Differential Diagnosis List For Various Conditions
Differential Diagnosis List For Various Conditions
Differential Diagnosis List For Various Conditions
Hodgkins disease Connective Tissue Disease Vasodilators (especially CCBs)
Chronic lymphoytic RA, SLE Refeeding edema
leukemia, Drugs
Cirrhosis with portal hypertension - Phenytoin, hydrallazine, Decreased oncotic pressure
- allopurinol Hypoalbuminemia
Causes of Hepatsplenomealy Other Hormonal
List is essentially the same as - Sarcoidosis hypothyroidism
splenomegaly alone. Common exogenous steroids
causes include Localized Lynphadenopahy pregnancy
- Chronic leukemias estrogen
- Lymphoproliferative disorders Causes of Ascites
- Cirrhosis with portal HTN Portal (SAAG > 1.1g/dL)
- Myelofibrosis Exudative (Protein > Causes of Jaundice
2.5g/L) Unconjugated
Causes of Palpable Kidneys o Budd-Chiari Prehepatic
Thin individual o CCF Hemolytic anemia
AD Polycystic kidney disease Transudative (Protein < - Sickle Cell Anemia -
Maligancy 2.5g/dL) - Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Renal Cell Cancer o Cirrhosis - Hereditary Elliptocytosis
- Wilms Tumour o Hepatic failure Gilberts syndome
(Nephroblastoma) Non-Portal (SAAG < 1.1g/dL) Hematoma resorption
Hydronephrosis (Can be Exudative (Protein >
bilateral rarely) 2.5g/dL) Conjugated
Renal Cyst / Abscess o Intra-abdominal Hepatic
Amyloidosis (Can be bilateral Viral Hepatits A B, C
rarely) o Intra-abdominal Leptospirosis
Hypertrophy of a single infection e.g. Tb Hepatic Abscess
functioning kidney o Pancreatitis Post Hepatic
Nephropathy Choledocholithiasis
Transudative (Protein <
o HIV Ascending Cholangitis
o Sickle cell o Nephrotic Sclerosing cholangitis
o Diabetes Pancreatits
o Protein-losing Cancer at head of Pancreas or
Iliac Fossa Ampule
Renal Transplant (May have
o Severe Methastatic cancer
cushinoid features 2nd to steroids Foreign body in CBD eg. worm
malnutrition with
Generalized Lymphadenopathy anasarca Causes of Tachpnea/SOB
Infection Cardiovascular
Viral Causes of Local Edema
acute MI
-HIV, Ebstein Barr virus, inflammation /infection
venous or lymphatic obstruction CHF/LV failure
CMV, Measles, Mumps,
thrombophlebitis aortic stenosis
Rubella, Viral Hepatitis,
Bacterial chronic lymphangitis mitral stenosis
- IE, Tb, Syphilis resection of regional lymph elevated pulmonary venous
Fungal nodes pressure
- Histoplasmosis filariasis
Protozoal Respiratory
-Toxoplasmosis, Airway disease
Some Causes of Generalized Edema
- Filariasis Increased hydrostatic pressure asthma
- Leishmaniasis Increased fluid retention COPD exacerbation
Malignancy Cardiac causes e.g. CHF upper airway obstruction
o Leukaemia Hepatic causes e.g. (foreign body, mucus
-ALL, CLL cirrhosis plugging, anaphylaxis)
o Lymphoma Renal causes e.g. acute Parenchymal lung disease
-Hodgkins, Non-Hodgkins and ARDS
Metastatic Solid Tumour chronic renal failure pneumonia
interstitial lung disease Idiopathic pulmonary 50% asymptomatic (most of
Pulmonary vascular dis. hemosiderosis these are benign); when
PE Vascular Disease symptomatic, 50% are
pulmonary HTN PE malignant
pulmonary vasculitis Elevated pulmonary venous chest pain, cough, dyspnea,
Pleural disease pressure: recurrent respiratory infections
pneumothorax LVF hoarseness, dysphagia,
pleural effusion Mitral stenosis Horners syndrome,
Vascular malformation facial/upper extremity edema
Neuromuscular and chest wall disorders Miscellaneous (SVC compression)
C-spine injury Impaired coagulation paraneoplastic syndromes (e.g.
polymyositis, myasthenia gravis, Pulmonary endometriosis myasthenia gravis (thymomas))
Guillain-Barri syndrome
kyphoscoliosis Mediastinal Mass Investigations
Severe anemia Etiology and Pathophysiology CXR (compare to previous)
CT with contrast (provides
Causes of Cough diagnosis is made by location information regarding anatomic
Airway Irritants and patients age location, density, relation to
Inhaled smoke, dusts, fumes anterior compartment mediastinal vascular structures)
Aspiration astric contents (sternum to anterior border of MRI specifically indicated
(GERD) pericardium) - more likely to be in the evaluation of neurogenic
Oral secretion malignant tumours
Foreign body o 5 Ts Thymoma ultrasound (best for assessment
Thyroid enlargement of structures in close proximity
Postnasal drip
(goiter) to the heart and pericardium)
Airway Disease
Teratoma radionuclide scanning 131I
URTI including postnasal drip
Thoracic aortic (for thyroid), Gallium (for
and sinusitis aneurysm lymphoma)
Acute or chronic bronchitis Tumours (lymphoma, biochemical studies thyroid
Bronchiectasis parathyroid, function, serum calcium,
Neoplasm esophageal, phosphate, parathyroid
External compression by node angiomatous) hormones, AFP, beta-hCG
or mass lesion o lymphoma, lipoma, biopsy (mediastinoscopy,
Asthma pericardial cyst percutaneous needle aspiration)
COPD middle compartment (anterior
Parenchymal Disease to posterior pericardium) Management
Pneumonia o pericardial cyst,
Lung abscess bronchogenic
depends on the diagnosis
Interstitial lung disease decide if the lesion should be
lymphoma, lymph
CHF node enlargement, excised (most isolated benign
Drug-induced (e.g. ACE inhibitor) aortic aneurysm masses should be removed)
posterior compartment needle aspiration of suspected
Differentials of Hemoptysis benign cystic lesion
(posterior pericardium to
Airway Disease resection via minimally
vertebral column)
Acute or chronic bronchitis o neurogenic tumours, invasive video assisted
Bronchiectasis meningocele, enteric procedures (bronchogenic
Bronchogenic CA cysts, lymphomas, cysts, localized neurogenic
Bronchial carcinoid tumour diaphragmatic hernias, tumours)
Parenchymal Disease esophageal tumour, exploration via sternotomy or
Pneumonia aortic aneurysm thoracotomy
TB diagnostic biopsy rather than
Lung abscess major operation if mass is
Miscellaneous: likely to be a lymphoma, germ
Goodpastures syndrome cell tumour, or unresectable
Signs and Symptoms
invasive malignancy
post-op chest pain (45%) o most often associated
radiotherapy/chemotherapy if hemoptysis (35%) with SCLC
malignant other pain (25%)
clubbing (21%) Investigations
Bronchogenic Cancer constitutional signs: anorexia,
weight loss, fever, anemia initial diagnosis
Pathological Classification o imaging: CXR, CT
Presentation by Location of chest + upper
bronchogenic cancer (90% of Tumour Extension abdomen, PET scan,
primary lung cancers) (for bone scan
characteristics, see Table 24 o cytology: sputum
lung, hilum, mediastinum,
below) o biopsy: bronchoscopy,
pleura: pleural effusion,
o classified into small atelectasis, wheezing percutaneous,
cell lung cancer mediastinoscopy
pericardium: pericarditis,
(SCLC) and non- staging work-up
pericardial tamponade
SCLC (NSCLC i.e. o blood work: LFTs,
esophageal compression:
adenocarcinoma, calcium, ALP
squamous cell, large o imaging: CXR, CT
cell), phrenic nerve: paralyzed
thorax and abdomen,
bronchioalvelolar diaphragm
bone scan,
cancer (BAC) recurrent laryngeal nerve: neuroimaging
o incidence of hoarseness o invasive:
adenocarcinoma is superior vena cava syndrome: bronchoscopy,
increasing obstruction of SVC causing mediastinoscopy,
lymphoma neck and facial swelling, as mediastinotomy,
secondary metastases: breast, well as dyspnea and cough thoracotomy
colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, o other symptoms
stomach, cervix, rectum, testes, associated with SVC Therapy for Bronchogenic
bone, melanoma compression: Cancer
hoarseness, tongue
swelling, epistaxis,
Risk Factors chemotherapy (no role for
and hemoptysis
o physical findings chemo alone, only in
cigarette smoking: 85% of lung include dilated neck combination with other
cancer related to smoking veins, increased treatments)
asbestos 5x increased risk, number of collateral o cisplatin and etoposide
asbestos + smoker 80-90x veins covering the o paclitaxel, vinorelbine,
increased risk anterior chest wall, and gemcitabine are
radiation: radon, uranium cyanosis, edema of the new NSCLC therapies
(especially if smoker) face, arms, and chest, o new biologics, e.g.
arsenic, chromium, nickel Pembertons sign epidermal growth
genetic damage o milder symptoms if factor inhibitor
obstruction is above (Gefitinib)
parenchymal scarring:
the azygos vein o complications:
granulomatous disease, fibrosis,
lung apex (Pancoast tumour): acute: tumour
Horners syndrome, brachial lysis
passive exposure to cigarette
plexus palsy, most commonly syndrome,
smoke infection,
C8 and T1 nerve roots
air pollution: exact role is bleeding,
rib and vertebrae: erosion
uncertain myelosuppres
distant metastasis to brain,
HIV sion,
bone, liver, adrenals
paraneoplastic syndromes
Signs and Symptoms cystitis
o a group of disorders
associated with amide),
cough (75%); beware of malignant disease, not
chronic cough that changes in cardiotoxicity
related to the physical (doxorubicin)
character effects of the tumour , renal
dyspnea (60%) itself
toxicity Transudative Pleural Effusions o esophageal perforation
(cisplatin), Pathophysiology: alteration of (elevated pleural fluid
peripheral systemic factors that affect the amylase)
neuropathy formation and absorption of pleural o pancreatic disease
(vincristine) fluid (i.e. increased capillary (elevated pleural fluid
chronic: hydrostatic pressure, decreased amylase)
neurologic plasma oncotic pressure) o Meigs syndrome
damage, (ascites and
leukemia, etiology hydrothorax
second associated with an
primary congestive heart failure ovarian fibroma or
neoplasms other pelvic tumour
radiotherapy trauma
nephrotic syndrome
surgery o chylothorax: occurs
pulmonary embolism (may
o only chance for cure is when the thoracic duct
cause transudative or exudative
resection when tumour is disrupted and chyle
is still localized accumulates in the
o contraindications if peritoneal dialysis, pleural space, due to
any evidence of local hypothyroidism, CF, trauma, tumour
extension or urinothorax o hemothorax: due to
metastases rupture of a blood
patients with Exudative Pleural Effusions vessel, commonly by
surgically trauma or tumours
resectable Pathophysiology: increased other
disease must permeability of pleural capillaries or o pneumothorax
undergo medi lymphatic dysfunction (spontaneous,
astinal node traumatic, tension)
sampling etiology o pleural thickening
since CT (chronic infection,
thorax is not neoplasm,
accurate inflammatory)
o parapneumonic
in 20-40% of
cases effusion (associated
with bacterial Appearance of Fluid
pneumonia, lung
abscess Bloody - trauma, malignancy
status (i.e.
o empyema (bacterial, White - chylothorax, empyema
unable to
fungal, TB), TB Black - aspergillosis, amoebic liver
pleuritis, viral abscess
resection of
infection Yellow-green - rheumatoid pleurisy
Viscous - malignant mesothelioma
palliative care for end-stage
malignancy Ammonia odour - urinothorax
disease Food particles - esophageal rupture
o lung carcinoma (35%)
Analysis of Pleural Effusion
o lymphoma (10%)
Protein, LDH - transudate vs.
Pleural Effusion o metastases: breast
Light's criteria - a pleural effusion is (25%), ovary, kidney
likely exudative if at least one of the mesothelioma Gram stain, Ziehl-Nielsen stain
following exists: (TB), culture - looking for
1. The ratio of pleural fluid specific organisms
o collagen vascular
protein to serum protein is Cell count differential -
diseases: RA, SLE
greater than 0.5 neutrophils vs. lymphocytes
o pulmonary embolism,
2. The ratio of pleural fluid LDH (lymphocytic TB, lymphoma)
after coronary artery
and serum LDH is greater than Cytology - malignancy,
bypass surgery
0.6 infection
3. Pleural fluid LDH is greater Glucose (low) RA, TB,
o subphrenic abscess
than 2/3 times the normal upper empyema, malignancy,
limit for serum esophageal rupture
Rheumatoid factor, ANA, thoracentesis: indicated if Characterized by decreased
complement - collagen pleural effusion is a new lung compliance and lung
vascular disease finding volumes
Amylase - pancreatitis, o risk of re-expansion Differential diagnosis includes
esophageal perforation, pulmonary edema if 2 interstitial lung disease,
malignancy L of fluid is removed neuromuscular disease, chest
pH - empyema <7.2, TB and o inspect for colour, wall disease, pleural disease,
mesothelioma <7.3 character, and odour of and parenchymal disease
Blood - mostly traumatic, fluid (pulmonary fibrosis)
malignancy, PE with infusion, o analyze fluid
TB pleural biopsy: indicated if Flow rate
Triglycerides - chylothorax suspect TB, mesothelioma, or FEV1 - decreased or N
from thoracic duct leakage, other malignancy (and if FVC - decreased
mostly due to trauma, lung CA, cytology negative) FEV1/FVC - increased or N
or lymphoma U/S: detects small effusions FEF25-75 - increased or N
and can guide thoracentesis
Signs and Symptoms treatment depends on cause, Lung Volumes
drainage if symptomatic TLC - decreased
CT can be helpful in FRC - decreased
dyspnea: varies with size of VC - decreased
effusion and underlying lung differentiating parenchymal
from pleural abnormalities RV - decreased
function RV/TLC - N
pleuritic chest pain
often asymptomatic Treatment
inspection: trachea deviates thoracentesis Asthma Controlled?
away from effusion, ipsilateral treat underlying cause daytime symptoms <4 days/wk
decreased expansion no asthma-related absence from
percussion: decreased tactile work/school
Obstructive Lung Disease
fremitus, dullness night-time symptoms, <1
Characterized by obstructed
auscultation: decreased breath night/wk
airflow, decreased (decreased
sounds, bronchial breathing and beta-2 agonist use <4 times/wk
FEV1 ) flow rates (most marked
egophony at upper level, normal physical activity
during expiration), air trapping
pleural friction rub FEV1 or PEF >90% of personal
(increased RV/TLC), and
hyperinflation (increased FRC, best
TLC) mild, infrequent exacerbations
Differential diagnosis includes PEF diurnal variation <10-15%
Investigations asthma, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), Risk Factors for Poor Asthma
CXR cystic fibrosis (CF), and Control
o must have >250 ml of bronchiectasis
pleural fluid for Previous Non-Fatal Episodes
visualization Flow rate night time symptoms >1
o lateral: small effusion FEV1 - decreased night/week
leads to blunting of FVC - decreased frequent ER visits
posterior costophrenic FEV1/FVC - decreased ICU admission
angle FEF25-75 - decreased prior intubation
o PA: blunting of lateral Omnious Features
costophrenic angle Lung Volumes use of beta2 agonists >3
o dense opacification of TLC - decreased times/day
lung fields with FRC - decreased loss of consciousness
concave meniscus VC - decreased during asthma attack
o decubitus: fluid will RV - decreased silent chest
shift unless it is RV/TLC - N
FEV1 or PEF (peak
loculated expiratory flow) <60%
o supine: fluid will Restrictive Lung Disease
limited activities of daily
appear as general
Asthma Signs and Symptoms dyspnea ( exertion) Smoking cessation: nicotine
tachypnea, minimal cough replacement
wheezing, tachypnea vaccination: influenza
chest tightness, decreased exercise tolerance prophylaxis, pneumovax
Signs home oxygen: to prevent cor
cough (especially nocturnal),
pink skin pulmonale and decrease
sputum production pursed-lip breathing mortality if used >15 hrs/day -->
accessory muscle use indications: PaO2 <55 mmHg;
Red Flags in Asthma cachectic appearance due to O2 saturation <89% consistently
fatigue anorexia + increased work of
silent chest breathing Symptomatic relief
hyperinflation/barrel chest, Bronchodilators: mainstay of
diminished expiratory effort
hyperresonant percusion current drug therapy, used in
Decreased LOC decreased breath sounds combination
silent chest decreased diaphragmatic Anticholinergics (e.g.
