Training of Spiritual Gifts
Training of Spiritual Gifts
Training of Spiritual Gifts
This "Training on Spiritual Gifts" is a one-day course normally given to all members on
their second year of membership in SFC. However, Chapter Heads may decide to give
this course even earlier, depending on the needs perceived and the adaptability to the
first year formation schedule. Also, the Chapter Heads can exercise flexibility in deciding
to give the training not just in one day but over a period of time (e.g., over two
I. Schedule
B. Sound system
C. Video or audio recording (recommended)
D. Participants' handouts on the talks
E. Merienda (twice)
A. The CH decides when this course is to be given and in what form it is given
(i.e., one day or otherwise).
C. The CH assigns the various resource persons needed. He may delegate this
task, however, to the Course Master but would still have to approve the
latter's choices.
D. The CH would normally make himself available for the Open Forum and
Prayer Meeting afterwards. If not, the CH should designate a senior Unit
Head to handle these.
A. A registration table is set up. Attendance is taken both in the morning and in
the afternoon.
C. The music ministry should start singing at about 8:25 am in order to signal the
impending start of the session.
VI. Welcome/Introduction/Announcements
D. The Course Master exhorts the participants to open up their hearts and minds
to the Lord.
Members Teaching
A. This is a time for singing songs of praise and for praising God aloud. The
worship leader should give an exhortation to praise and worship at the start.
B. Readings from Scripture and prophecies may be brought forward during this
C. The leader ends with prayers of thanksgiving and petition (prayed by him and
not by the participants individually).
A. The Course Master gives instructions for this time of prayers for healing.
C. Each participant is prayed for individually, one after the other. Before being
prayed over, he/she can indicate any particular area(s) that he/she wants to
be prayed over for healing.
D. The household head leads in the prayers, though the other household
members/participants should also articulate prayers as they are led.
E. In case there are other participants whose households are not present, they
should be assigned to groups by the Course Master, who prior to the course
should already know who the participants will be and how they form into
different groups.
F. The group members can move on to lunch as soon as their group finishes.
B. This is just a time for singing songs of praise, ending within 15 minutes with a
short prayer by the leader.
X. Open Forum
A. This portion should be handled by an elder, most often the Chapter Head.
A. This is a regular prayer meeting, with emphasis on the use of the gift of
praise and tongues and the gift of prophecy. It is, so to speak, putting into
practice what has been talked about during the day.
Speaker's Outline
I. Introduction
A. Rationale for this training = 1 Corinthians 12:1. " Now concerning spiritual
gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.
1. We in SFC are more aware, due to our prayer meetings, books, etc.
However, we need more understanding.
2. Spiritual gifts are very important to our life as Christians, as members of
SFC and the Church.
1. Mark 16:15-16. And he said to them, " Go into all the world and proclaim
the good news to the whole creation. The one who believes and is
baptised will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be
SFC is an evangelistic movement. Spiritual gifts are part of an
evangelist's life.
2. 1 Corinthians 13:8-10. Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will
come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge it will
come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophecy only in part;
but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end.
Expect the gifts until Christ's second coming.
A. Key text: 1 Corinthians 12 to 14. These are Paul's special instructions about
spiritual gifts to the Church.
a. These are gifts that manifest the power of God in the world in a
particularly striking way.
b. They call attention to God's reality.
c. They confirm the truth of God's message.
2. Faith
a. Does not refer to the faith by which Christians believe and turn to
Christ. This faith is given to all. This is what makes one a Christian.
b. The charismatic gift of faith seems to be a special gift of prayer.
Praying with a God-given confidence that produces extraordinary
results. It's knowing that what one asks for will be given.
c. Mark 11:23-24. Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, Be taken
up and thrown into the sea" and if you do not doubt in your heart, but
believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.
So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have
received it, and it will be yours.
3. Healing
a. Does not refer to the power of prayer for healing which is part of the
ordinary life of a Christian Community.
b. James 5:14. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders
of the Church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil
in the name of the Lord.
c. St. James here refers to a special gift of healing.
Members Teaching
4. Miracles
These are gifts by which God makes known something about the present situation to
his people.
2. Prophecy
3. Discernment of Spirits
4. Tongues
5. Interpretation of Tongues
1. Where spiritual gifts operate, Christians are much more vividly aware of
the presence and power of God.
2. Gifts are given to build up the community.
b. Here we see the difference between the 7 gifts and the 9 charismatic
gifts. The 7 are for the individual, the 9 for the community.
4. Gifts are tools or resources. They are equipment given by God for the
work Christians are to do in the world.
Jesus is not saying that they didn't prophesy, etc. But this is not what makes a man
his disciple; it is doing God's will, being holy.
1. 1 Corinthians 14:1. Pursue love and strive for spiritual gifts and especially
that you may prophesy.
2. Paul's attitude makes sense because the gifts are desperately needed in
the Church today.
If the gifts are for building up, then they are really valuable.
Fear of God, i.e., bringing God too close for comfort.
Desire to do things ourselves.
Not wanting to yield or surrender to God.
b. We need to be open.
c. Have faith!
