25.antifungal NigamPK
25.antifungal NigamPK
25.antifungal NigamPK
Review Article
Recently, clinical failure and relapses have been observed in patients treated with antifungals. Drug resistance has become
an important problem leading to significant negative social, psychological, and occupational health effects and quality
of life. Early recognition and treatment is essential to reduce morbidity and possibility of transmission. The increased
use, inappropriate prescribing and over the counter sale of antifungal agents has also added in the development of
resistance to these drugs. The main biochemical and molecular mechanisms that contribute to antifungal resistance
include reduced uptake of the drug, an active transport out of the cell or modified drug metabolic degradation of
the cell, changes in the interaction of the drug to the target site or other enzymes involved in the process by point
mutations, overexpression of the target molecule, overproduction or mutation of the target enzyme, amplification and
gene conversion (recombination), and increased cellular efflux and occurrence of biofilm. Although, there is considerable
knowledge concerning the biochemical, genetic and clinical aspects of resistance to antifungal agents, expansion of
our understanding of the mechanisms by which antifungal resistance emerges and spreads, quicker methods for the
determination of resistance, targetting efflux pumps, especially ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters and heat
shock protein 90, new drug delivery systems, optimizing therapy according to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
characteristics, new classes of antifungal drugs that are active against azole-resistant isolates, and use of combinations
of antifungal drugs or use of adjunctive immunostimulatory therapy and other modalities of treatment will clearly be
important for future treatment strategies and in preventing development of resistance.
How to cite this article: Antifungal drugs and resistance: Current concepts. Our Dermatol Online. 2015;6(2):212-221.
Submission: 01.01.2015; Acceptance: 12.03.2015
DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20152.58
cruris [4].while Trichophyton tonsuranswas the most Recent studies have demonstrated that keratinocytes
likely etiologic agent in cases with tinea capitis [7]. have a different profile of cytokine expression when
T. rubrum accounted for 76 percent of all superficial stimulated by different species of dermatophytes [3].
fungal diseases in a representative sample of the U.S. It was shown thatArthroderma benhamiae,a zoophilic
population [7].Epidemiological studies on occurrence and teleomorph of dermatophyte T.mentagrophytes,
of dermatophytes have also shown thatT.rubrum induces the expression of several cytokines by
ispresent in 80% of cases and T. mentagrophytesin keratinocytes which may be involved in triggering an
20% [8]. Among onychomycosis also, T.rubrumis the inflammatory response typical of these infections [14].
most prevalent dermatophyte and affects children and Both topical and systemic therapies may be used to treat
adults in about 33.2% of the cases identified, followed dermatophyte infections. The binding and synthesis of
by T.mentagrophytes in 6.3% cases [9].In a study ergosterol, the major cell membrane component, are
conducted over a period of three years, Bright et al the targets for several antifungal structures. Topical
reported the isolation of dermatophytes in 12.99% of therapy is generally effective for uncomplicated tinea
cases of onychomycosis, andT.rubrumisolated in 9.04% corporis of small areas and of short duration [15].
of patients andT. tonsurans andT. mentagrophytes
2.54% and 1.41% of subjects, respectively [10]. Antifungals are grouped on the basis of their
structure and mechanism of action: The azoles and
Mycoses may have significant negative social, triazoles interfere with the ergosterol biosynthesis
psychological, and occupational health effects and pathway by inhibiting cytochrome P450-dependent
can compromise the quality of life significantly. 14-demethylase and blocking the oxidative removal
Early recognition and treatment is essential to of 14--methyl from lanosterol resulting into the
reduce morbidity and possibility of transmission. structural changes in the lipid membrane. They are
Treatment of dermatophytosis is generally long and directed against lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase, a
costly. Dermatophytoses are often associated with cytochrome P-450 enzyme containing a heme moiety
relapsesfollowing theinterruption of antifungal in its active site, in the ergosterol pathway. Azoles
therapy.Recently, clinical failure has been observed in have also been reported to inhibit membrane-surface
patients treated with antifungals and drug resistance enzymes and lipid biosynthesis [12]. Azoles, include
has become an important problem. Although the imidazoles (ketoconazole and miconazole) and
prevalence of drug resistance in fungi is below that triazoles (fluconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole).
observed in bacteria, mycologists now believe that The topical azoles include clotrimazole, miconazole,
selective pressure will, over time, lead to more oxiconazole, sulconazole, econazole, ketoconazole,
widespread resistance [11]. sertaconazole. Sertaconazole is fungicidal and has
anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties [16].
