Climate Change From The Investor S Perspective

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Climate Change From the Investors Perspective

by Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

Growing the Economy Through Global Warming Solutions

Global warming is one of the most urgent problems of our time.
The good news is that many of the solutions to this extraordinary problem are within reach. Many of the solutions to global
warming are not only feasible, they are economically and socially beneficial. While some claim that addressing global
warming will have a negative impact on the economy, the most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) asserts that there is substantial economic potential for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions over
the coming decade. In fact, there is a growing global market to address global warming, and the United States must act now
or risk being left behind.

Growing the Economy through Global Warming Solutions sets forth the steps we can take to curtail global warming, the
governance models needed to encourage such a transition, and the economic benefits of doing so. By taking these steps as
soon as possible, we not only will minimize the grave risks of global warming, we will position the United States as the
leader in the clean industries and technologies that are emerging as the key growth engine of the Twenty-First Century.

It is now a given that global warming is happening. It is caused by the emissions of greenhouse gases primarily carbon
dioxide released during the combustion of fossil fuels -- and already has begun to inflict harms on climate, ecology and
people. The most recent IPCC report confirms that global warming is here and will accelerate in the future with serious
harms and risks if greenhouse gas emissions are not promptly limited. Dr. James Hansen, of NASAs Goddard Institute for
Space Studies, warns that a global average warming of 3.5 degrees Farhenheit will produce a different planet by taking us
over dangerous climate thresholds that greatly magnify the risks of disintegrating the great ice sheets on Greenland and West
Antarctica, an event that would cause massive and rapid sea level rise. Dr. Hansen emphasizes that we can keep the planet
within the known boundary conditions by limiting the future global temperature increase to no more than 3.5 degrees

To do so, we must stop the business as usual approach in which carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions increase
every year. One of the primary obstacles to moving from this business as usual approach to a problem solving approach is
the argument that mandates to limit emissions will cripple the U.S. economy and that the market will produce all necessary
solutions on its own. But this argument focuses too narrowly on the economic impact to big energy, which for too long
has dominated the political discussions in Washington. Growing the Economy through Global Warming Solutions asserts
that we cannot afford to wait for voluntary market solutions. We must either invest now to implement solutions, or we will
pay much more later as we have to adapt to the growing impacts of global warming. Many mitigation strategies, those that
will help reduce emissions now, will not only be cheaper to implement, they will stimulate the economy.

Government has an essential role to play in developing a strong governance model those procedures, rules and regulations
that can work to bring greenhouse gas emissions under control. In fact, with the right set of government incentives to help
focus their attention, the business community, which is already beginning to recognize challenges and opportunities - and
looking to both adapt and innovate - will see even more possibilities for capitalizing on economic opportunities while achieving
environmental gains. The good news is that, if we get started right away, we can rapidly move to this solutions-oriented
approach in which emissions are limited and reduced in time to avert the worst risks of global warming.

Growing the Economy through Global Warming Solutions is a series of papers written by experts in the fields of economics,
public policy, energy policy, architecture, insurance, investment, transportation, and agriculture. It details the solutions that
can be taken off the shelf today. While there is no single silver bullet for addressing global warming, there are a wide variety
of solutions that, taken together, will lead to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, the key to stopping global warming.
These promising solutions must be phased in as we phase out our outmoded reliance on foreign oil and coal. Along
with its companion reports, Climate Change From the Investors Perspective, by Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA, sets out important
next steps that can and should be taken in the near and medium term to ensure that we do everything possible to address
the challenges of global warming.

We have the know-how and it is the American Way to innovate and problem solve. We have time.

We have to get started now.

We have at most ten yearsnot ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally the
trajectory of global greenhouse emissions. Jim Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies,
and Adjunct Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University's Earth Institute.
Executive Summary
Investments in clean technology, or Cleantech have exploded in recent
years. The Cleantech Venture Network estimates that Cleantech is now
the third largest venture investment category, poised to rival or even
eclipse prior investments in information technology and biotech. Global
investment in clean energy has grown from $27 billion to $71 billion in
the space of two years. Other areas of substantial investment growth
come in the area of green real estate, with emerging interest in green
alternative investments such as hedge funds.

The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), founded in 2003, now

includes more than 50 institutional investors responsible for over $3
trillion in assets. The dramatic growth in investment in climate solutions
is being driven by a widespread recognition that climate change poses
great financial risks and that the solutions present tremendous economic
opportunity. Led by savvy institutional investors and venture capitalists,
investors understand that the high costs of carbon emissions cannot be
avoided, and that aggressive management of climate change will likely
increase market returns in the coming century.

Investors are employing a number of strategies to manage risk and capture

opportunities around climate change, prodding their investment advisers
and corporations in which they invest to improve data, research and
strategic management. Major institutional investors are emphasizing the
need for mandatory disclosures on carbon emissions so that risks can be
assessed properly, and are asking the SEC to better define what material
issues related to climate change should be included in corporate filings.
Investors have expanded the number of climate-related shareholder
resolutions filed, and these resolutions are receiving increasing levels of
support. Most recently, in March 2007, investors responsible for $4
trillion called on U.S. lawmakers to enact strong federal legislation to
curb pollution causing climate change.

