Cultural Centre Katsina PDF
Cultural Centre Katsina PDF
Cultural Centre Katsina PDF
AUGUST , 2011
AUGUST , 2011
I, Abubakar Tukur Jari declare that this thesis titled USE OF CUTURAL
Architecture, A.B.U. Zaria under the supervision of Dr. M.L. Sagada. The
information derived from the literature has been duly acknowledged in the text
and a list of references provided. No part of this Thesis was previously presented
This project work is dedicated to Almighty Allah, the most Beneficent and most
Merciful who made it possible for me; To my parents Alhaji Tukur Jari and
Hajiya Halima Tukur who stood by me all through my cause of study; and to my
This thesis; use of cultural elements as sources of forms in the design of
cultural centre, katsina by Abubakar Tukur Jari meets with the regulations
____________________________________ ________________
(Chairman, Supervisory Committee)
____________________________________ ________________
____________________________________ ________________
(Head of Department)
__________________________________ ________________
my course of study.
My profound gratitude to my supervisor Dr. M.L. Sagada who had made himself
also to thank the entire lecturers and staff of Department of Architecture for their
advices and encouragement. I would also like to acknowledge the assistance and
Abdulwahab Shagumba.
(Jummai), Hadiza, Maryam, Rahama Aisha and Amina Tukur Jari and to my
beloved Parents Alhaji Tukur Jari and Hajiya Halima Tukur for been there both
Since the evolution of human society, existed culture; where the handing of opinions,
beliefs and customs from generation was practiced as tradition. Thus, every community
has its own cultural elements. However, the elements of a particular culture could be
strong ones (those that can easily be identified) or weak ones. Most of such elements of
culture were handed down from time immemorial. Right then existed a forum of
cultural activities in every society, known as DANDALI in Hausa, which has now
The research therefore will start by identifying the general elements of culture and then
narrowing it down to the elements of culture in katsina state and showing how or which
can be used to source a form that will identify the culture of katsina state. However, the
research started with the study of culture generally in a wide perspective because even
with the rooted historical background in culture, before Nigeria attained independence
in 1960, the issue of cultural consciousness, promotion, even development, was yet
laced with a sort of obscurity, or negligence. This is because elements of culture were
not considered and applied during the design in advanced attempt to calling peoples
Therefore, providing an architectural design proposal which employs the use of cultural
establishing harmony and awareness in a cultural centre for the people of Katsina is the
major perspective.
Hence the research examined, highlighted and selected the elements of culture in
Katsina state that can be used to generate form thereby meeting the research aim by the
DECLARATION .............................................................................. II
DEDICATION................................................................................. III
CERTIFICATION ...........................................................................IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................ V
CONTENTS................................................................................... VII
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................... XV
1.3 MOTIVATION.............................................................................. 3
1.5 SCOPE........................................................................................... 4
1.6 LIMITATION................................................................................ 5
2.2.1 Material And Non-Material Elements ............................................................. 10
2.3 ACCULTURATION.................................................................... 13
2.4 DECULTURATION.................................................................... 15
3.3 IDEOLOGY................................................................................. 36
3.3.1 Religious Beliefs.............................................................................................. 36
3.4.2 Motifs............................................................................................................... 38
3.5.2 SPORTS ACTIVITIES.................................................................................... 45
3.5.5 Tourism............................................................................................................ 50
4.1 KADUNA STATE CULTURAL CENTRE ................................. 51
4.1.1 Background .................................................................................................... 51
4.1.2 Variables......................................................................................................... 53
5.3.3 Vegetation........................................................................................................ 75
5.4.2 Rainfall............................................................................................................. 76
5.4.3 Evaporation...................................................................................................... 77
5.4.4 Wind................................................................................................................. 77
6.6 DESIGN CONSIDERARIONS.................................................. 105
6.6.1 Architectural .................................................................................................. 106
7.1 SUMMARY ............................................................................ 108
Fig 2.0 Core elements of culture ........................................................................13
Fig 4.2. Kaduna state cultural centre. Motifs at the Facade of the Centre. ..........52
Fig 4.3. Kaduna state cultural centre. An Elevation View of the Centre............53
Fig. 4.10. A.B. U Drama Village. A View of the Village from a Distance. ........61
Fig. 4.15. Uluru-Kati cultural centre. A Site Plan of the Centre. .......................65
Fig. 4.16. Uluru-Kati cultural centre. A Site Plan of the Centre. ......................66
Fig 6.1: Topography of the Site ........................................................................82
Table 3.1: Markets in Katsina -- -- -- -- -- -- 49
Architecture is herein put into play to contribute to the issue of cultural promotion
and propagation, within Katsina State and the country at large. Cultural
1979. There was urgent feeling that culture need to be given more attention should
There is no doubt that culture is dynamic, and there is need to hasten level of self-
reliance in Nigeria. There is need to re-discover our roots, and make do with silent
forces of development. In the light of this, the constitution empowered each state
of the Federation to have a council for Arts and Culture, which should have full
Thus Architecture on its part strives to project the nation's image through the
practiced the world over. This thesis is thus aimed at examining the use of cultural
elements to generate forms in the design of cultural centre, Katsina. This thesis in
a nut-shell will provide the operational base for the Katsina State Arts Council.
Nigeria, narrowing it down to Katsina, with the influx of people for business and
diminishing, People are now getting the impression that ceremonial events like
engagements, marriage, and even naming ceremonies should not be carried out at
homes. Furthermore, cultural centres are neglected because they do not display
their identity. This gives the feeling that there is a need for a proper, and well
designed cultural centre that will cater for all these problems.
