High Performance Computing - Benchmarks: DR M. Probert

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High Performance Computing

- Benchmarks

Dr M. Probert
Why Benchmark?
HPC Challenge
Custom Benchmarks
Why Benchmark?
How do you know which computer to buy?
Might be based on a thorough knowledge of the
hardware specification and what all the bits mean
and how well they perform
But what if it is new hardware?
And what does how well they perform mean?
How do you compare two very different
E.g. vector vs. MPP?
E.g. AMD vs. Intel vs. Alpha vs. IBM vs. SPARC?
Pentium 3 vs. 4
Which was faster, a 1.2 GHz Pentium 3 or a 3
GHz Pentium 4?
The P4 had a 31 stage instruction pipeline
(prescott core) vs. 10 in the P3.
Latency of the P4 pipeline was actually higher!
If a section of code continuously stalled the pipeline, it
would run at ~ 0.12 GFLOPS on the P3 and ~ 0.10
GFLOPS on the P4!
Old example but principle always true best
choice of chip depends on the code!
Benchmarks aim to give a systematic way of
making comparisons based on real world codes.
Ranking Computers

Top500 a very popular list of the most powerful

computers in the world
How are they ranked?
Already seen it in earlier hardware lectures
Based on the LINPACK benchmark
But what does that actually tell you?
Need to understand what a particular benchmark
actually measures and under what conditions
Then can determine whether or not this benchmark has
any relevance to you and the way you intend to use that
Useless Benchmarks
Clock Speed
Might give some indication of relative performance
within a given processor family
Useless between different processor families
My old 666 MHz Alpha EV 6/7 completed a CASTEP
calculation in about the same time as a 1.7 GHz P4 Xeon!
Different architectures do different amount of work per clock
cycle, RISC vs. CISC, etc.
Even between different processor generations from a
given manufacturer there can be surprises
e.g. early Pentiums with higher clock speeds (up to 150 MHz)
were slower in many real-world tests compared to the 486s
(at 66 MHz) they were intended to replace cache changes?
Ditto 1.2 GHz Pentium 3 vs 3 GHz Pentium 4
MIPS Another Useless Benchmark
Millions of Instructions per Second
(or Meaningless Indicator of Processor Speed)
One of the earliest indicators of speed
Closely related to clock speed
Which instruction?
On some architectures, a given instruction might take 20 clock
cycles whereas equivalent instruction may take only 1 or 2 on a
different architecture
What if there is no hardware support for a given instruction?
Only meaningful within a processor family, e.g. Intel
used to promote the iCOMP benchmark but has now
retired it in favour of industry standard benchmarks.
MFLOPS Another Useless Benchmark
Millions of FLoating-point Operations Per Second
Definition includes FP-adds and multiplies
What about square roots and divides? Some do it in
hardware, others in microcode.
What about fused multiply-adds as in some CPUs? Can get
multiple FLOPS per function unit per clock cycle!
Peak MFLOPS is pretty meaningless very few codes will
achieve anything like this due to memory performance.

So what we need is a benchmark based upon some

real-life code. Something that will combine raw CPU
speed with memory performance. Something like
Actually a LINear algebra PACKage a library
not a benchmark.
But the developers used some of the routines, to
solve a system of linear equations by Gaussian
elimination, as a performance indicator
as the number of FLOPs required was known, the result
could be expressed as average MFLOPS rate
LINPACK tested both floating-point performance and
memory, and due to the nature of the algorithm, was
seen as a hard problem which could not be further
speeded-up hence seen as a useful guide to real
scientific code performance hence benchmark
LINPACK test comes in various forms:
1. 100x100 matrix, double precision, with strict use of base
code, can optimise compiler flags
2.1000x1000 matrix, any algorithm, as long as no change in
precision of answers
But whilst in 1989 the 100x100 test was useful, the
data structures were ~ 320 kB, so once cache sizes
exceeded this, it became useless!

