PSV Sizing For Tube Rupture

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DOCUMENT NO. 4-024 I-45 !9





The putpo$e of this procedure is

1) to lay down thecrlteria to ascertain the possil>ility of exohanger tube firilute.

2) to decide whtm to instiiJI a reijef deV:ice.

3) how to specify the reliefload and other C(lllditiol!S in the exchanger and PRV
data sheet_

4) how to show the PRVwithnecessatyfeatures in P,ll;IJ).


This procedure shall apply by a]lthe engineers r~onslble for carrying out process
design fur a unit/ol!Sites and1W.Tuies syStem- particuW}y involved in preparation
of the process data sheet ofsheU and tube beat exchangers, dJ>Ve!oping the P.ll;I,
relief!oad and safufy devices data sheetS. . .


. 5-0241-0111 Procedure for Preparation ofProcess Design Guidelines

.- _fi-C
EIL-0241-7451-1 Process Data sheet for Heat Exclumgers
Af'!RP52I -sttmg - selection and installation of Pressure Relieving
. .Devi~-s in ltefin_eries
410M.19 Crane F!(lw of Fluids, Technical l>uhlications
EIL.JOOO(...x;xx-x: Process Dall! sheet for Safety Valve _

Sht. 2of '1"1 -

-1.V -L'- '''' ~=-~



5.1 Gl.ON!ORAL

5.1.1 A< >late<! in the ASMIE <ec YIU Div l , a he~t exchanger
needs to he .protected -fro1n t he "lntern<Jl friiltJrf!". Th A-PI RP

521 hns g{1n_e ahe;-1d futtiher to det1ne tl1is "i11ter1~al failtJiie" as

~)leaking t1utfle/t-utfle_ shee-t to a 2) _ct1111ple1e tuliH~ ruptute. I,n
tihe Ist e9s~ tihe fluid i!;;'aked in -~Fotn 1-JJP_ t0 LPlside will IDe
small ancl ,,ill be relie,.ed lhrauc.h th~ .LP side itself Wit:hout
0P~-ning the i::ell~f devicd. It is for -the- 2nd case fer which the
relief de-vice ~s_ to b_e spt!cified.

S.l.2 for cornp-Je-te t.11be rllpt1ure case, the model to_ be assumed is
that onh.. -c:>iie tuhe is in,oJ..ed and the tilbe bi!eaks somewhere
in-the-rnjcldle_tG r~'~eaf t\\'~ opn ends. The flow- :r:ate ~iculated
tiasecl on one t uhe c-JToss ~ectiPnal aJiea
1 will be aoubled tO
obtain. tihe total tlO\.... This 1nodel as pr~p9se_d i_n the _J\P-1 R..p
521 is adoptc-d uni\ersally by all- major tii:f:nsors. This is t,he
4.U t~t:~i i1 TQeJhmd to -IDe adojilted for-i,hc; s-teady state Case: That .is, both -
the HP amt th LP side have altained th'eir steady pressu>e
1 1: , values ("these firessuros will he e~plained later ) after the tube
ruptur~. ihe b11sic or-iflce -( Cran Ltd. ) formotae wit-h a

. !! - of 1-.0 is te- be usd for the calculat.i0tt

-coefficient - ef :!he Joad.
5J.3 Although p;oposed in the APlRP 52-1 no m,lhod is given in
J- i:- -~~
_r ~-lhis proceclute -, for the -t,i1n~ Afing . 10 tovcr the -transient slate
''' '' im~iysis of "'"erptessure. h ,is proposed to be taken up at a
-tat~r date ~nd a se_para1e: set of _guidelines \V.ilJ be issued and
merged \\~ith the pFe-s.ent procedure-.-

( /--2".

- . '

- ,;

' - .- ; -, 'F .i~ J:.1.,,< !

- -~~~:-;;;'-~:;-/:;.~'--~~;_ -,,,- '." 0

,.-_,,_,~,.,! t:\ f,,,. ~~'.p __ ,--. --

- ..:,-

-5.2.l Tuhe rupture is to be considered when

a) The -design "fl"Fessure l1f the L'P sicle i.S less tih-an two-thivd of
ihe deSign flre~suFe 0f t,J1e H:P- side.

b) The HP side normal operating ptessute is 1000 psig ( 70

kg/cin2-g) 0r more and contains a ''ariour or a liquicl t,hat can
Hash or r;estilt in vapc1risation of- liq11id on ~he L_..P sit!le.This

criteria :ti1 be applied regardless- of_ the pressur diffetent,i3L

Note the use. of "desigii" pressupe in the criteria- a). A s-IO\V

- de\eloping teak. if present ( -t hat is ho\v m0st _of the tube failures

initiate--). v.II_I -P~lss more fluid ifl case an exchanger at-tains the
design :pre!'>sure~ ihe de:s-ign pressure is also the only re-lia_ble-
pararilete-r of an exchanger - -rather than- the Opera~ing
pressure.The 0p-era1ing - p!iCssuJie may be different than the
--P--- specified dut!- to changed - l'hJ:oughput. upsets human ertot etc.
Ir -has t-hus been dec.iGeilf to use the- design pFe.ssute while
aflp1ying the criletia a). _Notfii<illy. the difference betwee-n- the
0pei:at ing a!ld the d!!si.n flT_esst1re is- n(!)t -much .

} {O\\'~\t!r,
thi:re -ClJ'.e sit-uation_s \vhcn- t:he- difference he-t\veen lhe
design -and 0petat-ing pte~stirt! -is -large. AS- for example , the
settling P.ress_ures for-\~hich ihe interStage coolers in m_ultistage
cornpres5t1r-S ar~ designe<;I _ lt might happen that, -for _som of
the! c_Ot)lers the Tlper-a1,ing pri;:=-sur:es _of the _precess side ,is Je_ss
than the ct:1oling m_e(lit_1m Jlf$Sure-s it-Self an(j: yet -the design
pressure is highr-. 'for-these cases. the Ctit~ria may be re taxed
-\:ly ~onsidering the Ofl"~ra_t,ing pFe-ssute -inste3d of desfgn-
pressure . Pr6Cess _engin~er must c(lr:e-fully analyze the -sit11ation
_ifi case by - case -basis: .and mertt,Jen this in the back up