Katsina as a state that is presently developing and its population increasing, with
environment, whereby people can be reminded about their culture, without having
to travel outside the state. The inadequacy in the provision of such conducive
The approach to designing the cultural centre will basically follow the course of
Katsina State is blessed with culture respecting ethnic group and tribes, a pre-
dominant being the Hausa-Fulani culture. Katsina, the capital of Katsina State is
the hosting ground for this ethnic group especially during major festivals and
life of the people. They served the purpose of exchanging views, transmitting
ideas, perceptions, aspirations and above all the philosophy of the people for a
meaningful living. Coupled with the current move by the federal government
towards promoting cultural heritage, the need thus, for a befitting cultural centre
corporations, must realise the importance of the cultural centre of being able to
of facilities and functions. This gives the awareness that there is a need to consider
This thesis geared towards the use of cultural elements as sources of forms in the
design of cultural centres. The objectives below point-out how to achieve the aim:-
VI. Selecting the elements that can be used to generate form in a design.
VII. Selecting one or more elements that fit to designing a cultural centre in katsina.
VIII. Using the selected elements of culture to design a cultural centre. Hence,
IX. To produce a design of a cultural centre that uses cultural elements to source or
This thesis shall try and look into the possible conditions and ways by which
materials, cultural festivals and ceremonies, and also cultural products of the
place. The thesis shall also search for a suitable form that seeks to project the
image of the state Arts Council within the context of visual impact of corporate
buildings on urban landscapes. Hence, the thesis shall provide the following
I- Educative: administrative building, theatre.
The thesis will be limited to the used of cultural elements as sources of forms in
the design of cultural centre; and not how each element is used in the community
Analytical and comparative study .The research work is a proposal for a cultural
centre in Katsina, which will employ the use of certain cultural elements to
2. Case studies: Case study is basically qualitative. Case study is an empirical
inquiry that investigates a phenomenon or setting within its real life context. Groat
(2002). Thus case studies include both historic and contemporary settings as
information about a particular person, social setting, event, or group to permit the
carried out on this research were based on purposive sampling of cultural centres
features, guided tour around the centre and its facilities. Information will be
gathered to assess the outlined variables in iii below for comparative study.
Architectural Expression;
Form Composition;
Major Facilities;
Technology; And
culture can be extracted from the culture of a community, and the extracted
elements be used to generate or source the form for a design of a cultural centre in
the same community. Moreover, current trends can be used in the design of
cultural centre while the current civilization values are still not forgotten, so that
both social and cultural values will continue to play a role in our society and as a
development of the human powers; development of the body, mind and spirit by
etc). Or all the Arts, beliefs, social institutions etc. Exhibiting the characteristics of
a community or race.
Similarly, Ayangaor (2003) defined culture as a pattern of life, ways that man has
evolved in his attempts to understand, use and control his social and natural
environment. The variety of cultures seen all over the world is the result of man's
varied creative efforts in taming nature. It is, therefore what man adds to God-
Moreover, Taylor (2003) stated that Culture is that complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, arts, morals customs and any other capabilities and habits
Furthermore, Liman (2001) defined culture as the sum total of everything that
a people's way of life. It is clear from this definition thus, that cultural
considerations do not stop at social gatherings, dancing and singing in the same
way like our forefathers did in the preceding centuries of the existence of black
must seriously include the economic, social and religious aspects of the society in
whichever way, it is meaning the same thing. To the layman therefore, culture
could be explained to him as he's or his ethnic group's mode of dressing, eating
habit or types of food, traditional dance types, trading, etc. Its His general way of
which says culture is an organic unity with four dimensions of social organization,
belief, material, outfit and language. This meaning views society as dynamic yet
social, spiritual and material civilization from one type to another. It can be within
values, norms and social control of a society that are used generally all over.
Hofstede (1991) added that the elements of culture are the tools, artifacts,
Material culture refers to the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people
use to define their culture. These include homes, neighbourhoods, cities, schools,
means of production, goods and products, stores, and so forth. All of these
Material culture includes all of the physical objects that people create and give
becomes part of culture after meaning has been given to it. A rock in a field has no
acquisition of material wealth; skill and productivity in arts and crafts; technology;
ideas and beliefs about God, worship, morals, and ethics. These beliefs, then,
determine how the culture responds to its religious topics, issues, and events.
a culture uses to shape its members' thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Four of the
Non-material culture consists of thoughts and behaviour that people learn as part
of the culture they live in. It includes politics, economics, language, rules,
e.g. things such as ideas; the things of the mind; philosophy; metaphysics;
'spirituality'; values; beliefs; relationships between god and man; 'being', etc John
The core values of an organization are those values we hold which form the
throughout the changes in society, government, politics, and technology they are
the core values we will abide by. In an ever-changing world, core values are
constant. Core values are not descriptions of the work we do or the strategies we
employ to accomplish our mission. The values underlie our work, how interact
with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission. The core
values are the basic elements of how we go about our work. They are the
practices we use (or should be using) every day in everything we do; Beliefs,
Peripheral elements are the weak elements of culture that can be changed with
time. Clothing and mode of dressing are good examples. In other words, they are
the minor elements of culture that are nearly at the edge. It is through the
Fig 2.0 Core elements of culture
Acculturation is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the
dominant group, acculturation can be reciprocal--that is, the dominant group also
adopts patterns typical of the minority group. Assimilation of one cultural group
into another may be evidenced by changes in language preference, adoption of
prolonged contact.
features that results when groups of individuals having different cultures come
into continuous first hand contact; the original cultural patterns of either or both
change, research and theory have continued with a focus on the adjustments and
culture learning, then acculturation is second-culture learning. This has often been
with a new culture. Deculturation is one of the most inhumane acts one can
partake in. A persons culture is his/her main defining feature as stated by Goodall
(1999). It is the medium through which people communicate their beliefs, values,
and morals. Inserting ones own culture in place of someones pre-existing culture
Moreover, Goodall (1999) went further that there are many methods of
Also, when dominated groups are not allowed to express their culture and religion,
it is deculturation. Use of teachers from the dominant group to teach those that are
cultures, one consciously and deliberately dominates the other, and denies it the
suggested that unbalanced states create tension, so people try to reduce tension by
individual feels equally at home in both cultures and feels emotional attachment
with both cultures. The term started appearing in the 1950s. Hall (1950).
