery Voltage
11 Canister Purge Solenoid (CANP) DC Voltage Idle Battery Voltage
55 MPH <0.10 Volts
12 Fuel Injector 6 (INJ6) Millisecond Idle; Normal 3.3 5.7 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
13 Transmission Control Indicator Light (TCIL) DC Voltage TCIL Off Battery Voltage
TCIL On <0.10 Volts
15 Fuel Injector 5 (INJ5) Millisecond Idle; Normal 3.3 5.7 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
16 Ignition System Ground (IGN GND) DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
17 Self-Test Output (STO) and MIL DC Voltage MIL Off Battery Voltage
MIL On <0.10 Volts

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks (continued)
1995 Explorer 4.0L VIN-X (continued)
Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value
18 Data Bus (+) DC Voltage Key Off; Scan <0.10 Volts
Tool Removed
Key On; Scan Battery Voltage
Tool Removed
19 Data Bus () DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
20 Computer Case Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
21 Idle Air Control Solenoid (IAC) DC Frequency Engine Running Varying Voltage,
and Duty Cycle Freq. and Duty
22 Fuel Pump Relay (FP) DC Voltage Pump Off Battery Voltage
Pump On <0.10 Volts
24 Cylinder Identification (CID or CMP) DC Frequency Hot Idle 5 7Hz
25 Idle Air Temperature Sensor (IAT) DC Voltage 86 F 2.62 Volts
230 F 0.36 Volts
26 Reference Voltage (VREF) DC Voltage Key On 4.9 5.1V
27 Differential Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) DC Voltage Idle 0.4 Volts
EGR Open >0.4 Volts
29 Octane Adjust Switch DC Voltage Closed <0.10 Volts
Open 9.1 Volts
30 Manual Lever Position Switch (MLPS) DC Voltage P 4.2 Volts
R 3.5 Volts
N 2.8 Volts
D 2.1 Volts
2 1.4 Volts
L 0.7 Volts
31 Fuel Flow Rate (Instrument Panel) No Data Available
32 Coast Clutch Solenoid DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
33 EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid Duty Cycle 0% 0.00 0.75 in-Hg
33% 0.55 2.05 in-Hg
90% 5.69 6.95 in-Hg
34 Automatic Ride Control (ARC) DC Voltage Idle 4.3 Volts
35 Fuel Injector 4 (INJ4) Millisecond Idle; Normal 3.3 5.7 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
36 Spark Output (SPOUT) Signal Variable Duty Engine Running Varies with RPM
and Frequency and Load
37 Vehicle Power (VPWR) DC Voltage Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks (continued)
1995 Explorer 4.0L VIN-X (continued)
Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value
38 Electronic Pressure Control Solenoid (EPC) Duty Cycle Idle 4.2 Volts
WOT 0.5 Volts
39 Fuel Injector 3 (INJ3) Millisecond Idle; Normal 3.3 5.7 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
40 Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
41 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) DC Voltage TCS and OD Off Battery Voltage
TCS and OD On <0.10 Volts
43 Heated Oxygen Sensor, Left Side (HO2S-2) DC Voltage Engine Running 01V; Varies
44 Heated Oxygen Sensor, Right Side (HO2S-1) DC Voltage Engine Running 01V; Varies
46 Sensor Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
47 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (TP) DC Voltage Idle 0.5 0.9 Volts
WOT 4.0 4.5 Volts
48 Self-Test Input Signal (STI) DC Voltage Normal Battery Voltage
Grounded <0.10 Volts
49 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor (TFT) DC Voltage 86 F 2.62 Volts
230 F 0.36 Volts
50 Mass Airflow Sensor Signal (MAF) DC Voltage Engine Running 05 Volts; Incr.
w/Throttle Opening
51 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
52 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
53 Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid (TCC) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
54 Wide-Open Throttle A/C Cutoff DC Voltage A/C On; Idle Battery Voltage
A/C On; WOT <0.10 Volts
55 Shift Solenoid 3 (SS3) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
56 Profile Ignition Pickup Signal (PIP) DC Frequency Engine Running Increases with
Engine RPM
57 Vehicle Power (VPWR) DC Voltage Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage
58 Fuel Injector 1 (INJ1) Millisecond Idle; Normal 3.3 5.7 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
59 Fuel Injector 2 (INJ2) Millisecond Idle; Normal 3.3 5.7 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
60 Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks (continued)
199597 Aerostar; 1995-on Ranger; 1996-on Explorer/Mountaineer
Because of the number of vehicles these charts cover, some of the terminals listed may
not appear on the vehicle youre working on. But only terminal 64 changes function.

Computer Connector
Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value
1 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
2 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) DC Voltage MIL Off Battery Voltage
MIL On <0.10 Volts
3 Digital Transmission Range Sensor (TR1) DC Voltage P, R and N <0.10 Volts
1997- on
D, 2 and L 9.5 Volts
11 Purge Flow Sensor (PF) DC Voltage Idle <0.10 Volts
30 MPH 1.0 4.9 Volts
13 Flash EPROM Power Supply DC Voltage Scan Tool 0.5 0.6 Volts
14 4x4 Low Switch DC Voltage Switch Off Battery Voltage
Switch On <0.10 Volts
15 Data Bus () DC Voltage Scan Tool <0.10 Volts
16 Data Bus (+) DC Voltage Scan Tool 0.5 Volts
21 Crankshaft Position Sensor (+) AC Frequency Engine Off 0 Hz
Engine Running Increases w/RPM
22 Crankshaft Position Sensor () DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
24 Ground () DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
25 Case Ground () DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
26 Ignition Coil Driver 1 Duty Cycle Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage
27 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
28 Coast Clutch Solenoid (CCS) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
29 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) DC Voltage TCS and OD Off Battery Voltage
TCS and OD On <0.10 Volts
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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks (continued)
199597 Aerostar; 1995-on Ranger; 1996-on Explorer/Mountaineer

Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value

30 Octane Adjust Switch Closed <0.10 Volts
Open 9.3 Volts
31 Power Steering Pressure Switch DC Voltage Wheels Straight <0.10 Volts
Wheels Turning 2.0 4.0 Volts
33 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
35 Heated Oxygen Sensor, RR (HO2S-1,2) DC Voltage Engine Running 01V; Varies
36 Mass Airflow Sensor Ground () DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
37 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor (TFT) DC Voltage 86 F 2.62 Volts
230 F 0.36 Volts
38 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT) DC Voltage 86 F 2.62 Volts
230 F 0.36 Volts
39 Intake Air Temperature Sensor (IAT) DC Voltage 86 F 2.62 Volts
230 F 0.36 Volts
40 Fuel Pump Monitor (FPM) DC Voltage Pump Off <0.10 Volts
Pump On Battery Voltage
41 A/C Cycling Clutch Switch DC Voltage A/C Off <0.10 Volts
A/C On Battery Voltage
47 EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid Duty Cycle 0% 0.00 0.75 in-Hg
33% 0.55 2.05 in-Hg
90% 5.69 6.95 in-Hg
48 Engine RPM Output DC Frequency Engine Off 0 Hz
Engine Running Varies with RPM
49 Digital Transmission Range Sensor (TR2) DC Voltage P, R and 2 <0.10 Volts
N, D and L 9.5 Volts
50 Digital Transmission Range Sensor (TR4) DC Voltage P, N and Low <0.10 Volts
R, D and 2 9.5 Volts
51 Ground () DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
52 Ignition Coil Driver 2 Duty Cycle Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage
53 Shift Solenoid 3 (SS3) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
54 Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Solenoid DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
55 Keep-Alive Power (KAPWR) DC Voltage Always Battery Voltage

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4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks (continued)
199597 Aerostar; 1995-on Ranger; 1996-on Explorer/Mountaineer
Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value
58 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS+) AC Frequency 30 MPH 65 Hz
55 MPH 125 Hz
59 *Overdrive Drum Speed Sensor AC Frequency Input Shaft Turning Increases w/RPM
60 Heated Oxygen Sensor, RF (HO2S-1,1) DC Voltage Engine Running 01V; Varies
62 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor DC Voltage 0 PSI 2.6 Volts
64 Manual Lever Position Sensor (MLPS) DC Voltage P 4.2 Volts
1995 and 96 only
R 3.5 Volts
N 2.8 Volts
D 2.1 Volts
2 1.4 Volts
L 0.7 Volts
Digital Transmission Range Sensor TR3A DC Voltage P, 2 and L <0.10 Volts
R, N and D 1.7 Volts
65 Differential Pressure Feedback EGR (DPFE) DC Voltage Idle 0.4 Volts
EGR Open >0.4 Volts
67 Evaporative Canister Purge Solenoid (EVAP) DC Voltage Solenoid Off Battery Voltage
Solenoid On <0.10 Volts
69 Wide-Open Throttle A/C Cutoff DC Voltage A/C On; Idle Battery Voltage
A/C On; WOT <0.10 Volts
71 PCM Power Relay DC Voltage Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage
73 Fuel Injector 5 (INJ5) Millisecond Idle; Normal 4.5 4.8 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
74 Fuel Injector 3 (INJ3) Millisecond Idle; Normal 4.5 4.8 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
75 Fuel Injector 1 (INJ1) Millisecond Idle; Normal 4.5 4.8 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
76 Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
77 Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
78 Coil Driver 3 Duty Cycle Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage
79 Transmission Control Indicator Lamp (TCIL) DC Voltage TCIL Off <0.10 Volts
TCIL On Battery Voltage
* When the Overdrive Drum Speed Sensor is disabled properly, there should be
no signal on terminal 59.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Electrical Checks (continued)
199597 Aerostar; 1995-on Ranger; 1996-on Explorer/Mountaineer
Terminal Circuit Description Signal Type Conditions Value
80 Fuel Pump Relay (FP) DC Voltage Pump Off Battery Voltage
Pump On <0.10 Volts
81 Electronic Pressure Control Solenoid (EPC) Duty Cycle Idle 4.0 4.5 Volts
WOT 0.5 0.8 Volts
83 Idle Air Control Solenoid (IAC) DC Frequency Engine Running Varying Voltage,
and Duty Cycle Freq. and Duty
84 Turbine Shaft Speed Sensor AC Frequency 880 910 RPM 118 122 Hz
2200 2275 RPM 295 310 Hz
85 Cylinder Identification Signal (CMP) DC Frequency Engine Off 0 Hz
Engine Running Varies w/RPM
87 Heated Oxygen Sensor, LF (HO2S-2,1) DC Voltage Engine Running 01V; Varies
88 Mass Airflow Sensor Signal (MAF) DC Voltage Engine Running 05 Volts; Incr.
w/Throttle Opening
89 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (TP) DC Voltage Idle 0.5 0.9 Volts
WOT 4.0 4.5 Volts
90 Reference Voltage DC Voltage Key On 4.95.1V
91 Sensor Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts
92 Brake On/Off Switch Signal (BOO) DC Voltage Brake Released <0.10 Volts
Brake Applied Battery Voltage
93 HO2S Heater; Right Front (HO2S-1,1) DC Voltage Heater Off <0.10 Volts
Heater On Battery Voltage
94 HO2S Heater; Left Front (HO2S-2,1) DC Voltage Heater Off <0.10 Volts
Heater On Battery Voltage
95 HO2S Heater; Left Rear (HO2S-2,2) DC Voltage Heater Off <0.10 Volts
Heater On Battery Voltage
97 PCM Power Relay DC Voltage Key Off <0.10 Volts
Key On Battery Voltage
99 Fuel Injector 6 (INJ6) Millisecond Idle; Normal 4.5 4.8 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
100 Fuel Injector 4 (INJ4) Millisecond Idle; Normal 4.5 4.8 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
101 Fuel Injector 2 (INJ2) Millisecond Idle; Normal 4.5 4.8 ms
On-Time Operating Temp.
103 Ground DC Voltage Always <0.10 Volts

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Turbine Sensor Adjustment
The exciter ring on the 4R44E, 4R55E, and 5R55E mounts to the overdrive planet. Its
very delicate and is easily damaged by something as simply as washing or bumping it
during teardown. If you damage the ring, you may have problems with the computer
reading the turbine RPM correctly.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


4R44E, 4R55E, 5R55E

Turbine Sensor Adjustment (continued)
During assembly, always check the clearance between the exciter ring and the turbine
shaft sensor: The proper clearance is 0.025" to 0.072".

Ford has a tool that makes measuring this really easy. The part number for the tool is:

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


5R55E; 1997-On 4R44E

Directional Friction Installation
The friction plates in the 5R55E and 1997-and-later 4R44E transmissions are direc-
tional, and must be installed correctly to provide proper operation.

Forward Clutch
Install the friction plates into the forward drum with the word Top facing up, and the
grooves pointing counterclockwise, from ID to OD.

Coast Clutch and Direct Clutch

Install the friction plates into the coast clutch and direct clutch drums facing opposite
the forward clutch. The word Top should still be facing up, but now the grooves point
clockwise, from ID to OD.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Light Throttle 23 Flare
Some 1990 through 93 vehicles with the A4LD transmission may exhibit a 23 flare at
light throttle. Ford has released a stronger 23 backout valve spring to address this
The Ford part number for the new spring is F3TZ-7D230-A


Backout Valve

Backout Valve Spring

Bore 211

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Light Throttle 23 Flare (continued)
Vehicles Affected
Year and Model Transmission Model #
1990 Aerostar RWD (Van) 90GT-FAA
Aerostar RWD (Wagon) 90GT-FBA
Aerostar AWD (Van) 90GT-AEA
Aerostar AWD (Wagon 90GT-AEE
Ranger 4x2 90GT-DAA
Ranger 4x4 90GT-BAA
1991 Aerostar RWD (Van) 91GT-HAA
Aerostar RWD (Wagon) 91GT-SBA
Aerostar AWD (Van) 91GT-SDA
Aerostar AWD (Wagon 91GT-SFA
Ranger 4x2 91GT-LAA
Ranger 4x4 91GT-NAA
Explorer 4x2 91GT-BAB
Explorer 4x4 91GT-EAB
1992 Aerostar RWD (Van) 92GT-AKA
Aerostar RWD (Wagon) 92GT-AMA
Aerostar AWD (Van) 92GT-ARA
Aerostar AWD (Wagon 92GT-ATA
Explorer 4x2 92GT-CDA
Explorer 4x4 92GT-CFA
Ranger 4x2 92GT-DCA
Ranger 4x4 92GT-DEA
1993 Aerostar RWD (Van) 93GT-CBA
before Aerostar RWD (Wagon) 93GT-KBA
6/21/93) Aerostar AWD (Van) 93GT-EBA
Aerostar AWD (Wagon 93GT-NBA
Explorer 4x2 93GT-HAA
Explorer 4x4 93GT-NAA
Ranger 4x2 (ALT) 93GT-LAA
Ranger 4x2 (CAL) 93GT-LBA
Ranger 4x4 (ALT) 93GT-SAA
Ranger 4x4 (CAL) 93GT-SBA

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Light Throttle 23 Flare (continued)
Look for the identification tag on the lower left extension housing bolt.

Transmission Model Number

Year Month Day

Year C ode
1990 00
1991 01
1992 02
1993 03

Month Code Month Code Month C ode

January A May E September J
February B June F October K
March C July G November L
April D August H December M

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


New Design Center Support
Ford has released a new design center support that uses a needle bearing in place of the
thrust washer in the #4 position. This new bearing is selective, and is available in four
The Ford part number for the new support is F5TZ-7A130-B.
You can use this support for the 199395 models with the snap shell. This is the same
center support used for the 4R44E and 4R55E.

Selective Needle Bearings

Part Number Thickness ID Notches
F5TZ-7L326C 0.091" 0.096" 3
F5TZ-7L326B 0.083" 0.090" 2
F5TZ-7L326A 0.075" 0.082" 1
F3TZ-7L326A 0.071" 0.075" None

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


AODE and 4R70W

New 23 Accumulator Piston
The 23 accumulator piston has been replaced with a one-piece, stamped-steel piston.
The new piston will retrofit earlier model transmissions.
The Ford part number for the new piston is F7AZ-7H292-AB.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Checkball and Check Valve Locations
The AX4N uses six checkballs and three check valves in the valve body. Each valve has
a different weight spring. Use the graphic to identify which checkballs and which valve-
and-spring combination go in which location.
Cooler Bypass
Valve Body Check Valve
Heavy Spring
Type B Valve

Converter Drainback
Check Valve
Light Spring
Type A or B Valve

B4 : B3


23 Capacity Modulator
Check Valve
Medium Spring
Type A Valve : Dont install a checkball here.

Type A Valve Type B Valve

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Checkball and Check Valve Locations (cont)


2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Cracked Case; ATF Leaks
A leak from the coast servo area on these units can be due to a crack in the case. Al-
ways check the area indicated for hairline cracks; these cracks are fairly common, and
may be present long before a leak occurs.

Examine this area

thoroughly for cracks.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


1991 Valve Body Interchange
The 1991 AX4S valve body is unique; its the only year Ford used a simple on-off sole-
noid for lockup. The problem is that these valve bodies are becoming very difficult to
find, so if you have one thats no good, youre out of luck until now.
Ford released upgrade kits to convert the 1991 valve body hydraulics to the 92 model,
but still keep the simple on-off solenoid. You can use one of these kits with a 92-and-
later PWM valve body, while keeping the on-off solenoid. Although this wasnt Fords
original intent, it works great.
These kits contain a clip, some checkballs, gaskets, two separator plates, a new backout
valve, and instructions. The backout valve in the kit is the same as the one in the PWM-
type valve body, so you wont need to replace it.
Assemble the valve body as you normally would, using the two new plates. You can now
install the on-off lockup solenoid and youre back in business.
There are three kits available, based on application:
F1DZ-7A142B .............. 3.0L
F1DZ-7A142C .............. 3.8L
F1DZ-7A142D .............. 3.8L Police

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Uncontrollable High Line Pressure
Uncontrollable high line pressure is responsible for many of the cracked forward/coast/
direct clutch drum complaints. In many cases, this high line pressure problem is the
result of a worn out pressure regulator valve, or regulator valve bore in the valve body.
During rebuild, make sure you inspect the valve and bore carefully.