The basis for the t\\o tliitiJ -rule as me_nt,ion~d fn the ci:itetia a)
-is that the -LP side can \\\ith$.tand a ma><:imum pressure pf 1-S
liB1es its de ... ign pri:_-. ... ure - \\ hich is 1-h~ lr:'.>-l pr_t~.-.u:rc. I his- 1"
Cnsure<l \\-hen t.his le'\t presst1_rc eq_uals 11.fc }-iP :-_idc design

5.2.2 The t,uhc ru111ure scen;irk.1 and thi: al"tl\e crileria a1 e f-Jf t-hc
sfacll and l:ul~(.' e\:ch;l'Rg\'lS 1)11'\y. The l\1]1(.' 1H11tt1-rc "'-1"1'!:!1111_ 1"
Alt a1~r1lical:1lc fnr t11i~l::'r type t1f 1x(h;N1gers_f~-1ll<~\\i'l:tg is- t<1 he
ct1nsidercd fair tihe dc1nl1le 1')i11c C:\ch;1-n~crs.

5.2.3 In ca:-_t; of a <l.:1ul1lc,: 1~ipe eXch;1'ngcr. ;~,11ply -the ;il~(l\:c

c-ritl!ria fitst ltl exph1r~ \\:fot>l!f1cr t,hc tubc ru111-urt; is likely ;\1nl
then n1ent-it1n as ~1 ntllt:- ih tlrr~- Jl-r(11..~ss data I sheet
No.ElL-02-l-I-7J5-1- that "Tuht: ruptnre to be Cl)H~:iJt'relJ if a
gaug.;-tuhe is_u ... cd in the! crlRstruct,Jc'ln. Th~11nal designer to
FC!vert back."

Tuhe Tu1:irure scen~1ric1 is nc-11 to be cc)nsidLrt'.'d in case Of a

douhle piJ'lC itxchnnger Ctlhstructcd \\ ilh ",chedule" pipes
\\tiich is-usually the case. The s~hcclule pipe- is like any 1.111her
piping in t,he s.y:-tcn1 and ~t-t11nger _t han t he nt1rn1al _'g;1uge" t}pe -
1 1

t,uhe used in th~ !-hell ancl t:uh~ f!xchangers. -



5.3.1 For tl1e iltratilln as n1entit1ned in case b) in t~he para 5.2.1,

n pri:ss-ure ri:-Ji~f -\-al,-e is tF1 l~e .flfO\'icleiJ. ~tite t:hat r.hiS criteria
is i11re~pec1,i:1:e t1f t1he - pri.c:-:-u11e - 1.liffefiential ::incl s1.1 '3t1 nlit
inrre;rse -the J1tt>ss-ut~ Of t:he LP side t1.1 _ a\1-i_id it PRV
i11stalhfti1.1n . 1-h~ difficult~ ari..,es \1.:hen t,he exchangt't ls at 11J1e
gr;1de level - Dell.1\\' tihe 1lafe hl'atJler ~Je,-:ililin. 111is is
adllri:ss_cll in 1'hl-pa1a 11eh1\\".

Ftlft''\rhangcr tu lie rupture 1.:;1~e. I'll V ha.,; l' 1t1 1111 iuu h:d 1-lll _:i;l1l' -
shell itsi:lf llf in thi; -:1djact.n1 pi11ing. \vit-h 111ii1ln1u111, inhtt _.(
See" para 5.4.-1 fiir 1ht:_ in,tallcitit_Hl_ \'.le1;1i\s -
1 tl1e =-i1,u:t-ti-1n is
01orl! "stri1Jgent hl'r:e tl1an -t,he inlet- -fl.t-l:;;~ure t'lftlp tif 3C:C 1)f 1-hc

set pressure , ;is pract.ised in rit,her cases of the s-afety relief) . At
t,he sarfit: tin1e. it is fi;hnc1st irnpossihle to pi;ovlde any s-uitahle
arf<lngc::n1ent \vhich can avoid any liquid accumulation in the
outlet- line leal!llng tt1 11ht: flar;e header.

Mat,te_r is simple -if t:hc relief discharge Can be cennected to

<lnnt:ht!r ltl\V pte.ssure sink \viuh free draining the out,let line. As
a first chc-'lice , aJ\vays explore .this -f)Ossibility._ Ot,herwise t1here
ex-its: t\vc1 r>pt.jc1n.s \\hen the exchanger is lJek~'v t he f;lare header


a) Increase t:li~ exch;fnge.r elt!vation ( ..vhich will_ au~oma~cally

irnply--ahl'1\'.t0 tih~ flare:;: header) so .that the PRV outlet is fi;e@
dTainittg tt1 lh~ flaFe heade11. -

b) Connect the relief discharge t<il a local knock out drum (

\\'.l'l_ich \\ill floa! \\ith t lie t:late he-aclet) and the liquid flutnping

Glit/ -dis.pc-1Sal syste-m . This- al!im 1na_y i;equire a slightly ete..ated

ex:changt:r -in llrller to mak~ t-he P.RV outlet free -draining
tt'l\\'ard!i the: \ess~1.

The-decisit1n c1n. th~ ::1Ll<1ptiGn Cilf a particular opti0n ; sizing of

,.~ssel . liquid drainagt!i purnpi11g etc. ~re project- specific and
ltl -he car~ft1lly /finatiS~d hy the concerned process engineer(s).
This is nt1t adi,lressed fu_r:ther in t-his -procedure.

5.3.2 Fot- the 0the-f --sit-t1atirin as -tnenti0ned in_ ease_ b) !n para 5.2.l ,
Us the decisil1n char-i attached fer asce-ttainirtg \\.'.het_her to
install .the FR-V or ntlt. N0te- tha! emphasis ha:1,;e been _gJ,en 10
avoid putting a P,RV b~ increasing the LP-side dfsign pre-ssl,ir~
. If th< lf> tluid is in the channd side ,it is always pmposed t<>
-PO se as 1,he CCl!'t penalt~ is riot much-. If the LP fluid is in the
shell si~e. then dc1;"Jending: t.1pCr1n the exchanger lt1cat,ion, size,
MOC. PRV to he installed if it is felt that it is a costlier
--propr~sitil,111 to inct~ast: t'h LP side d~~i_gn pressure.
Ref: 5.3.2 p._...,.._: Decision ch;ut for ascertaining whether a P'RV lo be
Yes No
I$ the LP fluid '

in -shell si-de .?

