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Fall 2013

The Chronicle 1
SSC Atlantic Commanding
Officer Capt. Amy
Burin talks to media
representatives following
the change of command
Aug. 8. Story on page 3.

2 The Chronicle Fall 2013

Fall 2013 Vol. 19 No. 3

3 Change of command
More than 400 gather to witness a time-
honored, traditional ceremony as SSC
Atlantic gets a new commanding officer.

9 SAPR training underway Photo by Joe Bullinger

A Vietnam-era Huey is back to mint condition as a display
at the Military Magnet Academy thanks to dedicated volun-
SSC Atlantic employees attend Sexual
teers, many of them from SSC Atlantic. Story on page 18.
Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
classes. From the Commanding Officer............. 2
12 Cyber summer camp Hack Warz domination. ....................10
SSC Atlantics inaugural Palmetto Cyber
Security Summer Camp gives kids hands-on Patriot Day observed....................... 11

Persistent ISR and carrier ops. ..........14


CTO Corner...................................16
On the cover
Capt. Amy D. Burin and Mid-Career Leadership Program.........20
Capt. Mark Glover salute
as the color guard retires Ensign has friends at SSC Atlantic......25
the colors during the Aug.
8 SSC Atlantic change of Day of Caring................................26
command ceremony in
the conference center in SSC Atlantic hosts visitors................29
Charleston. Story on page
3. Photo by Joe Bullinger. The final word...............................32

SSC Atlantic Goals

Mission, Vision and Values
Strategic effects that provide innovative
Mission: To rapidly deliver and support solutions solutions for today, tomorrow and beyond.
that enable information dominance for our Naval, Operations management that delivers
Joint, National and Coalition Warfighters. solutions with quality, speed, agility and value.
Vision: Make IT Count for the Warfighter and Organizational development that empowers
the Nation. each individual to make a difference.
Values: Service to our country, Excellence and The Chronicle is a quarterly publication
Credibility, Transparency in the way we conduct designed for SSC Atlantic employees. Its
our business, Responsiveness and Accountability,
purpose is to inform, educate, entertain and
Diversity and Teaming.
generate new ideas.
P.O. Box 190022
North Charleston, SC 29419-9022 The
Chronicle Contents of The Chronicle are not neces-
sarily the official views of, or endorsed by,
Commanding Officer.......... Capt. Amy D. Burin Editor............................................Susan Piedfort the U.S. Government, the Department of
Acting Executive Director........David Monahan Command Photographer.................Joe Bullinger Defense, the U.S. Navy or SSC Atlantic.

Fall 2013 The Chronicle 1

A new beginning
As I mentioned at our change of command last month, more capable weapons, sensors and unmanned vehicles.
Im extremely honored and incredibly excited to take com- The entire SSC Atlantic team government employees,
mand of this incredible organization. I am especially grateful industry partners and shipmates working a multitude of sites
for the warm welcome Ive received in the Lowcountry and worldwide, in the field and on the seas, side-by-side with
at the SSC Atlantic sites Ive visited thus far. I also appreciate our Warfighters must be familiar with this Navigation
the insights many of you have given me during my turnover Plan. The CNO established a reliable gyro we can steer to,
and first weeks here. As the learning process continues for to get us to where we need to go. I encourage you to read
me, please continue to share your thoughts; I have found the CNOs Navigation Plan, at the CNOs website, http://
them to be eye-opening and of great value.,
These are momentous times for SSC Atlantic and our or at SPAWARSYSCOM Commander Rear Adm. Patrick
Navy. I truly believe the future holds great promise; but we Bradys blog,
need to add a dose of realism to our optimism. The current cno-navigation-plan.html.
state of the Department of Defense, with decreasing resourc- The importance of what we do to provide information
es, an unsettling economy and the existing global security en- dominance to the Warfighter cannot be overstated. That is
vironment, poses great challenges. I am a fact I fully appreciate. Having seen
confident we will meet these challenges Having seen the competence, the competence, versatility and profes-
head on by hard work, determination, sionalism of the men and women of SSC
proactivity, open communication and versatility and professionalism Atlantic, I can honestly say I look ahead
teaming. As long as we stand together, to the next few years with tremendous
side-by-side, with our heads held high of the men and women of optimism and enthusiasm ... optimism
and remain vigilent, guided by the
Navys core values of honor, courage
SSC Atlantic, I can honestly that I know SSC Atlantic can overcome
any challenge and will continue to pro-
and commitment, and supported by the say I look ahead to the next vide the most effective and efficient IT
CNOs Sailing Directions: Warfighting solutions to our Warfighters.
First, Operate Forward, Be Ready. few years with tremendous By necessity we have set our aim very
The CNO recently laid out his 2014- high at SSC Atlantic. I pledge to you
2018 Navigation Plan, and in it are optimism and enthusiasm .... that I will do my very best to serve you
several key points we in the Information and our common goal of excellence to
Dominance Community must embrace to ensure future rapidly deliver and support solutions that enable informa-
success. The Navigation Plan is a follow-on to the CNOs tion dominance for our naval, joint, national and coalition
2012 Sailing Directions, describing in great detail how our Warfighters, all the way from under the sea to the cyber and
Navy will sail safely and effectively to new destinations. It space domains.
highlights Navy investments supporting the missions out- I believe strongly in a sense of duty my duty to con-
lined in the Defense Strategic Guidance. Of significance to sider first and foremost the good of SSC Atlantic, our Navy
us in the Information Dominance Community is the CNOs and our nation. I pledge to you my best effort always to try
emphasis on defeating adversary radar jamming, using ad- to make the right decisions; to be an active listener, to learn
vanced infrared sensors, and linking ships, tactical aircraft, and to know when to lead and when to follow. The Navy has
and command and control aircraft. The CNO charges us to entrusted me with yet another great leadership opportunity
fully exploit cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum with this assignment at SSC Atlantic. I am so very proud to
as a warfighting domain, and to expand our offensive cyber serve alongside you as we bring the best IT solutions to the
capability and active cyber defense. The CNO also wants Warfighter and our great Nation!
us to improve our platforms reach using new payloads of
2 The Chronicle Fall 2013
Photos by Joe Bullinger
SPAWARSYSCOM Commander Rear Adm. Patrick Brady speaks as, from left, Joint Base Charleston-Naval Weapons
Station Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Rob Heckathorne, Capt. Amy Burin, and Capt. Mark Glover listen.