Galatians 3:5. Well then, does God supply you with the Holy Spirit
and work miracles among you by doing the works of the law, or by
believing what you have heard?
Faith is the means to obtaining the gifts.
IV. Conclusion
1. A question: How is our parish council meeting different from say, a Lions
Club meeting?
2. If the Holy Spirit leaves, 97% of church activities would go on without
3. We have allowed the church, which is the channel of God's grace and
manifestation of his life, to become a mere human institution.
4. There is a similar danger for us in CFC Singles for Christ, even when we
seem charismatic. Are we just going on our own steam?
B. It is the Holy Spirit that gives life. And spiritual gifts are a part of it.
Members Teaching
V. Reference Material
Participants Outline
Speaker's Outline
I. Introduction
1. Jesus sets the tone of our relationship with God. He is our Father; we His
sons and daughters.
2. Because God is our Father, He will give us what is good for us, not
because He wants to prove that He loves us, but simply because He
loves us.
3. One of the basic things our Father wants for us is good health, i.e., the
wholeness of man mind, body and emotions.
4. If we believe that God is love, then it is easy for us to believe that healing
is an ordinary, not extraordinary, sign of His compassion and love.
A. Mark 1:40-41
Jesus is saying the same thing to us. "Of course, I want to heal you".
B. Jesus preached not only with words but also with deeds. He preached
salvation and victory over the devil.
B. Forgiveness of Sin
1. Mark 2:1-12
2. Forgiveness of sin is the first and deepest kind of healing that Christ
3. There seems to be a connection between much of our sickness and our
spiritual or emotional health.
4. Involved is not only our asking forgiveness from God but also our own
forgiveness for others.
5. The sacrament of reconciliation is strongly recommended.
1. Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever can take the
memories of our past, heal them from the wounds that still remain and
affect our present lives, and fill with His love all these places in us that
have been empty for so long.
2. We pray for inner healing when we are held down in any way by the hurts
of the past.
3. How do we pray for inner healing?
D. Physical Healing
a. Trust that it is God's ordinary will to heal the person who asks.
b. However, do not put pressure on the person being prayed for by
demanding that he express faith in the healing.
E. Deliverance
1. This is a prayer said in the name and authority of Jesus in order to free a
person oppressed by evil spirits.
2. When is deliverance indicated?
D. In praying for others, be free of the need to prove anything. Healing is not a
test of faith but a natural response to God's generous love.
E. Ask God to meet your needs but do not tell Him when or how to do it.
F. When we pray, our faith is in God and not in our own faith.
H. Abstain from any form of healing prayers that are not Christian. E.g., faith
healing and any healing connected with spiritualism or witchcraft.
V. Conclusion
End with exhortation to make prayers for healing an ordinary occurrence in our
families and in our life together in CFC Singles for Christ.
Participants Outline
I. Understanding healing from the perspective of our relationship with God as our
Luke 11:1-4 and 11-13
II. Attitude of Jesus towards healing. Mark 1:40-41
III. Four Basic Kinds of Prayers for Healing
A. Prayer for repentance for personal sin. Mark 2:1-12
B. Prayer for inner healing for emotional problem.
C. Prayer for physical healing for physical sickness.
D. Prayer for deliverance for demonic oppression.
IV. Points to Remember
A. Healing is no special magic gift reserved for a few. Families are encouraged
to pray for healing.
B. Do not despise doctors or medicine. Sirach 38:1-15
C. There is no definite technique or pattern to follow.
D. Be free of the need to prove anything.
E. Ask God to meet your needs but do not tell Him when or how to do it.
F. Our faith is in God and not in our own faith.
G. Jesus is always the center of our prayers.
H. Abstain from any form of healing prayers that are not Christian.
V. Prayers for healing should become ordinary occurrences in our families and in
our life together in CFC Singles for Christ.
VI. Suggested Readings
A. "Healing: God's Work Among Us" by Fr. John Bertolucchi
B. "To Heal as Jesus Healed" by Barbara Leahy Shlemon, Dennis Linn and
Matthew Linn
C. "Healing Prayer" by Barbara Leahy Shlemon
D. "Inner Healing" by Michael Scanlan, T.O.R.
E. "Healing of Memories" by Dennis Linn and Matthew Linn
F. "Spiritual Warfare" by Michael Harper
Members Teaching
Speaker's Outline
I. Introduction
B. It is important for us to understand it, yield to it, and respond to it. The
questions most often asked about it are: What is it? How do I know when,
what, and how to prophesy? How do I judge and respond to it? How do we
grow in the gift?
C. The speaker may share his own initial positive experience of hearing and
responding to a prophecy during a prayer meeting.
A. Common Misconceptions
That is not Christian prophecy. Paul says specifically that, "The spirits of the
prophets are under the prophets' control, ..." (1 Corinthians 14: 32-33)
Prediction clearly occurs in true prophecy, but it is only part of the gift. Some people
who are not Christians at all can predict future events successfully, yet we cannot
accept their "prophecies" (as we shall define in a while) as God's word to us.
Members Teaching
B. Proper Notions
2. Purpose: 1 Corinthians 14:3 "He who prophesies speaks to men for their
upbuilding and encouragement".