- Yes
ca,n the relief
discha.rge be connected

------...,. to a low pre$_s,z-e
destinat'ion wi-t:h~ free
d.i;c\:i:nnin9 -piov:tsion or
to .a,tmasphe-re

- Ye$ 1$- the txh 0

) - ' . located below:h-~-~
tla-re header

Is the relief discha-rge

fully vapour er vap/liq Yes
mixt\J.,re- @ ~lQ.i:e header - i-..._..,
Ex;;nnine whether the
rel ie_f ~iseha-tge
ca-n .be conneeted to -No
~ coh_d-i-tion ( a.t -zero fia-re -c.ependi-ng: .on_
back. -press in; fla:-re - '- the-_ natUre -o-f the
header f1uid.

' yes
ca-n the liquid discharg&
be co~nected to closed
r -
J Yes ' '

Shell cs Shell cs She-11 costl:y. -

Area <Soo m<:. Ar~a >500 mz MOC
press. ra-tio <2.0 press. ratio <'.I..-~- _p~ess ratio<l.5
(.Note ~) (.Note 2) .~ote ~)

l!ict>te: 1)
No Yes __
Put relief valve 01'1 the >
Inc;reaSe" the design pressure
LP side o-f LP s-iQe ;to twe..-,.t_hird o,f
'---------'~--~---' i t:he de$i9'fl iPre$stJ re Q.f the 0

RP si<le j_
-. - -1,
r :-. - - ...'j'.
' --
:-_ J_,; - -?. \.-

. c -__, ::: '! . :' fl-:)"- r of 1.'1

Not'e J: These are tme broad guidelines based on the sa1vey dome
for big projects. For a give1i projeC!,always coi,si;lt with HMTD
for the cost factoroefore deciding ''ot go ior a relief valve . Also
clie1~t a11d lice11sor is to be i1~',fOrmed if mctessary-_, on case t'O case

basis .

Note 2: pressure ratio Required design pr. for the LP side to

satisfy rfile two"lihird criteria di,.,ided by rfil<: desigil pr. of lhe LP
. side faom normal process consideration.




~ - -- f


. /..,~
t1f ;r Pi{V_ tlt1es not l11ean t)1;1t the -H1P f]uid ingress
-c<ln--he- preve-nted iri t:he LP side dl1\i.1ristirea1h /up.Slream d'ur"ing a
tuhe rupture. The pur11t;1se t}f tihc i;elief device is -ttl pr:evc11t c1nly
t-he e-xrh<1ngt!r tla111ag,~ G11e t<l c1v~-r-press-ure ::ind no1 1nea-nt to
prevcnt-LP side ct1n1;1B1inat;il1n.



5.4.-1 Whi!n-it is dccicICd nt.1t lll install a PRV.

a.) _lncorpc,1t<1te lilie inererisecl '~;rlue of tht! dc.sign pr~ssuFe c1f

th~ LP side in the process data sheet EIL-0241- 745- J of
exch~nger ~ cha:nnet fir the shell s-ide v.~hichc\er is apf)l~table. -1
Aftt;t inrrea~ing th!;! dt!si~n tJressuFe of the ci<:hanger
_'i.>.:het1 h~r
t he !':_amtt c~n he -specifi~d for 1,he inlet/out.Jet
piping ..,:jt,hl1ut changing t,he eXi5.J,iilg piping Sf!S::Cs. lf yes.
lnct~tPl1rate this in t:h~ Jin~ list.

c) Aft_er inrFeasing tl1e des.ig_n pr;-essure of the -exchanger if '

- -~
the -i_nl1:1:t/l1tttlet line Ti.lting is lc:1\ver- than t l1at of -tl1c e,xc11anger

notzlc!s -specifv the- -ri.llinu t:hatl{!t: in tlu: P-t~ l!D ~1t J:hc c_xtl1anuer
- . .,,nc1zzl~s
: R:efcr
-- ' ;
- - - - -; . D -
l f{1f.'i1~1ail~. '.T~' -fn'./c1Ut: li0s
. --- ... - -__ - -
_to tht! excl1ang:~r 1s tfl he rta~nc:d: as_ a l_o\v-r J:tirrng, -

The -extent uptt1 -,\hie-h: the -ffigher design -press11i::e -can --be
ad0pted in tihe upst,Feam and clo,\-ns1 1J:am.-sy:-s1em-is- a_I\\"ays- a

dt!ba.tah)e iS5.ue. Tl)e jd_~a-of y;est,rict-ing t~e r<it ing only ..upto t-he

exChfi;ng.t"r nl1zzles - is t;flat- -rh C"Xchanget at -least \\ill be

pr0tect~_d __ from damage due- to overritessui:e v.-hith is
c0nsid_erd moJie rata_st~l;iphic-1han -the pipeline tupt:ure. A pip~
-c~n cit ll:a!'t -he r:c-pl~ced -ml~fl:! ea=--Jl_y _t;han an excha.nger .-

'-- -- ---. - - -
_5.-t.2 When it .is dceitfc<.f_ tt-1 i11sta11 a saft;ty relief vt11vc.

a) __ Th_!i.,.PRV fc1r l 1 ul11~ tuptiur~e is 10 h~ d_ecl_icated and h.Jc-atecl en

the exi;-l1;:i ngr:r in (')Ut'Slic:in . No 01,J1er PRV ]otated

-clo\vns-t1re-<i.n1/i.11')sir(:;J.rrt in t1 h~ LP system to b=e "usccl" to relieve

the h1Hd - it-r;eSpecti\'tr o_f\\hether any isohition- valve CtHnes mr
nc1t- het\\'teen- t 11is. dedirated PRV _;:ind tile
1 1
-- flt1hct PRV
dl7J\1.:nsti:ean1;'ups!re:1111. Nerm~lly, the QI.her PR:V Will .be locateJ
r;en1t1tel_y { eg C!it-1\vnstr1tam colu1Tin. tllfJ, ve_sseJ etc.) and the time
-interval fc1r thl!' "h<:ick \Yave tr;ins.miss-ic-1n - -fr{1m the se:1urte of
rupture ""'l'
he m<1r< hdm~ !he PRV opens.( APJ RP 521 p
J16.), -It Is -tc-1 he-nr-ite'"I .t hat t~e PRV fc;1r ('1tihe-r failure tg_es op~n

under sli1t ic 1;)tessur~. ,,~Jieiieas in luh -tupt1,1re , -it is t>y the


.pre!>SUfi~ \\'a:i.:e.