All of these actions are driven by the understanding that greater

disclosure and clear federal policy will help manage the risks and
maximize the opportunities posed by climate change. Public policies that
constrain carbon emissions and provide a stable planning environment
will facilitate an economic conversion away from fossil fuels,towards
greater energy efficiency and Cleantech solutions. For the millions of
Americans with a stake in mutual funds and retirement plans, better
management of climate change will translate into improved long-term
investment returns and a more secure economic future.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA*


While public policy initiatives on climate change are just now kicking into gear, investor interest is already substantial and
accelerating rapidly. The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), founded in 2003, has grown into an alliance of more
than 50 institutional investors responsible for over $3 trillion in assets. The second Institutional Investor Summit on
Climate Risk, held at the United Nations in May 2005, attracted more than 400 institutional investors, fund managers and
financial professionals from 15 countries. INCR members have been active in encouraging the companies they invest in
to address the business risks and opportunities associated with climate change and the global shift toward a less carbon-
intensive economy. In conjunction with the Summit, 28 leading U.S. and European institutional investors pledged to invest
$1 billion in prudent emerging business opportunities in clean technologies.

Research on climate-related investment risk and opportunity has grown from next-to-nothing five years ago to the
continuous publication of substantive reports on a variety of themes and industries. One important spur to research has
been the UK-based Enhanced Analytics Initiative (EAI), an institutional investment consortium backed by over $2 trillion
in assets. The EAI provides financial incentives for better and more detailed analysis of issues such as climate change
within mainstream investment research. Leading global
investment houses including Citigroup, UBS, Lehman
Brothers, and Goldman Sachs are responding to this demand There are three
essential reasons
and publishing substantial reports on climate-related
investment challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, a

why investors are taking a

number of brokerage institutions now have dedicated research
groups assessing the impact of environmental, social and

strong interest in climate

governance (ESG) issues on investment portfolios.

Beyond research and analysis, early stage investors are making

a major commitment to climate solutions. Venture capital has
change: portfolio strategy,
been pouring into this space under the banner of clean security selection, and
capital allocation.
technology, or Cleantech. Again, the motivation is primarily
financial, as investors emphasize doing well financially while
doing good. Cleantech technologies add economic value by
optimizing the use of natural resources to reduce environmental
impact, lower costs, and boost profits. The potential opportunity inherent in these strategies could rival or even eclipse
earlier investments in information technology and biotech. The Cleantech Venture Network estimates that Cleantech is
now the 3rd largest venture investment category, with 13% market share in North America and 18% in Europe.1 Global
investment in clean energy has grown from an estimated $27 billion in 2004 to $71 billion in 2006, almost tripling in the
space of 24 months.2

The exploding capital market interest in climate solutions has little to do with social investing. Instead, it has everything
to do with the disruptive power of climate to create both financial risk and opportunity. There are three essential reasons
why investors are taking a strong interest in climate change: portfolio strategy, security selection, and capital allocation.

1) Portfolio strategy. Most institutional investors, as well as many individuals, are broadly diversified: by country, sector and
asset class. As long-term asset holders with exposure to both private assets like venture capital and real estate, and public
securities such as stocks and bonds, these highly diversified universal owners essentially own shares in the global economy.
As a result their returns and consequently their ability to meet their fiduciary obligations depend to a critically large extent
on the performance of the economy as a whole.3 Therefore, investors have a strong vested interest in public policy and
private activity that lowers the global risk of climate-related economic disruption.

* Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Trillium Asset Management Corporation. The author would like to thank his colleagues at Trillium
Asset Management Corporation, Natasha Lamb and Steve Lippman, along with Rob Berridge and Jim Coburn at Ceres, for their helpful comments and
contributions to this chapter.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

2) Security selection. Regardless of how climate change plays out, better research will result in improved investment decisions.
Until very recently, investors interested in how climate change might impact the fair value of any individual asset holding
or industry were working in a virtual information vacuum. Few corporations estimated climate-related risks and
opportunities as part of strategic planning, little research was published on the subject, and securities analysts essentially
ignored climate change when developing pricing models. This is all changing fundamentally.

3) Capital allocation. While most investing still occurs in publicly traded securities, the
allocation of capital to less-liquid private investments has grown substantially since the stock
market crash of 2000-2002. Green real estate, green hedge funds, and Cleantech venture
capital are emerging as attractive choices for investment allocation. Also, institutional investors
are pressing the fund management industry to develop targeted green funds that trade in
public securities. For the most part, these newly emerging investments are driven by the long-
term economic and financial opportunities defined by a carbon-constrained world.

The Importance of Climate Change to Portfolio Strategy

In the long run, investors are paid for taking risk. Much of the risk in a diversified portfolio comes from participation in
the markets themselves. As popularized in books such as Winning the Losers Game in the 1980s and Stocks for the Long Run
in the 1990s, the most important choices investors make are not in active stock picking, but broad asset allocation: their
relative exposures to classes of investments such as real estate, stocks, bonds and cash. Similarly, climate will have its
greatest portfolio impact through overall asset class returns, not the performance of any individual securities holdings.

Most of the advice around asset allocation focuses on the long-term, wealth-generating potential of investing in the stock
market. This bullish view of long-term investing is a product of the post-War experience in market economies in Western
Europe, Japan and North America. During the second half of the 20th century, stock returns in these markets were
exceptional. However, recent research on global financial returns in the last century indicates that investing in the markets
as a passive exercise does not always lead to positive outcomes. Market returns do not occur in a vacuum, but are the
product of political, social, technological and economic trends that investors themselves help influence.

