Auckland Onsite SW Tank Requirements
Auckland Onsite SW Tank Requirements
Auckland Onsite SW Tank Requirements
1. Purpose
The purpose of this practice note is to outline consenting and maintenance requirements for private
on-site stormwater tanks and owner responsibilities. As Aucklands population increases, new
developments are on the rise. This can place strain on existing stormwater infrastructure and the
use of private on-site stormwater tanks to mitigate this pressure is becoming increasingly common.
Under the Auckland Council Stormwater Bylaw 2014 the owner, occupier or manager of a
premises that has a stormwater management device installed, must ensure that the system is
maintained in a good operating condition; and does not cause or contribute to nuisance.
2. Types of tanks
Detention tank: Detention tanks work by temporarily storing stormwater runoff during a rainfall
event and then slowly releases the water into the public stormwater system. These can be located
either above or below ground.
Retention tank: A retention tank is used to permanently hold rainwater, which can then be re-
used for hose taps, toilet use and laundry purposes. Also known as a single purpose rain tank.
Dual purpose tank: Dual purpose tanks both retain and detain rainwater. The bottom third of the
tank is used to store rainwater permanently (retains) for non-drinking water supply and the upper
two thirds of the tank temporarily holds (detains) rainwater and slowly releases it until it reaches
the retaining level.
Water supply rain tank: These tanks store rainwater collected from roof areas and provide the
main water supply to a household, this includes drinking water. This practice note does not
address potable water supply requirements; for further information refer to Clause G12 of the NZ
Building Code, which can be found at
Dual purpose tanks require a building consent if a public potable supply exists and the water is
intended to be used for laundering, WC or gardening purposes as there is a potential for backflow.
An as-built plan showing the location of the tank must be provided on completion of the work.
Water tanks may require a building consent depending upon the capacity of the water tank and its
height above ground. Please refer to AC1821 Water supply tanks for further information and
guidance on this topic.
Table 1 (in this document) outlines the recommended inspection requirements for most stormwater
tank systems; the inspection regime will determine what maintenance is required. This table is a
guide only, the operation and maintenance manual must be followed as it is tank-specific. Records
of maintaining the device must be kept by the owner / occupier and can be requested by Council if
5. Reference material
Auckland Council Stormwater Bylaw 2014
Auckland Council Code of Practice for Land Development and Subdivision Chapter 4 Stormwater
Auckland Council TP10 Stormwater Management Devices: Design Guidelines Manual 2003
ARC Technical Report No. 045 (December 2008)
Float controlled top-up valves are prone to leakage which may result in
Back-up water constant filling of the tank to overflow which may go unnoticed until the
supply RT, DP next water meter reading. Check these valves regularly to ensure that they Owner
are closing properly and not leaking. Seek professional assistance if Monthly
Tank hatches All Inspect for correct fit and seal. Particularly important for underground Owner
and covers tanks to prevent ingress of contaminated surface water and entry by
It is advisable to keep a spare filter cartridge. Swap filter cartridge and Owner
In-line filter DP
clean the old one ready for the next replacement.
First flush WS, RT, Inspect and remove any debris and accumulated sediment. Refer to the
DP Owner
device manufacturers instructions.
Overflow, outlet All Inspect for blockage and clean of necessary. Check flap valves and / or Owner
pipes & orifices vector screens.
In-line leaf & WS, RT, Inspect and clear away any accumulated leaves or debris
DP Owner
debris diverters
All Inspect the tank for leaks, sediment build up and structural integrity. A Owner /
professional tank cleaning contractor should be employed to clean out the Professional
tank when the sludge level gets close to the pump inlet.
Most rainwater tanks have a design life of 25 years or more. Tanks older Professional Annually
than 25 years should be regularly assessed and replaced if necessary.
WS, RT, Pumps should be professionally inspected and/or serviced every few
Pump DP years. Refer to the pump service manual or contact a local service Professional
provider. 2-5 yearly
WS = Water Supply; R T = Retention Tank; D P = Dual-purpose; DT = Detention Tank
In all cases, reference to an owner means owner, occupier or manager of premises