bj In the P&ID,sh~w <he PRV right on the exchanger shell top

- prt,".f~rrihly in the rtlidttJe Of tht! t.l1be bundle. \\'ith a -minimum
_pilfling_ inle.( -fensl h. Refi:?r Skt:ich Dl_ for Ge-tails.

c) ~-t~nti{~n in the "s~nite" r_c:ilun1n of nozzle-details of process

d<ita sheet nt'l_E,Jl-J1J:!-t 1-7.J5-l of the exchanger n safety relief
val\-e ft1r t.uhe rup1,t1tct .. sh..:11 side ot 1.ul:ie -si-de.-" . Menfion the
size as" hold ,-. \\hilt" iss_uin!! th~ data -shee.t for _c0n11nt?-nts.-Put
-the noz~le rating con~istc;:-til ~ith the -dc~ign pte's:Sure ~f- the
\(Xchangr. -\Vhil_~ i'sst1ing :ft1r-engine~.ri_~g..0 s~(if_y the no:UJ~ -$iiz,e
-shine as -t he in'ltrJ -11l)tile sii~ =0f -J.fie -pR,-V as given by

Jnsirvmentill'i~;in;.:D~pl. - . _:_ -

--- d) Ort_ly t:>ne '.pR.'V- to-:he c<1ns.ide-re~ for -tUh~ rupt:iire-case .

0">n:o.idered to hi;::-an operational friilUte ,its_ ;-octupance

is r<l-Fe. l'he isolat-it;)Jl v-atve up~tream an-d _tJo~\flsJieam of PRV
- tfil he s-f1l.;'l'ifir:d in ac(l'lfclanc~ to the Process Dtsign.-OuidCliTie
-Tio. -22 . I lfl'-\"C\'ef_. sht;)tilcl:it -felt __nr:-cessarj- tQ provide .an _is01i11.iOn
vaJve .at inlet (.-idea i_s to 1ake: PRV Cot ina-inteilal)l!e with -a ii_sk
\\;hile tht:- _Pfl11;es~ is on ). it_ must -he -documented it:1 the bciCk -lip
mc;:ntioning ~ dr:,~iatiOn

-= 1 _,_- -

_l _\" C-.~ -
! -
. -
5.S.1 011ci: ii i~ ~ccfofet..11<1 install n PRV, thc _fl1llt1\~'.ing ff:clr111ulae to l~c:
used l<l c;1!cul:i1~ the Ro\V l'llfiflugh the ruJJ!urtd tJf;it:ning. Si11cr
tihc trea1rnent is fc-1r t-h-e Ste:1dy stai<? ,the wi;ight t~rl\v in k-g/ht scJ_
calculated tht<Jugh l he- ruptui;ed opening \\'ill he t1hfi0Ugh-1he

PRV nlrn.

The LP sicJ~ nc.1111nally hnve. ~c,nne capacity to ahso_rb t he flO\v. 1

-Since it is clifficult 10 C!stnhlish l his ccJn''incingl)'.,no 9eclit is to


he t:.1ken

Each of the fc:JIJO,,~ing cases -c<Jntain the guidcllne on-,,,hat 3nd

ho''' t0 Sp~tif}' the load and -0ther tondit1 i0n~ in the PRY dala
T,,.l!> c0nditic-1ns ~re to he_-specit1ed in t~e data sheet .. _one for
. th< HP side fluid relie\"<:d through the PRV and the mher -
LP side fluid it>el(_ Th< PRV to be sized for bo!h ~nd
.pficJ\1dt:d f0t 1h~ ct1ntfl1I1ing tHse. fhis is so. as it is a.tgueQ that
the tube opening may he fast ~noilgh. So that -r-he- -LP side -fluid
rn_a: fit1t he fully dispi;i_ced a:s -lhe .P-RV -stat-ts rCJie:v,ing .

lri _;rll th_e qises. it is -to :~ as_surhecf ~_fit no heal t~a~srer -i<lkes_ -
-pJace on_i;~ t'he the rupture occurs. -
5.5.2 IIP Side is liquid -and fl(.1w lhtough -ruptUre ~ithout .pl1:;isc
change. --- .;

( an_ orifict!_ ceefficie.nt af '1 .0 h~\'e been used hete )

w -- - J;h1\v -rate , kg/)1r.
d -- JD of t,he tuh.;: mm.
AP -Design flJTessure c.11' !he H'P
.-....J.J tin1es !he dttsign ji)Fessu1Te,kg/rn12a
(.1f-the LP side {i.t>. uhe i:elieVing
P -- Densi1y gf 1he liquid , kglm3 at the
oriert11,ing t~1nr11::-rutur~ of tht! J f1P- sicle. Use
design t~inp_1trnt.ure if ct-1Ji-1ci~fe11t \Vj!-h
design rire~sute.

-The tl0\v s<l calculated is tile -1-IP -side Ii~ui_cl 10\ving . th11ough
t-he op_eniog.Follh\\~ing tt1 lie-ar:fopte-cl -fot the PRY data sheet:

Case 1 ; Spec-ify-the HP side liquid as the re:Jievlng fluid.

-i)the tlO\\" a_s ct1lruh1ted us ah0\e

ii) -the r::1tecl'_ capacity _0f_ the pu1np/rt-1n1~ressor upstream- err
esr-afllishc:d hy material lil.:1f:1nce or m~xirnm flerrnit,ted -by the -
ct:1ntroJ v;)J\'1t up/do\vn!'lr;eam.

b.) Se-t pressure: LP side design- pressuie_ or Jesse-r (de.pending -On

bther P"'""" reasons in the LP sid) ,Kg/trn2g. '

(:) O.~rJilrf-S:->lJr<!: JOtff-Of the sel pre.ssure_.

- d) Relie'"ine le-mperature: Operating_- t~nlperalJJre of ~he HP

Side liqlrid ....Sp_ecit) the .design 1errtperatute i_f it is coincident
,,.itb the dsign prCs5ur:-e. _ -
.i :' . '"

. I

' ';-. -
e) .Pr11per1ies : llP side- li_<:JUid rirl'>perlitis at the teticving
-c:6ndit1i0t1.LifiJl!id- _ptop!!fl1i~s will _nt,ll -un:detg(i atty chang~ at the-
reJi~-v-ing ptrc-ssure. -

f) C;1lcuh:1te l'he v1ilu111~tric- t:i(l\v rHtc tlf th_e I If> Hquid.

