This is all a flashback, the narrator is the same person as the person
talking about his experience The narrator goes from confident which
is taken away with fear when the crash happens. Changing him as
he starts to sound depressed. The character comes across as bitter;
this is shown by tone of his voice. He speaks slowly suggesting there
isnt much hope. His feelings are well put forward like at 7.40 we
hear sadness in his voice. This builds emotion within the dialogue.
They use aural signposting in this production during the car scene,
this helps build up the atmosphere. Aural signposting is when you
tell the audience something is about to happen. In this they let us
hear tyres screeching letting us know a crash is about to happen.
Silence and music are important radio drama. It adds mystery and
suspense. There is intense music over the narration. This is to build
suspense to the story. Unlike traditional drama they wouldnt use
music to go over the action. The use of silence in this production is
used to communicate meaning. The music stops At 1.27 as he is
riding the bike; this is help build the fact he just crashed. Another bit
of silence is at 9.18 when he shuts his eyes. . The ambience in this is
created by background noises. The sounds of the traffic bring up the
point that they are on a road. Whilst he is driving the bike rock
music played making this more hyped, this music helps show us the
speed he is going. Slightly drowning the sound of his voice. Which
shows the excitement and gives a fast feeling. The music stops,
showing us he has gone to sleep from the crash. This counts as a
dramatic reconstruction because its set up to be looking at the story
like it happened and from the point of view of the narrator talking
about his past. This creates a more realistic feeling an environment
for the story.
The target audience are most likely to be teenagers, due to the use
of language and the more edgy plot line less suitable for kids and
not as appealing towards most adults. The drama is non-
chronological, this is mainly because its all a flashback. The radio
drama is a cliff-hanger, but still not typical. It ends in the hospital
with the main guy saying he they find the other character. Ending
with I shouldve known better than to fuck with God, this is goes
back to something from earlier in the episode. Unlike the Archers
episode it does not end with a question instead being an ambiguous
cliff-hanger to create thoughts more then work out what happened
The overall tone is relatively informal and happy, and a day to day
life in this town. Making it easy and enjoyable to listen too as we
basically get involved in a small drama of the day with other in a
relatable and realistic world. The target audience is for older people.
Shown by most characters being that age, and discussing topics
that, that age would understand, they talk about retiring and
getting old. This is show in their choice of words and the way they
speak. Like when one of the women say, weve got some youngers
coming showing us they are older as they talk about others being
younger. They also use out-dated terms.
Both dramas have titles and credits, usually having the production
company, play name, writers and actors being said before it starts
so the audience know whos in it and what the play is. This is more
of a formal thing that happens.
The duration of both are different but close. The archers is about 14
minutes this is because they are daily and if they where longer
people wouldnt listen as it need to be short enough that people who
listen daily will have the time to every day. But it cant be too short
otherwise nothing would be able to happen. Also it being daily
means storys can build up over multiple days. With The Blind Mans
Confession, its 12 minutes, this is a short play. This time allows for
the whole plot to open up. But we have many less characters and
development of plot so less time is needed then the overall time of
the archers.
The dialog itself is important as the words being what is said creates
the interaction between characters, and then we have voices, which
is who is saying the line, by having more then one voice it helps us
identify who is talking without them having to spell it out. This is
important in something like archers because they have lots of
characters. The voice also adds a lot to the character, lets us know
gender, rough age, accent/background, class and more depending
of the voice. Like the characters in archers have rural British accents
giving location without saying. Then there is speech that is how they
say a line because it can have meant meanings depending on how
they say it. Like in archers at 6.90 when the husband and wife are
talking and she says your getting old she says it a bright light
way, but it easily could have been said in a mean way to give a
whole different meaning. We also have direct speech because the
characters are talking straight to each other and showing
information in what they say.