Us 4058649
Us 4058649
Us 4058649
[73] Asslgnee- 11:12?" 0" C'P''t' New Y'k' 3,397,163 8/1968 Bruno ........................... .. 260/28.5 D
The emulsion polymerization procedure described in nent and identi?ed by the manufacturer as latex
Example 1 was repeated except that ethyl acrylate was CX2139, was compounded with 5 phr camauba wax
employed as the third monomer in place of methyl and 0.5 phr sodium oleate and 0.8 phr of a wetting agent
acrylate. Data on typical coated ?lms with various identi?ed by the manufacturer or Igepal CO-630 were
coating weights are presented in Table 1A. added as wetting agents. The aqueous latex, which was
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crimp Heat Seal
Coating Weight (1 psi, 2 sees.) (10 psi, 1 sec.)
gms/ 1000 inF/side 210' F. 230 F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
0.81 7 g/in. 40 g/in. 147 g/in. 200 g/in. 308 g/in. 390 g/in.
1.03 9 g/in. 57 g/in. 157 g/in. 204 g/in. 339 g/in. 413 g/in.
1.77 7 g/in. 92 g/in. 183 g/in. 271 g/in. 341 g/in. 40o g/in.
1.95 5 g/in 120 g/in. 2.08 yin. 268 g/in. 325 g/in. 416 g/in.
The procedure described in Example 1 was repeated not soluble in a concentrated aqueous ammonia water
except that the following monomer mixture was used: solution, was coated onto the surface of a biaxially ori
ented polypropylene base ?lm, identical to the base ?lm
employed in Table I.
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crimp Heat Seal
Coating Weight (i psi, 2 sea.) (10 psi, 1 sec.)
gins/1000 in-zlside 210' F. 230' F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
0.11' _- _ _ _ _ _
1.1' - - - - -
1.32 8 g/in. 35 g/in. 132 g/in. 119 g/in. 265 g/in. 313 g/in.
1.56 s g/in. 100 g/m. 11a g/in. 184 g/m. 223 g/in. 275 g/in.
1.70 27 g/m. 152 g/in. 232 g/in. 271 g/in. 363 g/in. 400 g/in.
2.03 13 gfui. 19a g/in. 25s g/in. 323 g/in. 365 g/in. 443 g/in.
I Very hazy, incoherent coating on ?lm surface.
As shown in the preceding Tables 1, IA and IB, In the following Table III, a multipolymer was pre
strong heat seals may be obtained employing varied pared utilizing the polymerization process described in
speci?c embodiments of the coating composition of the US. Patent No. 3,397,163, comprising a vinylidene
present invention at relatively low coating weights, i.e. 60 chloride/methyl acrylate/acrylic acid (80/20/4) mul
as low as 0.57 grams/1000 in.2/side. Since the mul tipolymer dispersion. A camauba wax dispersion was
tipolymer was totally soluble in concentrated ammonia compounded with the aqueous dispersion to give 5 phr
water, a solution, rather than latex, coating technique wax solids based upon the total weight of the mul
could be employed resulting in coherent coatings at tipolymer solids. The multipolymer dispersion was not
very low coating weights which exhibited excellent 65 soluble in concentrated ammonia water, and was there
heat seal properties as illustrated in Table I. fore applied to the surface of a biaxially oriented poly
In the following Table II, a commercially available propylene base ?lm, identical to the base ?lm employed
VClz base latex, containing no acidic monomer compo in Table I, as an aqueous latex.
4,058,649 10
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crunp Heat Seal
Coating Weight i psi, 2 sees.) 10 psi, 2 sec
gms/l?ll inF/side 210' F. 230' F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
0.63 0 . 5 . 27 ' 6i ' ' . l4l . 265 ' .
0.89 0 win. 03 gfm. 40
l0 g/in
5:: 42
52 gfin. 126
161 gfm. 261
311 g/in.
1.07 24 g/m. 123 g/ia. 300 g/in. 161 gfm. g/m. 395 g/in.
1.41 11 gfm. 135 g/in. 290 g/in. 174 gfm. 355 g/m. 47! g/n.
2.10 21 g/in. 14s g/m. 32o g/in. 220 grin. 404 grin. 510 g/in.