Burin takes command

Capt. Amy D. Burin assumed command of SSC Atlantic will continue to be, extremely important to support the
during a change of command ceremony held Aug. 8 at Joint overall security requirements for our Navy and nation,
Base Charleston-Naval Weapons Station. he added. The admiral lauded Glovers accomplishments,
More than 400 people including local military and com- including the 2012 Navy Acquisition Excellence Award;
munity leaders and national officials gathered to witness the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology
SSC Atlantics third change of command and watched it and Logistics) Workforce Development Silver and Gold
streamed via VTC throughout the command awards; promoting science, technology, engineering and
Burin comes to Charleston from Washington, D.C., mathematics (STEM) through robotics and other activities
where she served at OPNAV N2/N6 in elementary, middle and high schools;
as resource sponsor for Navy Space and establishing officer-in-charge billets
Systems. at New Orleans and Washington, D.C.,
Rear Adm. Patrick Brady, keynote with Hampton Roads to follow.
speaker for the ceremony and com- He noted that Glover leveraged SSC
mander of Space and Naval Warfare Atlantics experience with C4I and
Systems Command, noted that, For a enterprise IT integration for new ship
Navy organization, there are few events construction to now include platform in-
that compare to the transition of author- tegration lead for the Marine Corps, lead
ity that occurs as one leader steps down for development of the Consolidated
and another takes command. Afloat Network Enterprise Services
As I look back over the past few (CANES), core services and application
years during Capt. Glovers tour, I integration lead for Distributed Common
think about tempo of operations our Ground Station Navy and Marine Corps.
Navy and military has maintained dur- I mentioned the importance of cyber
ing what may end up being called a to the Navys warfighting capability, and
transition period for the U.S. military, under Marks leadership, SSC Atlantic
Brady said. has provided essential capabilities in-
The work you do here at Charles- Capt. Amy Burin salutes Rear Adm. cluding developing and executing an
ton, Hampton Roads, New Orleans Patrick Brady as she officially assumes end-to-end network management ar-
and around the globe has been, and command of SSC Atlantic. Continued on next page
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 3
Continued from previous page
chitecture to provide Fleet Cyber Command/10th Fleet the
capability for command and control of the Navy enterprise
network through tactical switching, Brady said.
Managing the scope and complexity of networks, and
providing for cyber security and defense, is a key task for
the Navy and an area of expertise that SSC Atlantic has
demonstrated time and again, he added.
The admiral also lauded Glover for SSC Atlantics sup-
port of returning veterans and wounded warriors. In 2012
SSC Atlantic hired 165 wounded warriors (23 percent of all
hires), and by early August of calendar year 2013, 62 had
been hired, which leads the SPAWAR enterprise in wounded
warrior hiring.
Brady presented Glover the Legion of Merit award for his
accomplishments as commanding officer of SSC Atlantic.
We are also very fortunate to have an exceptional naval
officer ready to take Marks place, the admiral said as he
introduced Burin to the audience.
With a distinguished career as an Integrated Undersea
Surveillance System (IUSS) officer, followed by tours direct-
ing IT and communications efforts in Iraq and Bahrain, Amy
brings a wealth and diversity of experience with information
dominance systems to SSC Atlantic, Brady said.
After reading her orders and official assumption of com-
mand, Burin thanked the SSC Atlantic team for the warm
welcome and said she looks forward to meeting the team at
all locations where SSC Atlantic resides including: Hamp-
ton Roads, New Orleans, Washington, Tampa, Stuttgart
(Germany), Rota (Spain), Naples (Italy), Bahrain, and even
the South Pole, where SSC Atlantic supports the National
Science Foundation.
Id also like to thank the people who are not here. All the
SSC Atlantic government employees, industry partners and
Sailors in the field and on the seas, working side-by-side with
our warfighters, ensuring they have access to the information
they need, when they need it, Burin said.
The captain emphasized that she is guided by the Navys
At top, Burin enjoys
core values of honor, courage, and commitment, and sup-
a pre-ceremony mo-
ported by the CNOs Sailing Directions: Warfighting First,
ment with, from left,
Operate Forward, Be Ready.
her brother, friend
Todays decreasing budget environment, sequestration,
Brian Hack and
furloughs, the unsettling economy and an unknown future
her father; middle,
will continue to present challenges, she said.
Brady presents the
Everyones contribution to the team affects the outcome,
Legion of Merit to
and external factors play a huge role. We will have to work
Glover; at right,
even more diligently, even more as a team, and communi-
YN2 David P. Gates
cate clearly over the ambient noise level to declare victory.
stands by to ring
We can do that and I am so very proud to take the lead
the bell as the boat-
and walk lock-step with you as we bring the SSC Atlantic
swain pipes the side
team through challenges to future successes that await us;
during the tradition-
as we continue to flawlessly provide IT solutions to the
al ceremony.
warfighter, all the way from under the sea to the cyber and
space domains, she added.
4 The Chronicle Fall 2013
Above, Burin address-
es change of command
ceremony attendees, as
Brady and Glover look
on. At middle, the cap-
tain reads her official
orders. Below, SSC
Atlantic Public Affairs
Officer Lonnie Cowart
chats with former U.S.
Senator Ernest (Fritz)
Hollings before the

I now stand before you, with the assurance that SSC

Atlantics vigilance will not wane, Burin said. We will
remain innovative and flexible, with the ability to deliver
information dominance with quality, speed and agility.
Burin, the first Information Dominance Corps (IDC) War-
fare Officer to command SSC Atlantic, is a Detroit, Mich.,
native. She began her military career in 1984 as an enlisted
member in the Hospital Corpsman rating, U.S. Naval Re-
serve, while attending the University of Michigans College
of Engineering. She graduated in the Class of 1987 with a
Bachelor of Science degree in engineering science (bioen-
gineering) and was commissioned a Navy ensign in 1988.
She began her officer career as a graduate of the Ocean
Systems officer course and is an experienced IUSS officer
with subspecialties in intelligence and antisubmarine war-
In December of 1996, she graduated from the Naval
Postgraduate School with a masters degree in astronautical
engineering (space systems engineering). Burin was twice
selected as a naval astronaut candidate to the NASAs as-
tronaut candidate program.
She recently served tours in Baghdad, Iraq as the Director
of Information Technology for the Department of States
Project and Contracting Office, and Bahrain as the Deputy
Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications and Informa-
tion Systems and Deputy Director of Communications.
Burin is a recipient of various personal and campaign
awards including the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious
Service Medal (two awards), and Meritorious Service Medal
(two awards). She was awarded the National Reconnaissance
Office Directors Circle Award for exceptional dedication to
duty and the National Reconnaissance Office Silver Medal
Award for excellence in leadership and performance.
Glover, who has commanded SSC Atlantic since July
28, 2011, reports to his next assignment as Major Program
Manager for the Communications and GPS Navigation Pro-
gram Office, PMW/A 170, at PEO C4I in San Diego, Calif.
Continued on next page
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 5
Above, outgoing commanding officer Glover
praises the SSC Atlantic team during his fare-
well remarks. At right, Burin, Brady and Glover
perform the ceremonial cake cutting during the

Continued from previous page

In his final address to the SSC Atlantic work-
force as their commanding officer, Glover noted
that the SSC Atlantic team has delivered with
flying colors, and because of the dedication and
perseverence of its people, the organization has
grown exponentially on numerous fronts.
It is the support of the people in any organiza-
tion that is key. In my particular case, these are the
dedicated SSC Atlantic team of more than 13,000
civil servants, military personnel and industry
partners located in Charleston; New Orleans;
Hampton Roads, Va.; Washington D.C.; Tampa,
Fla.; Patuxent River, Md.; Europe and various lo-
cations along the Eastern seaboard, Glover said.
He praised SSC Atlantics competency lead-
ers, portfolio managers, project leads, military
personnel, industry partners, installation and fleet
support teams, along with finance, contracts, legal,
program management, science and technology,
and corporate operations teams. past several years in DoD, he added. But there is one thing
In a command as big and as complex as ours, the only that I have seen that has remained steadfast SSC Atlantics
way we can continue to deliver capability is through trust genuine dedication and fervor for the warfighter. Somewhere
in each other and executing our assigned tasks. Every single along the history of this organization, that characteristic was
person plays an important part in an installation of new ingrained in your DNA. It is not a superficial thing, not some
capability or fleet technical assistance, the captain said. slogan, you can feel it. It is a sense of genuine dedication
He also thanked community leaders, noting that the sense and connectedness to the warfighter.
of community that exists between the military and Lowcoun- Glover, a native of Walterboro, S.C., enlisted in the Navy
try is unparalleled. This strong affiliation greatly enhances in 1982. His sea tours were onboard USS Antrim (FFG 20)
SSC Atlantics ability to support the warfighter and our great and USS Halsey (CG 23). He earned a Naval Reserve Of-
nation. Our SSC Atlantic team and surrounding community ficers Training Corps scholarship and was commissioned an
is an admirable example of unity of effort, Glover said. ensign after graduating from Norwich University in 1990
There has been an incredible amount of churn over the with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering.
6 The Chronicle Fall 2013
Above, the vocal stylings of John Monroe and bass guitarist
John Ryan, at the microphones, are complemented by the
rest of the SSC Atlantic band, featuring Mark Durham on
guitar, James Ratcliffe on the drums, Tim Culp on lead
guitar, Michael Lind on saxophone, William Paggi on
keyboard and Jonathan Ashdown on violin and guitar. At
right, guests enjoy a buffet and cake during the reception,
held in the atrium of Bldg. 3147.