For example, a passive, risk-averse investor in German bonds would have lost 100% of their value during the hyperinflation
of 1923, and a German equity investor would have lost 87% of value in 1948.4 During the first half of the 20th century,
Japanese equity investors essentially made nothing for fifty years, after accounting for inflation. So, long-term investing
through broad market exposure is not an effective strategy at all times and in all places. Markets in the first half of the 20th
century endured two World Wars, multiple financial panics, the Great Depression, the rise of communism and fascism,
widespread labor discrimination, and the detonation of atomic bombs that killed several hundred thousand human beings.
The result was U.S. and global investment returns less than half as good as those post-War.5

Our perception of long-term market outcomes is colored by the positive developments that emerged in the five decades
following World War II: no global wars, a regulated and insured banking system, limited nuclear proliferation, the Marshall
Plan, expansion of the middle class, improved social justice via the civil rights movement and related legislation, national
environmental policies, the end of the Cold War, healthy, less-volatile economic growth, and Federal Reserve interest rate
management. The result was fifty years of phenomenal returns in a variety of markets, with global stocks rising 9% annually
in excess of inflation.

While efficient, broad market investment through vehicles such as index funds has gained widespread popularity, it has also
led to a risky passivity among owners of capital. In fact, simple exposure to a market index (such as the S&P 500) has
become known as passive investing. However, as climate change and energy constraints loom, market returns will not
necessarily be attractive in the long run.

No doubt, clear linkages exist between the performance of portfolios and the health of the overall economic system. Recently,
this understanding has crystallized into a more formal analysis of the position of the Universal Owner (UO). The UO hypothesis
states that a portfolio investor benefiting from a company externalizing costs might experience a reduction in overall returns

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

due to these externalities adversely affecting other investments in the portfolio, and hence overall market return.6
Put simply, negative externalities are costs from economic activities that are borne by those "external" to the transaction.
Carbon emissions are a classic example of a negative externality, to the extent that the full cost of the pollution is not
factored into the price of a barrel of oil but borne by society at large. The key insight from UO analysis is that for a diversified
investor, there is no place to hide from these costs: they come back into the portfolio as taxes, insurance premiums, inflated
input prices and the physical cost of disasters.

Being a passive investor abdicates fiduciary responsibility for the world that underpins economic and financial prosperity.
The corporations that investors own exert tremendous global power relative to government and labor. Investors can and
should demand that companies desist in externalizing environmental costs onto society that in the long run will harm
portfolio-level returns.

From the perspective of a single company, it may be a profitable strategy, even in the long-term, to avoid paying the costs
of CO2 emissions. Yet, from a portfolio perspective, this could lead to lower overall returns. For example, take the profits
that derive from the traditional energy sector. Investments in this sector account for about 10% of US stock market value.
In 2006, fossil fuel companies occupied three of the top six spots in the Fortune 500 list of the largest US companies, and
generated record profits of over $60 billion.7 These profits drove up the stock prices of the companies and thus appeared
to benefit diversified investors in the short run. However, over time, the disruptive portfolio influence of climate change,
such as rising ocean levels and the damage from more intense storms, could easily
overwhelm the short-term benefit of these corporate profits narrowly concentrated in the
energy sector.

It is in investors financial self-interest to take a leadership role in analyzing critical long-

term risks and opportunities such as CO2 emissions. Arguably, for trustees such as pension
fund and foundation boards it is a key element of fiduciary duty. In recent years, the legal
case for taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into account when
making fiduciary decisions has been strengthened. In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programs Finance Initiative
commissioned a comprehensive global report by leading international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer entitled: "A
Legal Framework for the Integration of Environmental, Social and Governance Issues into Institutional Investment." The
Freshfields analysis concluded that integrating ESG [environmental, social, governance] considerations into an investment
analysis so as to more reliably predict financial performance is clearly permissible and is arguably required in all jurisdictions."

Paul Watchman, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and senior author of the study, notes that "Institutional investors
have more freedom to integrate ESG issues into their decision-making than they think. Whilst normally we find ourselves
encouraging our clients to be more cautious, in this case we can instead say 'be more imaginative'."8 An improved investor
understanding of the importance of these risks has led to the development of the Principles for Responsible Investment, now
backed globally by over $2.5 trillion in investor assets. The preamble to the Principles states that:

As institutional investors, we have a duty to act in the best long-term interests of our beneficiaries.
In this fiduciary role, we believe that environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues
can affect the performance of investment portfolios (to varying degrees across companies, sectors,
regions, asset classes and through time). We also recognize that applying these Principles may
better align investors with broader objectives of society.9

Securing attractive market returns in this century will likely require the aggressive management of climate change. It is all
too easy to put seemingly environmental issues like this into the box of politics, disconnected from investment policy-
making. But, while investors can debate the appropriate course of action, there should be little disagreement that dire
outcomes are possible and imminently material. When shareholder activism can reduce market risk and enhance long-term
returns, passivity is not the winning investment strategy.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

10 Key Steps for Investor Action on Climate Risk10


Expert Advice Find experts to raise awareness, assess climate risks, and convey fiduciary duties to plan benefici-
aries, investment consultants, fund managers and portfolio companies.

Risk Assessment Assess physical and policy risks of climate change in evaluations of companies, industry sectors,
investment portfolios and property holdings.

Networking with Others Join INCR and engage with others to promote climate risk assessments, greenhouse gas
emissions disclosure and responsible public policy.


Public Statement Declare that climate change poses fiduciary and financial risks to be addressed through research,
corporate engagement and long-term investment strategies.

Public Disclosure State methods to assess and address climate risk in plan documents and require companies to
identify material risks of climate change in securities filings.

Emissions Accounting Ask companies to disclose emissions based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and to account
for GHG emissions from products and property holdings.

