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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Contra Open Mappings in

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Space
Definition 2.2:[1] Let X be a non-empty set and let the
Abstract In this paper, we introduce intuitionistic fuzzy IFSs A and B in the form
contra open mappings. We study some of their properties and
obtain their characterizations. Relationship between this new
class and other classes of functions are established in . Let {A j : j J} be an
arbitrary family of IFSs in X, . Then,
intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces.

Index Terms Intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, i) if and only if [

Intuitionistic fuzzy open sets and Intuitionistic fuzzy closed sets, and ];
Intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mappings.
ii) ;
AMS Classification: 54A40, 54D20. iii) ;
iv) ;
I. INTRODUCTION v) 1 { x, 1, 0 ; x X } and 0 { x, 0, 1 ; x X };
~ ~

After the introduction of fuzzy sets by Zadeh [6], there

have been a number of generalizations of this fundamental vi) A A, 0 1 and 1 0
~ ~ ~ ~
concept. The notion of intuitionistic fuzzy sets introduced by
Atanassov [1] is one among them. Using the notion of
intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Coker [2] introduced the notion of Definition 2.3: [2] Let X and Y are two non-empty sets
intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. In this paper, we and f : X, Y, be a function. If
introduce the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy contra open is an IFS in Y, then the
mapping. We have also studied some of the properties of
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping and obtain their pre-image of B under
characterizations. f is denoted and defined by

Since B , are fuzzy sets, we explain

that f
B (x) B f (x) .
Before entering to our work, we recall the following
notations, definitions and results of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Definition 2.4: An intuitionistic fuzzy topology [2] (IFT, for
Throughout this paper, , and are always short) on a non-empty set X is a family of IFSs in X
means intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces in which no satisfying the following axioms:
separation axioms are assumed unless otherwise mentioned. i) 0 , 1 .
~ ~

Definition 2.1: [1] Let X be a nonempty set. An intuitionistic ii) A1 A 2 for some A1 , A 2 .
fuzzy set (IFS) A in X is an object having the form
iii) A j for any {A j : j J} .
where the mappings A : X [0,1] and : X [0,1] denote In this case, the ordered pair X, is called an intuitionistic
the degree of the membership (namely A(x)) and the degree fuzzy topological space (IFTS, for short) and each IFS in is
of non-membership (namely A(x)) of each element x X to known as an intuitionistic fuzzy open set (IFOS, for short)
the set A respectively, 0 A (x) + (x) 1 for each x X. in X . The complement of an intuitionistic fuzzy open set is
Obviously, every fuzzy set A on a non-empty set X is an called an intuitionistic fuzzy closed set (IFCS, for short).
IFS having the form
. Definition 2.5: [2] Let X, be an IFTS and let
be an IFS in X . Then the
intuitionistic fuzzy interior and intuitionistic fuzzy closure of
Manuscript received April 15, 2014.
A. MANIMARAN, Department of Mathematics, Kongu Engineering A is defined by
Colleg, Perundurai-638 052, Erode, Tamilnadu, India. int(A) G / G is an IFOS in X and G A
cl(A) K / K is an IFCS in X and A K .
K. ARUN PRAKASH, Department of Mathematics, Kongu Engineering
College, Perundurai-638 052, Erode ,Tamilnadu, India.

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Intuitionistic Fuzzy Contra Open Mappings in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Space