2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Uncontrollable High Line Pressure (continued)
An effective countermeasure for this problem is to enlarge the PR balance holes in the
separator plate. Enlarge these balance holes to 0.055".
If the valve or bore are worn excessively, enlarging the balance holes wont help the

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


No Forward
A CD4E that wont move forward can be caused by a misaligned rear ring gear shaft.
This causes a side load on the gear train, popping the forward clutch snap ring loose.
If you run into this problem, replace the clutch drum and snap ring, naturally, but also
replace the ring gear. There are two ring gears, based on which engine you have. The
part numbers for these ring gears are:
F3RZ-7A153-B (2.0L)
F3RZ-7A153-A (2.5L)

This shaft may

be misaligned

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No Reverse
After a rebuild or repair, some CD4Es may not have reverse. This can be caused by
installing the solenoid housing gasket backward.
To repair this condition, remove the housing, and make sure the gasket seals the oil
passages properly.

Gasket Placed Properly Improper Gasket Placement

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Checkball Locations
Ford has made several changes to the case and valve body on the E4OD (labeled the
4R100 starting in 1998). The first was in 1996. These models have a different case,
separator plate and valve body, compared to 1990 through 95 models. Consequently,
the checkball locations also changed.
Identifying the case is easy: 1990 through 95 models had a Rough Forge number begin-
ning with F0.

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Checkball Locations (continued)
The 1996 case has a Rough Forge number beginning with F7.

In 1998, the Rough Forge number became F8.

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Checkball Locations (continued)
199095 Checkball Locations for F0 Cases





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Checkball Locations (continued)
1996-On Checkball Locations for F7 and F8 Cases




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Checkball Locations (continued)
199095 Valve Body Checkball Locations



1996-On Valve Body Checkball Locations





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VSS Harness Repair Kit
Its not uncommon to replace the VSS on many vehicles during the rebuild, especially on
those where the VSS is close to the exhaust and suffers heat damage. Although this is a
great idea, an often-overlooked item is the vehicle harness connector. Ford offers a har-
ness repair kit to replace the old VSS connector.
The Ford part number for the kit is F2PZ-14A464-A
Ford also offers these other repair kits you might find useful:
F2PZ-14A464-B .................. E4OD Solenoid
F2PZ-14A464-C .................. MLP
F2PZ-14A464-D ................. AXODE (91/92 Top)
F2PZ-14A464-E .................. AXODE (91/92 Side)
F2PZ-14A464-F .................. AXOD
F2PZ-14A464-G ................. AODE, AX4S (1993on)

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Chrysler Contents
41TE, 42LE 42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE
Transaxle Identification .................... 126 Introduction ..................................... 153
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) ........ 130 Pressure Testing ............................... 154
Burnt Low/Reverse Clutch; Wrong Gear Starts ............................ 155
Slips in Low and Reverse .................. 132
Checkball and Tube Locations .......... 157
New Design Input and
Planet Failure ................................... 161
Output Sensors ................................ 133
Drives Forward in Neutral,
Input Clutch Drum Retainer
Binds in Reverse............................... 168
and Related Parts Changes ............... 134
OD Selective Washer Setup............... 169
Code 74: Calculated Oil
Temperature in Use .......................... 137
Computer Harness Wire Colors ......... 142
Buzz or Rattling Noise ...................... 151
Gear Lube from the Vent .................. 152
Clutch and Band Application ............ 153

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Transaxle Identification
The 41TE transaxle is used in many of Chryslers front wheel drive vehicles. There are
many different units, based on the application. One of the biggest differences in these
variations is transfer gear and final drive ratios. Chrysler uses a sticker, located on top
of the bell housing, to identify the unit.
The following chart shows transaxle application based on the ID code. The chart also
shows the tooth counts of the output gear, transfer gear, pinion gear, and final drive
ring gear. This is useful information, particularly if your working on a vehicle you sus-
pect has the wrong transaxle.


Model ID Year Vehicle

AA 19891995 Sprint/Acclaim/Lebaron
AC 19891993 Dynasty/New Yorker
AS/NS 19891998 Minivan
AY 19901993 Fifth Avenue/Imperial
AG 19901993 Daytona
AJ 19901995 Lebaron
AP 19931994 Shadow/Sundance
JA 19951998 Cirrus/Stratus/Breeze
JX 19961998 Sebring Convertible
F J2 2 19951996 Sebring/Avenger
F 24S 19951996 Eagle Talon

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Transaxle Identification (continued)
If the ID sticker is missing you can use the ID numbers stamped in the case near the
transfer gear cover.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Transaxle Identification (continued)
Year Application Production # Transfer Output Pinion/Ring Ratio Notes
1989 3.0L 4446659 54 59 16/60 3.42
1989 3.0L 4531664 54 59 16/60 3.42
1990 3.0L 4531551 54 59 16/60 3.42
1990 3.3L 4531630 54 59 16/60 3.42
1990 3.0L 4531681 54 59 16/60 3.42
1990 3.3L 4531682 54 59 16/60 3.42
1991 3.8L 4567847 54 59 17/59 3.17 AY Body
1991 3.0L 4567848 58 55 17/59 3.65
1991 3.3L 4567849 58 55 17/59 3.65
1991 3.3L-AWD 4567850 54 59 16/60 3.42 AWD AS Body
1992 3.8L 4659359 54 59 17/59 3.17 AY Body
1992 3.0L 4659360 58 55 17/59 3.65
1992 3.3L 4659361 58 55 17/59 3.65
1992 3.3L-AWD 4659362 58 55 17/59 3.65 AWD AS Body
1993 3.8L 4567645 46 50 17/59 3.19
1993 3.0L 4567646 49 47 17/59 3.61
1993 3.3L 4567647 49 47 17/59 3.61
1994 3.0L 4659072 49 47 17/59 3.61 A J, A P & A S B o d y
1994 3.3L 4659073 49 47 17/59 3.61 A S B ody
1994 3.3L 4659074 49 47 17/59 3.61 A S B ody
1994 3.8L 4659075 46 50 16/60 3.45 A S B ody
1994 3.8L 4659076 46 50 16/60 3.45 AWD AS Body
1995 2.0L 4567500 50 46 16/60 4.07 JA , F J2 2 , F 2 4 S

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Transaxle Identification (continued)
Year Application Production # Transfer Output Pinion/Ring Ratio Notes
1996 2.0L 4799717 50 46 16/59 4.07 JA
1996 2.4L 4799716 49 47 16/60 3.90 JA/JX,NS
1996 2.5L 4799718 49 47 16/60 3.90 JX
1996 3.3L 4567623 49 47 17/59 3.61 NS Up To 6-5-95
1996 3.3L 4799712 49 47 17/59 3.61 NA After 6-5-95
1996 3.8L 4567622 46 50 16/60 3.45 NS Up To 6-5-95
1996 3.3L 4567623 49 47 17/59 3.61 NS Up To 6-5-95
1996 3.8L 4799713 46 50 16/60 3.45 NS After 6-5-95
1996 3.8L 4799714 46 50 16/60 3.45 All Wheel Drive
1997 2.0L 4800636 50 46 16/60 4.07 JA
1997 2.4L 4800634 49 47 16/60 3.90 JA/JX
1997 2.4L 4800630 49 47 16/60 3.90 NS
1997 2.5L 4800635 49 47 16/60 3.90 JX
1997 3.3L 4800631 49 47 17/59 3.61 NS
1997 3.8L 4800632 46 50 16/60 3.45 NS
1998 2.0L 4800856 50 46 16/60 4.07 JA
1998 2.4L 4800485 49 47 16/60 3.90 JA/JX
1998 2.4L 4800850 49 47 16/60 3.90 NS
1998 2.5L 4800327 49 47 16/60 3.90 JX
1998 3.0L 4800859 49 47 17/59 3.61 NS
1998 3.3L 4800851 49 47 17/59 3.61 NS
1998 3.8L 4800852 46 50 16/60 3.45 NS

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Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
C ode Description Limp-in? Type of Failure
11 Internal TCM Failure Yes C
12 Battery was Disconnected Yes N/A
13 Internal TCM Failure Yes C
14 Transmission Relay Output Always On Yes C , E, S
15 Transmission Relay Output Always Off Yes C , E, S
16 Internal TCM Failure Yes C
17 Internal TCM Failure Yes C
18 Engine Speed Sensor Circuit Yes C , E, S
19 Bus Communication with Engine Module Yes C, E
20 Transmission Control Relay Output Yes C , E, S
21 OD Pressure Switch Sense Circuit Yes (Pre-96) C , E, S, T
22 2-4 Pressure Switch Circuit Yes C , E, S, T
23 2-4/OD Pressure Switch Circuit Yes (Pre-96) C , E, S, T
24* LR Pressure Switch Sense Circuit No C , E, S, T
25 LR/OD Pressure Switch Sense Circuit Yes (Pre-96) C , E, S, T
N/A (96-97)
26 LR/2-4 Pressure Switch Sense Circuit Yes (Pre-96) C , E, S, T
N/A (96-97)
27 All Pressure Switch Sense Circuits Yes (Pre-96) C , E, S, T
N/A (96-97)
28 Check Shifter Signal No C , E, S
29* Throttle Position Sensor Signal No C , E, S
31 OD Hydraulic Pressure Switch Circuit Yes E, S, T
32 Loss of Prime Yes E, S, T
33 Fault Immediately after Shift Yes E, S, T
35 Loss of Prime No T
36 Fault Immediately after Shift No T

C = Controller E = Electrical S = Sensor/Actuator T = Transmission N/A = Not Applicable

* In 1997, codes 24, 29, 37, 38, 47 and 50 58 can take up to 5 minutes to light the Malfunction
Indicator Lamp (MIL). You can find these faults through your DRB-III under OBD-II Diagnostics:
One-Trip Faults. They are OBD-II diagnostic trouble codes waiting to mature. Refer to the ap-
propriate TSB for running changes to this feature.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Diagnostic Trouble Codes (continued)
C ode Description Limp-in? Type of Failure
37* Solenoid Switch Latched in TCC Position No T, S
38* Torque Converter Clutch Control Circuit No T, S
41 LR Solenoid Circuit Yes C , E, S
42 2-4 SolenoidCircuit Yes C , E, S
43 OD Solenoid Circuit Yes C , E, S
44 UD Solenoid Circuit Yes C , E, S
45 Internal TCM Failure No C
46 3-4 Shift Abort No T
47* Solenoid Switch Latched in L-R Position Yes T
48 TRD Link Communication Error No C, E
50* Gear Ratio Error in Reverse Yes C , E, S, T
51* Gear Ratio Error in 1st Yes C , E, S, T
52* Gear Ratio Error in 2nd Yes T, S
53* Gear Ratio in 3rd Yes T, S
54* Gear Ratio Error in 4 Yes T, S
56* Input Speed Sensor Error Yes C , E, S
57* Output Speed Sensor Error Yes C , E, S
58* Speed Sensor Ground Error Yes C, E
60 Inadequate Element Volume LR No T
61 Inadequate Element Volume 2-4 No T
62 Inadequate Element Volume OD No T
70 Autostick Sensor Circuit No E, S
71 Manual Shift Overheat No N/A
73 Worn Out or Burnt Transaxle Fluid No T
74 Calculated Oil Temperature in Use No C , E, S
75 Repairing High Temperature Operations No N
76 Repairing Power-UP at Speed No C, E

C = Controller E = Electrical S = Sensor/Actuator T = Transmission N/A = Not Applicable

* In 1997, codes 24, 29, 37, 38, 47 and 50 58 can take up to 5 minutes to light the Malfunction
Indicator Lamp (MIL). You can find these faults through your DRB-III under OBD-II Diagnostics:
One-Trip Faults. They are OBD-II diagnostic trouble codes waiting to mature. Refer to the ap-
propriate TSB for running changes to this feature.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Burnt Low/Reverse Clutch;
Slips in Low and Reverse
Some 41TE valve bodies have a bathtub for the #1 checkball thats too shallow. This can
allow the checkball to stick, causing the low/reverse clutch circuit to leak.
You can check for this by measuring the
clearance between the top of the
checkball and the top of the valve
body casting. You must have at
least 0.007" of space for the
checkball. If you have
less than 0.007" clear-
ance, replace the valve

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


New Design Input and Output Sensors
The input and output speed sensors were redesigned for 1997-and-later units. The new
sensors use O-rings with a smaller cross-section than the previous design. You can use
the new sensors on earlier models; but always use the proper O-rings. Using the early
O-ring on the late sensor wont allow the sensor to mount flush against the case; using
the late O-ring on an early sensor may cause leaks.
The Chrysler part numbers for the two sensors are:
04800878 Input
04800879 Output
You can still use the harness repair kit for the new sensors, Chrysler part number
4419478. These sensors include the proper O-rings.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE
Input Clutch Drum Retainer
and Related Parts Changes
Chrysler has updated the input clutch drum, OD/UD reaction plate, and tapered snap
ring several times since 1989. They have also changed the part numbers several times,
without changing the part. Because of this, theres a lot of confusion as to which parts
to use during a rebuild.
In 1997, Chrysler changed the thickness of the OD/UD tapered snap ring from 0.076" to
0.091". At the same time, they widened the groove for the snap ring. The thick snap ring
wont fit the earlier retainer. The reason for the thicker snap ring was to help prevent it
from breaking.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE
Input Clutch Drum Retainer (continued)
If you have an earlier trans and you want to upgrade it with the new drum and related
components, youll want to order the update kit. The kit that includes the drum, two
OD/UD pressure plates (0.233" thick, and 0.244" thick), and both the lower (flat) and
upper (tapered) snap rings.
The Chrysler part number for the kit is 5016198AA

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE
Input Clutch Drum Retainer (continued)
There are also two plate kits available, but they include the earlier 0.076" tapered snap
ring instead of the 0.091" snap ring. The 0.076" snap ring is only available with these
kits; Chrysler no longer sells them separately. These kits include the OD/UD pressure
plate, both snap rings for this plate, and the OD/Reverse pressure plate. The Chrysler
part numbers for these kits are:
5017513 Includes 0.232" OD/UD pressure plate
5017179 Includes 0.256" OD/UD pressure plate

You can also purchase the 0.091" snap ring and three OD/UD pressure plates sepa-
rately. The Chrysler part numbers for these are:
4659934 0.091" Snap Ring
4883013 0.232" Plate
4883014 0.244" Plate
4883015 0.256" Plate
These three plates also include the 0.091" snap ring.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE; 1996-and-Later

Code 74: Calculated Oil Temperature in Use
After vehicle startup, the transmission may operate in 2nd and reverse for the first few
minutes of operation and then resume normal shifting. The Transmission Control Mod-
ule (TCM) may be sensing an open circuit in the transmission temperature sensor cir-
cuit, indicating the transmission is extremely cold (below 16 F). This false temperature
signal will keep the transmission in 2nd gear until the transmission temperature signal
indicates the temperature has risen above 12 F.
This condition usually sets transmission Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 74 Calcu-
lated Oil Temperature in Use. Once code 74 sets, the computer wont attempt to use the
signal from the transmission temperature sensor, but will use the calculated oil tem-
perature routine for all 41TE/AE and 42LE applications built before 1996.
The computer will continue to use the calculated oil temperature routine for 35 OBD-II
drive cycles. If calculated oil temperature is used, the vehicle will operate normally; but
the condition may return after 35 OBD-II drive cycles, when the computer tries to use
the transmission temperature sensor for input again.
To diagnose code 74, there are a few things you must understand:

Conditions to Set Code 74:

The computer must detect intermittent or out-of-range data from the transmission tem-
perature sensor circuit for three consecutive drive cycles before the code will set.
Setting code 74 will enable the calculated oil temperature routine to initialize the trans-
mission oil temperature at startup for 35 OBD-II drive cycles.
After 35 OBD-II drive cycles, the computer will attempt to use the temperature sensor
for every start until code 74 resets.

Invalid Temperature Data

If the computer detects intermittent or out-of-range data from the transmission tem-
perature sensor before code 74 sets, it switches to the calculated temperature routine,
starting from the last good temperature signal. This can cause 2nd and reverse only, if
the transmission temperature sensor indicates a startup temperature below 16F
(which occurs if the temperature sensor circuit resistance is high, but not quite an open
No code sets unless its the third consecutive start with invalid data. So you may not be
sure whether the computer is using the temperature sensor signal or the calculated oil
temperature routine for shift scheduling.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE; 1996-and-Later

Code 74 (continued)
Clearing Code 74
Clearing the codes wont automatically enable the computer to use the transmission
temperature sensor signal. The computer remembers the last time code 74 was set and
wont attempt to use the temperature sensor signal until 35 OBD-II drive cycles have
passed, regardless of whether the code is still in memory.
Disconnecting the battery, however, will enable the computer to use the transmission
temperature sensor signal.
C A U T IO N Disconnecting the battery will clear all computer memories, including the
clock, learned engine parameters, and radio antitheft codes and presets.
Make sure you take the necessary precautions before disconnecting the
Three items can cause the computer to lose or receive an intermittent temperature sen-
sor signal:
Defective wiring between the temperature sensor and the transmission computer
The temperature sensor
The transmission computer
Use the illustrations as we go through the testing procedure. The pins youll use will
vary, depending on which model youre working on.

5 .0 0
4 .8 0
4 .6 0
S ig n a l V o lta g e ( V a lid R a n g e : 0 .0 7 6 4 .9 3 9 )

4 .4 0
4 .2 0
4 .0 0
3 .8 0
3 .6 0
3 .4 0
3 .2 0
3 .0 0
2 .8 0
2 .6 0
2 .4 0
2 .2 0
2 .0 0
1 .8 0
1 .6 0
1 .4 0
1 .2 0
1 .0 0
0 .8 0
0 .6 0
0 .4 0
0 .2 0

8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 4 0 2 6 0 2 8 0 3 0 0 3 2 0 3 4 0 3 6 0 3 8 0 4 0 0 4 2 0
T e m p e ra tu re ; D e g re e s F

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE; 1996-and-Later

Code 74 (continued)
P o w e r tr a in
C o n tro l
T r a n s
R a n g e M o d u le
S w itc h
S e n s e S T -R u n S ta rt
7 6
1 1 8
* 9 6 9 8 J A -J X F u s e d F u s e d T r a n s m is s io n
** 9 6 F J 2 2 -F 2 4 S Ig n itio n Ig n itio n C o n tro l
*** N S O n ly M o d u le
**** 9 6 9 8 J A -J X , N S
N o t u s e d o n F J 2 2 -F 2 4 S T ra n s
T R S T R S T R S T R S T e m p S p e e d
T 4 1 T 4 2 T 3 T 1 S ig n a l S e n s o r
T o S e n s e S e n s e S e n s e S e n s e S e n s o r G ro u n d
B a c k u p
L a m p s **1 **3 **4 3 **4 1 5 4 1 3
****4 1 ****4 2 ****3 ****1

R u n
*5 *1 0
**5 **1 0
1 6 ***1 0 ***5 9 8 7 4 3
T r a n s m is s io n
R a n g e
B a c k u p P N P R N L P 3 L N O L T ra n s S e n s o r
L a m p T e m p
S w itc h S e n s o r

Checking Circuit Voltage

Measure the voltage at the temperature sensor wire, key on engine off (pin 53 or 54,
depending on model); voltage should vary based on temperature. The voltage should
never fall below 0.07 volts, or rise above 4.94 volts.
If the voltage drops below 0.07 volts, look for a voltage supply problem or a bad
temperature sensor.
If the voltage goes above 4.94 volts, look for
a grounding problem or a bad temperature sensor.