Ca$e 2: Sfecif) as an ~1fternate tc1se- the L!' side -fluid.

U) LQ<1d: Specify lh LP side fluid fluw '"'" same as the

\'01tnrie.t,ric r~uiva.Jent -as the f<1ad determined in 11he case I
ab<ive for HP liquid. Obtain lhe kg/hr lhlad by multi/)lying wi1h
-proyiet de_nSity at -thi:: fc11lov.'it1g condltin. This ~-Y- tle seen
mo1ne11t:<1ri!y by- PRV l>efc-Jte re;:Jeasin_g the actual -H,P .l_iquii;I. -

b) Se.f pr;essurc;: L.P sid_e dt'~ign

press_ure_ or lfsser { depf:nding on
ether ptocess rei1srnns -in -t ht! -LP si_de ), kgtcrn2g~-
1 -

d') R.c;i'lie~:ing te1i1per:a1.ut~: Tt!:n1perature 0f the LP-s-ide fluid- at i

the relie\:ing ptctSStJfe. -i!1is 111ay hi: satt1r:aii0n. er operating ~-

ten1pt?r:aturti de:pencling upllil-ihc: case. -

e) Prrlfle'rties : LP Sid~ -liquid pr0_perties &t the -te_Jieving .


\ 5.5.3 HP side is gas/l(_apour and flow through liUpture without phase


rer tomptessible tluid-llo\\' lhto_ugh orifice opening; ex,its

a -funclainental -thetmOd\'.nan)ic cons-idei:.ation. this_ -is - for a
giveil- upstream pre:ssUi._-t,h~ thi:qat pr:~SsQr:e carifldt; -fall hefo\v
a ce.-rtain-,aJue -- ho tnatte.r.10 11he -\\hat level- ll1c do.,\nstte~1m
pressure is drop/)ed. !his limiting di~eat 'pressil.e':js called lhe
critical flo\V prCs$ure PCF. lcleah~;~ -r~r a -gl\~n upstream
pre-ssure. thi$ :\alue i_S to be -caJcutaled'fr:bm-the senic flo'v
equations usJng lhe-- cp/n. Normall_y. this value corne:s out to
he so-55% of th!?_ upsttream pi;es5 lt iS- propesed le use a



v<1Jue <>f 55 ){: {,1f _ l htt upsl,Jieam pfessure fot the taJci;il.ation_s

her~_Jf tJtis -\-alue-cc1flies out tc1-he_ n1tire,-1,han th~ --downstr;eam

-LP_ sic:fe reli~vitl!! .pr;e-ssure -, PCF itseJf to -he used in de'lta- P f(Jr
the flc:l\\' calculat it1ti. -f<,1llc.1,\ing -ft1rmulae to be used: -

w Fltl\Y rate ku.nlr.

0 -- Jil) 0f the tiuht.!_,' 111111.
_V ..- Sr>eCitlc vc-iJtrie , 1n3/kg _@' -drS"ign pressure & c:ipier~t,ing
tcri1petat,11te-- 0f f,he lJ!.r;,. side .Use
t!ie:<ign 1 ur.e if tointicle.Rt \Viflh
lll~sign pressure.
Y -- LO - R3flAP Jl> 1 Epansion factor.
This -is to he -~1ke.fl !ntm aecOunt for -change in vol-Ume of
compressihle fitt1lcl t hr;ougJ1 the 0.riflce_... ;.

P1 -.- I)esin pFessurce of t he H1P side:-:kg_ltrn_2a~


_PCF -~ Crlt it;11f-flc-1\\' pressul'e -= 0.$5 P1


6, P --- Lo,,er tc1f

P,- PCF .
P1- l.J_('design pre!"!'. of LP -side
' . .

The flO\\' st,i calculat!!d is thit I-JP side ''a.rioun/gas flo,Vif'!g

thtt,)ugh th(! o_p~ning-.tt1llc1\\'i11g 10 _be adopt~cl -rmr ihe PRV
dat-<1 Shett.t:

- -
-':J:} load_: LO\\er ''<llue of

i)'The now as q1lculakd as ~1'ov~ kg/hr.

ii) The _r~ted c-apa_cit)' of-t,he compre-ssot upstream. or \'apour
-ge:neraiitin c_apacif}' doe to heat Jripllt at the- normal operat-lng
p1ic:~sure ( eg due- to columli reboili'rs ) or permitted hy the
con1ror \-'alve, kg/hr. -

-- -
__ "-]:;,- ~ - . -

. ! -- 'I 1.J
_10_ ~ - sitoatil1n invt,l1Ving -exchanger in lhe paralJel cifcuit 1
maximum- flow pt1ssihhr Cun he n~cer1~1ined and - sp<;ifi"~d~ A
- .gt;1Ad appT<~nch is tl'l 1ake Sonic fll~w in the inlc;l:t piping of tl1e
HP side-. Jf this value cnnn(Jt_ be deterrttind with conf:ldence 1

specify the V;due -as d-eterni_inea by t,ht! above criteria.

b) Sift pre-ssure:--l_P si_l!te-design pr:ess.1lr;e -or Jes-ser ( on

othe,r_prl,lCess r;e;JstlliS- in 1-ht!: -LP sicle),. kg/crnZg.

c:) Ove.rpresst1Jie: 1ll9C _of i-he set pressur;e.

d) Relieving tempe.ature: Operating tmpemt'ufe <lf. the HP

Side gas. Sp-i:eify the de.sign te111pe-ratuFe 1if it is -c.oincide:nt-with
-- the dl!'~ign pF_ess1n:e. -

-- e-) P-re~rties
-: .H1P Side .gas -p_roperties at t lle relieving1

c0h~Htit~ns. Notct that if the r:~:lie"ing pr-essuJie- is Jower _than tiht;-

-PCF tind the prt1}flertils ay;e to be ree~Sta@Ifshed for-- t-liis

o- Calculate -1h~ vfl111111etric 11(J\\' t1f 1J1e HP t:luid at t-he

- teJie\~ing coilltition.

Ca_se 2: Sp-eci_t) as an aite-rni1te tase the LP side fluid.

a) Load: S1,ecify the LP side fluid flo\\' rate same as the
vOll1n11t_tric e<1uiyale-ti_t of -t-he HP tluid ( as -determined ar .the -
~cfiv-lng cond_i1,jt,1n --) Ohtain--the kg/hr -le_ad b}' tnul1ipiying with
pr0pei de_TI$ity a1 the fOllo\\'ing .conclition. Th:is n1ay -h6 -seen
mo111entar:i1y 1Jl1 PRV hefcJrti- actu~lly r:e1easing th_e H'P

b) S~t pt<5<UFe: LP side design pressure lesser (depencling on-
oth~r pi~ess r~a;;rnns in th~ LP sid~). _k~cm2g. _ (

c)- '-erprEs_suf:e: 10~ of the sft -pressure:-

-d)_Re.Jieving ten1perati1re: Tempei:atuJ!ci: of th~--LF $ide-flui~ -at

the reli\inJ?. fJressure. This ma:y be a satura_t,ion er operating

~ ._, ~ - ' '
'., ,-. ' . i

~; ,,.

! i- tilt
~ . . r.;uitl

.i -
- C) ,Prtlp(rtiei; LP sid~ fluid pl'<,lpert,ies at the teli~ving

5.5.4 HP side is liquid and n<iw thmgh the rupture with pha<e
chani:e l.e Hashed ~I the LP side.

In tihis c~se:. the fiJ<Js!ling_ t1f t he Jiqtlid is t_o be tnrried

QUI at
thG rupt.uFed thFoat j>fiesSuFe-hy_ ise\ntl1alpic- Cllrnf>uter run. This
preS!'llTt! _is critical tlC'l\\' pTie-ssuie ot the re.Jieving pressure ef t_he
LP side -",hich~-v_et is _higher. Jn. the ilifJ~I_ of .the! flnsh run, use
iht? design pte-ssuF~ Qf H.P side and- thf epeiatiing tempei;a_tute.
Design tc!.mpera-t uri; can he used .if it- iS coincldel}t_ with the

design _pr:essurt?.

H~re th~ li'4\iid and vupour _fI1ac~,i9n- flow areas - are te- 'be .
_calculated ihGi\:iclually and then solved. fi;om th<r vapeur
ftaCtisn equ<it.ion. Fer tihi!' -pt1rpt1se,the individual vapmur_ arlcl
JiC!}Ui(!f flov,: equat,Jt:ins, Ai:e \\"fjt,ten in tt?tn1s (I( <JF3 _ Itit:her than
the tube JD.

. W(L) = 1.265.iA(LJJAP.p

\V(VJ = 1.265 y. ~-A(VJ f.6PfV

A "' A(V) + A(L) = J.57 d'"2. 'f ,

wii.> .. .. uq~ia naw.k~ihr.

W(V) Vapm1t flow;kg/hr. - I .:.-._ .
A(VJ Afl} .. VaJ'our anil liquid how area, inm2..
d <. lD of the tuhe ,mm
P1 _ _., Design _pr:~ss_ure af t~he H1J?' -sicje~
v -SpeCi1'c volume of the vapour fraction take the
flashed -vapot1r-f)repe:rt}' _al the t,hrtJal pressure ,ri(;/kg.
F l>e.,,\t:!J. '"'l~!l 6! fL..h"- L"IJ"';,,
-PCF~,. . -.- Cr~ticcd fl0,,- .rre~sure- = 0.5,S -P1 ~k-g.!cm2a.

W(V) I W(L) " kn''""" ft<>m a nnsh run ((t rupHire thrnat
press. PCF er 1. l times the LP ide design press.
Wl1ic;f1t:ver i!ii highttr:. - -
AP -- Lower ef
P,- PCF .
P1- l.l'design pre55.of L.P side,kg/cm2a.

- The indi,~idual vapt1ur __and t,he Jiq\1id lead can be ol;>tained .by
simul1aneo11sly_ solving t-he equatitlns . _

the lt0w sm- -c:n1culated Is- th~ H1P -side fl11id flowing t,J1_rough t,he
opening.following to be aijopted for the PRV data sh"J't:

Case I : Specify th< HP sid lluid as the r<ilieving .

a) Load: L<iwet value of

i) The llow as calculated as above. W(V)+ \V(L), kghir.

ii) The r:nted capacit~~tif the p11n1p!COrn.ptes_sor ltpst:Feam or pf;".rmit-ted

by the conlftll ''<)]\"cf.
' .

lf PCF \vas used in the nbO,e f<1tillula. -another flash to -LP side reli,ing-
-i -
pre~sur~ is -to --be "'nrri('d out to tees-ta,hlish t-he inctegsed. vapour to
liqid rati_0. II
' '' : , - , --
-_ -- - ~ ~-

_Jn a !;it-uat-ior1 iil\!<-1}\~ing exc;l1anger in -th6 -phtii_lier -_:_ -cirCUitt m-a,,;itoutn i'
-no\\-111ossi_hle-t-an -tu: (lS_Cer-tained ;ind _,specified. If 1.h_i_s \a1ue-_ci_!ilrtot be
deterrninlid--\vith coritlde-nc . s_f>IZtif}' th'e.-,,alue as determined h_y--the
ahove- Criteria.-

b) Set piessure: LP sicl~ design pressure or lesser (dewencling On other

(~- -
. _.. P,to_c_~~s rea~ons in t:h-e LP s'ide). kg!t:-m_2g.
. ,_-
c_) 0verprs!;_Ur~: l( )r;(- ,Of the sel f>Fesstire.

-d) Relie_ving -temperatiir:e: TeinpleratuJi_c:t 0f the H'P side fluid -afie_r

flashing ih the LP- sid~ telle\'iiig _pressure. Anothe.r isent-halfic
- -c:;_Qmrn.iter rt1n to he t~iken fflT- ihi~. if FC:F Was earlier used
- for the ~--~

. . .. ... . f'a~e 1r of 19
~ 1e rnt:irrei-...-~--i:11't~'! ..... ~ .. ~-
- _,,-ifio'f'i. l'f i-hi~- -~-~-

f) C11kul111e lh vnlume1rk flnw vapour+liquid of the !IP

nuid "'-the Felioving condilion.

Case 2: Specify as an nlle_rnalo tase the LP side !Juid.

a) Lead: Sl'ecify the LP side fluid flow rate same as f,he
v@lunletric eq.ui\-'.a!e,nl @f -the HP fluid:( as de1e:.rmined Ht 1he
reliving con<foicm ). Obtain the_ kg/hr load <lf LP lluid by -
multiplying- wi1 h pr;<lpft density at "f,he fQJfowing Cmnclit,ion. This

may be seen
n1{ l1Tit!-niari1y by the PR-V l;ieft1Fe actually z;cle-a~ing

the HP fluid. -

_ b) Set pressure: LP side design presS\we or lesser-( !~pending on

other r>rocess re<1sl1n~ in. 11he LP side ).k-g.lc1n2g.

c) Overpressunc;: _l9S~- of the ~et ptess-U-te~

d) Relie,dng ternJ1tiat1l1r;e: .Je-1nperat1ure Of the LP side fluid at

-- - - th teli\ing pfiessur;e. T.his may be _a Saturation or ewe17arin
-__ te1n_perH_t.ute ltept;"nding_ up1ln the_tluitJ- state.

e-) Pr:<1pert,ies : LP ~ictl.' t~t1id prOJilCr-t.ies cit the J'eJie_\ing


5.5.S HP si<le is '"'" phase and-- -furtl1ei. _-y(}p@M~~~-

- -- . .
aftc;r .-!iowing
through ,the rUpi:1,1re._

{he apprt1ach for this remains the:- s<1tne:.-as fhe earlier
case_~ -But vapovr t<) liquid- ratio :at -the t-htoat -presstire -to be
u1d and to be estahllshed fwrn an isemhalpic.flash tun by

~J.rst. carry 0ut an -isenlh;ilpic Clash rl,ln _to t-h~ .critita) flow
pre~sure--Or LP si_de relie\'in~ prreS$UfC _tt.hichever ~j~ - - hig}l~_r-..
'; it t
In tl\e input of the flash run. use the design pi;essure of HP
_ side an<l the Opetating temporatut<;,,~e~ign,-l<;Il]f!C;t<lf,\IT\t,;' C~n.
beii!-<ed if it is crni~ldd_ent u;itll 1<1t;.ft~i;<i!f; 1\11jfts'utt~e.s'. oft,he
-nrecedtire- nncl- eu1del1ne for the -PRV, _data s-heet f1lltnl! are -
, ...
-~_\,, .-.-.

Annexure-1 list of articl~slpub~catio_ns tefeiited Page I

Annext.rre--2- Typical P&UlreyteSentation- Page I
Annex_u:re-3 Sample CalculatiQn. fages5
Al:riiexute-4 Sample PRV data sheet Page I

--- .

Page 19of19

'T~:-<: "-~'."l-""":;-':)-'"' 1-.-...-~-' 0 6

l'.'11t' htri? i~-f0r i'I.- c-~!=!t 5.'S.4. th=it .ls HP----- s:j O'E_
c- !
::i 1.::_q:1:ir1."l.n-~ :lt---_fla.:~h-~S_- ~.ft--;:-r- f10.,..:i-:c1g t:hrr;;uah- fJ;ie-- rlJf't IJ-T_fd_
f- ,; j :-;-:_.--~_ !
1!~--t:c: ---,.~;:oi-".". l'-~~-i~- fl'.l~-t fe'llt-t. .1:he a::::c-_i~i0r:- c'J---::01-i:: firs:t tc.: _t~":"lfJ_.i!--_l
-~:~. th;- r -t~.~ t,~ _~ i_'1e -d.:: ~:i or: _,r_!E_~~Jr~- r0 }1~- -j r,_r!;:-;icc tj -r.i-- t;1 p-1:_-t- -_ -~__-_Jo

~ ..: -t"~ -:o,-.;~'--r;~-- .t11i; f11-:(ls: e;-_,- r..0-f._;.1-rr.-C: t0 ;'.i~ P.:~ =IT:-d L_.':J ~:f.-f.-7-l
~1'!~:'!~ r<:$-f~!:t_i"\'fc:)y:r.;itkE'-?'" !:h~!"I_- t~f. s:h.P'.-1 .,,_;..,~_ t1.l11:~? s~<l~. ;._]'t-h-n'.!j:;--.---:-
..,_, ~-~=
--"" :!"-""-
r __ ,_r.,,o -,- "c-r-f-~'!"-P:.~- ::ic lP ...
..- c-...-- 31~1-y -.:..1t w1..1_.:.
_..., 4 - -~
t-~ C>r t-t~--
___ ;
!""!;np.t;E-:! ru~-r- t-J-.i-$_"-rrot~e,urf'. - (-~phasis i~- -iv6:-n --tQ j_
ir-,..~ta~f. :tt,?- lP-~-:a~ t!c-S~gt; Pr.;;;f_~.:Jl"e . _ j f t-1'! -:i_--_s-c t:--ii?'!""" __ 0 n_ -t_~<f-
':i"\-:-i!"~nE-1 s:idi:- _<"r.fl :P~V t-0 -b~ 3..,.~r_?:O-=-~. P.'""ll~~""vr-1, th;E p::_~~rp_os:i:; cf _-t-?"i"~
f";?--:>?"d:_;.r~ -iS: to!""'ilre -1:.t~e-- s-t-_.,,ps ti"> :-."" f~l_l0:w.ed -f-:t!:_-- rt--~
-:-?.~C-!,Jla-tio-::i. -

A i:>~Oi<ii>$R NAPHTHA

DE SCRIPT/ON : lti1s c."s=-- 1s FoR AN Asso1<e:e.i< INia<cOotsK

HOT F(fftD Ff.OWS f'f<OM AN l'NT!<RM~DIAiTkA7
BY 4f<:;AVl1Y,_6:l<1s <:;OOL!oJ> AND RE;TVRN5
THE TRAY a&t:ow.

_:- -
-- -_- - -

-4/UR. (11:?"% Pf NORMAL) ..

~-- - - - - - -

i)f1i.Si6N 'fi!'SWRe:. 16 0 KG.pz.A

(12MPt:RATUKE; 8J4C {!UBBI. P<;:>INT @, 180 l(<i,k,z_A)

Lp $1 DE ~l.lJID : c=uNq WATt:R

33"C (r~) ~ ""f0G (ol.lT)

J)Esi~N Thi;ssoRa : 80 ~/.;::11,.. A.