excursion ipratropium bromide,
Respiratory Distress in Asthma Investigations tiotropium bromide)
inability to speak PFT: Short acting beta2-agonists
nasal flaring, decreased FEV1, decreased (e.g. salbutamol, terbutaline)
tracheal tug FEV1/FVC Long acting beta2-agonists
cyanosis increased lung volume (e.g. salmeterol, formoterol)
decreased DCO
accessory muscle use, may delay hospitalization
intercostal indrawing Theophylline increases
increased AP diameter
pulsus paradoxus collateral ventilation,
flat hemidiaphragm (on
mucociliary clearance, and may
lateral CXR)
Ventolin (Salbutomo) in Asthma reduce airway inflammation;
decreased heart shadow
Adult used as 4th line
increased retrosternal space
2.5-5 mg via hand-held nebulizer or Side effects include:
metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with nervous tremor, nausea
decreased peripheral
spacer (holding chamber) q20min /vomiting/diarrhea,
vascular markings
for 3 doses, then 2.5-10 mg q1-4h tachycardia, arrhythmias,
prn; dilute 2.5 mg in 3-4 mL of sleep changes, headache,
Bronchitis (Blue Bloater)
saline or use premixed nebules gastric acid, toxicity
chronic productive cough
Pediatric Corticosteroids
purulent sputum
0.15 mg/kg (minimum dose 2.5 hemoptysis chronic treatment of COPD
mg) via hand-held nebulizer or Signs with systemic glucocorticoids
using a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) mild dyspnea initially should be avoided
with spacer (holding chamber) cyanotic (2o to hypoxemia and COPD airways are usually
q20min for 3 doses, then 0.15-0.3 hypercapnia) inflamed, but not generally
mg/kg up to 10 mg q1-4h prn peripheral edema from RVF (cor responsive to steroids
pulmonale) inhaled steroids used in
crackles, wheezes spirometric responsive
Atrovent (Ipratropium) in Asthma prolonged expiration if symptomatic patients. Trial of 6
Adult obstructive wks to 3 months. If FEV1
Nebulizer: 0.5 mg q20min for 3 frequently obese improves 20%, inhaled steroids
doses then prn can be used in the long term.
MDI: 8 puffs q20min prn up to 3 h Investigations However, long term benefits
Pediatric PFT: decreased FEV1, decreased have yet to be determined.
Nebulizer: 0.25-5 mg q20min for 3 FEV1/FVC, N TLC, Consider use in patients with
doses, then prn increased or N DCO FEV1 <35% (GOLD
MDI: 4-8 puffs q20min up to 3 h CXR: AP diameter normal guidelines)
increased bronchovascular
markings enlarged heart surgical treatment
Emphysema (Pink Puffer) with cor pulmonale
lung reduction surgery:
Symptoms Treatment of Stable COPD bullectomy of emphysematous
Prolong survival parts of lung to improve
ventilatory function, associated nodular, or organic antigens
with higher mortality in certain reticulonodular pattern (hypersensitivity
risk groups (FEV1 <20%) (nodular <3 mm), pneumonitis)
o lung transplant Kerley B lines,
Others adenopathy
o diffuse ground-glass
appearance early in
patient education, eliminate
disease progresses to
respiratory irritants/allergens honey-combing late in
(occupational/environmental), disease DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF
exercise rehabilitation to o DDx: pulmonary RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS
improve physical endurance Characterized by decreased PaCO2
fibrosis, interstitial
secondary to hyperventilation
pulmonary edema
Causes of interstitial Lung (CHF), PCP, TB
Disease Hypoxemia
(miliary), sarcoidosis,
Upper Lung Disease pneumoconiosis, pulmonary disease (pneumonia,
Farmer's lung lymphangitic edema, PE, interstitial fibrosis)
Ankylosing spondylitis carcinomatosis severe anemia
Sarcoidosis o DDx of cystic lesions: heart failure
Silicosis end-stage emphysema, high altitude
Neurofibromatosis PCP, histiocytosis X, Respiratory centre stimulation
TB (miliary) lymphangiomyomatosi CNS disorders
s hepatic failure
Eosinophilic granuloma
PFTs Gram-negative sepsis
o restrictive pattern: drugs (ASA, progesterone,
Lower Lung Disease
decreased lung theophylline, catecholamines,
Bronchiolitis obliterans with
volumes (VC and psychotropics)
organizing pneumonia (BOOP)
TLC) and compliance pregnancy
Asbestosis o normal or increased
Drugs (nitrofurantoin, anxiety
FEV1/FVC (>70-
hydralazine, INH, amiodarone, 80%), i.e. flow rates pain
many chemo drugs) are actually normal or mechanical hyperventilation
Aspiration supernormal when (excessive mechanical
Scleroderma corrected for absolute ventilation)
Hamman Rich (interstitial lung volume
pulmonary fibrosis)
less surface area for RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS
Rheumatologic disease
gas exchange Characterized by increased PaCO2
pulmonary vascular secondary to hypoventilation
Signs and Symptoms
respiratory centre depression
SOB, especially on exertion (decreased RR)
o initially may be
dry crackles drugs (anesthesia, sedatives,
dry cough narcotics)
o with progression of
cyanosis trauma
disease, hypoxemia
clubbing (only in IPF and and decreased PaCO2 increased ICP
asbestosis) may be present encephalitis
features of cor pulmonale Other stroke
note that signs and symptoms o bronchoscopy, central apnea
vary with underlying disease bronchoalveolar supplemental O2 in chronic
process lavage, lung biopsy CO2 retainers (i.e. COPD)
o c-ANCA (Wegners), Neuromuscular disorders (decreased
Investigations anti-GBM TV)
(Goodpastures), ESR, myasthenia gravis
ANA (lupus), RF Guillain-Barr syndrome
CXR/high resolution CT
(RA), serum- poliomyelitis
o decreased lung precipitating
volumes, reticular, muscular dystrophies
antibodies to inhaled
ALS Maintenance factors (2[Na] + glucose + urea);
myopathies volume depletion: increased normal = 10
chest wall disease (obesity, proximal reabsorption of
kyphoscoliosis) NaHCO3 and increased 5. If anion gap is increased, is the
Airway obstruction (asthma, foreign aldosterone change in bicarbonate the same as
body) (decreased FEV) hyperaldosteronism (1o or 2o): the change in anion gap?
Parenchymal disease distal Na reabsorption in
COPD exchange for K and H excretion if not, consider a mixed picture
pulmonary edema leads to HCO3 generation,
aldosterone also promotes
pneumothorax Ventilatory Failure
pneumonia Wont Breathe
hypokalemia: transcellular K/H
pneumoconiosis respiratory centre depression
exchange, stimulus for hypothyroid
acute respiratory distress ammoniagenesis and HCO3
syndrome (ARDS) sleep apnea
generation Cant Breathe
Mechanical hypoventilation
(inadequate mechanical ventilation) neuromuscular disorders
airway obstruction
Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis parenchymal disease
MUDPILES Approach to Acid-Base Status
Uremia 1. What is the pH acidemic (pH
Diabetic ketoacidosis Causes of Tachcardia/Palpitations
<7.35), alkalemic (pH >7.45), or Cardiac
Paraldehyde normal (pH 7.35-7.45)
Isopropyl alcohol / Iron / INH arrhythmias (PAB, PVB, SVT,
Lactic acidosis VT)
2. What is the primary disturbance? mitral valve prolapse
Ethylene glycol
Salicylates valvular heart disease
metabolic: change in HCO3 and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Causes of Non-Anion Gap pH in same direction Endocrine
Metabolic Acidosis: HARDUP respiratory: change in HCO3 thyrotoxicosis
Hyperalimentation and pH in opposite direction pheochromocytoma
RTA 3. Has there been appropriate Systemic
Diarrhea compensation? (Table 7 below)
Ureteroenteric fistula fever
Pancreaticoduodenal fistula anemia
metabolic compensation occurs Drugs
over 2-3 days reflecting altered tobacco,
Metabolic Alkalosis
renal HCO3
Requires initiating event and caffeine,
maintenance factors alcohol,
Initiating event respiratory compensation
through ventilation control of epinephrine,
GI (vomiting, NG) or renal loss ephedrine,
PaCO2 occurs immediately
of H aminophylline, atropine
inadequate compensation may
exogenous alkali (oral or Psychiatric
indicate a second acid-base
parenteral administration), milk panic attack
alkali syndrome
diuretics (contraction
4. If there is metabolic acidosis, Causes of Bradycardia
alkalosis): decreased excretion
of HCO3, decreased ECF what is the anion gap and osmolar Physiologic
volume, therefore increased gap? Athlete
[ HCO3] Elderly
posthypercapnia: renal anion gap = [Na] - [Cl] - Pathologic
compensation for respiratory [ HCO3]; normal = 10-15 Heart block
acidosis is HCO3 retention, mmol/L Hypothermia
rapid correction of respiratory osmolar gap = measured
disorder results in transient osmolarity calculated
osmolarity = measured Sick sinus syndrome
excess of HCO3
Raised intracranial obesity Rheumatic mitral disease
pressure male, (esp Mitral Stenosis)
Drugs postmenopausal female Aortic Stenosis
-blockers sedentary lifestyle HTN
Ca2+-channel blockers hyperhomocysteinemia Thyrotoxicosis
(Verapamil, Diltiazem) Ischemic heart disease
Digoxin toxicity Sym. & Signs of Left Heart Failure Drugs
dyspnea, orthopnea, PND peripheral o Alcohol
Differentials of Chest Pain fatigue , syncope, systemic CCF, Cardiomyopathy
*can be fatal acutely hypotension, cool extremities Atrial Flutter
Pulmonary slow capillary refill, peripheral
cyanosis, pulsus alternans
pneumonia Causes of Collapsing Pulse
mitral regurgitation, S3
pulmonary embolism (PE)* edema, cough and crackles
pneumothorax/hemothorax* Fever
empyema Sym. & Signs of Left Heart Failure Anemia
pulmonary neoplasm Right heart failure can mimic most Thyrotoxicosis
bronchiectasis of the symptoms of forward left Aortic regurgitation
TB heart failure if decreased RV output Pregnancy
Cardiac leads to LV underfilling). Exercise
MI/angina* Elevated JVP with Abdinal JR and
Kussmauls sign, hepatomegaly Left Parasternal Heave
myocarditis L Atrial enlargement (2nd to severe
tricuspid regurgitation, S3 (right-
pericarditis/Dresslers sided),pulsatile liver MR)
syndrome* RV Enlargement w/ Pulmon. HTN
cardiac tamponade* Complicatons of MI
Severe LV Enlargement
Gastrointestinal ACT RAPID
esophageal: spasm, GERD, Apex beat (location & character)
Arrhythmias (SVT, VT, VF)
esophagitis, ulceration, Tapping Palpable S1 (Think MS)
Congestive cardiac failure
achalasia, neoplasm Thrusting LV Hypertrophy
Thromboembolic disorders eg.
PUD Displaced Dilatation from volume
stroke, (DVT, PE later on)
overload eg. AR, MR R to L shunt
gastritis Rupture (ventricle - Tampanade,
or Cardiomyopathy
pancreatitis septum - VSD, papillary muscle -
Impalpable Obesity, effusion and
biliary colic Regurgitation)
Mediastinal Aneurysm (ventricle)
lymphoma Pericarditis
Palpable P2
Infaction (a second one)
thymoma Pulmonary hypertension
Death/ Dressler's syndrome
Vascular Shock
dissecting aortic aneurysm Features of First heart sound
Surface structures Loud: mitral stenosis,
Precipitants of Heart Failure
costochondritis HTN (common)
Soft: mitral incompetence
rib fracture Endocarditis/environment (e.g. heat
wave) Features of Second heart sound
skin (bruising, shingles)
breast Soft: Aortic or pulmonary stenosis
Rheumatic heart disease and other
valvular disease
Loud: Systemic(A2) or P. HTN (P2)
Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis Thyrotoxicosis Wide Fixed split: ASD
Failure to take meds (very common) Paradoxical Fixed Split: Delayed
Major Arrhythmia (common) LV or early RV emptying
smoking Infection/ischemia/infarction (common)
family history (FHx) of MI Lung problems (PE, pneumonia,
(first degree male relative <55 COPD)
Endocrine (pheochromocytoma, Causes of Mitral regurgitation
or first degree female relative
<60) Ring
Dietary indiscretions (common)
diabetes mellitus (DM) Dilated cardiomyopathy
hypertension (HTN Hypertensive heart disease
Cause Irregularly irregular pulse Ischemic cardiomyopathy
Atrial Fibrillation Leaflet
Mitral valve prolapse Severity gauged by LVD, S3, Syphilitic Aortitis
RHD diastolic flow rumble. Aortic dissection
IE Takayasus aortitis
Chordae Investigations Ankylosing spondylitis,
ECG: LAE, left atrial delay
rupture seronegative arthritides
(bifid P waves), +/- LVH RA, SLE
Papillary muscle
CXR: LVH, LAE, pulmonary Trauma
Ischemia / rupture venous HTN
Connective tissue disease Echo: severity of MR, (LV
Marfans syndome Aortic Incompetence
function - EF, LA/LV),
Mitral Regurge (leaflets flail, vegetations
Card. Cath: Assess coronaries,
assess flow and contours in
LA, Prominent LA V
wave on Swan-Ganz
Treatment Etiology
Asymptomatic: serial Echos, IE Supravalvular:
Annlus LV dilatation/ prophylaxis. Aortic root disease (Marfans,
Symptomatic: decrease preload atherosclerosis & dissecting
aneurysm (CHF, DCM,
(diuretics)and decrease afterload aneurysm, connective tissue
myocarditis), IE abscess, MV
(ACEIs) for severe MR & poor disease)
annulus calcification
surgical candidate; stabilize Valvular:
Leaflets - Congenital cleft
acute MR with vasodilators b/f Congenital (bicuspid AV, large
leaflets, myxomatous
surgery VSD), IE
degeneration (MVP, Marfans
syndrome), RHD, collagen VD
Surgery if: acute MR with CHF, Acute Onset: IE, aortic dissection,
Chordae: acute MI,
papillary muscle rupture, NYHA trauma, failed prosthetic valve
myxomatous degeneration,
class III-IV CHF, AFib, LVEF
Trauma/tear, IE
<60%, increasing LV size, Pathophysiology
Papillary muscle/LV Wall:
earlier surgery if valve Volume overload => LV
repairable dilatation => increased SV, high
aneurysm, HOCM
sBP & low dBP => increased
Surgical Options wall tension => pressure
Valve repair: >75% of pts with overload => LVH (low dBP =>
Reduced CO => increased LV &
MR & myxomatous MV disease decreased coronary perfusion)
LA pressure => LV & LA
(MVP). Annuloplasty rings,
dilatation => CHF & pulmonary
leaflet repair, chordae Symptoms
transfers/shorten/replacement (Usually only becomes
Symptoms symptomatic late in disease
Dyspnea, PND, orthopnea, Valve replacement: failure of when LV failure develops)
palpitations, peripheral edema repair, heavily calcified annulus Dyspnea, orthopnea, PND,
syncope, angina.
