Computer Integrated Manufactutring: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering NIT Calicut
Computer Integrated Manufactutring: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering NIT Calicut
Computer Integrated Manufactutring: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering NIT Calicut
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
NIT Calicut
Progressive opportunities in international markets have led to significant new
competitive pressures on industry.
This resulted in changes in organizational structures at the product design
level through the prologue of computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) and
concurrent engineering (CE) philosophy, and now in changes in industry
structures as companies build worldwide manufacturing relationships.
Taking these issues into consideration leads to a recognition that the
integration between design and manufacturing needs to be made to ensure
business competitiveness.
If such integration is successful, the product life cycle will decrease, which
leads to low manufacturing costs
With the increased improvement of CIM systems, a further improvement of
automated design and manufacturing has become an important need.
In order to achieve the integration of design and manufacturing, understanding
how manufacturing information can be obtained directly from CAD system
must be addressed
CAD and CAM systems are based on modelling geometric data.
Usefulness of CAD/CAM systems is the ability to visualize product design,
support design analysis, and link to the generation of part programmers for
Because of the increased development of manufacturing technology, a new
generation of customers has appeared.
These customers have forced organizations to look for new methods and
techniques to improve their business processes and speed up the product
development cycle.
Result - the industry is required to apply new engineering philosophies such as
rapid response to manufacturing (RRM).
RRM concept - uses the knowledge of previously designed products in support
of developing new products.
Rapid prototyping (RP) is a technique for direct conversion of 3D CAD data
into a physical prototype.
CAD data are interpreted into the stereolithography data format.
Stereolithography or "STL" is the standard data format used by most RP machines
RP allows for automatic construction of physical models and used to reduce the
time for the product development cycle and to improve the final quality of the
designed product.
RP process - thin horizontal cross sections are used to transform materials into
physical prototypes.
(1) Product Design,
(2) Feature-based Design and Techniques,
(3) Feature-based Process Planning and Techniques, and
(4) Advanced Topics
Product Development Life Cycle
Sequence of all the required activities that a company must perform to develop,
manufacture, and sell a product.
Activities include marketing, research, engineering design, quality assurance,
manufacturing, and a whole chain of suppliers and
Process also comprises all strategic planning, capital investments, management
decisions, and tasks necessary to create a new product.
An important part of product development is the engineering design
process, which can be defined as the process of devising a system,
component, or process to meet desired needs.
What is Design ?
If you search the literature for an answer to that question, you will
find about as many definitions as there are designs.
Perhaps the reason is that the process of design is such a common human
Websters dictionary says that to design is to fashion after a plan, but that
leaves out the essential fact that to design is to create something that has never
Certainly an engineering designer practices design by that definition, but so
does an artist, a sculptor, a composer, a playwright, or any another creative
member of our society
Although engineers are not the only people who design things, it is true that the
professional practice of engineering is largely concerned with design; it is often
said that design is the essence of engineering.
To design is to pull together something new or to arrange existing things in a
new way to satisfy a recognized need of society.
Design establishes and defines solutions to and pertinent structures for
problems not solved before, or new solutions to problems which have
previously been solved in a different ways
The ability to design is both a science and an art
Design should not be confused with discovery.
Discovery is getting the first sight of, or the first knowledge of something, as
when Columbus discovered America or Jack Kilby made the first
microprocessor. We can discover what has already existed but has not been
known before, but a design is the product of planning and work.
A design may or may not involve invention .
To obtain a legal patent on an invention requires that the design be a step
beyond the limits of the existing knowledge (beyond the state of the art). Some
designs are truly inventive, but most are not.
Good design requires both analysis and synthesis.
Typically we approach complex problems like design by decomposing the
problem into manageable parts.
Analysis - Because we need to understand how the part will perform in service,
we must be able to calculate as much about the parts expected behaviour as
possible before it exists in physical form by using the appropriate disciplines of
science and engineering and the necessary computational tools.
It usually involves the simplification of the real world through models
Synthesis involves the identification of the design elements that will comprise
the product, its decomposition into parts, and the combination of the part
solutions into a total workable system.
A scientist will be lucky if he makes one creative addition to human
knowledge in his whole life, and many never do. A scientist can discover a new
star but he cannot make one. He would have to ask an engineer to do it for him.
Engineering Design Process
The engineering design process can be used to achieve several different
Types of Design
Original design (innovative design)
Top of the hierarchy. It employs an original, innovative concept to achieve a
need. Sometimes, but rarely, the need itself may be original. A truly original
design involves invention.
Successful original designs occur rarely, but when they do occur they usually
disrupt existing markets because they have in them the seeds of new
technology of far-reaching consequences. The design of the microprocessor
was one such original design
Adaptive design
This form of design occurs when the design team adapts a known solution to
satisfy a different need to produce a novel application . For example, adapting
the ink-jet printing concept to spray binder to hold particles in place in a rapid
prototyping machine
Much more frequently, engineering design is employed to improve an existing
The task may be to redesign a component in a product that is failing in service, or
to redesign a component so as to reduce its cost of manufacture.
Often redesign is accomplished without any change in the working principle or
concept of the original design. For example, the shape may be changed to reduce
a stress concentration, or a new material substituted to reduce weight or cost.
When redesign is achieved by changing some of the design parameters, it is often
called variant design.
Selection design
Most designs employ standard components such as bearings, small motors, or
pumps that are supplied by vendors specializing in their manufacture and sale.
Therefore, in this case the design task consists of selecting the components with
the needed performance, quality, and cost from the catalogues of potential
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing
enterprise through the use of integrated systems and data communications
coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational and
personnel efficiency.
4. Communication hardware
Remote batch terminals, Front end processors,
Transmitters, Acoustic couplers
Multiplexers, Concentrators
Information System
Information systems involve
people, hardware, software,
computer networks, and data
used to manage daily and
long-term operations.
Role of Computer in Manufacturing
Computer has had a substantial impact on almost all activities of factory.
Introduction of the computer changed the organizational structure of a
department and made necessary adoption of new management structures.
1) Telecommunication Networks;
Telecommunication network is mainly used for voice communication.
Plant level
Connect departments inside plant
Cell level
Connect cells inside departments
Equipment/device level
Connect individual devices such as computers, robots and NC machines
Benefits of CIM
Improved customer service
Improved quality
Shorter time to market with new products
Shorter flow time
Shorter vendor lead time
Reduced inventory levels
Improved schedule performance
Greater flexibility and responsiveness
Improved competitiveness
Lower total cost
Shorter customer lead time
Creates truly interactive system
Accurate data transferability
Faster responses to data changes
Increased flexibility towards new products
Improved quality and accuracy
Control of data flow
Reduction of lead time
Streamlined manufacturing flow form order to delivery
Easier training and re-training facilities
Increase in manufacturing productivity
Decrease in work-in process inventory
Very Expensive
High Maintenance Cost
Skilled labors are required
May be outdated as the technology grows day by day