J Mineng 2014 04 004
J Mineng 2014 04 004
J Mineng 2014 04 004
Minerals Engineering
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Biosolids and representative compounds of their main components humic acids, sugars, and proteins
Received 28 January 2014 have been tested as possible environment-friendly collectors and frothers for the otation of copper sul-
Accepted 2 April 2014 phide ores. The oatability of chalcopyrite and molybdenite both valuable sulphide minerals present in
these ores as well as non-valuable pyrite was assessed through Hallimond tube otation tests. Humic
acids exhibit similar collector ability for chalcopyrite and molybdenite as that of a commercial collector
Keywords: (Aero 6697 promoter). Biosolids show more afnity for pyrite. The copper recovery (85.9%) and copper
Froth otation agents
grade (6.7%) of a rougher concentrate obtained using humic acids as main collector for the otation of
Sulphide minerals
a copper sulphide ore from Chile, were very similar to those of a copper concentrate produced by froth
Humic acids otation under the same conditions with a xanthate type commercial collector. This new and feasible
end-use of biosolids and humic acids should be new environment-friendly organic froth otation agents
for greening the concentration of copper sulphide ore. Now, further research is needed in order to scale
current laboratory assays to operational mining scales to determine efciencies to industrial scale.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0892-6875/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Reyes-Bozo et al. / Minerals Engineering 64 (2014) 3843 39
collectors, depressants, activators, modiers and frothers, used in was supplied by Molymet (Santiago, Chile). Samples of chalcopy-
order to separate valuable copper-containing minerals from gan- rite and pyrite were ground in an IKA MF 10 Basic Microne
gue minerals. Their properties allow the control of the wettability Grinder apparatus. They were then sieved for 6 min on a Rotap
of solid surfaces, the electrochemistry of the solution, the disper- (W.S. Tyler Model Number RX-29-10) to obtain 125150 lm
sion and aggregation of solid particles, and also the generation of ( 100 + 120 mesh) size fractions for microotation tests in a
foam stability (Hadler et al., 2005; Herrera-Urbina, 2003). On the modied Hallimond tube.
other hand, many of these chemicals are expensive, and some have Mineralogical analyzes of these samples indicates that the chal-
been classied as hazardous materials because they may affect copyrite sample contains 65.4% chalcopyrite, 13.4% pyrite, 9.9%
both the environment and health of humans, ora and fauna if magnetite, and 10.2% nonmetallic gangue minerals. The purity of
improperly managed and disposed (Ralston, 2002; Thomas, the pyrite sample was found to be 95.8%, with minor contents
2010). Since copper production has been increasing lately as a driv- of chalcopyrite (0.5%) ad nonmetallic gangue (3.2%). The purity of
ing economical force to achieve development, the copper mining the molybdenite sample was found to be 98.7%, with minor contents
sector is in a tipping point to achieve equilibrium between devel- of chalcopyrite (0.6%) and nonmetallic gangue (0.7%). Elemental
opment and sustainable production, thus avoiding increasing chemical analyzes were also performed for each of these mineral
levels of pollutant discharges towards the environment. Therefore, samples. A portion of the sample was digested via microwave by
the mining industry needs new environment-friendly reagents for using the Rock High Sulde Method; once digestion was completed
froth otation and to use new strategies and concepts derived from it was centrifuged and sent to an atomic absorption spectrometer
industrial ecology, cleaner production, green chemistry and (ICP-MS, Perkin Elmer ELAN 6100) for analysis. A nitrous-oxide/
sustainable engineering. acetylene ame was used as the oxidant for quantication of
A new and novel way of biosolids revalorization is described in molybdenum. Dumas combustion method was used to quantify
the literature (Reyes-Bozo et al. 2011a, b, c), where the potential sulphur contents. The elemental chemical composition of the chal-
use of biosolids and humic substances both environment- copyrite, molybdenite and pyrite samples is given in Table 1.
friendly compounds as froth otation reagents for the concentra-
tion of copper sulphide ores has been documented. The typical 2.2. Biosolid sample
chemical composition of stabilized biosolids is highly diverse and
varies according to geographic region, population consumption Biosolids used in this study were obtained from a wastewater
habits, degree of industrialization of cities, and the type of process treatment plant (Essbio, Concepcin, Chile). The biological removal
applied by the wastewater treatment plant (Peppas et al., 2000). of organic load was performed by using activated sludge technology.
