ChE 135 HQRUV Laboratory Manual v2
ChE 135 HQRUV Laboratory Manual v2
ChE 135 HQRUV Laboratory Manual v2
Laboratory Manual
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of the Philippines Diliman
Course Syllabus
1. Design, Perform and evaluate experimental procedures on various unit operations and
a. Explain rationale of procedure and equipment using the application of knowledge in
heat, mass and momentum transport, as well as chemical reaction engineering to
unit operations and processes
b. Make relevant observations, analyse sources of errors and modify procedures to
improve results
2. Interpret and draw conclusions from experimental results
a. Analyse data using relevant engineering approaches
b. Discuss and recognize engineering concepts as applied to the experimental results
3. Communicate, in a written and oral manner, clear and logical reports on experiments
and projects
4. Develop, execute and monitor collaborative investigative projects in process engineering
a. Create a feasible project plan according to specific objectives
b. Work as a team in a long-term project
c. Coordinate and collaborate with other teams in project implementation
[92,100] [88,92) [84,88) [80,84) [76,80) [72,76) [68,72) [64,68) [60,64) [0,60
1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.00
Experimental Design 10
Project Oral Report 10
Project Formal Report 5
Weekly Pre Laboratory
Weekly Formal Report 60
Lab Performance 10
Full attendance in the Undergraduate Research Colloquium is required. Failure to meet this
requirement would result to a 10 point deduction in the final grade.
F. Schedule of Activities
Introduction and Syllabus Discussion
1 Jan 17 Jan 20
Assignment of Topics for Experimental Design
Attendance to Lab Use Orientation and Safety Seminar
2 Jan 24 Jan 27
Consultation for Experimental Design
3 Jan 31 Feb 3 Experiment 1
4 Feb 7 Feb 10 Experiment 2
5 Feb 14 Feb 17 Experiment 3
6 Feb 21 Feb 24 Experiment 4
7 Feb 28 Mar 3 Experiment 5
8 Mar 7 Mar 10 Experiment 6
9 Mar 14 Mar 17 Experiment 7
10 Mar 21 Mar 24 Experiment 8
11 Mar 28 Mar 31 Experiment 9
12 Apr 4 Apr 7 Experiment 10
13 Apr 11 Apr 14 Holy Week
14 Apr 18 Apr 21 Experimental Design Project Execution
15 Apr 25 Apr 28 Experimental Design Project Execution
16 May 2 May 5 Buffer Week
17 May 9 May 12 Project Oral Report
First draft of experimental design must be submitted on the day of your scheduled
Final experimental design must be submitted by Week 3.
Project proponents are encouraged to begin preparations for the project as early as possible.
Include relevant theory only aspects that would be cited/used in the project
Give some historical background in the context of the experiment (optional, if
Use in-line citation for citing references. Use AMA (American Medical Association)
referencing format.
Statement of the Problem
General Objective
o State the objective of the entire project as a whole; give an overview of the
different tasks to be undertaken to achieve the general objective
o To be provided by the instructor
Specific Objectives
o State the objectives of each step to be done to achieve the general objective.
Include the parameters to be measured, assessed, or evaluated
Scope and Limitations
State the scope of the project (what tasks are to be done) and limitations (what
are not covered by the project)
State all assumptions to be made
1. Each group is required to have one formal theme book sized pre-lab notebook.
2. Experimenters are required to accomplish a pre-lab before and after each experiment. It
should contain the following:
List of materials and chemicals needed (including the amount)
Schematic diagram of the procedure
Tables for data collection
3. All pre-labs must be submitted at least 2 working days before the scheduled date of the
experiment. No pre-lab on the day of the experiment, no experiment. A score of zero will be
given for the Formal Report of that experiment. Late pre-labs will receive a 15 point
deduction from the FR.
4. At the end of each experiment, all accomplished pre-lab must be submitted to the instructor
for checking. The experimenters must affix their signatures on every page of their pre-lab,
attesting that the reported data is correct.
Experimenters are discouraged from erasures as this would lower the credibility of the data.
If there are any erasures, have them countersigned by the instructor during the experiment
Each group shall write a Formal Report (FR) after performing an experiment. The contents of the
FR are the following:
The abstract must contain less than 200 words and should summarize the
methodology and results of the experiment.
Provide a brief background on concepts involved and the rationale of the experiment.
Include relevant theory and historical context if applicable.
Materials and Methodology
This part must be in narrative form.
A schematic diagram of the set up should be included.
Results and Discussion
Present the computed results in the most meaningful form (e.g. graphs, figures,
Include computed uncertainties in the figures.
