Edt 346M: Edtpa Lesson Plan Template Teacher Candidate: Grade Level: Date

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EDT 346M: edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Jessica Fogelman

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Date: September 13th, 2016


1. Strategy Title & Source: Differentiated small word-work groups created through assessment
data collected from a beginning of the year Developmental Spelling
Analysis. The Word Study combines district grade-level material with
instructional level material to meet all students needs.

2. Class description & Group #1:

Riah: Special Education with IEP for math and reading, occupational
therapy, speech therapy, DSA: early emergent

Stephen: Special Education with IEP for math and reading, DSA: early

Karly: Leveled Literacy Intervention, Retained in Kindergarten, DSA:

early letter name-alphabetic

Group #2

Jayden: Retained in Kindergarten, Leveled Literacy Intervention,

DSA: early letter name-alphabetic

Marco: DSA: middle letter name-alphabetic

Kylee: Leveled Literacy Intervention, DSA: middle letter name-


Ella: Leveled Literacy Intervention, DSA: middle letter name-


Group #3

Jozey: Retained in Kindergarten, frequently struggles to do work and

will consistently refuse to complete assignments, interventions such
as take a break and a calming jar are used during these episodes,
DSA: early within word

Logan: DSA: early within word

Adapted from Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

Britain: DSA: early within word

Kennedi: DSA: early within word

Group #4

Fernando: Leveled Literacy Intervention, Fernando is medicated

every other day, and exhibits complete opposite behaviors on these
days, he most likely will not be medicated for this observation, DSA:
early within word

Joseph: DSA: early within word

Cooper: Leveled Literacy Intervention, DSA: late letter name-


Kadyn: Retained in Kindergarten, Leveled Literacy Intervention, DSA:

early within word

Group #5

Travis: DSA: middle within word

Amina: DSA: middle within word

Nadine: DSA: middle within word

The students are split into groups that aim to meet their phonics
needs. They are all working at different levels, and have been given
instructional word lists that were created based on the assessment
data collected from a Developmental Spelling Analysis given at the
beginning of the year. These differentiated groups allow the students
to work on their phonics skills at their individual instructional levels
with full group, small group, and individualized instruction


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words.

4. Student Learning The students will be able to know and apply grade-level phonics and
Objective (central word analysis skills in decoding words by completing their
focus): ABCD instructional word work activities with only one error after two full
completions of the activity.

5. Instructional Materials, District Phonics Book: Kates Frames [Created by: Houghton
Equipment & Mifflin]
Instructional Lists for Groups 1-5 [Self-Created]

C Letter Book [Created by: E. Medley]

H Letter Book [Created by: E. Medley]

District Penmanship Page [Created by: Zaner-Bloser]

Clothespin Sight Word Activity [Self-Created]

Sight Word Page: S, St, Sta, Stai, Stair Case Words

[Created by: Sara Jonckhere]

Sight Word Page: Lefty Righty Words

[Created by: Sara Jonckhere]

Short Vowel Fill-In Sheet [Self-Created]

C, H, & CH Fill-In Worksheet [Self-Created]

CVCe Cards [Self-Created]

Middletown City Schools 2nd Grade Word Wall Words That I

know How to Read Week 6 List [Retrieved from: Middletown
2nd Grade Phonics Curriculum]

Middletown City Schools 2nd Grade Sight Word Rating Sheet

[Retrieved from: Middletown 2nd Grade Phonics Curriculum]

Document Camera

White Board Marker

Page Protectors


Word Work Folder

6. Function Language: -Identify

Adapted from Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

7. Key Vocabulary: -Short Vowel

-Initial Consonant Sound


-Long Vowel





[Instruct students to come to the carpet at their assigned seats with

their word work folder, pencil, and dry erase board marker.]

T: Today we are going to be doing centers for our word work today.
Point to where you can see the I CAN statement for word work today.

[Students point to the I CAN statements.]

T: Great, now someone raise their hand and read to the class the I
CAN statement, or our learning goal for today.

[Call on student to read the I CAN statement.]

T: Thank you. Yes, remember our sight words this week are following
the long a and long i patterns. Who remembers what is special about
long vowel patterns?

T: Yes, long vowels say their name. For example, in our sight word,
hide, the long vowel is i and you can know this because you can hear
the letter i saying its name in the word when you sound it out. /h/ /i/ /d/
/e/. Lets look at this weeks sight words together today.

[Project the sight word list using the document camera onto the

T: Lets read all of these words aloud together. Everyone ready? Lets

[Point to the words on the board and read aloud with the class.]

T: Okay, Im going to call people up to the board to come and circle

the letter that has the long vowel sound in the word.

[Call on students to come to the white board and draw a circle around
the long vowels in the words.]