Contact Zone - The space in which transculturation takes place - where two
different cultures meet and inform each other, often in highly asymmetrical ways.
group whose values and norms are at odds with those of the social mainstream as
Kappen (1999), provides the need for an approach to navigating between the two
opposing cultural.
Hence, discovering one's own cultural roots in a creative and yet critical fashion
Inter cultural is also used for the same meaning. Encyclopedia Britannica (2010).
Cross Cultural Awareness - develops from cross-cultural knowledge as the
changes in the learner's own behaviour and attitudes and a greater flexibility and
Hence, it could be said that the aim of this term is to produce increased
understanding and some guidelines, which would help people from different
cultural differences and similarities when dealing with someone from another
culture and also the ability to recognize features of own behviour, which are
signals the individual's ability to work effectively across cultures. Cross cultural
it requires the digestion, integration and transformation of all the skills and
information acquired through them and applied to create cultural synergy within
the workplace or elsewhere. This should be the aim of all those dealing with
Cultural Construct - Nigel (2001) said it is the idea that the characteristics
People who feel they belong to the same culture share a common set of norms.
Nigel (2001).
Cultural Universal - General cultural traits and features found in all societies of
the world. Some examples are organization of family life; roles of males, females,
children and elders; division of labour; religious beliefs and practices; birth and
death rituals; stories of creation and myths for explaining the unknown; "rights"
Culture Shock - A state of distress and tension with possible physical symptoms
after a person relocates to an unfamiliar cultural environment. This term was used
from the country to a big city but now the meaning has changed to mean
1974 stated that one of the first recorded use of the term was in 1954 by the
coming to grips with different way of life, working through feelings of superiority
and gaining ability to operate in the culture by learning the language and finally
and gestures.
subculture may be distinctive because of the race, ethnicity, social class, gender or
natural tendency of people is to resolve conflicts over time, rather than
modern day cultural centre, thus it is not foreign. Kamal (1996) reported
were used for community festivals and that the performances allowed for
full intimacy between performers and viewers, with the absence of stage -
auditorium separation.
traditional spaces.
into an enclosed theatre in this "modern" time. The cultural activities this
day are done in specifically designed and built centers. This led to the
performance in Nigeria and has affected the characteristic features and has
also architectural implication on the peoples' arts, culture, identity and
While one shares the alien idea of having a cultural centre in one place
where all the necessary functions are housed and coordinated, it might not
acoustics etc.
one or modifying one or more to suit the local requirements of the katsina
cultural centre.
will be put to. Others were the economy and performer - audience
1) Proscenium Theatre
and the audience seat, facing the stage and seeing through an
which help increase the intimacy of viewers to actors and vice versa.
Proscenium theatre is not a very intimate theatre type, since audience and
operation. It is a flexible theatre type as any and all types of production can
be realized. It has an axial vision (good sight lines) and good seating
iii. Difficult to sit audience in a close range to the stage.
(b) Theatre-in-the-rectangle.
(iii) Both actor and audience are in the same room (volumes of space).
(iv) They require no conventional energy to build and have less expensive stage
(v) Possible to use traps and to fly elements overhead from a modified grid above
vi) Scenic investiture is reduced to only the most expressive and has
(ii) Actors are seen against the background of viewer on the other side of
by both actors and viewers. The audience surround the extended platform
on three sides and the exit is always at the back of stage or through
vomitary tunnels.
(iii) End of play is not marked by sharp curtain drawing as the case is in the
proscenium theatre.
Fig. 2.4 Open thrust stage.
Source-Joseph (1980)
compromise of the parent theatre types.
(i) Gives an open thrust stage effect and brings performing area into
audience space.
(i) Difficulties in getting good sight lines for both thrust apron and
proscenium arch.
This type of theatre houses plays, opera and musical productions, concerts
than that for spoken words only. Therefore, an auditorium that has to serve
both drama and music must have large changes made to the ceiling and its
Balconies help change acoustical characteristic and audience capacity. This
(iv) Scenery can be varied or made less expensive to suit any type of
cultural centre; Doelle (1972), kamal (1999) and Oyewole (1988) analyzed
1) Rectangular Shape
It is the traditional shape for music halls and in recent times has
Source-Oyewale (1988)
iii. Causes flutter echoes due to high cross reflections from parallel
Fig. 2.8 Acoustical condition in a rectangular shape.
Source-kamal (1999)
2) Fan - Shaped
(i) Curved rear wall and balcony often cause echoes or sound
Fig. 2.9 Fan shaped.
Source-kamal (1999)
3) Horse-shoe shape
This shape is the traditional layout of opera houses and has rings of boxes
on top of each other. These boxes help absorb the sound, therefore,
reducing the loss of sound treatment. Due to the need to good acoustical
conditions, the curved rear and other walls has to be treated to avoid
ii) They produced a short RT sound, which is not good for music,
concerts etc.