Physical Exam Advantage of Repair: low rate of
Displaced, hyperdynamic apex endocarditis, no anticoagulation, Physical Exam
(LV dilataton), +/- left less chance of re-operation Waterhammer pulse, bisferiens
parasternal lift (LAE with MR), pulse, Difference in femoral-
apical thrill Causes of Aortic Incompetence brachial systolic BP > 20 (Hills
Auscultation: holosystolic test wide pulse pressure)
murmur at apex, radiating to hyperdynamic apex, displaced
Left ventricular dilatation PMI, heaving apex
axilla (also sometimes to base
HTN Auscultation: early
or back if jet is directed
Valve decrescendo diastolic murmur
posteriorly) +/- mid-diastolic
rumble (often no MS), S1 RHD at LLSB (cusp See this more
normal or soft, loud S2 (if IE due to RHD) or RLSB (aortic
pulmonary HTN), S3 usually Bicuspid aortic valve root), best heard sitting,
present. Root leaning forward, on full
expiration. Soft S1, absent S2, heard over the femoral artery when (valves not pliable), OS
S3 (late) it is gradually compressed) following loud P2 (heard best
during expiration). Crackles. If
Investigations Duroziez's sign (a double sound pulm. Htn present look for
ECG: LVH, LAE heard over the femoral artery when loud /palpable P2, Pulmonary
CXR: LVH, LAE, aortic root it is compressed distally) Regurge (Graham Steell
dilatation murmur). It may also be
Echo/TTE: Gold standard. Mller's sign (pulsations of uvula) associated with MR and TR.
Quantify AR, leaflet or aortic Long murmur & short A2-
root anomalies. Visualize Austin Flint murmur, a soft mid- Opening snap interval correlate
regurge into LV. diastolic rumble heard at the apical with worse MS
Radionuclide scan: Sensitive to area. It appears when regurgitant jet
decreased LV function (EF from the severe aortic insufficiency Investigations
doesnt increase w/ exercise renders partial closure of the ECG: Normal S rhythm/AFib,
Cath: if >40 yrs and surgical anterior mitral leaflet. LAE (P mitrale), RVH,
candidate - to assess for RAD
ischemic heart disease Mitral Stenosis CXR: L atrial enlargement (LA
Exercise testing: hypotension appendage, double
with exercise contour, carina splaying)
Pulmonary Congestion
Treatment (Kerley B lines), MV
Asymptomatic: serial Echos, calcification, Flattened
afterload reduction (ACEIs if left heart border.
normal LV function) Echo/TTE: Thickened calcified
Symptomatic: avoid exertion, Etiology valve, fused leaflets, LAE,
treat CHF Rheumatic disease most PAP, TR
Surgery if: NYHA class III-IV common cause; Lung carcinoid, Cath: concurrent CAD if >40
CHF, LVEF < 50% with/without Mitral annular calcification, yrs (male) or >50 yrs (female)
symptoms, increasing LV size Lupus. Congenital rarely
Surgical Options Avoid exertion, fever (increased
Valve replacement:Most Cases. Pathophysiology LA pressure), treat AFib (rate
Valve types include mechanical, MS => fixed CO & Left atiral control, cardioversion) and CHF,
bioprosthetic, homograph and enlargement => increased LA increase diastolic filling time
sometimes pulmonary autograph pressure => pulmonary vascular (beta-blockers, digitalis). IE
Valve repair: limited role. repair resistance & CHF; worse with prophylaxis? Anticoagulation
of valves to improve coaptation Afib (no atrial kick), tachycardia previous embolus.
Aortic root replace (Bentall (decreased atrial emptying time)
proced.):when ascending aortic & pregnancy (increased Surgery if: NYHA class III-IV
aneurysm present, valved preload) CHF, failure of medical therapy
conduit used (usually MVA <1.2 cm2),
Symptoms Worstening P Htn, systemic
SOBOE, orthopnea, fatigue, embolization, IE, severe life
Other Signs in Aortic Regurge palpitations, peripheral edema,
Large-volume, 'collapsing' pulse style limitations
malar flush (Pulm. Htn), pinched Surgical Options
also known as: and blue facies (severe MS).
Watson's water hammer pulse Percutaneous balloon
Hemoptysis (late). If TR or RVF valvuloplasty: young rheumatic
Corrigan's pulse (rapid upstroke then hepatic enlargement/pulsatility,
and collapse of the carotid artery pts & good leaflet morphology,
ascites, peripheral edema. asymptom pts with mod-sev
pulse) low diastolic and
increased pulse pressure MS, new-onset AFib, pulmon
Physical Exam HTN
Irregular pulse if AFib ( no A Contraindication: Left atrial
de Musset's sign (head nodding in wave on JVP), left parasternal
time with the heart beat) thrombus, mod-sev MR
lift, palpable diastolic thrill at Open Mitral Commissurotomy:
apex (tapping apex not If mild calcif +leaflet/chordal
Quincke's sign (pulsation of the displaced)
capillary bed in the nail) thickening. Best if valve
Auscultation: mid-diastolic repairable
rumble at apex, best with bell Open Mitral Commissurotomy:
Traube's sign (systolic and diastolic in LLD position following
murmurs described as 'pistol shots' Rarely done in North A.
exertion, No radiation. Loud S1 Above steps have Restenosis in
50% pts in 8yrs LVH, LAE, CHF (later) Pathophysiology
Valve replacement: immobile ECHO: RV dilatation => TR => further
leaflets/mod-sev calcification & Test of choice. Reduced RV dilatation => right heart
severe scarred leaflets, MR valve area (RVA) pressure failure
gradient (PG), LVH,
Aortic stenosis reduced LV function Symptoms
Card Cath: Peripheral edema, fatigue,
Rule out CAD before palpitations
surgery esp. with cases of
angina. Also in inconclusive Physical Exam
ECHO - PG, RVA Large V waves in JVP (CV,
+ve abdomino jugular reflux,
Treatment Kussmauls sign (JVP with
Asymptomatic: inspiration), holosystolic
Causes: Serial Echos, avoid exertion murmur at LLSB accentuated by
Congenital (bicuspid > ?IE prophylaxis inspiration, left parasternal lift,
unicuspid valve), calcification Symptomatic: avoid hepatomegaly +/- systolic
(wear and tear), rheumatic nitrates/arterial dilators & pulsations, edema, ascites
disease ACEIs in severe AS
Surgery if: symptomatic, LV Investigations
Pathophysiology dysfunction or in moderate AS ECG: RAE, RVH, AFib
Outflow obstruction => when other cardiac surgery is CXR: RAE, RV enlargement
increased EDP => concentric done Echo: diagnostic
LVH => LV failure =>
concentric CHF, subendocardial Surgical Options
ischemia Valve replacement : Procedure of
choice. aortic rheumatic valve Preload reduction (diuretics)
disease & trileaflet valve Surgery if: usually only if other
Symptoms surgery needed (e.g. MVR)
Open/Balloon valvuloplasty:
Triad of Exertional angina, Repair may be possible in children.
syncope (fixed CO or Rarely done in adults Temporizing Surgical Options
arrythmias) and dyspnea. PND, in Pregnancy, patient stabilization Annuloplasty, i.e. repair (rarely
orthopnea, peripheral edema or as palliative if people with replacement)
Physical Exam Tricuspid Stenosis
Narrow pulse pressure, brachial- Tricuspid Regurg
radial delay, pulsus parvus et
tardus, sustained PMI RHD
Auscultation: crescendo- I.E. (esp in IV drug abuse)
decrescendo Systolic ejection Pulm HTN
murmur radiating to R
clavicle & carotid (may have Carcinoid syndrome
thrill at neck), musical quality at
Rt ventricular failure Etiology
apex (Gallavardin phenomenon),
thrill in 2nd RICS, S4 (early in Rheumatic disease, congenital,
disease), soft S2 w/paradoxical carcinoid, fibroelastosis; usually
Tricuspid Regurge
splitting, S3 (late) accompanied by MS
Complications: Pathophysiology
Recurrent PE, pulmonary Increased RA pressure => right
infections pneumonia and heart failure => decreased CO
bronchitis, LA thrombus and fixed on exertion
(Systemic embolic to kidney,
brain, spleen, arm) Symptoms
Peripheral edema, fatigue,
Investigations Etiology palpitations
ECG: LVH & strain, LBBB, RV dilatation, IE (IV drug use),
LAE, AFib rheumatic disease, Physical Exam
CXR: post-stenotic aortic root congenital (Ebstein anomaly), Prominent A waves in JVP, +ve
dilatation, calcified valve, carcinoid abdominojugular reflex,
Kussmauls sign, diastolic
rumble 4th left intercostals Percutaneous or open balloon MV displaced into LA during
space valvuloplasty systole; no causal mechanisms
found for symptoms
Investigations Pulmonary Regurge
ECG: RAE Symptoms
CXR: dilatation of RA without Prolonged, stabbing chest pain,
pulmonary artery enlargement dyspnea, anxiety/panic,
Echo: diagnostic palpitations, fatigue, presyncope
infants may initially have a physical exam: early systolic to o natural history:
L>R shunt and therefore are not holosystolic murmur, best spontaneous closure
cyanotic but the RVOTO is heard at left lower sternal common in premature
progressive, resulting in border (LLSB) infants, less common
increasing R>L shunting with investigations: ECG and CXR in term infants
hypoxemia and cyanosis are normal history: may be asymptomatic
history: hypoxic spells treatment: most close or have apneic or bradycardic
primary pathophysiology is spontaneously, do not need spells, poor feeding, accessory
hypoxia, leading to increased surgical closure even if remains muscle use
pulmonary vascular resistance patent physical exam: tachycardia,
(PVR) and decreased systemic bounding pulses, hyperactive
resistance, occurring in Moderate-to-large VSD precordium, wide pulse
exertional states (e.g. crying, pressure, continuous
exercise) machinery murmur, best heard
natural history: secondary at left infraclavicular area
paroxysm of rapid and deep
pulmonary hypertension, CHF
breathing, irritability and crying investigations:
by 2 months of age
hyperpnea, increasing cyanosis o ECG: may show LAH,
history: delayed growth and
often leading to deep sleep and LVH, BVH
development, decreased
decreased intensity of murmur o CXR: normal to
exercise tolerance, recurrent
(decreased flow across mildly enlarged heart,
URTIs or asthma
RVOTO) increased pulmonary
episodes, CHF
peak incidence at 2-4 months of vasculature, prominent
physical exam: holosystolic
age pulmonary artery
murmur at LLSB with thrill, o diagnosis by
o if severe may lead to mid-diastolic rumble at apex,
seizures, loss of echocardiography
size of VSD is inversely related
consciousness, death (Echo)
to intensity of murmur
(rare) treatment:
o management: O2, o indomethacin
o ECG: left ventricular
knee-chest position, (Indocid) PGE1
hypertrophy (LVH),
fluid bolus, morphine antagonist (PGE1
left atrial hypertrophy
sulfate, propanolol maintains
(LAH), RVH ductus arteriosus
o CXR: increased
physical exam: patency) in premature
pulmonary infants if necessary
single loud S2 due to severe vasculature,
pulmonary stenosis (i.e RVOTO) o catheter or surgical
cardiomegaly, CHF closure if PDA is
treatment: treatment of CHF contributing to
and surgical closure by 1 year respiratory
ECG: RAD, RVH of age
CXR: boot shaped heart (small compromise or
persists beyond 3rd
PA, RVH), decreased Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) month of life
pulmonary vasculature, right
aortic arch (in 20%)
patent vessel between Coarctation of the Aorta (Chilren)
treatment: surgical repair within descending aorta and left
first two years of life, or earlier if pulmonary artery narrowing of aorta almost
marked cyanosis, spells, or severe epidemiology always at the level of the ductus
RV outflow tract obstruction o functional closure arteriosus
within first 15 hours of commonly associated with
life, anatomical bicuspid aortic valve (50%);
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
closure within first Turner syndrome (35%)
days of life few have high BP in infancy
most common congenital heart o 5-10% of all
defect (30-50% of CHD) (160-200 mmHg systolic) but
congenital heart this decreases as collaterals
defects develop
Small VSD (majority) o common in premature if severe, presents with shock in
infants (1/3 of infants the neonatal period when the
history: asymptomatic, normal <1750 grams) ductus closes
growth and development
history: often asymptomatic valvular (90%), subvalvular, or y descent opening of
supravalvular tricuspid valve
physical exam: upper extremity usually part of other congenital ventricular filling
systolic pressures of 140-145 heart lesions (e.g. Tetralogy of
mmHg, decreased blood pressure Fallot) or in association with Raised JVP with normal
and weak/absent pulses in lower other syndromes (e.g. waveform Rt heart
extremities, radial-femoral delay, congenital rubella, Noonan failure; fluid overload
absent or systolic murmur with late syndrome) Raised JVP with absent
peak at apex, left axilla, and left critical pulmonic stenosis: pulsation SVC
back inadequate pulmonary blood obstruction
flow, dependent on ductus for Absent a wave A. Fib
investigations: oxygenation, progressive Large a wave pulm HTN
hypoxia and cyanosis pulm stenosis, tricuspid
ECG-RVH early in infancy, LVH history: spectrum from stenosis
later in childhood asymptomatic to CHF Cannon a wave complete
physical exam: wide split S2 on heart block
prognosis and treatment expiration, SEM at ULSB, CV wave tricuspid
o if associated with pulmonary ejection click regurgitation
other lesions (e.g. investigations:
PDA, VSD) can cause o ECG: RVH
CHF o CXR: dilated post- Lower Motor Exam Check
o complications: stenotic pulmonary List
hypertension artery Look at attitude of limb,
o management: balloon treatment: surgical repair if Neurocutaneous lesion,
arterioplasty or critically ill or severe PS, or if Spontaneous or induced
surgical correction in presence of symptoms in older fasciculations.