His other tours were as a propulsion plant examiner

on Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleets Propulsion
Examining Board; on the first DoD Joint Task Force for
Computer Network Defense; at SSC Pacific; as an assign-
ments officer at Navy Personnel Command in Millington,
Tenn.; as Principal Assistant Program Manager for GPS
Navigation in PMW/A 170, PEO C4I, in San Diego, Calif.; in
Baghdad, Iraq with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and
as the PMW/A 170 Deputy Program Manager, responsible
for the design, acquisition and life-cycle support of Navy
Satellite Communications and Global Positioning System
(GPS) programs.
Glover earned Master of Science degrees in Information
Technology Management and Computer Science from the
Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. He is also a
DoD Acquisition Corps member and holds Level III Quali-
fications in Program Management and Systems Engineering.
The ceremony, held at SSC Atlantics conference center
in Charleston, was attended by numerous guests of honor,
including former U.S. Senator Ernest Hollings, Medal of
Honor recipient Maj. Gen. James Livingston (Ret.), ac-
tive duty and retired flag officers, Hanahan Mayor Minnie
Newman-Caldwell, Congressional staffers, former SPAWAR
commanding officers and executive directors, chamber of
commerce leaders and Charleston area commanding officers.
- Susan Piedfort, Chronicle Editor
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 7
FY12 DoN
Award winners
Members of the team instru-
mental in SSC Atlantics winning
of the FY12 Department of the
Navy Acquisition Excellence
Award (AEA) were honored during
an Aug. 7 All Hands ceremony fea-
mander Rear Adm. Patrick Brady. Photo by Joe Bullinger
SSC Atlantic earned the award From left, then-commanding officer of SSC Atlantic Capt. Mark Glover poses
for developing acquisition ex- with 43000s Danielle Holmes, Brad Hoisington, Tami Willis, Rear Adm. Pat-
pertise to drastically improve the rick Brady, Kay Swann, Kathy Muckenfuss, Ken McCullough, Frankie Brown,
effectiveness and efficiency of Harry Bowser and Cliff Costa.
procurement actions by increasing
the focus of two competencies on acquisition processes: velopment & Acquisition Sean Stackley congratulated
Logistics Competency and Program and Project Manage- SSC Atlantic for upholding your professions highest
ment Competency, the award citation noted. standards to ensure our Sailors and Marines are the best
Award winners were announced May 14, 2013 after equipped fighting force in the world. Stackley also noted
three individuals and 10 teams were selected from a field that these awards demonstrate progress in meeting the
of more than 75 nominations. Secretary of the Navy goals for improving acquisition
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, De- processes.

Photos by Joe Bullinger

Ens. Holly Quick, USNR

SSC Atlantic 85s own Holly Quick takes the oath of com- of 2008. She served as a public affairs specialist at SSC
missioning from SPAWARSYSCOM Commander Rear Atlantics Hampton Roads site, was a New Professional
Adm. Patrick Brady in an Aug. 7 ceremony. The Norfolk, Council member, and is currently part of the SSC Atlantic
Va., native now embarks as a Public Affairs Officer in the Public Affairs team in Charleston. On hand to help Quick
U.S. Navy Reserve. A graduate of the University of Mary celebrate this achievement and show off her collar devices,
Washington, Quick has been with SPAWAR since August above are her aunt, left, and mom, right.
8 The Chronicle Fall 2013
Tracy Haselden, above, and Sherri Anderson, at right, of SSC At-
lantics training team deliver the Sexual Assault Prevention class
during an Aug. 19 session.

Mandatory SAPR training

underway at SSC Atlantic Photos by Joe Bullinger

A rigorous classroom training schedule is now underway and discussed how to disrupt the continuum of harm that
at SSC Atlantic to ensure all federal civilian employees com- begins with gender-focused jokes, comments or vulgar
plete a mandatory Sexual Assault Prevention and Response pictures and continues to sexual assault and physical force.
(SAPR) class. SSC Atlantics command training team established a
The focus of the training is to ensure civilian personnel comprehensive schedule starting in July to deliver the
clearly understand that sexist behaviors, sexual harassment one-hour course which includes video, guided discussion
and sexual assault are not tolerated, condoned or ignored. and Q&A. The training is conducted face-to-face at major
The training stresses that every member of the Department SSC Atlantic sites using facilitators specifically prepared
of the Navy (DoN) will be treated with dignity and respect; for this program, and employees at other SSC Atlantic sites
all allegations of inappropriate behavior are treated with participate via DCO sessions in smaller groups to encourage
utmost seriousness; victim privacy is protected, and they are active participation.
treated with sensitivity. The training motivates bystanders The Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations
to intervene and stresses that all offenders will be held ap- have stressed zero tolerance for sexual assault and sexual
propriately accountable. Military personnel received similar harassment and ordered the re-focus on prevention and re-
training in various forms, including a Secretary of Defense- sponse. Sexual assault is a crime. It hurts a shipmate and
directed mandatory SAPR Standdown. affects the readiness of the entire unit, said Adm. Jonathan
The course for civilians, entitled Sexual Assault Preven- W. Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations.
tion: One Team, One Fight, was developed by the DoN To uphold our core values of honor, courage and com-
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) mitment, we must do all we can to protect our people from
to meet Congressional, Department of Defense and DoN those who would wish to do them harm, especially if they
requirements for civilians reside within our own ranks, said Secretary of the Navy
813 Trainer Sherri Anderson stressed the need for renewed Ray Mabus, adding that all available resources will be used
awareness about sexual assault and sexual harassment pre- to prevent, aggressively investigate and prosecute all cases.
vention in the workplace. This is a societal issue, she said. Resources include the DoD Safe Helpline, with live, one-
We want people to walk out of this training being able to on-one help. It is confidential and available worldwide 24/7
prevent sexual harassment and assault, and know how to at, by texting 55-247, or by calling
intervene when they see it. 877-995-5247 or 202-470-5546 outside the U.S.
This dips down to our core values. If an incident of this All active duty service members and DoN civilians have
nature happened to one of your family members, you would access to Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs)
not hesitate to do something, Anderson said. We are a Navy and SAPR Victim Advocates (VAs). Civilians can also use
family, and we cannot tolerate it. the Civilian Employee Assistance Program (CEAP), at www.
Co-trainer Tracy Haselden said that many people dont, or by calling 800-869-0276.
differentiate between sexual harassment and sexual assault,
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 9
Photo by Joe Bullinger
From left, Mike Reski, Gabe Leblanc and Phil Hartlieb show off the trophy they won as Hack Warz victors.

