d In Context ..................................................................................................... 1
j Book Basics was strategically placed for the Venetian military to launch
attacks against the Ottomans. In the play, Othello's military
successes on behalf of Venice are set within this
conflicteven though by Shakespeare's time, Cyprus was
William Shakespeare
already part of the Ottoman Empire, which had taken it in a
YEARS WRITTEN 1570 military action.
a Author Biography
culture in which he resides. While his character bridges this
divide with European traits such as Christianity, military
success against a Muslim empire, and nobility, Othello's
differences make him vulnerable to Iago's manipulations, which Neither the exact birth or death dates of William Shakespeare
are based on racial tensions. Iago plays on cultural fears are known. However, he was probably born around April 23,
regarding racial mixing when he characterizes for Brabantio 1564, as the third child of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden.
the marriage between Othello and Desdemona in black-and- This date is based on a record of his baptism, which occurred
white sexual terms: "an old black ram/is tupping your white on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, and the
ewe." As both Othello's and Desdemona's behaviors, thoughts, fact that baptisms were customarily done three days from
and feelings are called into question, the motif of blackness birth. Very little information is known about Shakespeare's
recurs. Othello's jealousy is thought to be influenced by black childhood or early adulthood, outside of the marriages,
bile, and Desdemona's reputation becomes "begrimed and baptisms, and burials recorded by Holy Trinity Church. He
black." On the surface, it seems that blackness is to blame for married Anne Hathaway, eight years older than Shakespeare
the loss of innocence or purity within Othello and Desdemona's and pregnant with his child, when he was 18. A daughter,
relationship. Yet, in a twist on the motif, Desdemona, in reality, Susanna, was born to the couple on May 26, 1583, a few
is innocent of any crime, and the blackness of Othello's months later. TwinsJudith and Hamnetwere born a few
jealousy comes not from his ethnicity but from the black years after; Hamnet died in childhood.
manipulations of a white character, Iago.
In approximately 1588, Shakespeare moved to London to
pursue a career in the theater. As Shakespeare became known
as an actor and playwright, references to him outside of
Giraldi Cinthio's Hecatommithi church records can be found. The Lord Chamberlain's Men's
records indicate that by 1594 Shakespeare was a managing
The main source for Shakespeare's Othello is Giraldi Cinthio's
partner in the troupe, as well as an actor and playwright. The
Hecatommithi, which tells the story of a valiant and handsome
fact that some of his plays were actually recorded and sold as
Moor living in Venice who falls in love with a virtuous and
popular literature, even during his lifetime, attests to the fact
beautiful lady, Disdemona. She returns his love in kind. They
h Characters
Desdemona is a woman of strength and purpose. She falls in
love with Othello and acts on her own to elope with him,
In love with Desdemona, Roderigo is wealthy and foolish. He
provides a steady flow of income to Iago, who has promised to
help Roderigo woo Desdemona. His desperation makes him
susceptible to Iago's manipulations, and Iago convinces
Roderigo to help kill Cassio, who has been positioned by Iago
as a rival suitor for Desdemona. In the end, Iago kills Roderigo.
Character Map
Jealous manipulator
Intelligent and manipulative
Manipulator Spouses
Dutiful; blind to
Easily manipulated
Iago's wickedness
Heroic and honorable;
Venetian soldier
Spouses Lieutenant
Desdemona Cassio
Loyal and determined; Honorable but easily
Venetian lady coerced
Main character
Minor Character
k Plot Summary
Iago is Othello's ensign, or third in
command, and the villain of the play.
Desdemona is Othello's beautiful and The play is set in Venice in the mid-1500s, during a time of
Desdemona kind wife, through whom Iago plans to conflict between the Turks and Venetians. As the play begins,
ruin Othello.