Use proper captioning in labelling figures, tables, etc.
Discuss your results in paragraph form.
Use in-line citation for citing references (APA).
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions must have been explained in the Discussion section
Recommendations could be made with respect to experimental procedure, materials,
computational process, etc.
Properly cite all references used in the FR (APA).
At least three book/journal references must be provided. Ensure credibility of journal
article to be cited.
A printed copy and a soft copy of the FRs must be submitted before 7:30 am, a week
after the experiment was performed.
Late submissions shall be given a grade of zero, for whatever reason.
For each groups first experiment they will be required to combine their own results
with the results of the other groups for that same experiment and conduct further
statistical analysis using the multiple sets of data at the end of the experimental runs. This
formal report will be worth twice the weight of a regular formal report.
ChE 135 Logbook. An attendance logbook shall be provided for the course. Each page
must contain the experiment date, the instructors name, and the students present. All
students must log their time in and time out in the lab.
Tardiness. A student shall be marked late if he/she logged his/her name in the ChE 135
Logbook later than 8:00 AM (or an hour after the period starts). Two (2) late arrivals would be
counted as one (1) absence.
Absence. A student shall be marked absent if he/she has not logged his/her name in the
ChE 135 Logbook before 8:30 AM (or 2 hours after the period starts). A grade of 5.00 will be
given to a student with more than 3 absences (excused or unexcused).
Excused Absence. Excuses other than personal illness and bereavement are not valid. A
formal excuse letter, accompanied by a medical certificate and other documents if excuse is
due to personal illness, should be submitted within a week after the incurred absence.
Failure to comply with this requirement shall result to the nullification of the excuse.
Missed Experiment. A student who misses an experiment with a valid excuse will get a 5
point demerit in the Lab Performance and 60% of the group's grade for the Formal Report,
provided that his/her group mates vouch for his/her contribution. A student who missed an
experiment without a valid excuse will get a 10 point demerit in the Lab Performance and a
grade of zero for the FR.
Laptops. Use of laptops is prohibited on the experiment proper.
Group Participation. A group may opt to exclude certain member/s who do not contribute
to any course requirement. Consequently, excluded group member/s shall get a score of zero
for that requirement.
Starting an Experiment. The latest that an experiment may start is at 8 AM. Failure to do
so will result to demerits. At least two members of the group must be present to begin an
experiment. Once the experiment starts, the missing group members shall be considered
University Rules on absences (max of 3)/cheating/dropping/LOA shall be strictly applied.
Academic dishonesty, in any form, will not be tolerated in this course and will be given a
grade of 5.
The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the class policies and schedules when
deemed necessary.
A student can get full credits for lab performance if he/she has complied with the following
requirements inside the ChE Laboratory at all times.
1. Write your Name in the MATERIALS section of the logbook, beside your experiment for
the day.
2. Claim Material Checklist and Material Basket from Laboratory Technician. Ensure that
the materials are complete and in good condition before proceeding.
3. Leave your ID with the Laboratory Technician.
1. Return Material Basket with Material Checklist to the Laboratory Technician. Inform
the technician if you broke or misplaced a material.
2. Laboratory Technician will check if the materials are complete and in good condition
using the Material Checklist from the student.
3. Claim your ID once checking is complete and deficiencies are recorded, if any.
4. To settle deficiencies, replace material and ask for a Proof of Settlement Form from
the Laboratory Technician to officially settle the deficiency.
d. Laboratory Guidelines
Work Procedure
Never work in the lab without supervision of an instructor.
Immediately report spills, accidents or injuries to the instructor.
Dont leave experiments in progress.
Make sure no flammable solvents are present in the vicinity when lighting a flame.
Do not leave any burners or hot plates unattended. Leave a note indicating the time the
burner or hot plate was last used after using. Do not place the note on top of the hot
Turn off all heating apparatus, gas valves, and water faucets not in use.
ALWAYS label glass wares with chemicals.
Do not remove equipment or chemicals from the laboratory.
Use equipment and glassware only for their intended use.
Notify teacher of any sensitivity to chemicals.
Do not use damaged glassware.
Do not use air compressors to dry glassware unless you know it contains water only.
Keep area free of water spills to avoid accidents.
Good Housekeeping
Food and drinks are not allowed inside the laboratory.
Never block exits, stairways and hallways.
Never pour chemical waste into sink drains or waste baskets.
Place chemical waste in appropriately labelled waste containers only.
Store bags and other personal items in designated area.
