Dominion - A Novel in The X-Universe by Darren Steel Astles

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The story provides context around the X-Universe setting and introduces some of the main races and technologies featured. It also establishes the oppression of workers as a theme.

Brett and the other survivors were trapped on the floor by living tentacles. One man managed to free himself but was then killed and torn to pieces by a swarm of insect-like Khaak attackers.

Brett witnessed the Khaak swarm attack and kill the man who had freed himself. The Khaak moved incredibly fast, tearing the man apart within seconds. Brett then passed out from shock.

Copyright 2003 Darren Astles & Egosoft

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior
permission of the author. Contact the author at

and Egosoft at or visit their webpage at

Cover and artwork by Paul Avis Hutchinson and Wire frame ship graphics
by Egosoft.

The game is not the story, the story is not the game. Helge
Kautz, author of Farnhams Legend.

The best bit of advice I was given.

Darren Astles (aka Steel)

Thanks also go to Bernd Lehahn for allowing me to write this

story using references to items already established and to the
individuals who proof read this story and gave me invaluable

Inspired by

PROLOGUE .................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER 1 - BEST LAID PLANS..............................................................................2



CHAPTER 3 THE PLOT THICKENS .....................................................................32

CHAPTER 4 - YAKI ...................................................................................................39

CHAPTER 5 SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH.......................................................54

CHAPTER 6 - PISCES...............................................................................................61

CHAPTER 7 - HELPERS ...........................................................................................73

CHAPTER 8 THE FRIGATE EXCEL ...................................................................82

CHAPTER 9 GATES AND RE-ALIGNMENT ........................................................99

CHAPTER 10 THE BATTLE FOR ECHO THREE ...............................................106

CHAPTER 11 - KOTU .............................................................................................123

CHAPTER 12 - SPIRIT............................................................................................132

CHAPTER 13 CALL TO ARMS ..........................................................................144

CHAPTER 14 ECHO SEVEN-TWO ....................................................................151

CHAPTER 15 - REVENGE......................................................................................157

CHAPTER 16 - DESTINY ......................................................................................163

CHAPTER 17 THE KHAAK AWAKEN ..............................................................182

Dominion: Prologue


Workers become oppressed. It doesnt seem to matter whether

this is today, yesterday or as here, in some far distant future. The
area of space this book refers to, known as the X-Universe, is full
of all the normal problems.

A large area connected by jump gates from what appears to be

an ancient civilisation and the interaction of different races.
Alliances and trade agreements allow the would-be trader to
carve out a living in the hustle and bustle of the spaceports.

A Paranid, drunk on ambition creates a new technology. An

advanced chip that allows the mind to operate and communicate
with computer systems. The uses are far reaching and the
customers will flock to his factory. Its time to announce this new
breakthrough to the cosmos.

Just when the announcement is made and the new products

detail and price is transmitted into the dealing systems, a fleet of
organised pirate ships raid and take away the first batch of chips.
Obliterating all the production facilities, plans and employees in
one swift action.

Revenge is planned, but the pirates, too long subjugated and

bound by the pricing thresholds of the inter-race guilds have finally
become a larger unit. Throwing aside their differences and under
the direct leadership of a ruthless Argon female, they set the
wheels in motion for a plan, so audacious, it might just work and
bring all of the space lanes under their control.

Out there in the distant blackness of space another race,

untouched by intruders, suddenly have their very existence
threatened by the carefree attitude of the Pirates and their plans.

Before they can enter the realm of the X-Universe though, this
story must first be told. The battle for the trade lanes is about to


Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

Twenty jazuras ago a sequence of events happened that would

have a profound affect on the universe as it is today. The following
are those events and what has transpired since that day.

He stood on the bridge of the ship. Feet firmly planted onto the
floor of the room, kept in place by the artificial gravity. He could
hear the faint hum of the gravity sphere; yes he could hear it and
feel it. Down in the bowels of the ship, pulling everything towards it.
They were temperamental at best, gravity spheres, but this one
had been enhanced until it operated within 0.3% deviation from its

He liked that, quality work done by quality engineers and he had

some of the best in the universe. Yes, the best engineers and
without doubt, some of the finest scientists to ever live. Thats
what made him so wealthy. He made products that his people and
especially those of other races needed.

Computer components and microchips, electrical and organic,

they made the most in the universe and demand was high. You
couldnt fly a ship without his products. In fact you couldnt build a
ship without them. Navigation systems, command consoles
communication devices and targeting systems. Even the weapons
themselves had the stamp of his company somewhere within

ENeT- Enhanced Nebulae Technologies, Quality where it counts.

His name was LooManckStrat the Third, King of Pontifex Realm,

Paranid sector ruler and fourth in line to the throne. He was
aboard his cruise ship, called a Spinny. A large space going yacht
built solely for himself for the times he had to travel. He didnt like
to travel in space, but business made it a necessity. So he had the
ship built to his exact specifications. Fast, well protected and most
importantly, luxurious.

This day was a special occasion though, that was why he was now
standing aboard his ship and gazing out through the large space
screen. Before him, only a few kilometres away sat his latest
venture, the new microchips plant extension to his large
component factory. A great building in space, designed and built by
his company and at last having the final piece slotted into place.
Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

The single star in this sector was behind his ship, but it was close
enough to give plenty of light. This light reflected off the large
structure on the right, casting a bright hue over the slightly bluish
colour of the factory. A massive two kilometres high and the same
distance wide made it a central point in the sector. There were
other factories here too, producing many different items. His
structure required some of the others to manufacture its own
goods, but none of them had the size and sheer presence that this
one had.

The Spinny

A sphere sat in the centre and protruding from five of the six
possible directions were long cylindrical structures. Two of them
span slowly, creating gravity for the crewmembers and factory
workers who resided inside. One was the docking bay where all
other ships had to dock, requesting landing rights and then guided
in by the stations navigation control computer. It also housed the
short and long stay bays where the ships would park. Almost
nobody stayed in a station for more than a few stazura, it was too
expensive and any time spent idle saw any profit from a trading
trip begin to dwindle away.

But inside one of the housing sections was an area set-aside for
pleasure. It enabled the weary travellers to meet and talk,
Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

exchange views, information and stories. Also to rent a bunk for a

short time should they need to. Some ships had excellent sleeping
quarters for the long hauls, when the ships navigation computer
would fly the ship on automatic and the pilot could get some rest.
But most ships were short haul, designed for the quick profit run
and had sparse conditions, sometimes with only a flight area to sit
in and navigate from.

The final two factory additions housed the actual manufacturing

rigs, one making a series of computer components and the
second, actual computer chips. The central sphere housed the
massive stock bays with the raw materials and finished goods.
Linked up to the automatic trading system, the onboard
computers and factory robots would unload and load any visiting
ship while the pilot waited, or slipped down to the pleasure area.

But nothing was situated on the left-hand side of the station. A

round connection clamp, a hundred metres in diameter, waited
expectantly. This was why LooManckStrat was venturing out into
space, to actually witness the final part of his factory being

He glanced farther to the left, his three eyes searching out the
approaching part. A massive transporter ship was a few
kilometres further away, its huge dark bulk visible against the star
filled background. Warning and navigation lights blinking on and
off, red and white respectively. He could see the glow from the two
massive drive engines, hidden from his view as the ship was facing
the station. It had just deployed the new part into space and small-
automated tugs were now moving the large cylindrical object
towards the waiting station.

Small ships darted back and too at speed, some overseeing the
installation while others guarded it from any jealous competitors.
That was the price of success. There was nothing like greed to
drive a company forward. He had allowed the odd removal of a
competing company himself in the early days of the business. But
now he was the top of the tree, he was the target of many that
were just like he was once. Thats why you had to employ vast
navies to protect your interests and having factories in many
sectors, some of which were homes to other races, was
expensive. But he had no choice, his ships numbered so many that
they would be a match for a military fleet, if he brought them all
together. But that couldnt be done, each station had its own small
Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

detachment of protection ships and with the modern scanners

that almost everybody carried, a potential enemy would spot such
a weakness from afar if they were to leave for any length of time.
No he kept them where they belonged, at the stations (he had ten
now) where they did their job best.

Every one of his factories also employed various other protection

devices. Laser weapons attached to the hull and others in a fixed
orbital position a few kilometres out, menacing and a good
deterrent. But these were no match for any small and nimble
fighter craft that some companies employed, particularly the
pirate clans, so the protection ships stayed.

The new addition was a complete, almost fully automated

manufacturing plant for his latest venture. The new Super Slave
enhanced control chip. A partly organic device, that could be
inserted directly into the recipients brain stem. It was an amazing
device and had taken a great deal of time to get it to this position.
The yields were worryingly low. Less than 1% of all chips made
actually passed the quality tests. That was not good, but he had
decided to wait no longer as the opportunity was now. It took many
stazura to make a single chip, partly for the fact that the internal
device had to be grown, not made and with only 1 out of every
hundred produced actually being a saleable product, it didnt
sound like a good business investment. But his was the only place
in the whole universe where you could buy them, so he could set
the price as high as he liked. He smiled at that, yes the only place
you could buy them.

He was going to make a great deal of credits on this, he was sure.

The original Slave chip had been around for a long time. It was a
remarkable device and gave any being whom had it fitted the
ability to control nearby linked computer systems with the power
of thought alone. It was a small device, only two millimetres in
diameter, a perfect sphere, bright blue in colour. Fitted surgically
and usually never removed once installed (installing the chip was a
straightforward procedure, removing it was surgically dangerous),
it enabled the subject to quickly navigate computer systems such
as a navigation system while leaving the limbs free for other tasks
(such as steering a ship). This gave them an advantage as they
could issue commands to the weapons systems for example, while
still manoeuvring the vessel.

Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

Not all beings could use it though and they all had to undergo
stringent tests before one could be installed. You also had to
prove that your age was in excess of 25 jazuras as growing bodies
and minds are excluded. Most Navy pilots would have one installed
as would a great deal of the company freight pilots and the many
single traders that ploughed the space lanes. Some could not
handle the Slave though, they could not get used to the way that
the image could be imposed into their sight, when in reality, their
eyes never saw it. It was superimposed behind their vision. Still,
the computer systems still offered voice and even key press back
up devices. So almost anyone could still operate them and some
chose this latter method.

However, the irony of it was that the Paranid believed the chip to
be in direct contravention of the Bashra (the Holy book) and the
chip was outlawed in Paranid space. You could make it and you
could sell it, but you could not use it. Well that was no problem to
LooManckStrat, he didnt have one fitted and didnt intend to. But
that didnt stop him from selling them. And sell them he did, so
many that he had trouble keeping up demand with the long
production cycle.

There was a downside though (wasnt there always) in that the

chip in its early days had quickly been used as a pleasure device. If
an image (and feelings to an extent) could be piped directly into
the mind, then for a fee, the user could go anywhere and be
anything. These pleasure areas had become big business very
quickly, but it was soon discovered that there was a side effect.
The mind didnt like to be messed around with, didnt like being told
what to do. When the brain decided that the senses were tired,
which it did quite naturally, it would shut them down and put the
host to sleep, so that the body could regenerate. But it had no
control over the Slave chip and this was the problem. It would
endure it for brief moments, which was fine for an occasional
command given to the computer, but for someone to actively plug
themselves in to a stream for a few stazura proved to be too
much. The brain wanted to shut the senses down but the chip
continued to let the feelings and images flow.

Different beings had different levels of exposure. The Split

appeared to have the longest before any damage was done. But
once the mind had started to reject the incoming data, to react to
this other sense, there was usually no way back. If the exposure
continued, the hosts brain would burn itself out, leaving them still
Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

alive, but basically in a coma from which they would never recover.
The problem was that the brain would actually begin to send
antibodies to physically destroy the cells surrounding the Slave
and these cells also contributed to the other senses.

The user became trapped in a world with none of the basic senses
working, no touch, smell, sight, nothing. They couldnt move and
they couldnt speak. They were not physically dead, but the
damage had so far proven to be irreparable.

So the use of the chip as a pleasure device and any other

unwanted use (its value as an interrogation device had proved to
be amazing) was outlawed in all known space. That didnt mean
that there were not places that you could go, there would always
be an underground market for its use. Some of the greatest
computer software developers had slipped into this dark world,
creating dream worlds for people to play in, but except for pilots
(of which there were thousands), its use was small, but profitable.

Its range was also small. You had to be within a few tens of
metres of a suitable transmission device. These were usually fitted
to ships as standard and some of the more expensive factories
had them located around the walkways and sleeping chambers.

But the Super Slave changed all of that. Its range was over a
kilometre, but the wonderful thing about the Super Slave was its
in-built safety device. It monitored the brain output and after many
trials and adaptations for different races, his scientists had
managed to get the chip to shut itself down or begin to lessen the
effect, so that a persons own consciousness would be brought to
the surface.

Not many knew about the Super Slave, it was currently under tight
security and a veil of secrecy. No one who was actually fitting the
station at this moment knew what the new rig did. They assumed
it simply made standard Slave chips, the manufacturing process
looked familiar to the untrained eye and only the company
scientists and a select few station commanders had been told.
Now as he watched the new limb being brought closer and closer
to its final resting-place, LooManckStrat began to get just a small
twinge of excitement. A feeling quite alien to the Paranid, but it
was there all the same, slowing moving its way upward through
his torso.

Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

So the yields were down, he could live with it, as they would
improve upon it as time went by. His estimations were that the
chip would be so successful that it didnt really matter. He was
already planning on the next factory, probably in Argon space
where there would be such a huge demand. More Argon had the
chip fitted than any other race so he expected to make some large
amounts of credits there.

He also knew that in the outer systems, where the pioneers and
illegal companies did their business, he would have a handsome
profit. He might even risk putting a factory out there at some
point. He pondered the thought, yes it might be a shrewd move
that, installing a Super Slave factory where they would want it
most. Right on the doorstop of the customers. Theyd pay a good
price out there as well, he was certain. It would require some
extra security though, more laser banks and protection ships. But
with the credits he would surely make, it might be worth it. Yes,
hed have to look into that soon. He made a verbal note to his
personal recording system. It would remind him later.

The Super Slave rig was now almost touching the main factory
sphere. He picked up his zoom lenses and adjusted them so that
he had a clear, close up view of the station. There were figures in
the tough environment suits slowly jetting around the structure.
He counted over ten in the company regulation orange colour,
some with large welding devices ready to put the final, permanent
seal between the two buildings. They must have slowly touched
together as he saw the distinct flash of the lasers as they burnt
the metal together. Other figures securing locks and tightening
locking bolts. It wouldnt be long now, only a few mizuras before the
umbilical cord, containing all the power lines and computer system
hard wires, was connected. It was all built with precision so that
the final installation would go as smooth as possible.

The small knot of excitement rose within him again, he would

actually be able to connect to its systems shortly and see the
figures with his own three eyes. Actually watch the resources that
were already stored in the main sphere begin to move down the
automated shafts and into the main manufacturing rig. Watch the
numbers go up and down, he liked to do that, watching the
numbers, it gave him a great sense of achievement. But above all
it told him that credits were being made! And that was the real

Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

His factory commanders face appeared on the communication

cube, which jutted out of the wall to the right of the large space
screen. The wall was a dirty white colour, but the cube that had
automatically moved from being flat in the wall to a pyramid
shaped protrusion, was the company orange. He made the few
steps required to place him within range so he could press the
required buttons. He understood for a moment what it must be
like for the pilots to be able to achieve that without moving, using
the Slave. The Super Slave was going to astound them!

LooManckStrat here commander, are the systems online? he

asked the face in the screen.

Correct your honour, they are in place and functioning. Automatic

production cycle is about to begin, came the reply.

LooManckStrat didnt speak further and pressed the button to

end the call. He then pressed a series of buttons to navigate
through his sector property and selected the factory. He felt a
huge sigh of relief as the new Super Slave plant appeared on the
screen. He checked the stock levels. They were increasing nicely
from the main sphere, the automated systems doing their jobs.
He checked the product levels, one hundred Super Slaves in stock.
Exactly the number that had been produced on the rig while it was
in the shipyard, still being finished. Another four stazuras before
another one would be completed was the systems estimation of
the product run. It was a computers guess though as it all
depended upon the yield and this could vary slightly around the 1%
mark as much as one half a percent either way. It should get
better and better though as his scientists and engineers fine-
tuned the process even further.

He jabbed the buttons on the cube again. The Super Slave rig
commander came into view. LooManckStrat didnt ask if anything
was the matter, didnt even attempt at any small talk, it was not
the Paranid way. He simply said Set the price at five hundred
thousand credits. I repeat five hundred thousand and announce
the product to the trading systems. Then he disconnected the

He watched the screen again to make sure his orders had been
carried out to the full. The product came online at a stock of one
hundred and he saw with some satisfaction the price appear at
the instructed five hundred thousand. The trading systems all
Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

across the universe would begin to pick this information up as it

was passed onwards and outwards through the trading network.
Within a single Tazura the information would be everywhere.
Traders in the farthest systems would see the product on their
screens, just as he was doing now.

Requests for information would come in from all over. What was
the new chip? What did it do? It would create a request for data
frenzy and the larger companies would send ships to buy stock
anyway, regardless of the cost.

He glanced out of the space screen again and saw a ship exiting
the station. Slowly moving away within regulation speed. It was a
freighter, one of his companys own. The orange ENeT logo was
unmistakable on the side of the hull. Orange lettering over a blue
circle. It was a large ship, slow but perfectly built by the Paranid for
the job it did. Hauling large quantities of resources or product
across the vastness of space. A smooth thin nose expanding to a
large bulbous body.

His new rig had probably ordered sufficient quantities of stock

from the central sphere, that the factory commander had already
seen a potential outage and had already ordered a ship out to
replenish the goods.

The ship approached his yacht and then when it was half way
between the station and the Spinny, it slowed to a stop. Then it
turned, ever so slowly to his left so that he could see the whole
side of the ship facing him, his logo staring back. Then with a slight
increase in the intensity of light, that was coming from the rear of
the ship were the engines were it accelerated away. He watched it
until the rear of the ship was almost facing him and then he
turned away, the glow from the engines causing a dull ache in his
eyes. He checked the sector data screen and scanned the ship.
Yes it was heading out to a local sector factory to obtain energy
cells, the lifeblood of the universe.

Everything needed energy cells. They were large devices capable

of retaining energy and everything ran on them. Produced by the
solar power plants, huge factories in space that converted any
local starlight into energy and stored it in the cells. They would
then sell them to just about everybody for a small fee. The system
worked well. Any ship on its way to a power plant would have in its
cargo bay hundreds, if not thousands of depleted cells. The plant
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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

simply handed over some charged ones, took the empty ones back
and placed them in the charging area and so the cycle continued,
as well of course as collecting a fee for the privilege.

There were others ways of making energy of course. Ships used

reactors to produce energy that was used to power all onboard
systems, including the engines. But these were small power
requirements in comparison to a station and if a ship was
destroyed, the resultant pollution of the immediate area could be
dealt with. Not so a station. If a station was destroyed it made a
big bang and if large reactors had powered it, could cause serious
local problems. So large reactors in stations had been banned
after the Ferryman incident in Argon space, which had killed
thousands and left half of the sector unusable for hundreds of
jazuras. All races recognised this, as any station with such a large
reactor would become a suitable target in any conflict.

Five hundred thousand each! He knew that the price wouldnt

sustain itself for long. But while demand was high, he would make
as much profit as possible. The initial hundred would be bought
quickly and then once the initial furore was over, he would have to
drop the price considerably. But if all the stock went and he
thought it would, he would have fifty million credits! That was
enough to cover the development costs and the rig assembly
costs. He would have to start building another rig as soon as
possible. They took much too long to produce in the shipyards. The
only problem with that at the moment was that the shipyards
didnt know how to make them as all the data for the chips was
safe and secure in the rig itself.

He was yet to negotiate that part of the business, as he didnt

want the shipyards with which he had no direct control, selling the
rigs to anyone else. No, that would be a big mistake and one he
was not going to make. Not yet anyway, not until the bidders
started to appear and then after he had established a few of the
rigs on his other factories he might decide to sell the rights. Yes,
just before the market was flooded and the price dropped. He felt
perfectly happy with his business plan, he had worked hard at it,
sometimes personally and he was going to get every available
credit he could from it.

LooManckStrat had pushed the cube back into the wall of the ship
and was now walking back to the position he started from, central
to the space screen, so he could survey his factory when the cube
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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

came back out of the wall again. Incoming message from his
patrolling defence ships, it was the sector Captain on the screen.

LooManckStrat your honour, you should be informed that a

number of ships have just entered the system via the north gate.
The Captain said very matter of fact.

LooManckStrat moved towards the cube again. What ships, how

many and whos? he barked at the screen.

I count twenty ships your honour, no local markings. Scan shows

them to be giving out pirate signatures. They are headed this way
your honour. Fifteen fighter class and five freighter size attack
ships, they are obtaining an attack formation.

NO! Could it be him they were after, sat here in his private yacht.
No it couldnt be, his yacht could outrun anything the pirates had
and its shielding was first class. No, not him but the rig, they must
be after the rig! Pirates never entered such sectors as this
without good reason. They were only seen in the inner sectors
when they were on a mission and pirate missions always ended in
a fight. The pirates were disparate groups, clans that rarely
worked together but had a single goal, to make money from illegal
activities. They had pilots from every race amongst their ranks,
failed traders and escaped criminals. They were powerful people
who commanded large, if somewhat disorganised, forces. They
even had their own bases where they manufactured and
distributed illegal goods.

Captain, set an intercept course. Launch all available ships

immediately. You must stop those ships! He shouted the final
sentence. He glanced out of the space screen and could tell by the
navigation lights on the docking rig that the station had already
gone to battle stations, docking rights were suspended. A small
fast fighter craft exited the docking bay, he watched it accelerate
and head off in the direction of the north gate. Another and then
another followed it.

He pressed buttons on the cube to get a scan of the sector. There

they were, like a swarm of Actu flies in the heat of the planets
surface. Large ships in the middle with small escorts circling
around and around. A classic pirate attack group, but this one was
big. Twenty pirate ships was a lot to have in one group. They must

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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

have travelled in smaller groups and then formed up in the

northern sector.

There was now a red light that flashed from the tops of the walls
on the bridge of the Spinny. Every few sezura it flashed bright and
then slowly subsided until it was nearly gone, when it flashed bright
again. There was no sound with the light, warning sounds
interfered with actions, just the light to indicate that the yacht had
now gone to battle stations.

LooManckStrat turned to his pilot who was seated across the

other side of the bridge behind him. Pilot, take us to the South
Gate now! Do not enter the gate, proceed at full speed.

Yes your honour. The pilot replied and quickly fed instructions
into the console before him while grabbing hold of the manual
control stick. The engines on the yacht fired and were put to full
power immediately. LooManckStrat felt a slight sensation of
movement as the ship began to move. Artificial gravity systems
could never cope with quick movements correctly.

You should take your seat, your honour. The pilot stated.
LooManckStrat knew and moved towards his seat that was just in
front of him now that he was facing the pilot and not the space
screen. He seated himself and pressed the button to confirm he
was ready. Safety straps appeared from under and behind the
seat and he was quickly secured in place.

The ship hit maximum speed and sped off towards the South Gate.
He accessed the cube in the seat and it rose up out of the arm.
He pressed the buttons to access the sector scan so that he
could watch the upcoming battle.

He could see from the sector scan that his other two stations
were also launching fighters. His Ore Mine and his own Solar
Power Plant, if you had to use them you may as well buy them off
yourself he had said when he announced his plans to build it.
Three ships from each station were racing to catch up with the
eight that were already either patrolling, or had launched from the
larger factory. Fourteen ships against twenty, not great odds. He
thought about calling in more ships from the closest sectors
where he also had factories, but dismissed the idea almost
instantly. Theyd never get here in time, this was going to be over
quickly one way or another.
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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

The Captain of ENeTs defence force steered his ship towards the
incoming pirate vessels. His six medium fighters were at the head
of the group with two heavy fighters trailing behind. The other
stations light fighters were beginning to close, but it looked fairly
clear to him that he was going to have to engage before the
others caught up.

They were at full speed now, closing in on the pirates at an

alarming rate. The pirate ships didnt alter from their course,
heading directly for the large factory that had just had the new rig

The Captain gave his orders to the other five medium ships. He
had scanned all the pirate ships and found a collection of light,
medium and heavy fighters. Ships from different races were
amongst the ranks, but they all gave out the unmistakable
signature of the pirate clans. He was also concerned about the
five heavy attack ships, but they would have to wait. The fighters
must be dealt with first. The two small fleets were now within five
kilometres of each other and closing fast.

Heavy fighters first, then medium, light, and finally the attack
ships. Everyone got that? He saw the affirmative lights flash up on
his console. Good, stick with your wingmen, battle control has
selected your targets for you, commence attack!

The Paranid ships split into three groups of two and dived into the
incoming enemy. The Captain saw the lead pirate in his weapon
sights and when he got within two kilometres, he opened fire.
Laser bolts streaked out across the darkness of space,
momentarily creating an artificial lightness that could be seen on
the inside of the ship walls. Again and again he fired, leading the
shots in front of the target so the pirate would run into them as he

The pirate was just about to be smothered with the laser bolts
when he suddenly pulled the ship into a vertical manoeuvre,
spinning as he went and then turning again, this time to be
speeding directly for the Captain. It opened fire.

The Captain had managed to keep the pirate in his sights and as it
turned towards him he also opened fire. The laser bolts passed
each other in space and the Captain felt the all too familiar feeling
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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

of the ship bucking as the lasers from the pirate found their
target. He glanced at his shields, 50% remaining. He checked the
scanner to check the pirates, 30% remaining. Good, this could be
over quickly if he could just get another salvo into its hull.

They passed each other with only metres to spare and

immediately he turned the control stick to sweep his ship around
in an attempt to get on the back of the pirate. Yes, got him, he was
there right in front of him. He squeezed the trigger again, fighting
to keep the ship on a steady line as it juddered every time his
lasers fired.

He saw the signs of success as the lasers hit their mark and the
shields around the pirate vessel glowed with tiny explosions. He
kept on firing as the pirate was now trying to take evasive action.
Frantically swinging its ship one way and then another. The
Captain was too experienced to let such tactics get the better of
him and he kept on firing, sometimes around the ship, not directly
at it, so that any attempts to escape would be blocked.

The pirate ship suddenly came to an abrupt halt, its shields

wasted and its power source exhausted. The Captain had to move
quickly to avoid hitting it and he managed to veer to the left. The
pirate exploded just as he was passing by, shooting fragments of
ship at him. He saw them moving past his space screen and
registered the impact on his shields. He quickly registered the
positions of the other ships on the scanner and turned to

Meanwhile, the other Paranid ships had not been so lucky. Three
were gone and two more were in serious trouble. However, they
had managed to destroy another pirate, so that only left eighteen
in total. He carried on regardless, aiming his lasers at the nearest
one. It turned too quickly for him and his shots missed the mark.
He grabbed the stick tight, selected missiles and quickly fired off
three light attack missiles. Short range, highly manoeuvrable ship
to ship missiles. He knew they might not all strike, in fact he was
sure of it. But he also knew it would keep that pirate busy for the
next few sezura while he found another target.

He found one, down and to his left. He turned to intercept,

launched another two missiles but this time followed them
towards the target. The pirate must have been informed of the
incoming missiles as it veered to the right. The Captain was
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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

expecting this though and went with it, firing lasers into the
blackness in the hope that the enemy ship would run into the
carefully aimed shots. It did, impact flashes appearing all over it as
it tried to run. He kept it in his sight and fired until the weapons
computer began to warn him of low power. The pirate tried
frantically to avoid the laser fire, but just when it looked as though
it might succeed, the two missiles streaked across the Captains
screen from the left and hit the pirate. He wasnt sure, but he
actually thought the first missile had been the one. It was difficult
to tell they had hit so close together. He again checked the
scanner and found the initial ship still trying to avoid the first
missiles. An ideal opportunity to catch it unawares, he selected it
as a locked target and veered towards it.

The five pirate strike ships had ignored the incoming Paranid and
had kept on their course towards the station. As they approached
within range the factorys defences opened fire. Automated laser
batteries attempting to lock on to the incoming threat. Laser
towers spinning on their axis while also trying to achieve a
successful lock.

As soon as the pirates had passed the point where the lasers
from the factory could track them, they opened fire as well. Large
factory killer missiles were being ejected by the forward most
ship. It had targeted the laser towers and within a few Sezuras,
they were all gone. Two of the ships began raining laser shots onto
the station laser batteries, but the massive defence shields on the
station rendered them ineffective. The two pirates continued their
attack though, moving back and forth through space, zigzagging
so that the laser batteries were unable to get many clean hits.
That was part of the plan though, to keep the other three ships
free for the next attack.

One of the large pirate assault ships approached the new rig.
When it was adjacent to the newly welded connection point, it fired
an extremely powerful beam laser at the station. It seemed to
miss at first, the shot careering over the top, but then slowly it
started to descend and it sliced its way right through the join.
Debris and small impact explosions littered the area. Massive
vents of atmosphere that had been contained within the station
were pouring out into space. The laser continued until it passed
underneath the rig. Then after a pause that seemed to last
forever, the newly installed rig began to slowly, very slowly move
away from the main factory.
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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

The station went into automatic recovery mode, shutting down

sections that had been open to the gaping hole that had been
ripped into its side, too late to save anyone or anything that was
the wrong side of the hatches. Bodies flew out into space, instantly
freezing in the extreme coldness. Parts of the station followed.
Cables and piping, cargo boxes and robotic lifters, all were sucked
out into the vacuum that was space. It took the factorys defence
computer a few sezuras to recalculate the shield parameters and
bring the station back under its protective cloak.

LooManckStrat almost dropped his zoom lenses from his face. He

was now at the relatively safe position of the South Gate and had
been observing the battle. He raised the lenses back to his eyes
and he could see the unbelievable happening before him. A weak
No! was all he could muster as he saw his credits disappearing
before him. How had they managed to avoid the shields on the

The Super Slave rig was using its back up powers to shutdown the
gaps in the same way that the main factory had done moments
before. Lights were flickering out in the many space screens along
its hull. One of the pirate ships moved in closer, slowed to an
almost halt and then slowly, side on began to approach the dying

When it was within twenty metres it stopped. Its side cargo bay
opened and a stream of figures in armed environment suits jetted
across to the now lifeless hull. Laser torches began to burn a hole
in its side and LooManckStrat could only watch on in disbelief.

He barked orders into the cube, but nobody answered. Eleven of

his defence ships were gone and the remaining three were
frantically trying to avoid being killed by the ever-chasing pirate
fighters. He glanced around the bridge, but his loyal crew could
only stare back at him, the same look of despair on their faces too.

In only a few mizura the figures were clambering into the rig. They
quickly navigated their way to the walkways and divided into two
groups. Using the electronic internal schematics of the station,
they quickly sought out their intended destinations. The maps and
instructions being transmitted to their Slave chips from the
stationary ship outside. The rig was in darkness with only the

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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

occasional spark and flicker of light from the quickly emptying

energy cells.

LooManckStrat had contacted the Paranid Navy and they were on

their way but they would take a few stazuras to arrive. It was a
hopeless position and he knew it, who had done this and why?

He couldnt take his eyes away from the proceedings and quicker
than he expected the line of figures began to emerge from the
hole they had made in the hull. One by one they came and
returned to the waiting ship. He couldnt see them board as that
was obscured by the pirate ship itself.

The pirate ship began to move away from the rig. The other four
assault ships joining it in formation. They were about three
kilometres away from the carnage when a number of large
Factory Killers were launched.

LooManckStrat actually sank to his knees in despair as he saw

first, his newly built rig and all its secrets explode quickly followed
by the whole factory itself. His three remaining ships had just met
the same fate from the marauding pirate fighters and the whole
despicable little fleet headed for the north gate at full speed.


ENeT Factory commander Faa tZrrk was relaxing in his office

when the communication globe bleeped and sped across the
room to meet him. This was another of ENeTs chip plants, but this
time it was in Split space. He turned his head and body slowly
towards the globe and ordered it to pipe the message through.

He saw the face of the Split pirate he had met only two wozuras
ago. The message was non-interactive having been transmitted
over many gates. It simply said Mission accomplished, we must

He stared at the globe as if hoping it would say something else. It

did not. Globe, delete last message and remove from archive,
confirm? The globe beeped its confirmation and then sped away
back to the middle of the ceiling. Faa tZrrk began to clench and
unclench his fists involuntarily. They have done it. They have
actually gone and done it. He began to pack his belongings.

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Dominion: Chapter 1 - Best laid plans

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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

Out of the ashes rose the phoenix, its magnificent body greater
than before. I am mightier now than I ever have been, stronger
and wiser. It said. Let all those who stand as my enemies know
that I have returned and the time for vengeance is upon them.

She stood by the window, staring out at the children playing

outside in the park. Six small figures giggling as they ran around
each other, holding their light toys above them. The blinking from
the light on the end of the small sticks making a swirling display
like a continuous moving line as they twirled them in the air. They
were just having a last play before they were called in for a meal
and sleep.

The sun (Sonra) was beginning to sink behind the horizon, leaving
a reddish glow on the few clouds that were hanging in the sky. It
had been a bright light filled day, slightly cold, but it had warmed as
the day went on. The children were savouring the last of it. She
smiled at their pleasure. How to see such innocence was enough
to bring happiness to another.

At the edge of the park was a fence about twenty metres away.
Lights blinking from the two metre tall towers that were spread
out along its length. They generated the beams that stretched
between them, creating energy that created a secure perimeter
around the compound.

Beyond the fence rolled out the hills, covered in low vegetation. A
variety of colours from greens to reds and yellows created a
mosaic that slowly moved one way then the other as the low wind
swept across the hilltops. The ever decreasing light still
attempting to thread its way downwards as it dropped behind

This was the government controlled child growth centre in Alicta,

an orphanage to you and I. Alicta was the third largest population
centre on the planet and this planet was the home to the Argon,
the biped humans. This was Argon Prime!

She had chosen this place from all the others as it was close to
the navy installation at Morang and she could see the shuttle
ships take off and land from the base there. In fact she could see
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

one now, a dark object lifting into the sky, a blinding light emitted
from its end as the engines were fired to give the vehicle enough
life to exit the atmosphere. Up and beyond to the orbiting stations
and the fleets of ships that awaited any newly operational pilots.

She wished she could have stood here and watched these with
her son, night after night so she could tell him the stories of the
time she had spent in space, darting between systems and
skimming the stars. But it was not to be. She moved to her right
and heard the distinct sound of the motors as they moved the
metallic bones that were in her legs. She sighed.

