Hw2 Solution
Hw2 Solution
Hw2 Solution
Machine X
A three-address memory-memory machine takes two memory locations as sources and one memory location
as the destination. For this problem, you may assume that its ISA allows the following operations: (each
instruction is encoded in seven bytes, data operands are 4 bytes):
OP M3, M1, M2 - Performs a binary operation OP on the values stored at memory locations M1 and
M2 and stores the result back into memory location M3 (M3 = M1 OP M2).
OP M3, M1, Immediate - Performs a binary operation OP on the value stored at memory location M1
and value Immediate and stores the result back into memory location M3 (M3 = M1 OP Immediate).
Machine Y
A three-address load-store machine whose sources and destination are registers. Values are loaded into
registers using memory operations (The MIPS is an example of a three-address load-store machine). For
this problem, you may assume that this machine has 32 registers and its ISA allows the following operations
(each instruction is encoded in four bytes, as in MIPS, data operands are 4 bytes):
OP R3, R1, R2 - Performs a binary operation OP on the values stored at registers R1 and R2 and stores
the result back into register R3 (R3 = R1 OP R2).
OP R3, R1, Immediate - Performs a binary operation OP on the value stored at registers R1 and
immediate value Immediate and stores the result back into register R3 (R3 = R1 OP Immediate).
LD R1, M - Loads the value at memory location M into register R1.
ST R2, M - Stores the value in register R2 into memory location M.
Code Segment A
A = A + 1;
B = B + 2;
C = C + 3;
Code Segment B
B = B + A;
C = B + A;
A = B - C;
(a) For each of the two code segments A and B, write assembly language code sequences for each of the two
machines X and Y. Try to reuse values in registers when possible.
Assembly code sequences for code segments A and B for machines X and Y
Code Segment A
Machine X
ADD A, A, 1
ADD B, B, 2
ADD C, C, 3
Machine Y
LD R1, A
ADD R1, R1, 1
ST R1, A
LD R2, B
ADD R2, R2, 2
ST R2, B
LD R3, C
ADD R3, R3, 3
ST R3, C
Code Segment B
Machine X
Machine Y
LD R1, A
LD R2, B
ADD R3, R1, R2
ADD R4, R3, R1
SUB R5, R3, R4
ST R3, B
ST R4, C
ST R5, A
(b) Compute the total number of bytes (instruction + data) transferred for each of the two code segments
A and B, for each of the two machines X and Y described above. Fill in the table below with the total
number of bytes transferred.
(iii) If yes, explain why this is the case? If no, why is there a difference?
Code segment A has no data reuse. It just adds an immediate value to A, B and C each,
and does not reuse the values of A, B or C. A memory-memory machine needs just three
instructions to express code segment A. Each instruction fetches a memory location, adds
an immediate value to it and stores it back. On the other hand, a load-store machine incurs
several instructions to load the values of A, B and C into registers and store them back.
This is unnecessary and merely increases the number of instructions (and hence number
of instruction bytes transferred) for code segment A, as there is no reuse of data.
Code segment B reuses the values of A and B. In this case, a load-store machine loads
A and B into registers first and reuses the values stored in registers. On the other hand,
a memory-memory machine does repeated memory accesses to memory to fetch A and B
every time they are used. Therefore, a load-store machine reduces the number of data
bytes transferred significantly, for code segment B, resulting in a smaller number of total
bytes transferred.
1. The first is a fixed length ISA that has the following instruction encoding.
Opcode Operand 1 (Destination) Operand 2 (Source 1) Operand 3 (Source 2)
Reg/Imm Reg/Imm
An opcode is 1 byte. Each operand is 1 byte.
All register/register and register/immediate operations take 1 cycle, while all load and store instructions
take 4 cycles.
2. The second is a variable length ISA that the following instruction encoding.
Opcode Operand 1 (Destination) Operand 2 (Source 1) Operand 3 (Source 2)
Reg/Imm Reg/Imm
The opcode is 1 byte. Each operand (register/immediate) is 1 byte. Note that operand 3 is
optional. If an instruction does not need the third operand, it is not used. In other words, the third
operand is not a part of every instruction.
The variable length of this ISA increases its decode complexity. Therefore, all instructions take one cycle
longer than the previously described fixed length ISA. i.e., All register/register and register/immediate
operations take 2 cycles, while all load and store instructions take 5 cycles.
Consider the following assembly language code sequence (Please see comment to see what each line of code
(a) What would be the code size for the given assembly language sequence, for each of the two ISAs?
Fixed Length ISA - 4 4 = 16 bytes
Variable Length ISA - 1 4 (ADD instruction) +3 3 (other instructions) = 13 bytes
(b) What is the number of cycles taken to execute the code sequence for each of the two ISAs?
Fixed Length ISA - 3 1 (other instructions) +1 4 (STW instruction) = 7 cycles
Variable Length ISA - 3 2 (other instructions) +1 5 (STW instruction) = 11 cycles
(c) Which of these two ISAs has lower code size for the given assembly language sequence? Why?
The variable length ISA has lower code size, because it uses fewer bytes to encode the
instructions in the given code segment.
(d) Which of these two ISAs has lower execution time for the given assembly language sequence? Why?
The fixed length ISA has lower execution time, because the decode complexity and hence
the number of cycles to decode an instruction is smaller.
Assume that in the first two code segments, a register contains the address of the start of the array, and in
the last snippet, a register contains the address of the pointer p.
(a) For each of the above three high-level language code segments, which of the addressing modes listed
above, do you think, would lead to the minimum number of instructions (Note: No addressing mode
might fit perfectly. You might require other instructions for address computation)?