Luliconazole is another FDA approved topical imidazole
ANTIFUNGAL DRUGS AND THEIR for treatment of interdigital tinea pedis, tinea cruris,
MECHANISM OF ACTION and tinea corporis [17].Recently, US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approved First Topical Triazole,
The fungal cell wall is composed of multiple layers efinaconazole 10% topical solution, for the treatment
where mannoproteins and glucan make up more of onychomycosis [18]. Polyenes include amphotericin
than 80% of the cell wall composition, while chitin B and nystatin. They increase the permeability of the
represents less than 2% [12]. Mannoproteins are plasma membrane. They bind to fungal membrane
predominantly expressed at the external surface. The sterol, resulting in the formation of aqueous pores
plasma membranes of fungi are primarily composed through which essential cytoplasmic materials leak
of ergosterol [12]. Keratinocytes are the most out and thereby destroying the proton gradient
numerous cells in the epidermis, forming a physical within the membrane [19,20]. Allylamines (naftifine,
barrier to micro-organisms and mediate the immune terbinafine and the related benzylamine butenafine)
response[3]. Keratinocytes secrete various soluble and thiocarbamates (tolnaftate and tolciclate) inhibit
factors capable of regulating the immune response, the conversion of squalene to 2,3-oxidosqualene by
such as growth factors [basic fibroblast growth factor the enzyme squalene epoxidase [21-23]. This enzyme
(bFGF), transforming growth factor(TGF-, TGF-), blocks ergosterol biosynthesis, leading to intracellular
tumor necrosis factor, interleukins (IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, accumulation of squalene which is toxic to fungal
IL-7, IL8), and colony stimulating factors [13]. cells and leads to cell death [21]. Allylamines are
Our Dermatol Online 2.2015213
lipophilic, bind effectively to the stratum corneum induces the cytochrome P-450 enzyme system and
and also penetrate deeply into hair follicles [24]. can increase the metabolism of CYP-450dependent
Ciclopirox olamine is a topical fungicidal agent. It drugs [25]. It is the systemic drug of choice for tinea
causes membrane instability by accumulating inside corporis infections in children [25]. Oral terbinafine
fungal cells and interfering with amino acid transport may be used at a dosage of 250 mg/d for 2 weeks; the
across the fungal cell membrane [25]. Candins function potential exists for cytochrome P-450, specifically CYP-
by inhibiting the synthesis of 1,3-glucan which is 2D6, drug interactions with this agent [34]. Systemic
the major structural polymer of the cell wall[26]. azoles [eg, fluconazole (50-100 mg/d or 150 mg once
Echinocandins are semisynthetic lipopeptides that weekly; itraconazole (100 mg/d); ketoconazole (3-4 mg/
competitively inhibit -glucan synthetase; the kg/d)] function similar to the topical agents, causing
mechanism of action is not well defined but does not cell membrane destruction [34]. Based on E-test for
involve cytochrome P450 inhibition or P-glycoprotein susceptibility ofT rubrum, voriconazole was the most
transport [27].Flucytosine inhibits macromolecular active and fluconazole was the least active of the azole
synthesis [28]. Morpholines (fenpropimorph and drugs [35].Use of oral agents requires attention to
amorolfine) are recently introduced new class of potential drug interactions and monitoring for adverse
antifungal drug for topical use. The morpholines inhibit effects [25]. Voriconazole and Posaconazole are two
two enzymes in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway, broad spectrum triazole antifungal agents that were
C-14 sterol reductase (ERG24) and C-8 sterol isomerise recently approved. Ravuconazole [36] is a new member
(ERG2) [29]. As it acts on two different enzymes of the azole family and Pramiconazole is another new
involved in sterol biosynthesis leading to inhibition of member of triazole class in the stages of development
ergosterol biosynthesis in the fungal cell membrane for the treatment of superficial infections caused by
thus making it a potent fungistatic and fungicidal dermatophytes, yeasts and many other fungi [37].