IFCS in . Therefore, is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open

Remark 2.6:[2] For any IFS A in X, ,we
Theorem 3.3: Let be a surjective
have cl(A) int(A), int(A) cl(A) . mapping. Then the following statements are equivalent:
i) is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open
Definition 2.7:[4] Let A be an IFS in an IFTS (X, ). Then the mapping;
intuitionistic fuzzy semi - interior and intuitionistic ii) is an IFOS in for every IFCS in
fuzzy semi - closure of A are defined by .
sint(A) = {G | G is an IFSOS in X and G A},
scl(A) = {K | K is an IFSCS in X and A K} Proof: (i) (ii) Let be an IFCS in . Then is an IFOS
respectively. in . By hypothesis is an IFCS in .
Obviously scl(A) is the smallest IFSCS which contains A and Since , is an IFOS in .
sint(A) is the largest IFSOS which is contained in A. (ii) (i) Let be an IFOS in . Then is an IFCS in .
By Hypothesis is an IFOS in . Hence
Definition 2.8: Let A be an IFS in an IFTS (X, ). Then A is
called an intuitionistic fuzzy semiopen set (IFSOS) [3] of X if is an IFCS in . Thus is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra
. open mapping.
Theorem 3.4: For a bijective mapping the
The complement of intuitionistic fuzzy semiopen set is
following statements are equivalent:
called the intuitionistic fuzzy semiclosed set.
i) is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping;
Definition 2.9: An IFS A in an IFTS X, is called an
ii) for every IFCS in , is an IFOS in ;
iii) for every IFCS in and for any IFP
intuitionistic fuzzy regular open set , if , then
[3] (IFROS) if int (cl(A)) = A. The complement of ;
intuitionistic fuzzy regular open set is called intuitionistic
iv) For any IFCS in and for any , if
fuzzy regular closed (IFRCS, for short). The family of all
IFROS (IFRCS) of X, is denoted by IFROS X
, then there exists and IFOS
such that and .
Definition 2.11: [5] An intuitionistic fuzzy point (IFP for Proof: The proof of (i) (ii) and (ii) (i) follows from
short), written p , is defined to be an IFS of X given by Theorem 3.3.
(ii) (iii) Let
be an IFCS and let ,
if x p
p , x Assume that . Then . By
0,1 otherwise hypothesis is an IFOS in . then .
Hence .
Definition 2.12:[5] An IFP p(,) in X is said to be (iii) (ii) Let be an IFCS in and , Assume
quasi-coincident with an IFS that . Then . By hypothesis,
, denoted by p(,) q A, if and only if . Hence which
or . implies is an IFOS in .
(iii) (iv) Let be an IFCS in and , Assume
Definition 2.13: [3] Let A be an IFS in an IFTS (X, ). Then that . Then . By hypothesis,
A is called an intuitionistic fuzzy preclosed set (IFPCS)
. Thus is an IFOS in .
if .
Put , then and
(iv) (iii) Let be an IFCS and such that
such that and . Let . Then
Definition 3.1: A mapping is said to be an and since is an IFOS, is an IFOS which
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping if is an IFCS in implies .
for every IFOS in .
Theorem 3.5: Let be a bijective mapping
Example 3.2: : Let , , and IFPC( ) = IFC( ). Suppose that one of the following
and . Let properties hold:
and (i) for each IFS in
. Then, ;
and are IFTs on and (ii) for each IFS in
respectively. Define a mapping by ;
and . Clearly, , which is an

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014

(iii) for each . Therefore,

IFS in ; . Now,
(iv) for each IFOS
= . Hence,
in ;
is an IFOS in . By Theorem 3.5, is an intuitionistic
then, is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping. fuzzy contra open mapping.

Proof: (i) (ii) can be proved by taking the complement in Theorem 3.8: Let be a surjective
(i) intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping, then the following
(ii) (iii) Let be an IFS in . Put in , this conditions hold:
implies in . (i) for
Now by (ii). every IFOS in ;
Therefore, (ii) for
every IFCS in ;

Proof: (i) Let be an IFOS in . Clearly, . By

hypothesis is an IFCS in . This implies that
(iii) (iv) Let be an IFOS in , then . By the
hypothesis, . Therefore,
(ii) can be proved by taking the complement in (i).
Suppose that (iv) holds. Let be an IFOS in . then Theorem 3.9: Let be a one-to-one
is an IFOS in . Hence by hypothesis, mapping, then the following statements are equivalent:
i) is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open
. Therefore, ii) for each IFP and for each IFCS
. Now, is an IFPCS in . By containing ,there exists an
hypothesis is an IFCS in . Hence, is an intuitionistic IFOS contained in and such
fuzzy contra open mapping. that ;
iii) for each IFP and for each IFCS
Theorem 3.6: Let be a surjective mapping. containing ,there exists an
Suppose that one of the following properties hold: IFOS contained in and such
(i) for each IFS that .
in ;
(ii) for each IFS in Proof: (i) (ii) Let be an IFCS in and such
; that . Then,
(iii) for each IFS in ; . By the hypothesis, is an IFOS in . Let
Then is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping. (ii) (i) Let be an IFCS in and such that
. Then . By the hypothesis,
Proof: (i) (ii) Let us consider be an IFS in . Then is an IFOS in . Let . This implies
is an IFS in . By hypothesis .
. Now, (iii) (i) Let be an IFCS in and . Let
. . Then by the hypothesis, there exists an
(ii) (iii) can be proved by taking the complement in (ii). IFOS in such that and . This
Suppose that (iii) holds. Let be an IFCS in . then implies . That is
and is an IFS in . Now, . Since is an IFOS,
, by hypothesis. This . Therefore,
implies is an IFOS in . By Theorem 3.3, f is an . But
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping.
. Hence
Theorem 3.7: Let be a bijective mapping. is an IFOS in . hence is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra
Then f is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping if open mapping.
for every IFS in . Theorem 3.10: A mapping is an
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping if
Proof: Let be an IFCS in . Then and is for every IFS in .
an IFS in . By hypothesis
. Since is one to one