Despite this, as cited in specialized literature (Baham and The samples were previously ground using mortars, homogenized
Sposito, 1982; Eskicioglu et al., 2006; Parnaudeau and Dignac, and sieved to a fraction smaller than 1 mm. Biosolids samples were
2007; Ras et al., 2008; Reyes-Bozo et al., 2011a) the main compo- physically and chemically analyzed in certied laboratories (Anli-
nents of biosolids could be polysaccharides (sugars), proteins (ami- sis Ambientales and Laboratorio de Suelos y Anlisis Foliar, PUCV).
noacids) and to a lesser extent humic substances (fulvic and humic Biosolids, whose aqueous suspensions (1:2.5 solid:water ratio)
acids), and nucleic acids. The main functional groups present in have a pH of 7.8 and an electrical conductivity of 7.2 mS/cm, were
humic acids are carboxylic acids, alcohol, carbonyl, phosphates, found to contain 66.5% organic matter. The total content (in mg/kg)
sulphates, amides and sulphides, all of which are capable of inter- of Cu, Fe, Mo and P was 280.8; 5652.2; 2.6 and 13148.3, respec-
acting with metal species in solution (Baek and Yang, 2005). tively. All metal content were determined by atomic absorption
In Chile, nal disposal of biosolids is limited to landlls and spectrophotometry with a Perkin Elmer Analyst 300 apparatus.
monolls (SISS, 2010); however, under local regulation it is feasible The content of humic substances, quantied by standard method
to use biosolids in mining operations (Minsegpres, 2009). This (Sadzawka et al., 2006), was 10.6% fulvic acid, 2.5% humic acids
option is considered to be the nal disposal. Therefore, the use of and 27.8% humins.
biosolids in phytostabilization of tailings and the new use dis-
closed in our manuscript (use of biosolids in froth otation pro- 2.3. Microotation tests in a modied Hallimond tube
cesses) are feasible in Chile.
According to statistics and forecasting from Superintendencia Assessment of the collecting ability of biosolids and their main
de Servicios Sanitarios (Chilean Superintendency of Sanitary Ser- components was performed with a modied Hallimond tube. A
vices), biosolids generators are mainly located in the central and commercial salt of humic acid (Aldrich) was used as representative
southern regions of Chile (SISS, 2010). In the central zone of Chile of humic substances present in biosolids. According to Pandey et al.
(Metropolitan Region and regions V and VIII), which is the most (1999), this humic acid has a characteristic composition of 44.67%
signicant producer, 220,000 tonnes/year are produced. Then, organic carbon, 5.87% hydrogen, 4.88% total nitrogen, 43.9%
biosolids will be inevitably generated and these wastes will be dis-
posed in a safe way. Table 1
The aim of this research was to evaluate the possibility of using Elemental chemical composition of chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite samples.