symptomatic neonate, infants/children Do clonus at knees as well
give prostaglandins to systemic venous return re-
open up PDA for enters systemic circulation
Causes of Proximal Myopathy
stabilization directly
most prominent feature is
Muscle dystrophy
Aortic Stenosis (children) cyanosis (O2 sat <75%)
differentiate between cardiac
valvular (75%), subvalvular and other causes of cyanosis
(20%), supravalvular and with hyperoxic test
o obtain preductal, right Polymyalgia rheumatica
idiopathic hypertrophic Endocrine
subaortic stenosis (IHSS) (5%) radial ABG in room
air, repeat ABG after Cushings Syndrome
history: often asymptomatic but
the child inspires (including iatrogenic)
may be associated with CHF,
100% oxygen Diabetes Mellitus
exertional chest pain, syncope
or sudden death o if PaO2 improves to Hypothyroidism /
physical exam: SEM at upper greater than 150 Hyperthyroidism
right sternal border (URSB) mmHg, cyanosis less Acromegaly
with aortic ejection click at the likely cardiac in origin Addisons disease
apex survival depends on mixing via Conns syndrome
treatment shunts (e.g. ASD, VSD, PDA) Hyperparathyroidism /
o surgical repair if infant hypoparathyroidism
with critical aortic JVP Metabolic
stenosis or older child A Rt atrial contraction Osteomalacia
with symptoms or
C bulging of tricuspid Hypokalemia
peak gradient >50 Hypercalcemia
valve into Rt atrium on
mmHg Toxic
ventricular contraction
o exercise restriction Alcohol
x descent lowering Rt
required Vitamin E
atrial pressure as tricuspid
ring moves down Organophosphate
Pulmonary Stenosis (Children) V atrial filling Drugs
Amiodarone Causes of a Sensory Level Rheumatoid & vasculitides (SLE,
Vincristine (Sensation is lost below a RA, Polyarteritis nodosa, Sjogrens,
Paraneoplastic particular level) Churg-Strauss)
Carcinomatous Alcohol
Transverse myelitis Paraproteinemia (Multiple
neuromyopathy Spinal cord compression myeloma) / Paraneoplastic (non-
Dermatomyositis Spinal cord tumour metastatic manifestation)
Infectious (HIV, Leprosy, Lyme
Cervical spondylosis
Causes of Spastic Paraparesis disease, diphtheria, tetanus,
Traumatic injury to spinal cord
HAM/TSP Sarcoidosis
Spinal cord compression Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy Thyroid (hypothyroidism)
Multiple Sclerosis
Renal failure
Subacute Combined Oculomotor Nerve
Degeneration of the cord
HIV CN 3 motor nucleus at level of
(Vit B12 def) superior colliculus + Edinger-
Transverse Myelitis Leprosy
Lyme disease Westphal (parasympathetic
Parasagittal Meningioma peripheral fibres) passes b/w
HIV-associated posterior cerebral & superior
myelopathy cerebellar arteries superior
Tabes dorsalis orbital fissure
Inflammatory Ischemia (e.g. Diabetic
Guillain-Barre mononeuropathy)
Causes of Spastic Hemiplegia RA o Pupillary sparing
SLE Compression (e.g. post
CVA Nutritional communication artery
Tumour Vit B1 Deficiency aneurysm)
Brown-Sequard Vit B6 Deficiency
Abducens Nerve
Causes of Flaccid paraparesis Vit B12 deficiency
Vit E Deficiency DM
Poliomyelitis Endocrine HTN
Guillain-Barre Diabetes Mellitus Vasculitis
Motor Neuron Disease Acromegaly
Spina bifida Causes of Facial Weakness
Heavy metal upper motor neuron
Botulism Lead TIA/stroke
Cauda equina syndrome Mercury post-ictal hemiparesis
Flaccid Hemiplegia infection: otitis media,
mastoiditis, Epstein-Barr
Acute CVA Metronidazole virus (EBV), herpes zoster
Plexopathy Methotrexate virus (HZV), Lyme
disease, HIV
Sensory Exam Check List Peripheral Neuropathy (DANG
THE RAPIST) lower motor neuron
Look for Ulcers, U. Cath or Diaper
Do light touch, sharp touch, DM, Uremia
Amyloidosis infection: otitis media,
Proprioception (toe and ankle) mastoiditis, Epstein-Barr
Nutritional (Vit B1, 6, 12 def)
Guillain-Barre virus (EBV), herpes zoster
Causes of Sensory Disturbance virus (HZV), Lyme
Toxins & drugs (lead, mercury,
stroke organophosphate, metronidazole, disease, HIV
tumour isoniazid, ethambutol, vincristine, idiopathic (Bells
multiple sclerosis amiodarone) palsy)
peripheral neuropathies Hereditary (Friedrichs ataxia, sarcoid
B12 deficiency porphyria, Charcot-marie-tooth) neuropathy (DM)
Endocrine (acromegaly) parotid gland
Facial Nerve
Causes of Diplopia CN3/4/6:
Bells palsy
Neuromuscular: Look for pupillary
Ipsilateral LMN facial abnormalities, ptosis, abnormal
cranial nerve III/IV/VI
Bells phenomenon eye movements
palsies (DM, tumour,
trauma, aneurysm)
o If nerve to
brainstem pathology
stapedius is
(stroke, tumour, MS)
myasthenia gravis
Wernicke's encephalopathy
leptomeningeal disease
Causes of Ptosis (e.g. meningitis)
cranial nerve III palsy Guillain-Barr Drug reactions:
myasthenia gravis syndrome (e.g. Miller- Bilaterally dilated fixed pupils
(uni/bilateral) Fisher Variant) with anticholinergics (e.g. atropine,
Horners syndrome Mechanical mushrooms), but also seen in
congenital/idiopathic thyroid ophthalmopathy herniation.
myotonic dystrophy cavernous sinus pathology Bilaterally small fixed pupils with
(bilateral) trauma (e.g. orbital morphine and related drugs, but also
fracture) seen in pontine lesion
Causes of Facial Pain
General Approach to Neuro Exam Horners syndrome = ptosis,
State of Consciousness/Arousal miosis (anisocoria), anhydrosis (due
dental disease to interrupted sympathetic nerve
tic douloureux (Trigeminal Glasgow Coma Scale
Neuralgia) (EVM = 456)
trigeminal neuropathic pain reflexes: responses to pain
CN3 palsy = Ptosis,
(secondary to trigeminal may include decerebrate Eye is down and out, +/-
nerve injury or disease) and decorticate posturing impaired pupillary response
glossopharyngeal neuralgia (suggests structural/compressive
Mental Status Exam cause)
postherpetic neuralgia
appearance, behaviour, CN4 Palsy:
atypical facial pain
mood, affect, speech, Cant intort eye (also depresses
multiple sclerosis thought process, thought and adducts eye. Diplopia esp.
content, perceptions, on downward and inward gaze.
Causes of Vertigo insight, judgement Issues reading, going down
brainstem lesions (stroke, assess as is appropriate stairs
MS) throughout the interview
cerebellar lesions CN 6 Palsy:
vertebrobasilar Cognition Cant abduct eye
insufficiency Mini-Mental Status Exam
drugs/alcohol (MMSE), clock drawing, CN5
peripheral causes Baycrest Neurocognitive Absent corneal reflex may be
Assessment, MOCA CN5 (ophth. N - sensory deficit)
Loss of Vision frontal lobe testing for or CN7 (motor deficit)
Painful perseveration CN7:
Angle Closure Glaucoma Forehead sparing = upper motor
Trauma neuron lesion
Cranial Nerve Examination CN9/10:
Temporal Arteritis
Optic Neuritis Cranial Nerve Interpretation
CN1: Motor examination
Minimal Pain Unilateral loss of smell suggests Inspection:
Retinal detachment interior frontal lobe lesion Bulk, accessory movements,
Central Retinal Artery (avoid irritative stimuli which tremor, fasciculations, etc.
Occlusion stimulate CN5) Tone:
TIA/Stroke Assess for rigidity, spasticity,
Look at optic discs for edema
Pseudotumour cerebri Clonus
and optic atrophy Power:
(0-5, 0: no contraction, 1:
flicker, 2: active movement Sensory Examination Where is the Lesion ?
with gravity eliminated, 3: posterior columns Cortex and internal Capsule
active movement against vibration, Contralateral sensory & motor
gravity, 4-,4, 4+: active proprioception, deficits
movement against gravity and light touch)
resistance, 5: full power) Spinothalamic Cortical lesions:
Reflexes: Associated with aphasia,
0 to 4+, 0: absent with neglect, extinction,
reenforcement, 1+: reduced, 2+: temperature graphaesthesia, visual loss
normal, 3+: increased, 4+: Cortical sensation (higher level dysfunctions) and
clonus present) graphesthesia, astereognosia
stereognosis, Internal capsule lesions:
extinction, Associated with pure motor,
Motor System Interpretation 2-point discrimination pure sensory losses,
Ataxia may be due to cerebellar incoordination, absence of
disease, proprioceptive abnormality cortical features
finger to nose, Common causes:
Ataxia with eyes closed only is a Seizure disorder (cortex only)
positive Rombergs sign suggesting heel to shin,
a loss of joint position rapid alternating
sense/peripheral neuropathy. movements
Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia
Ataxia with eyes open or closed Stance & Gait Coordination Problems
suggests cerebellar disease Romberg, Cerebellar Lesions:
tandem gait Abnormal intentional
Pronator drift - Suggests Movements. Clumsiness,
hemiparesis or loss of position sense Sensory Exam Interpretation unsteadiness, vertigo.
Hemisensory loss - with sensory Tandem gait impairment,
Spasticity - Indicates upper motor level or dissociation loss suggests nysatagmus, abnormal heel
neuron disease spinal cord lesion to shin, dysdiadockinesis,
abnormal finger to nose and
Atrophy and fasciculations Symmetrical distal sensory loss rapid alternating movements
-Indicates lower motor neuron suggests polyneuropathy
disease Basal Ganglia:
Loss of vibration sense suggests Tremor, bradykinesia,
Cogwheel rigidity - is seen in peripheral neuropathy or posterior cogwheel rigidity,
extrapyramidal processes (e.g. column lesion involuntary movements
Parkinsons Disease)
Impaired graphesthesia and Common Causes:
Symmetrical weakness of proximal stereognosis with intact primary Cerebellar degeneration
muscles suggests myopathy; of sensation indicates parietal lesion Parkinsons disease
distal muscles suggests Stroke
polyneuropathy Other Stuff
Dolls movement, if absent, Brainstem (unilateral)
Reflexes Interpretation suggests pons or midbrain lesion or Midbrain CN 3-4
Increased in upper motor neuron very deep coma Pons CN 6-7
disease Medulla CN 8-10
Loss of vestibulo-ocular reflex
Decreased/absent in lower motor with caloric stimulation suggests Bilateral motor abnormalities
neuron disease, myopathies or brain stem lesion or drug toxicity (UMN pattern). Crossed
neuromuscular junction disorders sensory signs (ipsilateral
Absence seizures can be face and contralateral body)
Slow relaxation of knee or ankle precipitated by hyperventilation
reflex is seen in hypothyroidism MIDBRAIN:
Characteristic skin lesions are Diplopia, ptosis, pupillary
Babinski sign suggests an upper seen in neurocutaneaous syndromes changes (large or midposition
motor neuron lesion but may be (e.g. neurofibromatosis, tuberous and unreactive)
seen following a seizure sclerosis complex, Sturge-Weber
syndrome) PONS:
LMN facial weakness, Common Causes: Best Verbal Response
quadriparesis in bilateral pontine Myasthenia gravis 5 = Answers questions appropriately
lesions, pinpoint pupils (why?) Lambert-Eaton syndrome 4 = Confused, disoriented
Botulism 3 = Inappropriate words
MEDULLA: 2 = Incomprehensible sounds
lateral or medial medullary Muscle 1 = No verbal response
syndromes Proximal & symmetrical
muscle weakness Best Motor Response
Common Causes No sensory loss 6 = Obeys commands
Cranial nerve palsies LMN signs wasting, normal 5 = Localizes to pain
Stroke or reflexes, normal or tone 4 = Withdraws from pain
3 = Decorticate (flexion)
Unilteral Spinal Cord Common Causes: 2 = Decerebrate (extension)
Upper Motor neuron signs Muscular dystrophies 1 = No response
Ipsilateral paralysis and Myopathies including
proprioceptive loss polymyositis Acute Confusional states
Sensory level, bowel/bladder Dermatomyositis (delirium)
dysfunction paraparesis I WATCH DEATH"
Contralateral pain-temperature Altered Mental Status Infectious
loss below the level of the Coma Withdrawal from drugs
lesion in Brown-Sequard Diffuse CNS Acute metabolic disorder
syndrome head trauma Trauma
infection CNS pathology
Common Causes : inflammation/ vasculitis Hypoxia
Spinal Cord Syndromes global cerebral ischemia Deficiencies in vitamins
sublcilincal seizure/ post- Endocrinopathies
Nerve Root ictal state Acute vascular insults
Radicular pain (sharp, electric, hypertensive Toxins
radiating) + sensory loss in Heavy metals
dermatome/weakness in Dementia
myotome or absent reflex
diabetic ketoacidosis Other psychiatric
Common Causes: hypoglycemia (e.g. depression)
Nerve root compression electrolyte disturbance
Disk herniation acid-base disturbance Mental Status Exam: ASEPTIC
thiamine deficiency Appearance and behaviour
Peripheral Nerve Systemic Speech
Ipsilateral motor and sensory liver failure Emotion (mood and affect)
deficits along a nerve Perception
renal failures
distribution. Thought content and process
sepsis Insight and judgment
LMN signs power, wasting, Focal CNS Cognition
reflexes, normal or tone) abscess
In Polyneuropathy (distal epidural/ subdural
weakness, glove and stocking hematoma
distribution of sensory loss) Rheumatology
hemorrhage/ aneurysm Demographics: name, age,
Common Causes: hydrocephalus occupation
Neuropathy stroke History
tumour SLE
Neuromuscluar Junction venous occlusion Joint pain (duration &
Proximal & symmetrical severity), swelling, redness,
muscle weakness Glascow Coma Scale warmth
No sensory loss Eyes Open Chest pain
Fatiguability (?Repeated 4 = Spontaneously Photosensitivity
strength testing) 3 = To voice Seizure
Diplopia, ptosis, bulbar 2 = To pain Change in personality
1 = No response Recurrent early pregnancy
Systemic Sclerosis Dry mucous membranes frequency of bowel movements
Cold numbness & pain Dental caries (hyperdefecation)
in fingers; fingertips pale, Arthritis Neurology
then blue proximal muscle weakness,
Parotid gland enlargement
Difficulty swallowing hypokalemic periodic paralysis
RA (common in Orientals)
Oral & genital ulcers GU
Difficulty dressing, undoing Sclera injection &
buttons, washing, opening scant menses, decreased fertility
excessive lacrimation
bottle, opening door (uveitis) Dermatology
Morning stiffness
fine hair, skin moist and warm,
Joint pain (duration & vitiligo, soft nails with
severity), swelling, redness, DDx onycholysis (Plummers nails),
stiffness, warmth Osteoarthritis clubbing (acropachy), palmar
Sjgrens o DIP Heberdens erythema, pretibial mxyedema
Dry eyes nodes MSK
Dry mouth o PIP - Bouchards decreased bone mass, proximal
Difficulty swallowing nodes muscle weakness
Joint pain Gout Hematology
Cold numbness & pain o Gouty tophi 1st leukopenia, lymphocytosis,
in fingers; fingertips pale, metatarsophalang splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
then blue eal joint (occasionally in Gravesdisease
Behets o Signs and Symptoms of
Recurrent painful oral & Hypothyroidism
genital ulcers Counselling Station HISFIRMCAP
1. Introduction Hypoventilation
Blurry vision, periorbital
2. So, what do you know about Intolerance to cold
pain Slow HR
your condition?