She had spent too long in space and had lost her mate. Her male
companion was somewhere out there still in the cosmos. They
had not been in touch for too long, but it didnt matter now. Etract,
the bone and nerve wasting disease was nearing its completion.
She had caught it working on the Chelt farms in Split space. It only
affected Argon and didnt make its presence known until a long
time after you had contracted it. Still it was rare and the pay was
good, so you took your chance.

Then it struck and she quickly became incapable of moving herself

without the aid of implants. Part of the right arm and both legs
were now synthetic and the majority of her feelings were gone too.
There was no point in staying in space, not for a weakened female,
so they had parted. She didnt know where he was now anyway,
probably still trading in the Teladi and Split sectors. Making a few
credits here and a few there. Living from day to day.

No, she had decided that she wanted to leave something of

herself here, on Argon Prime. She had signed up to the
government adoption scheme. The government would look after
her child after she was gone in return for all her belongings. It
seemed a fair deal, she wouldnt need them where she was going
and she may as well give her baby the best possible start. She had
managed to save a little from her time in the Chelt farms and that
would give her baby a better start. She could contribute nothing
she knew, but the destination for her offspring wouldnt be as good
as this one.

She involuntarily rubbed her hand over her stomach, the whirring
motors noticeable in her arm. Not long now she mused. The baby
moved and kicked hard, she felt it and smiled again. The disease
couldnt make it into the womb, they didnt understand why and
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

she freely assisted in inconclusive tests. The father didnt even

know it was his and he never would. They had mated their last
night together on the orbiting space station above the planet and
then she had taken the shuttle down to the surface and he had
boarded his freighter and left the sector. Goodbye. So cold and
unforgiving when done in space, but he wouldnt come down to the
surface, not for her, not for anyone.

She had been told that she may live a while longer, but if she kept
the baby, the chances of her surviving the birth were not good.
She had opted for the baby, what was a little while longer to her
when she could provide a lifetime to another? No she had her
time sun skimming, drinking in the bars and fighting with the
traders. It had been a fitting life, she had taken to it well and
enjoyed it. Time to move over, time for another life to begin.

She didnt hear the door open behind her, but she could sense
that it had. Maybe a slight change in the light as the glow from the
corridor was higher than the room. She turned to greet her

Its time. Was all the assistant said, a completely blank

expression on her face.

I know. She replied and began to move towards her. The motors
were making the only noise in the room. She gave one last look
backward towards the children in the park. They must have been
called in, as they were moving towards the door that she knew
was to the left, out of site from the window.

She started again across the floor and followed the assistant out
and down the corridor. It didnt take long for them to reach the
preparation room. She walked and was gestured to lie down on
the cushioned table in the middle of the room. She followed her
instructions and undressed and then slowly moved, the large
bulge that was her belly making it difficult, but she finally managed
to climb aboard the table.

She lay down on her back, closed her eyes and thought of what
the baby would look like as she had done so many times since she
discovered he was to be born. Would it have her eyes, his? What
about the mouth, the ears, the hair?

The assistant was leaning over her as she opened her eyes.
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

Whats his name to be? she quizzed, not because she was
interested but because the recording systems had to record the
name from the mother.

She looked the assistant in the eye. Brett. She replied. You will
say hello to him for me wont you. His name is Brett.

The assistant smiled, the first time she could remember her doing
that, the assistants didnt smile as a rule.

Of course I will. Came the reply. Goodbye Berny.

Goodbye. Berny replied.

She didnt feel the drug as it was administered, but she quickly felt
it work its magic. She was asleep almost instantly after and only a
little later, Brett was born.

Berny didnt survive the surgery, she wasnt expected to, her body
was ravaged from the disease. But Brett was a strong, perfectly
formed baby boy. As one light is extinguished another flickers to


Brett lived at the orphanage until he was a grown boy. Not old
enough to venture out on his own, no a long way from that, but old
enough to understand. He became a respected member of the
group and most of the other children looked up to him. One thing
that was certain was that he was highly intelligent. He didnt like to
show it and he sometimes had confrontations with the staff at the
orphanage, but even they had to agree, Brett was special.

They would set tasks for the children to do, complex and
sometimes-difficult scenarios, which they hoped, would keep the
children busy for a while. Brett usually (if he could be bothered)
answered the questions in an instant. They tried and tried to
conjure up ideas for Brett to do, but every time he beat them.

So they obtained the complete history of the universe (as it was

known) on data chip and organised for it to be available for Brett
to use, to learn from, hopefully to keep him quiet.

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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

Brett leapt at the chance for knowledge, something from outside

of the institution. He read continually, accessing the graphic
libraries and text scrolls. His appetite for the information was
almost insatiable. He studied the data every chance he had.

He learnt about the races first, the Argon, the history books had
been rewritten many times. They had originated from many
different sources, according to the text, but the religious group
known as the Goners insisted that they came from a distant star
system and a planet called earth. This had captivated him and
when he was still only a young boy a man named Brennan had
been discovered in a strange space ship. Brennan was supposedly
from earth. The Goners had risen after that time, becoming more
accepted and their beliefs had spread.

The earth people had built a race of machines and created

programs that gave true artificial intelligence. Earth had rejoiced
at this new-found technology. They had sent these machines out
into the cosmos to find new worlds and make them habitable for
humans. They called these machines the terraformers (TF). They
would later become known as the Xenon (alien). After many earth
years it was decided that the terraformers were not required
anymore and no more were built or sent out (mainly due to the
Gate discovery - later). The earth government had decided to no
longer fund this venture, as it was becoming too expensive.
Messages were sent out to the terraformers to tell them to halt
their missions. What earth did not know at the time is that not all
of these messages got through and the machines continued to
terraform and multiply, as per their original instructions. Earth
almost forgot about them, but a software update was sent out to
the few remaining ones to instruct them to destroy themselves. It
was thought that only a few existed. However, unknown to earth,
there were many still left and they had been continuing to multiply.
The software update had flaws and the terraformers were
instructed to remove everything else, not themselves! They
distributed this flawed update between their own kind.

The earth people had discovered how to create jump gates that
joined the universe together. Great objects lying in space. When
you entered a gate you were transferred to another gate at the
receiving end. The humans from earth had managed to create
this remarkable machine and had built two and sent one on its
way to one of their closest stars, Alpha Centurai. It would take
years to arrive.
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

One in earth space and the other on its way to a distant star.
When it did arrive they would have an almost instant journey
between the two. But while the gate was on its way, the first gate
(in earth space) had tried to obtain a lock and had found, to the
great surprise of the scientists and engineers that they had locked
onto another gate, not the one they had built.

They soon found that they were locking onto gates at random
positions around the universe. These were other gates of alien
origin! A ship was constructed (the WinterBlossom) to go in
search of the gates carrying a twelve strong team of scientists,
led by Captain Rene Farnham. Originally planned for a one-year
journey, the WinterBlossom returned after two years. The
information they obtained was amazing. There were gates
everywhere, scattered around the universe. But despite extensive
probing they had found no intelligent life in space itself. Some
planets looked habitable and they were certain that they found
intelligent life on some of the worlds, but the ship was not fitted
with the equipment for any planet side excursions.

The earth government was concerned about the ease at which

space was opening up and the way these vast distances could be
travelled in such a short time span. They began to build defence
ships that orbited the earth in the event of any alien incursions,
not that any aliens had been found at all.

Over a hundred years later, a fleet of six TF ships suddenly entered

the solar system through the gate and began to terraform the
outer planets. They used all available resources as they were
originally instructed to do and in their mission, began to destroy
man made structures.

Nathan R Gunne, a brilliant strategist of the time, led a fleet of

earth ships against the TF and in a brilliant tactical manoeuvre,
tricked the TF ships into following him though the earth made
gate. The gate was destroyed immediately after.

The creators of the gates (the Ancients) which no-one is aware of

up until Bretts entry into the universe, oversee these events and
decide to reconfigure the gates so that they create a closed loop
where nothing can get out and nothing can get in. This loop cuts
earth out. The old ones have plans to create a universe of races
that can live together, including the terraformers. But the battles
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

that raged around earth space make them wary of humans, they
do not want them to be included in the plans for a peaceful

The Teladi who are another space fairing race fall foul of this
reconfiguration and as such, their home world Ianamus Zura is
cut off forever. Only a few remote Teladi settlements remain in the
loop. They have only basic equipment and space flight. It will be a
long time before the Teladi roam the universe again.

Nathan R Gunne fought the Terraformers in the Alpha Centurai

system where they followed him through the earth gate before its

Many of the humans died in the conflict, including many of the

humans that were living in the system. Alpha Centurai had
become Earths largest outpost over the years, with hundreds of
thousands of inhabitants. The Terraformers though had been
defeated, although not eliminated. They retreated back into the
cosmos. The humans knew that they could not get back to earth,
the gates had been realigned, the earth gate destroyed. They
decided to rewrite the history books and earth history was
removed. However, there were still those that stood up for original
history, who believed that it should be taught. But these were few
compared to the many and the history books remained earth-less.

Many years later a new planet was discovered only twelve jumps
away from Alpha Centurai. It seemed that this could sustain the
human population and was a much better suited environment to
live in. The majority of the humans moved to the new planet. It was
called Four, after the star in the system, Sonra-4.

At the earth age of 93, Gunne a ruthless pirate who had so

magnificently come to the humans aid, died and the planet that
they now called home was renamed Argon in his memory. The
humans now referred to themselves as Argon instead of human
and the history books are rewritten once again.

The government of the humans finally agrees to move (from Alpha

Centurai) to Argon and forever after the planet is known as Argon

The terraformers were beginning to launch incursions into Argon

space. A band of Argon traders decides to seek out the old earth
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

gate that is still in existence (in the ship AP Gunner). These were
space fairing individuals who ferried goods between the ever
expanding Argon territories. More and more worlds were being
visited and the Argon Empire was continually expanding. Many
years had passed and the history books had the existence of the
second earth gate removed. They travel for three years and finally
find the gate. It is intact, so they decide to disable it and destroy its
electronics. A plaque is left on the gate explaining why it has been
disabled. The Gunners as they have called themselves return to
Argon space and begin to spread the word about the earth gate
and history of the Argon. More and more people begin to gravitate
towards this belief.

This information once compiled becomes known as the Book of

Truth and is a strict religious belief of some of the Argon people.
This group of believers becomes known as the Goners.

Soon after, the terraformers attacked an Argon reconnaissance

ship, but the ship survived! It was able to communicate back the
details of the attackers. The Argon named the attackers Xenon
(alien) and it was found that these were the original terraformers
who had mutated beyond belief.

The following (earth) year the Xenon finally entered central Argon
space and attacked and destroyed the Argon space station The
Antigone. Thousands died in the attack and at last the Argon
government decided to retaliate. This chapter in the Argon history
became known as the Xenon war and lasted over forty earth

During this time the Argon had met and made friends with the
Paranid. Agreements were made between the two races that in
principle, they would co-operate.

Also, during the Xenon war years the Boron had finally managed
space flight and had begun to colonise their local worlds and

The Argon government turned to their newly found allies, the

Paranid, for support and help during the conflict. The debates
actually lasted many earth years, but in the end, the Paranid
refused to be involved, as the Xenon did not directly threaten

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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

The Xenon had become more aggressive and were continually

attacking and destroying Argon outposts. Something had to be
done and it had to be decisive.

The Argon had built up a considerable fleet during the years that
were orbiting the homeworld of Argon Prime. The command was
given and the whole Argon fleet ventured into space to engage the
Xenon threat head on.

Many battles followed, but over time the Argon navy, together with
their trader brethren, began to turn the tide. Lost territories were
regained and the Xenon were repeatedly beaten and forced onto
the defensive. Finally the Xenon retreated back to where they had
come from and the attacks on the Argon ceased. The Argon had
won the Xenon war!

During this time the Boron had begun to colonise space and their
kingdom was stretching further out. Unfortunately they began to
colonise a sector that belonged to the Split, a race of warlike
creatures that didnt know the art of negotiation. The Split had
been the last of these races to achieve space flight, but they had
quickly caught up with the other races with their (rather crude)
ships. The Split attacked the Boron without remorse, killing
thousands, but instead of driving them out of their sector, the Split
began a systematic destruction of everything Boron. This lasted
ten years until the Boron were on the brink of extinction.

The Split moved ever outward, chasing the Boron back until they
were only fighting in their own sector.

The Boron had met the Argon and after initial trading deals that
had been initiated by the pioneering traders at that time, formerly
approached the Argon government. The talks were under tight
security and absolute secrecy, but the two races agreed to some
basic trading rights and this would become known as the
Foundation Guild later.

The Split were amassing a large fleet for a final attack on the
Boron when they encountered the first Argon they had ever met.
These were the pioneering traders, assorted ships built mainly for
mining and exploration and the Split forward units attacked them.
The traders fought the Split for years in many hit and run,
disruptive type attacks. This slowed the Splits plans and it took
them longer than planned to put the fleet into place. The Split had
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

also met and befriended the Paranid during this time, a fact that
the Argon were unaware of.

Suddenly part of the Argon fleet was attacked by the aggressive

Split navy. A detachment of Paranid ships was recognised in
formation with the Split. The Argon government immediately gave
orders to the massive navy and it set course for the Split
advanced fleet. Just as the Split were about to launch their final
and devastating attack on the Boron, the Argon navy arrived.

The battle was ferocious, but the joint forces of the Argon and the
Boron defeated the Split over the skies of the Boron home planet
and the following years saw the alliance forces reverse all the
gains that the Split had made. The Boron are a technically
advanced race, developing the finest shield and weapon systems.
They shared these technologies with the Argon and over a period
of one hundred years (from the first Split aggression towards the
Boron), the war raged.

The Paranid and Split forces finally sued for peace, their
respective fleets being in the same positions they had started out
from at the outset of the war. This period of conflict was known as
the Boron campaign to the Argon. The Split were so devastated
at their defeat that they endured an internal revolt and the Split
emperor was removed. The Split and Paranid begin to argue
between themselves and various small-scale battles were fought
between the two.

The Argon and Boron officially sign the Foundation Guild treaty
and now have many goods being traded between the two races.
The Paranid and Split who have finally put their disagreements
behind them form the Profit Guild as a direct move against the
Foundation Guild.

Over a hundred years later, the reptilian Teladi settlements

rediscovered advanced space travel. Their colonies cut off from
the homeworld after the gate reconfiguration. Untouched by the
other races because of their lack of space involvement offered no
real benefits to others. They begin to trade with the other races
and show no aggressive signs at all, preferring to trade and make

The Foundation Guild approaches the Teladi in an attempt to get

them to join, but the Teladi refuse to enter into any agreement,
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

mainly because they prefer their own currency system. However,

after years of negotiation, the Teladi join the Profit Guild instead.

Twenty-six years later, in an astonishing act of co-operation, both

the Foundation Guild and the Profit Guild agree on a single
universal currency to ease the trade levies. This currency is called
Credits and from that point onwards, every space race uses
them as a means of trade. This is referred to as the Great
Currency Reform.

Over the next hundred years space becomes a safer place,

traders and stations manufacturing goods appear everywhere
and the Teladi become the strongest race in terms of financial
stance. It is this position that enables them to influence the Guilds
to adopt the Teladi time system based on Sezuras and Jazuras.

The Argon, like the other races still maintain their own time
systems on their own worlds. Many of the races have millions of
beings that never venture into space and are not interested in
converting their fundamental time systems. But the basis is that
the Teladi system, when compared to the Argon system is similar,
but with longer units of time. For example, a Sezura is 1.7 seconds
and a Mizura is 2.72 minutes. This carries on until it reaches a
Jazura, which is 1.36 years.

Sezura = Second
Mizura = Minute
Stazura = Hour
Tazura = Day
Wozura = Week
Mazura = Month
Jazura = Year

The Xenon (TF) dispatch a ship using its own jumpdrive technology
directly into earth space. The earth government is astonished at
this new breakthrough in technology and begin a project to
develop their own system using the captured remains of the TF

Seven years later they test their new technology, the X-Shuttle.
Piloted by Captain Kyle William Brennan, it malfunctions and
arrives in Teladi space. Brett is four Jazuras old (five years) when
this happens. He remembers watching the news broadcasts at
the time and especially the view of the Argon fleet as it moved out
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Dominion: Chapter 2 - As one light is extinguished another flickers to life

of Argon Prime space and proceeded to intercept the newly risen

Xenon threat.

Brennan is instrumental in the defeat of the Xenon; he actually

flies the final attack on the Xenon mother ship himself. The Xenon
are defeated once again and move further back into uncharted
areas. The Argon rejoice and the Goners (Gunners) rise to
prominence as it is now undeniably true that earth does exist if
Brennan is to be believed, even though the Argon attempted to
remove its existence from history.

The X-Shuttle is damaged but after many years of trying they finally
manage, with the help of the Boron scientists, to make a workable
jumpdrive. It takes another few years, but the drive becomes
commercially available to the richest pilots.

Brett is seven Jazura when he decides that he will meet these

other races, that he will travel the space lanes. Little does he know
that he will go to places that he could never imagine at such a
young age. He is ten when the Argon navy visits the orphanage
and offers him (although he actually has little choice in the
decision) the chance to go and live at Morang and train to be a
pilot. He agrees before the navy officer has finished explaining the
offer, he knows it is time.

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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens

Chapter 3 The plot thickens

For every push to the left, there is an equal push to the right.
Maybe not in the same place, but it will happen nonetheless.
Whenever something is established that some see as good, there
will always be the opposite view. That is as it always has been and
probably always will.

Faa tZrrk had left the station that was his home and travelled two
complete sectors further out into cosmos, away from the centre
of Split. He had sold his company issued ship at one of the
shipyards. No questions would be asked in these areas, it would be
repainted, given a new electronic identity and resold, probably
before he even left the shipyard.

So he had purchased an old freighter ship, slow and unforgiving.

But it was the perfect vessel for the next part of his journey. It
would blend in with the rest of the space traffic. A Split freighter in
the outer sectors of Split space, he was just like all the others,

He wasted no time in fitting the ship with the necessary

equipment and supplies for the journey ahead. The attendants on
the shipyard didnt even give him a second glance, no checking of
credentials, he had the credits and the transfer of them from his
personal account had proceeded without a hitch. He was Split
himself after all. Now it was a matter of navigating the space lanes
and arriving on time.

He calculated the journey time and felt satisfied that everything

was, so far, going to plan. He stood in the long stay holding dock
walking around the large ship. It was definitely old, its paintwork
tarnished from many journeys past harmful stars and radiation
clouds. Scorch marks around the massive single engine at the
rear and a few dents in the bodywork itself. He satisfied himself
that it looked space-worthy and the data readout confirmed the
same. He made a conscious effort to remove the readout from his
image and the slave chip he had installed followed his wishes. The
image slowly dissolved.

Accessing the flight system, he ordered the flight deck door to

open and heard a slight hiss as it moved upwards and outwards
away from the ships hull. He walked towards it and made the

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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens

single large step to enter the ship, pressing the manual button on
the inside of the hull to close the door.

It was only a short few steps to enter the flight deck. A small area
with two seats, a console and the large space screen. He could
see another similar shaped ship being towed slowly out to the
launch area further down the bay. Behind him was a small
compartment with a bunk and an area to get refreshed with a
sonic shower. He was glad he had opted for such a large ship as
these kind of small comforts were rare and this ship even had an
artificial gravity system, comfort indeed.

He accessed the ships scanning systems and checked the local

sector. It was full of traffic, he counted over a hundred ships all
going about their business. Ferrying goods from one factory to
another or performing protection duties for other ships or
factories. A busy sector this, he was five sectors away from his
destination, that was a considerable distance and it would take
him over two Tazura to get there. Then if everything went to plan,
he would have to travel a further ten sectors, partly doubling back
on himself for the final meeting.

It was a tense time, but with the plan now underway he didnt have
time to feel it properly, he was too busy and that was good. If he
thought about it too long he might just convince himself that it
wasnt a good idea. But the ENeT security group had almost surely
linked his mysterious departure with the destruction of the factory
in Paranid space. If they hadnt yet, they would eventually. He had
left no reason, no evidence as to why he had gone in the hope that
it might throw them off his trail for a while. As soon as they knew,
they would hunt him down and they wouldnt stop to ask questions.
His actions had made him an outlaw within the company. Of that
there was no doubt.

But if everything went to plan, he would take his credits and go to

one of the pleasure planets, a place where beings went to relax.
But he would stay there forever, never again venturing into the
dark cold void that was space. He would live out his life in luxury, at
least that was the idea. Just a few more loose ends to tie up and
the small matter of delivering the goods and then freedom, he

He was beginning to feel slightly ill at the thought of it all. Time to

get on with the job in hand. He mentally accessed the
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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens

communications system and asked the automated station traffic

computer for clearance to launch. It came back with a positive
reply and he waited for the small robot tug to move to the front of
his ship and attach a tow belt. He could quite easily navigate his
ship out of the dock and into space itself, but it was not allowed
within the stations. No engines, no weapons and no shields
allowed. You kept them all disabled while the automated systems
moved your ship into a launch position. Then you could fire your
engines and enter the void. The laser turrets that adorned the
ceiling of the bays would fire on any ship that attempted to break
these rules. The same regulations applied throughout known
space. It was a time wasting exercise as far as Faa tZrrk was
concerned, but there were many rookie pilots around, so it made

He felt the slight tug on the ship as the robot pulled it forward
down the bay. A hundred metres away stood the launch door, it
was just closing as the ship he had witnessed being pulled away
before had just launched. As they approached the door, he could
see to his left two sleek attack craft. They were undergoing some
form of maintenance, he couldnt tell what, he wasnt an engineer.
But they looked fast and manoeuvrable. He half wished he was in
one now, the journey time would be considerably less and any
trouble could be dealt with in such a ship. But they were too
obvious. Ships like that attracted attention, particularly in the outer
sectors where he was going. The pirates and illegal companies
ran most of these areas and any ship like that would attract
immediate scans. If it didnt show up as a local ship, there was a
good chance of being attacked. No, he didnt like it, but he was
better off in his ship. Also, such a long journey in a small craft
didnt bear thinking about, oh the discomfort!

The robot was now pulling his ship through the now fully opened
door. It slued to the right and his ship followed it. After about
twenty metres it came to a halt and the second tug that was at
the rear of the ship, took the strain and negated the forward
movement so that his ship came to a complete stop.

The two tugs disengaged and vanished through the door behind
him. It slowly began to descend and came to halt as it entered the
slit in the floor ready to accommodate it and create a secure,
atmosphere and blast proof seal.

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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens

He could see the air being sucked out of the launch bay, slight
white wafts appeared by the vents as the area became a vacuum
ready for the outer door to be opened.

He saw the confirmation light flash on the console. Launch

confirmed. He now had twenty Sezura to abort the action and get
pulled back into the bay or the outer doors would open and he
could fire his engines.

He manually confirmed his request to launch so that he wouldnt

have to wait any longer and the engine light turned from red to
amber. When it went green he could fire his engines and be away.

The outer doors began to open. A split appeared horizontally

across the middle as the top half went upwards and the bottom
half downwards. He saw the indicator flash its confirm to tell him
that the clamps on the portable cot that his ship was sat on top
of, had been released. The ship floated in space and the engine
light went to green.

He pressed the button to start the engine and set his speed to ten
metres a second. The ship began to approach the waiting opening.
He could see the darkness of space outside, a multitude of stars
staring back at him, dim and distant. He made sure he was
securely seated and the straps were fastened across his chest,
then he switched off the artificial gravity. He felt a slight dizziness
accompanied with a feeling of sickness. But that was the normal
feeling when going from gravity to weightlessness.

He confirmed a speed of fifty, the fastest this ship could go and

the opening suddenly disappeared and he was heading out into
space. He let the ship fly on its original course for two kilometres
and then turned thirty degrees to the left in the general direction
of the jump gate, thirty-two kilometres away.

A quick scan of the surrounding ships and he felt happy that he

was not being followed. He closed his eyes in an attempt to get a
little rest, but it didnt help.


The pirate fleet that had carried out the attack in Paranid space
had gone many different ways as soon as they had exited the gate
after the battle. The Paranid navy would probably be on the lookout
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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens

and it was much easier to spot a large fleet of ships than it was to
pick them out among all the others.

The assault ship carrying the Super Slaves was the prize and it
was being flanked by two large fighter craft. They headed straight
for the Split outer sectors and their intended rendezvous. The
captain had sent out an encoded message drone as soon as they
were underway. It had arrived back with a confirmation of receipt.
The drones were very small, extremely fast devices that used the
gates to traverse the systems and deliver messages. They took
time however, even though they were fast and it made interactive
communications between sectors troublesome.

Twenty three million credits was the price they had agreed for the
Slave chips and the data banks. They were of no use to the
pirates, they had been hired to do a job and they had done it. Eight
million credits had already been paid, so they were aiming to
collect the rest at the meeting.

The information regarding the shield grid on the station had

proved to be correct. All shields generated a field where anything
could go one way through, as if it was not there. But the other side
created a strong energy field that protected against physical
objects. That included missiles and lasers. But the shields had to
reconfigure themselves at pre set intervals. If you knew the
interval and you timed your shot at the right time, you could find a
weakness. The information had given them the exact timings of
the factory and the time it took for the reconfiguration to be
implemented. It had proven to be correct. The new factory
installation would force the shield system to immediately throw its
protective cover over the new extension. But then exactly twenty-
three Mizura later, it would run a complete system configuration
and when it had finished four Sezura later, it would reconfigure the
shield system. This took eight Sezura for the whole station and the
new rig would be the last to benefit. That was how long it had
taken to blow the join apart.

They had to destroy the whole station, as the investigation teams

would find this information if anything was left to investigate. So
with no station, the cunning plan would remain secret and the
source of the information, Faa tZrrk would stay secret as well.

The three pirate vessels continued on their journey.

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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens


LooManckStrat was inconsolable after the attack, but he soon

came around to the facts at hand. He had lost not only a large
part of his business empire, but importantly he had lost the Super
Slaves. What had been even worse was that all the data to make
them and all the scientists and engineers who had played a part
were gone. They had all been aboard the rig when it exploded,
ready to celebrate the opening of the new production and the
completion of their hard work.

His defence ships had proved worthless against such a strong and
co-ordinated attack. He had already ordered further fighter craft
and a training program to make them better. He did not want to
see this happen again. Every station would be upgraded with more
and better ships. He may have lost a large part of the business,
but one thing he still had was a determination to succeed.
Together with the fact that he had vast reserves of credits, he
was ready to start again.

He knew that it would take many Jazura to recreate the chip. They
would have to start from the beginning again. Do all the tests on
the different races again, recruit the paid volunteers. It would take
a long time.

He had already given the instruction for it to begin. Recruit the

scientists and engineers, pay them whatever they required, but
get them onto the ENeT Company list.

All these things were underway and he would attend to them when
he needed to, but the most important thing now was to find out
who had done it. He knew one of the pirate groups had actually
staged the attack, but it was doubtful that they were behind it. No,
someone else was behind this, another company perhaps or even
another race. He wasnt sure at the moment. He was however,
absolutely sure that he would find out.

His factory commander in Split space, Faa tZrrk, had vanished

just after the attack. Faa tZrrk had been involved with the Super
Slave, he knew about it and also had privileged information about
the company. LooManckStrat didnt think Faa tZrrk could be a
traitor, but he had gone somewhere and he intended to start

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Dominion: Chapter 3 The plot thickens

As soon as his defence ships were ready he was on his way to his
factory in Split space. He had sent a message to the Split families
who ruled the race, informing them of his intentions and asking
them to begin their own inquiries. They had replied that they would
investigate the disappearance of Faa tZrrk, but they didnt like the
idea of a fleet of ships entering their domain.

LooManckStrat told them that his intentions were peaceful and

that he would leave the majority of his ships in the outer sectors,
but his company was an important employer for them and they
should help him as much as possible.

The Split eventually agreed, but only after some pressure from the
Paranid delegation at the Profit Guild, of which the Split were also

This process had taken two Wozura, but it enabled him to order
his ships from the Paranid shipyards and organise the purchase
of his new pride and joy, a fully armed, brand new Class Six,
Paranid destroyer. So, someone had attacked him, destroyed his
station and murdered his employees. He would call that debt in,
make no mistake.

He ordered a second destroyer which would take longer to arrive

and he left orders for it to be left in his home sector. The work to
rebuild the factory and install the original rigs had already begun.
He would leave that to his minions while he investigated the attack

Yes, something was definitely happening and someone was

definitely behind it. He made preparations to join Deliverance, his
new destroyer. It was time to become detective.

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

Chapter 4 - Yaki

You may find a hand that feeds more readily than the one you are
used to. But never forget one push to the left causes a push to the
right and it may come from a direction you didnt expect.

The station rotated slowly in space, creating gravity that made it

almost like their home planet at the outer walls. This was where
the living quarters were situated and the residents, all five
thousand four hundred of them, had living space in the outer shell.
Glorious rooms with water showers and space screens looking
directly out into the cosmos.

The station was immense, full three kilometres in diameter with a

globe like shape. At the top and bottom of the huge structure
were the launch bays. Large one hundred metre protrusions that
looked so small against their larger parent.

A thousand space screens scattered over its surface, light shining

out from many, some others dark, the inhabitants either in their
quarters of working deep in the centre of the station. Massive
cargo bays and storage tanks situated off the main corridor that
ran from the top to the bottom, from launch bay to launch bay.

A ship could actually fly all the way through the station if the seal
doors were opened all the way along the corridor. Laser towers
situated along the length of the corridor, ready to enforce the
landing regulations, should they be broken. Robotic helpers were
moving about their business, moving cargo back and to and
stocking up on supplies.

The outside shell was littered with more defence systems. Station
launched missile batteries together with laser towers and their
dual cannons trained out into space. The telltale protrusions of the
scanning systems could be seen strategically placed over the
surface, some stationary, while others revolved continuously,
feeding data into the weapon systems ever ready to react to any
given threat.

The whole station was a deep, dark blue colour. No other colours
at all were visible on its surface. Outside and a few kilometres
away sat an Argon cruiser, motionless in space. Its colour the
same as the station, no visible light emitting from it whatsoever.
But its systems were online and scanning for any threats in the
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

same way the station was. Slightly further out from the cruiser lay
a Paranid destroyer, the same colour again, some lights flickering
and a slight glow from its engines as it had only just moved into its
position to flank and protect the large cruiser ship.

Three large fighters were approaching the station from the

opposite side to the large ships. Bright white ships, but with a
jagged pattern covering their hulls. Thick lines and patterns
creating a camouflage effect in the same blue colour as the
station. The pattern was a signature. However, it held no value, as
camouflage was completely useless in space, but it showed other
ships the origin, let them know where these ships had come from
and most importantly whom they belonged to.

The station was the only permanent fixture in the whole sector.
Deep in space in the currently uninhabited sectors between the
Split and the Teladi civilisation sectors. They would not be
discovered here for a long time and any ships that came close
would be dealt with. The station sold no goods, nor did it
manufacture any. It was a base of operations.

Inside the station in a large room in the outer shell sat a group of
beings, a collection of different races including Split, Paranid and
Argon. They were seated around a large ornate table made from
Cry wood, carved and polished from the forests on Sentuie in
Paranid space. They sat on chairs made from the same wood,
high backed examples with decoration carved into the tops.

They were the pirate leaders who had agreed to join together. At
the head of the table sat Moo-kye, Argon female and self-elected
leader of the group. She was dressed in a close fitting body suit of
the same colour as the station. A weapons belt around her waist
containing a laser hand gun. She stood and moved away from the
table, the small crown built into the headpiece of the body suit
glittering from the light that shone down from the ceiling.

So. She began. Do we have the goods? What is the position of

the strike force?

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki


The six other figures in the room looked at each other as if willing
one another to answer. One of the two Paranid members, still
dressed in his environment suit without the helmet, spoke up.

The goods are about to be delivered Moo-Kye. The strike force is

in place and they have their orders. We can do nothing to alter the
events now, they are too far away.

Good! She hissed. It is time for the universe to be aware of us,

the Yaki! She clenched a fist as she spoke. Ensure the goods
arrive, or do not bother to speak to me again.


Faa tZrrk slowed his ship to a halt. He was, give or take a few
hundred metres, in exactly the position he was supposed to be in.
The sector was empty of installations apart from a single energy
cell factory that was far away. Someone had obviously decided
that this was a good place to start trading and had probably
deployed the station in preparation for others to follow.

His scanner did show a small asteroid field, so maybe someone

was going to begin mining them. A single slow moving freight ship
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

was visible on the scanner close to the station. Probably returning

from picking up supplies, he thought. The only other ships in the
whole sector were heading directly for him. A freighter sized
attack ship flanked by two large fighter craft. They gave off the
pirate signatures on the scanner. Faa tZrrk watched them
approach, his apprehension beginning to increase the closer they

The communication console blinked to indicate an incoming

message. He gestured to his slave chip and confirmed that it was
being received over the secure channel that had been agreed. He
brought the signal onto the main viewing screen.

Ah! The pirate spoke. We meet again at last!

Faa tZrrk saw the face of the Split pirate who he had met and
divulged the information to when he was on the pleasure world,
taking his permitted leave of absence from his position in the

So we do. Faa tZrrk replied. You have the goods? he inquired.

The pirate smiled and delayed his answer long enough to annoy
Faa tZrrk. Of course we have the goods, do you have the

I have the credits. He confirmed. Bring your ship alongside so

that we can perform the transfer.


The actual transfer of goods and credits would take place at the
same time. It was a transaction that required systems on both
ships to confirm that each of the parts of the transaction had
taken place. If either system disagreed, they would automatically
undo the transfers. Someone could modify one end of the system
in an attempt to steal goods or not pay, but this would not affect
the other side and the deal would be undone anyway.

This way of trading had been law throughout the universe for as
long as anyone could remember. It worked and even the illegal
groups would comply when they were trading. Anyone breaking
the regulations that got reported was an outlaw by all members of
both the foundation and profit guilds.
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

The only problem was that It had to be reported and Faa tZrrk
was a little concerned that his life might be nearing its end. But he
had thought it through many times. The pirates he was dealing
with knew that he was working for someone else. They didnt know
whom, but could guess by the amount of credits in the deal, that it
was someone of considerable importance. If they made any
attempts to renege on the deal, they could imagine the
consequences. No, this deal would go ahead as planned.

The pirate vessel came along side. With no other way to transfer
the cargo other than to drop it into space and allow the other ship
to scoop it up, via its cargo handling system. The onboard trading
system would automatically transfer the remaining credits as
soon as it received confirmation from the cargo hold.

