Linear Di Erential Equations With Constant Coe Cients
Linear Di Erential Equations With Constant Coe Cients
Linear Di Erential Equations With Constant Coe Cients
x t axt = b, t0
A. Homogenous equations
If b = 0, we have the homogenous equation
x t axt = 0, t0
Introspection tells us that the solution is a function xt that grows or decays exponentially at rate a
(growing if a > 0, decaying if a < 0). That is, we expect the solution to be
xt = eat x0 , t0
And dierentiating this with respect to time verifies that it is indeed the solution (there is only
one). To see why this is the solution, write the problem as
= ads, s0
and integrate both sides over the interval [0, t). This gives
Z t Z t
log(xt ) log(x0 ) = = ads = at
0 xs 0
This solution diverges to (depending on the sign of x0 ) if a > 0 but instead decays to zero if
a < 0. Put dierently, the dierential equation is unstable if a > 0 but stable if a < 0.
B. Inhomogenous equations
Otherwise, if b 6= 0, we have to do a bit more work. The trick is to transform the inhomogenous
equation into a homogenous equation by a change of variables. Denote by x
that unique value of xt
such that x t = 0. This is the steady state of xt . Clearly,
yt xt x
(i.e., the dierence between the actual and steady state value of xt ). Note that this change of
variables implies
yt = x t = axt + b
= a(yt + x
) + b
= ayt b + b
= ayt
So the new variable obeys a homogenous dierential equation and therefore has the solution
yt = eat y0 , t0
) = eat (x0 x
(xt x ), t0
xt = (1 eat )
x + eat x0 , t0
C. Stability
The stability properties of this solution are easy. If a < 0, then eat 0 as t so that xt x
irrespective of the value of the initial condition. That is, if a < 0, the steady state x
is globally
stable. If a > 0, then eat + as t so that xt depending on the sign of x0 x
i.e., depending on whether the variable starts above or below its steady state value. If the initial
condition happens to be x0 = x
, the system stays there irrespective of the value of a. Finally, if in
fact a = 0, then we have the trivial dierential equation
x t = b, t0
given scalars a, b and an initial condition x0 , then the homogenous solution (when b = 0) is
xt = at x0 , t = 0, 1, 2, ...
x1 = a1 x0
x2 = a1 x1 = a2 x0
xt = a1 xt1 = at x0
) = at (x0 x
(xt x ), t = 0, 1, 2, ...
xt = (1 at )
x + at x0 , t = 0, 1, 2, ...
But in the discrete time model, the steady state x
is the solution to x
x = b or
which is well defined so long as a 6= 1. If a = 1, there is no steady state but we have the solution
xt = tb + x0 , t = 0, 1, 2, ...
In discrete time, stability properties are determined by whether |a| < 1 or not. If |a| < 1,
then at 0 as t so that xt x
irrespective of the value of the initial condition. If |a| > 1,
then at as t , so the steady state is not stable. Notice that if a > 0, the motion of xt is
monotonic but if a < 0, the motion of xt is oscillatory. Again, if the initial condition happens to be
x0 = x
, the system stays there irrespective of the value of a.
Chris Edmond
23 July 2004