solid wastes generated in wastewater treatment plants as new
Sample Chemical composition (%) Value
environment-friendly froth otation agents. In particular, biosolids
and their main components were tested in modied Hallimond Chalcopyrite Total copper 21.5
Total iron 30.2
tubes as feasible collectors for chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybde- Total sulphur 26.2
nite as well as the use of humic acids as main collector for the Total molybdenum 0.01
otation of copper sulphide ores. Pyrite Total copper 0.2
Total iron 46.8
2. Materials and methods Total sulphur 47.5
Total molybdenum 0.01
2.1. Chalcopyrite, pyrite, and molybdenite samples Molybdenite Total copper 0.2
Total iron 0.6
Total sulphur 61.4
Chalcopyrite and pyrite samples were obtained from Divisin
Total molybdenum 37.7
Los Bronces (Anglo American, Chile), while molybdenite sample
40 L. Reyes-Bozo et al. / Minerals Engineering 64 (2014) 3843
oxygen, and 0.58% ash with a total acidity of 12.3 mol/kg. The con- 3. Results and discussion
centration of functional groups such as -COOH and phenol (OH) is
4.1 and 8.2 mol/kg, respectively. a-D-glucose and bovine serum 3.1. Chalcopyrite otation
albumin (both from Aldrich) were used as representatives of sugars
and proteins contained in biosolids. Fig. 1 presents the oatability of chalcopyrite in the absence and
The industrial collector, Aero 6697 promoter (Cytec), was used presence of various collectors at different pH values. In the absence
for comparison. This collector, an alkyl monothiophosphate, is a of collectors, chalcopyrite oatability is almost negligible (less than
chemical reagent used in various operations of sulphide ore con- 12.0%) at all pH values investigated. The chalcopyrite hydrophilic
centrations worldwide. Its specic gravity is 1.14 (@ 20 C), behaviour shows that mineral surfaces may be oxidized because
pH > 13, viscosity of 1535 (cps @ 20 C), innitely soluble in water. grinding, sieving, conditioning and otation were carried out open
Cytec reports that a common dose of 5100 g/t of Aero 6697 which to the atmosphere. Additionally, this chalcopyrite sample contains
is used to concentrate copper and precious metals (Thomas, 2010). about 10% magnetite (Fe3O4), a mineral species that exhibits a
No collector reagent was used in negative controls. hydrophilic behaviour (Kirchberg et al., 2011; Potapova et al.,
All mineral suspensions were prepared with 0.5 g of solids in 2012).
130 ml of 1.0 mM KNO3 aqueous solution. These suspensions, In the pH range from 4.0 to 10.0, and at the concentration of col-
whose pH was adjusted by adding small aliquots of either 0.1 M lector used, the industrial collector Aero 6697 gives the best ota-
NaOH or HCl to achieve values of 4.0, 5.5, 7.0, 8.5 and 10.0, were tion of chalcopyrite: about 50%. This low recovery may be due to
agitated with a magnetic stirrer at 150 rpm. Then, the suspension the impurities present in the mineral sample, which contains mag-
was conditioned for ve minutes before adding the biosolids or netite and non-metallic gangue.
chemical reagents to be tested as collectors at a concentration of Humic acids exhibit a similar collector behaviour as that of Aero
50 g/t. Mineral suspensions were conditioned for another 5 min 6697. In both cases, chalcopyrite recovery increases at alkaline pHs
in the presence of collector. reaching values close to 43.0%. This behaviour is consistent with
At the end of the overall conditioning period, the pH was previously reported results (Reyes-Bozo et al., 2011b, c) where
measured again, and this value is reported as nal pH. The mineral humic acids were found to have collector properties for copper-
suspension was then transferred into the Hallimond tube where containing species. Furthermore, as reported in our previous
the material was oated for two minutes with an air ow rate of studies (Reyes-Bozo et al., 2011b), humic acids and conventional
150 mL/min. The oated and non-oated fractions were recovered, collectors can interact with surface of copper sulphide ore and
ltered and dried at 40 C. Finally, the oated fraction was weighed sulphides minerals changing their isoelectric point.
to obtain the percentage of recovered mineral. Biosolids, humic acids and conventional collectors make the
No frother was used in Hallimond tube tests, and all experi- zeta potential of copper sulphide ores and sulphide minerals more
ments were performed in triplicate. Doubly distilled water was electronegative. Humic acids interact with sulphides of copper
used for all the experiments, which were carried out open to the through outer-sphere linkages, since humic substances may adsorb
atmosphere at an average temperature of 20 2 C. physically on chalcopyrite and pyrite through hydrogen bonds or
Van der Waals forces. In the case of biosolids, this waste contains
2.4. Rougher froth otation tests humic acid, phosphorus compounds and other components that
can interact with copper sulphide ores and sulphide minerals sur-
Rougher otation test were carried out at laboratory scale using faces through complex mechanisms involving both inner and
copper sulphide ore. This ore sample had 0.94% copper grade and outer-sphere linkages due to the diversity of functional groups pre-
the mineralogical analysis was performed using standard methods sents in these wastes (i.e. carboxylic acids, alcohols, phenols, car-
according to Gaines et al. (1997). The copper sulphide ore con- bonyls, phosphates, sulphates, amides, sulphides, among others).