SSC Atlantic team dominates Hack Warz

How do you teach employees to think like cyber attackers As the Hack Warz competition grew in popularity and
so that you can protect against them? How about a competi- complexity, it was opened up to others at the Military Open
tion that makes them hackers themselves? Source Software (MilOSS) Working Group and was held
Hack Warz was initiated in early 2012 to do just that, and during the Charleston chapters annual training summit Aug.
at the most recent competition in August, an SSC Atlantic 6 to 8. The summit brought together military and civilian
team took top honors. government employees, contractors and industry experts to
SPAWAR Team 2, which included Mike Reski, Gabe discuss defense industry open source advocacy and security.
Leblanc and Phil Hartlieb, was victorious in the Hack Warz For the Hack Warz event, 13 Virtual Machines (VMs),
competition. The team is part of the Medical Health Systems some Linux and a few Windows, were set up to contain
(MHS) IPT under Charles Stephens, supporting veterans and major vulnerabilities that could be exploited due to service
deployed warfighters with health care and records. misconfigurations, lack of system patching and easy-to-crack
Our group specifically deals with external assessments, passwords. Competing teams captured tokens for points
Reski said. The MHS has a collection of groups that work and gave a presentation detailing how they exploited sys-
to defend the MHS networks, and were the ones that play tem vulnerabilities and how to better secure those systems.
the bad guys. We go out to sites and assess their networks in Competitors skills were tested in Reconnaissance, Discov-
the mindset of real life adversaries. The team performs the ery and Exploitation using tools such as nmap, metasploit,
full spectrum of penetration testing, from physical to social openstego, exploitdb, openvas, wireshark, and firebug.
engineering and everything in between. Flags (tokens) were found by analyzing files that contained
We also do remote (Red) assessments where we will at- Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as social
tack the target as an adversary would. We do complete Open security number and date of birth, by logging into a system
Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT) and use whatever using a cracked password, or conducting a Structured Query
social engineering mechanisms required for us to gain access Language (SQL) Injection attack on a wordpress site. Many
to the customers site, Reski added. other scenarios were possible and competitors made their
The teams goal is to identify and highlight findings, way through some complex scenarios often seen in industry.
vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that the Security The Mil-OSS LANT summit also included presentations
Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) and checklists and participation by SSC Atlantic personnel from 5.4 and 5.8
do not identify. Our team tries to uncover hidden cracks competencies on developing secure Open Source Software,
within the enclave that may have been missed by the defense cloud and mobile apps.
community at large, Reski said.
10 The Chronicle Fall 2013
9/11 remembered
A Patriot Day ceremony held at SSC Atlantic Sept. 11 -- how we held each other, how we came to our neighbors
honored the memory of those who lost their lives on 9/11 12 aid, how we prayed for one another.
years ago. Held in the atrium of Bldg. 3147 on the Charleston After a bell ringing, the Pledge of Allegiance and sing-
campus, the ceremony was streamed to all sites. ing of the National Anthem by Kirstin Tanner of 894, the
Patriot Day is an annual observance held in memory of the assembled crowd observed a moment of silence to honor
nearly 3,000 people who died during terrorist attacks in New those lost in the terrorist attacks. After a prayer by Chaplain
York, Washington D.C., and Shanksville, Penn., in 2001. (Lt. Cmdr.) Rob Heckathorne, Tanner sang God Bless
The ceremony, emceed by Cmdr. Baldomero Garcia of America.
50E, began with a reading of the Presidential Proclamation Those who wear the cloth of our nation -- uniformed
designating Sept. 11 as Patriot Day and a National Day of service members -- and also the government civilians and
Service and Remembrance. industry partners who work for and with the military -- we
On September 11, 2001, amid shattered glass, twisted all understand that sacrifice is part and parcel of our pro-
steel, and clouds of dust, the spirit of America shone through. fession. September 11 reminds us that sometimes no one
We remember the sacrifice of strangers and first responders can predict the profound sacrifices that will be required
who rushed into darkness to carry others from danger, read of us, said SSC Atlantic Total Force Director Gary Scott,
Garcia from the proclamation. We remember the unbreak- who spoke at the event. It is fitting that we remember and
able bonds of unity we felt in the long days that followed honor the past, and that we also rededicate ourselves to our
shared future, to the
blessings of liberty.
The ceremony
also featured music
by SSC Atlantics
bagpipe and drum
team, John Weed and
John Guerry.

At top, left, John

Guerry and John
Weed perform; at
right, Kirstin Tan-
ner sings the Na-
tional Anthem. At
left, employees line
the rails of the sec-
ond deck balcony
to watch the atrium
Photos by Joe Bullinger ceremony.
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 11
Hands-on activities for students
during the Palmetto Cyber Se-
curity Summer Camp included
building a desktop computer, at
right, and remotely navigating a
robotic device around a screen
and away from hazards such as
toy Army men, at far right.

Cyber summer camp: fun & learning

By Holly Quick
SSC Atlantic Public Affairs
SSC Atlantic partnered with the Lowcountry Tech Academy
in downtown Charleston for the inaugural Palmetto Cyber
Security Summer Camp June 24 to 28. Twelve teachers and
50 students from Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester school
districts participated in the weeklong camp, which provided
hands-on experience and classroom learning in the fields of
cyber security and information assurance.
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about cyber security
and network technology. We depend on our networks today in
everything we do, said then-SSC Atlantic Commanding Officer
Capt. Mark Glover, who kicked off the camp with his opening
remarks. If you think about transportation, finance, energy,
education, medical -- everything we do today -- is dependent on
the infrastructure of our networks. Its important that we have
folks who understand how we protect those systems.
The camp was comprised of two primary tracks split between
a Train-the-Trainers program for teachers and a Cyber Warrior
program for students.
The Train-the-Trainers track provided teachers with the
knowledge, skills and abilities to teach the Cyber Security
Fundamentals course for the newly adopted Cyber Security
CATE program. Courses centered on data communication, host
and network security, organizational security as well as threats
The cyber challenge started with a short quiz that helped and vulnerabilities.
gauge participants increased cyber knowledge at the Students who attended the Cyber Warrior program partici-
end of the summer camp. pated in various modules on topics such as computer network
12 The Chronicle Fall 2013
students an opportunity to virtually learn
in a potentially dangerous situation, such
as walking through a city searching for im-
provised explosive devices, while in a safe
augmented reality environment. I have
never seen this kind of equipment before and
it was just amazing how it was brought into
the school, said Clarence Singletary, a 12th
grade student.
There was an ongoing independent chal-
lenge for the students, and an opportunity
to be named Cyber Warrior. Throughout the
week, students selected different activities,
ranging from building a desktop computer to
encryption and biometrics, and were scored
based on their performance, using both short
written quizzes and hands-on activities. One
Photos by Joe Bullinger
of the most challenging exercises involved
defense, command and control systems, digital forensics, students acting as special agents with a mission to find obfus-
wireless communication, and more. The goal of the stu- cated data in hidden devices such as a USB pen or lighter. On
dent program was not only to create excitement in the area the last day of camp, the top three students with the most points
of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) were deemed first, second and third place Cyber Warriors, and
with an emphasis on cyber security, but to introduce and received a coveted Cyber Warrior trophy and heavy duty back-
expose students to exercises that could start them on a packs donated from the South Carolina Army National Guard.
pathway to become future cyber warriors in the field of It was truly great to see high school students get excited
cyber technology. about learning cyber security and even participate in conducting
The students experienced hands-on training from live exercises using some of the same tools we use in the IA
experts in the field who work every day to provide IT workforce, said Bill Littleton, Cyber Security Outreach IPT
solutions in cyber security to our warfighters said STEM Lead for SSC Atlantic.
Outreach Coordinator Shanda Johnson. We are trying Information Assurance Competency Lead (Code 58000)
to make it fun and expose them to the types of jobs that Erick Fry concluded the camp with his closing remarks. He
are available, and teach them to use the technology in explained that the security professional position is listed in the
the proper way. top 10 most in demand jobs for graduating college students,
More than 30 SSC Atlantic employees volunteered for with about a 25 percent growth rate. You could work for the
the camp and their involvement ranged from designing Department of Defense or other government agency and get
the curriculum to instructing classes and leading hands-on involved with protecting our nations assets, our nations in-
activities for teachers and students. formation, our nations network, said Fry.
The Gamification activity, a student favorite, gave

Representatives from colleges and universities were on First Place Cyber Warrior Noah Rynearson, left, is con-
hand with information on educational opportunities in gratulated by Bill Littleton and Maj. Robert Gresham of
the study of computer science and cyber security. the Army National Guard, right.
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 13
USS John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group

Persistent ISR enhances carrier ops

The commanding officer of the returned from a previous deployment warfare readiness and performance in
Navys seventh Nimitz-class aircraft to the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleets. We support of operations.
carrier visited SSC Atlantic recently spent 17 of 22 months underway, It is validation and recognition
to give a COs perspective on how IT said Reis, adding that it was the most for the excellent work weve done,
solutions that enable information domi- aggressive operational pace since the said Cmdr. Craig Whittinghill, Sten-
nance were used to mitigate threats in Vietnam War. nis Intelligence Officer. To compete
theater during recent deployments. I thought it was important to come against all the other carriers, air wings
Capt. Ron Reis, then-commanding here to talk to the civilians and local and strike group staffs and be selected
officer of USS John C. Stennis (CVN industry to allow them to understand as the best is truly rewarding. The JC-
74) traveled from the carriers homeport what the threats are to the U.S. Navy SCSG intelligence team has more than
of Bremerton, Wash., to brief SSC At- and to give feedback on the innova- 90 people from 12 different commands
lantic leaders July 22. Stennis returned tive ways we used IT solutions while and is responsible for mission-oriented
to her homeport of Naval Base Kitsap pursuing persistent intelligence, recon- objectives such as intelligence gather-
in Bremerton May 3 after completing naissance and surveillance (ISR), the ing, dissemination and defense of the
an eight-month deployment to the U.S. captain said. strike group.
5th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility Their success in giving the right More recognition for Stennis per-
as part of the John C. Stennis Car- information at the right time to the sonnels contributions to naval war-
rier Strike Group (JCSCSG). While right decision maker was recognized fare in C4I, information systems and
deployed, Stennis traveled more than when the JCSCSG intelligence team information warfare came this year in
66,000 nautical miles while supporting was presented the 2012 Excellence in the form of the Copernicus Award for
Operation Enduring Freedom, maritime Intelligence and Information Warfare Lt. Ken Jones, Stennis Information
security operations, theater security Award April 10. The newly-created Warfare Officer. The Copernicus Award
exercises, and participating in multiple Commander Naval Air Forces (CNAF) is sponsored by AFCEA International
community engagement events. award recognized the carrier strike and the U.S. Naval Institute. Jones
The most recent deployment came group team that best demonstrates su- was praised for providing actionable
only five months after Stennis had perior afloat intelligence, information intelligence afloat to forward-deployed