The cargo pod was jettisoned into space and the pirate ship
moved a slight distance away to allow Faa tZrrk to approach it. He
grabbed the control stick and manually adjusted the engine power
and the ship gently moved forward. He made a slight adjustment
to the stick and the ship turned towards the pod. It was a
standard cargo pod, large in size, even though its contents were
small. These pods were standard issue and all ships were
equipped to carry the standard size, as were the stations. It was
one more act of race co-operation that made trading that much

He mentally told the system to open the cargo bay and

immediately saw the visible warning on the instrument panel,
shields down. This was the crucial part of the manoeuvre, nothing
could be brought onto the ship while the shields were active, it
would simply be repelled by the shields or more likely explode from
the impact. So the shields were automatically taken off line when
the cargo bay was opened, leaving the ship, and Faa tZrrk
extremely vulnerable.

He steered the ship directly at the pod and, heart racing, scanned
the instruments and visual aids for any indication that the pirate
ships were doing anything that might alarm him. Thankfully they
didnt and as he saw the pod visibly disappear below the space
screen and below the ship, he was warmed by the audible bleep
that confirmed the cargo had been successfully loaded. He saw
the credits on the screen negate the agreed amount and the

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

cargo inventory displayed the entry, Slave Chips Quantity One

Hundred. Good, deal done, now time to vacate the area, quickly!

The pirates face appeared on the communication screen one last

time. Thank you for the business Faa tZrrk. I hope we can trade

Yes, he replied, so do I.

With that the pirate ship and its two protectors turned and began
to speed away. At last, he thought, I have the chips! Now I must
deliver them.

He began to steer the ship in the opposite direction to the

retreating pirate ships, increasing his speed to maximum, when
he noticed a number of other ships appear on the scanner.

Oh No! He gasped. Not ENeT security forces here? They couldnt

have found him this easily, this soon, could they?

He ignored his slave link and manually stabbed at the buttons on

the console to scan the incoming ships. Combat pilots were
trained to use the chip in situations like this. That was what
sometimes made the difference between living and dying. But
traders were not as well trained or disciplined as fighter pilots and
Faa tZrrk was no fighter pilot. He began to frantically search the
screen in the hope that it might give up its secrets, when the
communication channel opened.

Faa tZrrk?

He was astonished, no one knew he was here, who was it?

Yes? he replied, his voice giving away his state of mind. This is
Faa tZrrk, what do you want?

Faa tZrrk, we are here to escort you to your destination. Hold

your position and await further orders. Are those ships the pirates
that you have traded with?

Understood. He eased down the engine power. Confirmed,

those are the pirates.

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

Good, do not move from your position. Came the reply, blank and

His ship came to halt, the engines reversing the forward

momentum until it stopped. He counted the ships on the scanner,
twelve Argon heavy fighters, probably armed with powerful lasers
and space attack missiles. Quite an escort for a single ship, he
watched on the screen as they approached and then moved to
glance out of the space screen to see if he could get a visual of
them, he wanted to see this.

They approached at full speed, four ships abreast in three lines,

one behind the other. The last line slowed as they neared and
veered towards him. The others continued on and began to pass
him. He could see them in fine detail now, white ships with deep
blue jagged stripes. Lasers clearly visible on the outer tips of the
wing shaped weapon mountings. He watched them as they went
past and had to turn away as their engines came into view and the
bright light nearly blinded him.

The pirate ships were now some distance away, but they must
have read the situation well. The large attack ship, slow and
cumbersome, was continuing on its course. But the two
protection ships had turned towards their pursuers, sensing that
they would not make it to the jump gate. It was a vain attempt to
give their comrade a slim chance of escape.

Faa tZrrk reached for his zoom lenses that were attached to the
wall next to the edge of the space screen and located the now
advancing pirate ships. Two against eight, the pirates were going
to die, or at least be forced to eject from their ships. Could they
slow the attackers in time? He doubted it. Closer and closer they
came. The eight ships held their position, two lines of four and
when they were within eight kilometres, Faa tZrrk saw the telltale
small intense glows of seeker missile engines. Firing as they left
their launch ships, accelerating to a speed twice as fast as the
ships themselves and heading for their targets the two pirate
ships, and so many missiles he couldnt count them all.

The pirates took immediate evasive action, one ship headed

vertical, twisting and turning as it went. The other repeated the
technique, but went down, causing the missiles to make a decision
on which ship to go for. The missiles must have made their

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

choices as they parted into two groups, each one seeking out one
of the pirates. The eight ships continued on their course.

The pirate assault ship was nearing the gate when the ships
pounced. All four ships from the first line began firing their lasers.
Faa tZrrk watched on as the flashes from the pirates shields
made a dazzling display. The pirate ship tried to zigzag to avoid the
incoming fire, but it was to no avail.

The first line of ships simply speeded past the pirate and the
second line took up the same offensive stance, all four firing their
lasers into the fading shields of their prey. The pirate must have
decided enough was enough and that if he was about to die, it may
as well be in attack rather than defence.

The second row of ships was just passing over the pirate when
Faa tZrrk saw the salvo of Factory Killers leave the pirate ship.
The four attackers broke formation straight away, but the missiles
were too close to evade and two of them made a direct hit on two
of the ships. He watched as one exploded, quickly followed by a
second. A large explosion, a quick bright light, followed by debris
and fire that was quickly extinguished in the vacuum. It was an
eerie sight, watching an explosion without any sound following it.

By now the first line of ships had turned and was approaching
from the other side, head to head with the pirate. They unleashed
a fresh wave of seeker missiles, something the large pirate had no
chance of evading. He again saw the hits on the shield and then a
third explosion filled his lenses as the pirate ship disintegrated, its
shield energy spent.

The six remaining ships then formed into two groups of three and
each group sought out one of the two pirate fighters that had just
finished either evading the missiles until they ran out of fuel, or had
succeeded in destroying them.

The pirates hit full speed and ran for the gate. They had greater
speed than the Argon ships and would have to make, hopefully,
just a single pass on their way out. They approached the
attackers, lasers firing as they came. The six ships were taking
some hits, but still they came, returning the fire as the two forces
swept into each other. A blinding flash! Faa tZrrk checked his
scanner, confirmed. One of the pirates and one of the escort ships

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

had collided head on, shields down from the laser battle they had
both exploded on impact.

He put the lenses back to his eyes and saw the remaining pirate
ship pass through the group and head for the gate. The attackers
turned, seeker missiles launching as they did so, the gap between
them already too great for effective laser fire to have any impact.
He was going to make it!

On and on the pirate fled its attackers. The distance between it

and the other ships getting greater, while the distance from the
group of seeker missiles was shortening. It was almost on the
point of entering the jump gate when the missiles found their
target. The familiar glow from the shields as the missiles impacted
one by one. Five, six, seven missiles hit, still the pirate headed for
the gate. Eight, nine, ten, bang! Its luck finally ran out and the
pirate ship exploded on the verge of escape.

Mission accomplished. Faa tZrrk? Accelerate to maximum speed

and continue your journey. The message came through the visual
link and Faa tZrrk saw it via his slave.

Yes, he replied, seating the lenses back into their holding bracket
and instructing the ship to full speed. He sat down in the pilot seat
and simply stared out of the space screen. What have I got
involved in? He pondered this as the escort ships swarmed
around him.


It took several Tazuras of travelling through empty sectors before

they reached the Yaki base. Faa tZrrk had thought the whole
episode through again and again. It was possible that the pirate
ships had managed to launch message drones before they were
killed. If they had, what had they said? Faa tZrrk may now be a
wanted Split by those pirates, they still had many ships left and
they had lost a great deal, risked even more and had nothing to
show for it.

He was worried, the pirates were a resourceful lot and they would
find him and enact their revenge. Where could he go now? He
would have to think about that later, as now, slowly growing in size
in his space screen was the Yaki base, large ships motionless
beside it. He realised for the first time in his life that he was doing
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

something that was completely out of his control. He had no say in

the outcome of the upcoming meeting. He had started out on this
venture full of enthusiasm that his cunning skills at trading and
negotiation would see him through. But now he had watched the
savagery of the Yaki attack, he felt powerless to alter the course
of his destiny. He would have to play it out and see what became of
him and he didnt like that. It was not in the Split nature to lose
control of the situation and it bothered him greatly. His ship
approached the base.

The escort ships slowed to a halt and let him proceed to the upper
docking bay on his own. He requested landing permission from the
docking computer and was immediately granted it. They were
expecting him. He decided to navigate the ship into the dock
manually, a strange feeling that it might be the last time he was
able to do so.

He moved towards the top of the base, pointing his ship directly at
the launch bay. Then just before he would have hit it, he veered
away, heading away from the base. He slowed the ship and then
turned it back on itself so the docking bay was directly in front of

The large doors were open, just the edges visible as they locked
into position to allow him to proceed. He could see the navigation
lights emitting from the station, blinking green to confirm that he
had permission to advance. Faa tZrrk slowly eased the ship
forward and into the mouth that was the docking bay. He watched
through the screen as the door edges flashed past and then he
slowed the ship to a stop as his console confirmed he had entered
the station.

The doors closed behind him and when fully sealed, the area
began to fill with atmosphere from the station. Red lights circling
all around him and then suddenly they stopped, he was in.

The inner doors began to open this time side to side, instead of
top to bottom and the familiar site of the robot tugs greeted him,
as they came through the opening and attached themselves to his
ship. He felt a slight movement as they began to propel his ship
into the station itself and the docking bay beyond.

After the ship was securely docked and fixed into place, Faa tZrrk
pressed the door button and the ships door opened to the sound
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

of the dock. Metal clanking and bangs as items and cargo pods
were moved around. He stepped from the ship.

Diatri bu. He heard the voice from the Argon male stood next to
the ship. He held up his hand and moved back into the ship. He
had forgotten to bring his translator with him. A small device that
fitted into each ear (depending upon the race) and translated the
other species language. Everyone in space had them inserted
most of the time, but they became uncomfortable for long periods
and he removed them on his long journey, as the ship systems
would do the job for him.

He picked them up, inserted one into each ear and once again left
the ship. The Argon male was still there, waiting.

Follow me. He said.

I will. Faa tZrrk replied and began to walk behind him as he

quickly moved away. The Argon could always move quicker than
the Split and he struggled to keep up.

They walked through many corridors, took rides in the quick

deployment cubes and finally arrived at the door that was the
destination. The Argon male gestured to Faa tZrrk. In there. It
was all he said and then walked away.

Faa tZrrk stood for a moment, contemplating his position. Be

strong, think straight he told himself. Beyond this door lies your
future, your destiny! He pressed his hand on the door release and
it opened without a sound, sliding to the left.

Ah, at last! Faa tZrrk do come in, join us. It has been a long time
waiting to meet you.

The voice came from the Argon female dressed in dark blue. She
must be Moo-Kye he thought as he entered the room. The door
closed behind him and the other beings turned to survey him as
he walked towards the large table in the middle of the room. He
saw two Argon, two Split and two Paranid. He could tell from the
dress that these were pirates. They must be the leaders of the
pirate groups that Moo-Kye had forged together to create the

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

Come Faa tZrrk, sit down. You must be tired from your long
journey. Rest. You have been very important to us recently.

He took the vacant chair at the nearest end of the table, away
from Moo-Kye who was at the other end. He didnt much care for
the Argon as a rule. Argon were a self-opinionated lot and he could
quite happily live out his life without ever coming into contact with
them again. But he could see that Moo-Kye was a stunning
example of their female gender. She had the look and lines of the
Argon females he had viewed in the news broadcasts. She would
be considered very attractive by her own race, he was sure.
Slightly darkened skin and eyes that were deep brown. They held
you in their brilliance. He also guessed her hair was dark, but it
was tucked away under the head dress she wore.

We have verified the cargo Faa tZrrk, it is good. Exactly as we

ordered, you have done well for us. She moved as she spoke, back
and to across the floor, but never once letting her eyes leave his.
Let this be over and then I can leave, he thought. He wanted to
avert his eyes, to stare out of the large space screen to his side,
but he couldnt will himself to do it. She smelt of power, of
ambition, the will to succeed. She was the dominant one in the
room, the weakest physically maybe, but the leader without a

So, he began, what happens now Moo-Kye?

She smiled, slowly and it seemed deliberately. She moved towards

the head of table and rested the flat of her hands on its top,
leaning slightly as she did so.

We dominate Faa tZrrk. We take back what is ours. For too long
the Foundation and Profit guilds have had their own way. Charging
levies on the trading deals, forcing limits on the prices of goods.
Limiting the right to free trade.

Do you know how many died as a result of the Profit Guilds

insistence that the price of food stuffs should have a minimum
value? I can tell you, hundreds of thousands and all because they
saw profit first and life second. We told them, the outer systems
must have access to open and free trade, the market will pay
what the demand is, either low or high. So let the market decide.

She didnt falter as she continued.

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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

Odysseus Five Faa tZrrk, a pioneering outpost with no natural

planetary bodies that can sustain life. Thousands of workers all
crammed into the silicon mines, trying to earn enough credits to
survive. No food, little energy from its pitiful star, all resources
required to survive brought in. So what does the Profit Guild do?
Raises the price of the food and lowers the price of silicon.
Creates higher and lower bands with which to work in. The mines
start to operate at a loss, the freighter ships dont come any more
because they cant afford to.

We tell them that people are starving, dying in the mines and the
factories. Disease spreads, we cant get the antidotes, we cant
leave and we cant stay. They ignore our pleas, sitting in nice cosy
stations making decisions that affect lives, but only really
concerned about their profit, their welfare, not ours. The
governments refuse to listen, they point the finger at the Guilds.
They discuss the issue, can you believe that? They discuss it! So
while they are having meetings and attending banquets, our
comrades die in their thousands.

Can you imagine what it is like Faa tZrrk? To hold your partner in
your arms, the silicone disease eating away at their body,
coughing and spluttering, barely able to talk. Can you imagine what
it is like to hold them and watch them die in front of you when you
are incapable of saving them?

No ships, no food, no medicine, no credits, no future! Well I saw

them die Faa tZrrk, I watched as my friends perished in front of
me in the darkened corridors and shafts on Odysseus Five. One
ship arrived to collect silicone, one ship! They killed their own kind
to get on that ship, fighting in the docking corridor hand to hand
with whatever strength they had left. I got on that ship Faa tZrrk
and I vowed as we left the station that I would right the wrong
done that Tazura.

We have talked and talked with the Guild, but to no avail. They still
refuse to listen to us, so here around this table you see the
leaders of the groups who have agreed to join our fight. These
may look like pirates to you, but in every pirate is a trader. They
may deal in illegal goods, but they also have genuine business
concerns that are dealt the same blows as the rest. Look at the
Paranid, look at ENeT. They make Slave chips that are illegal in
their own space lanes. One rule for us and one for rule for them.
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

Well no more, the profiteering stops here and now. We will open
up the trading lanes in the outer systems and then move inwards,
until anything can be traded by anyone for anything.

Faa tZrrk was stunned, he didnt know this was in the plan. Even
illegal goods?

Especially illegal goods! She replied.

But there must be some control, some rules otherwise it will

become chaos. He pleaded.

We will control it. We will make the rules and change them as
and when we see fit.

But doesnt that make you the same as them? he quizzed.

NO! She hissed. They do not understand, we do, we have waited

long enough and it is the time for action, not words. It will take
many Jazura, but we will succeed, I know it!

His mind was trying to take all of this in when he suddenly realised
that she hadnt yet mentioned where he was to fit into all of this.

So, what about me? What do you want me to do now?

Moo-Kye looked down at the table, the first time she had broken
eye contact during the whole outburst. Then she jerked her head
back to stare at him once more.

You are to be our messenger. She said.

What! You want me to go back? Theyll kill me! He argued.

Not Faa tZrrk, if you are already dead. She raised her arm from
the table and the dart shot out from her bracelet, made a slight
noise at it moved through the air and imbedded itself into Faa
tZrrks torso. He winced from the pain and felt a burning
sensation deep inside his body. The dart had penetrated and then
come to a stop, releasing a small explosive device that had moved
deeper inside. Then it exploded, not enough to cause any outward
damage, but enough to obliterate his internal organs. He died
almost instantly, but not quite quick enough to escape the
enormous pain that racked his body.
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Dominion: Chapter 4 - Yaki

Moo-Kye looked around the table. Did he really think I would let
such a traitor live?

Ship his body back to the ENeT factory he came from and begin
to distribute the Super Slaves as planned.

The six rose as one, two lifting the body from the chair where it
had slumped over the table and they filed out of the room.

- 53 -
Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

You can search far and wide for the truth. But sometimes it
comes looking for you.

The gate flashed signifying that something was about to exit

having made the trip across the cosmos. LooManckStrat sat in
the bridge of Deliverance as the large ship moved away from the
gate. His flotilla of ships following him and his smaller guard ships
were ahead having already made the jump, scanning for any
potential threat.

The message drone arrived just after they entered the sector,
sent from deep within the Split sectors by the ruling families. He
pressed the communication cube on the arm of his seat and the
face of the Split family race relations officer followed the familiar
sight of the cube rising out of its home. He had spoken to this Split
many times recently. But this message was the one he had been
waiting for.

We have Faa tZrrk. He his here, but I am sorry to inform you that
he is dead. Please come immediately to the Split defence station
adjacent to your factory. I can say no more, you must see this for

LooManckStrat took his personal guard and boarded his

upgraded Spinny. He had made sure that it had better shielding
and speed than before and it was now one of the fastest medium
sized ships in the universe. It carried no offensive weapons but did
have a number of small-automated fighter drones that could be
launched against an attacker and also a selection of ship-to-ship

The drones were small pilot-less craft that were simply launched
with a command to attack. They had small lasers and minimal
shields, but they were fast and at the very least could harass an
enemy while they made good their escape.

He positioned himself in the comfortable seat and gave the order

to launch. The ship moved slowly towards the exit doors on the
busy flight deck of the destroyer. It was only a small flight deck
capable of handling only three to four ships at a time, but it gave
the destroyer extra flexibility.

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Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

Two medium sized fighter craft were further down the deck,
engines glowing and in the start of their launch. These were
heavily armed and well protected ships that would guard the
Spinny on its journey. A single fast scout ship had already exited
the ship and was holding position outside while the others

He watched as the two fighters lifted from the deck and

proceeded out of the destroyer side by side. Then he felt the
movement of his own ship as it followed them. They would have to
run at half power for the journey or the large fighters wouldnt be
able to stay close by. The scout ship would continually move ahead
and jump through the next gate, ensuring the route was clear.

They were now all in space, the destroyer behind them and holding
station for their return. The two fighters took positions on either
side of the Spinny and the scout ship at the lead. They moved off
together and the scout immediately increased its power and
approached the far gate, its single engine glowing brightly as it
became smaller and smaller in the space screen.

LooManckStrat was intrigued with the Split message. So his

factory commander was dead, he half expected it. But the fact
that the Split wouldnt divulge any further information about the
incident was what interested him. It was really not like the Split to
ask him to come to them. They would normally have sent a
minimal message and told him to stay away. He wouldnt have got
the body, company employee or not. But to be asked to view it?
That was an honour indeed. Yes, very intriguing.

They approached the jump gate. A large round metal structure

that simply sat motionless in space. It had two large protruding
arms that reached out from each side, straight ahead of the main
gate. These arms went exactly the same distance behind the
circle as they did in front of it and lights flashed up and down their

There was a great deal of debate about where the gates came
from and who built them. Some said the Argon forefathers, others
said the Xenon but the main consensus was that they had been
built by another race and had been abandoned. No race really
knew what the truth was and why they were here, but hundreds of
gates had been found and they linked the sectors together. It was

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Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

as if something had put them here at some point in the past, with
the expectation that they would be used in the future.

They had scanned them, nothing. No power source could be found.

The navigation lights had been added by the races themselves and
small starlight powered generators fixed to the arms that
provided endless fuel for the lights.

They had tried to analyse the material they were made from, but
nothing could penetrate the skin. It was a complete mystery that
linked the races, together with the cosmos. He thought that
someday the creators of these gates might return. Ships had
certainly been identified travelling far out from the populated
planets and passing through the sectors. Identified as ships yes,
but whose ships, no. The different governments argued over these
sightings, each blaming the other for building covert military
designs. But no piece of evidence had come forward at all for
either theory, so they remained a puzzle.

The scout ship exited the gate and came back into the sector.

All clear your honour. Nothing found and I mean nothing your
honour. The following sector is empty.

Good. Replied LooManckStrat. Proceed. He instructed the

other ships and his own pilot.

The four ships took their turns and each entered the gate with the
Spinny going third, he didnt want to be left alone after all his ships
had gone through. He could launch a message drone, but if there
were to be any trouble that was violent, it would be over before
they received the message and reacted. He had learnt one thing
recently, be cautious and cover every possible angle you could.
Think big, think detail, and think everywhere in-between. He wasnt
about to get caught out again after losing his factory. At least not
without putting up a serious fight.

The Spinny entered the gate. It was a surreal experience travelling

through gates. You had to enter them very slowly or you simply
passed through the circle and nothing happened. Then once you
passed the event horizon you were greeted with a bright flash of
light, followed by a tunnel of swirling colours. Every colour you
could imagine seemed to make up the tunnel walls and through
the sides of the tunnel you were certain your could see systems
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Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

flash past. Then as sudden as you started you exited the tunnel.
Not through an end point, it wasnt as if you could see the end of
the tunnel and you could judge your movement down it. No, it was
just there, a never-ending tunnel that just disappeared with the
same flash of light as when you entered.

Then you would be in the distant sector, travelling at the same

slow speed you had as you entered the gate at the other end. Very
strange indeed, sensor scans revealed no fixed position during the
journey, but as soon as you exited you were greeted with scanners
that picked up all the local objects again. Although in this particular
case the scanner only showed the scout ship and one of the
fighter ships as there was nothing else in the sector at all. Empty
of anything except natural objects like planets, meteors, suns and
so on.

The second fighter ship joined them through the gate and they
pointed their ships at the next gate far across the sector and
continued their long journey.


It took three Tazuras to reach the inner Split sectors where his
factory was and LooManckStrat had to be woken from his rest
time in his personal quarters. They had travelled through many
sectors, most of them empty, but as they got close to the Split
inner worlds the sectors began to have more and more artificial
objects. Factories and mines attached to asteroids, traffic from
the freight ships and as they entered the inner sector of Family
Pride, homeworld of the Split, the military presence was massive.
Large battleships and destroyers in stationary orbit around the
planet and more adjacent to the truly gigantic ship building factory
that was situated here. This was where most of the Splits ships
were built and purchased. He could see no reason why he couldnt
bring his whole fleet with him, they would be no match for the Split
navy here. But regulations were to be obeyed. Especially with the
Split, a diplomatic race they most certainly were not.

The Spinny had been contacted within sezuras of entering the

sector and ordered to proceed directly to the military installation
near his factory. That was when his pilot had woken him and he
now entered the bridge of his ship, acknowledged the slight bows
from his crew and took his seat. Time to find the truth.
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Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

The small group of four ships approached the station surrounded

by small Split fighter craft. They moved back and forth on the
scanner keeping a watchful eye over their visitors. One wrong
move, any slight show of aggression and they would be attacked
without warning, he knew.

He had given orders that no weapon systems were to be brought

online at any time while in the inner sectors except from a direct
command from him.

The communication cube indicated an incoming transmission. He

pressed the button to accept.

Dock the Spinny now. No other ships to dock, do you

understand? It was the Split station commander, a very powerful

Yes, I understand. He replied. Negotiating docking rights now.

He glanced at his pilot who proceeded to press buttons on his

console and then he could see the green navigation lights on the
station start their little display of confirmation.

Pilot, take us in. He commanded. The ship moved towards the

open doors of the docking bay.

After completing the docking and being greeted by the station

commander himself he was led down various corridors until they
finally entered a room that was obviously some form of medical
centre. The commander gestured for LooManckStrat to sit. He
declined, wanting to get to the point of this and not waste any
more time, or credits.

LooManckStrat, we found the body in a cargo container in one of

the sparsely populated sectors, half way between here and the
empty worlds. A long range patrol discovered it on a normal
sweep of the sector and when they brought it on board and
checked the cargo, they sent a message drone and it was brought

So, whats all the fuss about? Why the secrecy? he quizzed.

Follow me, see for yourself.

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Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

He followed the commander into the next room and lying naked on
the table in the centre of the room was the body of Faa tZrrk.

LooManckStrat took a step backwards; the body was painted with

thick jagged, dark blue lines. The face fixed in a contortion of pain.

I dont understand. He said. What does this mean? How did he


Internal explosion. He was shot through the chest with an

explosive dart. He died in great pain. The commander responded.

But come and look. He continued and moved towards the body
with LooManckStrat behind. There look. The commander pointed
at his chest.

Written in the same deep blue colour across the dead Splits
chest on an area not covered by the stripes were a number of
words. They were written in Split.

So what does it say? LooManckStrat asked.

It says, the Split commander started, Traitor, long live the Yaki.
Death to the Guild.

Yaki? Who are they? LooManckStrat was feeling worried.

We do not know. We sent a small scout force into the outer

sectors, they have not returned and they do not reply to our
drones. We understand some pirate ships were engaged with
these Yaki. I believe your attackers are already dead.

I could not have told you this LooManckStrat over the

communication systems, they are never secure and I felt you
needed to see it for yourself. Your employee has been in contact
with someone, or something that cost him his life. I suggest you
take your fleet back to Paranid space and continue your work

Do not go into the outer sectors. Return home LooManckStrat,

there is nothing to be gained by you seeking out these, Yaki.

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Dominion: Chapter 5 Searching for the truth

LooManckStrat looked directly at the Split commander. But my

fleet is in the outer sectors. He gasped.

No, wrong direction, well as far as we can tell, these Yaki are in
the other direction. They are between Split and Argon space, not
Paranid. Stay your side of the sectors and return home to the
safety of Paranid space.

We will investigate this from here and if we need to talk to you

again, we will.

LooManckStrat was devastated. He was intent on bringing these

pirates to justice and now it seemed they might be stronger than
he thought. He must return and protect his investments in his
own space lanes and then maybe at a later point in time, he could
right the wrong that had been done to him. Yes, he would
concentrate on building up his trading empire again and attempt
to get the Super Slaves back on-line. That was what he was good
at; not fighting and he didnt want to end up the same as this Split
lying on the table before him.

He left and his four ships began the journey back to the destroyer
and the other ships. He sent a message drone instructing them to
go to full alert and to stay that way until he returned. Yes, trade
not fight; let the Split deal with it or whoever. Im not bothered as
long as it isnt me. This travelling around the cosmos was making
him ill.

It took seven Tazuras but his ships managed to return to his home
sector without incident. His defence ships took up patrol around
the sector and it would be a long time before they ventured out

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

Chapter 6 - Pisces

So you want to be a space fighter pilot do you? Well one day you
might be, but you have a long way to go before you get your crystal
star hot shot, a long way.

Pisces, the world of eternal light was in a system that contained

three local suns. One large orb beginning its death throes with a
smaller companion, which circled it. Another medium size star,
much farther away but still not large enough to escape the pull of
the sector master was also in orbit. The small desert world
orbited between the larger two stars, it too caught in the system
that would eventually destroy itself. But that was a distant future
event, the world was currently a small, but nevertheless fruitful
centre for many illegal activities.

Mainly, it provided a perfect atmosphere for growing Mitta, the

plant that once taken into the orbiting factories and left to ferment
in zero gravity with additives, became a strong and powerful
narcotic. Used by many races, especially the Argon and Boron for
recreational use. It was illegal in both races space lanes, but was
sold anyway as the profits and demand was so high and there
would always be a market for it.

Periodically it would cause an outrage when a batch of the drug

was released too early before being fully ready and Argon or
Boron would die as a result. This outrage usually occurred in
Argon space when any major elections were due and such a time
was now.

Over two hundred revellers had perished after the drug had been
taken on the pleasure world of Ita and the Argon government had
ordered another strike. It wouldnt stop the flow of the drug, but it
would slow it down for a while and would make political noises that
benefited the politicians.

This was to be a joint attack on two of the orbiting factories and

also on the main harvesting area on the planet. The small fleet had
assembled in full view of the Argon public, so the harvesters knew
they were coming and would prepare a defence. Typical politicians,
tell the enemy you were on your way and broadcast the fact
around the cosmos. A surprise attack this wasnt. A foolhardy trip
into oblivion it most certainly could be.
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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

Brett sat in a screamer, a ship attached to the hull of the giant

troop ship that had been deployed for the mission. The screamers
job was to take the assault troops inside, directly into the action. It
could fly in space, although slowly, but was designed for fast entry
into systems with even the heaviest atmospheres. It entered at
such speed that the ship would shake and the sound of the ships
hull straining against the planets natural defence generated a
high pitch squeal inside, hence the name.

He had begun his new life in the navy at the base, the lowest
member of the whole establishment. Ten of them had started on
that same Tazura, all destined for greatness as pilots in the navy,
but first you had to earn the right. Two Jazuras spent cleaning and
running errands for the higher ranks. Attending endless lessons
on navy protocol and instruction in the basic forms of attack and
defence. Not the ship kind though, no the physical kind. You had to
become an assault troop first and do your time in the ranks
before you could be eligible for fighter training.

So Brett had spent his time in the Marines, doing the dirty work
for the Argon government. Go here and clean up this mess, then
go there and create another one. He had visited many different
places already and hadnt been back to Morang for many
Mazuras. He was worried about today though. They were to
destroy one of the launch sites on the planet surface. Fighting in
space with environment suits on and laser weapons was one
thing, but fighting in atmosphere was quite another. The
harvesters down on the surface would no doubt deploy tactical
starbursts. These weapons only had one function, to disable any
electrical systems in the vicinity. They would burn out all computer
systems in a wide radius of the centre of the explosion. This meant
that all advanced weaponry was useless and they had been
instructed not to carry any. So here he was, sat with twenty-five
other Marines in one of the ten screamers about to launch.
Conventional assault rifle in his hand, explosive ammunition
carried in his belt packs.

Because the defenders would deploy the starbursts, the attackers

would also follow the same tactic and as the screamers swept
down, they would fire their own. So, he was worried that they were
going to have to fight a conventional battle. Lots of people got killed
in battles like that, but he was also worried that the screamer

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

itself, if in the immediate area of a starburst detonation, would

simply fall out of the air.

The first wave of attack was at that moment leaving the vacuum of
space and landing on the planet far from the battle zone. It carried
a number of surface attack aircraft that would fly in from afar and
drop chemical bombs on the crop fields, destroying the plant and
making the area useless. Then they would attempt to take out the
launch sites and if they failed, the marines would get the order to

They would not know how the battle was progressing until they
were either stood down, or the ship dropped. Brett stared around
the compartment, thirteen marines on each side. He was a
detachment second in command and he sat by the third marine in
from the far end. Across from him was a relative newcomer. He
looked at Brett with a concern that Brett himself had felt before.

Brett, youve done this before yeah? How many drops have you
made? he asked, anything to break the tension. It was the wrong

Seven. Brett replied. But this is only my third into a hot zone.

So is the ride gonna hurt? The new recruit inquired.

The ride isnt the problem, its getting off it at the other end. He
smiled as if to reassure the other marine that he was making a
joke. He wasnt really.

The command came through the communication unit in his

helmet, standard issue, they all had them fitted so that they could
keep in touch on the ground. Everybody heard everything one
marine said in theory.

We have an affirmative for go marines, thats a green. Prepare

for launch. The pilot instructed.

Brett pressed the button to his left that tightened the straps
supporting him. His companion-followed suit, copying the more
experienced one.

Then they felt the intense feeling of falling as the ship was released
along with the others and they began to fall under the pull of the
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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

planet. Very quickly the ship turned its nose downwards and
headed into the outer atmosphere, turning at an angle as it
scraped the surface, the glow from the impact lighting up the
front of the ship and sending flames all over it.

Inside it was hard to keep your focus on anything. The ship was
shaking violently and the troops were being shaken in their
protective armour. Then the scream started, it was a high pitch
wail that hurt the ears and together with the shaking, made the
whole trip chaotic.

On and on it went which seemed to last forever, the noise and

vibration. Brett gripped his assault rifle closer and tried to
concentrate on what was to happen once they landed, if they

Then suddenly it was over. The ship stopped shaking and a

moment later the scream disappeared. The screamer sped on
towards its destination, the pilot began firing his starbursts at the
target area and the other ships did likewise.

The defenders began to prepare to return their own fire once the
attackers were within range, guns shooting metal missiles, some
heated so that the gunners could follow the line and see where
they were going. The screamers were now about one hundred
metres above the ground, coming in low and fast towards the
launch site. They were about twenty kilometres away when the
starbursts began to explode around them. Two screamers came
under the influence of the weapons and crashed into the ground.
The other eight continued on and were soon at the landing zone.

Brett felt the ship touch down with a bang and was sure they had
partially crashed landed as the ship had continued to move after
touch down. The dim red glow that was the light inside the
compartment began to flash green.

Out, out, out! Shouted the pilot of the communication system.

Out now!

Brett didnt need a second prompting, you were a very large

target sitting in a screamer on the ground and the two hatches
swept open in the floor of the room, one at each end.

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

The marines began to disembark, taking up prone defensive

positions around the craft as they did so. Brett hit the sandy
ground and quickly gathered his composure and sense of
direction. A small, half a metre high outcrop of rock was to his left.

Marines scan the horizon.

Greens! This is Brett, follow me to the cover on the left, move it!
He shouted.

The squad began to run, half crouching, towards the rock when
the explosions began. Dull booms as shells hit the sand around
them. The defenders had got the range right and they were
lobbing explosive shells from their positions by the launch pad
about five hundred metres beyond the rock.

Brett ran and ran beginning to breathe heavily as his equipment

took its toll and weighed down on him. He reached the rock and
flung himself to the ground. He could hear the screams through
the intercom as some of his men were hit by the incoming fire. He
looked to his left and along the rock line that spread for a few
hundred metres, he could see the other screamers in different
positions and the marines all running from them for the rock

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Clear Red three, we are clear! Shouted the commander to the

screamer they had just left.

Copy that, Green three. We are going offensive!

The screamer lifted off, its huge engines creating a small

sandstorm as it did so. As soon as it was in the air, it began to fire
lasers into the enemy positions. Massive bolts of energy and Brett
could see the damage they were doing, bodies and equipment
being flung into the air as they hit. Just the tip of his head over the
rock was all he could dare at the moment.

The other screamers were lifting off and began to approach the
enemy when two blinding explosions filled the air. On no!

The screamers that were attacking dropped from the air, two
exploding on impact while the other three smashed into the
ground, saved by their low altitude. The data feed that was
viewable on the small screens fixed to the helmet of every marine
died as the starbursts did their damage. The communication
systems met the same fate.

Then it went quiet, except for the odd moan from any injured
marines lying on the ground. Brett looked around; lots of anxious
faces stared back. All along the rock were marines from the other
screamers, lying prone or hunched up to the ground for some
form of protection.

Then the sound came, thump, thump, thump. A distant thud that
could be felt in the ground itself. Brett peered over the rock, on no!

Centaurs! He screamed to the other troops.