Library lives on as LAPACK see later lectures

LINPACK lives!
LINPACK Highly Parallel Computing benchmark
used as basis for Top500 ranks
Vendor is allowed to pick matrix size (N)
Information collected includes:
Rpeak system peak GFLOPS
Nmax matrix size (N) that gives highest GFLOPS for a given
number of CPUs.
Rmax the GFLOPS achieved for the Nmax size matrix
N - matrix size that gives Rmax/2 GFLOPS
Interest in all values for instance, Nmax reflects memory
limitations on scaling of problem size, so high values of Nmax
and N indicate system best suited to very scalable problems
Big computers like big problems!
Problems with LINPACK

Very little detailed information about the

networking subsystem
A key factor in modern cluster computers
Hence new benchmark recently announced: the
HPC Challenge benchmark
The HPC Challenge benchmark consists of
basically 7 benchmarks: a combination of
LINPACK/FP tests, STREAM, parallel matrix
transpose, random memory access, complex DFT,
communication bandwidth and latency.
STREAM is memory speed benchmark (OMP)
Instead of trying to aggregate overall system performance
into a single number, focuses exclusively on memory
Measures user-sustainable memory bandwidth (not
theoretical peak!), memory access costs and FP performance.
A balanced system will have comparable memory bandwidth
(as measured by STREAM) to peak MFLOPS (as measured
by LINPACK 1000x1000)
Machine balance is peak FLOPS/memory bandwidth
Values ~ 1 indicate a well-balanced machine no need for cache
Values 1 needs very high cache hit rate to achieve useful
Useful for all systems not just HPC hence popularity
Selection from STREAM Top20 (August 2014)
Machine Ncpu MFLOPS MW/s Balance
Cray_T932 (Vector 96) 32 57600 44909 1.3
NEC SX-7 (Vector 03) 32 282419 109032 2.6
SGI Altix 4700 (ccNUMA 06) 1024 6553600 543771 12.1
SGI Altix UV 1000 (ccNUMA 10) 2048 19660800 732421 26.8
Fujitsu SPARC M10-45 (SMP 13) 1024 24576000 500338 49.1
Intel Xeon Phi SE10P (ACC 13) 61 1073600 21833 49.2
Selection from STREAM PC-compatible (Aug 2014)
Machine Ncpu MFLOPS MW/s Balance
486-DX50 (95) 1 10 2.9 3.4
AMD Opteron 248 (03) 1/2 10666 393 / 750 11.2 / 11.7
Intel Core 2 Quad 6600 (07) 2/4 19200 / 38400 714 / 664 26.9 / 57.8
Intel Core2DuoE8200 DDR2/3 (08) 1 10666 699 / 983 15.3 / 10.9
Apple Mac-Pro (09) 1 10666 1119 9.5
Intel Core i7-2600 (11) 2/4 27200 / 54400 1770 / 1722 15.4 / 31.6
Intel Core i7-4930K (13) 1/2/ 12 13610 * Ncpu 1912 / 2500 / 7.1 / 10.9
3797 43.0
SPEC Benchmarks
The Systems Performance Evaluation Cooperative (SPEC)
is a not-for-profit industry body
SPEC89, SPEC92, 95 and 2000 have come and gone
SPEC2006 is (still) current new v1.2 released Sept 2011
SPEC attempts to keep benchmarks relevant
Each benchmark is a mixture of C and FORTRAN codes, covering
a wide spread of application areas
SPECmark was originally the geometric mean of the 10 codes in
SPEC89 limited scope.
Later versions had more codes, with some codes focusing on
integer and others on FP performance, hence now get separate
SPECfp2006 and SPECint2006.
Also a base version of benchmark without vendor tweaks and
aggressive optimisations to stop cheating.
Also a rate version for measuring parallel throughput.
Additional benchmarks for graphics, MPI, Java, etc
Sample SPEC2006 Results
Name SPECint2006 SPECfp2006 SPECint_rate2006 SPECfp_rate2006
AMD Opteron 2356 13.2 base 16.2 base 45.6 base 41.3 base
Barcelona 2.3 GHz 8 cores, 2 chips 8 cores, 2 chips 4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip

Intel Core 2 Quad 20.2 base 18.3 base 56.2 base 39.2 base
Q6800 4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip