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Intuitionistic Fuzzy Contra Open Mappings in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Space

Proof: Let be an IFCS in . Then . Since every

IFCS is an IFSCS, . By Proof: Let be an intuitionistic fuzzy contra
hypothesis . This implies open mapping and be an IFROS in . Since every IFROS is
that is an IFOS in . Hence is an intuitionistic fuzzy an IFOS, is an IFOS in . By hypothesis is an IFCS in
contra open mapping. . Hence is an intuitionistic fuzzy almost contra open
Theorem 3.11: If IFSO(Y) = IFO(Y), then a mapping The converse of the above theorem is not true in
is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open general as seen from the following example.
mapping if and only if for
Example 3.17: Let , . Let
every IFS in .
Proof: and
Necessity: Let be an IFOS in . Then is an IFCS in
. Then
. By hypothesis, is an IFOS in . Since every
IFOS is an IFSOS, is an IFSOS in . Therefore, and are IFTs on and
respectively. Define a mapping by
. and . Clearly is an IFROS in and
Sufficiency: Let be an IFCS in . Then . By is an IFCS in . Therefore, is an intuitionistic fuzzy
hypothesis . almost contra open mapping. Since is an IFOS in , but
is not an IFCS in , is not an intuitionistic fuzzy
Then . Therefore,
contra open mapping.
is an IFSOS in . By hypothesis, is an IFOS in .
Hence, is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping. Theorem 3.18: Let and be any two
mappings, then and the following conditions
Theorem 3.12: A mapping is an
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping if and only if
i) If is an intuitionistic fuzzy open mapping
for every IFS in . and g is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open
mapping, then is an
Proof: intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping.
Necessity: Let be an IFS in . Then is an IFCS in . ii) If is an intuitionistic fuzzy almost contra
By hypothesis, is an IFOS in . Then, open mapping and g is an intuitionistic
fuzzy contra open mapping, then is
an intuitionistic fuzzy almost open
Sufficiency: Let be an IFCS in . Then . By mapping.
hypothesis, . Now, iii) If and are intuitionistic fuzzy contra
. Thus, is an open mappings, then is an
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping. intuitionistic fuzzy open mapping.

Theorem 3.13: A mapping is an Proof: (i) Let be an IFOS in . By the hypothesis is

intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping, then an IFOS in . Since is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open
mapping is an IFCS in . Hence,
for every IFS in .
is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping.
Proof: Let be an IFOS in . Then is an IFCS in . (ii) Let be an IFROS in . By the hypothesis is an
By hypothesis, is an IFOS in . IFCS in . Since is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open
Then, .. mapping is an IFOS in . Hence, is
an intuitionistic fuzzy almost open mapping.
Theorem 3.14: An intuitionistic fuzzy open mapping is an (iii) Let be an IFOS in . By the hypothesis is an
intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping if IFOS ( ) = IFCS in . Since is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open
IFCS( ). mapping, then by Theorem 3.3, is an
IFOS in . Hence, is an intuitionistic fuzzy open mapping.
Proof: Let be an IFOS in . By hypothesis is an IFOS
and hence is an IFCS in . Hence is an intuitionistic Definition 3.19: A mapping is said to be an
fuzzy contra open mapping. intuitionistic fuzzy contra irresolute open mapping, if is
an IFSCS in for every IFSOS in .
Definition 3.15: A mapping is said to be
an intuitionistic fuzzy almost contra open mapping, if the Example 3.20: Let , . Let
image of each IFROS in is an IFCS in . and

Theorem 3.16: Every intuitionistic fuzzy contra open . Then, and

mapping is an intuitionistic fuzzy almost contra open are IFTs on X and Y respectively. Define a
mapping. mapping by and .

163 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014

Clearly, every IFSOS in is an IFSCS in . Therefore, is

an intuitionistic fuzzy contra irresolute open mapping.

Theorem 3.21: Let be a surjective mapping, then

the following statements are equivalent:

i) is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra irresolute open

ii) f is an IFSOS in for every IFSCS in .

Proof: Let be an IFSCS in . Then, is an

IFSOS and by the hypothesis is an IFSCS
in . Hence, is an IFSOS in .
Let be an IFSOS in . By the hypothesis
is an IFSOS in . Then, is an IFSCS
in . Hence, is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra irresolute open

Theorem 3.22: Every intuitionistic fuzzy contra irresolute

open mapping is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping,
if IFSC( ) = IFC( )

Proof: Let be an intuitionistic fuzzy contra

irresolute open mapping and be an IFOS in X. Since every
IFOS is an IFSOS, is an IFSOS in . By hypothesis is
an IFSCS in . Since IFSCS( ) = IFCS( ), is an IFCS
in . Hence is an intuitionistic fuzzy contra open mapping.


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