Stakeholder Dialogue Adopt proxy voting guidelines to urge corporate action on climate change, and maintain
an active dialogue with beneficiaries, fund managers and companies.


Investment Strategy Match long-term objectives with reduced climate risk exposure to optimize investment returns,
and engage fund managers and companies to adopt best practices.

Clean Energy Direct investment capital into emerging clean energy technologies and promote energy efficient
products and building practices.

Government Action Support government actions to promote investor certainty, including mandatory policies to
achieve absolute reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR) has led in the development of institutional investment strategies to
effectively manage risks and capture opportunities around climate change. In 2004, INCR published an Investor Guide to
Climate Risk, identifying 10 key steps for investor action. They are shown in the box above and include assessment,
disclosure, and solution-based activities.

At the INCR summit in May 2005, 28 major institutional investors with assets of over $3 trillion endorsed an action plan
intended to accelerate the pace of innovation around climate risk and opportunity. Signers of the plan included seven
state treasurers, three state and city comptrollers, four public pension funds, seven labor pension funds, two foundations,
and two religious institutional investors.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

The action plan included a number of specific initiatives covering many of the above strategies. Commitments included:

Deploying $1 billion of capital in clean technologies

The development of a model corporate climate risk policy
The development of global standards for corporate disclosure
Creation of a forum for international collaboration
Requiring that investment managers disclose their analytical approach to climate risk
Engaging with companies around their greenhouse gas emissions strategies and disclosures
Encouraging the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require that companies disclose the risk associated
with climate change as part of their securities filings

A growing number of investors have emphasized the

need for mandatory climate disclosure, in addition to
voluntary disclosure through the Global Reporting
Initiative and other means. Members of the Investor
Network on Climate Risk (INCR) have twice written to
the SEC Chairman (in 2004 and 2006) to request the
enforcement of disclosure requirements on material risks
such as climate change, the strengthening of disclosure
requirements related to these risks, and the inclusion of
proposals related to climate change in shareholder proxy
statements.11 In March 2007, over 60 investors and
companies asked the SEC to better define what material
issues related to climate change companies should
include in their filings.

Both companies and members of Congress are

responding to these requests. In key industries affected
by climate change, disclosure rates in SEC filings rose
from 26 percent of companies in 2000 to 49 percent in
2005. Two of the six climate change bills before the
Senate in April 2007 would require corporate disclosure
of climate risk in SEC filings. Both the Sanders-Boxer
and the Kerry-Snowe bills require an interim SEC
statement acknowledging trends in global warming. The
bills also require new regulations, issued within a two-
year period, directing companies to disclose their
financial exposure due to their emissions, and the
potential economic impacts of climate change on the

Investor action is now moving to the public sphere, as

the linkages between long-term investment returns and
effective public policy on climate become clear. In
March 2007, dozens of institutional investors responsible
for $4 trillion in assets called on U.S. lawmakers to enact
strong federal legislation to curb the pollution causing global climate change. Joined by some leading U.S. companies, the
investor group outlined the business and economic rationale for climate action. They also called for a national policy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the scientific targets needed to avoid dangerous global warming impacts.
The 65 signatories included institutional investors and asset managers such as Merrill Lynch, Allianz, and the California
Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), as well as leading corporations such as BP America, PG&E, DuPont,
Alcoa, Sun Microsystems and National Grid.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

Climate Change and Security Selection

The fair value of any security is a function of its future profit stream, and the certainty (or lack thereof) of those expected
cash flows. Climate change has the ability to influence virtually every investment on every important dimension that
determines its price: projected costs, revenues, and the level of uncertainty about the future.

Good data are central to the investment management of carbon risk and opportunity. Cross-sectional information is needed
to make judgments between companies, along with longitudinal data to monitor trends over time. The Carbon Disclosure
Project (CDP) has spearheaded efforts to improve corporate transparency on climate for investors. Launched in 2000, the
CDP began by requesting information from the 500

Shareholder advocacy
largest global companies (the FT 500). The fourth
annual survey, in 2006, was sent to an expanded list

related to climate change

of 2000 companies globally, of which 900
responded. This questionnaire (CDP4) had

has increased exponentially in

significant investor weight behind it, including 225
institutional investor and asset management
recent years and shows no signs
Given the high level of material climate change
risk, investors would benefit from required reporting
of peaking yet.
in this area under a consistent set of disclosure
guidelines. Despite the lack of a mandated framework in most countries, it is striking how much the data have improved
in just the last few years -- particularly from corporations in Europe. In the US disclosure is improving, but is uneven among
large corporations, and minimal for smaller firms.

Ceres, the non-profit organization, recently teamed up with the investment group Calvert to analyze responses to CDP4.
While 72% of the 500 largest global companies (the FT 500) responded to the survey, only 47% of the primarily US-based
S&P 500 companies filled out the questionnaire. In addition, one-third of S&P 500 responders only allowed their data to
be available to the signatories of the CDP, limiting the investment analysis impact for research firms and asset managers.
Furthermore, only one quarter of S&P 500 respondents disclosed measurable emissions targets. While many companies
acknowledged physical risks from weather, few tied weather-related risk to climate change.

The analysis of S&P 500 CDP4 responses indicates that companies with the largest direct carbon emissions, such as those
in the electric power and oil sectors, have the highest-quality disclosure. Most companies in sectors where carbon emission
risks are indirect but very real, such as health care, retailing and banking, have not begun to analyze their strategic exposure
to climate change.