Capt. Ron Reis Photos by Joe Bullinger

14 The Chronicle Fall 2013

USS John C. Stennis U.S. Navy photo

warfare commanders during the most Fleet Big 6 interoperability issues. Atlantic who develop these systems to
recent deployments. The award cited Hoover led the Navys effort in de- see how they are employed by warfight-
his synergetic approach to using tacti- veloping the Joint Track Management ers, Reis added.
cal cryptology. Capability (JTMC) bridge between As the Information Warfare Com-
His technical leadership and unpar- Navy Integrated Fire Control and Army mander of the JCSCSG, Reis shared
alleled foresight paved the way for Integrated Fire Control Systems. This with then-SSC Atlantic Commanding
new tactics, training and procedures is the first Single Integrated Air Picture Officer Capt. Mark Glover, IDS Port-
to be developed across all levels of at the fused track management level folio Management and SSC Atlantic
cryptology, the citation noted. Jones is for use by the joint services. For this ISR/IO engineers information about
credited with redefining how informa- Hoover was also awarded the presti- the effectiveness of current naval and
tion warfare afloat can be fused with gious Copernicus Award. national intelligence systems to provide
other intelligence disciplines. During his visit to SSC Atlantic, the continuous, near real time, action-
The carriers recent success also Reis gave some details on how these able intelligence needed for tactical
builds on system interoperability test- improvements affected every pillar decision making.
ing performed in 2011 by a team led of tactical and information operations Reis explained how leveraging a
by former SSC Atlantic Commanding for the carrier group operations. I am combination of ISR assets organic to
Officer Capt. Red Hoover, who was at very thankful to efforts of SSC Atlantic the carrier strike group with a number
the time major program manager for the civilians and industry partners who of additional ISR assets during his
command and control program office helped develop systems that allow us recent deployment enabled warfare
at Program Executive Office for Inte- to keep peace in the region, Reis said. commanders to increase their reaction
grated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS). The persistent intelligence, recon- time to better posture and maneuver
A cross-PEO, cross-program initiative naissance and surveillance (ISR) infor- forces. He also provided recommenda-
to improve Navy interoperability for mation these systems give the carrier tions on specific improvements to naval
the JCSCSG led to the installation of a strike group allows them to respond and national intelligence systems to
near-term solution on all carrier strike to potential multi-tiered attacks from increase their effectiveness to provide
groups by March 2012. Hoover and his under the sea, on the sea, in the air, in truly persistent ISR capabilities.
team also delivered the first core solu- space and in the cyber realm. I think - By Susan Piedfort, Chronicle Editor
tion across six programs to correct the its so important for the folks at SSC
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 15
cTO Corner dr. Al Emondi
SSC Atlantic Chief Technology officer

Focus on the Forest, Not the Trees

We have all heard the expression couldnt see the forest modules. These modules are made up of ~100 neurons
for the trees. each, are repeatable throughout the cortex and are built to
I personally have used the term to help get the point across recognize complex patterns.
in various discussions where I felt we may be missing the While I am not sure if these claims are accepted yet in the
bigger picture, when we are too focused on individual com- scientific community, there is relatively broad acceptance
ponents or data sets. While working on a project recently at that the brain is indeed organized in a modular fashion and
home I was listening to Ray Kurzweil on an NPR broadcast. that these modules are arranged in a partially innate and
Between that talk and one I heard him present at the Society partially learned hierarchy.
for Neuroscience a few years back, it made me pause for So what does all this mean for our research here in the
a moment in my workshop to think about how we are ap- MRC? Well, its good news, and it assures me that we are
proaching the problem of advanced human interfaces within on the right track.
the Multidisciplinary Research Center (MRC). Part of the human systems research in the MRC is focused
In the field of neuroscience, many of us are focused on around a few real time environment questions: How can we
individual neuronshow they work, under what environ- efficiently present complicated data to the human? How can
mental conditions do they fire, and what that firing pattern we harness cortical activity for a more natural integration of
means to the neural network in which that they reside. The the human with autonomous systems?
latest peer reviewed estimate puts the number of neurons in As research in human systems integration matures, it
the human brain at just around 86 billion.thats a lot of points more and more toward the need to understand neu-
trees! But what are all these neurons doing and what is their ronal activity that emerges from larger groupings of neurons
role in the larger neuronal structure the forest? (modules) rather than the neuron itself. As an ensemble of
Taking into account neuronal transmission speeds and neurons fire, it creates a field potential that can be detected
reaction times, and for the brain to process and act as quickly external to the scalp. This has huge implications in ex-
as it does, it has long been postulated that it must be very perimental design and the ease of which hypotheses can be
efficient at pattern recognition and simultaneous parallel explored through noninvasive techniques.
processes. In the NPR talk, Kurzweil hinted he and other Additionally, new advancements in electroencephalogram
researchers have a theory that the brain is organized in Continued on next page
16 The Chronicle Fall 2013
NOLA employees complete year-long class
Photo by Dave Bonar

Pictured above, SSC Atlantic New Orleans Detachment Lagvanec, seated in front, left, poses with the SSC At-
employees celebrate completion of the Naval War Col- lantic students. The class runs from the beginning of
leges (NWC) Continuing Distant Education (CDE) September through the middle of May. In addition to the
college through the Fleet Seminar Program (FSP). New Orleans employees pictured above, CDE students
The year-long class is one of three taught to complete are from other Navy and Marine Corps commands and
the training for the NWCs Command and Staff College the Coast Guard, Air Force, Homeland Security, Federal
program. New Orleans is one of approximately 20 sites Bureau of Investigation, ATF, NOAA and other govern-
where this training is offered. Course professor Cyril ment agencies.

cTO Corner
(EEG) systems, along with their software develop-
ment kits, have enabled affordable and extremely
capable real time wearable systems that are either
tethered or wireless. Industry and research organi-
zations have taken steps to explore new applications
of the wearable EEG, and we are seeing working
prototypes now emerging in the gaming industry as
well as augmentation for humans with disabilities.
Our research in the MRC employs similar de-
vices that we will be using to initially explore the
feasibility and accuracy of human thought to control
robot interaction as well as exploring advanced
multi-modality human system interfaces.

At right, wearable electroencephalogram devices

that will be used in human systems research in
SSC Atlantics MRC.
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 17
Volunteers take a break from working on the helo at the Military Magnet Academy in North Charleston.