agent. Alteration in the membrane sterol content leads
to changes in membrane permeability and disruption of
fungal metabolic processes [30,31].In vitro studies have FUNGAL RESISTANCE AND
demonstrated that at concentrations of 0.1-100 g/ml, MECHANISMS OF ANTIFUNGAL
topical amorolfine induces varying degrees of damage RESISTANCE
to the nuclear, mitochondrial and plasma membranes
of bothT mentagrophytes and Candida albicans [32]. Dermatophytoses are frequently associated with
Anin vitrostudy has shown topical amorolfine to have relapsesfollowing theinterruption of antifungal
the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) therapy. Clinical resistance to antifungal agents was rare
against various strains of dermatophytes as compared until the late 1990s, with only isolated cases in patients
to other topical antifungal agents [33].Thus, azoles, with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis [38,39].The
allylamines, and thiocarbamates, and morpholines incidence of fungal infections, including resistant
act through inhibition of the ergosterol biosynthetic infections, has increased during the last few years,
pathway by interacting with enzymes involved in the and may be due to inadequate or irregular use of
synthesis of ergosterol from squalene. drugs or increased incidence of immunodeficiency
states [38,40]. The increased use and over the counter
Systemic therapy may be indicated for tinea sale of antifungal agents in recent years has also resulted
corporis that includes extensive skin infection, in the development of resistance to these drugs. Drug
immunosuppression, resistance to topical antifungal resistance in fungi, especially to azoles, is becoming
therapy, and comorbidities of tinea capitis or tinea more prevalent clinically. After the appearance of
unguium or when the infection involves hair follicles, resistance to griseofulvin, a case of clinical resistance to
such as Majocchi granuloma. The preferred treatment terbinafine was reported in 2003 [3].Antifungal-drug
for tinea imbricata is griseofulvin or terbinafine, resistance is usually quantified using the minimum
although some resistance has developed to oral inhibitory concentration (MIC), in which growth
griseofulvin [34]. The mode of action of griseofulvin in the presence of a range of drug concentrations is
is not completely clear, but it has been speculated that measured over a defined time period according to a
griseofulvin inhibits microtubule binding within the standard protocol [41].The lowest drug concentration
mitotic spindle in metaphase, causing arrest of fungal that results in a significant reduction of growth (usually
cell mitosis, weakening the cell structure [20]. A dose either 50% or 90% reduction of growth compared
of 10 mg/kg/d is effective. In addition, griseofulvin with growth in the absence of the drug) is called the
Our Dermatol Online 2.2015214
MIC. One well-known limitation of the MIC as a quality or quantity of target enzyme, reduced access to
measure of resistance is that it does not always predict the target, or a combination of these mechanisms [28].
the clinical outcome of antifungal therapy[42]. In Various mechanisms by which microbial cells might
1997, the NCCLS proposed methods and guidelines develop resistance include [28]. 1. The target enzyme
for antifungal resistance testing of yeasts [43].The is overproduced, so that the drug does not inhibit the
NCCLS method for the determination of antifungal biochemical reaction completely. 2. The drug target
susceptibility is currently a standardized technique is altered so that the drug cannot bind to the target.
that can be used to determine the levels of resistance 3. The drug is pumped out by an efflux pump. 4. The
of a yeast strain. The NCCLS document M38-P entry of the drug is prevented at the cell membrane/
proposes methods and guidelines for resistance cell wall level. 5. The cell has a bypass pathway that
testing of filamentous fungi. There is currently no compensates for the loss-of-function inhibition due to
susceptibility standard for dermatophytes [44].For aid the drug activity. 6, Some fungal enzymes that convert
in clinical interpretation of antifungal susceptibility an inactive drug to its active form are inhibited. 7.