When companies lag in their response to climate change, concerned investors increasingly are responding by filing
shareholder resolutions. Shareholders have raised the issue of climate change with companies for years: Exxon received the
first climate-related shareholder proposal in 1990. However, shareholder advocacy related to climate change has increased
exponentially in recent years and shows no signs of peaking yet. Shareholders filed 150 climate-related proposals in the last
five years. The number of climate proposals in the 2007 proxy-voting season broke all previous records, with a broad set of
public pension funds, religious institutional investors and other asset holders filing a total of 45 climate resolutions at
companies in diverse sectors including oil, gas, and coal companies; utilities; automakers; home builders; retailers; and
insurers and other financial institutions.12

Not only has the number of climate proposals climbed, so have levels of support for these shareholder votes. The high-water
mark for climate-related resolutions is 37 percent, very significant in a voting system favoring corporate management.
While the proposals vary in how they ask corporations to address climate change, most request improved data disclosure
and the development of a coherent climate strategy, including: (1) public reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, along with
an assessment of risks and opportunities from climate change, (2) establishing goals and targets to reduce emissions of
greenhouse gases, and/or (3) support for public policies that restrict greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

As a result of their activism as corporate owners, shareholders have negotiated significant agreements with companies over
the past several years. For example, shareholders helped convince major utility companies to call for new federal legislation
to limit greenhouse gas emissions and give them greater certainty about future regulations, and to boost investments in
integrated gasification combined cycle plants that could allow carbon capture and storage. Proponents have also convinced
a number of oil companies to measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, set reduction targets, and boost
investment in renewable energy alternatives. A number of retailers and homebuilders agreed to implement new energy
efficiency measures. Other companies, from automakers to banks and insurers, boosted their disclosures and in some cases
adopted new policies to address climate-related impacts.

In order to improve the quality and consistency of corporate data in this area, a group
of institutional investors released the Global Framework for Climate Risk Disclosure in
October 2006. The Framework consists of four elements of disclosure:

Total historical, current, and projected greenhouse gas emissions

Strategic analysis of climate risk and emissions management
Assessment of physical risks of climate change
Analysis of risk related to the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions

There are a number of existing reporting mechanisms through which the Frameworks disclosure can be accomplished.
These include mandatory financial reports such as those required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
where material risks must be disclosed; the Carbon Disclosure Project itself (CDP); the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),
which is a set of guidelines for the comprehensive reporting on the economic, environmental and social dimensions of
corporate activity; and forward-looking statements made in analyst briefings and other corporate reports.

Engaged shareholders understand that there is a strong business case for pro-active corporate approaches to climate change.
As discussed in recent business strategy research, corporations have a clear self-interest in using environmental strategies
to innovate, create value and build competitive advantage.13 Analysts are identifying key linkages between climate change
and business profitability. For example, in a recent Harvard Business Review article, Lash and Wellington offer prototype
questions that companies (and the investment analysts that follow them) should be asking about potential climate-related
revenue and cost drivers:

Examples of Cost and Revenue Drivers from Climate Change14 that influence Fair Value

Potential Cost Drivers Potential Revenue Drivers

How will regulatory policy affect costs? How will changes in customer demand patterns affect pricing?
Will emissions be taxed? What percentage of climate-related costs can be passed
What capital expenditures will be required for emission through to customers?
reduction? What revenue streams can come from new
How much will raw materials prices escalate for the company low-carbon products?
and its suppliers? What new forms of income (for example, carbon credits)
How much will energy costs rise? will become available?
How will the companys risk profile affect its What threats are faced from low-carbon substitute products?
insurance premiums? What will be the impact of weather patterns on revenue?

Ceres works with companies to address sustainability challenges such as climate change, and teamed up with the Investor
Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) to comprehensively analyze how 100 global companies in the 10 most carbon-
intensive industries in the US are managing climate risk and opportunity.15 As part of their analysis, the authors developed
a Climate Change Governance Checklist, a 100 point system covering five key areas: Board Oversight, Management Execution,
Public Disclosure, Emissions Accounting, and Strategic Planning. The study covered 76 U.S. and 24 non-US companies.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

The Ceres/IRRC analysis revealed large differences in the estimated climate risk governance performance within the various
sectors studied. Climate risk leadership was evident in companies like DuPont, AEP, Toyota, and Alcan, with scores upwards
of 60 (100 would represent comprehensive management of climate risk). Laggards scored in the 20s. In general, companies
in the Chemicals, Electric Power, and Auto sectors are paying more attention to climate than the Oil & Gas, Coal, Food
and Airlines industries. Investors should take note of companies that, despite obvious exposure to climate risk, are slow-
footed in the strategic management of climate change.

The average industry scores are shown in the chart below:

Climate Change Corporate Governance Checklist (100 = best)

Oil & Gas

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Source: Douglas G. Cogan, Corporate Governance and Climate Change: Making the Connection, Ceres, March 2006. 100-point scale includes
Board Oversight, Management Execution, Public Disclosure, Emissions Accounting, Emissions Management, and Strategic Opportunities.

The Ceres report identified some common themes among leadership companies with best-in-class climate risk strategies.
First, the Board and senior executives are working collaboratively to address climate issues. Second, the CEOs have
identified climate as a near-term priority. Third, management is taking action, and establishing practical policies for dealing
with climate risk and opportunity.

For the most part, investment analysis of carbon risk is a long-term proposition, as risks may be latent for many years and
then emerge suddenly through, for example, weather-related events or new regulations. However, a higher risk premium
for a company should lead to lower current levels of fair value, and as investors sort through the data on carbon risk it
could trigger a re-evaluation of corporate worth.

