(00013) - 8x8x8 Arduino LED Cube - All
(00013) - 8x8x8 Arduino LED Cube - All
(00013) - 8x8x8 Arduino LED Cube - All
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I've found the best Flush diagonal cutters have been from "Beadalon".... I've
tried MANY...
It is advantageous to get used to having the anode on the same side when
bending... It is frustrating when anode and cathode are reversed on a LED and
it doesn't work after soldering all together... The second picture is of all 512,
plus a few more...
Measure the distance between anode holes on the board. This is the distance
between centers of each LED. This is Important if you want a nice matrix. The
holes on my board are 7/8 of an inch, or 23mm... The next important thing is to
place a smaller nail above each hole at the 2mm mark you bent. each LED is
then placed in its hole, with the unbent (horizontal) loop going over the nail. This
will line up the vertical loops to receive the row wire. I use 20 gauge Tinned,
will line up the vertical loops to receive the row wire. I use 20 gauge Tinned,
straightened bus wire. To get this, buy a roll and look up how to straighten it.
Or, you can buy it on eBay already cut and straightened. Only use 20 gauge.
Smaller makes the matrix flimsy!!!!
Once the wire is through all eight holes, solder the LEDs to it and cut off the
ends of the wire. This gives a neat appearance. You only have to make 64
Rows!!! Tedious, but worth it!!!
I used Formica coated shelving material from Home Depot... Because of the
thickness of each soldered joint, a blade width will not work. One and a quarter
will.... Make the cuts about 7/8 of an inch between centers... Place each
soldered row in each cut. Line them up and the anode 20 gauge wire will go in
the holes perfectly. Make sure they line up good before soldering. It will save a
lot of time trying to straighten them to perfect 90's... I do the two center wire
first, then work outwards. There are only 64 solder joints in this step...
The finished panel... You must test each LED before going on to the next panel.
If one doesn't work, cut it out of the matrix, take one of your extra spares, Cut
the loops open enough to place on the wire, and solder it in. You already have
the soldering points from the LED you cut. Just heat up the soldered joint and
leave the loop there. It will blend in with the new LED if enough solder is used.
Remember the three second rule, so as not to burn up the LED!!!!
Oh- What I use for a tester: I use a two C cell battery holder from Radio Shack,
with a 1k resistor soldered to the black wire. This has a small bend on the end
to be able to hook it to the horizontal Cathode wire. I just do this for each level
and run the tinned red wire from left to right over the anode wires. Use the
resistor. The full 3 volts will work, but if using crappy LED's, one may burn out -
It's happened to me many times!!!
This is fun... After getting all eight anode wires in their proper holes, I use small
pieces of wood about 3/4 inch thick.. It doesn't matter the thickness, as long as
all are the same!!! The second important thing is to get the panel perpendicular
to the board. People say use a square. This is bull - I use a small paper pad on
its side... Works just as well, and is small enough to place inside!!!! Solder the
two outside wires to get the panel stable and then fill in the rest. Do this for
both far outside panels... You'll see why...
(/file/FX4W5Y0IGZENAZ2/) (/file/FPWSY0BIGZENB3S/)
I add them two at a time. to stabilize and space them properly...When you flip
the board upside down on a perfectly flat surface, this is the orientation of the
added panels. Gives you a PERFECTLY EVEN top!!! Its a little shaky... Use the
paper pad underneath to stabilize it some!! The second picture is all the panels
soldered in place. The third is looking down the panels after. Gorgeous!!!
This is a hard step, but very worthwhile.. First. you must solder a wire to the
center top of the cube. This is the one where you have to adjust all panels to be
even. Next, add the two top outside wires. This will give the cube serious
stability. The second picture is of the next reinforcement: It is placed at level 4,
on the opposite side of the P0 - P7 hookups. Each panel is soldered to each
reinforcement. This one is a good practice before doing the level binding on the
other side. Each panel level cathode must be hooked together. As you can see,
anodes only go vertical and cathodes are only horizontal. Any slight difference
in height of the mating wires can be weighted down before soldering. I use a
small hemostat to do this. I'm a Dentist - I can't help it!!!!
Anyway, on the side of P0 - P7, as you can see in pic 3, all levels must be
complete for the cube to function properly. The fourth pic shows the inside
orientation of the stringers.
These are easy. You should be VERY comfortable soldering by this point!!!
Connect insulated wires for each level to the stringers you soldered as such: P0
is the top level, all the way down to the bottom level: P7. Also - You must install
four 12- 15mm standoffs before the finished product will stand properly... Brass
or nylon - it doesn't matter.
At this point, your cube is now physically together...
Now onto the final and most crucial step: Installing the Arduino Uno, and
uploading the program...
Then you are ready to upload the code, using Arduino Software...
Arduino_Fireworks.ino (/files/orig/F6C/596P/IH0U29JI/F6C596PIH0U29JI.ino)
Arduino_Text.ino (/files/orig/FVP/EDO2/IH0U2BK1/FVPEDO2IH0U2BK1.ino)
Step 14:
Here is the Excel file to order the board parts...
LEDCube-8x8x8-JP.xls (/files/orig/FST/AANX/IHNTFURC/FSTAANXIHNTFURC.xls)
The neatest cube I have ever seen. Your jigs and alignment
tips help remove the human error in placement that is seen
in most other cubes; excellent work !
webstockxalapa (/member/webstockxalapa) 8 days ago Reply
Very cool. Can u pls make an audio visualizer wid dis led
matrix n post it. please
Thanks... Your cube looks great. Well aligned and nice and 15 days ago
straight. Because I've had to replace several LEDs - both prior
to and after cube assembly, I have found that the "bent-pin-to-
adjacent LED" interconnection technique a little simpler. Still, I
found your use of stiff wire rows and columns to be very clean
and tidy.
I do have some design questions (and I really am interested in
your answers):
1. why did you decide not to buffer the common clock signals
from the Arduino? I have always found that a fan-out of 8 is on
the high side and the signal noise immunity suffers.
2. why choose the serial shift rather than parallel latch
method? Given that you are dedicating an Arduino UNO /
MEGA to this board, there are plenty of spare pins available to
make a parallel load possible.
Thanks for your answers and the brief bio and I'll do as you 14 days ago
suggest and take my questions to the designers.
Nevertheless, you are to be commended on creating very clear
and comprehensive instructions for the most challenging part
of the design of this type of cube. Congratulations!
X DIY Hacks and How Tos (/member/DIY Hacks and How Tos) 17 days ago Reply
8 Awesome LED cube!
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