Keep floor clear of all objects (e.g. ice and spilled liquids) and keep your work area clean.
Never leave valuables unattended.
e. Waste Disposal
A Waste Logbook for the course is provided. All chemical wastes should be disposed in
proper waste jars and logged in the logbook with the amounts indicated. If no waste jar is
available, request for one. If a waste jar is full, seek the lab instructor or the lab technician
for assistance. Do not fill the waste jar up to their maximum capacity.
The student is required to settle all broken or misplaced glassware, chemicals or equipment
indicated in the Clearance Section of the Materials Logbook. Failure to settle these deficiencies
can result to a grade of INC.
Before upscale of a unit process from reactants to products, one must know the kinetics of a reaction by
modelling the rate of a reaction or the concentration of the reactants or products through time. The
kinetics of a chemical reaction can be analyzed by different methods, such as (1) method of initial
rates, (2) fractional-life methods, (3) integral analysis and (4) differential analysis. In this experiment
we will study the rates of an enzymatic reaction using methods (3) and (4).
The experiment is limited on the effects of glucose concentration only and not yeast
Temperature effects will only be discussed by the main group assigned to this experiment.
The experiment is limited on the modelling of kinetic data and calculation of kinetic
parameters. It does not involve formulation of a reaction mechanism using elementary
A. Materials and Apparatus
2. Solution preparation
a. Prepare the assigned glucose solution. The sugar solution must be sufficient for three
trials. Set aside.
Assigned glucose solutions:
b. Prepare 1% w/v yeast solution. Dissolve sufficient yeast powder to distilled water
heated to 50 C. Set aside and allow 20-30 minutes for the yeast cells to re-suspend.
*Note that the concentrations are in %w/v of the whole reaction mixture (50mL)
3. Measuring the reaction rate
a. Preheat the water bath to 30C.
b. Place the glucose solution on the water bath. Preheat the glucose solution to the
assigned temperature.
c. Pour 12.5 mL of the yeast solution and 12.5 mL of the buffer solution into the Buchner
flask. Place the Buchner flask on the water bath. Heat this mixture to 30C. Place the
magnetic stirrer inside the Buchner flask and the set the magnetic stirrer speed to
500 rpm.
d. Quickly combine 25 mL of glucose solution with the yeast and buffer solutions in a
Buchner flask.
e. Quickly cover the Buchner flask with a rubber stopper then set the magnetic stirrer
speed to 1500 rpm.
f. Record the initial volume after loosening the metal clip. Note that the initial
volume is not 50 mL but the volume after loosening the metal clip.
g. Record the volume of the water inside the burette every 30 seconds until no
significant change in the volume is observed after three successive readings, until all
of the water in the burette is displaced or until 1 hour. In case all of the water has
been displaced, record the time this happens.
h. Do steps (a)-(g) for three replicates.
1. Applying too much pressure in connecting the rubber tubing might cause glass breakage.
2. Use thicker rubber tubing if there are gas leaks.
3. Be careful using the aspirator in adjusting the water level. If the water level exceeds the
inverted burette the water might go through inside the aspirator.
4. No water should flow into the section of the tubing blocked by the metal clip. Make sure the flow
inside the tube is not blocked by bends or folds.
5. Know the center of the stirrer before allowing the stirrer to spin.
Guide Questions
1. Based from the kinetic data, is the reaction aerobic or anaerobic?
2. What is the effect of concentration to the rate of glucose fermentation? How does your kinetic
data tell the nature of enzymatic reactions?
3. How do you interpret your kinetic data using integral analysis? Show your derivations and your
calculated parameters.
4. How do you interpret your kinetic data using differential analysis? Show your derivations and
your calculated parameters. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages between integral and
differential analysis.
5. There are three known linearized Michaelis-Menten plots for differential analysis. Calculate the
kinetic parameters for each plot and give their advantages and disadvantages.
6. What measures were undertaken to ensure that the reaction is only affected by the sugar and
yeast concentration? Were these necessary?
Chemical Engineering 135: Process Engineering Laboratory Manual (2015). Department of Chemical
Engineering, UP Diliman.
Summary of Replicates
Replicate #1
Replicate #2
Replicate #3
Centrifugal pumps operate by converting kinetic energy to pressure. A weir will be used to measure the
flowrate of the discharge from the pump(s). The change in height h (m) in the stilling well can be
related to the flowrate Q (m3/s) using the empirical formula
Q= 2 g C e (h+0.00085)5/ 2
where g is the acceleration due to gravity and Ce = 0.5765. The suction pipe and the delivery pipe
diameters are known to be 31.75 mm and 25.4 mm, respectively.