Examination 3. [Educate & counsel based on Fatigue
SLE info received prior] Impotence
Malar rash a. Build rapport Renal impairment
Oral ulcers b. Ask if they understand Menorrhagia/amenorrhea
4. Do you have any questions? Constipation
5. [Summarise] So, do you Anemia
Discoid rash Paresthesiaia
remember what we spoke about
alopecia today? ...
Systemic Sclerosis 6. This is a continuous education Hypercalcemia
Taut skin; loss of wrinkling process, unfortunately we cant 1. Calcium = Ca++ uptake
telangiectasia do everything in this session. (milk alkali syndrome)
Sausage-shaped fingers Further counselling will be 2. Hyperparathyroidism (1
Wasting of thenar & necessary & I would hyperparathyroidism is
hypothenar eminences recommend that for your next associated with Ca++)
Loss of pulp of digits visit, you have a family 3. Iatrogenic (drug induced as
member or loved one occurs with thiazides, or
Beaked nose
accompany you. lithium)
Radial furrowing 4. Metastasis (bone and
Oral cavity unable to admit Features of Hyperthyroidism prostate metastasis can
3 of patients own fingers General lead to Ca++)
RA fatigue, heat intolerance, 5. Pagets disease of bone
Arthritis irritability, fine tremor 6. Addisons disease
Swan neck & Boutonnire Cardiovascular 7. Neoplasm as in metastasis
deformities; Z thumb tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, 8. ZE syndrome (MEN I - 1
Ulnar deviation palpitations elderly patients HPT)
Wasting of small muscles may have only cardiovascular 9. Excessive vitamin D intake
symptoms, commonly new onset 10. Excessive vitamin A intake
of hands
atrial fibrillation 11. Sarcoidosis
Rheumatoid nodules
(palpate extensor surface
weight loss with increased Psychiatry
of forearm)
appetite, thirst, increased Multiaxial Assessment
Axis I persistent inability to maintain o tangentiality - speech
o differential diagnosis minimal personal hygiene or is oblique or
of DSM-IV clinical serious suicidal act irrelevant; does not
disorders come back to the
0 Inadequate information original point
Axis II
o personality disorders, o loosening of
mental retardation Mental Status Exam associations - illogical
Axis III shifting between
o general medical topics
General Appearance and
o flight of ideas -
conditions that are Behaviour
potentially relevant to quickly skipping from
the understanding or one idea to another
dress, grooming, posture, gait, where the ideas are
management of the physical characteristics, body
mental disorder marginally connected,
habitus, apparent vs. associated with mania
Axis IV chronological age, facial o word salad - jumble of
o psychosocial and expression (e.g. sad, words lacking
environmental issues suspicious) meaning or logical
Axis V psychomotor activity (agitation, coherence
o global assessment of retardation), abnormal perseveration - repetition of
functioning (GAF, 0 to movements or lack thereof the same verbal or motor
100) incorporating (tremors, akathisia, tardive response to stimuli
effects of axes I to IV dyskinesia, paralysis), attention echolalia - repetition of
level and eye contact, attitude phrases or words spoken by
Axis V: Global Assessment of toward examiner (ability to someone else
Functioning interact, level of co-operation)
thought blocking - sudden
91- Superior functioning in a wide cessation of flow of thought
100 range of activities Speech and speech
rate (e.g. pressured, slowed), clang associations - speech
Absent or minimal symptoms rhythm/fluency, volume, tone, based on sound such as
articulation, quantity, rhyming or punning
If symptoms are present, they spontaneity neologism - use of novel words
71- are transient and expected
80 reactions to psychosocial or of existing words in a novel
Mood and Affect fashion
mood - subjective emotional
Some mild symptoms or some state; in patients own words
61- Thought Content
difficulty but generally affect - objective emotional
functioning well state; described in terms of
suicidal ideation/homicidal
51- Moderate symptoms or quality (euthymic, depressed,
60 difficulty elevated, anxious), range (full,
o low - fleeting
restricted, flat, blunted),
41- thoughts, no
Serious symptoms or difficulty stability (fixed, labile), mood
50 formulated plan, no
congruence, appropriateness,
Some impairment in reality intensity intent
31- o intermediate - more
40 frequent ideation, well
impairment in several areas Thought Process
formulated plan, no
Behaviour is influenced by coherence - coherent, active intent
21- delusions/hallucinations or incoherent o high - persistent
30 serious impairment in logic - logical, illogical ideation and profound
communication/judgment stream hopelessness/anger,
Some danger of hurting self or o goal-directed well formulated plan
others or occasionally fails to o circumstantiality - and active intent,
maintain minimal hygiene or speech that is indirect believes
gross impairment in and delayed in suicide/homicide is the
communication reaching its goal; only helpful option
1- Persistent danger of severely eventually comes back available
10 hurting self or others or to the point obsession - recurrent and
persistent thought, impulse or
image which is intrusive or level of consciousness Differentials of Psychosis
inappropriate orientation: time, place, person primary psychotic disorders:
o cannot be stopped by memory: immediate, recent, schizophrenia,
logic or reason remote schizophreniform, brief
o causes marked anxiety global evaluation of intellect psychotic, schizoaffective,
and distress (below average, average, above delusional disorder
o common themes: average) mood disorders: depression
contamination, intellectual functions: attention, with psychotic features, bipolar
orderliness, sexual, disorder (manic episode with
concentration, calculation,
pathological psychotic features)
abstraction (proverb
doubt/worry/guilt personality disorders:
interpretation, similarities test),
pre-occupations, ruminations language, communication schizotypal, schizoid,
(reflections/thoughts at length) borderline, paranoid, obsessive-
overvalued ideas- unusual/odd compulsive
beliefs that are not of general medical conditions:
patients ability to realize that
delusional proportions tumour, head trauma, dementia,
he or she has a physical or
magical thinking- belief that delirium, metabolic
mental illness and to
thinking something will make it understand its implications substance-induced psychosis:
happen; normal in kids intoxication or withdrawal
ideas of reference- similar to
delusion of reference but the
reality of the belief is
ability to understand
questioned DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
relationships between facts
delusion - a fixed false belief for Schizophrenia
and draw conclusions that
that is out of keeping with a A. characteristic symptoms (active
determine ones action
persons cultural or religious phase): >2 of the following, each
background and is firmly held present for a significant portion of
despite incontrovertible proof Attitude to examiner
time during a 1-month period (or
to the contrary less if successfully treated):
thought Types of Delusions
insertion/withdrawal/broadcasti Persecutory - belief that others are
trying to cause harm delusions **
ng; delusions of control
Delusions of reference - hallucinations **
belief that ones
thoughts/actions are controlled interpreting publicly known disorganized speech (e.g.
by some external source events/celebrities as having direct frequent derailment or
reference to the patient incoherence)
Erotomania - belief that another is grossly disorganized or
Perception in love with you catatonic behaviour
hallucination - sensory Grandiose - belief of an inflated negative symptoms, e.g.
perception in the absence of sense of self-worth or power
external stimuli that is similar affective flattening, alogia
Religious - belief of receiving (inability to speak), or avolition
in quality to a true perception; instructions/powers from a higher
auditory (most common), (inability to initiate and persist
being; of being a higher being in goal-directed activities)
visual, gustatory, olfactory, Somatic - belief that one has a
tactile physical disorder/defect
illusion - misperception of a Nihilistic - belief that things do not **Note: only 1 symptom is required
real external stimulus exist;a sense that everything is if delusions are bizarre or
depersonalization - change in unreal hallucinations consist of a voice
self-awareness such that the keeping a running commentary on
person feels unreal, detached Psychosis the person's behaviour or thoughts,
from his or her body, and/or characterized by a significant or 2 or more voices conversing with
unable to feel emotion impairment in reality testing each other
derealization - feeling that the delusions or hallucinations
world/outer environment is (with/without insight into their B. social/occupational dysfunction:
unreal pathological nature) >1 major areas of functioning
behaviour so disorganized that (work, interpersonal relations, self-
care) markedly below the level
Cognition it is reasonable to infer that
achieved prior to the onset of
reality testing is disturbed
C. continuous signs of disturbance (imitative repetition of neurochemistry - dopamine
for >6 months, including >1 month anothers hypothesis theory: excess
of active phase symptoms; may movements, gestures activity in the mesolimbic
include prodromal or residual or posture) dopamine pathway may
phases disorganized mediate the positive symptoms
o disorganized speech of psychosis (i.e. delusions,
D. schizoaffective and mood and behaviour; flat or hallucinations, disorganized
disorders excluded inappropriate affect speech and behaviour, and
o poor premorbid agitation)
E. the disturbance is not due to the personality, early and neuroanatomy - decreased
direct physiological effects of a insidious onset, and frontal lobe function,
substance or a general medical continuous course asymmetric temporal/limbic
condition (GMC) without significant function, decreased basal
remissions ganglia function; subtle
F. if history of pervasive undifferentiated changes in thalamus, cortex,
developmental disorder, additional o symptoms of criteria A corpus callosum, and
diagnosis of schizophrenia is made met, but does not fall ventricles; cytoarchitectural
only if prominent delusions or into the 3 previous abnormalities
hallucinations are also present for at subtypes neuroendocrinology
least 1 month residual abnormal growth hormone,
o absence of prominent prolactin, cortisol, and
delusions, adrenocorticotropic hormone
hallucinations, neuropsychology global
disorganized speech, defects seen in attention,
paranoid language, and memory suggest
grossly disorganized
o preoccupation with lack of connectivity of neural
or catatonic behaviour
one or more delusions o continuing evidence of networks
(typically persecutory indirect evidence of
disturbance indicated
or grandiose) or geographical variance, winter
by the presence of
frequent auditory season of birth, and prenatal
negative symptoms or
hallucinations viral exposure
two or more
o relative preservation
symptoms in criteria A
of cognitive present in attenuated Management of Schizophrenia
functioning and affect; form
onset tends to be later
in life; believed to pharmacological
have the best Good Prognositic Factors o acute treatment and
prognosis Acute onset maintenance with
Precipitating factors antipsychotics
Good cognitive functioning anticonvulsants
o at least two of: motor
Good premorbid functioning anxiolytics
immobility (catalepsy No family history
or stupor); excessive o management of side
Presence of affective symptoms effects
motor activity Absence of structural brain
(purposeless, not psychosocial
influenced by external o psychotherapy
Good response to drugs
stimuli); extreme Good support system (individual, family,
negativism (resistance group): supportive,
to Etiology - multifactorial: cognitive behavioural
instructions/attempts disorder is a result of interaction therapy (CBT)
to be moved) or between both biological and o assertive community
mutism; peculiar environmental factors treatment (ACT)
voluntary movement o social skills training,
genetic 50% concordance in
(posturing, stereotyped employment
monozygotic (MZ) twins; 40%
movements, prominent programs, disability
if both parents have
mannerisms); benefits
schizophrenia; 10% of
echolalia (repeating o housing (group home,
dizygotic (DZ) twins, siblings,
words/phrases of boarding home,
children affected
anothers speech) transitional home)
or echopraxia
Schizophreniform Disorder treatment: antipsychotics, 30; <24 abnormal 20-24 mild, 10-19
mood stabilizers, moderate, <10 severe
diagnosis: criteria A, D & E of antidepressants
prognosis: between that of See attached Form
schizophrenia are met; an
episode of the disorder lasts at schizophrenia and that of mood
least 1 month but less than 6 disorder
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
for Dementia (Alzheimers Type)
treatment: similar to acute DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
A. the development of multiple
schizophrenia for Delusional Disorder
cognitive deficits manifested by
prognosis: better than both
schizophrenia; begins and ends A. non-bizarre delusions for at least 1. memory impairment
more abruptly; good pre- and 1 month (impaired ability to learn new
post-morbid function information or to recall
B. criterion A for schizophrenia previously learned information)
Brief Psychotic Episode has never been met (though patient 2. >1 of the following
diagnosis: acute psychosis may have tactile or olfactory cognitive disturbances:
(presence of 1 or more positive hallucinations if they are related to o aphasia (language
symptoms in criteria A1-4 of the delusional theme) disturbance)
schizophrenia) lasting from 1 o apraxia (impaired
day to 1 month, with eventual C. functioning not markedly ability to carry out
full return to premorbid level of impaired; behaviour not obviously motor activities
functioning odd or bizarre despite intact motor
can occur after a stressful event function)
or postpartum (see Postpartum D. if mood episodes occur o agnosia (failure to
Mood Disorders) concurrently with delusions, total recognize or identify
treatment: secure duration has been brief relative to objects despite intact
environment, antipsychotics, duration of the delusional periods sensory function)
anxiolytics o disturbance in
prognosis: good, self-limiting, E. the disturbance is not due to the executive functioning
should return to pre-morbid direct physiological effects of a (i.e. planning,
function in about 1 month substance or GMC organizing,
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria subtypes: erotomanic, abstracting)
for Schizoaffective Disorder grandiose, jealous, persecutory,
A. uninterrupted period of illness somatic, mixed, unspecified B. the cognitive deficits in Criteria
during which there is either a major treatment: psychotherapy, A1 and A2 each cause significant
depressive episode (MDE), manic antipsychotics, antidepressants impairment in social or
episode, or a mixed episode prognosis: chronic, unremitting occupational functioning and
concurrent with symptoms meeting represent a significant decline from
course but high level of
criteria A for schizophrenia a previous level of functioning
Secondary Causes of Mood childhoodexperiences:lossof recurrent thoughts of death
Disorders parentbeforeage11,negative (not just fear of dying),
homeenvironment(abuse, recurrent suicidal ideation
infectious: neglect) without a specific plan, or a
encephalitis/meningitis, personality:insecure, suicide attempt or a specific
hepatitis, pneumonia, TB, dependent,obsessional plan for committing suicide
syphilis recentstressors(illness, B. the symptoms do not meet
endocrine: hypothyroidism, financial,legal) criteria for a Mixed Episode
hyperthyroidism, postpartum<6months C. the symptoms cause
hypopituitarism, SIADH clinically significant distress or
metabolic: porphyria, impairment in social,
Wilsons disease, diabetes occupational, or other
vitamin disorders: important areas of functioning
DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Major D. the symptoms are not due to
Wernickes, beriberi, Depressive Episode
pellagra, pernicious anemia the direct physiological effects
collagen vascular diseases: of a substance or a GMC
SLE, polyarteritis nodosa A. >5 of the following E. the symptoms are not better
symptoms have been present accounted for by bereavement,
neoplastic: pancreatic cancer,
during the same 2-week period i.e. after the loss of a loved one,
carcinoid, pheochromocytoma
and represent a change from the symptoms persist for longer
cardiovascular: previous functioning; at least than 2 months or are
cardiomyopathy, CHF, MI, one of the symptoms is either characterized by marked
CVA 1) depressed mood, or 2) loss functional impairment, morbid
neurologic: Huntingtons of interest or pleasure preoccupation with
disease, multiple sclerosis, (anhedonia) Note: Do not worthlessness, suicidal
tuberous sclerosis, degenerative include symptoms that are ideation, psychotic symptoms,
(vascular, Alzheimers) clearly due to a general or psychomotor retardation
drugs: antihypertensives, medical condition, or mood-
antiparkinsonian, hormones, incongruent delusions or Criteria for Depression (>5):
steroids, antituberculous, hallucinations MSIGECAPS
interferon, antineoplastic depressed mood most of the
medications day, nearly every day, as M - Depressed Mood
indicated by either subjective S - Increased/decreased Sleep
Medical Workup of Mood report or observation made by I - Decreased Interest
Disorder others G - Guilt
markedly diminished interest or E - Decreased Energy
routine screening: pleasure in all, or almost all, C - Decreased Concentration
o physical examination activities most of the day, A - Increased/decreased Appetite
o complete blood count nearly every day P - Psychomotor
significant weight loss when agitation/retardation
o thyroid function test not dieting or weight gain, or S - Suicidal ideation
o electrolytes decrease or increase in
o urinalysis, urine drug appetite nearly every day MAJOR DEPRESSIVE
screen insomnia or hypersomnia DISORDER
addtional screening: nearly every day
o neurological psychomotor agitation or DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
retardation nearly every day for Major Depressive Disorder
fatigue or loss of energy nearly (MMD), Single Episode (vs.