Turkey is preparing for war against Venice and is likely to
attack either the Venetian island of Cyprus or Rhodes. Othello,
Michael Cassio is Othello's young but
Cassio a Moor from North Africa and a successful Venetian general,
devoted second in command.
has eloped with a young Venetian noblewoman named
Roderigo is a foolish young gentleman
Roderigo who is paying Iago to help him woo
Desdemona. When the news gets out, Roderigo, a gentleman who is in love
with Desdemona, complains to Iago, Othello's ensign (third in
Bianca is a Venetian courtesan who command to Othello), about the secret marriage. Iago had
has a special relationship with Cassio. agreed to help Roderigo court and win Desdemona, but only if
Roderigo kept him supplied with money. Iago is irritated at
Brabantio is Desdemona's volatile and Othello for promoting another man to lieutenant (second in
paternalistic father. command), Cassio, instead of himself. Iago and Roderigo go
together to Brabantio's home and reveal that Brabantio's
The Clown is a servant of Othello's daughter Desdemona has gone away secretly with Othello.
Clown and a source of humor in an otherwise
Iago leaves before his identity is known and goes back to
dark and violent play.
Othello. Soon Cassio joins them, bringing a message from the
Duke of Venice that Othello is required to turn back the
The ruler of Venice, the Duke of
Venice summons Othello for military Turkish attack on Cyprus. Othello leaves to go to the Duke,
Duke of Venice service in Cyprus, and takes Othello's and Brabantio follows along, hoping to confront Othello about
side in the disagreement between Desdemona.
Othello and Brabantio.
The Duke, however, takes Othello's side in the matter, partially
Emilia is Iago's wife, but she is also a because Othello is so earnest in his professions of love for
woman with progressive opinions
Desdemona and his description of how they had fallen in love.
Emilia about the ways men and women
interact and the double standards by Desdemona arrives and supports Othello's argument, and
which they are judged. Brabantio is forced to accept the marriage. Othello makes
arrangements to leave right away for Cyprus, and Desdemona
The gentlemen of Cyprus discuss the plans to accompany him.
The gentlemen
major storm at sea that destroys the
of Cyprus
Turkish fleet. The next day, Desdemona, Iago and his wife, Emilia, Roderigo,
and Cassio arrive on Cyprus before Othello. Cassio holds
Graziano is a Venetian gentleman Desdemona's hand for a moment in greeting, and this small
Graziano related to Brabantio who
gesture gives Iago an idea of how to get back at both Cassio
accompanies Lodovico.
and Othello. Then Othello arrives. Miraculously, the Turkish
Plot Diagram
10 Falling Action
Rising Action
4 12
3 Resolution
Rising Action
Falling Action
2. Desdemona goes with Othello and his soldiers to Cyprus.
3. Iago plots to convince Othello that Desdemona is unfaithful. 10. Othello kills Desdemona.
4. Iago gets Cassio drunk. Cassio is demoted. 11. Emilia betrays Iago, who kills her; Othello kills himself.
Timeline of Events
Early morning
That day
That evening
Next morning
After dark
That night
Act 1, Scene 1 he is up to: "I am not what I am," he says, drawing upon the
biblical description God gives himself in the book of Exodus
(Exodus 3:14), "I am who I am" (New Revised Standard version).
Adding not to this formula suggests Iago is a Satan figure, and
Summary so he proves to be. Iago never identifies himself to Brabantio.
As his identity is concealed, his true self is concealed.
The play opens on a street in Venice in the latter half of the
16th century; Roderigo is arguing with Iago, an ensign (or Iago's method of villainy is also revealed in this scene. He
ancient, the third in command) under Othello's command. appeals to different people by pretending to have something in
Roderigo is a silly young gentleman who has been trying common with them, or by framing himself as a trusted friend,
unsuccessfully to court Desdemona. Iago has been taking helper, and confidante. He finds what motivates themwhat
Roderigo's money and promising him help to win over drives them to actand leverages it for his own ends. He
Desdemona (and her father). But Roderigo has just heard of commiserates with Roderigo's sense of outrage and envy, by
the elopement Desdemona and Othello, and he is outraged. explaining that he, too, has been wronged by Othello. He
Iago plays along with the outrage, saying he hates the "Moor" appeals to Brabantio's paternalism and racial prejudice,
(Othello) for promoting Cassio to lieutenant ahead of him. Iago comparing Othello to an animal and using the crudest language
convinces Roderigo he can still win Desdemona, if he keeps to cause Brabantio to visualize Othello and Desdemona having
letting Iago help. sex: "an old black ram/is tupping your white ewe" and "your
daughter and the Moor are (now) making the beast with/two
Iago suggests to Roderigo that they should work together to
backs." Iago will continue to show a flair for quickly identifying
get back at Othello. They first go to the home of Desdemona's
what will cause a person to take the action he desires.