B. Procedure
1. Preliminary step: Preparing the setup
a. Ensure that the valves are closed.
b. Fill the approach channel up to the apex of the V-notch with water. Ensure that the suction pipes are
submerged in water, and will remain so during operation.
c. Adjust the hook in the stilling well until it touches the water level. Set the point gauge to zero.
d. Open all the valves, except for the flow regulating valve, and turn the motor on.
e. Gradually increase the speed to 2000 rpm. Open the flow regulating valve.
f. Close the flow regulating valve, gradually set the speed to zero, and turn off the motor.
2. Data gathering
a. Adjust the valves to obtain the desired pump operation. Keep the flow control valve closed.
b. Turn the motor on. Note the reading on the relevant pressure gauges.
c. Gradually increase the speed to 2000 rpm. Note the relevant pressure gauge readings.
d. Open the flow control valve by approximately one turn (360 degrees). Wait for the water level in the
stilling well to become steady.
e. Note the relevant pressure gauge readings and the water level in the stilling well.
f. Repeat steps d and e until the flow control valve has been opened by 10 turns.
g. Close the flow control valve. Gradually set the speed controller back to zero. Close the other valves.
Turn the motor off.
1. The pressure gauge for suction of pump 2 is not functional.
2. Make sure that the suction pumps are submerged during operation.
3. The pump connections might slightly leak.
4. Point gauge must be calibrated.
Guide Questions
1. How does each of the valves affect water flow in the setup? What adjustments can be made to direct
the water and achieve the desired operation?
2. What trend(s) can be observed from the pump operating curves?
3. What differentiates series from parallel pump operation? How do the respective operating curves reflect
this difference?
Armfield Limited. Series/Parallel Pump Test Rig Instructional Manual. Issue 4.
Green D, Perry R. Pumps and Compressors. In: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook. 8th ed.; 2008.
Pump 1
No. of turns Height in the stilling well, Suction Head, m Discharge Head, m Q,m3/s
Pump 2
No. of turns Height in the stilling well, Suction Head, m Discharge Head, m Q,m3/s
No. of turns Height in the stilling well, Suction Head, m Discharge Head, m Q, m3/s
No. of Height in the stilling Suction Head Discharge Head Discharge Head Q, m3/s
turns well, mm 1, m 1, m 2, m
Mechanical separations are based on physical differences between the particles such as sizes and
shapes. One of the general method for mechanical separation is the use of screens. It is a method for
separating based on the size of the particles only. A single screen can separate particles into two
fractions. The particles that pass through the screen are called undersize. The particles that did not
pass through are called oversize. Screening is more commonly done dry or with low moisture content.
To determine the success of screens in separating the materials, the effectiveness of the screen must
be calculated. For a completely effective screen with a feed composed of materials A and B, all portions
of the material A would be in the overflow and material B would be in the underflow. The product of the
screen effectiveness of the undersize and oversize material will determine the combined overall
effectiveness as shown below.
D x D B ( 1x B )
F xF F ( 1x F )
Where F is the feed flow rate, D is the overflow flow rate, B is the underflow flow rate and x i is the mass
fraction of the corresponding flow rate.
A. Materials and Apparatus
Materials: Apparatus:
Sand Analytical Balance
Pan Vibrating Screen
Screens (20,100-mesh)
Sieves (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 50,70,100,140-
B. Procedure
1. Vibrating screen operates at 110 V.
2. Shaker operates at 110 V.
3. Vibrating screen operates violently, do not leave it while it is running.
4. Properly secure sieves into shaker. Fasten a clamp after securing the sieves.
5. Do not leave the shaker while it is running.
Guide Questions
1. What is the importance of weighing each sieve before and after sieving?
2. Is the obtained weight from screening matches the original weight (1500 g)? If not, what are the
sources of error?
McCabe, W., Smith, J., &Harriott, P. (1993). Unit operations of chemical engineering. New York: McGraw-
TRIAL # __
Part I.
Initial Weight of Sand: __________
Table I.
Sieve Mass of sieve Combined mass of sieve and sand Mass of sand in sieve
Mass fraction
Number (g) (g) (g)
Bottom Pan
Sieve Number Combined mass of sieve and sand (g) Mass of sand in sieve (g) Mass fraction
Bottom Pan
Sieve Number Combined mass of sieve and sand (g) Mass of sand in sieve (g) Mass fraction
Bottom Pan
Sieve Number Combined mass of sieve and sand (g) Mass of sand in sieve (g) Mass fraction
Bottom Pan
A Materials and Apparatus
1 Be very cautious with handling large glass equipment.
2 Avoid inhalation and contact of kaolin with eyes. Use a mask and a pair of gloves when handling
kaolin. (weighing, solution preparation)
3 Kaolin powder tends to form lumps during solution preparation. Make sure that the solutions are
well mixed before start of observation.