Two, four metre high, mechanical beasts were slowly making their
way across the flat desert between them and the base. Massive
machines that resembled Argon in their shape with two legs and
arms and a heavily armoured torso holding the head. The arms
were killing machines; revolving guns began to spit out projectiles
at the outcrop. Brett could see smoke billowing from the back,
mechanical monsters with combustion engines and no electrical
systems. They were not affected by the starbursts; this was
Bretts worst fear.

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

He pulled his rifle into his shoulder and pulled the trigger, his
shoulder jolting as the rounds left the muzzle and hit the rightmost
Centaur. Others joined in the attack and many marines were now
looking over the rock and firing at the two advancing beasts.

The right Centaur opened fire with both of its guns and Brett could
see the impacts in the sand as the weapons moved their line of
fire up towards the top of the rock. He could hear the projectiles
as they flew through the air and knew that the sound was
reaching him after the shots had as they were travelling much
faster than sound.

The two Centaurs finally found their mark and the shots bounced
off the rock face and then into the marines themselves. Bodies
pushed backwards as the high velocity weapons ripped through
the body armour worn by the marines. Brett saw his commander
take a shot in the chest and then directly into the head, his body
thrown into the air from the impact and it turned over in the air as
it flew backwards and lay still on the ground.

Then shells began to land from the enemy positions again. Boom
and then another, boom. They were all going to die if they stayed
here. He looked left and right, half the force of over two hundred
was either dead or injured and he realised that they couldnt call
for backup, the communication systems were dead. They either
took the fight to the enemy or waited in the hope that they ran out
of ammunition. He didnt like either option, but waiting was always
a bad choice.

Greens! He shouted. Were going in! He hoped enough of the

surrounding troops could hear him over the noise.

Fire covering smoke, now!

Some of the troops got to their knees and pulled the small hand
launched smoke missiles from their backs. He could hear the
hollow thump as they were fired. Then smoke began to drift up out
of the sand where the Centaurs stood, then more smoke until he
couldnt see them. Good, they couldnt seem him either then.

Go, go, go! He shouted and jumped off the top of the rock and
began to run down the small incline. Others joined him and as he
glanced to his sides he could see his companions racing down
with him in a long line.
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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

The enemy had realised that an attack was coming and they
altered their shelling so that the explosions were now falling
around them as they ran. He saw marines blown into the air,
caught by the shock waves or dropping down dead from the
Centaurs fire.

Brett continued to run, making a jagged line as he went, left then

right then back again. He caught view of the right Centaur that he
had previously fired at and headed behind it.

He stopped when he was just a few metres behind it. He could

hear its mechanics moving and its weapons continuing to fire. But
just as expected, high up its armoured back was the exhaust from
the engine. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and reached into
his belt for two explosives. He pressed the timed detonation
buttons and hurled them upwards. One bounced off the armour,
but the second disappeared into the opening.

He ran as fast as he could away from the Centaur and towards

the base. Then at the last possible moment as he counted down in
his head, he threw himself to the ground. The Centaur exploded,
the top half going one way and the bottom half slowly toppling over
in the opposite direction. The two people inside killed instantly.

Debris from the explosion rained down, hot shards of metal

making hissing sounds as they stuck into the sand around him and
metal on metal sounds as they bounced of his body armour. He
was momentarily stunned from the explosion and had been slightly
fortuitous to still be alive and uninjured. He could hear the thump,
thump of the second machine as it approached. The sounds of
automatic fire from the marines as they tried to stop its

He began to struggle to his feet. Brett! Down, stay down!, came

the shout from one of his fellow attackers. He dropped instantly to
the sand again and heard the whoosh from the close quarter
rockets as they left their launchers and then the two explosions as
they hit the Centaur. Brett glanced around to see the Centaur
topple over, the impact throwing it off balance and it fell onto its
back, weapons still firing. It struggled to right itself and then with
an ear-breaking bang, it exploded, throwing fragments everywhere.

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

He saw a few marines drop to the floor as the explosion occurred,

some of them didnt get back up.

The pop, pop sound of the smoke missiles could be heard again
and he leapt to his feet as other marines raced past him towards
the base. Copious amounts of gunfire could be heard as they
stormed the base, mixed with high explosive detonations.

He was sweating heavily and almost out of breath when he

cleared the smoke and reached the outer limits of the base. There
were trenches in the ground where the defenders had been, but
these were filled with the dead or dying bodies of the harvesters. A
large opening to his right, the main storage area where the
tractors entered and left he thought. His men were flanking both
sides of the opening. They had not yet ventured in and some were
holding their weapons through the opening and firing blind while
they kept themselves behind the protective wall.

Brett approached them. Sit report! He blurted to the troops

around him as he took in large gasps of air. A man turned towards
him. Exterior secure Sir. He shouted above the background noise
of the battle. They have a firing line at the back of the storage
depot behind a row of space cargo pods. Small automatic
weapons and one large high fire rate gun. Another HFR in a small
room at the top of the outer stairs. We go in that way, up the
stairs, we are gonna get roasted.

Brett thought for a moment. No way we can go up the stairs, the

trooper was right. A HFR firing down the stairs as his men went
up in single file would be suicide. They would have to get through
the depot and get the stair HFR from behind.

He looked at the faces around him. Staring at him, looking for

guidance. OK, how many greens left that can fight? Ammunition, I
want to know now, how much, what type. Speak to me greens.

It took only a few moments. Forty-seven troops left in a position to

fight. Six rockets, some smoke and assorted small arms. Right,
listen up. You, he pointed at a junior rank, take six troops, keep
the gun on the stairs busy. Just stick your weapons around the
corner every now and again loose off some rounds. Understand?

Yes Sir! Came the reply. He quickly pointed to six others and they
ran off round the corner to where the stairs were. Almost
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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

immediately the sound of rounds could be heard, short bursts as

they obeyed their orders.

Brett addressed the others. Listen, were going in. Two teams of
twenty, each team loose of your missiles. Thatll take a few of em
out and keep their heads down. Then follow with smoke straight
away. Blind them, then we charge. Keep to the sides until you
reach the barricade and then feel free to act on initiative. A few of
the others smiled. Good, Brett thought, time to finish the job.

They moved into position and Brett shouted the order, Go Greens,
GO! The missile carriers leaned out into the opening and fired. A
whoosh as the missile left the weapon and a slight delay until the
large explosion could be heard a hundred metres away at the back
of the depot. All six missiles fired, the launchers stood aside and
the smoke carrying troops repeated the procedure. Smoke began
to billow out of the opening. There was still enemy fire coming out
of the opening, but it had decreased somewhat. The marines
attacked, running down the sides of the depot.

Brett was about half way down the right hand side when he
caught sight of the harvesters. They were standing behind the
pods, small hand held rifles spouting shots into the smoke. The
HFR was in the middle firing continuously and sweeping back and
to. Then it stopped, probably reloading he thought. Brett
thundered across the concrete floor, ignoring the single shot rifles
that were firing back. His troops went with him. They stormed the
barricade, jumping onto the pods and firing bursts into the
defenders below. The HFR was destroyed and the harvesters
were taking serious casualties. Some of the marines had been
killed but it only took one of the defenders to drop their weapon
and throw up their arms in surrender and like a rehearsed play,
the others all followed suit. Nearly there, just the other HFR. Brett
jabbed his finger at a trooper. Take them prisoner, you know the
drill. He looked at three others. You, you and you. He pointed at
each one as he spoke. Follow me.

He ran towards the door at the back wall, the three others
followed. Dull silver metal covered the door. He tried the handle,
damn, locked. He stepped back and aimed his gun at the lock.
Three short bursts followed and the lock lay in ruins. Brett stepped
to the side of the door and leaned on the wall. He gestured to the
others with his head. Go on troops, through you go.

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

One of them kicked at the door while the other two took up a firing
stance, guns trained on the door, one high, the other low. The
door gave way and swung inwards. The troops ran through and
Brett followed into a small area with a concrete staircase heading
up into sunlight. The back way to the top, Brett mused. His
companions were already starting up the stairs and when he got
to the top he came side on to the room with the HFR in. It was
firing down the stairs to his right and he could hear the distinct
sound of his own troops firing back. Brett ran to the side of the
room that had a similar metal door protecting its occupants. He
stared at one of the troops and aimed his gun at the lock. The
trooper understood, they didnt need to speak and he pulled a
small explosive from his belt. He primed the device and nodded.
Brett shot out the lock with the same three bursts as the other
one and kicked the door open before standing to one side. The
trooper tossed the explosive in. Almost instantly it exploded and
the sound of the HFR ceased. Both he and the trooper held their
weapons into the opening and opened fire while moving them
around. Best to be sure. Satisfied that anyone (or anything) that
was in the room was dead they entered and confirmed that was
the case.

Brett shouted down the outside staircase Greens, clear! He saw

one of the troopers look around the corner at the bottom and
confirm that it was clear. Brett waved him on and he started up
the stairs, his companions following.

He began to walk down the stairs, passing his troops as he went

and then onto the sand. He suddenly felt exhausted, like he hadnt
slept for days. There was still the noise of fires crackling and
smoke was still bellowing across the landscape. White smoke that
the marines had fired and black smoke from the two burning

He was leaning over trying to catch his breath when the new
recruit he had spoken to in orbit walked over.

Hey Brett, you were right. The journey down was easy compared
to this.

Yeah. He replied. I hope we have made someone very happy.

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Dominion: Chapter 6 - Pisces

Twelve Stazuras later he was standing on the loading bay of the

troop ship. They had been debriefed and Brett was sorting
through his equipment when the force Marine commander walked

Good job you did down there Brett, saved a lot of lives. Well miss
you yknow. You just made company commander too. He said.

Yeah thanks. What do you mean, youll miss me? Brett replied.

Just got word, your times up Brett. Request has come through
and your names on it. Your going back to Morang hot shot, space
ships and slave chips. Good luck Brett. The commander slapped
him on the back and walked away grinning to himself and shaking
his head.

At last, Morang!

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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

Chapter 7 - Helpers

Help a species to rise slightly and they might just learn to fly

Fifty thousand years ago.

Do they have any offensive weapons, do they show any aggressive


No, they are completely peaceful. Only killing for food, never
pleasure. They waste nothing of their prey.

They stand at the top of their food chain then. They are highly
intelligent yet choose to live peacefully?

Correct. They are a prime candidate for inclusion, the closest

match we have ever found.

Good. Deploy the helpers, we will observe this one closely.


She moved towards the edge of the rock, sweeping vegetation out
of her way as she went, her four long thin legs propelling her along
the uneven seabed. Two more protrusions reached out and
forwards, moving back and forth in front of her to move the
highest parts of the plants out of her way. Three long thin digits
protruded from the two arms, grabbing at the undulating
branches when she needed more leverage.

Her skin was a mottled grey, thick, like rubber and appeared wet.
However, it was dry and leathery to the touch. Her head sat atop a
long thin neck and above that, two stalks with eyes moved
independently of one another as she surveyed her path. She took
in gasps of oxygen rich water through a small trunk on the front of
her head. Heavily tainted with ammonia, her internal organs
processed the fluid and extracted the oxygen required to breathe.

She was nearing the rock edge now, hoping to get there soon so
that she could take in some of the deeper waters pleasant oxygen
and refresh herself. Too long spent working in the underwater
village in the forest where her family and the rest of the hive lived.
She had been given time to play, to refresh before returning to her
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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

chores after the sun went down and then came back again the
following day.

She was propelling herself as fast as she could and her brother
was trying his best to beat her to the outcrop. But she was older,
stronger than he was and she wouldnt be beaten.

As she reached the rocks edge, she pushed off with all her might
and flew into the open water. Pulling her legs and arms behind her
so they swept away in the air as she flew. It looked so graceful, the
one and half metre figure moving through the water while the
yellow sea mists swirled alongside.

Then she plunged deeper into the water, just as her brother
began his jump from the side. Heading downwards into the
depths, she took in water through her snout. Large amounts,
again and again she snorted. The water was cascading into her
body when the richer droplets began to invade her ammonia-
hardened lungs. The body automatically snapped shut the opening
to her lungs and the water continued its journey through a newly
opened tunnel. Then it splashed against the micromesh of her gills
and they began the job of extracting the oxygen sealed within.

Then the remainder of the liquid, minus most, but not all of its
oxygen, was pushed deeper into her torso until it came to the
opening between her four legs. She felt the sweetness of the
oxygen and the urge to push deep inside her. She relented, let her
muscles take over and the water was pushed out at considerable
force. She moved deeper into the water, away from the swamp
edges, propelled by the small jet.

The dark rings on her legs and arms began to swell, to open like
flower buds and her thin bones began to disconnect themselves
all along her torso. It took only moments but she changed from a
seabed running, insect like figure, into the soft pliable form most
suited to the depths. The transformation complete, she flexed the
suckers that ran the length of her six tentacles. It felt good. She
threw all six tentacles forward and the negative force quickly
slowed her down. One eye stalk peered upwards, the eye moving
side to side, looking for the brother she knew was coming.

There he was, sweeping down towards her in the same form she
had moments before. He completed the same stopping
manoeuvre and came to rest at her side. She moved towards him
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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

and touched her head against his. Loud sounds came from her
snout, like someone clearing their throat to you and me. The
sound travelled well in the water but the meaning could
sometimes be lost and touching heads let them communicate

Told you Id win. She said to her smaller brother.

You always do. But I am getting bigger all the time, I will win this
race one day.

She turned her stalks towards each other, the sign of laughter.
The greater the bend the happier the intent. Her brothers stalks
also followed suit.

Follow me, she said, lets go over there this time. We have never
been over there. She gestured with one of the tentacles.

Her brother grunted his approval and they jetted off getting
deeper and deeper into the swamp.

It had been a long time and they were beginning to get tired. She
knew they would have to go back soon. They had enjoyed the fun,
chasing along at speed, sweeping in and out of one another. It was
as they came to a stop and communicated that they noticed the
light emanating from the rocks below.

There seemed to be a gap, a cave perhaps, but only a small one

and a blue light was illuminating the inside. They jetted towards it.

The hole was only a few centimetres wide and seemed to be

covered in smaller rocks as if something had deliberately put them
there. But what for, to hide something perhaps?

She looked at her brother and didnt bother to touch heads. Lets
open it up. She said. Her brother didnt look convinced, his snout
pushed flat against his face. He was concerned and a little

She began to move the smaller rocks away with her tentacles,
using the suckers to pick them up and toss them aside. Then she
came to a large one, too big to move. She would have to move it by
picking it up. Her brother was too young to have mastered the
partial change. He could only allow his body to be connected, or
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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

not. But she was older, more experienced. She stretched out two
tentacles and began to click the bones back into place. The
suckers began to recede back into her skin as she worked from
the tip of the tentacles, where the three digits were, back to the
top where they connected to her torso. The digits would be
useless until she had worked her way all the way back and made
the connection from joint to joint. Then she would be able to
operate them again.

It took only moments to complete the task, her brother watched

on in admiration, tempted to try it himself, but knowing full well it
was dangerous until fully grown.

She flexed her digits. Job complete. They reached out and grabbed
the rock on both sides. She used her other four tentacles to suck
onto the rock below and give her some leverage. Up it came in her
hands. She pulled it towards her and then propelled it away,
turning back to the next one and next one.

Some time had passed, but she managed to clear enough of the
hole so they could get their bodies through. She reversed the
transformation and the two arms flapped gracefully in the water.
She gave her brother a quick, follow me, glance and sped into the
cave. He followed close behind.

She stopped astonished. At the bottom of the cave about five

metres away was a large metal dish. It was a bright metal, not
like the dull type they used on the planters and harvesters in the
vegetable fields. This was almost shiny, and big. It must be fifteen
metres across. She thought it was at least ten times her length in

Blue lights flickered on the edges, not quite switching off, but
flickering like stars in the night sky. Without thinking she swept
down onto the dish and landed on its top. Her brother watched
from above. The metal felt slightly warm, she sucked on it with her
tentacles, in and out in an attempt to feel what it was. But there
was something else, very weak, but a definite vibration coming
from the object. It was alive!

Her brother landed softly beside her and touched his head to hers.

What is it? he asked.

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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

I dont know. She replied. She really had no idea.

The systems on board the ship had been monitoring the

surrounding area for years. Listening to the sounds of the swamp,
comparing any intelligent sounds it heard with its data banks. It
had heard this one before, many times, but never so close. This
time the creatures were actually sitting atop its hull. It was time
then to make itself known, just as it had been programmed to.

The voice came through the hull, vibrating in the same language
as the two that sat upon it.

Do not be afraid. I am a helper. It said.

The two jetted away from the hull like launched missiles. They
didnt stop until they were recounting their tale to their father and
the hive lord himself.


Other ships were found over the years. They asked questions and
they got answers. But they got answers to only the questions they
asked. The helpers never gave anything away.

What is two plus two?


Who are you?

I am a helper.

Where do you come from?

I am a helper.

If I add tremalt to backu in the ratio four to one, heat it to boiling

and then apply it to my broken skin, will it help to seal the wound?


And so it went on and on. They couldnt just move forward

technically in one great step. They had to nudge forward bit by bit.
Learning new things as they went.
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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

It would have taken over a hundred thousand years for the Boron
to achieve space flight. In reality it took only fifty, the helpers had
indeed helped.

Then when the decision had been made to construct weapons in

an effort to fight the Split invasion, the first time the Boron had
ever constructed weapons. The helpers lifted up from their
cradles around the planet, launched themselves into space and
sped away into the cosmos. They had not been seen or heard off


Fifteen Jazuras ago.

Mi Ton floated above the marked spot like someone about to be

condemned. He was without doubt one of the highest regarded
members of the Boron kingdom. He had worked in space,
alongside the Argon, as a physician. He understood the biology of
many species including the Split and Paranid and had helped run
the Boron military hospitals.

But that was his job, not his love. His devotion was to the cosmos
and its secrets. He spent his own time deploying devices into
space, listening and collecting data in an attempt to fathom out
the mysteries that eluded them all.

But above all, he was outspoken, that very reason was why he was
waiting here now in front of the government inquiry. The Boron
enjoyed narcotics. Ever since they had met the Argon the trouble
had escalated. They couldnt blank the whole of the other races,
couldnt move away from the position they know found themselves
in. They were part of the Foundation Guild and part of the family of

Spaceweed and spacefuel. The weed absorbed through the skin

and the fuel consumed. Drugs and liquor as the Argon described
them. The Boron loved the illegal items and Mi Ton had openly
stood in the government assembly and launched a stinging attack
on the tides of power. Indeed the Argon government routinely
attacked the harvesters who made the drugs and the illicit space
factories where the liquor was manufactured. But it was not
enough for Mi Ton.
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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

It had shaken the Boron so much, that not even his friend Queen
Atreus could help him now.

His companion and fellow observer, the Argon Mitchell, had smiled
through the communication link. He was at the observatory in
orbit, preparing the final details for their trip to the outer sectors.

Just smile and wave goodbye Mi, he said, then we can get on
with our work.

The translator blurted the message into the grunts that was the
Boron language.

I am Boron. I do not smile like you.

Mitchell laughed, Well turn them stalks inwards till they touch.
He laughed again, deeper and louder, his body shaking with the
effort. Just go through the motions Mi, get it over with and haul
ass up here. Were ready to go. Stations packed, transporter ship
is ready to roll.

The translator was having difficulty with the words. Either that or
Mitchell was talking nonsense. It was easy to work with Mitch
when they were doing scientific work, he spoke well, but when he
was not he spoke in the slang of the Argon. That was very difficult
for the Boron (and the translator) to understand.

I hope to see you shortly, was the only reply Mi Ton could think of.

So he sat through the hearing. The panel of government officials

disliked him anyway, not hatred, that was an alien feeling to a
Boron. But they did not agree with his wish to put more credits
into the cosmos research he craved. Mi Ton had stood and said
his mind about the drug problem and all he had done was make
himself a target for those that wished him gone.

So, the head of the inquiry board said, we think it would be wise
if you were to continue your studies out of the public eye.

We therefore rule that you should leave the planet immediately

and make preparations for setting up your laboratory at least fifty
sectors away.

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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

Which is two sectors less than the place they already knew he
was going to. Get on with it, Mi Ton thought.

You should not return for ten Jazuras. Do you understand?

Yes. Mi Ton grunted.

All around him twitched their snouts in approval.

Then this hearing is closed.

And that was it. He had left the planet and joined up with Mitch in
orbit. The slow ponderous cargo ship that was carrying their
station took almost a full Jazura before they reached their
destination. It promptly dropped them off, deployed automated
robots to help complete the installation of the station and left.

It was another Jazura before they actually began their studies.

First they had to complete the station, install the small nuclear
power generator and deploy the energy cell rig. This would
capture energy from the nearby star and store it in the energy
cells used throughout the station. The nuclear device was a
backup, it didnt have enough power to operate the full station, only
essential services.

Then the farms for the food, the water facility, the pool (Mi Ton
insisted on a pool) and defence systems. Mitch had a background
in trading and had always wanted to use his skills looking at the
cosmos He had spent most of his youth achieving the
qualifications required but then life hadnt turned out that way at
first. But if Mi Ton wanted a large pool, Mitch wanted laser
batteries. Mi Ton reluctantly agreed and thought that Mitch was
happy anyway with the larger pool idea. He had certainly spent
enough time swimming around in it after they had finished
installing it.

They were so far from any other colonised systems, Mi Ton

couldnt even think of any threat they faced. They had three small
ships, docked at the station. Unarmed craft they used for scouting
missions or deploying observation equipment.

They had been there, all alone for Jazuras. The occasional
message drone was sent through to them. The Boron wasnt that
interested in the news, but Mitch liked to keep in touch with Argon
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Dominion: Chapter 7 - Helpers

Prime. The biggest news was of the Yaki, depicted by the

newsreader, as space bandits, who were growing ever bigger in
the sectors between Split and Argon space.

Once they directly threatened the Guilds, Mitch thought,

something would give and a war would ensue. Still, not my problem
out here, let them sort it out, he had done his time in the trading
lanes. If someone wanted to remove the minimum and maximum
price boundaries that the guilds enforced, plus the taxes they took
out of the profits, who was he to argue?

We need to send out more observer satellites. Mitch was saying

to his companion as they ate their dinner. They sat facing each
other in the dining area of the station. The station could
accommodate twenty beings, it only had two, so space was

You are right. The Boron grunted through the translator in his
environment suit. The data we have is good. I am getting positive
readings from the simulations. But we cant pinpoint the time until
we have more data.

Weve been here eight Jazuras Mi. You could go home in another
two yknow. Itll take us a few more than that to complete the
study. Mitch pointed out.

Yes, came the reply, it will take longer. I have no intention of

returning until we have the answer. His stalks turned slightly
inward. Mitch smiled and pushed the remains of his dinner into
the recycle tube.

OK, Ill go and prime the launchers. He said as he stood and

began to walk away.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Who is the Slave, the Slave itself or the one that carries it?

How do you feel?

The technician was asking how he felt. How do you think I feel?

My head hurts. Brett replied.

It will for a while. The drugs inside you will help with that. Stay lying
down and rest.

Brett did, for three whole Tazuras he slept. Then when he woke he
just felt hungry, very hungry. They brought him food, hot tasty food.
He ate it like a man possessed, taking large gulps of water in-
between. Then the Navy officers arrived in his room.

How do you feel? one of them asked. Is that all anyone says
around here?

Fine, I feel fine. Brett answered.

You ready to start your training? another inquired.

Yes Sir! Brett replied.

Brett sat up in the bed and propped the large pillows behind him.
The insertion of the Slave chip had been a success, now he had to
learn to use it.

OK, the man said, we are going to send an image. Tell me what
you see.

Brett just stared at the man and then suddenly, unexpectedly an

image of a fighter craft flew across his eyes. Wait, no not in front
of his eyes, but in his eyes. Brett threw up his arms as the image
went away.

Wow! That was incredible! He shouted.

The officer smiled. Wait until you see this.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

The next few Tazuras saw the same thing happen. The navy
officers would come and test him, send images that he had to
identify. They then moved onto more complex images, data
screens and graphics. Brett learned to look through his eyes at
the things around him, but to also see the images at the same
time. It was difficult at first, but the more he did it, the easier it got.

He could read data being relayed to him and scan the room at the
same time. Then they placed him in the simulator. He flew the ship
and got the data. He crashed. He tried again and again until he
could fly the ship and pick out items of data from the images at
the same time.

Then they moved onto the final phase. Now he had to manipulate
the data. They gave him a simple menu, select the lowest option
they said. He spoke the words in his mind, down, down, select.
His head nodding each time he imagined the words.

Then he found that you didnt need to speak the words, you simply
willed it to happen. Imagine the lowest item being selected, dont
try and navigate to it, simply be there. It was strange, but he did it.
Staring at the menu, he simply thought of the lowest item being
selected and it was!

Now fly the ship and select the lowest item. Crash. Do it again.
Crash. Again. It took time, but he got there eventually. Flying the
ship around the simulated sectors and selecting items from the
menu. He found he could select weapons from the cargo bay,
change the shield configuration, launch missiles onto selected
targets while still flying the ship through obstacles.

He spent the next six Mazuras training using the chip. Sometimes
in the simulators and then eventually into orbit above Argon Prime
where he could practice for real. Repeated missions in the home
system itself. Using the chip was one thing, but you had to learn to
use it as another sense. It had to be automatic, there was no time
in combat for thinking about what to do. This came from
experience and that was gained from the varied missions he was

Simple go here and do that missions followed by complex destroy

multiple targets and retrieve the pod ones. Brett trained hard.
Just like when he had been a young boy, he attacked his quests
with vigour. Spending his time in his bunk on the large rotating
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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

space station reading up on theory and the mechanics of space

flight. Engines, lasers, missiles, shields, navigation systems,
satellites, he gorged on the data they fed him.

He studied the ships from the other races, memorised their

capabilities, speed and offensive attributes. When he was
attending the classroom lessons his knowledge became
legendary. He knew so much that the navy lecturer sometimes
asked him for the answer. His classmates chuckled, but they
respected him. Brett had fought in the Marines, most of them had
come through the easy planet side route to fighter command.
Easy jobs in the Marine base, pushing paper and sweeping floors.
Brett came from the orphanage they knew, but he had seen
action, he had killed others. They respected Brett to a man and
woman, every single one of them.

The completion of the training and back to Morang for the

ceremony. Bands playing music, friends and relatives, cheering
their brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Brett simply collected
his star from the commanding officer, saluted by holding his arm
across his chest and looked to the sky.

For you mother, for you.

Brett also received the class honour, best cadet. His fellow
officers congratulated him, pats on the back and smiles. He was
given the rank of squad leader, in command of three other ships
with pilots from his own class. Good, that was what he wanted.


Brett sat in the bar on the frigate Excel. Two of his flight sat with
him, Shake and Bibby. Shake was a tall lean man, blond hair, blue
eyes, a favourite with the ladies. Bibby was a small, petite red
head. She had a temper to match her hair and Shake had given up
in his attempts to conquer her.

The bar was dim, pilots and some marines were sat around. Dull
red lights lit the room and colourful signs adorned the wall behind
the bar where the automated bar dispenser was handing out
drinks to the customers.

So what do you think Bibby? Shake was asking. I reckon its the
harvesters again.
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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

No idea Shake. She replied casting him a glance. Itll be some

out of the way back yard though, as usual.

What do you think Brett, harvesters yeah? Shake inquired.

Brett turned away from the screen on the wall that was showing
the latest news reports. Dont know guys, but we only have a
small force of fighters onboard this frigate, she aint no carrier

Yeah, but well meet up with them yeah, somewhere, someplace a

whole fleet.

Brett didnt answer, he had turned his attention back to the

screen. Hey, robo, he shouted at the bar tender, turn it up will

The automated bartender did as requested and to the grunts of

some of the others in the room, the sound from the news cast

Suddenly everyone went quiet and focused on the screen as the

reporter continued.

It is reported, but I must stress not confirmed, that a joint force

from The Split and Teladi navies has engaged the Yaki fleet in the
outer sectors.

Brett glanced at the other two. They returned his gaze and then
looked back at the wall.

The Split and Teladi news agencies are refusing to give any
details, but our sources imply that this force has been destroyed. I
repeat that, destroyed, totally and utterly wiped out. We saw them
go in and no ships returned, none.

The screen suddenly went off and the room was filled with bright
white light.

All personnel, report to station immediately. All personnel report,

bellowed the ships announcement system.

Everyone in the room rose as one.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Split and Teladi fleets under Yaki attack.


Brett stood in the briefing room with the other eight pilots who
were the strike force of the frigate. Two squads of ships were all
she could carry. They had been stationed on her for the last three
Jazuras, Brett really wanted to be on a carrier but you did what
you were told. At least here there was a bit more freedom. They
had flown over twenty missions now. Three pilots had been lost
and replaced, the other five had been here from the time they had
shipped out, just after obtaining their stars.

They had retrieved cargo pods, escorted politicians and

accomplished the occasional assault. That was where they had
lost pilots. But all the time Brett had run an organised and efficient
squad. Bibby and Shake had been with him from the start. He had
seventeen kills to his name now, pirates mostly and importantly,
two Xenon. Rarely seen nowadays after the great Xenon war, but
if they were discovered they were attacked on sight and Brett had
taken two out.

The flight commander addressed them.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Contrary to what you may have seen on the news casts, we are
not about to launch any offensive strikes on the Yaki. Our
intelligence states that the Yaki are in conflict with the Split and
Teladi and although our leaders do not take kindly to their actions,
we have no orders to act.

We pilots, are about to launch a strike against the mines in the

Bevu sector. They have announced their intention to join the Yaki
and leave the foundation guild. Our orders are to take out their
defensive capability so the politicians have a stronger position to

The pilots glanced around at each other as this could be tricky.

Mines typically had good defences and if these had decided to
announce their intention to defect before actually carrying out the
threat, they must have some confidence.

The two dimensional view of the sector appeared on the screen

set in the wall at the back of the room. It was the same display
that they received in their ships, so they were familiar with it.

The commander went through the intelligence reports. A dozen

light fighter craft and two medium assault ships was the probable
force. The mines that were situated on the three small moons
close to the uninhabited planet also had fixed laser battery

We are not to engage the fixed defences, the commander was

explaining, if we succeed in taking out the ships, then our
government expects them to concede.

If they dont, then I expect we will receive new orders. But for now,
we engage the ships, understood?

Yes Commander! They all replied together. This wasnt looking

like it was going to be easy. Brett knew that the mine defence
ships would be inexperienced pilots, no match for his squad, but
they had fourteen ships. The frigate only had eight. Numbers
sometimes made up for lack of skill or even greater firepower. You
may have the best lasers, but if the enemy had two ships, you
could only fire on one of them at a time.

Any questions? the commander asked.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Sir, started Brett, are we alone on this or do we have backup?

Alone, Brett. You have concerns?

Only that it seems a rather large force to be going against, Sir.

Brett replied.

Correct Brett, it is a large force. Fourteen against eight, I expect

that to be closer to even after the first pass and then all over in
the second, dont you?

Brett felt all eyes upon him, he couldnt challenge the

Commanders response, but he had said enough to voice a
concern. If anything happened, it had been recorded. That was

Yes Sir, all over in the second pass Sir. If we get a second pass,
he thought. If these ships engage as one unit, we are going to be
in a big laser fight. They were equipped with a dozen Argon
Discoverers and two older Argon Elites. It was the Elites that
worried him, large slow assault craft. They were nimble though
and if fitted with the right shields and lasers, would prove difficult
to take out.

The eight ships that the frigate carried where the relatively new
Makos. An Argon and Boron joint venture, these craft were as
fast as the Discoverers but had the shields and lasers of about
seventy percent of that possibly carried by the Elites.

The pilots headed for their ships as the frigate turned towards the
gate that would bring them into Bevu.


Brett sat in his Mako doing the pre-launch checks and studying
the sector display. They had now entered Bevu and the miners
would surely know they were about to be attacked. He scanned
the sector display via his slave again and again, but even though
the frigate was advancing on the mines, no defence ships had

This worried him. There were only two reasons why they hadnt
launched. They didnt have any ships or they had a strategy. Brett
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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

opted for the second choice, they must have a strategy and that
meant smart miners. He checked the systems again, lasers
online, shields charged to maximum and functional. Ship to ship
missiles loaded and ready, he checked the sector display again,

They were approaching the mines now, getting close and only
twenty or so kilometres away. Still no ships had launched, would
the captain of the frigate take them even closer? Brett knew that
if they got within ten kilometres and the miners had missiles, they
might just launch an offensive. Did the captain know that? He
thought about contacting him, but quickly dispelled the idea. Of
course he knew that, he was the captain of a frigate wasnt he?

Closer still, sixteen kilometres away from the nearest mine. Brett
took a deep breath and made small fists with his hands. It didnt
matter how many times you had been on a mission, you still felt
tension. Fifteen kilometres, cmon miners have a heart and act will

The frigate only had a small landing bay, so the Makos were
parked in eight fast launch tubes near the rear of the ship but
facing outwards. Brett and his squad were on one side, Blue
squad, Red squad was on the other side. They would be propelled
by the ship up to 400 metres per second during launch, the
engines on the Makos firing at the same time in an attempt to
maintain the speed once they left the shielding and gravitational
pull of the ship. Launching wasnt a problem once you had been
through it many times, it was the fact that the command once
given would be carried out within two Sezuras, unless you
manually tapped the abort key. Brett kept his finger over it just in
case, you never knew.

This ability to launch eight ships at once made the frigates a

feared enemy. They were no match for any of the large cruisers
and battleships that scoured the cosmos, but against a small
force, they were deadly.

The frigate did carry missiles and also had a single beam laser on
its bow. This was capable of delivering an enormous blow to a
single stationary, or slow moving target. A number of laser
batteries also adorned the ship for close-in defence against fighter
attack, but these had proved only a token gesture when faced with
large numbers of attackers in the simulators.
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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Thirteen kilometres. Bretts heart rate had increased, he could

feel it, almost hear it in his suit. One way or another this was going
to start soon because if they got within four kilometres the
frigates beam laser would be within range and the Captain might
decide to bombard the mines themselves. They would need to get
within two klicks for the mine lasers to be in range.

Eleven. He tensed in his suit, waiting for the order to launch. What
are you doing Captain? He thought, if we get too close and you
launch, were gonna launch straight into the moon itself. Fighters
dont have brakes yknow.

Ten, he took a deep, deep breath. Letting it out slowly, calming

himself. Nine. Eight. He looked to his left in a vain attempt to see
his companions, but all he saw was the launch tube wall.

Seven. The miners had waited until the frigate could not escape
their missiles and seven kilometres away was the range. Brett
saw the dots appear on his scanner. He selected one, zoomed in,
selected data. Oh no, factory killers! You damn fool Captain, get us
out of here!