Intel Core i7-975 31.6 base 32.9 base 121 base 85.2 base
4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip 4 cores, 1 chip

IBM Power780 29.3 base 44.5 base 1300 base 531 base
Power7 CPUs 8 cores, 1 chip 16 cores, 1 chip 32 cores, 4 chips 16 cores, 2 chips
SYSmark 2014
Another commercial benchmark, widely used in
the mainstream PC industry, produced by
Updated every 2 years or so until Windows Vista
caused major problems stuck at 2007 until 2011
Based upon typical office productivity and
internet content creation applications
Useful for many PC buyers and hence
manufacturers, but not for HPC
Choosing a Benchmark
Have discussed only a small selection of the
available benchmarks see http://www.netlib.org/
benchmark for more!
Why so many?
No single test will tell you everything you need to
know but can get some idea by combining data from
different tests as done in HPC Challenge
Tests become obsolete over time due to hardware
developments c.f. the LINPACK 100x100
And also due to software developments particularly
compilers. Once a particular benchmark becomes
popular, vendors target compiler development to
improve their performance on this test hence need to
regularly update & review the benchmark contents
Hence some industrial benchmarks keep code secret
Creating Your Own Benchmark
Because the best test that is relevant to you as a HPC
user, is how well your HPC codes run!
If you are responsible for spending a large sum (10k -
10m) then you want to get it right!
Maybe your codes need special library support? Maybe
your codes will test the compiler/ hardware in a non-
standard way? Lots of I/O or graphics?
Maybe your tests will expose a bug in the compiler?

NB Unlikely to be able to do this when buying a

standard PC!
Making A Benchmark
Need it to be a representative test for your needs
But not require too long to run (1 hour max)
Might require extracting a kernel from your code the key
computational features and writing a simple driver.
Test of CPU and memory or other things
I/O? Graphics? Throughput? Interactive use?
Need it to be repeatable and portable
Will need to average times on a given machine
Repeat with different compiler flags
Repeat on different machines
Automate the building/running/analysis of results?
Beware The Compiler!
By extracting a computational kernel and stripping
the code down, you may create problems
A clever compiler might be able to over-optimise your
kernel code in a way that is not representative of the
main code
Need to put extra obstacles in the way to confuse the
compiler not something you normally want to do!
E.g. executing a given loop multiple times to get a reasonably
large enough time to measure may be self-defeating if the
compiler can spot this and just execute the loop once!
Also beware the effects of cache
If you repeat something multiple times, the first time will incur
the cache-miss cost, whilst the other iterations might all be
from cache and hence run disproportionably faster! Need to
flush cache between loops somehow.
Bad Benchmarks
CPU benchmark Memory benchmark
# total number of flops // repeat the benchmark
required is 10000 // 100 times for good
do I = 1,10000 // stats
x = y*z for (i=0;i<100;i++){
end do t = 0.0;
for (j=0;j<50000){
t += A[j]*B[j];
Any good compiler will }
recognise that a single trip }
through the loop with give
the same result, and hence A and B may easily fit in cache.
remove the loop entirely. After first loop code measures
cache not memory performance.
Benchmarks and Vendors
These days, profit margins on most HPC machines are very
Hence vendors are generally reluctant to give you much support
in porting & running your benchmarks would rather you stick to
published data
i.e. the benchmarks that they like!
Not true for big computer tendering activities such as HPCx or
HECToR (the sucessor to HPCx)
Suddenly a lot of vendor interest in porting and optimising academic codes!
CASTEP was one of the benchmarks for HECToR.
Hence interest in events such as the Daresbury Machine
Evaluation Workshop, where many HPC vendors can display their
latest wares, and where users can run their own small (~15 min)
benchmarks on many different systems. See: https://
MEW24 Presentation by M. Guest
An example of user benchmarking using
computational chemistry kernels:
Uses both synthetic and end-user benchmarks
E.g. stripped down kernel or a mix of standard
Focus on multi-core systems both CPU and whole
system to look at effect of networking etc.
This time, focused on comparison of job with same
number of cores, and also same number of nodes
Intel Sandy Bridge vs Ivy Bridge + different
LOT of details https://eventbooking.stfc.ac.uk/
CASTEP The MnO2 benchmark
Impact of low latency .
Dell R720 Ivy Bridge e5-2680v2 2.8 GHz IB-connect