Transmission Range Sensor Connector
(includes Transmission Temperature
Sensor Wiring)

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


41TE, 42LE; 1996-and-Later

Code 74 (continued)
Checking the Ground Circuit
Measure the voltage on the ground side of the circuit, at the temperature sensor (key on,
engine off). The voltage should be below 0.5 volts. If voltage is high, look for one of these
a broken wire to the computer
an open ground circuit in the computer
an open ground circuit to the computer.
To check the ground on the computer measure the voltage at the temperature sensor
wire (pin 13 or 14, depending on model); it should be less than 0.5 volts.
If the ground is okay, replace the wire to the temperature sensor.
If the voltage is high, check for a bad ground to the computer (use the computer
wiring charts to identify the grounds for the vehicle youre working on. The ground
wires to the computer should be below 0.1 volts.

Terminal Side Harness



10 41

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41TE, 42LE; 1996-and-Later

Code 74 (continued)
Checking the Voltage Feed Circuit
Measure the voltage to the temperature sensor (key on, engine off; harness connector
unplugged); it should have at least 5.5 volts. If the voltage is low, check resistance. Look
for an open or short-to-ground in the temperature sensor wire to the computer.
Measure the voltage at the computer (pin 53 or 54, depending on model).
If the voltage at the computer is okay, replace the wire to the temperature sensor.
If the voltage is still low, cut the wire about 3" from the computer and measure it
o If the voltage is now okay, replace the wire.
o If the voltage is still low, check the voltage supply, starting at the battery: With
the key off, a fully-charged battery should have 12.6 volts. If the battery is low,
charge or replace it before continuing. Voltage at the computer terminal should
be within 0.1 volts of battery voltage.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors
Cavity Color Application Function
1 LG/BK AA 90, 9295 TRS T1 Sense
AC, AY 9293
AG 9094
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 9295
NS 96, 98
LG/GY JA , JX 9598
YL/DG F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
LG AA 89, 91
AC, AY, AS 89-91
2 TN/BK AA, AS 89-95 Backup Lights
AC 89-93
AG 90-93
AJ 90-95
AP 93-94
AY 90-93
NS 96-97
WT/RD F 2 4 S , F J2 2 95
3 VT AA, AS 8995 TRS T3 Sense
AC 8993
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AY, AG 9093
JA , JX 9598
NS 9698

RD F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
4 WT/BK AA 8990, 9295 CCD Bus ()
AC 8993
AP 9394
AS 8995
AY 9095
NS 9698
WT AA 91
WT/DG JA-JX 9598
WT/DB F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
5 BK/VT AA 89 CCD Bus (+)
AS 8991
VT/BR AA 9091
AG, AJ 91
LB/BR AA 9295
AG, AJ 91
VT/BK AP 9394
BK/DR JF 2 2 , F 2 4 S 95
BK/DR JF 2 2 , F 2 4 S 96 Autostick Upshift Switch Sense
YL/LB J A , JX 9697
LG/LB JA , JX 98
6 BK/YL AA 9395 Distributor Signal (+)
AG, AJ 9395
AP 9394
GY/BK AC, AY 93 Distributor Signal (+)
AS EXC 3.0 93
JA , JX 9598 Crankshaft Position Sensor
NS 9698
TN/YL AG, AJ 9091 Distributor Signal (+)
DB/WT F 2 4 S , F J2 2 95 Crankshaft Position Sensor
BK/RD AS 3.0 93-95 Chassis Ground
GY/VT AS EXC 3.0 94-95 Distributor Signal (+)
7 PK AS 95 SCI Transmit (Scan Tool Data Line)
F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 96
JA 98
NS 98
8 YL AA, AS 8995 Ignition Switch Output (Start)
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
YL/RD NS 9698
YL/OR JA , JX 9598
BK/RD F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9597

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
9 BK/LG AA 89 OD Pressure Switch Sense
AC 8993
AS 8990
AY 9093
JA , JX 9597
OR AA 91
LG F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9597
OR/BK AA 90, 9295
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AS 9193
JA , JX 98
NS 9698
OR/BR AP 9394
AS 9495
10 YL/DG JA , JX 98 Engine Load Signal
NS 97
11 DB AA 8995 Ignition Switch Output (Start/Run)
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
DB/WT AS 9495
NS 96
JA , JX 98
BK/WT F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 9595
JA , JX 9697
12 OR/DB AA 89, 9195 Throttle Position Sensor Signal
AC 8993
AG 90, 9293
AJ 90, 9295
AP 9394
AS 8993
AY 9093
NS 9698
OR AA 90
OR/LB J A , JX 9598
BR/RD F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
DB/OR AS 9495

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
13 DB/RD AA 89 Speed Sensor Ground
AC 8991
AS 8990
AY 9091
DB/BK AA 9095
AC, AY 9293
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 9195
NS 9698
DB/BR JA , JX 9598
GY/DB F 24S , F 22S 9596
14 LG/WT AA 8995 Output Speed Sensor Signal
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 8995
NS 9698
LG/VT JA , JX 9598
WT/YL F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
15 LG AA, AS 8995 EATX Relay Control
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
NS 9698
LG/YL JA , JX 9598
DG/BK F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
16 RD AA, AS 8995 EATX Relay Output
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
NS 9698
RD/BR JA , JX 9598
17 RD AA, AS 8995 EATX Relay Output
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 9596
NS 9698
RD/BR JA , JX 9598

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
18 LG/OR AS 9495 Overdrive Off Switch
19 WT AA 9095 24 Solenoid Control
AC, AY 9293
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 9195
JA 98
NS 9698
AC, AY 9091
AS 8990
WT/PK JA , JX 9597
20 LB AA, AS 8995 LR Solenoid Control
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
JA 98
NS 9698
LB/WT J A , JX 9597
JX 98
WT/BK F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
41 BR/YL AA 8990, 9295 TRS T41 Sense
AC , AS 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9395
BK/OR AS 9495
BK/WT JA , JX 9598
NS 9698
BK/YL F J2 2 , F 2 2 S 9596
42 VT AA 89, 91 TRS T42 Sense
AC , AS 8991
AY 9091
VT/WT AA 90, 9295
AC, AY 9293
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 9295
NS 9698
VT/TN JA , JX 9598
RD/DG F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9597

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
43 BK/VT AA 89, 9192 CCD Bus (+)
AC 89
AS 8990
VT/GR AA 9395
AC, AY 9193
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AS 9195
NS 9697
BK AC, AY 90
VT/BK AP 9394
BK/DB JA , JX 9597
VT/DG F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
VT/BR JA , JX 98
NS 98
44 WT/BK AA 8990 CCD Bus ()
AG, AJ 91
AS 8991
WT AA 91
PK/BK AA 9295
AG 9293
AJ 9295
AP 9394
WT/DB F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 9596 Autostick Downshift Switch Sense
LG/LB JA , JX 9697
YL/LB J A , JX 98
45 GY/BK AA 8990, 9295 Distributor Signal (+)
AC , AS 8993
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AY 9093
GY AA 91
GY/VT AS 9495
46 PK/LB AC 89 SCI Receive (Scan Tool Input)
JX 98
NS 9698
DB/RD JA , JX 9597
PK/DG F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 9596
JA 98

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Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
47 YL/BK AA 8990, 9295 24 Pressure Switch Sense
AC 8993
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 8993
AY 9093
NS 9698
YL AA 91
YL/DG AS 9495
YL/GY J A , JX 9598
DG F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 9596
49 DB AS 9495 OD Off Switch Sense
OR/BK F 24S 9596
F J2 2 9596
50 DG AA, AS 8995 L-R Pressure Switch Sense
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
NS 9698
DG/TN JA , JX 9598
DG/RD F J2 2 , F 2 4 S 9596
51 BK/LB AA, AS 8995 Sensor Ground
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
F 2 4 S , F J2 2 95
JA , JX 9598
NS 9698
BK/DG F 2 4 S , F J2 2 96
52 RD/BK AA 8995 Input Speed Sensor Signal
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 8993
NS 9698
RD/WT AS 9495
OR/YL J A , JX 9597
JA 98
WT/DG F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
53 BK/YL AA, AS 8995 Ground
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
JA , JX 9598
NS 9698
BK F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
54 BK/YL AA, AC 8992 Ground
AG, AJ 9092
AS, AY 9092
VT/YL J A , JX 9697 Transmission Temperature Signal
JA 98
VT/LG NS 9798
56 RD AA 8991 Fused Battery (+)
AC 8991
AS 8991
AY 9091
NS 96
RD/WT AA 9295
AG 9093
AJ 9095
AP 9394
AS 9293
BK/PK AC, AY 9293
RD/VT AS 9495
RD/DB NS 9798
PK/YL J A , JX 9598
RD/BL F 2 4 X , F J2 2 9596
57 BK/RD AA 8995 Ground
AC 8993
AG, AJ 9093
AP 9394
AS, AY 9095
JA , JX 9598
NS 9698
BK AS 89
F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Harness Wire Colors (continued)
Cavity Color Application Function
58 BK/RD AA 8991 Signal Ground
AC 8992
AG 9092
AJ 9093
AS 9092
AY 9092
BK AS 89
WT/OR AA 9295
AC, AY 93
AJ 9495
AP 9394
AS 9395
AG 93 Vehicle Speed Sensor Signal
JA , JX 9598
NS 9698
YL/WT F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
59 PK AA, AJ 9095 UD Solenoid Control
AC, AY 9293
AG 9093
AP 9394
AS 9295
NS 9698
AC 8991
AS 90
AY 9091
BK AS 91
PK/DB JA , JX 9598
DG/YL F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596
60 BR AA 8995 OD Solenoid Control
AC 8993
AG, AY 9093
AG, AJ 9095
AP 9394
NS 9698
BK AS 89
BR/TN JA , JX 9598
LG/RD F 2 4 S , F J2 2 9596

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Buzz or Rattling Noise
This buzzing or rattling noise is most often present while accelerating lightly from a stop,
and then driving through the 1015 MPH range. This noise doesnt vary with turns.
Chrysler has a redesigned chain snubber to address this problem.
The Chrysler part number for the snubber is 4778989.
1993 and 94 models use a wide single chain. In 1995, Chrysler began using two narrow
chains; the sprocket teeth are offset, and operate more quietly than the single chain. If
youre working on a trans with the single chain, consider upgrading to the two-chain setup.
The part numbers for the sprockets are:
Output Shaft Sprocket .......... 4659232
Transfer Shaft Sprocket......... 4659233
N O T IC E Chrysler chains are very expensive; you can buy the same chains through
the aftermarket for much less.

Chain Snubber

2-Chain Setup

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Gear Lube from the Vent
During certain conditions, its not uncommon for gear lube to blow out the vent.
Chrysler has introduced an additional vent to resolve the problem. This new vent re-
places the existing fill plug.
The Chrysler part number for the new vent is 05011589AA.

Differential Side Cover

Added Vent

Oil Fill Plug

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

The 42RE and the 44RE are based on the A500 (42RH). The 46RE and the 47RE are
based on the A518/A618 (46RH/47RH) transmissions. For the most part, all of these
units are controlled in the same manner. Well refer to them as the 42RE and the 46RE.
Although the computer controls shift timing, it does so in an unusual way. These trans-
missions still use a lockup solenoid and an OD solenoid. The main difference is the
addition of the governor pressure control solenoid and the governor pressure trans-
Governor pressure is no longer controlled by centrifugal force that increases with output
shaft speed. On these units, the computer reads output shaft speed from the VSS, and
then creates governor pressure electronically, using the governor pressure control sole-
noid. The governor pressure transducer provides a feedback signal, to indicate to the
computer how much governor pressure is actually being produced. Because of this,
adjusting the TV pressure can still alter shift timing.

Clutch and Band Application

Forw ard Front Intermediate Low /Rev Direct Overdrive Low Overdrive
R an g e Clutch Clutch B an d B an d Clutch Clutch Sprag Sprag
Drive; 1st *
OD On nd
2 F/W *
3rd F/W *
4 F/W F/W
Drive; 1 *
OD Off nd
2 F/W *
3rd F/W *
1 F/W *
2 F/W *
L 1 F/W *

Applied F/W Freewheeling

* The OD Sprag is only necessary to prevent a flare during the 34 shift.

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Pressure Testing
The 42RE and 46RE transmissions Clutch
have several pressure ports to choose
from. In many cases, its a good idea to
have two pressure gauges. Keep in
mind that in reverse the pressure can
exceed 250 PSI, so always use a 0300
PSI gauge when testing reverse pres-
sure. Despite the number of pressure
taps, there is no mainline pressure tap.
Use the chart to compare your results
to the factory specifications.

Front Servo

Rear Servo

Accumulator Front Servo Rear Servo OD Clutch

Range Idle WOT Idle WOT Idle WOT Idle WOT Pressure
P/N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
R 0 0 145175 230280 145175 230280 0 0 0
Drive 1st 5560 90100 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pressure
should be zero
2 5560 90100 0 0 0 0 0 0 at a stop, and
3rd 5560 90100 5560 90100 0 0 0 0 i ncrease about
1 P S I per
4 th
5560 90100 5560 90100 0 0 5560 90100 MPH.
2 5560 90100 0 0 0 0 0 0
L 5560 90100 0 0 5560 90100 0 0

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Wrong Gear Starts
Occasionally wrong gear starts are caused by stuck shift valves; more often theyre
caused by high governor pressure.
Connect a 0100 PSI pressure gauge to the governor port. Pressure should be 0 PSI at a
stop, and increase about 1 PSI for every 1 MPH of vehicle speed (12 PSI at 12 MPH,
45 PSI at 45 MPH, and so on). If governor pressure is good, the wrong gear start is cause
by a stuck shift valve. If governor pressure is high, the shift valves are okay.

Causes of High Governor Pressure

1) Any transmission trouble code (very common)
2) Bad governor pressure control solenoid (very common)
3) Bad governor pressure transducer (very common)
4) Poor connections to the governor pressure solenoid and transducer (rare)
5) Bad computer (rare)

Quick Fix
If its Friday night and you only have time for a guess, try replacing the governor pres-
sure solenoid and transducer. Replace both with brand new, OEM-quality replacement

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Wrong Gear Starts (continued)
Diagnostic Suggestions
When a trouble code sets, the computer shuts off the 12-volt supply to the transmission,
keeping the transmission in 3rd gear.
Repair the trouble codes first. If the high governor pressure is high without trouble
codes, youll need to perform further diagnosis: While watching governor pressure with a
gauge, use a scan tool to monitor Desired Governor Pressure and Actual Governor
Pressure. All three should read about the same. Unless the computer is bad or theres a
bad input to the computer, the desired pressure should follow vehicle speed fairly
1) If the pressure transducer is good, but a bad governor pressure control solenoid is
causing the high governor pressure, the Actual Governor Pressure and the pressure
gauge reading should read the same, both of which will be higher than expected.
However, the Desired Governor Pressure wont match the Actual Governor Pres-
sure or the pressure gauge reading.
2) If the pressure transducer is lying to the computer, the Desired Governor Pressure
and the Actual Governor Pressure may or may not be the same. However, the pres-
sure gauge reading will definitely not be the same as the Desired Governor Pres-
3) If the governor pressure control solenoid and the pressure transducer are bad, the
only reading you can trust is from your pressure gauge. If the scan tool readings
make no sense, try changing both the transducer and the solenoid.

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Checkball and Tube Locations
The 42RE was introduced in 1993 and was used only with Jeeps. Chrysler began using
the RE versions in 1996. Several changes have occurred to the valve body over the
years, including changes in the checkballs and the addition of a boost tube. These illus-
trations will detail those changes.
Not all models will use the #7 and #9 checkballs. Models that use these checkballs will
have two holes in the separator plate above the checkballs. Using a #7 checkball on a
valve body that wasnt designed for it will prevent the unit from going into forward
ranges. Using a #9 checkball in a valve body that isnt designed for it will prevent the
unit from going into reverse.

#9 Checkball

#7 Checkball

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Checkball and Tube Locations (continued)
#8 Checkball
#1 Checkball
#2 Checkball
#5 Checkball

#6 Checkball

#3 Checkball #4 Checkball

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Checkball and Tube Locations (continued)
1994-on models have an added boost valve tube. These valve bodies offer slightly higher
line pressure while the torque converter clutch is applied.

Boost Valve

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42RE/44RE and 46RE/47RE

Checkball and Tube Locations (continued)
1998-on models have an additional checkball. These valve bodies wont shift 43 or 32
while the converter clutch is applied.


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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure
One of the more common reasons for planet failure is a restricted cooler. One of the
cooler-related problems is using an in-series auxiliary cooler. A better way to install an
auxiliary cooler is to install it in parallel. The illustrations show the difference between
the OE cooler configuration, a series-fed cooler and a parallel-fed cooler.

OE Cooler Configuration
Heres the standard OE cooler configuration. Fluid goes from the transmission to the
cooler, and back to the trans.

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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure (continued)
Series-Fed Coolers
Heres how most technicians add an auxiliary cooler, by connecting it in series with the
OE cooler. While this provides additional cooling, it can also increase backpressure, and
reduce overall cooler flow.

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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure (continued)
Parallel-Fed Coolers
For many applications, connecting the coolers in parallel is a better choice. This pre-
vents the additional backpressure, while providing the additional cooling necessary.

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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure (continued)
Cooler Check Valve Kit
Another cooler related failure is a clogged cooler check valve. Some radiators have a one-
way check valve on the return line, from the cooler to the transmission. If the check
valve is clogged, its best to replace it.
The Chrysler part number for the check valve is 4778670.