o chest x-ray
every day Recurrent)
o electrocardiogram
feelings of worthlessness or A. presence of a single Major
o CT scan Depressive Episode (vs. Recurrent,
excessive or inappropriate guilt
(which may be delusional) which requires presence of two or
Risk Factors for Depression more Major Depressive Episodes; to
nearly every day (not merely
sex:female>male self-reproach or guilt about be considered separate episodes,
age:onsetin2550yearage being sick) there must be an interval of at least
group 2 consecutive months in which
diminished ability to think or
familyhistory:depression, criteria are not met for a MDE)
concentrate, or indecisiveness,
alcoholabuse,sociopathy nearly every day
B. the Major Depressive Episode is secondary to general medical o decreased need for
not better accounted for by condition sleep (e.g. feels rested
Schizoaffective Disorder and is not after only 3 hours of
superimposed on Schizophrenia, psychosocial sleep)
Schizophreniform Disorder, o more talkative than
Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic usual or pressure to
Disorder not otherwise specified psychodynamic (e.g. low self-
keep talking
esteem) o flight of ideas or
cognitive (e.g. negative
C. there has never been a Manic subjective experience
Episode, a Mixed Episode, or a thinking) that thoughts are
Hypomanic Episode. Note: This environmental factors (e.g. job racing
exclusion does not apply if all of the loss, diet (omega 3 fatty acids), o distractibility (i.e.
manic-like, mixed-like, or bereavement, history of abuse) attention too easily
hypomanic-like episodes are co-morbid psychiatric drawn to unimportant
substance- or treatment-induced or diagnoses (e.g. anxiety, or irrelevant external
are due to the direct physiological substance abuse, mental stimuli)
effects of a general medical retardation, dementia, eating o increase in goal-
condition disorder) directed activity
(either socially, at
Features/Specifiers Treatment work or school, or
sexually) or
psychotic with hallucinations biological: antidepressants, psychomotor agitation
lithium, antipsychotics, o excessive involvement
or delusions
anxiolytics, electroconvulsive in pleasurable
chronic - lasting 2 years or
therapy (ECT), light therapy activities that have a
psychological high potential for
catatonic - at least two of: painful consequences
motor immobility; excessive o individual therapy:
(e.g. engaging in
motor activity; extreme psychodynamic,
unrestrained buying
negativism or mutism; interpersonal,
sprees, sexual
peculiarities of voluntary cognitive behavioural
indiscretions, or
movement; echolalia or therapy
foolish business
echopraxia o family therapy
melancholic - quality of mood o group therapy
C. the symptoms do not meet
is distinctly depressed, mood is social: vocational
criteria for a Mixed Episode
worse in the morning, early rehabilitation, social skills (see below)
morning awakening, marked training
D. the mood disturbance is
weight loss, excessive guilt, experimental: deep brain
sufficiently severe to cause
psychomotor retardation stimulation, transcranial marked impairment in
atypical - increased sleep, magnetic stimulation, vagal occupational functioning or in
weight gain, leaden paralysis, nerve stimulation usual social activities or
rejection hypersensitivity relationships with others, or to
postpartum necessitate hospitalization to
seasonal - pattern of onset at DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Manic prevent harm to self or others,
the same time each year (most Episode or there are psychotic features
often in the fall or winter) A. a distinct period of E. the symptoms are not due to
abnormally and persistently the direct physiological effects
Etiology elevated, expansive, or irritable of a substance (e.g. drug of
mood, lasting >1 week (or any abuse, medication, or other
biological duration if hospitalization is treatment) or a general medical
necessary) condition (e.g.
B. during the period of mood hyperthyroidism). Note:
genetic: 65-75% MZ twins; 14-
disturbance, >3 of the Manic-like episodes that are
19% DZ twins following symptoms have clearly caused by somatic
neurotransmitter dysfunction at persisted (4 if the mood is only antidepressant treatment (e.g.
level of synapse (decreased irritable) and have been present medication, electroconvulsive
activity of serotonin, to a significant degree: therapy, light therapy) should
norepinephrine, dopamine) o inflated self-esteem or not count toward a diagnosis of
grandiosity Bipolar I Disorder
Criteria for Mania (>3): GST PAID slight increase in upper thereby causing a disruption in
Grandiosity socioeconomic groups daily functioning
Sleep (decreased need) 60-65% of bipolar patients have anxiety becomes pathological
Talkative family history of major mood when
Pleasurable activities, Painful disorders fear is greatly out of proportion
consequences to risk/severity of threat
Activity response continues beyond
Ideas (flight of) existence of threat or becomes
biological: mood stabilizers,
Distractable generalized to other
anticonvulsants, antipsychotics,
antidepressants, ECT (Note: similar/dissimilar situations
Mixed Episode
Treatment of bipolar depression social or occupational
criterion met for both manic
must be done extremely functioning is impaired
episode and major depressive
cautiously, as a switch from
episode (MDE) nearly every
depression to mania can result. Differential Diagnosis
day for 1 week
Monotherapy with
criteria D and E of manic antidepressants should be
episodes are met endocrine: hyperthyroidism,
psychological: supportive and hypoglycemia,
Hypomanic Episode psychodynamic psychotherapy, hyperadrenalism,
criterion A of a manic episode cognitive or behavioural hyperparathyroidism
is met, but duration is >4 days therapy CVS: congestive heart failure,
criterion B and E of manic social: vocational pulmonary embolus,
episodes are met rehabilitation, leave of absence arrhythmia, mitral valve
episode associated with an from school/work, drug and prolapse
uncharacteristic decline in EtOH cessation, substitute respiratory: asthma,
functioning that is observable decision maker for finances,
pneumonia, hyperventilation
by others sleep hygiene, social skills
metabolic: vitamin B12
change in function is not training, education for family
members deficiency, porphyria
severe enough to cause marked
neurologic: neoplasm,
impairment in social or
occupational functioning or to vestibular dysfunction,
Anxiety Disorders
necessitate hospitalization encephalitis
absence of psychotic features substance-induced: intoxication
Anxiety is a universal human
(caffeine, amphetamines,
characteristic involving tension,
cocaine), withdrawal
apprehension, or even terror, which
(benzodiazepines, alcohol)
serves as an adaptive mechanism to
BIPOLAR I / BIPOLAR II warn about an external threat by
activating the sympathetic nervous Medical Workup of Anxiety
system (fight or flight)
Bipolar I Disorder routine screening: physical
o disorder in which at manifestations of anxiety can
be described along a continuum examination, CBC, thyroid
least one manic or function test, electrolytes,
mixed episode has of physiology, psychology, and
behaviour urinalysis, urine drug screening
occurred additional screening:
o commonly physiology - main brain
structure involved is the neurological consultation, chest
accompanied by at x-ray, electrocardiogram
least 1 MDE but not amygdala; neurotransmitters
involved include serotonin, (ECG), CT scan
required for diagnosis
Bipolar II Disorder cholecystokinin, epinephrine,
o disorder in which norepinephrine, dopamine DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic
there is at least 1 MDE psychology ones perception of Criteria for Generalized
and at least 1 a given situation is distorted Anxiety Disorder
hypomanic episode which causes one to believe it
o no past manic or is threatening in some way
A. excessive anxiety and worry
mixed episode behaviour - once feeling
(apprehensive expectation),
threatened, one responds by occurring more days than not for at
escaping or facing the situation,
Risk Factors least 6 months, about a number of
events or activities (such as work or dose, regular flashback episodes, including
school performance) schedule, long those that occur on awakening
half-life, no prn) or when intoxicated) Note: In
B. the person finds it difficult to o buspirone (tid young children, trauma-specific
control the worry dosing) reenactment may occur
o others: (4) intense psychological
C. the anxiety and worry are SSRIs/SNRI, distress at exposure to internal
associated with >3 of the TCAs, beta- or external cues that symbolize
following 6 symptoms (with at blockers or resemble an aspect of the
least some symptoms present combinations of above traumatic event
for more days than not for the (5) physiological reactivity on
past 6 months). Note: Only one exposure to internal or external
item is required in children cues that symbolize or resemble
an aspect of the traumatic event
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
(1) restlessness or feeling for Post-Traumatic Stress
keyed up or on edge Disorder C. persistent avoidance of stimuli
(2) being easily fatigued associated with the trauma and
numbing of general responsiveness
(3) difficulty concentrating A. the person has been exposed to a
(not present before the trauma), as
or mind going blank traumatic event in which both of
indicated by three (or more) of the
(4) irritability the following were present:
(5) muscle tension
(6) sleep disturbance (1) the person experienced,
(1) efforts to avoid thoughts,
(difficulty falling or witnessed, or was confronted
feelings, or conversations
staying asleep, or restless with an event or events that
associated with the trauma
unsatisfying sleep) involved actual or threatened
death or serious injury, or a (2) efforts to avoid activities,
threat to the physical integrity places, or people that arouse
D. the focus of the anxiety and recollections of the trauma
worry is not confined to of self or others
(2) the person's response (3) inability to recall an
features of an Axis I disorder,
involved intense fear, important aspect of the trauma
such as panic disorder, social
helplessness, or horror. Note: In (4) markedly diminished
phobia, etc.
children, this may be expressed interest or participation in
instead by disorganized or significant activities
E. the anxiety, worry, or (5) feeling of detachment or
agitated behaviour
physical symptoms cause
estrangement from others
clinically significant distress or
B. the traumatic event is (6) restricted range of affect
impairment in social,
occupational, or other persistently re-experienced in one (e.g. unable to have loving
important areas of functioning (or more) of the following ways: feelings)
(7) sense of a foreshortened
(1) recurrent and intrusive future (e.g. does not expect to
F. the disturbance is not due to
distressing recollections of the have a career, marriage,
the direct physiological effects
event, including images, children, or a normal life span)
of a substance or a GMC and
does not occur exclusively thoughts, or perceptions. Note:
during a Mood Disorder, a In young children, repetitive D. persistent symptoms of
Psychotic Disorder, or a play may occur in which increased arousal (not present
Pervasive Developmental themes or aspects of the trauma before the trauma), as indicated by
Disorder are expressed >2 of the following:
(2) recurrent distressing dreams
Treatment of the event. Note: In children, (1) difficulty falling or staying
there may be frightening asleep
dreams without recognizable (2) irritability or outbursts of
psychotherapy, relaxation,
content anger
mindfulness, and CBT
(3) acting or feeling as if the (3) difficulty concentrating
caffeine and EtOH
traumatic event were recurring (4) hypervigilance
avoidance, sleep hygiene (includes a sense of reliving the
pharmacotherapy: (5) exaggerated startle response
experience, illusions,
o benzodiazepines hallucinations, and dissociative
(short term, low
E. duration of the disturbance feeling dizzy, unsteady, o other antidepressants
(symptoms in Criteria B, C, and D) lightheaded, or faint (Trazodone,
is >1 month derealization (feelings of Remeron, MAOIs;
unreality) or depersonalization avoid Wellbutrina)
F. the disturbance causes clinically (being detached from oneself)
significant distress or impairment in fear of losing control or going Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
social, occupational, or other crazy
important areas of functioning fear of dying Agoraphobia - anxiety about being
paresthesias (numbness or in places or situations from which
Treatment tingling sensations), chills or escape might be difficult (or
hot flushes embarrassing) or where help may
CBT - systematic not be available in the event of
desensitization, relaxation (2) at least one of the attacks has having an unexpected panic attack
techniques, thought stopping been followed by 1 month (or
pharmacotherapy more) of >1 of the following: fears commonly involve
o SSRIs situations: being out alone,
o benzodiazepines (for persistent concern about having being in a crowd, standing in a
acute anxiety) additional attacks line, or travelling on a bus
o first-line adjunct worry about the implications of situations are avoided, endured
atypical antipsychotics the attack or its consequences with anxiety or panic, or
(quetiapine, (e.g. losing control, having a require companion
olanzapine, heart attack, "going crazy") treatment: as per panic disorder
risperidone) a significant change in behavior
EMDR (eye movement related to the attacks Criteria for Panic Disorder (>4):
desensitization and "STUDENTS FEAR the 3 Cs"
reprocessing): an experimental
B. absence of agoraphobia
method of reprocessing Sweating
memories of distressing events Trembling
by recounting them while using C. the panic attacks are not due to
the direct physiological effects of a Unsteadiness, dizziness
a form of dual attention Depersonalization, Derealization
stimulation such as eye substance or GMC
Excessive heart rate, palpitations
movements, bilateral sound, or Nausea
bilateral tactile stimulation D. the panic attacks are not better Tingling
accounted for by another mental Shortness of breath
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria disorder, such as Social Phobia, Fear of dying, losing control, going
for Panic Disorder without Specific Phobia, Obsessive- crazy
Agoraphobia Compulsive Disorder, Post- 3 C's: Chest pain, Chills, Choking
Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Separation Anxiety Disorder
A - Both 1 and 2
Treatment Suicide
(1) recurrent unexpected panic
attacks: a discrete period of intense Risk Factors
fear or discomfort, in which >4 of supportive psychotherapy,
the following symptoms develop relaxation techniques
(visualization, box-breathing), Epidemiologic factors
abruptly and reach a peak within
10 minutes cognitive behavioural therapy
(correct distorted thinking, age: increases after age 14;
desensitization/exposure second most common cause of
palpitations, pounding heart, or
therapy) death for ages 15-24; highest
accelerated heart rate
pharmacotherapy rates in persons >65 years
o benzodiazepines (short sex: male
trembling or shaking
term, low dose, race/ethnic background: white
sensations of shortness of regular schedule, long or native Canadians on reserves
breath or smothering half-life, no prn) marital status:
feeling of choking o SSRIs/SNRI (start widowed/divorced
chest pain or discomfort low, go slow, aim high
nausea or abdominal distress since anxiety patients
are very sensitive)
living situation: alone; no Intent -You talk about wanting Time lag from suicide attempt
children <18 years old in the to die, but are you planning to to ER arrival
household do this? What has stopped you Expectation of lethality, dying
other: stressful life events; from ending your life? Reaction to survival:
access to firearms Past attempts - Highest risk if guilt/remorse vs.
previous attempt in past year, disappointment/self-blame
psychiatric disorders ask about lethality, outcome,
medical intervention Management
mood disorders (15% lifetime
risk in depression; higher in Assessment of Suicidal depends on the level of risk
bipolar) Ideation
anxiety disorders (especially Onsetandfrequencyof
higher risk:
panic disorder) thoughtsWhendidthisstart?
