Writing Spec Ed
Writing Spec Ed
Writing Spec Ed
PA State Standards
Referenced from http://www.pdesas.org/ or http://www.pakeys.org/pages/get.aspx?page=EarlyLearning
for PA State approved academic standards
Objectives correspond with PA State Standards listed above.
SWBAT write opinion pieces where they restate the question with their opinion and use two supporting details.
SWBAT use language to express their feelings.
SWBAT focus on a topic while writing with support from a teacher.
SWBAT revise and edit their work with assistance from teachers and peers.
SWBAT use proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in their writing.
SWBAT use dictionaries as needed to correct spelling.
Lesson Introduction: (5-7 min)
Activities/Procedures: (25-30min)
Lesson Plans are conducive to student achievement and focus on PA State standards and objectives
If there is time left over, students should practice their sight words rainbow write, stair step, sentences.
List of resources used and incorporated into activity and assessments, attach any teacher made materials and/or worksheets
Text Book: Other: weekly story, questions with space for answers,
Graphic Organizer/Handouts(s): writing prompt sheet
They have their own folder with words that they They will have their sentences and answers written
frequently use to help them with their spelling. down for them to copy onto their paper 3 of the 4 days.
Differentiated Instruction
In accordance with Neumann University educational guidelines for emergent teachers please describe how the
following INTASC Principles were reflected in your lesson plan and the delivery of the lesson.
INTASC Principles
Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium
INTASC 6: Communication/knowledge
The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
INTASC 8: Assessment
The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous
intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner.