Duplex Rollers and Trench Compactors: LP Range
Duplex Rollers and Trench Compactors: LP Range
Duplex Rollers and Trench Compactors: LP Range
LP range
Customers look to you for great compaction. Our job is to provide
equipment that help you deliver. Together we create quality.
A customer that keeps coming back you should think about is how to do by using diesel engines from Hatz
is the best praise a company can a great job on time and on money. and cooling fan for oil and battery we
get. Our job is to help make your Sleek design, hydraulic steering and cut downtime. If youre in the rental
customers return for years to come. transmission make handling easy and business this means popular and easy
And, hopefully, we get the chance to effortless. Even in confined spaces. to use products with a long service
serve you again. life. Talking about service, we have
When we get down to business there Thanks to vibration-reducing design local support in over 170 markets,
are two things we do that makes life you can work longer hours with our teams with product specialists and
easier for you and your customers. duplex rollers. The high centrifugal technicians with one main task: to
We create duplex rollers and trench force and speed of the entire LP- give you support. Thats how we work
compactors that work and we provide range lets you get more done in less to help you keep your customers.
relevant service when you need it. time. Of course our machines need
When you start up the engine all maintenance from time to time. But
A great compactor can handle all soils. Heres how to tame
mother natures upper crust.
CLAY SILT 0.06-2 mm
ASPHALT < 0.002 mm 0.002-
0.06 mm GRAVEL
2-60 mm
Layer thickness (m) Passes Layer thickness (m) Passes Layer thickness (m) Passes Layer thickness (m) Passes
0.06 0.2 0.3 0.4
LP Surface capacity (m2/h) LP Compaction capacity (m3/h) LP Compaction capacity (m3/h) LP Compaction capacity (m3/h)
250- 25 75 35-
325 100
The graph shows an average (%)
over 1,000 hours.
Operator Spares
Investment Energy
Compaction equipment of this weight To make sure you can keep working When working on different type
class needs to be easy to manoeuvre. our hydraulic roller is also equipped of jobs you might need to switch
The fully hydraulic LP6505 uses the with a cooling fan that keeps the vibration on and off. This is of course
power of oil to put its compaction oil temperature on the right level. no problem on the LP6505.
capabilities right at your fingertips. This is especially advantageous in
For optimal control in any situation hot environments but regardless of Two flip-up hoods facilitates both
the step less throttle lever is placed on climate it increases uptime, reduces service and battery charging. The
a vibration-reduced handle with good wear on components and simply LP6505 is also equipped with
ergonomics. The compact design with boosts productivity. The system scrapers to keep the drums clean and
high curb clearance, no overhang and also keeps the battery and polymer hydraulic brakes with an automatic
sleek sides allows you to go close items, such as seals and rubber, cool braking function for easy operation.
to walls, posts or edges basically for better performance and longer
anywhere your work may take you. lifetime. Other standard features
include hour meter and oil alert.
Duplex Rollers Heavy made easy
UPTIME Quick start
Easy access to
Long life electric start.
Built-in hydraulic oil cooler
extends component lifetime
and increases reliability in ERGONOMICS
tough, hot conditions.
Easy handling
Hydraulic brakes for easier
handling and enhanced safety.
Get going
The LP 750 is available
with manual and/or
electric start.
Go wider
LP 750 mm wide one tonne roller
with hydraulic driven vibration
and triple chain drive for forward
and reverse motion.
Clay and silt are the toughest soils reliable Hatz engine will deliver all each unit comes with two batteries
there is. Add tight corners, obstacles the power you ever need and the extra and onboard charging. A cable
and steep slopes and you have the tall pads make sure you have both control is also available.
home turf of the LP8504 Trench traction and compaction to handle
Compactor. Despite its capabilities to your daily tasks. The Bluetooth We want to keep you profitable and
handle really tough conditions regular remote control lets you work at up an important part of that is uptime.
work in connection with backfills, to 30 meter distance, far away from The LP8504 is equipped with a
parking lots or similar projects is noise, fumes and risk of landslips. hydraulic oil cooler that reduces wear
handled equally easy. Since Bluetooth technology uses on components and prolongs service
radiowaves, the remote control and intervals. The same fan also cools
Thanks to the unibody skid steer the machine does not need a direct the battery for extended life time.
design a 90-degree corner in a tight line of sight between each other. To
trench is an easy manoeuvre. The keep you up and running at all times
Trench compactors Get up, down and around
The LP8504 will be your partner of choice for compaction on steep or soft soils
where most other fails. Despite its size and power it will get close to any obstacle
and through the trickiest trench.
LP8504 can take a 90 turn In a tight trench an Counter rotation of compac- Articulated machines
in a trench. articulated machine need tion drums enables LP8504 need constant adjustment
to be lifted out and turned to make any diameter. to compact e.g. around a
physically. manhole.
Stop in time
Automatic push stop.
Stay balanced
The unibody design
Get up and down
increases stability
The LP8504 can go up and
due to constant
down 35-degree slopes.
center of gravity.
Easy operation
Turns tight corners thanks to counter
rotating drums which permit rotation
around its own axis.
Keep going
The remote control comes
with two cadmium-free
batteries and onboard Remote control
charging as standard. The new bluetooth remote control
Higher e fficiency, lower system keeps you out of harms way.
environmental impact. Thanks to individually paired units
there is no risk of electromagnetic
distrurbance between the control and
reciever. Bluetooth does not require a
direct line of sight between the com-
municating devices.
9800 1362 01 Copyright Construction Tools GmbH, Essen, Germany. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 07.2015