father, Brabantio, and from the darkness outside, crudely
describe how Othello has made away with Desdemona,
enraging Brabantio. Iago leaves before his identity can be
revealed, because he wants to keep up appearances that he is
Act 1, Scene 2
Othello's friend. Brabantio confirms that Desdemona has run
away and insists on going with Roderigo to find her and
Othello. Summary
Iago, acting as a "friend" to Othello, warns him an angry
This scene serves the plot by getting all the main characters
As Othello speaks to the Duke of Venice and the senators, together in Cyprus. Until now, the focus of the story has been
defending his actions, he is very compelling and earnest. It is on Othello, so this scene allows the audience to get to know
clear that he is not only successful in military actions, but he is the other characters without Othello's presence. It shows that
also a charismatic man who has earned the admiration of his Iago can seem charming even when he is being somewhat
men, the Duke, and Desdemona. He's a man of action, but also crude: women "rise to play, and go to bed to work," he says, to
a man of eloquence. It is his stories of adventure that win general amusement. The scene also introduces Emilia, Iago's
Desdemona over. She fell in love after listening to hours and wife. It is important to notice the marriage of Iago and Emilia
hours of stories about his travels in exotic locations, the has some tension in it, but also Emilia goes along with her
husband's joking even as he makes fun of her, suggesting she forward or resolve inconsistencies.
nags him and she annoys him by talking when he wants to
sleep. Emilia tolerates and even seems to encourage his joking
about women. Act 2, Scene 3
This general bantering fleshes out the characters and
relationships, so the audience can better understand the
material Iago has to work with as he begins his masterful
manipulations. By the end of the play, Iago will have
As the party begins, Iago encourages Cassio to drink wine,
manipulated each one of the assembled characters.
hoping to get Cassio drunk so that he gets into trouble with
Desdemona is good and kind; he will exploit that. He will exploit
Othello. Cassio does get drunk, and then Iago urges Roderigo
Emilia's willingness to go along with his "games." He will exploit
to pick a fight with him. A drunken brawl breaks out, by the end
Cassio's fondness for and trust in Desdemona.
of which Cassio beats up Roderigo; Montano, who tries to
More importantly, when he sees Cassio hold Desdemona's break it up, also gets wounded. Othello arrives and angrily
hand, Iago seems to find the kernel of the plan that will demotes Cassio from his rank of lieutenant.
eventually bring Othello down. Iago sees the friendliness
Afterward, Cassio, alone with Iago, bemoans his own stupidity
between Cassio and Desdemona, and realizes at once that this
for getting drunk. Iago, all friendliness, tells him he has a plan to
can be leverage. It is an epiphany for Iago. First, he plans to
help Cassio regain his rank. He suggests Cassio ask
use this friendliness to get back at Cassio, but soon this plan
Desdemona to speak to Othello on his behalf. Iago has an
will be woven together with his plan to get back at Othello.
ulterior motive, however: he plans to make Othello think Cassio
and Desdemona are having an affair. Cassio, believing Iago is
Act 2, Scene 2 "honest," agrees with the suggested course of action. After
Cassio leaves, Iago reveals that the best way to do the worst
evils is to pretend to be good.
Summary Then Roderigo enters, outraged again. He's been paying Iago
to help him win Desdemona, and all he's gotten for it is a
A short while later, a herald brings a message from Othello. beating. Iago again reassures him, telling him to be patient.
There will be a feast to celebrate the destruction of the Turkish After Roderigo leaves, Iago plans to bring Othello where he
fleet and Othello's recent marriage to Desdemona: "It is can see Desdemona and Cassio together.