SSC Atlantic volunteers

put finishing touches on
MMA helicopter display
A historic Huey transferred to the Military Magnet Academy (MMA)
in North Charleston last year as a static display has been restored with
painstaking attention to detail, thanks to volunteers.
The helo, which had been used several years ago in an SSC Atlantic
project, needed some finishing touches when it was moved to the display
site. SSC Atlantic volunteers, MMA students and faculty, volunteers from
retired Rear Adm. Bob Besals Aviation Maintenance Technology class
at Trident Technical College, and Boeing volunteers started restoring and
preparing the helo for display in front of the Norman C. Toole building
on the MMA campus in October.
When the helo first arrived at the school, the students found its serial
number and researched its history of wartime flights and rescue missions.
Yet the condition of the Vietnam-era aircraft left much to be desired. All
useable equipment had been removed from the interior of the helo, the
inside was practically an empty shell and the rotors had been removed.
After surveying the condition of the helo, volunteers got busy with its
restoration, which began in earnest with the arrival of rotors. Volunteers
also sanded and painted the exterior and replaced dials and gauges.
The helo was transferred to the MMA as part of an educational partner-
A crane moves a rotor in place over the Huey ship SSC Atlantic has had in place with the school since 2009, accord-
as volunteers prepare to attach it. ing to SSC Atlantics Michelle Rehr-Matash. The education partnership
18 The Chronicle Fall 2013

agreement (EPA) is in accordance with public law which

authorizes defense laboratories to enter into EPAs with
U.S. educational institutions in order to improve science,
mathematics and engineering education.
Established in 1997, the MMA includes grades six
through 12 and prepares cadets to become academically
competent, disciplined and responsible citizens. The partner-
ship enhances the educational experience for cadets by pro-
viding access to the staff, expertise, facilities and equipment
related to naval warfare systems technology at SSC Atlantic.
On his way to church former MMA Commandant Lt. Col.
Joseph Dawson drove by the site where the old helo was
being stored temporarily. After a while he started thinking
it would make a great display at the school. Coincidentally,
SSC Atlantics Bob Miller approached the school about Volunteers work atop the helo to attach the rotor, while a
tranferring the helo, and soon the paperwork was prepared to fresh exterior paint job and new interior dials and gauges
make it happen. Dawson has since retired, but the authenti- restore authenticity to the Vietnam-era display at MMA.
cally restored Huey helo is there to stay for the enjoyment
of the cadets, thanks to SSC Atlantic volunteers and others.

Fall 2013 The Chronicle 19

Professional development

MCLP class two now underway

SSC Atlantics second Mid-Career Leadership
Program (MCLP) class is now underway.
This challenging six-month program focuses
on developing employees who model command
values and apply leadership to influence and ef-
fect positive change, empower each individual
to make a difference, and instill a teaming and
learning culture across SSC Atlantic. Participants
develop and strengthen skills outlined in the
SPAWAR Leadership Competency Development
Model and the Department of Defense Leader-
ship continuum to help them prepare for roles of
increasing responsibility.
Selected from more than 80 applications for
the class were, from Hampton Roads, Christina
Paulitz (59120) and Payton Trantham (42110);
and from Charleston, Waleed Barnawi (56130),
At top, MCLP participants perform team building and trust exercises James Bowlin (58A00), Harry Bowser (43250),
before taking to the Challenge Course at James Island County Park. Willie Cantrell (87000), Silvia Dolecki (12250),
Above, Waleed Barnawi leads the way on the ropes. Rolland Fitch (59180), Jason Goss (59410), Jar-
20 The Chronicle Fall 2013
Silvia Dolecki makes her way up the net. MCLP partici-
pants start the course by climbing up an inclined cargo
net, before taking to the ropes to cross from one tree house
to another.

The Challenge Course is designed for teams and focuses

on developing different skills, from communication to
problem solving to leadership.
rett Grant (58400), Justin Jackson (521E0), Mark Jansen
(52110), Adam McCann (59180), Lane Melton (87000),
Joshua Nealy (56110), John Oldfield (56220), John Reed
Sauter (41120), Michael Stapleton (63210), Mark Troop
(52510) and Jeffrey Woodard (52110).
Core program content consists of six modules focusing
on scientific and research-based exemplary leadership prac-
tices, self awareness, trust, communication, values and team
building. The program includes interactive lectures, guest
speakers/mentors, and guided discussions. Participants
engage in hands-on, activity-based, experiential learning to
reinforce leadership concepts. The program includes interac-
tive lectures, guest speakers/mentors, reading assignments,
guided discussions, personal leadership journals, several
leadership assessments and a shadowing project.
During the six-month program, participants spend ap-
proximately 90 duty hours in and out of the classroom, 60
to 70 (2 to 3 hours per week) non-duty hours on assignments
between modules, and 40 to 80 hours working on a shadow-
ing project. Participants also take a walk in the warfighters
shoes aboard USS Yorktown to strengthen ties with naval
history and culture as part of a Patriots Point Institute of
History, Science and Technology leadership program.
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 21
Executive Director Miller Feds Feed Families
nets 3,698 lbs.
appointed PEO for DHMS for those in need
SSC Atlantics former Executive Director,
Christopher Miller, was appointed Program Execu- SSC Atlantic employees collected
tive Officer (PEO) for the Department of Defense approximately 3,700 pounds of food
(DoD) Healthcare Management Systems (DHMS) in this years Feds Feed Families drive.
and began his new position Sept. 16. In Hampton Roads, 2,183 pounds of
In his new role as PEO DHMS, he reports goods were collected in efforts coordi-
directly to the Under Secretary of Defense for nated by LS1 Alexander Chapman, ET1
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics as the DoD Eric Sawenko, LS1 Nicola Brown, and
Milestone Decision Authority for the Integrated Ashley Savage, with collection boxes
Electronic Health Record program. at St. Juliens Creek, Little Creek and
SPAWARSYSCOM Commander Rear Adm. Norfolk. Twenty-five employees in
Miller Patrick Brady said, Chris has been instrumental Bldg. 11 alone collected 1,197 pounds.
in the transformation of SSC Atlantic to meet the The Southeastern Food Bank received
Navys demands for greater efficiencies and effectiveness. His selection as these donations.
PEO DHMS is a direct reflection of the impact hes had at SPAWAR and In Charleston 829 pounds were col-
across the Navy. His vast experience and insight will be a tremendous gain lected in efforts coordinated by Jessica
for DoD. Malcolm and Lt. Matthew Horton.
Miller was appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) in May Charlestons drive benefited the Low-
2006, and became SSC Atlantic Executive Director in early 2010. Prior to country Food Bank.
assuming those duties, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the New Orleans netted 425 pounds of
Navy for Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence food, with IT1 Tomas Rodriquez lead-
(C4I), and as the Navys PEO for C4I. ing the drive; collections were donated
Miller served as a U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer from 1995 to to Second Harvest.
1999, completing a deployment to the Western Pacific and serving as the In- In Washington, D.C., 174 pounds
telligence Officer for the largest Marine Aircraft Group in the Marine Corps. were donated in a drive led by Jeffrey
Dave Monahan, Director of Management Operations, was appointed as Welch and Loretta Archie. The Capital
acting SSC Atlantic Executive Director. Area Food Bank distributed these dona-
tions to those in need.

SSC Atlantic Toastmasters attend TLI In Tampa, Michael Kasarda led the
drive; 87 pounds of food were donated
Leaders from SSC Atlantics Toastmasters club attended Toastmaster Leader- to the Emergency Care Help Organiza-
ship Institute (TLI) training July 27 on the Isle of Palms, S.C. Attending from tion (ECHO).
SSC Atlantics Toastmasters club were David Osborne of 63210, secretary, and Non-perishable items collected in-
Gibson Hopper of 52320, club president. cluded rice, canned tuna, grits, cereal,
Twice a year, Toastmasters conducts the TLI to provide leadership training oatmeal, peanut butter, dried or canned
for members holding various leadership positions in the club. The fundamental beans, canned fruits and vegetables,
objective of Toastmasters International is to educate men and women through the diapers and personal hygiene items.
Thanks to your outstanding sup-
process of self-improvement and leadership training so that they may increase
port, we will continue to make a dif-
their usefulness in business, professional and community life.
ference for our communities, neigh-
The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and
bors and families in need, said SSC
positive learning environment in which every individual member has the oppor-
Atlantic Commanding Officer Capt.
tunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster Amy Burin.
self-confidence and personal growth. Your generosity is especially com-
To learn more about the SSC Atlantic Toastmasters Club in Charleston, send mendable in light of our current times,
an email to or the recent furloughs and the effects
Visit for more information about Toastmasters and to on personal budgets. Your donations
find a club near you. Clubs are abundant in nearly every city and town in the show hearts that are open and caring,
United States and also around the world. she added.
22 The Chronicle Fall 2013
James welcomed
to SSC Atlantic,
promoted to 0-4
Lt. Cmdr. Forrest B. Tres James III
has new shoulder boards attached to
his summer whites by Jenni, his wife
of 18 years, during a promotion cer-
emony Sept. 3. James, who recently re-
ported to SSC Atlantic, serves as fleet
liaison for the Navys TACMOBILE
program. He comes to Charleston
after a tour as Helicopter Element
Coordinator for Commander, Carrier
Strike Group Nine, embarked aboard
USS Ronald Reagan. The Albuquer-
que, N.M., native is a former enlisted Photo by Joe Bullinger