(a) Auto increment
(b) Based, Indexed
(c) Memory indirect
(b) Write MIPS assembly code for each of the three high-level language code segments (using the addressing
modes that MIPS supports).
ADDIU $t0, $t0, 1 // Increment array address
ADDIU $t2, $t2, -1 // Decrement array size counter
BNE $t2, $0, Load // If array size counter is not 0, load
(b) $t0 contains the address of the start of array a.
ADDIU $t1, $0, 10 // Load value 10 into t1
ADDIU $t2, $0, 100 // Load array size - 100 into t2
SW $t1, 0($t0) // Load value 10 into array a
ADDIU $t0, $t0, 4 // Increment array address by 4 bytes
ADDIU $t2, $t2, -1 // Decrement array size counter
BNE $t2, $0, Load // If array size counter is not 0, load
(c) $t0 contains the address of pointer p.
LW $t1, 0($t0)
ADDIU $t2, $0, 100
SW $t2, 0($t1)
Assume that the goal of the programmers, compilers, and microarchitect is to maximize performance.
There is no single correct answer to this question. We wanted to see how you think based on
what we saw in lecture. Below is one possible answer.
Assembly Programmer (who programs in assembly language):
Good. Smaller code size which could lead to higher performance (assuming the decode
complexity in microarchitecture does not decrease clock speed).
Good. Smaller code size. which could lead to higher performance (if the compiler leverages
information about the length of different instructions).
Bad. Has to implement complex decoding logic. Optimizing the microarchitecture for
performance can become more difficult due to decode complexity.
(c) ISA orthogonality
HLL Programmer (who programs in a high-level language like Java):
Doesnt matter much: the HLL programmer does not deal with the instruction set directly.
Assembly Programmer (who programs in assembly language):
Good. Ease of programming. Can use any instruction with any addressing mode.
Good. Can use any instruction with any addressing mode. No need to encode complex
constraints in the instruction selection algorithms.
Possibly bad: Has to implement all addressing modes for all instructions. Likely more
complex hardware. (Might not be too bad if address calculation is factored out as a
separate step or hardware unit.) Also bad: leads to larger instructions to encode all
possible addressing modes (which could increase code size and reduce performance).
(d) High-level data types
HLL Programmer (who programs in a high-level language like Java):
Depends. If high-level data types can be exposed to HLL programmer in an usable and
portable way, this could lead to higher performance with hardware-accelerated datatypes.
Otherwise, may not be very useful (e.g., BCD data type in x86 not used by most program-
Assembly Programmer (who programs in assembly language):
Good. Can directly express a high-level data type such as, say a linked list, and process it
using a single/few instructions, rather than tedious sequences of simpler instructons. No
concerns about portability as in HLL case.
Good/Bad. Can directly express a high-level data type such as, say a linked list, and
process it using a single/few instructions. But, could lead to additional complexity in in-
struction selection, and could potentially hinder compiler optimizations that can be done
with more primitive data types.
Bad (assuming no software translation layer). Has to handle the complexity of support-
ing high-level data types in hardware. Increases hardware complexity and can reduce
performance if not carefully designed.
(iv) the ISA is 128-bit addressable
21 bits
(b) Let us imagine for a moment that MIPS did not have the byte and halfword load/store instructions,
but only LW and SW. Write MIPS code to access an arbitrary byte at the address in register $8 and leave
that byte (zero-extended) in register $9 at the LSB position. You are only allowed to perform load/store
accesses to addresses that are 4-byte (32-bit) aligned. Assume that the MIPS processor is little-endian,
as specified in our labs.
What information does the compiler need to know about the microarchitecture of the machine in order
to compile the program correctly?
(b) Classify the following attributes of a machine as either a property of its microarchitecture or ISA:
7 Microcoded Machines (30 pt)
Microcoding is a powerful technique to perform complex computations on a simple datapath. In this problem,
you will sketch out a microcode-controlled single-bus implementation of the MIPS R2000 ISA.
In a single-bus processor, the primary interconnect between state elements and functional units is a shared
bus. In each cycle, only one unit can drive data on the bus, while all other units may listen and selectively
latch the data. Below is the starting point of a single-bus microarchitecture.
Assume that there is a microcode control ROM that can drive all of the control signals shown based on
a current state and specify a next state. As an example, below is a possible microcode sequence for the
three-register ADD instruction. Assume that other states which are not shown handle instruction fetch and
PC update. Thus, at the initial state shown here, the instruction register already contains the instruction.
State nextState lePC enPC leIR enIR leA leB ALU OP enALU select field leIDX RF R RF W enRF leMAR MEM R MEM W enMem Comment
ADD 0 ADD 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 No Op 0 21 (rs) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Latch rs into IDX
ADD 1 ADD 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 No Op 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Read RF[rs] into A
ADD 2 ADD 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 No Op 0 16 (rt) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Latch rt into IDX
ADD 3 ADD 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 No Op 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Read RF[rt] into B
ADD 4 ADD 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 No Op 0 11 (rd) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Latch rd into IDX
ADD 5 Fetch 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADD 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 A+B into RF[rd]
For this homework problem, you will implement a new instruction, ADDM, in microcode. ADDM performs an
addition where one operand is loaded from memory and the other operand comes from a register, and the
result is stored back into a register. It is an R-type instruction with the following semantics:
In other words, the instruction loads the word in memory at the address specified by register rs, then adds the
loaded value to the value in register rt, and stores the result in register rd. Write out a microcode sequence
like the one in the table above for the ADDM instruction. You can assume that when accessing memory (with
the MEM R signal asserted), the microcode sequencer will stall until the memory provides the data.