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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure (continued)
Cooler Bypass Kit
Chrysler also offers a bypass kit for vehicles that operate in very cold areas. The kit
consists of several plumbing pieces. This kit is designed for vehicles that operate in
areas that see temperatures under 15 F.
The Chrysler part number for the bypass kit is 4874284.

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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure (continued)
Intermediate Shaft
Early models have only one lube hole in the intermediate shaft; later units have two.

The later model
intermediate shaft
has two lube holes.

Top View

Bottom View

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42RE, 46RE, and 47RE

Planet Failure (continued)
N O T IC E Chrysler offers a five-pinion planet for the
OD section. This is a great improvement
for heavy-use vehicles. Make sure
you price this planet before offering
it to your customer: The retail price
is over $400.
Chryslers part number for the five-
pinion OD planet is 4761011.

Another consideration for rough service 46 and 47REs is the five-pinion steel front planet.
When you change the planet you will also need a Teflon bushing and five-tab washer.
The Chrysler part numbers for these items are:
04617998 Planet
04617951 Teflon Bushing
04539129 Washer

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46RE and 47RE

Drives Forward in Neutral, Binds in Reverse
The 46RE and 47RE have two different shaft diameters.
One has a bushing journal diameter of 1.170"; the
other is 1.124" in diameter. Using the smaller shaft
in a stator support designed for the larger shaft will
allow converter charge oil to feed the rear clutch,
applying the rear clutch in all ranges except park
(there is no converter charge in park).

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


42/44RE and 46/47RE

OD Selective Washer Setup
One important (yet commonly overlooked) rebuild procedure is selecting the washer
between the overdrive piston and direct clutch hub. This washer isnt for setting
endplay; rather, its used to coordinate the release of the direct clutch with the apply of
the overdrive brake.
If the washer is too thin, it can cause a bindup during the 3-4 shift. If the washer is too
thick, it can prevent the direct clutch from applying all the way. This will cause a slip in
reverse, or no reverse at all.
There are two ways you can use to select the proper washer: The factory way, and Cliffs
Lets first look at the factory method:

Factory Method
1. Place the overdrive section in a fixture so its vertical.
2. Place a straight edge across the housing and mea-
sure from the top of the straight edge.
C A U T IO N Make sure you dont have the bearing or
selective washer on the direct clutch hub.
Your dial indicator needs to contact the hub

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42/44RE and 46/47RE

OD Selective Washer Setup (continued)
3. Take a measurement in four places, about 90 apart.
4. Average the four measurements. For example: Lets say your four measurements
were 1.812", 1.818", 1.815", and 1.817". Heres the formula:
1.812 + 1.818 + 1.815 + 1.817 = 7.262
7.262 4 = 1.8155"
Well round this to 1.816"
5. Subtract the thickness of the straightedge. If you had a straightedge thats 0.500
thick, then 1.816 0.500 = 1.316
6. Find a washer from the chart that comes closest to your measurement.

Measurement Spacer P/N Spacer Thickness

1.250" 1.264" 4431730 0.108" 0.110"
1.265" 1.279" 4431585 0.123" 0.125"
1.280" 1.294" 4431731 0.138" 0.140"
1.295" 1.309" 4431586 0.153" 0.155"
1.310" 1.324" 4431732 0.168" 0.170"
1.325" 1.339" 4431587 0.183" 0.185"
1.340" 1.354" 4431733 0.198" 0.200"
1.355" 1.369" 4431588 0.213" 0.215"
1.370" 1.384" 4431734 0.228" 0.230"
1.385" 1.399" 4431590 0.243" 0.245"

This is a very reliable and accurate method, but some consider it a bit time consuming.
Now lets look at Cliffs method:

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42/44RE and 46/47RE

OD Selective Washer Setup (continued)
Cliff s Method
Place the overdrive section in a fixture, just like you did in the factory method. Before
you begin your measuring process you need to make a couple of changes. First remove
the wire snap ring.

Now add an extra overdrive steel plate.

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42/44RE and 46/47RE

OD Selective Washer Setup (continued)
Select your washer:
1. Get the OD piston, bearing, and any selective washer you choose and stack them as
they would fit in the overdrive section.

Make sure you install the bearing

and washer before you place the
piston on top of the OD section.

2. While pressing down on the piston check for about 0.010" of jiggle in the extra steel
you placed in the OD section. Increase or decrease the thickness of the selective until
you get about 0.010" of play in the OD pack.
3. Once you have the correct selective washer, remove the extra OD steel place and
reinstall the wire snap ring.

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Import Transmissions Contents

Isuzu 4L30E Mazda R4AEL; Nissan RE4R01A, 3A
Solenoid Grounding Kit .................... 174 Replacement Solenoid Connectors .... 218
Converter Drainback ........................ 175 New Design Output Speed Sensor ..... 219
Delays Forward ................................ 176 No Turbine Sensor Signal ................. 220
Code 41: Ratio Error ......................... 178 No Converter Charge ........................ 221
Isuzu NPR Mercedes 722.3, 4 and 5
Diagnostic Trouble Codes ................. 179 23 Flare .......................................... 222
Component Locations ....................... 185 Harsh 12, 23 or 34 Shifts............. 223
Computer Terminal Identification ..... 189 Oversized B2 Servo Seal ................... 224
Circuit Testing .................................. 191 Self-Adjusting B1 Servo .................... 225
Mazda F4AEL Slips on 43 or 32 Kickdown ........... 230
12 Slide-Bump ................................ 193 Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, W4A3, F4A4 and 5
Mazda G4AEL No 3rd or 4th Gear; Late Shifts ............ 233
23 Flare .......................................... 194 Harsh 12 Shift ................................ 237
Double Engagement into Reverse ...... 202 Mitsubishi KM Series
Misdiagnosed Problems .................... 203 No Forward,
Computer-Commanded 2nd Gear or Falls out of Forward ..................... 238
Starts; Forward Clutch Slip ........... 204 Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3
34 Shift Hunt............................... 207 Planet Failure ................................... 239
Shifts 4231 ............................... 208 Repeat Pump Bushing Failure .......... 244
Shifts 134 .................................. 209 Nissan RE4F04A
42 and 43 Flare .......................... 211 No 3rd or 4th Gear .............................. 246
Codes, Common Causes Reverse Drum Snap Ring Pops Out .... 247
and Computer Strategies .................. 212 Subaru 4EAT
Code 06 ......................................... 212 Kills the Engine in Gear .................... 248
Code 12 ......................................... 213 Subaru 4-Speed AWD
Code 55 ......................................... 214 Chatters/Binds on
Code 60, 61, 62 and 63 ................. 215 Slow, Sharp Turns ............................ 249
Rebuild Procedures,
Technical Tips and Review ................ 216
The Transmission .......................... 216
The Valve Body .............................. 216
Kill the Hold Mode ............................ 217

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Isuzu 4L30E
Solenoid Grounding Kit
Bad grounds are a real problem, especially with the 4L30E. The standard grounding
method for the solenoids is a simple spade connector.
Isuzu has a harness kit that includes an eyelet you bolt on the valve body. This new
ground is far superior to the spade connector, and its a good idea to use one on every
rebuild. The Isuzu part number for the kit is 8-96041-331-0.

Early units used a spade

connector to provide solenoid
ground. These units often
suffered from bad grounds.

Isuzu offers a harness

that provides a more
positive ground for the

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Isuzu 4L30E
Converter Drainback
Converter drainback can be caused by a leak at the intermediate shaft sealing ring.
Isuzu now uses a solid Teflon sealing ring for this location.
Isuzu part number 8-96041-327-0 includes the solid ring and sizing tool. The ring isnt
available through Isuzu separately; if you already have the sizing tool, check with your
local aftermarket supplier to see if they can supply you with the ring.

Sizing Tool

Solid Ring

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Isuzu 4L30E
Delays Forward
A forward delay is usually caused by poor feed to the servo. In many cases this is
caused by a restricted band solenoid. The solenoid screen breaks apart and gets stuck
in the solenoid, restricting flow to the servo. Its a good idea to replace the band solenoid
and screen during every rebuild.

The Isuzu part numbers for the

solenoid and screen are:
8-96042-006-0 (Solenoid)
8-96041-012-0 (Screen)

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Isuzu 4L30E
Delays Forward (continued)
You may also find it helpful to enlarge the servo feed orifice in the separator plate to
increase servo feed. The original orifice is 0.040" in diameter. Enlarging it to 0.050" will
help reduce the delay.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Code 41: Ratio Error
A code 41 is typically caused by clutch slip. If youre working on a 1990 or 91 Trooper II,
1992 or 93 Trooper, or 1991 through 93 Rodeo, be aware that some units were made
with poorly machined overdrive housing castings. The machining problem was where the
4th brake piston outer seal rides, and where the 4th accumulator piston seal rides.
If you have a wiped out 4th clutch, make sure you check these areas very closely for a rough
surface where the seals ride. If you need to replace the housing you have two choices: Use a
1994-or-later housing, or replace it with an update kit. The kit contains a new housing, a
replacement plate with gaskets, and two accumulator setups (for various models). The
Isuzu part number for the kit is 8-96041-192-0.
If you use the update kit, check
the ID tag to make sure you use
GA A/T Model Code
the right accumulator setup. The
ID tag is located just above the
manual linkage shaft on the
drivers side of the trans.

A/T Serial Number

Check for these two items: the model code and serial number.
For units with model codes GA, GB, GC, GG, FA, FB and a
serial number less than 3887359, use the accumula-
tor kit with the longer accumulator spring.
Models FD and FE with serial numbers between
3887359 and 4072977 also take the kit with the
longer accumulator spring.
Models FF, FG, GE, GN, GR, GJ, GV, or GO, with
a serial number less than
4072977, use the accumu-
lator kit with the
shorter spring.

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Isuzu NPR
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Problem Indication
The JR403E control system indicates problems in the computer system through the
Economy light on the dash. When you first turn the key on, the light will flash 16 times,
to indicate a diagnostic trouble code stored in memory.

To indicate a computer
system problem or display
diagnostic trouble codes,
Isuzu trucks flash the
Economy light on the dash.

Once you know theres a code in memory, there are two different procedures for retriev-
ing and reading the codes, depending on vehicle year. The easiest way to determine
which procedure to follow is to try the procedure for early systems: If the system dis-
plays codes, you chose correctly; if not, look for the diagnostic link connector, required
for the second procedure.
On each system, the computer displays the codes by flashing the Economy light on the

Retrieving the Codes; Early Systems

To retrieve the codes on early vehicles, set the parking brake. Youll have to put the
vehicle in gear during the procedure, and this will prevent it from rolling.
To prepare to retrieve the codes:
Turn the ignition key off.
Put the shift selector in D.
Set the Economy/Drive switch to normal.
Now youre ready to begin the procedure to display diagnostic trouble codes:

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Isuzu NPR
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (continued)
Problem Indication (continued)
Step 1: Turn the key on, engine off.
Step 2: Move the shift selector to 2.
Step 3: Move the Economy/Drive switch to economy.
Step 4: Move the shift selector to 1.
Step 5: Move the Economy/Drive switch back to normal.
Step 6: Hold the throttle all the way to the floor.
The computer will begin displaying diagnostic codes by flashing the Economy light on
the dash.

Reading the Codes; Early Systems

Isuzu trucks display diagnostic trouble codes using an 11-flash sequence. The light
flashes 11 times in a row; the sequence always starts with a long flash about two
seconds long. Its followed by 10 shorter flashes.
If there are no problems in the system, all ten flashes will be very short about 0.1
seconds each.

On Heres how early Isuzu

trucks indicate no diagnos-
Off tic trouble codes in memory.

But if the computer identifies a problem in the system, one of those 10 flashes will be
longer nearly a half second long. Count the flashes: The long flash identifies the code
in memory.
For example, if the first flash after the two second flash is the long one, youre looking at
code 1.

On Heres how early Isuzu

trucks display diagnostic
Off trouble code 1.

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Isuzu NPR
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (continued)
Problem Indication (continued)
If the fourth flash is the longer one, youre looking at code 4.

And heres how early Isuzu
trucks display diagnostic
Off trouble code 4.

If theres more than one code in memory, the computer displays all of the codes in the
same pass. Heres how a system would display codes 1, 4 and 8 at the same time:

On This is how early Isuzu

trucks would display codes
Off 1, 4 and 8 at the same time.

Code Definitions; Early Vehicles

Code Definition
1 Vehicle speed sensor transmission circuit open or shorted.
2 Vehicle speed sensor speedometer circuit open or shorted.
3 Throttle position sensor circuit open or shorted.
4 Shift solenoid A circuit open or shorted.
5 Shift solenoid B circuit open or shorted.
6 Overrun clutch solenoid open or shorted.
7 Lockup clutch solenoid open or shorted.
8 ATF temperature sensor circuit is open or the computer power source is
9 Engine RPM signal circuit open or shorted.
10 Line pressure solenoid open or shorted.

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Isuzu NPR
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (continued)
Clearing the Codes
Once youve repaired any problems in the system, you can clear the codes from memory
by disconnecting the #11 fuse for at least 10 seconds. Then replace the fuse.


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Isuzu NPR
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (continued)
Retrieving the Codes; Late Systems
The procedure for retrieving codes on late model Isuzu trucks involves jumping between
the two terminals on the diagnostic link connector. Look for the connector just below the
brake fluid reservoir, in the engine compartment.

To display the codes, run a

jumper wire between the two
terminals, and turn the key
on, engine off.

Connect a jumper between the two terminals on the connector, and turn the key on, engine
off. The computer will begin flashing the Economy light on and off to display the codes.

Reading the Codes; Late Systems

Late model Isuzu trucks display codes using a two digit format: The first series of flashes
indicates the tens digit, and the second series indicates the ones digit. Heres how code
32 would appear:
On Heres how late model Isuzu
trucks display diagnostic
Off trouble code 32.

If there is more than one code in memory, the codes will display in order, from lowest
number to highest. Each code will display three times, then the system goes on to the
next code in memory.
If there are no codes, the computer will flash the Economy light on and off, in a regular,
even pattern.

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Isuzu NPR
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (continued)
Code Definitions; Late Vehicles
Code Definition
11 Vehicle speed sensor transmission circuit open or shorted.
13 Engine RPM signal circuit open or shorted.
15 ATF temperature sensor circuit is open or the computer power source is
17 Inhibitor switch circuit open or shorted
21 Throttle position sensor circuit open or shorted.
24 Vehicle speed sensor speedometer circuit open or shorted.
31 Shift solenoid A circuit open or shorted.
32 Shift solenoid B circuit open or shorted.
33 Overrun clutch solenoid open or shorted.
34 Lockup clutch solenoid open or shorted.
35 Line pressure solenoid open or shorted.

Clearing the Codes #11

Once youve repaired any problems
in the system, you can clear the
codes from memory by disconnect-
ing the #11 fuse for at least 10
seconds. Then replace the fuse.

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Isuzu NPR
Component Locations
Inhibitor Switch

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Isuzu NPR
Component Locations (continued)

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Isuzu NPR
Component Locations (continued)

Idle Switch

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Isuzu NPR
Component Locations (continued)

Throttle Sensor


Pad Center

o ke m
St 1 m


Floor Panel

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Isuzu NPR
Computer Terminal Identification
Early Systems

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Isuzu NPR
Computer Terminal Identification (continued)
Late Systems

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Isuzu NPR
Circuit Testing
Pin Function Operating Conditions Measurement
1 Inhibitor Switch; In Manual 2 Battery Voltage
Manual 2 Input
All Ranges Except Manual 2 Zero Volts
2 Inhibitor Switch; In Manual L Battery Voltage
Manual L Input
All Ranges Except Manual L Zero Volts
3 Brake Switch Brake Pedal Applied Battery Voltage
Brake Pedal Released Zero Volts
4 Idle Switch Accelerator Pedal Applied Less than 1.0 Volt
Accelerator Pedal Released 8 15 Volts
5 Early N/A
Late Diagnostic Link
6 Overdrive Switch Overdrive Switch Off Battery Voltage
Overdrive Switch On Less than 1.0 Volt
7 Kickdown Switch Accelerator Pedal Applied Less than 1.0 Volt
Accelerator Pedal Released 3 8 Volts
8 N/A
9 Economy Switch Switch Set to Normal 3 8 Volts
Switch Set to Economy Less than 1.0 Volt
10 TPS Reference Key On 4.5 5.5 Volts
11 TPS Signal Idle 4.0 4.9 Volts *
Wide-Open Throttle 0.1 1.8 Volts *
12 ATF Temperature Sensor At 50 F (10 C) About 1.8 Volts
At 104 F (40 C) About 1.1 Volts
13 N/A
14 Idle/Full Throttle Ref. Key On 8 15 Volts
15 Sensor Ground Always Less than 0.1 Volts
16 VSS1 (at Transmission) With Output Shaft Rotating Square Wave DC Signal
17 Full Throttle Switch Idle Less than 1 Volt
Accelerator More than Halfway Down 8 15 Volts

* On some models, TPS voltage is low at idle and increases with throttle opening.

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Isuzu NPR
Circuit Testing (continued)
Pin Function Operating Conditions Measurement
18 N/A
19 Inhibitor Switch; In Neutral Battery Voltage
Neutral Input
All Ranges Except Neutral Zero Volts
20 Inhibitor Switch; In Drive Battery Voltage
Drive Input
All Ranges Except Drive Zero Volts
21 Overrun Clutch Solenoid Solenoid On Battery Voltage
Solenoid Off Zero Volts
22 Lockup Solenoid Converter Clutch Applied 8 15 Volts
Converter Clutch Released Less than 1.0 Volt
23 Economy Switch Switch in Normal Position; Key On Battery Voltage
Switch in Economy Position; Key On Less than 1.0 Volt
24 VSS2 (in Speedometer) With Speedometer Cable Rotating Square Wave DC Signal
25 Engine RPM Sensor Engine Off Zero Volts AC
Engine Running Varying Volts AC
26 Inhibitor Switch; In Reverse Battery Voltage
Reverse Input
All Ranges Except Reverse Zero Volts
27 N/A
28 Keep-Alive Power Always Battery Voltage
29 Ignition Key On Battery Voltage
30 Ignition Key On Battery Voltage
31 Ground Always Less than 0.1 Volt
32 Ground Always Less than 0.1 Volt
33 Line Pressure Control Idle 1.5 2.5 Volts
Full Throttle Less than 0.5 Volts
34 Line Press. Control Sol. Idle 5 14 Volts
w/Dropping Resistor
Full Throttle Less than 0.5 Volts
35 Shift Solenoid A Solenoid On Battery Voltage
Solenoid Off Zero Volts
36 Shift Solenoid B Solenoid On Battery Voltage
Solenoid Off Zero Volts

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Mazda F4AEL
12 Slide-Bump
Mazda has a replacement 12 accumulator spring for resolving a 12 slide-bump com-
plaint. The replacement accumulator spring replaces both the large and small original
The Mazda part number for the spring is FU68-21-227C.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare
A 2-3 flare in a G4AEL can be very difficult to diagnose. To add to the frustration, you
have the customer, the center manager, and maybe even the dog pressuring you to fix
it now! Because of the additional pressure, youre often forced to do things that wont
really fix the problem; rather, they simply overcome it or cover up the problem. One of
two things is almost certain:
Itll probably come back fried within 6 months, and
Since you never really found the problem, its very likely that the next five G4AEL
transmissions you rebuild will do the same thing.
There are a number of things that cause problems in the 34 clutch drum. Many of
them can be prevented during the original rebuild.

