Organization Development and Change Management
Organization Development and Change Management
Organization Development and Change Management
Nature of Planned Change:-
Organizational Development is directed in bringing about planned change in
order to increase the organizations preferences, also it is generally initiated and
implemented by managers often with the help of an OD practice. Planned
change can be used by organizations:
1. To solve problems
2. To learn from experience
3. To adapt to external environmental change
4. To improve performance
5. To influence future changes
6. To reframe shared perceptions
NOTE: The planned change process can vary depending on the change
1. Entering
2. Diagnosing
In order for change to happen one must enter the common grounds of the
organization to facilitate and see the problems and possibility for change. You
understand the problems of the organization and determine possible solutions
for it. Then, the diagnosing process is done. In this part of the process, one runs
a diagnosis on the alternatives that will fit best according to the problems. You
focus on how and why the problems occurred in order to have a better
understanding of the problem. Data gathering is also done in this procedure.
The step of planning and implementing the alternatives follow after. They
propose changes that will work best with their objectives and as well with their
mission and vision. The last step is the evaluation of the alternatives
implemented. It will be evaluated on how the alternatives fit with the policies
and procedures of the organization. They will further decide if the changes done
will be sustained or eradicated.
Each of the above methods has its advantages and disadvantages. There is
no universal strategy for overcoming resistance to change. Hence, an
organization that plans to introduce certain changes must be prepared to face
resistance from its employees. An organization should also have a planned
approach to overcome such resistances.
The Need for Diagnostic Models:-
To identify vital organizational variables and depict the nature of the
relationships between these key variables.
To understand more clearly and quickly what happens in organizations
and thus aids the diagnostic process.
To interpret data about an organization.
The general environment represents the external elements and forces that
can affect the attainment of organization objectives.
It can be described in terms of amount of uncertainty present in social,
technological. Economic, ecological and political forces.
Industry Structure:-
Structure :-
The structural system describes how attention and resources are focused
on task completion.
It represents the basic organizing mode chosen to
divide the overall workof an organization into subunits that can
assign task to individuals and groups.
Coordinate these subunits for completion of the overall work.
Group-level Diagnosis:-
Organization Design:-
Goal Clarity:-
Goal Clarity involves how well the group understands its objectives.
In general goals, should be moderately challenging; there should be a
method of measuring, monitoring, and feeding back information about
goal achievement.
The goals should be clearly understood by all members.
Task Structure:-
Group Functioning:-
Group Composition:-
Group Norms:-
Group Norms are member beliefs about how the group should perform
Norms derive from interaction among members and serve as guides to
group behavior.
Individual-level Diagnosis:-
Organization Design:- Organization Design is concerned with the larger
organization within which the individual job is the smallest unit.
Group Design:-
Personal Characteristics:-
Diagnostic Information:-
Consultants present findings to clients and other members of the client
organization; feedback may include explicit recommendations or more general
findings to stimulate discussion, decision making and action planning.
Determining the Content of Feedback
power and influence
The stakeholders work with the data to solve problems or achieve vision
Unacceptable Topics
Organizational Disturbances
Wendell L. French and Cecil Bell define organization development (OD) at one
point as "organization improvement through action research".[4] If one idea can
be said to summarize OD's underlying philosophy, it would be action research
as it was conceptualized by Kurt and later elaborated and expanded on by other
behavioural scientists. Concerned with social change and, more particularly,
with effective, permanent social change, Lewin believed that the motivation to
change was strongly related to action: If people are active in decisions affecting
them, they are more likely to adopt new ways. "Rational social management",
he said, "proceeds in a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of
planning, action and fact-finding about the result of action".[5]
1. The cycle begins with a series of planning actions initiated by the client
and the change agent working together. The principal elements of this
stage include a preliminary diagnosis, data gathering, feedback of results,
and joint action planning. In the language of systems theory, this is the
input phase, in which the client system becomes aware of problems as yet
unidentified, realizes it may need outside help to effect changes, and
shares with the consultant the process of problem diagnosis.
