Slag Foaming Luz Rwf2-2011 Final
Slag Foaming Luz Rwf2-2011 Final
Slag Foaming Luz Rwf2-2011 Final
its evaluation and the use of thermodynamic data in order to control FeO(l ) + CO( g ) Fe(l ) + CO2( g ) (4)
the slag composition while the equipment is being operated. Con-
sidering the data presented in the scientific literature, there are vari-
ous conditions and situations to be explored and thermodynamic cal- CO2 ( g ) + C( s ) 2CO( g ) (5)
culations seem to be the most suitable tool for these investigations. All of these reactions (Eq. 25) are CO(g) and
CO2(g) formers and affect the mass transfer
1 Introduction There are basically two requirements for among metal, slag, carbon and gas phases,
For decades, slag has been considered as foaming: and are considered as a necessary condition
a residue of the steelmaking process. How- reactions or processes that generate small for slag foaming. The generated gas is re-
ever, this material plays an important role gas bubbles and
due to its capacity to withdraw impurities suitable slag properties to keep the bub- A.P. Luz, V.C. Pandolfelli
and inclusions from the steel, reduce bles as stable foam [10, 11]. Federal University of So Carlos (UFSCar)
energy losses and refractory wearing, and Usually, gases resulting from chemical reac- Materials Engineering Department
protect steel from re-oxidation [1]. The tions tend to foam the slag with smaller 13565-905 So Carlos, SP
slag composition (usually in the system of bubbles, whereas the injection of gas phas- Brazil
CaOMgOSiO2FeOAl2O3) directly affects es (oxygen, argon, etc.) results in larger bub-
its viscosity, thermal conductivity, density bles and less stable foams [12]. T.A. vila, P. Bonadia
and other properties, causing an impact on The foaming phenomenon can take place by Magnesita Refratrios S.A.
the ability of the slag to remove impurities injecting oxygen and carbon into the electric Research and Development Center (CPqD)
from the molten metal and to save energy. furnace bath (Fig. 1), leading to FeO genera- 32210-900 Contagem, MG
Slag foaming has been widely investigated in tion in the liquid (Eq. 1). This phase is one of Brazil
electric arc furnaces (EAF), basic oxygen fur- the major components in the slag, attaining
naces (BOF), etc. [27]. values higher than 20 mass-% [10]. Corresponding author: V.C. Pandolfelli
This practice protects the refractory materials E-mail:
from the high heat intensity (radiation) gen- Fe( l ) + O2 FeO( l ) (1)
erated by the electric arc, improving produc- 2 (g) Keywords: foaming, slag, electric arc fur-
tivity and energy efficiency of the equipment. After that, carbon reacts with FeO from the nace (EAF), thermodynamic simulations
It has also been reported [8, 9] that the slag liquid, generating CO(g), which is mainly re-
foaming process can save 3 10 % and 25 sponsible for the foaming effect (Eq. 2) [7]. Received: 16.08.2010
63 % of energy and refractory consumption, Accepted: 02.01.2011
respectively. FeO( s ,l ) + C( s ,l ) Fe( l ) + CO( g ) (2)
V gs = V g (8)
h = L (9)
dh dL dV foam Q g (12)
= = =
dt dt A dt A
where, Vfoam is the foam volume. Simplifying
Eq. 12, the and correlation can be ob-
h L
tained: foam
h h
= = = (13)
A Qg (Q g A)
2.3 Mathematical models
Although various investigations are based Steady state
Qg = 0
on the analyses, the use of this parameter
is still controversial as the foaming phenom-
enon depends on several factors which are Fig. 3 Sketch of the foaming index measuring procedure [14]
not considered in Eq. 10 [16]. Some authors
state that this index does not correctly de- the properties of the chosen slag (data col- Experimental results obtained after evaluat-
scribe foaming (in a quantitative manner) lected by experimental tests or inferred from ing the slag with CaO / SiO2 = 1 and
when a chemical interaction between the the literature) and also with the use of the 5 15 mass-% of FeO at 1500 C, were
slag components and the metal takes place surface tension value, instead of the surface well correlated and adjusted to this model
at the contact area [13]. Another important tension depression one [16]. presented in Eq. 17 and 18. It should be
aspect is the fact that the linear relationship pointed out that the foaming behaviour of
between L and Vg only exists at high tem- = 115 (for basic slags) (15) basic slag is mainly affected by the visco-
peratures (> 1500 C), affecting the evalua-
sity of the liquid, whereas for the acid one
tion in other experimental conditions. it will depend strongly on the average
Thus, having the aim of optimizing and con- = 0.93 2
(for acid slags) (16) bubble size and surface tension of the
sidering the effect of the physical properties 3
liquid [16].
