The Chronicle
The Chronicle
The Chronicle
The Chronicle 1
SSC Atlantic Commanding
Officer Capt. Amy
Burin talks to media
representatives following
the change of command
Aug. 8. Story on page 3.
3 Change of command
More than 400 gather to witness a time-
honored, traditional ceremony as SSC
Atlantic gets a new commanding officer.
CTO Corner...................................16
On the cover
Capt. Amy D. Burin and Mid-Career Leadership Program.........20
Capt. Mark Glover salute
as the color guard retires Ensign has friends at SSC Atlantic......25
the colors during the Aug.
8 SSC Atlantic change of Day of Caring................................26
command ceremony in
the conference center in SSC Atlantic hosts visitors................29
Charleston. Story on page
3. Photo by Joe Bullinger. The final word...............................32
A rigorous classroom training schedule is now underway and discussed how to disrupt the continuum of harm that
at SSC Atlantic to ensure all federal civilian employees com- begins with gender-focused jokes, comments or vulgar
plete a mandatory Sexual Assault Prevention and Response pictures and continues to sexual assault and physical force.
(SAPR) class. SSC Atlantics command training team established a
The focus of the training is to ensure civilian personnel comprehensive schedule starting in July to deliver the
clearly understand that sexist behaviors, sexual harassment one-hour course which includes video, guided discussion
and sexual assault are not tolerated, condoned or ignored. and Q&A. The training is conducted face-to-face at major
The training stresses that every member of the Department SSC Atlantic sites using facilitators specifically prepared
of the Navy (DoN) will be treated with dignity and respect; for this program, and employees at other SSC Atlantic sites
all allegations of inappropriate behavior are treated with participate via DCO sessions in smaller groups to encourage
utmost seriousness; victim privacy is protected, and they are active participation.
treated with sensitivity. The training motivates bystanders The Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations
to intervene and stresses that all offenders will be held ap- have stressed zero tolerance for sexual assault and sexual
propriately accountable. Military personnel received similar harassment and ordered the re-focus on prevention and re-
training in various forms, including a Secretary of Defense- sponse. Sexual assault is a crime. It hurts a shipmate and
directed mandatory SAPR Standdown. affects the readiness of the entire unit, said Adm. Jonathan
The course for civilians, entitled Sexual Assault Preven- W. Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations.
tion: One Team, One Fight, was developed by the DoN To uphold our core values of honor, courage and com-
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) mitment, we must do all we can to protect our people from
to meet Congressional, Department of Defense and DoN those who would wish to do them harm, especially if they
requirements for civilians reside within our own ranks, said Secretary of the Navy
813 Trainer Sherri Anderson stressed the need for renewed Ray Mabus, adding that all available resources will be used
awareness about sexual assault and sexual harassment pre- to prevent, aggressively investigate and prosecute all cases.
vention in the workplace. This is a societal issue, she said. Resources include the DoD Safe Helpline, with live, one-
We want people to walk out of this training being able to on-one help. It is confidential and available worldwide 24/7
prevent sexual harassment and assault, and know how to at, by texting 55-247, or by calling
intervene when they see it. 877-995-5247 or 202-470-5546 outside the U.S.
This dips down to our core values. If an incident of this All active duty service members and DoN civilians have
nature happened to one of your family members, you would access to Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs)
not hesitate to do something, Anderson said. We are a Navy and SAPR Victim Advocates (VAs). Civilians can also use
family, and we cannot tolerate it. the Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP), at www.
Co-trainer Tracy Haselden said that many people dont, or by calling 800-869-0276.
differentiate between sexual harassment and sexual assault,
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 9
Photo by Joe Bullinger
From left, Mike Reski, Gabe Leblanc and Phil Hartlieb show off the trophy they won as Hack Warz victors.
Representatives from colleges and universities were on First Place Cyber Warrior Noah Rynearson, left, is con-
hand with information on educational opportunities in gratulated by Bill Littleton and Maj. Robert Gresham of
the study of computer science and cyber security. the Army National Guard, right.