The Captain of the frigate had not expected the miners to possess
such weapons as these. His intelligence reports did not indicate it,
why should they have them?

He barked the order to his launch controller. Launch fighters,


What good fighters were going to do against 400 metres per

second missiles was anyones guess at this range. But he gave the
order nevertheless.

Launch confirmed! The message came through the ship

communicator. Here we go.

Bang! Bretts ship shot down the launch tube, gathering speed as
it went. He saw the lights dotted along the tube flash past him
faster and faster. He was pushed back hard into his seat and he
tilted his head slightly to the side, grimacing at the force exerted
on him.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Then space, the pressure disappeared instantly and he was aware

that he now had control. He looked left and right through the
space screen, confirming that the two on his left and one on his
right had launched. Now we are free, he thought.

He heard the communication from Red squad and couldnt believe


Too close, go verti

What the f..

He scanned the sector screen. Red squad was nowhere to be

seen. The idiot had launched too close and they had been
catapulted into the moon. Red squad was gone.

He saw the missiles hit through the rear display. Bang, bang into
the shields of the frigate. Then another salvo, bang, bang, bang.
The frigate was turning away from the moon.

All ships, this is the Captain of Excel. We are taking damage and
are evacuating the area. Cover our departure.

You have got to be kidding! Brett thought. If I could land at this

moment I would pull you throat out, you stupid idiot.

All offensive capability lost. It was the Captain again. We have

shields down and are accelerating away.

On the open channel? You say that on the open channel. Are you

The other three ships from his squad were now in formation
alongside him. The frigate was moving away and he was running
options through his mind when the scanner bleeped at more

Oh no! The mines were launching their fighters. He saw them

come out of the docking bays from each mine and counted them
off, eighteen fighters and six Elites. Intel got that wrong as well

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

OK, Blue squad. You see the targets as well as I do, maintain
formation until we clear the missile range of the mines. Then await
further orders. Check your systems people, your gonna need em!

The enemy fighters were forming up into an attack stance. Not

the inexperienced pilots they had thought then. Brett was
beginning to wonder whether some of these ships were
mercenaries, maybe Yaki ships brought in to protect the mines.
The communication channel opened again.

Blue One, this is your Commander, you read? It was the squad

Gotcha Commander, go ahead. Brett replied.

I have taken control of the frigate, the Captain has been relieved
of command. We are in no state to fight. Performing jump
sequence in twenty Sezuras. Your only chance is to lock the spot,
you understand Blue One?

Lock the spot? This was going to be fun. That meant that the
frigate was going to jump and for a few Sezuras after, probably
only two or three, the jump tunnel would remain open after the
frigate had gone. The commander was telling Brett to aim for that
point in space and follow them through before the tunnel closed.
The Makos didnt have jump drives. If they didnt make it, they
were on their own against the miners.

This was tricky as your speed had to be slow to jump, but you had
to be in the right place at the right time, which meant full speed to
be there.

Brett was already turning towards the frigate, the rest of Blue
squad staying in formation. They had heard the message and
blinked confirmations. He didnt need to speak with them.

They raced at the frigate, closing in together so all four Makos

were only metres apart.

Incoming! It was Shake. Seeker missiles launched, impact ten


Seeker missiles were launched and forgotten about. Fire and

forget. They locked onto the closest enemy target and would
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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

change their target if the internal scanning device thought it a

better target. They were aimed at Blue Squad.

Cmon Commander, jump!

Five Sezuras! The Commander confirmed.

They were almost on the rear of the frigate now, it was slowing for
the jump. Then brilliant flashes of blue swirling light. The jump

Brett set the speed of the ship to 40 m/s. He was currently

showing a speed of 380. The engines groaned as they went into
reverse thrust, Brett felt the change in force and it pushed him
forward in his seat. Blue Squad followed their leader, all slowing for
the tunnel.

Their gonna get us Brett! It was Bibby.

The frigate was gone. The tunnel had already started to shrink.
One last look at the sector scanner, missiles about to strike,
speed at 42, 41, 40. Then the tunnel and silence, no movement in
the ship, only the swirling tunnel. Brett couldnt move, frozen in
time, yet his senses were still alive. He could see the tunnel
rotating around him, but he couldnt move his head or eyes.

Then space, out of the tunnel and all senses taking in data. The
frigate ahead, close by and turning to its left. Brett flicked the
control stick to veer right, Shake went vertical, Bibby turned down.
Blue four, the newest recruit wasnt so lucky. Two seekers had
also made the tunnel and as they exited they locked onto Blue
Four, the closest target and the one not moving away.

Crack! Boom! They all heard the explosion through the

communication channel before it was abruptly cut off.

Blue Fours bought it, Blue One It was Bibby again.

Confirmed squad, replied Brett, Shake, go evasive, the second

missiles locked onto you.

It had, the first missile had destroyed Blue Four and the second
one realising that its intended target was now obliterated, turned

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

its attention to another one. It took a fraction of a Sezura to make

the decision, Shakes ship won.

Brett looped over and flew after Shake, he was heading upwards
while darting from side to side, accelerating as he went. Brett
came at him at an angle and sure enough the seeker was below
him, closing in on Shake.

Brett aimed at the missile, no chance of a lock on such a small

object. Then it veered towards him. On no, the seeker had
changed its path again, Blue One offered a better target now!

Brett opened fire, laser bolts streaking out from the four weapons,
one on each weapon mount (small wings on the side of the craft)
and two in the nose. He felt the judder of the ship as the lasers
screamed out. No chances of a good hit just rely on instinct, spray
the area with fire and hope you get it. The lasers on the nose were
a smaller weapon than the wing mounts, but this gave them a
higher rate of fire.

Finger on the trigger, starting to hurt he was pulling so hard. Hand

feeling wet, slippery. Sweat beginning to pour down his face, high
pitched wail of the lasers. Bang! The explosion so close he wasnt
sure for a Sezura whether he had been hit or not. No, the missile
had exploded only metres away from his ship.

Hey, way to go Blue Leader! Shake screamed.

Brett slumped onto the console, taking in deep breaths in an

attempt to calm his nerves. That was close.

He looked at the sector map while still spread across the console,
his slave piping the data in. Argon Prime! By the book of truth,
were home!

They landed on the frigate, one after another on the small landing
bay. Brett jumped out of his Mako and made for the bridge, anger
boiling inside him. He burst into the command deck, spotted the
Captain and ran across the room shouting obscenities as he went.

You killed em, you fool. You launched them into the moon!

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

It took three marines to hold Brett back. They had been guarding
the Captain. Bibby and Shake ran into the bridge and stopped just

The squad commander put his hand on the struggling pilot. Brett,
calm down. It was a malfunction, not his fault.

Brett stared into the commanders eyes, anger and fury still
burning inside.

What do you mean, malfunction? he screamed.

The data the Captain was getting was out of date, delayed
somehow, I dont know how yet. He thought we were still
approaching the first moon, not the second. It shows up in the logs

Brett looked from the commander to the Captain. The Captain

simply shrugged, he was a broken man. Brett relaxed slightly, but
the marines holding him did not.


They sat in the bar on Argon Four, Brett, Bibby and Shake. It had
been three Tazuras since the Bevu fiasco and they had been
transferred to the large cruiser. It sat in stationary orbit around
Argon Prime. They had nothing to do, no orders, no missions, so
they sat in the bar and drank and talked.

It was a larger bar than the one they had become so accustomed
to on the frigate and was full of pilots, ships crew and
maintenance staff. They were still arguing over the near miss they
had experienced. The Captain was down on the planet undergoing
a debriefing, otherwise known as an interrogation. No information
had been fed back to them about the incident and they were quite
confident none would be.

What they had discovered though through the news and official
briefings was that the Split and Teladi navies had indeed suffered a
heavy defeat at the hands of the Yaki. Not much detail was known,
but they had confirmed reports of the size of fleets that had set
out and as stated, they had not returned.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Brett was feeling just slightly light headed, the drink in the navy
bars was weakened from the illegal stuff sold in the space
stations. But it still gave the same feeling if enough was
consumed. Shake didnt drink, but Bibby was following Brett drink
for drink.

Its not your fault Brett, she was saying, he should have veered
left, he knew his position like the rest of us.

I know, I know. But you cant help wondering what could have been

They were talking about Blue Four, which had been destroyed by
the seeker, after they exited the jump. Four ships in a squad, when
you jump together you turn into you pre-assigned direction. The
other three had followed this rule, Blue Four had not and paid the

Hey you two, it was Shake, if the kid had turned, then it wouldve
been one of us. The missiles could have chosen us instead and you
know yourself, you cant outrun a pair.

Brett looked at him, not convinced that he was right, but so what?
It didnt matter now. He was gone. Just another pilot lost to the

He heard shouting from the door of the bar, it was one of the
laser battery operators from the look of his uniform.

The news! He was shouting. Listen to the news, the President is


Someone must have instructed the bar robot as the large screen
that filled half the back wall sprang into life. The face of the Argon
President filled the screen, speaking from his usual podium, planet

.that we have confirmed reports, the listening outposts of Echo

Seven and Echo Twelve have been destroyed. The space station
and energy plants in the vicinity of Echo Nine have also been
destroyed. We confirmed this just before Echo Nine itself went

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

Shake looked at Brett, Brett looked at Bibby. Bibby looked at both

of them and then back to the screen. The Echo stations were
military stations designed to scan the sectors. They contained
dozens of fighter ships and thousands of personnel.

An aggressive force is currently moving against the food farms

and processing plants in the area of Echo Three. The President
paused. People of Argon, I have instructed our Admiral not more
than five Mizuras ago, to use whatever means at her disposal to
stop these barbaric and mindless acts of destruction.

Rest assured, we will be successful. Please spare your thoughts

for the men and woman of our navy. My people, as of this moment,
a state of war exists between the Argon and the Yaki.

Brett looked at Bibby and Shake again, suddenly he felt none of the
effects of the drink. They just sat with their mouths open,


It was sometime later before she saw the Presidents speech. It

took time for the message drones that had automatically been
sent out to all the Echo stations to be intercepted.

She smiled. Fool President, does he think his Argon navy can save
him now?

She turned to her aide. Everything is ready?

Yes Moo-Kye, we will be in strike position of the Echo Three

sector in four Tazuras.

Good. Came the reply. Let it begin.

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Dominion: Chapter 8 The frigate Excel

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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

Trying to explain the truth to the masses. Was it an impossible

task? Should you not try and explain it, but simply tell them what is

Mitch and Mi Ton sat in the small transport ship. Trouble was
afoot, but they had been summoned to the Argon government
anyway after their results had been received. They hadnt finished,
still more to do, but they were so close they had decided to inform
the Argon and Boron governments of their find.

So a Boron war ship had been dispatched to collect them, as they

had no jump devices of their own. The large ship had appeared at
the gate and hailed them to depart. They had finalised their plans
and set the computer systems running so they could continue to
extract data while they were gone.

How important is that base? the Boron Captain had inquired

when they were safely onboard.

Very important. Mi Ton had remarked, almost flippantly, his suit

moving slowly to and fro as it hovered over the floor.

Well if you leave it like that, on its own in this current situation, it
might not be there when you get back. The Captain replied.

So what do you suggest? Mitch asked.

We can protect it, but itll have to shutdown.

Never! Mi Ton flashed, we cannot shut it down. The work is too


Better shutdown and still there, than not to be there at all. The
Captain stated.

He has a point Mi, Mitch said, what do you have in mind


The Captains stalks moved briefly inwards.

New protection systems my friends. We have a Sentinel onboard.

We can use that.
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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

Both Mi Ton and Mitch looked intrigued, they had heard nothing
about this. Mitch felt a slight twinge at being away for so long. You
lost touch that was the problem.

Explain. Mi Ton suggested.

This device generates a massive shield for your station. So big it

is virtually indestructible. However, it will use all available power
from your nuclear power plant and everything within its protective
screen will be doused with energy. They will not work while the
Sentinel is armed.

But what of the reactors systems? Mitch asked.

They are within the reactors protective screen, yes? replied the

Yes. Mitch replied.

Then they will work, all others will not. He said, bending slightly on
his four legs.

So why cant we put all the systems within the screen? Mi Ton
asked, he was becoming very interested in this new development.

The screen protects, yes? Your scanners will not work inside it?
You cannot fire lasers from within a screen and so on. Your
station will be dormant while the Sentinel is activated, it can only
be deactivated by the owner of the station who has the codes. Or
if it runs out of life. He added.

Runs out of life? Mitch again.

Yes, the one we have with us will operate for ten Tazuras, after
that it will deactivate. A Sentinel can only be used once, if you
deactivate it before the end of its life span, it is useless. The
Captain floated backwards in his suit and took his position in his
command straps.

Mitch nodded. Mi Ton raised his snout. They agreed.

Deploy it! They both said in their native languages.

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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

After the Sentinel was installed and activated the Boron ship
entered a jump tunnel. It wasnt very long before they were sat in
the meeting chamber on the main trading station in Argon Prime.
They were awaiting their visitors, the Argon and Boron
government representatives who would listen to their find and
take the information back for perusal.

They had agreed that Mitch would start the briefing and Mi Ton
would answer any questions from the floor. Then they would just
see how it went.

The four representatives from each government filed into the

room and took their seats. Mitch stood, greeted them and took his
place at the podium, the screen he would be using to explain their
findings behind him on the wall.

He started by describing the laws of physics, Protons and

Neutrons, Quarks, Gravitons and the relationships between them.

These things, we here in this room either already understand or

have no wish to understand, please skip this section and carry on.
Stated the Boron head of science.

Mitch was a little agitated, he fumbled with the display controller

and moved the presentation further on. A picture filled the screen.
Ten boxes in a row numbered one to ten in both Argon and Boron.

Ok, he said, imagine you are at number one and looking at

number two. Number two is a single light Jazura away, so what
you are looking at when you are at number one is what happened
at number two a whole Jazura ago, yes?

They all nodded their approval. This was more like it for the
politicians in the room.

Well, if you are then at number two, you can see what is
happening now at number two and what happened a Jazura ago
at number one and number three and so on. He looked for signs
of puzzlement, he didnt see any. Good.

Our surveyors are installed across the entire known universe in

most sectors, except of course the current areas of conflict. So
what you see is really just a picture in time, physically see I mean,

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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

the background stars and nebulae are just pictures hanging on

the wall, so to speak.

If you can be at number two, you are looking at what you will see
at number one in a Jazura. The gates give us this capability. Now
the gates dont span the whole universe, that much we know, but
they cover a wide area. He pressed a button on the controller
and the graphic on the screen span into a three dimensional
image and then began to multiply to show the known gate systems
of which their were thousands, many still undiscovered or mapped
they were sure.

But, he went on, we are not looking at pictures, we are looking

at data, specifically data of positive and negative energy. We can
see what it was and what it will be.

For example, every time an object enters a gate a great amount

of negative energy is produced by the gate. Why, we are not sure
yet. However, this is countered by the positive energy of the object,
for example the ship.

The audience was beginning to become enthralled, he could tell.

But not all the negative energy is countered. It can be mapped

and some of the military systems use this for tracking purposes

What we have found is this. The amount of negative energy left

over by gate activities is nowhere near what we are finding. There
are two answers for this.

The audience leaned forward as one.

Firstly, we are tracking gate usage in areas where we dont know

there are gates. Somebody, or something is using gates
elsewhere. Mitch paused to make sure he had the required

Secondly, the background negative energy can be mapped. It

came from somewhere and although we do not yet have definite
proof, we will have soon.

For what? an Argon politician asked like a young boy.

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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

We have checked the history banks and there was a large, what
can I say, usage of negative energy approximately six hundred
Jazuras ago. Exactly around the time the Teladi state they lost
contact with their home planet.

This is accurate at present to the Mazura, but we expect to map

it to the Sezura soon.

So we have a history lesson Mitchell, excellent I am sure you will

receive the Argon Broker prize for science. The Argon politician

I havent finished. Mitch stated. The Argon sat back in his chair,
slightly embarrassed.

Not only can we map that this happened, we can tell where the
gates were that somehow changed their configuration. The
energy levels are clear on this.

And, Mitch checked his words and licked his lips, they were
becoming dry, the levels are increasing in certain areas as well.

He let it sink in, would they be able to grasp what he was saying?

Which means what? grunted one of the Boron.

Which means, the gates are going to be reconfigured again. The

room gasped, the Boron snorted.

When? Three voices at once.

We have not calculated the timings exactly yet, we are still

working on it. However, our initial findings state that it will happen
in the next ten Jazuras.

Ten? exclaimed the Argon science officer. Are you sure? Ten?
He was shaking his head, the others in the room were talking to
each other and the noise in the room was increasing.

Mi Ton joined Mitch on the podium and Mitch held out an arm to
steady the floating Boron in his suit. Please everybody, calm down,
quiet please. He pleaded. It took a few more attempts but he
finally got the others in the room to be silent and sit and face the
front again.
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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

Let me say finally, Mi Ton gestured, that we have also

discovered the general location of the Argon home planet, Earth.
The room erupted again.

Please, PLEASE! Mi Ton commanded. We cannot see it, it is too

far away and would take over a thousand Jazuras to travel there
at the speed of light.

So how do you know where it is? someone asked.

We do not know for certain, we only know its direction. This we

have discovered by the energy levels given off in certain areas. We
know by studying the local gates which way they are pointing, so to
speak, by analysing the energy levels and the direction they face. It
is simple really. A gate gives off negative energy in the opposite
direction to the way it is pointing. Just like we can track ships
today, or at least know the size and destination from the energy
readings, we can track what did happen many Jazuras ago.

We have found that one of fifty or so gates could have been the
source at the time. There is no current destination pointing in that
direction. We should know soon, which particular gate it is.

My friends and colleagues, if we are right and if such a gate also

exists at the other side, we could be open to Earth within ten


They had overdone it slightly, they knew. Mentioning Earth was

enough to get them extra funding, they werent quite sure if it was
Earth. They were right that the gates did point somewhere else in
the past and which one was still a mystery for now. But they did
know that all data pointed to there being a gate link in that
direction at that time. Only that direction had such overwhelming
readings. The Teladi homeworld must be inside the current
configuration, so it was harder to find a pointer to that. But they
would, they were sure.

They had only spent two Tazuras at the station in Argon Prime
when they were sworn to secrecy and shipped back to the
laboratory. It was still there just as the Boron had said it would be,
in perfect condition. They deactivated the Sentinel and continued
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Dominion: Chapter 9 Gates and re-alignment

with their work. This time the Boron warship stayed to patrol the
sector and other smaller military vessels began to arrive

- 105 -
Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Conflict. There are never winners in any conflict, only degrees of

losing. The trick is to lose with the lowest degree.

The battle for Echo Three.

The small nimble fighter turned to its right, the pilot seeking out
the small object that was far from his base. He and his squad had
destroyed fourteen so far. This one, if he could locate it visually,
would be the last one.

It showed up on the scanner, he had locked onto it as soon as he

had destroyed the last one. But finding it, that was a different
matter. He would need a visual and you couldnt do that flying at
this speed. He was getting closer, the image inside his head
showed 3.6 kilometres. Time to slow this crate down, he thought.
He commanded the ship to slow to fifty m/s and felt the push
forwards as the engines obeyed the computer commands.

Now where is it? The scanner was indicating that it was upwards.
He pulled back gently on the control stick and actually leaned
forward in his seat, squinting outside of the space screen in an
attempt to help his quest. No, cant see it. Quick check on the
scanner again, one kilometre and closing.

There! He saw it, energy wings stretching outwards for power.

The local sun had just reflected off its surface, as the angle was
right. It was gone again now, but it didnt matter. The pilot had
mentally plotted its position and he steered straight for it.

Quick check on the laser energy banks. Fine, full power available.
He squeezed the trigger and the laser bolts shot out before him.
Four quick bursts from the twin lasers and then an explosion. Got

Echo Three, this is Gold One. Do you read?

Confirmed Gold One. Go ahead. Replied the space station.

Mission accomplished Echo Three. All navigation satellites

destroyed. The pilot stated.

Confirmed Gold One. Return to base, Echo Three out.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

The pilot smiled. Mission accomplished. A good start to what was

looking like being a very bad few Tazuras.


The communication officer turned to the station commander. All

accounted for Sir. We have destroyed every Nav Sat in this and
the surrounding sectors as ordered. Nobody can surprise us now.
Theyll have to pound it the old way. He smiled.

That they will, the station commander agreed, but once our fleet
is underway, so will we. He pointed out.

Ah yes, commander, so will we. He repeated.


The Orion.

Admiral Stacey sat in the officers briefing room aboard the Argon
navys flagship, the Orion. They had quickly put together a force
and had been on their way now for three Tazuras. She had
ordered all Nav Sats in the Echo Three area to be destroyed right
away. It had taken a day to organise the fleet and she didnt want
the enemy jumping in using the Nav Sats before they could. The
satellites enabled ships to jump from one point to a gate further
away, thereby skipping the normal route and arriving much
sooner. No point in arriving to find the battle already finished.

The Orion was the latest ship to enter service and was the pride of
the Argon fleet. They had done away with the blocky flat designs of
the older ships and created a somewhat improved design. It was
constructed of four, almost separate bulbous parts. Big sections
that appeared connected part of the way down each of their ends
so that you couldnt see where they ended. It appeared as one
long construction, even though it was indeed individual parts.

Part of the navys intention, they could build smaller ships using
the same methods. Plans were already being laid for further ships,
small ones made up of two of the constructions and medium size
ships made up of three. Attached to the sides of the ship were two
large launch bays, one on each side. These allowed the ship to
launch and receive large numbers of ships. Although each side
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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

could accomplish both tasks, they used one for launching and one
for landing and then would switch when ships were reloaded.

It sounded complicated and potentially dangerous, but each bay

had hazard lights surrounding the whole oblong entrance. These
shone green or red depending upon the bays current stance. On
the front of the ship, at the top of the forward structure was the
bridge, a small square shaped protrusion that had space screens
on every side. Light shone from the bridge where the crew was
busy at work.

Officially described as a carrier for the deployment of massed

forces to battle, the Orion was actually also capable of delivering a
blow in her own right having beam lasers and missile launchers

She was heading directly for the gate that led to Echo Three. A
massive armada of ships surrounded her. Frigates, Destroyers
and the older carriers were all present along with many small
fighter craft that patrolled the sector and stayed on station, ready
for any attack.

This was the force hastily constructed to meet the threat posed
by the Yaki who were themselves currently heading for Echo Three
from the opposite direction. It wasnt the whole fleet by any means.
Much of the Argon navy was scattered around the sectors
protecting other important installations and there would always be
a battleship and carrier in orbit around Argon Prime, always.

In fact, none of the three serviceable battleships that the navy

possessed were in this force. They couldnt be brought to station
fast enough, so the force had left without them.

Admiral Stacey felt confident without them though. This force was
strong enough to tackle a race in itself. Then again, she
shuddered, the Yaki were becoming a race, werent they?

She looked around the table at the other force commanders, all
main ship captains were on board for the final strategy meeting
before they entered the sector. Six other officers, plus herself.
Seven large ships plus a multitude of fighters of different size were
in the fleet.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

So ladies and gentlemen, she began, can I assume that all

orders have been given and every person in this force knows their

All six around the table pressed buttons on their consoles to

record their agreement as well as visibly with the nod of the head.

Well lets hope for a speedy victory then and back home to our
loved ones. I dont expect these, she searched for the word,
bandits, to give us much trouble.

One of the frigate captains spoke up. They did manage to destroy
four large destroyers and fifty ships of the joint Teladi/Split force
Maam, he stated.

That is true, she replied resting her elbows on the table and
grasping her left hand in her right. But as we know, they will have
fought a disjointed campaign with outdated ships. We are much
stronger than that.

He nodded his agreement, no sense in arguing this close to the

actual battle. But deep inside all seven of them each had their
doubts. What losses had the Yaki taken during that brief strike?
How big was their fleet anyway? Intelligence was scarce since the
hostilities began. Every attempt at sending drones and scout ships
had been a failure. None of them had returned, even message
drones from the scout ships. It had an ominous feeling to it.

The fleet continued on its course towards the gate.


Echo Three.

The woman sat at her console, scanning again and again across
the sector. She could see everything in the sector from her
screen, but she continually selected objects individually and
checked their status. She sighed and rubbed her hand across her
forehead. She felt tired. They had been running double shifts ever
since war was declared, so the station had maximum staff at the
ready at all times. She was nearing the end of her second shift
and she was feeling the pressure and tension of the situation.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

The station sat almost exactly half way between the two gates.
The gates where the two opposing forces would soon come. There
were a few other large objects in the sector, an energy plant, two
food processing plants and a single mine on one of the slow
moving asteroids that had been caught in the planets gravitational
pull and now orbited as a small moon.

But all personnel from those had left. Fleeing back to the safety of
the inner sectors. Probably seeking out assurance from the Argon
government that they would be able to claim some form of
compensation in the event their properties were destroyed. Some
chance of that, she mused. The government might ask the enemy
to pay up when it was all over, if there was an enemy left. But
there was no chance the Argon government would start
bankrolling traders. Especially those out on the frontier where the
profits were high. You chose to set up there, they would say, you
take the risks.

Thats why she had joined the navy. Nice steady income, you do
what you are told and you pay so much of your credits into the
navy scheme. Then when your time is up, you leave and go back
planet side with a reduced income. Or you stay in space and take
your chances with the traders. Well it seemed like a good idea at
the time, sign up, basic training and pick a career. What would
madam like to be? A technician perhaps, quantum mechanics
maybe? Yeah right. Three quarters of the time spent staring at
this stupid screen and the rest trying to sleep in quarters you
could barely turn around in. If you did manage to get any time
awake, then you had to blow off steam. Some went to the exercise
centres where you could stretch your muscles and keep in shape,
but the majority hit the relaxation zone and drank themselves to
oblivion. She was just contemplating whether her tired body could
handle another night of the zone when her console bleeped. A ship
had just exited the gate. Oh no! Wrong gate.

Sir! We have an incident here. She shouted across the room and
into the communication system at the same time. Ships were
pouring through the gate like Argon ants from a nest.

Yes scan, report. The station commander replied into his

communication device attached to his lapel. He was moving
towards her as he spoke.

Contact sir, multiple contacts. Exiting gate now.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three


Negative Sir. Unidentified signatures she replied.


Sixty four and counting sir. They are still coming through.


All fighter class so far sir. Medium and small.

The station commander thought for a moment. This is it then. A

whole career behind me and they actually come here.

Shall we launch Sir? It was fighter command.

No! He snapped. Let them get closer. Station batteries, come to

alert. Missile batteries, start to track. Do not fire until I give the
order, understand? Do not fire.

A number of confirmations could be heard through the

communication channel that was now switched onto the main
system so that everyone in the room could hear it.

He swept his gaze around the room. Men and women in their
uniforms seated at consoles. Red, green, blue and white lights
flickering from their screens. He took in a deep breath and then
realised some of his staff were watching him. He consciously let it
out slowly. What can I do? We cant run, and against the size of
force that was bearing down on them, fighting wasnt much of an
option either.

What else? Surrender? Not likely, that was one thing he couldnt
contemplate. You had to have a certain character to surrender
and he didnt have that type. No way, theyll kill you anyway,
murdering pirates. Better to go down fighting than to give in. Yeah
good, he felt better now, a shot of adrenaline does wonders for
your self esteem. He smiled. Cmon then Yaki, lets see what youve
got. This aint no little lookout post like the other Echo stations
youve been shooting out. This is Echo Three, best in its class. You
wont roll us over that easy.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Sir. It was the girl on scan again.

Yes scan, what you got?

Large ships are entering the sector sir. A battleship, three

destroyers and two squads of assault ships sir.


On us Sir. They are heading straight for us. Came the reply.

OK, scan thank you. He turned to communications. Comms,

wrap that data up and launch message drones to the fleet.

Confirmed Commander. Drones launching now.

OK people. Dont go worrying now, the fleet is coming. He

sounded convincing even though he knew himself that they didnt
know where the fleet was exactly. They had received a drone when
the fleet had entered the adjacent sector so they could only be
Mizuras away. Still, where were they?

He moved so that he was directly behind the scanner. Scan, put

that view on the main screen.

The large screen at the back of the command room switched

from the many screens that normally showed the stations status
to the single display that was the sector map. He studied the data.
Eight assault ships approaching the station. These would surely
have heavy weapons, maybe beam lasers and certainly factory
killer missiles. In front of them was a force of about thirty small
and medium fighters. It was obvious what was about to happen.
The smaller fighters would try and draw his force of twenty out, so
the assault ships could launch directly on the station. They were
going to try and draw his teeth. Well, he wasnt going to fall for
that one. He would let the stations laser batteries fire at the
fighters and launch his force against the assault ships.

Scan, zoom in on those assault ships if you will.

The screen zoomed into the large ships and he noticed now that
the view was clearer and each ship could be seen individually, that
fighters flanked them. Two for every assault ship. He wiped his

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

hand from his forehead to his chin and left it there, rubbing at the
unshaven skin.

Theyre coming in! It was fighter command.

OK scan, give me a close up view around the station. The screen

moved around and then zoomed in to the station. Ships were
getting close. Keep an eye on those capital ships scan. They get
within fifteen klicks, you yell. Understood?

Yes Sir! Good keep them busy. People dont panic when theyre

Laser Batteries, you have control. Commence firing, fire at will.

Aye sir! Battery replied.

All laser batteries that were facing the incoming fighters opened
fire. Shhhthump. Shhhthump. Laser bolts streaking across the
vacuum. The fighters at the front of the force showing flashes as
the lasers struck their shields. The second fighter must have
taken control damage as it didnt swerve away like the others but
continued on and crashed into the station shields, exploding on

The commander glanced at the large shield strength indicator

that was set into the wall to the right of the main screen. It read
ninety three percent in large blue letters.

The Yaki fighters swarmed over Echo Three. Moving in towards

the station, lasers blaring and then quickly spinning away to avoid
the laser batteries. They wouldnt make much of an impact on
their own. But the small lasers were almost continually hitting the
station shields and there was no time for them to regenerate.
They were dropping, slowly but surely the shields were coming
down. He glanced at the wall again, eighty two percent.

A flash of light on one of the external camera views. Thats three

Sir, we got another one.

Keep at it battery, keep at it. Another look at the scanner,

assault ships ten kilometres and closing.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Fighter command, launch against those assault ships, everything

youve got.

Aye Sir! He watched as the first of his fighters left the station
dodging fire as it went. The Yaki fighters must have been waiting
for it to happen and they broke off their attack on the station and
headed for the Argon ships that were exiting one by one.

The shields began to rise.

Sir, assault ships at six klicks and closing. It was scan.

Missile batteries. Target the front two assault ships with a 150%
damage salvo.

Tracked sir.

Fire! The commander shouted.

The six missiles left the station, accelerating as they went, weaving
around as they tracked their pre-determined targets. The Yaki
assault ships scattered in all directions and he watched the
screen agonisingly as the missiles closed.

They hit. Large flashes on the tracking camera as the assault

ships shields took the first missile hits and then two explosions,
one just after the other as the two ships exploded in silence.

A small cheer in the command room. Quiet! He snapped. This

aint over yet.

He felt the shudder and the station shook, just like a land quake
shook the buildings back home. He staggered and grabbed the
side of the desk next to him with his hand. Beam lasers. The
assault ships were attacking with beam lasers. Another shudder
rocked the station. Shields fifty eight percent.

Outside the station, ships spun around attempting to get good

locks on their foes. The station ships were following their orders
and attacking the assault ships. They were so close to the station
now the laser batteries were targeting them as well. Another
blinding flash, another assault ship destroyed.

Fighter command, situation report. The commander ordered.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Five lost sir, we are outnumbered. Came the answer.

I know that. A low rumble, short, followed by another and

another. Missiles, does this never end?

Another two assault ships destroyed by his fighters, only three to

go. They were too close really for missile locks, but he had no

Missile batteries, attack those assault ships again. They turned

from their consoles to look at him, knowing the same, as he did,
that not all missiles would succeed. Do it! He shouted.

They obeyed and a dozen missiles launched from the station trying
to track their foes. One turned too quickly in its attempt to follow
its target that was running for the back of the station and it
glanced off the side of the station shields, exploding on impact.
Hed expected that, calculated risk. Either they die first or we die
first, who has the best shields? He glanced at the wall, twenty
seven percent, it was going to be close.

Incoming message commander, it was comms, Its the Orion!

On screen!

The admirals face appeared on the screen, she looked out of place
sat in her seat, all perfectly dressed while around him the
commander was witnessing carnage.

Commander, your situation if you please. Admiral Stacey inquired

like she was asking the time.

Under heavy attack Admiral, boom, another missile strike. The

commander steadied himself again, on our knees but still
punching Maam. He glanced at the main screen that was now
showing the position the station found itself. Eight fighters lost,
almost out of missiles, shields at.. boom, shields at eighteen
percent Maam.

Acknowledged Echo Three, we are in sector, obtaining strike

vectors now. She glanced to something, or someone at her side
then returned to the screen. Hang in there commander. The
screen went blank, everyone in the room cheered, even the
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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

commander. They could still die, he knew that all too well, but the
relief that the fleet was actually here was almost overwhelming.

Boom, boom. More missile strikes on the station, shields at fifteen


Prepare all non-combat personnel for immediate evacuation. This

is Commander ODonnell of Echo Three, confirm.

The loud, slow female voice of the station computer boomed over
the channel, Confirmed commander. Evacuation sequence

All over the station people were running for the escape chutes. A
vast network of tunnels that you could literally jump into, then be
transported down into the escape bay. Four large slow transport
ships awaited, their cargo holds fitted out with life support
systems. Fifteen hundred people were all making their way to the
ships while the five hundred or so combat staff stayed at their
stations. There was no room for them on the ships anyway, he just
hoped that once launched they would get away and not be
attacked by the Yaki.


Blue Squad.

Brett sat in the pilot seat of his Mako, Bibby and Shake to his left
and the latest recruit on his right. Blue Four, which was his name.
Not interested what his real name is unless we get back from this
one. Then Ill get to know him, but for now he goes by his call sign.

They were lucky, each ship had its own squad colours and Argon
Four didnt have a blue squad when they arrived, so they kept their
name. Good omen, he liked that. They were in a row behind Green
squad and others were behind them. There was enough room on
the carrier for a squad to take off together.

They had mounted their ships just before entering the gate, so
they were ready for immediate launch, if required, when they
entered Echo Three sector. Sitting on the launch bay in your ship
while traversing the tunnel had felt kind of strange, hed never
done that before, looking backwards.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

He checked the sector scan, it was a fight the likes of which he

had never witnessed. There were ships everywhere and it would
be impossible to make any medium range tactical decisions.
Everything in this fight would be done at close quarters. That
suited him, he preferred a stand up fight.