4 Start observing and measuring the 3 tubes at the same time.
Guide Questions
1 What settling zones are evident in the system?
2 What properties of the slurry could be derived from the data?
3 How did initial concentration affect the sedimentation behaviour?
Mardles, E. W. J. Viscosity and Sedimentation of Kaolin and Bentonite in Organic Liquids. Clay Minerals
0.2 (1948): 41-43. PDF.
One of the applications of unsteady flow is the draining of water from a reservoir in which the head is
varying with time. It could be used to estimate the summation of loss coefficients of the system. Using
a cylindrical reservoir, and under the assumptions of isothermal, incompressible flow and negligible
skin friction, the overall mechanical energy balance could be simplified to the following equation:
A 2 ( 1+ K )
( ho h )=t
A = cross-sectional area of the reservoir
a = cross-sectional area of the pipe
g = acceleration due to gravity
ho = initial height of the water in the reservoir
h = height of water at time t
t = time in seconds
K = summation of loss coefficients
The equation above can then be used to plot the height of the water versus time in order to obtain the
parameters needed.
A. Materials and Apparatus
B. Procedure
1. Measure the diameter of the tank and the diameter of the pipe. Record these values as D t
and Dp, respectively.
2. Close the ball valve completely. Fill the container with water until a height h o of 80 cm is
measured from the discharge level to the water surface.
Experiment Set-up
1. Handle the set-up carefully and work near the sink.
2. Keep in mind that the draining may be too fast to record data.
3. Ensure that the valve is fully opened throughout the recording of data. Otherwise, the
inconsistency of valve opening may lead to significant error in computed values.
4. Always keep the top end of the tank open during the experiment. Else, expect to get wet
accompanied by an implosion.
5. Make sure that the tank is supported by another person upon opening the valve to prevent any
Guide Questions
1. What is the effect of decreasing initial height of the water to the draining time?
2. Do the results of the experiment follow the assumption that the system is frictionless? Compute
for the theoretical K , not accounting skin friction. Is there a difference between the
3. What is the relationship of the initial height of the water to the value of K ? What could be
the reason for such trend?
4. Is the gravitational constant determined from the Bernoulli equation similar to/different from the
literature value? Is there a trend in the values of the computed gravitational constant for
different initial heights?
5. What could be the sources of error?
An alternative setup with an additional flow metering capability can also be used to evaluate the
unsteady flow behaviour of a draining tank. The setup used is shown in figure 5.
1. Measure the radii of the orifice and the tubing in the experimental set-up provided. Ensure
that water will not leak anywhere in the setup.
2. Turn on the water supply. Allow the system to reach steady state by controlling the water
flow into the tank.
3. Once the system has reached steady state, use a beaker to catch the water leaving the tank.
Start the timer at the instant when the stream enters the beaker, and stop the timer when
100 mL of the water has been collected. At the same time, measure the height difference of
the water levels in the improvised manometer.
4. From the resulting data, compute for the cross-sectional area of the orifice, volumetric flow
rate, and the pressure before and after the orifice. Solve for the orifice constant from these
5. Fill the tank with water until it is nearly full. Block the flow of water with a finger before
unloading the tank.
6. Position a beaker where the water is expected to land. Tape a ruler parallel to the tank for
liquid height measurements; the zero line of the ruler should be positioned at the level of the
horizontal tubing.
7. Place a camera such that the water jet and the ruler can be captured sideways.
8. Unblock the water flow and start the timer. Record the height of the water inside the tank
every 10 seconds until the tank is about halfway drained. At this instant, stop the timer and
the camera recording.
9. Use ImageJ to measure the vertical and horizontal distances travelled by the water jet for
each 10-second measurement. From these data, use the concept of projectile motion to
compute for the velocity of the water jet.
10. For the determination of relationship between water height and pressure drop, repeat steps
6 to 9, but measure the height differences inside the manometer as well.