of slags on the value, various works fo- The surface tension depression is the slope When the bubbles are formed by gas injec-
cused on the design of mathematical models of the curve when the surface tension is tion, Db may depend on the liquid viscosity,
taking into account some of the main char- plotted against the molar concentration of surface tension, gas flow rate and nozzle
acteristics of the slag (density, viscosity, sur- the surface active element, (/ [moles geometry [12]. Nevertheless, it is always
face tension or surface tension depression, FexO]). Stadler et al. [16] stated that the in- possible to change the gas bubble size, just
bubble size of the gas generated in the liq- crease of FexO concentration commonly low- by changing the geometry of the blowing
uid, etc.). ers the slag viscosity, leading to a decrease nozzle, keeping all the other slag properties
Ito and Fruehan [14, 15] proposed an equa- in the foam index. Nevertheless, the surface constant.
tion based on dimensional analysis, not con- tension depression (which effect is more sig- The model proposed by Zhang and Fruehan
sidering the presence of solid particles and nificant in the case of acid slag) changes as [12] is the most accepted and used to de-
the bubble size effect in the slag for the a function of the FexO concentration and re- scribe the slag foamability (based on the
CaOSiO2FeOAl2O3 system (Eq. 14). sults in the increase, overriding the lower- measurement of ) [3, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18].
ing in the slag viscosity. However, the correlation presented by Frue-
= 5.7 x10 2 (14) Zhang and Fruehan [12] suggested expres- han and other authors [12, 14, 15] were
sions similar to the ones obtained by Jiang developed for a limited range of physico-
where, = viscosity [Pa.s], = surface ten- and Fruehan also considering the bubble chemical properties and service conditions.
sion [N.m-1] and = liquid density [kg.m-3]. size of the gas formed in the liquid (Db = av- Consequently, Eq. 17 and 18 do not predict,
In this expression, the viscosity is the most erage bubble diameter [m]). in a correct manner, the foam thickness gen-
important parameter to attain the most suit- 1.2 erated in molten slag presenting different
able value. = 115 properties from those specified in these
Jiang and Fruehan [3] adjusted the previous
0.2 Db0.9 works.
correlation quoted in the former work [14], (for basic slags) (17) Ghag et al. [21, 22] showed that the values
resulting in more accurate expressions derived from Eq. 17 have some discrepan-
(Eq. 15 and 16). However, this model still 12 cies when compared with the results at-
presented some limitations and did not = 10.3 x10 4 tained in practical tests. Based on their stud-
make the foaming behaviour for acid slag 0.4 11.7 Db23 ies, the authors concluded that the liquid vis-
clear. These observations are associated with (for acid slags) (18) cosity has a significant effect on the gener-
MgO [%]
the instantaneous contact angle at the
formed three-phase boundary (solid, liquid,
gas) is smaller than the equilibrium contact
one [29]. This difference results in a driving
force that makes the bubble move around
the particle, stretches the liquid film and de-
creases foaming. Thus, a control of the FeO
and C contents in the system is required, be-
cause the excess of carbon can inhibit foam- FeO [%]
ing instead of inducing the chemical reac-
tions responsible for keeping this process. Fig. 5 Isothermal solubility diagram (ISD) of the FeOMgOSiO2CaOAl2O3 system for a
basicity B3 of 2.0 and temperature = 1600 C [28]; MW = MgO . FeO, C2S = 2 CaO . SiO2,
The temperature effect in the foaming prac-
L = liquid
tice has also been investigated in some stud-
ies [19, 30] and the increase of this parame-
ter leads to the decrease in the foaming in- FeO and Al2O3. According to practical tests, it ture. Conversely, the Al2O3 effect is described