testing, the NCCLS Subcommittee for Antifungal The cell secretes some enzymes to the extracellular
Susceptibility Testing recently established interpretive medium, which degrade the drug.
breakpoints for testing of fluconazole and itraconazole
forCandidainfections [45]. Several studies observed an alteration in the quantity
or quality of 14-demethylase in the expression of
In vitro demonstration of resistance does not necessarily resistance to azole antifungal agents [28,52]. A recent
equate toin vivo resistance [44,46]. Other determinants study on resistance to fluconazole by comparing
in the selection of resistance include host-related sterol composition, fluconazole accumulation, and
factors, e.g.immunosuppression, the site and severity inhibition of 14-demethylase by fluconazole, no
of infection and drug pharmacokinetics [47]. significant differences in the sterol content of C. krusei
andC. albicanswere detected [52,53]. Additionally,
Martinez-Rossi described the antifungal resistance the enzyme had a low binding affinity for azole
mechanisms in dermatophytes [48].The main antifungals[54]. Overexpression of 14-demethylase
biochemical and molecular mechanisms that contribute has also been implicated as a mechanism of resistance
to antifungal resistance include reduced uptake of the to azole antifungals [55].However, Ghannoum and Rice
drug, an active transport out of the cell or modified suggest that overexpression of target enzyme plays only
drug metabolic degradation of the cell, changes in a limited role in clinical resistance to the azoles [28].
the interaction of the drug to the target site or other
enzymes involved in the same enzymatic process by The resistance of dermatophytes to agents inhibitors
point mutations, overexpression of the target molecule, involves the participation of modifiers target enzymes,
overproduction or mutation of the target enzyme, overexpression of ABC transporters and stress-related
amplification and gene conversion (recombination), proteins [48]. InT.rubrumtwo ABC transporters,
and increased cellular efflux [48,49]. likeTruMDR1and TruMDR2 were identified as
playing important role in development of resistance
Ergosterol is the predominant component of the fungal to many antifungal process and also in the secretion
cell membrane [50] and serves as a bioregulator of of enzymes [56,57].
membrane fluidity and consequently of membrane
integrity in fungal cells [51]. Changes in the sterol A role of upregulation of the ERG11 gene, which
and/or the phospholipid composition of the fungal encodes the major target enzyme of the azoles lanosterol
cell membrane and membrane fluidity may result 14--demethylase, has been observed in azole-
into a decrease in azole uptake by the fungal cell. resistant C. albicans and C. glabrata isolates [58,59].
Similarly, reduced intracellular accumulation of the However, other studies have reported no significant
drug may occur due to increased active transport of change in expression levels of the ERG11 gene in
the drug out of the cell. Azoles, polyenes, allylamine azole resistant clinical isolates of C. glabrata [60,61].
and thiocarbamates owe their antifungal activities to White [62] investigated the target enzyme (Erg11p)
inhibition of synthesis of or direct interaction with susceptibility to fluconazole in cell extracts and
ergosterol. There are as yet no reports of modification of observed that a substantial decrease occurred in
azole antimicrobials as a mechanism of resistance [28]. one of the isolate, corresponding to resistance
Resistant strains either exhibit a modification in the development. Sequence analysis identified a single
Our Dermatol Online 2.2015215
point mutation that resulted in a single-amino-acid the activity of an multidrug-resistant MDR transporter.
substitution R467K [63]. Asecond significant The efflux mechanism associated with movement
change observed in theERG11gene of the resistant of Rh123 appears to play a role in azole resistance
isolate was reported by White [63],namely, loss of inC. glabratabut not inC. albicans, suggesting that
allelic variation in theERG11promoter and in the azole resistance inC. albicansmay be mediated by an
downstreamTHR1gene (which encodes homoserine alternative efflux pump [74].
