Crime Theories Map
Crime Theories Map
Crime Theories Map
Master status Remember: there are elements of truth in each one problem comes when a partial
truth is made into the whole truth.
Not all accept their label. Some crimes are dysfunctional! Leads to class inequalities Focuses on street Focuses too narrowly
Focuses narrowly on the Merton never addresses why individuals commit and victimisation (creates crime ignores in the class/ economic
Weaknesses: individual there are crime yet others conform. scapegoats). White collar aspect.
other factors (eg role of White collar crime comes from access to Overstates the rationality crime. There are other
society ). opportunities. of crime. Doesnt explain factors (eg ethnicity,
Doesnt explain the Only minority of young become delinquents. Focuses too much on opportunity crime gender )
origin of deviance. Many working class boys conform at school. working class crime