Step 1: The Drum

Leak check the air bleeds with solvent. If they
leak, try reseating them by tapping them care-
fully with a small punch. If that fails to correct
the leak, throw the drum away or machine it for

a new checkball capsule.

Try to get 3rd clutch clearance between 0.030"0.045".

The shorter the distance the piston has to travel, the
less volume necessary to apply the clutch.

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
Step 2: The Differential
Take the extra 15 minutes to disassemble the differential completely. The output gear
has two Teflon rings that seal the 3rd clutch drum.
The best working ring available for this application is machined Teflon. You can identify
these rings by their absence of molding marks; all you should see are machining marks.
Because these rings are machined, theyre held to a much tighter tolerance.

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
Step 3: The A ccumulators
When you reassemble the differential, pay
close attention to the 23 accumulator. A
good quality Teflon or rubber ring will
work well. The main point is good
Always Scotchbright the
bores when using rubber rings.

One of the most critical parts of the 3rd clutch circuit is the Teflon ring on the input
shaft. It can be difficult to find a ring to fit properly. Sometimes the only alternative is to
custom fit your own. Butt cut a larger ring to fit.

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
Step 4: Air Testing
Air checking the 3rd clutch is critical to avoid a 2-3 flare. If you dont air check the 3rd
clutch properly, you can easily create a problem.
The transmission must be completely assembled with the pump bolted to the case be-
fore you apply any air to the 3rd clutch.
If you try to air check the 3rd clutch before bolting the pump in place, air pressure will
force the input shaft upward. This allows the Teflon ring to come out of its bore and
separate. When the drum comes back down the ring is cut. In some cases you wont
notice the cut ring.

34 Clutch

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
Step 5: The Valve Body
While youre rebuilding the valve body, there are some things that should become part of
your normal rebuild procedure.
Flat sand all surfaces of the valve body with 180220 grit sandpaper. Use a ma-
chined surface or a thick piece of glass; never use a file. Many of the circuits in-
side the small channel cover and directly below it are for 3rd gear pressure, making
this a very critical area for flatness.
Enlarge the 3rd clutch apply orifice to 0.041".

34 Clutch Feed

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
The 12 accumulator is commonly overlooked when dealing with a 23 flare. 3rd clutch
pressure routes between the two O-rings of the 12 accumulator.
During the 23 upshift, the computer turns the 12 shift solenoid off, which exhausts
2nd apply pressure. This computer strategy causes some hard-to-find problems.

A leak at this seal can

cause a 23 flare

One of those hard-to-find problems is a 23 flare. This occurs when the 12 shift sole-
noid hydraulic circuit reacts faster than 23 shift solenoid hydraulic circuit. This re-
leases the band before the 3rd clutch has even begun to apply. This is a difficult problem
to identify when its in the vehicle, and impossible to find if someone yanked out the
transmission before it was diagnosed properly.

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
Step 6: The Last Resort
There is no accurate test for a 23 flare, because the only test that works depends
greatly on your judgement.
With a 0100 PSI gauge on the 3rd gear pressure tap, monitor how the pressure rises
during the very beginning of the flare. If you see about 30 PSI, the problem is usually
internal. But if theres 0 PSI at the beginning of the flare, its because the 12 shift valve
downshifted quicker than the 23 shift valve.
Theres another way you can identify whether a 23 flare is due to a shift valve timing
problem or an internal leak: If the 23 flare is caused by an internal leak, it will usually
get worse as the transmission gets hot. A 23 flare caused by shift valve timing problems
tend to get less noticeable when hot, because the shift solenoids receive more volume as
the oil thins out.

3rd Clutch

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Mazda G4AEL
23 Flare (continued)
While the 23 shift solenoid can cause a 23 flare, its highly unlikely. Dont waste your
time and money on a set of new shift solenoids; its very rare to find a bad solenoid. To
correct a shift valve timing problem, you can enlarge the 23 solenoid feed hole to
0.041". This will lessen the time the 23 shift valve takes to move after the solenoid

23 Solenoid
Feed Orifice
C A U T IO N Never modify this plate unless youre faced specifically with a 23 flare. If you
perform this modification on a unit thats working properly, it could cause a
23 bind.

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Mazda G4AEL
Double Engagement into Reverse
A double engagement into reverse on a G4AEL occurs when the reverse clutches apply
before the low/reverse clutches.
Because the reverse clutch assembly uses a belliville spring to release the apply piston,
clutch clearance should be 0.015"0.020" for a two-friction clutch assembly, and
0.020"0.025" for three-friction clutch assembly. The tight clearances are to make sure
the belliville spring doesnt overtravel.

Because reverse clutch clearances are so tight, the low/reverse clutch pack must also main-
tain a tight clearance. Total clearance on the low/reverse clutch should be 0.030"0.040".

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems
The G4AEL computer never reads actual vehicle speed during normal operation (no
codes in memory). Thats because the computer only uses the signal from the output
speed sensor if the input speed sensor fails. Instead, the computer calculates vehicle
speed from the input RPM, based on the gear command.
This works just fine as long as the transmission is working properly. But when internal
problems occur, such as forward clutch slip or sticking shift valves, to name a few, the
computer can no longer calculate vehicle speed accurately. Whats more, the computer
doesnt look for ratio errors. Because of this, many symptoms that may seem to be
caused by a computer-commanded electrical problem are actually misdiagnosed or
overlooked internal problems.
Problems such as 2nd gear starts, 34 shift hunting, shifts 4231, or shifts 134 can
be very difficult to diagnose without looking at the signals the computer receives. This
chart shows the vehicle speed, based on input RPM and gear range. This will allow you
to see what the computer sees. The difference is that you, unlike the computer, are
smart enough to recognize a problem when you see it. Well refer to this chart when
discussing these types of symptoms.

Vehicle Speed (MPH)

Pulse Generator
Input Shaft RPM Frequency (Hz ) 1 Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear 4th Gear
50 10 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.3
100 20 0.7 1.2 1.9 2.6
200 40 1.3 2.4 3.7 5.3
300 60 2.0 3.6 5.5 7.9
400 80 2.6 4.8 7.4 11.0
500 100 3.3 6.0 9.2 13.0
1000 200 6.6 12.0 19.0 26.0
2000 400 13.0 24.0 37.0 53.0
3000 600 20.0 36.0 55.0 79.0
4000 800 26.0 48.0 74.0 106.0
5000 1000 33.0 60.0 92.0 132.0
6000 1200 39.0 72.0 111.0 159.0

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
Computer-Commanded 2nd Gear Starts;
Forward Clutch Slip
Common Cause
A computer-commanded 2nd gear start is usually caused by forward clutch slip. If the
forward clutch slips while the vehicle is stopped, the computer will assume the vehicle is
moving. Remember, the computer calculates vehicle speed from input RPM and gear
range: If the forward clutch slips enough, the computer will command second gear.

Quick Verification
Disconnect the input speed sensor (pulse generator) located on top of the case. This will
create a code 55, forcing the computer to use the output speed sensor. If the computer
now commands 1st gear starts, the problem is a slipping forward clutch.

Pulse Generator

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
Computer-Commanded 2nd Gear Starts;
Forward Clutch Slip (continued)
The Fix
1) Use good quality, machined teflon rings
2) Check for cracks in the forward piston

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
Computer-Commanded 2nd Gear Starts;
Forward Clutch Slip (continued)
3) Set clutch clearance to 0.030"0.040"
4) Install a rubber sealing ring from an AXOD over-
drive servo cover in place of the lower teflon
sealing ring

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
34 Shift Hunt
Common Cause
Even though this condition appears to be commanded by the computer, the problem is
usually caused by a very small piece of dirt stuck in the 34 shift solenoid feed circuit.

Quick Verification
Monitor the 12 shift solenoid signal. If the 12 shift solenoid is the only one being com-
manded to cycle on and off, the problem is in the 34 shift solenoid feed circuit.

The Fix
Because the problem is usually caused by a very small piece of dirt stuck in the 34
shift solenoid feed circuit, disassemble the valve body and inspect the 34 shift solenoid
feed orifice. If the hole isnt plugged, try enlarging it to 0.041". This should overcome any
small leaks caused by normal wear.

34 Shift Solenoid
Feed Orifice

Other Possible Causes

Other possible but unlikely causes could be a bad 34 shift solenoid or a cracked end
plug for the 34 shift valve.

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
Shifts 4231
Common Cause
A 4231 upshift is usually caused by the 12 and the 23 shift solenoids wiring being
crossed. The picture shows the proper placement for the two shift solenoids.

23 Solenoid
(Blue Wire)

Quick Verification
Use the shift solenoid pattern command chart with the ratio chart to see which patterns
give you the proper gear ratios. If you use your imagination while looking over your
results youll be able to verify whether you have the wires crossed to the 12 and 23
shift solenoids.

The Fix
If the valve body cover is off, switch the wiring for the 12 and 23 shift solenoids to
their proper positions (green wire on top, blue wire in the center).
If the side cover is still bolted to the case and youre in a hurry, simply cut the 12 and
the 23 solenoid wires and cross them.

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
Shifts 134
Common Cause
If the computer is commanding 1234 but the transmission is shifting 134, it can
only be caused by a leak at the large diameter seal on the 12 accumulator. Since 3rd
clutch apply pressure feeds between the two sealing rings on the 12 accumulator, servo
apply pressure can only leak past the large diameter ring if 3rd gear apply pressure isnt
there to stop the leak. Once in 3rd gear, servo apply pressure doesnt leak.

Quick Verification
Verify the computer is commanding 2nd gear and that 4th gear is good. If so, the problem
is a cut 12 accumulator seal.

The Fix
1) Inspect the bore for wear
2) Scotchbrite the bore

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
Shifts 134 (continued)
3) Install a good quality rubber O-ring

C A U T IO N When using rubber O-rings, make sure the O-ring

doesnt get cut by the square feed passage during

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Mazda G4AEL
Misdiagnosed Problems (continued)
42 and 43 Flare
Common Cause
Although a 42 flare is much more common, 42, 43 and 32 flares can all be caused
by a worn forward sprag.

Quick Verification
To verify whether the sprag is at fault, disconnect the 34 shift solenoid electrical con-
nector. When the 34 solenoid is off, the coast clutch stays applied in 1st, 2nd and 3rd
gears, which helps support the forward sprag. Although this wont allow 4th gear, drive
the vehicle making several 32 kickdowns. If the flare has improved, the sprag is bad.
N O T IC E While inspecting the forward sprag assembly, keep in mind a little wear goes
a long way. Be extremely picky.

Flat Spots Arent Acceptable

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Mazda G4AEL
Codes, Common Causes and Computer Strategies
Almost every trouble code in every vehicle causes the system to switch to an alternate
operating strategy of one form or another. Many of these can be used to your advantage,
as long as you can recognize them. Heres a list of common strategies and fixes for the
most common transmission-related codes.

Code 06
Definition: VSS (output speed sensor)
Sensor Location: Either on the differential, driven directly from the speedometer gears,
or inside the speedometer in the dash.
How the Code Sets: The computer must see all of these conditions to set a code 06.
1) Receive a Manual D, S, or L signal from the inhibitor switch.
2) Receive a signal from the input speed sensor (pulse generator).
3) Receive no signal from the output speed sensor.
Common Causes: Melted speedometer gears, bad wiring, blown dash fuse (in some
Causes of False Codes:
1) An inhibitor switch that signals Manual D, S or L while the transmission is actually
in neutral or park. Forward clutch slip can easily set this code.
2) When retrieving codes, 6 short flashes represent a code 06 while 6 slightly longer
flashes represent a code 60. Most code 06 problems are actually a misread code 60.
(This is when knowing computer code strategies can really help you).
Computer Strategy: When a code 06 sets, the only action the computer takes is to flash
the Hold or Manual light.

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Mazda G4AEL
Codes (continued)
Code 12
Definition: TPS (Throttle Position Sensor)
Sensor Location: Mounted on the side of the throttle body.
How the Code Sets: The computer must see one of these conditions to set a code 12.
1) Less than about 0.02 volts
2) More than about 4.8 volts
Common Causes: Bad TPS, no 5.0V reference signal from the computer to the TPS, bad
ground wire, and bad connections.
Causes of False Codes: None
Computer Strategy: Very late upshifts.

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Mazda G4AEL
Codes (continued)
Code 55
Definition: Pulse generator (input speed sensor)
Sensor Location: On top of the case, directly in line with the forward drum.
How the Code Sets: The computer must see both of these conditions to set a code 55.
1) Signal from the output sensor.
2) No signal from the pulse generator; the minimum AC threshold voltage for the input
speed sensor is about 0.5 volts AC.
Common Causes: Bad pulse generator, poor connections.
Causes of False Codes: Other than coasting downhill with key on, engine off, there are
no false codes possible.

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Mazda G4AEL
Codes (continued)
Code 60, 61, 62 and 63
Code 60: 12 shift solenoid open or shorted circuit.
Code 61: 23 shift solenoid open or shorted circuit.
Code 62: 34 shift solenoid open or shorted circuit.
Code 63: Lockup solenoid open or shorted circuit.
Solenoid Location: On the valve body.
How the Code Sets: The computer must see one of these conditions to set a code 60,
61, 62 or 63:
1) Less than 0.20 amps through the solenoid circuit.
2) More than 1.5 amps through the solenoid circuit.
Common Causes: Pinched wires inside the transmission, bad section in harness wiring
(especially in the area around the battery box), bad connection at the solenoids or at
the computer.
Causes of False Codes: None
Computer Strategy: The computer simply stops using the solenoid that set the code.
Solenoids without codes are used normally. This presents some very odd shift com-
plaints as shown below.
Code 60: 1st and 3rd gear only.
Code 61: Shifts 3434.
Code 62: No 4th gear, 23 flare in some cases.
Code 63: No lockup.
The Fix: Only a few things cause shift solenoid codes.
1) Bad solenoid very uncommon.
2) Bad computer very uncommon.
3) Bad wiring or connections almost every time.
The easy fix: run four brand new wires from the computer connector all the way to
the shift solenoid connector.

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Mazda G4AEL
Rebuild Procedures, Technical Tips and Review
The Transmission
1) Stay as far away from internal parts interchange as you can.
2) Always use good quality machined Teflon rings.
3) If you custom cut rings to reduce leaks, use a butt cut instead of a scarf cut.

The Valve Body

1) Remove all valves.
2) Flat sand each casting.
3) Thoroughly clean all components before reassembly.
4) Enlarge the TV balance to 0.055".
5) Enlarge the TV feed orifice to 0.075".
6) Enlarge the 34 clutch apply orifice to 0.041".
7) Scotchbrite the accumulator bores and install rubber rings.
8) Be careful assembling the accumulators; make sure the square feed passages dont
cut the rubber rings.
9) Leave out the checkballs under the thin cover on all applications.
10) Check the TV cam for wear. If its worn, dont worry; a new one is available from
Mazda P/N FU01-21-369A.
11) With the exception of the accumulator retaining plates, leave all of the valve body
gaskets out. Tests have shown that leaving these gaskets out allows the valve body
to maintain its torque, and the valve body wont warp as easily at high tempera-
12) Torque the valve body bolts to 7080 inch-pounds.

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Mazda G4AEL
Kill the Hold Mode
When selected, the Hold Mode tells the computer to provide 2nd gear starts and shift into
3rd at a very low speed. In this mode you will also have no kickdown and, if driven long
enough, the transmission will likely die. The only usable function is to cancel overdrive.
Unfortunately many customers like to use this feature, not realizing what theyre doing
to the transmission.
During some extensive research, we wanted to see what strategies the fluid temperature
switch would cause. It took 2 hours of driving to realize what this switch would do when
shorted. It turned the wicked Hold Mode into a sweet OD cancel switch. Whether or not
its a secret input created by Mazda engineers (because they hate the Hold Mode too)
who cares? Weve tested it on enough models to feel confident that its not a fluke.
If you want to turn the Hold Mode into an OD cancel switch, disconnect the fluid tem-
perature switch and short the two wires from the harness connector together.



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Mazda R4AEL; Nissan RE4R01A

Replacement Solenoid Connectors
Its not uncommon for the solenoid connectors on these units to get brittle and break.
Mazda offers replacement connectors to address this. The Mazda part numbers for these
connectors are:
BV36-19-010 ................ Brown Connector
BV36-19-01X ............... Gray Connector

Connector A

Connector C

Connector B

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Mazda R4AEL
New Design Output Speed Sensor
The original design output speed sensor had a molded resin body that would crack over
time. This problem usually sets a code 6. The new design sensor has a steel body, and is
much more durable. The Mazda part number for the new sensor is:
BV72-21-5H2 (2WD)
BV74-21-5H2 (4WD)

Old New
(Resin Molded Cover) (Stainless Steel

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Mazda R4AEL; Nissan RE4R01A, 3A

No Turbine Sensor Signal
Some Mazda R4AELs and Nissan RE4R01As and 3As use a turbine shaft sensor. This
sensor accesses the turbine shaft through a hole in the stator support.
The turbine shaft used on these models have splines machined into the shaft, which
allows the sensor to measure its RPM. If you need to replace the turbine shaft make
sure the replacement shaft has the machined splines. The splines are not very large,
and are easy to miss.
Using a non-machined turbine shaft in an application that uses the sensor will set a no
turbine shaft signal code.