kinase and is involved in threonine synthesis). The
affinity of fluconazole for lanosterol 14--demethylase S a n g l a rd e t a l i n t h e re s t u d y o f re s i s t a n t
containing the mutations Y132H, G464S or R467K C.albicansisolates obtained from five AIDS patients
was reduced as compared with the wild-type enzyme, observed decreased accumulation of fluconazole
confirming that these naturally occurring mutations associated with up to a 10-fold increase in the mRNA
indeed caused drug resistance in clinical C. albicans levels of theCDR1gene in some resistant strains
isolates [64,65]. Although these changes may account while other resistant isolates overexpressed mRNA
for resistance development, they are not the only from the gene encoding BENr(CaMDR1) and had
factors involved and overexpression of the ERG11 gene normal levels ofCDR1mRNA [75]. They suggested
probably is not critical for the development of azole thatCDR1is involved in the export of several azole
resistance [66]. derivatives (including fluconazole, itraconazole, and
ketoconazole) while BENrconfers resistance specifically
A mutation in the gene encoding the enzyme squalene to fluconazole.
epoxidase target antifungal terbinafine and gave high
resistance to this drug against fungiT.rubrum[67]. Redding et al in there study of a series of
Recently, Walsh et al [68] suggested thatC.albicansmay 17C.albicansisolates cultured from a patient
possess one or more additional genes encoding with recurrent episodes (relapses) of oropharyngeal
ATP-binding cassette MDR-like proteins that are candidiasis observed that patient required progressively
distinct from CDR1, which could participate in the higher doses of fluconazole to control the infection
development of azole resistance. In this regard, five after each relapse [76]. The Fluconazole was ineffective
CDR genes (CDR1toCDR5) which belong to the after the 14th relapse. Analysis of all isolates by contour-
PDR family have been identified inC. albicans [69,70]. clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis
confirmed the persistence of the same C. albicansstrain
Considerable evidence implicating drug efflux as an throughout all infectious episodes [76]. The sterol
important mechanism of resistance to azole antifungals content did not differ between susceptible and
is forthcoming recently. Studies [71-74] indicate that resistant isolates in this collection, suggesting that
fungi possess at least two efflux systems: (i) proteins the mechanism(s) of resistance does not involve
belonging to the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) alteration in sterol composition [76].White examined
and (ii) ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of the expression of several genes of interest in all
proteins. The MFS drug efflux proteins are associated 17 of these isolates, and found that no expression
with the transport of structurally diverse compounds ofERG1andERG7(genes involved in the ergosterol
and account for a range of resistance to toxic biosynthetic pathway) was detected [62]. He suggested
compounds in microorganisms. that high-level azole resistance, at least in this series
of isolates, results from the contributions of several
Parkinson et al [72] studied susceptible and resistant mechanisms and prolonged exposure of a strain to
isolates ofC. glabrataand observed that although one azole may lead to overexpression of genes, such
there was no change in sterol biosynthesis between asERG16andCDR1, that result in cross-resistance to
these two isolates, the resistant isolate accumulated other azoles.
less fluconazole than the susceptible one and the
reduced ability of the resistant strain to accumulate Another emerging source of antifungal resistance is
fluconazole was a consequence of energy-dependent the occurrence of a biofilm, the extracellular matrices
drug efflux. Clark et al [73] showed that resistant produced by microbes themselves which serve to help
isolates accumulated less fluorescent dye rhodamine organisms attach to living or non-viable surfaces [66].
123 (Rh123) than susceptible cells did. Furthermore, It is estimated that about 65% of all human microbial
active efflux of Rh123 was observed in azole-resistant infections involve biofilms and the majority of invasive
isolates ofC. albicansandC. glabrata, consistent with diseases produced by C. albicans are associated with
Our Dermatol Online 2.2015216
biofilm growth [77-79]. It has been demonstrated that Fungi also show adaptive responses to environmental
drug efflux pumps play a role in the drug resistance of stimuli by activation of several signal transduction
early biofilms [80,81]. In contrast, resistance of mature pathways in stress conditions [3].The antifungal drugs
biofilms does not rely on the known antifungal efflux induce cellular stress responses needed to overcome its
pumps [80]. It has been hypothesized that a change in toxic effects, allowing the survival of the fungus[3].