dex. The temperature also acts on the vis- is known that the suitable compositions are by the equation:
cosity and chemical saturation of the liquid, the MgO saturated ones, containing sus-
Al 2 O3 correction factor =
affecting the precipitation of second phases. pended second-phase particles (i.e.,
It must be pointed out that the saturated MgO . FeO (magnesio-wustite, MW)) [7]. The % Al 2 O3
MgO or CaO slag will not only foam better, MgO saturated liquids not will only positive- 0.615. .(% MgOref 6)
but will also decrease the refractory wearing ly affect the foaming, but also result in a de- SiO2 + Al 2 O3
of the electric arc furnaces [8]. crease of the refractory wearing. (23)
Therefore, based on the phase diagrams of Usually, the ISD diagrams (i.e., Fig. 5) are
4 Use of phase diagrams and the studied system, it is possible to define split into 4 regions: liquid slag (L), MgO . FeO
thermodynamic simulations to the influence of each slag component and (MW) saturated liquid, 2 CaO . SiO2 (C2S)
predict slag foaming behaviour which combination among them can result saturated liquid and the dual saturated
in EAF in liquid saturation and precipitation of the (L + C2S + MW) liquid. Point D is named
Optimization and control of the slag during MgO . FeO phase. Some works suggest the dual saturated point and the lines delimitat-
the EAF operation is very difficult, because use of the isothermal solubility diagrams ing the L + (MW + L) and L + (L + C2S) re-
not only molten metal but also scrap is (ISD) [1, 5, 7, 28], which are valid for a spe- gions (highlighted with bold lines in the
added to the furnace, affecting the liquid cific basicity value and express the relation- graph) are known as the MgO and CaO sat-
composition. Information about the scrap ship between the MgO and FeO in mass-%. urated ones, respectively. Moreover, the
particles size distribution, oxidation level, Si Fig. 5 shows an example of an ISD diagram dashed line surrounding the liquidus region
and Al content, etc., is very important to as- for the system FeOMgOSiO2CaOAl2O3 indicates the slag composition with peak
sure the efficiency of the equipment and at 1600 C. Considering the B3 basicity foaming performance, where the maximum
foaming practice at high temperatures. ratio, these graphs are prepared by analyz- slag foaming takes place (about 6 mass-%
Pretorius et al. [28] stated that the control of ing the isothermal sections of the ternary di- out of L region [5]).
the slag in conventional EAF operations can agrams MgOSiO2CaO, MgOSiO2FeO, Changing some parameters such as temper-
be compared to hitting a moving target, be- MgOCaOFeO and CaOSiO2FeO. In ad- ature, oxygen partial pressure and slag ba-
cause this is a dynamic system which con- dition, the effect of the Al2O3 on the MgO sicity, will move the saturation lines and the
stantly needs to be adjusted to keep a con- solubility can be calculated by the correction point of dual saturation (D) to a different lo-
tinue and stable foam generation, due to the factors: cation in the diagram and the MgO and FeO
changes in the slag throughout the steel- content of the slag should be re-adjusted to
making process.
% MgOsat = ensure the foaming effect.
The easiest way to adjust the slag chemistry % MgOref Al 2 O3 correction factor One of the most used procedures in an EAF
in this type of operation consists of injecting (22) to extend the foamy conditions consists of
carbon or adding limited amounts of MgO or injecting MgO fines into the slag towards
dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), allowing the foam where, MgOref [%] corresponds to the MgO the end of the heating period. Fig. 6 shows
to form in the furnace. EAF slag typically content in the CaO-MgO saturated slag two examples where K and T are the orig-
contains five major oxides: CaO, MgO, SiO2, (double saturation) at a selected tempera- inal slag compositions.
Slag K
suitable for FeO values < 55 mass-% and 3)
Slag T . K1 K3
for temperatures between 1500 1750 C.