Taking investment research on climate to the practical level requires comprehensive, ongoing data and analysis. Toward
this end, the research firm Innovest Strategic Value Advisors has developed industry and company-specific carbon risk
metrics for over 1500 global companies. Innovest identifies three industry-level risk measures:

Climate Change Direct Intensity, i.e. the industrys emissions of carbon from its own operations
Climate Change Indirect Intensity, which estimates the industrys demand for electricity and other carbon-intensive inputs
Climate Change Demand Sensitivity, with high sensitivity sectors either producing goods that create significant
greenhouse emissions, or having other kinds of exposure (such as through investing or insurance provision)

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

At the company level, Innovest provides sector-relative ratings based on the companys current risk profile, the quality of
its carbon management and conservation programs, and its strategic profit opportunities in areas such as energy efficiency
and the transition to renewable energy sources.

In order to evaluate the influence of carbon risk on stock prices, Innovest used its carbon risk framework to identify the 21
best-in-class responses from the first year of the Carbon Disclosure Project in 2002. These firms came from 12 carbon-
sensitive sectors. When benchmarked against their sector peers, a portfolio of these carbon leaders outperformed by 2.3%
annually over the subsequent three years.16 Effective management of carbon may in itself create improved stock price
valuations, and also could be a proxy for a companys broader risk-reducing approach to complex strategic issues.

Conservation and efficiency measures go straight to the bottom line and can directly boost investment returns. Investors
play an important role in improving economic efficiency by allocating capital to those corporations with the most effective
resource and risk management systems. Given uncertainty about future risk, it is difficult to place a price on the
management of climate change. That said, new research is emerging to quantify the potential investor benefit of sound
resource deployment. One careful peer-reviewed study evaluated the investment returns of companies based on their eco-
efficiency, defined as the ratio of the value a company adds with their products and services to the waste they generate.
While industries with heavy environmental impact such as oil, gas, chemicals and utilities scored badly in general, the
authors identified the best-of-sector performers in each part of the economy. The "eco-efficient" portfolio created
substantially better investment returns than the companies with less eco-efficiency.17

Capital Allocation to Climate Change Solutions

Beyond developing climate-related portfolio strategies and security

selection techniques, investors are making substantial capital
commitments to early-stage climate solutions. The Cleantech Venture
Network differentiates between the current market environment and
prior efforts to finance environmental solutions in the 1970s through
early 1990s. While earlier efforts were driven by regulatory changes
and focused on end-of-pipe technology (such as scrubbers on smoke
stacks), todays Cleantech sector is profit-driven and responding to
what appear to be enduring market trends.18 Specifically, the Network
views the move from Enviro to Green to Clean creating a new
emphasis on:

First-mover activity driven by market forces, not regulatory change

Front-of-pipe technology, such as zero emission plants
Biological and materials science, transitioning away from a
reliance purely on chemical science
Systems design and engineering
Rapid growth markets, moving from areas like waste management
into solar, wind and energy efficiency
An entrepreneurial mentality, replacing a save-the-world idealism
Intensive use of information technology

There is no question that capital allocation to Cleantech is growing by leaps and bounds. The research firm New Energy
Finance estimates that in 2006 at least $7 billion was deployed globally in clean energy venture capital and private equity.
Public market fundraising accounted for an additional $10 billion, up from $4 billion in 2005. The sum total of all global
investment, mergers, acquisitions and refinancing in clean energy during 2006 is estimated at $100 billion.19

SJF Ventures is an example of the new venture capital emphasis on Cleantech opportunities. Their funds identify companies
whose competitive advantages include environmental or workforce innovation. SJF favors companies with innovative
strategies in the Cleantech, business services, and consumer products industries.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

Unlike some of their competitors, SJF seeks out and supports unique ventures, often in locations and sectors overlooked
by venture capitalists. Their efforts focus on finding entrepreneurial companies and providing the management assistance
and equity capital to help accelerate their growth. SJF Ventures provides equity financing from $500 thousand to $5 million
solo or in syndicates, to companies with annual sales of $1 million to $20 million. SJF Advisory Services, an allied non-
profit organization, provides entrepreneurial, workforce and sustainability assistance services to SJF prospect and portfolio
companies. SJF seeks to rapidly diffuse those entrepreneurial strategies to help build a more sustainable economy.

Green hedge funds are not as pervasive as Cleantech venture capital, but investor interest is likely to surface once additional
attractive products are brought to market. While the unregulated nature of hedge funds means that the strategies employed
are virtually limitless, a popular approach is long-short, limiting overall market exposure by going long attractive
securities and short those that are judged to have lower financial return prospects.20 Hedge fund providers such as Green
Cay and Civic Capital Group already incorporate environmental risk and opportunity into their strategies. Access to an
expanding body of research assessing carbon risk at the company and industry level allows investment managers to identify
best practices and worst-in-class firms. Emerging hedge fund strategies will likely incorporate these data into their evaluation
of risk on both the long and the short side of the market.

Another area very likely to benefit from

increased capital allocations is green real
estate, i.e. buildings and other properties
that incorporate sustainable design and
construction elements, ranging from the
selection of renewable or recycled building
materials to energy efficiency, green roofs,
and alternative power sources. In 2005,
McGraw-Hill estimated that the market for
environmentally friendly real estate could
grow to $20 billion by 2010. However, even
those projections may be too modest. A
more recent survey by McGraw-Hill
Construction and the National Association
of Homebuilders estimated that by 2010
green builders may account for 10% of new
home construction, or $38 billion.21

While investment demand for green commercial real estate currently outstrips supply, the market is evolving rapidly as
cities implement green building legislation. Boston and Washington, D.C. are now requiring all new large-scale projects to
meet designated green building standards. Real Estate Investment Trusts are forming with green mandates, and some
banks and institutional investors have committed capital to building projects that meet specific environmental standards.