The fleet was advancing at full speed towards the battle around
the station. Brett noticed that the large ships of the Yaki and their
protective fighter escort were heading for them. He stared at the
scanner, heard his own breathing, no other sounds in the ship. It
was almost like being underwater, silence, peacefulness. He
regulated his breathing and closed his eyes, got to clear his mind
and focus.

Blackness, just the lovely soothing blackness inside my head. No

external inputs, senses going to sleep, resting.

The beep from the channel made him snap his eyes open and he
was immediately back to alert. He saw the ships in front moving
up and away from the floor. Exiting the docking bay, engines firing
brighter as they accelerated away.

Blue squad, you are cleared for launch. Good luck and good

Confirmed control. He pressed the engine button manually (he

preferred that) and mentally increased the power to the engines.
His ship moved forward and he lifted back on the control stick
slightly. His Mako began to leave the floor and the ship.

Just as he passed the outer mouth of the bay he stabbed the

engines to full power and he began to speed away, his three-squad
members alongside.

OK, Blue Squad, everybody fine? Three confirmation lights. Good,

head out to the incoming fighters, keep it tight.

They turned upwards as they left the carrier and then rolled over
as they completed the vertical turn. Green squad was a couple of
kilometres further on and the next squad was leaving the ship
behind them.

This is Argon Four control, engage enemy fighters around that

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Brett pressed the confirm button in his mind. He could see the
large ships approaching, large menacing ships, dark in colour.
Was it black? No blue, dark blue all over. Laser fire coming in!
Sheesh, these are fast fighters. Blue squad, engage.

The Yaki fighters had come in so quickly he had missed them,

there was so much confusion on the sector screen that he
couldnt tell what was going on anyway. He ignored it, time for
looking at that later. He pulled his ship vertical as the Yaki craft
zoomed overhead and performed the same manoeuvre that he
had done when exiting the ship. The Yaki ships split up, like an
explosion, all going different ways. He locked his mind and tracking
system on the centre one and steered for an attack.

He had closed on the pirate in the turn, but was still over a
kilometre away. Out of range according to the manual. Well not
according to Brett. He lined the craft up in his sights and
squeezed the trigger, four laser bolts leaving his ship at a time,
two slightly redder in colour than the others.

He kept firing, hoping to get a hit. Success! He could see the

flashes as some of his shots hit. Bang, bang, bang. The lasers
bounced off his shields, but it shook his ship and his aim on the
enemy was lost. The ship had turned towards him now. Lasers
streaking at him, he pointed his ship straight at it and returned the
fire. He who has the biggest shields wins a head to head, he knew
and as the Yaki ship flew past he noticed it was a Split fighter,
looked like a modified Mamba, he wasnt sure. But it was painted
with jagged stripes all over the ship. These Yaki are lunatics, he

He turned to follow it, his ship jolting again as another Yaki locked
onto him. An explosion behind, close enough for the shields to pick
it up and the light to flash his console white.

Got him Blue One! It was Blue Four. Brett ignored it, no time for

He continued the turn and the Yaki was going low, so Brett
adjusted and aimed in front of him so he could close the distance
as they went. He pulled the trigger again, but this time kept it
firmly pressed. The lasers kept firing and the Yaki was running
right into his line. Multiple strikes, keep it there, cmon you pirate,
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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

keep turning. It did, and the lasers kept finding their target. A flash
as it exploded and debris peppered his ship. A check on the
shields, plenty enough to fight with. He told the combat system to
lock the closest threat. It did, instantly, one hundred metres away.

Bretts ship shook like it was going to break up. He swerved left,
right, up and down. Multiple lasers flashing past him. Dozens of
shots, theres more than one he thought.

He plunged his ship downwards and kept the stick to its limit. The
lasers went away, and he completed the loop. The Two Yaki
fighters hadnt turned as quickly as he had. He opened fire. The
rightmost enemy veered away, Brett selected it as his ships
locked target and mentally released two ship to ship missiles. They
streaked away from his ship and he focused his full attention on
the remaining Yaki.

It was taking evasive action, Brett had to stop firing while his
missiles launched or he may have caught them by mistake, but
now they were on their way, he pulled the trigger again and hits
began to register on the Yaki ship. Flash, an instance of smoke,
quickly dispelled in the vacuum and the Yaki was dead.

He checked his scanner for his comrades and more targets.


Argon Four.

The captain sat on the bridge. He had launched his full

complement of fighters, forty in all and they were now engaging
the Yaki. The battle appeared to be going well, but there was more
to do yet.

He didnt need to check the readouts, he could see the Yaki

battleship through the large space screen on the bridge. They
were heading straight for one another. The Orion was to their
side, about three kilometres to the right. If they could play this
right, the Yaki ship was going to pass between them. Theyd be
able to bring all guns to bear from the sides of two ships at once.

Helm, I have control. He ordered.

Aye Sir. Helm replied.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

He took control of the large carrier with the control stick built into
his seat. Dont trust helm to respond fast enough to commands, it
would be better to fly this ship himself.

He steered her slightly away from the battleship and then came
back on the same line, as before, the Yaki hadnt altered course. It
began firing.

The twin beam lasers from the front of the Yaki ship hit Argon
Four at the front. She shook violently while the lasers deposited
their energy. The shields were low, but they held. The battleship
was beginning to move between them now and he saw that the
Orion had opened fire as expected. Good, the Yaki were getting
some of their own medicine.

Open fire! He commanded.

All laser batteries and missile launchers on the right side began
firing. The Yaki ship was now passing directly between them and
the rate of fire was immense. He checked the readouts, if she kept
taking damage like this, she was going to blow.

Then she was gone!

What the.. The battleship had vanished, where to? No explosion

or debris. He checked the scanner, she wasnt on the scanner.

Orion, what happened? he asked.

Stand by Argon Four. Came the reply.

Where had the battleship gone?

Then it was there, in front of him. It seemed like only two hundred
metres away. He veered his carrier to the left.

Captain! Shouted Helm, what are you doing?

He kept pulling the ship to the left. Suddenly the battleship was
gone and right before him, large as could be in the space screen,
was one of the frigates.

Captain! Helm shouted as he ran over.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

Too late, the carrier collided with the frigate. A loud rumbling noise
and then the sound of metal scraping. He heard the explosion as
the frigate gave up its fight and then a brief moment later, with its
shields depleted, the carrier followed suit.


The Orion.

The admiral couldnt believe what she had just witnessed, the
carrier had veered for no reason and ran into the smaller frigate.
The result was that both ships were gone. The Yaki battleship had
also gone, but it hadnt been destroyed, it had vanished. No jump
tunnel had been seen. It had simply disappeared.

She saw that two of the Yaki destroyers were heading for the
gate, retreating. The third seemed to be lumbering, possibly
damaged from the fighter attacks. They were winning, she was
certain of it. The Yaki battleship gone and the majority of their
fighter ships were destroyed.

They had taken heavy losses too, Argon Four and a frigate lost.
Over thirty ships destroyed in total. A good Tazura for the Argon
people, but a bad one for the navy.

Helm, take us within strike distance of that closest destroyer.

Aye Maam. Helm replied as he jabbed the controls.

The Orion moved towards the Yaki ship. A few of its protective
fighters were still moving around, trying to keep the marauding
Argon fighters at bay. As soon as they were within range, the
Orion launched missiles.

The Admiral watched them speed across the scanner. The

destroyer feebly tried to turn away from them. One by one they hit,
she could see the impacts through the space screen and saw her
fighters begin to move away. They knew the fate that awaited the
Yaki ship as well as she did and they didnt have long to wait.

It exploded in a massive ball of fire, which disappeared as quickly

as it had started. The Yaki ship was gone.

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Dominion: Chapter 10 The battle for Echo Three

All fighters, this is Admiral Stacey. She was just about to give the
order to engage the retreating destroyers when she saw them
both enter jump tunnels.

Engage any remaining enemy ships.

The pilot on one of the transport ships heading away from Echo
Three station couldnt believe it when an Argon fighter began firing
on them. Even less so when it launched missiles. He was still
shouting obscenities through the communication channel when
the transport ship exploded, killing the three hundred passengers
on board.

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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

Chapter 11 - Kotu

Time to make your own way in life my friend, time to walk alone.

Brett sat on the chair looking out of the space screen at the
planet below. Argon Prime was such a marvellous spectacle
especially when the sun glinted off the oceans.

Admiral Stacey stood to the side of the screen. She wasnt looking
at him. Two marine guards where behind him either side of the
door he knew, but he couldnt see them from where he was sitting.

He heard the door as it swished open. Somebody entered the

room. No, not somebody, a Paranid, he could smell it. The admiral
turned to greet the new arrival and Brett felt it move past him.

Thank you for coming at such short notice LooManckStrat, it is

very kind.

Not at all, the Paranid replied through the translator, the

pleasure is mine.

The admiral gestured to Brett.

This is the one? the Paranid asked.

Yes. She replied flatly.

The Paranid came close and looked Brett in the eyes, he tried to
stare back, but he couldnt fix on the three eyes that gazed at him.
LooManckStrat opened a container he had been carrying and
pulled out what looked like three shiny metal balls. He threw them
into the air and they took on a life of their own, hesitated for a
moment as if in suspended animation and then shot across the
room to Brett.

He was startled and tried to move backwards in the chair. He

couldnt, the restraining bolts held him firmly. The metal balls
moved around his head and neck, silent, probing. Moving in and
out and around.

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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

Then the Paranid reached out his hand and they shot across the
room and lay in his palm. He placed them back into the container
and turned to the admiral.

Confirmed, he is one. LooManckStrat said.

The admiral nodded. She turned to the guards at the door.

Release him. She ordered. Brett sensed someone behind him
and then a click as the bolts were released. His hands and feet
free again.

He stood. Just what is going on? he asked.

Brett had destroyed seven Yaki fighters and was closing in on

another when Argon Four blew. He lost that one, but Shake had
got it anyway. They were hunting out more ships when they got the
broadcast from the admiral.

Engage any remaining enemy ships.

Hed looked at the scanner and there, coming at him were four
Yaki assault ships. Hed engaged the front one with lasers and
missiles and watched it explode. After he had dived through the
explosion and taken evasive action he had come back around and
they were gone.

No ships close by except three transports from Echo Three and

Blue Squad.

His channel was full of people shouting at him and then he had
received the command to land on the Orion. Well he couldnt land
on Argon Four because it was gone so followed orders. None of
Blue Squad spoke to him on the way in.

After landing, he was met with a group of stern looking marines

who promptly took him prisoner and he spent the whole of the
journey back to Argon Prime in the security area. Nobody spoke to
him, nobody charged him with anything. Food appeared at the
dispenser in the wall, right on time every time and then when they
had reached orbit, he had been brought here to this room.

He wasnt happy.

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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

The admiral addressed him. You my fine pilot, gave a display just
short of an Argon Star, then promptly blew up an unarmed
transport ship carrying three hundred personnel from Echo

Brett wasnt quite sure he had heard her right. What? I shot up a
bunch of Yaki fighters and then took out one of their assault ships
before it jumped. Transport ship, what transport ship?

Sit down Brett, you need to see this. She gestured with her hand
for him to sit back down. One of the marines placed a hand on his
shoulder to convince him further.

The screen on the wall burst into life. He saw the view from one of
the other transport ships as his Mako turned towards them. He
saw himself firing into the transport ship, saw the missiles leave
his ship and hit the transport. It exploded before his eyes.

Nooooo! He cried. I didnt do that! he pleaded. What was this,

some kind of set up. Someone else had messed up and they had
picked him out as a scapegoat. Oh yeah, that was it, poor orphan
boy, no family to cry over him. Pick on someone who can be dealt
with quietly.

This, the admiral was saying, is the view from your pilot log.

She played it back on the screen. They saw the confirmation on

Bretts ship screen as he received the message from the admiral.
Saw his systems show the assault ships and his successful attack.
Then she played the sequence from the onboard (not the pilots)
view and this time the unarmed transport ship was there again.

She threw a brown coloured object on the table that was against
the wall under the screen. The object was about ten centimetres
long and two in diameter. It tapered away at the ends.

That was found on your ship Brett. Hidden so well it was never
picked before. It was installed during manufacture. Into the frame
of the ship itself.

Brett just stared at her.

We had suspicions for a while. After the incident with the Excel,
we took that ship apart and found this on the bridge.
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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

She threw another of the devices onto the table.

I suspect we would have found one on Argon Four had she

survived the collision with the frigate. Were still searching other
ships, stations and so on to see if there are any more.

So its not my fault? Brett asked, perplexed.

The admiral turned to the Paranid. Would you like to explain? she

He moved to the screen, he wasnt going to use it. He just wanted

to be at the focal point of the room.

I am LooManckStrat, Paranid and head of ENeT. We

manufacturer many things, mostly technological. We are the
prime makers of Slave chips for example, you are aware of those I

Brett nodded, of course I am, Ive got one.

Many Jazuras ago, my company invented a new Slave chip,

better, more powerful than the old one. The Super Slave had
greater range, greater perception, almost perfect in design.
Longer term use was assured, it was a revelation. Whether it
was the translator or the Paranid himself Brett wasnt sure but he
seemed like he was trying to sell something and was delivering his

When we were just about to bring this to the races, after we had
just switched our new rig into production and announced its sale
on the trading systems, we were attacked.

Pirates stole my chips, all one hundred of the first batch. Then
they murdered my technicians, my scientists, my friends and they
destroyed my station as they left. Taking with it all the secrets of
the Super Slave.

Brett stared at him. Where was this going? So what has this got
to do with me? he asked.

Because Brett, the translator made it sound like bread, you

have a Super Slave installed.
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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

Hang on there just a Sezura, Brett thought. He rose up in his seat.

The guards became alert.

Ive got two?

No, no, no. You do not have a Slave chip Brett you have a Super
Slave instead. You are a walking experiment, along with any others
who are the same. The captain from the Excel I have already met,
any others are either still hidden or dead. The Paranid seemed to
have finished his part as he moved away from the screen.

The admiral looked at Brett. Look Brett, this is a lot to take in. You
did kill those people but it wasnt your fault. The Yaki have
infiltrated us, had these Super Slaves installed in some of our best
pilots and staff and then put those transmitting devices close by.
They fed you data through the Slave. The Super Slave is so good,
you cant tell the difference. Until you know you have one.

Brett said nothing.

Let me show you. You know how to deactivate your sixth sense,
your Slave and turn it off, yes?

Brett nodded in agreement.

But you only do that when you want to, the problem here is that
you didnt think you needed to because you thought it was real, the
images and sound are so realistic. Watch. She gestured to the

He reached inside what Brett was beginning to think was a little

bag of tricks and pulled out a flat device. Brett couldnt see clearly
but it looked to have some buttons along its face.

He pressed a few buttons.

He heard the door swish open and the pirate came from behind
him and ran towards the admiral. He stopped, black suit and coat
swaying as he turned. In his hand he had a laser pistol, he raised
his arm and pulled the trigger. The laser zipped past his face, he
felt the heat and heard it thud against the wall behind him. Brett
was already diving for cover, he looked at the guards for help, but
they didnt move.
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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

Off Brett, deactivate it! The admiral was saying.

Brett told his Slave to switch off. The pirate vanished.

He lay on the floor, panting, resting on one elbow and stared at the

So what now?

She smiled. You have become a very important person Brett,

LooManckStrat here is going to train you how to use the Super
Slave offensively.

Are you serious? Brett inquired and he was genuine in his


Deadly, she continued, then you are going to join the swarming
ranks of the traders, merge, disappear into the ether. You are
going to work directly for me Brett. The Yaki are beaten, but not
defeated. Theyll be back, but we are going to take the fight to
them and you my secret weapon, are going to help me.


Moo-Kye sat on the bridge of her battleship. Her plans for

domination lay in ruins, but it wasnt over yet. She had watched as
the Argon fleet finished off hers. She sent the command to
activate the Super Slaves and she actually giggled and jumped
around the bridge as she watched the carrier turn into the frigate
and the little fighter ship destroy its comrades.

But then she had to wait. The Argon navy didnt leave for a Tazura
and then there were large ships still patrolling. Her ship was being
repaired while they sat motionless in shroud. Oh what wonderful
technology credits can buy she laughed. Those poor navy ships
had searched for her to no avail and all the time she was sitting in
exactly the same spot she had been when they had first activated
the Shroud device. It was good fortune that nothing had ventured
near. They will still there, still physically lying in the same spot in
time and space, just shrouded, concealed. The energy shield
taking all particles from every angle around the ship and moving
them, close to the speed of light, to the other side. To an observer
they were not there.
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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

It was time to go now though, time to get back to her station and
plan the next phase of her plan. The ship would only be visible for a
few Sezuras and then the jump tunnel and they would be gone.
The observers on that station probably wouldnt even register it.
Theyd think it was a blip and ignore it.

She gave the command and the massive bulk of the battleship
came out of the shroud, a jump tunnel opened up in front of it and
it was gone.


Brett sat in one of the bars on the revolving space station. He was
dressed in civilian clothes. The unmistakable twin sliver bars on
the left shoulder of his brown, faded jacket showed him to be a
pilot. Others in the room wore the same insignia, although dressed
in a variety of attire.

Smoke filled the air, the bar was tended by two Argon females.
Attractive, sparsely clothed, they were an added incentive for the
customers to part with their credits. There were many other
races in the room besides Argon. Two Boron pilots were enjoying
the opportunity to sample the illegal Spaceweed. Its aroma was
thick in the air, it made Brett feel nauseous, a sweet sickly smell.
Teladi, those reptile like creatures, stood in a group by the bar.
Talking in animated style, clawed hands making patterns in the air.
Probably discussing tactics of space travel. There were eight of
them, all in the same uniforms. Must be a company convoy, Brett
mused, theyre a long way from home out here.

Paranid and Split sat together. The Split with their ever cautious
backs against the wall as they chatted to their allies. Still, no
enemies in this place to be overly concerned about. Oh yes, you
could make them all right. Drop a load of freight because the
police forces snooped to close and the next trip you would make
would be to your death. But you took your chances in this
underworld of deals and whispers. The highest profits brought the
greatest risks.

Brett had spent a long time with LooManckStrat and his

technicians. They were as interested in Brett as they were with
the training they had given him. He had power now that he never
imagined before. He smiled, oh yes, power to make things happen.
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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

He looked at the bar area, large white, globe shaped lights high on
the walls illuminated the area. One of them flickered and went out.
One of the girls behind the bar turned to inspect it. As she
approached it her head turned upwards trying to get a better
view. Brett couldnt help but smile again as it flickered back into life
and she stepped back, startled. Dumb computer systems. The
Paranids had trained him well.

He knew there were others like him, but he didnt know who they
were or indeed, where they were. They had been kept completely
separate in the training area on the Paranids station. But they had
to be of special talent, he was sure of that. If the Yaki plan had
succeeded, the universe would be a different place today. But after
the war they had pulled back their frontiers. They still operated in
the outer sectors and traders still went there for the cheaper
products, but they seemed to have abandoned their plans for
driving a division in the Foundation and Profit guilds. At least for
now anyway.

It was ironic really. They had delved so deep into the Argon
infrastructure and used the Super Slaves as a means to disrupt. It
had nearly worked. Two of the Argon navys battleship captains
had been confirmed with Super Slaves. He wasnt certain, but they
had both given up their commands as soon as the war was over. If
they had taken those powerful ships with them into Echo Three
the outcome could have been different. But no it hadnt
succeeded. What they had done though was create a group of
Argon individuals, already the best amongst their comrades and
made them even more powerful with the Super Slaves.

The admiral had been right. Become a part of the universe, dont
hide, but dont make yourself known. Blend in with the normal
background workings of the cosmos. Build yourself a life, take
some credits and trade like the others or take a job somewhere
discreet. But always have an eye trained on the Yaki. Brett didnt
know what would happen, but he was sure that some time in the
future he and his fellow warriors would be called to arms. The
Paranid called them Kotu the gifted ones and the name had

Brett finished his drink, gathered up his heavy equipment belt from
the table and headed for the door. It was time to spend some of
those credits the navy had given him. He had studied the
economics of the local systems in-depth while he had stayed at the
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Dominion: Chapter 11 - Kotu

station. Now it was time to put his ideas to work, to integrate with
the cosmos. No one gave him a second look as he left the room.

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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

Chapter 12 - Spirit

You may be Kotu, but that doesnt make you a trader. It makes
you a warrior. There are other skills to learn than killing and
making enough credits to survive is one of them.

Brett banged the screen for the third time in succession. It wasnt
going to make the situation any better, but it made him feel better
nevertheless. He had foolishly taken the easy option and invested
some of his credits in the Space Investment Guilds, the SIG. This
was a universe wide system that held all current prices for the
shares available in the companies that spanned the sectors. No
planet side companies were involved in this, only the dedicated
space corporations. He had studied the figures for what seemed
too long, then made his purchases.

The investments he had made were stable for a while. They went
up slightly, they went down slightly, but they never moved too far
from the price he had bought them at. Now he was watching the
screen after coming back from the exercise dome and they had
dropped thirty percent. If he sold them back now, he would make a
loss. What to do? Wait again to see if they would rise? Sell now
and cut his losses? He still had enough wealth stored away to buy
a ship, albeit an old one.

It was turning out to be much harder than he thought. He hadnt

realised it as first, joyous in the freedom that he now had. His
whole life spent in institutions of one type or another. The
orphanages, Morang, the marine bases and space carriers, then
the fleet ships where he had commanded Blue squadron. All
geared up to make you work to a routine. Then suddenly there
wasnt a routine, nobody telling you what to do. It felt strange,
alien, he had installed a routine on himself just to be, as he
thought, normal.

But these companies and traders, they were a new challenge for
him and he was finding it difficult to adjust. So, even though he
could have stepped out immediately into the space lanes and
become one of them, he subconsciously, no maybe even
consciously, steered himself away from it. He saw the easiest
route to make credits was in the SIG, but now that was beginning
to look like a futile quest.

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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

Then there was the question of the transport ship from Echo
Three. He had played it over in his mind a thousand times.
Sometimes waking in the middle of his sleep, sweating, breathless
and nauseous. Why did they have to die? It wasnt my fault, he was
sure of that. The admirals screen had shown it to be so. Then the
realisation would set in. The Yaki had done this, manipulated him
and used him as a weapon. Making him kill his own comrades,
using his own skill against him. Well he knew that the time would
come for retribution. Blend in, the admiral had said. You work for
me now. I will contact you when the time is right. Very well, he
would continue to do that, but it didnt take away the hatred and it
didnt stop the sudden awakenings.

He stared at the screen again. The price had dropped again. He

didnt like this game anymore. It was stupid. It wasnt tangible, he
wanted to see something that he could do and be paid for it. Not
sit and watch screens take his livelihood away.

Right, decision made, he instructed the computer to sell his

interests and watched his credits rise. Not back to what they had
been, far from it, but it was time to do something constructive. He
had spent too much time on this station wallowing in the easy life
and it just didnt fit.

He instructed the system to cancel his long-term boarding and

began to gather up his sparse belongings. He felt better already.


The Argon female was beautiful. He had come across many in his
life, but this one was special. Jet black hair, a figure that was
small, but somehow showed strength. She eyed him in much the
same way that he must have eyed her. Blue eyes, the colour of the
oceans on Argon Prime. Her crimson body suit clung like it was
made for her alone. Brett pulled his gaze away and attempted to
concentrate on the display screen to her left that was showing the
ships on offer.

Recycled ship sales. It was a gamble he knew, but he didnt have

enough credits to buy a new one from the shipyards. He
continually paged through the offerings, the computer generated
images of the ships displayed on the screen with their technical
specifications below them.

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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

He had gone through them multiple times when the sales

assistant interrupted.

Having difficulty choosing? she asked, a wry smile on her pretty


Kind of. He replied without looking at her.

So what you looking for? she asked, her eyes seeking out his. He
felt them staring and concentrated his gaze on the screen.

Something fast. Brett stated. Armed and with a cargo bay, for
carrying goods.

You a trader then? The girl inquired.

Yes. Came the answer.

She didnt look convinced and moved away to look at a screen on

her side of the long desk. She pressed some buttons, Brett tried
to ignore her, as she made many ah and um sounds.

It took a while, it seemed too long to Brett. He was looking at the

ships on the display again and again. He didnt know what to say,
so he just kept flicking from one ship to the next. The urge to just
do it without touching the keys was overwhelming, but he fought
the sensation and continued to cycle the display.

Ah hah! The girl exclaimed. Got one, perfect for you. She
stabbed a few commands into her console and the ship appeared
on Bretts display.

His heart skipped a beat, or so it felt. On the screen before him

was a Mako. Modified with a cargo bay and a reduced turn of
speed. But a Mako nonetheless.

He checked the technical readout, fair shields and speed better

than most and importantly, the four laser mountings were still
fitted. Part of the cargo space was given up for life support. This
ship had the ability to take the long haul jobs as well. It looked
perfect. Why wasnt it on the main screen? He asked the

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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

Oh we have lots of ships that we dont, err, advertise. I thought

this one would suit you?"

Yes she was right. The cargo bay was small in comparison to a
freighter ship, but it looked as if you could live in it for long periods
of time. That was important to Brett, he longed for the cosmos
and this ship might be his saviour.

I want to check it out. He said.

She looked down then up again, straight into his eyes. You want
to take it out?


OK, but youll have to wait until my assistant arrives. Rules state
that no ships can be

He cut her short. Fine, just tell me when.

The time was agreed and Brett went to the communication centre
where he could use the shared data terminals. He scanned the
local systems and looked for local jobs.

There were many jobs available listed on the screen. Mostly cargo
runs for the large corporations. He couldnt really get involved with
those, not unless he changed his mind and bought a real freight
ship and not the converted fighter he had set his sights on. He
was going with his gut feeling again instead of his mind. The Mako
looked like it was a fighter at the front, but the large cargo area
that had been attached to the bottom of the ship stretched out
behind it, making the Mako three times longer than its original
length. Slower performance than a real fighter ship and only a
token cargo hold, despite the modifications. Still, he had gone with
his instincts for most of his life and he was still here wasnt he?

The thing that he really liked about the Mako was the living
quarters that took up part of the hold. That made him
independent, the way he liked it. He could stock the ship with
stores and live on it for long periods if need be. Yeah, if she felt all
right when he took her out later for a test, hed buy her he was

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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

He scanned the long list of jobs again, instructing the display to

keep updating with a fresh list. The stations were such dynamic
places that the jobs on offer would change before your very eyes, if
you looked at them long enough. There were other pilots milling
around in the room, talking and viewing the other screens just as
he was. He gazed around the room, wondering if any of these
fellow traders were Kotu the same as he was. How could you tell?
He didnt know, the only thing he was sure of was that they would
be Argon only. He hadnt been given any information about any
other races being involved and the Paranid had been firm in their
belief that there were only one hundred Super Slaves out there.
Some of those were already dead anyway, so the number was less

Hah, got one. This looked interesting, a shuttle mission. Someone

wanted to be taken to the atmospheric manufacturing plant in
Echo Seven-Two. A vast journey, around fifty sectors or so. That
would take forever without a jump drive and he couldnt afford one
of those luxuries. But maybe if they werent in a hurry he could do
some trading on the way. He tapped his personal identification
code into the console and requested a direct link to the client. The
system responded almost instantly with a text only link. They dont
want to make themselves known then, not yet anyway.

Brett asked his questions. When did they need to arrive? Could he
take slight diversions en-route for profit runs? Yes, it wasnt a
problem. The client was happy to be out in the cosmos for a while,
but the price would be lower. They were going to Echo Seven-Two
to start a new life, it was the farthest populated sector, a frontier.
So it didnt matter how long it took to get there. He did the
calculations in his head. He could stock the ship with the
necessary supplies for the journey, fit a pair of ship to ship
missiles and still have some operating credits available to do the
odd bit of trading on the way. If he bought the Mako that was.

He confirmed his acceptance of the deal. No going back now, if he

didnt get himself a ship, he would be in big trouble. Acceptance of
a job was fixed, the only way you could back out of it was either to
buy your way out, which would almost certainly cost more than the
profit in the deal anyway, or you could run. He didnt know who the
client was, he only had their ID code from the console, so it could
be an individual or someone from a larger organisation. Still,
departure time had been agreed for the following Tazura, more
than enough time to get everything together. He rose out of the
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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

seat and arched his back, raising his hands in the air as he did so.
He felt it crack as he stretched. That felt better, time to head back
down to the long term docking bay and have a look at the ship.

The girl wasnt there when he returned to the desk, he was

greeted by an older man. He introduced himself as the owner of
the business and explained how they bought ships from the larger
corporations and the military. Ships that were no longer required
by them because they maintained such up to date equipment. But
there was nothing wrong with them and his company gave them
overhauls, fitted extra equipment that traders required and made
unique modifications, just like the Mako he was interested in.

Brett was sure that some of the talk was sales inspired, but the
man seemed genuine and explained that his son was in charge of
the work area where the modifications were done. It was a family
led business. It actually made Brett feel a little easier about the
deal, even though the story could still have been made up.

Oh, the girl then, Brett inquired, she is your daughter?

The salesman smiled. No my friend, she just helps out now and
again. She hasnt been here long. I pay her to watch the desk when
we are busy back there. He gestured with his hand and pointed
his thumb over his shoulder towards the docking area.

Ah, here she is. The salesman said. We were just discussing

The girl approached from behind and Brett turned as she got
near. Oh you were, were you? She smiled at the salesman and
then looked at Brett. Only good things I hope?

Brett stammered a reply and felt his cheeks begin to burn. His
stomach began to churn and he realised he felt slightly light
headed. He turned away, embarrassed. He didnt know what else
to say and felt slightly foolish. Thankfully the girl broke the moment.

Cmon then pilot. Lets see what you think of the ship. She said
moving past him and towards a gap in the long desk. He caught a
faint smell of her as she passed and his stomach jumped again.
He suddenly realised he was going to have trouble piloting the ship
if this carried on. He started to follow her when the salesman
stopped him.
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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

Credits? he inquired.

Brett had forgotten to hand over his credits. He realised that the
girl was having an effect greater than he had imagined. He took a
deep breath and regained some of his composure.

Of course, sorry. He said to the salesman. You had to pay for the
ship in full if you wanted a test run. If you decided you didnt like it,
you would be refunded. No underhand dealing here. The
transaction was held on the stations transfer system so he was
confident he would get his credits back if he changed his mind. But
it was to protect the seller more than the buyer. Once you were
clear of the station, there was nothing stopping you from simply
leaving. The station police would probably be launched against you,
but that didnt help the seller if his ship got torched. There was
also the issue of pilots taking ships out with no intention to
purchase. Joy riders, testing the ships out, especially the high
performance ones and then simply giving them back. If you didnt
have the credits, you couldnt test the ship.

Brett held his hand over the identifier and entered his
identification code into the pad attached to it. Then he entered the
price agreed and the salesman did likewise on an identical device
his side of the desk.

Transaction confirmed. The electronic voice from the device said.

They both removed their hands.

Good luck. The salesman said. Im sure youll like her.

Thanks. Brett replied as he moved through the gap and hurried

to catch up with the girl who was moving into the docking area. He
had to walk quickly, but he soon drew level and matched his pace
with hers.

So whats your name? Brett asked. He tried to make it sound as

if he was making conversation, but in reality he just had to know.

Spirit. She replied without looking at him. Yours?


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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

She stopped and turned to face him, Brett did the same to her.
Pleased to meet you Brett. She held out her hand. He reached
out his and grasped hers. It was like electricity moving up his hand
as they touched. She felt soft but warm, gentle but with firmness
behind it that she seemed to be holding back. He didnt want to
pull away.

He looked into her eyes and thought he was about to either fall
over, or start to float into the air. Shes like a magnet, he thought,
pulling me towards her.

If you dont let go, well never get to try her out Brett. She said,

Brett released her hand, err, sorry he mumbled. She began to

walk again and he joined her once more.

The docking area was massive. Ships were lifted from the floor,
suspended in the bay by large lifting devices. Some were being
worked on, he saw the flashes of laser torches as the technicians
worked away on them. The whole of one side wall of the bay was
covered with ships. Some small scout craft, the odd fighter and
then in no particular order, the large freight ships with these large
engines and bulbous bodies.

Are these all yours? Brett asked.

No, she replied, none of them are mine. I just work here
remember. But some of the ships are in for maintenance work or
long term storage. Some traders have multiple ships and they
take the right one for the job, small fast or large and slow with
immense cargo bays. The old man runs a good business.

A man atop one of the freight ships lifted his protective visor and
stopped his laser work. Hey Spirit! He shouted as he waved.

She waved back and smiled. Thats the son. She said to Brett. So,
the old man wasnt lying then. Good, I didnt think he had been. I
wonder if Spirit has some kind of relationship with the son, or
maybe another of the workers. Stop it Brett! Its nothing to do with
you if she has, he told himself. Still he couldnt help wondering as
they continued to walk.

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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

Then they came upon it. Brett saw the unmistakable lines of the
Mako as they approached. A large Boron freight ship had hidden
it, but now they were almost adjacent to it and he could see all its
detail. It was very similar to the graphic he had viewed on the
screen. It didnt look quite right with the large, grey coloured cargo
module attached to the bottom. But looks didnt mean a thing in
space. It was performance and capability that mattered. He was
beginning to wonder now that they were walking around the ship,
exactly how two people were going to fit into a single seat fighter

Spirit must have read his mind, how could she do that?

Specially fitted and adapted Brett. There is a second seat behind

the first one. The electronics have been moved into the cargo area
to make the room. The second seat has the same controls as the
front one. You can fly the ship from either seat, or, she added,
one person can pilot, the other can fight. If thats what you need
to do.

Brett nodded and started to climb the metal ladder that was
attached to the side of the ship. He reached the top and peered
inside. She was right, it was actually a lot more spacious than the
Mako he had piloted in the navy. She pressed a button on a small
device she held in her hand. Brett hadnt noticed her take it out of
her pocket. The door on the side of the craft began to open
upwards and he had to duck slightly as it moved up and over him.
He looked down the ladder to see Spirit smiling, a little chuckle

He turned back to the ship and began to clamber in. Spirit was
coming up the ladder now and she followed him into the ship.
There was just enough room to stand up straight and walk around
the two seats. Brett surveyed the cabin, prodding at bits of
equipment or inspecting any loose fittings. He noticed that the
rear of the cabin had a door, a sandy coloured metal. The same
colour as the walls of the cabin. Well the small parts you could see
behind the equipment and padding.

Spirit noticed his gaze. Yeah, go on. Go have a look at the living
quarters Brett.