Othello's pleasure ... /that upon ... the mere perdition of the
Turkish fleet,/every man put himself into triumph: some to
dance, some to make bonfires, each man to what/sport and Analysis
revels his addition leads him. For besides/these beneficial
news, it is the celebration of his/nuptial." The theme of honor is developed through Cassio's extreme
concern about his reputation. "Reputation, reputation,
reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal
Analysis part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago,
my reputation!" he cries, after he drunkenly humiliates himself
In an amazing occurrence, the storm Cassio was so worried at the celebration and is stripped of his rank. Iago replies,
about destroyed the Turkish fleet but allowed the ships from "Reputation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without
Venice to arrive quickly and safely. The Turkish invasion was merit and lost without deserving." He says this, not because it
important as a plot point, because it got everyone to the island is true, but because he's going to suggest that Cassio can
of Cyprus. Now that they are all there, however, the Turkish regain his "reputation" by appealing to Othello through
threat is no longer important. So Shakespeare dispenses with Desdemona.
it in a storm. Shakespeare doesn't worry too much about
realism, and often relies on odd coincidences to move his plots At this point, Iago has accomplished what he told Roderigo he
dirty work, and this shows that he trusts she will not betray the help of Iago to help her deal with Othello's increasing
him. Most of the time Iago convinces people they are doing the anger. This gives Iago an opportunity to appear to help her: He
right thing, but here, Emilia knows stealing is wrong, even if it offers, "I will go meet him./There's matter in 't indeed if he be
seems like a small theft. At the end of the play, Emilia is the angry." She accepts, making her own deal with the devil: "I
only one who has all the pieces of the puzzle. Iago makes prithee do so."
himself just a little vulnerable to her, because he needs her to
do this task for him. She does ultimately betray Iago with this
information, but not in time to save Desdemona. Act 4, Scene 1
railing againstin the most furious termsher own husband: "I women would learn to have affairs from them: "The ills we do,
will be hanged if some eternal villain,/Some busy and their ills instruct us so." Perhaps Emilia, having seen the cruel
insinuating rogue,/Some cogging, cozening slave, to get some treatment of Desdemona by Othello, is encouraging
office,/Have not devised this slander" and "The Moor's abused Desdemona to take a lover, for her own satisfaction and
by some most villainous knave,/Some base notorious knave, happiness. Or perhaps, as Iago wondered, Emilia has already
some scurvy fellow." This is the height of dramatic irony, had affairs. There's no conclusive evidence for this, but it
because the audience knows she is talking about Iago, her remains a possibility, and certainly Emilia's attitude here is
husband, and she has actually assisted him with his evil plan more sexually liberated than Desdemona's.
without realizing it. Her words here also foreshadow the fact
that she will be the one who brings Iago's plan down in the end,
as she finally realizes later he is the very "scurvy fellow" she Act 5, Scene 1
knew had to be at the bottom of it.
Act 4, Scene 3
Meanwhile, in a Cyprus street Iago gives Roderigo a weapon
and tells him to wait for Cassio, then kill him. Iago retreats to
Summary wait under cover of darkness as Roderigo attempts, and fails,
to kill Cassio. Instead, Roderigo is wounded by Cassio. Hidden
That night, Othello tells Desdemona to go to bed, and to send by the dark, Iago darts into the midst of this action, wounds
Emilia and her other servants away for the night. As Emilia Cassio, and exits. Othello hears Cassio's cry and believes Iago
helps get her ready for bed, Desdemona remembers a song has done what he said he would do; Othello runs off to
her mother's servant (named "Barbary" just as Iago called complete his part of the plan. Then Graziano and Lodovico
Othello a "Barbary horse" in Act 1, Scene 1) used to sing: "a enter, looking for the source of all the commotion. Iago also
song of Willow" about a woman whose lover left her. Emilia enters, and pretends he is just coming by for the first time. He
tries to comfort Desdemona, saying men are often jealous and acts concerned about Cassio, and then murders Roderigo, as if
treat their wives unfairly. Desdemona finds Emilia's attitude a in retaliation for the attack on Cassio. Bianca arrives and is
little shocking, and she is incredulous that wives would be worried about Cassio's wound. Iago tries to blame Bianca for
unfaithful. Emilia, however, suggests that women are unfaithful the attack on Cassio. Then Lodovico, Graziano, and some
because their husbands were unfaithful first. others help take Cassio away to have his wound treated.