Source-Kamal (1999)
4) Irregular Shape
intimacy and definition. The irregular surfaces which are integral part of the
The free relationship between audience area and platform offers wide scope
Fig. 2.11. Irregular shape.
Source-Oyewale (1988)
(ii) Compromise concert hall form and can easily solve the acoustical
Source-Oyewale (1988)
From the discussed study, it can be said that culture is simply the way of life of a
it from another and the elements could be changed or not depending on weather
the elements in this view are core or peripheral. Moreover, cultural elements could
Arena theatres are suitable for traditional boxing and traditional wrestling.
genuine interest. In the same spirit no custom or tradition should be thrown out or
left to decay merely because it is an old tradition. It its currency in the stock of
weapon of subjugation of the mind and mentality of the individual as well as the
practice of culture. This brought about the need for a cultural centre, where the
urban dwellers would be fed with the traditional themes of rural areas as a means
of unity. This unites the Europeans destroyed through their principle of "divide
and rule".
source of ensuring the vital spirit of belonging and historical identity of the state.
The centre will hence, provide necessary skills, develop altruistic, generous, and
sincere and thrust worthy citizens of the societies, built and maintained on a sound
culture. Open up for them an avenue for creative expression in arts, widen interest
around all sorts of worships and practices, spirits, stones, animals, birds and all
forms of idols were worshipped and revered. However, with the advent of Islam,
the peoples beliefs and traditions were greatly altered and in some cases
social organization.
The ideology composes ideas, beliefs and values shared by the society;
Technology involves the skills and material items for the satisfaction of food,
The social organization is the network of rules, roles and relationships that create
Two percent of the people practice Christianity and traditional religions. Yahaya
3.3.2 Symbols
Symbol refers to anything that has been given a representative meaning by the
society. Examples are kwabo (penny), kwadi da koko (frogs and calabash), and
katsina symbol.
3.4.1 Architecture
Architecture has been existing long ago, so as people practicing it. This brings the
idea that the traditional architecture existed in Katsina and still exists in some
Fig 3.1. Gobarau Minaret, Katsina,
Source-Authors Fieldwork
The structure is believed to have been built as the main minaret of the first mosque
in katsina in 1493 AD during the reign of the first Muslim ruler of Katsina,
Muhammadu Korau.
3.4.2 Motifs
Motifs are handcraft repeated decorative design sewn into or printed on a piece of
Calligraphy geometric pattern totemic tattoo
3.4.3 Artifacts
Artifacts are the physical things that the members of the society make when they
(kwarya), laddle (ludayi), spear (mashi), writing boad (allo), kettle (buta), sword
3.4.4 Arts And Crafts
I. Traditional Hairstyle
Traditional hairstyle is still the most popular form of hair dressing despite the
change of societys life, the traditional way of hair-do remains largely a domestic
trade. Some common styles are shukku, Zane, Kwando, kallabi, leka tukunya etc.
although largely a domestic trade, there are quite a number of modern hair
This is a craft practiced with the use of raffia leaves of the raffia plant, kaba. The
leaves are dried, dyed and shredded to remove the middle stalk and then mats,
(floor and wall), baskets, brooms, hand fans are woven. Saad (1981).
III. Tanning
Tanners are found everywhere in the state. These are the source of raw materials
for the leather workers who buy the tanned skin from them. The items made are
bags, shoes, mats, puffs, praying mats, containers for oil etc.
This is the process of producing thread from cotton. Local spinners are also found
in Katsina state. They produce thread with the use of a strong stick with a weight
at the bottom to weigh it down and also white chalk to make it white. They are the
source of raw materials for the weavers and dyers. Kabir (2004).
V. Embroidery
This is another occupation practiced by both Hausas and Fulanis of the state. The
Hausas make beautiful designs on men gowns and caps while the Fulanis make on
VI. Building
The artistic nature of the people of katsina can be seen from the way houses are
designed and painted. Even when the houses are not painted, some designs can be
seen woven into the plaster; this applies to mud houses where the fingers are used
This is done using the local thread, from the local spinners. Wrappers, blankets etc
are produced by weavers. Dyes pits can still be seen in various parts of the old
katsina city. Cloths of whatever color are dyed light or deep blue, black, red or
Fig 3.5 . Weaving in katsina state.
VIII. Blacksmithing
This is an old craft found in Katsina state; the main items produced are weapons,
farming implements like hoes and other domestic utensils. These items are
produced with bronze which is very common in Katsina and could virtually be
IX. Pottery
This is part and parcel of the traditional industry. It is very popular in Katsina state
and could be found everywhere in the state. The ingredient used is clay. The
products include items such as pots, kettles, smoking pipe, flower tending
X. Calabash caving
This is also another well practiced craft in the state. It is an art of carving out
beautiful designs on calabashes of different shapes and sizes mainly for the
purpose of decoration, some kitchen items are also carved. Kabir (2004).
XI. Wood Carving
There are few wood carvers in Katsina State, but are remarkably good in
producing common items such as mortar pistol, sitting stool etc. Kabir (2004).
The origin of the Hausas however, is a mystery. Legend holds that Bayajidda, a
traveler from the Middle East, married the queen of Daura (in Katsina), from
whom came seven sons. Each son is reputed to have founded one of the seven
Hausa kingdoms: Kano, Rano, Katsina, Zazzau (Zaria), Gobir, Kebbi, and Auyo.
Liman (2001).