Sailor commissioned through the Calif., and VX-1 in Patuxent River, (MTOC) 7 in Sicily. Cmdr. Baldomero
Navys Limited Duty Officer program. Md. He also completed tours on USS Garcia, 50E, served as the presiding
In his 23 years of active duty service he John C. Stennis and USS Abraham officer for the promotion ceremony
has been assigned to helo squadrons Lincoln in Washington state, and at and administered the oath to James.
HC-5 in Guam, HSL-47 in San Diego, Mobile Tactical Operation Center

Pizza pizza!
Photo by Dave Bonar

Sailors attached to SSC Atlantic in New Orleans held IT1 Tomas F. Rodriguez and IT1 Geoffrey D Box, all
a Military Pizza Lunch Special in the lobby of Bldg. 3 of 58; DPS1 Hardy D. Arp of 54300; Lt. Sayre Jeannet
Aug. 29 to raise money for this years Christmas outing. of 58; and ITC Dennis L. Byrd.
Pictured above, from left, are IT1 Victor Morquecho,

Fall 2013 The Chronicle 23

Flapjack Friday flipping finesse
Frank McAlhany, SSC
Atlantic Director of
Corporate Operations
(80) shows his flap-
jack flipping prowess
during an Employee
Services Association
(ESA) fundraiser held
in Charleston in May.
Visitors to the Bldg.
3147 atrium enjoyed
made-to-order piles of
flapjacks flipped by a
variety of SSC Atlan-
tic volunteers, includ-
ing then-SSC Atlan-
tic Executive Director
Christopher Miller;
SSC Atlantic Comp-
troller and 11 Local
Competency Lead Vir-
ginia Pitts; Integrated
Cyber Operations Busi-
ness Portfolio Manager
Ryan Gunst; Public
Affairs Officer Lon-
nie Cowart; Computer
Applications, Services, Photos by Joe Bullinger

Integration and Infrastructure (54) Competency Lead and SSC Atlantic Local Competency Lead for the 52
Kathryn Murphy; 59 Lead Systems Engineer Steve Net-Centric Engineering and Integration Competency
Schaefer; Human Resources Director (811) Rich Hooks, Steve Lariviere.

Dodgeball tourney proceeds

benefit sexual assault victims
Players scramble to grab dodgeballs during a spring dodgeball
tournament at SSC Atlantic which helped promote sexual
assault awareness and prevention. More than 75 people took
to the tennis courts behind Bldg. 3147 in Charleston for the
17-team tournament. Tournament entry fees paid by each five-
person team were donated to the Sexual Assault Awareness
Month toiletry drive. SSC Atlantics Ball of Duty, which
features Bldg. 198s Ben Riley (6323), Omar Coley (59), Shane
Kinyon (54), Jeff Bramble (59) and Josh Merrow (43), was the
winning team. The tournament gave participants a chance to
have fun while hurling dodgeballs at each other in the name
of charity, and proceeds raised from the event benefited women
and children in crisis because of domestic violence, sexual as-
sault and child abuse.

24 The Chronicle Fall 2013

At The Citadel awards
convocation May 2, SSC
Atlantics Bob Miller and
his family pose with Ens.
Derek Bernsen, third
from right, as he proud-
ly displays the Miller
Sword, and is joined by
his grandparents, Bar-
bara and Jesse C. James.
Not pictured but joining
them for the graduation
was Bernsens father,
Michael J. Bernsen.

Miller Sword recipient a new cyber warrior

When he graduated from The Citadel last spring, Ens. In the spring of 2013 Bernsen had to choose a specialty
Derek Bernsen was presented the Miller Sword, an award community in the Navy that he would join upon graduation
which honors the father of an SSC Atlantic employee. But and commissioning as an officer. His SPAWAR friends
that was just one of his ties to SSC Atlantic that would prove encouraged Bernsen to investigate the Cyber Warfare Engi-
to be career enhancing for the Naples, Fla., native. neer, or 1840 community designator. They gave me great
The Miller Sword honors Robert Robbie George Miller, insight into the C4ISR roles that SPAWAR and the Navy
an Army veteran who served as commander of the Palisades play, Bernsen said.
Power Squadron in New Jersey and taught public boating When the Navy offered him the opportunity to interview
classes until his death in 1996. He and his wife Dorothy for this designator, Bernsen realized he needed a classified
raised four children in Teaneck, N.J. The Miller Sword honor site to video teleconference for the interview. Thats where
was established by SSC Atlantics Bob Miller, a senior sys- Miller came into the picture again, and helped set up the
tems engineer in 72, and his three siblings as a memorial to interview at SSC Atlantic. Bernsen also talked with Ladiser
their father. The award is presented annually to The Citadel and his other SSC Atlantic contacts to help study and prepare
Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) sea services for the interview.
candidate who has excelled in a Navy battalion leadership A few weeks later when he came to SSC Atlantic and
position, is in the top 25 percent of the graduating class, had the interview, he blew it out of the water, Bernsen
and embodies Robert Millers leadership skills, dedication said. About two minutes after the interview was over I
to public service and love of the sea. was notified of my selection to the Cyber Warfare Engineer
Bernsen majored in computer science with a minor in community.
cyber security on an NROTC four-year scholarship. While After graduation May 4, Bernsen was also able to get
at The Citadel, he was also presented the Marine Corps temporary additional duty orders to work at SSC Atlantic
League Leadership Award (for Navy officer candidates) and before reporting for training. I was able to meet many others
was named to Whos Who Among Students in American Ill be working with and made many invaluable professional
University and Colleges. connections, he said. I was also able to get hands-on tech-
In his senior year he was also elected captain for The nical experience in the field Ill be working in once I enter
Citadels cyber defense team. Bernsen and his team took the Cyber Warfare Engineer community, he said.
part in the Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition, eventually Now undergoing training at the Navy Information Opera-
taking second place among the colleges and universities tions Command at Fort George G. Meade in Maryland, Ber-
represented. As cyber team captain he had met many SSC nsen said he will not soon forget his friends at SSC Atlantic
Atlantic employees, including Shann Ladiser, Bob Miller, who helped guide him to a Navy career as a cyber warrior.
Jeff Sweeney and Jeff Bullock.
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 25
Photos by Joe Bullinger
Raking, mulching and plant-
ing were among the activities
of SSC Atlantic volunteers at
the Day of Caring at North
Charleston High School Sept.

SSC Atlantic employees came out in force once again

Sept. 13 for the 2013 National Day of Caring. Twenty-three
hard working volunteers took time off that day to take part
in a beautification project at North Charleston High School
They dug out grass and weeds, shoveled dirt, pressure
washed sidewalks and benches, planted flowers donated by
generous SSC Atlantic employees, and spread mulch donated
by Lowcountry Mulch in the front of the school and the back
bus ramp area. They also helped students plant a new crop of
fall vegetables in the gardens SSC Atlantic employees built
last year. Under the tutelage of Mike Long, supervisor and
horticulturist from The Greenery who was also volunteering
his time, SSC Atlantic volunteers worked diligently in the
hot sun planting day lilies, knock-out roses, lantanas and
other flowers and plants almost 100 total - livening up the
campus with color and life.
Thanks especially to everyone who came out to help us
on Friday to show NCHS again how much we care for them,
said Stephanie Stewart of 80, project organizer, pictured at
right. We have formally adopted NCHS and will hold
an interest meeting in the next couple of weeks to lay out
mentoring, tutoring, STEM and other project opportunities
to help the school in the future. We are really making a
difference here!
26 The Chronicle Fall 2013
Biking to work
Photos by Joe Bulllinger

= happiness
Its official: riding a bike to work results
in uncontrollable happiness, as evidenced
by the smiles on the faces of the par-
ticipants pictured above during Mays
National Bike to Work Day. The bikers
met then-SSC Atlantic Commanding
Officer Mark Glover at Gate 4 of Joint
Base Charleston-Weapons Station to
ride together to Bldg. 3147. At right, the
captain chats with the bikers. To learn
about the growing community of SSC
Atlantic bicycle commuters visit https://

Bartkowiak selected for FCC/C10F rotation

SSC Atlantics Nicholas Bartkowiak of 54540 was recently selected among 15
candidates for a Fleet Cyber Command (FCC)/Commander Tenth Fleet (C10F)
rotation opportunity to take place from January to June 2014.
Bartkowiak will support FCC/C10F full-time for six months at Fort Meade, Md.,
in a role that will give him first-hand understandings of the Navy Cyber environment,
so he can return that expertise to the SPAWAR engineering centers.
The command will continue to offer this rotation as a career-enhancing opportu-
nity every six months. Those who wish to apply or reapply for this opportunity, an
announcement for the July to December 2014 rotation will be released in January
2014. Bartkowiak
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 27
Middle school students, laptops, teachers and cheering sections fill the conference center during DimensionU.