Analysis Analysis
In this scene, Othello coldly dismisses Desdemona to the bed This scene takes place in the dark, which is important because
in which he plans to kill her. In the intimate scene between the Iago wounds Cassio in the dark, but then can pretend to
two women that follows, Desdemona expresses her confusion respond to Cassio's cries for help as if he has just arrived.
about why Othello thinks she could possibly be unfaithful. Then, he can kill Roderigo out of justice for Cassio's injury
Emilia, more worldly wise, protests that many women have (which Iago actually has caused). In the confusion, Iago can
affairs, and she blames this on the husbands, who probably are direct this fight, cleaning up the loose end of Roderigo, who
out there having all kinds of affairs rather than attending to has suddenly become an unnecessary complication in Iago's
their wives. She calls out the double standard that men are life.
allowed to have affairs, while women are expected to be
faithful. She gives a compelling argument for the humanity, It is interesting that until this fight, Iago's plans have gone off
equality, agency, and sexual needs of women. She also turns perfectly. He's controlled every detail. However, Roderigo's
the traditional leadership role of men back on itself, noting that incompetence at killing Cassio, even with a weapon and
because men are supposed to be leaders, it is no surprise coaching from Iago, forces Iago to think quickly of another way
to achieve his ends and still keep his true nature concealed.
After all, he has a reputation as an honest man, and he doesn't
want to lose that. So, Iago quickly wounds Cassio and then kills
This scene begins with Desdemona asleep, having said her
Roderigo so he can't give away Iago's role in the trouble. While
prayers (as she says later in the scene) and lit a candle near
Iago comes out looking like an upstanding gentleman, this
her bedperhaps in anticipation of Othello's arrival. She has,
small breakdown of his plan foreshadows Emilia's revelation of
after all, prepared the bed for a "wedding night," having had the
his involvement and his eventual unmasking.
wedding sheets put on as she anticipates being able to have
an uninterrupted night with Othello. In one reading of the
timeline of the play, Othello and Desdemona have not yet
Act 5, Scene 2 consummated their marriage. Only about two days have gone
by since their wedding, and on both nights, Othello has been
summoned by duty. If they have not consummated their
Summary marriage, Desdemona's words "Kill me tomorrow: let me live
tonight!" take on a greater meaning.
In her bedroom at the castle, Desdemona sleeps. A candle
burns. Othello enters, and speaks of his love for her but also As Othello enters, he uses the lit candle as a metaphor in
what he plans to do. He will not shed her blood, he says, but he which he compares blowing out a candle to snuffing out
must kill her or else "she'll betray more men." He kisses her, Desdemona's life: "Put out the light, and then put out the light,"
and when she wakes up, he encourages her to confess her he says, describing first the physical act of blowing out the
sins to God. He tells her is going to kill her and again brings up candle and then the symbolic act of snuffing out the "light" of
the matter of the handkerchief, but she pleads with him, saying, Desdemona: her life. But, with a patience and eloquence at
"I never did/Offend you in my life; never loved Cassio/But with odds with the frantic state he was in just a short time previous,
such general warranty of heaven/As I might love: I never gave he takes his time to develop this thought: he can relight a
him token." But he refuses to believe her, and smothers her. candle, but he cannot give back a life. He even goes on to use
a flower metaphor to express the same idea: "When I have
Emilia comes in, and discovers Desdemona nearly dead. plucked the rose,/I cannot give it vital growth again." Yet
Desdemona professes her love for Othello, and tries to take despite what seem like reservations, in the end he decides to
the blame for her death; after proclaiming her guilt, she dies. go through with the murder.
Then Othello tells Emilia he killed Desdemona because
Desdemona and Cassio were lovers, which Emilia knows is a A few interesting inconsistencies in the play are highlighted in
lie. She realizes her husband is the one who has been lying to this scene. One is Othello's explanation of where the fateful
Othello, and she cries out "murder!" Iago, Montano, and handkerchief came from. Previously, Othello claimed that it
Graziano come running, and when they arrive, Emilia begins to came to his mother from a "charmer" (Act 3, Scene 4). In this
accuse her husband. As Emilia speaks, Othello finally realizes scene he states, "It was a handkerchief, an antique token/My
the truth, and tries to attack Iago. In the confusion, Iago stabs father gave my mother." Another is the contradictory timeline
Emilia and deals her a fatal wound. He tries to get away but is of the play. While the play's events seem to take place over a
caught. Othello again attacks him, wounding him. few days, Othello claims here that "she with Cassio hath the
act of shame/A thousand times committed."