3. The third stage of action research is the output or results phase. This stage
includes actual changes in behavior (if any) resulting from corrective
action steps taken following the second stage. Data are again gathered
from the client system so that progress can be determined and necessary
adjustments in learning activities can be made. Minor adjustments of this
nature can be made in learning activities via Feedback Loop B
(see Figure 1).
Major adjustments and reevaluations would return the OD project to the first or
planning stage for basic changes in the program. The action-research model
shown in Figure 1 closely follows Lewin's repetitive cycle of planning, action,
and measuring results. It also illustrates other aspects of Lewin's general model
of change. As indicated in the diagram, the planning stage is a period of
unfreezing, or problem awareness.[5] The action stage is a period of changing,
that is, trying out new forms of behavior in an effort to understand and cope
with the system's problems. (There is inevitable overlap between the stages,
since the boundaries are not clear-cut and cannot be in a continuous process).
The results stage is a period of refreezing, in which new behaviors are tried out
on the job and, if successful and reinforcing, become a part of the system's
repertoire of problem-solving behavior. Action research is problem centered,
client centered, and action oriented. It involves the client system in a diagnostic,
active-learning, problem-finding and problem-solving process.
McKernan (1991:8) also states that there is evidence of the use of action
research by a number of social reformists prior to Lewin, such as Collier in
1945, Lippitt and Radke in 1946 and Corey in 1953. McTaggert (1992:2) cites
work by Gstettner and Altricher which has a physician named Moreno using
group participation in 1913 in a community development initiative with
prostitutes in Vienna. Freideres (1992:3-4) asserts that the concept of
participatory research emerged in the 1970s from development work in low
income countries and mentions names such as Fals-Borda and Freideres.
Despite the clouded origins of action research, Kurt Lewin, in the mid 1940s
constructed a theory of action research, which described action research as
"proceeding in a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of planning, action
and the evaluation of the result of action" (Kemmis and McTaggert 1990:8).
Lewin argued that in order to "understand and change certain social practices,
social scientists have to include practitioners from the real social world in all
phases of inquiry" (McKernan 1991:10). This construction of action research
theory by Lewin made action research a method of acceptable inquiry.
(McKernan 1991:9)
(Grundy 1982:355)
Techne being the skill of action research, the idea being how the event will
occur, the event is the taking of the idea and the thoughts that the researcher has
about the event and making them happen.
In this type of action research project the researcher and the practitioners come
together to identify potential problems, their underlying causes and possible
interventions (Holter et al 1993:301). The problem is defined after dialogue
with the researcher and the practitioner and a mutual understanding is reached.
"Practical action research seeks to improve practice through the application of
the personal wisdom of the participants" (Grundy, 1982: 357).
This design of action research allows for a more flexible approach, not available
in the positivist paradigm. "Indicative of this flexibility is the frequent use of
'interpretive' as an umbrella term that comfortably accommodates interactive
and phenomenological perspectives" (McCutcheon and Jung 1990:146).
McKernan (1991:20) feels that the practical model of action research trades off
some measurement and control for human interpretation, interactive
communication, deliberation, negotiation and detailed description. "The goal of
practical action researchers is understanding practice and solving immediate
problems" (McKernan 1991:20). The practitioners involved in the mutual
collaborative approach to action research gain a new understanding of their
practice, the changes implemented tend to have a more lasting character.
However the changes tend to be connected to the individuals directly involved
in the change process, and therefore the interventions tend to be short lived
when these individuals leave the system or there is an influx of new people
(Holter etal 1993:301).
(Grundy 1982:357)
When a person reflects upon theory in the light of praxis or practical judgment,
the form of knowledge that results is personal or tacit knowledge. This tacit
knowledge can be acquired through the process of reflection. The interaction of
theory and practical judgment through the process of reflection, with the input
from critical intent leads to critical theorems (Grundy 1982:359).
