Checklist Mobile App Testing 0
Checklist Mobile App Testing 0
Checklist Mobile App Testing 0
Table of contents
DEVICE SPECIFIC CHECKS........................................................................3
NETWORK SPECIFIC CHECKS....................................................................5
APP SPECIFIC CHECKS............................................................................6
APP USER INTERFACE CHECKS..................................................................7
STORE SPECIFIC CHECKS.........................................................................9
This checklist is specifically designed to test the characteristics of a mobile app. Obviously,
it tests only generic app characteristics and not the functionality of the app. For this a
separate test approach and test script must be created.
The checklist is split into different fields:
Device specific characteristics. These are characteristics that are related to the
device on which the app is installed.
Network specific checks
App checks. These are things to check that have to do with functionality that is
frequently used in an app.
App User interface checks.
The checks dont have to be executed in the order they are given.
This checklist is based on the recommendations of Apple and some other experts. This
checklist is not a substitute for a usability test, to get a good feeling of the user
experience of an app a user experience test is always the most reliable method.