Liman (2001) continued that a perhaps greater, if more subtle, cultural contact
between the Hausas and the Fulanis was the immigration of Fulani pastoralists,
who came from the west to make a home in the Nigerian savanna and who
scholar, Usuman dan Fodio, declared a jihad (holy war) against the Hausa states,
Fulani leaders, motivated by both spiritual and local political concerns, received
Usumans blessing to overthrow the Hausa rulers. The inter-marriage between the
Hausas and the fulanis due to biculturalism that occurred as a result of cross-
In the book titled this is Katsina by the ministry of information and culture
katsina, the sports, ceremonies and commercial activities and tourism in the sate
were explained.
a) Traditional Wrestling-Kokowa
This is a well known sporting activity, practiced throughout the state. It has its
origin in ancient times where a number of scores are personally settled between
The sporting activity is very entertaining as often the wrestlers are great body
builders and sleek dancers. However, it lacks clear court rules, but a winner is
declared when he succeeds in downing his opponent to the ground. It takes place
b) Traditional Boxing-Dambe
This traditional boxing is perhaps one of the best known traditional activities in
the state. Unlike its western counterpart, the traditional DAMBE in the state and
indeed the whole of Hausa land has no clearly defined rules and regulations nor
rounds. The game invites the use of local gloves often with charms tied onto them
c) Polo
The Katsina polo Club has been reconstructed and is now one of the best in the
country. Katsina polo club produced one of the best teams in Africa and possibly
the world. The team led by the royal family and there are collections of trophies in
3.5.3 Ceremonies
A. Naming Ceremony
Child naming is carried in the tradition of Islamic injunction. On the seventh day
of the birth of a baby and usually very early in the morning men exclusively gather
slaughtered and the childs name is announced, usually by the father, but
The other aspect is based on traditional practice where the naming ceremony is
financial abilities of the family. It could be quiet modest or quiet big occasions
B. Marriage Ceremony
Marriage in Katsina is usually a long drawn out process, but the actual final
Saturday and stretches throughout the week into the next Sunday. The marriage
Marriage ceremony can hold at any time of the year except during Ramadan
C. Sallah Ceremony
The events take place after the Muslim fasting of Ramadan and during the annual
Hajj pilgrimage. These ceremonies are universally known as Eid-el-Kabir and Eid-
dancing, music, horsemanship and wearing of local dresses from the richly attired
Fig. 3.9. Horsemen during Sallah ceremony.
There are daily and weekly markets in katsina state. The biggest and most varied
in variety of wares and sales is the KATSINA CENTRAL MARKET. This market
contains the largest number of stalls and has some open sheds. The range of
products on sale vary from rice, millet and beans to electronics, clothing, poultry
The market is unique for its opens business everyday of the week. Business
usually commences at 7.00 oclock in the morning and closes late after the Magrib
(i) Gwan-Gwan Market
This is a small market located in katsina town. It opens everyday of the week, but
closes immediately after the early evening Magrib prayer and has limited variety
The market is situated along filin samji road, katsina. The market opens for
Traders from nearby villages converge with their products at these markets. These
markets are usually cattle markets, but they also have varied range of foods and
The table below is showing markets in katsina and the days they open for
3.5.5 Tourism
Encarta dictionary defines tourism as the theory and practice of touring or
travelling for pleasure. However, in its wide sense, tourism can be regarded as an
industry which involves the maximum utilization and exploitation of natural and
Gobarau minaret
Kusugu well
From the study in this chapter, it can be seen that katsina has several cultural
to maintain the cultural heritage of the state. Furthermore, katsina has cultural
potentials to have a cultural centre as its symbols, architecture, motifs, arts and
crafts, sport activities, ceremonies and even commercial activities are concerned.
The Arts and culture department of Ministry of Information and Culture is
charged with the responsibilities of;
4.1.1 Background
Client : Arts and Culture Department of Information and Culture
mass migration from villages, states and nations. Their life style has been
Current features are; theatre, offices, outdoor recreational space, car parking,
Fig 4.1. Kaduna state cultural centre. The Centre Premises.
Fig 4.2. Kaduna state cultural centre. Motifs at the Facade of the Centre.
Fig 4.3. Kaduna state cultural centre. An Elevation View of the Centre.
4.1.2 Variables
a) Architectural Expression: Huge, elongated building with extended
engineering problems.
4.1.3 Summary Of Findings
Table 4.1 below summarizes the major findings on the area.
glass used.
Elevations though appeared plain, but yet were composed. It's aesthetically
Below is the plan of the centre, site plan and an elevation to show some of
Fig 4.4 Ground floor plan, Kaduna cultural centre.
Fig 4.5. Site plan and elevation, Kaduna cultural centre.
4.2.1 Background
DATE: ----
lag advantage
The gidan Dan Hausa of Kano state is built base on Hausa traditional architecture
as seen in fig. 4.6 and its materials of construction are the readily available
4.3.1 Background
DATE: ------
Fig. 4.8. A.B. U Drama Village, A View of the Turaka.
Fig. 4.10. A.B. U Drama Village. A View of the Village from a Distance.
4.3.2 Summary Of Findings
Table 4.3: Summary of Finding
converging form.
4.4.1 Background
Fig. 4.12. African American cultural centre. A Map Showing the Location of the
Fig. 4.13. African American cultural centre. An Approach View of the Centre.
Source- internet explorer
Fig. 4.14. African American cultural centre. A View of the Centre from an Angle.
Source- internet explorer
contemporary materials.
4.5.1 Background
DATE: 1990
Fig. 4.16. Uluru-Kati cultural centre. A Site Plan of the Centre.