tained chalcopyrite (0.65%), molybdenite (0.001%), pyrite (0.92%) The functional groups present in biosolids and humic acids
and gangue minerals (98.4%). could interact with mineral surfaces making them more hydropho-
The experimental procedure involved the following steps: bic. Depending on the pH evaluated, different otation responses
conditioning of the copper sulphide ore with main collector (i.e. will be obtained from the Hallimond tests.
xanthates, dosage 38 g/t) in a ball mill; adding 1 kg of copper With a-D-glucose, BSA and biosolids, chalcopyrite oatability
sulphide ore into a Wenco cell containing 2 L of fresh water; ranges from 20% to 30% in the pH range investigated indicating that
stirring the pulp at 1200 rpm; adjusting the pH to 10.0 with CaO these compounds have the least collecting ability for chalcopyrite.
solutions; adding the collector and frother (additional 10 g/t of
main collector type xanthate and 12 g/t of frothers: DowFroth
and methyl isobutyl Carbinol); conditioning the pulp and introduc-
ing fresh air; collecting the concentrates after 12 min of froth
otation; separating the solids from the liquids in the concentrates
by ltration; and nally, quantifying the total copper by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry with a Perkin Elmer Analyst 300
apparatus. Concentrate weight and assays were used to calculate
copper recoveries and copper concentrate grade.
et al., 2011b) that show that biosolids have higher afnity for Fe- (Santibaez et al., 2012) of such environmental liabilities through
containing species. planning closure and abandonment of mines (Campusano, 2002).
The statistical analysis shows that the pyrite otation yield (%) Lower environmental risks reduce economic impacts affecting
varies signicantly with the collector type (without collector, Cytec the mining industry resulting from costs reduction of planning of
Aero 6697, a-D-glucose, bovine serum albumin (BSA), humic acid hazardous landlls in mine closure operations. Additionally, efforts
sodium salt or biosolids) (two-way ANOVA, F = 7.57, P < 0.05), have been made to optimize the use of energy and water consump-
however the pH is not signicant (F = 0.77, P = 0.557 > 0.05). The tion by incorporating seawater in copper sulphide ore concentra-
interaction between the factors (collector type and pH) could not tion processes.
be quantied. Therefore, the percentage of pyrite recovered in Nevertheless, one of the unexplored challenges has been the
the concentrate obtained in modied Hallimond tubes depends gradual replacement of the use of chemical reagents in froth ota-
on the type of collector used. tion and hydro-metallurgy processes. Currently, tools such as life
Our previous studies (Reyes-Bozo et al., 2011b, 2011c) as well cycle analysis and industrial ecology are being used for the gradual
as Hallimond tube otation results have indicated the possibility replacement of reagents posing high risk factors for health and pop-
of using humic acids and biosolids as collectors for the concentra- ulation (Swart and Dewulf, 2013). Based on the results described
tion of copper sulphide ores by froth otation. above and ndings already published by the authors (Reyes-Bozo
Additional rougher otation tests were performed in Wemco et al., 2011a, 2011b, 2011c), it is possible to bring up the total or
cell at laboratory scale. In these tests, a copper sulphide ore from partial replacement of current chemical reagents used in copper
central-southern Chile was used. The mineral had a copper grade sulphide ore concentration processes, which during their transport,
of 0.94% and its main mineral species were chalcopyrite (0.65%), storage and use constitute risk factors for plant operators as well as
molybdenite (0.001%), pyrite (0.92%), and non-metallic gangue potential environmental effects. In both cases, the impact translates
(98.4%). Three experimental conditions were evaluated to investi- into high costs, either for the mining industry that increases costs in
gate the effect of total (100%) or partial (50%) replacement of the occupational health or for society in environmental terms.