o patients with a plan,
schizophrenia (10-15% risk) Howoftendoyouhavethese
access to lethal means,
substance abuse (especially recent social stressors,
EtOH 15% lifetime risk) Controloversuicidalideation and symptoms
eating disorders (5% lifetime Canyoustopthethoughtsor suggestive of a
callsomeoneforhelp? psychiatric disorder
adjustment disorder LethalityDoyouwanttoend should be hospitalized
yourlife?Orgetareleasefrom immediately
conduct disorder
youremotionalpain o do not leave patient
personality disorders
AccesstomeansHowwill alone; remove
(borderline, antisocial)
yougetagun?Whichbridgedo potentially dangerous
youthinkyouwouldgoto? objects from room
past history o if patient refuses to be
pickedadateandplace?Isitin hospitalized, complete
prior suicide attempt anisolatedlocation? form for involuntary
family history of suicide admission
attempt/completion makesyoufeelworse(e.g. lower risk:
beingalone)? o patients who are not
Symptoms associated with suicide actively suicidal, with
no plan or access to
lethal means
hopelessness pets,faith,therapist)? o discuss protective
anhedonia Final Arrangements - Have you factors and supports in
insomnia written a suicide note? Made a their life, remind them
severe anxiety will? Given away your of what they live for
impaired concentration belongings? (as identified above),
psychomotor agitation Practised suicide or aborted promote survival skills
panic attacks attempts - Have you put the gun that helped them
to your head? Held the through previous
medications in your hand? suicide attempts
Approach Stood at the bridge? o make a safety plan -
Ambivalence - There must be a an agreement that they
Ideation Do you have thoughts part of you that wants to live - will not harm
about ending your life, you came here for help themselves, that they
committing suicide? will try to avoid
Passive would rather not be Assessment of Suicide Attempt alcohol, drugs, and
alive but doesnt admit to idea situations that may
that involves act of initiation trigger suicidal
Setting isolated vs. others
o Id rather not wake up thoughts, that they will
present, chance of discovery
o I wouldnt mind if a follow up with you at
Planned vs. impulsive attempt,
car hit me a designated time, and
triggers/stressors that they will contact a
Intoxication health care worker,
o I think about killing
Medical attention brought in call a crisis line or go
by another person vs. brought to an emergency
Plan - Do you have a plan as to
in by self to ER department if they feel
how you would end your life?
unsafe or if their polygenic inheritance: one no prerequisite investigations to
suicidal feelings return parent >60% chance for child; diagnose atopic dermatitis
or intensify two parents >80% chance for may consider: skin biopsy,
depression: hospitalize if severe child immunoglobulin serum levels
or if psychotic features are frequently affects infants, (often elevated serum IgE
present; otherwise outpatient children, and young adults level), patch testing, and skin
treatment with good supports females only slightly more at prick tests to look for contact or
and SSRIs/SNRIs risk than males (1.3:1 over the environmental allergies
alcohol-related: usually age of 2 years)
resolves with abstinence for a almost 15% of children in Treatment
few days; if not, suspect developed countries under the
depression age of 5 are affected; half of majority of cases are mild and
personality disorders: crisis these cases are diagnosed by 1 easily managed
intervention/confrontation, may year of age goal: reduce signs and
or may not hospitalize half of all patients with AD are symptoms, prevent or reduce
schizophrenia/psychosis: over 18 years of age recurrences, and provide long-
hospitalization the earlier the onset, the more term management to prevent
parasuicide/self-mutilation: severe and persistent the progression from early disease
long-term psychotherapy with disease to full AD flare
brief crisis intervention when long-term condition with 1/3 of treatment maximized (i.e. less
necessary patients continuing to show flare-ups, modified course of
proper documentation of the signs of AD into adulthood disease) if diagnosis made early
clinical encounter and rationale childhood onset and hereditary and treatment plan
for management is essential forms are associated with a individualized
defect in the protein filaggrin o individualized based
on age, severity, sites
Signs and Symptoms and extent of
New stuff involvement, presence
inflammation, lichenification, of infection, previous
responses to therapy
excoriations are secondary to
relentless scratching reassure patients that although
atopic palms: prominent palmar there is no absolute cure, the
disease can be controlled
avoid triggers of AD: irritants
associated with
(detergents and solvents,
o keratosis pilaris
certain clothing, water
(hyperkeratosis of hair
hardness), inappropriate
follicles, chicken
bathing habits (long hot
showers), microbes (S. aureus),
o xerosis
stress, sweating, contact
o occupational hand allergens, and environmental
Atopic Dermatitis
dryness aeroallergens (dust mites)
patients usually suffer from enhance barrier function of the
subacute and chronic three flares per year
eczematous reaction associated skin
with Type I (IgE-mediated) o simplest and most
hypersensitivity reaction Distribution important aspect of
(release of histamine) and Th2 controlling AD
cellular response producing infant (onset at 2-6 months o involves regular
prolonged severe pruritus old): face, scalp, extensor application of
surfaces moisturizers +/-
Etiology childhood (>18 months): diluted corticosteroid
flexural surfaces wet-wrap dressings
adult: hands, feet, flexures, emollients
associated with personal or hydrate the
family history of atopy neck, eyelids, forehead, face,
wrists skin and
(asthma, hay fever, reduce
anaphylaxis, eosinophilia) pruritus
o twice daily application (Elidel) and o oral antibiotics
is recommended even tacrolimus (i.e. cloxacillin,
in absence of (Protopic) cephalexin) for
symptoms, especially block widespread S.
after bathing or calcineurin aureus infections
swimming and inhibit
bathing inflammatory Seborrheic Dermatitis
promotes cytokine
hydration transcription
when in activated Greasy, erythematous, yellow,
followed by T-cells and non-pruritic scaling papules
the other and plaques; occurs in areas
application of inflammatory rich in sebaceous glands
moisturizers cells
to the skin o significant adverse
consider psychological support events may include
for some patients skin burning and
transient irritation possible etiologic association
o advantages of long- with Pityrosporum ovale
Anti-inflammatory therapies (yeast)
a) topical corticosteroids: term management of
o effective, rapid AD over long-term
corticosteroid use: Epidemiology
symptomatic relief for
acute flares
o different formulations sustained common in infants and at
effect in puberty
and potencies suitable
controlling increased incidence in
for nearly any area of
pruritus immunocompromised patients
produce no e.g. HIV
o best applied
skin atrophy in adults, can cause dandruff
immediately after
safe for the (pityriasis sicca)
o control inflammation face and neck
no significant
with a potent topical Signs and Symptoms
steroid; prescribe a systemic
milder one following toxicities
associated infants - one cause of cradle
resolution of acute cap
flare with their use
children may be generalized
o systemic
Prognosis with flexural and scalp
50% clear by age 13, few involvement
may be needed in
persist >30 years of age adults - diffuse in areas of scalp
severe cases
o flares may respond to margin with yellow to white
flakes, pruritus, and underlying
systemic anti-
staphylococcal therapy
sites: scalp, eyebrows,
side effects:
eyelashes, beard, face, trunk,
skin atrophy,
body folds, genitalia
purpura, Complications face: eyebrows, sides of nose,
striae, steroid
posterior ears, glabella
acne, perioral
infections are common: chest: over sternum
and glaucoma diagnose early and treat
when used appropriately (i.e. Treatment
around the antibiotic, antifungal,
eyes antiviral therapy);
infections must be resolved face: Nizoral cream OD + mild
b) topical immunomodulators steroid cream OD or bid
before applying anti-
o long-term scalp: salicylic acid in olive oil
inflammatory treatments
management o topical mupirocin or Derma-Smoothe FS lotion
o calcineurin inhibitors (peanut oil, mineral oil,
or fusidic acid is
such as pimecrolimus often sufficient fluocinolone acetonide 0.01%)
to remove dense scales, 2% sites: wrists, ankles, mucous precedes other lesions by
ketoconazole shampoo membranes in 60% (mouth, 1-2 weeks
(Nizorale), ciclopirox (Stieprox vulva, glans), nails, scalp
) shampoo, selenium sulfide mucous membrane lesions: Etiology
(e.g. Selsun) or zinc pyrithione lacy, whitish reticular network,
(e.g. Head and Shoulders) milky-white plaques/papules; suspected human herpes virus 7
shampoo, steroid lotion (e.g. increased risk of SCC in
betamethasone valerate 0.1% erosions and ulcers
lotion bid) Treatment
nails: longitudinal ridging;
HTLV Associated Dermatitis scalp: scarring alopecia no treatment needed; clears
spontaneously in 6-12 weeks,
spontaneously resolves in
The average age of onset is reassurance
weeks or lasts for years (mouth
2 years. topical corticosteroids when
and shin lesions)
The skin manifestations post-inflammatory
Koebner phenomenon:
become less severe with pigmentation is a concern
develops in areas of trauma
Severe exudative dermatitis Clinical Pearl
of the scalp, external ear, Secondary syphilis can present with
retroauricular areas, eyelid a non-pruritic papulosquamous
margins, paranasal skin, topical corticosteroids with
eruption but usually ALSO has
neck, axillae and groins occlusion or intradermal steroid palmar lesions.
Generalized fine papular injections
rash short courses of oral prednisone
Chronic watery nasal (rarely) Psoriasis
discharge sometimes with photochemotherapy for
crusting generalized or resistant cases Mnemonic
HTLV-1 seropositivity oral retinoids for erosive lichen
Staphylococcus aureus planus in mouth PSORIASIS: Pathophysiology
and/or B-haemolytic
Pink papules/Plaques/Pinpoint
streptococci commonly
Mnemonic bleeding (Auspitz sign)/Physical
cultured from anterior nares
The 6 Ps of Lichen Planus injury (Koebner phenomenon)
and skin
Silver scale/Sharp margins
Responds to antibiotics but Purple, Pruritic, Polygonal, Onycholysis/Oil spots
relapses if antibiotics Peripheral, Papules, Penis (i.e. Rete Ridges with Regular elongation
withdrawn mucosa) Itching
Lichen Planus (Monro)/Autoimmune
Pityriasis Rosea
acute or chronic inflammation Stratum corneum with nuclei
of mucous membranes or skin Immunologic
Definition and Clinical Features
characterized by violaceous Stratum granulosum absent
papules, especially on flexural
surfaces acute, self-limiting,
erythematous eruption
Epidemiology characterized by red, oval
plaques/patches with Classification
central scales that do not
association with hepatitis C extend to edge of lesion
may be triggered by severe plaque psoriasis
sites: trunk, proximal
emotional stress guttate psoriasis
aspects of arms and legs
erythrodermic psoriasis
long axis of lesions follows
Signs and Symptoms pustular psoriasis
parallel to ribs producing
Christmas tree psoriatic arthritis
small, polygonal, flat-topped, pattern on back
shiny, violet papules; resolves varied degree of pruritus Differential Diagnosis
with hyperpigmented macules most start with a
Wickhams striae: greyish lines herald patch which atopic dermatitis, mycosis
over surface; pathognomonic fungoides (cutaneous T-cell
lymphoma), seborrheic rebound phenomenon, antimalarials, phototoxic
dermatitis, tinea interferon, etc.) reaction, infection
first-line treatment mainly
PLAQUE PSORIASIS involves topical treatments, Treatment
usually prescribed if less than
a common chronic and recurrent 5-10% of the body surfaces are hospitalization, bedrest, IV
disease characterized by well- involved. If the affected area is fluids, sun avoidance, monitor
circumscribed erythematous >10%, use topical medications fluid and electrolytes
papules/plaques with silvery-white as adjuncts to phototherapy or
treat underlying aggravating
scales, mostly at sites of repeated systemic drugs
trauma systemic treatments should be
methotrexate, UV, oral
considered if:
o psoriatic lesions cover retinoids, biologicals
>10% of the body
decreased epidermal transit o unsuccessful topical
time from basal to horny layers therapies Definition and Clinical Features
shortened cell cycle of psoriatic o disease is causing
and normal skin --> excess psychological distress sudden onset of erythematous
keratinization with scales
macules and papules which
GUTTATE PSORIASIS ("DROP- evolve rapidly into pustules,
Epidemiology LIKE") very painful
can be generalized or localized
multifactorial inheritance Definition and Clinical Features to palms/soles
patient usually has history of
Clinical Pearl discrete, scattered salmon-pink psoriasis; may occur with
Woronoffs Ring scaling papules sudden withdrawal from steroid
Woronoffs ring: blanched halo that sites: generalized, sparing
surrounds psoriatic lesions after palms and soles
often antecedent streptococcal Treatment
topical or phototherapy treatments
methotrexate, oral retinoids,
Signs and Symptoms
Treatment biologicals
worse in winter (lack of sun
and humidity)
Koebner phenomenon UVB phototherapy, sunlight,
(isomorphic response):
induction of new lesion by penicillin V or erythromycin if
injury Group A beta-hemolytic 5 categories
Auspitz sign: bleeds from Streptococcus on throat culture
minute points when scale is asymmetric oligoarthropathy
removed ERYTHRODERMIC distal interphalangeal (DIP)
sites: scalp, extensor surfaces PSORIASIS joint involvement
of elbows and knees, trunk, (predominant)
nails, pressure areas rheumatoid pattern
usually non-pruritic symmetric polyarthropathy
exacerbating factors: drugs Definition and Clinical Features psoriatic arthritis mutilans
(lithium, ethanol, chloroquine, (most severe form)
beta-blockers), sunlight, stress, predominant spondylitis or
generalized erythema with fine
obesity sacroiliitis
desquamative scale on surface
associated symptoms:
Treatment arthralgia, severe pruritus Rheumathoid Arthritis
may present in patient with
preventative measures: avoid previous mild plaque psoriasis chronic, symmetric, erosive
sunburns, avoid drugs that aggravating factors: lithium, synovitis of peripheral joints
exacerbate the condition (beta- beta-blockers, NSAIDs, (i.e. wrists, MCP joints, and
blockers, lithium, corticosteroid MTP joints)
characterized by a number of decreased grip strength,
extra-articular features Etiology and Pathophysiology increased pain
signs of mechanical joint
Clinical Pearl autoimmune disorder, unknown damage: loss of motion,
etiology instability, deformity,
Common Presentation
hallmark of RA is hypertrophy crepitus
Morning stiffness >30 min, improves of the synovial membrane constitutional symptoms:
with use o outgrowth of activated profound fatigue; rarely
Symmetric joint involvement rheumatoid synovium myalgia or weight loss
Initially involves small joints of (pannus) into and over extra-articular features (see
hands and feet the articular surface Figure 7 below) and
Constitutional symptoms results in destruction radiographic damage
of articular cartilage limitation of function and
Clinical Pearl and subchondral bone decrease in global
Criteria are 91-94% sensitive and two theories attempt to explain functional status
89% specific for RA. chronic remissions and
exacerbations seen in RA
o sequestered Ag
Table 7. Diagnostic Criteria: RA o molecular
diagnosed if 4 or more of the
following 7 criteria present
(American Rheumatism Common sites of joint
Association, 1987) involvement in mimicry RA
Criteria Definition
1. Morning Joint stiffness >1
stiffness hour for >6 weeks
At least 3 active
joints for >6 weeks;
2. Arthritis of RF positive in 80% of patients
commonly involved
three or more o non-specific, also seen
joints are PIP, MCP,
joint areas in other rheumatic
wrist, elbow, knee,
ankle, MTP diseases (e.g. SLE,
Sjogrens), chronic
At least one active inflammation (e.g.
