Sdad 5900 Learning Outcome Narrative Aofg
Sdad 5900 Learning Outcome Narrative Aofg
Sdad 5900 Learning Outcome Narrative Aofg
Kara Schwartz
Seattle University
The integrative theme of my areas for growth is enhancing and informed practice.
Throughout my time in the Student Development Administration program, I have learned the
importance of constant growth and development as well as the foundations and emerging nature
of the profession (Learning Outcome #1). This narrative provides insight to areas in which I
have room for continual growth and improvement as I continue my professional development.
Personally and professionally it is important to me that there is always an answer to the question,
why? Being able to answer this question with a thoughtful and informed answer ensures that
programming, policies, and procedures are put in place that will best serve student needs.
functional area of the field; however, it is important to be mindful of the constant growth and
changes in research, knowledge, and skills that can influence my work. A professionals practice
and actions that is rooted with the awareness and understanding that there is always room for
improvement in themselves and their professional development ensure that research and
assessment is valued in their work. The theme of enhancing an informed practice for my areas of
Defining dimensions. Student issues and needs, ethical leadership, understanding the
foundations and emerging nature of the Student Affairs profession and higher education, utilizing
Over the course of my time in the Student Development Administration program, I have
been in constant reflection on my lack of experience with assessment. While I understand and
value the expectations of Learning Outcome #7 which states that assessment, evaluation, and
research is used to improve practice, my tangible experience with conducting and evaluating
assessment has been limited. Prior to entering the program I had little to no experience with
assessment aside from community and job performance evaluations within my previous work in
residence life and housing. However, it was not until I entered the program did I truly
understand the value and necessity of assessment in our work, specifically for underrepresented
Through courses such as SDAD 5300 Foundations of the Student Affairs Profession, I
learned to importance of assessment in our field and how vital it is to support equitable practices
for diverse student needs. Learning the value of qualitative and quantitative data to understand
and hear student voices across campus was key in my awareness and knowledge as a
professional (Pope, 2004). However, where I lack and aim to gain experience is in my skills set
(Artifact E). Identified in my Professional Letter of Promise (Artifact D), my internship site
supervisor expressed my use of previous assessments to evaluate the programming and events of
prior international student orientations. The implementation of this evaluation and the result of
the informed planning is exemplified by my Distinctive Contribution (Artifact G). This limited
ethical leader (Learning Outcome #3). Through courses such as SDAD 5750 Best Practices in
Student Services, we learned how professionals in the area use assessment and research to
inform their programming and practices. Understanding how these leaders in the field use data
to create change and advocate for their students are ways in which I aim to use assessment to
Defining dimensions. Student needs and issues, understanding issues surrounding law,
Law, policy, and governance are areas in which I had little formal knowledge of when
coming into the program. My experience with law and policy within higher education was
limited to the context of residence life and housing, planning and implementing awareness
projects regarding current events, and student conduct. However, this knowledge was not robust
or fully informed.
inform my understanding of the laws and policies surrounding FERPA, institutional policies and
procedures surrounding academics and placement (Learning Outcome #9). The experience has
also provided me with deeper insight to governance and organizational knowledge of higher
education in conjunction with coursework. Through SDAD 5760 Leadership and Governance in
structures and their impact on professional practice at many different levels of the organization.
Through this informed lens I was able to think more critically and have a clear understanding of
the process for change and the procedures in place. In evaluating my own leadership
philosophies and practices through EDAD 5700 Leadership in Education I, coupled with my
knowledge of how leadership functions within the governance of higher education allows me to
be a more informed member of the organization or division. SDAD 5800 Higher Education Law
has allowed me to be a more informed and critical practitioner in understanding how to better
protect, serve, and ensure legal compliance for all members of the campus community. While
my coursework has better prepared me in understanding these complex systems and their direct
relation to my work and the students I serve, this is an area in which I will constantly be learning.
addressed as an area of growth and action steps are provided to develop in this area. My
provided me with an opportunity to identify ways that I have already interacted in these areas, as
experience working with an international student population, I gained deeper insight in the
national laws, policies, and local practice that govern international students on college campuses.
how laws impact policies and practices for campus communities will remain constant, as
D, F)
Throughout the program I have had the opportunity to identify and practice
Outcome #10). Courses such as EDAD 5700 Leadership in Education I, EDUC 5200 Social
Justice, SDAD 5400 Student Development Theory, Research, and Practice have been influential
I was able to use leadership models and frameworks to guide my ability to articulate and identify
my leadership style and what I value in a working community. My Mission Statement (Artifact
B) provides insight to my philosophy as a professional and defines my why for entering this
field and highlights my ability to effectively communicate this aspect of my professional identity.
As I have grown during my time in the program, I have had the opportunity to exercise
my philosophies and evaluate how they align or are askew from an institution or certain offices
I rated fairly high in the competency area in which I feel confident and have evidence to prove
my ability to thoughtfully develop, critique, and adhere to a holistic and comprehensive standard
of ethics and commitment to my wellness and growth (Artifact F). Evidence of this skill is
(Artifact B), such as building community and advocating for changes that meet the needs of the
I recognize that my philosophies may not always align with an institutions, my practices
and values may differ slightly or vastly. This is an area in which I aim to develop since this can
translate to various working styles of a team or committee I may be a part of and learning how to
navigate that landscape as a professional is vital. While I want to fully develop in the
governance and politics of higher education, I never want to lose sight of or suppress my
passions, values, and philosophies. It is a goal to work in a space and with others where there is
a similar goal and destination in mind where the philosophies and action plans have overarching
nevertheless it is necessary to develop skills to evaluate and assess due to the important role it
whole, I seek develop in my assessment skills; my understanding of law, policy, and governance;
and evaluating and aligning philosophies. Through this development I will able to serve as a
Pope, R. L., Reynolds, A. L., & Mueller, J. A. (2004). Multicultural competence in student