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Mazda R4AEL; Nissan RE4R01A, 3A

No Converter Charge
Some Mazda R4AELs and Nissan RE4R01As and 3As use a turbine shaft sensor. This
sensor accesses the turbine shaft through a hole in the stator support. Using a stator
support with an access hole on models that dont use the sensor will prevent the con-
verter from developing the necessary converter charge.

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Mercedes 722.3 and 4

23 Flare
During the 23 shift, the B1 band releases while the
K1 clutch engages. If working (mainline) and modu-
lator pressures are normal, and the band adjustment
is correct (0.3 mm) you can fix a 23 flare by removing
one of the B1 release springs. Both springs are similar in
tension, so it doesnt matter which one you remove.

An effective measure against 23 flare

problems is to use the self-adjusting
servo. The part number for the self-
adjusting B1 servo is 124 270 12 32.
If you upgrade to the self-adjusting
servo you must also use the later-
model servo guide. The part number
for the later-style guide is 140 277 08 40.

Servo and
Early Style Servo Guide
and Guide

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Mercedes 722.403 and 414

Harsh 12, 23 or 34 Shifts
Mercedes has released new accumulator assemblies for the 722.403 (190D 2.2L) and
414 (190D 2.5L) units to combat harsh shift complaints. You can resolve these com-
plaints by using these parts:
Harsh 12 Shift ........................... 124 270 00 35
Harsh 23 Shift ........................... 126 270 03 35
Harsh 34 Shift (722.403) ............ 126 270 04 35
Harsh 34 Shift (722.414) ............ 126 270 05 35

K2 Accumulator
(34 Shift)

K1 Accumulator
(23 Shift)

B1 Accumulator
(12 Shift)

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Mercedes 722.3 and 4

Oversized B2 Servo Seal
Transmissions remanufactured by Mercedes may have an oversized B2 servo bore.
Mercedes addresses worn B2 servo bores by machining them larger. If you get one of
these units, youll need to use the oversized sealing ring. Machined cases will have ID
numbers (89 for 722.3, and 76 for 722.4) stamped in the bottom of the servo bore.
The Mercedes part numbers for the oversized rings are:
140 277 01 55 (722.3)
202 277 00 55 (722.4)

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Mercedes 722.3, 4 and 5

Self-Adjusting B1 Servo
Starting in 1991, Mercedes used a self-adjusting B1 servo. You may use this servo in
any 722.3 5 transmission. But if the unit youre working on already has a self-adjust-
ing servo, you may run into problems reusing the servo. Resetting the self-adjusting
servo isnt so easy.

Servo Disassembly
Fully extend the servo: The best way is to put the servo in the case without the
servo guide and spring and blast the servo with air. This will move the servo to
the fully-applied position, and allow you to release the cover. You dont need to
secure the servo with the snap ring to extend the servo; the servo extends just fine
without the snap ring.

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Mercedes 722.3, 4 and 5

Self-Adjusting B1 Servo (continued)
Servo Disassembly (continued)
Once the servo extends, remove the assembly from the case. Now you should be
able to separate the cover and pin from the servo.

Use narrow snap ring pliers to open the pin-lock mechanism in the servo cover.

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Mercedes 722.3, 4 and 5

Self-Adjusting B1 Servo (continued)
Servo Disassembly (continued)
Remove the snap ring that secures the diaphragm spring.

Servo Reassembly
Drop the servo pin into the servo, with the rounded end facing up.

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Mercedes 722.3, 4 and 5

Self-Adjusting B1 Servo (continued)
Servo Reassembly (continued)
Place the diaphragm spring over the pin.

Use a " deep well socket to push the diaphragm spring onto the pin, and down
to the seat.

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Mercedes 722.3, 4 and 5

Self-Adjusting B1 Servo (continued)
Servo Reassembly (continued)
Install the snap ring into the servo, securing the diaphragm spring.

Snap the cover onto the pin.

Assemble the servo and cover assembly into the case.

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Mercedes 722.3 and 4

Slips on 43 or 32 Kickdown
Mercedes uses a complex system for reapplying the B2 band for a 43 kickdown, and
the B1 band for a 32 kickdown. An often-overlooked aspect of this system is the reac-
tion valves in the case.
The reaction valves control servo apply. If the reaction valves leak, the bands wont apply
Testing the reaction valves is easy:
Remove the valves from the case.

B1 Reaction B2 Reaction
Valve Valve

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Mercedes 722.3 and 4

Slips on 43 or 32 Kickdown (continued)
Remove the pin retainer.

Blow compressed air into the feed holes; air should blow out the exhaust port.
Compress each reaction valve in a vise. Never overtighten the vise; is doesnt re-
quire a lot of force to close the valves.

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Mercedes 722.3 and 4

Slips on 43 or 32 Kickdown (continued)
With the reaction valve compressed, blow compressed air into the feed hole.

Air shouldnt leak out of the exhaust port. If the reaction valve leaks, replace it.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


F4A2, 3, W4A3, F4A4 and 5
No 3rd or 4th Gear; Late Shifts
Starting in 1991, Mitsubishi incorporated several temperature-related modified shift
strategies. Depending on the model and ATF temperature, the modified strategies range
from late shifts, to no 3rd and 4th gear, or simply no 4th gear.
If you experience any of these conditions, check the temperature sensor reading with a scan
tool and see if its accurate, and if it falls within the specifications detailed in this text.
D IA G N O S T IC T IP The temperature sensor reading should be at room temperature first thing in
the morning, after the car has sat for several hours.

Affected Vehicles
Models equipped with F4A automatic transaxle:
1991-98 3000GT
1992-98 Diamante
1994-98 Galant
1995-98 Eclipse
1992-96 Expo and Expo LRV
1993-98 Mirage
The following chart shows which models have which strategy. Also notice that some
models have whats called fuzzy logic and Invecs II. These are self-tailoring strategies
that vary shift timing based on the drivers driving habits.

Shift Mode at:

Vehicle Engine Normal Temperature High Temperature Low Temperature
199198 3000GT 3.0L Power/ECONO High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
199296 Diamante 3.0L Power/ECONO High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
199798 Diamante 3.5L INVECS-II High Temp Mode II Low Temp Mode II
199598 Eclipse 2.0L Turbo Fuzzy Logic High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
1998 Eclipse 2.4L SOHC Fuzzy Logic High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
199698 Eclipse Spyder 2.0L Turbo Fuzzy Logic High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
199697Eclipse Spyder 2.4L SOHC Fuzzy Logic High Temp Mode I Low Temp Mode I
199296 Expo/Expo LRV 1.8L, 2.4L Standard High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
199498 Galant 2.4L Fuzzy Logic High Temp Mode I Low Temp Modes I & II
199396 Mirage 1.8L Standard High Temp Mode II Low Temp Modes I & II
199798 Mirage 1.8L, 1.5L INVECS-II Not Applicable Not Applicable

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, W4A3, F4A4 and 5

No 3rd or 4th Gear; Late Shifts (continued)
The POWER or ECONO light on the instrument panel will come on when using these
shift modes. ECONO (meaning ECONOmy) is used for most driving situations and pro-
vides the best fuel mileage. Pressing the A/T MODE button on the shift indicator puts
the transaxle in POWER mode. When in the POWER mode, the transaxle generally stays
in lower gears longer before upshifting, and also downshifts more quickly during decel-

Fuzzy Logic Mode

On F4A transaxles that use fuzzy logic, the transmission control module (TCM) modifies
shift timing for smooth shifting when traveling up and down hills. Artificial intelligence
is built into the TCM to automatically simulate the natural shift patterns that a driver
would use with a manual transmission. The TCM analyzes inputs from the brake switch
sensor, throttle position sensor, and vehicle speed sensor. In addition to the normal A/T
shift pattern, fuzzy shift controls have multiple shift patterns to suit five different
driving conditions:
1. level roads (same as standard A/T mode)
2. uphill at low speeds
3. uphill at high speeds
4. downhill in 3rd gear
5. downhill in 2nd gear
When driving uphill in fuzzy logic shift mode, the transaxle will stay in a lower gear
range to maintain power instead of hunting between gears. The TCM takes frequent
samples of vehicle speed and throttle opening. It compares each sample with a previous
sample to know when to prevent upshifts that would detract from climbing performance.
When driving downhill, the TCM downshifts to provide engine braking without the driver
repeatedly pressing the brake pedal. This automatic downshifting is sometimes experi-
enced even when driving on short, gradual slopes or flat roads.
The transaxle wont enter fuzzy logic shift mode if the selector lever is not in D or if the
ATF reaches temperatures specified for High Temperature Mode or Low Temperature
Mode. Also, the fuzzy logic mode isnt used if the TCM judges the throttle position sensor
to be operating improperly, or if the transaxle enters the failsafe mode.

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, W4A3, F4A4 and 5

No 3rd or 4th Gear; Late Shifts (continued)
INVECS-II (Intelligent Vehicle Control System II) Mode
Used only on 1997 and later Mirage and Diamante models, INVECS-II shift control oper-
ates similar to fuzzy logic. It has an added feature of learning the drivers shift pattern
Shift control patterns are modified to favor the drivers style of driving. For drivers who
prefer a vigorous style of driving, the transaxle stays in a lower gear until the engine
speed becomes relatively high, to provide a sporty feel. For drivers who prefer a more
leisurely driving style, upshifting occurs at lower engine speeds. For drivers who fre-
quently press the brake pedal when driving downhill, the transaxle downshifts earlier
than normal.
If the battery is disconnected, INVECS-II must relearn the drivers shift pattern preference.
For diagnosis, INVECS-II can be disabled with a scan tool, provided the scan tool has
the proper software.

1 0 0 %
1 2 2 3 3 4
T h r o ttle O p e n in g A n g le

5 0 %

N o r m a l U p s h ift
In v e c s -II/
F u s s y L o g ic
0 %
1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
O u tp u t S h a ft S p e e d (R P M )

This upshift pattern chart demonstrates shifting differences with fuzzy logic and
INVECS-II. The heavy lines indicate normal A/T up shift patterns. The shaded areas
indicate the range of speeds at which fuzzy logic and INVECS-II controls shifting.

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, W4A3, F4A4 and 5

No 3rd or 4th Gear; Late Shifts (continued)
High Temperature Mode I
To avoid ATF overheating, the transaxle enters this shift mode when the ATF tempera-
ture reaches above 125 C (257 F) at vehicle speeds below 70 KPH (44 MPH). Under
these conditions, the transaxle will shift between 1st and 2nd gears only, not into 3rd gear.
When the ATF temperature decreases to 110 C (230 F) or below, the transaxle returns
to normal shift mode.
N O T IC E On Eclipse models, the ATF temperature for entering High Temperature Mode
I is 115 C (239 F). The transaxle returns to normal shift mode when the
ATF temperature is 105 C (221 F) or below.

High Temperature Mode II

To avoid ATF overheating, the transaxle enters this shift mode when the ATF tempera-
ture reaches above 125 C (257 F) at vehicle speeds below 65 KPH (40 MPH). Under
these conditions, the transaxle will only shift between 2nd and 3rd; not into 4th gear.
When the ATF temperature decreases to 110 C (230 F) or below, the transmission
returns to normal shift mode.

Low Temperature Mode I

When the ATF temperature reaches 20 C (68 F) and below, upshifts are delayed to
compensate for the reduced power that normally accompanies lower operating tempera-
tures. The transmission returns to normal shift mode when the ATF temperature
reaches above 20 C (68 F).

Low Temperature Mode II

When the ATF or engine coolant is cold, upshifts between 2nd and 3rd and between 3rd
and 4th are delayed to help the catalytic converter warm up more quickly. This condition
lasts only one or two minutes after engine startup.

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Harsh 12 Shift
A harsh 12 shift is often caused by a shorted servo switch. One of the more common
reasons for this is having the wrong E-clip on the servo pin. The proper clip is very nar-
row. Using a standard clip for a shaft the size of the servo pin will short the switch. The
computer uses the servo switch to initiate the shift-feel strategy of the pressure control
The E-clip isnt available separately; if yours is missing, youll have to purchase a new

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Mitsubishi KM Series
No Forward, or Falls out of Forward
A KM-series unit with no forward ranges, or falls out of forward, can be caused by a
stuck N-D control valve, or an N-D control valve sleeve that is installed backward. There
are other problems that can cause this condition, such as a bad sprag or rear clutch
leaks. Heres a simple test to help find the problem:
1. See if the trans goes in gear in manual low. If it still doesnt move forward, suspect a
rear clutch leak, such as sealing rings or a missing checkball in the pump body.
2. If the vehicle moves, shift to manual second.
If the trans shifts to second, suspect a bad sprag.
If the trans binds up, the sprag is in backward.
If the trans shifts to second and then quickly falls out of gear, the N-D control
valve is either stuck or the sleeve is installed backward.

N-D Control Sleeve

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Planet Failure
There are three main factors involved in planet failures on these units:
1. A stuck damper clutch control valve: Overtightening the valve body or filter can cause
the damper clutch control valve to stick. Make sure you dont overtighten the valve
body and filter bolts. The torque specs for these bolts are:
Valve Body Bolts .......... 36 48 in-lbs
Filter Bolts ................... 48 60 in-lbs

Damper Clutch
Control Valve

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Planet Failure (continued)
2. A clogged turbine shaft: Make sure you blow out the turbine shaft if you suspect a
torque converter failure or have an existing planet failure problem. You can remove
the plug at the end clutch end of the shaft to make it easier to blow out the shaft.
Replacement plugs are available at the dealer.
MF665531 10 mm (0.400") 19891992
MD712132 8 mm (0.320") 19921998

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Planet Failure (continued)
3. A clogged radiator: If the planet fails on one of these units, consider replacing the
radiator. These radiators have a habit of clogging with converter clutch material.
Unfortunately, a cooler flow test wont always reveal a clogged filter. All too often, the
cooler will flow fine for awhile, and then later restrict cooler flow.
If you must replace the planets, make sure they are the exact same version as those that
came out of the unit. You can have all sorts of slipping and ratio-error codes as a result
of using the wrong planets.
These charts and illustrations show the details of the different planetaries.

Planetary Gear Ratios

Gear Wide Ratio Close Ratio
1 st 2.846 2.551
2 1.581 1.488
3rd 1.000 1.000
4th 0.685 0.685
Reverse 2.176 2.176

The information on these pages was provided courtesy of Bob Nuttall of Nuttman, Inc.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Planet Failure (continued)

Planetary Carrier
Overall Journal Spline Spline
Trans Type Ratio Height OD Height Tin Plate Bolts Diameter
KM175-1 Wide 3.299" 1.180" 0.910" Flat Raised 4.893"
KM176-5 Wide 3.350" 1.295" 0.850" Stepped Raised 5.185"
KM177-0 Close 3.350" 1.295" 1.150" * Flat Recessed 5.185"
F 4A 21 Wide 3.360" 1.295" 0.850" Stepped Raised 5.185"
KM175-5, F4A22, Wide 3.433" 1.295" 0.952" Stepped Raised 5.185"
F4A32, W4A32
KM177-8, F4A23, Close 3.433" 1.295" 1.135" * Stepped Recessed 5.185"
F4A33 & W4A33 Close 3.629" 1.295" 1.150" ** Flat Rivited 5.456"
* Step cut in around the top instead of a chamfer. ** Elongated chamfer cut around the top.

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Planet Failure (continued)
Forward Sun Gear

Reverse Sun Gear

Forw ard Sun Gear

Overall Journal Tooth ID
Trans Type Ratio Height OD C ount Groove
KM175-1 Wide 3.192" 1.020" 26 None
KM176-5 Wide 3.015" 1.096" 26 None
KM177-0 Close 3.200" 1.096" 29 1
F 4A 21 Wide 3.015" 1.096" 26 None
KM175-5 & F4A22 Wide 3.200" 1.096" 26 None
KM177-8, F4A23, W4A32 Close 3.195" 1.096" 29 1
F4A32 & W4A32 Wide 3.195" 1.096" 26 1
F4A33 & W4A33 Close 3.440" 1.096" 29 None

Reverse Sun Gear

KM175-1 Wide 2.287" 1.570" 34 None
KM176-5 Wide 2.270" 1.545" 34 None
KM177-0 Close 2.267" 1.545" 34 1
F 4A 21 Wide 2.270" 1.545" 34 None
KM175-5 & F4A22 Wide 2.267" 1.545" 34 2
KM177-8, F4A23, W4A32 Close34 2.267" 1.545" 34 1

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Repeat Pump Bushing Failure
There are several possible causes for repeat pump bushing failure. Some of the things
you should check are:
1. Proper case ground. The best way to check for a proper ground is to measure the
case for voltage.
Start the engine and turn a bunch of accessories on.
Connect the negative lead of your voltmeter to the negative battery post.
Connect the positive lead of your voltmeter to the transmission case.
If you have more than 0.01 volts at the case, add a ground strap.
You may also have a poor connection at the negative post of the battery. Make sure
the connection is clean and tight.
2. A missing torque converter pilot bushing: The crankshaft has a bushing that works
as a pilot for the torque converter. Its not uncommon for this bushing to seize to the
converter pilot; when you remove the trans, the pilot comes out with the torque con-
verter. Then, when you install the replacement converter, the crankshaft has no pilot
bushing, so the converter mounts off-center. Always make sure the converter you
send out for rebuild doesnt have a pilot bushing stuck to it. And more importantly,
make sure the bushing is in the crankshaft when you install the transmission.

Mitsubishi has a
number of different
pilots available

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Mitsubishi F4A2, 3, and W4A3

Repeat Pump Bushing Failure (continued)
3. If all else fails, you can remove the O-ring from the inner pump gear. This will allow
for more pump bushing lubrication.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Nissan RE4F04A
No 3rd or 4th Gear
A complaint of no 3rd or 4th gear is often caused by a worn outer piston seal in the high
clutch drum. This can occur just weeks after rebuilding the unit. The problem could be
caused by the type of seal you use, or the inside surface of the drum may be too rough
for the seal. Nissan has a replacement drum with a smoother seal surface. The Nissan
part number for the drum is 31412-80X07.