Cengel, Y. A., & Cimbala, J. M. (2014). Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications Third Edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Unsteady Flow
Diameter of tank, Dt (m)
Diameter of pipe, Dp (m)
ho =0.8 m
ho =0.6 m
ho =0.4 m
In practice, no system exists immediately under steady state conditions. Unsteady state conditions are
always a precursor to steady state conditions. After heat transfer is initiated, time must pass before the
system becomes steady. During this period of transition the system is behaves unsteadily.
No system can likewise remain under unsteady state conditions. The temperature of the system will
eventually reach the temperature of the heat source, and once this happens, the system will be at
steady state. Even if the amount of heat being transferred into the system is increased, the system at
some point will reach its critical temperature. The energy flowing into instead causes phase changes
within the system rather than an increase in temperature.
Be able to observe and determine when thermal equilibrium is reached in the system.
In this experiment, it is assumed that no heat and friction losses, the heat capacity and density of water
are constant, the flow rate and the control volume of the system are constant.
A. Materials and Apparatus
Quantity Materials
2 Styrofoam Box (1 with weir and spout)
1 Water Heater
1 Thermocouple
1 Thermometer
1 rubber tube
1 Rubber Aspirator
At least 2 Buckets or Basins
B. Procedure
a. Batch Heating
1. Place an amount of water in a Styrofoam box enough to completely
submerge the water heater. Measure its weight and initial temperature.
2. Submerge the water heater into the setup and plug the water heater to
start heating. Ensure constant agitation of the water to avoid the lag of the
thermocouple in measuring the temperature.
3. Measure the temperature of the water in time intervals. Preferably, limit
the temperature to just before boiling.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second trial.
Group Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Create a siphon using the rubber tube and connect Box 1 to Box 2. To start
the siphon, use an aspirator to create initial suction.
4. Place the water heater and the end of the siphon at distance farthest from
the weir.
5. To ensure a constant height difference, let the water in box 1 overflow
while continuously supplying it with water from the faucet. Before heating, wait
until both the Styrofoam boxes are full. You may opt to place a clamp on the spout
of box 2 to be able to control the flow and allow for faster filling.
6. Measure the height difference from the top of Box 1 and the spout at Box
2. Also, measure the inner diameter or the orifice of the spout attached to Box 2.
Record these values for each trial. Verify and record the size of the control volume
by measuring the height, width and length of the rectangular prism bounded by
the weir in Box 2 before the orifice or spout.
1. The electric water heater may give off electrical current, causing shock. As a precaution, it is
advised to do the following:
a. Do not touch the water while the water is being heated.
b. Ensure that closed, rubber-soled and dry footwear is worn.
c. Check the electric water heater and its wires for damage or exposed elements. Do not
use equipment with damaged wiring.
d. When in doubt, disconnect the electric heater from the power outlet.
2. Weigh all fluids by difference. This means that the container is first weighed dry, and its weight
recorded. The fluid and container are then weighed together and the weight of the fluid is found
by subtracting dry weight from the combined weight of the fluid and container.
3. It is considered best practice to lid of the boxes while the experiment is on-going. This is to
minimize heat loss.
4. Ensure that buckets and/or basins are in place to catch the water before any siphon is run. This
is to minimize spills on the laboratory floor.
5. It is best to place the lower end of the siphon beside the water heater.
Guide Questions
1. Using a mechanical energy balance, does the calculated flow rate of water is consistent with the
measured flow rate via pail method? Explain the differences, if any and state how it may affect
the overall energy balance of the system.
Hagen, K. (1999). Heat transfer with applications. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Unsteady Heating
In this experiment, the fluids that will be used are sugar solutions with concentrations of 10%, 20%,
30%, 40%, 50% and 60% by weight using refined white sugar.
A. Materials and Apparatus
B. Procedure
Preparation of Sugar Solutions
1. In a large beaker, mix 300 grams of refined white sugar with 200 mL of water. Stir constantly
over a hot plate until no sugar crystals are visible. This will serve as the stock solution with
60% by weight concentration to be used to prepare the other solutions.
2. Load the graduated cylinder on the analytical balance and tare. Calculate the required mass
of stock solution to be transferred to the graduated cylinder using the dilution equation of
mass and weight fraction: M1 = x2M2/x1 where x2 and M2 are given in Table 1 and x1 is always
0.6. As a quick check, M1 should always be less than M2.
3. Once the required mass of stock solution is transferred to the graduated cylinder, dilute this
solution until the analytical balance reads M2. That is, add enough water until M1 reaches M2.
4. Measure the density of each solution, record in Table 1.
5. Set aside until all solutions reach room temperature.
Determination of Viscosity
1. Apply permanent marker to the 4mm glass bead. Measure its mass and record in Table 1.
2. Mark two convenient points in the burette, label the higher as point A and the lower as point
B. Preferably, choose the top end of the burette and the start of the funnel-shaped
contraction near the bottom end.