main collector. The rst experimental conditions involved using Gradual replacement of traditional chemical reagentscollec-
38 g/t of the main collector (i.e., xanthate type), a second set of tors, frothers and modiers used for the concentration of copper
conditions involved using 19 g/t of the main collector (i.e., xan- sulphide ores would advance greening the froth otation process.
thate type) and 19 g/t of humic acids, while a third experimental Incorporation of concepts associated with industrial ecology and
setup involved using 38 g/t of humic acids. green chemistry may in turn improve population quality of life
The use of a xanthate type collector shows that the copper by minimizing the environmental impacts through less chemical
recovery and concentrate grade obtained were 90.4% and 5.8% reagents consumption, reduction of hazardous wastes generation
Cu, respectively. When humic acids replace 50% of the main and conversion of these wastes into less dangerous materials. Total
collector (19 g/t), similar results were obtained in the copper con- or partial replacement of conventional industrial otation chemi-
centrate (recovery and grade). When humic acids replace 100% of cals may also reduce environmental and social conicts thus
the main collector (38 g/t), the copper recovery and concentrate improving peoples perception of mining industry performance,
grade obtained only with humic acids were 85.9% and 6.7% Cu, while building trust and condence among stakeholders.
The use of humic acids shows that the copper recovery is a bit
4. Conclusions
lower (4.5%) and the copper concentrate grade is a little higher
(0.9% Cu). These results show that the commercial collector
Microotation tests in a modied Hallimond tubes show
increases the copper recovery with a decrease in copper grade.
that the chalcopyrite recovery increases at alkaline pHs reaching
Then, the commercial collector may be less selective to oat copper
values close to 45%. In this case, only humic acids exhibit a similar
sulphide ore than the humic acids because more gangue minerals
collector behaviour as that of a commercial collector evaluated
are also recovered in the concentrate. Therefore, these ndings
(Aero 6697 promoter). The otation response of molybdenite in
make it feasible the total or partial replacement of the existing
the presence of the different compounds tested as collectors (Aero
chemical reagents used industrially for copper sulphide ore
6697 promoter, glucose, bovine serum albumin, humic acids and
biosolids) is signicantly higher under acidic conditions and
decreases as the pH increases. The molybdenite otation yield
3.4. A sustainable froth otation process
decreased from 65% (acid pH) to 50% (alkaline pH). The otation
response of pyrite shows that at pH 10 biosolids and Aero 6697
Since 2000, Chilean mining operations, and particularly the cop-
promoter oat 40% of pyrite. Then, at alkaline pHs, biosolids have
per industry, has set a goal to achieve a sustainable management
higher afnity for Fe-containing species.
model in all its operations, including local communities in this
Rougher froth otation tests carried out with only humic acids
challenge (Lostarnau et al., 2011; Prno, 2013; Urkidi, 2010). The
(total replacement of the main collector) shows that the copper
industry realizes that its core business is associated with the
recovery and concentrate grade obtained were 85.9% and 6.7%
exploitation of a nonrenewable resource with industrial processes
Cu, respectively. The use of a commercial collector increases the
generating high social, environmental and economic impacts
copper recovery (90.4%) with a decrease in copper concentrate
(Newbold, 2006; Castro and Sanchez, 2003).
grade (5.8% Cu). Therefore, the results of this research work show
The rst step emphasized the social dimension of sustainable
that biosolids and their main components may be new environ-
development, through the adoption of strict rules on occupational
ment-friendly froth otation agents to concentrate copper sul-
safety and plant workers health in order to reduce risks faced by
phide ores. However, further research is needed to scale-up
operators (Laurence, 2011). Subsequently, due to increased envi-
current laboratory results to industrial froth otation stages.
ronmental conicts derived from accumulation of environmental
liabilities (i.e., tailings storage facilities, sterile heaps, and lixivia-
tion piles, among others), and the high energy consumption of Acknowledgments
the different stages of both concentration and nal product obten-
tion processes (i.e., blister copper), the mining industry focused on This research was partially funded by Chiles Conicyt program
the remediation (Godoy-Fandez et al., 2008) and rehabilitation through the National Fund for Scientic and Technological
L. Reyes-Bozo et al. / Minerals Engineering 64 (2014) 3843 43
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