Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire
Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire
Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire
If you agree more than you disagree with a statement put a tick in the box next to it. If you
disagree more than you agree with a statement put a cross in the box next to it. Do mark every
statement with either a tick or a cross.
The accuracy of the results depends on how honest you can be. There are no right or wrong
answers nor any which are better than others.
(all material presented in this section is Honey and Mumford 1986)
[ ] 1 I have strong beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad.
[ ] 6 I often find that actions based on feelings are as sound as those based on careful though
and analysis.
[ ] 7 I like the sort of work where I have time for thorough preparation and implementation.
[ ] 11 When I hear about a new idea or approach I immediately start working out how to apply it i
[ ] 14 I get on best with logical, analytical people and less well with spontaneous irrationa
[ ] 15 I take care over the interpretation of data available to me to avoid jumping to conclusions.
[ ] 18 I dont like disorganised things and prefer to fit things into a coherent pattern.
[ ] 19 I accept and stick to laid down procedures and policies so long as I regard them as a
efficient way of getting the job done.
[ ] 20 I like to relate my actions to a general principle.
[ ] 29 I prefer to have as many sources of information as possible - the more data to think ove
the better.
[ ] 30 Flippant people who dont take things seriously enough usually irritate me.
[ ] 34 I prefer to respond to events on a spontaneous, flexible basis rather than plan things out i
[ ] 40 It is more important to enjoy the present moment than to think about the past or the future.
[ ] 41 I think that decisions based on a thorough analysis of all the information are sounder tha
those based on intuition.
[ ] 42 I tend to be a perfectionist.
[ ] 43 In discussions I usually produce lots of spontaneous ideas.
[ ] 46 I prefer to stand back from a situation and consider all the perspectives.
[ ] 49 I can often see better, more practical ways to get things done.
[ ] 52 I tend to discuss specific things with people rather than engaging in social discussion.
[ ] 55 If I have a report to write I tend to produce lots of drafts before settling on the final version.
[ ] 59 In discussions I often find that I am the realist, keeping people to the point and avoidin
wild speculations.
[ ] 61 In discussions with people I often find I am the most dispassionate and objective.
[ ] 62 In discussions Im more likely to adopt a low profile than to take the lead and do most of th
[ ] 64 When things go wrong I am happy to shrug it off and put it down to experience.
[ ] 70 I dont mind hurting peoples feelings so long as the job gets done.
[ ] 75 I am keen on exploring the basic assumptions, principles and theories underpinning thing
and events.
[ ] 77 I like meetings to be run on methodical lines, sticking to laid down agenda etc.
2 7 1 5
4 13 3 9
6 15 8 11
10 16 12 19
17 25 14 21
23 28 18 27
24 29 20 35
32 31 22 37
34 33 26 44
38 36 30 49
40 39 42 50
43 41 47 53
45 46 51 54
48 52 57 56
58 55 61 59
64 60 63 65
71 62 68 69
72 66 75 70
74 67 77 73
79 76 78 80
Since the maximum score for each style is twenty, at first sight it would appear that the highest
of your four scores indicates your predominant learning style. This, however, is not necessarily
so. Before drawing a conclusion you need to view your scores in relation to those obtained by
other people who have completed the questionnaire.
Now circle your scores on this chart and join up to see how strong your preferences are:
12 17 15 16
16 Strong preference
11 15 14 15
10 14 13 14
9 13 12 13
8 Moderate preference
7 12 11 12
6 11 10 11
5 10 9 10 Low preference
4 9 8 9
3 8 7 8
7 6 7
6 5 6
2 5 4 5
4 4 Very low preference
1 3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0 0
The Learning Styles
Activists involve themselves fully and without bias in new experiences. They
enjoy the here and now and are happy to be dominated by immediate
experiences. They are open-minded, not sceptical, and this tends to make
them enthusiastic about anything new. Their philosophy is: Ill try anything
once. They tend to act first and consider the consequences afterwards.
Their days are filled with activity. They tackle problems by brainstorming. As
soon as the excitement from one activity has died down they are busy
looking for the next. They tend to thrive on the challenge of new experiences
but are bored with implementation and longer term consolidation. They are
gregarious people constantly involving themselves with others but in doing so;
they seek to centre all activities around themselves.
Typical characteristics
Get bored with consolidation
Happy to give things a try
Open minded
Optimistic about change
Rush into action without preparation
Takes immediate obvious action
Takes unnecessary risks
Unlikely to resist change
Reflectors like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from
many different perspectives. They collect data, both first hand and from
others, and prefer to think about it thoroughly before collection and analysis
of data about experiences and events is what counts so they tend to
postpone reaching definitive conclusions for as long as possible. Their
philosophy is to be cautious. They are thoughtful people who like to consider
all possible angles and implications before making a move. They prefer to
take a back seat in meetings and discussions. They enjoy observing other
people in action. They listen to others and get the drift of the discussion
before making their own points. They tend to adopt a low profile and have a
slightly distant, tolerant, unruffled air about them. When they act it is part of a
wide picture which includes the past as well as the present and others
observations as well as their own.
Typical characteristics
Good listener
Hold back from participation
Not jump to conclusions
Slow to decide
Thorough & thoughtful
Theorists adapt and integrate observations into complex but logically sound
theories. They think problems through in a vertical, step by step logical way.
They assimilate disparate facts into coherent theories. They tend to be
perfectionists who wont rest easy until things are tidy and fit into a rational
scheme. They like to analyse and synthesise. They are keen on basic
assumptions, principles, theories models and system thinking. Their philosophy
prizes rationality and logic. If its logical its good. Questions they frequently
ask are: Does it make sense? How does this fit with that? What are the
basic assumptions? They tend to be detached, analytical and dedicated to
rational objectivity rather than anything subjective or ambiguous.
Their approach to problems is consistently logical. This is their mental set and they rigidly reject
anything that doesnt fit with it. They prefer to maximise certainty and feel uncomfortable with subjective
judgements, lateral thinking and anything flippant.
Typical characteristics
Intolerant of subjective, intuitive ideas
Low tolerance for uncertainty, ambiguity
Parental in approach
Probing when questioning
Restricted in lateral thought
Pragmatists are keen on trying out ideas, theories and techniques to see if
they work in practice. They positively search out new ideas and take the first
opportunity to experiment with applications. They are the sort of people who
return from management courses brimming with new ideas that they want to
try out in practice. They like to get on with things and act quickly and
confidently on ideas that attract them. They tend to be impatient with
ruminating and open-ended discussions. They are essentially practical, down
to earth people who like making practical decisions and solving problems.
They respond to problems and opportunities as a challenge. Their
philosophy is There is always a better way and If it works its good.
Typical characteristics
Businesslike gets to the point
Does not like theory
Impatient with waffle
Keen to test things out in practice
Practical, down to earth, realistic
Rejects ideas without clear application
Seize first, often obvious solution
Task focus
Technique focus