3. There are four (4) distinct purposes for which God gives the prophetic gift
to His body:
a. Encouragement, Exhortation
The Holy Spirit will reveal to us our sins, so that we can turn away
from them and be freed from its tyranny and escape
Example: "... Put away from yourselves your anger, your
c. Inspiration
d. Guidance
People who prophesy will sometimes receive neither the words nor the
sense of the message. Instead, they will receive only a word or two. If
they are convinced that those few words begin a full prophetic message,
they can simply begin to speak out. As they do so, the rest of the
message will be given them.
b. Prophecies must also be delivered in the right place and at the right
time. Prophesying is very appropriate during a prayer meeting but
follow the order of the meeting on the proper timing.
c. Some people argue that placing restrictions on the exercise of the gift
stifles the Holy Spirit. Actually these simple guidelines are in keeping
with St. Paul's instruction to exercise the gifts "properly and in order".
(1 Corinthians 14:40)
1. God gives you the message and the authority to proclaim it in His name;
and when proclaimed, the Holy Spirit does things among the people: He
unleashes His power. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Example: A simple "I am with you" is no great revelation but the power that goes
5. When we get anointing, we should simply speak out. Many people never
speak out in prophecy because they want to be absolutely sure. It's OK
to make mistakes. None of us can ever be totally sure unless we say it
and give others the chance to judge or test or weight the prophecy.
A. As Hearers
1. Pray that the Lord will speak to us directly, especially through the gift of
2. Expectantly wait for the word of the Lord to come.
3. Respond in faith, obedience, and prudence.
4. Listen and be familiar with the voice of the Lord through regular prayer.
Meditate and reflect on the prophecies spoken to us.
B. As Prophets
A. The gift of prophecy is not essential to salvation. Yet, to decide that we will do
without prophecy just because it is possible to do without prophecy is to settle
for less, just because we can settle for less.
B. Today, God desires to speak directly and clearly to His people, warning them,
building them, and giving them direction. Let us desire the gift of prophecy
and respond to it that our effectiveness is serving God and our neighbor will
V. Reference Material
Participants Outline
A. Encouragement, Exhortation
B. Conviction, Admonition, Correction
C. Inspiration
D. Guidance
A. Oracles
B. Prophecy in song
C. Visions
D. Prophecy in Tongues (with interpretation)
IV. The giving of the gift of prophecy is a commissioning by God to proclaim his
message, backed by His authority to proclaim it in his name.
A. As Hearers.
B. As Prophets.
5. Suggested Materials
Speaker's Outline
I. Introduction
A. Spiritual gifts, including those of praise and tongues, are the work of the Holy
Spirit. They are freely given and are to be freely received.
B. These gifts are given for our personal individual growth as well as for the
growth of the body (communal).
C. Our use of the gifts and our experience of them are manifestations of God's
presence and power.
a. Psalms 33:1. Some Christians feel that praising God and rejoicing in
Him is unseemly and improper.
a. Psalms 22:3. God inhabits our praises. If our heart is filled with
praise, it is also filled with God for He inhabits our praises. This is also
true of our home or our church.
Members Teaching
a. Psalms 84:4-7. The man who praises God has the Lord for his
b. This kind of man also knows the joy of the Lord through a life of
praise, and the joy of the Lord is his strength. Nehemiah 8:10
6. The praising soul learns to "delight himself in the Lord" and God gives
him the desires of his heart.
Psalms 37:4. Too many people say "If only God would grant me the
desires of my heart, how I would praise Him for it." The Divine Order
is the reverse. We praise Him and then He gives us the desires of our
a. Clapping
b. Lifting up one's hands. Nehemiah 8:6, Psalms 134:2
c. Dancing. Psalms 150:4, Exodus 15:20
a. Psalms 103:1
b. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. We are a tri-partite being composed of spirit,
soul and body.
A. Two aspects
2. When you first speak in tongues, you are also going to have a very
dramatic and tremendous emotional experience.
3. If the Holy Spirit wants you to receive the gift, then you will. So let it just
happen; you don't have to do anything. "Bahala na" attitude.
a. So you just sit there with you mouth shut and your arms crossed.
b. Reality: We need to approach the Lord with expectant faith, believing
that if we ask we will receive. Then we need to open our hearts,
minds, our whole being to Him.
IV. Closing.
Use the gifts of praise and tongues in personal prayer, household meetings and
prayer assemblies.
Members Teaching
Participants Outline
I. Spiritual gifts are the work of the Holy Spirit. They are freely given and are to be
freely received. They are given for our personal individual growth as well as for
the growth of the body.
A. Praise begins from the heart and manifests itself. Psalms 57:7, Psalms
B. Praise is audible. Psalms 66:8
1. Clapping
2. Lifting up one's hands. Nehehmiah 8:6, Psalms 134:2
3. Dancing. Psalms 150:4, Exodus 15:20
D. Praise involves the totality of our being spirit, soul, and body. Ps 103:1.
E. Praise is to be done continually, at all times, and in all places. Psalms 34:1,
1Chronicles 16:6, Psalms 35:27, Hebrews 13:15
B. When you first speak in tongues, you are going to have a very dramatic and
tremendous emotional experience.