Check these areas

for roughness

If you still have this problem after replacing the drum, consider using factory seals. The
part number for the seals are:
Inner Seal ........... 31527-80X01
Outer Seal ........... 31527-80X02

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Nissan RE4F04A
Reverse Drum Snap Ring Pops Out
The reverse drum snap ring can pop out of its groove, causing the unit to lose reverse.
Nissan has a replacement drum with a design change to address this problem. When
you replace the drum, replace the snap ring, too. The replacement drum uses two
dished cushion plates.
The Nissan part numbers are:
Drum .................................... 31511-80X03
Snap Ring ............................. 31506-80X12
Dished Cushion Plate ............ 31535-80X07

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Subaru 4EAT
Kills the Engine in Gear
A misassembled lockup control valve will apply the converter clutch in every gear. This
will kill the engine when you put the transmission in gear.
Some service manuals show the lockup valve arrangement incorrectly. Make sure you
assemble the lockup valve with the spring installed into the valve body first, then the

Lockup Control Valve

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Subaru 4-Speed AWD

Chatters/Binds on Slow, Sharp Turns
A problem in the transfer clutch on these units can cause the
vehicle to chatter or buck while turning a corner slowly while
The computer inputs that can affect
transfer clutch operation are:
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
Throttle Position Sensor
Inhibitor Switch
Manual Switch
The transfer clutch is controlled by
duty solenoid C. When the solenoid
receives a 95% duty cycle signal, the
transfer clutch is fully released; at
25% the transfer clutch is fully ap-
plied. During failsafe or power loss to Solenoid C
the system, the solenoid will put the
Valve Body
unit into full time all-wheel drive.
Heres how to check the transfer clutch system
on these vehicles:
Step 1: Check for diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). The procedure for checking trouble
codes varies from year to year, and model to model. Always check your shop
manual for the proper procedure for the vehicle youre working on.
Step 2: Disable the transfer clutch.
Insert a 15-amp, blade-type
FWD Connector
fuse in the FWD switch, as
shown in the graphic.


2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Subaru 4-Speed AWD

Chatters/Binds on Slow, Sharp Turns (cont)
Now check the vehicle: If the chatter is gone, you know theres a problem in the AWD
control system (electrical or hydraulic). If the problem is still there with the fuse in
place, the problem is probably internal; the transfer clutch is probably seized.
Heres how to check the system operation:
Connect a pressure gauge to the transfer clutch tap.

Transfer Clutch

Connect the positive lead of your digital voltmeter to transmis-

sion harness terminal 11. " ! 
& % $ #
 $  #  "  !

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Subaru 4-Speed AWD

Chatters/Binds on Slow, Sharp Turns (cont)
Connect the negative lead of your digital meter to a good ground.
Set your meter to DC Volts.
Duty Solenoid C
(in Transmission)

c3 GR
GR 11

GL GL 6 GL 3
Switch Fuse

Check 1: Engine idling and the fuse inserted in the FWD switch.
You should see 814 volts at duty solenoid C, and have zero PSI to the trans-
fer clutch circuit.
Check 2: Engine idling and the fuse removed from the FWD switch.
Transfer clutch voltage and pressure should vary with throttle opening: Pres-
sure should be low at idle, and increase as you open the throttle. Duty sole-
noid C voltage should be high at idle, and drop as the throttle opens. Com-
pare your readings to the chart.

AWD Mode FWD Mode

Selector Range Idle (600 800 RPM) Stall Stall
Reverse 7 11 PSI 104 114 PSI 0 PSI
Drive 7 11 PSI 104 114 PSI 0 PSI
Accelerator Released WOT WOT

If the voltage doesnt respond properly to throttle opening, check the circuit be-
tween the solenoid and the computer.
If the voltage responds properly to throttle opening but pressure doesnt, look for a
bad solenoid or a sticking transfer clutch valve.
If the voltage and pressure respond properly to throttle opening, look for a dam-
aged transfer clutch assembly; the transfer clutches are probably seized.
D IA G N O S T IC T IP A condition that feels somewhat similar can be caused by a variation in tire
size, such as one new tire with three old ones. Always check the tire sizes
and condition before beginning a major repair to correct a chatter in turns.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Computer Reprogramming
Bulletin Listings Contents
GM Bulletin Listings ................................................................ 254
Ford Bulletin Listings .............................................................. 255
Chrysler Bulletin Listings ........................................................ 256
Mitsubishi Bulletin Listings ..................................................... 257

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


GM Bulletin Listings
Year Model Complaint Fix TS B #
1994-96 Trucks C, K, P and Failsafe after Cold Start; Intermittent Replace the EPROM 9674L80E-01A
G; Oshkosh; Spartan DTC 87

1996-97 Trucks C, K and G Surge or Chuggle on TCC Apply; No Reprogram Computer 9774L60E-13A

1996-97 P Trucks Won't Downshift to 1st Manually over 25 Reprogram Computer 9774L80E-02
MPH; Won't Downshift to 2nd Manually
over 40 MPH; Upshifts to 2nd at 30
MPH with Selector in Manual 1;
Upshifts to 3rd at 40 MPH with Selector
in Manual 1 or 2
1997 Camaro; Firebird TCC Slips or Sets DTC P1870 Reprogram Computer 9774L60E-19

1998 Buick Lesabre, Park Shudder after Slowing, and then Reprogram Computer 99-07-30-007
Avenue; Olds 88; Reapplying more than 50% Throttle
Pontiac Bonneville
1998 Olds Intrigue Buzz on Deceleration during Coast Reprogram Computer 99-07-30-008
Downshift, at 1721 MPH

1999 Trucks C, K Harsh 12 Upshift at Light to Medium Reprogram Computer 99-07-30-009

Throttle or on 32 Forced Downshift

1999 Trucks C, K Vibration or Growl in Driveline; TCC Reprogram Computer 99-07-30-010A

Engages Too Early

1999 Trucks C, K Harsh 12 caused by Insufficient Line Reprogram Computer 99-07-30-002


199697 Saturn Bump or Ratcheting Sound in 1st Gear Reprogram Computer 97-T-05
under Light Throttle

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Ford Bulletin Listings

Year Model Complaint Fix TS B #
rd th
1992-97 Crown Victoria; Shudder or Vibration in 3 or 4 at Light to Additional Cooler; 98-4-10
Grand Marquis; Town Moderate Acceleration, Over 35 MPH Reprogram Computer
C ar
1995 Explorer DTCs 645-648 Check for Damaged Int. or 98-3-21
O/D Piston Seal; Faulty 98-5-16
Throttle Position Sensor;
Replace Computer
1995-97 Contour; Mistique DTCs P0133 and P0153; Stalls on Reprogram Computer 98-17-14
Transmission Engagement when Cold;
Forward Surge on Engagement
1996 Taurus; Sable Harsh 32 and Flare on Light Throttle Reprogram Computer 99-1-4
Downshift between 1015 MPH; Harsh
32 Downshift while Coming to a Stop
1996 Taurus; Sable Harsh Engagement; Stalls on Check DTCs, Repair as 99-7-1
Engagement; Surge Between 3545 MPH Necessary; Reprogram
1996-97 F Super Duty Erratic Shift Hunting between 3 and 4 on Reprogram Computer 98-21-19
Grade; No 34 after Grade
1997 Ranger 23 Flare after a WOT 32 or 42 Reprogram Computer 98-12-14

1997-98 Econoline Harsh 12 at Light Throttle Reprogram Computer 98-4-23

1997-99 Explorer; Harsh 31 Downshift Coming to a Stop; Reprogram Computer 99-8-7
Mountaineer 3rd Gear Starts after Stopping; Hesitation
on Acceleration; No Power
1998 Contour; Mystique; Harsh 12 at Light Throttle; Harsh 32 Replace Intermediate 98-13-11
Cougar after a 13 Upshift Servo; Reprogram
1998-99 Contour; Mystique; Some of these vehicles may require Reprogram Computer 98-24-2
Cougar computer reprogramming after replacing
CD4E transaxle.
1999 F250 HD; Super Squawking Noise while Backing Up on a Reprogram Computer 98-24-4
Duty F Series Grade, Caused by Low Reverse Pressure

1999 Super Duty F Series 23 or 34 Flare Replace Solenoid Body; 99-5-2

Reprogram Computer 99-8-1
1999 F 150 43 Coastdown Clunk from 2030 MPH Reprogram Computer 99-12-4

1999 Super Duty F Series 343 Hunt with Cruise Control Engaged Reprogram Computer 99-16-9

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Chrysler Bulletin Listings

Year Model Complaint Fix TS B #
1996 Ram Truck No Upshift after a 32 Downshift Reprogram Computer 21-04-96

1996 FJ; GS; JA; Reduced Sensitivity to Failsafe for Reprogram Computer 21-05-96
JX; LH; NS Intermittent DTCs 15, 22, 5054, 5658
1996 AB; AN; BR; False DTC Hex A4 (37); Unable to Reprogram Computer 21-07-96
ZJ Perform TCC Actuator Test
1996-97 FJ; GS; JA; Overly Sensitive to Intermittent Faults; Reprogram Computer 21-02-98 Rev A
JX; LH; NS Various Driveability Complaints
1997 Wrangler DTC P1794 Caused by Late Upshift Reprogram Computer 21-14-96

1998 Concord, 43 Coastdown Shift Speed Too High Reprogram Computer 21-08-98
1998 FJ; GS; JA; Overly Sensitive to Intermittent Faults; Reprogram Computer 21-03-98
JX; LH; NS Various Driveability Complaints

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Mitsubishi Bulletin Listings

Year Model Complaint Fix TS B #
1995 Eclipse RS and GS TCC Shudder; Harsh TCC Reprogram Computer; TSB-95-23-002
Engagement Replace EATX
1996-97 Eclipse DTC 2127, 3133, 5058; Won't Shift Reprogram Computer; TSB-98-23-003REV
Manually between Forward Gears; 2nd Replace EATX
Gear Starts, Won't Shift Cold, DTC 74; Harness
Delayed Upshift on Grades; Poor Mid-
Throttle Performance on 1996 Models
1997 Diamante Harsh 23 at Low to Moderate Replace Transmission TSB-97-23-014
Acceleration Computer
1997-98 Galant; Replace Transmission TSB-97-23-013
Eclipse Spyder Harsh 32 Downshift below 30 MPH Computer

1997-98 Galant; Harsh 32 Downshift below 30 MPH Replace Transmission TSB-98-23-014

Eclipse Spyder Computer
(Also earlier vehicles
with replacement
1998 Eclipse Failsafe below 16F (27C); Long Reprogram Computer; TSB-98-23-002REV
32 Coastdown Cold; 2nd Gear Starts; Replace EATX
Hesitates Cold at Light Throttle; Harness
Delayed Upshift on Grades

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Reference Contents
Conversion Tables ............................................................... 260
Resistor Values ................................................................... 263
Ohms Law .......................................................................... 264
Electrical Power .................................................................. 264
Electrical Formulas ............................................................. 265
Resistors in a Series Circuit ............................................. 265
Two Resistors in a Parallel Circuit .................................... 265
Multiple Resistors in a Parallel Circuit ............................. 265
Two Capacitors in a Series Circuit.................................... 265
Multiple Capacitors in a Series Circuit ............................. 265
Capacitors in a Parallel Circuit ........................................ 265
Schematic Symbols ............................................................. 266
Glossary of Electrical Terms ................................................ 268
Abbreviations ...................................................................... 273
Numeric Equivalents ........................................................... 273

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Conversion Tables
Area Distance
Multiply By To Obtain Multiply By To Obtain
In 645.2 mm in 25.4 mm
In 6.452 cm in 2.54 cm
In 0.0069 Ft mm 0.0394 in

Ft 0.0929 m cm 0.3937 in

Ft 144.0 In ft 0.3048 meter

m 10.764 Ft ft 5280.0 miles

cm 0.155 In meter 3.2808 ft

mm 0.00155 In mile 1.6093 km

km 0.6214 mile
area of a circle = r
area of a cylinder = rh
= 3.14 r = Radius h = Height Pressure
Multiply By To Obtain

Temperature PSI 0.0703 kg/cm

(F 32) x 5 9 = C PSI 0.0689 bar

(C x 9 5) + 32 = F PSI 6.8948 kPa
kPa 0.14503 PSI
bar 14.503 PSI
kg/cm 14.2233 PSI
Hg 34.0136 mbar
mbar 0.0294 Hg

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Conversion Tables (continued)

Torque Weight
Multiply By To Obtain Multiply By To Obtain
in-lbs 0.0833 ft-lbs Grams 0.03527 Ounces
in-lbs 0.113 Nm Ounces 28.3495 Grams
in-lbs 1.152 kg-cm Ounces 0.0625 Pounds
ft-lbs 12.0 in-lbs Pounds 16.0 Ounces
ft-lbs 1.3558 Nm Pounds 0.0005 Tons
ft-lbs 0.138 kg-m Pounds 0.4536 Kilograms
Nm 0.73756 ft-lbs Tons 2000.0 Pounds

Nm 8.8507 in-lbs Tons 907.18 Kilograms

kg-cm 0.8679 in-lbs Kilograms 2.20462 Pounds

kg-m 7.233 ft-lbs Kilograms 0.001102 Tons

Volume (Cubic Measure) Volume (Liquid Measure)

Multiply By To Obtain Multiply By To Obtain

Cubic in. (in 3) 0.01639 Liters Quarts 0.94633 Liters

Cubic in. (in 3) 16.387 Cubic cm (cm 3) Pints 0.4732 Liters

Cubic in. (in 3) 16387.0 Cubic mm (mm3) Ounces 0.02957 Liters
Liters 61.025 Cubic in. (in 3) LIters 1.05672 Quarts
Cubic cm (cm 3) 0.06103 Cubic in. (in 3) LIters 2.11344 Pints
Cubic mm (mm3) 0.000061 Cubic in. (in 3) Liters 33.81497 Ounces

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Conversion Tables (continued)

Duty Cycle/Dwell/Voltage
Duty Cycle (%) Degrees Dwell
Feed Controlled Ground Controlled 4-Cyl Scale 6-Cyl Scale 8-Cyl Scale Voltage*
100 0 90.0 60 45.00 14.0
95 5 85.5 57 42.75 13.3
90 10 81.0 54 40.50 12.6
85 15 76.5 51 38.25 11.9
80 20 72.0 48 36.00 11.2
75 25 67.5 45 33.75 10.5
70 30 63.0 42 31.50 9.8
65 35 58.8 39 29.25 9.1
60 40 54.0 36 27.00 8.4
55 45 49.5 33 24.75 7.7
50 50 45.0 30 22.50 7.0
45 55 40.5 27 20.25 6.3
40 60 36.0 24 18.00 5.6
35 65 31.5 21 15.75 4.9
30 70 27.0 18 13.50 4.2
25 75 22.5 15 11.25 3.5
20 80 18.0 12 9.00 2.8
15 85 13.5 9 6.75 2.1
10 90 9.0 6 4.50 1.4
5 95 4.5 3 2.25 0.7
0 100 0.0 0 0.00 0.0
* The voltage values are based on a 14-volt system voltage. Variations from this
level will affect all of the voltage readings.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Resistor Values
If you can read the bands on a ceramic resistor, you can determine its resistance value
and its tolerance:
The first two bands indicate the first two digits of its resistance value.
The third band indicates the number of zeros to add.
The fourth band indicates the tolerance.

Resistance Values
Color 1st Band 2nd Band 3rd Band 4th Band
Black 0 0 0

Brown 1 1 1

Red 2 2 2

Orange 3 3 3

Yellow 4 4 4

Green 5 5 5

Blue 6 6 6

Violet 7 7 7

Gray 8 8 8

White 9 9

Brown 1%

Gold 5%

Silver 10%

Plain 20%
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345 1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345 1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345 1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345
1234 12345
12345 1234
1234 12345

So if the bands are: The resistor value is:

Blue Green Yellow Silver
6 5 0,000 10% = 650 k, 10%
Red Violet Brown Gold
2 7 0 5% = 270 , 5%
White Orange Violet Plain
9 3 0,000,000 20% = 930 M, 20%
2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Ohms Law

VOLTS With Ohms Law, as long as you have any two

circuit values, you can easily calculate the third:
Volts Amps = Ohms
Volts Ohms = Amps
AMPS OHMS Amps x Ohms = Volts

Electrical Power
A measurement of power developed in an electri-
cal circuit.
Just like with Ohms Law, whenever you have two
measurements, you can calculate the third.
VOLTS AMPS Watts Volts = Amps
Watts Amps = Volts
Volts x Amps = Watts

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Electrical Formulas
Resistors in a Series Circuit
RTOTAL = R1 + R2 + R3

Two Resistors in a Parallel Circuit

R1 x R 2
R1 + R 2

Multiple Resistors in a Parallel Circuit

RTOTAL = 1 + 1 + 1
R1 R2 R3

Two Capacitors in a Series Circuit

C1 x C2
C1 + C2

Multiple Capacitors in a Series Circuit

CTOTAL = 1 + 1 + 1
C1 C2 C3

Capacitors in a Parallel Circuit

CTOTAL = C1 + C2 + C3

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Schematic Symbols
+ V

Battery Power Ground

Connected Wires Unconnected Wires

Fuse Circuit Breaker Bulb Meter

Pushbutton Switches On/Off Switches

NC Switch NO Switch NC Switch NO Switch

Transformer (Coil) Relay

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Schematic Symbols (continued)

Fixed Resistor Variable Resistor Potentiometer

Diode Zener Diode LED Photodiode

Fixed Capacitor Fixed Capacitor (Polarized) Variable Capacitor




NPN Transistor PNP Transistor Phototransistor


2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Glossary of Electrical Terms

Ammeter Electrical test device that that electrical flow is from positive to
measures current flow in a circuit. negative. More recent studies show
Displays measurement in amperes, that electrons actually flow from nega-
or amps. tive to positive, but most texts still
prefer to use the conventional model.
Amperage Measurement of current flow
in a circuit. Current Electron flow through a circuit,
current is measured in amps.
Amperes; Amps Unit of measurement
for reading current flow. Amperage is De-energize To turn off, or shut down a
actually a reading of how many circuit or component.
electrons are moving through a Digital On/off signal. A series of pulses
circuit at any given moment. One that are either on or off, which pro-
amp is the amount of current that vide information by varying fre-
one volt will push through one ohm quency, or which control a circuit by
of resistance. varying frequency, duty cycle or on-
Analog Meter Measurement device that time.
provides readings using a needle, Digital Multimeter Also DMM; DVOM;
instead of a digital output. Analog Digital Volt-Ohmmeter. Electrical
meters measure constantly, so the device that provides measurements
reading you see is the value taking of electrical circuits, using a digital
place right now. But analog meters display. Digital meters and oscillo-
tend to be less accurate than digital scopes read a circuit through sam-
meters, and the reading only updates pling; how accurate your measure-
as quickly as the needle can move. ment is depends on how many
B+ Battery power. samples the meter takes per second.
Closed Circuit A complete electrical Digital Volt-Ohmmeter See Digital
path that provides the means for Multimeter.
electricity to perform work. A closed Distributorless Ignition System Also
circuit allows current to flow from its Electronic Ignition. A type of ignition
source, through the resistances, and that doesnt use a distributor to
back to its source. provide spark to the cylinders. These
Computer Also controller; microproces- systems usually provide spark
sor. Device that provides the com- through a process known as
mands necessary to operate the en- wastespark; a process which pro-
gine or transmission, based on inputs vides spark to two cylinders at once.
from a series of sensors and switches. One cylinder fires; the other receives
spark on its exhaust stroke that
Controller See Computer.
cylinders spark is wasted. Ford
Conventional Electrical Theory Elec- uses this term to identify one of its
trical circuit model which indicates electronic ignition system.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Glossary of Electrical Terms (cont)

