The Lower and Middle Jurassic of The Western Mediterranean Tethys (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia)
The Lower and Middle Jurassic of The Western Mediterranean Tethys (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia)
The Lower and Middle Jurassic of The Western Mediterranean Tethys (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia)
Keywords Lower and Middle Jurassic Western Mediterranean Tethys Atlas
Lithostratigraphy Palaeogeodynamic
Located on the southern border of Tethys, the Atlasic Maghreb domain constitutes
an EW-oriented intracratonic chain crossing the Maghreb from Morocco to
Tunisia (Fig. 1). The Atlasic Maghreban domain was structured during the
D. Sadki (&)
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Moulay Ismail, BP 11201
Zitoune, Meknes, Morocco
A. Marok
Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Science, University of Abou Bekr Belkad, BP 119
Tlemcen, Algeria
M. Soussi
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Tunis, C.P. 2092 Tunis, Tunisia
Fig. 1 Sketch map of the Maghreb showing the Atlas range (modified from Frizon de Lamotte
et al. 2009)
Palaeogeodynamic Evolution
In the Atlasic Maghreb domain, the deposits of the lower Lias (HettangianHet-
tangian) correspond to the construction of an initial platform. These platform
deposits are diachronous from NE towards the SW, according to the progressive
advance of the western Tethys.
The early Sinemurian (Lotharingian) corresponded to a stage of rifting,
responsible for the division of the Liassic carbonate platform, and creating the first
structural imprint and forming the first palaeogeographical differentiation. This
division was accompanied by eustatic rises that accompanied the rifting of Tethys
and the opening of the Atlantic.
The Lower and Middle Jurassic of the Western Mediterranean Tethys 701
Fig. 2 Major formal Lower and Middle Jurassic Lithostratigraphic units: a along the NS
transect trough the Middle and High Atlas (Sadki, present work); b along the NWSE transect
Saharian Atlas (Elmi et al. 1998, modified); c in the Tunisian Trough Dorsale and NS Axis
(Soussi et al. 2000, modifed)
702 D. Sadki et al.
During the middle Lias (Pliensbachian), under the combined influence of tec-
tonics and eustatic processes, a differentiation occurred in the main palaeogeo-
graphical domains of the Atlasic Maghreb domain, in which diverse carbonate
deposits are found.
The senescence of western Atlasic basins was caused by the slowing down and
stopping of the extension of the Maghreb Tethys. This brought about the filling of
depressions by sandstones and continental red marls during the Bathonian. This
evolution was brought forward in the Tunisian Atlas, which remained under
marine influence until the Tithonian. The Tithonian corresponds to the regression
near the end of the Jurassic giving way to a general continentalisation.
In the evolution established here for the Atlasic Maghreb domain, the inferred
spatiotemporal distribution of palaeogeographical elements as well as sedimen-
tation patterns indicate that the onset of LiassicDogger deposition was controlled
by general fluctuations in sea level and tectonic activity related to Tethyan rifting
and the opening of the Atlantic.
Elmi, S., Almeras, Y., Ameur, M., Bassoullet, J. P., Boutakiout, M., Benhamou, M., et al. (1998).
Stratigraphic and palaeogeographic survey of the Lower and Middle Jurassic along a north
south transect in western Algeria. In S. Crasquin-Solleau, E. Barrier (Eds.). Pri-Tthys
Memoir. 4: Epicratonic basins of Peri-Tethyan platforms (Vol. 179, pp. 145211). France:
Mmoires du Musum National dHistoire Naturelle.
Frizon de Lamotte, D., Leturmy, P., Missenard, Y., Khomsi, S., Ruiz, G., Saddiqi, O., et al.
(2009). Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertical movements in the Atlas system (Algeria, Morocco,
Tunisia): An overview. Tectonophysics, 475, 928.
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du Moyen Atlas marocains. ATEIG-GFEJ International Workshop sur le Jurassique de la
marge maghrbine de la Tthys (pp. 1620), Tunis.
Soussi, M., Mangold, C., Enay, R., Boughdiri, M., & Ben Ismail, M. H. (2000). Le Jurassique
infrieur et moyen de la Tunisie septentrionale; corrlations avec laxe Nord-Sud et
palogographie. Geobios, 33(4), 437446.