------ . ----- ---- .
~- -- - -
---- --- --"'"!:: .1 J ? . ..
Of fH{; - Hjc. LlG(_ ;


16 o l('',;'/<:~2 A

),7 OBTAINE.l> f-Ro /.1 FOR.
fHE Ae~oi:ei;:R. RvN.

1Hio fl{C LIQ 1$ fJ.A'iH&,P

( L/ PR!C$$'JRl1: 01' . F::F


Pc" ""' CR1Tk:AL Fiow f'kt$f.;>1<1; AT -D,~ M<floA'F

01'- )'tlJP'lORIO" 1s- o
9 9 k<iO):,,,~ A.

(li) R'eLIVIN0 'fi<o5SVRe "" 11 )I.. (}>8E.l($.N F'Rl'-S:>bR!e C>F i.I" ~ID&.) .

,.,. 14X60 = $f;, Yes/a.:/+

$ l"JCE
. Pc" > 'R~tlVIN<i: 'f>RESSO~i>. fl.ASl'l Ro~ 4
CAL'-ULA1'1QN. -
> l:S os<,t;>

'"FROM '"ffit


FROM lb) '!,t- (c)
W(v) = -_ Y. A((v) J 'Iv - - - - - -:--.~(d)
W(L) - AL) - $hb 2 "f 5'

V ~ 0' 081 -1>1J'K'o/ .
s ~ 6504 ~,,.,,.,,,

1 0 ~ 0 E x 6 '.1 .

llence, . 2-
A(v) + A(!-)"' 1fl(Zo) " 628 . - . - - ~ (f)

FROM eo,o~ (_e) V (f)

A( L) "' ~-19 4 3 '1111ri2.
, .~ .. ,
. l
; A (v) "" ' 1C:f7 111m :i..
sl>BTITUlll./S, VAt\1S . Or A(L) .'6 A(v) IN ~ll." ()') tl{9)

w(v) c 1'518 KG./HR

w(L) :;;: 6072.4 . Kt.ijHTZ


~- .

':'.'. :ht' '5 "} 5

--~ ..
~.lITAM HP:$ TQ-- BE FUC'1f.tER fL;\~-!'-12:1) i=f.--~n...; 9.9_ Ki:i_k-P;._ A_ To
85. Kei,f~,.A f'.IJT >OlAL fLOJ RAoli: 10 t'i Co'<:C:DE.RIOD
Y~O~LD Bf; 302.'31 k6jll'<..'


--~- ~-
... ~
LDr--"-V -o
----- IN
: .i'-"._

"114 1"i<0Pe1<1110s <'>F \IAP00"'- L/~010 10 E.e I



e. e
I(~/cw:<. A I
, __

2'7 3S-5
~~-~-- . 45 '1rl"'fhr
S3 6 "" 82 1 'lii'/hr
- 11 '56 'l. . c-
- _SM; 4 . <if 5

179 -

- -._
.. -,-Hf.
I -
- "--
rr~ .., ....,_
: V.J- 'f_7
~J-A'T.L.K L. 11'[ ~;:.? $ Ho,J/;VE.R.
c;;,cy ::::,'' ,"'1DReOVE.'<. THE 1ix<;1tANGER AFIGR AT/AtNING;
~:..;:;:- XU Vf,N(- -P'RfSf.t).RE _ /fi~ COQ(..JN~; WA}ER f:=L,.r:il.J i..J :Ll,,; ( - ..
-~ - - -

LfA~!?. -;-i-;.:s HIG,H Fw;:i<U. f?A-Y-" ~$ THUS NOT f'>o:os1eu;:

.;T IS ::STILL HO!J!iV$R .f"RO'.,[/DSp. AS A SECON J;)

CA!>f"" As MOM<;' NT AR11,,cy 'THIS l,,<LJCH VQW)Mtz. MA)'.
ec. DISP(.ACfit> FROM "tH BXCHANg,eR.' [\)HEN TH&- HP$/(),,,,.

FJ..t.nD . REL! Ii.SES .

..I -

:L.~.~~ I

~ ......

this -dr~lrq th~ desiil'i- tt cove; ~~~ the pr~rty of- EficttNEi:S-Jiro1:A _l-11~1-Tfo.-_Th'y nr~ il'ilrly loaned and od
the -bortowra ellf)<B$ii o_gre~nt- that .th-ey "'1-ll i'lot rtprcdr.r(;ed._ copied, lolined, e:o.hlbi-ted, ~r l!Se4 except tn thir
ll~lted -r.ay oncJ prf:vate ~e perml.t-t~ by Any wrJ;t,trn c0nsent given by the l'rr-4er to ttie borrower.EJJ.ii:xxxJ11;xJt_

. .
. .

P.lint - linl.t riu;ber

S_ol ids G Cas- :T1to_ P_hase l f.:..u_-id &- Va

Flciw Ulii_t.s: lf - id__.-_ a: Jlr _G_es _[ _l!r --_Pi;eSsur.r "lift.its - _t- c;:ili--1 G

J!ev- Ho-.
Ja.; __ Ho .. _-
t8Se No.- r tf -ilii --

.lntet l.ifit- _no.

Out-t\.i fi - ~~no. --
Vessel -ilci. OH EE-- SHE(L_ T_~ Qll_:EE_-_ - SHELL TO~.
"fl_uid _& FlU-id S_t-aie: i{tG- fV~P+_( Itil vl~-[Jj_

J - r __ _33_40 - -
-- Rel iev.I 4_0_

Se.t_-- 7.0 1._o

sasis_Of _Selecfiori __ . _.uer: _g_i;.f>"til_lE--
Val'Ve-D"isthiir- _:to
. ~ - _-

_va r:_ r- __water :_ ( r i_d

936_- - .M3' H

li "id rt-tU __ -
Pfd . _a-Ret ,1 - __ - ._-1 ;o__ -
VISt: ltv- at Rel i- c.r .
- . :0 .. 6_-
. . .

-Fof nas- -VeSStl -Ul'l(Jer _f-i"-e

VeSsef Sui'fac-e_Aieil_ .li'I __
VeSSel Viill t-

.i!emarts_ --
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