Risk in alternative energy investing and conservation technologies is driven in large part by the uncertain price of fossil fuels.
This was clearly evident in the mid-1980s, when the collapse of oil prices decimated the fledgling solar power industry.
From 1986 to 1998 the price of a barrel of oil was relatively stable between $15 and $25, even as general consumer prices
rose steadily.

Despite continuing subsidies for oil and gas exploration and production, since 2003 supply and demand conditions have led
to a breakout in fossil fuel prices out of their historic trading range. This has no doubt been a primary driver of booming
Cleantech activity. The average price of a barrel of West Texas crude was $41 in 2004, $56 in 2005, and $66 in 2006.
Although there has been some volatility, the price has stayed above $50 since the middle of 2005. Some alternative energy
and conservation technologies would not be competitive if fossil fuel prices surprise investors and plummet back down to
their former levels.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

The dynamism of the Cleantech and green real estate sectors is particularly striking given the absence of a coherent national
public policy around climate change. The more investors are convinced that high fossil fuel prices are here to stay, the more
capital we will see committed to Cleantech,
conservation, and other environmental strategies.
While the general consensus presumes that strong Given the large econo-
mic threat from climate
global demand and limited supply will keep energy
costs elevated for the foreseeable future, the biggest

change, it is in the interest of

risk to Cleantech and other green investments is a
sustained drop in traditional energy prices in the absence

investors to advocate for public

of regulatory policies constraining carbon emissions.

The March 2007 investor Call to Action for the U.S.

Congress to address climate change, backed by $4
policies that constrain carbon
trillion in assets, noted that government policy emissions and thus provide a
stable planning environment.
would remove unnecessary risk in asset management
and corporate governance and help to harmonize an
increasingly complex regulatory landscape. With
greater certainty, American businesses and investors
could make capital investments and seize global leadership on clean technologies. American businesses could do what
they do best innovate. The business and investment leaders emphasized that they are willing to play their part in
bringing about a low-carbon future. But in the absence of strong federal leadership, there is a risk that U.S. businesses may
get left behind, losing ground against competitors in the rapidly growing global market for low-carbon solutions.22

Given the large economic threat from climate change, it is in the interest of investors to advocate for public policies that
constrain carbon emissions and thus provide a stable planning environment. Fossil fuel price subsidies and cost-free carbon
emissions are not in the interests of long-term investors, when fully incorporating the portfolio risks that accrue from
business-as-usual emissions patterns. Thus it is not surprising that climate change is one of the very few areas where both
corporations and investors are calling for more government regulation, not less.

Summary and Conclusions

Most institutions and individuals have a long-term financial horizon that is placing climate change firmly on the investment
agenda. Investors have been intensely active around climate in the last five years, with leadership coming from both the
institutional investor and venture capital communities. The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR), an alliance backed
by over $3 trillion in assets, has used the power of shareholder ownership to push for substantial changes in the approach
to climate by the financial services industry and the corporations that it invests in. This has led to improved strategic
planning and data disclosure by companies about climate risks and opportunities, as well as more and better investment

Investment managers and research providers are active in developing programs for assessing which companies are best-in-
class in managing climate change, and where business-as-usual behavior is leading to investment risk. Recent research has
identified a financial return premium for those companies that are leaders in the efficient management of environmental
resources in general, and of carbon emissions in particular.

Investors increasingly understand that short-term benefits created by carbon emissions in one portion of their portfolios will
show up as costs elsewhere, particularly in the long run. Diversified investors are exposed to the health of the overall global
economy, and thus the effective systemic management of climate change has become a central investment issue. This
explains why the INCR and other large institutional investors are active not just in pushing for improved financial research
and disclosure on climate, but also in calling for better public policy to ensure a rational financial planning environment
for a carbon-constrained future.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA

American dynamism in venture capital investing has now turned to the clean energy sector, or Cleantech. This is now
estimated to be the third-largest venture area, eclipsing telecom. With venture capital deployments of at least $7 billion
in 2006 and overall global capital allocation to clean energy of around $100 billion, investors are responding to high fossil
fuel prices by reallocating capital to technologies in areas such as conservation, alternative energy, water purification, and
materials-efficient production. Green investing is also moving into alternative asset classes such as hedge funds, and the
greening of commercial and residential real estate is the mega-trend in property development. The number of green real
estate investment trusts and mortgage pools is expanding at a rapid pace, and recent estimates suggest that green
homebuilding could represent 10% of the market by 2010, creating $38 billion in investment activity.

Diversified investors accept that future market returns are perhaps the most important determinant of their long-term
financial health. Furthermore, attractive long-term financial returns are contingent on the vibrancy of our economic and
ecological systems. Short-termism is not only inconsistent with most investors planning horizon, but is also in conflict
with the kind of investment activity that will underwrite better risk-adjusted returns in the long run.

The investor push for better corporate management of climate risk and more effective public policy is consistent with
fiduciary duty and in the long-term interest of all Americans. With an intermediated financial system as complex as ours,
it is vital to remember that the citizenry are the underlying beneficiaries of mutual funds and retirement plans. This makes
the effective management of climate an investment issue for virtually everyone. Asset owners both large and small must
ensure that their interest in climate change risk reduction is firmly reflected in the behavior of their fiduciary boards, of
investment managers who work on their behalf, and of the corporations that they own.

Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA


Cleantech Venture Network LLC, Presentation by Nicholas Parker to the INCR Clean Energy Working Group, January 2007.
New Energy Finance, presentation by Michael Liebreich to the INCR Clean Energy Working Group, January 2007.
Jim Hawley and Andy Williams, Universal Owners: Challenges and Opportunities, Introductory remarks at the Universal
Ownership Conference, Saint Marys College, Moraga, CA, April 2006.
All market return data from Dimson, Marsh and Staunton. Their book, Triumph of the Optimists (Princeton University
Press, 2002), reviews 101 years of global investment returns.
I first developed these ideas in Taking responsibility for market returns, Investing for a Better World, Trillium Asset
Management Corporation, Fall 2006.
Raj Thamotheram and Helen Wildsmith, Putting the Universal Owner Hypothesis into Action, paper presented at the
Universal Ownership Conference, Saint Marys College, Moraga, CA, April 2006
Exxon Mobil (#1), $36.1 billion; Chevron (#4), $14.1 billion; ConocoPhillips (#6), $13.5 billion.
See Mission-Related Investing for Foundations and Non-Profit Organizations, Trillium Asset Management Corporation, 2007.
Excerpted from the Investor Guide to Climate Risk: Action Plan and Resource for Plan Sponsors, Fund Managers, and
Corporations (INCR, July 2004). Available online at
Data on climate-related shareholder resolutions provided by Ceres and from Doug Cougan, Environment: Global Climate
Change, 2007 Background Report J2, Institutional Shareholder Services, Washington, D.C., February 28, 2007.
Daniel C. Esty and Andrew S. Winston, Green to Gold, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. Also, see Michael E.
Porter and Mark R. Kramer, Strategy & Society: the link between competitive advantage and corporate social
responsibility, Harvard Business Review, December 2006.
Jonathan Lash and Fred Wellington, Competitive Advantage on a Warming Planet, Harvard Business Review, March 2007.
Douglas G. Cogan, Corporate Governance and Climate Change: Making the Connection, Ceres, March 2006.
Matthew J. Kiernan, Climate Change and Global Investment Strategy, Background Paper for a presentation at the
Institutional Investor Socially Responsible Investment Forum, New York, January 2007.
Jeroen Derwall, et al., The Eco-Efficiency Premium Puzzle, Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 2005, pp. 51-63.
Parker, January 2007, Op. Cit.
Liebreich, New Energy Finance, January 2007, Op. Cit.
Going long is investing in securities in the traditional manner, making a profit as prices rise. An investor who sells stock
short borrows shares from a brokerage house and sells them to another buyer. Short sellers are betting that they will be
able to buy the stock back at a lower amount than the price at which they sold short. As the stock falls in value they are
making a profit, as it rises they are incurring a loss.
Suzanne McGee, Green Real Estate,, March 2007.

Author Biography
Adam Seitchik, Ph.D., CFA, is Executive Vice President and
Chief Investment Officer of Trillium Asset Management
Corporation in Boston, the nations oldest and largest
independent investment firm dedicated solely to socially and
environmentally responsible investing. He is a member of
Trilliums Executive Committee and chairs the Asset Allocation
Committee. He is the lead portfolio manager for the Green
Century Balanced Fund, an environmentally focused mutual
fund owned by a consortium of non-profit environmental

Prior to joining Trillium, Adam was Chief Global Strategist for

Deutsche Asset Management in London, where he led a team
setting investment policy for over 40 billion in client assets,
and created and managed three global macro hedge funds. He
also has experience as an analyst and portfolio manager at
Wellington Management Company in Boston. Adam holds a
Ph.D. in economics from Boston University and early in his
career was an assistant professor of Economics at Wellesley
College. He received the Chartered Financial Analyst
designation in 1993.

Adam has published a variety of books and articles on

economics, finance and public policy, and has spoken
widely on these issues. He is the co-author of Why Lower Drug
Prices Benefit Institutional Investors: An Application
of Universal Ownership Theory, in the May 2007 issue
of Corporate Governance. Other recent articles include
The Transformational Power of Sustainability, Taking
Responsibility for Market Returns, and Wall Street
Goes Green.

Adam is a Trustee of the Hyams Foundation, which is dedicated

to increasing economic and social justice and power within low-
income communities in the Boston area. He can be reached at

Growing the Economy Through Global Warming Solutions
is presented by

Civil Society Institute

1 Bridge Street Newton, MA 02458
(617) 243-3509

The nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute is a think tank

that serves as a catalyst for change by creating problem-solving
interactions among people, and between communities, government
and business that can help to improve society.

Insight into programs that have and have not worked in recent years
has led Civil Society Institute to a unique model for addressing
society s most pressing problems. Simply stated, our approach lies in
the way we serve as catalysts for change, especially in key areas of
critical need: global warming and global security and economic
change, and science policy and regenerative medicine.

In each of these areas, we seek out examples of creative thinking and

activities already underway, including those of individuals, community
groups, businesses and the nonprofit and public sectors. We create
interactions between people, communities, government and business
in order to link successful programs to groups who can use them,
to eliminate obstacles to success and to encourage informed debate
of the issues. We also support these efforts with strategic planning
and, on occasion, funding.

Were committed to improving society with

breakthrough thinking and creative action.

Series Editor:
Lloyd J. Dumas
Professor of Economics and Public Policy,
University of Texas at Dallas

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