Julie Varga: Carl H. Lindner College of Business
Julie Varga: Carl H. Lindner College of Business
Julie Varga: Carl H. Lindner College of Business
Party Host, KaZoing! Party & Play, Louisville, KY
February 2014- August 2016
- Hosted 15+ parties a weekend, cutting cake, and servicing drinks
- Monitored jump houses and ensured safety for all kids and adults
- Acted as characters to portray for entertainment for the children, such as Elsa and
- Created over 25+ balloon animals and painted childrens faces
Marketing Directors UC Dance Marathon January
2017- Present
- Lead a team of marketing majors to help promote the Dance Marathon
- Held executive board position
Delta Delta Delta, Social Sorority January
2017- Present
- Work with children in St. Judes hospital
- Promoted the sorority and the girls involved to become ambassadors of UC
Delta Sigma Pi, Business Fraternity January
2017- Present
- Worked with like-minded individuals to establish a business presence
Move-in- member, Hall Orientation Team
August 2016
- Prepared rooms in residence halls for first of the year move in
- Greeted and welcomed new and returning students
Representative of St. Aloysius Youth Group, Mission Team
June 2016
- Serviced individuals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for ten days
- Worked with the local people to fix the community
Class Officer August
2014- May 2016
- Represented 230+ girls to the faculty and staff at Assumption High School
- Served as one of nine student leaders elected each year to represent the class
- Planned fundraising events and class bonding experience
Student Ambassador, Belize
February 2016
- Volunteered for a week serving on a mission trip in Belize City, Belize as a
representative of my school
Mercy School International Student Ambassador, South Africa
April- June 2015
- Hosted an exchange student to help fully emerge two cultures into one
- Traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa and studied for a month-long curriculum
Field Hockey- player, captain, manager August
2012-October 2016
- Lead a team of 20+ girls in warm ups and practices
- Represented Assumption High School in away games as team captain my junior year
- Received varsity letter
- Managed the 2016 team by keeping statistics, goal percentages and helped serve as a
senior leader
Julianna Varga
45 University Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219
(502)303-7284, vargajs@mail.uc.edu
Debbie Judd
Biology teacher, head coach, Assumption High School
(502) 422-1284
Head coach, field hockey 2014-2016
Karri Gerdemann
Owner, KaZoing! Party & Play
Owner, employer 2014-2016
Jessica Grayson
Supervisor, KaZoing! Party & Play
Supervisor and Manager, 2015-2016