He walked to the door and waved his hand over the lock. The door
gave a slight hissing sound as it swept to the left and disappeared
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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

into the hull. Lights began to flicker and then burst into life in the
corridor beyond. It wasnt very big. The corridor swept down
almost immediately in a flat descent that turned slightly to the left.
The floor was grey carpet with the obligatory red lines pointing the
way to the escape hatch. In this case, the only way out of this ship
was from the seats in the cabin. The walls were the same sandy
colour, but they were padded. Well it looked nice and comfortable.
He headed down into the corridor and came to another door,
which was not visible from the top.

Inside was a dream. He had never seen anything like this in the
fleet ships he had piloted. There was a table in the middle of the
room with an open kitchen to the rear. Small but functional, it had
heating cabinets and dispensers that probably got the food packs
directly from the cargo bays below. As he stepped around the
room, he noticed the data screens on the walls. It even had a
sonic shower room and the sleeping quarters, there were two,
were slightly larger than he had expected. It was almost perfect.

You like? Spirit asked.

Looks good to me. Brett answered. But lets see how she
handles eh?

OK, she replied, you go take the front seat, Ill get in behind.

Once seated and strapped in, Brett requested clearance and the
automated tugs began to move them out to the launch bay. It
wasnt long before they were blasting away from the station and
heading out into the sector.

What do you think? It was Spirits voice coming through the

small communication tab that Brett had in his ear. It sounded
tinny and distant even though she was so close.

She feels good, tight. I want to head out into the sector, find some
clear space. We got drones on board?

Yep, six. You launch em, you pay for em. She replied.

OK, when we get to thirty klicks out, you launch them and set
them to attack us. He said.

You sure?
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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

Yep, I just requested clearance from the station. Theyve granted

us permission for a test fire. He replied. He was back in his
element now, training taking over. He felt good about this, it felt
right to be back in a ship. Especially, he thought, with Spirit so
close behind him.

He accelerated to full speed, she was a bit sluggish compared to

the Makos he had been used to, but it wasnt too bad. Ready?



The small nimble drones sped away from the cargo bay and then
began to track their target. Laser fire began to hit the shields.
Brett turned the ship to the right and down, selecting one of the
drones as a target as he went. They were incredibly difficult to hit,
being only a couple of metres across and very fast. His selected
target fired at them and then sped away. Brett steered after it
and pointed the front of the Mako directly at the drone. It had
stopped momentarily and was probably about to come in for
another attack. He pulled the trigger and the lasers began to pour
out their shots.

A small silent explosion and he selected a second and completed

the same manoeuvre. Two gone, then a third and fourth. The
remaining two where behind him and he moved the ship into a
downward loop as they came in for another attack. No lasers from
the drones made contact and as they swept overhead, he
completed the loop and brought the Mako up behind them. A near
perfect move, a slight adjustment and he dispatched both drones
in a single salvo.

Hey, way to go hot shot! Spirit shouted into the communication


Brett smiled. Good shes impressed. Ill take it. He replied and
turned the ship back towards the station.


Brett was disappointed when he got back to the station. He had

asked Spirit if she would join him for something to eat as he was
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Dominion: Chapter 12 - Spirit

going to leave soon. But she had declined saying that she had
things to do. He felt foolish with himself for asking and kept
thinking about her. Oh well, maybe well meet again sometime, he
thought. I might be able to leave a message for her when I leave.

He spent the time keeping busy, buying the food, water other
sundries for the journey. He watched the missiles being loaded
himself, partly because of his military background, but also in the
hope that he might see Spirit on the loading bay. But she hadnt
been there.

He had a restless sleep, but rose early and collected up his final
belongings to transfer them to the ship. He was finished with the
ship preparations and was stood outside, taking yet another look
around the Mako. His client was late, very late and he was
beginning to become slightly concerned.

Hey Brett! It was Spirit.

Brett spun around; glad to hear her voice again as he thought he

might never get the chance.

Hello Spirit. He said. My clients late, I was just about to make

contact with the station to see of they could locate them.

Spirit laughed and stood aside to reveal two bags and a large
metal case. No need to contact the station, Brett. Your clients

Brett looked around, Where?

She laughed even louder. Me, you fool. Brett was speechless.
Cmon help me get this lot loaded then we can say goodbye to
this place.

He didnt move a muscle until she walked up to him and threw one
of her bags at him. A short time later they launched and set
course for the first gate of many that would take them to Echo

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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

Chapter 13 Call to arms

Building an empire, or just building a home, much easier to do

when you are not alone.

They never reached Echo Seven-Two. Brett and Spirit spent long
periods of time sat around the table in the ship, discussing issues,
probing into each others backgrounds. They were both guarded
about their respective pasts, but it seemed that Spirit has also
been in the military, in the intelligence section.

Brett told most of his true history, but left out the Kotu and the
blowing up of the transport ship in the war. He didnt deny being in
the war and even relived the battle, well parts of it. It had taken
time, but he had eventually begun to open up about his time at the
orphanage. His parents, he said were dead. His mother had died
during childbirth and his father was unknown, dead as far as he
was concerned.

She had held him as he retold the story. He had wept, the first
time in his life he had let those emotions out. It was a tangle of
emotions that had been buried for so long. He fought against it
sometimes, but bit by bit it all came out and he began to rely upon
Spirit. It was if she was carrying the pain with him, taking bits of it
away and keeping him protected from it.

She first became his friend, then not long after they became a
couple. It was inevitable. Brett realised that when he looked back,
he had wanted it from the first time he had set eyes on her at the
sales desk.

Her feelings seemed the same. They joked now about how she had
wanted to catch his eye that first meeting, how she was preparing
to leave the station anyway and it just all fell into place. Her family,
she said, were planet side. Her parents retired and her brother
worked for an agency firm not far from them. He had a family,
children and a completely different life from the one she had
decided upon.

But she was happy for them all. She rarely made contact with
them but did send messages back when she got the chance, or
remembered to.

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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

They were both trained pilots. Brett was the better, but she also
could handle a ship. Standard training in the intelligence corp. She
also understood the trading environment much better than Brett
did and before long they were making profitable trading runs. They
had to take low quantity, high profit goods, as the cargo space of
the ship was still too small for the large runs the big freight ships
made. But they made steady progress and they were beginning to
collect a small fortune in credits.

Spirit had pooled her resources with Bretts and this had helped
both of them move forward faster. It was Bretts ship, but her
credits enabled them to buy more expensive goods to trade in.
Therefore the profits were higher and they collected more credits
even quicker than they would have done individually.

So they set about establishing their trade company. After a while,

making credits on the trading runs was becoming straightforward
so they wanted to invest some of the wealth into something more
permanent. The ship was becoming too cramped to live in long
term. They spent the odd time at one of the stations and basked in
short term luxury, but they wanted a place to call home.

So they looked into the purchase of a factory itself, nothing grand,

just something to get started with. It was all a bit too much for
Brett. The large shipyard corporations manufactured space
stations. You could buy different sizes, but they were mostly of a
similar structure. The basic station that you purchased had
various attachment modules where you could fit additional rigs.
The larger and more expensive the basic station, the more rigs
you could attach.

But then you had to buy power plants, either the small and
potentially dangerous nuclear devices (large ones were still
outlawed) or self sustaining energy converters that took their
power from any local heat source. Or you could fit both if you had
the space and the credits, or maybe none and rely upon the
energy cells, if you could find them at a reasonable price.

Then the atmospheric rig that generated air and the water
purifiers, followed by the communication rig, shield rig and living
quarters for the employees you would need for the station to

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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

After all this had been planned, discussed and ordered, it had to
be delivered by the shipyard cargo ships. It all took credits.
Everything took credits. So Brett had continued to make trading
runs while Spirit began the task of putting the station together. No
matter how many times he went out, they never seemed to have
enough to complete their plan. There was no point in starting until
they had enough to finish the job. A half-finished station wasnt
much use to anyone.

They had toyed with the idea of purchasing another ship so that
Spirit could also help out. But Brett was adamant that she was not
to go out alone for long distance trips. She had argued, saying he
was just being protective and she could look after herself, but
Brett rightly pointed out that he was the fighter pilot, not she, and
she relented.

They did buy the second ship though. A large Boron freighter and
Brett used this alone to increase their earnings potential.

Time flew by. They grew closer and closer together. A perfect
team. Then finally the time had come to buy the station and they
had to decide on what it was going to produce and more
importantly, where to build it.

They spent the time huddled together in the rented quarters

aboard the sector station, pouring over the data that Spirit had
acquired about the goods and adjacent sectors. They decided on a
sector that was about a third of the way to Echo Seven-Two. It was
close enough to the inner sectors to be fairly well protected and
far enough away so that the profits, while not fantastic, would be

It was also the home to a dense forest planet named Aden. The
sector was beginning to house various factories and because it
was on the edge of the inner sectors, they decided to buy a
communication-manufacturing rig. This made the rigs that other
stations would require and they would be the only one in the area,
so profit potential was high.

While it was on its way, the purchase having been made by Brett
who was taking a long, profitable route back, Spirit began the
mundane job of finding the staff to run the station. Initially it was
difficult because there were not many people in the area and the
other stations already employed those that were there.
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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

But after advertising (which also dipped into their credits) on a

number of inner sector stations, they gradually began to put
together the right staff. Then more ships had to be purchased and
pilots hired. They would have to go and get the raw materials that
the station required, not just to build the rigs, but to keep it

At first they bought a single ship while Brett used the Boron ship
and did the trade runs as well. Then they could afford another as
the station went online and they sold their first rig. It only brought
in enough credits to keep them going for a while, but before they
ran out of resources again, they had managed to manufacturer a
further two and these sold instantly. It was beginning to look good.
They invested in a pleasure rig. The employees were overjoyed as
they now had somewhere on their own station they could go and
relax. Bars and re-creation areas, fitness centres and a small
medical facility. It was so good that people from the other sector
stations would come and spend time at their station. Ideal as the
profits from the pleasure rig were being made from the credits
that they paid their own employees with.

Brett and Spirit spent much of their time in the large habitat area
that they had built for themselves. The station was, for the most
part, running itself and they spent less time managing it and more
time with each other. Time went by and Brett began to push the
thoughts of the Yaki and the war into the back of his mind.


Moo-Kye sat on the bridge of her battleship once again. Her fleet,
or what was left of it, accompanied the large ship on its journey.
After the war she had returned to her station deep inside the
outer sectors. She was protected here, the station had formidable
defences and even the Argon navy wouldnt attempt an attack
here. Not yet anyway, they may have won the war, but she had
bloodied the nose of the largest fleet in the universe and as long
as she stayed out of the way, she was confident they would do the

It was a smaller operation now though than the one it had been at
its peak during what was now being called the trade war. Three of
her companions had died during the war, one against the
Teladi/Split force and two against the Argon. Another had left
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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

after the defeat at Echo Three. Coward, she had hunted him down
and slit his Argon throat herself, laughing as she watched him die.

The only two remaining Yaki leaders were in the two destroyers
that now flanked her ship as they made their way on a new

She had spent four Jazuras recovering from the battle. She had to
piece her fleet back together. Ships were expensive, particularly
attack ships and she had only managed to put a few together.
Profits from the protection schemes she ran over the traders in
the Yaki sectors were less than they had been. Traders had left
after the war, going back to the Foundation and Profit guilds.

She had thought that her devious plan with the Super Slave chips
would have worked. It would have done if the stupid Argon navy
had brought the battleships along. All three captains were under
her control. Instead they left them behind, along with a number of
other ships where she had people aboard. Out of all the Super
Slaves chips she had sent out all that time ago, only two people
with them installed had actually turned up for the battle.

Still, it had worked perfectly. But now that surprise was gone. She
would never be able to take on the Argon navies in a head to head
fight and she was concerned that the Split and Teladi were
gathering forces for their own retribution.

So what could she do? It was then that the news of the gates
began to filter through. There was going to be a re-alignment of
the gates? Youre kidding me? When, how, who knows?

Nobody knew when, nobody knew how, sorry. However, the people
that do know are two scientists, a Boron named Mi Ton and an
Argon, Mitchell. They were in the outer sectors, far from the Yaki
and actually, far from anybody. The sector had a station and some
factories had been deployed, but all the surrounding sectors were

And the gate alignment was going to open up other sectors,

possibly other races. She had made her mind up almost instantly.
A possibility of escape, to get away from these retched guilds and
either go elsewhere and start alone or maybe even be the first to
trade with a new race. Whatever, it didnt matter as long as she
could get away.
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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

Can we jump into the sector and just take everything out and then
abduct these scientists? No. The sector had all Nav Sats disabled
and there were only two gates into it. They were so heavily
defended that any ship, even one the size of the battleship would
not be able to escape the gate defences before it lost its shields.

What can we do then? she had asked her advisors. They had no
immediate answers, but eventually they came up with a solution. It
wasnt a good one and it had its own dangers, but Moo-Kye loved it
even before it had been fully explained to her.

They could jump into a sector next to the scientists. One of them
was actually only a Wozura away at light speed, it was a different
sector but actually a companion star. They couldnt travel that
fast, but they could travel the distance conventionally. It would take
two Jazuras to make the journey and being out that long in space,
with few resources and spare parts was a concern. But it was risk
she was prepared to take. Once they got into deep space between
the two star systems, they would be out of range of any scanners
and the sector wouldnt know they were coming until they were
almost upon them. She could take the scientists and their
knowledge hostage and then find out when and where she had to
be for the gate re-alignment. Perfect, if anybody tried to attack
them they would have the sector defences at their disposal.

Moo-Kye stared out of the space screen on the bridge as the

bright glare of the star got brighter by each passing Tazura.


Mi ton checked the data again, the simulation on the screen in

front of him showing a recreation of the original gate alignment
followed by the expected one that would happen soon. He turned
to Mitch beside him.

We will know soon Mitch. Not long now before we have the
answer. He said.

I know, Mi Ton. Should I send a signal to the station so they can

send a faster drone back to our governments? Mitch replied.

Yes, do that. It is best they know of our progress again.

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Dominion: Chapter 13 Call to arms

Mitch punched a few buttons on his console and sent a message

to the small relay station that was in the sector. Its name was
Echo Seven-Two.


Brett was in the command centre of their station when the

encrypted message arrived for his attention. He knew right away
whom it was from before he read it. He moved to a secluded
console where nobody could see and fitted a local sound plug from
the console into his ear.

The admirals face appeared on the screen.

It is time for the Kotu to act. You must make all available speed to
Echo Seven-Two. The Yaki are planning to invade and take control
of that sector. This must not be allowed to happen. Good luck.
Message ends.

Brett knew as he ran through the corridors of the station back to

where Spirit was working in their private quarters that he had to
tell her. As he ran through the door and it swished shut behind
him, he could tell by the look on her face that she already knew.

By the book of truth! He muttered. Kotu!

She smiled at him, moved towards him and held him tight in her

Yes my love, we are Kotu. We go to our destiny together Brett, as


Brett was speechless again. Only Spirit could have this effect on
him, he was sure.

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Dominion: Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

It was the way it had to be. It had been heading this way without
their knowledge from the time Brett was born. No one can say
why, but soon only one would be alive. It was their destiny to meet,
but the outcome was not yet decided.

Echo Seven-Two. That was the official name of the sector that the
Argon and Boron governments had agreed to. It was named, as
were many others, after the military station that was installed

But Mi Ton called it the Gateway Sector and Mitch was inclined
to agree. It might not be a gateway to somewhere, but it was
certain to find a gateway to somewhere.

Admiral Stacey didnt even know that the Yaki were taking the
long, conventional route to the sector. That was until the Split navy
had taken some Yaki prisoner after yet another small skirmish
had taken place. They had used the usual interrogation techniques
against the pilots Slave chip and he had started to confess. He
had been left behind he said, he got back from his leisure time too
late and the fleet was gone. But he was supposed to fly one of the
assault ships against the Echo station. The Split authorities had
contacted Admiral Stacey at once and relayed the data. The
admiral had reacted and mobilised whatever available forces she
had within striking distance of the sector.

She also contacted her Kotu. She hadnt been surprised when
Brett and Spirit had got together. The placing of Spirit on the
station and actually, the building of the modified Mako, was her
doing. Their analysis readouts showed them to be so compatible,
she almost felt it her duty to put them close to each other.

Kotu were going to die, she knew, maybe Brett and Spirit. But at
least they had enjoyed some time together. At least Brett, whom
she felt for, had found happiness at last. Maybe this final chapter
would work out for the good of everyone involved. Maybe it
wouldnt, there was a lot at stake. They had all the data so far
created by Mi Ton and Mitch, but it wasnt finished. There own
government scientists were working on the data right now, but
they didnt have the devices spread all over the universe. They
could take control of them and get the data sent elsewhere, but it
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Dominion: Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

all took time. They might miss something during the transition and
the re-alignment could be closer than they thought. No, they had
to have the station and the scientists intact and nothing could
stand in the way of that conclusion. The president had told her as

The Admiral simply stared at the consoles that gave her so much
information. So much power over so many people, but now, it was
out of her hands. She had set the wheels in motion and only fate
could play its hand now. The future of the universe as they knew it
lay with the sector Echo Seven-Two. She slumped back in her chair
and viewed the data, staring blindly at it. Time will tell, she thought,
time will tell.


Echo Seven-Two.

Commander, we have an incoming message. Commanders eyes

only, where do you want it sir? said comms.

The commander stayed at his station, sat in his chair and plugged
a sound tab into his ear. Pipe it through to my station comms.

He saw the green light flashing to signify the message had arrived
and he confirmed his identity to the system once again. The
admirals face appeared on screen.

Commander, there is no time to waste. You are about to be

attacked by a Yaki strike force, it is approaching from the direction
of the twin star, by conventional means. You must identify this
threat and take all possible steps to destroy it and most
importantly, she paused, most importantly, you must secure the
lives and data of the scientists Mi Ton and Mitchell aboard the
laboratory station.

The commander sank back in his chair. Some of his staff were
staring his way.

I have dispatched every available resource to assist you in this

task, but do not rely upon it. It may never reach you in time.

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Dominion: Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

The admiral moved closer to the screen. Save the scientists

commander, it is imperative that you save the scientists and their
data. Message ends.

He thought for a moment, still staring at the now blank screen and
then rose to his feet. Scan, can you point something towards the
twin star and tell me if you see anything, well, out of the ordinary?

Scan turned to face him and looked at him, a quizzical look on his
face. Would you like to define, out of the ordinary sir?

OK, something thats looks like ships scan, big ships, he


Scan returned to his console and began to jab buttons that would
make one of his infrared telescopes turn towards the star. Be
right with you commander, give me some time to tune the tube
and scan the area.

Ok scan, take your time. Just make it a good one. The

commander replied.

It wasnt until the commander actually came back on station for

his next shift that the scan team had anything for him to look at.
But when they showed him the images, he was convinced.

It could be anything sir, scan was saying, a collection of heated

meteorites or, well anything natural.

How long have you been tracking it? the commander inquired.

Since just after you left your last shift sir.

Has it moved course, has it done anything unnatural? he asked.

Well no sir. Scan replied.

Heading? You have calculated the heading havent you?

Yes sir, its on a direct collision with the laboratory station, give or
take a few metres.

How long? the commander asked.

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Dominion: Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

Well if it stays the same as it is, in the same direction and

heading, itll be here in three Tazuras. Scan answered.

The commander began to tap his fingers on the desk in front of

him. It had to be the Yaki force, too far away for a visual on the
optical systems yet, but all local meteorites and asteroids were
mapped. It was standard procedure. This had to be them. Three
Tazuras, that wasnt a lot of time. He had to know more about
them so he could organise a defence. He didnt want to risk any
other type of scan, only passive. If they lit up the ship with anything,
they would know they had been discovered and he wasnt sure
whether that was a good thing or a bad thing yet.

Keep tracking scan, you get anything on visual that I should see,
you bring it to my attention, understood?

Aye Sir, came the reply. He didnt have a great deal to fight with,
the sector had been organised to let nothing come through the
gates. But to come the conventional way, that was unexpected.
These Yaki were clever indeed and he was going to have to be
even smarter if he was to outwit them.


The captain of the Boron cruiser that was on patrol duty around
the sector of Echo Seven-Two had also received a similar message
from the Boron government. Strength not known, Resist at all
costs, Sector must not fall into Yaki control. Well that didnt give
him a lot to go on, prepare to fight an enemy when you didnt know
its composure, its strengths and therefore its weaknesses.

He was analysing the images sent over from the Echo station,
blurred dark dots against the background of space, slightly lighter
than the dots due to the light from the close star. It looked like a
large ship and possibly two others, not quite so big. If there were
any other ships around, then they couldnt be seen yet.

He had extracted the trade war data from the ship data banks
and was going through the tactics used, the ships that had been
destroyed and the ships that hadnt. Well, if it was the battleship
that was heading this way, they were in for a fight. His cruiser was
not armed like the Orion or even the Argon Four carrier that had
both fired a broadside at the battleship and even then, it was

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Dominion: Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

believed the battleship had survived. Vanishing in some kind of

stealth technology.

His cruiser had missiles and a large number of laser turrets. But
that was it, it was an older ship, built before the carriers became
the lords of the cosmos. But then too, was the battleship. Neither
of them carried fighters, they had to bring any protection with
them. Ah, that was if the battleship hadnt been modified in any
way and he didnt have that information.

His support force of fighters was five. It wouldnt last long against
the Yaki. He moved one eyestalk towards the adjacent screen as it
showed the latest images from the Argon. His second one
followed the first when he realised what he could see. It was
indeed the battleship, it was clear now and on each side of it
where destroyers with their smart missiles, he supposed. It was
evident that a number of smaller ships were also in support and
the whole force was getting closer. He looked at the data that was
attached to the image. Estimated time of arrival was a single
Tazura, a Teladi day.


Ships were heading for the sector like night flies homing onto a
beacon of light. There were only two ways into the sector, either
from the outer sectors, where there were currently no population
areas, or from the inner Argon sectors. It was from this direction
that the ships raced. All attempting to get there in time.

The only Argon ship capable of the required jumps and in a

position to leave on schedule was the Excel. She was back in
service after being stripped down and rebuilt. She headed for the
sector at full speed, making the jumps where possible to lessen
the journey.

Brett and Spirit had left the station in the capable hands of the
workforce. They had donned their black body suits, collected the
lightweight body armour and selected weapons from the large
metal box that Spirit had brought with her. Brett had wondered
what was in it and now he knew. They had quickly stocked the
Mako with supplies, loaded missiles and set course. Kotu just like
them were making the same arrangements and heading in the
same direction in a variety of ships.

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Dominion: Chapter 14 Echo Seven-Two

The Yaki force was now identified. The Echo station had sent out
its data in a message drone. The station commander sat and
watched the visual display, the Yaki ships so close now that they
could zoom in and observe the detail. Smaller fighters
accompanied the dark ships and assault craft, all in the telltale
jagged stripes of the Yaki. They simply grew larger in the screen
as he watched.

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Dominion: Chapter 15 - Revenge

Chapter 15 - Revenge

The Yaki take revenge.

The commander of Echo Seven-Two was restless. It was probably

due to the draining mix of sleep depravation and stress. He had
difficulty getting to sleep and had spent most of the time in the
command centre, grabbing the odd bit of light sleep whenever it
was quiet.

The room was littered with the casually disposed of drink packs
and the fluid energy food that the automated dispensers provided.
Silver or white packs scattered on the floor and desktops. People
were in the room, too many people. Attempting to get some
information that they could not obtain elsewhere on the station.

He grabbed one of the half-consumed packs and put the tube into
his mouth, squeezing the shiny pack and sucking at the same time.
The cold taste of what should have been warm food greeted him.
He threw it to the floor in disgust. Out! he shouted. Will none
command staff please vacate the area.

Some of his staff turned to stare at him and the others began to
move slowly out of the room. He suddenly wished to be
somewhere else, back home or at least back in the home sectors.
He stood up and cracked his knee joints, grimacing at the slight
discomfort it gave him. But then they felt better, you needed to
stretch after so long in these chairs. When would they attack?
They were almost upon the station, he was beginning to show his
nervousness as a slight twitch started above his eye. He rubbed at
it subconsciously and it briefly stopped, but started again as he
dropped his hand.

Scan? That Boron cruiser in position yet? he had asked the

Boron ship to come as close as possible to the station, on the
blind side to the Yaki. Aye, Sir. Came the reply, shes ready.

They may as well put all their firepower in the same place instead
of being picked off individually around the sector. Hey, the Yaki
might even call it quits and give up. Well, he could wish for a
miracle couldnt he?

Sir, incoming message from the Yaki. Wishes dont come true
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Dominion: Chapter 15 - Revenge

On main screen.

She appeared on the screen, the small crown on her head

perfectly placed. She was stunning, it was the first thing he
noticed, absolutely stunning. Then she spoke.

My name is Moo-Kye, leader of the Yaki. I grant you one chance to

save the lives of your people. Lay down your weapons and turn
your ships and station over to me and you will be spared. Two
Teladi years of waiting for this moment, she wasnt going to blow it

The commander stared at her attempting to keep his composure.

I must consult, he started to say before she cut him off.

You need consult nobody commander. You cannot talk to your

government in any meaningful way at this distance and the Boron
ships are under your command are they not?

She knew her facts all right.

The decision is yours commander and I want a decision now! The

last word was spoken at a higher decibel.

The commander knew that every eye in the room was upon him
and every Argon and Boron in their ships were listening.

A great force is due to arrive shortly.. He started to say and she

cut him short again.

I take that as a no, commander. Excellent! She smiled and the

communication link went dead. He just stood in the same position,
staring at the screen. What had he done?

Should I try and get her back commander? It was comms again.

The commander shook his head and sighed. No comms. He

turned his back on them all and clasped his hands together behind
his back, bowing his head in thought. He just stood there rolling
slowly back and forth on the heels of his feet. Then he turned and
noticed that everyone was still looking at him.

Anything scan?
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Dominion: Chapter 15 - Revenge

The whole force is heading our way sir, assault ships included
with fighter support. The two destroyers are at the head of the
formation sir.

The realisation that they were about to be attacked for real finally
hit him. Right everybody, sound battle stations, everyone to
station. This is it.


The Yaki pilot was flying his ship at almost full speed. He was the
lead ship and was only a few kilometres ahead of the destroyers.
His comrades were alongside and behind him as they headed for
the station. His orders were to take out the station defences and
also attack the Boron cruiser Prince Heed which was stationary
on the far side. He flipped the communication channel open, OK
wing, were going in, stay sharp and keep it tight. Targets are of
opportunity, make this a quick one. Out.

They were just above the station coming in at a slight angle and he
saw the laser towers on the construction begin to open fire. His
ship began to jolt as the lasers found their mark. They were
coming straight at him now and he moved the craft from side to
side to lessen the damage to his shields. Less of the lasers hit as
a result.

Then push down, hit full power, the station coming up fast in his
space screen. Lasers flashing past, dozens of shots as the towers
tried in vain to track such a close target. Nearly upon the station
now, instinct in full flow, push right. Was he too close? The station
filled his left screen and he glanced at it momentarily. That was
close, but the edge was approaching now, nearly at the corner
and then the front of the station will be there. Cmon, push the
stick up and down, only slightly you dont want to go too far off
track. Just keep those lasers at bay for a moment longer and then
Ill be on it.

Slight push to the left and then the right. Wow, ship bucking as the
laser struck. A quick glance at the shield strength, plenty left. This
is it. The station vanished from his left screen as he passed all the
way down its side. He turned the ship to go across the front of the
station. There it was before him, the cruiser. Open fire! He pulled
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Dominion: Chapter 15 - Revenge

the trigger and his own lasers opened up, multiple shots coming
from his nose mounted guns. But wait, the ships firing back,
incoming shots from everywhere. Oh no! Theyre all aimed at me!
Large flash of white, followed by a searing feeling of heat and then
icy coldness as his lungs met the vacuum of space. He was dead
and his ship exploded around him.

The other Yaki in the same wing turned the station corner and
were met with the same overwhelming firepower from the Boron
ship. She was targeting each ship individually and destroying it
before moving on to the next, but such was the firepower that the
ship under attack didnt last long. The Boron captain knew he had
to make the most of his assets and he was going to go down


The commander of Echo Seven-Two was now attempting to

command his forces while watching the battle unfold on the large
screen that was showing visual displays from different parts of the
station. He had seen the first wing of Yaki get slaughtered as they
turned towards the Prince Heed. Very smart use of his weapons
that was. He made a mental note to congratulate the Boron
captain, if he was ever going to get the chance that was.

He gave the order to launch his five fighters into the battle and
they could soon be seen on the screens, twisting and turning as
they left the docking bay. A shudder! He felt the station shake. He
looked at the screens trying to discover the source of the attack.
There it was, coming over the top of the station, a destroyer and it
was launching missiles at them.

Missile battery! The commander shouted as the station juddered

and creaked.

Aye Sir! Sparks from two of the other consoles, the operators
jumped out of their seats and one fell over.

Put a salvo into that destroyer. There was no answer. He looked

around quickly and realised the station internal communications
were out. He yanked the device from his ear and ran over to the
missile battery console, jumping over one of the metal handrails
that protruded from the floor as he went.
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Dominion: Chapter 15 - Revenge

He stopped himself by grabbing the man on the shoulder. Open

fire on the destroyer man, now fire!

The operator only turned around long enough to confirm who it

was and then proceeded to jab at his controls. The missiles left
the station, locked onto the destroyer.

The Boron cruiser and Yaki destroyer were now simply playing the
shield game. All enemy facing batteries were firing and the space
between the two large ships was just a torrent of laser fire going
both ways. The missile salvo from the station hit home. One
explosion after the other hit the large ship. Blow will you? Blow!

It didnt, but it began to move away. The commander checked the

data readout. The Yaki destroyer was losing shields badly and she
was venting into space. Large squirts of liquid, probably oxygen
was pouring out of her side. She was running. Yes, she was
turning and trying to get away. The Boron captain decided he was
not going to allow it and the Prince Heed began to move.

Faster and faster she went, chasing the Yaki ship down. Lasers
firing as she moved. The people in the command room could see it
happening and they began to shout. Cmon Heed, Cmon! They
clambered over to the screens to see the fight unfold. A huddle of
men and women holding each other, shouting and cheering as
they watched her valiant fight.

The Heed moved at a greater speed now and she rose above the
destroyer and flipped over on her side. The captain was bringing
his other guns to bear on the Yaki ship and as he completed his
turn, they erupted just as the others had. Streaks of fire flashing
off the Yaki shields. Then a large, bright flash! The explosion made
everyone in the room jump backwards, but out of the burning fire
that was the destroyer came the Prince Heed. They cheered! The
Boron captain kept coming, pushing to full speed and headed for
the second destroyer that was coming from underneath the
station. Yes Heed, cmon, do it again. We can win!

They passed each other at full power, the Yaki destroyer and the
Prince Heed, again firing into each other as they went. But this
time the Heeds lasers were on low power and she was struggling
to match the Yaki ship for fire. Then a thick, steady bolt of laser
fire shot from behind the station and the Heed seemed to quiver,
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Dominion: Chapter 15 - Revenge

almost to shake gently and then she exploded into a million


The noise in the room stopped. They just stared at the quickly
dispersing cloud as the dark shadow of the battleship passed over
the station.

Then the sound of something attracted the commanders

attention. What was it? It was like water dripping onto a hot metal
plate. Fizzing away as it touched. Laser fire!

Weve been breached! He shouted. The noises got louder and

louder as the Yaki assault force troopers moved towards the
command centre at speed. They overwhelmed the small
detachment of marines on the station and then burst into the
room, fanning out and taking up attacking positions around the

The commander put his arms in the air and gestured with his
head for the others to do the same. It was pointless now. They had
been defeated. No need for more bloodshed.

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Dominion: Chapter 16 - Destiny

Chapter 16 - Destiny

Destiny is waiting.

The collection of ships waited around the gate. A rag tag bunch of
trading ships and a few military fighters all sat motionless in
space, their noses pointing at the gate, all ready to strike should
the need arise.

Brett was standing by the side of his seat, sipping a hot drink from
a cup. The joys of such a good ship. The bitter aroma of the drink
filled the cabin and he took another sip and cursed silently as it
burnt his lips. Spirit was still seated in the rear seat just behind
him, one booted foot perched high on the console. She was
keeping her eyes on the data screens.

Anything? Brett asked without moving.

No. Nothing as of yet. She replied.

A Boron scout ship had gone through the gate a while ago now. It
was the fastest ship known. They had convened a meeting over
the communication channel and the Boron pilot had agreed to go
into Echo Seven-Two and do what he was supposed to do, scout.

If the sector was lost to the Yaki, then the gate defences would
also be theirs. The Echo station controlled them and that could
and probably had been breached. So they had decided to scout
the sector and see what the situation was. The Boron ship was
probably the best suited for outrunning the laser towers and
mines that ringed the gate on the other side. He had been gone
for a while though and Brett was beginning to be concerned.
What if he had been destroyed? What would they do then, send
someone else?

The Yaki could have all their ships, as well as the gate defences,
sat just the other side, waiting for anyone who dared to enter. He
took another sip of the drink and this time sucked it through his
teeth to combat the heat from it. Then he felt it hit the back of his
throat and he gulped it down. He didnt like waiting. But that was
what the military was all about. Long periods of boring waiting,
watching followed by intense fear. He had learnt that in the
marines, you had to be patient and he wasnt the patient type. He
had hated it then and he hated it just the same now.
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Dominion: Chapter 16 - Destiny

Oh Hello. Spirit said, sarcasm in her voice.

What? Brett asked. He squinted his eyes, there was nothing

coming through the gate.

A frigate had just entered the sector, Brett. Wait, got it, Argon
navy. Its showing its signature as the Excel.

Bretts eyebrows raised a fraction. Spirit noticed his reaction but

didnt comment. Looks like we have some extra friends along for
the show.

Brett didnt look impressed. He shrugged, Fat lot of use theyll be

trying to outrun the gate defences. Theyll get torched.

Dont they have fighters? she asked.

Yeah, eight. But only if the captain will launch them to help us. He

Spirit then remembered that Brett had been stationed aboard the
Excel when he first got his commission. He had lost some pilots
there, she was sure. Im sure they will do what they need to do to
help us Brett, she said, hoping to brighten him slightly. It didnt
work, he turned back to the space screen and peered out at the
gate that sat only five kilometres away. Hes worried, she guessed.
It wasnt like Brett to be this worried. He was a good pilot, probably
better than most of the ones that sat motionless in this sector
now. What troubled him so much?

Brett still stared at the gate, moving his gaze across the other
ships he could see that were closer than they were. It hadnt felt
balanced since they had arrived in the sector and joined up with
the other ships. Something wasnt right, it was like the feeling he
had felt when he first met Spirit. But this time it wasnt a good one.
It was similar, but if felt bad. A foreboding, something was about to
happen that wasnt good, something terrible. He had tried to
search his mind for the answer, but it wouldnt come. Was it he or
Spirit? Maybe it was the scientists on the other side of the gate?
He concentrated on each possibility, but none of them seemed to
make the feeling any worse or better. He would find out soon
enough though, he was sure of that at least.