4.5.2 Summary Of Findings
Table 4.5: Summary of Finding
1. Architectural expression.
2. Form composition.
3. Major facilities.
4. Technology.
5. Materials.
Fig. 4.18: Architectural Expression
Fig 4.20: Major Facilities
Fig 4.22: Materials
In this chapter, several case studies were discussed upon and it can be said that:-
The Kaduna state cultural centre attempted displaying its element of culture
using motifs but only on the facade of the structure and not for the whole
structure itself.
using traditional architecture with mainly the application of mud (tubali). Some
other physical elements as turban can be seen on some portion of the structure.
The Uluru Kati cultural centre of Australia used modern architecture with the
From the above deduction, it can further be deduce that by thorough and careful
The katsina state government through its arts and council department desire to
promote, preserve, appreciate and propagate the cultures of its people and use
them as a means of state promotion. The requirement entails the identification and
section of elements that fit to erection of a proper and well designed centre which
will display culture of katsina from the point of sight, that is to say the building
has to be iconic, cultural and expressive. The cultural revival became necessary as
its continued neglect resulted into societal ills. To achieve this important objective,
restaurants, rehearsal rooms, printing rooms, shops, and parking spaces e.t.c are
grossly required. The cultural centre proposal would therefore provide for a
department. They are: - performing arts, visual arts, and festival development and
promotion sections.
I) Performing Art
In the part the intention of holding any national or internal festivals in the state it
is being limited by place and facilities. Therefore, the council needed an indoor
II) Visual Arts
visual arts include films, video, cassettes, television projections, slides exhibited
works of arts and craft in galleries and demonstrate in workshops, galleries and
festivals of the state. The performance may serve either a particular occasion or for
within the indoor and outdoor theatres, and the galleries serve as display areas for
longitude twelve degrees, fifty eight minutes north; latitude seven degrees forty
The site was decided upon based on the provision of katsina land-use map. The
site as demarcated as a public space situated along jibia road near the open theatre.
the Koraman Gisu and Koraman Tilla; which flows in a north-easterly direction,
and is at a narrow neck of the watershed between the Gada and Tagwai river
basins. Just to the south and east of the settlement another ridge runs from south-
west to north-east. This ridge has mostly been planted with Neem trees within the
Kabakawa forest reserve although they do not thrive. To the south-east the land
drains gently into the Tagwai valley (now dammed at Ajiwa for water supply; it is
The high watershed ridge that then continues southwards is surprisingly arid and
barely supports the Barawa forest reservation although the Experimental Farm of
the Federal College of Education and the landscape development of the College
itself may yield better results from the soil. Further west the land falls gently
towards the River Gada basin and becomes more fertile. To the north and east of
the Nasarawa forest reserve the land raises considerably draining west, north and
south-east to the valley leading to Kaita. This fertile valley is also the major cattle
route into the slaughter area near the market which is on the north side of the
town. On the east side of the town the Government reserve area has largely
replaced the traditional farming. However, on the flat high land east of the airport
5.3.2 Soil
The soil comprises transported sandy on loamy materials overlying rounded quartz
conglomerates. The soils are often quite permeable and this explains the existence
of very few streams in the area. The profile characteristic of the soil is dependant
on the permeability of the underlying rock. Generally the lighter textured soils lie
on the higher slopes, where they are better drained, while loamy soil lies on the
The top soil over the whole region is sandy in nature and non-hemic. This is
probably due to the extensive local drifting of material during the dry season. All
the soils are generally easily cultivated except in the areas of shallow deposition
where pebbles tend to impede cultivation. However, the top soils tend to dry out
very quickly.
5.3.3 Vegetation
Katsina lies in the Sudan savannah. The town is easily identified by the broad
band of mainly Neem trees that encircle the town immediately outside the mud-
built walls, thus reinforcing their shape on the ground. It is generally agreed that
the town tree belt is to be maintained if only for cultural reasons. The Government
It is not easy to establish tree growth in this region mainly due to lack of irrigation
at the initial stage and poor soil. The growth of neem in particular is slow.
However, it does represent a vegetation cover to this exposed area and in the long
continental climate with distinct wet and dry season. This is generally classified as
5.4.1 Temperature
Temperature is generally high throughout the year. The average maximum daily
12.5 C. The temperature varies from season to season, but the total average
hours receiving sunshine in a day is 8.3 hours. Hence, shading around buildings is
Fig 5.1 A graph showing minimum and maximum temperature through a year.
Information source- katsina state master plan. Graph- Author.
5.4.2 Rainfall
The rain usually starts in June or July, during these rainy months, the south-
westerly winds are dominant winds and are heavy with moisture. They produce
zones of intense conventional rainfall. The month of august has the highest
amount of rainfall each year. The slopes for roofs can therefore be minimum.
5.2 A graph showing the amount of rainfall through a year. Information source-
katsina state master plan. Graph- Author.
5.4.3 Evaporation
The rate of evaporation usually increases during the dry season. During the rainy
5.4.4 Wind
In katsina the wind direction follows the two reasons; the wet and dry seasons.
The type of air masses prevailing in katsina is the dust laden harmattan from the
north-east winds (November-march) and the moisture laden south-west trade
winds from the Atlantic Ocean. The wind run in katsina is 197.81 km/s.