T: Great job finding all of those long vowels! They can be tricky
sometimes to hear when you say the words, but you guys did a really
awesome job. Since we are doing centers today, I am now going to
explain to each group what activities they will be working on today.

9. Learning Activities:

Teacher Modeling: Group #1 Sight Word and Just Right List Teacher Modeling:

T: Group 1, please raise your hands. Remember, this week your

learning goal is to focus on your just right list, which is letters A-J.
Next, you are going to complete your C and H Letter Books.
Remember that this is your time to study these letters, and to take
your time learning how to write them neatly.

[Quickly flip through the book using the document camera to remind
the students of the various activity pages.]

T: Group 1, last week you guys did a really great job learning the new
letter book activity and completing all of the pages fully. Im really
proud of you for doing that, you guys worked hard. This week, lets
make sure that we are working on going slow and taking our time to
complete the books. It is not a race, just a time for you to practice and
study your letters.

T: Today, your sight word activity will be your clothespin activity.

Remember, you need to lie out all of your clothespins and identify, or
find, the clothespin letters that match the letters on your wooden
sticks to spell out our sight words.

(NOTE: group 1 students have completed these same activities

various times with different letters and words so they are very familiar
with them.)

Group #2, 3, 4, & 5 Sight Word Teacher Modeling:

T: Groups 2, 3, 4, and 5, you will be completing the Sight Word Writing

Activity. On the first page, you are going to be doing the S, St, Sta,
Stai, Stair Case Words activity. Here, you need to take out your sight
word list, and write each word in the staircase way. Watch me as I do
this activity with the words idea and late.

[Model on the document camera how to write words in the stacked

Adapted from Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

staircase way.]

T: On the back of this page is your Lefty Righty Words writing activity.
On this side of the paper, you are going to write your sight words once
with your left hand, and once with your right hand. You will probably
find that one side is easier than the other! Watch me as I do this
activity with the words earth, and hide.

[Model on the document camera how to write sight words in the lefty
righty way.]

Group #2 Just Right List Teacher Modeling:

T: Group 2, please raise your hand. Remember, this week your

learning goal is to focus on your just right list which includes words
with short e, o, and u words. Remember these sounds are /e/ for short
e, /o/ for short o, and /u/ for short u. Today you will be completing the
Fill In the Missing Vowel activity. For each picture, there is a line with
the beginning and ending sounds of the word that the picture shows.
It is going to be your job to fill in the correct vowel in the blank. Watch
me as I do the first one. This is a picture of a _____. (Sound out the
word aloud.) I hear the short ___ vowel sound in that word. (Write the
letter ___ in the blank.) Lets do the next one together.[See Group
#2 Just Right List Guided Practice]

T: Group 2, last week I noticed that you did a really good job with
listening to the things that I was helping you with and learning your
new short vowel sounds. This week, lets make sure we are working
on getting to work and continuing to stay on task the entire center

Group #3 and #4 Just Right List Teacher Modeling:

T: Groups 3 and 4, please raise your hand. Remember, this week your
learning goal is to focus on your just right list which focuses on the ch
digraph, as well as the c and h initial, or beginning consonant sounds.
Remember the sound for the ch digraph is /ch/, the sound for the
letter c is /c/ and the sound for the letter h is /h/. Today you will be
completing the C, H, or CH Sound Fill-In activity. For each picture,
there is a word that is partially written. It is your job to decide whether
the blank should be filled with c, h, or ch to complete the word and
spell it correctly. Watch me as I do the first one. This is a picture of a
_____. (Sound out the word aloud.) I hear the ___ sound in the word,
so I should write ___. (Write the letter(s) in the blank.) Lets do the
next one together [See Group #3 and #4 Guided Practice]

T: Group 3 and 4, last week I noticed that you guys worked really well
together in your new groups and tended to be able to finish all of your
activities. This week, lets make sure that we are working on keeping
our volume down and at a #1 Voice Chart Level. Make sure that our
talk is about the work that we are doing.

Group #5 Just Right List Teacher Modeling:

T: Group 5, please raise your hand. Remember, this week your

learning goal is to focus on your just right list, which includes short i,
and long i with magic e words. Remember that the short vowel says /i/
and the long vowel says /i/, and the e is silent. Today, you are
competing the CVCe cards. You need to spell the word that the
picture is showing correctly. Watch me as I do the first one. This is a
picture of a ______. (Sound out the word.) I hear the long i sound in
this word, so Im going to spell this word ______ and write that on the
card. Lets do this next one together[See Group #5 Just Right List
Guided Practice.]

T: Group 5, last week I loved how quietly you worked and

remembered the voice chart level. This week, lets work on our
writing. Ive noticed that sometimes you will reverse your letters and
make your lowercase ps look like qs and your bs look like ds. Use
your alphabet chart to make sure you are writing your letters correctly.