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 13
USS John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group
warfare commanders during the most Fleet Big 6 interoperability issues. Atlantic who develop these systems to
recent deployments. The award cited Hoover led the Navys effort in de- see how they are employed by warfight-
his synergetic approach to using tacti- veloping the Joint Track Management ers, Reis added.
cal cryptology. Capability (JTMC) bridge between As the Information Warfare Com-
His technical leadership and unpar- Navy Integrated Fire Control and Army mander of the JCSCSG, Reis shared
alleled foresight paved the way for Integrated Fire Control Systems. This with then-SSC Atlantic Commanding
new tactics, training and procedures is the first Single Integrated Air Picture Officer Capt. Mark Glover, IDS Port-
to be developed across all levels of at the fused track management level folio Management and SSC Atlantic
cryptology, the citation noted. Jones is for use by the joint services. For this ISR/IO engineers information about
credited with redefining how informa- Hoover was also awarded the presti- the effectiveness of current naval and
tion warfare afloat can be fused with gious Copernicus Award. national intelligence systems to provide
other intelligence disciplines. During his visit to SSC Atlantic, the continuous, near real time, action-
The carriers recent success also Reis gave some details on how these able intelligence needed for tactical
builds on system interoperability test- improvements affected every pillar decision making.
ing performed in 2011 by a team led of tactical and information operations Reis explained how leveraging a
by former SSC Atlantic Commanding for the carrier group operations. I am combination of ISR assets organic to
Officer Capt. Red Hoover, who was at very thankful to efforts of SSC Atlantic the carrier strike group with a number
the time major program manager for the civilians and industry partners who of additional ISR assets during his
command and control program office helped develop systems that allow us recent deployment enabled warfare
at Program Executive Office for Inte- to keep peace in the region, Reis said. commanders to increase their reaction
grated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS). The persistent intelligence, recon- time to better posture and maneuver
A cross-PEO, cross-program initiative naissance and surveillance (ISR) infor- forces. He also provided recommenda-
to improve Navy interoperability for mation these systems give the carrier tions on specific improvements to naval
the JCSCSG led to the installation of a strike group allows them to respond and national intelligence systems to
near-term solution on all carrier strike to potential multi-tiered attacks from increase their effectiveness to provide
groups by March 2012. Hoover and his under the sea, on the sea, in the air, in truly persistent ISR capabilities.
team also delivered the first core solu- space and in the cyber realm. I think - By Susan Piedfort, Chronicle Editor
tion across six programs to correct the its so important for the folks at SSC
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 15
cTO Corner dr. Al Emondi
SSC Atlantic Chief Technology officer
Pictured above, SSC Atlantic New Orleans Detachment Lagvanec, seated in front, left, poses with the SSC At-
employees celebrate completion of the Naval War Col- lantic students. The class runs from the beginning of
leges (NWC) Continuing Distant Education (CDE) September through the middle of May. In addition to the
college through the Fleet Seminar Program (FSP). New Orleans employees pictured above, CDE students
The year-long class is one of three taught to complete are from other Navy and Marine Corps commands and
the training for the NWCs Command and Staff College the Coast Guard, Air Force, Homeland Security, Federal
program. New Orleans is one of approximately 20 sites Bureau of Investigation, ATF, NOAA and other govern-
where this training is offered. Course professor Cyril ment agencies.
cTO Corner
(EEG) systems, along with their software develop-
ment kits, have enabled affordable and extremely
capable real time wearable systems that are either
tethered or wireless. Industry and research organi-
zations have taken steps to explore new applications
of the wearable EEG, and we are seeing working
prototypes now emerging in the gaming industry as
well as augmentation for humans with disabilities.
Our research in the MRC employs similar de-
vices that we will be using to initially explore the
feasibility and accuracy of human thought to control
robot interaction as well as exploring advanced
multi-modality human system interfaces.
SSC Atlantic Toastmasters attend TLI In Tampa, Michael Kasarda led the
drive; 87 pounds of food were donated
Leaders from SSC Atlantics Toastmasters club attended Toastmaster Leader- to the Emergency Care Help Organiza-
ship Institute (TLI) training July 27 on the Isle of Palms, S.C. Attending from tion (ECHO).
SSC Atlantics Toastmasters club were David Osborne of 63210, secretary, and Non-perishable items collected in-
Gibson Hopper of 52320, club president. cluded rice, canned tuna, grits, cereal,
Twice a year, Toastmasters conducts the TLI to provide leadership training oatmeal, peanut butter, dried or canned
for members holding various leadership positions in the club. The fundamental beans, canned fruits and vegetables,
objective of Toastmasters International is to educate men and women through the diapers and personal hygiene items.