Diode An electrical one-way shutoff valve. circuit, as defined by the conven-
A diode is a semiconductor, designed tional electrical theory. More recent
to allow current flow in one direction, studies show that electrons actually
but not in the other direction. These flow in the opposite direction of that
devices are commonly used to control shown by conventional theory, but
the spark that develops when an its still the most common model for
electromagnetic coil de-energizes, and electrical circuits.
the magnetic field collapses. Grounded Circuit An electrical circuit
Duty Cycle A signal that varies its failure that keeps the circuit ener-
relationship between on-time and gized all the time, regardless of
off-time. Duty cycle signals usually switch or relay position. Also known
control a computer output device, as a short-to-ground.
such as an electronic pressure con- Hertz Also Hz. Unit of measurement for
trol solenoid: The longer the signal frequency; the number of complete
on-time, the longer the solenoid cycles that take place in one second. A
remains open, so the lower mainline signal that repeats itself 20 times every
pressure becomes. second has a frequency of 20 Hertz.
Electrostatic Discharge Electrical High Impedance Having high resis-
potential that releases suddenly; the tance to electrical flow. Usually used
shock you feel when you touch a to describe electrical meters. When
doorknob on a dry day is electrostatic used to test an electronic circuit, a
discharge. That shock can damage low impedance meter would affect
or destroy electronic components. the characteristics of the circuit. The
Thats why its important to take higher the meters impedance, the
precautions wear a static strap, less effect it will have on the circuit,
never touch the terminals, etc. so the less change it will make to the
when working with electronic devices. circuit operation when connected.
Energize To turn on a circuit or compo- Intermittent Taking place in an irregu-
nent; provide with power and lar or unpredictable cycle. An inter-
ground, to enable an electrical device mittent problem or failure may hap-
to operate. pen one moment, then not be there
Engine Control Module Also ECM. SAE the next. Thats why intermittent
J-1930 term for a device that con- failures are often difficult to isolate.
trols only engine operation. See also Light-Emitting Diode Also LED. A
PCM, TCM, Computer. semiconductor that lights when
Frequency The number of complete energized, much like a light bulb.
oscillations, or cycles, that occur But, unlike a light bulb, an LED
each second. Measured in Hertz. requires very little current, and that
current flow must be in a specific
Ground The return side of an electrical
direction, or the LED wont light.
2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Glossary of Electrical Terms (cont)

Microprocessor See Computer. along the resistor.
Ohm Unit of resistance measurement. It Powertrain Control Module Also PCM.
takes one volt to push one amp of SAE J-1930 term for a computer that
current through one ohm resistance. controls engine and transmission
operation. A PCM may also control
Ohmmeter Electrical device for measur-
other systems, including cruise con-
ing resistance in a circuit or compo-
trol, A/C system, antilock brakes,
etc., but it must control engine and
Ohms Law Principle that defines the transmission to be called a PCM. See
relationship between pressure (volt- also ECM, TCM.
age), flow (amperage) and resistance
Pulse Generator An AC generator that
(ohms). Ohms x Amps = Volts; Volts
develops a frequency signal that
Ohms = Amps; Volts Amps = Ohms.
varies with the rotational speed of an
Open Circuit An incomplete electrical internal transmission component,
path that wont provide the means such as a sun shell, turbine shaft or
for electricity to perform work. An output ring gear. The computer uses
open circuit prevents current flow, this signal to measure the
so the circuit wont operate. components RPM. From this, the
Oscilloscope An electrical test device computer can determine when to
that maps voltage changes in a cir- shift, when a shift is complete, or if a
cuit over a specific amount of time. clutch is slipping.
An oscilloscope displays the voltage Pulse Width Modulated Also PWM. A
signal as a picture, to show how signal that varies its relationship
voltage changes through the between on-time and off-time. Pulse
components operating cycle. width modulated signals usually
Parallel Circuit An electrical circuit control a computer output device,
designed with multiple paths through such as an electronic pressure con-
the circuit, so that not all of the cur- trol solenoid: The longer the signal
rent must pass through all of the on-time, the longer the solenoid
loads in the circuit. If one leg of a remains open, so the lower mainline
parallel circuit opens, it wont prevent pressure becomes. See Duty Cycle.
the other legs from operating. Relay An electrical device that allows a
Potentiometer A three-wire sensor that low current circuit to control a high
modifies a voltage signal based on current circuit. Energizing a relay
movement or position. Potentiom- energizes an electromagnet, which
eters receive a regulated voltage opens or closes a set of contacts, to
signal to one end of a resistor, and provide power or ground to a circuit
ground to the other; a wiper slides that would normally require too
along the resistor, and picks up the much current for the device control-
voltage signal, based on its position ling the circuit.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Glossary of Electrical Terms (cont)

Resistance The ability of a circuit or Solenoid An electrical device that turns
device to reduce or limit current flow. electrical signals into movement or
work. Solenoids can control lever
Resistor A device that limits or reduces
movement, such as throttle kickers,
current flow in a circuit.
or can control vacuum or hydraulic
Sensor A device that provides signals to flow. The solenoids youll most likely
the computer, based on engine or be dealing with open and close to
transmission operating conditions. control hydraulic flow, to allow the
The computer uses these signals to transmission to shift gears, control
control engine operation more pre- lockup, and control line pressure.
Thermistor A semiconductor that varies
Serial Data A digital signal from the resistance based on temperature.
computer, to communication infor- There are two types of thermistor:
mation with other computers or scan negative temperature coefficient (NTC)
tools. Scan tools can provide the and positive temperature coefficient
actual sensor readings the computer (PTC). The NTC thermistor is more
sees, and outputs from the com- common as the temperature goes
puter, by interpreting serial data up, its resistance goes down.
Transistor A semiconductor that oper-
Series Circuit An electrical circuit in ates as an electronic relay. Transis-
which all of the loads are wired end tors allow a low current circuit to
to end, in such a way that forces all control power or ground to a high
of the current passing through the current circuit.
circuit to travel through all of the
Variable Resistor A one- or two-wire
loads. If one load in a series circuit
sensor that modifies a voltage signal
opens, it will prevent the other loads
based on stress or temperature.
from operating.
Thermistors are the most common
Short Circuit An electrical circuit with- type of variable resistor in todays
out the resistance necessary to oper- cars and trucks.
ate properly. Because of this lost
Voltage The pressure in an electrical
resistance, these circuits will often
system, that pushes current through
burn up, unless protected by a fuse
the circuit. One volt of pressure is
or circuit breaker. Not to be con-
necessary to push one amp of current
fused with a grounded circuit.
through one ohm of resistance. Some-
Shrink Tubing An insulating material times called the circuits potential.
that shrinks to seal a connection
Voltmeter Electrical test device that
when you apply heat.
measures the voltage potential in a
circuit. Displays its reading in volts.

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Abbr. Description Abbr. Description
A Ammeter kV Kilovolt
AC Alternating current kW Kilowatt
B, b Base electrode, units with single kWH Kilowatt hour
base lb Pound
C Degrees Celsius or centigrade M Mega; x1,000,000
C Capacitance, capacitor m Milli; one-one thousanth; 1/1000;
C, c Collector electrode 0.001
cm Centimeter mf, mfd Microfarad
cu Cubic MHz Megahertz
db Decibels mm Millimeter
DC Direct current NC Normally closed
dm Decimeter Nm Newton-meter
DPDT Double-pole, double-throw switch NO Normally open
DPST Double-pole, single-throw switch R Resistance; resistor
E, e Emitter electrode SPDT Single-pole, double-throw switch
E, e Voltage SPST Single-pole, single-throw switch
mf Microfarad t Time
F Degrees Fahrenheit T Temperature
F, f Frequency V, v Volt; voltmeter
flu Fluid VBB Base supply voltage (DC)
FM Frequency modulation VBC Base-to-collector voltage (DC)
g Gram VBE Base-to-emitter voltage (DC)
gnd, grd Ground VCB Collector-to-base voltage (DC)
Hg Mercury VCC Collector supply voltage (DC)
Hz Hertz VCE Collector-to-emitter voltage (DC)
I Current VEB Emitter-to-base voltage (DC)
IB Base current (DC) VEC Emitter-to-collector voltage (DC)
IC Collector current (DC) vee Emitter supply voltage (DC)
IE Emitter current (DC) vF Forward voltage (DC)
k x1000 W Watt; work
kg Kilograms w Watt
kHz Kilohertz wh, whr Watt-hour

2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.


Numeric Equivalents
Decimal Fraction Drill Tap Decimal Fraction Drill Tap
Inches Inches Millimeters Size Size Inches Inches Millimeters Size Size
0.0078 1
/128 0.1981 0.1130 2.8702 33 6-40 NF
0.0135 0.3429 80 0.1160 2.9464 32
0.0145 0.3683 79 0.1172 /128 2.9769
0.0156 1
/16 0.3962 0.1200 3.0480 31 6-48 NS
0.0160 0.4064 78 0.1250 /8 3.1750
0.0180 0.4572 77 0.1285 3.2639 30
0.0200 0.5080 76 0.1328 /128 3.3731
0.0210 0.5334 75 0.1340 3.4036 4mm - 0.70
0.0225 0.5715 74 4mm - 0.75
0.0234 3
/128 0.5944 0.1360 3.4544 29 8-32 NC
0.0240 0.6096 73 8-36 NF
0.0250 0.6350 72 0.1405 3.5687 28 8-40 NS
0.0260 0.6604 71 0.1406 /64 3.5712
0.0280 0.7112 70 0.1440 3.6576 27
0.0292 0.7417 69 0.1470 3.7338 26 /16-24 NC
0.0310 0.7874 68 0.1476 3.7500 4.5mm - 0.75
0.0312 1
/32 0.7925 0.1484 /128 3.7694
0.0320 0.8128 67 0.1495 3.7973 25 10-24 NC
0.0330 0.8382 66 0.1520 3.8608 24
0.0350 0.8890 65 0.1540 3.9116 23
0.0360 0.9144 64 0.1563 /32 3.9700
0.0370 0.9398 63 0.1570 3.9878 22 /16-32 NF
0.0380 0.9652 62 0.1590 4.0386 21 10-32 NF
0.0390 5
/128 0.9906 61 0.1610 4.0894 20
0.0400 1.0160 60 0.1641 /128 4.1681
0.0410 1.0414 59 0.1650 4.1910 5mm - 0.90
0.0420 1.0668 58 0.1660 4.2164 19
0.0430 1.0922 57 0.1690 4.2926 5mm - 0.80
0.0465 1.1811 56 0.1695 4.3053 18
0.0469 3
/64 1.1913 0-80 NF 0.1719 /64 4.3663
0.0520 1.3208 55 0.1730 4.3942 17
0.0547 7
/128 1.3894 0.1770 4.4958 16 12-24 NC
0.0550 1.3970 54 0.1797 /128 4.5644
0.0595 1.5113 53 1-64 NC 0.1800 4.5720 15
1-72NF 0.1653 4.2000 5.5mm - 0.80
0.0625 1
/16 1.5875 0.1820 4.6228 14 12-28 NF
0.0635 1.6129 52 0.1850 4.6990 13 12-32 NEF
0.0670 1.7018 51 0.1875 /16 4.7625
0.0700 9
/128 1.7780 50 2-56 NC 0.1890 4.8006 12
2-64 NF 0.1910 4.8514 11
0.0730 1.8542 49 0.1935 4.9149 10 14-20 NS
0.0760 1.9304 48 0.1953 /128 4.9606
0.0781 5
/64 1.9837 0.1960 4.9784 9
0.0785 1.9939 47 3-48 NC 0.1990 5.0546 8
0.0810 2.0574 46 0.2010 5.1054 7 /4-20 NC
0.0820 2.0828 45 3-56 NF 14-24 NS
0.0860 11
/128 2.1844 44 4-36 NS 0.2031 /64 5.1587
0.0890 2.2606 43 4-40 NC 0.2040 5.1816 6
0.0935 2.3749 42 4-48 NF 0.2050 5.2070 6mm - 1.00
0.0938 3
/32 2.3825 1
/8-32 NC 0.2055 5.2197 5
0.0960 2.4384 41 0.2090 5.3086 4 /4-24 NS
0.0980 2.4892 40 3mm - 0.50 0.2109 /128 5.3569
0.0995 2.5273 39 0.2130 5.4102 3 /4-28 NF
7 1
0.1015 2.5781 38 1
/8-40NF 0.2188 /32 5.5575 /4-32 NEF
5-40NC 0.2210 5.6134 2
0.1016 13
/128 2.5806 0.2266 /128 5.7556
0.1040 2.6416 37 5-44 NF 0.2280 5.7912 1 /4-40 NS
0.1065 2.7051 36 6-32 NC 0.2340 5.9436 A
0.1094 7
/64 2.7788 0.2344 /64 5.9538
0.1100 2.7940 35 0.2380 6.0452 B
0.1110 2.8194 34 6-36 NS 0.2400 6.0960 7mm - 1.00
2000 ATRA. All Rights Reserved.

Numeric Equivalents (continued)

Decimal Fraction Drill Tap Decimal Fraction Drill Tap
Inches Inches Millimeters Size Size Inches Inches Millimeters Size Size
29 1
0.2420 6.1468 C 0.4531 /64 11.5087 /2-20 NF
31 1
0.2422 /128 6.1519 /2-24 NS
0.2460 6.2484 D 0.4609 /128 11.7069
1 15
0.2500 /4 6.3500 E 0.4688 /32 11.9075
5 61
0.2570 6.5278 F /16-18 NC 0.4766 /128 12.1056
0.2578 /128 6.5481 0.4800 12.1920 14mm - 2.00
31 9
0.2610 6.6294 G 0.4844 /64 12.3038 /16-12 NC
17 63
0.2656 /64 6.7462 0.4922 /128 12.5019
0.2660 6.7564 H 0.5000 /2 12.7000 14mm - 1.50
0.2720 6.9088 I 8mm - 1.25 0.5039 12.8000 14mm - 1.25
5 33 9
/16-24 NF 0.5156 /64 13.0962 /16-18 NF
35 17 5
0.2734 /128 6.9444 0.5312 /32 13.0962 /8-11 NC
0.2770 7.0358 J 0.5469 /64 13.8913
0.2800 7.1120 8mm - 1.00 0.5590 14.2000 16mm - 2.00
0.2810 7.1374 K 0.5625 /16 14.2875
9 5 37 5
0.2813 /32 7.1450 /16-32 NEF 0.5781 /64 14.6837 /8-18NF
37 3
0.2891 /128 7.3431 /8-18NPT
0.2900 7.3660 L 0.5787 14.7000 16mm - 1.50
19 11
0.2950 7.4930 M 0.5938 /32 15.0825 /16-11 NS
19 39
0.2969 /64 7.5413 0.6094 /64 15.4788
0.3020 7.6708 N 0.6220 15.8000 18mm - 2.50
39 5 11
0.3047 /128 7.7394 0.6250 /8 15.8750 /16-16 NS
0.3110 7.8994 9mm - 1.25 0.6406 /64 16.2712
5 3 21 3
0.3125 /16 7.9375 /8-16 NC 0.6562 /32 16.6675 /4-10 NC
0.3160 8.0264 O 0.6614 16.8000 18mm - 1.50
0.3190 8.1026 9mm - 1.00 0.6719 /64 17.0663
41 11 3
0.3203 /128 8.1356 0.6875 /16 17.4625 /4-16NF
0.3230 8.2042 P 0.7008 17.8000 20mm - 2.50
45 1
0.3270 8.3058 9mm - 0.75 0.7031 /64 /2-14 NPT
21 23
0.3281 /64 8.3337 0.7187 /32
3 47
0.3320 8.4328 Q /8-24 NF 0.7344 /64
43 3
0.3359 /128 8.5319 0.7500 /4
1 49 7
0.3390 8.6106 R /8-27 NPT 0.7656 /64 /8-9 NC
0.3430 8.7122 10mm - 1.50 0.7812 /32
11 51
0.3438 /32 8.7325 0.7969 /64
13 7
0.3480 8.8392 S 0.8125 /16 /8-14 NF
0.3500 8.8900 10mm - 1.25 0.8228 20.9000 22mm - 1.50
45 53 7
0.3516 /128 8.9306 0.8281 /64 /8-18 NS
0.3580 9.0932 T 10mm - 1.0 0.8425 21.4000 24mm - 3.00
23 27
0.3594 /64 9.1288 0.8437 /32
47 55
0.3672 /128 9.3269 0.8594 /64
7 7
0.3680 9.3472 U /16-14 NC 0.8750 /8 1-8 NC
0.3750 /8 9.5250 0.8779 22.3000 24mm - 2.00
0.3770 9.5758 V 0.8906 /64
0.3820 9.7028 11mm - 1.50 0.9062 /32
49 59
0.3828 /128 9.7231 0.9219 /64 1-12 NF
0.3860 9.8044 W /4-14 NPT
25 7 15
0.3906 /64 9.9212 /16-20 NF 0.9375 /16 1-14 NS
0.3970 10.0838 X 0.9531 /64
51 31
0.3984 /128 10.1194 0.9687 /32
0.4040 10.2616 Y 0.9844 /64
0.4063 /32 10.3200 1.0000 1
0.4130 10.4902 Z 12mm - 1.75
0.4141 /128 10.5181
0.4210 10.6934 12mm - 1.50
27 1
0.4219 /64 10.7163 /2-13 NC
0.4290 10.8966 12mm - 1.25
0.4297 /128 10.9144
7 1
0.4375 /16 11.1125 /4-18NPT
0.4453 /128 11.3106

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