Due to the rapid development of katsina as a result of the influx of people into the
state, three sites have been selected from which one will be selected depending on
5. Proximity to landmarks
outskirt katsina
Total 17 28 19
Source: - Researcher
The site is not a perfect polygon, but fairly square in shape. Proper zoning of the
site was made. Three criteria were employed in the hierarchical zoning based on
functionality, noise and privacy. A fusion of these three was formed and employed
the site, they must first assemble elaborate data about the site. Good site planning
reflects research about the physical features of the area, such as existing landscape,
utilities, services and infrastructure, topography, views, climate and even traffic
flat with Low lying strip of land with 0.5% gradient sloping towards the south-east
end of the site and would not require much investment to drain.
Earthwork to be carried out and table tops created for parking spaces.
Access: The site is readily accessible from the northern part, off the high-way,
Jibia road. At the moment, vehicular access is through the above mentioned road.
Figure 6.1-6.3 below shows the topography and the access into the site.
They show that the site slopes gently towards the south-eastern end and it is easily
accessible through the northern side. Hence, structure and even parking spaces can
Fig 6.1: Topography of the Site
Fig 6.2: Topography of the Site
Fig 6.3: Access Road to the Site
Vegetation: Figure 6.4 below shows that the site vegetation is sparsely distributed
with existing trees and fair grass cover. This implies that the site requires little
removal of trees and proper selection and planting of trees to minimize solar
Utilities: Figure 6.5 shows the Existing electricity which can serve as a source of
power. Also, sewage, water and telecommunications network are available on site.
Fig 6.6: Map of Katsina
Figure 6.7 is the land-use map of katsina. It appears that the selected site for the
cultural centre katsina is a public reserved space and therefore, the cultural centre,
Fig. 6.8: Pressure of Urban Expansion of Katsina
Figure 6.8 above shows that the level of urban expansion is katsina is increasingly
growing. This is due to the influx of people for studies, business and other
activities. Thus, there is a need to keep the culture of the state alive. However,
Fig 6.10 Site analysis-climate.
Figure 6.9 shows that the site slopes towards the south-eastern end. This means
construction economy.
Figure 6.10 is the site analysis showing the climate of the area. Buffers can be
created especially from the north-eastern and the south-western end to have
control over the wind from these directions. Rainfall is within short period and not
very high and as such the roof of the building could have lesser slope. This will
of ultraviolet rays from the sun due to high intensity. The eastern and the western
sides of the building should also be shaded using shading devices preferably by
plantation or recesses.
Figure 6.11 is the site analysis showing the site features indicating built-up areas
and neighboring buildings. The site is in a relationship with some residential and
public buildings.
The design concept employed in this proposal is basically based on the calabash
which was circular in plan and a ladle. The calabash is one of the commonest
cultural household utensils used in the state as a cultural element. The calabash is
usually associated with the traditional spoon ludayi also known as ladle. The
ludayi is used for eating or drinking from the calabash. Coupling this up with the
fact that the kofar/kaura round about of katsina, which signifies katsina as a
Hausa-Fulani community, was constructed using the calabash and ladle form, a
ludayi placed face down on a covered calabash forms the concept of the proposed
6.3.1 Administration
The administrative block forms the handle of the ludayi. And it occupies two
floors. It forms the linkage between the body of the ludayi to the theatres.
amphitheatre, thus absorbing the noise generated. The gallery is at the entrance
study of forms and shapes in some of them was made. Those studied are the
calabash and the ladle. The shapes for the horizontal and vertical sections were
studied with a view to employing suitable ones for the design of the cultural
down calabash with a lid in between and all surrounded with a connected chain of
Fig. 6.12. Kofar-Kaura Round About, Katsina. Home Of Hospitality
6.4.1 Calabash
Calabash is a bowl (kwarya), container usually made by dividing a large ball-
one of the elements that physically identify katsina to be so. It is very useful and
as such, most of the inhabitants use calabash for one reason or the other. It may be
carved on the surface with some sort of cultural designs or it may be plain
Figure 6.14 above shows the ladle and calabash both on plans and elevations. It
could be seen that the calabash has a circular plan while the ladle has a circular
Figure 6.15 above continues to explain the concept of the design. A face-down
ladle placed on a covered calabash gives a circular plan with and a smaller circle
with tapered end within; then a lady carrying a covered face-up calabash with a
face-down calabash on it. This gives two semi-circular shapes facing each other
but with different radius. Another cultural perspective is a typical straw-hat which
gives similar look to the calabash concept. Combination of all these gives a
Fig 6.16 Site plan
The figure above is the site plan of the proposed centre. The site is accessed
through the northern part and an access route is provided to the main building. The
main building faces directly to the access route hence, given an impression from
point of entrance. Parking spaces are carefully planned at the eastern and western
part of the main building after proper consideration of possible number of persons
in the centre at a time. The planning of the parking spaces is also in such a way
that they can easily be accessed from every part of the site with easement.
Gazebos are located along the access from the main building to the recreational
and play ground area. This is to enhance the comfortability of people when in the
centre. A place for traditional boxing and wrestling is provided, surrounded by the
main building, the gazebos and the recreational space. Moreover, parking spaces
are limited to the main building. This is to encourage the exploration of the centre
Finally, the site plan generally attempted to consider the comfortability and proper
interaction of the people and makes them feel in a culture respecting surrounding.
Figure 6.16 is the floor plan of the proposed centre. The administrative block
extension, represents the ladle on the plan view. A theatre and an amphitheatre are
located at the west and eastern part respectively. The racking of the amphitheatre
and theatre makes it possible to provide other functional spaces below thus
making the design more interesting and economical. A rehearsal section is at the
other end of the main building and close by are the restaurant and a recreational
and indoor games area. The eastern parking area has an extension to the restaurant
From the figure discussed (fig 6.16) it can be seen that the plan is symmetrically
radial and it follows the plan of the combined selected elements of culture (as
discussed previously) which were a covered calabash with a face-down ladle. This
means that the used of cultural element to generate form (plan form) for the
from its floor finish, the racked theatres will still be seen on plan because of their
height. Hence, only lower roofs of the ground floor will be seen.
