On The Mechanics of Fatigue and Fractur in Teeth
On The Mechanics of Fatigue and Fractur in Teeth
On The Mechanics of Fatigue and Fractur in Teeth
Juliana Ivancik
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Maryland Baltimore County,
Baltimore, MD 21250;
Protective Equipment Division,
U.S Army Aberdeen Test Center,
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Hessam Majd
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
On the Mechanics of Fatigue
University of Maryland Baltimore County,
Baltimore, MD 21250 and Fracture in Teeth
Bingbing An Tooth fracture is a major concern in the field of restorative dentistry. However, knowl-
Department of Mechanics, edge of the causes for tooth fracture has developed from contributions that are largely
Shanghai University, based within the field of mechanics. The present manuscript presents a technical review
Shanghai 200444, China; of advances in understanding the fracture of teeth and the fatigue and fracture behavior
Shanghai Key Laboratory of of their hard tissues (i.e., dentin and enamel). The importance of evaluating the fracture
Mechanics in Energy Engineering, resistance of these materials, and the role of applied mechanics in developing this knowl-
Shanghai 200072, China edge will be reviewed. In addition, the complex microstructures of tooth tissues, their
roles in resisting tooth fracture, and the importance of hydration and aging on the frac-
Dongsheng Zhang ture resistance of tooth tissues will be discussed. Studies in this area are essential for
Department of Mechanics, increasing the success of current treatments in dentistry, as well as in facilitating the
Shanghai University, development of novel bio-inspired restorative materials for the future.
Shanghai 200444, China; [DOI: 10.1115/1.4027431]
Shanghai Key Laboratory of
Mechanics in Energy Engineering, Keywords: crack propagation, dentin, enamel, fatigue crack growth, fracture toughness,
Shanghai 200072, China tooth
Dwayne Arola1
Department of Materials Science
and Engineering,
University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195;
Department of Endodontics,
Prosthodontics, and Operative Dentistry,
Dental School,
University of Maryland,
Baltimore, MD 21201
e-mail: darola@umbc.edu
required for crack extension requires further assessment, it is limited volume of human dental tissues that enable such evaluations.
believed that enamel microstructure is definitely the source for the Animal teeth (e.g., bovine or ovine) are occasionally adopted as a
starter defect. substitute for human teeth in an attempt to obtain larger sample vol-
Chai et al. [40] described the enamel tufts as intrinsic defects umes, but that raises questions regarding the consistency in micro-
within the microstructure that serve as the starting point for the de- structure between the teeth of humans and other mammals, and the
velopment of radial and margin cracks in teeth. These natural corresponding validity of the results. Even in the adoption of substi-
cracks, which can be found in the enamel, extend from the DEJ to- tutes for human tissue, the maintenance of mineral content and
ward the occlusal surface over tens of micrometers and at the inter- hydration of the tissue are important concerns.
face of the rods [41]. Not all cracks that initiate at the DEJ undergo Miniaturized specimens have often been considered as an alter-
progression to reach the occlusal surface; some are arrested along native to using standardized approaches for measuring the fracture
their path through the enamel thickness. Section 4.1 provides an ex- properties of biomaterials. There are several methods developed
planation of why the progression of some cracks in enamel are to estimate the fracture properties of dental materials and tissues
arrested, and the importance of this observation. of the tooth. Pilliar et al., [4244] adopted a short rod specimen
for determining the fracture toughness of dental materials and
later used this approach to evaluate the fracture toughness of
3 Methods of Evaluating Fatigue and Fracture
bonded interfaces [45]. Wang et al., [46] developed a compact
in Tooth Tissues sandwich specimen for evaluating the fracture toughness of bone
Characterizing the durability of the tooth with regards to the forces and prosthetic materials, which has been adopted for evaluating
of mastication requires an understanding of the mechanical behavior the fracture properties of dental materials as well e.g., Refs.
of the individual tissues. Indeed, evaluations on the fatigue and frac- [4749]. Furthermore, Ruse et al. [50] developed a novel notch-
ture properties of dentin and enamel are an important requisite to the less triangular prism (NTP) specimen for evaluating the fracture
study of tooth fractures. While simple in concept, these investigations toughness of dental materials, adhesive interfaces and hard tissues
involve many complications, much of which is due to the relatively [5153]. Flexural loading of beams has been employed to measure
Fig. 4 Schematic of various testing configurations used for dental materials. (a) Compact sandwich specimen (reprinted
from Ref. [46] with permission from the publisher), (b) NTP specimen (reprinted from Ref. [50] with permission from the pub-
lisher), (c) three point bending specimen (reprinted from Ref. [61] with permission from the publisher), (d) four point bending
specimen (reprinted from Ref. [61] with permission from the publisher), (e) miniature CT specimen (reprinted from Ref. [64]
with permission from the publisher), (f) inset CT specimen (reprinted from Ref. [63] with permission from the publisher).