Penmanship Modeling:

All Groups, remember that when you have finished your word work
activity and I have checked it, I will direct you to get your hard binder
from your cubbies to begin working on your penmanship page.
Remember, that if there is ever a time in which you are waiting for me
to check something that you are working on, feel free to go and grab
your penmanship binder and begin working on it until I can get to you.
Todays letter for penmanship is ___. Watch me as I complete a few of
the lines for penmanship so you know how I want you to do your

[Model for the class how to correctly write the letter ____.]

[See Independent Practice.]

Guided Practice: Group #2 Just Right List Guided Practice:

T: Lets do the next one together. Someone from Group 2, raise their
hand and tell me what this next picture is of.

[Call on student to share the name of the picture.]

T: Great, now someone else from Group 2, raise your hand and help
me figure out what vowel sound I need to write to fill in the blank to
spell the word correctly.

Adapted from Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

[Call on student to share the vowel.]

[See Group #2 Just Right List Teacher Modeling.]

Group #3 and #4 Just Right List Guided Practice:

T: Lets do the next one together. Someone from Groups 3 or 4 raise

their hand and tell me what this next picture is of.

[Call on student to share the name of the picture.]

T: Great, now someone else from Group 3 or 4, raise your hand and
help me figure out what letter(s) I need to write to fill in the blank to
spell the word correctly.

[Call on student to share the letter(s).]

[See Group #3 and #4 Just Right List Teacher Modeling.]

Group #5 Just Right List Guided Practice:

T: Lets do the next one together. Someone from Group 5, raise your
hand and tell me what this is a picture of.

[Call on student to share the name of the picture.]

T: Great, now someone else from Group 5, raise your hand and help
me figure out what letter(s) I need to write to fill in the blanks to spell
the word correctly.

[Call on student to share the spelling.]

[See Group #5 Just Right List Teacher Modeling]

Independent Practice: T: Alright, we are ready to begin our centers. Remember that if you
dont know what you need to be doing, you can check the center
chart. I am going to be using the stopwatch for centers today and we
will have 8 minutes on the clock for each center. When the 8 minutes
is up, we will have 1 minute to transition to our next center and I will
put that on the clock as well. Remember our word URGENCY. We
need to have a sense of URGENCY as we complete our word work.
Not working on something is not an option. The voice chart is going to
be on a Level 1. Any talking is to be about our work. It is okay to ask
your neighbor for help before asking me. I am the only person allowed
to erase your work, so you need to raise your hand so I can check it
before you move on to your next activity. I am now putting 1 minute on
the clock that we will use to get situated for our first center. I will
dismiss you from the carpet in center groups. See me to get your first
centers materials, get to your seat, and begin working.
Small Group Center Chart:


1 Phonics Book Sight Word Word Work Sight Word

Activity Activity Activity

2 Sight Word Phonics Penmanship Word Work

Activity Book Activity

3 Word Work Word Work Phonics Penmanship

Activity Activity Book

4 Penmanship Penmanship Sight Word Phonics Book


10. Closure: Objective: The students will be able to know and apply grade-level
phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words by completing
their instructional word work activities with only one error after two full
completions of the activity.

Groups 2, 3, 4, & 5: The students will be completing word work

activities that utilize their instructional list words. When the students
finish the activity, they are to raise their hand and I will come to them
and check over their work. Incorrect answers and erased, and the
students are given additional support in order to understand why they
got certain things wrong and will have the opportunity to change their
work. After their first completion is fixed, all of their work will be erased
and they will have another full attempt for 100% proficiency. The
students are not allowed to move on to their next activity until they are
able to complete their Word Work Activity with 100% proficiency.

Group 1: The students will be completing activities that utilize their

instructional letter list. When the students finish the activity, they are to
raise their hand, and I will come to them and check over their work.
Anything missed in the activities is talked-through, and is given a
chance to fix for 100% proficiency.

At the end of center time, students will have 2 minutes to clean up

their center materials, to be at their assigned seats, and to begin
rating themselves on their sight word knowledge with the District
Rating sheet. This will conclude word work for the day.

Adapted from Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT


11. Assessment Strategies Target-Assessment Alignment Table

Objective Degree

The students will be Formative: Students will complete

able to know and their word work activities, which will
apply grade-level be checked upon completion. They
phonics and word will meet the objective if they are able
analysis skills in to reach 93% proficiency (14/15 or
decoding words by one error) on their activity after 2 full
completing their completions.
instructional word
work activities with [Summative: The students will receive a
only one error after summative assessment on their instructional
two full list words every 2 weeks.]
completions of the

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