Iago, when pressed, refuses to explain why he did the evil
things he did. Othello admits his fault, and asks them all to To close the play, Lodovico dispenses with the practical
think of him as "one that loved not wisely, but too well." Then considerations (dealing with Othello's possessions and
he stabs himself, falls upon the bed, and dies kissing bringing word to the Duke), and he brings the audience's
Desdemona: "I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but attention to the bodies on the bed. "Look on the tragic loading
this,/Killing myself, to die upon a kiss." of this bed," he says, addressing Iago but forcing the audience
to direct attention there as well. There are three dead bodies
Lodovico chastises Iago, and he puts Graziano in charge of on the bed: Desdemona's, because she was smothered there;
Othello's possessions. He tells Montano to make sure Iago is Emilia's, because she begged "lay me by my mistress' side" as
tortured, and says he will bring the sad news to Venice. she died; and Othello's, because he died kissing Desdemona.
This final image shows that Iago's net has tightened all the
"He takes her by the palm. Ay, well
way, trapping his victims inside.
said, whisper. With as little a web
The main themes of the play resurface in its final scene.
Desdemona's love for Othello motivates her to try to shield him as this will I ensnare as great a fly
from blame for her death. Iago's reputation for honesty, his
as Cassio."
honor, proves to be an issue through the end of the play. From
the moment Othello reveals that Iago is the one who told him
Iago , Act 2, Scene 1
Cassio and Desdemona were having an affair, it begins to
dawn on Emilia that her husband is at the bottom of the whole
scheme. Othello calls him "honest, honest Iago," while Emilia As Iago looks on, Cassio greets Desdemona, taking her hand.
replies "He lies to th' heart!" and Lodovico calls him both This moment gives Iago the idea to use Cassio to get to
"hellish villain" and "viper." Iago's betrayal of his honesty, and Othello, through Desdemona. In this aside, Iago tells the
his devilishness, resurface in the final scene of the play. audience what he is going to do.
Iago , Act 3, Scene 3 Desdemona's handkerchief, given to her as a gift from Othello,
is a potent symbol of love and trust. Originally it had been
Othello's mother's, and his gift of it to Desdemona shows his
Iago manipulates Othello by pointing out that Desdemona
love for and trust in her. Othello even explains to Desdemona
disobeyed her own father to marry the Moor. In this way, he
that the handkerchief allowed his mother to make her husband
uses reason to convince Othello that Desdemona is the kind of
faithful in their marriage. The handkerchief, then, represents
woman who might be unfaithful.
fidelity. Because Othello sees great symbolic importance in the
handkerchief, Iago has good reason to use it for his own
nefarious purposes. When Desdemona accidentally loses it,
"Who would not make her husband and Emilia gives it to Iago, Iago controls the symbolism of the
handkerchief. He makes this symbol of love and trust into one
a cuckold to make him a monarch?
of unfaithfulness and betrayal. And so Othello is completely
undone by the loss of the handkerchief, because it represents
e Suggested Reading
b Motifs
Bloom, Harold, ed. Iago. New York: Chelsea House Publishers,
1992. Print.
Darkness and Light Heilman, Robert B. Magic in the Web: Action & Language in
Othello. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2015. Print.
Iago often hides in darkness to prevent people from knowing
his identity. He stays out of sight in the wee hours of the Kaul, Mythili, ed. Othello: New Essays by Black Writers.
morning as he and Roderigo goad Brabantio about Washington, DC: Howard UP, 1997. Print.
Desdemona's elopement. He hides in shadows while Cassio
Kolin, Philip C. Othello: New Critical Essays. New York:
and Roderigo confront each other, using the darkness as cover
Routledge, 2002. Print.
as he deals blows to both sides of the fight. Othello enters
Desdemona's bedchamber by the light of a candle, and uses Potter, Lois. Shakespeare in Performance: Othello. Manchester,
the light as a metaphor for her life, which he plans to snuff out UK: Manchester UP, 2002. Print.
as he would a candle.