833 Intel Ivy Bridge e5-2690v2 3.0 GHz True Scale QDR
Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-2690/2.9 GHz [T] IB-QDR
Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-2690/2.9 GHz IB-QDR
Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-2670/2.6 GHz IB-QDR

1 1,593



0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000

Total Elapsed Time (seconds) on 128 cores
Application Performance on Ivy Bridge Processors 26 January 2014 40
Target Codes and Data Sets 128 PEs
128 PE Performance [Applications]
Fujitsu BX922 Westmere X5650
OpenFoam -
2.67GHz + IB-QDR (HTC)
1.0 Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-
2670/2.6 GHz IB-QDR
ONETEP DPPC / Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-
cutoff.mdp 2690/2.9 GHz IB-QDR
Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-
2690/2.9 GHz [T] IB-QDR
Intel Ivy Bridge e5-2697v2 2.7
0.2 GHz True Scale PSM

GROMACS Bull B710 Ivy Bridge e5-2697v2

CASTEP 0.0 DPPC 2.7 GHz Mellanox FDR
Dell R720 Ivy Bridge e5-2680v2
2.8 GHz IB-connect

Intel Ivy Bridge e5-2690v2 3.0

GHz True Scale QDR

classic NaCl


Application Performance on Ivy Bridge Processors 26 January 2014 41

Node to Node Comparison Six node Performance
1.36 DLPOLY4 NaCl
Gromacs 4.6.1 dppc-cutoff
1.52 Gromacs 4.6.1 dppc-pme
OpenFOAM Cavity 3D-3M




0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50

T (96 cores of Fujitsu CX250 Sandy Bridge e5-2690/2.9 GHz [T] IB-QDR /
T (120 cores of Intel Ivy Bridge e5-2690v2 3.0 GHz True Scale QDR)
Application Performance on Ivy Bridge Processors 26 January 2014 42
Background to Intels Ivy Bridge and Systems under evaluation
Intels Ivy Bridge (E5-2697v2 and E5-2680v2) and Sandy Bridge-
based (E5-2690 and E5-2670) Clusters
Bull SID cluster - E5-2697v2 with IB/FDR (2048 cores)
Intel True Scale clusters - Ivy Bridge dual processor nodes both 12-way
(192 cores) and 10-way clusters (640 cores)
32 node Dell 720 cluster Jupiter at the HPC Advisory Council 10-way
Ivy Bridge processors with Mellanox Connect-IB interconnect
Variety of Parallel Benchmarks
Synthetic (IMB and HPCC) and application codes
Six applications - DLPOLY 4 and DLPOLY Classic, Gromacs,
Results from Intel Westmere, Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge systems
Performance Metrics across a variety of data sets suggest that both
the Jupiter and Diamond Ivy Bridge clusters outperform the
Sandy Bridge systems
Application Performance on Ivy Bridge Processors 26 January 2014 45
Acceptance Tests
Having benchmarked the various machines
available, it is a good idea to write an acceptance
test into the contract for the final machine
When we bought Erik we specified that the machine
was to be able to run CASTEP and AMBER non-stop
for 8 days on 16 nodes each, without fault.
This was primarily to test the compilers and the thermal
stability of the machine
Had heard horror stories of other clusters that would over-
heat and fail/shutdown after less than 1 day of running
Problem eventually traced to faulty RDRAM chips
Same on Edred took over 4 months to pass
Problems due to hardware / supplier chain / software stack
Further Reading
Chapter 15 & 16 of High Performance Computing
(2nd edition), Kevin Dowd and Charles Severance,
O'Reilly (1999).
Top500 at http://www.top500.org
LINPACK at http://www.top500.org/project/linpack
HPC Challenge at http://icl.cs.utk.edu/hpcc
STREAM at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/
SPEC at http://www.spec.org
SYSmark2014 at http://www.bapco.com/products/
Latest MEW at https://eventbooking.stfc.ac.uk/news-

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