membrane sterol composition during biofilm formation Anumber of genes involved in adaptation and response
might explain resistance to amphotericin B and the to stress and to elucidate the mechanism of action of
azoles [81]. In addition, the MAPK Mkc1p seems to be drugs such as terbinafine, acriflavine, amphotericin B,
a regulator of azole resistance in mature biofilms [82]. fluconazole,etc, have been identified[91,92].Gene
expression studies have also contributed to the
Resistance to polyene antibiotics is rare, with resistant assessment of the effect of new antifungal agents
isolates being confined mostly to the less common forT.rubrum, as PHS11A and PH11B recently
species ofCandida, such asC. lusitaniae,C. glabrata, developed, which act by inhibiting the enzyme fatty
andC. guilliermondii [83]. Fryberg suggested that acid synthase [93].
development of resistance occurs by selection of
naturally occurring resistant cells, present in small
numbers in the population [84]. These naturally CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS, PREVENTION
resistant cells produce modified sterols that bind OF ANTIFUNGAL RESISTANCE AND
nystatin with lower affinity. Athar and Winner, however, FUTURE DIRECTIONS
have suggested that resistance results from mutation
rather than selection [85]. Hamilton-Miller [86] The primary factor driving the emergence of antifungal
proposed a biochemical hypothesis that resistance resistance appears to be resulting from the increased use
arises due to changes, either quantitative or qualitative, and inappropriate prescribing of systemic antifungal
in the sterol content of the cells. According to this agents [94].There is no clear evidence as to what
hypothesis, resistant cells with altered sterol content dosing strategy should be used during treatment and
should bind smaller amounts of polyene than do prophylaxis to best avoid resistance [95]. Ghannoum
susceptible cells. This decreased binding of polyenes andRice [28] suggested measures to avoid and suppress
inC. albicansmutants could be attributed to [28] (i) the emergence of antifungal resistance which include
a decrease in the total ergosterol content of the cell, (i) prudent use of antifungals, (ii) appropriate dosing
without concomitant changes in sterol composition; (ii) with special emphasis on avoiding treatment with low
replacement of some or all of the polyene-binding sterols antifungal dosage, (iii) therapy with combinations of
by ones which bind polyene less well, e.g.substitution existing agents, (iv) treatment with the appropriate
of ergosterol, cholesterol, or stigmasterol by a 3-hydroxy antifungal (in cases where the etiological agent
or 3-oxo sterol [87]; or (iii)reorientation, or masking, is known), and (v) use of surveillance studies to
of existing ergosterol, so that binding with polyenes determine the true frequency of antifungal resistance.
is sterically or thermodynamically less favored. An increased emphasis on rapid diagnosis of fungi
Molzahn and Woods[88] reported the isolation and and optimizing therapy according to pharmacokinetic
characterization ofS. cerevisiaemutants which were and pharmacodynamic properties and thus reducing
resistant to polyenes including nystatin, filipin, and exposure to low concentrations of systemic agents
pemaricin. The mutants were allocated to four unlinked should be focussed upon [94,96]. The recent approval
genes, pol1, pol2, pol3, and pol5. of a reference method for the antifungal susceptibility
testing of yeast is encouraging and provides a means
Although clinical failure has been observed in patients for performing surveillance studies [97].
treated with terbinafine, allylamine resistance in
association with clinical use of terbinafine and Use of combinations of antifungal drugs or use of
naftifine has not been found in human pathogenic adjunctive immunostimulatory therapy may be more
fungi. However, with the increased use of this agent, effective in preventing development of resistance.