3. Measure the distance between these two points. Record in Table 1.
4. Fill the burette with the appropriate sugar solution with reference to Table 2 such that both
points are covered.
5. Drop the glass bead into the burette. Measure the time it takes for the glass bead to travel
from point A to B.
6. Record in Table 2. Repeat six trials per solution.
Guide Questions
1. What properties of the sugar solution change in varying concentration?
2. How does the variation in concentration affect the movement of the glass bead?
3. Suggest a model that relates the concentration with the viscosity of any sugar solution.
4. Can Stokes Law model this free settling experiment for all concentrations? Explain.
5. Do the setup and procedure accurately imitate free settling of a spherical material? Explain.
Yuan, P., & Lin, B. (2008, October 27). Measurement of Viscosity in a Vertical Falling Ball Viscometer.
Retrieved January 31, 2016, from
Important Parameters
Volume of
one glass
bead (mm3) Distance
from A to
Mass of one B (m)
glass bead
Trial Data
Trial 1 (s)
Trial 2 (s)
Trial 3 (s)
Trial 4 (s)
Trial 5 (s)
Trial 6 (s)
A. Materials and Apparatus
B. Procedure
1. Turn the dryer on and preheat it to 80C.
2. Weigh and record each empty tray. Measure and record the dimensions of each tray.
3. Place a sample of the material and pour it on a tray. Add 75 mL water.
4. Weigh the tray containing the samples.
5. Put the tray in the dryer after at least 15 minutes of preheating.
6. After every 3 minutes, take out the tray and weigh. Use insulated gloves or mittens when
taking out the sample from the oven. After 10 weights, use intervals of 5 minutes. After
another 10 weights, use intervals of 10 minutes.
7. Monitor and record the weights of the trays with the mixtures for every elapsed time until at
least three consecutive weights are measured or until the initial weight of the dry solid has
been reached.
8. Collect the samples and turn off the dryer. Repeat all steps for each material.
1. Use oven gloves when removing or putting samples into the oven.
2. The voltage regulator must be turned it before the oven can be used.
3. The temperature control mechanism of the oven is faulty so manual adjustment of the
thermostat must
Guide Questions
1. What properties of the materials affect their drying and how do these properties affect the
drying rate?
2. How do external factors such as drying and humidity inside the oven affect the drying rate?
3. Do the drying curves of the materials exhibit the different drying regimes?
Batch Drying
Initial Masses
Drying Data
A. Materials and Apparatus
B. Procedure
1. Measure the sides of the steel cube using a Vernier caliper or a ruler. Do the same for the
resin cube.
2. Fill the constant temperature water bath with tap water up to a level where the steel
cube can be fully immersed. Turn the switch on to start the heating and circulation of
3. Set the water bath temperature to 50oC. Record the initial temperature of both materials.
4. When the water reaches 50oC, submerge the steel cube into the hot water bath. Record
the thermocouple reading every 10 seconds until the temperature reaches that of the
water or until the temperature reading becomes constant. Do the same for the resin
5. Adjust the temperature to 20oC. Repeat step 4 for the new temperature.
1. Replace the water in the constant-temperature water bath with tap water to hasten the cooling.
You may also opt to add ice for the water to cool faster.
2. Measurement on the steel and resin cubes can be performed simultaneously provided that there
is enough thermocouples.
3. Make sure that the thermocouple handsets being used are compatible with the rods embedded
in the sample cubes.
4. Empty the water bath after use.
Guide Questions
1. How do the heat penetration curves for the steel and resin samples compare with each other?
2. What are the implications of the assumptions used to treat the data?
Geankoplis, Christie J. (1993). Transport Processes and Unit Operations 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall
International, Inc: USA.
Wilson, J. (2007). Thermal Diffusivity. Retrieved from http://www.electronics-
Thermal Diffusivity
Initial Dimensions
Heating Measurements
Initial Steel Cube Temperature (oC): ____________ Initial Resin Cube Temperature (oC): ____________
Cooling Measurements
Thermal radiation is the heat transfer involving electromagnetic waves. It is usually observed with high
temperature systems. Application of thermal radiation concepts can be found in the design of systems
such as fired heaters and heat exchangers. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law is among the fundamental
equations that can be used to describe heat transfer by radiation.
