Vowels and Consonants
Vowels and Consonants
Vowels and Consonants
Peter Ladefoged
Chapter 2
2.1. The tones of Standard Chinese.
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Chapter 3
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 6
Click on a column to hear thewords in that column
Chapter 7
The component sounds that buildup the phrase the "A bird in the hand is worth
two in thebush".
Recording 7.1 is the phrase as a whole.
Click on each of the recordingsto hear the separate components.
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Chapter 8
The words leaf and feel,played forwards.
The same words played in reversebackwards.
Concatenativespeech synthesis.
There are three different examples of speech synthesis
Natural sounding synthesis of the first four sentences of this
book by the Fonix Acuvoice system.
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Chapter 11
Tongue video
Jaw video
Larynx video
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Tongue video
Click on the left sideof the slider bar below the picture to see movement
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Jaw video
Click on the left sideof the slider bar below the picture to see movement
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Larynx video
Click on the left sideof the slider bar below the picture to see movement
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Chapter 12
Some voiced-voiceless pairs in Burmese
A comparison of English [b,p] and Spanish [b,p]
Thai stops
Hawaiian consonants
Breathy voice
Hindi stops
Breathy voiced vowels in Gujarati
Creaky voice
Jalapa Mazatec vowels
Voice qualities and tones in Mpi
Quechua stops
Sindhi stops
Owerri Igbo
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Thai stops
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Hindi Stops
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Chapter 13
Ewe fricatives
Nunngubuyu dental and alveolar stops
Hungarian palatals
Malayalam nasals
Aleut stops
Kele and Titan bilabial and alveolar trills
Southern Swedish uvular trills
Polish sibilants
Toda sibilants
Melpa laterals
Zulu laterals
Nama clicks
X-ray of a Click
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Palatals in Hungarian
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Southern Swedish
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Toda Sibilants
Melpa laterals
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Zulu laterals
Clicks in Nama
(All these words have a high tone)
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X-ray of a Click
Chapter 14
French vowels
Swedish vowels
German vowels
Scottish Gaelic long vowels
French oral and nasal vowels
!X vowels
Video of nasalized vowels
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Swedish Vowels
German vowels
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!X vowels
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Chapter 15
She sells seashells on the seashore and the seashells that she
sells are seashells I'm sure.
Perception experiment 1
Perception experiment 2
Perception experiment 3
Oro Win
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Perception experiment1
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Perception experiment2
Click on each of the two sounds below to hear them.
Pair 5
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Perception experiment 3
In this experiment the pairs of sounds you heard in previous
experiment come in the middleof the sound of a telephone dialing.
Pair 1
Remember. Just listen for the pairs of sounds that were in the previous
Pair 2
Pair 3
Pair 4
Pair 5
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