The figure above (figure 6.19) represents the roof plan of the proposed cultural
centre. The theatre is covered with a long span aluminum roofing sheet. This is
because long span roofing sheets prevent leakages and can run a long span.
Whereas, the elongated tapered section from the administrative section is a barrel
vault that employed the use of danpalon. The circular segments are also covered
with danpalon roofing material. This implies that about 60% of the roof coverings
In view of the above listed points, danpalon could increase the construction cost
but it will apparently reduce the running cost to a lower level because it requires
Figure 6.20 is the northern elevation (approach elevation), the administrative
building is the first contact, its form adopted the calabash-on calabash concept as
seen in the beginning of this chapter. The administrative building tapered to the
ground in order to enhance shading and reduce the effect of glare. Likewise the
roofing material employed (danpalon) reduces heat gain. The extended floor of
the theatre at the left side of the building represents the hand of the lady carrying
buttresses and has recessed shops below. The recess shades the building from the
sun ray coming from eastern side and it also gives room for circulation.
order to have proper maintenance as glasses may be broken at some time. Massing
Fig 6.22 Eastern Elevation
Source: Authors Design
Fig 6.22 shows the eastern elevation of the proposed cultural centre. The shops
facing the east are recessed to provide proper shading of the area. The theatre can
be accessed through this side as there is provision for staircase to the theatre floor.
The buttresses give support to the theatre floor and also they make the elevation
Figure 6.23 is the western elevation. It has a well celebrated entrance that leads to
the ticket room. Apart from the administrative building on the left side of the
elevation, at the right side is located the indoor games/recreational area which is
Figure 6.25 and 6.25 are the sections along and across respectively. The sections
Below is the schedule of accommodation in a tabular form
Entrance lobby 1 15.7 15.7
Costume 1 8 8
Scenery 1 10 10
Office 6 12 722
Section head 2 15 30
Storage 2 18 36
Seat out
1 65 65
Director 1
18 18
Source: - Author
Table 6.2 shows the schedule of accommodation of the proposed centre
The design considerations were those of site, acoustics, climate, culture and
architectural requirements. Each was studied and its basic requirements for a good
6.6.1 Architectural
The architectural considerations took care of the organization of the functional
spaces, both externally and internally. A proper zoning of the functions based on
their hierarchy in terms of public, semi-public and private; noisy, quiet zones, and
6.6.2 Acoustical
Hearing of a person is affected by an enclosed space due to the shape of the room,
dimensions and volume, layout, boundary surface treatments and materials within
the interior. In an auditorium therefore, where the audience desire to see and hear
clearly without distraction in comfort and safety as the performance go on, must
The loudness within the auditorium can be increased by the choice of shape,
seating arrangement, raising of sound source (stage), raked seating for direct
6.6.3 Others
The other considerations worth mentioning are the lighting (workshops, offices
and auditorium), and the seating within auditorium. Lighting from which ever
source is expected to strike actors on the stage at an angle of 45, it was said that
shadow could arise when the angle deviates. Therefore, lighting of stages was
This thesis began by identifying the general elements of culture then later
narrowing it down to the elements of culture in katsina and how and or which can
be used to source a form that will display the identity of the culture of katsina in a
displaying the culture of a society and further discussing how the elements could
Review of cultural buildings in Nigeria and other countries, the survey being bias
The proposed cultural centre seeks to create a unique structure for cultural
activities that caters for the needs of its users. It further seeks to create a unique
feature in Katsina state by the use of cultural element/s in the design. To ensure
the achievement of the stated aim the following objectives were highlighted:
*Identifying the elements that can be used to generate forms in a design.
*Using the selected element of culture to design a cultural centre in Katsina state.
In conclusion this thesis has made an attempt to contribute to architectural
knowledge in the field of designing a cultural centre as well as the use of cultural
elements in the design of cultural centre which helps to create a sense of belonging
to the people.
The wave of cultural revival in Nigeria was deemed not to pass architects within
Katsina state and Nigeria at large without taking the second step towards
It is the view of this thesis that katsina state has not reached a point of no return in
displaying it culture and cultural practices but have only arrived to the point of
understanding how the elements of culture can be used to generate forms in the
There is no doubt that technology has been improving day by day but Nigerian
cultural centre have failed to fall in line with the trend, both in the forms used,
and size of spaces. This work has been able to put all the factors, to produce
and efficient design with the used of cultural elements to source the forms of the
design of a cultural centre. Thus, this project will not only be limited to forms of
cultural elements in katsina, but shall equally be profitable as the centre could be
ii. The study has also explored the cultural elements of katsina state that can
iii. The study has demonstrated the selection of elements that fit to designing a
iv. Lastly, the study showed that cultural elements of a particular area can be
With proper study and selection of cultural elements, this thesis has been able to
use cultural elements to generate a form in the design of a cultural centre. This
enlightened the people about their culture and gives balance in the cultural
The need for a conscious study of cultural elements while designing a cultural
centre is important.
This research also infers that with the dying cultures of many cities in Nigeria,
the use of cultural elements as sources of forms in the design of cultural centre
will help in reviving and making the people realize their cultures again without
carried out in order to have more variety of cultural elements that can be used as
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Design Recommendations for Nigerian Towns and Cities, Based on the Mahoney