Due to these adjustments and correction
factors used in the diagrams, some impreci-
sion can still be found when using these
A better way to obtain such diagrams and
also to define the effect of various parame-
ters on the slag characteristics is via thermo-
dynamic software such as FactSage, Thermo-
FeO [%] Calc, etc. [7, 8]. Thermodynamic calculations
Fig. 6 ISD diagram showing the effect of adding MgO to the path of the liquid composi-
can predict the position of the dual satura-
tion [28] tion point and the MgO saturated lines as a
function of the slag basicity (Fig. 7), temper-
As the FeO is generated and composition K MgO aims to attain two main purposes: 1) ature, oxygen partial pressure and other pa-
moves towards K2, the fluidity of the slag in- to reduce the slag temperature by incorpo- rameters. Compared to some mathematical
creases (Fig. 6). Initially the foaming proper- rating a material which was previously at models [7] and phase diagrams, these analy-
ties of the liquid increases moving from room temperature, and 2) to maintain the ses are very accurate and present an error
point K to K1, because the latter is located in MgO level due to the FeO increase during < 1 % when FeO content in the slag is less
the region where the foam generation is fa- the furnace operation. than 60 mass-%.
vored. Nevertheless, from K1 to K2, the slag However, the effectiveness of the MgO or In addition, simulations can be carried
becomes too liquid (low viscosity) to foam in doloma (CaO . MgO) injection into the EAF out for any chemical compositions and slag
a suitable way. The MgO fines injection into depends on the initial MgO content in the basicity values. Considering a practical
the slag (addition at point K1) will change slag. Considering composition T (Fig. 6), the condition, the liquid basicity is related to
the liquid composition and ensure the pres- magnesia level is too low and a further in- the EAF charging materials and directly de-
ence of second-phase particles, keeping the jection of this phase will not result in signif- pends on the cold charge content (scrap
foamy conditions [28]. In this case, adding icant changes. and/or solid pig iron) added during the op-
eration. The amount of cold charge is strate-
0.25 gic and based on the current price of these
materials. Consequently, the scrap and/or
solid pig iron additions reduce the slag ba-
0.2 MW + L sicity due to the increase in SiO2 content in
20 MW +
O X=1. 25 the system and, therefore, the steel plant
g may operate with B3 values lower than 1,2
M in the slag.
MgO [mass-%]
s X=1. 50 Thus, the use of thermodynamic simulations
s and the control of the slag compositions
a 0.1 X=1. 75 during the EAF operation can evaluate some
m 10
X=2. 00 conditions not explored by the scientific lit-
erature until today (B3 < 1).
X=2. 25
5 X=2. 50 For example, the ISD diagram for a slag
basicity B3 = 0.9 (25.7 mass-% of CaO,
16.2 mass-% of SiO2 and 11.6 mass-% of
0 Al2O3) can be designed by the FactSage soft-
0 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.6
12 24
mass FeO
36 48 60 ware, using the Phase Diagram module.
FeO [mass-%]
In this case, MgO, FeO, O2 and (CaO)x(SiO2)y
Fig. 7 MgO saturated lines in the FeOMgOCaOSiO2 system as a function of the slag (Al2O3)z are considered, where x, y and z
basicity (CaO/SiO2 = X), at 1600 C and high oxygen partial pressure (pO2 = 10-4,72 atm) correspond to the molar stoichiometries of
[7] the oxides of the slag. Temperature and oxy-
MgO [mass-%]
15 L+
Significant changes in the diagram were ob-
FeMg2 O4
served when compared with those shown in
Fig. 5. For B3 < 1, the precipitation of C2S
and liquid saturation in this phase is not
possible, considering the chosen interval
Liquid (L)
(FeO and MgO content equal to
0 60 mass-% and 0 25 mass-%, respec-
tively) at 1600 C. Conversely, slag contain-
ing high amounts of FeO can still be saturat-
ed by the spinel phase (mainly FeMg2O4, but 0 12 24 36 48 60
it can also contain MgAl2O4 in its composi- FeO [mass-%]
tion Fig. 8). Therefore, slag with a basicity Fig. 8 Phase diagram in the FeOMgOSiO2CaOAl2O3 system for a basicity B3 = 0.9,
lower than 1 will show a distinct behaviour temperature = 1600 C and pO2 = 0.21 atm
at the thermodynamic equilibrium when
compared with the one with high basicity
values (B3). Acknowledgments in EAF and its influence on the steelmaking
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