resistance may be expected, since Vanden Bossche Avariety of immunosuppressive compounds, including
etal[89] have reported a C. glabratastrain that became cyclosporin and D-octapeptides [98], have been tested
resistant to fluconazole and expressed cross-resistance and found to counteract antifungal resistance due to
to terbinafine. Sanglard et al reported that CDR1 can efflux pumps. Cernicka, et al. screened a synthetic
use terbinafine as a substrate [90]. compound library and identified a chemical that increased
Our Dermatol Online 2.2015217
the sensitivity of a drug-resistant strain ofS.cerevisiaeto Photodynamic therapy has been suggested as an
fluconazole [99].The compound also increased sensitivity alternative treatment for therapy resistant patients,
of the pathogenic yeastsCandida albicansandCandida however, the data on this are still limited and in some
glabratathat expressed efflux pumps [99]. cases, the aggravation rates are higher than with other
methods [104,105,106]. An alternative non-invasive
Recently, a team of researchers using detailed genetic, treatment protocol utilizing combinations of VIS-NIR
biochemical, and molecular approaches, identified laser beams in association with broadband beams of
a mechanism controlling multidrug resistance in UV, B and R-LEDs, without usage of photosensitizers,
fungi [100]. They found that yeast induce multidrug with minimal side effects, for therapy resistant patients
resistance via a molecular switch similar to one that suffering from Tinea Pedis, Pityriasis versicolor, or
removes drugs and other foreign substances from Mycetoma has been demonstrated [107].
human cells. When the yeast protein Pdr1p binds to
anti-fungal drugs or other chemicals, it switches on
molecular pumps that remove the drugs from the cell. CONCLUSION
The research team also showed that this chemical
At this time, antifungal drug resistance is clearly
switch also controls drug resistance in an important
becoming a common problem in patients and is
human pathogenic fungus, Candida glabrata. In
inevitable due to wide availability and use of these
humans, a protein called PXR is the drug sensor that
agents. There is considerable knowledge concerning the
turns on genes involved in detoxifying and removing
biochemical, genetic and clinical aspects of resistance
drugs from cells [100].After binding to drugs, the
Pdr1p protein partners with another key mediator of to antifungal agents.However, sample selection and
genetic switches called Gal11p. In-depth molecular inadequate information regarding denominators
and structural studies identified the specific area limit current epidemiological data [108,109]. Several
of Gal11p that binds to Pdr1p to induce multidrug variables need to be considered when trying to
resistance [100,101]. minimize the risk for development of resistance,
including type of drug, intermittent versus continuous
A new way to fight drug-resistant fungal infections dosing during prophylaxis or treatment, the amount of
targeting heat shock protein 90 has been suggested[102]. drug administered, the length of treatment, and the
TheHsp90 chaperone protein provides one mechanism immune status of the patient [29]. The availability of
to link temperature with the signalling cascades that molecular genetic tools has led to a rapid expansion
regulate morphogenesis, fungal development and in our understanding of the mechanisms by which
virulence. Targeting the molecular chaperoneHsp90or antifungal resistance emerges and spreads and promises
its downstream effector, the protein phosphatase help to develop novel and effective compounds for
calcineurin, abrogates resistance to the most widely future use. Research works to study the mechanisms of
deployed antifungals, the azoles, which inhibit antifungal resistance, the development of experimental
ergosterol biosynthesis [103]. It was observed that the systems in which individual resistance mechanisms can
fungal pathogen Candida albicans is able to resist drug be studied, and establishment of a reproducible method
treatment because of an associated molecular chaperone of susceptibility testing will be important components
protein called heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) whose of a strategy to limit the emergence of resistance to
compromising function renders the fungal-fighting these agents and to develop safer and more potent
drugs known as echinocandins more effective at killing compounds for the future. The current techniques to
C. albicans laboratory strains and clinical isolates. determine the MIC of a drug include both macro-and
Hsp90 acted as a kind of thermostat for C. albicans microdilution broth methods. However, these remain a
and shutting down the proteins temperature-sensitivity time-consuming techniques and quicker methods for
can shut down the spread of infection. It has been the determination of resistance are needed. Targetting
suggested that interfering with Hsp90 function provides efflux pumps, especially ATP binding cassette (ABC)
a powerful and much-needed strategy to render existing transporters and heat shock protein 90 are the new
antifungal drugs more effective in the treatment of ways under investigation to fight drug-resistant fungal
life-threatening fungal infections [98]. Due to the infections. There is a clear need for the next generation
high degree of conservation inHsp90, many of the of antifungal agents. New classes of antifungal drugs
connections in C.albicans may be extrapolated to other that are active against azole-resistant isolates, such
fungal pathogens or parasites [98,99]. as the cationic peptide histatin [110] will clearly be
Our Dermatol Online 2.2015218
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