= (r4 4 )
where qb is the rate of radiation emitted by the black body per unit area, is the Stefan-Boltzmann
constant (5.6703 10-8 W/(m2 K4)), and Tr and Ts are the absolute temperatures of the radiator and
the surroundings, respectively. The equation for the Stefan-Boltzmann Law can further be modified by
including a view factor that account for the geometry of the heat transfer.
In this experiment, the heat transfer via radiation from an approximated black body source will be
observed. The effect of other factors such as geometry, temperature, distance and shielding will also be
A. Materials and Apparatus
B. Procedure
Effect of shielding
1. Make sure that the voltage is in maximum value.
2. Remove the aperture plates. Make sure that the holder is still 250 mm away from the heat
3. Make sure that the radiometer shield is attached to the radiometer. Note 2.
4. Place the styrofoam sheet on the aperture plate holder. Note 2.
5. Record the radiometer reading. This serves as the ZERO OFFSET.
6. Remove radiometer shield. Note 1.
7. Record the radiometer reading.
8. Repeat steps 5 - 8 for trials 2 and 3.
9. Change the styrofoam sheet to the car insulator and aluminum foil. Per change in shielding,
repeat steps 3-8.
Guide Questions
1. How does each of the tested parameters affect the rate of heat transfer from the source to the
2. How good is the fit of the data with the function of the Stefan-Boltzmann Law?
3. What are the potential causes of deviation from the theoretical values?
Foust A, Wenzel L, Clump C, Maus L, Andersen L. (1960) Principles of Unit Operations. 2nd ed.
Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cengel Y, Ghajar A. (2015) Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals & Applications. 5th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
According to Green and Perry (2008), one of the earliest materials--first generationused for random or
dumped packing are Raschig rings (Random Packings section, para. 1). These are pieces of tube of
approximately equal length and diameter. Foust, Wenzel, Clump, Maus and Andersen noted in 1980
that Raschig rings are widely used as packing material in the process industries due to its low cost (p.
385). The performance characteristics of packing materials, like those of Raschig rings, according to
Kolev (2006) are as follows:
pressure drop;
loading and flooding point;
liquid holdup;
effective surface area; and
gas- and liquid-side controlled mass transfer coefficient (p. 101).
In this experiment, the performance characteristics of dumped Raschig ring packing are
determined. Pressure drops across the column are measured for both dry packing and irrigated packing.
Measurements for the irrigated packing are carried out at constant liquid flowrate with changing gas
flowrate. From these, data for the loading and flooding points are obtained.
A. Materials and Apparatus
B. Procedure
a. Effect of Air Flow Rate on the Pressure Differential across Dry Column
1. The column must first be completely dried by passing the maximum airflow until all
evidence of moisture in the packing and column has disappeared. This may be performed
a day before the scheduled laboratory class.
2. Connect the column top and bottom to the water manometer with stopcocks labelled S1
and S2.
3. Take manometer readings of pressure differential across the column for a range of airflow
rates (in mm H2O).
b. Effect of Air Flow Rate with Different Water Flow Rates on the Pressure Differential Across the
1. Switch on the water pump and set C1 to give a flow rate,
e.g. 3 L/min.
2. After about 30 seconds close C1, switch off the pump and
allow the column to drain for 3-5 minutes.
1. Familiarize yourself with the manometers, where they are tapped and what pressure is being
2. Verify the given pressure scale in the manometers.
3. Do not allow water to reach the tubing for the manometers.
4. The range of possible air flow rates will decrease with increasing water flowrate due to the onset
of flooding on the column, which should be noted. If flooding takes place at a certain liquid flow
rate, stop immediately and do not operate further at higher water flow rates.
5. The minimum air flowrate that should be used in the experiment is 80 L/min.
Guide Questions
1. How does the airflow rate affect the pressure drop across the dry column?
2. Compare the effect of airflow rate for a dry column and for wet column.
3. What is loading point? What is flooding point? And how are these related to the pressure drop in
the column?
4. Is the measured pressure drop consistent with theory?
5. What are the common problems encountered in the operation of the gas absorber column? How
can these problems be remedied?
Foust, A. S., Wenzel, L. A., Clump, C. W., Maus, L., & Andersen, L.B. (1980). Principle of unit
operations (2nd Ed.). Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Green, D.W., Perry, R.H. (2008). Perry's chemical engineers' handbook (8th Ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.
Kolev, N. (2006). Packed bed columns for absorption, desorption, rectification and direct heat transfer.
Amsterdam: Elsevier.
McCabe, W. L., Smith, J. C., & Harriot, P. (1993). Unit operations in chemical engineering (5th Ed.).
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co.