SSC Atlantic hosts 2nd DimensionU competition

Fifty Charleston area middle schoolers gathered at Bay Middle schools also participated in the competition.
SSC Atlantic recently for the Tricounty DimensionU Funded by the National Defense Education Program, Di-
competition. mensionU features video games that focus on core skills
DimensionU features computer games that test stu- and objectives that align to state standards and classroom
dents skills in algebra and pre-algebra. The event is part instruction.
of SSC Atlantics educational outreach program aimed This is one of the few times a year when we bring in
at developing science, technology, engineering and math students, their families and educators to see the command
skills in kids from elementary to high school levels. up-close and how we make IT count for the Navy every
Students from Oakbrook Middle School took top day, said then-SSC Atlantic Executive Director Christo-
honors in the competition. Gregg Middle, Oakbrook pher Miller. We really want to get these students excited
Middle, River Oaks Middle, Hanahan Middle and Cane about science and math and future careers in IT.

Photos by Joe Bullinger

Hanahan Middle students run the gamut of emotions -- from surprise to coolness -- during DimensionU.

28 The Chronicle Fall 2013


U.S. Rep. Sanford

visits SSC Atlantic
U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford, representing South
Carolinas First District, listens as then-SSC
Atlantic Commanding Officer Capt. Mark
Glover makes a point during Sanfords visit
May 29. Below, then-SSC Atlantic Executive
Director Christopher Miller chats with San-
ford and Retired Maj. Gen. James Livingston,
USMC, Medal of Honor recipient, in the ex-
ecutive conference room. Sanford was at SSC
Atlantic to receive a command overview and
to discuss several key projects.

Photos by Joe Bullinger

Pipeline Project
promotes S&T careers
Tom Sessions of 59440, left, explains
the importance of anechoic chamber
testing to members of the Histori-
cally Black Colleges and Universi-
ties (HBCU) Pipeline Project during
a visit to SSC Atlantic in late March.
Among the visitors were Dr. Lady
June Cole, PhD, Allen University
Vice President for Academic Affairs;
Dr. Dana B. Stebbins JD, Esq.,
director of the National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA)/
HBCU Pipeline Project.

Fall 2013 The Chronicle 29


Photos by Joe Bullinger

Career and technology

center students, teachers
visit SSC Atlantic
Twenty-five students and teachers from the Thunderbolt
Career and Technology Center (TCTC) in Walterboro, S.C.,
visited SSC Atlantic in Charleston recently to see how the
science, technology, engineering and math disciplines are
being used to make IT count for the warfighter. Top left,
they visited the unclassified Gaming Research Innovation
Lab and were given a demonstration of a training appli-
cation. During a tour of the Multidisciplinary Research
Center (MRC), above, Tom Glaab demonstrated a robot
in action and the students were shown energy harvesting
applications. In a visit to the Maintenance Depot Lab, left,
the visitors saw how SSC Atlantic employees engineer cir-
cuits and systems from the component level up, including
developing firmware, and how they test equipment. Among
the technical career clusters found at TCTC are engineer-
ing and Project Lead the Way.

30 The Chronicle Fall 2013

Learning about networking
Photos by Joe Bullinger

Environmental Effects (E3) testing lab during the tour.

Craig Sosbee of 5513 takes visiting students on a tour The visit to SSC Atlantic was part of a week-long camp at
through SSC Atlantics data center in Charleston. The the new Lowcountry Tech Academy in which the students
students also toured the forensics lab and Electromagnetic learned about computer networking.

Cainhoy Tigers on board tion Bay, above, led by Ray Brown, right. In the photo
Students from Cainhoy Elementary/Middle School in at right a student takes a look through the Pocket Scope,
Huger, S.C., got a first-hand look at SSC Atlantic during the lightweight infrared system developed in 2003 at
a May visit that included a tour of the Vehicle Integra- then-SSC Charleston for warfighters use in Iraq.

Fall 2013 The Chronicle 31

The Final Word

Pennsylvania mans obituary puts service in perspective

This year had been one of extraordinary fiscal chal- In December of 1942, he graduated from Penn State
lenges that have affected government employees in University with a bachelor of science degree in electri-
various ways, yet our mission to make IT count for the cal engineering. He went to work in Washington, D.C.,
warfighter has stayed in sharp focus. for the Navy Department, where he worked virtually his
SSC Atlantics Doug Mueller, of Code 4211 at St. entire career, including more than 15 years as a GS-15,
Juliens Creek in Hampton Roads, saw something in a and retired from the Naval Electronics Systems Command
small Pennsylvania towns weekly newspaper recently (NAVELEX).
that really helped put federal government Yagel had married his hometown sweet-
service and our recent challenges in the heart Sara on June 12, 1943, and together
right perspective. they had four children. Sara passed away
Muellers wife grew up in Mifflinburg, nearly 23 years ago.
Penn., a borough in Union County with a At the time that Doug Mueller read the
population of 3,543. (According to Muel- obituary in late June, government employ-
ler, the town features two traffic lights, ees were looking ahead to as many as 22
and thats about it.) Though his wife has furlough days, curtailments on travel and
not lived in Mifflinburg for more than 35 awards, and a hiring freeze.
years, she still receives the Mifflinburg As we struggle with all the churn and
Telegraph in the mail weekly. the challenges we face as government em-
When perusing a recent edition of the Yagel ployees, I thought it was really meaningful
paper, Muellers wife took notice of the that this man and his family had such re-
obituary for Clair C. Yagel. spect for his federal government service, and specifically
Yagel, of Wheaton, Md., formerly of Mifflinburg, for his service to NAVELEX, that they mentioned it in
passed away June 8, 2013 at age 92. He had played his obituary, Mueller said.
fullback on the varsity soccer team and center for the I think it really helps put things in perspective, when
basketball team at Mifflinburg High School, where he was you look over a life lived well and whats really important
active in many other activities as well, his obituary stated. to you in the long run, he added.

Check out The Chronicle online; send in your story

Whats happening in your world that youd like to see /chronicle/.
in The Chronicle? We are already collecting content to fill Check out SSC Atlantic, SSC Pacific and SPAWAR
the pages of our next issue. headquarters news on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and You-
The power of your experiences is even greater when Tube. If you wish to become a SPAWAR Facebook fan,
you take the time to share them! We look forward to read- visit
ing about the great work you are doing as part of the SSC temscommand.
Atlantic team. To follow us on Twitter, see
If you have a story or story idea that youd like to see HQ. To view the SPAWAR You Tube Channel, visit www.
published here, send it to susan.piedfort@navy. To view SPAWAR
mil or call the editor anytime at (843) 218- photos on Flickr, see: www.
4973, DSN 588-4973. teamspawar.
The Chronicle is acces- If you have a news or a suc-
sible on the Internet on cess story youd like to
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32 The Chronicle Fall 2013
The Chronicle Photo Contest
Thank you to all who submitted!

And the winner is...

Hit us with your best shot

We are now soliciting submissions from
SSC Atlantic employees for next issues contest.

Send your best shot to or
Fall 2013 The Chronicle 33
SSC Atlantic Proud to serve

34 The Chronicle Fall 2013

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