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Dominion: Chapter 16 - Destiny

A flash of light from the gate and Brett dropped the cup, spilling its
contents as he jumped back into his seat. Spirit leaned forward
and dropped her leg from the console. She felt the hum of the
engines as Brett switched them online.

It was the Boron scout! Thank the book of truth, the scout was
back again. Every ship in the sector listened on the communication
channel for his message.

The scout ship accelerated away from the gate and then came to
a stop some distance away, further than the other ships were.

Bad news. The pilot said. You ready for this? He wasnt
expecting an answer, he was just enjoying his moment of
popularity and he sounded uplift, his voice excited. He must have
had a close ride in the sector. The Yaki must be there then.

Ok, they have got a battleship right in the middle of the sector. Im
sending this data Im telling you on the back of this channel. Have a
look at it. The ship is stationary, it didnt even move when I zipped
around it. But there is a destroyer patrolling around menacingly
and a collection of ships. Not many though, looks like there has
been a fight, cos there isnt any of our guys in there. The Prince
Heed is gone, I expect blown up.

Brett took a deep breath. This wasnt sounding very good.

Echo Seven-Two station is showing a Yaki signature. I think they

made sure I got that, which means the gate defences are under
their control. I can vouch for that. The ride in from the gate was
pretty hairy. Four rings of laser towers guard the gate, they move
and track you, but they werent quick enough for me. Also, there is
a large minefield to the south of both gates. Whatever you do
when you exit the gate, dont turn downwards.

So, what we gonna do? Go kick some pirate butt?

Nobody said anything, they were all aware that the captain of the
Excel was now the ranking commander in the sector. The scout
pilot had probably realised the same as he had finished his debrief
and probably checked the sector scanner next.

Brett pressed his communication button to open the channel.

Any sign of the scientists, scout? he asked.
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Dominion: Chapter 16 - Destiny

Oh yeah, forgot about that, sorry. The lab station was also under
Yaki control. I dont know if the scientists are on board though.
Nobody would talk to me, rude or what? Anyway, they did try and
shoot me up, but their slow stuff is no match for me, the scout
pilot answered.

The captain of the Excel opened his channel. This is the captain of
the Excel pilots. You are under my command now, I have
authorisation from the admiral herself. We should convene a
meeting on-board the Excel to discuss our plans.

Brett thought for a moment. There was no way he was going to go

aboard the frigate. He might get recognised and he didnt know
what to expect after his transport ship fiasco.

Captain, I recommend sir, that we conduct this meeting here and

now. It may endanger us to leave our ships. What if the Yaki
attack? Brett said.

There was a brief pause before the captain replied. Of course

pilot, you are right. Has anyone anything to input before I make a

Yeah, Brett thought, you go first! But he didnt say anything so

flippant. He was studying the data that the scout had beamed
through. The other pilots began to talk on the channel.

I say we go for the lab, youve got marines on board the frigate,
we can load them into my ship and take the lab back, said one.

Fastest ships go through first, draw the fire from the laser
towers so the slower ships have a chance to evade them, said

Yeah, then regroup and attack the destroyer. If we take that out
we can engage the remainder of their fighters. If we take the lab
and the destroyer we can worry about the battleship later, added
a third.

The conversations carried on, ideas going back and forth. Brett
was studying the data, but his concentration kept coming back to
the battleship. That was it, the battleship, the feeling he had
experienced since they had arrived here. It got stronger when he
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concentrated on the large ship. That was it then, but what did he
have to do?

The captain issued the orders to each ship that outlined their task.
They were to take the lab station and then engage the destroyer.
Brett and Spirit were to be fifth to go through the gate, being fifth
fastest. Attack the base defences and engage any enemy ships of
opportunity. What that meant was that intelligence was next to
nothing and they didnt know what to expect. Hed learnt that in
the marines as well.

The ships began to position themselves in a staggered line in front

of the gate. Getting into the jump sequence that had been
assigned to them. Brett steered the Mako into position and
pointed it at the gate. He turned around in his seat, undid his
harness and propped himself up on his knees so he could peer
around the back of his seat and see Spirit.

Good luck Spirit. He said. She rose from her seat and leaned
over so that she could kiss him on the lips. For us and for luck.
She said. Brett smiled and returned to his seat, fixing the straps in
place that would secure him and also keep him central should he
activate the ejection switch. He squirmed around slightly to get a
better position in the seat, or was he just anxious?

The lead ship, the Boron scout, began to move towards the gate.
Brett instructed the ship to put the engines to full power and they
began to follow the others. The gate blinked as it accepted the
first ship into its tunnel and then it blinked again, a large flash that
spanned the whole gate, as the second ship followed. Brett kept
the Mako on course and they were soon suspended in time as
they raced down the tunnel.

Another flash and they were in the sector. Brett immediately took
a visual look outside the screen and also at the sector map. He
jabbed the engines back to full power and pulled the control stick
backwards. The Mako rose out of the laser tower defence and
streaks of incoming fire began to envelop them.

The small force was pouring through the gate and the towers
were having difficulty selecting targets as the ships dispersed in all
directions (except down) as they advanced.

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An explosion down below them, he hoped it wasnt the ship

carrying the marines, a quick look at the scanner, it wasnt. But
someone had bought it. He carried on vertical until the laser fire
stopped and then he pushed the stick hard down and levelled her
off, seeking out the lab station as he moved.

The gate defences were confused, they couldnt lock onto so many
targets and the fast scout ships were moving in and out of the
laser towers. The defences always tried to lock on the nearest
target and the scouts were making them recalculate their
decisions continually. Meanwhile the large ships were engaging
the towers as they came through and steadily destroying them.
The Kotu pilots were exceptional, they knew exactly what to do and
it wasnt long before the gate defences were not effective. The
Excel exited the gate.

Brett was sure he had seen the battleship on the scanner as he

had evaded the laser towers. But now he couldnt see it, it was
gone. Thoughts of the stealth device came back to him. Had it
hidden itself again?

One thing the scanner did tell him however was that the Yaki
fighter ships and destroyer were moving towards them. They had
to protect the marine force so that it could take back the lab
station. He turned his ship towards the incoming Yaki and some of
his fellow pilots did the same. He could see out of the side screen
that the lab station was firing at their ships. The ship with the
marines on board was stationary beside the lab now, so close that
the laser batteries couldnt manoeuvre for a shot. The marines
were probably space walking to one of the outer hull doors. For a
brief moment he wished he were with them.

Then the Mako began to jolt. Incoming fire from the destroyer was
seeking them out. The small force wrapped itself around the
destroyer like a wet towel thrown at a ball. They kept twisting and
turning, firing shots into the destroyers hull and then pulling away.
Slowly they began to bring its shields down as they also defended
themselves against the small force of Yaki fighters. Then the Excel
approached the destroyer, guns ablaze. As she swept down its
side, she turned so that her underneath was facing the destroyer
and launched her fighters. Eight Makos swept out and began to
rain fire down on the larger ship.

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The Yaki destroyer launched its missiles. The total remaining stock
in one final salvo. Had they been normal missiles they would have
sought out their target and destroyed it. Instead, these were
smart missiles, designed to seek out the greatest or nearest
threat. They were no good in such a confused battle, they darted
around the many ships that spun and fired, pulled away, span and
fired and they kept changing their computer minds until they ran
out of fuel. The Excel had by now righted itself and was pouring fire
into the Yaki ship.

Brett was coming around for his seventh run at the large
destroyer. He saw the multiple flashes from her shields as his
comrades pressed home their attack. The extra eight ships from
the Excel were making the difference and almost all the Yaki
fighters had been destroyed.

He was coming in at a right angle to the ship, side on, firing his
lasers until they began to give out from lack of recharge when the
Yaki ship seemed to falter, stop and then it exploded, blinding him
briefly and he carried on into the flying debris.

It was gone, only the battleship remained, wherever it was. The

Yaki fighters that were left began to issue surrender
transmissions. The fighters from the Excel began to round them
up. It was difficult to tell from the chatter on the channel, but he
was sure he heard the marines declaring the lab having been
taken. Yes, he concentrated on it now, looking for those words only
through the babble. Lab station is secure, I repeat again, lab
station is secure. The scientists are not aboard. Will someone
confirm receipt of this, scientists are not onboard.

He heard the Excel confirm a message to the marines on the lab

station and suddenly, everything went quiet. No noise on the
communication channel, the ships were slowing down, moving in
circles as they scanned the sector. Nothing, no Yaki left (it
seemed). Only the Echo station still showing its Yaki signature.
Brett waited for the captain of the Excel to speak. He didnt have
to wait long.

Yaki controlling the station Echo Seven-Two. You have no means

of defence against our overwhelming force. Please surrender your
position, or I will be forced to take aggressive action against you.

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That was a bit bold, Brett thought. They could have a fleet of
fighters in there and they still had the station laser batteries
intact. Also, it was possible that the station still had missiles
available. This wasnt over yet.

Brett brought the ship to a standstill. He unhooked his harness

and jumped out of the seat. Spirit simply looked at him from her
own seat. She was still keeping an eye on the sector scanner in
case the station launched fighters.

Theyre on the battleship Spirit, Brett said, we have to find them

and get them off.

She looked at him. What battleship Brett? I dont see one, I think
they are dead.

No, they are not dead. I can feel it. Its there, that battleship, its
hidden just like it was in the trade war. We have to get onboard it
and find the scientists. He said.

Get onboard it! She shouted. How do you propose we do that?

We cant even see it.

Theyre hidden. I suspect, no I believe that while they are using

this hidden system, they cannot use their scanners. If they could,
in direct mode, wed pick them up. They might be hidden, but I also
think they are partially blind and I think I know where they are.

Where? she said, intrigued now that there was a way forward.

I think they are in exactly the same place they were when the
scout ship saw them. We have the co-ordinates, lets go and find

But if we hit them, well die Brett, isnt this too dangerous? Spirit

No, no. Well fly up close, near where they are and go and have a
look. He replied.

You mean space walk? She sounded exasperated, go walking

into a shield technology we dont understand?

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No my love, get close enough to communicate! Remember who

you are, I just want to get close enough to tickle their systems.
Have a look, see what we can do.

It clicked. Now she understood. OK, Ill feed the data into the
navigation system. You go and get suited. Ill follow you when Im

Ok. Brett replied as he moved past her back into the main
quarters to don his environment suit.


They couldnt risk telling their plan to anyone over the channel. He
wasnt sure if the Yaki could hear them or not, but his instincts
told him that they could. But could they see him? That was a risk
he was prepared to take.

They put all the information they had into a message drone and
fired it directly to the Excel. Attempting location of battleship.
Must find scientists. Prepare a boarding party and keep alert.
Message ends.

Brett could hear his own breathing inside the cumbersome suit.
He never liked space walks, they were too close to the death that
awaited you. The suit didnt feel safe like a ship did, it felt open to
the hazards of space, or laser fire and suits didnt carry shields.

He pushed off from the cargo bay, its wide doors open and used
the small jets on the suit to spin himself around. He released the
control handle that was fixed to his suit, just below the hand and
gestured to Spirit to follow him. They would have to use hand
signals to communicate or risk the Yaki discovering them. Brett
was sure that they were close to the ship and if they got near
enough, the battleships lasers wouldnt be able to locate them for
a clear shot. Spirit jetted towards him and he spun himself around
again and moved towards the location that was projected on the
scanner in his mind.

They had moved almost a kilometre when Brett slowed down and
instructed Spirit to do the same. It must be here, were so close to
the location the scout had provided. He instructed his Slave to
remove the map from his vision. It vanished and his Slave was now
doing nothing, simply waiting for his next command. He controlled
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his breathing, deep breaths and then a long release. His heart
rate began to drop and he began to relax. It took a few moments
for him to reach the point he was aiming for, but then he closed
his eyes, concentrated on the Slave and slowly, very slowly began
to reach out with it. Metre by metre across the vacuum of space
he searched, waiting for the telltale sign of a transmission system.
He knew that the battleship would have many installed, just like all
other ships. He just had to lock onto it.

Ten metres now, then eleven, what was that? A slight tingle in his
head, like static but with a higher pitch. Got it! That was a Slave
communication device alright, no doubt about it. But even though
he tried, he couldnt get it to focus. It was like it was not clear,
garbled even. He would have to get closer.

The two suited figures moved slowly across the cosmos and then
Brett stopped suddenly, Spirit was right alongside him. It was so
close now the static sound was higher, but still garbled. He
reached out his hand and moved it towards the noise. He had
almost got it to full stretch when his glove made the area in front
of it ripple. Brett stopped, but left his hand in the same position
while Spirit looked on in disbelief.

The ripple died away. Brett retracted his arm and then pushed it
back in again, this time all the way and the ripple came back
stronger. It was like looking at the reflection on a still pool of water
and then pushing your hand in. Although he wasnt seeing a
reflection here, he was making ripples in the picture of space

He turned his head in his helmet and peered at his partner

through the smaller side screen. Spirit looked back at him, her
eyes wide and staring. She was beginning to say no, shaking her
head when Brett pushed the forward button with his other hand
and his whole body moved into the ripple.

He gasped, startled and surprised as he passed through the field.

There in front of him not two metres away was the dark blue hull
of the battleship. Found ya, you sneaky Yaki pirates. The hiss from
the Slave had also disappeared to be replaced with the spinning
Yaki emblem. By the book of truth, Im in! Brett thought. But he
wasnt. He tried to access the menu system and found himself
staring into the walls of a maze. Damn, its got a security system. I
need Spirit to help me with this. He turned around and the inner
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wall of the shield greeted him, swirls of greens and blues moving
around at speed. The reflections on his helmet screens making it
difficult to concentrate.

Spirit had watched him go through the wall of water that seemed
to be in front of them is space. He had been gone a few moments
and she was beginning to get concerned. Should she chance using
the communication channel? She was still debating the question
with herself when the suited figure of Brett began to appear
through the wall. Strangely, it made no ripples as it came through.
He was trying to tell her something with his hands, making hand
signals to construct a sentence. How the boring lessons in the
early days of the navy were paying dividends now.

It took Brett over three Mizuras to tell her what he wanted her to
do. He had connected to the ships system, but it was security
protected. The system placed him in a maze. Every time he moved,
one space at a time, forward, back, left or right in an attempt to
find the key, the key was moved at the same time to a different
location in the maze. The chance of him moving to the same place
as the key in a maze with over ten thousand squares on the same
move was massive. He wanted Spirit to connect and watch the
code keepers. She could view a different screen, the maintenance
information screen and every time Brett moved through the maze,
she would see the code blocks light up on the screen. She simply
had to check them, one by one as Brett moved until she found the
one that held the calculation. This wouldnt in itself hold the code,
but it would give them the calculation used to place the key in the
maze. She would then have to feed the numbers into her suit
computer and compute where it would be placing the key at a
point in time.

Once they discovered where it would be and when, it would be

another calculation to give Brett the path he needed to take
through the maze to be at that place at that time. Brett had
turned around and Spirit jetted forward to follow him.

As she came through the ripple and calmed herself from the
shock of the hull being so close by, she connected to the system
and began to search the maintenance screens. It was like looking
at a thousand blocks on the display in her head. But every time
Brett moved a space in the maze, he tapped her on the helmet
and she watched the lights flash. All the ship systems would be
using these code blocks, but if she watched long enough, tapping
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data into her wrist pad as she did, she would soon find a pattern
and one of them would show up as being lit every time Brett made
a movement.

If felt like an eternity, their concentration at its fullest, but in reality

it only took a few Mizuras for Spirit to find the correct block. Inside
was the code for the random generator, but nothing was truly
random, it had logic behind it and she soon worked out three
different possibilities that Brett could reach from the position he
was in inside the maze.

She gave him the instructions through another set of hand signals
and Brett watched them through the superimposed view of the
maze. Spirit gave him a long stretch of commands telling him how
to move through the maze. He followed them exactly, the
computer generated maze walls moving as he went. Four
commands remained, turn the corner and walk straight ahead,
turn left, one more step, got it! The code appeared before him,
hanging in the generated air of the maze. Five, three, three, two he
read back to himself in his mind. He immediately exited the maze
and selected the menu system again. It put him back into the
maze, but this time instead of moving he simply entered the
sequence of numbers and the menu system of the ship appeared
before him.

He gasped and let out the air in a quick blow. Weve done it. Weve
actually done it! He turned to Spirit and indicated the numbers so
that she too could enter the system. Brett navigated through the
menu until he came upon an option called Shroud. Its status was
set to on. He told it to go to off. It complied straight away. Sprit
altered the access code to the menu.


The captain of the Excel had received the message drone from
Brett and Spirit, then organised a boarding party from the
marines on the lab station. He didnt have any idea what they going
to do, but the admiral had been quite clear when she had given
him his orders. The Kotu can do things we cannot imagine
captain. Follow their advice, they are our greatest warriors, she
had said.

Well he wasnt all that impressed with them himself, sure they had
flown around the sector in an impressive manner, but his own
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pilots had stood their own as well. He was talking over options with
his staff about what to do with the Yaki station when the large bulk
of the battleship appeared in the space screen before him. He
blinked, looked at it again and then actually got up from his seat
and walked towards the large screen as if to confirm it was real.
Then he turned on the heel of his foot and looked directly at his
scan station.

Scan, what exactly is the status of that battleship? he asked.

Scan hadnt been looking at the sector display; he was too

concerned with the station and had been probing that for
information. He tapped a few buttons and the large blob of the
battleship appeared before him. Where had that come from? He
selected it and cast his eyes over the data his active scanners
were now giving him.

Fully operational sir, scan replied.

The captain dipped his head for a moment in thought and then
jerked it back up quickly. Launch the boarding force and direct all
fighters to direct fire on that battleship comms. We must take out
its laser defences before the boarding party can attempt an

Aye sir. Commands issued sir, comm. replied, as he finished

speaking into his lapel.

The eight fighter ships from the frigate turned towards the now
visible battleship and hit full power.


Moo-Kye moved away from the crumpled form of Mitch on the

floor, his broken body lay at an odd angle and blood stained his
overalls. She walked towards the shivering mass that was the
Boron who had just watched his companion refuse to answer her
questions and suffer the consequence. He was certain that if he
didnt tell this mad woman what she wanted to know, he would
soon follow his friend to his death.

She stood a few metres away, rage and fury burning in her eyes.
So, my Boron scientist, I will ask you this time instead. What are
the co-ordinates for the jump gates that will take me to earth?
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she spat the words at him. Be quick, my temper, as you have just
witnessed, has a very short fuse.

Mi Ton was about to grunt a reply when the communication cube

in the wall of the room jutted out and a voice spoke out. Moo-Kye,
urgent situation. I must speak with you now. It was the ship

She seemed extremely agitated at the interruption and paused for

a moment before turning and walking towards the cube on the
wall. What is it? she hissed.

We have lost the shroud your highness, its down and we cant
access the system. We are visible and enemy ships are
approaching. They are moving into an attack formation your
highness. The captain didnt seem agitated, but in reality he was
shaking as he spoke. Being the messenger to Moo-Kye of bad
news was not something he relished. He was just glad, that
because of her instruction not to be disturbed, he could do it
through the channel and not in person.

What? she screamed. Deal with it captain, kill them. You have a
battleship under your command. Kill them all! Then she pushed
the cube back into the wall to end the conversation. She didnt
have time for this. She was so close to getting the information
from the Boron, she would have to continue with her interrogation.
She was sure the weak Boron wouldnt be too hard to break now
that he had just seen his friend cut to pieces before him. She
stormed across the room to where Mi Ton still sat in the
restraining seat. Well? she asked via the translator.


Brett and Spirit both stared at the lights in the air lock, waiting for
the red one to turn to green. They had found one of the outer hull
doors and entered the ship. As Spirit had closed the round metal
door behind them she had seen their Mako explode in a torrent of
fire from the battleship. No going back now then, she mused.
Shed miss that ship, memories of her and Brett together, talking
and getting to know each other, then becoming lovers. Stop it! She
told herself, no time for thoughts like those now. Its just a ship and
its gone. Weve got work to do.

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They had been fortunate, as the large ship had begun to move as
soon as their ship had met its fate. The background of the stars
and nebulae moving slightly to the left had been the only indication
they were underway, there was no feeling of movement stood in
the air lock now. If they had still been outside, or even worse, if only
one of them was still outside, they would have been left stranded
alone hoping that the Yaki didnt shoot at them. The light went
green and Brett began to remove his helmet and suit. Spirit
followed his lead and at last they could talk.

Where will they be? Brett was asking as he unclasped the large

Im looking now, Spirit replied, her mind searching out the ship
schematics as she spoke. Then the dull sound of impacts as the
battleship came under attack. Excellent, the navy had got the
message drone and was beginning its attack. Brett waved his
hand over the door lock and the large oblong door hissed open. He
stuck his head out of the opening and peered both ways. Good it
was all clear. Cmon Spirit, we can search while we move.

They had just turned the corner when a number of blasts from
laser rifles flew past them. Brett skidded to a halt, returning the
fire from his small hand held weapon. Spirit also began to fire as
they quickly moved back around the corner. The ceiling mounted
laser turret that was positioned half way down the corridor, span
around and its twin guns began to fire just as they made it around
the corner, its shots making indents in the wall. The air smelt of
heated metal and it made its way into their mouths, it tasted
somewhat like blood.

Brett was already accessing the maze to the internal defence

menu, firing with just his hand around the corner, while Spirit
again scanned the code blocks. Got it! he said, ordering the laser
turret to turn the other way and fire on the security guards that
were at the far end. In only moments it was over and they ran
down the corridor, putting the turret into sleep mode as they
passed and applying another new security code to the internal
defence system.


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Dominion: Chapter 16 - Destiny

The pilot of the large ship carrying the marines had been keeping
his distance from the battleship while the smaller fighters
encircled it, attacking its defences to give the marines a clear
approach. It wasnt going very well, when to his astonishment the
laser batteries stopped firing and the shields on the battleship
read zero percent. He turned for the dark ship and when he
reached it, simply slowed, but didnt stop as he deployed the
marines into space beside it. They started straight away to attach
to its hull and begin the task of opening some of the outer hull
doors. The smaller vessel moved away again, back out of range.
The lasers and shields may be gone, but they could come back on
again at any time. The fighters did likewise. It was up to the
marines now.


The two of them had accessed most of the battleships systems

and switched off the lasers, missiles and shields, resetting the
codes as they went. But then as they were preparing to disable
the flight systems, the security codes changed and the code
blocks were replaced with new, improved code. It was going to
take a lot longer to gain access to these systems and they didnt
appear to have the time. The scientists could be dead already, but
they knew that they couldnt stop to concentrate on the ships
computer systems. They had to try and save the scientists.

They couldnt find the captives anywhere on the ship and the only
place that they couldnt get access to was the leaders quarters.
Spirit guessed that they must be in there with the Yaki
commander. They had no choice and headed for the room,
avoiding the security guards where possible, killing them when
they couldnt. It was obvious that the boarding party had landed
because there was a great deal of communication going through
the ships systems. Spirit had accessed a number of the ship
cameras and sure enough, there was a battle raging between the
marines and the Yaki.

The crew seemed to be beginning to panic. Personnel were

running down the corridors now, probably going for the escape
pods, Paranid, Argon and Split all running past them and not even
giving them a second glance. They continued towards the room,
ignoring the sirens and red flashing lights that now appeared to
spread throughout the ship.

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They reached the door without further incident. The words Queen
of the Yaki were written on the door in Argon. Theyd found the
right place then. No guards on the door, they must have ran like
the rest were doing, confused and scared when the evacuation
warnings had started.

They stopped. One of them each side of the door. Brett was
bending over, his hands on his knees, catching his breath. You got
the code? he asked between deep gasps of air. Spirit stared at
him, directly into his eyes before replying, yes, eight, seven, two,
five, she answered.

Brett gave her a quick smile before standing upright and tapping
the keypad next to the door manually. The door opened with a
swish and they both raced inside, passing each other diagonally as
they did so and taking up attack positions on the floor. Brett saw
the Argon male on the floor and quickly spotted the athletic figure
of the woman standing next to the crumpled body of a Boron
strapped to a seat. He had been in such a seat himself. Was the
Boron alive? Yes, he saw a twitch of a tentacle. The Boron had
gone into aquatic mode, probably in an attempt to lessen the pain
he had surely received. The women turned, a look of surprise was
followed by a wry smile.

Oh, we have guests Mi Ton, what a surprise, she said.

Brett was just raising his gun when the woman raised her hand
and seemed to flick her wrist twice. Before he could even fire off a
shot, his weapon and he noticed that of his partners, were lying
useless on the floor before him. Smouldering from the impact of
the explosive darts.

Spirit must have read his mind because suddenly the lights in the
room went out and they both dived to avoid the second volley of
darts from the woman. It went quiet, total blackness. They couldnt
see anything and Brett was trying to adjust his senses to the

Then he heard a cry, a startled shout. It wasnt Spirit. It must be

the Yaki leader. He could tell Spirits voice, regardless of the pitch.
Then a thud and a scuffle, someone was fighting by the sound of it,
he could hear the impacts as bone and flesh met each other.

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Dominion: Chapter 16 - Destiny

Brett! Came the cry, IR cameras, Brett! Check them! it was


Brett accessed the computer and after a few agonising moments

he was able to view the infra red cameras in the room. It was
difficult to tell what was going on, heated blobs were moving
around, swinging wildly at each other. But one of them seemed to
getting more shots off than the other. Clever girl, Brett thought,
she was fighting the other woman and using the cameras as her
guide from a third perspective. Brett couldnt even begin to think
how she could be so advanced to do such a thing. He was having
trouble trying to work out where they were, never mind engage in
a fight.

On and on the fight raged. He felt them come close and he wanted
to intervene, but he wasnt sure which one was which and if he
hurt Spirit, the Yaki leader might gain the advantage. He just had
to watch from the cameras as they moved around the room
lunging and parrying. They were both highly trained in the physical
arts, it seemed.

Brett felt for the metal blade attached to his boot and pulled it
free. If he didnt act soon, his partner might be dead and he wasnt
going to allow that to happen. He felt the cold metal in his hand as
he gripped the blade and waited for them to come close.

As they passed him again, he shouted to Spirit, Down! and in that

same moment he briefly closed his eyes while he switched on the
main lights in the room again via his Slave. He snapped them open,
the delay was enough as the others were blinded for a moment.
Brett leapt up and Moo-Kye saw him for just an instant as he
plunged the blade deep into her neck.

She staggered back, trying to talk, blood was beginning to spurt

from her mouth and the wound. All thoughts of offence gone, Moo-
Kye was in pure survival mode and her body was trying to react to
the sudden wound. Her hands reached for her throat, but then
she fell backwards onto the floor. Her body twitched a few times,
but then she lay still.

Brett quickly checked her pulse with his hand and then turned to
Spirit, shes dead, he said.

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He began to move towards her, getting to his feet. The Boron was
muttering something about sectors when they were frozen in
time, eyes staring at each other.


The captain of the Excel watched as the escape pods were

jettisoned from the battleship. It seemed as if the whole crew was
trying to get off board. The large ship was still moving, but slowly
as if it had no direction. He was about to order his ships to move
in closer when a jump tunnel opened in front of the dark ship and
it was gone. He stood at the space screen staring at the place
where the battleship had been, his jaw open.


Can we stop it?

No, the energy levels are too high now. The re-alignment will take
place regardless of what we do.

But we dont want this dangerous race to be a part of us. They

are destructive, war like.

We have no choice in the matter now. It is fixed until the next

time. We will have to endure their kind until we can raise the
energy levels again.

I understand, it is not what I hoped. But they prove themselves to

be resourceful. I will view the events from this point forward with

So will I. A pause, so will I.

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Dominion: Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

Have I Died?

Swirling images. Were they figures, ghosts maybe? Cant quite

make them out. Coming towards me, woven around each other.
Long streaks of colour are touching me. No, going around me not
touching. Around my back, I cant seem to move to see them.
Move? What is that? Movement yes, I can move cant I? The
images have returned to my front. Stroking my face and body.
Moving away into the darkness, the light beginning to fade. No!
Dont go away. Come back.

Ha, a sense of relief as they appear to stop and then move

towards me. Wait, they havent turned around. Thats it, got it.
Understand now, I am moving towards them. I am MOVING!

Oh! Tingle in my fingers as the nerve ends awake. My head feels

light, almost sickly, dizzy. Like the first inhale of Spaceweed. A
burning in my throat, my chest. My whole body feels light as I leave
the ground, flying, moving towards the light. Oh please go away.
This doesnt feel right. I dont feel well. Let me sleep. I feel so tired,
so very tired. Stomach seems to somersault like Im leaving
gravity, pulling multiple Gs. Oh, I gasp, my mouth open. Pressure
on my chest, harder and harder it gets. Pushing in, constricting
my breath. Fluid! I can feel fluid! Oh NO! In my mouth, my throat,

I fight, struggling against the increasing pressure as my body

begins to fill, to grow heavier. I try to choke, but I cant. There is no
air to choke on. Only a greater intensity of fluid as it cascades into
my trapped torso. Im going to die, to drown. I clasp my eyes
tighter even though they remain shut and mentally shake my head
in an attempt to clear it. I feel like I am sinking, dropping down into
the abyss, the pressure increasing on my body. My mind seems to
grow dark. A soft blackness begins to move inwards on the light
that is my mind. Growing smaller and smaller as the darkness
completes its journey. I relent and my body appears detached,
relaxed. Then such a sense of peace begins to flow out from me.
From my heart to my shoulders and down through my stomach,
then out to my limbs with a warm peaceful flow just like the
Spaceweed again. Caressing me, enveloping me with its kindness,
allowing me to float free. As if I am lying in the sand unable to
move and the tide moves the water across me, first pushing my
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Dominion: Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

body and then pulling it. I cannot attempt to intervene. I have never
felt such absolute contentment.

Have I died? But my senses seem awake now, a flicker of life and a
brief moment of clarity. My mind begins to focus, slowly, each
signal coming back online like someone is pressing buttons to
reactivate me, touching the broken wires together to produce a
spark. Like someone hitting me on the knee gently to test my
reflexes and yes, I am responding. A feeling of strength, of power,
absolute power begins to move through me following the same
route the as the peaceful ebb did moments before. Sound, yes I
can hear something. Strange and muted like faint, far away knocks
on a thick glass window. But muffled.

Then the ship, I remember now. The ship! Everybody abandoning

the ship. The fighters coming in and firing. The noise, explosions
and the ship vibrating under attack. Yes, I had to get to the bridge
and stop the jump drive. But I didnt make it, didnt even get out of
the room. Oh! A feeling of dread. The room, bodies, blood, people
dead. A male Argon lying in a pool of blood, the women lying on her
back. Who was she? Badness, yes she was bad, evil. Was she
dead? Cannot tell, blood in a pool around her head, maybe. The
Boron in his environment suit restrained in the chair speaking to
me. What was he saying? His snout moved, but I cant hear the
words. Concentrate, cmon what is he saying?

Wait, something more important than the Boron. Something close

to me. No, not something but someone close to me, not physically
but emotionally. My stomach is turning again, hands feel like
theyre shaking. I think I am frowning as I search for her picture,
her name.

My eyes snap open and I realise I am floating in fluid. All manner of

wires and tubes attached to my body. But they arent wires, their
alive! Some kind of organic tendrils. Oh! My body quivers at the
thought and they move holding me tighter. But I can breathe! The
fluid, I am breathing the fluid! Through the darkness, dull green
and blue lights seem to be outside of my prison, peering in. The
colours moving through the fluid as it slowly moves from my bodys
actions. A figure. I can see someone else across the other side of
the tank. The colours from the lights are sparkling from behind her
as if they are a star flickering behind her moon.

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Dominion: Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

I peer closer allowing my eyes to become accustomed to the

gloom. Her head is bowed, hanging as if lifeless. Is it her? Yes, the
images come flooding back as if a sun has erupted in my head.
Spirit, my friend, my partner, I can remember staring into her eyes
as the ship entered the jump tunnel and then nothing more, until

Something flashes past my face, too quick for me to register what

it is. Then back again but further away. A Boron! In the water with
me, his jet is pushing him around the tank. I can see the density of
water change behind him as his body pushes the water outwards
and he speeds off into the gloom.

He approaches me and I feel a swell of water push against me as

his tentacles move outwards like a star, slowing him in the water.
He stops a metre away from my face his snout moving left to right
and back again as if swinging from his face. His eye stalks turn
inwards. A smile, then they turn back to face me looking me up
and down. Can he see something I cannot? I can hear the clicks as
he speaks but the meaning escapes me. Then with another gush
of water he is gone.

I feel the tiredness creeping back. It is trying to take me again and

I cannot fight it any longer. I close my eyes and drift into a long
deep sleep.

The time between sleep and awakening. That slow drift from the
place of darkness to the one of light. Pulling one-way and then
pushing back the other. He suddenly felt his senses coming back
online. Like someone flicking switches on a console. One after the
other they stood up and righted themselves. Then it hit him. The
smell, oh the terrible smell! Reaching inside his body as he
breathed in the acrid air, burning his throat and leaving a warm
heat in his lungs. He opened his eyes slowly and took in the scene
around him.

People from the ship were trapped on the floor. Held by living,
moving tentacles that seemed to grip tighter to their captives if
any movement was detected. He could hear their moans and cries
of anguish.

But one man had appeared to wriggle free of his living chains and
he was struggling to his feet. He wore the uniform of a gunner. All

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Dominion: Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

torn and bloodied with dirt matted into the cloth. He moved
forward and kicked out at the tentacle that attempted to grab him.

Then came the noise. A crackling at first, like the sound of a fire or
maybe rain beginning to strike a window. Then more strikes and it
began to get louder as if it was approaching. The he saw them.
Bodies moving down the large tunnel before them, on the floor,
the walls and even on the roof they came. A large seething mass
of beings the like he had never seen before. Like insects with small
leathery wings on their backs and large bulbous eyes. But it was
the hands and feet that dropped down from the bodies that
contained the claws. Some with more than others, but each had
knife like endings and these were clicking against each other. It
was this that created the noise.

The man who had struggled free seemed to stop dead in his
tracks and just stared at the mass before him. All seemed to be
looking at him and as he turned to run away, they struck. So fast
he could hardly see the movement as they flew from the walls and
floor and enveloped the man. Each one less than half his size but
the twenty or so that descended on the man tore him to pieces in

Bretts mind could take no more and his body finally gave in to the
shock and he passed out.

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Dominion: Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

In the surrounding area outside the vessel, the ships moved as

one. Swirling around a central ship and the whole swarm began to
move towards the gate from where the intruder had come.

The End.

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Dominion: Chapter 17 The Khaak awaken

The Riddle of Steel

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