Thanks to your outstanding sup-
process of self-improvement and leadership training so that they may increase
port, we will continue to make a dif-
their usefulness in business, professional and community life.
ference for our communities, neigh-
The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and
bors and families in need, said SSC
positive learning environment in which every individual member has the oppor-
Atlantic Commanding Officer Capt.
tunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster Amy Burin.
self-confidence and personal growth. Your generosity is especially com-
To learn more about the SSC Atlantic Toastmasters Club in Charleston, send mendable in light of our current times,
an email to or the recent furloughs and the effects
Visit for more information about Toastmasters and to on personal budgets. Your donations
find a club near you. Clubs are abundant in nearly every city and town in the show hearts that are open and caring,
United States and also around the world. she added.
22 The Chronicle Fall 2013
James welcomed
to SSC Atlantic,
promoted to 0-4
Lt. Cmdr. Forrest B. Tres James III
has new shoulder boards attached to
his summer whites by Jenni, his wife
of 18 years, during a promotion cer-
emony Sept. 3. James, who recently re-
ported to SSC Atlantic, serves as fleet
liaison for the Navys TACMOBILE
program. He comes to Charleston
after a tour as Helicopter Element
Coordinator for Commander, Carrier
Strike Group Nine, embarked aboard
USS Ronald Reagan. The Albuquer-
que, N.M., native is a former enlisted Photo by Joe Bullinger
Sailor commissioned through the Calif., and VX-1 in Patuxent River, (MTOC) 7 in Sicily. Cmdr. Baldomero
Navys Limited Duty Officer program. Md. He also completed tours on USS Garcia, 50E, served as the presiding
In his 23 years of active duty service he John C. Stennis and USS Abraham officer for the promotion ceremony
has been assigned to helo squadrons Lincoln in Washington state, and at and administered the oath to James.
HC-5 in Guam, HSL-47 in San Diego, Mobile Tactical Operation Center
Pizza pizza!
Photo by Dave Bonar
Sailors attached to SSC Atlantic in New Orleans held IT1 Tomas F. Rodriguez and IT1 Geoffrey D Box, all
a Military Pizza Lunch Special in the lobby of Bldg. 3 of 58; DPS1 Hardy D. Arp of 54300; Lt. Sayre Jeannet
Aug. 29 to raise money for this years Christmas outing. of 58; and ITC Dennis L. Byrd.
Pictured above, from left, are IT1 Victor Morquecho,
Integration and Infrastructure (54) Competency Lead and SSC Atlantic Local Competency Lead for the 52
Kathryn Murphy; 59 Lead Systems Engineer Steve Net-Centric Engineering and Integration Competency
Schaefer; Human Resources Director (811) Rich Hooks, Steve Lariviere.
= happiness
Its official: riding a bike to work results
in uncontrollable happiness, as evidenced
by the smiles on the faces of the par-
ticipants pictured above during Mays
National Bike to Work Day. The bikers
met then-SSC Atlantic Commanding
Officer Mark Glover at Gate 4 of Joint
Base Charleston-Weapons Station to
ride together to Bldg. 3147. At right, the
captain chats with the bikers. To learn
about the growing community of SSC
Atlantic bicycle commuters visit https://
Pipeline Project
promotes S&T careers
Tom Sessions of 59440, left, explains
the importance of anechoic chamber
testing to members of the Histori-
cally Black Colleges and Universi-
ties (HBCU) Pipeline Project during
a visit to SSC Atlantic in late March.
Among the visitors were Dr. Lady
June Cole, PhD, Allen University
Vice President for Academic Affairs;
Dr. Dana B. Stebbins JD, Esq.,
director of the National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA)/
HBCU Pipeline Project.
Cainhoy Tigers on board tion Bay, above, led by Ray Brown, right. In the photo
Students from Cainhoy Elementary/Middle School in at right a student takes a look through the Pocket Scope,
Huger, S.C., got a first-hand look at SSC Atlantic during the lightweight infrared system developed in 2003 at
a May visit that included a tour of the Vehicle Integra- then-SSC Charleston for warfighters use in Iraq.