to the pulp. This finding is of substantial importance to the field of 30%. Toughening mechanisms have been identified operating in
dentistry as it establishes the larger potential for tooth fracture with front and behind the crack tip, which function to resist fracture
increasing depth of restorative work (cutting, etching, etc.,) that differently. While a cohesive zone could be adopted to evaluate
may introduce flaws. One interesting finding that was noted in com- their combined affect (e.g., as performed by Yang et al., [122] for
paring the fracture resistance across the regions is that the toughen- bone), a hybrid approach could also be used. This process
ing mechanisms were actually dependent on location. Within the involves experiments and numerical modeling and enables greater
inner dentin, which exhibits the largest tubule density, toughening isolation of the contributions from the extrinsic and intrinsic
was achieved by meandering of the crack to nearby lumens (Figs. toughening mechanisms to the fracture resistance. In this case the
10(a) and 10(b)). This process results in a reduction of the stress in- COD achieved from experimental measurements serve as the
tensity at the crack tip via blunting as the crack tip is located within benchmark solution for the numerical simulations. In the study by
the lumen and via the microcracking process in the K-dominant Ivancik and Arola [66], the hybrid process was used with the
zone, as well as by crack curving [66,119]. Within the specimens of numerical model incorporating elastic-plastic constitutive behav-
middle dentin microcracking of peritubular cuffs were also domi- ior, and a cohesive zone behind the crack tip developed to account
nant (Fig. 10(c)). However, in the outer dentin the toughening for the unbroken ligaments of tissue operating in the crack wake.
behavior appeared to be largely attributed to the development of According to this approach, it was found that extrinsic toughening
unbroken ligaments behind the crack tip (Fig. 10(d)). Thus, in addi- contributed an average of 26% of the total energy for fracture,
tion to exhibiting anisotropy in the fracture resistance, human den- intrinsic toughening was roughly 3%. In comparing the spatial
tin also exhibits spatial variations. It is quite interesting to note that variations in toughening (i.e., within the inner, middle, and outer
the microstructure of dentin appears to have been graded in such a regions), the contributions of extrinsic toughening were 2.5 times
manner that, in case of failure of the enamel and the DEJ to achieve greater in the outer dentin than close to the pulp. The differences
crack arrest, can serve as the third defense. are expected to be due to the greater collagen content near the
One obvious limitation of the aforementioned studies is that DEJ, which increases the crack closure stresses caused by the
they have treated the fracture resistance assuming linear elastic unbroken ligaments and fibrils.
behavior. Due to the presence of a fracture process zone and the
capacity of these material to undergo inelastic deformation, a rig- 5 Evaluations on the Fatigue Properties
orous evaluation of the fracture resistance must account for these
factors. Indeed, Yan et al., [121] applied elastic-plastic fracture of Tooth Tissues
mechanics to human dentin and found that inelastic processes con- In this section, the fatigue response of enamel and dentin are
tributed significantly to the fracture toughness of this tissue, discussed. Overall, fatigue failures can involve the initiation of
resulting in an increases of the estimated toughness by more than damage or well-defined flaw, propagation of that damage or flaw
CDK m (2)
behavior of human enamel and compared the responses to that of Similar to the evaluation of directional dependence in the R-
sintered hydroxyapatite. Results of that investigation showed that curve behavior, the fatigue crack growth resistance of enamel has
the threshold stress intensity of outer enamel is approximately been examined in the forward (from the occlusal surface to the
0.35 MPam0.5, about three times the value for hydroxyapatite DEJ) and reverse (from the DEJ outwards) directions [89]. Inter-
(0.13 MPam0.5). The findings revealed that the microstructure of estingly, steady state long crack fatigue crack growth behavior
enamel and the organic proteins act to increase the resistance to was only achieved in the Forward direction (Fig. 12(b)). Results
crack propagation [131]. Electron microscopy evaluations of the from that investigation also showed the importance of decussation
fracture surfaces showed that the enamel exhibited similar extrin- on the crack growth process. For example, crack initiation within
sic toughening mechanisms in resisting fatigue cracks as those outer enamel occurred at a significantly lower stress intensity
operating during quasi-static crack growth. The cracks generated range (DK 0.39 6 0.09 MPa.m0.5) than that for inner enamel
in the enamel were close to the occlusal surface of the tooth (i.e., (DK 0.53 6 0.12 MPa.m0.5). Stable crack extension in the for-
outer enamel) and propagated toward the region of decussation. ward direction occurred over more than a millimeter of crack
Upon reaching the decussated rods the crack underwent several extension with the stress intensity range of 0.390.65 MPa.m0.5.
toughening mechanisms including crack curving, the development In contrast, cracks in the reverse directions reached instability
of unbroken ligament bridges and crack bifurcation. over only hundreds of micrometers of growth. These findings rein-
One interesting aspect of the fatigue crack growth response of force those obtained from monotonic loading, and suggest that the
enamel is that it exhibits both short and long crack behavior. microstructure of enamel appears to have been designed to be
A representative fatigue crack growth response for enamel is most effective in resisting cracks that initiate at the occlusal sur-
shown in Fig. 12(a). Two regions of distinct behavior are evident. face and undergo extension toward the DEJ.
The short crack response refers to crack lengths that are small
when compared to the dimensional scale of the microstructure or 5.2 Fatigue Properties of Dentin. Fatigue of dentin has
primary elements contributing to toughening [132]. For short received the attention of investigators for more than a decade.
cracks, the resistance to cyclic crack extension increases with Indeed, the failure of teeth with restorations has been identified to
crack length as signified by the reduction in incremental growth occur through a process involving fatigue and fatigue crack
rate. This behavior is indicative of the increase in the degree of growth [21]. Several studies have evaluated the fatigue behavior
extrinsic toughening that develops behind the crack tip until the of dentin and reviews on this topic have been reported previously
process zone reaches a steady-state length behind the crack tip. [108,134]. Therefore, only a brief review of earlier work is pre-
Thereafter, the crack undergoes an increase in the incremental sented here along with highlights, and with more emphasis placed
growth rate with stress intensity range, which is characteristic of on recent findings and their importance.
long crack behavior. Enamel is not the only hard tissue that exhib- Investigations on the stress-life fatigue response have distin-
its short crack behavior [133]. guished that dentin exhibits metal-like fatigue behavior