Six Phase:-
Classification-Individual Interventions
Sensitivity Training
Behaviour Modelling
Johari Window
Transaction Analysis
Stress Management
Career Planning
Sensitivity Training
Social sensitivity in one word is empathy. It is ability of an individual to
sense what others feel and think from their own point of view.
Behavioural flexibility is ability to behave suitably in light of
Behavior Modelling
Respond rapidly
Transaction Analysis
3 Ego states
Types of Transaction
Reciprocal transaction
Crossed transaction
Stress management
Effect of stress
Individual approach:
Time management
Organization initiatives
Career Planning
n of Analyze Aligning Action plan
individual career needs and and periodic
Goals and opportunity opportunity review
A work group is
a number of persons
Usually reporting to a common superior
having some face-to-face interaction
persons have some degree of interdependence in carrying out
tasks for the purpose of achieving organizational goals
A team is
a form of group
has some characteristics in greater degree than ordinary
and a higher degree of interdependency and interaction
Cross-Functional Teams
Effective Teams
Team-Building Interventions
Task Accomplishments
Team relationships
Team and organization processes
Its purpose is to conduct a general critique of the performance of the group and
to uncover and identify problems on which they will work on.
It has the goal of improving the teams effectiveness through better management
of task demands, relationship demands and group processes.
Focuses more on the individual than on the group is the Gestalt Approach to
Transactional Analysis:-
A system of popular psychology based on the idea that one's behaviour and
social relationships reflect an interchange between parental (critical and
nurturing), adult (rational), and childlike (intuitive and dependent) aspects of
personality established early in life.
Contractual Relationships
Ego States
Use in Organizations
Importance of Teams:-
Better communication
Increased trust
Greater efficiency
Greater productivity
Increased engagement
Motivated employees
Knowledge and independence
More delegation
Greater flexibility
Better client service
Organization Transformation:-
Organisational Transformation is a term referring collectively to such activities
as reengineering, redesigning and redefining business systems. The dominant
enabling technology in transforming organization is information and
As business model change rapidly in the financial environment and mergers and
acquisition change the face of the organization. So, organization continually
need to
Transformation Strategies
In the changing business environment, values are guiding force for the
companies. Values are nothing but something we hold dear, something that
reflects an ideal or an ethic. A value to individual is purpose & meaning of life.
Values to an organisation are foundations of culture. Organisation should choose
values i) compatible with society's core values, ii) Based on sublimation of
basic human urges, iii) compatible with purpose & operating context and iv)
compatible with third world context.
Most people and organisations are riot prepared for the vastly accelerated pace
of change. OD appears to be one of the primarily methods for this. Organisation
Development rests on three basic propositions (Bennis, 1969)
* Organisations change forms throught the age. The changes taking place in that
age make it necessary to revitalize and rebuild organizations.
* The only way to change organizations lies in changing the climate of the
In short, the basic thrust behind OD is that the world is rapidly changing and
that our organizations must follow suit.
i) Maximise supplier and customer contact with every one in the organization.
a) Small Improvement
b) Conventional Knowledge
c) Personal Involvement
d) Many people
Powers of OD:-
Organisations are made up of many different power elements; different interest
groups, divisions with functional agendas, coalitions of special interests, the
exercise of managerial power and various aspects of political behaviour
exercised by individuals, teams and groups
OD by its nature is political. Not because it wants to inherit the power within
the organisation, but because organisation development is fundamentally about
change, and change requires power to happen. What is more OD may upset the
power boundaries and political landscape of the organisation recognising and
harnessing the power within the organisation prevents resistance and supports
the change process.
Being skillful in our recognition and use of the power holders within the
organisation will ensure that the change process is aided by those with power
and supported by the political machinations rather than being used to create
barriers for the OD practitioner to bump into.
Values of OD:-