3. Arthritis of
joint in wrist, MCP SBE, hepatitis, TB)
hand joints
or PIP for >6 weeks and 5% of healthy
Bilateral population
4. Symmetric involvement of PIP, anti-CCP (cyclic citrullinated
arthritis MCP, or MTP for >6 peptide): sensitivity (~80%)
weeks increased disease activity is
Subcutaneous associated with decrease Hb
Signs and Symptoms
nodules over bony (anemia of chronic disease),
5. Rheumatoid prominences, increased platelets, elevated
nodules extensor surfaces or variable course of ESR, CRP, and RF
in juxta-articular exacerbations and
regions remissions Classification of Global
morning stiffness >1 hr, Functional Status in RA
Found in 60-80% of
6. Serum RF improves with use, (American College of
RA patients
aggravated by rest Rheumatology, 1991)
Erosions or symmetric joint
periarticular involvement
7. osteopenia, likely to Class I: able to perform usual
signs of disease activity: ADLs (self-care, vocational,
Radiographic see earliest changes synovitis (assessed by
changes at ulnar styloid, 2nd avocational)
tender and swollen joint Class II: able to perform self-
and 3rd MCP and count), elevated serum
PIP joints care and vocational activities,
markers of inflammation
such as ESR or CRP,
restriction of avocational 2. Caplans syndrome
activities (multiple pulmonary nodules and
Class III: able to perform self- pneumoconiosis)
care, restriction of vocational 3. Feltys syndrome (arthritis,
and avocational activities splenomegaly, neutropenia)
Class IV: limited in ability to
perform self-care, vocational,
avocational activities
A) Education, occupational
therapy, physiotherapy,
Complications of Chronic vocational counselling
therapeutic exercise program
joint deformities (see Figure 8
(isometrics and active ROM
below) exercise during flares,
o swan neck deformity,
boutonnire deformity
exercise between flares),
o ulnar deviation of
assistive devices and patient
MCP; radial deviation education
of wrist joint
patients may need job
o hammer toe, mallet
modification, time off work or
toe, claw toe
change in occupation
o flexion contractures
atlanto-axial and subaxial
B) Medical
o C-spine instability
o neurological Treatment NSAIDs, DMARDs, and
impingement (long corticosteroids are the mainstay
tract signs) goals of therapy of pharmacological therapy
o difficult intubation
limited shoulder mobility, o control disease activity 1. Reduction of Inflammation and
spontaneous tears of the rotator Pain
o relieve pain and
cuff leading to chronic spasm stiffness
tenosynovitis => may cause o maintain function and NSAIDS individualize according to
rupture of tendons lifestyle efficacy and tolerability
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome o prevent or control
ruptured Bakers cyst joint damage contraindicated or
(outpouching of synovium o key is early diagnosis cautioned in some patients
behind the knee); presentation and early intervention
similar to acute DVT with disease analgesics
decreased functional capacity modifying anti-
and early mortality rheumatic drugs add acetaminophen
(DMARDs) opioid prn for synergistic
pain control
Clinical Pearl
Poor prognostic features of RA o intra-articular
include young age of onset, high RF
injections to
titer, elevated ESR, activity of >20
control symptoms
joints, and presence of EAF.
in a specific joint
o eye drops for eye
Clinical Pearl involvement
Common Syndromes in RA
1. Sjogrens syndrome (sicca systemic (prednisone)
complex, dry eyes and mouth)
o low dose (5-10 associated with better long- reconstruction (tendon
mg/day) useful term disability index repair)
for (a) short term delayed onset of action (may surgery indicated for
to improve take 8-12 weeks) structural joint damage
symptoms if many DMARDs have potential
NSAIDs toxicities that require periodic SLE
ineffective, (b) to monitoring Diagnostic Criteria of SLE: MD
bridge gap until if repetitive flares, progressive SOAP BRAIN
DMARD takes joint damage, or ongoing Malar rash Blood
effect or (c) for disease activity after 3 months Discoid rash Renal
refractory disease of maximal therapy > change or Serositis Arthritis
o moderate to high add other DMARDs Oral ulcers Immune
dose (20-60+ mild and early stages: ANA Neurologic
mg/day) for o hydroxychloroquine or Photosensitivity
monotherapy preferred Signs and Symptoms
o high dose (1
moderate to severe disease
mg/kg/day) for
(especially if unfavourable characterized by periods of
prognostic factors): exacerbation and remission
o do baseline
o methotrexate is the systemic
DEXA bone
gold standard o fever, malaise, fatigue,
density scan and
o single regimen with
start lymphadenopathy,
bisphosphonate, methotrexate or weight loss
calcium, and vascular
vitamin D therapy o combination therapy:
o Raynauds
if using methotrexate +
corticosteroids >3 sulfasalazine +
thrombosis, vasculitis,
months at >7.5 hydroxychloroquine;
livedo reticularis
mg/day methotrexate +
discolouration of skin
methotrexate +
side effects: osteoporosis, leflunomide
due to narrowing of
avascular necrosis (AVN), blood
biologics: indicated if persistent
hypertension, cataracts, vessels, characteristic
disease activity lacy or net-like
glaucoma, peptic ulcer
o commonly used after appearance)
disease (PUD),
failure of other dermatologic
susceptibility to
DMARDs; however,
infection, hypokalemia, o maculopapular rash,
evidence suggests
hyperglycemia, photosensitivity,
benefit from use in
hyperlipidemia, weight panniculitis
early RA as well
gain, acne (inflammation of
subcutaneous fat and
Clinical Pearl muscle tissue),
active infection, Only DMARDs (not analgesics or alopecia (hair loss),
osteoporosis, hypertension, NSAIDs) alter the course of RA! urticaria, purpura,
gastric ulcer, diabetes, TB oral, nasal, genital
C) Surgical Therapy
2. Disease Modifying
Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) o conjunctivitis,
synovectomy: debridement episcleritis,
and/or removal of inflamed keratoconjunctivitis,
combination DMARDs are the synovium from individual cytoid bodies (cotton
standard of care joints (surgical or wool
start DMARDs within 3 months radioactive) exudates on
of diagnosis to decrease disease joint replacement (hip, fundoscopy =
progression, symptoms and shoulder, knee) infarction of nerve cell
signs joint fusion (wrist, thumb, layer of retina)
DMARDs reduce or prevent ankle, C-spine) gastrointestinal
joint damage, and are
o pancreatitis, lupus and taper when Contact dermatitis
enteropathy, hepatitis, possible Tachyphylaxis (tolerance)
hepatomegaly o treatment is tailored to
pulmonary organ system involved Systemic:
o interstitial lung and severity of disease Dermatological
disease, pulmonary o all medications used to Thin, fragile skin
hypertension, PE, treat SLE require Mild hirsutism
alveolar hemorrhage, periodic monitoring
pleuritis for potential toxicites
Facial erythema
musculoskeletal dermatologic
o preventative: use Increased sweating
o arthralgias, arthritis,
sunscreen, avoid UV Impaired wound healing,
avascular necrosis,
myositis light and estrogens Striae
neurologic o topical steroids for Acne
o depression, personality rash, antimalarials Growth suppression in children
disorder, cerebritis, musculoskeletal Hypertension
transverse myelitis, o bisphosphonates, Hyperlipidemia
seizures, headache, calcium, vitamin D to Hyperglycemia
peripheral neuropathy combat osteoporosis Cushingoid Faces and buffalo
o antimalarials hump
(hydroxychloroquine Adrenal suppression and
if no serious internal atrophy
organ involvement => Weight gain, Na and water
serologic hallmark is high titer retention, K depletion
improves long term
ANA detected by Infections, especially viral, TB
control and prevents
immunofluorescence and fungal
ANA has high sensitivity (98%) o NSAIDs Osteoporosis, aseptic bone
and therefore is a useful gastroprotective agent necrosis, ruptured Achilles
screening test, but poor for arthritis (also Gastrointestinal
specificity beneficial for pleuritis Despespsia, Peptic ulcer
anti-dsDNA Ab (detected by and pericarditis and perforation
Crithidia test, Farr organ threatening disease Pancreatitis
radioimmunoassay) and anti- o systemic steroids to CNS
Sm Ab are specific for SLE euphoria
minimize end organ
(95-99%) Psychosis, increased
damage secondary to
a drop in anti-dsDNA titer and inflammation high- intracranial pressure,
normalization of serum dose oral increased tendency to
complement (C3, C4) are prednisone/IV epilepsy
useful to monitor response to methylprednisolone in Cataracts, increased intra ocular
treatment in patients who are severe disease pressure
clinically and serologically o steroid sparing agents: Amenorrhea, premature
concordant azathioprine, menopause
lupus anticoagulant may cause methotrexate, Teratongenity (fetal cleft
increased risk of arterial and mycophenolate palate)
venous clotting and increased o IV cyclophosphamide Rebound disease on reducing
PTT for serious organ dosage
involvement (e.g. Myopathy or muscle atrophy
Treatment cerebritis or SLE
nephritis) Cataracts
principles of therapy: any opacity of the lens
o treat early and avoid Side Effects of Steroids most common cause of
long term steriod use reversible blindness worldwide
if possible Local: types: nuclear sclerosis,
o if high doses of Atrophy cortical, posterior subcapsular
steroids necessary for (see Figure 16 below)
Perioral dermatitis
long-term control add Steroid acne
steroid sparing agents Etiology
acquired neovascular glaucoma o neovascularization of
o age-related (over 90% (poor prognosis) iris (rubeosis iridis)
of all cataracts) o macular ischemia can lead to
o cataract associated neovascular glaucoma
with systemic disease Clinical Pearl o vitreous hemorrhage
(may have juvenile from bleeding fragile
onset) new vessels, fibrous
Macular edema is the most common tissue can contract
cause of visual loss in patients with causing tractional
background DR. retinal detachment
disorders o increased risk of
(e.g. Background: severe visual loss
disease, Clinical Pearl
altered vascular permeability
(loss of pericytes, breakdown
of blood-retinal barrier, Presence of DR in:
thickening of basement Type 1 DM
membrane) 25% after 5 years
o traumatic (may be
retinal vessel closure 60% after 10 years
rosette shaped) >80% after 15 years
o intraocular
inflammation (e.g. Classification Type 2 DM
uveitis) 20% at time of diagnosis
o toxic (steroids, non-proliferative: increased 60% after 20 years
phenothiazines) vascular permeability and
o radiation retinal ischemia Screening Guidelines for Diabetic
congenital o dot and blot Retinopathy
o present with altered hemorrhages
red reflex or o microaneurysms
Type 1 DM
leukocoria o hard exudates (lipid
o screen for retinopathy
o treat promptly to deposits)
beginning annually 5
prevent amblyopia o macular edema
years after disease
advanced non-proliferative onset
Diabetic Retinopathy (or pre-proliferative): o screening not
most common cause of o non-proliferative indicated before the
blindness in young people in findings plus onset of puberty
North America o venous beading (in 2 Type 2 DM
blurring of distance vision with of 4 retinal quadrants) o initial examination
rise of blood sugar o intraretinal shortly after diagnosis,
consider DM if unexplained microvascular then repeat annually
anomalies (IRMA) in pregnancy
retinopathy, cataract, EOM
1 of 4 retinal
palsy, optic neuropathy, sudden o ocular exam in 1st
change in refractive error trimester, close
loss of vision due to follow-up throughout
dilated, leaky
o progressive as pregnancy can
vessels within
microangiopathy, exacerbate DR
the retina
leading to macular o gestational diabetics
o cotton wool spots
edema not at risk for
(nerve fibre layer
o progressive diabetic retinopathy
retinopathy -->
neovascularization --> Treatment
traction --> retinal o 5% of patients with
detachment and diabetes will reach this
stage Diabetic Control and
vitreous hemorrhage
o neovascularization: Complications Trial (DCCT)
o rubeosis iridis
iris, disc, retina to o tight control of blood
(neovascularization of
vitreous sugar decreases
the iris) leading to
frequency and severity
of microvascular Table 6. Keith-Wagener-Barker increased C:D ratio, followed
complications Classification by visual field loss
blood pressure control screening tests should include:
focal laser for clinically Group Mild to moderate narrowing o medical and family
significant macular edema 1 or sclerosis of the arterioles history
panretinal laser o visual acuity testing
Group Moderate to marked
photocoagulation, for o slit lamp exam to
2 narrowing of the arterioles
proliferative diabetic Local and/or generalized assess anterior
retinopathy, reduces narrowing of arterioles chamber depth
neovascularization, hence Exaggeration of the light o ophthalmoscopy to
reducing the angiogenic reflex assess the disc features
stimulus from ischemic retina Arteriovenous crossing o tonometry by
by decreasing retinal metabolic changes applanation or
demand --> reduces risk of indentation to measure
blindness Group Retinal arteriolar narrowing the IOP
vitrectomy for vitreous 3 and focal constriction o visual field testing
hemorrhage and retinal Retinal edema
detachment in proliferative Cotton-wool patches
diabetic retinopathy which is Hemorrhage
complicated by non-clearing Group Same as group 3, plus
vitreous hemorrhage or retinal 4 papilledema
the diabetic retinopathy Glaucoma
vitrectomy study indicated that aqueous is produced by the
vitrectomy before vitreous ciliary body and flows from the
hemorrhage does not improve posterior chamber to the
the visual prognosis anterior chamber through the
pupil, and drains into the
Lens Changes episcleral veins via the
trabecular meshwork and the
earlier onset of senile nuclear canal of Schlemm
sclerosis and cortical cataract an isolated increase in IOP is
may get hyperglycemic termed ocular hypertension (or
cataract, due to sorbitol glaucoma suspect) and these
accumulation (rare) patients should be followed for
sudden changes in refraction of increased risk of developing
lens: changes in blood glucose glaucoma (~10% if IOP = 20-
levels (poor control) may cause 30 mmHg; 40% if IOP = 30-40
refractive changes by 3-4 mmHg; and most if IOP >40
mm Hg) Features of Papilledema
average IOP is 15 3 mm Engorged retinal veins
Hg (diurnal variation, higher in Loss of cupping
Hypertensive Retinopathy
a.m.) Pink disk with blurred margins
pressures >21 mmHg more Cribosa not visible
retinopathy is the most likely to be associated with Flamed shaped hemorrhages
common ocular manifestation glaucoma; however, up to 50%
of hypertension of patients with glaucoma do Causes of Papilledema
key features of chronic HTN not have IOP >21mmHg central retinal vein occlusion
retinopathy: AV nicking, blot normal C:D (cup:disc) ratio
retinal hemorrhages, systemic illness
microaneurysms, cotton wool HTN, vasculitis, hypercapnia
be suspicious of glaucoma if
spots toxic/metabolic/nutritional
C:D ratio >0.6, C:D ratio
key features of acute HTN difference between eyes >0.2 or
retinopathy: retinal arteriolar cup approaches disc margin infiltration
spasm, superficial retinal loss of peripheral vision most o neoplastic: leukemia,
hemorrhage, cotton-wool spots, lymphoma, glioma
commonly precedes central loss
optic disc edema o non-neoplastic:
sequence of events: gradual
pressure rise, followed by
pseudotumour cerebri
o idiopathic signs and
symptoms of increased
ICP, with a normal CT
o usually in obese young
o meningioma,
hemangioma, thyroid
Optic Atrophy
anterior ischemic optic
retinal lesions eg.
chorioretinitis, intraocular
tumour, aneurism or pagets
disease pressing on the optic
optic neuritis (retrobulbar
Lebers hereditary optic
Division of optic nerve
surgeryor trauma
optic nerve atrophy is an
irreversible condition, management
of the underlying condition is
crucial to prevent exacerbation